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Draft Idaho Statewide Rail Plan 41013

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  • 8/13/2019 Draft Idaho Statewide Rail Plan 41013


    Idaho Statewide Rail Plan

    Prepared for the

    Idaho Transportation Department

    Project No. A013(334)Key No. 13334

    April 10, 2013

  • 8/13/2019 Draft Idaho Statewide Rail Plan 41013


    Idaho Statewide Rail Plan

    Rail POWERSIdahos Economy


    The Idaho Tranportation !epartment "IT!#, in partnerhip $ith the Idaho !epartment o% Agricultureand &ommerce, recently completed a State$ide 'ail Plan $ith grant %unding %rom the (ederal 'ail

    Adminitration "('A#) The purpoe o% thi plan $a to identi%y, evaluate, and encourage the

    development and preervation o% eential %reight and paenger rail and multi-modal ervice) The

    Plan complie $ith %ederal and tate rail planning re*uirement)

    Thi e%%ort relied heavily on involvement %rom +ey %reight ta+eholder including the ytem uer,

    hipper, carrier, and Idaho commodity producer net$or+ o$neroperator and pu.lic

    agencieorgani/ation) Input $a gathered through everal tool including a teering committee that

    guided the entire e%%ort) Steering &ommittee mem.er included repreentative %rom the %ollo$ing


    AT'A 4S( &lear$ater Economic !evelopment Aociation !airymen5 Aociation Idaho &attle Aociation Idaho 6rain Aociation

  • 8/13/2019 Draft Idaho Statewide Rail Plan 41013


    Idaho Statewide Rail Plan

    GOAL 2: Idahos rail system eatures eective part!erships that leverage resources a!d


    GOAL 3: Idaho strategically i!vests i! its rail system i!rastructure #hile maximi$i!g existi!g

    capacity a!d preservi!g the system"

    Table ES-1provides a summary o the recomme!ded policy a!d programmatic cha!ges, a!d Table ES-2

    ide!tiiesthe additio!al studies a!d pla!s !eeded to ide!tiy lo!g ra!ge i!vestme!ts !ecessary to reachthe overall goals esta%lished i! this report"

    Table ES-1.

    Recommended Policy/Program Cange!"ame #e!cri$%ion

    #ry Por% Legi!la%ion E!act legislatio! to e!a%le a port authority

    Rail &reig% Ed'ca%ion and

    (n)orma%ion Program

    Esta%lish o!-goi!g pu%lic educatio! program to promote Idaho&s o%'ectives

    relative to reight rail"

    O$era%ion Li)e!a*er1( Provide sta resources)support to *peratio! +iesaver" 2( esearch u!di!g

    sources or mareti!g)educatio!al campaig!s"

    Tr'c+/Rail E,'i%y Proec%

    1( Ide!tiy a!d prioriti$e rail improveme!ts that provide the %est opportu!ity to

    provide eco!omic developme!t a!d e!ha!ce reve!ue opportu!ities through the

    state %y movi!g reight via rail i! lieu o motor carriers" 2( .o!itor a!d e!act

    legislatio! that e!sures motor carrier sta!dards are u!iorm a!d do !ot give

    competitive adva!tage over rail"

    Local Land !e Rail Planning

    A!!i!%ance Program

    1( Ide!tiy availa%le la!d use pla!!i!g resources" 2( /or #ith railo#!ers)operators to dissemi!ate policies regardi!g la!d use)tra!sportatio!

    policies alo!g rail right-o-#ay

    1( A!!ually assess rail volume reports rom IP( or tre!ds" 2( o!duct

    % ) l d d l l h d l

  • 8/13/2019 Draft Idaho Statewide Rail Plan 41013


    Idaho Statewide Rail Plan

    Table ES-2.

    Addi%ional S%'die! and Plan!"ame #e!cri$%ion

    Trea!'re alley &reig% 0'l%i-

    0odal Tran!load Cen%er

    /or #ith ey staeholders to ide!tiy local, state, 5ederal a!d private u!di!g

    opportu!ities, a!d develop %usi!ess pla!

    0'l%i-modal Rail 4ard


    Ide!tiy acility thresholds a!d pote!tial site locatio!s usi!g results rom multi-

    modal acility a!alysis" Assess via%ility o existi!g yards" se regio!al orums to

    ide!tiy pu%lic)private part!ership opportu!ities to %uild acilities"

    ig C'be (n%ermodal Ser*ice


    /or #ith rail li!e o#!ers a!d !eigh%ori!g states to prioriti$e corridors %ased o!

    cost-%e!eit8 Ide!tiy u!di!g !eeds or i!stallatio! o high-cu%ed dou%le stac

    i!termodal service"

    S%a%e5ide 0'l%i-0odal

    &reig% &acili%ie! S%'dy

    1( *%tai! research u!ds to dei!e multi-modal acility types, thresholds a!d

    pote!tial site locatio!s i! Idaho a!d the regio!" 2( o!sider dou%le-traced

    tra!sload acilities, dry ports, rail spurs, tra!sload acilities, i!termodal acilities,


    Tr'c+/Rail E,'i%y Proec%

    Ide!tiy a!d prioriti$e rail improveme!ts that provide the %est opportu!ity to

    provide eco!omic developme!t a!d e!ha!ce reve!ue opportu!ities through the

    state %y movi!g reight via rail i! lieu o motor carriers"

    Am%ra+ Pioneer Ro'%e

    &ea!ibili%y S%'dy

    oordi!ate)commu!icate #ith ad'oi!i!g states o! uture studies to evaluate the

    restoratio! or replaceme!t o the li!e that Amtra termi!ated i! 199: alo!g P


    Comm'%er Rail Ser*ice

    &ea!ibili%y S%'dy

    Evaluate pote!tial support)dema!d a!d pote!tial locatio!s or commuter rail


    Table ES-3 summari$es the recomme!ded ;-year apital I!vestme!t pla! or Idaho, #hile TableES-6

    summari$es the recomme!dedlo!g-ra!ge 20-year( capital i!vestme!ts" .a!y o the pro'ects listed i!

    the 20-year apital I!vestme!t pla! are co!ti!ge!t upo! the outcome o studies a!d pla!s listed i!

  • 8/13/2019 Draft Idaho Statewide Rail Plan 41013


    Idaho Statewide Rail Plan

    7-4ear Ca$i%al (n*e!%men% PlanProec% "ame #e!cri$%ion E!%. Co!%i Po%e!tial


    Railroad Cro!!ing

    Sa)e%y Program

    .ultiple pro'ects listed i! the ail rossi!g

    Saety Pro'ect +ist i! Sectio! C, as detailed i!

    the Idaho State ?ra!sportatio!

    Improveme!t Pla! 2013-201:

    %o!ds(8E4I5i? loa!(

    Rail Tre!$a!!ing

    #e%errence Program

    1( Ide!tiy ey railroad yards, i!tercha!ge

    poi!ts, a!d ma'or structures that may !eed

    to %e secured rom ope! pu%lic access" 2(

    Part!er #ith local 'urisdictio!s to ide!tiy

    security strategies i!cludi!g educatio!,

    e!orceme!t, a!d a#are!ess"

    @)A I5 loa!(

    PL Sor% line

    Railroad ridge

    Re$lacemen% and

    S'%%le Train Loader


    1( pgrade the PD+ %ra!ch %ridges to the

    level re6uired %y the 5ederal ail

    Admi!istratio! 5A( i! order to

    accommodate 2C,000 l%" 2CF( rail cars

    a!d 2( provide relia%le rail access to a !e#

    private sector

  • 8/13/2019 Draft Idaho Statewide Rail Plan 41013


    Idaho Statewide Rail Plan

    28-4ear Ca$i%al (n*e!%men% PlanProec% "ame #e!cri$%ion E!%. Co!% Po%e!tial


    ig C'be

    (n%ermodal Ser*ice

    o!ti!ue to impleme!t high-cu%ed dou%le

    stac i!termodal service capa%ility i! Idaho,

    as %ased o! i!di!g a!d priorities ide!tiied

    i! 5-1CA, ost >e!eit A!alysis"

    @)A I5 loa!(8 PA> %o!ds(8

    E4I5i? loa!(

    ridging Te alley:Grade Cro!!ing

    (m$ro*emen% 9"S&

    ro'%e and

    Realignmen% o) PRR


    1( /or #ith F.P* to ide!tiy u!di!g or%e!eit cost a!alysis a!d prioriti$atio! o

    >ridgi!g the Halley pro'ects" 2( E!gi!eeri!g

    a!d co!structio!"

    @)A I5 loa!(8 ?I5IA loa!(

    ridging Te alley:

    Grade Cro!!ing

    (m$ro*emen% only

    9"S& ro'%e

    1( /or #ith F.P* to ide!tiy u!di!g or

    %e!eit cost a!alysis a!d prioriti$atio! o

    >ridgi!g the Halley pro'ects" 2( E!gi!eeri!g

    a!d co!structio!"

  • 8/13/2019 Draft Idaho Statewide Rail Plan 41013


    Idaho Statewide Rail Plan

  • 8/13/2019 Draft Idaho Statewide Rail Plan 41013


    Idaho Statewide Rail Plan

    Table of Contents

    Section 1: Role of Rail in Statewide Transportation

    1.1 Introduction.....1-11.2Process..1-11.3 Idahos Rail Vision and Goals.1-21.4Role of Freight Rail in Idahos Transortation !"ste#......1-31.$Role of Passenger Rail in Idaho...1-41.%Rail Institutional Fra#e&or'....1-(1.(Prior !tudies) Initiati*es) and Plans.1-11Section 2: Idahos Rail System

    2.1 Freight Rail..2-1

    2.2 Passenger Rail...2-2+

    Section 3: Trends and Forecasts

    3.1 ,e#ograhic and cono#ic Gro&th Factors....3-1

    3.2 n*iron#ent and nerg" Trends..3-1

    3.3 /and 0se o##unit" I#acts..3-133.4 !afet" and !ecurit"....3-1$

    3.$ Freight ,e#and and Gro&th3-21

    3 % Passenger Tra*el ,e#and 3 41

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    Idaho Statewide Rail Plan

