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Dr. Sunil Dhapte Director SIUD Director MDC

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Dr. Sunil Dhapte Director SIUD Director MDC

Dr. Sunil Dhapte

Director SIUD

Director MDC

Director YASHADA Pune

Geeta 1. Arjun’s oscillating mind – capriciously forgets science, religion and rationalism.





Still some bond


Social situation.

Director YASHADA Pune

Problems. Shift the responsibility. Bankruptcy of institutions. Lost all sense of propriety. Devalued every single institutions. Inaction and silence. Self complacency. Refusal to face the truth. Suspenseful indecision. Moral decay.

Geeta 2. Krishna positively asserts,, action impels reaction and recommends religious equilibrium.

Geeta 3. The reputed Janak tried to be passive to tasty food and pleasant smell, sight, touch.

Rockefeller Foundation Survey

Even among the educated classes 97 % of the people could not think for themselves.

They derived their opinions and beliefs from what they heard on the radio or television or read in the news papers.

Director YASHADA Pune

Solutions. Strong attitude.






Geeta 4. Orderly knowledge is superior to disorderly pretendence of ignorance.

Director YASHADA Pune

To be successful, make room in your heart for work and put some heart in your work. Thomas Watson. IBM.

Geeta 5. Every pleasure necessarily begets depressing pain.

10 Natural laws. 1. You control your life by controlling your time.

2. Your governing values are the foundation of personal fulfillment.

3. When your daily activities reflect your governing values, you experience inner peace.

4. To reach any significant goal, you must have your comfort zone.

Director YASHADA Pune

Geeta 6. A pragmatic carefully rejects enjoyment but faultlessly accepts satisfaction.

Director YASHADA Pune

5. Daily planning leverages time through increased focus.

6. Your behaviour is reflection of what you truly believe.

7. you satisfy needs when your beliefs are in line with reality.

8. Negative behaviours are overcome by changing incorrect beliefs.

9. Your self esteem must ultimately come from within.

10. Give more and you will have more.

Geeta 7. Devotion is timeless unity with the highest, knowledge slowly shunnes diversity.

Director YASHADA Pune

Aim of education?

Geeta 8. The truth in Aum, merely symbolizes the great unknown power in the universe.

Director YASHADA Pune

Life skills. 1. Self awareness.

1. Competences. 2. Limitations. 3. Preferences. 4. Aspirations.

2. Empathy. 1. Know the feelings of others. 2. Imagine others situation.

3. Problem solving. 1. Choose from available alternatives

1. Proper. Possible.

2. Action. 4. Decision making.

1. Process of problem solving. 2. Find out several solutions. 3. Accept most suitable.

5. Effective communication. 1. Express.

1. Verbally. 2. Non verbally.

2. Achieve desired effect.

6. Critical thinking. Analyze and examine information

objectively. 7. Creative thinking.

Unconventional, innovative way. 8. Interpersonal relations.

Recognize relations with others. Maintain honest and cordial relations.

9. Coping with emotions. 1. Recognize emotions.

1. Own. 2. Others.

2. Consequences. 3. Keep control.

10. Coping with stress. 1. Identify the causes. 2. Recognize effects.

1. Physical. 2. Psychological.

3. Effectively manage.

Geeta 9. After death the so called heaven is not a promotion as it ends in regression.

“A man of culture spreads joy and peace wherever he goes,

but a man without culture spreads joy and peace whenever he goes”

Swami Chanmayananda

Director YASHADA Pune

domain of family and parents, educational institutes. 4 % feel that ethics is not important in their life.

live in a very unethical family environment, struggle for living pre occupies the need for ethical behaviour, do not clearly understand what ethics are.

High standard of family related ethics and a very low standard of a social ethics. Concern for social, societal and political issues is very high. Responses are ideal but hardly real.

Ethics need not be taught formally. Would not be effective considering the impact of the strong external

forces driving towards unethical behaviour. Role models.

Inability to accept this responsibility on account of Globalisation, interest of stakeholders, the right thing to do, customer care etc.

The gross ignorance about the principles, policies and laws relating to ethical behaviour is the main cause that driven us towards unethical behaviour.

