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Dragon Alchemy

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  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


    Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies: Alchemy

    Recipe Guide by Zaraf

    Version: 1.2 | Last Updated: 2010-08-05 |

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    | Dragon Quest IX |

    | |

    | Alchemy Recipe Guide |

  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy




    Author: Zaraf

    Email: [email protected]

    v1.2 Aug 4, 2010

    Table of Contents

    1. Introduction

    2. Weapons

    A. Swords [RCP01]

    B. Spears [RCP02]

    C. Knives [RCP03]

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    D. Wands [RCP04]

    E. Whips [RCP05]

    F. Staves [RCP06]

    G. Claws [RCP07]

    H. Fans [RCP08]

    I. Axes [RCP09]

    J. Hammers [RCP10]

    K. Boomerangs [RCP11]

    L. Bows [RCP12]

    3. Armor

    M. Shields [RCP13]

    N. Head [RCP14]

    O. Torso [RCP15]

    P. Arms [RCP16]

    Q. Legs [RCP17]

    R. Feet [RCP18]

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    4. Accessories [RCP19]

    5. Items [RCP20]

    6. Alchemiracles [RCP21]

    7. Locating Ingredients

    S. Items Found on World Map [RCP22]

    T. Monster Drops - Alchemy [RCP23]

    U. Monster Drops - Non-Alchemy [RCP24]

    V. Shops - Consumables & Alchemy [RCP25]

    W. Shops - Weapons [RCP26]

    X. Shops - Armour & Accessories [RCP27]

    8. Making Money With Alchemy [RCP28]

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    9. Contact Info

    10. Copyright






    In Dragon Quest IX, you will be able to combine

    weapons, armor, items and

    alchemy materials to create new and more powerful

    things. This includes new

    weapons, armor, accessories and items. Some of themost powerful equipment

    can only be acquired through alchemy.

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    You will be able to use alchemy once you receive the

    Krak Pot. It will be

    located at the Inn in Stornway. Receiving the Krak Pot is

    a triggered event

    that occurs as you progress through the story and visit

    the Inn in Stornway.

    Don't worry, you won't miss it.

    There are two ways to go about creating new stuff. You

    can use recipes or you

    can "Try your luck". In trying your luck, you can justattempt to combine

    whatever items you feel like. However note that unless

    the combined items

    match a valid recipe, the result will be nothing (although

    you do not lose

    your materials). Trying your luck is handy since you will

    be able to create

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    things that you haven't found the recipe for by using the

    recipes shown in

    this guide.

    Using recipes is easier since you do not have to manually

    locate the items you

    wish to combine, however, you must first find the

    recipes. Recipes can be

    found by searching bookshelves around the world. You

    will always find a group

    of recipes together, so it doesn't take too long to get lots.

    There is no chance of failure in creating something. As

    long as the recipe is

    valid, you will succeed. The only slight exception to this

    is with regards to

    ultimate equipment (5 star equipment). They can only

    be acquired while

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    attempting to create their predecessor and there is some

    luck involved. You

    have a 20% chance to create the ultimate equipmentinstead of the one you were

    trying for. The equipment that this applies to will be

    mentioned in the list.






    ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~( Swords )-~-~-~-~-~-~-


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    1) Warrior's sword

    = Soldier's Sword x 1 + Raging ruby x 1 + Warrior's

    helm x 1

    2) Fizzle foil

    = Rapier x 1 + Narspicious x 3 + Mithril ore x 1

    3) Steel broadsword

    = Iron broadsword x 1 + Iron ore x 1 + Lava lump x 1

    4) Gigasteel broadsword

    = Steel broadsword x 1 + Iron ore x 2 + Hephaestus'

    flame x 1

    5) Aurora Blade

    = Cautery sword x 1 + Brighten rock x 3 + Holy water

    x 1

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    6) Platinum sword

    = Iron broadsword x 1 + Platinum ore x 1 +

    Hephaestus' flame x 1

    7) Dragon slayer

    = Dragonsbane x 1 + Mighty armlet x 1

    8) ber falcon blade

    = Falcon blade x 1 + Meteorite bracer x 1

    9) ber miracle sword

    = Miracle sword x 1 + Life bracer x 2

    10) Fire blade

    = Valkyrie sword x 1 + Lava lump x 3 + Rockbombshard x 1

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    11) Inferno blade

    = Fire blade x 1 + Sunstone x 1 + Rockbomb shard x


    12) Liquid metal sword

    = Metal slime sword x 1 + Orichalcum x 1 +

    Slimedrop x 6

    13) Metal king sword

    = Liquid metal sword x 1 + Orichalcum x 1 + Slime

    crown x 1

    14) Erdrick's sword

    = Rusty sword x 1 + Glass frit x 9 + Orichalcum x 1

    15) Stardust sword

    = Supernova sword x 1 + Reset stone x 1

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    15) Nebula sword

    = Stardust sword x 1 + Agate of evolution x 1 + Silver

    orb x 1

    16) Supernova sword

    = Nebula sword x 1 + Agate of evolution x 3 + Silver

    orb x 3

    17) Hypernova sword

    = Nebula sword x 1 + Agate of evolution x 3 + Silver

    orb x 3

    See Alchemiracles section for details

    ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~( Spears )-~-~-~-~-~-~-


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    1) Steel lance

    = Iron lance x 1 + Iron ore x 1 + Lava lump x 1

    2) Gigasteel lance

    = Steel lance x 1 + Iron ore x 2 + Hephaestus' flame x


    3) Celestial spear

    = Long spear x 1 + Holy talisman x 1 + Platinum ore x


    4) Holy lance

    = Iron Spear x 1 + Gold rosary x 1

    5) Trident

    = Battle fork x 1 + Seashell x 2 + Crimson coral x 2

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    6) Graco's trident

    = Trident x 1 + Mighty armlet x 1 + Densinium x 2

    7) Sandstorm spear

    = Holy lance x 1 + Kitty litter x 2 + Glass frit x 2

    8) Halberd

    = Partisan x 1 + Battle-axe x 1

    9) Lightning lance

    = Celestial spear x 1 + Thunderball x 3 + Mithril ore x


    10) Storm spear

    = Lightning spear x 1 + Thunderball x 5 + Gold bar x1

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    11) Demon spear

    = Celestial spear x 1 + Terrible tattoo x 3 + Malicite x


    12) Liquid slime spear

    = Metal slime spear x 1 + Orichalcum x 1 +

    Slimedrop x 6

    13) Metal king spear

    = Liquid slime spear x 1 + Orichalcum x 1 + Slime

    crown x 1

    14) Poker

    = Split-pot poker x 1 + Reset stone x 1

    14) Stud poker

    = Poker x 1 + Agate of evolution x 1 + Red orb x 1

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    15) Split-pot poker

    = Stud poker x 1 + Agate of evolution x 3 + Red orb x


    16) Red-hot poker

    = Stud poker x 1 + Agate of evolution x 3 + Red orb x


    See Alchemiracles section for details

    ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~( Knives )-~-~-~-~-~-~-


    1) Divine dagger

    = Bronze knife x 1 + Holy water x 3

    2) Poison moth knife

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    = Divine dagger x 1 + Coagulant x 2 + Manky mud x 1

    3) Batterfly knife

    = Poison moth knife x 1 + Coagulant x 3 + Butterfly

    wing x 3

    4) Dread dagger

    = Batterfly knife x 1 + Disturbin' turban x 1 +

    Butterfly wing x 5

    5) Poison needle

    = Magic beast horn x 1 + Manky mud x 3

    6) Falcon knife earring

    = Deadly nightblade x 1 + Slime earrings x 1 + Agility

    ring x 3

    7) Assassin's dagger

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    = Deadly nightblade x 1 + Poison needle x 1 +

    Evencloth x 2

    8) Icicle dirk

    = Divine dagger x 1 + Ice crystal x 3 + Edged

    boomerang x 1

    9) Fenrir fang

    = Icicle dirk x 1 + Ice crystal x 5 + Magic beast horn x


    10) Soul breaker

    = Sword breaker x 1 + Life bracer x 1 + Spirit bracer x


    11) Gladius

    = Flame tang x 1 + Reset stone x 1

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    12) Flame tang

    = Gladius x 1 + Sunstone x 1 + Crimson coral x 3

    13) Deft dagger

    = Dashing dagger x 1 + Reset stone x 1

    14) Darting dagger

    = Deft dagger x 1 + Agate of evolution x 1 + Purple

    orb x 1

    15) Dashing dagger

    = Darting dagger x 1 + Agate of evolution x 3 +

    Purple orb x 3

    16) Dynamo dagger

    = Darting dagger x 1 + Agate of evolution x 3 +

    Purple orb x 3

    See Alchemiracles section for details

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    ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~( Wands )~-~-~-~-~-~-


    1) Staff of sentencing

    = Wizard's staff x 1 + Flurry feather x 1 + Magic

    water x 1

    2) Staff of divine wrath

    = Staff of sentencing x 1 + Flurry feather x 3 + Sage's

    elixir x 1

    3) Watermaul wand

    = Stolos' staff x 1 + Seashell x 3 + Crimson coral x 3

    4) Tsunami staff

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    9) Hieroglyph staff

    = Rune staff x 1 + Sorcerer's ring x 1 + Sage's elixir x


    10) Mega-magical mace

    = Magical mace x 1 + Astral plume x 1 + Mythril orex 3

    11) Savant's staff

    = Sage's staff x 1 + Agate of evolution x 1 + Sage's

    elixir x 3

    12) Bright staff

    = Brilliant staff x 1 + Reset stone x 1

    13) Shining staff

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    = Bright staff x 1 + Agate of evolution x 1 + Blue orb

    x 1

    14) Brillant staff

    = Shining staff x 1 + Agate of evolution x 3 + Blue orb

    x 3

    15) Aurora staff

    = Shining staff x 1 + Agate of evolution x 3 + Blue orb

    x 3

    See Alchemiracles section for details

    ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~( Whips )~-~-~-~-~-~-


    1) Snakeskin whip

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    = Leather whip x 1 + Snakeskin x 3

    2) Serpentine whip

    = Snakeskin whip x 1 + Snakeskin x 5 + Magic beast

    horn x 1

    3) Sidewinder

    = Serpentine whip x 1 + Snakeskin x 6 + Tough guy

    tattoo x 1

    4) Spiked steel whip

    = Iron whip x 1 + Iron ore x 1 + Lava lump x 1

    5) Gigaspike whip

    = Spiked steel whip x 1 + Iron ore x 2 + Hephaestus'

    flame x 1

    6) Dragontail whip

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    = Iron whip x 1 + Dragon scale x 3 + Aggressence x 1