    %.2 Progra# oordination.%-3

    %.3 Rail Financing 7lternati*es%-4

    %.4 Potential !tate Rail 7genc" rgani6ational) Polic") and Progra# hanges.%-1+

    %.$ Progra# ffects ...%-23

    %.% eeded Rail !tudies and Plans...%-2%

    %.( Freight Rail aital Pro5ects /ist.%-2+

    %.+ Passenger Rail aital Pro5ects /ist.%-33

    Section ': (oordination and Review

    (.1 Introduction .....(-1

    (.2 !tate&ide !u##it..(-2

    (.3 Pu8lic In*ol*e#ent Plan ...(-3

    (.4 Pu8lic 7genc" and !ta'eholder ngage#ent....(-4

    (.$ Pu8lic In*ol*e#ent in Plan ,e*elo#ent....(-+

    (.% oordination &ith ther !tate Rail Plans..(-9


    7endi: 7; Pu8lic In*ol*e#ent ,ocu#entation


  • 8/13/2019 Draft Idaho Statewide Rail Plan 41013


    Idaho Statewide Rail Plan

    Section 1 Role of Rail in Statewide Transportation

    1.1 Introduction

    The Passenger Rail Investent and Iproveent Act of 200! "PRIIA# tas$s each state with prod%cing a

    State Rail Plan to esta&lish polic', priorities and ipleentation strategies for freight and passenger rail

    transportation within its &o%ndaries, enhance rail service in the p%&lic interest, and serve as the &asisfor (ederal and State rail investents within the state) PRIIA re*%ires State Rail Plans &e s%&itted to

    the (ederal Railroad Adinistration "(RA# for review and approval)

    In response, Idaho Transportation +epartent "IT+# has developed this statewide rail plan to identif',

    eval%ate, and enco%rage the developent and preservation of essential freight and passenger rail and

    %lti-odal services) The Plan coplies with federal and state rail planning re*%ireents)

    The Idaho Rail Plan addresses a &road spectr% of rail iss%es, incl%ding identification of the States

    freight and passenger rail o&ectives and plans, an inventor' of the rail s'stes transportation

    infrastr%ct%re, anal'sis of rail-related econoic environental ipacts, and esta&lishent of a long-

    range investent progra for c%rrent and f%t%re freight and passenger rail infrastr%ct%re thro%gho%t

    the State)

    This Statewide Rail Plan was f%nded thro%gh a grant fro the (ederal Rail Adinistration and was done

    in con%nction with a statewide (reight St%d' which was f%nded with state f%nds) The Statewide (reightSt%d' served as a fo%ndation for developent of the freight coponent of Idahos Statewide Rail Plan,

    which is c%rrentl' in developent)

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    Idaho Statewide Rail Plan

    incl%ding Atra$. and, federal, state, and local agencies s%pporting transportation services, econoic

    developent, and agric%lt%re)

    The Steering oittee wor$ed colla&orativel', helping to ens%re that the st%d' process and prod%cts

    &alanced the varied interests of statewide sta$eholders) The' also pla'ed a critical role in disseinating

    proect inforation and collecting feed&ac$ fro their networ$s of ind%str' contacts and affiliated

    interest gro%ps) The' also reviewed and provided recoendations to IT+ on proect prod%cts and

    delivera&les, and pla'ed a $e' role in for%lating st%d' recoendations) Their inp%t was providedthro%gh a series of f%ll-da' eetings, wor$shops, and facilitated disc%ssions, along with a series of

    hoewor$ assignents %sed to infor the developent of the vision stateent, perforance

    eas%res, scenarios developent and eval%ation, and %ltiatel', st%d' recoendations)

    A Statewide (reight S%it was held in +ece&er of 2011 to $ic$ off the freight st%d' with nearl' !0

    sta$eholders in attendance) The goal of the S%it was to identif' $e' iss%es, opport%nities, and

    challenges related to Idahos freight s'ste, incl%ding freight rail and interodal s'ste needs andopport%nities)

    Sta$eholder interviews were also cond%cted with $e' inforants earl' in the process to gather an in-

    depth %nderstanding of the perspectives of owners, operators, and %sers fro vario%s ind%stries and

    odes) A n%&er of data- and4or iss%e-specific interviews were cond%cted to infor the tea

    regarding partic%lar freight iss%es and opport%nities) In addition, n%ero%s and fre*%ent inforal

    disc%ssions were cond%cted &' tea e&ers with ind%str' gro%ps and coalitions, freight- and

    transportation-related professional organiations, special-interest gro%ps, and e&ers of the general

    p%&lic thro%gh the co%rse of the st%d')

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  • 8/13/2019 Draft Idaho Statewide Rail Plan 41013


  • 8/13/2019 Draft Idaho Statewide Rail Plan 41013


    Idaho Statewide Rail Plan

    ,ire 1-1. Idaho Rail Network O%er%iew

    Track Status Miles

    Active Track (tot.) 1,709.5Class I 995.8

    Class II 33.5

    Class III 680.2

    Embargoed 277.7

    Suspeded !".1

    Abadoed 70!.7

  • 8/13/2019 Draft Idaho Statewide Rail Plan 41013


    Idaho Statewide Rail Plan

    ,ire 1-(. Em'ire #ilder Ro#te

    Source: A#trak

    According to the 2010 ens%s, the pop%lation within a 30-ile radi%s of the Sandpoint station totals an

    estiated 23,000, and incl%des portions of Contana and

  • 8/13/2019 Draft Idaho Statewide Rail Plan 41013


    Idaho Statewide Rail Plan

    1.* Rail Institutional Fra"ewor)

    Federal 'encies

    At least nine federal departents, agencies, and &oards are involved in rail related atters) The )S)

    +epartent of Transportation ")S) +BT# has the ost e5tensive involveent, &oth directl' with the

    carriers and indirectl' in con%nction with the state departents of transportation and regional

    %risdictions) The p%rpose and relationship of the agencies that are ost heavil' involved with the

    railroad ind%str' are s%aried &elow)

    Federal +ihwa! 'd"inistration ,F+-'

    Bne of the odal agencies within )S) +BT, (D

  • 8/13/2019 Draft Idaho Statewide Rail Plan 41013


    Idaho Statewide Rail Plan

    light rail and rapid transit %s%all' operate over dedicated trac$age, co%ter services %tilie the freight

    networ$, and th%s are s%&ect to (RA and railroad ind%str' standards that are adinistered &' the

    Association of Aerican Railroads "AAR#) The (TA presents an option for f%nding soe iproveents

    where intercit' operations are shared with co%ter rail and transit)

    Surface Transportation /oard ,ST/

    sta&lished in 188? as a s%ccessor to the long-lived Interstate oerce oission, the S%rface

    Transportation ;oard ad%dicates disp%tes over rates and services &etween shippers and carriers, and

    has adinistrative a%thorit' over railroad ergers and line a&andonents) In 200!, PRIIA e5panded its

    role to ediate conflicts &etween passenger rail operators with freight rail owners) This new provision

    is intended to address long-standing concerns a&o%t enforceent of Atra$s stat%tor' rights to

    operate passenger trains over the freight networ$)

    Idaho 'encies

    Idaho Transportation %epart"ent

    The role of the Idaho Transportation +epartents state rail progra is to assist in the preservation of

    essential rail lines thro%gh planning and coordination with private railroad owners and &' addressing

    potential safet' haards at at-grade railroad crossings) Planning and coordination is a f%nction of the

    +ivision of Transportation Perforance, forerl' the +ivision of Transportation Planning, while the

    Railroad rossing Progra is a f%nction of the Reso%rces +ivision)

    The Idaho Transportation ;oard provides an ann%al allocation of F2@0,000 to f%nd state rail-highwa'

    safet' proects) A crossing over an' p%&lic road is eligi&le for this progra) Proects are identified &'

    the +istricts the Bffice of Dighwa' Safet' or local officials and prioritied &' the State Priorit' Inde5

  • 8/13/2019 Draft Idaho Statewide Rail Plan 41013


    Idaho Statewide Rail Plan

    Pu0lic tilities o""ission

    The Idaho P%&lic tilities oission "P# was esta&lished in Ca' of 1813 &' the Idaho Eegislat%re,

    with stat%tor' a%thorities detailed in Title ?1 and ?2 of Idaho code) The P oversees the intrastate

    operation of investor-owned electric, gas, water, and teleco%nications %tilities, as well as rail and

    pipeline safet' progras) The P has responsi&ilit' for ens%ring all rail services operating within Idaho

    do so in a safe and efficient anner) The P has rail inspectors that investigate highwa'-railroad

    crossing iss%es and safet' proects thro%gho%t the state) State safet' inspectors are also responsi&le for

    inspection of rail cars carr'ing haardo%s aterials in and thro%gh the state of Idaho, and enforce

    federal haardo%s aterials reg%lations, which the State of Idaho has adopted)

    In 1888, otor carrier responsi&ilities were transferred to the +epartent of Eaw nforceent and

    Idaho Transportation +epartent, with Idaho P retaining its %risdiction in rail carrier atters)

    Approval of an' new or reinstit%ted rail service re*%ires approval thro%gh the Idaho P according to

    stat%e I+APA 31)01)01, R%les of Proced%re) Rail line a&andonents also re*%ire P review and


    Idaho State %epart"ent of 'riculture

    The Idaho Eegislat%re created the Idaho State +epartent of Agric%lt%re "IS+A# in 1818 to assist and

    reg%late the stateGs fast-growing agric%lt%ral ind%str') The priar' p%rposes for esta&lishent were to

    protect IdahoGs crops and livestoc$ fro the introd%ction and spread of pests and transitta&le

    diseases, to help provide the ind%str' with a s'ste for the orderl' ar$eting of agric%lt%ral

    coodities, and to protect cons%ers fro containated prod%cts or fra%d%lent ar$eting practices)

    The +epartent of Agric%lt%re is responsi&le for adinistering the Idaho R%ral conoic +evelopent

    and Integrated (reight Transportation "R+I(iT# loan progra The ission of the R+I(iT Progra is to

  • 8/13/2019 Draft Idaho Statewide Rail Plan 41013


    Idaho Statewide Rail Plan

    allocations or receipt of f%nds to the e5tent needed to provide collateral for the loan) ligi&le proects

    for consideration %st have the p%rpose of:

    Reha&ilitating or iproving rail lines to preserve essential local rail service.

