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Dr. Mark McBath: How to Make Running a Habit

Date post: 14-Apr-2017
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H O W T O M A K E R U N N I N G A H A B I T D R . M A R K M C B A T H :

• If you’ve never been a runner, it’s often hard to make a habit out of it.

• Building up muscles to be a consistent runner takes time and a lot of effort, but it is something that can be done no matter how old you are.

• Here are some helpful steps towards making running part of your everyday routine:

• First, start off small. It’s vital to not push yourself too hard when you first start running because you don’t want to be at risk for developing an injury.

• Starting small, like doing intervals of walking and running, or just going for a quick run around your neighborhood will help you get the feel for running and incorporating it into a daily routine.

• A short run is better than no run at all - so whatever it takes, get your sneakers on and get outside (or on the treadmill).

• In addition, running too much too soon can exhaust you and keep you from running for weeks straight.

• Next, map out a running plan.

• This is very similar to coordinating your work schedule for the week to keep you organized and on top of things.

• Making a running checklist will help you reach your goals and give you a concrete vision as to how these goals will be accomplished.

• Another helpful tip to turn running into a habit, according to Runnersblueprint.com, is to choose a specific time of the day to run.

• Their article reads, “Decide whether you are more likely (and have the time) to stick with your running ritual in the morning, midday or evening, and stay consistent with that time no matter what,” (How to Make Running a Habit in 11 Simple Steps).

• It may be easy to put off a run until tomorrow, but when you are constantly reminded about your run, it will be harder to ignore doing it.

• Last, be sure to lay out all of your running gear the night before you are scheduled to run, especially if you plan to run in the mornings.

• Always remember to run in shoes that are catered to your specific needs - don’t ever borrow someone else’s because you could run the risk of injury.

• In conclusion, running is a great way to get back into shape and it can relieve a lot of stress and get you prepared for the day to come.

• Exercise should be incorporated as part of your everyday way of living; so instead of thinking of it as a task to check off your list each day, you should view it as a healthy habit that is helping you gain a higher quality of life.