    7) Demon whip

    = Iron whip x 1 + Terrible tattoo x 1 + Wing of bat x 3

    8) Archdemon whip

    = Demon whip x 1 + Terrible tattoo x 2 + Malicite x 1

    9) Scourge whip

    = Archdemon whip x 1 + Saint's ashes x 1

    10) Empress's whip

    = Queen's whip x 1 + Highness heels x 1 + Monarchic

    mark x 1

    11) Goddess whip

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    = Empress's whip x 1 + Goddess ring x 1 + Agate of

    evolution x 1

    12) Gringham whip

    = Giga Gringham whip x 1 + Reset stone x 1

    13) Mega Gringham whip

    = Gringham whip x 1 + Agate of evolution x 1 +

    Green orb x 1

    14) Giga Gringham whip

    = Mega Gringham whip x 1 + Agate of evolution x 3

    + Green orb x 3

    15) ber Gringham whip

    = Mega Gringham whip x 1 + Agate of evolution x 3

    + Green orb x 3

    See Alchemiracles section for details

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    ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~( Staves )-~-~-~-~-~-~-


    1) Steel bar

    = Iron bar x 1 + Iron ore x 1 + Lava lump x 1

    2) Gigasteel bar

    = Steel bar x 1 + Iron ore x 2 + Hephaestus' flame x 1

    3) Pillar of strength

    = Oaken pole x 3 + Utility belt x 1

    4) Killer pillar

    = Driller pillar x 1 + Mighty armlet x 1

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    5) Slumber stick

    = Sleepy stick x 1 + Sleeping hibiscus x 3 +

    Narspicious x 1

    6) Mistick

    = Driller pillar x 1 + Fresh water x 3 + Flurry feather x3

    7) Optimistick

    = Mistick x 1 + Celestial skein x 2 + Agility ring x 1

    8) Ballistick

    = Optimistick x 1 + Technicolour dreamcloth x 1 +

    Mercurys bandana x 1

    9) Xenlon rod

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    = Dragon rod x 1 + Dragon scale x 3 + Sainted soma x


    10) Orichalcudgel

    = Orichalcum x 3 + Hephaestus' flame x 3

    11) Knockout rod

    = Catatonic cosh x 1 + Reset stone x 1

    12) Senseless stick

    = Knockout rod x 1 + Agate of evolution x 1 + Blueorb x 1

    13) Catatonic cosh

    = Senseless stick x 1 + Agate of evolution x 3 + Blue

    orb x 3

    14) Coma cudgel

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    4) Kestrel claws

    = Crow's claws x 1 + Agility ring x 1

    5) Kite claws

    = Krestrel claws x 1 + Enchanted stone x 2

    6) Hammer handrills

    = Handrills x 1 + Iron nails x 5 + Iron ore x 1

    7) Fire claws

    = Dragon claws x 1 + Lava lump x 3 + Rockbomb

    shard x 1

    8) Combusticlaws

    = Fire claws x 1 + Sunstone x 1 + Rockbomb shard x


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    9) King cobra claws

    = Cobra claws x 1 + Terrible tattoo x 4 + Wing of bat

    x 4

    10) Beastmaster claws

    = Beast claws x 1 + Monarchic mark x 1 + Magicbeast horn x 9

    11) Orichalcum claws

    = Combusticlaws x 1 + Orichalcum x 2 + Hephaestus'

    flame x 2

    12) Dragonlord claws

    = Dragovian lord clas x 1 + Reset stone x 1

    13) Dragovian claws

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    = Dragonlord claws x 1 + Agate of evolution x 1 +

    Red orb x 1

    14) Dragovian lord claws

    = Dragovian claws x 1 + Agate of evolution x 3 + Red

    orb x 3

    15) Xenlon claws

    = Dragovian claws x 1 + Agate of evolution x 3 + Red

    orb x 3

    See Alchemiracles section for details

    ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~( Fans )-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-


    1) Steel fan

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    = Iron fan x 1 + Iron ore x 1 + Lava lump x 1

    2) Gigasteel fan

    = Steel fan x 1 + Iron ore x 2 + Hephaestus' flame x 1

    3) Foehn fan

    = Feather fan x 1 + Flurry feather x 1 + Agility ring x


    4) Gale force fan

    = Foehn fan x 1 + Enchanted stone x 1 + Agility ring x1

    5) Cobra fan

    = War fan x 1 + Snakeskin x 2 + Dragon scale x 1

    6) Azure Dragon fan

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    = Cobra fan x 1 + Thunderball x 3 + Dragon scale x 2

    7) Fowl fan

    = War fan x 1 + Flurry feather x 2 + Crimson coral x 2

    8) Vermillion Bird fan

    = Fowl fan x 1 + Lava lump x 3 + Razor-wing

    boomerang x 1

    9) Feline fan

    = War fan x 1 + Kitty litter x 2 + Seashell x 2

    10) White Tiger fan

    = Feline fan x 1 + Ice crystal x 3 + Kitty shield x 1

    11) Tortoiseshell fan

    = War fan x 1 + Tortoiseshell x 2 + Evencloth x 1

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    Note: Tortoiseshell is the alchemy material.

    12) Black Tortoise fan

    = Tortoiseshell fan x 1 + Royal soil x 3 + Tortoise

    shell x 1

    Note: Tortoise shell is the armour.

    13) Lunar fan

    = Stellar fan x 1 + Full moon ring x 1 + Lucida shard x


    14) Solar fan

    = Lunar fan x 1 + Sunstone x 1 + Crimson coral x 3

    15) Friendly fan

    = Solar fan x 1 + Life bracer x 1 + Horse manure x 9

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    16) Critical fan

    = Hypercritical fan x 1 + Reset stone x 1

    17) Overcritical fan

    = Critical fan x 1 + Agate of evolution x 1 + Green

    orb x 1

    18) Hypercritical fan

    = Overcritical fan x 1 + Agate of evolution x 3 +

    Green orb x 3

    19) Dire critical fan

    = Overcritical fan x 1 + Agate of evolution x 3 +

    Green orb x 3

    See Alchemiracles section for details

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    ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~( Axes )-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-


    1) Steel axe

    = Iron axe x 1 + Iron ore x 1 + Lava lump x 1

    2) Gigasteel axe

    = Steel axe x 1 + Iron ore x 2 + Hephaestus' flame x 1

    3) Golden axe

    = Iron axe x 1 + Gold bar x 1

    4) Moon axe

    = Battle-axe x 1 + Lunaria x 1 + Mystifying mixture x1

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    5) Full moon axe

    = Moon axe x 1 + Full moon ring x 1 + Mystifying

    mixture x 3

    6) King axe

    = Golden axe x 1 + Slime crown x 1

    7) Kaiser axe

    = King axe x 1 + Slime crown x 1 + Monarchic mark x


    8) Executioner's axe

    = Headsman's axe x 1 + Ethereal stone x 2 + Raging

    ruby x 1

    9) Ice axe

    = Kaiser axe x 1 + Ice crystal x 3 + Icicle dirk x 3

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    10) Avalanche axe

    = Ice axe x 1 + Ice crystal x 6 + Agate of evolution x 1

    11) Bad axe

    = Climaxe x 1 + Reset stone x 1

    12) Maxi axe

    = Bad axe x 1 + Agate of evolution x 1 + Purple orb x


    13) Climaxe

    = Maxi axe x 1 + Agate of evolution x 3 + Purple orb

    x 3

    14) Galaxy axe

    = Maxi axe x 1 + Agate of evolution x 3 + Purple orb

    x 3

    See Alchemiracles section for details

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    ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-( Hammers )-~-~-~-~-~-


    1) Ace of clubs

    = Oaken club x 1 + Belle cap x 3

    2) ber war hammer

    = War hammer x 1 + Mighty armlet x 1

    3) Terra tamper

    = ber war hammer x 1 + Royal soil x 3 + Flintstone

    x 1

    4) Terra firmer

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    = Terra tamper x 1 + Royal soil x 5 + Densinium x 2

    5) Terra hammer

    = Terra firmer x 1 + Royal soil x 7 + Ethereal stone x


    6) Titan's hammer

    = Giant's hammer x 1 + Agate of evolution x 1 +

    Tough guy tattoo x 1

    7) Megaton hammer

    = Hela's hammer x 1 + Orichalcum x 1 + Densinium x


    8) Warlord's hammer

    = Megaton hammer x 1 + Orichalcum x 1 + Mighty

    armlet x 1

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    9) Groundbreaker

    = Moonmasher x 1 + Reset stone x 1

    10) Earthsplitter

    = Groundbreaker x 1 + Agate of evolution x 1 +

    Yellow orb x 1

    11) Moonmasher

    = Earthsplitter x 1 + Agate of evolution x 3 + Yellow

    orb x 3

    12) Starsmasher

    = Earthsplitter x 1 + Agate of evolution x 3 + Yellow

    orb x 3

    See Alchemiracles section for details

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    ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~( Boomerangs )-~-~-~-~-


    1) Reinforced boomerang

    = Boomerang x 1 + Iron nails x 3

    2) Cutting-edge boomerang

    = Edged boomerang x 1 + Magic beast horn x 3 +

    Iron nails x 3

    3) Crucerang

    = Reinforced boomerang x 1 + Hunter's bow x 1 +

    Gold rosary x 1

    4) Razer-wing boomerang

    = Razor-wing boomerang x 1 + Lunaria x 3

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    5) Erazor-wing boomerang

    = Razer-wing boomerang x 1 + Aggressence x 3 +

    Mythril ore x 1

    6) Eaglewing

    = Swallowtail x 1 + Kestrel claws x 1 + Flurry feather

    x 3

    7) Gusterang

    = Swallowtail x 1 + Flurry feather x 3 + Agility ring x 1

    8) Blusterang

    = Gusterang x 1 + Staff of divine wrath x 1 + Agility

    ring x 2

    9) Flametang boomerang

    = Gusterang x 1 + Lava lump x 3 + Rockbomb shard x


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    10) Banefire boomerang

    = Flametang boomerang x 1 + Sunstone x 1 +

    Rockbomb shard x 3

    11) Pentarang

    = Hexarang x 1 + Reset stone x 1

    12) Hexarang

    = Pentarang x 1 + Lucida shard x 3 + Mythril ore x 3

    13) Meteorang

    = Stellarang x 1 + Reset stone x 1

    14) Asterang

    = Meteorang x 1 + Agate of evolution x 1 + Silver orb

    x 1

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    15) Stellarang

    = Asterang x 1 + Agate of evolution x 3 + Silver orb x


    16) Galaxrang

    = Asterang x 1 + Agate of evolution x 3 + Silver orb x3

    See Alchemiracles section for details

    ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~( Bows )-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-