Teaching ethical standard

Director YASHADA Pune

When people started cultivating the land and forming settlements they felt the need of a system that would lend protection to the weaker section of the society for advancement, survival and well being of the society as a whole.

Evolved what is wrong and what is right in behaviour.

Right and wrong were not from the point of view of an individual but were from those of the society.

Ethics deals with this moral norms or moral values.

Director YASHADA Pune

Business ethics is a form of applied principles that examines ethical problems that arise in a business environment.

Ethicism is more ethical business process and actions.

Director YASHADA Pune

Sharu Rangnekar. The basic animal instincts are survival and


Ethics and values do not pay a significant role in this process.

Civilizing procedure brought in the concept of caring for others.

Caring for others brought the concept of ethics.

Director YASHADA Pune

Ethics by humanism.

First technology discovered by human being is farming and animal husbandry.

Human being got out of the rut of running for survival and found time to think about other aspects of life. In this period he created culture, religion and other avenues for human activity. The tendency to give is a distinct characteristic. Feeling of identity with other creature.

Director YASHADA Pune

Ethics by guilt feeling. Try to minimize your wants and satisfy your needs.

When people become free to take their own decision for development, they are likely to provide for what they want and not what their people need.

Till all others get the essentials they need, we should not spend on luxuries.

Director YASHADA Pune

Ethics by religion. Life in other world.

Giving charity to appropriate persons is considered greatly beneficial to the person giving charity. Giving fish to the person can satisfy his hunger for a day. But teaching him to fish might give him food for life time.

Director YASHADA Pune

Ethics through socialism. We have enough to satisfy everybody’s need but not to

satisfy any body’s greed.

Dictum of socialism. From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.

Director YASHADA Pune

Ethics through government. Only twenty paise reach when one rupee is given to

charitable activities through government channels.

Government to provide for those who were not getting their essentials.

Director YASHADA Pune

Ethics by professionalism. Systematic objective.

Method for selecting beneficiaries.

Market survey to asses the need of the people.

Budgeting system to see that a available resources are spread as evenly as possible.



Right Wrong


• To behave ethically is to behave in a manner that is consistent

with what is generally considered to be right or moral.

• Ethical behavior is the base of mutual trust


‘Ethics’ is the “moral principle that governs or influences a

person’s behavior”.

- Oxford Learner’s Dictionary

• Ethics is thus

a benchmark of human behavior

influenced either by the emotions of life or the actions people

perform in situations.


What does it mean to be ethical? Is it simply complying with all


Individual’s, group’s, organization, cultural ethics all co-exist one


Together, they influence the set of values you adopt: Being

personally ethical means acting in accordance with your own

personal code of ethics.

Ethical Responsibilities for


• Rule No. 1: You are responsible for your own actions

• Rule No. 2 : You are not “just following orders”

• Rule No. 3: You cannot blame others (co-workers, clients) for

your unethical behavior

3 Levels of Ethics

• Follow Rules

• Understand the rationale of rules

• Demonstrate Mangalkarak Behaviour

Geeta 10. Meaningful prayer if chosen must precede proper thinking and benevolent action.

Director YASHADA Pune

The life spent unexamined is not worth living.

Geeta 11. Mighty nature is not kind, it is felt to be unjustly cruel.

Director YASHADA Pune

What do we really mean by value? Value means something precious, worthwhile, something that has a


It is a set of principles or norms of behaviour which are regarded desirable, important and held in high esteem by a particular society, in which an individual lives, and the failure to hold them might result in blame, criticism or condemnation,

Values reflect one’s personality i.e. attitudes, decisions, behaviour, vision etc.

Values influence one’s thoughts, feelings and actions.

Values are the foundation upon which an individual’s moral character is build.

They guide thoughts and gives firmness to life.

Geeta 12. Praise or / and abuse are the same for the realized.

Director YASHADA Pune

Why do we really need healthy values?

When people don’t find proper replacements for the existing values, a vacuum is created. There is no foundation on which they can built their characters and face life situations.

There is a need to identify the values, to clarify them, question them, evaluate and if necessary change them.

This is possible only through value inculcation. Values inculcation is a “process of training which

questions explores, clarifies and understand one’s own value”

Geeta 13. Minds’ every desire certainly gains matter, but loses spirit.

