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Dr. Jay Wilson August, 2010. Agenda Welcome / Introductions Internship Overview: Timeline...

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Dr. Jay Wilson August, 2010

Dr. Jay WilsonAugust, 2010

Agenda Welcome / Introductions

Internship Overview: Timeline Expectations, roles and responsibilities Supervision/ Documentation PGGs Resources - Cohort wiki: http://wminterns.wikispaces.com/


PMPP Preparation Management (Responsible Learners!) Professionalism Personalization

Unit and Lesson Planning The “Big” 4: Adaptation / Differentiation / Assessment / Inquiry-based education

Wrap up / Homework

Emma Lake Kenderdine Visit

TimelineNow – August 20th

BeginGet to know your school and the procedures for internship

In-service #1 Sept 7 or 17

Plan first unit with Co-opReview PGG process Teaching ½ time

Midterm evaluation due October 7

In-service #2 Oct 8 or 13

Based on midterm Evaluation

Fine-Tuning Unit #2


October 18th Begin your Full time teaching

25 Days

Final evaluation to me by November 30th

December 17 School is over

Winding down teaching


Inservice # 1 for teacher candidates and cooperating teachers: September 10 or 17, 9:00am - 3:00 p.m. – STF Building, 2317 Arlington Avenue

Inservice # 2 for teacher candidates only: October 8/13, 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. – STF Building, 2317 Arlington Avenue

Inservice # 3 (half day): the TC and CT decide when to take the half day to work on the midterm assessment. This half day can be spent in the home school.

EXPECTATIONS FOR THE INTERNSAttendance – arrive early and leave lateReport absences to the college supervisorInfusion of Aboriginal Content, Knowledge and Ways of Knowing

Formal Lesson Plans (2 formal plans each day)

2 Unit PlansFirst 3-5 lessons for part-time teachingSecond 10 – 15 lessons for full time teaching

Regular documentation in the PGG Goal Tables

Regular communication (including the PGG Goal Tables) with cooperating teacher and college supervisor

Roles and responsibilities

Co-planning and co-teachingPreparation of two units --Co-generated Unit and Independently written Unit

Daily lesson plans and other unit plans

Daily pre- and post- conferences and feedback

Involvement in School and Community Activities

SupervisionMy role is to support both you and your co-op

Assess the relationship and determine if you need my help

Learner focused supervisionCoaching, consulting, collaborating, calibrating

My rolesObserve you in your classroomProvide you with feedbackHelp you document and reflect on your experience

Provide you with support when you need it

Formal visits in October and NovemberPre and post conferencing

Informal visits

Learner focused supervisionI will watch the students not youNot a performanceI will share with you what I have observed

Use an evaluation sheetConnect these observations with the PGGShow achievementShow need for improvement

DocumentationKeep your data sheets updatedLesson plansDaily plannerPGG

PGGMost important source of evidence of what you are doing. Crucial for mid and final evaluations

Do not have to meet them allNot finished once you have them allNot checkboxesConstantly revising, doing multiple entries

PGGSome you will do regularly others, only once

Shows your growthNot all evidence comes from the classroom or school setting

Regular journal dated with feedback. May be 50 pages when finished.

Only one PGG goal per lesson

PGGNew and ImprovedWhat really happened in your internshipGoogle.docsInvite your cooperating teacher(s) so we can ALL read and add to your PGG goals evidence and reflections periodically

Please copy a selection of your PGG evidence and reflections to the PGG (by August 30) so that your cooperating teacher can see examples when they view it for the first time

Review new PGG

ResourcesGroup wiki

wminterns.wikispaces.comField ServicesSaskatoon publicSTF Stewart Resource CentreFirst nations information and ideas from Cort and Irene


What will make you successfulPreparationManagementProfessionalismPersonalization

PreparationKey to classroom managementThoughtful and creative daily lesson plans

Prepare everything you will need to teach

Your co-op may not need to or is not interested in detailed preparation

You have not earned that right

MangementHow do you handle your classroomHow do you engage your studentsIssues of respect

Earned and givenDeveloping this skill will take time

ProfessionalismIssues of privacy and confidentiality are important

Different than small towns but everyone still knows everyone else

Google yourself because the parents will Cypbertips handout

DressLanguageTruly become a member of the staff. Ask questions and get to know what is happening in the school

You are not a student any more

TEACHER PROFESSIONALISMDo’s & Don’tsSTF Code of Professional Competencies & Ethics

DangersEspecially for guys. Power relationshipWhat you sayWhere you lookHow you approach peopleEverything you do is being interpreted by a very impressionable group

IssuesHow to deal with problem studentsKnow the procedure for multiple absences

Contacting parentsNever be alone with the studentsWorking with EA or TALook for potential dangers

PersonalizationGet to know your studentsCannot teach them or plan without knowing them

Use the first ten days or so to get an idea about who you are working with then plan your first unit.

Lesson and Unit PlanningLesson planning

Lesson Plan template (Blog)Unit planning

Unit Plan template (Blog)Co-generated unit process




The “Big 4” of planningAdaptation

Related to content, instruction, environment

DifferentiationRelated to individual students

AssessmentAssessment of learning, assessment for learning

Inquiry-based education

Teaching skills checklistWhat makes a teacher good ?Observe the teaching going on around you.

Review checklist on wiki

Think about itYou will all have weaknesses

How you respond to them is what is important

Up to you to be the best for every student you come into contact with

Bottom line is how is student learning is impacted by what you do.

You have four months to impress your coop and your principal

Wrap up and homeworkQuestions, issues or concernsHomework: “Big Ideas” in Education

• Ethnography of school/community• “Big Ideas” in education:

• Adaptive dimension• Differentiated instruction• Content areas and teaching strategies• Resources and resource-based learning• First Nations content• Cultural diversity• Teacher and student support services• Communicating and reporting to parents• Record keeping• Division or school major initiatives

First In-service

Planning of your first unit (3 – 5 lessons)

Bring a laptop if possibleBring PGG Goal Tables examples of evidence/indicators

Interns should be prepared to teach their cooperating teacher about the PGG goals and sub-goals and how to use the goal tables.

Kenderdine VisitLeave Saskatoon on Monday

Be at camp around 10amDress for the weather but we have a classroomAll food is provided, all bedding, towels, etc.

Orientation then lunch at noonMeeting after lunchQuiet time before supper 6:00Evening gathering

Breakfast at 9 Canoe trip to islandReturn for lunch at noonMeet after lunchLeave for Saskatoon in afternoon