    1) Longbow

    = Short bow x 1 + Laundry pole x 1

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    2) Hunter's bow

    = Longbow x 1 + Chain whip x 1

    3) Hotshot bow

    = Potshot bow x 1 + Hunter's hat x 1 + Archer's

    armguard x 1

    4) Blowy bow

    = Potshot bow x 1 + Flurry feather x 3 + Agility ring x


    5) Billowing bow

    = Blowy bow x 1 + Staff of divine wrath x 1 +

    Celestial skein x 2

    6) Blustery bow

    = Billowing bow x 1 + Gusterang x 1 + Celestial skein

    x 3

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    7) Purblind bow

    = Great bow x 1 + Mystifying mixture x 1 +

    Enchanted stone x 3

    8) Blinding bow

    = Purblind bow x 1 + Mystifying mixture x 2 +Ethereal stone x 3

    9) Oh-no bow

    = Odin's bow x 1 + Malicite x 1

    10) Odin's bow

    = Oh-no bow x 1 + Saint's ashes x 3

    11) Angel's bow

    = Aeon's bow x 1 + Reset stone x 1

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    12) Archangel's bow

    = Angel's bow x 1 + Agate of evolution x 1 + Yellow

    orb x 1

    13) Aeon's bow

    = Archangel's bow x 1 + Agate of evolution x 3 +Yellow orb x 3

    14) Seraph's bow

    = Archangel's bow x 1 + Agate of evolution x 3 +

    Yellow orb x 3

    See Alchemiracles section for details



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    ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~( Shields )~-~-~-~-~-~-


    1) Gold platter

    = Silver platter x 1 + Gold bracer x 1

    2) Platinum platter

    = Gold platter x 1 + Platinum ore x 1

    3) Shell shield

    = Scale shield x 1 + Tortoiseshell x 1

    Note: Tortoiseshell is the alchemy material.

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    4) Steel shield

    = Iron shield x 1 + Iron ore x 1 + Royal soil x 1

    5) Gigasteel shield

    = Steel shield x 1 + Iron ore x 2 + Hephaestus' flame

    x 1

    6) Kitty shield

    = Light shield x 1 + Kitty litter x 1

    7) Catty shield

    = Kitty shield x 1 + Kitty litter x 2

    8) White shield

    = Light shield x 1 + Seashell x 5 + Holy water x 5

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    9) Enchanted shield

    = Magic shield x 1 + Enchanted stone x 1

    10) Ethereal shield

    = Enchanted shield x 1 + Ethereal stone x 1

    11) Flame shield

    = Magic shield x 1 + Lava lump x 1 + Resurrock x 1

    12) Ice Shield

    = Magic shield x 1 + Ice crystal x 1 + Resurrock x 1

    13) Platinum shield

    = Light shield x 1 + Platinum ore x 1 + Hephaestus'

    flame x 1

    14) Dragon shield

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    = Magic shield x 1 + Dragon scale x 3 + Raging ruby x


    15) Tempest shield

    = Magic shield x 1 + Flurry feather x 3 + Ruby of

    protection x 1

    16) Power shield

    = Warrior's shield x 1 + Raging ruby x 1 + Panacea x


    17) Empowered shield

    = Power shield x 1 + Life bracer x 2

    18) White knight's shield

    = White shield x 1 + Holy talisman x 1 + Mythril ore x


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    19) Ogre shield

    = Dark shield x 1 + Densinium x 2 + Magic beast horn

    x 5

    20) Silver shield

    = White knight's shield x 1 + Mirrorstone x 3 +

    Mythril ore x 2

    21) Big boss shield

    = Boss shield x 1 + Agate of evolution x 1 + Mighty

    armlet x 1

    22) Saintess shield

    = Ruinous shield x 1 + Saint's ashes x 3

    23) Goddess shield

    = Saintess shield x 1 + Goddess ring x 1 + Orichalcum

    x 1

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    24) Liquid metal shield

    = Metal slime shield x 1 + Orichalcum x 1 +

    Slimedrop x 6

    25) Metal king shield

    = Liquid metal shield x 1 + Orichalcum x 1 + Slimecrown x 1

    26) Erdrick's shield

    = Rusty shield x 1 + Glass frit x 9 + Orichalcum x 1

    27) Brain drainer

    = Devilry drinker x 1 + Reset stone x 1

    28) Psyche swiper

    = Brain drainer x 1 + Agate of evolution x 1 + Green

    orb x 1

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    29) Devilry drinker

    = Psyche swiper x 1 + Agate of evolution x 3 + Green

    orb x 3

    30) Soul sucker

    = Psyche swiper x 1 + Agate of evolution x 3 + Greenorb x 3

    See Alchemiracles section for details

    ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-( Head )~-~-~-~-~-~-~-


    1) Steel helmet

    = Iron helmet x 1 + Iron ore x 1 + Royal soil x 1

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    2) Gigasteel helmet

    = Steel helmet x 1 + Iron ore x 2 + Hephaestus' flame

    x 1

    3) Filigree mask

    = Iron mask x 1 + Silver platter x 1 + Silver tiara x 1

    4) Platinum headgear

    = Iron mask x 1 + Platinum ore x 1 + Hephaestus'

    flame x 1

    5) Mythril coif

    = Mail coif x 1 + Mythril ore x 2

    6) Thinking cap

    = Steel helmet x 1 + Gold circlet x 1 + Sorcerer's

    stone x 3

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    7) Scholar's circlet

    = Thinking cap x 1 + Brainy bracer x 1 + Safe's elixir x


    8) Raging bull helm

    = Gigasteel helmet x 1 + Magic beast horn x 2 +

    Tough guy tattoo x 1

    9) Minotaur helm

    = Raging bull helm x 1 + Magic beast horn x 4 +

    Mighty armlet x 1

    10) Hades' helm

    = Great helm x 1 + Malicite x 1

    11) Mythril helm

    = Platinum headgear x 1 + Mythril ore x 3

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    12) Great helm

    = Hades' helm x 1 + Saint's ashes x 1

    13) Crown of clarity

    = Thinking cap x 1 + Thinkincense x 5 + Mythril ore x


    14) Skull helm

    = Apollo's crown x 1 + Malicite x 1

    15) Sun crown

    = Skull helm x 1 + Saint's ashes x 3

    16) Apollo's crown

    = Sun crown x 1 + Agate of evolution x 1 + Sunstonex 1

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    17) Liquid metal helm

    = Metal slime helm x 1 + Orichalcum x 1 + Slimedrop

    x 6

    18) Metal king helm

    = Liquid metal helm x 1 + Orichalcum x 1 + Slime

    crown x 1

    19) Erdrick's helmet

    = Rusty helmet x 1 + Glass frit x 9 + Orichalcum x 1

    20) Hallowed helm

    = Wonder helm x 1 + Reset stone x 1

    21) Blessed helm

    = Hallowed helm x 1 + Agate of evolution x 1 +

    Purple orb x 1

  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


    22) Wonder helm

    = Blessed helm x 1 + Agate of evolution x 3 + Purple

    orb x 3

    23) Heavenly helm

    = Blessed helm x 1 + Agate of evolution x 3 + Purple

    orb x 3

    See Alchemiracles section for details

    24) Trailblazing bandana

    = Bandana x 1 + Bow tie x 1

    25) Mercury's bandana

    = Trailblazing bandana x 1 + Agility ring x 1

    26) Feathered cap

    = Leather hat x 1 + Flurry feather x 1

  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


    27) Bunny ears

    = Hairband x 1 + Bunny tail x 2

    28) Cat ears

    = Hairband x 1 + Kitty litter x 2

    29) Fur hood

    = Leather hat x 1 + Magic beast hide x 1 +

    Lambswool x 1

    30) Pointy hat

    = Leather hat x 1 + Magic beast horn x 1

    31) Golden tiara

    = Silver tiara x 1 + Gold ring x 1 + Gold bracer x 1

  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


    32) Slood

    = Pointy hat x 1 + Slimedrop x 3

    33) Feather headband

    = Hairband x 1 + Flurry feather x 2

    34) Hunter's hat

    = Pointy hat x 1 + Lambswool x 1 + Magic beast hide

    x 1

    35) Ear cosy

    = Fur hood x 1 + Bunny tail x 1 + Lambswool x 1

    36) Gold circlet

    = Circlet x 1 + Gold ring x 1 + Gold bracer x 1

    37) Star circlet

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    = Gold circlet x 1 + Lucida shard x 1

    38) Tricky turban

    = Turban x 1 + Toad oil x 1 + Snakeskin x 1

    39) Thief's turban

    = Turban x 1 + Evencloth x 2

    40) Malleable mask

    = Circlet x 1 + Butterfly wing x 2 + Narspicious x 2

    41) Papillon mask

    = Malleable mask x 1 + Dread dagger x 1 +

    Narspicious x 3

    42) Canny cap

    = Feathered cap x 1 + Brainy bracer x 2

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    43) Musketeer hat

    = Feathered cap x 1 + Feather headband x 1 + Magic

    beast hide x 3

    44) Mega-magical hat

    = Magical hat x 1 + Prayer ring x 2 + Sorcerer's stonex 1

    45) Happy hat

    = Unhappy hat x 1 + Lucky pendant x 1

    46) Spellward circlet

    = Gold circlet x 1 + Monarchic mark x 1 + Gold bar x


    47) Phantom mask

    = Papillon mask x 1 + Dark robe x 1 + Slipweed x 3

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    48) Spring breeze hat

    = Winter sky hat x 1 + Agate of evolution x 1 + Green

    orb x 1

    49) Summer cloud hat

    = Spring breeze hat x 1 + Agate of evolution x 1 +Green orb x 1

    50) Autumn shower hat

    = Summer cloud hat x 1 + Agate of evolution x 1 +

    Green orb x 1

    51) Winter sky hat

    = Autumn shower hat x 1 + Agate of evolution x 1 +

    Green orb x 1

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    ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~( Torso )~-~-~-~-~-~-~-


    1) Large-scale armour

    = Scale armour x 1 + Scale shield x 1 + Snakeskin x 1

    2) Silver cuirass

    = Iron cuirass x 1 + Silver platter x 1

    3) Full plate armour

    = Iron armour x 1 + Iron ore x 1 + Royal soil x 1

    4) Gigasteel armour

    = Full plate armour x 1 + Iron ore x 2 + Hephaestus'flame x 1

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    5) Tortoise shell

    = Iron cuirass x 1 + Tortoiseshell x 1 + Emerald moss

    x 1

    Note: Tortoiseshell is the alchemy material.

