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Draft Gloss Trad

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  • 7/27/2019 Draft Gloss Trad


    Copyright 2009 Eastland Press, Inc.

    ranslating traditional Chinese terminology is aascinating but rustrating task, just as readingtranslations o traditional Chinese texts can be.

    ranslators are caught in a number o binds. Literal

    translations are oten misleading; seemingly precise

    translations are inaccurate; and accurate translations

    can be so vague as to be almost meaningless, or so

    long as to constitute minor treatises. Phrases or terms

    that are elegant and ow beautiully in Chinese can be

    extremely awkward and even silly in English. Tere are

    a tremendous number o variables in the mix and so we

    believe that every audience and every text requires a

    specic type o translation.

    Our overall approach to translation is to make the

    transmission o the concepts as transparent as possible.

    We have attempted to avoid neologisms and other

    unnecessarily odd terminology, and have sacriced

    a modicum o word-to-word consistency in order

    to enhance clarity. While there are many technical

    terms in Chinese medicine, the majority are more

    akin to those o wine tasting than o biomedicine.Tey are likely to be at least somewhat intelligible to

    the uninitiated and, in general, not a barrier to the

    interested nonproessional reader picking up and

    reading medical texts. Also we believe that an open

    and amiliar terminology has the possibility o enabling

    readers to ocus on the subtleties and depths o the

    medical concepts, rather than stumbling over odd

    words. Other translators have dierent perspectives.

    As plurality is one o the strengths o Chinese medicine

    and there are always dierent ways to approach a

    subject and an audience, there are many acceptabletranslations.

    We believe that it is the task o the translator to

    translate, not transliterate, and in the past the only

    words that we have let in transliterated orm are yin,

    yang, and qi. Only rarely will there be a term that we

    nd nearly impossible to translate, and or these we

    have surrendered to the inevitable and used thepnyn

    transliteration, as ing toxin (g d). Some o our

    authors believe that other terms, such as the names o

    the six warps or stages, or o the extraordinary vessels,

    also require transliteration, and thereore useti

    yang,di mi, etc.

    Tis glossary is both a work in progress and a simple

    utility to help us with our work. Some o the entries

    are technical medical terms that are included here to

    acilitate consistency in translation and editing; othersprovide our authors with some pretty decent ways to

    translate certain terms; and admittedly some important

    terms have been inadvertently omitted. In addition

    we recognize that, at least since the later Han dynasty,

    Chinese words are usually made up o two or more

    characters. Tis means that many o the single term

    translations in this gloss, even though we have tried

    to reect usage in multiple contexts, may not work

    in a given situation and so would then be replaced by

    a more appropriate translation. Many terms used in

    medical texts, e.g., sun or the sour avor orxio bin or urine, are not included, as they are both

    common and uncontroversial. Similarly terms that

    would not pose any problem to writers working with

    us, such as Spleen deciency or p x, have also

    been omitted.

    Note that the ongoing project o developing a

    drat gloss has grown as an aid to help people writing

    books or our company and has no pretense o being

    a systematically prepared text. Tis glossary was rst

    created in 1983 and has continuously evolved eversince. It has stemmed rom a long series o discussions

    and relatively rigorous research on the part o many

    translators. While many others have been involved, the

    primary contributors have been Randall Barolet, Dan

    Bensky, Steven Clavey, Andrew Gamble, Guohui Liu,

    Volker Scheid and Boping Wu.

    Draft Glossary for Chinese Medicine 2009

    e a s t l a n d p r e s s

  • 7/27/2019 Draft Gloss Trad


    Copyright 2009 Eastland Press, Inc.

    Draft Glossary for Chinese Medicine

    n quiets [preerred], calms, rests

    n shn quiets the spirit\

    n ti quiets the etus

    o no anguish and vexation

    b gng eight parameters

    b hu xu eight meeting points

    b draws out, uproot

    b d uproots toxicity

    bi diwhite vaginal discharge

    bi ho diptherial disorder

    bi pimiliaria alba

    bi xi fngwhite scaling wind

    bi deeats, overcomes, corrupts

    bi d overcomes toxin

    bi xu corrupted blood

    bn spots, maculae

    bn zhn rashes

    bo guards (e.g., Stomach), protects, takes care o

    boWomb, Bladder, or (when ambiguous)

    gestation membranes

    bo zhun twisted Bladder or gestation


    bo thin, imsy

    bo sudden, violent

    bo mng sudden visual ailure

    bi sorrow, sadness, being disheartened

    bi sh xu back associated points

    bn run wild

    bn tn running piglet [disorder]


    prouse uterine bleeding, gushing

    bng lu irregular uterine bleeding

    b orces, compels, presses

    b qio nasal passages or nasal orice

    b yun deep-source nasal congestion

    b blocked

    b repels, clears away

    b hu clears away oulness

    b jng amenorrhea

    b zhng closed-type stroke

    b zhng [painul] obstruction

    b zh nasal piles

    bin tng loose stool

    bin zhng pattern dierentiation

    bio bnmaniestation and root OR branch

    and root OK

    bio b g instability o the exterior

    bng f [natural] endowment

    bng j pathodynamic

    b thin, imsy



    b mi insomnia

    b tonies

    b spread out/ spread throughout

    b chng impeded

    b nngmalaise, uneasy, disquiet

    b rn unbearable

    b rn insensitivity; lack o sensation

    b sh


    b tng no passage [through], [x] does not

    aord passage, no ree owing, blockage

    b zhn listless, sluggish, not aroused

    b z insufciency

    cn cn dull [as in pain]

    co z indenable epigastric discomort

    ch shu mo xn cross hands to cover the

    heartchn hu fng entangling throat wind


    chn du quivering

    chng fng Intestinal wind

    chng f b tng lack o passage through

    the Intestines

    chng k desiccated Intestines

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    Copyright 2009 Eastland Press, Inc.

