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Draft Strategy (Medical)

Date post: 07-Jul-2018
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505 Pinner Road, Harrow HA2 6EH, United Kingdom

Tel: (+44) 020 8133 5055 Fax: (+44) 870 383 5011

[email protected]


The findings and opinions expressed in this report remain those ofthe consultancy team and do not necessari ly reflect those of the

Commonwealth Secretariat, Government of Tr inidad and Tobagoor TTCSI

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Introduction .............................................................................. 1 Objective  ......................................................................................................... 1 The Opportunity .............................................................................................. 1 Overall Approach ............................................................................................ 3 

Strategic Goal 1: Sector Wide Awareness and Promotion .................. 5 Specific Targets ............................................................................................... 5  Awareness Raising and Destination Branding .................................................. 5 Lobby Government for Support and Legislative Changes ................................ 6 Development of Medical Liability and Malpractice Insurance Market ............. 8 

Strategic Goal 2: Promotion of Mainstream Medical Tourism ........... 9 Specific targets ................................................................................................ 9  Advertising and Awareness in Target Markets ................................................ 9 Regional Events/expos .................................................................................. 11 

Strategic Goal 3: Promotion to of Medical Tourism Diaspora ............ 12 

Specific targets .............................................................................................. 12  Advertising and Awareness in Selected Markets ........................................... 12 Diaspora events ............................................................................................. 13 

Strategic Goal 4: Promotion to Vacation Medical Tourists ................ 15 Specific Targets ............................................................................................. 15 Integrate with national advertising/promotion of tourism .............................. 15  Advertising and Awareness Raising ............................................................... 16 Discussions with Travel Agents ...................................................................... 17 

 Action plan ............................................................................... 18 Supervision and M&E ..................................................................................... 18 

Institutional Arrangements ............................................................................. 18 Outline Action Plan ........................................................................................ 18 

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The overall objective of the Strategy for Medical Tourism Servicesis to increase the number of foreign patients visit ing Trinidad and

Tobago by 6,500 contributing an additional US$ 37 mil l ion to

 serv ice s export s an d the economy as a who le aft er 3 years and

then grow at of 20% per annum thereafter.

The Opportunity


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Country Number of Medical Tourists Principle Destinations

Germany 500,000 (2007) Thailand, India, Turkey, Poland.

US 400,000 (2006) Costa Rica, Mexico, Thailand, Philippines and India

Middle East 350,000 (2007) India, Singapore, Thailand, United Kingdom, Turkey

Canada 230,000 (2007) Cuba, Costa Rica, Hungary, India, Israel, Jordan, Lithuania,Malaysia, Thailand, Belgium, Poland and Singapore

UK 100,000 (2007) India, Hungary, Turkey, Germany, Malaysia, Poland and Spain

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Overall Approach

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1. Sector Wide Awareness and Promotion

!    Awa re ness Rai sing an d Desti nat io n Bran ding

!   Lobby Government for Support and Legislative Changes

!   Facil ity Upgrading and International Accreditation

!   Development of Medical and Malpractice Insurance

 Mark et

2. Promotion of Mainstream Medical Tourism

!    Adv ert is in g an d Awar enes s in Tar ge t Mar ke ts

!   Inward Trade Missions from the US

!   Regional Events/Expos

3. Promotion to of Medical Tourism Diaspora

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!    Adv ert is in g an d Awar ene ss in Se lecte d Markets

!   Diaspora Events

4. Promotion to Vacation Medical Tourists

!   Integrate with National Advertising/Promotion of Tourism

!    Adv ert is in g an d Awar enes s Rais ing

!   Discussions with Travel Agents

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Strategic Goal 1: Sector Wide Awareness

and Promotion

Specific Targets

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.#%-%/0/ 0-/ .+102+ 0-/ /"$"4+*6"-, += 0 -0,%+-04 1#0-/ 0-/

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The specific target for Strategic Goal 1: Sector Wide Awareness

and Promotion wil l be to bring together medical stakeholders andcollectively improve the standards and quality of service to

internationally recognised levels.