    6) Tortoiseshell armour

    = Tortoise shell x 1 + Tortoiseshell x 2 + Emeraldmoss x 2

    Note: Tortoiseshell is the alchemy material.

    Tortoise shell is the armour.

    7) Gold mail

    = Silver mail x 1 + Gold ring x 1 + Gold bracer x 1

    8) Platinum mail

    = Gold mail x 1 + Platinum ore x 1 + Hephaestus'

    flame x 1

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    9) Enchanted armour

    = Magic armour x 1 + Enchanted stone x 1

    10) Ethereal armour

    = Enchanted armour x 1 + Ethereal stone x 1

    11) Dragon mail

    = Magic armour x 1 + Dragon scale x 2 + Raging ruby

    x 1

    12) Spiked armour

    = Magic armour x 1 + Magic beast horn x 2 + Iron

    nails x 5

    13) Holy mail

    = Chain mail x 1 + Holy talisman x 1 + Mythril ore x 1

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    14) Sacrosanct armour

    = Sacred armour x 1 + Ruby of protection x 1 + Life

    bracer x 1

    15) Mirror armour

    = Magic armour x 1 + Mirrorstone x 3 + Sober ring x


    16) Catoptric armour

    = Mirror armour x 1 + Mirrorstone x 5 + Catholicon

    ring x 1

    17) Liquid metal armour

    = Metal slime armour x 1 + Orichalcum x 1 +

    Slimedrop x 6

    18) Metal king armour

  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


    = Liquid metal armour x 1 + Orichalcum x 1 + Slime

    crown x 1

    19) Erdrick's armour

    = Rusty armour x 1 + Glass frit x 9 + Orichalcum x 1

    20) Victorious armour

    = Mythical armour x 1 + Reset stone x 1

    21) Glorious armour

    = Victorious armour x 1 + Agate of evolution x 1 +Red orb x 1

    22) Mythical armour

    = Glorious armour x 1 + Agate of evolution x 3 + Red

    orb x 3

    23) Legendary armour

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    = Glorious armour x 1 + Agate of evolution x 3 + Red

    orb x 3

    See Alchemiracles section for details

    24) Tracksuit top

    = Training top x 1 + Finessence x 1

    25) Fur poncho

    = Leather cape x 1 + Magic beast hide x 3

    26) Cloak of concealment

    = Cloak of evasion x 1 + Slipweed x 2 + Lambswool x


    27) Gooey gear

    = Garish garb x 1 + Slimedrop x 3

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    28) Majestic mantle

    = Velvet cape x 1 + Bow tie x 1 + Brighten rock x 3

    29) Tussler's top

    = Tracksuit top x 1 + Finessence x 1 + Magic beast

    hide x 2

    30) Dragon dress

    = Strongsam x 1 + Dragon scale x 1 + Finessence x 2

    31) Flamenco shirt

    = Garish garb x 1 + Brighten rock x 3 + Technicolour

    dreamcloth x 1

    32) Dancer's dress

    = Dancers costume x 1 + Brighten rock x 3 +

    Technicolor dreamcloth x 1

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    33) Fur vest

    = Fur poncho x 1 + Magic beast hide x 3

    34) Superstar's suit

    = Star's suit x 1 + Lucida shard x 3

    35) Technicolour tutu

    = Tint-tastic tutu x 1 + Technicolour dreamcloth x 1

    36) Hot bikini top

    = Dangerous bikini top x 1 + Seashell x 3 + Crimson

    coral x 2

    37) Sizzling bikini top

    = Hot bikini top x 1 + Technicolour dreamcloth x 1 +Astral plume x 2

  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


    38) Dragon top

    = Tussler's top x 1 + Dragon scale x 2 + Finessence x


    39) Dark robe

    = Velvet cape x 1 + Evencloth x 3 + Slipweed x 3

    40) Macabre mantle

    = Dark robe x 1 + Wing of bat x 4 + Terrible tattoo x


    41) Twinkling tuxedo

    = Smart suit x 1 + Bow tie x 1 + Brighten rock x 3

    42) Shimmering dress

    = Spangled dress x 1 + Pink pearl x 1 + Brighten rock

    x 3

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    43) Dangerous bustier

    = Divine bustier x 1 + Reset stone x 1

    44) Silk bustier

    = Dangerous bustier x 1 + Tangleweb x 7 + Silk robe

    x 3

    45) Divine bustier

    = Silk bustier x 1 + Slipweed x 7 + Sainted soma x 3

    46) Tropotoga

    = Mesotoga x 1 + Reset stone x 1

    47) Stratotoga

    = Tropotoga x 1 + Agate of evolution x 1 + Blue orb x1

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    48) Mesotoga

    = Stratotoga x 1 + Agate of evolution x 3 + Blue orb x


    49) Exotoga

    = Stratotoga x 1 + Agate of evolution x 3 + Blue orb x


    See Alchemiracles section for details

    50) Robe of sweet dreams

    = Rober of serenity x 1 + Sleeping hibiscus x 3 +

    Lambswool x 3

    51) Enchanted robes

    = Magical robes x 1 + Enchanted stone x 1

    52) Ethereal robes

    = Enchanted robes x 1 + Ethereal stone x 1

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    53) Saintly robe

    = Ascetic robe x 1 + Rosary x 1 + Grubby bandage x 3

    54) Fizzle-proof suit

    = Fizzle-retardant suit x 1 + Sorcerer's ring x 1 +

    Grubby bandage x 3

    55) Sage's robe

    = Saintly robe x 1 + Fizzle-proof suit x 1 +

    Thinkincense x 3

    56) Flowing dress

    = Enchanted robes x 1 + Celestial skein x 3

    57) Cape of good karma

    = Majestic mantle x 1 + Thinkincense x 6 + Sage's

    elixir x 3

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    58) Princess's robe

    = Shimmering dress x 1 + Monarchic mark x 1

    59) Queen's robe

    = Princess's robe x 1 + Monarch's mittens x 1 +

    Lambswool x 2

    60) Empress's robe

    = Queen's robe x 1 + Spellward circlet x 1 +

    Lambswool x 3

    61) Prince's pea coat

    = Twinkling tuxedo x 1 + Monarchic mark x 1

    62) King's coat

    = Prince's pea coat x 1 + King axe x 1 + Lambswool x


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    63) Emperor's attire

    = King's coat x 1 + Slime crown x 1 + Lambswool x 3

    64) Celestria's gown

    = Nightmare gown x 1 + Saint's ashes x 3

    65) Celestria's raiment

    = Celestria's gown x 1 + Agate of evolution x 1 +

    Astral plume x 7

    66) Xenlon robe

    = Dragon robe x 1 + Dragon top x 1 + Dragon dress x


    67) Angel's robe

    = Aeon's robe x 1 + Reset stone x 1

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    68) Archangel's robe

    = Angel's robe x 1 + Agate of evolution x 1 + Yellow

    orb x 1

    69) Aeon's robe

    = Archangel's robe x 1 + Agate of evolution x 3 +Yellow orb x 3

    70) Seraph's robe

    = Archangel's robe x 1 + Agate of evolution x 3 +

    Yellow orb x 3

    See Alchemiracles section for details

    ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-( Arms )~-~-~-~-~-~-~-


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    1) Steel gauntlets

    = Iron gauntlets x 1 + Iron ore x 1 + Royal soil x 1

    2) Gigasteel gauntlets

    = Steel gauntlets x 1 + Iron ore x 2 + Hephaestus'

    flame x 1

    3) Enchanted gloves

    = Magic mittens x 1 + Enchanted stone x 1

    4) Ethereal gloves

    = Enchanted gloves x 1 + Ethereal stone x 1

    5) Sturdy gauntlets

    = Light gauntlets x 1 + Iron ore x 2 + Aggressence x 1

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    6) Heavy gauntlets

    = Sturdy gauntlets x 1 + Densinium x 2 +

    Aggressence x 1

    7) Blessed bindings

    = Bruiser's bracers x 1 + Thinkincense x 3 + Sage's

    elixir x 2

    8) Liquid metal slime gloves

    = Metal slime gauntlets x 1 + Orichalcum x 1 +

    Slimedrop x 6

    9) Metal king slime gloves

    = Liquid metal slime gloves x 1 + Orichalcum x 1 +

    Slime crown x 1

    10) Erdrick's gauntlets

    = Rusty gauntlets x 1 + Glass frit x 9 + Orichalcum x 1

  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


    11) Vesta gauntlets

    = Tempestes gauntlets x 1 + Reset stone x 1

    12) Diana gauntlets

    = Vesta gauntlets x 1 + Agate of evolution x 1 + Red

    orb x 1

    13) Tempestes gauntlets

    = Diana gauntlets x 1 + Agate of evolution x 3 + Red

    orb x 3

    14) Sol Invictus gauntlets

    = Diana gauntlets x 1 + Agate of evolution x 3 + Red

    orb x 3

    See Alchemiracles section for details

    15) Leather gloves

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    = Cotton gloves x 1 + Magic beast hide x 1

