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Dragon Quest VI Realms of Revelation Walkthrough.doc

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Dragon Quest Walkthrough
____________________________________________________________________________ |============================================================================| ||[mech.000] *****Basic Mechanics, Tips, and Characters***** || || || |============================================================================| |____________________________________________________________________________| ______________________________________________________________ ||[mech.001] *****Controls***** || || || ============================================================== The Nintendo DS Controls: ____________________________________ | ________________ | | | | | | | | | | ... | | ... | | ... | | ... | | | | | | |________________| | | | -------------------------------------- L-button--> ( (( )) || ) <--R-button -------------------------------------- | ________________ || | _ | | || <--Power | _| |_ | | (X) | | |D-Pad| | | (Y) (A) | | |_| | | (B) | | | | o-Start | | |________________| o-Select| |____________________________________| --- ^Volume 1.Power - Turns the system on and off. 2.Volume - Toggles sound level. 3.Start - When first turned on, when clouds appear, opens game select screen.
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____________________________________________________________________________|============================================================================|||[mech.000] *****Basic Mechanics, Tips, and Characters***** |||| |||============================================================================||____________________________________________________________________________|

______________________________________________________________||[mech.001] *****Controls***** |||| || ==============================================================

The Nintendo DS Controls:

____________________________________ | ________________ | | | | | | | | | | ... | | ... | | ... | | ... | | | | | | |________________| | | | --------------------------------------L-button--> ( (( )) || ) <--R-button -------------------------------------- | ________________ || | _ | | || <--Power | _| |_ | | (X) | | |D-Pad| | | (Y) (A) | | |_| | | (B) | | | | o-Start | | |________________| o-Select| |____________________________________| --- ^Volume

1.Power - Turns the system on and off.

2.Volume - Toggles sound level.

3.Start - When first turned on, when clouds appear, opens game select screen.

4.Select - No known function.

5.D-Pad - Moves character on field/town screens. Moves menu selector.

6.L-button - Town - Rotates camera counter clockwise. Battle - Nothing.

7.R-button - Town - Rotates camera clockwise. Battle - Nothing.

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8.B-button - Field/Town - Party chat, when menu is open backs out of options until closed. Battle - Backs out of options all the way to the first battle menu options.

9.A-button - Field/Town - Selects chosen option in menu, interaction with people and objects (talking and searching). Battle - Selects chosen option.

10.Y-button - Field/Town - Closes menu, opens special map of area, in town the map shows main shops and shop items (ignores bazaar specific shops in Haggleton), and inn prices. Battle - Backs out of options all the way to the first battle menu options.

11.X-button - Field/Town - Opens menu, when menu open, selects chosen option. Battle - Selects chosen option.

______________________________________________________________||[mech.002] *****The Menu Screen***** |||| || ==============================================================

Main Menu: Sub-Menu: ____________ ____________ ___________________________________ | Talk | Magic | | Heal All Equip | |____________|____________| | Line-Up Tactics | | Items | Examine | | Organise Items Sort Bag | |____________|____________| | Battle Message Speed Quick Save | | Attributes | Misc. | |___________________________________| |____________|____________|

Main Menu Breakdown: 1. Talk - Initiates conversations with NPCs the party leader is facing. If not facing anyone, initiates party chat.

2. Magic - Opens magic menu, allowing choice of everyone in the active party and in the wagon, but only allowing from the field menu which includes healing magic like Heal. Status recovery magic like Squelch. Movement magic like Zoom and Evac. And map skills like Padfoot and Whistle.

3. Items - Allows access to items carried by each character and the bag. Actions after selecting an item: 1)Use - uses an item. 2)Transfer - move to any individual or bag (including self). 3)Discard - permanently throw away (some important items cannot be discarded). 4)Equip - Equip the item, replacing whatever type of gear is already equipped. 5)Peep - get a basic explanation of the item, who of the immediate party can equip, and what the sell price is.

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6)Nothing - cancels out of all menus.

4. Examine - examine whatever tile the Leader is standing on, any bookcase, barrel or pot in front of the hero, and opens any cabinet or drawers in front of the hero.

5. Attributes - shows status of each member of the active party and in the wagon. When a person is clicked, will also show magic and skills gained, first for battle then for the field. Last menu is for the wagon, which, when clicked first shows a full party hp/mp status, and a second click shows the full party attack defense status. Party Attributes: 1)HP - Your health, first number is current, second is maximum. When current is 0, character is considered out of commission. 2)MP - Mana pool, first number is current, second is maximum. When current is 0, no spells and some skills cannot be cast/used. 3)Strength - Base physical attack power. 4)Agility - Base speed, helps determine order of action in battle. 5)Resilience - Base defense of character. 6)Wisdom - Helps protect from status effect magic, and status effect skills like dances (some armor adds status protection, and all spell/breath defense is based off some special defenses from some armor). 7)Style - When a Luminary, it helps determine sex appeal which can distract a monster for a round in battle. Number is used, along with equipment, to win the Best-Dressed contest. 8)Attack - Strength + Weapon Attack. Number is used to determine battle damage, and for some skills. 9)Defense - Resilience + Armor Defense. Number is used to determine damage taken from physical attacks. 10)Ex - Total exp of that character.

6. Misc - Switches to the Sub-Menu:

Sub-Menu Options: 1)Heal All - Picks the first in wagon with healing ability (or first in active party if no one in wagon has healing ability), then picks best spells to use to heal the entire party, active and in wagon. Very helpful if there is a secondary healer in the wagon. 2)Equip - Pick a party member and go down the line for each equipment slot and choose what gear to equip. Gear available is based on what items the party member has in his/her inventory. 3)Line-Up - Choose members for the active party (also allowed in battle) from 1-4 people. Party order determines chance to be attacked. Those in front are more likely to get attacked than people in back. 4)Tactics - Choose tactics for individual party members (including those in the wagon) or for the party as a whole. The Hero is always manual. 5)Organize Items - Choose a party member to throw all their non-equipped items into the bag. Choose wagon to choose all party

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members at once. 6)Sort Bag - Sort all items in the bag, either by type or alphabetized. Choosing by type is preferred, as it is easier to find stuff. 7)Battle Message Speed - Allows choosing the speed messages appear in battle, and the volume level for the music and SFX. For battle Speed, 1 is the fastest, but choosing 5 puts a pause after each message, allowing the player to control the speed. 8)Quick Save - Creates an instant save in the field. Does not erase after opening.

______________________________________________________________||[mech.003] *****Battle Mechanics***** |||| || ==============================================================

Opening Battle Menu: Character Battle Menu: _________ _________ _________ _________ | Fight | Party | | Attack | Magic | |_________|_________| |_________|_________| | Tactics | Flee | | Items | Defend | |_________|_________| |_________|_________|

Battle Menu Breakdown: 1. Fight - Opens up Character Battle Menu, note that if a member has any AI setting, the Character Battle Menu will not open for them: 1)Attack - Select and choose enemy group to attack with physicals. 2)Magic - Select and choose spell/skill to use. If single or group targeting, select either the enemy group, or the party or party member to attack, heal, buff, status attack, or status heal. 3)Items - Select and choose item from inventory to use. Not all items have an effect. For those that do, select the enemy or party member to use it on. Note, some items only affect the member who carries it. 4)Defend - Defends for the round, halves damage. Very useful when certain attacks are predictable, like enemies that charge for a round, the next is most likely to be a physical attack or skill. 2. Party - Same as in the field menu. Choose party order, and how many will fight, from 1-4 people. 3. Tactics - Same as in the field menu. Allows changing of individual or full party tactics. Tactics Options: 1)Show No Mercy - Party member will use the most powerful attacks, based on enemy weaknesses and defense including spells and skills. 2)Fight Wisely - Member will use most effective attacks. So if an enemy is susceptible to a status effect and that member has that skill/spell, it will be used. If no weakness is found, or the enemy is overly strong, defense buffs will be used. If a party member is within HP range for an

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instant kill from a monster's strongest attack, healing will be done if any healing magic/skill is learned. 3)Watch My Back - Member will focus on defense, defense buffs, and keeping the Hero, or party alive. 4)Don't Use Magic - Member will not use any spells, or skills that use MP. Items with specials will be considered for use, depending on what is effective. 5)Focus On Healing - Member will use any attack, but will use healing if any party member is dead, afflicted with a status effect, or below 75% health. 6)Follow Orders - Player controls party member.

How Battle Works:

Wandering around a dungeon or the world map, a random battle will startchanging the screen to the battle screen, where the character info is on thetop, and the actual battle screen on the bottom, along with the battle menu.Battles are turn based, which means actions are entered for all charactersfor one round, and when the final action is selected, the battle commences.Any party member who has an AI setting will automatically choose their actionsand their battle menu will not be available.

Battle order is determined by a combination of Agility and a random roll.How this is accomplished, whether a complex algorithm is used to determine therandom roll, or perhaps the second hand on the DS clock is unknown. The pointis that, regardless of agility, sometimes the slowest character may go first,but most of the time the order is very straightforward with the fastestcharacters going first.

Damage is complex. There is physical melee damage, which is based on theAttack of the party member, and the defense of the monster with arandomization thrown in (again, no idea what determines this) to give a damagerange. Spell damage has a fixed range, with no way to change output.Sometimes the damage from a spell hits the high range, sometimes the low,more often in the middle. Similarly with most skills. Some skills like FlameSlash are based on weapon damage, but add an element that some monsters maybeallergic to, and an extra % of damage is added (also fixed, and I think is20%). Spell damage, unlike physical melee, is not affected by defense, butrather monster spell resistance. In this version it works like a dodge chancewhere the higher the resistance, the less likely a spell will land. Similarlywith fixed damage skills. Resistance also affects damage done by spells andskills.

For follow-up elemental damage that is attached to some weapons, like Crackproperty follow-up damage with every single-strike physical attack with theIcicle Dirk, Crack damage is not boosted by physical damage boosts, it is onlybased on the base-line damage. Same goes for skill-based attacks where thefollow-up element triggers, the damage is only based on unbuffed base-damagefor that skill.

Player defense is somewhat different. Damage spells will always land,always, unless some armor like Mirror Armor is equipped, where spells arereflected. However, some armor will add spell defense. Either in resistanceto status effect spells, or knocking off damage from spells and breath

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attacks. Damage mitigated is typically a number, like the Dragon Shieldreduces all fire and ice spell damage by 20. Some Armor might mitigate in %damage. Damage mitigation that is fixed is not affected by anything, so if athe protection is 20, and a spell does 18, the character takes 0 damage. Likewise if the spell does 23 damage, the character will take 3 damage.

Status effects against the party are affected by Wisdom and armor that adds% protection from particular status effects (like Death). Against enemies,they are either resistant, or completely immune (much like with magic damage).

When a spell, and some skills are used, MP, or Magic Power is used. WhenMP is reduced to 0, that character can no longer use spells, or skills thatcost MP. Some items like the Magic Water, Elfin Elixir, and Prayer Ringreplenish MP.

HP is important, as it is the health of the character. Damage takenreduces HP, and once taken down to 0, that character is out of play untilresurrected through spells (Zing, Kazing) or an Yggdrasil Leaf.

________________________________________||[mech.003a] Status Effects || ========================================

One thing to note about Status Effects, only 5 carry onto the world map: Poison, Envenom, Paralyze, Sleep, and Death

There are two Status Effects that can end in a GAME OVER, and only if theentire party is afflicted with one or either: Paralyze and Death. If you arein a dungeon that allows the Wagon, all those in the Wagon must also beafflicted.

___________________________________________________________________________ / \/|TYPE | SPELL/SKILL | EFFECT | CURE |\o--------o----------------o-----------------------o---------------------------oPoison |Poison Breath |-1HP per round/step | Squelch, Antidotal Herb, | | | Purification(Church)---------+----------------+-----------------------+----------------------------Envenom |Venom Mist |~ -10%HP per round/step| Squelch, Antidotal Herb, | | | Purification(Church)---------+----------------+-----------------------+----------------------------Paralyze |Burning Breath |PC cannot move or take | Tingle, Moonwort Bulb | |any action in battle. | | |If Party is Paralyzed, | | |GAME OVER! |---------+----------------+-----------------------+----------------------------Stop |Puff-Puff(F) |Cannot act for one | No Cure (Will end with PC's |Tongue Lashing, |round due to disgust. | next action) |Tongue Bashing?*|*Also Def=0 |

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---------+----------------+-----------------------+----------------------------Fear |War Cry |Frightens PC for a few | No Cure (Will wear off) | |rounds (unable to act).|---------+----------------+-----------------------+----------------------------Dance |Sultry Dance |PC dances and cannot | No Cure (Will wear off) | |act in battle. |---------+----------------+-----------------------+----------------------------Tripped |Leg Sweep |PC is knocked down and | No Cure (Will end with PC's | |becomes susceptible to | next action) | |Enemy critical hits |---------+----------------+-----------------------+----------------------------Confuse |Fuddle, |PC acts independently | Attack Ally |Fuddle Dance |and may attack Party |---------+----------------+-----------------------+----------------------------Blind |Dazzle, |Accuracy is reduced | No Cure (May wear off) |Dazzleflash, |significantly. | |Sandstorm | |---------+----------------+-----------------------+----------------------------Sleep |Snooze, Kasnooze|PC is put to sleep and | Tingle, Attack Ally |Sweet Breath |cannot act. | |Nap* |*Heals HP/MP |---------+----------------+-----------------------+----------------------------Silenced |Fizzle |Skills and Spells are | No Cure (May wear off) | |Locked. |---------+----------------+-----------------------+----------------------------Seal |Ban Dance |PC cannot Dance. | No Cure (Carries through to | | | battle's end)---------+----------------+-----------------------+----------------------------Death |Whack, Thwack, |PC is killed. | Zing, Kazing, |Kathwack, |If Party is Dead, GAME | Ressurection(Church), |Pressure Pointer|OVER! | Staff of Resurrection(Use) |Death Dance, | | |Fissure | |===============================================================================

Enemy and Recruited monster Resistance to Status Effects table: 1) No Resistance (~5% resist) 2) Weak Resistance (~25% resist) 3) Strong Resistance (~60% resist) 4) Immune (100% resist)

Meaning that if a monster has No Resistence, they will almost always beafflicted with a status affect, If Weak Resistance, 25% of the time they willdodge/shrug it off/etc. and not be affected by it. If Strong, 60% of the time

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they will not be affected by the status effect. If Immune, they will never beafflicted with that status effect.

________________________________________||[mech.003b] Damage Mechanics || ========================================

************ OFFENSIVE:************

Damage Mechanics work in two ways. Magic and Physical.


Magic is very basic and starts as a fixed damage number that is reduced basedupon enemy resistance. So if a spell has 50-60 damage as its base, that isthe highest and lowest base damage the spell can achieve if a monster has noresistance. Another factor is the ability to dodge a spell is also based onmonster resistance, which has 4 levels.

Magic resistances and damage taken/dodge: 1) No Resistance (100% damage, ~5% dodge) 2) Weak Resistance (75% damage, ~10% dodge) 3) Strong Resistance (40% damage, ~30% dodge) 4) Immune (0% damage, ~50% dodge)

So with no resistance, there is approximately a 5% chance to dodge a spell, andall damage spells deal 100% damage, so Sizzle will always do 30-40 damage.

With weak resistance, there is approximately a 10% chance to dodge a spell, andall damage spells deal 75% damage, so Sizzle will always do 22-30 damage.

With strong resistance, there is approximately a 30% chance to dodge a spell,and all damage spells deal 40% damage, so Sizzle will always do 12-16 damage.

With immunity, there is approximately a 50% chance to dodge a spell, howevereven if it lands the spell will have no effect, so Sizzle will always do 0damage.


This same principle works for skills, including damage skills. So Flame Slash,which has a modifier of 1.3x Frizz damage, when tacked onto a base damage of100 will do 130 with No Resistance, 97 with Weak Resistance, 52 with StrongResistance, and 0 with Immunity. Base damage however, is base nuetralphysical damage based around Character Attack (Weapon Attack + Strength) andEnemy Defense, and leads us into Physical Damage...

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Physical damage is a straight forward calculation based on Character Attack andEnemy Defense, with specific fixed modifiers with a separate calculation fordamage range. The actual formulas are as follows.

Base Damage Formula: (Character Attack(Weapon + Strength) / 2) - (Enemy Defense / 4) +/- Range Or Attack/2 - Defense/4 +/- Range

+/- Range Damage Formula: (Base Damage Value / 16) + 1

So if an enemy has 50 Defense, and a Character has 100 Attack, damage wouldbreak down as follows: 100/2 - 50/4 +/- 3.34 = 34.15-40.84, round for 34-41damage given.

************ DEFENSIVE:************


Human characters have no natural defense in this version (in the original Hero,Milly, Ashlynn, and Amos all had natural resistances of some form). However,at an unknown bonus, Wisdom increases resistance against status effects. Thisresistance affects length of effects, and dodge ability.

As for damage reduction, there are two types. Traditional physical defense andequipment reductions. Defense works with a near identical formula as the basedamage formula.

Base Defense Formula: (Enemy Attack / 2) - (Character Defense(Armour + Resilience) / 4) +/- Range or Attack/2 - Defense/4 +/- Range

+/- Range Damage Formula: (Base Damage Value / 16) + 1

So, if an Enemy has an Attack value of 50, the Hero has Resilience of 20 andArmour Defense total of 50, the overall physical damage the Hero will take is:50/2 - (20+50)/4 = 7.5 +/- (7.5/16)+1 = 6.03-8.96, round for 6-9 damage taken.

Next we have damage reduction. These work on certain skills and spells. Theybreak down as Ice, Fire, and Magic. Note that enemies have both characterskills and several special skills, though the only element-based attacks areshared with characters, so I will break down the following groups of skills andspells.

*NOTE*- Not sure if Ice and Fire also account for Crack and Frizz/Sizz spells and Magic vs Ice/Fire just uses the larger of the two reductions or it combines both, but I'm playing it safe and assuming only Magic

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reduction affects Crack, Frizz, and Sizz Spells.

Ice refers to the one Crack skill and all Ice property skills:[Cool Breath, Freezing Blizzard, C-C-Cold Breath]

Fire refers to the one Frizz skill and all Fire property skills:[Fire Breath, Flame Breath, Inferno, Scorch, Magma Blast, Pyre o' Fire, Magic Burst],[Flame Slash]

Magic refers to all Frizz, Sizz, Bang, Crack, and Woosh Spells, and all Woosh property Skills:[Frizz, Frizzle, Kafrizzle], [Big Banga], [Sizz, Sizzle, Kasizzle], [Bang, Boom, Kaboom], [Lightning Slash, Lightning], [Crack, Crackle, Kacrackle],[Kacrackle Slash], [Woosh, Swoosh, Kaswoosh], [Gust Slash, Tidal Wave, Stomp, Wind Sickles, Thin Air, Pearly Gates]

^^According to the Brady Guide, Big Banga is associated with the Bang line of spells, but my research says this is not so. However, further testing never hurt.