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"    Awa re ness Rai sing an d Desti nat io n Bra nd ing

"   Lobby Government for Support and Legislative Changes

"   Facil ity Upgrading and International Accreditation

"   Development of Medical and Malpractice Insurance Mark et

Awareness Raising and Destination Branding


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Lobby Government for Support and Legislative Changes


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Facility Upgrading and International Accreditation


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Development of Medical Liability and Malpractice Insurance Market


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Strategic Goal 2: Promotion of Mainstream

Medical Tourism

Specific Targets

l+-2 e ,"#6 2#+>,? 0-/ /"$"4+*6"-, += ,?" 6"/%&04 ,+3#%'6

'"&,+# %- .#%-%/0/ 0-/ .+102+ >%44 1" 10'"/ +- 60%-',#"06

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The specific objective of Strategic Goal 2: Promotion of

 Mai nstre am Med ical Touri sm, is to incre as e th e numbe r of fo reignpatients travell ing for treatment to Tr inidad Tobago by 1,500 per

year – sourced from US (1,000) and Caribbean (500) after 3 years

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"   Adv erti sing an d Awar eness in Tar get Mar kets

"  Inward Trade Missions from the US

"  Regional Events/expos

Advertising and Awareness in Target Markets


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Inward Trade Missions from the US


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Regional Events/expos


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.0'X S [ N$"-, J40--%-2 0-/ J#"*0#0,%+-Y .?%' >+34/ %-$+4$" 4+2%',%&'< 13/2", 0-/ =%-0-&%-2<

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.0'X \ e N$"-, J#+6+,%+-Y R &+6*#"?"-'%$"' 0/$"#,%'%-2 &06*0%2- %-&43/%-2 10--"#' 0#+3-/

,?" &%,5< -">'*0*"# 0-/ #0/%+ 0/$"#,%'%-2 ,+ 2"-"#0," %-,"#"', %- ,?" =0%#F

.0'X C [ g+44+> 3*Y .?" 60@+#%,5 += *"+*4" $%'%,%-2 ,?" =0%# >%44 -+, -"&"''0#%45 -""/

,#"0,6"-, %66%-"-,45< 0-/ '+ ,?"#" %' 0 -""/ =+# "=="&,%$" 0-/ &+-'%',"-, =+44+> 3* 0=,"# ,?"

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-.  '()*+,(- .)/()012 3+/ 405*6(- &+7/*89 

"#$%& $DED.& ?@A?


Strategic Goal 3: Promotion of Medical

Tourism to Diaspora

Specific Targets

.?"#" 0#" 0- "',%60,"/ ,>+ 6%44%+- /%0'*+#0 =#+6 ,?"

!+3,?"#- H0#%11"0- A60%-45 .#%-%/0/ 0-/ I0#10/+'E 4%$%-2 %-

7i< 7!R 0-/ H0-0/0F G- 6+', H0#%11"0- &+3-,#%"' ,?" "',%60,"

%' ,?0, ,?"#" 0#" ,?" '06" -361"# += /%0'*+#0 0' *+*340,%+-

-0,%+-0445 0-/ >%,? ,?" *+*340,%+- += ,?" !+3,?"#- H0#%11"0-

A.#%-%/0/ 0-/ .+102+< I0#10/+'< !, l3&%0< !, h%-&"-,< R-,%44"'<

R#310 0-/ c#"-0/0E += LF; 6%44%+-< ,?%' "',%60," =+44+>' ,?"

,#"-/F .?"#"=+#"< %, %' #"0'+-014" ,+ 0''36" ,?0, ,?" /%0'*+#0 += .#%-%/0/ 0-/ .+102+ %' 0#+3-/ ;FS

6%44%+- *"+*4" *43' ,?"%# +=='*#%-2 A'+6",%6"' ,>+ 2"-"#0,%+-'EF

c%$"- ,?0, ,?" ;FS 6%44%+- /%0'*+#0 A=%#', 2"-"#0,%+-E 0#" -+> 02%-2< ,?" -""/ =+# 6"/%&04 &0#" A0-/

")*"-'"' %, %-$+4$"'E %' 2#+>%-2< 6"/%&04 =0&%4%,%"' %- .#%-%/0/ 0-/ .+102+ &+34/ ")*4%&%,45 ,0#2", ,?%'


.?"#"=+#"< ,?" '*"&%=%& +1@"&,%$" =+# /%0'*+#0 6"/%&04 ,+3#%'6 >%44 1"Y

The specific target for Strategic Goal 3: Promotion of Medical

Tourism to the diaspora wil l be to attract 4,000 new diasporapatients per year – 2,000 from USA, 1,500 from Canada and 500

from UK after 3 years.