    P%rchasing or reha&ilitating railroad e*%ipent necessar' to aintain essential rail service.

    onstr%ction of loading or reloading facilities or other capital iproveents. and

    oordinating interodal traffic for integrated r%ral freight transportation)

    (%nds are also availa&le for planning activities) Applicants can appl' for %p to F100,000 to st%d'

    potential rail investents) Applicants are re*%ired to provide a 100 percent atch)

    Reional Plannin raniations

    A Cetropolitan Planning Brganiation, coonl' referred to as a CPB, is an association of local

    agencies that coordinate transportation planning and developent activities within a etropolitan area)

    sta&lishent of a CPB is re*%ired &' law in %r&an areas with pop%lations of ore than @0,000 in order

    for the area to %se federal transportation f%nding) CPBs are designed to ens%re coordination and

    cooperation aong the vario%s %risdictions that oversee transportation within the %r&an area) CPB

    decision-a$ing is g%ided &':

    A polic' &oard, generall' coprised of local elected officials and p%&lic agenc' officials who

    adinister or operate aor odes of transportation, and

    A technical advisor' gro%p of professional planners and engineers who are often eplo'ees of

    the sae agencies)

    A CPB has effective control over transportation iproveent f%nding within the etropolitan planning

    i t t & t f th CPBG d t d l l d & l d i th i

  • 8/13/2019 Draft Idaho Statewide Rail Plan 41013


    Idaho Statewide Rail Plan

    Bnce prograed, crossing %pgrades are to &e constr%cted within a 3 'ear tie frae) Rail-highwa'

    crossing safet' proect priorities and f%nding are deterined &' the IT+ Roadwa' +esign,

    tilit'4Railroad nit in coordination with +istrict, local officials and, when appropriate, with the IT+

    Dighwa' Bperations J Safet' ngineer and the Canager of Bffice of Transportation Investents,

    according to IT+ Traffic Can%al Section !@@)00)

    Pu0lic6Pri7ate Partnerships

    The Passenger Rail Investent and Iproveent Act "PRIIA# of 200! contains several provisions tofacilitate increased private sector participation in intercit' passenger rail service, incl%ding:

    Section 21/ of PRIIA creates an Alternate Passenger Rail Service Pilot Progra that wo%ld allow

    one of ore private railroads over which Atra$ operates to receive federal operating s%&sidies

    in ret%rn for ass%ing responsi&ilit' for the operation of %p to two intercit' passenger rail

    ro%tes c%rrentl' operated &' Atra$)

    Section 21= of PRIIA wo%ld allow states that select an entit' other than Atra$ to operate astate-s%pported intercit' passenger rail ro%te to re*%est %se of Atra$ facilities, e*%ipent and

    services necessar' to operate that ro%te, with the S%rface Transportation ;oard responsi&le for

    resolving an' disp%tes)

    Section @02 of PRIIA re*%ired the (RA to solicit private sector proposals for developent of

    federall' designated high-speed rail corridors)

    An ite not incl%ded in PRIIA is Atra$s stat%tor' access rights to the national rail s'ste) These rights

    ens%re Atra$s a&ilit' to operate over rail lines owned &' freight railroads and regional transportation

    a%thorities, which acco%nt for all &%t ?@@ iles of Atra$s c%rrent 21,000 ro%te s'ste and nearl' all of

    the rail lines on which new 12@ ph or less intercit' passenger service has &een proposed) %rrent

  • 8/13/2019 Draft Idaho Statewide Rail Plan 41013


    Idaho Statewide Rail Plan

    Sealess and safe %lti-odal connections

    ffective partnerships

    S%ccess of the goals will &e eas%red &' anal'ing the following o%tcoes over tie:

    Idaho goods transported effectivel'

    (reight transportation costs are copetitive

    (reight-related safet' iproves

    The st%d' res%lted in the identification of si5 $e' recoendations that are designed to fraewor$

    f%t%re activit' related to freight in Idaho) These recoendations incl%de:

    reate an instit%tional fraewor$ for co%nication, colla&oration and partnership

    Align transportation polic' and proects with econoic developent strategies

    Strategicall' invest in a freight networ$ incl%ding corridors and new4e5panded %lti-odal

    facilities and connections (acilitate the efficient oveent of freight

    ollect and anal'e freight data

    5pand so%rces for freight infrastr%ct%re f%nding

    This effort relied heavil' on involveent fro $e' freight sta$eholders incl%ding the s'ste %sers,

    incl%ding shippers, carriers, and Idaho coodit' prod%cers. networ$ owners4operators. and p%&lic

    agencies4organiations) Inp%t was gathered thro%gh several tools incl%ding a steering coittee that

    g%ided the entire effort which incl%ded the ;%rlington 7orthern, nion Pacific, and

  • 8/13/2019 Draft Idaho Statewide Rail Plan 41013


    Idaho Statewide Rail Plan

    To level the pla'ing field &etween transportation odes)

    To coordinate rail planning and ipleentation activities with state and local land %se policies,

    and advocate %t%all' &eneficial practices, s%ch as the preservation of ind%strial sites which can

    &e served &' rail)

    To red%ce the potential for at-grade rail-highwa' accidents)

    To proote the developent and iproveent of rail-served interodal transportation service

    thro%gho%t the state, freight and passenger)

    Goal II" The retention and aintenance of operations over all lines of the rail s'ste which serve as

    essential coponents of the states transportation s'ste) B&ectives for this goal incl%ded:

    To identif' endangered coponents of the rail s'ste, define pro&les and ca%ses, and

    for%late sol%tions)

    To identif' all potential so%rces of federal f%nds for application in pro&le sit%ations)

    To define a dedicated so%rce of state f%nds for rail service preservation and to enco%rage the%se of local f%nds)

    Goal III" The preservation of rights-of-wa' of rail lines for which the prior goal cannot &e et for f%t%re

    rail or alternative %ses) B&ectives for this goal incl%ded:

    To ass%re local decision a$ers are aware of the potential to preserve rights-of-wa' thro%gh the

    federal P%&lic se and Interi Trail se proced%res

    To enco%rage localities to e5aine alternative %ses of rights-of-wa' of endangered or

    a&andoned rail lines)

    To identif' potential f%nding so%rces K federal, state, and local K for right-of-wa' preservation)1=

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    Idaho Statewide Rail Plan

    principall' on agric%lt%re and heav' ind%strial coodities) In assessing the feasi&ilit' of locating s%ch a

    facilit' in the ;oise4Treas%re alle' area, it was concl%ded that ;oise is a nat%ral ne5%s for s%ch a facilit'

    d%e to the geographic distri&%tion of ind%stries, rail and highwa' infrastr%ct%re) The st%d' also

    concl%ded that a transload and ind%strial par$ site appeared to &e a potentiall' via&le opport%nit')

    The st%d' then foc%sed on facilities, identif'ing a two-phase approach, with the first phase incl%ding a

    %lti-odal transload facilit' with appro5iatel' @0,000 s*%are feet of wareho%sing capacit' that will

    ena&le transloading, aterial handling, o%tside and inside storage of the coodities, incl%dingagric%lt%ral grains and &%l$ coodities. inerals and related aggregates. cheical, f%els, and other

    li*%ids. iscellaneo%s &%l$ aterials. and, palletied, crated, and &o5ed goods) The cost of the first

    phase was estiated at F1@)@ illion) The second phase recoended developent of a rail &ased

    regional ind%strial par$ of appro5iatel' 1/0 acres, re*%iring investent of appro5iatel' F2! illion,

    to incl%de the developent of loop trac$ service to the par$) The st%d' concl%ded that, while the site

    wo%ld not generate h%ge ret%rns on investent, however, the potential of increased rail vol%es co%ld

    a$e the concept attractive to a railroad operating partner) The direct econoic ipact of the sitewo%ld &e e*%ivalent to a oderatel' large an%fact%ring enterprise locating in the region)

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    Idaho Statewide Rail Plan

    S%pport of local efforts to esta&lish Port +istricts in Spo$ane and Hootenai o%nties to serve as

    iportant econoic drivers in the IPD Region.

    Prootion of the esta&lishent of a &i-state port district to %nif' the regional vision and give

    political and econoic weight to the h%& vision. and,

    nco%rage e5pansion of &order crossing ho%rs with anada)

    Priorit' transportation investents identified &' the st%d' incl%ded:

    5pansion of S-8@ fro ;onners (err' to anada in the short-ter.

    S-8@ Iproveents to and fro the Sna$e River Ports in the id-ter.

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    Idaho Statewide Rail Plan

    and wo%ld pass thro%gh Eivingston, Contana) The ro%te fro Sandpoint, Idaho to Spo$ane,

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    Idaho Statewide Rail Plan

    will re*%ire all affected states to agree to provide s%&sidies for operating losses and also re*%ire

    additional federal capital f%nding, which co%ld &e pro&leatic given the proected ridership vol%es)2/

    Atra$ has also &een p%rs%ing partnerships with the private sector) (or instance, the copan' has

    fored a consorti% with S7(, the (rench national railroad, and ;echtel, an international engineer and

    constr%ction fir, to p%rs%e a design, &%ild, operate and aintain contract for the proposed, &%t now

    halted Brlando-to-Tapa high-speed rail proect) Atra$ plans to participate in other oint efforts with

    private copanies to p%rs%e high-speed rail proects elsewhere)2@

    !tra% Pioneer Ser(i"e

    In accordance with the PRIIA, Atra$ eval%ated the possi&ilit' of restoring the Pioneer service in

    Bcto&er 200!) The Pioneer first operated fro Salt Ea$e it' and Bgden to Seattle) Idaho stops

    incl%ded ;oise and Pocatello) In 18!3, the Pioneer was rero%ted over the +enver and Rio 9rande

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    Idaho Statewide Rail Plan

    Fiure 1$#. Pioneer Route ptions

    Source: A#trak io&eer Route a""e&ger Rail Stud+

    Since the trac$ east of the ;oise depot is o%t of service, trains will have to &'pass ;oise, perhaps

    stopping at 7apa and contin%ing on the present freight-onl' &'pass)

    (or each of the fo%r options, the report ass%es that the reintrod%ced Pioneer will operate dail', and is

    coprised of a locootive and fo%r S%perliner cars) The st%d' fo%nd that all the Pioneer options will

    d t A t $ id hi i f & t !2 000 d 111 000 ll ith

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    Idaho Statewide Rail Plan

    The reintrod%ction of the Pioneer will re*%ire significant capital4o&iliation e5pendit%res for

    infrastr%ct%re iproveents, new e*%ipent, station restoration, and eplo'ee training and

    *%alif'ing) Table 1-) provides a s%ar' of the financial costs and perforance eleents for

    restoration of the Pioneer service)2!

    Table (-). 2ioneer ey ,inancial and 2erformance 3etrics

    2ro4ected 2erformance

    5dollar fires inmillions7


    59alt !ake /ity to9eattle7

    O'tion (

    5:en%er to9eattle7

    O'tion )

    59alt !ake /ity to2ortland7


    5:en%er to2ortland7



    F3=3)8 F/?8)! F3=0)@ F/!/)!

