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Dr. Hindbo’s 30-day Essential Lifestyle...

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Dr. Hindbo’s 30-day Essential Lifestyle Immersion “30 Day Fast Track to Better Health, Happiness and Vitality!”

Dr. Hindbo’s 30-day

Essential Lifestyle


!!!!!!!!!!“30 Day Fast Track to Better Health, Happiness and Vitality!” 




The ideas, concepts and opinions expressed in this booklet are intended to be used for educational purposes only. This booklet is offered with the understanding that author is not rendering medical advice of any kind, nor is this booklet intended to replace medical advice, nor to diagnose, prescribe or treat any disease, condition, illness or injury.

It is imperative that before beginning any diet or exercise program, including any aspect of the Natural Lifestyle Immersion, you receive full medical clearance from your licensed physician. Author claims no responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of the use, application or interpretation of the material in this booklet.

If you do not agree with this disclaimer, you may return the booklet to the author.



Welcome! Important message – Start Here… Welcome to my 30 Day Essential Lifestyle Immersion! My goal is to provide a practical blueprint for you and your family to learn how to live the healthiest lifestyle on the planet. You will transform to feel and look great, reduce your risk of chronic illness, and increase your ability to recover from a chronic health problem you may already have.

We will show you how to implement the lifestyle that research has shown to most closely mimic the patterns humans have lived by for the vast majority of our existence. These lifestyle habits are considered the gold standard for optimal health, happiness, and longevity.

This is NOT a diet or exercise boot-camp. This is a lifestyle – a way of life. I am asking you to follow my recommendations strictly over the next 30 days. If you follow what I am recommending, you will be amazed at the changes that will occur. Trust me, it’s worth it and you can do it for 30 days.

The nutrition battle plan I have given you is incredibly simple to follow and it is delicious – you will literally crave and enjoy innate food! I have laid the ground work for you.

The exercise patterns are also very effective and time efficient. To get started, they can all be done in your home if need-be. The programs has been designed for EVERYONE, from beginner to advanced – no matter what your specific situation or condition.

The point of the reset is for you to see immediate results in how you look and feel. Of ultimate importance however, is your ability to sustain these lifestyle changes over the long-term. Using will-power, discipline, and deprivation has proven to be an unsustainable approach for most people.

To be successful over the long-term, it needs to be easy and comfortable for it to be sustainable. To change your behaviours permanently, you MUST change your belief systems.

A few people may be able to adopt these principles for life without any resistance but most will require more help. That’s why I will strongly recommend that you continuously learn and gain knowledge and understanding on how your body works. I will help direct you and teach you toward optimal health; however each of us has to take responsibility for our own health – and the best way to do that is by acquiring accurate belief systems through learning, knowledge, and understanding.

Here is how to start! Immerse yourself, and watch your health transform before your eyes. All I want is for you and your family to live the healthiest life you deserve and I have given you the lifestyle blueprint!

By the way, the only way to fail is to quit trying. Don’t worry about being perfect, it is EXPECTED for you to have setbacks. The most successful people are those who persevere through the setbacks and do not quit!

Now let’s get started!

Dr. Jeff

!Paleo Diet - Rules for Success

!1. Follow the Plan: Eat ONLY the “acceptable foods” and do not to eat the “unacceptable


2. Remove Temptation: Clean out your pantry and fridge of everything that is not listed as acceptable, and donate it to the food bank (the easiest way to avoid temptation is to not have access to it). Then go shopping with the list below.

3. The key is PREPARATION. I recommend simultaneously preparing multiple meals and larger portions. This way you have leftovers ready for tomorrow meals. There are also some great cookbooks available that I have listed in the resource section if you are looking for recipes. Make sure to prepare enough food each time for left-over meals and snacks.

4. How often to eat: 3 meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and 1-2 snacks (mid-morning and mid-afternoon – second snack is optional)

5. What to eat: Each meal should ideally include animal protein, healthy fats, and vegetables and/or fruit (see the chart included). A small hand-full of nuts and seeds each day are recommended (great snack). Eating strategies are laid out below for your specific goals. Drink plenty of pure water. Try to buy organic, wild, and free-range food when possible (but it’s not a deal breaker). If that’s not possible for you, then make sure you wash your produce very well and buy the leanest cuts of meat and trim the visible fat and supplement with plenty of omega-3 fish oil. If it is free-range and grass-fed, feel free to eat the fat – it’s actually healthy for you!