    16) Marquess's mittens

    = Mayoress's mittens x 1 + Monarchic mark x 1

    17) Monarch's mittens

    = Marquess's mittens x 1 + Highness heels x 1

    18) Guru's gloves

    = Heavy handwear x 1 + Thinkincense x 3 + Sage's

    elixir x 2

    19) Gloomy gloves

    = Heavy handwear x 1 + Evencloth x 3

    20) Murky mittens

    = Gloomy gloves x 1 + Malicite x 1 + Evencloth x 3

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    21) Matador's gloves

    = Mental mittens x 1 + Slipweed x 4 + Mercury's

    bandana x 1

    22) Apprentice's gloves

    = Grandmaster's gloves x 1 + Reset stone x 1

    23) Master's gloves

    = Apprentice's gloves x 1 + Agate of evolution x 1 +

    Silver orb x 1

    24) Grandmaster's gloves

    = Master's glove x 1 + Agate of evolution x 3 + Silver

    orb x 3

    25) Godly gloves

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    = Master's glove x 1 + Agate of evolution x 3 + Silver

    orb x 3

    See Alchemiracles section for details

    ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-( Legs )~-~-~-~-~-~-~-


    1) Leather kilt

    = Boxer shorts x 1 + Magic beast hide x 1

    2) Tracky bottoms

    = Training trousers x 1 + Finessence x 1

    3) Boomer briefs

    = Boxer shorts x 1 + Boomerang x 1

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    4) Wonder pants

    = Boomer briefs x 1 + Aggressence x 1

    5) Steel kneecaps

    = Iron kneecaps x 1 + Iron ore x 1 + Royal soil x 1

    6) Gigasteel kneecaps

    = Steel kneecaps x 1 + Iron ore x 2 + Hephaestus'

    flame x 1

    7) Hot bikini bottoms

    = Dangerous midriff wrap x 1 + Seashell x 3 +

    Crimson coral x 3

    8) Sizzling bikini bottoms

    = Hot bikinibottom x 1 + Technicolor dreamcloth x 1

    + Astral plume x 2

  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


    9) Blessed bottoms

    = Wizard's trousers x 1 + Sorcerer's stone x 1 +

    Lambswool x 2

    10) Tussler's torousers

    = Tracky bottoms x 1 + Finessence x 1 + Magic beasthide x 2

    11) Fancy pants

    = Loud trousers x 1 + Belle cap x 3 + Narspicious x 1

    12) Chainmail socks

    = Pop socks x 1 + Chain mail x 2 + Iron nails x 2

    13) Red tights

    = Pop socks x 1 + Crimson coral x 4

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    14) Green tights

    = Pop socks x 1 + Emerald moss x 4

    15) White tights

    = Pop socks x 1 + Seashell x 4

    16) Transparent tights

    = Red tights x 1 + Green tights x 1 + White tights x 1

    17) Dragon trousers

    = Tussler's trousers x 1 + Dragon scale x 2 +

    Finessence x 2

    18) Tantric trousers

    = Dragon trousers x 1 + Thinkincense x 3 + Sage's

    elixir x 2

  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


    19) Impregnable leggings

    = Sturdy slacks x 1 + Densinium x 1 + Orichalcum x 1

    20) Invincible trousers

    = Eternity trousers x 1 + Reset stone x 1

    20) Immortal trousers

    = Invincible trousers x 1 + Agate of evolution x 1 +

    Purple orb x 1

    21) Eternity trousers

    = Immortal trousers x 1 + Agate of evolution x 3 +

    Purple orb x 3

    22) Infinity trousers

    = Immortal trousers x 1 + Agate of evolution x 3 +

    Purple orb x 3

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    See Alchemiracles section for details

    ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-( Feet )~-~-~-~-~-~-~-


    1) Hobnail boots

    = Leather boots x 1 + Magic beast hide x 1

    2) Steel sabatons

    = Iron sabatons x 1 + Iron ore x 1 + Royal soil x 1

    3) Gigasteel sabatons

    = Steel sabatons x 1 + Iron ore x 2 + Hephaestus'flame x 1

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    4) Payback pumps

    = Steel sabatons x 1 + Magic beast horn x 2 + Iron

    nails x 2

    5) Brahman boots

    = Clever clogs x 1 + Thinkincense x 3 + Sage's elixir x


    6) Liquid metal slime boots

    = Metal slime sollerets x 1 + Orichalcum x 1 +

    Slimedrop x 6

    7) Metal king slime boots

    = Liquid metal slime boots x 1 + Orichalcum x 1 +

    Slime crown x 1

    8) Hero's boots

    = Emperor's boots x 1 + Reset stone x 1

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    9) Basilic boots

    = Hero's boots x 1 + Agate of evolution x 1 + Yellow

    orb x 1

    10) Emperor's boots

    = Basilic boots x 1 + Agate of evolution x 3 + Yelloworb x 3

    11) Boots of beatitude

    = Basilic boots x 1 + Agate of evolution x 3 + Yellow

    orb x 3

    See Alchemiracles section for details

    12) Classy clogs

    = Clogs x 1 + Belle cap x 2

    13) Stiletto heels

  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


    = High heels x 1 + Fishnet stockings x 1

    14) Highness heels

    = Stiletto heels x 1 + Monarchic mark x 1

    15) Sorceress sandals

    = Siren sandals x 1 + Sleeping hibiscus x 3 + Belle cap

    x 2

    16) Wu shoes

    = Kung fu shoes x 1 + Finessence x 2

    17) Safer shoes

    = Safety shoes x 1 + Ruby of protection x 1 + Mythril

    ore x 1

    18) Safest shoes

  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


    = Safer shoes x 1 + Ruby of protection x 1 +

    Orichalcum x 1

    19) Elevating shoes

    = Depressing shoes x 1 + Lucky pendant x 1

    20) Pixie boots

    = Elevating shoes x 1 + Elfin charm x 2

    21) Tricksie boots

    = Pixie boots x 1 + Agate of evolution x 1

    22) Sensible sandals

    = Sapient sandals x 1 + Reset stone x 1

    23) Sagacious sandals

  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


    = Sensible sandals x 1 + Agate of evolution x 1 + Blue

    orb x 1

    24) Sapient sandals

    = Sagacious sandals x 1 + Agate of evolution x 3 +

    Blue orb x 3

    25) Sentient sandals

    = Sagacious sandals x 1 + Agate of evolution x 3 +

    Blue orb x 3

    See Alchemiracles section for details



    ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~( Accessories )~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-[RCP19]

  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy




    1) Strength ring

    = Gold ring x 1 + Aggressence x 1

    2) Tough guy tattoo

    = Terrible tattoo x 1 + Aggressence x 1

    3) Raging ruby

    = Strength ring x 1 + Corundum x 1

    4) Might armlet

    = Gold bracer x 1 + Strength ring x 1 + Tough guytattoo x 1

  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


    5) Slime earrings

    = Slimedrop x 1 + Gold ring x 1

    6) Ruby of protection

    = Dragon scale x 1 + Corundum x 1

    7) Bow tie

    = Butterfly wing x 2 + Grubby bandage x 1

    8) Utility belt

    = Leather kilt x 1 + Ultramarine mittens x 1 + Grubby

    bandage x 1

    9) Agility ring

    = Prayer ring x 1 + Flurry feather x 2

    10) Meteorite bracer

  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


    = Gold bar x 1 + Agility ring x 2 + Lucida shard x 3

    11) Sorcerer's ring

    = Skull ring x 1 + Saint's ashes x 1

    12) Rosary

    = Pink pearl x 1 + Fresh water x 3 + Thinkincense x 3

    13) Brainy bracer

    = Gold bracer x 1 + Sorcerer's stone x 2

    14) Life bracer

    = Gold bracer x 1 + Life ring x 2

    15) Spirit bracer

    = Gold bracer x 1 + Prayer ring x 1 + Elfin charm x 1

  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


    16) Monarchic mark

    = Lucky pendant x 1 + Raging ruby x 1 + Ruby of

    protection x 1

    17) Prayer ring

    = Gold ring x 1 + Sage's elixir x 2

    18) Holy talisman

    = Gold rosary x 1 + Holy water x 5 + Resurrock x 1

    19) Sober ring

    = Gold ring x 1 + Sandstorm spear x 1 + Panacea x 1

    20) Contra band

    = Gold ring x 1 + Poison needle x 1 + Special antidotex 1

  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


    21) Full moon ring

    = Gold ring x 1 + Poison moth knife x 1 + Lunaria x 1

    22) Rousing ring

    = Gold ring x 1 + Sleepy stick x 1 + Wakerobin x 3

    23) Ring of clarity

    = Gold ring x 1 + Moon axe x 1 + Angel bell x 3

    24) Catholicon ring

    = Rousing ring x 1 + Sober ring x 1 + Contra band x 1

    25) Sull ring

    = Sorcerer's ring x 1 + Malicite x 1

    26) Elfin charm

  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


    = Holy talisman x 1 + Elfin elixir x 1 + Emerald moss x


    27) Life ring

    = Prayer ring x 1 + Resurrock x 3

    28) Goddess ring

    = Life ring x 1 + Sainted soma x 1 + Gold bar x 1

    29) Reckless necklace

    = Lucky pendant x 1 + Malicite x 1

    30) Lucky pendant

    = Reckless necklace x 1 + Saint's ashes x 1

  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy




    ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~( Items )~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-[RCP20]



    1) Strong medicine

    = Medicinal herb x 2

    2) Special medicine

    = Strong medicine x 2

    3) Superior medicine

    = Medicinal herb x 1 + Strong medicine x 1

    4) Strong antidote

  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


    = Antidotal herb x 1 + Medicinal herb x 1

    5) Special antidote

    = Strong antidote x 2

    6) Softwort

    = Strong medicine x 1 + Moonwort bulb x 1

    7) Lunaria

    = Moonwort bulb x 3

    8) Birdsong nectar

    = Nectar x 3 + Fresh water x 1 + Sleeping hibiscus x 5

    9) Panacea

    = Special medicine x 1 + Superior medicine x 1 +

    Moonwort bulb x 1

  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


    10) Perfect panacea

    = Panacea x 1 + Angel bell x 1 + Wakerobin x 1

    11) Yggdrasil dew

    = Yggdrasil leaf x 1 + Elfin elixir x 1

    12) Magic water

    = Holy water x 1 + Royal soil x 1 + Nectar x 1

    13) Sage's elixir

    = Magic water x 1 + Royal soil x 1 + Nectar x 3

    14) Elfin elixir

    = Yggdrasil leaf x 1 + Royal soil x 3 + Nectar x 5

    15) Mystifying mixture

  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


    = Belle cap x 1 + Manky mud x 1 + Cowpat x 3

    16) Sage's stone

    = Orichalcum x 1 + Birdsong nectar x 3 + Silver orb x


    17) Densinium

    = Flintstone x 3 + Iron ore x 3

    18) Gold bar

    = Sainted soma x 3 + Ethereal stone x 2 + Birdsongnectar x 5

    19) Hephaestus' flame

    = Lava lump x 1 + Royal soil x 1 + Toad oil x 1

    20) Enchanted stone

  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


    = Thunderball x 2 + Ice crystal x 2 + Mystifying

    mixture x 1

    21) Ethereal stone

    = Enchanted stone x 1 + Perfect panacea x 1 +

    Narspicious x 2

    22) Astral plume

    = Flurry feather x 3 + Fresh water x 2 + Angel bell x 1

    23) Celestial skein

    = Fresh water x 3 + Tangleweb x 5

    24) Technicolour dreamcloth

    = Grubby bandage x 3 + Brighten rock x 1 + Celestial

    skein x 1

    25) Sainted soma

  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


    = Lucida shard x 2 + Sage's elixir x 2 + Astral plume x


    26) Lucida shard

    = Brighten rock x 3 + Evencloth x 3

    27) Agate of evolution

    = Sainted soma x 2 + Ethereal stone x 2 +

    Chronocrystal x 1

    28) Sunstone

    = Lucida shard x 2 + Mirrorstone x 3 + Hephaestus'

    flame x 1

    29) Malicite

    = Pink pearl x 1 + Terrible tattoo x 2 + Narspicious x


  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


    There are 22 Alchemiracle recipes in the game. An

    Alchemiracle recipe is

    identical to another recipe, except that you only have achance of getting the

    better item. If that chance fails, you'll get the lesser item.