2^^Also notice how Lightning Slash and Lightning are not considered part of the Zap tree, but part of the Bang (a likely precursor to Bang+Lightning being one group in DQIX).

3^^Note that Magic reduction is not the same for each piece of armour that offers such protection.

These reductions are direct numbers and they stack. So if Iron Shield is -4Fire and Ice Damage, and Heavy Armour is -10 Fire and Ice Damage, equippingboth effectively nets -14 Fire and Ice Damage. So if an enemy uses Fire Breathwhich does 5-15 Fire Damage, the actual damage is reduced to 0-1 Fire Damage,with a 1 in 11 chance to deal 1 damage, and a 10 in 11 chance to deal 0 damage,as all negative damage becomes 0:

Fire Breath Damage: 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15Iron Shield + Heavy Armour:-14 -14 -14 -14 -14 -14 -14 -14 -14 -14 -14 -------------------------------------------Value After Calculation: -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1Actual Damage Taken: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

Notice one thing, the only line of spells and skills that is not reduced is theZap line. Now, Monster Recruits can reduce Zap naturally, but humans cannot.Luckily few monsters use anything from the Zap line.


Unlike the Humans, all the recruitable monsters, on top of equipment reductionof attacks, and status protection, have the same resistance tables of their

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wild versions. So to bring back the breakdown of the different naturalresistance levels:

Magic resistances and damage taken/dodge: 1) No Resistance (100% damage, ~5% dodge) 2) Weak Resistance (75% damage, ~10% dodge) 3) Strong Resistance (40% damage, ~30% dodge) 4) Immune (0% damage, ~50% dodge)

The usefulness of these resistances make some monsters defensive machines.This is especially useful for the few that can reduce Zap spells and skills.

To break down how this may work we will use Goowain, the first Slime Recruit,and the first Monster Recruit (remember, these are all optional). Goowain isstrong against Bang damage, and so has a baseline 60% damage reduction. What Ido not know is whether Armour Reduction or natural Resistance kicks in first,but let's assume Resistance first. Then let's assume the Kaboom spell and forequipment, Platinum Mail and Platinum Shield.

Kaboom = 120-140 Bang DamagePlatinum Mail + Platinum Shield = (-15 Bang*) + (-10 Bang*) *for this case we ignore all other reductions

Natural: (120-140) x .4(40% of 100%) = 48-56 damage before Armour ReductionArmour: (48-56) - 25 = 23-31 Damage.

To compare with Humans: Goowain takes 23-31 vs Hero takes 95-115 Damage

Physical defense reduction works identically to the Human party members.

______________________________________________________________||[mech.004] *****Characters***** |||| || ==============================================================

_____________________________________________________________________________||[mech.004a] The Hero || =============================================================================

Bio - A young man who finds himself awakening from a dream where he fought against the Dread Fiend Murdaw with two companions, Carver and Milly. He lives with his sister in a small mountain village north of Somnia until during a special ceremony the voice of a powerful spirit, god or some overseeing entity tells him to go in search of his true self. Now you, as the Hero, must find out what is happening with the world.


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/ \Weapon - Cypress Stick, Bamboo Spear, Oaken Club, Copper Sword, Boomerang, Edged Boomerang, Chain Sickle, Steel Broadsword, Cautery Sword, Battleaxe, Gracos's Trident, Platinum Sword, Rusty Sword, Magma Staff, Flametang Boomerang, Dream Blade, Staff of Resurrection, Falcon Blade, Zombiesbane, Fire Blade, Dragonsbane, Sunderbolt Blade, Miracle Sword, Blizzard Blade, Sword of Ramias, Metal King Sword

Armour - Plain Clothes, Wayfarer's Clothes, Silk Tuxedo, Leather Armour, Boxer Shorts, Scale Armour, Fur Cape, Chain Mail, Bronze Armour, Iron Cuirass, Noble Garb, Iron Armour, Full Plate Armour, Silver Cuirass, Glombolero, Silver Mail, Heavy Armour, Magic Armour, Spiked Armour, Enchanted Armour, Dragon Mail, Platinum Mail, Flame Armour, Sacred Armour, Armour of Orgo, Armour of Max Wynne, Mirror Armour, Dragon Robe, Metal King Armour Helmet - Leather Hat, Hardwood Headwear, Iron Helmet, Iron Mask, Hermes' Hat, Platinum Headgear, Thinking Cap, Helm of Sebath, Great Helm, Metal King Helm

Shield - Pot Lid, Leather Shield, Scale Shield, Bronze Shield, Iron Shield, Magic Shield, Platinum Shield, Dragon Shield, Tempest Shield, Flame Shield, Power Shield, Silver Shield, Shield of Max Wynne, Ruinous Shield, Shield of Valora, Metal King Shield

Accessory - Slime Earrings, Raging Ruby, Antique Ring, Bow Tie, Gold Ring, Trailblazing Bandana, Prayer Ring, Kerplunk Bracer, Orb of Truth, Gold Bracer, Restless Heart, Agility Ring, Meteorite Bracer, Kamikaze Bracer, Old Pipe, Turnscote Pendant\____________________________________________________________________________/

o-----------------------------------------------------------o|Starting Equipment - 70g, Cypress Stick, and Plain Clothes |o-----------------------------------------------------------o

o---------------o---------------o-----o------------------------------------o| Natural Spell | Level Learned | Cost| Effect |o---------------o---------------o-----o------------------------------------o| Heal | 4 | 2 | Heal 30-40, Ally |o---------------o---------------o-----o------------------------------------o| Peep | 6 | 1 | Examine Chests, Pots, Sealed Doors |o---------------o---------------o-----o------------------------------------o| Sap | 7 | 3 | Def -50%, Ally |o---------------o---------------o-----o------------------------------------o| Zoom | 8 | 1 | Warp to previously visited Towns |o---------------o---------------o-----o------------------------------------o| Zap | Awakening | 7 | Zap, 70-90 Damage, All |o---------------o---------------o-----o------------------------------------o

o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 1 | 28/28 | 0/0 |11/11 | 6/6 | 3/3 | 5/5 | 5/5 | 0 || 2 | 2/30 | 3/3 | 2/13 | 1/7 | 0/3 | 1/6 | 0/5 | 16 || 3 | 3/33 | 3/6 | 2/15 | 2/9 | 1/4 | 1/7 | 1/6 | 50 || 4 | 4/37 | 3/9 | 2/17 | 1/10 | 1/5 | 1/8 | 0/6 | 122 || 5 | 4/41 | 4/13 | 2/19 | 2/12 | 1/6 | 2/10 | 1/7 | 275 |

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| 6 | 7/48 | 3/16 | 2/21 | 1/13 | 1/7 | 2/12 | 0/7 | 504 || 7 | 5/53 | 3/19 | 2/23 | 2/15 | 1/8 | 2/14 | 1/8 | 847 || 8 | 5/58 | 3/22 | 2/25 | 1/16 | 1/9 | 3/17 | 0/8 | 1361 || 9 | 8/66 | 4/26 | 2/27 | 3/19 | 1/10 | 2/19 | 1/9 | 2132 || 10 | 9/75 | 2/28 | 3/30 | 2/21 | 1/11 | 2/21 | 1/10 | 3288 || 11 | 8/83 | 3/31 | 2/32 | 2/23 | 1/12 | 2/23 | 0/10 | 4805 || 12 | 8/91 | 3/34 | 2/34 | 4/27 | 1/13 | 2/25 | 0/10 | 6796 || 13 | 11/102 | 4/38 | 3/37 | 2/29 | 2/15 | 2/27 | 1/11 | 9409 || 14 | 7/109 | 3/41 | 2/39 | 3/32 | 1/16 | 2/29 | 0/11 | 12838 || 15 | 7/116 | 4/45 | 3/42 | 2/34 | 2/18 | 4/33 | 1/12 | 17338 || 16 | 10/126 | 4/49 | 5/47 | 6/40 | 1/19 | 3/36 | 2/14 | 22259 || 17 | 8/134 | 4/53 | 6/53 | 6/46 | 1/20 | 5/41 | 2/16 | 27641 || 18 | 10/144 | 4/57 | 3/56 | 7/53 | 2/22 | 3/44 | 3/19 | 33527 || 19 | 9/153 | 3/60 | 6/62 | 6/59 | 1/23 | 4/48 | 2/21 | 39964 || 20 | 6/159 | 4/64 | 5/67 | 6/65 | 2/25 | 4/52 | 3/24 | 47004 || 21 | 7/166 | 4/68 | 2/69 | 1/66 | 1/26 | 2/54 | 0/24 | 54924 || 22 | 6/172 | 3/71 | 4/73 | 1/67 | 1/27 | 2/56 | 1/25 | 63834 || 23 | 5/177 | 3/74 | 3/76 | 1/68 | 1/28 | 2/58 | 0/25 | 73857 || 24 | 6/183 | 3/77 | 4/80 | 2/70 | 1/29 | 3/61 | 1/26 | 85132 || 25 | 6/189 | 3/80 | 3/83 | 1/71 | 2/31 | 3/64 | 1/27 | 97816 |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 26 | 6/195 | 3/83 | 4/87 | 1/72 | 1/32 | 2/66 | 0/27 | 112,085 || 27 | 6/201 | 3/86 | 2/89 | 2/74 | 1/33 | 3/69 | 1/28 | 128,137 || 28 | 5/206 | 4/90 | 5/94 | 1/75 | 1/34 | 2/71 | 0/28 | 146,195 || 29 | 5/211 | 3/93 | 3/97 | 1/76 | 1/35 | 4/75 | 1/29 | 166,510 || 30 | 7/218 | 2/95 | 3/100 | 2/78 | 2/37 | 2/77 | 1/30 | 189,364 || 31 | 12/230 | 4/99 | 2/102 | 2/80 | 1/38 | 1/78 | 0/30 | 215,074 || 32 | 12/242 | 6/105 | 2/104 | 2/82 | 2/40 | 1/79 | 1/31 | 243,997 || 33 | 9/251 | 5/110 | 2/106 | 2/84 | 2/42 | 1/80 | 1/32 | 276,535 || 34 | 12/263 | 5/115 | 3/109 | 2/86 | 2/44 | 1/81 | 0/32 | 313,140 || 35 | 10/273 | 5/120 | 3/112 | 2/88 | 2/46 | 1/82 | 1/33 | 354,320 || 36 | 13/286 | 6/126 | 3/115 | 2/90 | 2/48 | 1/83 | 1/34 | 400,647 || 37 | 11/297 | 4/130 | 2/117 | 2/92 | 2/50 | 1/84 | 0/34 | 452,764 || 38 | 10/307 | 6/136 | 2/119 | 3/95 | 1/51 | 2/86 | 1/35 | 511,395 || 39 | 8/315 | 6/142 | 3/122 | 2/97 | 2/53 | 1/87 | 1/36 | 577,354 || 40 | 14/329 | 5/147 | 3/125 | 2/99 | 2/55 | 1/88 | 0/36 | 651,557 || 41 | 13/342 | 5/152 | 3/128 | 2/101 | 2/57 | 1/89 | 1/37 | 735,035 || 42 | 13/355 | 7/159 | 3/131 | 2/103 | 2/59 | 1/90 | 1/38 | 828,947 || 43 | 13/368 | 4/163 | 4/135 | 2/105 | 2/61 | 1/91 | 0/38 | 934,598 || 44 | 13/381 | 6/169 | 3/138 | 2/107 | 2/63 | 1/92 | 1/39 | 1,053,455 || 45 | 12/393 | 6/175 | 3/141 | 2/109 | 3/66 | 2/94 | 1/40 | 1,187,169 || 46 | 10/403 | 10/185 | 3/144 | 1/110 | 2/68 | 3/97 | 1/41 | 1,320,883 || 47 | 11/414 | 11/196 | 4/148 | 2/112 | 2/70 | 5/102 | 1/42 | 1,454,597 || 48 | 10/424 | 10/206 | 3/151 | 2/114 | 3/73 | 4/106 | 1/43 | 1,588,311 || 49 | 10/434 | 10/216 | 4/155 | 1/115 | 2/75 | 3/109 | 1/45 | 1,722,025 || 50 | 9/443 | 10/226 | 5/160 | 2/117 | 3/78 | 5/114 | 1/46 | 1,855,739 |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 51 | 8/451 | 10/236 | 3/163 | 2/119 | 3/81 | 5/119 | 1/47 | 1,989,453 || 52 | 10/461 | 10/246 | 3/166 | 2/121 | 2/83 | 5/124 | 1/48 | 2,123,167 || 53 | 10/471 | 12/258 | 4/170 | 1/122 | 3/86 | 4/128 | 1/49 | 2,256,881 || 54 | 10/481 | 10/268 | 4/174 | 2/124 | 4/90 | 6/134 | 2/51 | 2,390,595 || 55 | 10/491 | 13/281 | 4/178 | 2/126 | 2/92 | 3/137 | 1/52 | 2,524,309 || 56 | 9/500 | 11/292 | 4/182 | 1/127 | 2/94 | 4/141 | 1/53 | 2,658,023 |

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| 57 | 7/507 | 10/302 | 5/187 | 2/129 | 3/97 | 5/146 | 1/54 | 2,791,737 || 58 | 7/514 | 12/314 | 3/190 | 2/131 | 2/99 | 4/150 | 1/55 | 2,925,451 || 59 | 7/521 | 10/324 | 4/194 | 2/133 | 3/102 | 5/155 | 1/56 | 3,059,165 || 60 | 8/529 | 9/333 | 4/198 | 1/134 | 3/105 | 5/160 | 1/57 | 3,192,879 || 61 | 9/538 | 9/342 | 4/202 | 2/136 | 2/107 | 4/164 | 1/58 | 3,326,593 || 62 | 9/547 | 9/351 | 4/206 | 2/138 | 3/110 | 4/168 | 1/59 | 3,460,307 || 63 | 9/556 | 10/361 | 4/210 | 2/140 | 4/114 | 5/173 | 2/61 | 3,594,021 || 64 | 6/562 | 9/370 | 3/213 | 1/141 | 3/117 | 3/176 | 1/62 | 3,727,735 || 65 | 7/569 | 11/381 | 4/217 | 2/143 | 2/119 | 6/182 | 1/63 | 3,861,449 || 66 | 7/576 | 10/391 | 3/220 | 2/145 | 2/121 | 5/187 | 1/64 | 3,995,163 || 67 | 8/584 | 8/399 | 4/224 | 1/146 | 3/124 | 3/190 | 1/65 | 4,128,877 || 68 | 7/591 | 9/408 | 3/227 | 2/148 | 2/126 | 5/195 | 1/66 | 4,262,591 || 69 | 8/599 | 10/418 | 4/231 | 2/150 | 3/129 | 4/199 | 1/67 | 4,396,305 || 70 | 8/607 | 7/425 | 3/234 | 2/152 | 3/132 | 3/202 | 1/68 | 4,530,019 || 71 | 10/617 | 12/437 | 4/238 | 1/153 | 2/134 | 5/207 | 1/69 | 4,663,733 || 72 | 8/625 | 13/450 | 5/243 | 2/155 | 3/137 | 4/211 | 2/71 | 4,797,447 || 73 | 8/633 | 7/457 | 4/247 | 2/157 | 3/140 | 5/217 | 1/72 | 4,931,161 || 74 | 8/641 | 9/466 | 4/251 | 1/158 | 3/143 | 6/223 | 1/73 | 5,064,875 || 75 | 6/647 | 9/475 | 4/255 | 2/160 | 3/146 | 5/228 | 1/74 | 5,198,589 |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 76 | 9/656 | 11/486 | 4/259 | 2/162 | 4/150 | 4/232 | 1/75 | 5,332,303 || 77 | 9/665 | 12/498 | 4/263 | 2/164 | 2/152 | 4/236 | 1/76 | 5,466,017 || 78 | 7/672 | 8/506 | 4/267 | 1/165 | 4/156 | 4/240 | 1/77 | 5,599,731 || 79 | 10/682 | 8/514 | 5/272 | 2/167 | 2/158 | 4/244 | 1/78 | 5,733,445 || 80 | 9/691 | 8/522 | 3/275 | 2/169 | 2/160 | 4/248 | 1/79 | 5,867,159 || 81 | 8/699 | 8/530 | 4/279 | 2/171 | 2/162 | 5/253 | 2/81 | 6,000,873 || 82 | 6/705 | 8/538 | 3/282 | 1/172 | 4/166 | 5/258 | 1/82 | 6,134,587 || 83 | 7/712 | 7/545 | 5/287 | 2/174 | 3/169 | 3/261 | 1/83 | 6,268,301 || 84 | 10/722 | 11/556 | 4/291 | 2/176 | 2/171 | 5/266 | 1/84 | 6,402,015 || 85 | 8/730 | 10/566 | 5/296 | 1/177 | 3/174 | 5/271 | 1/85 | 6,535,729 || 86 | 8/738 | 8/574 | 5/301 | 2/179 | 3/177 | 3/274 | 1/86 | 6,669,443 || 87 | 7/745 | 11/585 | 5/306 | 2/181 | 2/179 | 3/277 | 1/87 | 6,803,157 || 88 | 10/755 | 7/592 | 4/310 | 2/183 | 3/182 | 5/282 | 1/88 | 6,936,871 || 89 | 7/762 | 13/605 | 4/314 | 1/184 | 4/186 | 4/286 | 1/89 | 7,070,585 || 90 | 10/772 | 12/617 | 4/318 | 2/186 | 2/188 | 3/289 | 2/91 | 7,204,299 || 91 | 6/778 | 9/626 | 3/321 | 2/188 | 4/192 | 4/293 | 1/92 | 7,338,013 || 92 | 8/782 | 10/636 | 3/324 | 1/189 | 4/196 | 4/297 | 1/93 | 7,471,727 || 93 | 9/791 | 8/644 | 5/329 | 2/191 | 2/198 | 5/302 | 1/94 | 7,605,441 || 94 | 8/799 | 8/652 | 3/331 | 3/194 | 3/201 | 5/307 | 1/95 | 7,739,155 || 95 | 5/804 | 8/660 | 5/336 | 2/196 | 3/204 | 4/311 | 1/96 | 7,872,869 || 96 | 8/812 | 9/669 | 4/340 | 1/197 | 2/206 | 4/315 | 1/97 | 8,006,583 || 97 | 8/820 | 10/679 | 4/344 | 2/199 | 3/209 | 6/321 | 1/98 | 8,140,297 || 98 | 9/829 | 10/689 | 3/347 | 2/201 | 3/212 | 5/326 | 1/99 | 8,274,011 || 99 | 9/838 | 8/697 | 4/351 | 2/203 | 2/214 | 6/332 | 2/101 | 8,407,725 |------------------------------------------------------------------------------

_____________________________________________________________________________||[mech.004b] Carver || =============================================================================

Bio - A traveling martial artist looking to join the knights of Somnia to

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fight the Dread Fiend Murdaw. He remembers little of his past, but is quite skilled at carpentry, and very strong.