6. Supplement with the highest quality: Omega 3 fish oil, vitamin D, whole food multi-vitamin, and probiotics (we carry products which are a very high quality source of all these supplements at my clinic).

7. Portions: Generally a fist size portion or a small handful.

8. Cheat day: For the first 30 days NO CHEATING. After your reset allow yourself up to one day per week where you can include some of the “unacceptable foods” if you are craving them – just try not to go crazy and make sure to still include the healthy foods as well!

9. Track your progress: Do a “before” and “after” waist measurement, photographs, or even blood work if you wish (see resources).

10.Let us help you! See our resource page at the back of this guide.

*Auto-immune diseases: If you know you have an autoimmune disease or if you have a significant amount of pain and inflammation, I recommend you take your diet to a higher level (at least at first). Aside from avoiding refined sugar, grains, dairy, and legumes, other “innate” foods that may impose a problem for some people include: eggs, nuts and seeds, tomato, potatoes, eggplant, peppers (these foods have shown to have similar potential to irritate the intestinal lining of some people). Remove these foods and see how you feel and look.

Paleo Diet - Battle Plan The human diet, like all other animal species, does not change from one individual to another (remember ‘one species – one diet’) however the amount of carbohydrate intake an individual requires will be based on your amount of body fat and energy expenditure. The general rule is: you have to earn your carbohydrates with energy expenditure.

Fat Loss Meal Strategy – Start here if you DO NOT have a lean waistline or if you are diabetic

If your goal is to lose fat, the strategy is to reduce carbohydrates (yes even good ones!) the majority of your meals should resemble something like this (this is an example – mix it up!):

!Until you obtain a lean waistline, I recommend you keep your fruit intake to 1-2 servings per day. Don’t worry about nutrients or fibre; you will be eating plenty of nutritious low carbohydrate density fresh vegetables that are loaded in both. At this stage you want to limit your fruit and starchy vegetables (*asterisked foods in chart) in the beginning to help you change your metabolism to a mode of “fat burning”.

Normal Meal Strategy – Start here if you DO have a lean waistline

If you do not require fat loss or once you have reached your desired level of leanness

Breakfast Snack Lunch Snack Dinner

2-3 scrambled eggs cooked in coconut oil, small piece of fruit or berries.

Serving of chicken over tossed salad with Dr. Jeff’s salad dressing

Last night’s dinner left-overs

Small handful of almonds, jerky, a few strawberries

Grilled wild salmon, multi-veggie salad, steamed broccoli

you can incorporate carbohydrates to match your energy expenditure. The majority of your meals should resemble something like this (this is an example – mix it up!):


Acceptable food list:  

Breakfast Snack Lunch Snack Dinner

Breakfast sausages, eggs, and potatoes cooked in coconut oil

Chicken over tossed salad with Dr. Jeff’s salad dressing, 1/2 avocado

Last night’s dinner left-overs

Handful of macadamia nuts, jerky, apple

Steak, multi-veggie salad, sweet potatoes, steamed broccoli


Chicken (breast/thigh) Turkey (breast/thigh) Wild Fowl Eggs Flounder, Snapper, Trout Halibut, Mackerel, Bass, Other white fish, Salmon (steak/fillet), Shrimp, Beef (all cuts), Lamb (all cuts), Pork (all cuts), Venison, Bison, Elk, and other wild game.