.?%' ,0#2", >+34/ 6"0- 4"'' ,?0- UFS *"# &"-, += =%#', 2"-"#0,%+- /%0'*+#0 ,#0$"44%-2 ,+ .#%-%/0/ 0-/

.+102+ =+# 6"/%&04 ,#"0,6"-, 0-/ %= '"&+-/],?%#/ 2"-"#0,%+- >"#" %-&43/"/< 4"'' ,?0- UF; *"# &"-,F

.?" %6*0&, += \<UUU /%0'*+#0 *0,%"-,'< '*"-/%-2 +- 0$"#02" 7!8 C<UUU *"# ,#"0,6"-, >+34/ 2"-"#0,"

7!8 LU 6%44%+- += #"$"-3" =+# *#%$0," ?"04,?&0#" %- .#%-%/0/ 0-/ .+102+F G- +#/"# ,+ 0,,#0&, W%0'*+#0

6"/%&04 ,+3#%','< 0 -361"# += R&,%$%,%"' 0#" *#+*+'"/

"   Adv ert isin g an d Awar eness in Se lecte d Mar kets

"  Diaspora Events

Advertising and Awareness in Selected Markets


!  G-&#"0'" 0>0#"-"'' 06+-2', .#%-%/0/ 0-/ .+102+m' /%0'*+#0 %- ,0#2", 60#X",' += ,?" 0$0%4014"

,#"0,6"-,' 0-/ 1"-"=%,' += 6"/%&04 ,+3#%'6


;F  R/$"#,%'%-2 ,+ /%0'*+#0 %- ,0#2", 60#X",'

LF  N-^3%#%"' =#+6 /%0'*+#0 ,+ 6"/%&04 *#0&,%,%+-"#'


.0'X ; e G/"-,%=%&0,%+- += W%0'*+#0 Q0#X",%-2 H?0--"4'Y .?%' >%44 %-$+4$" %-,"#-", #"'"0#&? ,+

%/"-,%=5 0''+&%0,%+-' += /%0'*+#0 %- ,0#2", 60#X",' A7!< H0-0/0< 7iE '3&? 0' .#%-%/0/ 0-/

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'()*+,(- .)/()012 3+/ 405*6(- &+7/*89

"#$%& $DED.& ?@A?


.+102+Y 7-%,"/ H34,3#04 R''+&%0,%+- A`"> n+#XE< I3'%-"'' R''+&%0,%+- A`"> n+#XE<

R''+&%0,%+- += K-,0#%+ AH0-0/0E< R''+&%0,%+- += M06%4,+- AH0-0/0E< !"-%+#' R''+&%0,%+- +=

H0-0/0< R''+&%0,%+- %- ,?" 7iF H++#/%-0,%+- >%,? ,?" Q%-%',#5 += g+#"%2- R==0%#' >+34/ 04'+

1" #"^3%#"/

.0'X L [ W%'&3''%+-' >%,? R''+&%0,%+-'Y G-%,%04 &+-,0&, >%,? ,?" 0''+&%0,%+- ,+ 1",,"#

3-/"#',0-/ ?+> ,?" /%0'*+#0 60%-,0%- &+-,0&, %-&43/%-2 6020j%-"'< -">'4",,"#'< %-,"#-",0-/ "$"-,'F G= *+''%14"< +1,0%- &+-,0&, /",0%4' += /%0'*+#0 ,+ &#"0," 0 /%#"&, 60%4 /0,010'"F

.0'X S [ W"$"4+*6"-, += H+663-%&0,%+-' !,#0,"25Y I0'"/ +- ,?" %-=+#60,%+- 20,?"#"/< 0-

0>0#"-"'' #0%'%-2 ',#0,"25 >%44 1" /"$"4+*"/ ,+ 0/$"#,%'" 6"/%&04 ,+3#%'6 '"#$%&"' %- $0#%+3'

6"/%0 %- ,0#2", 60#X",'< %-&43/%-2 0/$"#,' 0-/ "/%,+#%04' %- -">'4",,"#' 0-/ 6020j%-"'<