    All Alchemiracle recipes are based around the 4 tiers that

    the "Ultimate

    Equipment" can be: you get the 1st Tier from the grotto

    bosses or from chests

    deep in the grottos, and then upgrade to 2nd Tier

    normally and then to either4th Tier via Alchemiracle or 3rd Tier if you fail. You can

    always reset a 3rd

    Tier to 1st Tier using a Reset Stone to try again if you fail.

    An Alchemiracle

    recipe will save the game before it tells you the result, so

    you cannot simply

    shut off the DS and try again.

  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


    Also, all Alchemiracle recipes require 3 Agates of

    Evolution and 3 Orbs, the

    colour of which depends on the precise item you're

    upgrading. These orbs are

    rewards from the Legacy Bosses. Further details on all of

    this can be found

    below in the and in the Bestiary guide's section on Legacy



    Each Alchemiracle has a minimum and maximum chance

    of success. This chance of

    success is based on the Hero's *stats*. Each 4th Tier item

    is aligned to a

    particular stat, and the recipe will demand a certain

    amount of this in order

  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


    to give you a bonus to success. Let's look at a quick


    The Hypernova Sword is aligned with Strength. The

    recipe has a success rate of

    10% to 40%, with the stat range for this success rate

    being 300-999. If you

    have 300 Strength or less, you get the absolute minimum

    rate of 10%. If you

    have 999 Strength, you get the absolute maximum rate

    of 40%. If you have

    something in between, like 500 Strength, then you get avalue linearly between

    the two values: 18.58% in this case, which is then

    rounded down to 18%.

    Krak Pot will give you an estimate of this percentage, but

    he will, in fact,

  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


    round down the percentage *further* to the next 10%.

    So instead of 18%, Krak

    Pot will tell you he thinks it has a 10% chance of success.In this case, he

    is being misleading: you have a much greater chance of

    success. But that's as

    far as it goes: there are no other normal ways that you

    can increase your

    chance of success.

    The table below summarizes the all of the data. Thetable is divided into

    three sections, the first has a stat range of 300-999 and a

    chance of

    10%-40%, the second section has a stat range of 300-999

    and a chance of

    10%-50%, and the third section has a stat range of 300-

    700 and a chance of

  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy



    From Terence's data above, the following formulas can

    be derived to determine

    your chance of success. There are three formulas, one

    for each of the

    sections of the table. Note that these formulas do not

    work for values less

    than 300, since the chance is simply set to 10% as the

    minimum. Also, for

    Formula #3, the Stat Range peaks at 700, and beyond

    that the chance is simplyset to 50%.

    These formulas are very simple, but these are for those

    who are not very

    mathematically inclined.

  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


    Formula #1 - Stat Range 300 to 999, Chance Range 10%

    to 40%

    Chance = 0.0429 * PrimaryStat - 2.87

    Formula #2 - Stat Range 300 to 999, Chance Range 10%

    to 50%

    Chance = 0.0572 * PrimaryStat - 7.16

    Formula #3 - Stat Range 300 to 700, Chance Range 20%

    to 50%

    Chance = 0.075 * PrimaryStat - 2.5

  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


    Here is an example of how to use the formulas:

    If you are making the Hypernova Sword, which has a

    primary stat of Strength,

    and your hero has a strength stat of 500, then you would

    use Formula #1 since

    the Hypernova sword has a Stat Range of 300 to 999 and

    a Chance Range of 10% to

    40%. Then the formula would be:

    Chance = 0.0429 * (500) - 2.87 => 21.45 - 2.87 = 18.58

    Since the chance is determined as a whole number, just

    round down (or truncate)

    18.58 => 18 => 18% chance of success

  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy



    / Item Name | Stat Range| Primary Stat |

    Chance \


    | Hypernova Sword | 300 - 999 | Strength |

    10% - 40% |

    | Red-hot Poker | 300 - 999 | Magical Mending |

    10% - 40% |

    | Dynamo Dagger | 300 - 999 | Deftness |

    10% - 40% |

    | Aurora Staff | 300 - 999 | Magical Might |10% - 40% |

    | ber Gringham Whip | 300 - 999 | Magical Might

    | 10% - 40% |

    | Coma Cudgel | 300 - 999 | Magical Mending |

    10% - 40% |

    | Xenlon Claws | 300 - 999 | Agility | 10% -

    40% |

  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


    | Dire Critical Fan | 300 - 999 | Charm | 10% -

    40% |

    | Galaxy Axe | 300 - 999 | Strength | 10% -40% |

    | Starsmasher | 300 - 999 | Resilience | 10% -

    40% |

    | Galaxarang | 300 - 999 | Agility | 10% -

    40% |

    | Seraph's Bow | 300 - 999 | Deftness | 10%

    - 40% |


    | Soul Sucker | 300 - 999 | Resilience | 10% -50% |

    | Heavenly Helm | 300 - 999 | Resilience |

    10% - 50% |

    | Legendary Armour | 300 - 999 | Resilience |

    10% - 50% |

    | Exotoga | 300 - 999 | Charm | 10% -

    50% |

  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


    | Seraph's Robe | 300 - 999 | Magical Mending |

    10% - 50% |


    | Sol Invictus Gauntlets | 300 - 700 | Strength |

    20% - 50% |

    | Godly Gloves | 300 - 700 | Deftness | 20% -

    50% |

    | Infinity Trousers | 300 - 700 | Magical Might |

    20% - 50% |

    o Boots of Beatitude | 300 - 700 | Strength |

    20% - 50% o

    \ Sentient Sandals | 300 - 700 | Agility | 20% -50%/


    The values listed on the Attributes page for your Hero are

    the ones that are

  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


    used. This means that changing your job temporarily can

    increase your chances,

    as can anything that modifes your base values.

    Alchemiracle chances are based on the Hoimi Table and

    uses the same types of

    random output as Grotto Drop Chances, so you can use

    the Hoimi Table to help,

    if you wish. I will not cover the details of doing so here.

    Finally, please note that the chances of an Alchemiracle

    do *NOT* increase if

    it's your birthday, or if you happen to get a Red Slime or

    Metal Slime on your

    loading screen. You will still have the same percentage

    chances as listed


  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


    Revocations don't add even a single percentage to your

    success rate with

    Alchemiracles. It's all tied to your stats (so some of theRevocation

    *Accessories* can help, naturally).



    ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~( Locating Ingredients )-~-~-~-



    ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~( Items Found on World Map )-


    There are many ingredients that are available on the

    world map. I have not

  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


    bothered to list them here in text since it's easier to just

    look at the map

    that has already been done.

    The following is a link to some maps that show the

    locations of all of the

    items that can be found on the world map:



    Here is a full list of the items that can be found on the

    world map.

    Antidotal herb

    Belle cap

  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


    Brighten rock

    Chimera wing





    Crimson coral

    Emerald moss

  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy





    Flurry feather

    Fresh water

    Glass frit

    Gleeban groat

    Gleeban guinea

    Holy water

  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


    Horse manure

    Ice crystal

    Iron ore

    Kitty litter

    Lava lump

    Magic water

    Manky mud

    Medicinal herb

  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy



    Mythril ore



    Platinum ore


    Rockbomb shard

    Royal soil


  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


    Sleeping hibiscus



    Superior medicine





  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


    Yggdrasil leaf

    ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-( Monster Drops - Alchemy )-~-


    The following list shows the alchemy items that aredropped by monsters. The

    list is in alphabetical order, and includes each monster

    that has a chance to

    drop that particular item. Note however, that it does not

    mention whether the

    item is that monster's normal drop or its rare drop. You

    can refer to the

    Bestiary guide to find all of the details of each monster.

    Aggressence: Hammibal, Yore

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    Belle cap: Morphean mushroom, Mushroom mage

    Blue orb: Nimzo, Orgodemir

    Brighten rock: Cosmic chimaera, Goodybag, Rashaverak

    Butterfly wing: Dread admiral

    Celestial skein: Lleviathan

    Corundum: Admirer

    Cowpat: Bag o' laughs, Mudraker, Swinoceros

    Crimson coral: Belisha beakon, Crabid, Knocktopus,


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  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


    Fresh water: Cheeky tiki

    Glass frit: Cyclown, Parched peckerel, Power hammer,

    Stale whale,

    Morphean mushroom

    Gold bar: AU-1000, Drakularge, Gem jamboree, Gem

    slime, Pandora's box,

    Tyrannosaurus Wrecks

    Green orb: Estark, Psaro

    Grubby bandage: Blood mummy, Mummy boy, Mummy

    Hephaestus' flame: Flamin' drayman, Magmalice,


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    Horse manure: Godsteed, Sick trigertaur, Tantamount,

    White trigertaur

    Ice crystal: Brrearthenwarrior, Firn fiend, Freezing fog,

    Shivery shrubbery,

    Uncommon cold

    Iron nails: Clockwork cuckoo, Killing machine, Shocktopus

    Iron ore: Bad karmour, Corrupt carter, Hunter mech,


    Kitty litter: Clawcerer, Parched peckerel, Power hammer,


    Lambswool: Battering ram, Drackal, Ram rider, Rampage

  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


    Lava lump: Admirer, Bagma, Live lava, Magmalice,

    Master of Nu'un,

    Scarlet fever, Terrorhawk

    Lucida shard: Cosmic chimaera

    Magic beast hide: Badboon, Badger mager, Badja,Bewarewolf, Big badboon,

    Bling badger, Boppin' badger, Brainy badboon,

    Claw hammer,

    Dreadful drackal, Hexagoon, Master moosifer,


    Octagoon, Rampage, Rover, Scarewolf,


    Swinoceros, Tearwolf, Trigertaur

    Magic beast horn: Battering ram, Dreadful drackal,

    Knocktopus, Seasaur,

  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


    Shocktopus, Splatterhorn

    Malicite: Blood mummy, Grrrgoyle, Hootingham-Gore,


    Manky mud: Apeckalypse, Ghoul, Mortoad, Stenchurion,

    Toxic zombie,

    Walking corpse

    Mirrorstone: Alphyn, Mega moai

    Mythril ore: Golem, Metal medley, Void droid

    Narspicious: Shivery shrubbery

    Nectar: Pink sanguini

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    Orichalcum: Gem slime, Greygnarl, Metal king slime

    Platinum ore: Octagoon, Platinum king jewel

    Purple orb: Dhoulmagus, Rhapthorne

    Red orb: Dragonlord, Malroth

    Reset stone: Firn fiend, Stone guardian

    Resurrock: Grrrgoyle, Handsome crab, Living statue,

    Sculpture vulture,

    Stone golem, Stone guardian

    Royal soil: Barriearthenwarrior, Drastic drackal, Madmoai, Ragin' Contagion,

    Terror troll

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    Saint's ashes: Genie sanguini, Sculptrice, Seavern

    Seashell: Crabber dabber doo, Spinchilla

    Silver orb: Baramos, Zoma

    Snakeskin: Diethon, Flython, Sail serpent

    Thunderball: Cumulus rex, Cumulus vex

    Toad oil: Blastoad, Expload, Gastropog, Giddy gastropog,

    Gloomy gastropog,


    Tortoiseshell: Crabid, Wonder wyrtle, Wyrtoise, Wyrtle

  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


    Wing of bat: Bloody manguini, Boogie manguini, Diethon,

    Drackmage, Drackmya,

    Flython, Gramarye gruffon, Great gruffon,Gruffon, Manguini

    Yellow orb: Mortamor, Murdaw

    ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-( Monster Drops - Non-Alchemy )-


    This next list shows all items dropped by monsters that

    are used in alchemy

    recipes, but are not normal alchemy items. These

    include consumable items,

    weapons, armour and other items that have a purposeaside from alchemy uses.