Asparagus, Avocado, Brussel sprouts, Artichoke, Carrots, Celery, Parsley Zucchini, Kale, Chard, Spinach, Bell Pepper, Red or Green cabbage, Onion, Chives, Green and Yellow beans, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Mixed green salad, Cucumber, Tomato, *Acorn Squash, *Beets *Butternut Squash *Yam, * Potato

Fat contained in 100% grass-fed animals, wild fish, & natural poultry. Avocado Coconut Oil Extra-Virgin Olive Oil Avocado Oil Macadamia Oil Grape seed Oil Butter (organic, grass fed ghee is the best)  


Basil, Cardamom Cinnamon, Celery Seed, Dill, Fenugreek, Garlic, Ginger, Curry – Red, green, yellow Oregano, Cilantro, Nutmeg, Rosemary, Thyme, Garam Masala, Bay Leaf, cumin, Sea or Himalayan Salt, Herbs de Provence, Chili powder, Paprika, Black Pepper 


*DENSE carbohydrate – use in moderation or avoid for fat-loss or diabetic plan

***Notable Unacceptable foods*** The main key to the Paleo Diet is to eliminate grains, legumes, dairy, and refined sugar (just try it for 30 days you can always go back to them if you desire – but I bet you won’t!)

• ALL Grains and pseudo grains (including wheat, barley, oats, rice, quinoa, pasta, corn and corn products, etc.)

• Dairy products (including milk, cream, yogurt, cheese, ice cream, etc.)

• Refined sugars – any added sugar not in the form of a whole fruit or vegetable

• Legumes (including kidney beans, lentils, soybeans, soy products etc.)

• ELIMINATE: fast food, most restaurant food, soda, artificial sweeteners, processed foods, vegetable oils, added salt, smoking, and alcohol consumption (YIKES! Yes you can do it for 30 days!).

*** See chart at the end of the booklet for nutrient values of different foods.

Essential Fitness - Rules for Success

!1. Choose the correct level. Ask for help if you are unsure. Follow the workouts

EXACTLY. Just replace or add to what you are currently doing for the next 30 days. Do not substitute these exercises with your own – if you have any concerns make sure you let us help you.

2. The key is INTENSITY. You should feel exhausted after a workout, but you should NOT be in pain.

3. All exercises can be MODIFIED. If you cannot do one of the exercises or do not have the correct equipment, just simply modify that exercise with an alternate one

Blueberries, Strawberry Blackberry, Raspberry Mixed Frozen berries Frozen Mango, Apple Apple, Pear, Banana, Lemon, Orange, Plum Mango, Papaya, Melons Peach, Grapefruit, Grapes  

Almonds, Walnuts Pecans, Macadamia nuts Brazil nuts, Cashews Pine nuts, Flax seed Sunflower seeds Pumpkin seeds NO PEANUTS

Balsamic/Red wine/ Apple cider vinegar, Almond butter, Dijon mustard, Natural coconut flakes, Natural vanilla extract, *Maple syrup, *Honey, Kelp noodles, Coconut milk, Olives 

Pure Natural Fish Oil (EPA & DHA omega 3) Vitamin D Probiotics (multi-strain, non-dairy) Multi-vitamin (non-synthetic) OR home-made vegetable juicing

(ask me if you need assistance). Every exercise has easier and harder versions for progression. See the exercise progression videos on the website (www.lifechiro.ca) or get one of us to show you how.

4. Regular CHIROPRACTIC CHECK-UPS. Chiropractic care maintains spinal health and brain-body nervous system connection. Ask me if you are not already getting adjustments.

5. Daily SPINAL HYGIENE. Do your spinal hygiene and range of motion exercises daily to maintain good posture and spinal joint movement. If you need help see our spinal hygiene illustrations for instructions.

6. Sleep! To get optimal results you must get 8-9.5 hours of uninterrupted quality sleep for proper regulation of hormones such as cortisol.

7. Rest Days: Rest is critical to healing and repair. Enjoy your rest days – you earned them. The program layout is a guide only – listen to your body and if you need an extra rest day, take it! Even on rest days, still try to be active in your day.

8. Customize your Schedule. The schedule below is a guide – make your schedule work for your life (just make sure you schedule it ☺).

9. Track your progress. Do a “before” and “after” waist measurement, photographs, or even blood work if you wish (see resources). Record the results of your workouts and compare 30 days later.

10.Let us help you! See our resource page at the back of this guide.

Essential fitness can certainly be done at home on your own, however I recommend getting a coach or a trainer if possible. Working with an expert will ensure you are doing the exercises properly and safely, and in most cases you will find that a trainer/coach will challenge you to levels greater than you ever would reach on your own.