____________________________________________________________________________/ \Weapon - Cypress Stick, Oaken Club, Giant Mallet, Copper Sword, Stone Axe, Iron Claw, Chain Sickle, Sledgehammer, Steel Broadsword, Battleaxe, Fire Claw, Saw Blade, Gracos's Trident, Platinum Sword, Icicle Dirk, Magma Staff, War Hammer, Fire Blade, Dragonsbane, Massacre Sword, Miracle Sword, Blizzard Blade, Great Bow, Hela's Hammer, Flail of Destruction, Metal King Sword

Armour - Plain Clothes, Wayfarer's Clothes, Silk Tuxedo, Leather Armour, Leather Kilt, Boxer Shorts, Scale Armour, Fur Cape, Chain Mail, Bronze Armour, Iron Cuirass, Iron Armour, Full Plate Armour, Silver Cuirass, Silver Mail, Heavy Armour, Magic Armour, Spiked Armour, Dragon Mail, Platinum Mail, Flame Armour, Sacred Armour, Hela's Armour, Armour of Max Wynne, Gigant Armour, Metal King Armour

Helmet - Leather Hat, Hardwood Headwear, Iron Helmet, Iron Mask, Platinum Headgear, Thinking Cap, Great Helm, Helmet of Max Wynne, Metal King Helm

Shield - Pot Lid, Leather Shield, Scale Shield, Bronze Shield, Iron Shield, Magic Shield, Platinum Shield, Dragon Shield, Tempest Shield, Flame Shield, Power Shield, Ogre Shield, Silver Shield, Shield of Max Wynne, Ruinous Shield, Metal King Shield

Accessory - Raging Ruby, Bow Tie, Trailblazing Bandana, Kerplunk Bracer, Orb of Truth, Gold Bracer, Restless Heart, Agility Ring, Meteorite Bracer, Kamikaze Bracer, Old Pipe, Turnscote Pendant\____________________________________________________________________________/

o--------------------------------------------------------------------o|Starting Equipment - Bamboo Spear, Leather Shield, and Leather Kilt |o--------------------------------------------------------------------o

o-----------------o---------------o-----o----------------------------------o| Natural Spell | Level Learned | Cost| Effects |o-----------------o---------------o-----o----------------------------------o| Flying Knee | 5 | 0 | 150% damage to flyers, Single |o-----------------o---------------o-----o----------------------------------o| Double Up | 14 | 0 | 200% damage, Carver takes 200% || | | | from any enemy attack, Single |o-----------------o---------------o-----o----------------------------------o| Forbearance | 18 | 0 | Protects allies from Magic/ || | | | Physical damage, Self |o-----------------o---------------o-----o----------------------------------o| Knuckle Sandwich| Awakening | 0 | 200% damage, often misses, Single|o-----------------o---------------o-----o----------------------------------o

o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 3 | 42/42 | 0/0 |20/20 | 5/5 |12/12 | 4/4 | 4/4 | 10 || 4 | 7/49 | 0/0 | 2/22 | 1/6 | 1/13 | 1/5 | 0/4 | 45 |

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| 5 | 7/56 | 0/0 | 3/25 | 3/9 | 2/15 | 2/7 | 0/4 | 200 || 6 | 6/62 | 0/0 | 4/29 | 1/10 | 1/16 | 1/8 | 0/4 | 413 || 7 | 5/67 | 0/0 | 3/32 | 1/11 | 1/17 | 1/9 | 1/5 | 705 || 8 | 6/73 | 0/0 | 3/35 | 2/13 | 1/18 | 1/10 | 0/5 | 1106 || 9 | 4/77 | 0/0 | 3/38 | 1/14 | 1/19 | 1/11 | 1/6 | 1657 || 10 | 5/82 | 0/0 | 5/43 | 2/16 | 3/22 | 1/12 | 1/7 | 2414 || 11 | 11/93 | 4/4 | 2/45 | 2/18 | 2/24 | 0/12 | 0/7 | 3502 || 12 | 9/102 | 5/9 | 2/47 | 2/20 | 2/26 | 1/13 | 1/8 | 5066 || 13 | 10/112 | 5/14 | 2/49 | 2/22 | 3/29 | 0/13 | 0/8 | 7314 || 14 | 11/123 | 3/17 | 2/51 | 2/24 | 2/31 | 1/14 | 1/9 | 10545 || 15 | 11/134 | 4/21 | 4/55 | 3/27 | 3/34 | 1/15 | 1/10 | 15189 || 16 | 8/142 | 6/27 | 5/60 | 5/32 | 3/37 | 2/17 | 2/12 | 19976 || 17 | 11/153 | 5/32 | 6/66 | 7/39 | 4/41 | 3/20 | 2/14 | 24916 || 18 | 11/164 | 9/41 | 4/70 | 4/43 | 3/44 | 2/22 | 2/16 | 30008 || 19 | 8/172 | 6/47 | 7/77 | 7/50 | 2/46 | 3/25 | 2/18 | 35259 || 20 | 9/181 | 8/55 | 5/82 | 7/57 | 3/49 | 2/27 | 2/20 | 40674 || 21 | 8/189 | 1/56 | 3/85 | 1/58 | 1/50 | 0/27 | 0/20 | 46935 || 22 | 9/198 | 2/58 | 3/88 | 1/59 | 1/51 | 1/28 | 1/21 | 54174 || 23 | 7/205 | 1/59 | 3/91 | 1/60 | 2/53 | 1/29 | 0/21 | 62544 || 24 | 9/214 | 2/61 | 3/94 | 2/62 | 1/54 | 0/29 | 1/22 | 72221 || 25 | 5/219 | 2/63 | 3/97 | 1/63 | 2/56 | 1/30 | 0/22 | 83410 |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 26 | 8/227 | 1/64 | 5/102 | 1/64 | 1/57 | 1/31 | 1/23 | 96347 || 27 | 5/232 | 2/66 | 4/106 | 2/66 | 1/58 | 0/31 | 0/23 | 111,305 || 28 | 7/239 | 1/67 | 3/109 | 1/67 | 2/60 | 1/32 | 1/24 | 128,600 || 29 | 6/245 | 2/69 | 3/112 | 1/68 | 1/61 | 1/33 | 0/24 | 148,597 || 30 | 8/253 | 2/71 | 3/115 | 2/70 | 2/63 | 1/34 | 1/25 | 171,718 || 31 | 11/264 | 1/72 | 2/117 | 2/72 | 0/63 | 1/35 | 0/25 | 197,729 || 32 | 12/276 | 2/74 | 3/120 | 2/74 | 0/63 | 2/37 | 0/25 | 226,991 || 33 | 15/291 | 1/75 | 3/123 | 2/76 | 1/64 | 2/39 | 1/26 | 259,910 || 34 | 11/302 | 2/77 | 2/125 | 2/78 | 0/64 | 1/40 | 0/26 | 296,943 || 35 | 11/313 | 1/78 | 4/129 | 2/80 | 1/65 | 2/42 | 0/26 | 338,605 || 36 | 13/326 | 2/80 | 4/133 | 2/82 | 0/65 | 2/44 | 1/27 | 385,474 || 37 | 11/337 | 1/81 | 2/135 | 2/84 | 0/65 | 1/45 | 0/27 | 438,201 || 38 | 14/351 | 2/83 | 3/138 | 2/86 | 1/66 | 2/47 | 0/27 | 497,518 || 39 | 14/365 | 1/84 | 2/140 | 2/88 | 0/66 | 2/49 | 1/28 | 564,249 || 40 | 16/381 | 7/91 | 3/143 | 2/90 | 1/67 | 1/50 | 0/28 | 639,321 || 41 | 16/397 | 1/92 | 3/146 | 2/92 | 0/67 | 2/52 | 0/28 | 723,777 || 42 | 17/414 | 2/94 | 3/149 | 2/94 | 0/67 | 2/54 | 1/29 | 818,790 || 43 | 16/430 | 1/95 | 4/153 | 2/96 | 1/68 | 1/55 | 0/29 | 925,679 || 44 | 15/445 | 2/97 | 3/156 | 2/98 | 0/68 | 2/57 | 0/29 | 1,045,929 || 45 | 12/457 | 2/99 | 4/160 | 2/100 | 1/69 | 2/59 | 1/30 | 1,181,210 || 46 | 8/465 | 5/104 | 4/164 | 1/101 | 2/71 | 2/61 | 0/30 | 1,316,491 || 47 | 10/475 | 5/109 | 4/168 | 2/103 | 2/73 | 2/63 | 1/31 | 1,451,772 || 48 | 9/484 | 6/115 | 6/174 | 1/104 | 3/76 | 2/65 | 1/32 | 1,587,053 || 49 | 7/491 | 5/120 | 3/177 | 2/106 | 4/80 | 2/67 | 1/33 | 1,722,334 || 50 | 9/500 | 5/125 | 4/181 | 1/107 | 3/83 | 3/70 | 1/34 | 1,857,615 |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 51 | 11/511 | 6/131 | 6/187 | 2/109 | 2/85 | 2/72 | 1/35 | 1,992,896 || 52 | 8/519 | 5/136 | 5/192 | 1/110 | 3/88 | 2/74 | 1/36 | 2,128,177 || 53 | 8/527 | 6/142 | 5/197 | 2/112 | 3/91 | 2/76 | 1/37 | 2,263,458 || 54 | 8/535 | 4/146 | 5/202 | 1/113 | 3/94 | 3/79 | 1/38 | 2,398,739 || 55 | 8/543 | 7/153 | 3/205 | 2/115 | 3/97 | 2/81 | 1/39 | 2,534,020 |

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| 56 | 9/552 | 7/160 | 5/207 | 1/116 | 2/99 | 2/83 | 1/40 | 2,669,301 || 57 | 10/562 | 6/166 | 4/211 | 2/118 | 3/102 | 2/85 | 1/41 | 2,804,582 || 58 | 8/570 | 7/173 | 3/214 | 1/119 | 3/105 | 2/87 | 1/42 | 2,939,863 || 59 | 7/577 | 6/179 | 4/218 | 2/121 | 4/109 | 2/89 | 0/42 | 3,075,144 || 60 | 10/587 | 5/184 | 5/223 | 1/122 | 3/112 | 2/91 | 1/43 | 3,210,425 || 61 | 7/594 | 7/191 | 3/226 | 2/124 | 3/115 | 2/93 | 1/44 | 3,345,706 || 62 | 10/604 | 5/196 | 5/231 | 1/125 | 2/117 | 2/95 | 1/45 | 3,480,987 || 63 | 11/615 | 4/200 | 4/235 | 2/127 | 3/120 | 3/98 | 1/46 | 3,616,268 || 64 | 10/625 | 5/205 | 3/238 | 1/128 | 3/123 | 2/100 | 1/47 | 3,751,549 || 65 | 9/634 | 5/210 | 6/244 | 2/130 | 2/125 | 2/102 | 1/48 | 3,886,830 || 66 | 10/644 | 5/215 | 5/249 | 1/131 | 3/128 | 2/104 | 1/49 | 4,022,111 || 67 | 9/653 | 5/220 | 4/253 | 2/133 | 2/130 | 2/106 | 1/50 | 4,157,392 || 68 | 7/660 | 6/226 | 4/257 | 1/134 | 4/134 | 3/109 | 1/51 | 4,292,673 || 69 | 7/667 | 7/233 | 5/262 | 2/136 | 2/136 | 2/111 | 1/52 | 4,427,954 || 70 | 9/676 | 7/240 | 4/266 | 1/137 | 3/139 | 2/113 | 1/53 | 4,563,235 || 71 | 8/684 | 4/244 | 6/272 | 2/139 | 4/143 | 2/115 | 1/54 | 4,698,516 || 72 | 7/691 | 5/259 | 3/275 | 2/141 | 3/146 | 3/118 | 1/55 | 4,833,797 || 73 | 6/697 | 7/266 | 3/278 | 1/142 | 2/148 | 2/120 | 0/55 | 4,969,078 || 74 | 9/706 | 5/271 | 5/283 | 2/144 | 3/151 | 2/122 | 1/56 | 5,104,359 || 75 | 10/716 | 5/276 | 4/287 | 1/145 | 3/154 | 2/124 | 1/57 | 5,239,640 |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 76 | 7/722 | 6/282 | 4/291 | 2/147 | 3/157 | 2/126 | 1/58 | 5,374,921 || 77 | 9/731 | 4/286 | 6/297 | 1/148 | 3/160 | 3/129 | 1/59 | 5,510,202 || 78 | 8/739 | 7/293 | 4/301 | 2/150 | 2/162 | 2/131 | 1/60 | 5,645,483 || 79 | 8/747 | 5/298 | 5/306 | 1/151 | 3/165 | 2/133 | 1/61 | 5,780,764 || 80 | 6/753 | 5/303 | 5/311 | 2/153 | 3/168 | 2/135 | 1/62 | 5,916,045 || 81 | 11/764 | 5/308 | 4/315 | 1/154 | 3/171 | 3/138 | 1/63 | 6,051,326 || 82 | 6/770 | 5/313 | 6/321 | 2/156 | 2/173 | 3/141 | 1/64 | 6,186,607 || 83 | 7/777 | 6/319 | 4/325 | 1/157 | 2/175 | 2/143 | 1/65 | 6,321,888 || 84 | 9/786 | 6/325 | 4/329 | 2/159 | 3/178 | 2/145 | 1/66 | 6,457,169 || 85 | 8/794 | 5/330 | 5/334 | 1/160 | 3/181 | 2/147 | 1/67 | 6,592,450 || 86 | 8/802 | 7/337 | 3/337 | 3/163 | 3/184 | 3/150 | 0/67 | 6,727,731 || 87 | 9/811 | 5/342 | 3/340 | 1/164 | 3/187 | 2/152 | 1/68 | 6,863,012 || 88 | 7/818 | 5/347 | 5/345 | 2/166 | 3/190 | 3/155 | 1/69 | 6,998,293 || 89 | 7/825 | 7/354 | 4/349 | 1/167 | 2/192 | 2/157 | 1/70 | 7,133,574 || 90 | 8/833 | 6/360 | 4/353 | 2/169 | 3/195 | 3/160 | 1/71 | 7,268,855 || 91 | 8/841 | 5/365 | 6/359 | 1/170 | 3/198 | 2/162 | 1/72 | 7,404,136 || 92 | 8/849 | 7/372 | 4/363 | 2/172 | 3/201 | 2/164 | 1/73 | 7,539,417 || 93 | 7/856 | 7/379 | 4/367 | 1/173 | 3/204 | 2/166 | 1/74 | 7,674,698 || 94 | 8/864 | 4/383 | 5/372 | 2/175 | 2/206 | 2/168 | 1/75 | 7,809,979 || 95 | 8/872 | 6/389 | 3/375 | 1/176 | 3/209 | 2/170 | 1/76 | 7,945,260 || 96 | 9/881 | 7/396 | 3/378 | 2/178 | 2/211 | 2/172 | 1/77 | 8,080,541 || 97 | 8/889 | 5/401 | 5/383 | 1/179 | 4/215 | 2/176 | 1/78 | 8,215,822 || 98 | 8/897 | 7/408 | 4/387 | 2/181 | 3/218 | 2/178 | 1/79 | 8,351,103 || 99 | 9/906 | 6/414 | 6/393 | 2/183 | 3/221 | 3/181 | 1/80 | 8,486,384 |------------------------------------------------------------------------------

_____________________________________________________________________________||[mech.004c] Milly || =============================================================================

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Bio - A woman with no memory of her past. She was once like the party, invisible to the world, until Madame Luca Luminista found her and gave her the dream-seeing drops. She decides her fate lies with the Hero and joins after helping find more dream-seeing drops so the Hero and Carver can interact with the people of the Real World.

____________________________________________________________________________/ \Weapon - Poison Needle, Cypress Stick, Bronze Knife, Thorn Whip, Iron Staff, Poison Moth Knife, Falcon Knife Earrings, Staff of Divine Wrath, Cautery Sword, Lunar Fan, Platinum Sword, Magma Staff, Staff of Resurrection, Falcon Blade, Siren Sword, Sunderbolt Blade, Miracle Sword, Solar Fan, Metal King Sword

Armour - Plain Clothes, Wayfarer's Clothes, Silk Robe, Leather Dress, Bunny Suit, Fur Cape, Dancer's Costume, Iron Cuirass, Robust Lingerie, Cloak of Evasion, Silver Cuirass, Legerdemantle, Glombolero, Magical Skirt, Enchanted Armour, Shimmering Dress, Flowing Dress, Sacred Armour, Princess's Robe, Dragon Robe

Helmet - Leather Hat, Hairband, Fur Hood, Silver Tiara, Bunny Ears, Duplic Hat, Hermes' Hat, Happy Hat, Golden Tiara

Shield - Pot Lid, Silver Platter, Silver Shield, Metal King Shield

Accessory - Slime Earrings, Raging Ruby, Antique Ring, Gold Ring, Prayer Ring, Trailblazing Bandana, Fishnet Stockings, Kerplunk Bracer, Orb of Truth, Restless Heart, Gold Bracer, Glass Slippers, Agility Ring, Meteorite Bracer, Lucida Shard, Kamikaze Bracer, Pink Pearl, Turnscote Pendant\____________________________________________________________________________/

o------------------------------------------------o|Starting Equipment - Bronze Knife and Silk Robe |o------------------------------------------------o

o---------------o---------------o-----o-------------------------------o| Natural Spell | Level Learned | Cost| Effect |o---------------o---------------o-----o-------------------------------o| Heal/Squelch/ | Initial Spells| 2/2/| Heal 30-40, Ally/Cure Poison/ || Buff | | 2 | Def +50%, Ally |o---------------o---------------o-----o-------------------------------o| Dazzle | 6 | 5 | Blind, Accuracy 1/4, All |o---------------o---------------o-----o-------------------------------o| Evac | 7 | 8 | Exit Dungeon |o---------------o---------------o-----o-------------------------------o| Crack | 9 | 3 | Ice 25-35, Single |o---------------o---------------o-----o-------------------------------o| Snooze | 11 | 3 | Sleep, Group |o---------------o---------------o-----o-------------------------------o| Midheal | 13 | 5 | Heal 75-95, Ally |o---------------o---------------o-----o-------------------------------o| Bang | 15 | 5 | Explosion 20-30, All |o---------------o---------------o-----o-------------------------------o| Kabuff | 18 | 3 | Def +25%, Party |o---------------o---------------o-----o-------------------------------o