  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


    Agility ring: Cyclown, Goresby-Purrvis, Liquid metal slime,

    Whirly girly

    Angel bell: Chariot chappie, Lost soul

    Angel's robe: Tyrannosaurus Wrecks

    Antidotal herb: Bodkin fletcher, Bubble slime,

    Cruelcumber, Gastropog,


    Apprentice's gloves: Shogum

    Ascetic robe: Wight priest

    Battle fork: Deadcurion

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    Beast claws: Vermil lion

    Boomer briefs: Boss troll, Toxic zombie

    Boss shield: Freaky tiki

    Bow tie: Expload

    Boxer shorts: Sacksquatch

    Brain drainer: Sir Sanguinus

    Cautery sword: Axolhotl, Grim ginner, Infernal armour

    Chain mail: Skeleton soldier

  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


    Cloak of evasion: Sluggernaut, Tearwolf

    Clogs: Beakon

    Coagulant: Betterfly, Cumaulus, Dread admiral, Hell nio,


    Cobra claws: Hammer horror

    Cobra fan: Seavern

    Cotton gloves: Skeleton

    Crow's claws: Icikiller, Weaken beakon, Fright knight,

    Night knight

    Deadly nightblade: Handsome crab

  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


    Demon whip: Alphyn

    Depressing shoes: Liquid metal slime

    Dragon claws: Drakulord, Red dragon

    Dragon scale: Abyss diver, Drakulard, Drakularge,

    Drakulord, Equinox,

    Grand Lizzier, Green dragon, Greygnarl,

    Mandrake major,

    Mandrake marauder, Mandrake marshal,

    Mandrake monarch, Nodoph,

    Rashaverak, Red dragon, Riptide, Seasaur,

    Wyrtoise, Wyrtle

    Dragonsbane: Mandrake marshal

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    Elfin elixir: Cobra cardinal

    Falcon blade: Prime slime, Slionheart

    Feather fan: Mecha-mynah

    Fire blade: Scarlet fever

    Fire claws: Nemean

    Fizzle-retardant suit: Python priest

    Fowl fan: Bird of terrordise, Terrorhawk

    Fur poncho: Great gruffon

    Garish garb: Slugger

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    Giant's hammer: Atlas

    Gold bracer: Cannibox

    Gold ring: Aggrosculpture, Drackmya, Gold golem

    Gold rosary: Legionnaire, Mimic, Wight priest

    Hades' helm: Bad karmour, Hell's gatekeeper

    Hallowed helm: Hammibal

    Handrills: Corrupt carter, Cyber spider, Robo-robin,


    Heavy handwear: Hammer horror, Sluggerslaught

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    Hela's hammer: Hell's gatekeeper

    Hero's boots: Trauminator

    High heels: Morag

    Holy lance: Trigertaur

    Holy water: Firespirit, Lost soul, Spirit, Teeny sanguini

    Hunter's bow: Hunter mech

    Icicle dirk: Uncommon cold

    Invincible trousers: Nemean

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    Iron armour: Restless armour

    Iron broadsword: Gum shield, Restless armour, Slime


    Iron claws: Bewarewolf

    Iron cuirass: Legionnaire

    Iron gauntlets: Wight knight

    Iron helmet: Axolhotl, Metal slime knight

    Iron lance: Chariot chappie

    Iron mask: Alarmour, Deadcurion, Harmour

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    Iron shield: Salamarauder

    Leather cape: Bodkin bowyer

    Leather hat: Bodkin archer, Bodkin bowyer

    Leather kilt: Brownie, Hammerhood

    Leather whip: Lunatick

    Light shield: Gum shield, Metal slime knight

    Lightning staff: Cumulus rex

    Long spear: Scourgette, Zumeanie

    Lunaria: Boogie manguini, Prism peacock

  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


    Magic armour: Charmour, Lethal armour

    Magic shield: Cheeky tiki, Grim ginner

    Magic water: Firespirit, Jinkster, Lunatick, Magus

    Magical robes: Shaman, Sorcerer

    Medicinal herb: Boppin' badger, Dracky, Funghoul,

    Healslime, She-slime, Slime,

    Slugger, Sootheslime, Teeny sanguini

    Miracle sword: Shogum

    Mistick: Cumulus hex

  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


    Moonwort bulb: Badger mager, Batteryfly, Cruelcumber,

    Leafy larrikin,

    Man o' war, Pink sanguini

    Mystifying mixture: Mudraker

    Oaken club: Boss troll, Cyclops, Hammerhood, Troll

    Panacea: Blastoad, Cureslime

    Partisan: Sick trigertaur, Stenchurion

    Pink pearl: Goodybag

    Platinum headgear: Shogum

    Pointy hat: Jinkster, Mean spirit

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    Poison moth knife: Crabber dabber doo, King crab

    Poison needle: Peckerel

    Prayer ring: Genie sanguini, Hocus chimaera

    Raging bull helm: Barbatos

    Raging ruby: Brainy badboon, Drastic drackal, Master


    Tyrannosaura Wrecks

    Red tights: Belisha beakon

    Rockbomb shard: Bomboulder, Flamin' drayman,

    Grinade, Rockbomb, Scourgette

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    Ruby of protection: King Godfrey

    Ruinous shield: Alarmour

    Sacred armour: Sir Sanguinus

    Safety shoes: Gramarye gruffon

    Sage's elixir: Dreadmaster, Fowleye, Freezing fog,


    Scale armour: Icikiller

    Scale shield: Earthenwarrior

    Sensible sandals: Elusid

  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


    Silk robe: Mean spirit, Meowgician, Spirit

    Silver mail: Harmour, Infernal armour

    Skull helm: Blight knight, Night knight

    Skull ring: Aggrosculpture

    Sleeping hibiscus: Funghoul, King crab, Ram rider

    Slime crown: King cureslime, King slime, Metal king slime

    Slime earrings: Slime stack

    Slimedrop: Bubble slime, Cureslime, Darkonium slime,

    Healslime, King cureslime,

  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


    King slime, Medislime, Metal medley, She-slime,

    Slime, Slime knight,

    Slime stack, Sootheslime

    Smart suit: Dark skeleton

    Snakeskin whip: Sail serpent

    Softwort: Bagma, Bud brother, Man o' war

    Soldier's Sword: Earthenwarrior, Wooper trooper

    Spangled dress: Cannibelle

    Special medicine: Badja, Great troll

    Spring breeze hat: Fowleye

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    Staff of sentencing: Clawcerer

    Star's suit: Elusid

    Stolos' staff: Purrestidgitator

    Strength ring: Big badboon, Gigantes, Walking corpse

    Strong antidote: Peckerel, Raving lunatick, Treeface

    Strong medicine: Badboon, Bag o' laughs, Leafy larrikin,


    Metal slime, Treeface, Zumeanie

    Superior medicine: Bud brother, Pale whale, Treevil

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    Sword breaker: Fright knight

    Tangleweb: Cumaulus, Cyber spider, Tyrantula, Widow's


    Terrible tattoo: Barbatos, Bloody manguini, Freaky tiki,

    Garth Goyle, Gruffon,


    Thinking cap: Darkonium slime

    Tint-tastic tutu: Prism peacock

    Tough guy tattoo: Atlas, Claw hammer, Ghoul, Goreham-

    Hogg, Mega moai

    Trident: Stale whale

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  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


    Yggdrasil leaf: Barbarus, Bling badger, Greygnarl

    ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~( Shops - Consumables & Alchemy


    This list shows all consumables and alchemy items that

    are sold is shops in

    the various towns scatted across the world. This list only

    contains the

    consumables and alchemy items that are both sold and

    required in recipes.

    Angel bell: Porth Llaffan, Dourbridge, Bloomingdale,Gleeba, Batsureg,

    Wormwood Creek, Upover

  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


    Antidotal herb: Angel Falls, Zere, Stornway, Coffinwell,

    Alltrades Abbey,

    Porth Llaffan, Slurry Quay, Dourbridge,

    Bloomingdale, Gleeba,

    Batsureg, Swinedimples Academy, Wormwood

    Creek, Upover

    Chronocrystal: Cave northeast of Zere Rock (Post-Game)

    Coagulant: Batsureg, Wormwood Creek, Upover

    Gold bracer: Porth Llaffan, Dourbridge

    Holy water: Zere, Stornway, Coffinwell, Porth Llaffan,

    Slurry Quay, Dourbridge,

    Bloomingdale, Gleeba, Batsureg, Swinedimples


  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


    Wormwood Creek, Upover

    Lambswool: Batsureg

    Magic water: Porth Llaffan, Slurry Quay, Dourbridge,

    Bloomingdale, Gleeba,

    Batsureg, Swinedimples Academy, WormwoodCreek, Upover

    Medicinal herb: Angel Falls, Zere, Stornway, Coffinwell,

    Alltrades Abbey,

    Porth Llaffan, Slurry Quay, Dourbridge,

    Bloomingdale, Gleeba,

    Batsureg, Swinedimples Academy, Wormwood

    Creek, Upover

    Moonwort bulb: Coffinwell, Porth Llaffan, Slurry Quay,


  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


    Bloomingdale, Gleeba, Batsureg, Swinedimples


    Wormwood Creek, Upover

    Sleeping hibiscus: Bloomingdale

    Softwort: Bloomingdale

    Strong antidote: Gleeba, Wormwood Creek, Upover

    Strong medicine: Gleeba, Batsureg, Wormwood Creek,Upover

    Superior medicine: Bloomingdale

    Tangleweb: Batsureg, Wormwood Creek, Upover

  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


    Wakerobin: Bloomingdale

    ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-( Shops - Weapons )-~-~-~-


    This list contains all weapons that are both soldsomewhere, and are also

    required in a given recipe. Post-Game is a reference that

    the particular shop

    won't be available until you finish the main game, and

    Secret Shop refers to

    the shop in Dourbridge that can only be accessed after

    you acquire the

    Ultimate key.