    Draft Glossary for Chinese Medicine

    chng mi long pulse

    chng yng Intestinal abscess

    chng acilitated, patent, open, unimpeded

    chng q j acilitates the qi dynamic

    chng shn ease the spirit

    cho r tidal ever or aternoon tidal ever

    ch remove

    chn bloating

    chn deputy [ingredient]

    chn mi submerged pulse

    chng overwhelms, encroaches on, rides, travels

    chng p exploits/ encroaches on the Spleen

    ch mi proximal pulse

    ch mi slow pulse

    ch zng slack

    ch bi di red and white vaginal discharge

    ch r blazing heat

    chng ull, ample, brimming [adj.]; lls up [v.]

    chng t promotes earth

    chng gushes, ushes

    chng mi penetrating vessel [chng mi OK]

    chng xi ushes downward

    chu chmuscle twitches, tics

    chu grie

    ch eliminates, gets rid o

    ch fn eliminates irritability

    ch sh eliminates dampness

    ch alarm


    chun tng pain that penetrates through to the


    chung yng sores

    chn wn spring-warmth

    cng sharpens, improves

    cng r improves hearing

    cu bears [on]

    cu l interstices and pores

    c mi rapid-irregular pulse

    cun scurry, ee [v.]; expeditious [adj.]

    cu expedites, promotes

    cu r promotes lactation

    cn mi distal pulse

    cu kng [hallucinations characterized by]

    grasping at air

    cu tng squeezing pain

    cu shn contusion and sprain

    cu zng interlocked [complex]

    d spreads out, thrusts out

    d bin b shung incomplete/unnished

    and irregular bowel movementsd bin tng b semiliquid stools

    d b powerully tonies

    d chng y ku exhausted Large Intestine


    d chng Large Intestine

    d mi large pulse

    d q great qi

    d tu wnmassive head ebrile disorder

    di atigue and lethargy

    di mi consistently irregular pulse

    di mi girdle vessel [di mi OK]

    di yng upcast yang, [ace] made up with yang

    dn d erysipelas

    dn nu pure heat malaria

    dn tin cinnabar eld


    Gallbladderdn hng pink

    dn shn l sh blandly leaches out and

    resolves dampness

    dng ush away usually in dng d

    dng d r xi ush away pathogenic heat

    do guides out

    do j guide out accumulation

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    Copyright 2009 Eastland Press, Inc.

    Draft Glossary for Chinese Medicine

    do zh guides out stagnation

    do hn night sweats

    do jng inverted menses

    do q pilers qi

    d r low-grade ever

    d scours [out], ushes [away]

    d tn scours out phlegm

    dinwithdrawal; yin madness

    din kungwithdrawal-mania, insanity,


    din xin seizures

    dng rooted sores

    dng settles [down]

    dng chun

    settles [down] wheezing

    dng d rooted toxic sores

    dng fng settles wind

    dng jng settles [down] jitteriness, convulsions,

    right, or shock

    dng jng settles tremors/convulsions

    dng zh settles the emotions, ocuses the mind,

    settles the resolve

    dng wn

    winter-warmthdng yu f shwinter-extruding lurking


    dng disturb, move, disrupt, stir, agitate [v.];

    disruption, perturbation, stirring, agitation [n.]

    dng bng disruptive disease

    dng mimoving/disturbed pulse

    dng xi cavernous diarrhea

    du s binding connement

    du pox

    d miGoverning vessel [d mi OK]

    d toxin

    d q toxic qi

    dun mi short pulse

    du mi zhng excessive sleeping

    du yn excessive drinking

    du plunders

    du indolence


    chung noxious sores

    holds [something] in, hinders, retains, traps

    n hiccough

    r lng deaness

    r mng tinnitus

    xu noxious blood

    zhng noxious attack

    f stimulates, promotes. induces, discharges [in tx

    strategy]; develops, maniests [in pathology]

    f bi headed at abscesses o the back

    f bio

    discharges exterior conditions

    f hn induces sweating

    f sn discharges and disperses

    f hew, curtail, cut down

    f gn hew/curtail the Liver

    fn l kng sh outside hedge has holes

    fn aring

    fn irritability

    fn tng achy and uncomortable

    fn yun distress

    fn zo irritability and restlessness

    fn k reverse control

    fn mi transposed pulse

    fn wi upset stomach

    fn wi stomach reux, upset stomach

    fn accosts, trespasses

    fng impedes

    fng f prevents putrecation

    fi Lungs

    fi q b xun ailure o the Lung to

    disseminate qi

    fi yng Lung abscess

    fn level or sector [in]; aspect [elsewhere]

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    Copyright 2009 Eastland Press, Inc.

    Draft Glossary for Chinese Medicine

    fn l sh r separates and drains out damp-


    fn ru esh interstices

    fn cwhite thorns, pimples


    fng fi[]

    disability rom wind

    fng hnwind-cold

    fng hn sh biowind-cold etters the


    fng hn x fiwind-cold assaults the


    fng lowind consumption

    fng rwind-heat

    fng sh

    wind-dampnessfng shuwind edema

    fng wnwind-warmth

    fng yn zhnwind concealed rash; urticaria

    fng zowind-dryness

    fng zhnwind rash

    f supports

    f lurking

    f hu

    lurking re

    f ling hidden beam

    f mi oating pulse

    f mi hidden pulse

    f q lurking qi

    f r lurking heat

    f zhng supports the normal [qi]

    f zhng oating edema


    yang organs, bowels

    fmoldy; putrees, decompose, decomposition

    f dwelling [as in lower back is the

    dwelling o the Kidneys]

    f d ji xn adding rewood under the


    f d chu xn removing rewood rom

    under the cauldron

    f abdomen

    f mi restores the pulse

    f xi diarrhea

    gn Liver

    gn fng ni ch internal blazing o Liver


    gn fng ni dng internal stirring o Liver


    gn hu shng yn upward blazing o liver


    gn hu wang exuberant Liver re

    gn j childhood nutritional impairment [Also,

    esp. in, reers to progressive sores or ulcers, as

    is and]

    gn li chng p

    Liver comes to overwhelmthe Spleen

    gn q hng fn transverse rebellion o

    Liver qi accosting [the Spleen]

    gn q y ji constrained and clumped

    Liver qi

    gn yng shng kng ascendant Liver yang

    gn zh sh xi Liver governs dredging

    and draining



    ga ln turbid painul urinary dribbling [cloudy


    g diaphragm

    g rejecting/repelling

    g fn sensation o irritability in the diaphragm

    g mi leather pulse

    gng d attacks toxin

    gng j

    attacks accumulationgng shng attacks upwards

    gng xi purges

    gng zh hn j attack and drive out cold


    gu oul, lth

    g yng orphaned yang

    g bones

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    Copyright 2009 Eastland Press, Inc.