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o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 5 | 63/63 | 50/50 |12/12 |35/35 |25/25 |45/45 |40/40 | 354 || 6 | 3/66 | 1/51 | 1/13 | 0/35 | 1/26 | 1/46 | 0/40 | 569 || 7 | 3/69 | 2/53 | 2/15 | 1/36 | 1/27 | 1/47 | 0/40 | 878 || 8 | 3/72 | 1/54 | 2/17 | 0/36 | 1/28 | 1/48 | 0/40 | 1322 || 9 | 3/75 | 2/56 | 2/19 | 1/37 | 2/30 | 1/49 | 0/40 | 1960 || 10 | 3/78 | 1/57 | 2/21 | 0/37 | 1/31 | 1/50 | 0/40 | 2877 || 11 | 5/83 | 2/59 | 2/23 | 1/38 | 1/32 | 1/51 | 0/40 | 4195 || 12 | 3/86 | 1/60 | 2/25 | 0/38 | 2/34 | 1/52 | 0/40 | 6089 || 13 | 4/90 | 2/62 | 2/27 | 1/39 | 1/35 | 1/53 | 0/40 | 8811 || 14 | 5/95 | 1/63 | 2/29 | 0/39 | 1/36 | 1/54 | 0/40 | 12723 || 15 | 3/98 | 2/65 | 2/31 | 1/40 | 2/38 | 1/55 | 0/40 | 18346 || 16 | 5/103 | 5/70 | 2/33 | 9/49 | 1/39 | 4/59 | 0/40 | 24320 || 17 | 7/110 | 5/75 | 2/35 | 6/55 | 1/40 | 5/64 | 1/41 | 30667 || 18 | 7/117 | 6/81 | 2/37 | 8/63 | 3/43 | 4/68 | 0/41 | 37410 || 19 | 6/123 | 7/88 | 2/39 | 6/69 | 1/44 | 4/72 | 1/42 | 44574 || 20 | 6/129 | 5/93 | 4/43 | 9/78 | 2/46 | 5/77 | 1/43 | 52185 || 21 | 5/134 | 3/96 | 2/45 | 2/80 | 1/45 | 1/78 | 0/43 | 60474 || 22 | 6/140 | 4/100 | 3/48 | 2/82 | 1/46 | 1/79 | 1/44 | 70379 || 23 | 6/146 | 3/103 | 2/50 | 2/84 | 1/47 | 1/80 | 0/44 | 81215 || 24 | 7/153 | 4/107 | 3/53 | 2/86 | 1/48 | 2/82 | 1/45 | 93405 || 25 | 6/159 | 2/109 | 2/55 | 3/89 | 1/49 | 1/83 | 0/45 | 107,118 |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 26 | 6/165 | 4/113 | 2/57 | 2/91 | 1/50 | 1/84 | 1/46 | 122,545 || 27 | 5/170 | 3/116 | 2/59 | 2/93 | 1/51 | 2/86 | 0/46 | 139,900 || 28 | 5/175 | 4/120 | 3/62 | 2/95 | 1/52 | 1/87 | 1/47 | 159,424 || 29 | 6/181 | 3/123 | 2/64 | 2/97 | 1/53 | 1/88 | 0/47 | 181,388 || 30 | 7/188 | 5/128 | 3/67 | 3/100 | 1/54 | 2/90 | 1/48 | 206,097 || 31 | 6/194 | 2/130 | 2/69 | 2/102 | 0/54 | 2/92 | 0/48 | 233,894 || 32 | 9/203 | 3/133 | 3/72 | 2/104 | 0/54 | 2/94 | 1/49 | 265,165 || 33 | 7/210 | 2/135 | 4/76 | 3/107 | 1/55 | 2/96 | 1/50 | 300,344 || 34 | 8/218 | 2/137 | 2/78 | 2/109 | 0/55 | 2/98 | 1/51 | 339,920 || 35 | 6/224 | 4/141 | 3/81 | 2/111 | 0/55 | 2/100 | 1/52 | 384,443 || 36 | 10/234 | 2/143 | 2/83 | 3/114 | 1/56 | 2/102 | 0/52 | 434,531 || 37 | 7/241 | 2/145 | 2/85 | 2/116 | 0/56 | 2/104 | 1/53 | 490,880 || 38 | 9/250 | 4/149 | 3/88 | 2/118 | 0/56 | 2/106 | 1/54 | 554,272 || 39 | 10/260 | 2/151 | 2/90 | 3/121 | 1/57 | 2/108 | 1/55 | 625,588 || 40 | 10/270 | 2/153 | 2/92 | 2/123 | 0/57 | 2/110 | 1/56 | 705,818 || 41 | 11/281 | 3/156 | 3/95 | 2/125 | 0/57 | 2/112 | 0/56 | 796,076 || 42 | 9/290 | 3/159 | 4/99 | 4/129 | 1/58 | 2/114 | 1/57 | 897,616 || 43 | 12/302 | 2/161 | 2/101 | 2/131 | 0/58 | 2/116 | 1/58 | 1,011,848 || 44 | 10/312 | 2/163 | 3/104 | 2/133 | 0/58 | 2/118 | 1/59 | 1,140,359 || 45 | 10/322 | 3/166 | 2/106 | 4/137 | 1/59 | 2/120 | 1/60 | 1,284,933 || 46 | 9/331 | 14/180 | 3/109 | 6/143 | 2/61 | 5/125 | 2/62 | 1,429,507 || 47 | 9/340 | 12/192 | 4/113 | 5/148 | 4/65 | 4/129 | 2/64 | 1,574,081 || 48 | 9/349 | 10/202 | 3/116 | 7/155 | 2/67 | 6/135 | 2/66 | 1,718,655 || 49 | 8/357 | 14/216 | 3/119 | 5/160 | 2/69 | 5/140 | 2/68 | 1,863,229 || 50 | 10/367 | 11/227 | 4/123 | 7/167 | 2/71 | 5/145 | 2/70 | 2,007,803 |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 51 | 9/376 | 10/237 | 4/127 | 8/175 | 2/73 | 7/152 | 2/72 | 2,152,377 |

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| 52 | 9/385 | 12/249 | 3/130 | 6/181 | 2/75 | 5/157 | 2/74 | 2,296,951 || 53 | 9/394 | 13/262 | 3/133 | 5/186 | 3/78 | 6/163 | 2/76 | 2,441,525 || 54 | 10/404 | 11/273 | 4/137 | 8/194 | 3/81 | 6/169 | 2/78 | 2,586,099 || 55 | 8/412 | 14/287 | 4/141 | 5/199 | 2/83 | 5/174 | 2/80 | 2,730,673 || 56 | 8/420 | 12/299 | 4/145 | 7/206 | 4/87 | 4/178 | 3/83 | 2,875,247 || 57 | 10/430 | 14/313 | 2/147 | 7/213 | 3/90 | 6/184 | 2/85 | 3,019,821 || 58 | 8/438 | 9/322 | 3/150 | 5/218 | 2/92 | 6/190 | 2/87 | 3,164,395 || 59 | 6/444 | 11/333 | 2/152 | 5/220 | 3/95 | 5/195 | 2/89 | 3,308,969 || 60 | 7/451 | 11/344 | 4/156 | 5/225 | 2/97 | 7/202 | 3/92 | 3,453,543 || 61 | 6/457 | 11/355 | 3/159 | 5/230 | 2/99 | 5/207 | 1/93 | 3,598,117 || 62 | 8/465 | 13/368 | 3/162 | 6/236 | 3/102 | 4/211 | 1/94 | 3,742,691 || 63 | 7/472 | 11/379 | 5/167 | 6/242 | 2/104 | 7/218 | 1/95 | 3,887,265 || 64 | 6/478 | 9/388 | 3/170 | 6/248 | 3/107 | 5/223 | 1/96 | 4,031,839 || 65 | 5/483 | 12/400 | 5/175 | 5/253 | 2/109 | 6/229 | 1/97 | 4,176,413 || 66 | 7/490 | 15/415 | 4/179 | 5/258 | 3/112 | 6/235 | 1/98 | 4,320,987 || 67 | 8/498 | 8/423 | 5/184 | 5/263 | 2/114 | 6/241 | 1/99 | 4,465,561 || 68 | 8/506 | 10/433 | 3/187 | 5/268 | 3/117 | 6/247 | 1/100 | 4,610,135 || 69 | 6/512 | 13/446 | 4/191 | 5/273 | 3/120 | 4/251 | 1/101 | 4,754,709 || 70 | 6/518 | 13/459 | 4/195 | 7/280 | 2/122 | 4/255 | 1/102 | 4,899,283 || 71 | 8/526 | 13/472 | 3/198 | 7/287 | 3/125 | 5/260 | 1/103 | 5,043,857 || 72 | 8/524 | 10/482 | 4/202 | 5/293 | 2/127 | 4/264 | 1/104 | 5,188,431 || 73 | 7/531 | 11/493 | 4/206 | 5/298 | 3/130 | 6/270 | 1/105 | 5,333,005 || 74 | 8/539 | 9/502 | 5/211 | 6/304 | 2/132 | 4/274 | 1/106 | 5,477,579 || 75 | 8/547 | 11/513 | 3/214 | 7/311 | 2/134 | 4/278 | 1/107 | 5,622,153 |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 76 | 8/555 | 12/525 | 4/218 | 6/317 | 3/137 | 7/285 | 1/108 | 5,766,727 || 77 | 8/563 | 14/539 | 5/223 | 5/322 | 2/139 | 6/291 | 1/109 | 5,911,301 || 78 | 6/569 | 10/549 | 3/226 | 7/329 | 3/142 | 4/295 | 1/110 | 6,055,875 || 79 | 7/576 | 14/563 | 4/230 | 5/334 | 2/144 | 5/300 | 1/111 | 6,200,449 || 80 | 7/583 | 11/574 | 4/234 | 5/339 | 3/147 | 6/306 | 1/112 | 6,345,023 || 81 | 7/590 | 12/586 | 3/237 | 6/345 | 2/149 | 7/313 | 1/113 | 6,489,597 || 82 | 6/596 | 10/596 | 3/240 | 7/352 | 3/152 | 4/317 | 1/114 | 6,634,171 || 83 | 10/606 | 12/608 | 5/245 | 5/357 | 2/154 | 4/321 | 1/115 | 6,778,745 || 84 | 8/614 | 9/617 | 5/250 | 5/362 | 4/158 | 5/326 | 1/116 | 6,923,319 || 85 | 7/621 | 9/626 | 2/252 | 6/368 | 3/161 | 6/332 | 1/117 | 7,067,893 || 86 | 8/629 | 11/637 | 4/256 | 5/373 | 2/163 | 7/339 | 1/118 | 7,212,467 || 87 | 8/637 | 13/650 | 4/260 | 7/380 | 3/166 | 6/345 | 1/119 | 7,357,041 || 88 | 9/646 | 13/663 | 3/263 | 6/386 | 2/168 | 4/349 | 1/120 | 7,501,615 || 89 | 8/654 | 9/672 | 3/269 | 7/393 | 3/171 | 5/354 | 1/121 | 7,646,189 || 90 | 7/661 | 15/687 | 4/273 | 7/400 | 2/173 | 5/359 | 1/122 | 7,790,763 || 91 | 8/669 | 10/697 | 3/276 | 4/404 | 3/176 | 6/365 | 1/123 | 7,935,337 || 92 | 7/676 | 12/709 | 2/278 | 6/410 | 3/179 | 6/371 | 1/124 | 8,079,911 || 93 | 7/683 | 8/717 | 4/282 | 5/415 | 2/181 | 4/375 | 1/125 | 8,224,485 || 94 | 8/691 | 11/728 | 4/286 | 5/420 | 3/184 | 5/380 | 1/126 | 8,369,059 || 95 | 8/699 | 14/742 | 5/291 | 5/425 | 2/186 | 6/386 | 1/127 | 8,513,633 || 96 | 6/705 | 14/756 | 3/294 | 6/431 | 3/189 | 6/392 | 1/128 | 8,658,207 || 97 | 6/711 | 10/766 | 4/298 | 6/437 | 2/191 | 6/398 | 1/129 | 8,802,781 || 98 | 6/717 | 14/780 | 4/302 | 6/443 | 3/194 | 5/403 | 1/130 | 8,947,355 || 99 | 9/726 | 11/791 | 3/305 | 5/448 | 3/197 | 6/409 | 2/132 | 9,091,929 |------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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||[mech.004d] Ashlynn || =============================================================================

Bio - A young woman who wandered into the Moonmirror Tower. She is from the Dream World as her form is one of a phantom/spirit. She has no idea of her past, only that her name is Ashlynn, and decides to join the party hoping her story will be revealed.

____________________________________________________________________________/ \Weapon - Poison Needle, Cypress Stick, Bone Stake, Bronze Knife, Thorn Whip, Poison Moth Knife, Chain Whip, Falcon Knife Earrings, Morning Star, Staff of Antimagic, Platinum Sword, Icicle Dirk, Magma Staff, Spiked Steel Whip, Falcon Blade, Siren Sword, Watermaul Wand, Cobra Claw, Wizardly Whip, Demon Spear, Miracle Sword, Metal King Sword, Gringham Whip

Armour - Plain Clothes, Wayfarer's Clothes, Silk Robe, Leather Dress, Bunny Suit, Fur Cape, Dancer's Costume, Iron Cuirass, Robust Lingerie, Cloak of Evasion, Silver Cuirass, Legerdemantle, Glombolero, Magical Skirt, Enchanted Armour, Shimmering Dress, Flowing Dress, Sacred Armour, Princess's Robe, Dragon Robe, Angel Leotard

Helmet - Leather Hat, Hairband, Fur Hood, Silver Tiara, Bunny Ears, Duplic Hat, Hermes' Hat, Happy Hat, Golden Tiara

Shield - Pot Lid, Silver Tray, Magic Shield, Silver Shield

Accessory - Slime Earrings, Raging Ruby, Antique Ring, Gold Ring, Prayer Ring, Trailblazing Bandana, Fishnet Stockings, Kerplunk Bracer, Orb of Truth, Restless Heart, Gold Bracer, Glass Slippers, Agility Ring, Meteorite Bracer, Lucida Shard, Kamikaze Bracer, Pink Pearl, Turnscote Pendant\____________________________________________________________________________/

o-------------------------------------------------------------o|Starting Equipment - Thorn Whip, Leather Dress, and Hairband |o-------------------------------------------------------------o

o---------------o---------------o-----o------------------------------------o| Natural Spell | Level Learned | Cost| Effects |o---------------o---------------o-----o------------------------------------o| Frizz/Sap/ | Initial Spells| 2/3/| Fire 12-15, Group/Def -50%, Single/|| Snooze/Dazzle | | 3/5 | Sleep, Group/Blind, Accuracy 1/4, || | | | All |o---------------o---------------o-----o------------------------------------o| Sizz | 6 | 4 | Fire 16-24, Single |o---------------o---------------o-----o------------------------------------o| Zoom | 8 | 1 | Warp to previously visited Towns |o---------------o---------------o-----o------------------------------------o| Evac | 10 | 8 | Exit Dungeon |o---------------o---------------o-----o------------------------------------o| Kasap | 12 | 4 | Def -25%, Group |o---------------o---------------o-----o------------------------------------o

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| Drain Magic | 14 | 0 | Absorb MP, Single |o---------------o---------------o-----o------------------------------------o| Sizzle | 16 | 6 | Fire 30-42, Group |o---------------o---------------o-----o------------------------------------o| Fuddle | 18 | 5 | Confuse, Group |o---------------o---------------o-----o------------------------------------o| Magic Burst | After Events | All | Fire, Current MPx2, All || | in Sorceria | | |o---------------o---------------o-----o------------------------------------o

o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 2 | 60/60 | 65/65 |13/13 |35/35 |15/15 |33/33 |20/20 | 47 || 3 | 2/62 | 1/66 | 1/14 | 0/35 | 1/16 | 0/33 | 1/21 | 176 || 4 | 2/64 | 1/67 | 0/14 | 0/35 | 1/17 | 0/33 | 0/21 | 530 || 5 | 2/66 | 1/68 | 1/15 | 0/35 | 1/18 | 0/33 | 1/22 | 1503 || 6 | 2/68 | 2/70 | 0/15 | 0/35 | 0/18 | 1/34 | 0/22 | 2658 || 7 | 2/70 | 2/72 | 1/16 | 1/36 | 0/18 | 1/35 | 1/23 | 4029 || 8 | 2/72 | 2/74 | 0/16 | 0/36 | 1/19 | 1/36 | 0/23 | 5657 || 9 | 2/74 | 2/76 | 1/17 | 1/37 | 0/19 | 1/37 | 1/24 | 7590 || 10 | 3/77 | 2/78 | 1/18 | 1/38 | 1/20 | 1/38 | 1/25 | 9885 || 11 | 1/78 | 6/84 | 2/20 | 0/38 | 0/20 | 0/38 | 0/25 | 12825 || 12 | 1/79 | 5/89 | 2/22 | 0/38 | 1/21 | 0/38 | 1/26 | 16591 || 13 | 1/80 | 4/93 | 2/24 | 1/39 | 0/21 | 1/39 | 0/26 | 21416 || 14 | 1/81 | 5/98 | 2/26 | 0/39 | 1/22 | 0/39 | 1/27 | 27598 || 15 | 1/82 | 5/103 | 2/28 | 1/40 | 1/23 | 1/40 | 1/28 | 35518 || 16 | 6/88 | 4/107 | 1/29 | 4/44 | 2/25 | 5/45 | 0/28 | 44180 || 17 | 5/93 | 4/111 | 2/31 | 3/47 | 2/27 | 4/49 | 0/28 | 53654 || 18 | 7/100 | 5/116 | 2/33 | 5/52 | 4/31 | 4/53 | 1/29 | 64016 || 19 | 5/105 | 4/120 | 2/35 | 4/56 | 2/33 | 5/58 | 0/29 | 75349 || 20 | 5/110 | 5/125 | 2/37 | 6/62 | 3/36 | 4/62 | 1/30 | 87744 || 21 | 5/115 | 4/129 | 2/39 | 1/63 | 0/36 | 2/64 | 0/30 | 100,913 || 22 | 6/121 | 5/134 | 2/41 | 2/65 | 1/37 | 2/66 | 1/31 | 114,905 || 23 | 6/127 | 4/138 | 3/44 | 1/66 | 1/38 | 2/68 | 0/31 | 129,776 || 24 | 5/132 | 4/142 | 2/46 | 2/68 | 0/38 | 2/70 | 1/32 | 145,566 || 25 | 6/138 | 3/145 | 3/49 | 2/70 | 1/39 | 3/73 | 0/32 | 162,348 |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 26 | 5/143 | 4/149 | 2/51 | 1/71 | 1/40 | 2/75 | 1/33 | 180,178 || 27 | 4/147 | 5/154 | 2/53 | 2/73 | 0/40 | 2/77 | 0/33 | 199,122 || 28 | 5/152 | 5/159 | 3/55 | 1/74 | 1/41 | 2/79 | 1/34 | 219,250 || 29 | 4/156 | 5/164 | 2/57 | 2/76 | 1/42 | 2/81 | 0/34 | 240,636 || 30 | 6/162 | 3/167 | 3/60 | 2/78 | 1/43 | 4/85 | 1/35 | 263,358 || 31 | 4/166 | 2/169 | 1/61 | 2/80 | 0/43 | 0/85 | 1/36 | 288,920 || 32 | 6/172 | 3/172 | 2/63 | 2/82 | 1/44 | 1/86 | 1/37 | 317,677 || 33 | 7/179 | 3/175 | 1/64 | 2/84 | 0/44 | 1/87 | 2/39 | 350,028 || 34 | 6/185 | 2/177 | 2/66 | 2/86 | 1/45 | 1/88 | 1/40 | 386,422 || 35 | 5/190 | 4/181 | 2/68 | 2/88 | 0/45 | 1/89 | 1/41 | 427,365 || 36 | 6/196 | 3/184 | 1/69 | 2/90 | 1/46 | 1/90 | 2/43 | 473,425 || 37 | 5/201 | 2/186 | 2/71 | 2/92 | 0/46 | 1/91 | 1/44 | 525,242 || 38 | 5/206 | 6/192 | 1/72 | 3/95 | 1/47 | 0/91 | 1/45 | 583,536 || 39 | 6/212 | 5/197 | 2/74 | 2/97 | 0/47 | 1/92 | 2/47 | 649,116 || 40 | 4/216 | 4/201 | 2/76 | 2/99 | 1/48 | 1/93 | 1/48 | 722,893 || 41 | 5/221 | 5/206 | 1/77 | 2/101 | 0/48 | 1/94 | 1/49 | 805,892 || 42 | 5/226 | 5/211 | 2/79 | 2/103 | 1/49 | 1/95 | 2/51 | 899,265 |