Director YASHADA Pune

Methods to inculcate values Value education is the instructions given during childhood by parents and

teachers regarding what is right and acceptable in the society. Value education in adults is possible, when they themselves are sensitive to

their values. Ideal model are created to intimate healthy values. Rewards are given for desirable behaviour and punishments for undesirable

behaviour. . Values are inculcated by providing and explanation for healthy behaviours

so that others accept the same. Values are inculcated by repeatedly reminding what is right and wrong

behaviour. Values are formed on the basis of environment and experience form it. Values can be transmitted to an individual by way of reading and thinking

deeply upon them.

Geeta 14. Nature favours neither good nor bad, neither force nor weakness.

Director YASHADA Pune

Values Standards







Geeta 15. Law teaches stable equality, but man likes changing diversity, individuality.

Director YASHADA Pune

Personal Values Loyalty













Geeta 16. The virtuous poor should not vindictively envy the rich who duly meets misfortune.

Director YASHADA Pune

Basic values of good leader. Knowledgeable.

Customer oriented.





Decision making.





Scientific approach.

Geeta 17. Give to your subordinates to take something from your superiors.

Director YASHADA Pune

Basic requirement.

Love of the country and good of the people.

Geeta 18. Politely choose knowledge with installments, or pure faith without installments.


Values are….

• feelings and convictions regarding what is of “strong worth”

(i.e. “important”) to us in what we think, say or do

• principle’s that are considered worthwhile or desirable

• ideals and shared beliefs that bond a community together

• those things that are important to or valued by someone

Human Values are…

• universal values that span across cultures, nationalities and


• desirable qualities inherent in every human being

• “brought out”, not “poured in”

• inclusive – they bring us together, even when we have


Values and Ethics

Values and Ethics

Values (set of preferences) are said to be the cause and Ethics

the effect. If one operates in a given instance from a value

emotion within, the outward action will tend to be Ethical.

When we lead a Value Based

Life, then it is said we are

living ethically.

Universal Values A combination of religious and democratic values Universal values respected by all societies in the world,

guide the behaviour of people, irrespective of religion, race, colour, social and economic background to which they belong.

Some of Universal values Truth, Honesty, Dedication to work, Non Violence Compassion, Courage, Perseverance, Self-discipline, Loyalty, Faith

These values valid today as they were hundreds of years ago, Eternal Values .

Values for Public Servants Public officials perform their duties honestly and

efficiently and become an instrument of service to

the people they need to possess universal values in

addition they need fundamental values too.

Devotion to Work

A sense of Mission and Focus

Integrity and Honesty

Fearlessness and Courage

Spirit of Service and Sacrifice

Director YASHADA Pune

Faith System




Director YASHADA Pune

Expectations from us. Resources capacity.

Conduct business.


Team work.



Must face money, mussel, mafia, and media power.

Self discipline and social discipline.

Director YASHADA Pune

Our business in life is not to get ahead of others but to get ahead of our self.

Director YASHADA Pune


WE THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens JUSTICE, social, economic and political;

LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;

EQUALITY of status and of opportunity;

And to promote among them all FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation

Director YASHADA Pune

Right to Equality

1. Equality before law

2.Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth.

3.Equality of opportunity in matters of public employment

4.Abolition of untouchability.

5.Abolition of titles.

Director YASHADA Pune

Right to Freedom 1. Protection of certain rights regarding freedom of speech, etc. i. To freedom of speech and expression ii. To assemble peaceably and without arms iii.To form associations or unions iv.To move freely throughout the territory of India v. To reside and settle in any part of the territory of India vi.To practice any profession, or to carry on any occupation, trade or business`. 2. Protection in respect of conviction for offences 3. Protection of life and personal liberty. 4. Right to Education 5. Protection against arrest and detention in certain cases.

Director YASHADA Pune

Right against Exploitation

1. Prohibition of traffic in human beings and forced labour

2. Prohibition of employment of children in factories, etc.

Director YASHADA Pune

Right to Freedom of Religion 1. Freedom of conscience and free profession, practice and propagation of


2. Freedom to manage religious affairs

i. To establish and maintain institutions for religious and charitable purposes.

ii. To manage its own affairs in matter of religion

iii. To own and acquire movable and immovable property

iv. To administer such property in accordance with law.