    Draft Glossary for Chinese Medicine

    g b painul obstruction o the bone

    g dg toxin

    g ji tng fn bones and joints are achy

    and bothersome

    g q ood qi

    g w

    stimulate, drum-up, inspire

    g zhng drum-like abdominal distention

    g zhng steaming bone disorder

    g secures, stabilizes

    g bio stabilizes the exterior

    g jng secures the essence

    g s secures and binds

    g tu secures abandoned disorders


    peeled [tongue]

    gun g plugged and rejecting/repelling


    gun ji j lun contraction and tension o

    the joints

    gun mimiddle pulse [position]

    gu restores

    gn tn roiling, breaks up phlegm

    gu k


    hn cold, chills

    hn r ever and chills (simultaneous)

    hn r wng li alternating ever and chills

    hn shng abundant cold

    hn sh damp-coldness

    hn sh kn p damp-cold encumbers the


    hn tn

    cold-phlegmhn xi fn fi cold accosts the Lungs

    hn xi shn qn deep invasion o

    pathogenic cold

    hn zh gn mi stagnant cold in Liver


    hn prowess, bold, nimble

    hn sweat

    ho jn depletes or consumes uids

    h wi harmonizes the Stomach

    h xu uniting point [sea OK]

    h zhng harmonizes the middle [burner]

    h x fng cranes knee wind

    hng mi ooding pulse

    hu b painul obstruction o the throat

    hu tin zh jng postnatal essence

    h shields [rom/by]

    h yng shields the yang

    hu slippery, leakage

    hu chng lubricates the Intestines

    hu mi slippery pulse

    hu tu leakage and loss

    hu transorms

    hu jin transorms rmness/ hardness

    hu q promotes the activities o qi


    hu sh transorms dampness

    hu tn zh k transorms phlegm and

    stops coughing


    moderates, relaxes

    hun gn relaxes the Liver

    hun jmoderates [spasmodic abdominal] pain

    or relaxes tension

    hun ji relaxes and relieves

    hun mimoderate or lax pulse

    hun xio zhng kui relaxes and reduces

    xed abdominal masses

    hun suer [v]; calamity [n]

    hun dissipates

    hun sn imsy

    hung h jng shn disorientation,


    hu grey

    hu revives

    hu ju revives rom collapse/inversion

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    Copyright 2009 Eastland Press, Inc.

    Draft Glossary for Chinese Medicine

    hu ju collapse rom roundworm

    hu yng revives the yang

    hu yng ji n revives the yang and

    rescues rom rebellion

    hu zh q annihilating and oul qi

    hu xu

    meeting points [8]

    hu zhu oul turbidity

    hn lightheadedness, muzziness, muddled or

    impaired consciousness (e.g.)

    hn m stuporous, comatose

    hn ethereal soul

    hu breached

    hu invigorates

    hu jing

    invigorates the channelshu lu invigorates the collaterals

    hu xu invigorates the blood

    hu re

    hu d re toxin

    hu q b m shut in and concentrated re


    hu dislodges, orceully removes

    hu lun sudden turmoil disorder

    hu tn dislodges phlegm

    jmuscles, muscle layer

    j accumulations

    j j accumulations and clusters

    j li be detained, hang around, retained

    j urgency, [severe] tightness; hypertonicity


    j mi urgent pulse

    j mi racing pulse

    j zo restless agitation, impatience

    jimobile abdominal mass, conglomeration

    ji j conglomerations and gatherings

    jin orties [tx], rms [dx], hard [pulse, adj.]

    jin jio sudden shrieking

    jin yn orties the yin

    jin zhng concurrent symptom

    jin diminishes, deleted

    jin constructs, builds up

    jin strengthens

    jin p strengthens the Spleen

    jin wng orgetul, absent-minded

    jin yn p wi strengthens the

    transporting unctions o the Spleen and Stomach

    jin zhng builds up/constructs the middle

    jing directs downward, descends

    jing scarlet

    jing huo directs re downward

    jing n [re]directs rebellious [qi] downward

    jing zhu

    directs turbidity downward

    jio hu xu conuent points [o 8 extra


    jio tng hyptertonic pain [see xi tng]

    jio gng fn zhng arched back rigidity

    (aka opisthotonus)

    jio q leg qi

    ji boil

    ji gjoins bones

    ji clumping, knotting

    ji spent, [n.] exhaustion

    ji removed by orce

    ji mi slow-irregular pulse

    ji nu checks malarial disorders

    ji tn traumatic paraplegia

    ji tn bursts [clogged] phlegm

    ji xing zhng

    clumping in the chestdisorder

    ji yn plunders the yin

    ji releases, relieves, resolves

    ji bio releases the exterior

    ji d resolves toxicity

    ji j releases the muscle layer

    ji jng releases spasms

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    Copyright 2009 Eastland Press, Inc.

