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Dr. Eric Pearl · have had here – Reiki, Johrei, Jin Shin and QiGong, for instance – have been...

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Dr. Eric Pearl - the founder of Reconnective Healing - was running a successful chiropractic practice in Los Angeles when a series of bizarre occurrences led him to realize that his gift lay far beyond the realm of spinal adjustment. One patient after another reported healings from cancers, epilepsy, cerebral palsy and other severe health conditions, simply when Dr. Pearl held his hands near them. Dr. Eric Pearl has been featured in top media including The Dr. Oz Show, The New York Times and CNN. He has presented at leading venues including the United Nations and Madison Square Garden. His internationally bestselling book, The Reconnection ® : Heal Others, Heal Yourself, now in more than 36 languages, has been endorsed by notables including Deepak Chopra, MD and Wayne Dyer, PhD. Dr. Eric Pearl Reconnective Healing: A NEW LEVEL OF HEALING MAKES ITS WAY TO THE PLANET

Dr. Eric Pearl - the founder of Reconnective Healing - was running a successful chiropractic practice in Los Angeles when a series of bizarre occurrences led him to realize that his gift lay far beyond the realm of spinal adjustment. One patient after another reported healings from cancers, epilepsy, cerebral palsy a n d o t h e r s e v e r e h e a l t h conditions, simply when Dr. Pearl held his hands near them.

Dr. Eric Pearl has been featured in top media including The Dr. Oz Show, The New York Times and CNN. He has presented at leading venues including the United Nations and Madison Square Garden. His internationally b e s t s e l l i n g b o o k , T h e Reconnection ® : Heal Others, Heal Yourself, now in more than 36 languages, has been endorsed by notables including Deepak Chopra, MD and Wayne Dyer, PhD.

Dr. Eric Pearl

Reconnective Healing:A NEW LEVEL OF HEALING


Reconnective Healing is a new level of healing that,

according to the researchers and scientists, may very

well be here on the planet for the first time. Now, of

course, scientists and researchers are the last people

you would expect to make such a bold statement –

and so I asked, “How can you say something this


And they said, “It really makes perfect sense if you

just understand two basic concepts.” Concept One is

that we are four-dimensional beings. We exist in a

four-dimensional world of height, width, depth and

time. And in Quantum Physics today they often

illustrate that world as a bubble. They tell us to

imagine that the wall, or the cell of the bubble, the

outside of the bubble, is comprised of height, width,

depth and time, and everything inside that bubble is

energy. This has been our four-dimensional existence

from the beginning. The healing techniques we've

have had here – Reiki, Johrei, Jin Shin and QiGong,

for instance – have been different portions, subsets or

fractions of energy. You access Reiki through a

different technique then you access QiGong. It feels

different; they're different parts of this energy.

It's as if you're looking at the heavens at night and

studying the stars. You pickup a telescope and use it

as a metaphor for one of these “techniques.” The more

you fine-tune your view from that telescope, the more

you fine-tune that technique, the better you might be

able to see that one portion of the sky that is exposed

to the planet at that moment in time. But what is the

expense, what is the cost, what is the price that you

pay when you fine-tune that telescope? Well, you lose

the rest of the vista, the rest of the horizon, the rest of

the picture. At some point it becomes wise to place the

telescope down so that we can see the entire sky. With

Reconnective Healing, we can access the entirety of

the energy that exists within our bubble, not just a


But here comes Concept Two – which is – time is

moving faster. Not just in a linear fashion from point

A to point B… but time is moving faster in all

directions at once – in other words, time is

expanding. Which means our bubble, our playground

of existence is opening up, expanding further, further

out in to the universe encompassing more of what's

always existed in the universe, but hasn't been

present on our planet before. In other words, it's

timeless in its existence, but once it enters into our

bubble of height, width, depth and time it is new to us.

And so it is bringing in levels of energy that haven't

been seen here before -- and further expanding

beyond energy into a spectrum of energy, light and

information that is present for the first time.

Reconnective Healing is different than the

“techniques” of traditional energy healing because

they access only a limited range of energy. In contrast,

Reconnective Healing takes us beyond the

techniques into the full spectrum of energy, light and

information. Instead of looking for a problem and

trying to fix it with a “technique,” we can totally

transcend the diagnosis. The gift of stepping into

Reconnective Healing is that it allows us to facilitate

healings that are far greater, that tend to last for the

lifetime of the person and are often fairly


Continued on next page...

Reconnective Healing is not something we do. It's

something we allow and help facilitate. It works by

itself, as well as greatly expands the results of the

modalities that today's healing and healthcare

practitioners are already using. We can each be the

catalyst for other's healings and our own. What can

be better than that?