/%#"&, 60%4%-2' 0-/ *0#,%&%*0,%+- %- 0''+&%0,%+- "$"-,'F G, &+34/ 04'+ %-&43/" '*+-'+#%-2 0

H0#-%$04 ,#++* ,+ 60@+# H0#-%$04' '3&? 0' `+,,%-2 M%44 2%$%-2 +3, 4"0=4",' +- 6"/%&04 ,+3#%'6

0-/ >+34/ ,0#2", /%0'*+#0< +,?"# H0#%11"0- W%0'*+#0 0-/ 60%-',#"06 6"/%&04 ,+3#%','F

.0'X \ [ W"$"4+*6"-, += J314%&%,5 Q0,"#%04'Y K-&" ,?" *314%&%,5 *40- %' %- *40&" 0-/ '"4"&,"/

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%-&43/" *#%-, 0/$"#,%'"6"-,' >%,? X"5 6"''02"'< $%/"+'< 1#+&?3#"'< /%#"&,+#5 += '"#$%&"' 0-/


.0'X C [ G6*4"6"-,0,%+- 0-/ N-^3%#5 J#+&"''%-2Y G, %' $%,04 ,?0, /3#%-2 ,?" %6*4"6"-,0,%+- +=

,?" *314%&%,5 &06*0%2-< 0/"^30," &+663-%&0,%+- #"'+3#&"' 0#" 0$0%4014" ,+ *#+&"'' %-&+6%-2

"-^3%#%"' [ ,0X%-2 ,?"6 0-/ *0''%-2 ,?"6 +-,+ 0**#+*#%0," *#0&,%,%+-"#' %- .#%-%/0/ 0-/

.+102+ 0-/ 04'+< >%,? "=="&,%$" =+44+> 3* ,+ "-'3#" ^3"#%"' 0#" 0//#"''"/ 0-/ "-^3%#"'


Diaspora EventsAIMS 

!  G-&#"0'" 0>0#"-"'' 06+-2', .#%-%/0/ 0-/ .+102+m' /%0'*+#0 %- ,0#2", 60#X",' += ,?" 0$0%4014"

,#"0,6"-,' 0-/ 1"-"=%,' += 6"/%&04 ,+3#%'6


;F  R, 4"0', ;L /%0'*+#0 "$"-,' %- ,0#2", 60#X",'

LF  N-^3%#%"' =#+6 /%0'*+#0 ,+ 6"/%&04 *#0&,%,%+-"#'


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+#20-%'0,%+- %- "0&? ,0#2", 60#X",< /%'&3''%+- >%,? /%0'*+#0 +#20-%'0,%+-' 0-/ 4%0%'+- >%,?

N610''%"']M%2? H+66%''%+-' %- ,?" ,0#2", 60#X",'< 0 *40- += 0, 4"0', ;L "$"-,' %- 7!< H0-0/0

0-/ 7i >%44 1" /#0>- 3*F .?" "$"-,' &+34/ %-&43/" 6%-%e")*+m'< '"6%-0#'< *0#,%"' 0-/ a6+#"

=3-b A-0,%+-04 ,?"0,#" 2#+3* ,+3# '*+-'+#'?%* >%,? 1#+&?3#"' /%',#%13,"/E "$"-,' ,+ 0,,#0&,

/%0'*+#0 *0#,%&%*0,%+-F g+44+>%-2 ,?%'< 4+2%',%&' =+# ,?" *40--"/ "$"-,' >%44 1" +#20-%'"/F

.0'X L [ !"4"&,%+- += J0#,%&%*0-,'Y J0#,%&%*0-,' %- "$"-,' >%44 1" 10'"/ +- &0*01%4%,%"' 0-/

#"0/%-"'' += *#0&,%,%+-"#' A'3&? 0' 0&&#"/%,0,%+- 0-/ %-'3#0-&"EF .#0%-%-2 0-/ +,?"# '3**+#,

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-0  '()*+,(- .)/()012 3+/ 405*6(- &+7/*89 

"#$%& $DED.& ?@A?