    Draft Glossary for Chinese Medicine

    ji r resolves heat

    ji sh resolves summerheat

    ji tng relieves pain

    ji y relieves constraint

    jn sinews

    jnyang uids, thin uids

    jn powerul

    jn b painul obstruction o the sinews

    jn y uids

    jn [totally] gone, expended, nished, exhausted

    jn mi tight pulse

    jngjitteriness, anxiety, convulsions, right, shock

    jng channels, warps [old -stages]

    jng essence

    jng fng childhood convulsions, [right seizures

    also OK]

    jng jn channel sinews

    jng shn consciousness, essence-spirit

    jng shn b zhn apathy

    jng shn we m listlessness

    jng wng right mania

    jng xu traversing point [river point OK]

    jng t easily startled

    jng xuwell point

    jng sturdy, strong

    jng [ muscular] tetany, spasms

    jing jing overly bright and everish [eyes]

    ji tng r lu long-term pain enters the




    j dwells

    j lits

    j dread

    j gathers up, pools (uids), cluster, collects

    j severe

    j yng grand yang [synonym or greater yang]

    jun b removes painul obstructions

    jun rolled

    ju collapse [in]; inversion [in


    ju cut o, severed

    ju yn

    terminal yin or reversing yin [ju ynOK]

    jn chie, sovereign

    jn hu sovereign re

    jn drastic, intense

    jn b intense tonic

    jn xi zh shu drastically purges and

    drives out water

    jn xi drastically purges

    k xu coughing up o blood

    ki opens, unbinds

    ki b unbinds painul obstruction

    ki d m yun opens [up] and spreads

    the qi and penetrates to the membrane source

    ki ji opens up clumps/knots/knotted areas

    ki qio opens the orices

    ki xing unbinds the chest

    ki yn

    restores the voice

    ki y opens up areas o constraint

    kng hyperactivity

    k controls, overcomes

    k lodges, resides

    k upbraid

    k qvisitant qi

    k rvisitant heat

    k xio

    whittles away

    kng q qi rom air

    kng ear

    ku mi hollow pulse

    ku dn bland sensation in the mouth and an

    inability to taste ood

    ku yn wi xi deviation o the mouth

    and eyes

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    Copyright 2009 Eastland Press, Inc.

    Draft Glossary for Chinese Medicine

    k desiccated, parched

    k bitter

    kui g eases the diaphragm [sense o


    kui q elicitates the qi


    expands, eases

    kun chng eases the Intestines

    kun xing expands the chest

    kun zhng eases the middle

    kungmania, yang madness

    kung lunmanic and disorderly

    kung zo wang dongmanic agitation and

    rash behavior


    exhaustedku jin induces ulceration

    kn encumbers

    li leprous disorders

    ln yn laconic speech


    ln hu sh putreying throat granular


    lo overwork, consumptive disorder,


    lo ln consumptive painul urinary dribbling

    lo mi conned pulse

    li tears

    li ribs, costal region

    l interior

    l regulates

    l j abdominal urgency, interior tension/


    l j hu zhng tenesmus

    l q regulates qi

    l r y ji constrained and clumped

    interior heat

    l xu regulates the blood

    l improves, promotes, benets, acilitates,

    enables [b l can be difculty or discomort]

    l dn benets the Gallbladder

    l g enables the diaphragm

    l hu improves the condition o the throat

    l j dysenteric disorder

    l ji bng panarthralgia

    l nio

    promotes urination

    l q pestilential qi

    l qio acilitate passage through the orices/


    l sh acilitates/promotes resolution o

    dampness; resolves dampness

    l shu shn sh promotes water

    metabolism and leaches out dampness

    l shu promotes urination, moves water

    l shu do acilitates the water pathways

    lin preserves, inhibits, restrains

    lin chung helps close sores

    lin fi preserves the Lungs

    lin hn inhibits sweating

    lin clings, attaches to

    lin y condenses the uids

    lin yn preserves the yin

    lin blanches

    ling cools

    ling xu cools the blood

    lio remedies

    liviolent, intense

    li wn cracks

    ln l dribbling [urination]

    ln l b zh continuous trickle

    ln zhng painul urinary dribbling disorder

    lng intimidates

    li linger, lodges; remains

    li hu owing re

    li r lingering heat

    li sh causes dampness to ow away [tentative]

    li yn lingering thin mucus

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    Copyright 2009 Eastland Press, Inc.

    Draft Glossary for Chinese Medicine

    li zh spreading, ow into; spreading sores

    li jng six warps, six channels, six stages, six


    li yn six pernicious inuences

    lng b urinary blockage


    light uterine bleeding, leaking, spotting

    lu chronic sores

    l deliberation

    lu l scroula

    lu [n.] collaterals; [v.] connects, reticulates

    lu xu connecting points, collateral points

    m numbness, tingling

    m b paralysis

    m m

    numbness and paresthesia

    mi [blood] vessels

    mi xing m hu indistinct pulse

    mn ullness

    mng c prickles

    mo [body] hair

    mn stiing sensation

    mng bveils

    mng li

    erce and violent

    m mn spreads throughout

    min ch ushed complexion

    min hung sallow complexion

    min j jng lun acial tic

    min s complexion

    b hu lusterless

    cng bi dusky pale

    cho hng ushed

    dn bi dull pale

    gung bi shiny, pale

    wi bi pallid

    wi hungwan

    mng brightens, clears, or enlightens

    mng m clears the eyes, improves vision

    mng mn [hu][] gate o vitality [re]

    m grinds away, wears

    m jwears down accumulations

    m m sullen

    m yunmembrane source


    wood, wooden, numbness [absence o eeling]

    m jng jng ci lively, expressive eyes

    m wng chng t exuberant wood

    overwhelms/exploits/takes advantage o earth

    m xu alarm points

    m yunmembrane source

    m zhng distended eyes

    n accepts [Kidneys]; takes in [Stomach, Liver]

    n ch

    decreased [ood] intake

    no lu seepage rom the brain

    no mng ringing in the brain

    no r everish sensation in the head

    ni internal, inside

    ni shng f r everishness rom internal


    ni yu y r internal heat due to


    n rebellious, counterow

    n greasy [coating], cloying [substances]

    n chun abnormal transmission

    n li wn zhu hauling the boat upstream

    n mi rebellious pulse

    nin ch tn sticky sputum

    nng congeals

    nngmakes tranquil, [calms OK]

    nng shnmakes the spirit tranquil

    nong (sh)[]moving (tongue)

    n anger


    n jmalarial disorder

    pi pushes out or expels

    pi nng expels pus

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    Draft Glossary for Chinese Medicine

    pi sh pushes out stones

    png gung Bladder

    png gung sh yu loss o Bladder control

    pi nurtures

    pi shn nurtures the Kidneys

    p cuts through

    p skin

    p Spleen

    p b tng xu Spleen cannot govern blood

    p f skin, skin and subcutaneous tissues

    p q xi xi xin sunken Spleen qi

    p q x Spleen qi deciency

    p ru rail Spleen

    p shu skin edema

    p yn sh r damp-heat collects in the


    p ocal distention

    p ensconced lumps

    p kui painless lumps

    p clears away

    p hu clears away lth

    pin k hemilateral withering or hemiplegia

    pin wi deviated

    pio hn nimble and orceul

    png calms [pacies OK] [v]; balanced [adj.]