    Battle fork: Bloomingdale, Gleeba

  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


    Battle-axe: Gleeba, Batsureg, Wormwood Creek

    Blowy bow: Wormwood Creek, Upover

    Bronze knife: Stornway, Coffinwell

    Cautery sword: Dourbridge, Bloomingdale

    Chain whip: Bloomingdale, Gleeba

    Cobra claws: Stornway (Post-Game)

    Cobra fan: Batsureg

    Crow's claws: Bloomingdale, Gleeba

  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


    Deadly nightblade: Bloomingdale

    Divine dagger: Stornway, Coffinwell

    Dragon claws: Wormwood Creek, Upover

    Dragon rod: Stornway (Post-Game)

    Dragonsbane: Wormwood Creek

    Driller pillar: Gleeba, Batsureg

    Edged boomerang: Bloomingdale, Batsureg

    Falcon blade: Stornway (Post-Game)

    Feather fan: Angel Falls, Stornway

  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


    Feline fan: Swinedimples Academy

    Fire blade: Upover

    Fire claws: Upover

    Flametang boomerang: Stornway (Post-Game)

    Foehn fan: Dourbridge, Bloomingdale

    Fowl fan: Gleeba

    Giant's hammer: Stornway (Post-Game)

    Gladius: Stornway (Post-Game)

  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


    Great bow: Upover

    Gusterang: Upover

    Handrills: Gleeba, Batsureg, Wormwood Creek

    Headsman's axe: Dourbridge (Secret Shop)

    Holy lance: Dourbridge, Bloomingdale

    Hunter's bow: Batsureg

    Ice axe: Stornway (Post-Game)

    Icicle dirk: Wormwood Creek

    Iron axe: Porth Llaffan

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    Iron bar: Dourbridge, Bloomingdale

    Iron broadsword: Coffinwell, Alltrades Abbey

    Iron claws: Stornway, Coffinwell

    Iron fan: Stornway, Coffinwell

    Iron lance: Stornway, Coffinwell

    Iron whip: Gleeba, Batsureg

    King axe: Upover

    Laundry pole: Stornway

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    Leather whip: Angel Falls, Stornway

    Lightning staff: Gleeba, Batsureg

    Long spear: Coffinwell, Alltrades Abbey

    Magical mace: Upover

    Mistick: Wormwood Creek, Upover

    Moon axe: Wormwood Creek, Upover

    Oaken pole: Coffinwell, Alltrades Abbey

    Partisan: Batsureg, Swinedimples Academy

    Poison moth knife: Coffinwell, Alltrades Abbey

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    Poison needle: Dourbridge, Bloomingdale

    Potshot bow: Batsureg, Wormwood Creek

    Purblind bow: Stornway (Post-Game)

    Queen's whip: Stornway (Post-Game)

    Rapier: Stornway, Coffinwell

    Razor-wing boomerang: Batsureg, Wormwood Creek

    Rune staff: Wormwood Creek

    Sage's staff: Stornway (Post-Game)

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    Sandstorm spear: Gleeba, Wormwood Creek

    Short bow: Porth Llaffan

    Sleepy stick: Batsureg

    Snakeskin whip: Dourbridge, Bloomingdale

    Soldier's Sword: Angel Falls, Stornway

    Staff of sentencing: Coffinwell, Alltrades Abbey

    Stellar fan: Upover

    Stolos' staff: Dourbridge, Bloomingdale

    Swallowtail: Wormwood Creek, Upover

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    Sword breaker: Upover

    Terra tamper: Upover

    Tortoiseshell fan: Bloomingdale

    Valkyrie sword: Batsureg, Wormwood Creek

    War fan: Coffinwell, Alltrades Abbey

    War hammer: Gleeba, Batsureg, Wormwood Creek

    Watermaul wand: Bloomingdale, Gleeba

    Wizard's staff: Stornway, Coffinwell

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    ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~( Shops - Armour & Accessories )-


    This list contains all armour and accessories that are both

    sold somewhere,

    and are also required in a given recipe. Post-Game is a

    reference that the

    particular shop won't be available until you finish the

    main game, and Secret

    Shop refers to the shop in Dourbridge that can only be

    accessed after youacquire the Ultimate key.

    Archer's armguard: Batsureg

    Bandana: Angel Falls, Stornway

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    Boomer briefs: Porth Llaffan, Slurry Quay

    Boss shield: Dourbridge (Secret Shop)

    Bow tie: Slurry Quay, Dourbridge, Gleeba

    Boxer shorts: Angel Falls

    Bruiser's bracers: Wormwood Creek

    Bunny tail: Zere, Porth Llaffan

    Chain mail: Stornway, Coffinwell

    Circlet: Bloomingdale

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    Clever clogs: Stornway (Post-Game)

    Cloak of evasion: Porth Llaffan

    Clogs: Zere, Coffinwell

    Cotton gloves: Angel Falls

    Dangerous bikini top: Dourbridge (Secret Shop)

    Dangerous midriff wrap: Dourbridge (Secret Shop)

    Dark robe: Upover

    Disturbin' turban: Gleeba

    Dragon top: Wormwood Creek

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    Dragon trousers: Wormwood Creek

    Feather headband: Bloomingdale

    Feathered cap: Porth Llaffan

    Fishnet stockings: Slurry Quay, Dourbridge (Secret Shop)

    Fur hood: Slurry Quay

    Garish garb: Coffinwell

    Gold ring: Stornway, Porth Llaffan, Dourbridge

    Green tights: Batsureg

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    Hairband: Stornway

    Heavy handwear: Dourbridge (Secret Shop)

    High heels: Stornway, Dourbridge (Secret Shop)

    Hunter's hat: Batsureg

    Iron armour: Alltrades Abbey, Porth Llaffan

    Iron cuirass: Coffinwell

    Iron gauntlets: Coffinwell, Porth Llaffan

    Iron helmet: Alltrades Abbey, Porth Llaffan, Dourbridge

    Iron kneecaps: Coffinwell, Alltrades Abbey

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    Iron mask: Bloomingdale

    Iron sabatons: Coffinwell, Porth Llaffan

    Iron shield: Alltrades Abbey, Porth Llaffan

    Kung fu shoes: Bloomingdale

    Leather boots: Zere, Coffinwell

    Leather cape: Zere

    Leather hat: Zere, Stornway

    Leather kilt: Zere, Coffinwell

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    Light gauntlets: Upover

    Light shield: Dourbridge, Bloomingdale

    Loud trousers: Bloomingdale

    Magic armour: Gleeba

    Magic shield: Gleeba

    Magical hat: Upover

    Magical robes: Gleeba

    Mail coif: Batsureg

    Mayoress's mittens: Upover

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    Mental mittens: Wormwood Creek

    Mirror armour: Upover

    Pink pearl: Dourbridge, Gleeba

    Platinum headgear: Gleeba, Slurry Quay

    Pointy hat: Slurry Quay

    Pop socks: Porth Llaffan, Dourbridge (Secret Shop)

    Power shield: Dourbridge (Secret Shop), Upover

    Raging bull helm: Wormwood Creek

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    Red tights: Gleeba

    Safety shoes: Wormwood Creek

    Scale armour: Stornway

    Scale shield: Zere, Stornway

    Silk robe: Zere, Stornway

    Silver mail: Bloomingdale

    Silver tiara: Porth Llaffan

    Siren sandals: Bloomingdale

    Slime earrings: Porth Llaffan, Dourbridge

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    Smart suit: Bloomingdale

    Spangled dress: Bloomingdale

    Strongsam: Batsureg

    Sturdy slacks: Dourbridge (Secret Shop)

    Thinking cap: Swinedimples Academy, Wormwood Creek

    Tint-tastic tutu: Stornway (Post-Game)

    Tortoise shell: Porth Llaffan, Slurry Quay

    Training top: Stornway

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    Training trousers: Stornway

    Turban: Coffinwell

    Tussler's top: Bloomingdale

    Tussler's trousers: Bloomingdale

    Velvet cape: Gleeba

    Warrior's helm: Bloomingdale

    Warrior's shield: Wormwood Creek

    White tights: Swinedimples Academy

    Wizard's trousers: Gleeba

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    ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~( Making Money With Alchemy


    *~* Credits to Yuna10 for this section *~*

    There are two recipes with which you are able to make a

    lot of money quite

    quickly. For both of these recipes, you will be able to

    purchase all of the

    required ingredients from shops, create the new item

    with them, and sell this

    new item to an NPC for a profit greater than the cost of

    the combined sum of

    the ingredients. Since you are buying all of theingredients from NPCs, the

    intial investment cost is quite high (especially when you

    start producing

  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy


    large quantities). The maximum you can buy/sell per trip

    is 99.

    Head #35) Ear cosy

    = Fur hood x 1 + Bunny tail x 1 + Lambswool x 1

    Fur hood: Slurry Quay 550g

    Bunny tail: Porth Llaffan 240g

    Lambswool: Batsureg 180g


    Total: 970g

    Sell Ear cosy to NPC for: 1200g

    Profit: 230g

    Initial investment x99: 96030g

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    Profit x99: 22770g

    Torso #7) Gold mail

    = Silver mail x 1 + Gold ring x 1 + Gold bracer x 1

    Silver mail: Bloomingdale 4000g

    Gold ring: Porth Llaffan 220g

    Gold Bracer: Porth Llaffan 350g


    Total: 4570g

    Sell Gold mail to NPC for: 4900g

    Profit: 330g

    Initial investment x99: 452430g

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    Profit x99: 32670g



    ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~Contact Info-~-~-~-~-~-




    My email address is "[email protected]". If you

    have any questions,

    comments, concerns, something to add, or if you notice a

    mistake or

    something, please send me an email about it. Make sure

    you mention

    Quest IX in the subject heading so that I don't delete it as

    spam. Thanks!

  • 8/13/2019 Dragon Alchemy







    This document is hereby placed into the Public Domain.

    Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies: Alchemy

    Recipe Guide by Zaraf

    Version: 1.2 | Last Updated: 2010-08-05 |

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