.0'X S [ N$"-, J40--%-2 0-/ J#"*0#0,%+-Y .?%' >+34/ %-$+4$" 4+2%',%&'< 13/2", 0-/ =%-0-&%-2<

0-/ "=="&,%$" =+44+> 3* '5',"6'F .?%' *?0'" >+34/ 1" ")*"&,"/ ,+ ,0X" 0, 4"0', : 6+-,?' ,+ 1"


.0'X \ e N$"-, J#+6+,%+-Y R &+6*#"?"-'%$" 0/$"#,%'%-2 0-/ /%#"&, 60%4 &06*0%2- ,+ "-'3#"

?%2? 4"$"4' += /%0'*+#0 *0#,%&%*0,%+-F

.0'X C [ N$"-,'Y G, %' %6*+#,0-, ,?0, '3==%&%"-, *#0&,%,%+-"#' 0,,"-/ "$"-,' ,+ "-014" '"#%+3'

^3"#%"' ,+ 1" 0//#"''"/F .?" 60@+#%,5 += *0,%"-,' $%'%,%-2 ,?" =0%# >%44 -+, '%2- 3* +- ,?" /05<

0-/ '+ -""/ "=="&,%$" =+44+> 3* 0=,"# ,?" =0%# ,+ &+-$"#, %-,"#"', %-,+ *0,%"-,'F

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'()*+,(- .)/()012 3+/ 405*6(- &+7/*89

"#$%& $DED.& ?@A?


Strategic Goal 4: Promotion to Vacation

Medical Tourists

Specific Targets

.#%-%/0/ 0-/ .+102+ #"&"%$"' +$"# CUU<UUUS ',05e+$"# 0-/

&#3%'" ,+3#%',' "0&? 5"0#F .?"'" ,+3#%',' 60%-45 &+6" =#+6

&+3-,#%"' >?"#" 6"/%&04 ,#"0,6"-,' A%-&43/%-2 /"-,04<

+*,+6",#5< 0--304 6"/%&04' 0-/ /%02-+'"'E 0,,#0&, 40#2"<

'+6",%6"' *#+?%1%,%$"< =""' 0-/]+# >%,? 4+-2 >0%,%-2 ,%6"'F

.?"#"=+#"< ,?"#" %' 0- +**+#,3-%,5 =+# ,?" '04" += '3&? '"#$%&"'

,+ ,?"'" ,+3#%','F .?" ,5*" += 6"/%&04 '"#$%&"' >+34/ 4%X"45 1"

4%6%,"/ '+ ,?0, %, /+"' -+, %-,"#="#" ,++ 63&? >%,? ,?" $0&0,%+-

A,?" *#%6" #"0'+- =+# ,#0$"4E 13, &+34/ %-&43/" &+##"&,%$" "5" '3#2"#5< ,"",? >?%,"-%-2< QfG '&0- 0-/

0--304 6"/%&04'F

.?"#"=+#"< ,?" '*"&%=%& +1@"&,%$" =+# $0&0,%+- ,+3#%',' >%44 1"Y

The specific target for Strategic Goal 4: Promotion to Vacation

 Medic al Touri sts wi l l be to at tract 1, 000 to uri st to take up medi cal

 servic es af te r 3 year s.

I0'"/ +- ;<UUU ,+3#%',' #"&"%$%-2 6"/%&04 '"#$%&"' %- .#%-%/0/ 0-/ .+102+ *"# 5"0#< 0- 0//%,%+-04

7!8 L 6%44%+- += 6"/%&04 =""' >%44 1" /"#%$"/F .?%' ,0#2", >+34/ #"^3%#" UFL *"# &"-, += ,+3#%', $%'%,+#'

"4"&,%-2 ,+ '""X +3, 0-/ #"&"%$" ,#"0,6"-,'F G-%,%0445< ,?%' >%44 &+6" =#+6 $0&0,%+- ,+3#%',' >?+ ,0X"

0/$0-,02" += ,?" &?"0*"# 6"/%&04 '"#$%&"' 0$0%4014" 13, 40,"#< .#%-%/0/ 0-/ .+102+ &+34/ 0,,#0&,

*"+*4" >?+ >0-, 6"/%&04 ,#"0,6"-,' +# "$"- '3#2"#5 0-/ >0-, ,+ 4%-X ,?%' ,+ 0 $0&0,%+-F

G- +#/"# ,+ 0&?%"$" ,?%' ,0#2",< 0 -361"# += R&,%$%,%"' 0#" *#+*+'"/Y

"   Integrate with National Advertising/Promotion of Tourism

"    Adve rti sing and Aw are ness ra is in g

"   Discussions with Travel Agents

Integrate with National Advertising/Promotion of Tourism



!  .+ %-&#"0'" 0>0#"-"'' 06+-2', $0&0,%+- ,+3#%',' += ,?" Q"/%&04 '"#$%&"' 0$0%4014" %- .#%-%/0/

0-/ .+102+


;F  G-,"2#0,%+- += Q"/%&04 !"#$%&"' %-,+ 60%- -0,%+-04 ,+3#%'6 ',#0,"25 0-/ *#+6+,%+-


.0'X ; [ f"$%"> += N)%',%-2 .+3#%'6 J#+6+,%+- !,#0,"25Y f"$%"> ,?" ")%',%-2 ,+3#%'6