    Ann%al Passenger


    F11)? F13)1 F=)? F8)2

    +irect osts F3?)? F/?)2 F3@)8 F//)=

    +irect Bperating


    "F2@)0# "F33)1# "F2!)3# "F3@)@#

    (are&o5 Recover' 31)=> 2!)/> 21)2> 20)?>

    Total Ann%al Ridership 102,000 111,000 !2,000 8@,000

    Passenger Ciles4Train


    131 100 103 ==

    Source: A#trak io&eer Route a""e&ger Rail Stud+

    An initial anal'sis identified F200 illion in proposed infrastr%ct%re investents if Pioneer service is

    restored &etween Salt Ea$e it' and Portland, and a total of F308 illion in investents if the Pioneer

    were to operate via the Bverland Ro%te &etween +enver and Portland) If a decision is ade to

    reinstit%te the Pioneer, Atra$ and PRR will need to cond%ct f%rther anal'ses, incl%ding capacit'

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    Idaho Statewide Rail Plan

    %stified to s%pport an increase in p%&lic &enefit) If the anal'sis shows s%ch a %stification, Atra$ will

    need additional f%nding to provide the re*%ired levels of capital and operating f%nding that will restore

    the service) This can &e in the for of p%&lic f%nds or thro%gh p%&lic-private partnerships)

    Reintrod%ction of service will re*%ire appro5iatel' fo%r 'ears fro the date which f%nding is ade


    #igh S)eed Rail

    In 188=, the (ederal Railroad Adinistration iss%ed a report, ODigh Speed 9ro%nd Transportation forAerica,O that defines high-speed rail as follows:

    ODigh-speed gro%nd transportation "DS9T# is self-g%ided intercit' passenger gro%nd

    transportation &' steel-wheel railroad or agnetic levitation that is tie-copetitive with

    air and4or a%to for travel ar$ets in the appro5iate range of 100 to @00 iles)32

    This is a ar$et-driven, perforance-&ased definition of DS9T) It recognies that total trip tie

    "incl%ding access to and fro stations#, rather than speed, infl%ences passengersG choices aong

    transport options in a given ar$et) It also recognies that travelers eval%ate each ode not in

    isolation, &%t in relation to the perforance of the other availa&le choices)

    Digh Speed Rail networ$s in the (ederal Digh-Speed Intercit' Passenger Rail Progra incl%de the top /=

    etropolitan areas of the nited States) The )S) Digh-Speed Rail Association "S DSR# networ$

    incl%des ore cities in all &%t ! of the @0 states) The S DSR is an independent, nonprofit @01"c#"?#

    trade association chartered to organie and o&ilie the ind%str' with a shared vision for a 21st cent%r',1=,000 ile national high speed rail s'ste &%ilt in phases for copletion &' 2030) 33 The Association is

    coprised of &oth p%&lic and private transportation ind%str' leaders who are foc%sed on the

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    Idaho Statewide Rail Plan

    Fiure 1$*. .S. +ih Speed Rail 'ssociation :etwor) 2&1#$2&3&

    Source: Le.i&"o&, 2010

    Treasure Valley #igh Ca)a"ity Transit Study

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    Idaho Statewide Rail Plan

    downtown circ%lator was envisioned to iprove o&ilit' aong priar' destinations within and

    adacent to downtown ;oise) The st%d' also incl%des a plan for high-capacit' transit service "passenger

    rail# for locations along I-!/ within Ada and an'on co%nties) The st%d' &egan anal'sis of potential

    corridors and potential odes in 2008 to narrow down options to ove forward for a ore in-depth

    alternatives anal'sis)

    The st%d' initiall' considered a range of potential Digh apacit' Transit "DT# alignents to serve the

    corridor fro hinden ;o%levard on the north to ictor' Road on the so%th) The st%d' incl%ded an earl'screening step which deterined that the following alignents &est addressed the st%d's p%rpose and


    Q (airview Aven%e4herr' Eane

    Q ;oise %toff Rail

    Q (ran$lin Road

    Q I-!/

    Q Bverland Road

    The arterial alignents %sed aldwell-7apa ;o%levard for the connection &etween the cities of

    aldwell and 7apa)

    The Phase 1 Alternatives Anal'sis process was copleted Bcto&er 2008) The st%d' recoends the

    following DT alternatives &e considered for the detailed anal'sis in the ne5t phase of the alternatives


    Q ;oise %toff Eight Rail "Recoended &' St%d' tea#

    Q ;oise %toff ;RT 5cl%sive "Recoended &' St%d' tea#

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    Idaho Statewide Rail Plan

    Q 5aination of the potential for phased ipleentation of DT iproveents)

    Valley Regional Transit Rail Corridor E(aluation Study

    This Rail orridor val%ation St%d' was cond%cted in 2003 for alle'Ride in cooperation with Ada and

    an'on o%nties, Ada o%nt' Dighwa' +istrict, the cities of ;oise, Ceridian, 7apa and aldwell,

    o%nit' Planning Association of So%thwest Idaho "BCPASS#, and IT+) The priar' p%rpose of the

    st%d' was to provide inforation and the &ac$gro%nd necessar' for the sponsoring agencies to a$e an

    infored decision regarding the potential for a p%&lic ac*%isition of certain rail corridors within Ada andan'on o%nties)3? The potential ipacts of introd%cing a co%ter operation in the corridor on traffic

    and %tilities were addressed)

    alle'Ride, along with partner %risdictions, have initiated disc%ssions foc%sed on negotiating an

    ac*%isition of the reaining portions of the ;oise %t-Bff) Sec%ring p%&lic control of the proposed rail

    passenger corridor is the preferred long-ter sol%tion)

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    Idaho Statewide Rail Plan

    residents want the valle' to loo$ li$e in the 'ear 20/0, ta$ing into acco%nt practical trade-offs and

    priorities) The plan is sched%led to &e coplete &' 201@)

    BSF.s /reat orthern Corridor *ultistate Planning and De(elo)!ent Study

    The Contana +epartent of Transportation, on &ehalf of a coalition of corridor sta$eholders, s%&itted

    a grant application to the )S) +BT to f%nd the /reat Nort(er& %orridor ulti"tate la&&i&g a&d

    De.elo#e&t Stud+) The St%d' received f%ll f%nding fro the C%ltistate orridor Bperations and

    Canageent Progra and is e5pected to $ic$-off id- 2013)

    The st%d' will incl%de a transportation needs and opport%nities anal'sis to enhance the corridor &'

    addressing topics s%ch as safet', perforance, connectivit', and econoic opport%nit') The st%d' will

    engage sta$eholders to find the ost cost-effective and environentall' s%staina&le sol%tions to

    develop the 9reat 7orthern orridor into a sealess %ltistate freight rail corridor to proote

    econoic growth for neigh&oring co%nities and to accoodate the deand for efficient and

    environentall'-so%nd transportation services)

    Sta$eholders s%pporting this %nderta$ing incl%de: transportation departents fro the states of Idaho,

    Cinnesota, Contana, Bregon, 7orth +a$ota,

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    Idaho Statewide Rail Plan

    needs identified incl%ded f%nds to aintain and %pgrade deteriorating e5isting short line rail

    infrastr%ct%re, additional for rail cars to address the rail car shortage, capacit' enhanceents, and new

    interodal facilities to consolidate and ove shipents &etween tr%c$ and rail) (acilities identified

    incl%ded grain aggregation facilities in eastern Bregon or h%& facilities for short-ha%l &%l$ and

    interodal ar$ets along the I-@ corridor)

    In 2011, B+BT fored the Bregon Rail (%nding Tas$ (orce to identif' a long-ter s%staina&le f%nding

    so%rce for passenger and freight rail) In +ece&er of 2011, the Tas$ (orce iss%ed its (inalRecoendations, which incl%ded the foration of a special district to f%nd passenger rail service

    &etween %gene and Portland. lotter' proceeds to f%nd freight rail needs. railroad propert' ta5 re-

    allocation. a telephone access fee. a rail ta5 credit)

    These planning efforts were %nderta$en as fo%ndational to the developent of an %pdated Bregon Rail

    Plan) /1


    7evada adopted its c%rrent Statewide Rail Plan in Septe&er of 2012) 7evada ephasies the fact that

    Atra$ and private operators, nota&l' nion Pacific Railroad, rather than 7+BT, provide and f%nd

    passenger and freight rail services availa&le in 7evada) Th%s, 7evada identifies its role as one of

    s%pporting, coordinating, and enhancing the services these third-part' owner4operators provide, rather

    than ta$ing on the role of owning and operating its own rail facilities and services)

    The recoended proects incl%ded in the 7evada state rail plan involve a co&ination of private and

    p%&lic-sector conventional and high speed passenger rail, freight rail, e5c%rsion rail, and rail-highwa'

    grade crossing iproveents to &e ade in the short- id- and long-ter Bne proect with potential

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    Idaho Statewide Rail Plan


    tahs nified Transportation Plan, 2011-20/0, onl' lists highwa' and transit proects, and a$es no

    ention of rail proects)/2 tah does not have an adopted State Rail Plan &%t is planning to initiate a rail

    plan effort in 2013)


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    Idaho Statewide Rail Plan

    3N9, Railway. conoic Ipact) Bnline "Accessed Ca', 2012#)

    /,ederal 0i&hway dministration .Freig(t A&al+"i" Fra#e*ork) Bnline" Accessed (e&r%ar' 2=, 2012#)

    @9#rface Trans'ortation oard. 3a+bill Sur.e+ Data) 2010) (%ll version " Accessed Ca' 1, 2012#)

    ? 9#rface Trans'ortation oard. 3a+bill A&&ual Reort) 2010) (%ll version " Accessed Ca' 1, 2012#)

    =,R) Rail4li&e""() . IT+) Ida(oRail"() ORN!) *c15."()

    !,R) Rail4li&e""() . IT+) Ida(oRail"() ORN!) *c15."()

    8mtrak) A#trak Ida(o State Fact S(eet" 2010 a&d 2011) Atra$ 9overnent Affairs) 2010, 2011)

    Bn-line"Accessed April 12, 2012#)

    10En%ironmental 9ystems Research Instit#te 5E9RI7) ario%s topographic and planietric data)

    6ariou") Bnline via SRI ArcCap we& services %sing interactive apping application "Accessed: Ca'

    1/, 2012#)

    11) ,ederal Railroad dministration 5,R7$

  • 8/13/2019 Draft Idaho Statewide Rail Plan 41013


    Idaho Statewide Rail Plan

    20mtrak) Nort( %oa"t )ia*at(a Stud+ la&)

  • 8/13/2019 Draft Idaho Statewide Rail Plan 41013


    Idaho Statewide Rail Plan

    33!e%inson$ :. Eco&o#ic De.elo#e&t I#act" o )ig(8Seed Rail) 7o 0000=2:

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    Idaho Statewide Rail Plan Key No. 13334

    Section 2 Idahos Rail System

    2.1 Freight RailRail transportation is vital to the growth of important sectors of the Idahos economy. Two of Idahos

    most important industries remain agribusiness and the extraction of raw materials which rely on rail

    service. The two sectors are still vastly important, as approximately 60 of all freight rail tonnage

    generated within Idaho are related to agricultural or food products, while at least !! pertain to raw

    materials." #ccording to the $nion %acific Railroad &ompany '$%RR(, the top five commodities by

    volume both shipped and received on their Idaho trains were either related to agricultural products or

    raw materials.! The geography and profile of the states rail networ), which began to ta)e shape in the

    "*+0s, during a territorial farming and mining boom, reflects this legacy. ocal rail lines were

    established in areas of high agricultural or mineral yield with the design to get Idahos resources to the

    transcontinental rail networ) and into the mar)et.