    png chun calms wheezing

    png gn x fng calms the Liver and

    extinguishes wind

    png m balanced and dense

    png wi

    calms the Stomach

    p corporeal soul

    p stresses, compels, orces, disturbs

    p breaks up

    p xu breaks up blood (stasis)

    p yn breaks up (accumulations) o yin

    q hng zh fmiscellaneous Organs

    q jng extraordinary channels

    q shng kng butteries above the navel

    q b opens up closure/closed [disorders], opens

    up blockage

    q b hu qi cannot transorm

    q fn

    qi level or sector []; qi aspect

    q j qi dynamic

    q ku qi openings

    q n rebellious qi

    q xin sinking qi

    q x qi deciency

    q yng ling fn blazing [re] in both the

    qi and nutritive [levels]

    q zh

    stagnant qi

    qin anchors, subdues

    qin yng anchors the [errant] yang

    qing strengthens

    qing jn g strengthens the sinews and


    qing mi [overly] strong pulse

    qing yng sti

    qio cu


    qn invade, inltrates

    qng clears

    qng gung yn glaucomatous disorder

    qng hua r tn cools & transorms


    qng mng insidious loss o vision without

    visible physical changes to the eye

    qng no clears the brain

    qng qio clears consciousness, clears the

    sensory orices

    qng r clears heat

    qng s clearing and clariying

    qng xun zo xi gently disperses dryness

    qng zo clears dryness

    qi di zi autumnal obtuseness

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    qi zo autumn-dryness

    q physical body

    q dispels

    q expels, drives, reins in

    q chng expels parasites

    q fng sh dispels wind-damp

    q hn dispels cold

    q y dispels blood stasis

    q zh banish

    q gets rid o

    qu depart, retreat

    ro harass, derange, make a disturbance, make


    ro dng xn shn derange/harass and

    disturb the Heart (spirit)

    r hot, heat, everish, ever

    r b hot painul obstruction

    r bng ebrile diseases

    r chng tu sensation o heat rushing to the


    r d heat toxin

    r d yn ji

    collected clumped heat toxin

    r fi wi hot Lung atrophy

    r j heat accumulation

    r ji clumped heat

    r ji png li heat clumping with


    r ro xn heat deranging /harassing the


    r r xu sh

    heat enters the bloodchamber

    r shng [over]abundant heat

    r tn hot phlegm

    r xi yng fi heat pathogen clogs the


    r zhu xing g heat scorching the chest

    and diaphragm

    r zhu yng yn heat scorching the yin o

    the nutritive level

    rn miConception vessel [rn mi OK]

    r b cho r aternoon evers


    ru gn

    sotens the Liver

    ru jnmake the sinews supple

    ru esh

    rmoisten [v.], soggy[adj.]

    r mi soggy pulse

    r p breast lumps

    r yng breast abscess

    run sotens

    run jin

    sotens areas o hardness

    run mi sot pulse

    rnmoistens, lubricates

    rn chngmoistens the Intestines

    rn ximoistening laxative

    ru mi rail pulse

    si plugs

    sn jioriple Burner

    sn scatters, disperses

    sn fng scatters or disperses wind

    sn hn scatters or disperses cold

    sn ji dissipates, disperses clumps, knots or


    sn mi scattered pulse

    sn mn disperses ullness

    sn y disperses stasis

    sn y huo

    disperses re rom constraint

    sn zhng disperses swelling

    s binds [action]; rough (urination)

    s chng binds up the Intestines

    s jng binds essence

    s mi rough pulse [choppy OK]

    sh chng kill parasites

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    sh ln gravelly painul urinary dribbling

    shn ln zhng numountain mist

    miasmic malarial disorder

    shn bulging disorder

    shn q bulging qi [disorder]



    shng hn cold-damage

    shng sh ood-damage

    shng ascends, upwardly

    shng chng gushes upward, upushing

    shng jio upper burner

    shng fn upwardly accosts or trespasses

    shng gn strikes upward

    shng tng upward surging

    shng yn ares upward

    sho ti sparse coating [tongue]

    sho f j j lower abdominal tightness

    and contractions

    sho r searing heat

    sho yng lesser yang [sho yngOK]

    sho yn lesser yin [sho yn OK]

    sh dn snake-creeping red papules

    sh contains

    sh shoots

    sh settles [into], shelters

    sh xu contains blood

    shn hn tng generalized coldness and pain

    shn kn heavy lethargy

    shn r [generalized] ever

    shn r b yng uctuating ever

    shn spirit, psychic aspect

    shn hn impaired consciousness, muddled


    shn junweariness

    shn m disorientation

    shn nng rozen aect

    shn qi timidity, trepidation

    shn qng dn m apathetic expression

    shn sh r mng uzzy thinking

    shn shui lethargic level o consciousness

    shn yo carousing o the spirit

    shn zh ch di dementia

    shn zh cu lun derangement


    shn leaches out, lters out, percolates;

    [physiology] permeates

    shn b n qKidneys cannot accept qi

    shn sh leaches out dampness

    shn sh fng cng loss o Kidney closure

    and storage [unctions]shn yng b zhn listless Kidney yang

    shn zhu xed kidneys [or xed kidney


    shng generates

    shng raises, ascends

    shng f raise out and discharge

    shng j raises and lits

    shng j generates esh

    shng mi generates the pulse

    shng qng raises the clear

    shng yng raises the yang

    shng [~ pathogens] [over]abundance,

    overwhelming; [~ vessels] congestion,

    [over]lled, brimming

    shng prevails [over] [v.], preponderance [n.]