',#0,"25 0-/ 0/$"#,%'%-2 &06*0%2- ,+ ")06%-" >?",?"# 6"/%&04 ,+3#%'6 *#+6+,%+- &0- 1"

S H04&340,"/ =#+6 .WH *314%'?"/ !,0,%',%&' ALU;LEV /0,0 =+# LU;UF

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-2  '()*+,(- .)/()012 3+/ 405*6(- &+7/*89 

"#$%& $DED.& ?@A?


%-,"2#0,"/ 0-/ =+#6 0 *0#, += %,' %6*4"6"-,0,%+-F g+# ")06*4"< %= 0,,"-/%-2 ,#0/" ")?%1%,%+-'

+# &+-="#"-&"'< %-&43/" 6"/%&04 ,+3#%'6 0-/ '"#$%&"' +=="#"/< 0' *0#, += ,?" #0-2" += *#+/3&,'

1"%-2 ")?%1%,"/ 0-/]+# *#+6+,"/F

.0'X L [ .#0%-%-2 += .+3#%'6 J+4%&5 0-/ J#+6+,%+- !,0==Y .+ %-&#"0'" 0>0#"-"'' += ,?"

*+,"-,%04 /"60-/ 15 $0&0,%+- ,+3#%',' =+# 6"/%&04 '"#$%&"'< >?0, %' +- +=="# %- .#%-%/0/ 0-/

.+102+ 0-/ 0//%,%+-04 $043" ,+ ,?" "&+-+65< 0 -361"# += ,#0%-%-2 0-/ 0>0#"-"'' 0&,%$%,%"'A'"6%-0#'< 4"0=4",'< 1#+&?3#"'< 6"",%-2'E >%44 1" 3-/"#,0X"- >%,? Q%-%',#5 += .+3#%'6 0-/

.WH ',0==F

.0'X S [ Q0%-',#"06%-2 Q"/%&04 .+3#%'6Y I0'"/ +- ,?" #"$%">< "-'3#" 2+$"#-6"-,

&+66%,6"-, ,+ %-&43/" 6"/%&04 '"#$%&"' %-,+ 044 *#+6+,%+- += ,+3#%'6F g+# ")06*4"< +-

>"1'%,"' %-&43/" 4%-X' ,?0, &+34/ 04'+ 1" %-&43/"/ %- *0#,%&340# '"26"-,' '3&? 0' H0#-%$04

A*#+6+," H0#-%$04 0-/ *#+$%/" /",0%4' += &+'6",%& %6*#+$"6"-,' %- *#"*0#0,%+- '3&? 40'"#

"5" &+##"&,%+-< 1+,+)< ,"",? >?%,"-%-2< /"-,04 %6*40-,' ",&FEF

Advertising and Awareness Raising


!  .+ %-&#"0'" 0>0#"-"'' += 0$0%401%4%,5 += 6"/%&04 ,#"0,6"-,' ,+ $0&0,%+- ,+3#%','

!  .+ %-&#"0'" ,?" -361"# += $0&0,%+- ,+3#%',' '""X%-2 6"/%&04 '"#$%&"' >?%4', %- .#%-%/0/ 0-/



;F  R/$"#,%'%-2 Q"/%&04 '"#$%&"' -0,%+-0445 0-/ %-,"#-0,%+-0445

LF  R, 4"0', CUU $0&0,%+- ,+3#%',' '""X 6"/%&04 '"#$%&"' >?%4', +- ?+4%/05


.0'X ; [ W"$"4+*6"-, += 0- R--304 J314%&%,5 J40-Y N0&? 5"0#< 0- 0--304 *314%&%,5 *40- '?+34/

1" /#0>- 3*F .?%' >+34/ *#+6+," 6"/%&04 '"#$%&"' /%#"&,45 ,+ $0&0,%+- ,+3#%',' ,?#+32?