3. Freedom as to payment of taxes for promotion for promotion of any particular religion

4. Freedom as to attendance at religion instruction or religious worship in certain educational institutions

Director YASHADA Pune

Cultural and Educational Rights

1. Protection of interest of minorities

2. Right of minorities to establish and administer educational institutions.

Director YASHADA Pune

Right to Constitutional Remedies

1. Remedies for enforcement of rights conferred by this Part

2.Power of Parliament to modify the rights conferred by this part in their application etc.

3.Restriction on rights conferred by this Part while martial law is in force in any area.

Director YASHADA Pune

Fundamental Duties

1. To abide by the constitution and respects its ideals and institutions the National Flag and National Anthem

2. To cherish and follow the noble ideas which inspired our national struggle for freedom

3. To uphold and protect the sovereignty, unity and integrity of India 4. To defend the country and render national service when called upon to do so 5. To promote harmony and the spirit of common brotherhood amongst all the

people of India transcending religious, linguistic and regional or sectional diversities; to renounce practices derogatory to the dignity of women;

6. To value and preserve the rich heritage of our composite culture; 7. To protect and improve the natural environment including forests, lakes,

rivers and wild life, and to have compassion for living creatures 8. To develop the scientific temper, humanism and the spirit of inquiry and

reform; 9. To safeguard public property and to abjure violence; 10.To strive towards excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity

so that the nation constantly rises to higher levels of endeavour and achievement.

Director YASHADA Pune

Directive principles of State Policy

State to secure a social order for the promotion of the welfare of the people

Certain Principles of policy to be followed by the state i. That the citizens, men and women equally, have the right to an

adequate means to livelihood ii. That the ownership and control of the material resources of the

community are so distributed as best to sub serve the common good iii. That the operation of the economic system does not result in the

concentration of wealth and means of production to the common detriment

iv. That there is equal pay for equal work for both men and women v. That the health and strength of workers, men and women, and the

tender age of children are not abused and the citizens are not forced by economic necessity to enter avocations

Director YASHADA Pune

2. Equal justice and free legal aid 3. Organisation of Village panchayats 4. Right to work, to education and to public assistance in

certain cases 5. Provision for just and humane condition of work and

maternity relief 6. Living wage, etc., for workers 7. Participation of workers in management of industries 8. Uniform civil code for the citizens 9. Provision for free and compulsory education for children 10. Promotion of educational and economic interests of

Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and other weaker sections

Director YASHADA Pune

11. Duty of the state to raise the level of nutrition and the standard of living and to improve public health

Organization of Agricultural and Animal husbandry

Protection and improvement of environment and safeguarding of forests and wild life.

Protection of monuments and places and objects of national importance

Separation of judiciary from executive Promotion of international security.

Director YASHADA Pune

Change. Life always offers something new.

Why resistance to change ?

Yes boss culture.


Habit of routine.


Your every action is change.

Don't sit back and wait for others to bring in the change.

Director YASHADA Pune

For good result Communication management.

Human resource management.

Performance management.

Grievances management.

Petition management.

Legal cases management.

Disaster management.

Good governance. 1. Accountable.

2. Transparent.

3. Responsive.

4. Equitable and inclusive.

5. Effective and efficient.

6. Follows the rule of law.

7. Participatory.

8. Consensus oriented.

What is governance?

Implementing the policies of the state.

Exercise of political, economic and administrative authority in the management of country’s affairs at all levels.

What is Good Governance ? Is Populist Governance a Good Governance?

Does Good Governance mean batterment of all ?

Must aim at Maximum Benefit to the Maximum People.

Kautilya (Arthasastra)

Need to Prefix ‘good’ before governance ?

Need for Good Governance

Change of State’s Role from ‘Regulatory’ State to ‘Welfare’ State.

Liberalisation and Globalisation and end of ‘control raj’.

People’s awareness and expectations.

Avoids legal hassles.

Enhances the image of the Government.

Complete Job Satisfaction.

“ It is not the strongest species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the most responsive to change “















“Good governance is perhaps the single most important factor in eradicating poverty and promoting development.”

- Koffi Annan