    The importance of the agribusiness and raw materials processing sectors can be seen in the dispersal of

    the states rail networ), especially in southern Idaho where the agriculturally productive lands of the

    -na)e River %lain, agic /alley, and Treasure /alley are found. ne of $%RRs transcontinental railways

    travels across the state from the foot of the 1rand Tetons to northwest of 2oise. #cross the -na)e River

    %lain, several feeder lines extend off the main $%RR line into dairy, wheat and potato producing areas.

    In the Treasure /alley, feeder lines peel away from the $%RR main to serve the areas onion growing

    regions, as well as other industries including manufacturing. 3ey mining concerns also have rail service

    in this part of the state. # cluster of phosphate mines north of -oda -prings, for example, are served by

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    Idaho Statewide Rail Plan Key No. 13334

    and from barges and can effectuate railtowater transfers of containers with its crane.

    7arther north, one of the transcontinental lines for the 25-7 Railway &ompany '25-7( railroad crosses

    the states panhandle, the 1reat 5orthern &orridor. 8istorically, 25-7s 1reat 5orthern &orridor is oneof the more important rail lines in the country.6 The line provides a direct lin) to %uget -ound and

    &hicago from northern Idaho, although less than * of all freight on the 25-7 1reat 5orthern &orridor

    either originates or terminates in Idaho.+ ost freight trains on this line represent through traffic which

    originated, and is destined for, points outside of the state. #lso located in northern Idaho are the

    remnants of the countrys first northern transcontinental railroad, which was built by the 5orthern

    %acific Railroad '5%(. The 1reat 5orthern &orridor sits in the 5%s old alignment southwest of

    -andpoint. The ontana Rail in) uses the 5% route along the &lar) 7or) River east of -andpoint intoontana. The impetus for both transcontinental lines was not to bring rail service to Idaho, but to

    connect the 9est &oast with the idwest. The local economies have benefitted from the lines

    proximity by connecting to the system via short line operations serving farming and mining industries.

    %ublic documents and available data were used to assign rail ownership and trac)age rights across the

    networ) for analysis. In some cases, trac) ownership is difficult to determine, and official filings with the

    7R# and documents from the railroad companies were examined to understand the relationship

    between railroad operators and the existence of often contradictory information. 7or example, to

    closely examine the available records to discern the fate of two former $%RR lines in the Treasure /alley

    ? the 9ilder 2ranch line and the 2oise &utff ? the =! " miles of trac) from these lines in the heart of

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    Idaho Statewide Rail Plan Key No. 13334

    Figure 2-1. Idaho Rail Network by Track Ownership

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    Idaho Statewide Rail Plan Key No. 13334

    Figure 2-2. Abandoned Rail ines

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    Idaho Statewide Rail Plan Key No. 13334

    Table 2-1. Idaho Railroad Mileage and Trackage Rights 11

    Trackage Owned (mi.) Trackage Rights (mi.)

    BNSF Railway Company 118.4 457.9

    BNSF sub tot. Transcontinental 101.1 101.1

    Union aci!ic Railroad (URR) 877.4 1,520.4

    UPRR sub tot. Transcontinental 438 438

    Class I sub tot. Transcontinental 53.! 53.!

    Class " Total ##$.% &'#%.

    *ontana Rail +ink (*R+) 33.5 82Class "" Total .$ %,

    Bo-nti!-l rain and Craig *o-ntain Railroad (BC*) 126.6 128.2

    St. *aries Ri/er Railroad (ST*0) 72.3 72.3

    Class III sub tot. S"itc#in$%Ter&inal Railroa's 18. (00.5

    Boise 1alley Railroad (B1RR) 42.1 60.6

    2astern "daho Railroad (2"RR) 264.5 266.1

    reat Northwest Railroad (NRR) 4.3 4.3

    "daho Northern and aci!ic Railroad ("NR) 101.3 157.8end Oreille 1alley Railroad (O10) 25.7 28.7

    United States o/ernment (US) 24.3 24.3

    3ashington 4 "daho Railway (3"R) 19.1 19.1

    Class III sub tot. )ocal Railroa's 481.3 5!0.

    Class """ Total 5%6., 761.4

    Total "daho Track &'6#.$

    Class I Railroads

    The maAority of the ",+0@.> miles of active trac) in Idaho are owned by maAor $.-. railroad operators, or

    &lass I railroads These $ - railroads are defined by their transcontinental scope and more specifically

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    Idaho Statewide Rail Plan Key No. 13334

    $%RR operates one of the states two transcontinental rail lines, the 5orthwest &orridor. The lineconnects the %ort of %ortland and western 9ashington %orts, via the &olumbia River 1orge, to &hicago.

    #s a result, the $%RR 5orthwest &orridor is a vitally important line for the nations rail networ) and for

    Idahos economy.

    The 5orthwest &orridor enters the western portion of the state near 9eiser and roughly follows the

    -na)e River across the state into the 2ear River /alley southeast of %ocatello, then follows the 2ear

    River = %lans to lengthen some sidings have been proposed, along with corridorwide improvements,

    such as a second main line on the %ocatello -ubdivision at Topa;."6,"+ Traffic on the 5orthwest &orridor

    is challenged with navigating grade changes and tight canyon lands in the southeast corner of the state,

    including a tight switchbac) at ava 8ot -prings.

    The 5orthwest &orridor carries doublestac) containers, many destined for 9est &oast ports and foreignmar)ets or toward &hicago and domestic distribution, but none are loaded or unloaded on $%RRs

    system in Idaho."* #ccording to $%RR, the three lines see an average of seven intermodal trains per day

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    Idaho Statewide Rail Plan Key No. 13334

    its routes funnels into the $%RR ontana -ubdivision. -outh of %ocatello, the $%RR gden -ubdivisioncarries mostly manifest mixedorder trains between the -alt a)e /alley in $tah and Idaho. # summary

    of $%RRs networ) in Idaho is provided in Table 2-2.

    Table 2-2. !nion "aci#ic Railroad $o%pany Network21


    *i. in "8 Termin-s Termin-s Snapshot

    07erdeen 28.3 Aberdeen Rockford Agricultural product

    Cache 1alley 8.3 !reton "#$%& 'order Agricultural product

    Coe-r d90lene"nd-strial

    2.3 (oeur d)Alene*unction

    +eele -pur Abandoned ot of line in 2008/ nocutoer

    8ry 1alley 26.5 -oda -pring #r alle !opate

    :-ntington 71.7 "#$R -tate ine apa ortet (orridor trancon/&reaure alle indutrie andagribuine

    "daho Northern"nd-strial +ead 5.8 apa iddleton -erice (al!ortland (o. read iconcrete facilit

    *alad 14.1 alad (it "#$%& 'order bargoed/ not counted in actierail line total

    *ontana 131.6 "#$& -tate ine !ocatello $- route, ued b local agconcern

    Nampa 238.6 apa !ocatello ortet (orridor trancon.Ogden 48.9 c(aon "#$%& -tate ine $- route, connect to -alt ake

    (itocatello 124.3 !ocatello "#$:; -tate ine ortet (orridor trancon.

    Sco/ille 31.3 'lackfoot " "dao ational ab.

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    Idaho Statewide Rail Plan Key No. 13334

    border facilitate the interchange between the $%RR system and the &anadian %acific Railroads '&%(3ingsgate -ubdivision. #pproximately => miles northeast, the &% line lin)s to &anadas original

    transcontinental line at &ranbroo), with connections at /ancouver, 2& and east at the -t. awrence

    -eaway. The $%RR -po)ane -ubdivision averages eight trains per day, the fourth busiest $%RR line in

    Idaho. 8alf of the daily trains are manifest trains, while three trains carry bul) materials, and one

    handles local traffic. %ortions of the subdivision consist of a single trac) main line with a nonsignal

    based traffic control system, both factors that reduce operational capacity. Recogni;ing this, $%RR

    spent an estimated B"0.@ million on trac) improvements for the -po)ane -ubdivision, specifically from#thol to Eastport during the summer !0"!. The proAect will replace aging ties, install more ballast for

    trac) stability, and resurface do;ens of atgrade crossings.!!

    $%RR also operates on an additional seven active short lines and one embargoed line. 5one of these

    lines, with the exception of the 4ry /alley line in southeast Idaho, carry more than one train per day and

    all are singletrac)ed and operating under nonsignali;ed traffic control. The 4ry /alley -ubdivision

    travels into the mountains northeast of -oda -prings to service phosphate mining sites and mills. therlines include the &ache /alley -ubdivision, which terminates in %reston. The line proceeds south into

    $tah, through the city of ogan, and connects to the $%RR gden -ubdivision at &ache, following the

    2ear River around the northern promontory of the 9asatch ountains. # parallel line on the west side

    of the $%RR gden -ubdivision ? the alad -ubdivision ? lin)s the farming community of alad to the

    $%RR main line farther south at 2righam &ity. This line is embargoed due to weight restrictions.

    The $%RR -coville -ubdivision serves the Idaho 5ational aboratory 'I5(, a government research center

    northwest of Idaho 7alls. The trac)s entering the I5 facility are owned by the federal government but

    $%RR has trac)age rights. # feeder line for the -coville -ubdivision is the $%RR #berdeen -ubdivision,

    which serves the agribusiness concerns on the northeastern shore of the #merican 7alls Reservoir The

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    5orthern &orridor in the %anhandle of northern Idaho presently carries little local freight, its presenceprovides potential access for 5orth Idaho industries to mar)ets anywhere in the world.