0/$"#,%'%-2 +- %-&+6%-2 *40-"'< *+',"#' 0-/ %-=+#60,%+- 0, 0%#*+#, 0##%$04'V *+',"#' 0-/

+,?"# 0/$"#,%'%-2 0, ,+3#%', ?+,"4' 0-/ +,?"# ,+3#%', /"',%-0,%+-' A%-&43/%-2 ,+3#%', +==%&"'EF

.0'X L [ W"$"4+*6"-, += J314%&%,5 Q0,"#%04'Y K-&" ,?" *314%&%,5 *40- %' %- *40&" 0-/ '"4"&,"/

6"/%0 %/"-,%=%"/< 0**#+*#%0," 60,"#%04' >%44 -""/ ,+ 1" /"'%2-"/ 0-/ *#+/3&"/F .?%' >+34/

%-&43/" *#%-, 0/$"#,%'"6"-,' >%,? X"5 6"''02"'< $%/"+'< *0,%"-, ,"',%6+-%04'< 1#+&?3#"' 0-/

"/%,+#%04'F J0#, += ,?" '"44%-2 *+%-, >%44 1" ,?" &+', /%=="#"-&" += ,#"0,6"-,' >?%&? 63', 1"

#"'"0#&?"/ 0-/ =+#6 *0#, += ,?" 60#X",%-2 60,"#%04'F

.0'X S [ G6*4"6"-,0,%+- 0-/ N-^3%#5 J#+&"''%-2Y G, %' $%,04 ,?0, /3#%-2 ,?" %6*4"6"-,0,%+- +=

,?" *314%&%,5 &06*0%2-< 0/"^30," &+663-%&0,%+- #"'+3#&"' 0#" 0$0%4014" ,+ *#+&"'' %-&+6%-2

"-^3%#%"' ,+ =0&%4%,0," 0-/ &+-$"#, "-^3%#%"' %-,+ =%#6 13'%-"''F

.0'X \ [ W"$"4+*6"-, += G-&"-,%$" J#+2#066"'Y .+ "-&+3#02" $0&0,%+- ,+3#%',' ,+ ,0X" 3*

6"/%&04 '"#$%&"'< *#0&,%,%+-"#' &+34/ $%'%, 0-/ *#+$%/" '+6" '"#$%&"' 0, ?+,"4' 0-/]+# *#+$%/"

,#0-'*+#, ,+ 0-/ =#+6 ?+,"4' A+# &+6*4%6"-,0#5 $%'%,' ,+ =0&%4%,%"' *#%+# ,+ 1++X%-2 0-5


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'()*+,(- .)/()012 3+/ 405*6(- &+7/*89

"#$%& $DED.& ?@A?


Discussions with Travel Agents


!  .+ %-&#"0'" 0>0#"-"'' += 0$0%4014" 6"/%&04 ,#"0,6"-,' ,+ ,#0$"4 02"-,' 0-/ $0&0,%+- ,+3#%','

!  .+ %-&#"0'" ,?" -361"# += $0&0,%+- ,+3#%',' '""X%-2 6"/%&04 '"#$%&"' >?%4', %- .#%-%/0/ 0-/



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Action plan

Supervision and M&E

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Outline Action Plan

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Outputs Result Indicators LeadAgency





Overall objective Increase thenational income

from medical

tourism by US$37

million pa after 3years

Increase in foreignpatients by 6,500

pa by Dec 2015

TTCSI Jan 2013 –Dec 2015

Strategic Goal 1: Sector Wide Awareness and Promotion

Specific Target To bring together medical stakeholders and collectively improve the standards and quality of service to

internationally recognised levels

 Activity 1.1 Awareness Raising and Destination Branding

Task 1.1.1

National Website

and Portal

1. National



2. InternationalBranding Campaign

3. Awareness raising

events such as

advertisements ininternational press(industry and non-

industry), media


participation in



Task 1.1.2

Building a national


Task 1.1.3

Development ofnational


Task 1.1.4


awareness events

Task 1.1.5




 Activity 1.2 Lobby Government for Support and Legislative Changes

Task 1.2.1 Review

of legislation andregulations

1. Changes or

creation of policy,legislation and


2. Budgetarycommitment and

allocation to exportdevelopment of the


Task 1.2.2

 Analysis of theneeds of the


Task 1.2.3


 Activity 1.3 Facility Upgrading and International Accreditation

Task 1.3.1Promotion of


standards and


1. Provision ofinformation and

awareness of


accreditation (JCI

and/or Trent)2. Audit assessments

of facilities

3. Medical Facilitiescertified to



Task 1.3.2Training and


assistance in

accreditation andadoption of


Task 1.3.3Upgrading of


Task 1.3.4


 Activity 1.4 Development of Medical Liability and Malpractice Insurance Market

Task 1.4.1 Reviewlaws and


1. Changes orcreation of


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Outputs Result Indicators Lead