    shng jng channels with abundance

    shng sh

    prevails over dampness

    sh damp (adj. or compound n.), dampness (n.)

    sh ln damp erosions

    sh min du mng insomnia with dream-

    disturbed sleep

    sh r damp-heat

    sh r xi zh damp-heat lodged in the

    lower burner

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    sh r yn f collection o damp-heat

    smoldering in the body

    sh rnwet

    sh s breakdown, loss o management, loss o


    sh tn


    sh xun damp tinea-like rash

    sh yn loss o voice

    sh zh loss o ability to do X, loss o

    management o X, impairment

    sh excess [pathology]; ullness; bolsters, makes

    replete, make more ull [physiology]

    sh bng seasonal diseases

    sh ln stony painul urinary dribbling

    sh mi excessive pulse

    sh envoy


    sh l zhng ivisual disturbance

    sh wjust desires sleep, somnolence

    shu sh absorbs dampness

    shu ku closes wounds

    shu lin

    restrain and inhibit [astringent]restrain and hold in/back

    shu sh gathers in dampness

    shu deends, conserves

    shu z ch ju contracted and rigid


    shu receives, picks up

    sh disperses, dredges

    sh soothes

    sh fng disperses wind

    sh gn dredges Liver qi

    sh gn soothes the Liver

    sh jn soothes the sinews

    sh wi dredges the protective

    sh xi w d intemperate dispersing and

    draining [o qi]

    sh xu transporting points [group], transport

    point [individual - stream OK]

    sh y disperses constraint

    sh summerheat

    sh sh damp-summerheat

    sh wn


    sh etters, ties up

    sh bio etters the exterior

    sh xu [acupuncture] point, [back] associated


    shui debilitated, sapped

    shuwater, edema

    shu b hn mwater cannot restrain

    woodshu dowater pathway

    shu do zh shng yun upper source o

    the water pathways

    shu g liquids and grains

    shu jng ti crystal [tongue] coating

    shu n zhngwater rebellion disorder

    shu r h ji clumping o water and heat,

    OR water/heat complexes

    shu sh ni tng internal stoppage o water

    and dampness

    shu xi pathogenic water

    shn smooth, smoothes, normal

    shn chun normal transmission

    shn q smooths the ow o qi

    sho mi rapid pulse



    pondering, pensiveness, excessive thinking

    s xu lieless blood

    s fn our levels or sectors

    s n f lng rigid extremities

    s yo xu our dominant points

    s zh extremities, limbs

    s zh b su unresponsive extremities

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    s zh jun diweak and easily atigued


    s zh kn jun atigued limbs [old tired]

    s zh lng cold extremities

    s zng xu our command points

    so fng

    tracks (down) wind

    so t searches and digs out [stagnation]

    s jing clariying and descending/cause to


    s ju hu n resuscitate rom collapse and

    revives rom rebellion

    s tn dormant or deep, harbored phlegm

    s xi dormant, harbored, or deep-seated

    pathogenic inuences

    sun ch ache

    sumedulla, marrow

    sn luminute collaterals

    sn xi urgent [morning] diarrhea

    sn harm, impairment, [injury]

    su nio reserves urine, contain urination

    ti dng b n restless etus

    ti yng

    greater yang [ti yngOK]ti yn greater yin [ti yn OK]

    tn [Chinese medicine] phlegm; [biomedicine]

    sputum (rom lungs), mucous (other organs)

    tn b phlegm obstruction

    tn du prouse sputum

    tn h phlegm nodules

    tn hu phlegm-re

    tn hu ro xn

    phlegm-re deranges/harries the Heart

    tn mng xn qio phlegm veils the (Heart)


    tn mng gurgling sound in the throat

    tn p phlegm lumps

    tn r phlegm-heat

    tn sh, damp-phlegm

    tn yn either phlegm and thin mucus or thin


    tn y jio ji phlegm and blood stasis jell


    tn zo phlegm-dryness

    tn z lu

    phlegm obstructs the collateralstng achy, aches

    t dread, jerks

    t nasal mucus

    tin adds, replenishes

    tin gu heavenly dew

    tin jng replenishes the essence

    tin b lls in, replenishes

    tin po chung

    heaven-borne blisterstio adjusts

    tio d thrusts out

    tio q adjusts the qi

    tio q zh adjusts stagnant qi

    tio yng wi adjust the nutritive and

    protective qi

    tng tarry, stop

    tng unblocks, promotes, pervades

    tng b qio unblocks the nasal passages

    tng bin unblocks the bowels/excretion

    tng chng unobstructed, ree moving

    tng f unblocks the yang organs/bowels

    tng l unblocks (urine and bowels)

    tng ln unblocks painul urinary dribbling

    tng lu unblocks the collaterals

    tng mi

    unblocks the [blood] vesselstng r penetrates

    tng r zh promotes or unblocks lactation

    tng shn mng acillitates enlightenment o

    the spirit; improving mental abilities

    tng xi purge, unblock downwards

    tng yng unblocks the yang

    tng zh unblocks areas o stagnation

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    tng governs

    tng b severe painul obstruction

    tng ch pangs o pain

    tng fng painul wind

    tng jng painul menstruation, dysmenorrhea

    tu hnmuzziness

    tu zhng sensation o heaviness o the head

    tuvents, thrusts [out]; penetrates [in]

    tu nng thrusts pus out

    tu rvents heat

    tu xi qvents pathogenic inuences

    tu zhnvents rashes

    t earth

    tvomit, spit up

    t xu spitting up blood

    tu shn protuberant bulging disorder

    tu reduces

    tu hung reduces jaundice

    tu r reduces ever or heat

    tu zhng reduces edema or swelling

    tn sun acid regurgitation

    tu loss, abandonment; draw o

    tu d draws out toxicity

    tu j sloughing ulcer

    tu l supports the interior

    tu zhng abandoned patterns, abandoned-type


    tu saliva [n], spit [v]