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| 43 | 5/231 | 4/215 | 1/80 | 3/106 | 0/49 | 1/96 | 1/52 | 1,004,309 || 44 | 5/236 | 5/220 | 2/82 | 2/108 | 1/50 | 1/97 | 1/53 | 1,122,483 || 45 | 5/241 | 5/225 | 2/84 | 4/112 | 1/51 | 1/98 | 2/55 | 1,255,428 || 46 | 8/249 | 16/241 | 4/88 | 4/116 | 2/53 | 4/102 | 1/56 | 1,388,373 || 47 | 9/258 | 14/255 | 5/93 | 6/122 | 2/55 | 6/108 | 2/58 | 1,521,318 || 48 | 6/264 | 20/275 | 4/97 | 6/128 | 2/57 | 7/115 | 2/60 | 1,654,263 || 49 | 10/274 | 18/293 | 4/101 | 4/132 | 2/59 | 7/122 | 2/62 | 1,787,208 || 50 | 7/281 | 14/307 | 4/105 | 6/138 | 3/62 | 6/128 | 2/64 | 1,920,153 |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 51 | 6/287 | 17/324 | 3/108 | 6/144 | 2/64 | 6/134 | 2/66 | 2,053,098 || 52 | 7/294 | 12/336 | 4/112 | 5/149 | 2/66 | 7/141 | 2/68 | 2,186,043 || 53 | 6/300 | 15/351 | 4/116 | 5/154 | 2/68 | 5/146 | 2/70 | 2,318,988 || 54 | 9/309 | 12/363 | 3/119 | 6/160 | 3/71 | 6/152 | 2/72 | 2,451,933 || 55 | 8/317 | 13/376 | 5/124 | 4/164 | 2/73 | 7/159 | 2/74 | 2,584,878 || 56 | 9/326 | 12/388 | 3/127 | 6/170 | 2/75 | 7/166 | 2/76 | 2,717,823 || 57 | 8/334 | 18/406 | 4/131 | 5/175 | 2/77 | 7/173 | 2/78 | 2,850,768 || 58 | 8/342 | 11/417 | 3/134 | 5/180 | 2/79 | 5/178 | 2/80 | 2,983,718 || 59 | 9/351 | 12/429 | 4/138 | 7/187 | 3/82 | 5/183 | 2/82 | 3,116,658 || 60 | 7/358 | 12/441 | 3/141 | 5/192 | 2/84 | 5/188 | 2/84 | 3,249,603 || 61 | 10/368 | 12/453 | 3/144 | 6/198 | 2/86 | 7/195 | 2/86 | 3,382,548 || 62 | 7/375 | 17/470 | 4/148 | 5/203 | 2/88 | 6/201 | 2/88 | 3,515,493 || 63 | 7/382 | 14/484 | 4/152 | 5/208 | 3/91 | 6/207 | 2/90 | 3,648,438 || 64 | 10/392 | 12/496 | 2/154 | 5/213 | 2/93 | 6/213 | 1/91 | 3,781,383 || 65 | 8/400 | 13/509 | 4/158 | 6/219 | 2/95 | 6/219 | 2/93 | 3,914,382 || 66 | 10/410 | 18/527 | 3/161 | 4/223 | 2/97 | 6/225 | 2/95 | 4,047,273 || 67 | 10/420 | 11/538 | 3/164 | 5/228 | 2/99 | 6/231 | 2/97 | 4,180,218 || 68 | 7/427 | 15/553 | 4/168 | 6/234 | 4/103 | 7/238 | 2/99 | 4,313,163 || 69 | 7/434 | 13/566 | 3/171 | 6/240 | 2/105 | 6/244 | 2/101 | 4,446,108 || 70 | 7/441 | 14/580 | 3/174 | 6/246 | 2/107 | 7/251 | 2/103 | 4,579,053 || 71 | 7/448 | 16/596 | 3/177 | 6/252 | 2/109 | 5/256 | 2/105 | 4,711,998 || 72 | 6/454 | 12/608 | 5/182 | 6/258 | 3/112 | 7/263 | 2/107 | 4,844,943 || 73 | 8/462 | 11/619 | 5/187 | 5/263 | 2/114 | 6/269 | 2/109 | 4,977,888 || 74 | 7/469 | 11/630 | 3/190 | 5/268 | 2/116 | 6/275 | 2/111 | 5,110,833 || 75 | 6/475 | 17/647 | 4/194 | 5/273 | 2/118 | 7/282 | 2/113 | 5,243,778 |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 76 | 10/485 | 15/662 | 3/197 | 5/278 | 2/120 | 5/287 | 2/115 | 5,376,723 || 77 | 7/492 | 16/678 | 4/201 | 6/284 | 3/123 | 5/292 | 3/118 | 5,509,668 || 78 | 8/500 | 17/695 | 4/205 | 7/291 | 2/125 | 7/299 | 2/120 | 5,642,613 || 79 | 10/510 | 18/713 | 3/208 | 6/297 | 2/127 | 6/305 | 2/122 | 5,775,558 || 80 | 7/517 | 17/730 | 4/212 | 5/302 | 2/129 | 5/310 | 2/124 | 5,908,503 || 81 | 7/524 | 18/748 | 4/216 | 7/309 | 3/132 | 6/316 | 2/126 | 6,041,448 || 82 | 9/523 | 14/762 | 3/219 | 5/314 | 2/134 | 6/322 | 1/127 | 6,174,393 || 83 | 8/531 | 11/773 | 3/222 | 5/319 | 2/136 | 7/329 | 2/129 | 6,307,338 || 84 | 10/541 | 12/785 | 3/225 | 5/324 | 2/138 | 6/335 | 2/131 | 6,440,283 || 85 | 5/546 | 11/796 | 5/230 | 6/330 | 2/140 | 6/341 | 2/133 | 6,573,228 || 86 | 8/554 | 15/811 | 4/234 | 6/336 | 3/143 | 5/346 | 2/135 | 6,706,173 || 87 | 8/562 | 11/822 | 4/238 | 6/342 | 3/146 | 5/351 | 2/137 | 6,839,118 || 88 | 10/572 | 15/837 | 4/242 | 6/348 | 2/148 | 6/357 | 3/140 | 6,972,063 || 89 | 8/580 | 11/848 | 4/246 | 6/354 | 2/150 | 7/364 | 2/142 | 7,105,008 || 90 | 8/588 | 14/862 | 5/251 | 5/359 | 3/153 | 5/369 | 2/142 | 7,237,953 || 91 | 9/597 | 15/877 | 3/254 | 7/366 | 2/155 | 6/375 | 2/144 | 7,370,898 || 92 | 6/603 | 16/893 | 3/257 | 5/371 | 2/157 | 5/380 | 2/146 | 7,503,843 || 93 | 10/613 | 12/905 | 4/261 | 4/375 | 2/159 | 6/386 | 2/148 | 7,636,788 |

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| 94 | 8/621 | 12/917 | 3/264 | 5/380 | 2/161 | 5/391 | 2/150 | 7,769,733 || 95 | 6/627 | 17/934 | 3/267 | 5/385 | 2/163 | 6/397 | 2/152 | 7,902,678 || 96 | 9/636 | 12/944 | 5/272 | 6/391 | 2/165 | 7/404 | 2/154 | 8,035,623 || 97 | 7/643 | 13/957 | 4/276 | 7/398 | 2/167 | 6/410 | 2/156 | 8,168,568 || 98 | 8/651 | 12/969 | 4/280 | 5/403 | 2/169 | 7/417 | 2/158 | 8,301,513 || 99 | 7/658 | 16/985 | 5/285 | 6/409 | 3/172 | 5/419 | 2/160 | 8,434,458 |------------------------------------------------------------------------------

_____________________________________________________________________________||[mech.004e] Nevan || =============================================================================

Bio - Son of the High Priest and Village Elder of Ghent. He can control the sacred boat of Ghent. While his Grandfather is reluctant for him to join the party Nevan decides to join the fight against Murdaw and convinces his Grandfather that it is time to attack and save the world before Murdaw's shadow lies everywhere. Afterwards he remains with the party to help figure out the mystery of the Dream World and Murdaw's origins.

____________________________________________________________________________/ \Weapon - Poison Needle, Cypress Stick, Bamboo Spear, Bronze Knife, Staff of Ghent, Iron Staff, Poison Moth Knife, Chain Whip, Lightning Staff, Staff of Divine Wrath, Morning Star, Staff of Antimagic, Gracos's Trident, Staff of Resurrection, Watermaul Wand, Fire Blade, Sunderbolt Blade, Demon Spear, Miracle Sword, Metal King Sword

Armour - Plain Clothes, Wayfarer's Clothes, Silk Tuxedo, Leather Armour, Silk Robe, Boxer Shorts, Scale Armour, Fur Cape, Bronze Armour, Noble Garb, Iron Armour, Cloak of Evasion, Full Plate Armour, Tortoise Shell, Legerdemantle, Glombolero, Magic Armour, Enchanted Armour, Flowing Dress, Slime Armour, Sacred Armour, Dragon Robe, Metal King Armour

Helmet - Leather Hat, Pointy Hat, Hardwood Headwear, Shellmet, Duplic Hat, Hermes' Hat, Happy Hat, Slime Helmet, Thinking Cap, Helmet of Max Wynne

Shield - Pot Lid, Leather Shield, Scale Shield, Bronze Shield, Magic Shield, Shield of Max Wynne, Metal King Shield

Accessory - Raging Ruby, Bow Tie, Kerplunk Bracer, Orb of Truth, Restless Heart, Gold Bracer, Agility Ring, Meteorite Bracer, Kamikaze Bracer, Old Pipe, Turnscote Pendant\____________________________________________________________________________/

o-------------------------------------------------------------------------o|Starting Equipment - Staff of Ghent, Wayfarer's Clothes, and Leather Hat |o-------------------------------------------------------------------------o

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o---------------o---------------o-----o-----------------------------------o| Natural Spell | Level Learned | Cost| Effects |o---------------o---------------o-----o-----------------------------------o| Heal/Midheal/ | Initial Spells| 2/5/| H: 30-40, Ally/H: 75-95, Ally/ || Squelch/Woosh/| | 2/2/| Cure Poison/Wind 8-24, Group/ || Poof | | 1 | Remove Enemy, No Exp or Gold |o---------------o---------------o-----o-----------------------------------o| Fizzle | 11 | 3 | Silence, Group |o---------------o---------------o-----o-----------------------------------o| Zing | 13 | 10 | Revive 50%HP, 50% Success, Single |o---------------o---------------o-----o-----------------------------------o| Swoosh | 15 | 4 | Wind 25-55, Group |o---------------o---------------o-----o-----------------------------------o| Tingle | 17 | 2 | Cure Paralysis |o---------------o---------------o-----o-----------------------------------o| Fullheal | 19 | 7 | Heal 100%HP, Ally |o---------------o---------------o-----o-----------------------------------o| Whack | 21 | 4 | Instant Death, Single |o---------------o---------------o-----o-----------------------------------o

o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 10 | 80/80 | 55/55 |20/20 |47/47 |35/35 |45/45 |10/10 | 3563 || 11 | 7/87 | 3/58 | 3/23 | 0/47 | 0/35 | 0/45 | 0/10 | 5862 || 12 | 6/93 | 3/61 | 3/26 | 0/47 | 0/35 | 0/45 | 0/10 | 8663 || 13 | 5/98 | 3/64 | 3/29 | 0/47 | 0/35 | 0/45 | 0/10 | 12076 || 14 | 7/105 | 3/67 | 2/31 | 0/47 | 0/35 | 0/45 | 0/10 | 16235 || 15 | 5/110 | 4/71 | 3/34 | 0/47 | 0/35 | 0/45 | 0/10 | 21303 || 16 | 7/117 | 10/81 | 4/38 | 3/50 | 5/40 | 2/47 | 0/10 | 26846 || 17 | 6/123 | 7/88 | 3/41 | 3/53 | 4/44 | 3/50 | 1/11 | 32908 || 18 | 5/128 | 10/98 | 3/44 | 5/58 | 3/47 | 2/52 | 0/11 | 39538 || 19 | 7/135 | 10/108 | 3/47 | 4/62 | 5/52 | 3/55 | 1/12 | 46789 || 20 | 5/140 | 7/115 | 4/51 | 5/67 | 5/57 | 3/58 | 1/13 | 54719 || 21 | 6/146 | 2/117 | 3/54 | 1/68 | 1/58 | 3/61 | 0/13 | 63640 || 22 | 6/152 | 3/120 | 2/56 | 1/69 | 2/60 | 4/65 | 1/14 | 73676 || 23 | 7/159 | 3/123 | 3/59 | 1/70 | 1/61 | 4/69 | 1/15 | 84966 || 24 | 5/164 | 4/127 | 5/64 | 1/71 | 2/63 | 3/72 | 0/15 | 97667 || 25 | 6/170 | 3/130 | 3/67 | 2/73 | 2/65 | 4/76 | 1/16 | 111,955 |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 26 | 6/176 | 2/132 | 3/70 | 1/74 | 1/66 | 5/81 | 1/17 | 128,029 || 27 | 6/182 | 3/135 | 3/73 | 1/75 | 2/68 | 3/84 | 0/17 | 146,112 || 28 | 8/190 | 3/138 | 3/76 | 1/76 | 1/69 | 3/87 | 1/18 | 166,455 || 29 | 7/197 | 3/141 | 2/78 | 1/77 | 2/71 | 4/91 | 1/19 | 189,340 || 30 | 7/204 | 2/143 | 5/83 | 2/79 | 2/73 | 5/96 | 1/20 | 215,085 || 31 | 7/211 | 1/144 | 2/85 | 1/80 | 0/73 | 2/98 | 0/20 | 244,048 || 32 | 12/223 | 1/145 | 4/89 | 2/82 | 1/74 | 2/100 | 0/20 | 276,631 || 33 | 11/234 | 1/146 | 3/92 | 2/84 | 0/74 | 2/102 | 1/21 | 313,286 || 34 | 10/244 | 1/147 | 4/96 | 2/86 | 1/75 | 2/104 | 0/21 | 354,522 || 35 | 10/254 | 1/148 | 3/99 | 2/88 | 0/75 | 3/107 | 0/21 | 400,912 || 36 | 11/265 | 1/149 | 3/102 | 1/89 | 1/76 | 2/109 | 1/22 | 453,100 || 37 | 7/272 | 1/150 | 3/105 | 2/91 | 0/76 | 2/111 | 0/22 | 511,811 || 38 | 9/281 | 8/158 | 3/108 | 2/93 | 1/77 | 2/113 | 0/22 | 577,860 || 39 | 9/290 | 6/164 | 4/112 | 2/95 | 0/77 | 2/115 | 1/23 | 652,165 || 40 | 10/300 | 6/170 | 3/115 | 2/97 | 1/78 | 2/117 | 0/23 | 735,758 |