    Table 2-&. 'N(F Railway $o%pany Network2)

    The 25-7 1reat 5orthern &orridor runs in the alignment of the 5orthern %acific Railroad

    transcontinental railroad. 5orth of -andpoint, the alignment is that of the former 1reat 5orthernRailways transcontinental railroad. 25-7 has also constructed a double trac) main over nearly half of

    the subdivisions Idaho extent, plus seven passing sidings. 25-7s improvements have driven the lines

    trac) rating to &lass =!6for much of its length, which means that freight trains can travel at a maximum

    speed of 60 mph, while #mtra) passenger trains can travel a maximum speed of +@ mph. There are

    several gradeseparated crossings including two on the $%RRs -po)ane -ubdivision. The line also

    includes centrali;ed traffic control '&T&( signali;ation. The rail lines infrastructure and geography allow

    25-7 to run an average of =* trains per day over the 1reat 5orthern &orridor southwest of -andpoint. !+

    The 1reat 5orthern &orridor line northeast of -andpoint is not certified by the railway to handle large

    BNSF Corridors *i. in "8 Termin-s Termin-s Snapshot

    Coe-r d90leneS-7di/ision

    12.7 >auer ;ard (oeur d)Alene e tan one dail train to?fro(oeur d)Alene/ eigt retricted

    reat NorthernCorridor

    101.1 -tate ine "#$& 'order @ootenai -pokane -ubdiiion/ork in concert it te R.


    4.5 -andpoint *ct. #oer (onnect it %!RR, R, !A

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    4ivision with office head:uarters in -eattle.Class II Railroads

    &lass II Railroads, often referred to as regional railroads, are those with operating revenue of B

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    including dairy industry feedsHproducts and growers and pac)agers of sugar beets, potatoes, andbeans.".< miles of trac) in a spider web

    of lines serving the agricultural interests of the agic /alley, including the city of Twin 7alls, and the

    regional towns of Ferome, 2urley, 2uhl, and 9endell. These lines funnel into a connection with the

    $%RR 5ampa -ubdivision at inidon)a. EIRR has trac)age rights for part of the distance between the

    two networ)s, between inidon)a and %ocatello.

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    Idaho &orthern and aci!ic Railroadperating "0".< miles of trac) on old $%RR line in Idaho along the %ayette River, the Idaho 5orthern and

    %acific Railroad 'I5%R( serves timber industries north of the Treasure /alley region. Its single Idaho rail

    line, called the &ascade 2ranch, connects to the $%RR 8untington -ubdivision at %ayette on the regon

    border and terminates in the -awtooth Range at &ascade. The movement of timber goods and most

    train traffic has been curtailed largely due to the closure of the 2oise &ascade sawmill in &ascade in

    !00", concluding a series of timber facilities along the route.=> The I5%R now operates a tourist train

    called the Thunder ountain ine on the route=6

    and some freight trains, moving !,+0* carloads on theline in !0"".=+

    The railroad is a subsidiary of the Rio 1rande %acific &orporation but has its local operations based out

    of Emmitt.=* The railroad operations additional freight lines in regon but recently relin:uished its lease

    on $%RR branch lines in the Treasure /alley. The 2/RR now operates those lines.

    St. Maries Ri,er Railroad

    The -t. aries River Railroad '-T#( is classified as a &lass III switching and terminal railroad.

    #pproximately miles north of the 21&, the +!.0

    The -T# includes a "@mile main line between -t. aries and %lummer, on the &oeur d#leneReservation, and a >

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    and &ottonwood partially along apwai &ree), and a +>.>mile line at water grade along the &learwaterRiver from 3oos)ia toward ewiston.>= %rospects for resumption of service to &ottonwood were dimmed

    when a wooden trestle north of 9inchester was destroyed by a brush fire in !0"".

    end reille +alley Railroad

    The %end reille /alley Railroad '%/#( originally did not serve Idaho. The original line from etaline to

    5ewport, along the %end reille River, served timber and raw material processors in 9ashington and

    was operated by the ilwau)ee Road. 9hen the ilwau)ee Road filed to abandon the line in "@+@, the

    citi;ens of %end reille &ounty decided to save the railroad ? and the local businesses dependent upon

    its service ? by forming a port authority to continue operations.>>

    The %ort of %end reille still owns the line but was forced to expand into Idaho as a hedge against a

    faltering local economy. Through a series of leases and trac)age rights exchanges with 25-7, the

    railroad now stretches to 4over over the old 1reat 5orthern Railroad transcontinental alignment. 5ear

    -andpoint, the line terminates at the core routes of three maAor railroad companies ? the 25-7s 1reat

    5orthern &orridor, the $%RRs -po)ane -ubdivision, and the ontana Rail in)s 7ourth -ubdivision.

    The %/# operates !>.+ miles of trac) in Idaho between -andpoint Function and the 9ashington state

    line, including service to %riest River, I4. -even regular shippers are listed on %/#s website and the

    port operates a tourist train.>6

    United States *o,ernmentThe federal government owns !=.< miles of trac) on government property inside the boundaries of two

    highsecurity facilities in southern Idaho ? the Idaho 5ational aboratory 'I5( northwest of Idaho 7alls

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    Figre 2-0. Idaho Short line Rail &et'ork

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    Figure 2-*+ Idaho Rail Inter%odal,Transload Network

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    Total TrainsThe average number of daily trains on each &lass I line was analy;ed based on information from 25-7

    and $%RR. Train volume values for the &lass II and &lass III lines were generated by using a combination

    of railroad company data, &lass I company data, federal and local data, and railroad crossing data from

    the 7ederal Railroad #dministration. #s Figure 2-) illustrates, the busiest corridor in the state is in

    northern Idaho, where the 25-7 1reat 5orthern &orridor handles transcontinental traffic between the

    9est &oast and &hicago. The corridor also contains the ontana Rail in)s 7ourth -ubdivision, which

    wor)s in concert with the 25-7 1reat 5orthern &orridor, and the $%RRs international service to &anadavia the -po)ane -ubdivision.

    The $%RR 5orthwest &orridor operates a large number of trains, as does its northsouth core service in

    the state on the $%RR gden and ontana -ubdivisions. # maAority of the short lines see less than a

    few daily trains, with the exception of portions the EIRR lines from Rupert to inidon)a and in central

    Idaho 7alls, the 2/RR, and %end reille /alley line west of -andpoint.

    oble Stacking and imensional Shi"mentsThe double stac)ing of containers on trains is an ability to stac) an intermodal container atop another to

    provide a rail operator more efficiency, better car ride :uality, and greater cargo capacity. # variety of

    doublestac)ed cars and dimensional cargo shipments 'such as heavy e:uipment, certain wind turbine

    components, etc( exist but not every )ind of doublestac)ed intermodal car and dimensional cargo can

    be accommodated on every line due to hori;ontal, vertical, or weight restrictions. These restrictions are

    most li)ely found on older rail lines or railroads which travel through mountainous terrain or have


    Each line was examined to determine its ability to accommodate different doublestac)ed containeri;ed

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    Figre 2-4. Idaho Rail &et'ork +olme3 5,erage Trains "er ay

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    Figure 2-. Idaho Rail Network /ouble-(tack Inter%odal $apability by ine

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    operations, &lass I railroads began purchasing the new cars. The trend toward heavier rolling stoc)accelerated in the "@@0s when the &lass I railroads began ordering almost exclusively !*6,000 pound

    cars, which were almost !0,000 pounds heavier than most of the existing stoc).

    In addition to the capital outlay for the new cars, rail infrastructure needed to be upgraded to

    accommodate the added, constant weight. 2ridges, culverts, rails, ties, ballast, and switches on some

    lines re:uired retrofitting. $nable to upgrade their system to meet the need for !*6,000 pound cars,

    some short lines began to restrict the cars from their networ)s for safety concerns until improvements

    could be made. i)ewise, &lass I railroads had to bar the heavyaxle rails cars from certain feeder lines

    and then plan to upgrade their trac). This pattern has persisted through the current push toward

    ,000 pound rail cars could hurtthe bottom line over time if a short line extracts fees from the connecting &lass I railroad based on car

    delivery, not tonnage. Thus, having a rail networ) capable of handling cars with the maximum gross

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    Sa!etyRailroad accident data are collected by state departments of transportation, the 7ederal Railroad

    #dministration '7R#(, and the #merican #ssociation of Railroads. %roblematic railhighway grade

    crossings and accidentprone rail lines were identified. utofdate, in some instances decades old, data

    made analysis difficult, but crossings where the accident prediction formula had been recalculated

    within the last two years were targeted for analysis.iv This database subset was used to identify the !>

    most problematic railhighway crossings in Idaho, all of which had a predicted annual crash fre:uency of

    roughly 0.0> yearly crashes or greater, which is well above the standard deviation.+>

    #dditionally,analysts identified from the 7R# database the six crossings that experienced multiple accidents since

    !00*. -ee Table 2-)for a list of these crossings. It should be noted that, because of the low number of

    annual trainvehicle accidents occurring, the accident prediction formula typically rates those crossings

    with a high rating resulting in a changing in high ratings each year.

    Table 2-). Rail-6ighway $rossings with ultiple Accidents (ince 2778

    City Road Railroad =ears 3ith0ccidents



    arwood (ilco Rd %!RR-pokane

    2008, 2009 0.13 (roing ?ort containentarea beteen to road

    *inidonka 600 at Rd %!RR apa 2009, 2011 0.09 Agricultural area

    Nampa 11t Ae.

    ort t.

    'RR 'oie


    2009, 2010 0.04 o$angle croing it

    ultiple pur track

    ost Falls >aden Ae %!RR-pokane


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    Figre 2-6. Idaho Rail &et'ork3 Rail Sa!ety

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    trainvehicle accidents at the ",!@+ public railhighway grade crossings in the past several years. #maAority of the trainvehicle accidents resulted only in property damage. -ome trainvehicle accidents

    occurred at crossing with active warning devices such as bells, lights, and gates.