    wi external, outside

    wi gn


    wi sh z p external damp obstructs the


    wi yu [path.] externally oversteps, goes

    beyond normal boundaries, [physiology] thrust out

    externally, evict, extrude

    wn tn stubborn phlegm


    wn [gastric] cavity ( wi wn)

    wn f delayed discharge

    wn f men stiing sensation in the

    epigastrium and abdomen

    wng [great] loss, devastation, destroyed

    wng yng

    devastated yang

    wng aring, ourishing

    wng xng chaotic movement

    wi eeble, aint, slight; [v.] diminish

    wi mi aint pulse

    wi run accid

    wi zhng atrophy disorder

    wi antagonizes



    wi fn protective level/sector

    wi hn ear o cold

    wi hu shng shng ascending o Stomach


    wi q protective qi, deensive qi, deense qi,

    guardian qi

    wi qing overly strong Stomach

    wi wi sh zh

    protective qi ails itsexternal assignment,

    wi x hn Stomach deciency cold

    wi zhng tng epigastric pain and distention


    wn bngwarm pathogen diseases

    wn dwarm-toxin

    wn hu hn tnwarms and transorms


    wn j epidemic (seasonal) disorder

    wn jingwarms menses

    wn lwarms the interior

    wn r bngwarm-heat pathogen diseases

    wn xiwarm [the yang] and purge

    wn y epidemic disorders

    wn ywarm epidemics

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    w insult

    w fng aversion to wind

    w hn chills [aversion to cold OK]

    w sh aversion to ood

    w l mi orceless pulse

    w ch ve retardations

    w gng xi daybreak diarrhea

    w run ve weaknesses

    w sh xu ve transport points

    w xin r heat in the ve centers

    w xng ve phases, ve-phase

    w y ve excretions

    x inhales, draws in

    x gmuscular striations

    x tnwatery sputum

    x xu accumulating point [clet OK]

    x assaults

    x extinguishes

    x polyp

    x fng extinguishes wind

    x elation, joy

    x mi thin or ne pulse

    xi gn syphilitic sores

    xi h xu lower uniting point [lower sea


    xi jio lower burner

    xi q drives qi downward

    xi yun lower base

    xin hng resh-looking red

    xin tin zh jng congenital essence

    xin oral mucus

    xin salty

    xin miwiry pulse

    xin sink

    xing b (mutually) contend, struggle, interact

    xing cun aromatically probing

    xing jmutual aid

    xing kmutual control

    xing shngmutual generation

    xing xmutual accentuation

    xing huoministerial re

    xing hu ni ch internal blazing o

    ministerial re

    xio reduces, eliminates, digests, diminishes,

    dissipates [toxic swellings]

    xio do reduces and guides out

    xio d eliminates toxin

    xio j reduces accumulation

    xio kwasting and thirsting disorder;

    unquenchable thirst [Zhang Zhong-Jings works]xio m grinds down

    xio sh reduces/dissolves stones

    xio sh eliminates summerheat

    xio yng reduces abscesses

    xio zhng reduces swelling or edema

    xio bin b l urinary difculty

    xio bin y l b jn posturinary drip

    xio chng

    Small Intestinexio chng q zh stagnant Small Intestine


    xio asthma

    xi hypochondrium

    xi q pathogenic qi

    xi r commingled heat

    xi r l xi commingled heat with


    xi xi anks

    xi y harbors [blood] stasis

    xi drains, drains out, draws o [physiology]

    xi drains out, discharges

    xi hu drains re

    xi r j drains heat accumulation

    xi xi drains downward

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    xn acrid

    xn bo Pericardium

    xn hung ustered, alarmed

    xn j palpitations

    xn r xng fiHeart heat punishes the


    xn xi epigastrium [premodern: area below the

    Heart OK]

    xn xi j gripping pain and tenderness in the

    upper epigastrium [per Huang Huang]

    xn xu yHeart blood stasis

    xn y r y xio chngHeart re

    transerred to the Small Intestine

    xng shy

    xng promotes (movement), proceeds, travels

    xng b [v.] promotes movement (in areas

    o painul obstruction); [n.] migrating painul


    xng q promotes movement o the qi

    xng shu promotes the dissipation o

    pathogenic water

    xng zh

    promotes movment through [areas o]stagnation

    xngwakes, awakens

    xng hu b f yun inability to ully

    recover ater loss o consciousness

    xng p awakens the Spleen

    xng shn awakens the spirit/restores


    xing b chest painul obstruction

    xing g b kui

    sense o unease in the

    chest and diaphragm

    xing mn zhng tightness and heaviness in

    the chest

    xing mn stiing sensation in the chest/ sense

    o oppression in the chest

    xing mn zhng stiing and heavy sensation

    in the chest

    xing xi k mn an unpleasant ullness in

    the chest and hypochondriac

    xing xi tng chest and hypochondriac pain

    xing robust, virile

    xi tng sustained pain [see jio tng]


    deciency, hollow

    x hu shng yn deciency re blazing


    x lo deciency and overwork; deciency

    overwork; or deciency consumption

    x mi decient pulse

    x sh xi z enmeshment o deciency

    and excess together

    x jn reconnects sinews

    x shu buildup o water

    x xu buildup blood

    xun disseminates, dissipates, diuses, disbands

    xun b disbands painul obstruction

    xun chng q j . disseminates and

    acillitates the qi dynamic

    xun fi tio q disseminates and adjusts

    the Lung qi

    xun tng b qio

    disperses and unblocksthe qi o the nasal orice

    xun p [Chinese] periumbilical and

    hypochondriac rmness & pain; [Japanese] chronic

    muscle cramps [primarily o chest & shoulders]