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| 41 | 11/311 | 5/175 | 3/118 | 1/98 | 0/78 | 2/119 | 0/23 | 829,800 || 42 | 11/322 | 5/180 | 3/121 | 2/99 | 1/79 | 2/121 | 1/24 | 935,597 || 43 | 9/331 | 5/185 | 2/123 | 2/101 | 0/79 | 2/123 | 0/24 | 1,054,618 || 44 | 12/343 | 5/190 | 3/126 | 2/103 | 1/80 | 2/125 | 0/24 | 1,188,516 || 45 | 11/354 | 6/196 | 4/130 | 2/105 | 1/81 | 3/128 | 1/25 | 1,339,151 || 46 | 7/361 | 22/218 | 2/132 | 4/109 | 4/85 | 5/133 | 1/26 | 1,339,151 || 47 | 7/368 | 15/233 | 3/135 | 5/114 | 2/87 | 7/140 | 1/27 | 1,489,786 || 48 | 10/378 | 18/251 | 3/138 | 6/120 | 4/91 | 9/149 | 1/28 | 1,640,421 || 49 | 8/386 | 16/267 | 3/141 | 6/126 | 3/94 | 6/155 | 1/29 | 1,791,056 || 50 | 6/392 | 11/278 | 3/144 | 4/130 | 3/97 | 6/161 | 1/30 | 1,941,691 |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 51 | 9/401 | 11/289 | 3/147 | 6/136 | 3/100 | 8/169 | 1/31 | 2,242,961 || 52 | 9/410 | 18/307 | 3/150 | 6/142 | 3/103 | 7/176 | 1/32 | 2,393,596 || 53 | 7/417 | 16/323 | 3/153 | 4/146 | 4/107 | 7/183 | 1/33 | 2,544,231 || 54 | 8/425 | 11/334 | 3/156 | 5/151 | 3/110 | 5/188 | 1/34 | 2,694,866 || 55 | 9/434 | 15/349 | 3/159 | 6/157 | 3/113 | 6/194 | 1/35 | 2,845,501 || 56 | 9/443 | 16/365 | 3/162 | 6/163 | 3/116 | 6/200 | 1/36 | 2,996,136 || 57 | 7/450 | 11/376 | 3/165 | 4/167 | 3/119 | 7/207 | 1/37 | 3,146,771 || 58 | 9/459 | 13/389 | 2/167 | 5/172 | 3/122 | 5/212 | 1/38 | 3,297,406 || 59 | 7/466 | 15/404 | 2/169 | 4/176 | 2/124 | 6/218 | 1/39 | 3,448,041 || 60 | 7/473 | 12/416 | 2/171 | 5/181 | 4/128 | 6/224 | 1/40 | 3,598,676 || 61 | 8/481 | 11/427 | 2/173 | 4/185 | 2/130 | 4/228 | 0/40 | 3,749,311 || 62 | 7/488 | 14/441 | 4/177 | 4/189 | 4/134 | 7/235 | 1/41 | 3,899,946 || 63 | 7/495 | 11/452 | 3/180 | 6/195 | 3/137 | 5/240 | 0/41 | 4,050,581 || 64 | 8/503 | 12/464 | 4/184 | 4/199 | 3/140 | 5/245 | 1/42 | 4,201,216 || 65 | 6/509 | 12/476 | 3/187 | 5/204 | 4/144 | 6/251 | 0/42 | 4,351,851 || 66 | 8/517 | 11/487 | 3/190 | 3/207 | 3/147 | 6/257 | 1/43 | 4,502,486 || 67 | 9/528 | 15/503 | 3/193 | 3/210 | 3/150 | 6/263 | 0/43 | 4,653,121 || 68 | 7/535 | 9/512 | 4/197 | 4/214 | 2/152 | 6/269 | 1/44 | 4,803,756 || 69 | 8/543 | 12/524 | 4/201 | 4/218 | 3/155 | 6/275 | 0/44 | 4,954,391 || 70 | 8/551 | 11/535 | 4/205 | 4/222 | 2/157 | 5/280 | 1/45 | 5,105,026 || 71 | 8/559 | 11/546 | 3/208 | 5/227 | 3/160 | 7/287 | 0/45 | 5,255,661 || 72 | 7/566 | 13/559 | 3/211 | 4/231 | 2/162 | 5/292 | 1/46 | 5,406,296 || 73 | 7/573 | 16/575 | 4/215 | 4/235 | 2/164 | 7/299 | 0/46 | 5,556,931 || 74 | 7/580 | 12/587 | 4/219 | 4/239 | 3/167 | 5/304 | 1/47 | 5,707,566 || 75 | 7/587 | 14/601 | 3/222 | 6/245 | 4/171 | 6/310 | 0/47 | 5,858,201 |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 76 | 5/592 | 13/614 | 3/225 | 3/248 | 2/173 | 5/315 | 1/48 | 6,008,836 || 77 | 9/601 | 13/627 | 5/230 | 3/251 | 3/176 | 6/321 | 0/48 | 6,159,471 || 78 | 7/608 | 10/637 | 3/233 | 5/256 | 3/179 | 6/327 | 1/49 | 6,310,106 || 79 | 6/614 | 10/647 | 3/236 | 3/259 | 4/183 | 6/333 | 0/49 | 6,460,741 || 80 | 8/622 | 14/661 | 3/239 | 5/264 | 3/186 | 6/339 | 1/50 | 6,611,376 || 81 | 6/628 | 12/673 | 4/243 | 3/267 | 4/190 | 5/344 | 0/50 | 6,762,011 || 82 | 7/635 | 14/687 | 4/247 | 5/272 | 4/194 | 6/350 | 1/51 | 6,912,646 || 83 | 7/642 | 13/700 | 5/252 | 3/275 | 3/197 | 7/357 | 0/51 | 7,063,281 || 84 | 7/649 | 13/713 | 2/254 | 5/280 | 2/199 | 5/362 | 1/52 | 7,213,916 || 85 | 6/655 | 10/723 | 4/258 | 6/286 | 4/203 | 6/368 | 0/52 | 7,364,551 || 86 | 6/661 | 14/737 | 4/262 | 3/289 | 2/205 | 6/374 | 1/53 | 7,515,186 || 87 | 6/667 | 13/750 | 4/266 | 5/294 | 3/208 | 5/379 | 0/53 | 7,665,821 || 88 | 7/674 | 11/761 | 3/269 | 4/298 | 2/210 | 7/386 | 1/54 | 7,816,456 || 89 | 8/682 | 11/772 | 4/273 | 3/301 | 3/213 | 6/392 | 0/54 | 7,967,091 || 90 | 7/689 | 11/783 | 4/277 | 5/306 | 3/216 | 8/400 | 1/55 | 8,117,726 || 91 | 6/695 | 10/793 | 2/279 | 3/309 | 2/218 | 5/405 | 0/55 | 8,268,361 |

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| 92 | 8/703 | 15/808 | 4/283 | 6/315 | 2/220 | 5/410 | 1/56 | 8,418,996 || 93 | 6/709 | 11/819 | 3/286 | 3/318 | 3/223 | 6/416 | 0/56 | 8,569,631 || 94 | 8/717 | 10/829 | 4/290 | 4/322 | 3/226 | 5/421 | 1/57 | 8,720,266 || 95 | 8/725 | 15/844 | 3/293 | 4/326 | 3/229 | 4/425 | 0/57 | 8,870,901 || 96 | 8/733 | 15/859 | 3/296 | 4/330 | 3/232 | 5/430 | 1/58 | 9,021,536 || 97 | 8/741 | 13/872 | 2/298 | 6/336 | 3/235 | 5/435 | 0/58 | 9,172,171 || 98 | 6/747 | 11/883 | 4/302 | 3/339 | 4/239 | 7/442 | 1/59 | 9,322,806 || 99 | 10/757 | 12/895 | 5/307 | 4/343 | 3/242 | 5/447 | 1/60 | 9,473,441 |------------------------------------------------------------------------------

_____________________________________________________________________________||[mech.004f] Amos*OPTIONAL* || =============================================================================

NOTE- Amos is the first available optional character. He can also be missed.

***VERY IMPORTANT*** Amos can be missed. Once you defeat him, when you go to visit him do NOTtell him about his being a monster. If done, he will leave the townPERMANENTLY, never to be found again. If you don't tell him, but pretend allis well, he can be cured and therefor recruited.***VERY IMPORTANT***

Bio - A Hero to the town of Scrimsley, and a wandering warrior who was bitten by the monster he destroyed, only to be granted the curse of turning into that same beast every night. The grateful townsfolk are reluctant to tell him of his curse, fearing he will leave them. Once healed by the seeds of the mountain north of town, Amos will gain control of his power and join the party in thanks.

____________________________________________________________________________/ \Weapon - Oaken Club, Giant Mallet, Copper Sword, Boomerang, Stone Axe, Iron Claw, Edged Boomerang, Chain Sickle, Sledgehammer, Steel Broadsword, Staff of Antimagic, Cautery Sword, Battleaxe, Fire Claw, Gracos's Trident, Platinum Sword, War Hammer, Flametang Boomerang, Dream Blade, Falcon Blade, Zombiesbane, Fire Blade, Dragonsbane, Massacre Sword, Sunderbolt Blade, Miracle Sword, Blizzard Blade, Hela's Hammer, Flail of Destruction, Metal King Sword

Armour - Rags, Plain Clothes, Wayfarer's Clothes, Silk Tuxedo, Leather Armour, Leather Kilt, Boxer Shorts, Scale Armour, Fur Cape, Chain Mail, Bronze Armour, Iron Cuirass, Iron Armour, Full Plate Armour, Tortoise Shell, Silver cuirass, Silver Mail, Heavy Armour, Magic Armour, Spiked Armour, Enchanted Armour, Dragon Mail, Platinum Mail, Flame Armour, Sacred Armour, Hela's Armour, Armour of Max Wynne, Gigant Armour, Mirror Armour, Metal King Armour

Helmet - Leather Hat, Hardwood Headwear, Shellmet, Iron Helmet, Iron Mask, Platinum Headgear, Thinking Cap, Great Helm, Helmet of Max Wynne,

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Metal King Helm

Shield - Leather Shield, Scale Shield, Bronze Shield, Iron Shield, Magic Shield, Platinum Shield, Dragon Shield, Flame Shield, Power Shield, Ogre Shield, Ruinous Shield, Metal King Shield

Accessory - Bow Tie, Kerplunk Bracer, Meteorite Bracer, Kamikaze Bracer\____________________________________________________________________________/

o-----------------------------------------------------------------------o|Starting Equipment - Cautery Sword, Full Plate Armour, Iron Shield and | Iron Mask |o-----------------------------------------------------------------------o

o---------------o---------------o-----o----------------------------------o| Natural Spell | Level Learned | Cost| Effects |o---------------o---------------o-----o----------------------------------o| Heal/ | Initial Spells| 2/0 | Heal 30-40, Ally/Turn Into || Megamorphosis | | | Scrimsley Beast, Rest of Battle || | | | and Uses Attack, Stomp, Thin Air,|| | | | Body Slam, and Bite Attack. |o---------------o---------------o-----o----------------------------------o

o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 15 |150/150 | 37/37 |70/70 |66/66 |68/68 |60/60 |24/24 | 24300 || 16 | 5/155 | 6/43 | 0/70 | 1/67 | 1/69 | 0/60 | 0/24 | 31869 || 17 | 8/163 | 6/49 | 1/71 | 1/68 | 1/70 | 1/61 | 0/24 | 39674 || 18 | 6/169 | 6/55 | 0/71 | 1/69 | 2/72 | 0/61 | 0/24 | 47722 || 19 | 5/174 | 5/60 | 1/72 | 1/70 | 1/73 | 1/62 | 0/24 | 56021 || 20 | 6/180 | 7/67 | 1/73 | 2/72 | 2/75 | 1/63 | 1/25 | 64579 || 21 | 4/184 | 1/68 | 3/76 | 1/73 | 1/76 | 1/64 | 0/25 | 74474 || 22 | 5/189 | 3/71 | 5/81 | 1/74 | 1/77 | 1/65 | 0/25 | 85915 || 23 | 4/193 | 2/73 | 3/84 | 1/75 | 2/79 | 2/67 | 0/25 | 99143 || 24 | 5/198 | 2/75 | 3/87 | 1/76 | 1/80 | 1/68 | 1/26 | 114,437 || 25 | 5/203 | 3/78 | 3/90 | 1/77 | 2/82 | 2/70 | 0/26 | 132,120 |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 26 | 4/207 | 1/79 | 5/95 | 1/78 | 1/83 | 1/71 | 0/26 | 152,565 || 27 | 5/212 | 2/81 | 3/98 | 1/79 | 1/84 | 1/72 | 1/27 | 176,204 || 28 | 4/216 | 2/83 | 4/102 | 1/80 | 2/86 | 2/74 | 0/27 | 203,536 || 29 | 5/221 | 2/85 | 4/106 | 1/81 | 1/87 | 1/75 | 0/27 | 235,138 || 30 | 4/225 | 2/87 | 3/109 | 2/83 | 2/89 | 2/77 | 1/28 | 271,677 || 31 | 14/239 | 0/87 | 2/111 | 1/84 | 1/90 | 0/77 | 0/28 | 311,641 || 32 | 12/251 | 1/88 | 3/114 | 1/85 | 1/91 | 0/77 | 0/28 | 355,351 || 33 | 14/265 | 0/88 | 3/117 | 1/86 | 1/92 | 0/77 | 1/29 | 403,158 || 34 | 14/279 | 1/89 | 2/119 | 2/88 | 1/93 | 0/77 | 0/29 | 455,446 || 35 | 15/294 | 1/90 | 4/123 | 1/89 | 1/94 | 1/78 | 1/30 | 512,636 || 36 | 15/309 | 0/90 | 3/126 | 1/90 | 1/95 | 0/78 | 0/30 | 575,187 || 37 | 14/323 | 1/91 | 2/128 | 1/91 | 1/96 | 0/78 | 1/31 | 643,602 || 38 | 16/339 | 0/91 | 2/130 | 2/93 | 1/97 | 0/78 | 0/31 | 718,430 || 39 | 16/355 | 1/92 | 3/133 | 1/94 | 1/98 | 0/78 | 1/32 | 800,273 || 40 | 11/366 | 1/93 | 2/135 | 1/95 | 1/99 | 1/79 | 0/32 | 889,788 || 41 | 16/382 | 0/93 | 3/138 | 1/96 | 1/100 | 0/79 | 1/33 | 987,695 || 42 | 13/395 | 1/94 | 3/141 | 2/98 | 1/101 | 0/79 | 0/33 | 1,094,780 |

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| 43 | 14/409 | 0/94 | 2/143 | 1/99 | 1/102 | 0/79 | 1/34 | 1,211,904 || 44 | 12/421 | 1/95 | 2/145 | 1/100 | 1/103 | 0/79 | 0/34 | 1,340,008 || 45 | 14/435 | 1/96 | 4/149 | 2/102 | 2/105 | 1/80 | 1/35 | 1,480,121 || 46 | 9/444 | 8/104 | 4/153 | 1/103 | 2/107 | 3/83 | 1/36 | 1,620,234 || 47 | 9/453 | 8/112 | 2/155 | 1/104 | 3/110 | 3/86 | 1/37 | 1,760,347 || 48 | 8/461 | 6/118 | 4/159 | 1/105 | 3/113 | 5/91 | 1/38 | 1,900,460 || 49 | 7/468 | 8/126 | 3/162 | 1/106 | 2/115 | 3/94 | 1/39 | 2,040,573 || 50 | 7/475 | 6/132 | 3/165 | 2/108 | 3/118 | 3/97 | 1/40 | 2,180,686 |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 51 | 9/484 | 7/139 | 4/169 | 1/109 | 4/122 | 5/102 | 1/41 | 2,320,799 || 52 | 6/490 | 6/145 | 3/172 | 1/110 | 2/124 | 3/105 | 1/42 | 2,460,912 || 53 | 8/498 | 10/155 | 3/175 | 1/111 | 2/126 | 3/108 | 1/43 | 2,601,025 || 54 | 8/506 | 7/162 | 3/178 | 1/112 | 3/129 | 3/111 | 1/44 | 2,741,138 || 55 | 9/515 | 8/170 | 3/181 | 2/114 | 2/131 | 3/114 | 1/45 | 2,881,251 || 56 | 9/524 | 10/180 | 2/183 | 1/115 | 3/134 | 3/117 | 1/46 | 3,021,364 || 57 | 8/532 | 8/188 | 3/186 | 1/116 | 3/137 | 4/121 | 1/47 | 3,161,477 || 58 | 8/540 | 7/195 | 3/189 | 1/117 | 2/139 | 4/125 | 1/48 | 3,301,590 || 59 | 7/547 | 8/203 | 3/192 | 1/118 | 3/142 | 3/128 | 1/49 | 3,441,703 || 60 | 7/554 | 9/212 | 3/195 | 2/120 | 3/145 | 3/131 | 1/50 | 3,581,816 || 61 | 8/562 | 7/219 | 3/198 | 1/121 | 2/147 | 3/134 | 0/50 | 3,721,929 || 62 | 8/570 | 7/226 | 4/202 | 2/123 | 2/149 | 3/137 | 1/51 | 3,862,042 || 63 | 6/576 | 9/235 | 5/207 | 2/125 | 3/152 | 4/141 | 1/52 | 4,002,155 || 64 | 5/581 | 7/242 | 6/213 | 2/127 | 2/154 | 2/143 | 1/53 | 4,142,268 || 65 | 8/589 | 9/251 | 6/219 | 1/128 | 3/157 | 3/146 | 0/53 | 4,282,381 || 66 | 10/599 | 8/259 | 4/223 | 2/130 | 3/160 | 4/150 | 1/54 | 4,422,494 || 67 | 5/604 | 8/267 | 6/229 | 2/132 | 2/162 | 3/153 | 1/55 | 4,562,607 || 68 | 5/609 | 7/274 | 3/232 | 3/135 | 2/164 | 2/155 | 1/56 | 4,702,720 || 69 | 7/616 | 6/280 | 6/238 | 3/138 | 4/168 | 3/158 | 0/56 | 4,842,833 || 70 | 7/623 | 7/287 | 6/244 | 1/139 | 2/170 | 3/161 | 1/57 | 4,982,946 || 71 | 9/632 | 7/294 | 3/247 | 2/141 | 3/173 | 2/163 | 1/58 | 5,123,059 || 72 | 10/642 | 8/302 | 5/252 | 2/143 | 2/175 | 4/167 | 1/59 | 5,263,172 || 73 | 8/650 | 7/309 | 6/258 | 2/145 | 3/178 | 3/170 | 1/60 | 5,403,285 || 74 | 5/655 | 9/318 | 4/262 | 2/147 | 2/180 | 3/173 | 0/60 | 5,543,398 || 75 | 5/660 | 6/324 | 4/266 | 1/148 | 4/184 | 4/177 | 1/61 | 5,683,511 |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 76 | 8/668 | 8/332 | 3/269 | 2/150 | 3/187 | 3/180 | 1/62 | 5,823,624 || 77 | 6/674 | 7/339 | 5/274 | 2/152 | 2/189 | 3/183 | 1/63 | 5,963,737 || 78 | 8/682 | 6/345 | 4/278 | 3/155 | 3/192 | 4/187 | 0/63 | 6,103,850 || 79 | 7/689 | 6/351 | 4/282 | 2/157 | 3/195 | 3/190 | 1/64 | 6,243,963 || 80 | 6/695 | 6/357 | 4/286 | 1/158 | 2/197 | 3/193 | 1/65 | 6,384,076 || 81 | 7/702 | 9/366 | 4/290 | 2/160 | 3/200 | 4/197 | 1/66 | 6,524,189 || 82 | 8/710 | 5/371 | 4/294 | 2/162 | 4/204 | 2/199 | 0/66 | 6,664,302 || 83 | 8/718 | 10/381 | 4/298 | 2/164 | 2/206 | 2/201 | 1/67 | 6,804,415 || 84 | 8/726 | 7/388 | 5/303 | 2/166 | 2/208 | 3/204 | 1/68 | 6,944,528 || 85 | 6/732 | 8/396 | 5/308 | 1/167 | 3/211 | 3/207 | 1/69 | 7,084,641 || 86 | 7/739 | 7/403 | 4/312 | 2/169 | 3/214 | 2/209 | 1/70 | 7,224,754 || 87 | 9/748 | 7/410 | 4/316 | 2/171 | 2/216 | 4/213 | 0/70 | 7,364,867 || 88 | 7/755 | 7/417 | 5/321 | 2/173 | 4/220 | 2/215 | 1/71 | 7,504,980 || 89 | 8/763 | 7/424 | 3/324 | 2/175 | 3/223 | 3/218 | 1/72 | 7,645,093 || 90 | 8/771 | 10/434 | 5/329 | 1/176 | 2/225 | 4/222 | 1/73 | 7,785,206 || 91 | 7/778 | 5/439 | 6/335 | 2/178 | 2/227 | 2/224 | 0/73 | 7,925,319 || 92 | 7/785 | 8/447 | 5/340 | 2/180 | 3/230 | 3/227 | 1/74 | 8,065,432 || 93 | 8/793 | 7/454 | 5/345 | 2/182 | 2/232 | 5/232 | 1/75 | 8,205,545 |

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| 94 | 7/800 | 7/461 | 4/349 | 2/184 | 4/236 | 3/235 | 1/76 | 8,345,658 || 95 | 7/807 | 8/469 | 5/354 | 1/185 | 3/239 | 3/238 | 0/76 | 8,485,771 || 96 | 7/814 | 7/476 | 6/360 | 2/187 | 2/241 | 4/242 | 1/77 | 8,625,884 || 97 | 5/819 | 8/484 | 4/364 | 2/189 | 2/243 | 3/245 | 1/78 | 8,765,997 || 98 | 6/825 | 7/491 | 6/370 | 2/191 | 3/246 | 3/248 | 1/79 | 8,906,110 || 99 | 8/833 | 9/500 | 6/376 | 2/193 | 3/249 | 5/253 | 1/80 | 9,046,223 |------------------------------------------------------------------------------

_____________________________________________________________________________||[mech.004g] Terry || =============================================================================

Bio - A warrior with a scarred past, he searches for the strongest swords in the world so he might become the world's strongest warrior. He joins after the party defeats him in Cloudsgate Citadel.