    Rail Tra!!ic ro!iles

    The emphasis of Idahos railroad operations is twofold "( the transcontinental system moving mostly

    containeri;ed goods or singleunit trains through the stateD and !( the feeder lines for that system,

    which connects Idahos agricultural products and raw materials to the transcontinental system for

    delivery anywhere in the world. The profile of Idahos freight rail traffic confirms the networ) analysis.

    ost of Idahos freight rail traffic consists of through movements. #ccording to !0"0 &arload 9aybill

    -ample '92( data from the -urface Transportation 2oard '-T2(, *+ of all Idaho freight tonnage moving

    through the state neither originates nor terminates in Idaho.+* This amounts to "0",000 )ilotons of

    freight in !0"0 and, as described in Tables 2-and 2-0, *< of the states @= daily trains. Traffic which

    either originates or terminates in Idaho each encompass roughly > of all freight tonnage, with intra

    local traffic comprising !, reflecting the poor rail connectivity between northern Idaho and thesouthern valleys. This means that @* of all freight traveling via rail in Idaho is moving either through,

    into, or out of the state.+@

    Carload ,s. Intermodal Tra!!ic

    In addition to the origins and destinations of Idaho rail freight, the 92 provides a glimpse of the types of

    freight service railroads provide. 4etermining the service type can help to distinguish bul) from

    intermodal rail traffic, information which gives rail planners powerful tools. The four service type

    categories include

    #uto -ervice. The delivery of automobiles via speciali;ed intermodal auto rail cars called auto

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    f the "=,*"> )ilotons of goods not classified as through freight, general merchandise accounted for"",>6! )ilotons of nonthrough freight in !0"0, or about +*. -even of nine nonthrough trains involve

    the shipment of general merchandise.

    The methodology used to calculate daily trains involves using two sources The number of cars or

    intermodal units by train service typeD and carloads from the 92 were divided by these factors to get

    number of loaded trains annually. In order to account for empty trains, analysts multiplied by an empty

    load factor from the $R&- for !00@ wor)tables, this generated a factor of ".*"*"+ for total freight

    traffic. 7inally, analysts multiplied the loaded train numbers with this factor, and then divided by

    days to come up with daily trains. The results are depicted in Table 2-, which shows rail traffic in

    )ilotons, and Table 2-0, which shows rail traffic in daily trains.

    Table 2-. Rail Tra##ic by (er9ice Type by o9e%ent 2717 Tons :777;so Thr-

    Cereal rains (incl-ding seed) 1,409 54 1,231 24,161 26,855 23C 18C

    Coal 502 15,781 16,283 14C 3C

    Other 0gric-lt-ral rod-cts' e;cept!or 0nimal Feed

    272 465 15,431 16,168 14C 5C

    *i;ed Freight 03 02 12,008 12,012 10C 0C

    3ood rod-cts 76 46 932 5,102 6,156 5C 7C

    0nimal Feed and rod-cts o! 0nimalOrigin' n.e.c.

    730 160 4,997 5,887 5C 6C

    Basic Chemicals 920 12 167 3,809 4,909 4C 7C

    FertiliAers 416 12 755 3,427 4,610 4C 8C

    Other repared Foodst-!!s' and Fatsand Oils

    214 66 1,085 2,392 3,757 3C 9C

    Non*etallic *inerals' n.e.c. 221 2,140 67 900 3,329 3C 16C

    -lp Newsprint aper and 273 196 1 712 2 181 2C 3C

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    2.2 Passenger Rail

    Historical Context for Passenger Rail in Idaho

    Railroads were vital to the economy and development of settlements in Idaho during the late

    nineteenth century. The first transcontinental railroad was completed in 1869, and bypassed southern

    Idaho altogether and instead ran through yoming, !tah, and "evada. #uring the 18$%s, the state&s

    closest freight depot was in 'elton, !tah, and the road to 'elton was well traveled by freight wagonsand stage coaches for several years.

    hen !nion (acific completed its )regon *hort +ine through Idaho in 188, -oise was ecluded from

    the route. -ecause -oise lay in a valley creating operating problems for trains, the tiny town of 'una

    was the nearest connection point for visitors to -oise. /ventually, Idaho 0entral Railroad built a branch

    line to connect 0aldwell and "ampa with -oise, reuiring trains to bac2 up the entire 3% miles from


    In 1934, the first passenger train arrived in -oise. In 198, si passenger trains stopped each day at the

    -oise #epot. 5ollowing completion of the interstate highway system in the 196%s, train ridership

    nationwide steadily declined. -oise&s mtra2 service was discontinued in 199$ when mtra2 ended the

    (ioneer service.

    Railroads that have served the *tate of Idaho with passenger rail service since the mid718%%&s are

    described below and illustrated in Figure 2-9.

    Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad

    The ilwau2ee Road officially the 0hicago ilwau2ee *t (aul and (acific Railroad 0*t(:( RR;

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    ontana, to @a2ima, ashington, via (asco, ashington. The division encompassed 1,13> route milesA66 in main line trac2s, and 64$ in branch line trac2s.

    The "orth 0oast +imitedwas operated by the "orthern (acific Railway between 0hicago and *eattle. It

    commenced service on pril 39, 19%%, and ceased operation the day before mtra2 began service in

    pril 19$1.84

    Figure 2-9. History of Railroad in Idaho

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    reat Northern RailwayThe =reat "orthern Railway began in *eptember 1889, and ran from +a2e *uperior at #uluth and

    inneapolisB*t. (aul west through "orth #a2ota, ontana, and "orthern Idaho to ashington *tate,

    on to /verett and *eattle, . The /mpire -uilder, the top transcontinental passenger train of the line,

    began operating daily service between 0hicago and the (acific coast in 1939. The /mpire -uilder set an

    all7time record passenger ridership in 194, with over 1.> million passenger miles.8$

    Idaho Interur!an and Streetcar Railroads

    *ince the early 19%%s, Idaho has been home to about 1>> miles of interurbans and four systems that

    served the state directlyC the -oise Dalley Traction 0ompanyA *andpoint : Interurban RailwayA +ewiston7

    0lar2ston Transit 0ompanyA and the 0aldwell7Traction 0ompany. Idaho was also served by the *po2ane,

    0oeur d?lene : (alouse that etended from eastern ashington to western Idaho. The state&s first

    system did not open until 19%9.88 Interurban and streetcar railroads that have operated in Idaho from

    the early 19%%&s are described below.

    "oise Interur!an Railway

    The -oise Interurban Railway was part of >47mile system which served -oise, 0aldwell, "ampa, ilder

    and c"eil. The Railway was the northern etension of a loop system connecting the towns along the

    -oise River, while the -oise Dalley Railway completed the southern section. -oth systems became part

    of the Idaho Railway +ight : (ower 0ompany in 1913, and in 1914, became 2nown as -oise Dalley

    Traction 0ompany. The Railway was abandoned 1938.89

    "oise #alley $raction Co%&anyThe -oise Dalley Traction 0ompany was the successor to the -oise Interurban Railway, and consisted of

    two lines etending from -oise on each side of the -oise River. northern line served 0aldwell, and a

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    Sand&oint ' Interur!an RailwayThe *andpoint : Interurban Railway began operation in 19%9, and eventually built a 47mile system

    connecting *andpoint and 'ootenai. It was abandoned in 191$.91

    Source: City of Sandpoint

    Caldwell $raction Co%&any

    The 0aldwell Traction 0ompany began in 191>, and served areas west of 0aldwell including c"eil, +a2e

    +owell, and ilder. The operation included both freight and passenger service. It was abandoned in


    History of (%trak Ser)ice in Idaho

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    PioneerThe (ioneer began service in Fune 19$$, initially operating as a *eattle to *alt +a2e 0ity train. This

    restored passenger service to southern Idaho.9 In 1991, mtra2 shifted the (ioneer?s routing in order

    to restore service to yoming. The train ran as a section of the 0alifornia Hephyr only between 0hicago

    and #enver. In #enver, the westbound (ioneer train split off from the Hephyr and ran north to

    yoming, then west to )gden, then along its established route north through Idaho and west to

    (ortland and *eattle.94 In 199>, mtra2 reduced the (ioneer to three days per wee2 service in Idaho

    and all other points west of #enver. The service changes led to a significant drop in ridership. The routewas discontinued in 199$.96

    Figure 1-10. History of Amtrak Servie - Idaho

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    *%&ire "uilderThe /mpire -uilder service began in 1939, and ran between the (acific "orthwest and *t. (aul,

    innesota on the =reat "orthern. The new train was named in honor of railroad tycoon Fames F. Gill,

    2nown during his life as 1, the

    /mpire -uilder was rerouted, and given a faster running time of 46748 hours. In 19$, the train had a 4

    hour schedule between 0hicago and *eattle.

    In 1966, the /mpire -uilder was slowed between *t. (aul and (ortland to match the slower running time

    of the "orth 0oast +imited service. In 19$9, freuency of the /mpire -uilder was further reduced to

    three days per wee2. In 1983, The /mpire -uilder began a seasonal daily operation.98

    In 1994, mtra2 reduced the freuency of the /mpire -uilder to four times per wee2 west of *t. (aul.

    )n the days that the /mpire -uilder did not operate, the (ioneer service ran on a tri7wee2ly schedule

    via )maha, #enver, +aramie, and -oise. In 199$, the /mpire -uilder began operating on a daily

    schedule between 0hicago and *eattle via northern Idaho with a stop in *andpoint. 99 The /mpire-uilder celebrated its $4th nniversary, Fune 11, 3%%.