Essential Fitness - Battle Plan Remember to start slowly, progress gradually, and always use good judgement and common sense. Always warm up. Just do what you can! If you can’t do a particular exercise, ask us for help!

Circuit workout: resistance workout performed in a series.

Interval workout: cardio exercise with variable intensity – Walking, Rowing, Biking, Swimming.

Exercise Demonstrations: See our website resource section at www.lifechiro.ca or if you are doing Crossfit, then www.crossfit.com. All exercises can be modified to anyone’s ability (yes even squats, pull-ups and push-ups) – please ask us if you are unsure, we are happy to show you.

Weekends: We recommend getting outside and being active, however do another workout if you desire.

IMPORTANT: The key is to exercise at an intensity where you are working as hard as you safely can (proper progression for beginners). Always practice perfect form. Consult a health care practitioner if in doubt.

!To Progress:

If you are not feeling challenged during the workouts and not overly sore on rest days try the following:

Circuit Workout:

• Start decreasing your rest time between exercises until you can eventually eliminate them.

• Increase the intensity or resistance of the exercise.

Interval Workout:

• Increase the time on the harder pace and increase the intensity of the aerobic activity.

This great program can keep you challenged for quite a while! You will see amazing results! When ready, move to the next Level.

A word on Crossfit – The 3rd Level…

Crossfit is a method of functional exercise that can be scaled to anyone’s ability. If you are interested in starting Crossfit, I highly recommend that you have been coached at least initially to make sure you are doing the exercises with perfect form and to prevent injury from occurring. See resources for my recommended fitness facilities.

I personally do the Crossfit workouts at Pure Fitness and I also bring my kids as well. There is no better time in life to start learning the principles and habits for health than when we are young.

!!!LEVEL 1

Beginner? Start here…

Monday Circuit workout

Tuesday Cardio Interval



Rest Day

Thursday Circuit workout

Friday Cardio Interval


 * You can pick up thera-bands at Wal-Mart or you can use anything with weight.


If there is any doubt, start at Level 1 initially. In this phase it is important to be using some weights. AMRAP = as many rounds as possible

* You can pick up dumbbells at Wal-Mart or you can use anything with weight.


You may want to start here if you are experienced and active in fitness. Most people WILL benefit from progressing through the first two levels for the first few weeks. Remember… start easy, use good judgement, and perfect form!

Exercise Demonstrations: See the www.crossfit.com website resource for the “workout of the day” (WOD). They are a challenge, make sure you are prepared!


• Walk 1-2 minutes 1 min rest • 5 Air squats 1 min rest • 5 Push-ups 1 min rest • 5 Thera-band*


10-20 min

5 min warm-up 30 sec harder pace 2 min easier pace 30 sec harder pace Etc.

Be active throughout your day.

• Walk 1-2 minutes 1 min rest • 5 Air squats 1 min rest • 5 Push-ups 1 min rest • 5 Thera-band*


10-20 min

5 min warm-up 30 sec harder pace 2 min easier pace 30 sec harder pace Etc.

Monday Circuit workout

Tuesday Cardio Interval


Wednesday Rest Day

Thursday Circuit workout

Friday Cardio Interval


AMRAP 10-20 min

• 7 Push-ups • 7 Squats with

dumbbells • 7 Dumbbell rows

10-20 min

5 min warm-up 1 min harder pace 1 min easier pace 1 min harder pace Etc.

Be active throughout your day.

AMRAP 10-20 min •7 Push presses •7 Deadlifts with dumbbells •7 Pull-ups

10-20 min

5 min warm-up 1 min harder pace 1 min easier pace 1 min harder pace Etc.

Monday TuesdayWednesda

y Rest Day

Thursday Friday

• Crossfit WOD • Crossfit WOD Be active throughout your day.

• Crossfit WOD • Crossfit WOD

Essential State of Mind - Battle Plan & Rules !

With over 200 scientific studies on nearly 275,000 people, research has shown without any doubt that happiness leads to success in nearly every domain in our lives. This includes marriage, health, friendship, community involvement, creativity, our jobs, careers, and businesses . These habits may sound simple, but when you force your 1

brain to think about what is good in your life it will have a profound effect on your outcomes in life. Trust me and try it for 30 days! Your immersion challenge is to simply review this list every day for the next 30 days.