____________________________________________________________________________/ \Weapon - Poison Needle, Bamboo Spear, Oaken Club, Copper Sword, Boomerang, Edged Boomerang, Chain Sickle, Steel Broadsword, Cautery Sword, Battleaxe, Saw Blade, Gracos's Trident, Platinum Sword, War Hammer, Flametang Boomerang, Dream Blade, Falcon Blade, Siren Sword, Watermaul Wand, Zombiesbane, Fire Blade, Massacre Sword, Dragonsbane, Sunderbolt Blade, Demon Spear, Miracle Sword, Blizzard Blade, Great Bow, Hela's Hammer, Flail of Destruction, Metal King Sword, Orichalcum Fangs

Armour - Plain Clothes, Wayfarer's Clothes, Silk Tuxedo, Leather Armour, Scale Armour, Chain Mail, Bronze Armour, Iron Cuirass, Noble Garb, Iron Armour, Full Plate Armour, Silver Cuirass, Silver Mail, Heavy Armour, Magic Armour, Spiked Armour, Enchanted Armour, Dragon Mail, Platinum Mail, Flame Armour, Sacred Armour, Hela's Armour, Armour of Max Wynne, Gigant Armour, Mirror Armour, Metal King Armour

Helmet - Leather Hat, Hardwood Headwear, Iron Helmet, Iron Mask, Platinum Headgear, Thinking Cap, Great Helm, Helm of Max Wynne, Metal King Helm

Shield - Leather Shield, Scale Shield, Bronze Shield, Iron Shield, Magic Shield, Platinum Shield, Dragon Shield, Tempest Shield, Flame Shield, Power Shield, Ogre Shield, Silver Shield, Shield of Max Wynne, Ruinous Shield, Metal King Shield

Accessory - Slime Earrings, Raging Ruby, Antique Ring, Bow Tie, Gold Ring, Prayer Ring, Trailblazing Bandana, Kerplunk Bracer, Orb of Truth, Restless Heart, Gold Bracer, Agility Ring, Meteorite Bracer, Kamikaze Bracer, Old Pipe, Turnscote Pendant\____________________________________________________________________________/

o--------------------------------------------------------------------o|Starting Equipment - Sunderbolt Blade, Platinum Headgear, || Dragon Shield, and Dragon Mail |

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Terry has no inherent spells or skills, however, he starts as a level 1Gladiator with Warrior and Martial Artist maxed.

o---------------o---------------o-----o----------------------------o| Natural Spell | Level Learned | Cost| Effects |o---------------o---------------o-----o----------------------------o| None | N/A | N/A | N/A |o---------------o---------------o-----o----------------------------o

o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 28 |226/226 | 86/86 |86/86 |115/115|59/59 |83/83 |40/40 | 208,262 || 29 | 3/229 | 2/88 | 2/88 | 1/116 | 0/59 | 1/84 | 0/40 | 229,176 || 30 | 2/231 | 2/90 | 2/90 | 1/117 | 1/60 | 1/85 | 1/41 | 251,397 || 31 | 4/235 | 2/92 | 2/92 | 2/119 | 0/60 | 0/85 | 0/42 | 276,395 || 32 | 7/242 | 2/94 | 3/95 | 0/119 | 0/60 | 0/85 | 0/42 | 304,517 || 33 | 8/250 | 2/96 | 3/98 | 2/121 | 0/60 | 1/86 | 0/42 | 336,154 || 34 | 9/259 | 2/98 | 2/100 | 1/122 | 0/60 | 0/86 | 1/43 | 371,745 || 35 | 8/267 | 2/100 | 3/103 | 0/122 | 1/61 | 0/86 | 0/43 | 411,784 || 36 | 7/274 | 2/102 | 3/106 | 0/122 | 0/61 | 1/87 | 0/43 | 456,827 || 37 | 6/280 | 2/104 | 2/108 | 1/123 | 0/61 | 0/87 | 0/43 | 507,500 || 38 | 4/284 | 2/106 | 3/111 | 0/123 | 0/61 | 0/87 | 1/44 | 564,507 || 39 | 3/287 | 2/108 | 3/114 | 0/123 | 0/61 | 1/88 | 0/44 | 628,639 || 40 | 6/293 | 2/110 | 2/116 | 0/123 | 1/62 | 0/88 | 0/44 | 700,787 || 41 | 8/301 | 2/112 | 3/119 | 0/123 | 0/62 | 0/88 | 0/44 | 781,953 || 42 | 7/308 | 2/114 | 3/122 | 1/124 | 0/62 | 1/89 | 1/45 | 873,264 || 43 | 8/316 | 2/116 | 3/125 | 0/124 | 0/62 | 0/89 | 0/45 | 975,988 || 44 | 8/324 | 2/118 | 3/128 | 0/124 | 0/62 | 0/89 | 0/45 | 1,091,552 || 45 | 7/331 | 2/120 | 2/130 | 0/124 | 1/63 | 1/90 | 1/46 | 1,221,561 || 46 | 10/341 | 9/129 | 3/133 | 1/125 | 2/65 | 4/94 | 1/47 | 1,351,570 || 47 | 11/352 | 9/138 | 3/136 | 2/127 | 2/67 | 4/98 | 1/48 | 1,481,579 || 48 | 9/361 | 10/148 | 4/140 | 2/129 | 3/70 | 4/102 | 1/49 | 1,611,588 || 49 | 13/374 | 9/157 | 3/143 | 1/130 | 2/72 | 4/106 | 1/50 | 1,741,597 || 50 | 9/383 | 9/166 | 2/145 | 1/131 | 3/75 | 4/110 | 1/51 | 1,871,606 |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 51 | 10/393 | 10/176 | 4/149 | 2/133 | 2/77 | 4/114 | 1/52 | 2,001,615 || 52 | 11/404 | 9/185 | 3/152 | 1/134 | 3/80 | 4/118 | 1/53 | 2,131,624 || 53 | 9/413 | 9/194 | 3/155 | 3/137 | 2/82 | 4/122 | 1/54 | 2,261,633 || 54 | 12/425 | 10/204 | 4/159 | 2/139 | 3/85 | 4/126 | 1/55 | 2,391,642 || 55 | 7/432 | 9/213 | 3/162 | 2/141 | 2/87 | 4/130 | 1/56 | 2,521,651 || 56 | 9/441 | 9/222 | 3/165 | 3/144 | 3/90 | 4/134 | 1/57 | 2,651,660 || 57 | 6/447 | 11/233 | 4/169 | 2/146 | 2/92 | 4/138 | 1/58 | 2,781,669 || 58 | 4/451 | 9/242 | 4/173 | 2/148 | 3/95 | 3/141 | 1/59 | 2,911,678 || 59 | 8/459 | 9/251 | 3/176 | 2/150 | 2/97 | 4/145 | 1/60 | 3,041,687 || 60 | 7/465 | 10/261 | 4/180 | 3/153 | 3/100 | 4/149 | 1/61 | 3,171,696 || 61 | 9/475 | 8/269 | 3/183 | 2/155 | 2/102 | 4/153 | 1/62 | 3,301,705 || 62 | 10/485 | 9/278 | 4/186 | 3/158 | 1/103 | 4/157 | 2/64 | 3,431,714 || 63 | 7/492 | 7/285 | 3/189 | 2/160 | 2/105 | 4/161 | 1/65 | 3,561,723 || 64 | 8/500 | 7/292 | 4/193 | 3/163 | 3/108 | 4/165 | 2/67 | 3,691,732 || 65 | 9/509 | 9/301 | 4/197 | 2/165 | 2/110 | 4/169 | 1/68 | 3,821,741 || 66 | 6/515 | 9/310 | 4/201 | 3/168 | 2/112 | 4/173 | 2/70 | 3,951,750 || 67 | 4/519 | 7/317 | 3/204 | 2/170 | 3/115 | 3/176 | 1/71 | 4,081,759 |

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| 68 | 6/525 | 6/323 | 4/208 | 3/173 | 2/117 | 4/180 | 2/73 | 4,211,768 || 69 | 6/531 | 6/329 | 4/212 | 3/176 | 2/119 | 4/184 | 1/74 | 4,341,777 || 70 | 8/539 | 6/335 | 3/215 | 3/179 | 3/122 | 4/188 | 2/76 | 4,471,786 || 71 | 9/548 | 8/343 | 4/219 | 2/181 | 3/125 | 4/192 | 1/77 | 4,601,795 || 72 | 8/556 | 9/352 | 4/223 | 1/182 | 3/128 | 4/196 | 2/79 | 4,731,804 || 73 | 10/566 | 7/369 | 5/228 | 2/184 | 2/130 | 4/200 | 2/81 | 4,861,813 || 74 | 7/573 | 9/378 | 4/232 | 4/188 | 2/132 | 3/203 | 1/82 | 4,991,822 || 75 | 7/580 | 8/386 | 4/236 | 3/191 | 2/134 | 4/207 | 2/84 | 5,121,831 |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 76 | 7/587 | 9/395 | 3/239 | 2/193 | 3/137 | 4/211 | 2/86 | 5,251,840 || 77 | 8/595 | 10/405 | 4/243 | 2/195 | 3/140 | 4/215 | 1/87 | 5,381,849 || 78 | 8/603 | 8/413 | 4/247 | 3/198 | 3/143 | 4/219 | 2/89 | 5,511,858 || 79 | 8/611 | 9/422 | 4/251 | 2/200 | 2/145 | 4/223 | 2/91 | 5,641,867 || 80 | 10/621 | 9/431 | 3/254 | 3/203 | 2/147 | 4/227 | 1/92 | 5,771,876 || 81 | 7/628 | 9/440 | 4/258 | 2/205 | 2/149 | 4/231 | 2/94 | 5,901,885 || 82 | 6/634 | 9/449 | 4/262 | 3/208 | 3/152 | 4/235 | 2/96 | 6,031,894 || 83 | 8/642 | 10/459 | 4/266 | 2/210 | 3/155 | 3/238 | 1/97 | 6,161,903 || 84 | 9/651 | 9/468 | 4/270 | 3/213 | 2/157 | 4/242 | 2/99 | 6,291,912 || 85 | 7/658 | 8/476 | 5/275 | 3/216 | 2/159 | 4/246 | 2/101 | 6,421,921 || 86 | 5/663 | 9/485 | 4/279 | 2/218 | 2/161 | 4/250 | 2/103 | 6,551,930 || 87 | 8/671 | 8/493 | 4/283 | 3/221 | 3/164 | 3/253 | 1/104 | 6,681,939 || 88 | 8/679 | 10/503 | 4/287 | 3/224 | 2/166 | 4/257 | 2/106 | 6,811,948 || 89 | 9/688 | 8/511 | 3/290 | 2/226 | 2/168 | 4/261 | 1/108 | 6,941,957 || 90 | 7/695 | 7/518 | 4/294 | 2/228 | 3/171 | 4/265 | 2/110 | 7,071,966 || 91 | 6/701 | 7/525 | 4/298 | 3/231 | 2/173 | 4/269 | 1/111 | 7,201,975 || 92 | 7/708 | 8/533 | 4/302 | 3/234 | 2/175 | 4/273 | 2/113 | 7,331,984 || 93 | 7/715 | 9/541 | 3/305 | 3/237 | 2/177 | 4/277 | 1/114 | 7,461,993 || 94 | 8/723 | 11/552 | 3/308 | 3/240 | 2/179 | 4/281 | 2/116 | 7,592,002 || 95 | 7/730 | 9/561 | 4/312 | 3/243 | 2/181 | 4/285 | 1/117 | 7,722,011 || 96 | 8/738 | 8/569 | 5/317 | 2/245 | 3/184 | 4/289 | 2/119 | 7,852,020 || 97 | 8/746 | 9/578 | 4/321 | 2/247 | 3/187 | 4/293 | 1/120 | 7,982,029 || 98 | 9/755 | 10/588 | 4/325 | 3/250 | 2/189 | 4/297 | 2/122 | 8,112,038 || 99 | 8/763 | 9/597 | 3/328 | 3/253 | 3/192 | 3/300 | 2/124 | 8,242,047 |------------------------------------------------------------------------------

_____________________________________________________________________________||[mech.004h] Lizzie*OPTIONAL* || =============================================================================

NOTE - Lizzie is unbelievably awesome to use, and extremely powerful. She is another optional character, but unlike Amos, she cannot be missed.

NOTE2 - Being a monster, Lizzie has natural resistances, so like with the slime recruits, below is a resistance table.

Bio - A monster that terrorized the citizens of Arkbolt by denying them their right to finish the Wayfarer's Pass, she was defeated by Terry and banished to prison. There she awaits Terry to come again. When she meets up with Terry once more, she chooses not to challenge, but to follow him, and so joins the party.

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____________________________________________________________________________/ \Weapon - Bamboo Spear, Oaken Club, Giant Mallet, Copper Sword, Stone Axe, Chain Sickle, Chain Whip, Sledgehammer, Morning Star, Cautery Sword, Battleaxe, Saw Blade, Gracos's Trident, War Hammer, Fire Blade, Massacre Sword, Dragonsbane, Blizzard Blade, Hela's Hammer, Flail of Destruction, Metal King Sword

Armour - Plain Clothes, Leather Armour, Leather Kilt, Scale Armour, Fur Cape, Chain Mail, Iron Cuirass, Silver Cuirass, Heavy Armour, Spiked Armour, Enchanted Armour, Dragon Mail, Platinum Mail, Flame Armour, Hela's Armour, Gigant Armour, Dragon Robe, Metal King Armour

Helmet - Leather Hat, Hardwood Headwear, Shellmet, Fur Hood, Iron Helmet, Bunny Ears, Iron Mask, Platinum Headgear, Thinking Cap, Helmet of Max Wynne, Metal King Helm

Shield - Dragon Shield, Flame Shield, Ogre Shield, Shield of Max Wynne, Ruinous Shield

Accessory - Bow Tie, Gold Ring, Trailblazing Bandana, Kerplunk Bracer, Gold Bracer, Meteorite Bracer, Kamikaze Bracer\____________________________________________________________________________/

RESISTANCES (No Resistance = N, Weak = W, Strong = S, Immune = I): o----------------------------------------------------------------o | Frizz: W | Sizz: S | Bang: S | Crack: N | Woosh: I | |----------------------------------------------------------------| | Zap: N | Ice: N | Fire: W | Dazzle: I | Sleep: I | |----------------------------------------------------------------| | Death: S | Poof: I | DrainMP: I | Fizzle: I | Confu: S | |----------------------------------------------------------------| | Sap: W | Poison: N | Stop: N | Prlyz: I | Seal: I | |----------------------------------------------------------------o | Strike: W | Summon: W | o-------------------------o

o--------------------------------------------------------------------o|Starting Equipment - Nothing |o--------------------------------------------------------------------o

o---------------o---------------o-----o------------------------------------o| Natural Spell | Level Learned | Cost| Effects |o---------------o---------------o-----o------------------------------------o| Falcon Slash/ | Initial Skills| 0/0 | Attack 2x, 75% per/Fire 30-40, All || Flame Breath | | | |o---------------o---------------o-----o------------------------------------o| Hatchet Man | 9 | 0 | Critical or Miss (37.5%) |o---------------o---------------o-----o------------------------------------o| Inferno | 15 | 0 | Fire 65-85, All |o---------------o---------------o-----o------------------------------------o| Metal Slash | 20 | 0 | 1-2 against Metal Slime Monsters || | | | (150% against other Metal Monsters)|o---------------o---------------o-----o------------------------------------o| Kazing | 25 | 20 | Revive 100%HP, 100% Success, Ally |