    *xisting Ser)ices

    (%trak in the +.S.

    mtra2 operates a nationwide rail networ2, serving more than 4%% destinations in 6 states and three

    0anadian provinces on more than 31,1%% miles of routes, with more than 3%,%%% employees see Figure


    igure 2- *xisting (%trak Syste%

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    mtra2 operates 14 long distance trains on a national networ2 of routes ranging in length from $6 to3,>8 miles. It is the nation?s only high speed intercity passenger rail provider, operating nearly 4% of

    its trains at top speeds in ecess of 9% mph.1%%

    *ince 3%%%, ridership on mtra2 has grown by >6. mtra2 has also wor2ed to improve mericans with

    #isabilities ct #; compliance at over 1%% stations. In 5@ 3%1%, mtra2 earned approimately J3.41

    billion in revenue and incurred approimately J>.$ billion in epense. In 3%%9, mtra2&s farebo

    recovery percentage of operating costs covered by revenues generated by passenger fares; was the

    highest reported for any !.*. passenger railroad.1%1


    *ince 3%%%, mtra2 ridership is up nearly percent. In 3%1%, mtra2 carried nearly 39 million riders

    all7 time record; across the country using 1,418 passenger cars and 49 locomotives. In 3%11, 36 of

    mtra2 services set all7time ridership recordsA and seven mtra2 routes carried more than one million

    passengers, up from five routes in 3%1%. )verall ridership in 3%11 was 4.1 percent better than fiscal

    year 3%1%.1%3 s shown in Figure 2-12!ridership has been increasing, from 3%.9 million in 3%%% to >%.3million in 3%11.1%>

    Financial Performance

    #espite records in both revenue and ridership, mtra2&s operating loss for fiscal year 3%11 was J>$.6

    million 9.% percent; greater than its operating loss for fiscal year 3%1%. The actual operating loss that

    resulted was J1%. million 18.6 percent; less than proKected. The year7over7year increase in operating

    loss was due primarily to increased ependitures on salaries, wages, and benefits, while the less7than7budgeted operating loss was due mostly to greater7than7epected tic2et revenue.1%

    R f fi l 3%11 t t l d J3 $ billi J199 1 illi b tt th f 3%1% Th

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    one percent. In fiscal year 3%14, mtra2 proKects that improvement initiatives will increase their costrecovery ratio by approimately a one7third of one percent.1%$

    (%trak in Idaho

    In Idaho, the only current passenger rail service is mtra2&s /mpire -uilder. It operates on the -"*5

    Railway on the =reat "orthern main line, entering Idaho near oyie *prings, stopping in *andpoint, and

    continuing southwest to *po2ane see Figure 2-12;. *ervice is available twice daily, with the westbound

    train departing *andpoint at 11C9 p.m., and the eastbound train departing at 3C>4 a.m.1%8 )n7time

    performance for the /mpire -uilder is $6.3 over the past twelve months. (rimary causes of delays

    include trac2 and signals >1.6;, train interference >1.3;, and operational issues 3%.>;.1%9

    Figure 2-12. Amtrak Ridershi" F# 2000-2011

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    The /mpire -uilder operates over -"*5&s =reat "orthern 0orridor while in Idaho and mtra2 hastrac2age rights for all of the line&s 1%1.6 Idaho miles. This constitutes all of mtra2&s presence in Idaho,

    although proposals have been made to develop new mtra2 services for southern Idaho. /ast7west

    service proposals include lin2ing -oise with (ortland, (ocatello with (ortland, or @ellowstone "ational

    (ar2 with (ortland. "orth7south service ideas include connecting *alt +a2e 0ity with (ocatello or

    @ellowstone via (ocatello and Idaho 5alls.111

    Figure 2-1$. %m"ire &uilder Route

    Source: Amtra

    (%trak "oardings and (lightings

    f l 2 d b d d l h b d d l b d d

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    Figure 2-1$. Idaho Amtrak Servie

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    *andpoint&s station was built in 1916. It is the oldest former "orthern (acific Railway "(; depot inIdaho, and the only passenger depot still in active use in the stateLand one of only a few nationwide

    that remains in operation. The station was listed on the "ational Register of Gistoric (laces in 19$>.

    0ontinued deterioration of the building led to the closure of the waiting room in Fune 3%%9. s a result,

    passengers can only use an adKacent platform.

    In the early 3%%%s, the building&s future was uncertain as planning progressed for a reroute of Interstate

    94 that was to move the highway out of the congested downtown and onto the peninsula between +a2e

    (end )reille and *and 0ree2 where the depot is located. The *and 0ree2 -yway bridge structure has

    been constructed, with the grand opening planned for the summer of 3%13. 11 In the fall of 3%11,

    mtra2, the 0ity of *andpoint, and -"*5 agreed to 2eep the stop at its current location. The structure is

    planned to be rehabilitated using the funds that the IT# originally gave to -"*5. The waiting room will

    reopen to passengers, and a portion of the interior could be rented for commercial or office use.

    mtra2 also plans to build an #7compliant concrete platform with tactile edging.


    1Freight Railroads in Idaho. American Association of Railroads#ashington, #.0. pril 3%11.

    3'nion (aifi in Idaho. 'nion Pacific Railroad Company#)maha, "ebras2a. arch 3%13.

    >Five-#ear Strategi (lan. Port of eiston#+ewiston, Idaho, 3%%4. M)nlineN ccessedC ay 1, 3%13;.

    )reat *orth+est Railroad. atco 0ompanies. M)nlineN ccessedC ay 1, 3%13;.

  • 8/13/2019 Draft Idaho Statewide Rail Plan 41013


    Idaho Statewide Rail Plan Key No. 13334

    11FRA. Rail*lines+s,p. A I,. da,oRail+s,p.A 4R*. c$4v+s,p.

    13FRA. Rail*lines+s,p. A I,. da,oRail+s,p.A 4R*. c$4v+s,p.

    1>FRA. Rail*lines+s,p. A I,. da,oRail+s,p.A 4R*. c$4v+s,p.

    1'nion (aifi in Idaho. 'nion Pacific Railroad Company#)maha, "ebras2a.

    14'( Information for Idaho Rail (lan. 'P da,o State Rail Plan Response (520$2)+pdf. ay 1, 3%13.

    'nion Pacific Railroad Company#)maha, "ebras2a. M pdfN.

    16Idaho State Rail (lan Union Pacific Capacity Development 2012+. 'nion Pacific Railroad Company#

    )maha, "ebras2a. pril 1%, 3%11.

    1$. 'nion (aifi Railroad Invests 62$.1 7illion for ,rak Im"rovements in Idaho. 'nion Pacific

    Railroad Company#)maha, "ebras2a. M)nlineN Fune 3%, 3%11. ccessed ay 1, 3%13;.

    18'( Information for Idaho Rail (lan. 'P da,o State Rail Plan Response (520$2)+pdf.

    19'nion (aifi Average aily ,rains 8 2012 1. 'P da,o Avera.e 7aily rains ($ 20$2)+pdf. ay 1,

    3%13. 'nion Pacific Railroad Company#)maha, "ebras2a. M0itedC ay 1, 3%13.N pdf file format.

    3%'nion (aifi Average aily ,rains 8 2012 1. 'P da,o Avera.e 7aily rains ($ 20$2)+pdf.

    31 'nion (aifi Average aily ,rains 8 2012 1. 'P da,o Avera.e 7aily rains ($ 20$2)+p9 FRA.

    Rail*lines+s,p. A I,. da,oRail+s,p.A 4R*. c$4v+s,p.

  • 8/13/2019 Draft Idaho Statewide Rail Plan 41013


    Idaho Statewide Rail Plan Key No. 13334

    3$&*SF Rail+ay /om"any ,rains (er ay 8 7ain Routes! 2010 Su5division Average.

    rain*Count*20$0+pdf. 5eburary 18, 3%11. &S1 Railay Company#5ort orth, Teas. ccessedC ay

    1, 3%13;.

    38&*SF Rail+ay /learane Restritions for Auto7a>! ou5le Stak ? Hi,rievel /ars.

    7lSt*and*3evel+pdf. *eptember 3%%9. &S1 Railay Company#5ort orth, Teas. ccessedC ay

    1, 3%13;.

    39&*SF Rail+ay /om"any ,rains (er ay 8 7ain Routes! 2010 Su5division Average.


    >%AAR Railin %m5argo System 7a". American Association of Railroads#ashington, #.0. M)nlineN

    ay, 3%13;A &*SF A5andonments in the State of Idaho! 1993 to ate. &S1 Railay Company#5ort

    orth, Teas, 3%13 ccessedC ay 1, 3%13;A &*SF ,rain erails *ear @hitefish! /loses *orthern

    Route. ;elena ndependentRecord# Gelena, ont+ M)nlineN ccessedC ay 1, 3%13;.

    >1&*SF Rail+ay /om"any 4"erating ivision Alignment. 7ivision*Ali.nment*April20$$+pdf. pril 6,

    3%11. &S1 Railay Company#5ort orth, Teas. ccessedC ay 1, 3%13;.

    >3&*SF. /7mail from 0olleen eatherford to aureen =resham. Fanuary 11, 3%1>.

    >>7R 7a" and Stations. -ontana Rail in, issoula, ontana. M)nlineN ccessedC ay 1, 3%13;.

    >FRA. Rail*lines+s,p. A I,. da,oRail+s,p.A 4R*. c$4v+s,p.

    >4&*SF Rail+ay /om"any ,rains (er ay 8 7ain Routes! 2010 Su5division Average.

  • 8/13/2019 Draft Idaho Statewide Rail Plan 41013


    Idaho Statewide Rail Plan Key No. 13334

    3&oise Balley Railroad &BRR 21. 'nion Pacific Railroad Company# )maha, "eb. M)nlineN ccessedC

    ay 1, 3%13;.

    >Idaho Short ine Bolumes. !( Idaho *hort +ine Dolumes. MpdfN.

    &oise Balley Railroad. atco 0ompanies. M)nlineN ccessedC ay 1, 3%13;.


    Idaho *orthern ? (aifi Railroad $$1. 'nion Pacific Railroad Company# )maha, "eb. M)nlineNccessedC ay 1, 3%13;A Re"ort to the Idaho State egislature 5y the Rail ,rans"ortation Advisory

    )rou" in Res"onse to House /onurrent Resolution 1; of the 2001 Idaho egislature. da,o

    7epartment of Commerce# Pro. M)nlineN

    ccessedC ay 1, 3%13;.

    $Idaho Short ine Bolumes. 'P da,o S,ort ine =olumes+pdf.

    8Idaho *orthern and (aifi Railroad /om"any. Rio >rande Pacific Corporation, 5ort orth, Teas.

    M)nlineN ccessedC ay 1, 3%13;.

    9St. 7aries River Railroad 8 Servies. St+ -aries River Railroad# *t. aries, Idaho. M)nlineN ccessedC

    ay 1, 3%13;A St. 7aries River Railroad /om"any S,7A C9=. 'nion Pacific Railroad Company#

    )maha, "eb. M)nlineN ccesssedC ay 1, 3%13.;


  • 8/13/2019 Draft Idaho Statewide Rail Plan 41013


    Idaho Statewide Rail Plan Key No. 13334

    4$FRA. Rail*lines+s,p. A I,. da,oRail+s,p.A 4R*. c$4v+s,p.

    48@ashington ? Idaho Rail+ay! In. ashington : Idaho Railway, Inc., Rosalia, ash. M)nlineN

    ccessedC ay 1, 3%13;A @ashington and Idaho Rail+ay @IR. &S1 Railay Company#5ort orth,

    Teas. M)nlineN ccessedC ay 1, 3%13;.

    49FRA. Rail*lines+s,p. A I,. da,oRail+s,p.A 4R*. c$4v+s,p.

    6%@ashington State 2010-20$0 Freight Rail (lan. State1rei.,tRailPlan+pdf. #ecember 3%%9.

    @as,in.ton State 7epartment of