1. Focus on what is positive in your life. On a daily basis, write down a list of “three good things” that happened that day. Think of your job, family, career, and life in general.

2. Daily gratitude. Start and end each day by being grateful for yourself and others that you love. This is one of the most powerful exercises to improve your emotional health, overall health, and success in life.

3. Sit quietly for 10 minutes per day. Place your attention on your breath. Just focus on the present moment, and if thoughts of the past/future enter your mind, put them aside. Or… try yoga. Check out one of our classes!

4. Relationship improvement. Do something today that YOU KNOW will make someone in your life feel important/appreciated/safe/loved. If you do not know… ASK THEM what makes them feel this way!

5. Practice forgiveness.  Identify anyone in your life that you have not forgiven. Understand that forgiving is not approving. Simply acknowledge that you are letting go of the past and moving on.

6. Expand your knowledge. Take at least 15 minutes per day to read something related to your goals in life (health, happiness, financial knowledge, personal development, nutrition, exercise, etc.). Attend our lifestyle workshops.

7. Focus on creating solutions in your life. The only way to move forward is to focus on solutions rather than dwelling on problems. Spend time each day thinking about solutions for your life challenges. Try writing them down on paper. Make a battle plan.

8. Social and community involvement. Make sure to surround yourself with people or events that support your goals in life such as a healthy lifestyle regularly. This

Lyubonmirsky, S., King, L., & Diener, E. (2005). The e benefits of frequent positive affect: Does 1

happiness lead to success? Psychological Bulletin, 131, 803-855, at 834.

could include a running/walking group, sport, group fitness, church, our workshops, a social group, etc.

Tracking your progress with Dr. Hindbo’s Essential Lifestyle !Photos:

1. Take photos in form-fitting clothing or a bathing suit.

2. Get front, side, and back photos and a close-up of your face.

3. Update photos weekly throughout the 30 days. Stand in the same place with the

same type of clothing each time.

!Waist Measurement:

1. Measure your waist at the narrowest point. Use your belly button as a reference

point and wrap the tape around your waist, meeting again at the front. Repeat

measurement 3 times and use an average.

2. Track this number every two weeks. Try to take the measurement at the same

time of day. Women may see some variability due to changes in their menstrual


!Blood Work (optional):

1. Standard blood test - ask us for the ancestral norms and for what add-ons to ask


2. Follow the recommendations for a month, and compare your blood work before

and after doing this. Work with your doctor to get this ordered.

3. Be certain that your blood work is performed in a fasted state (9-12hr fast



We want to hear and see your results! Please share them with us after

30 days.


Additional Resources

!See the exercise videos in the resource section of our website: http://www.lifechiro.ca/doctor/chiropractor/200L/red-deer-chiropractor/innate-lifestyle-exercises.htm

Email me for questions: [email protected]

Recipe Books: “Everyday Paleo”. “Make it Paleo”. “The Paleo Diet Cookbook”, “Well Fed”.

Websites / blogs: www.lifechiro.ca, www.robbwolf.com, www.marksdailyapple.com, www.crossfit.com

Books: “The Paleo Solution” Robb Wolf; “The Paleo Diet” & “The Paleo Answer” Loren Cordain; “The Primal Blueprint” Mark Sisson. “Lights Out” T.S. Wiley.

Fitness Centres: Pure Fitness (crossfit), Only Women’s Fitness.

Healthy Meats: Hoven Farms – www.hovenfarms.com for 100% grass-fed organic beef, chicken, and natural lamb. Big Bend Market in Red Deer – for local, hormone/antibiotic free meats.

!Nutritional Chart – American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

Note: This table examines the 13 most deficient nutrients in the US diet and then demonstrates that grains and pasteurized dairy (in addition to having negative health effects) are on average the poorest sources of these nutrients when compared with vegetables, seafood, lean meats, and fruits.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!Source: Cordain L, Eaton SB, Sebastian A, Mann N, Lindeberg S, Watkins BA, O’Keefe JH, Brand-Miller J.

Origins and evolution of the western diet: Health implications for the 21st century. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2005;81:341-54.