But are we dealing with something – not just

theoretic or anecdotal – real here?

The evidence is in the scientific studies showing the

effects on heart waves, brain waves and gamma

waves. There is a transformation that takes place

once you interact with this new, all-encompassing

spectrum of healing frequencies. Something changes

in the tissues and even our DNA.

· The University of Arizona's Human Energy

Systems Laboratory, under Gary Schwartz,

PhD, have performed six major controlled

experiments that have substantiated the

e l e c t r o m a g n e t i c t r a n s f e r e n c e i n

Reconnection Healing.

· William A. Tiller, PhD, Professor Emeritus of

Stanford University was able to gauge a huge

energy upsurge in The Reconnection

workshop rooms. The measurements in the

rooms where Reconnective Healing takes

place shows levels of energy that the he says

couldn't possibly be reproduced. The

analaogy they use, is it's as if they heated the

room to over 300 degrees Centigrade.

· Konstantin Korotkov, PhD, Deputy Director

of Saint-Petersburg Federal Research

Institute of Physical Culture in Russia is

tracking significant improvement in athlete's

peak performance once exposed to the

Reconnective Healing frequencies. Dr.

Korotkov discovered that it alters and affects

the blood. He has demonstrated this on the

Russian Olympic Athletes they've been

testing. So it changes our blood, it changes

our DNA and it even changes the gamma

radiation that we emit as human beings.

What is so exciting about this is that everyone can

learn how to do this. And our reward is oftentimes far

more than just the amazing experience of helping

someone else to heal. Reconnective Healing is a

pathway to transformation for both the healer and

the person receiving the healing. The evidence shows

that the healer or practitioner also receives the gift of

the healing frequencies.

So how does one become proficient as a Reconnective

Healing catalyst to heal themselves and others? The

first thing that has to happen is you have to interact

with the frequencies. There are various levels in

which you can to do that. On the simple basic level,

you can begin to access this by reading The

Reconnection, Heal Others, Heal Yourself,

now available in over 36 languages.

But, the keyword here is that you can begin to access

it from reading the book. Even though the last third of

the book is a basic “How To,” it is especially valuable

to attend Reconnective Healing seminars because

there you are soaking in these frequencies and you

are going through transformation throughout the

weekend. On top of that, you are also learning the

light and consciousness of this work and the

philosophy, which is what allows it to come through.

We show you how to access, to find and to feel the

frequencies. And as you do, you will most likely see

the body of the person who is lying on the table begin

Reconnective Healing is a pathway to transformation

for both the healer and the person receiving the healing.

to move involuntarily. Their fingers, their feet, their

arms and/or legs. Their eyes will probably begin to

rapidly dart back and

forth. Even the tiny

m u s c l e s o n t h e

forehead or the chin,

muscles that we can't

e a s i l y m o v e

i n t e n t i o n a l l y o r

independently, will go

i n t o i n v o l u n t a r y

movement. And you

will begin to see and

recognize that by your

“tuning in” to certain

sensations, the person

responds physically. As

you locate and access

other sensations, you'll

see the person visibly

respond in another

way. This is how you

start to recognize your

mastery in the work. In

your “seeing” lies your

“knowingness.” And by

the end of the weekend,

I can pretty much make

you two promises. One, you'll be able to do anything

and everything that I can do in the way of healing.

And, two, you'll be able to do anything and everything

that any human being on this planet can do in the

way of healing. People are always astonished at what

they can accomplish after only one weekend's worth

of instruction.

What this means is that you and I are standing on the

precipice of the next level of human evolution. And as

we reconnect with the truth of who and what we are,

we shine as the light that we are, we illuminate our

own lives and we illuminate the lives of others. And as

this work spreads, we

r a i s e t h e h e a l t h ,

consc iousness and

vibration of everyone

on the planet and,

therefore, of the planet

itself. All we have to do

i s o p e n u p a n d

experience it and share


T h e N e x t

R e c o n n e c t i v e

Healing Seminar is

slated for Nov. 8-10 in

T o r o n t o O N T . A n

initial Friday evening

“Essence of Healing”

presentation by Dr.

Eric Pearl is open to the

p u b l i c f o r a

$21CAD/$18US fee.

To learn more, go to


o m f o r m o r e

information or call

(323) 960-0012. To see a video clip, visit



The Next Reconnective Healing Seminar is

slated for Oct. 19-21 in Newport Beach, CA. An initial

Friday evening “Essence of Healing” presentation by

Dr. Eric Pearl is open to the public for a $9 fee. To

learn more, go to www.TheReconnection.com for

more information or call (323) 960-0012. To

s e e a v i d e o c l i p , v i s i t