    [both very tentative]

    xun yn suspended thin mucus

    xun lichenous rash [old tinea]


    xun yn


    xu blood

    xu b painul obstruction o the blood

    xu fn blood level or sector []; blood

    aspect [elsewhere]

    xu ln painul bloody urinary difculty

    xu r wng xng chaotic movement o hot


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    xu xi r zh blood lodged in the lower


    xu x blood deciency

    xu y blood stasis, or stasis o blood

    xn umes

    xn zhng

    umes upwards [path]; evaporates


    xn traverses

    y gn progressive ulceration o the gums

    yn hu zhng tng painul and swollen


    yn zo parched throat

    yn y nn ch difculty in expressing

    onesel or in orming words

    yng mngyang brightness [yng mngOK]

    yng qio miyang heel vessel [yng qio

    mi OK]

    yng wi miyang linking vessel [yngwi

    mi OK]

    yng nourishes

    yo tng lower back pain

    y dysphagia

    y g


    yyin uids, thick uids

    y nio enuresis

    y X wi zhXX is paramount

    y augments, benets

    y intention, signication

    y supercial visual obstruction

    y curbs

    y d

    epidemic toxin

    y gn curbs the Liver

    y l epidemic pestilence

    y q augments the qi

    y yn curbs the yin

    y yn overowing or ooding thin mucus

    y y despondency

    yn fimute paraplegia

    yn jyin at abscesses

    yn qio miyin heel vessel [yn qio mi


    yn wi miyin linking vessel [yn wi mi

    OK]yn yng genital itching

    yn q pernicious or out o control qi

    yn sh pernicous dampness

    yn thin mucus

    yng fn nutritive/constructive level/sector

    yng q nutritive/constructive qi

    yng xu gushing point [spring OK]


    goiteryng li goiter; neck tumors

    yng abscess, sore, ulcer

    yng j toxic swellings

    yng clogs

    yuworry, upset, melancholy

    yu fng roving wind

    yu l mi orceul pulse, pulse with strength

    yu xng zh xi r

    pathogenic heat withorm

    yu y over abundance, surplus

    y r static heat

    y constrains, constraint

    y hu re rom constraint

    y twarms the earth

    y yn osters yin

    y y

    melancholyy zhng constraint or depression

    yun prime, primal, base

    yun q primal qi

    yun q source qi

    yun xu source points

    yu binds [up] or constrains (a strong Stomach

    binds a weak Spleen)

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    yu eructate

    yu n eructation and rebellion

    yu surmount, disseminate (physiology); overstep

    (pathology); thrust out, evict (treatment)

    yu jng sh tio irregular menstruation

    yu p

    delights the Spleen

    yn collects

    yn lightheadedness

    yn p improves the Spleens transporting


    z bngmiscellaneous or heterogeneous


    zngyin Organs, viscera

    zng fOrgans or yin and yang Organs

    zng zo restless organ disorder

    zo p dregs

    za dries (v.), dry, parched (adj.), dryness (n.)

    zo restlessness

    zo sh dries dampness

    zi fng bandit wind

    zng y increases uids

    zhn y delirious speech, raving

    zhng oster, increase

    zhng numiasmic malarial disorders

    zhn hn ji r true cold with alse heat

    zhn q true qi

    zhn r ji hn true heat with alse cold

    zhn papule, rash

    zhn sedates, paciy, suppresses, hold down

    zhn chn

    tremble [v.], tremors [n.]zhn fn yng qi stimulates the yang

    zhn gn sedates the Liver

    zhn jng sedates right/jitteriness/palpitations

    with anxiety/convulsions

    zhn jng sedates tremors

    zhn n suppresses rebellion

    zhn shn sedates the spirit

    zhn tng suppresses pain

    zhng steam

    zhng xed [immobile OK] abdominal mass

    zhng chng continuous palpitations, panicky


    zhng ji

    abdominal mass

    zhng nu normal malaria

    zhng rvaporized heat

    zhng condition, disorder

    zhng pattern

    zhng q normal qi or antipathogenic actor/qi

    zh ch uncomortable limbs

    zh y f yo rich in greasy uids

    zh yn

    prodding [or propping] thin mucus

    zh stops, arrests, halts

    zh k stops coughing

    zh l stops dysenteric disorders

    zh tng alleviates pain, stops pain

    zh xu stops bleeding

    zh y stops leakage

    zh resolve, purpose,mind, emotions [w zh

    =ve emotions]zh intelligence, wisdom

    zhjammed; stopped up

    zh control, restrain

    zh stagnates

    zh f treatment strategy

    zh z treatment tactic

    zh zo corrective assistant

    zhng jia

    middle burnerzhng qmiddle qi

    zhng q b z insufcient middle qi

    zhng zhumiddle regions

    zhng d intense toxic swellings

    zhng zhng distended

    zhng fngwind-attack [in context o

    externally-contracted diseases]; wind-stroke

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    zhng jng channel-stroke

    zhng yng hety yang

    zhng zngOrgan-stroke

    zh drives out

    zh sh drives out dampness

    zh shu drives out water

    zh tn drives out phlegm

    zh governs; ocuses [X organ zh y =X Organ

    governs/ocuses on y (tissue)], masters [X =

    X ormula masters it.

    zh assists, reinorces

    zh bng inestatious disease

    zh cng

    storeszh yng assists the yang

    zh zo helpul assistant

    zhung orties [v.]; vigorous [adj.]

    zhung huvigorous re

    zhung hu sh qvigorous re consumes

    the qi

    zhung jn g orties the sinews and bones

    zhung rvigorous re, sustained high ever

    zhung dash

    zhu pursues

    zhu b xed painul obstruction

    zhu ln turbid painul urinary dribbling

    z enriches

    z provides or

    z shn enriches the Kidneys

    z yn enriches the yin

    z bn purple spots or maculae

    z gngWomb

    zng q gathering qi

    zomobilize, travels [through/with], extends to,

    acts on

    zo cunmobile and piercing

    zu r b shu mobile and does not


    zu m y gn rapidly progressing

    ulceration o the gums

    zu zh running and pouring [down]

    z q leg qi

    z obstructs, impedes [as in impedes the


    zu assistant

    zu fn (or fn zu) paradoxical assistant

    zu zh corrective assistant

    zu zh helpul assistant

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