relating to medical

liability and


legislation and


2. Availability of

adequate medicalliability and



Task 1.4.2

 Analyse the


requirements of

target markets

Task 1.4.3 Adopt

and implement

laws, as required

Task 1.4.4



medical liabilityand malpractice



Strategic Goal 2: Promotion of Mainstream Medical Tourism

Specific Target US$ 15 million To increase the number of foreign patients travelling for treatment to Trinidad Tobago by1,500 per year – sourced from US (1,000) and Caribbean (500) after 3 years

 Activity 2.1 Advertising and Awareness in Target Markets

Task 2.1.1

Development of

an annual

publicity plan

1. Advertising for

medical tourism

undertaken in all

target markets

Task 2.1.2

Development of

publicity materials

Task 2.1.3


and enquiry


 Activity 2.2 Inward Trade Missions from the US

Task 2.2.1

Identification ofpotential agents in

target markets

1. US Medical Travel

 Agencies list Trinidadand Tobago


2. US Insurance

companies covertreatments in

Trinidad and Tobago

3. Agents organise atleast 1,500 patients

to Trinidad and


Task 2.2.2Identification of

US MedicalInsurance


Task 2.2.3Industry Approach

to Agents and



Task 2.2.4 InwardMission

 Activity 2.3 Regional Events/expos

Task 2.3.1Selection of

venues in the

target markets

1. Participation inrecruitment fairs in

Target markets (if


2. At least 200students recruited

from fairs

Task 2.3.2

Selection ofparticipants

Task 2.3.3 Event

Planning andPreparation

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Outputs Result Indicators Lead








Task 2.3.4 Event


Task 2.3.5 Followup

Strategic Goal 3: Promotion of Medical Tourism to Diaspora

Specific Target US$ 20 m To attract 4,000 new diaspora patients per year – 2,000 from USA, 1,500 from Canadaand 500 from UK after 3 years

 Activity 3.1 Advertising and Awareness in Selected Markets

Task 3.1.1

Identification of




1. Advertising to

diaspora in target


2. Enquiries from

Diaspora to medical

practitionersTask 3.1.2

Discussions with


Task 3.1.3Development of



Task 3.1.4

Development of

publicity materials

Task 3.1.5


and enquiry


 Activity 3.2 Diaspora events

Task 3.2.1

Selection of

venues in the

target markets

1. At least 12

diaspora events in

target markets

2. Enquiries from

Diaspora to medicalpractitioners

Task 3.2.2Selection of


Task 3.2.3 EventPlanning and


Task 3.2.4 Event


Task 3.2.5 Events

Strategic Goal 4: Promotion to Vacation Medical Tourists

Specific Target US$ 2 million To attract 1,000 tourist to take up medical services after 3 years

 Activity 4.1 Integrate with national advertising/promotion of tourism

Task 4.1.1 Review

of existing tourismpromotion


1. Integration of

Medical Services intomain national tourism

strategy and

promotionTask 4.1.2

Training of

Tourism Policy

and Promotion


Task 4.1.3


medical tourism

 Activity 4.2 Advertising and Awareness Raising

Task 4.2.1

Development ofan annual

publicity plan

1. Advertising

Medical servicesnationally and


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Outputs Result Indicators Lead









Task 4.2.2

Development of

publicity materials

2. At least 500

vacation tourists

seek medical

services whilst onholiday

Task 4.2.3


and enquiryprocessing

Task 4.2.4Development of


 Activity 4.3 Discussions with Travel Agents

Task 4.3.1 Identifymajor travel

agents and


companies active

in Trinidad and


1. Undertakerecruitment events in

at least 5 regional


2. At least 1,000

students recruited

from recruitment

eventsTask 4.3.2Mission to Tour

Operators and

Travel Agents