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o---------------o---------------o-----o------------------------------------o| Scorch | 30 | 0 | Fire 150-170, All |o---------------o---------------o-----o------------------------------------o

o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 5 |240/240 | 50/50 |130/130|77/77 |150/150|110/110| 20/20 | 39932 || 6 | 11/251 | 6/56 | 1/131 | 1/78 | 0/150 | 2/112 | 0/20 | 56507 || 7 | 12/263 | 6/62 | 1/132 | 1/79 | 0/150 | 2/114 | 0/20 | 75153 || 8 | 15/278 | 5/67 | 1/133 | 1/80 | 0/150 | 2/116 | 0/20 | 96129 || 9 | 13/291 | 6/73 | 1/134 | 1/81 | 0/150 | 2/118 | 0/20 | 119,727 || 10 | 11/302 | 7/80 | 1/135 | 1/82 | 0/150 | 2/120 | 1/21 | 146,274 || 11 | 4/306 | 4/84 | 1/136 | 1/83 | 0/150 | 3/123 | 0/21 | 173,650 || 12 | 5/311 | 4/88 | 2/138 | 1/84 | 0/150 | 3/126 | 0/21 | 201,881 || 13 | 4/315 | 5/93 | 2/140 | 1/85 | 0/150 | 3/129 | 0/21 | 230,994 || 14 | 2/317 | 4/97 | 1/141 | 2/87 | 0/150 | 3/132 | 0/21 | 261,016 || 15 | 3/320 | 3/100 | 2/143 | 1/88 | 0/150 | 3/135 | 1/22 | 291,976 || 16 | 4/324 | 4/104 | 2/145 | 1/89 | 0/150 | 3/138 | 0/22 | 323,903 || 17 | 5/329 | 4/108 | 1/146 | 2/91 | 0/150 | 3/141 | 0/22 | 356,827 || 18 | 4/333 | 2/110 | 2/148 | 1/92 | 0/150 | 3/144 | 0/22 | 390,779 || 19 | 7/340 | 4/114 | 2/150 | 1/93 | 0/150 | 3/147 | 0/22 | 425,792 || 20 | 4/344 | 7/121 | 2/152 | 2/95 | 0/150 | 3/150 | 1/23 | 461,899 || 21 | 6/350 | 8/129 | 1/153 | 0/95 | 3/153 | 2/152 | 0/23 | 495,749 || 22 | 4/354 | 8/137 | 2/155 | 1/96 | 3/156 | 2/154 | 1/24 | 527,483 || 23 | 3/357 | 6/143 | 1/157 | 1/97 | 3/159 | 2/156 | 2/26 | 557,233 || 24 | 5/362 | 8/151 | 2/159 | 1/98 | 3/162 | 2/158 | 1/27 | 585,123 || 25 | 4/366 | 9/160 | 2/161 | 1/99 | 3/165 | 2/160 | 2/29 | 611,269 |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 26 | 4/370 | 6/166 | 1/162 | 0/99 | 3/168 | 2/162 | 1/30 | 635,780 || 27 | 4/374 | 5/171 | 2/164 | 1/100 | 3/171 | 2/164 | 1/31 | 658,759 || 28 | 5/379 | 5/176 | 1/165 | 1/101 | 4/175 | 2/166 | 1/32 | 680,301 || 29 | 2/381 | 4/180 | 2/167 | 1/102 | 3/178 | 2/168 | 1/33 | 700,496 || 30 | 4/385 | 3/183 | 2/169 | 1/103 | 3/181 | 2/170 | 2/35 | 719,428 || 31 | 4/389 | 5/188 | 1/170 | 1/104 | 1/182 | 2/172 | 1/36 | 740,134 || 32 | 4/403 | 7/195 | 1/171 | 2/106 | 1/183 | 2/174 | 0/36 | 762,781 || 33 | 3/406 | 6/201 | 2/173 | 2/108 | 2/185 | 3/177 | 1/37 | 787,551 || 34 | 5/411 | 7/208 | 1/174 | 1/109 | 1/186 | 2/179 | 0/37 | 814,643 || 35 | 4/415 | 7/215 | 1/175 | 2/111 | 1/187 | 2/181 | 1/38 | 844,274 || 36 | 1/416 | 6/221 | 1/176 | 2/113 | 2/189 | 2/183 | 1/39 | 876,682 || 37 | 2/418 | 7/228 | 2/178 | 1/114 | 1/190 | 1/184 | 0/39 | 912,128 || 38 | 4/422 | 7/235 | 1/179 | 2/116 | 1/191 | 2/186 | 1/40 | 950,897 || 39 | 5/427 | 7/242 | 2/181 | 2/118 | 2/193 | 2/188 | 0/40 | 993,300 || 40 | 4/431 | 7/249 | 1/182 | 1/119 | 1/194 | 2/190 | 1/41 | 1,039,678 || 41 | 3/434 | 7/251 | 2/184 | 2/121 | 1/195 | 2/192 | 0/41 | 1,090,403 || 42 | 6/440 | 8/259 | 1/185 | 2/123 | 1/196 | 1/193 | 0/41 | 1,145,883 || 43 | 4/444 | 7/266 | 2/187 | 1/124 | 1/197 | 2/195 | 2/43 | 1,206,564 || 44 | 4/448 | 7/273 | 2/189 | 2/126 | 1/198 | 3/198 | 0/43 | 1,272,933 || 45 | 4/452 | 8/281 | 2/191 | 2/128 | 2/200 | 2/200 | 0/43 | 1,345,524 || 46 | 12/464 | 8/289 | 1/192 | 1/129 | 2/202 | 2/202 | 0/43 | 1,418,115 || 47 | 14/478 | 7/296 | 1/193 | 2/131 | 2/204 | 3/205 | 1/44 | 1,490,706 || 48 | 13/491 | 6/302 | 1/194 | 2/133 | 1/205 | 3/208 | 1/45 | 1,563,297 || 49 | 12/503 | 8/310 | 2/196 | 2/135 | 2/207 | 2/210 | 0/45 | 1,635,888 || 50 | 11/514 | 9/319 | 1/197 | 2/137 | 2/209 | 3/213 | 1/46 | 1,708,479 |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o

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| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 51 | 14/528 | 6/325 | 2/199 | 2/139 | 2/211 | 3/216 | 1/47 | 1,781,070 || 52 | 12/540 | 7/332 | 1/200 | 2/141 | 2/213 | 1/217 | 0/47 | 1,852,661 || 53 | 13/553 | 8/340 | 1/201 | 1/142 | 2/215 | 3/220 | 1/48 | 1,926,252 || 54 | 18/571 | 6/346 | 2/203 | 2/144 | 2/217 | 4/224 | 1/49 | 1,998,843 || 55 | 16/587 | 6/352 | 1/204 | 1/145 | 2/219 | 2/226 | 0/49 | 2,071,434 || 56 | 15/602 | 7/361 | 1/205 | 2/147 | 2/221 | 3/229 | 1/50 | 2,144,025 || 57 | 10/612 | 7/368 | 3/208 | 2/149 | 2/223 | 3/232 | 1/51 | 2,216,616 || 58 | 12/624 | 7/375 | 1/209 | 3/152 | 2/225 | 3/235 | 0/51 | 2,289,207 || 59 | 15/639 | 6/381 | 2/211 | 2/154 | 2/227 | 3/238 | 1/52 | 2,361,798 || 60 | 18/657 | 6/387 | 2/213 | 2/156 | 2/229 | 2/240 | 1/53 | 2,434,389 || 61 | 12/669 | 5/392 | 5/218 | 0/156 | 0/229 | 1/241 | 1/54 | 2,509,248 || 62 | 8/677 | 6/398 | 5/213 | 0/156 | 1/230 | 1/242 | 1/55 | 2,586,446 || 63 | 8/685 | 5/403 | 5/218 | 0/156 | 0/230 | 1/243 | 1/56 | 2,666,056 || 64 | 8/693 | 5/408 | 5/223 | 1/157 | 1/231 | 2/245 | 2/58 | 2,748,153 || 65 | 9/702 | 5/413 | 6/226 | 1/158 | 0/231 | 1/246 | 1/59 | 2,832,815 || 66 | 8/710 | 5/418 | 5/231 | 0/158 | 1/232 | 2/248 | 1/60 | 2,920,122 || 67 | 5/715 | 6/424 | 5/236 | 1/159 | 0/232 | 1/249 | 1/61 | 3,010,157 || 68 | 6/721 | 6/430 | 7/243 | 0/159 | 1/233 | 2/251 | 2/63 | 3,103,005 || 69 | 8/729 | 5/435 | 5/248 | 0/159 | 0/233 | 2/253 | 1/64 | 3,198,754 || 70 | 10/739 | 5/440 | 3/251 | 1/160 | 1/234 | 2/255 | 1/65 | 3,297,495 || 71 | 8/747 | 4/444 | 4/255 | 0/160 | 0/234 | 1/256 | 2/67 | 3,399,321 || 72 | 9/756 | 5/449 | 3/258 | 1/161 | 1/235 | 2/258 | 1/68 | 3,504,329 || 73 | 7/763 | 5/454 | 6/264 | 3/164 | 0/235 | 2/260 | 1/69 | 3,612,618 || 74 | 8/771 | 3/457 | 5/269 | 0/164 | 1/236 | 1/261 | 1/70 | 3,724,291 || 75 | 9/780 | 5/462 | 7/276 | 1/165 | 0/236 | 2/263 | 2/72 | 3,839,453 |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 76 | 8/788 | 6/468 | 7/283 | 0/165 | 1/237 | 1/264 | 1/73 | 3,958,213 || 77 | 8/796 | 5/473 | 5/288 | 1/166 | 0/237 | 1/265 | 1/74 | 4,080,684 || 78 | 8/804 | 7/480 | 4/292 | 0/166 | 1/238 | 1/266 | 2/76 | 4,206,982 || 79 | 10/814 | 5/485 | 5/297 | 0/166 | 0/238 | 2/268 | 1/77 | 4,337,226 || 80 | 9/823 | 6/491 | 5/302 | 2/168 | 1/239 | 1/269 | 2/78 | 4,471,540 || 81 | 8/831 | 7/499 | 5/317 | 0/168 | 0/239 | 1/270 | 1/79 | 4,610,051 || 82 | 12/843 | 5/504 | 4/321 | 0/168 | 1/240 | 1/271 | 2/81 | 4,752,890 || 83 | 9/852 | 5/509 | 5/326 | 1/169 | 0/240 | 2/273 | 1/82 | 4,900,192 || 84 | 8/860 | 6/515 | 7/333 | 0/169 | 1/241 | 1/274 | 1/83 | 5,052,097 || 85 | 9/869 | 5/520 | 5/338 | 1/170 | 0/241 | 2/276 | 2/85 | 5,208,749 || 86 | 8/877 | 7/527 | 6/344 | 1/171 | 1/242 | 1/277 | 1/86 | 5,370,296 || 87 | 6/883 | 6/533 | 5/349 | 0/171 | 0/242 | 1/278 | 1/87 | 5,536,891 || 88 | 8/891 | 7/540 | 5/354 | 1/172 | 1/243 | 2/280 | 1/88 | 5,708,692 || 89 | 10/901 | 6/546 | 5/359 | 0/172 | 0/243 | 1/281 | 1/89 | 5,885,861 || 90 | 9/910 | 5/551 | 5/364 | 1/173 | 1/244 | 2/283 | 2/91 | 6,068,566 || 91 | 6/916 | 5/556 | 5/369 | 1/174 | 0/244 | 1/284 | 1/92 | 6,256,980 || 92 | 8/924 | 6/562 | 7/376 | 0/174 | 1/245 | 2/286 | 2/94 | 6,451,281 || 93 | 8/932 | 5/567 | 4/380 | 1/175 | 0/245 | 2/288 | 1/95 | 6,651,653 || 94 | 7/939 | 5/572 | 5/385 | 0/175 | 1/246 | 2/290 | 1/96 | 6,858,286 || 95 | 9/948 | 5/577 | 5/390 | 0/175 | 0/246 | 1/291 | 1/97 | 7,071,376 || 96 | 10/958 | 5/582 | 4/394 | 1/176 | 1/247 | 2/293 | 2/99 | 7,291,125 || 97 | 9/967 | 5/587 | 5/399 | 0/176 | 0/247 | 1/294 | 1/100 | 7,517,741 || 98 | 7/974 | 5/592 | 6/405 | 1/177 | 1/248 | 2/296 | 1/101 | 7,751,438 || 99 | 9/983 | 6/598 | 6/411 | 1/178 | 1/249 | 2/298 | 2/103 | 7,992,438 |------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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______________________________________________________________||[mech.004i] *****Character Roster Breakdown/Comparison |||| || ==============================================================

This section is a basic break down of each character by level, allowing youthe user and player, to see how each character looks at certain key levels as agood method of determining which character you are likely to use throughout thegame. It's also helpful in determining which characters are best for whatvocations when you first get them, and down the road.

Comparisons begin at level 10, when Nevan joins, and will include only theavailable characters up until that point. Then 15, Amos' joining level. Level20, which is the starting point for the levels nearly 50% of the game are spentwithin. Level 28, when Terry joins (Lizzie begins at level 5, and can berecruited immediately after Terry joins, but he catches up rather quickly).Then level 40, 50, 60, 80, and finally level 99 comparisons.

NOTE: Major shifts occur after level 45 with every character. Also one lastbit of importance: Stats are somewhat random, +/-1-3 usually, rarely +/-4 and5 off the base values from the original SFC game. HP and MP have the largestrange, and can go as far as +/-30, maybe upwards of 50, I haven't tested thisenough to find out for sure how common this is, and only Nevan had a shift inMP of 45, whereas everyone else were between +/-8 to 28 HP/MP.

However, it should be noted all stats are corrected level to level to ensurethat each level comes as close to the base stats as possible. So if Hero level20 has a base stat of 65 strength, and level 19's base is 60, and if the actuallevel 19 stat is at 58, there's a high chance the Hero will get +6 or 7strength on the next level up instead of the baseline increase of +5 to correctthe +2. This way it keeps stat gains random level to level without much of ashift. Though it's fun to get one or two levels below normal stats and get arare massive boost.

****IMPORTANT**** NOTE 2: All stats as presented here are the BASE stats for each character,not the stats from my own playthrough. These are taken from King_Zenith's statexcel file, and checked via both FF9sky and DQ6-navi.****IMPORTANT****

_____________________/ \| Level 10 Comparison |\_____________________/

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Stat| Hero|Carve|Milly| Ash |Nevan| First/Second Ranked-------------------------------------------------------- HP | 76 | 82 | 81 | 78 | 80 | Carver / Milly MP | 29 | 0 | 57 | 80 | 55 | Ashlynn / Milly Str | 30 | 43 | 21 | 18 | 20 | Carver / Hero Agi | 20 | 15 | 37 | 38 | 47 | Nevan / Ashlynn Res | 11 | 21 | 31 | 20 | 35 | Nevan / Milly Wis | 22 | 12 | 50 | 38 | 45 | Milly / Nevan Sty | 11 | 7 | 40 | 25 | 10 | Milly / Ashlynn

_____________________/ \| Level 15 Comparison |\_____________________/

Stat| Hero|Carve|Milly| Ash |Nevan| Amos| First/Second Ranked-------------------------------------------------------------- HP | 120 | 130 | 100 | 83 | 110 | 150 | Amos / Carver MP | 45 | 20 | 65 | 105 | 70 | 37 | Ashlynn / Nevan Str | 42 | 55 | 31 | 28 | 35 | 70 | Amos / Carver Agi | 35 | 27 | 40 | 40 | 47 | 66 | Amos / Nevan Res | 18 | 33 | 38 | 23 | 35 | 68 | Amos / Milly Wis | 33 | 15 | 55 | 40 | 45 | 60 | Amos / Milly Sty | 13 | 10 | 40 | 28 | 10 | 24 | Milly / Ashlynn

_____________________/ \| Level 20 Comparison |\_____________________/

Stat| Hero|Carve|Milly| Ash |Nevan| Amos| First/Second Ranked-------------------------------------------------------------- HP | 160 | 175 | 130 | 110 | 140 | 180 | Amos / Carver MP | 65 | 56 | 95 | 130 | 115 | 63 | Ashlynn / Nevan Str | 65 | 83 | 42 | 37 | 51 | 73 | Carver / Amos Agi | 62 | 55 | 78 | 62 | 66 | 72 | Milly / Amos Res | 25 | 48 | 45 | 35 | 56 | 75 | Amos / Nevan Wis | 52 | 28 | 77 | 65 | 60 | 63 | Milly / Ashlynn Sty | 25 | 20 | 43 | 30 | 13 | 25 | Milly / Ashlynn

_____________________/ \| Level 28 Comparison |\_____________________/

Stat| Hero|Carve|Milly| Ash |Nevan| Amos|Terry|Lizzi| First/Second Ranked--------------------------------------------------------------------- HP | 208 | 235 | 178 | 150 | 192 | 220 | 226 | 372 | Lizzie / Carver MP | 89 | 68 | 123 | 162 | 137 | 77 | 86 | 184 | Lizzie / Ashlynn Str | 93 | 112 | 62 | 56 | 77 | 102 | 86 | 164 | Lizzie / Carver Agi | 72 | 65 | 95 | 74 | 75 | 80 | 115 | 101 | Terry / Lizzie Res | 34 | 59 | 53 | 40 | 68 | 86 | 59 | 174 | Lizzie / Amos Wis | 72 | 33 | 87 | 82 | 89 | 74 | 83 | 166 | Lizzie / Nevan Sty | 29 | 24 | 47 | 34 | 18 | 27 | 40 | 31 | Milly / Terry

_____________________/ \

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| Level 40 Comparison |\_____________________/

Stat| Hero|Carve|Milly| Ash |Nevan| Amos|Terry|Lizzi| First/Second Ranked--------------------------------------------------------------------- HP | 326 | 383 | 270 | 213 | 301 | 350 | 310 | 420 | Lizzie / Carver MP | 151 | 87 | 156 | 196 | 154 | 87 | 110 | 273 | Lizzie / Ashlynn Str | 128 | 150 | 93 | 77 | 113 | 136 | 116 | 182 | Lizzie / Carver Agi | 96 | 88 | 123 | 99 | 96 | 95 | 118 | 119 | Milly / Lizzie Res | 55 | 66 | 58 | 47 | 77 | 99 | 62 | 193 | Lizzie / Amos Wis | 89 | 51 | 110 | 95 | 119 | 79 | 88 | 190 | Lizzie / Nevan Sty | 37 | 28 | 56 | 48 | 23 | 32 | 43 | 38 | Milly / Ashlynn

_____________________/ \| Level 50 Comparison |\_____________________/

Stat| Hero|Carve|Milly| Ash |Nevan| Amos|Terry|Lizzi| First/Second Ranked--------------------------------------------------------------------- HP | 418 | 491 | 346 | 277 | 390 | 446 | 390 | 503 | Lizzie / Carver MP | 228 | 123 | 230 | 282 | 230 | 130 | 166 | 340 | Lizzie / Ashlynn Str | 162 | 186 | 123 | 103 | 142 | 166 | 146 | 196 | Lizzie / Carver Agi | 115 | 105 | 166 | 136 | 129 | 108 | 128 | 137 | Milly / Lizzie Res | 78 | 82 | 73 | 61 | 96 | 118 | 75 | 210 | Lizzie / Amos Wis | 116 | 71 | 146 | 129 | 161 | 96 | 110 | 213 | Lizzie / Nevan Sty | 46 | 34 | 70 | 64 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 43 | Milly / Ashlynn

_____________________/ \| Level 60 Comparison |\_____________________/

Stat| Hero|Carve|Milly| Ash |Nevan| Amos|Terry|Lizzi| First/Second Ranked--------------------------------------------------------------------- HP | 496 | 575 | 420 | 353 | 470 | 520 | 470 | 630 | Lizzie / Carver MP | 324 | 179 | 350 | 426 | 370 | 210 | 260 | 400 | Ashlynn / Lizzie Str | 200 | 230 | 155 | 139 | 172 | 200 | 180 | 210 | Carver / Lizzie Agi | 132 | 120 | 230 | 190 | 178 | 120 | 150 | 156 | Milly / Ashlynn Res | 105 | 110 | 100 | 83 | 128 | 145 | 100 | 230 | Lizzie / Amos Wis | 160 | 93 | 200 | 188 | 225 | 130 | 150 | 240 | Lizzie / Nevan Sty | 57 | 43 | 90 | 84 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 50 | Milly / Ashlynn

_____________________/ \| Level 80 Comparison |\_____________________/

Stat| Hero|Carve|Milly| Ash |Nevan| Amos|Terry|Lizzi| First/Second Ranked--------------------------------------------------------------------- HP | 652 | 741 | 563 | 505 | 613 | 663 | 613 | 794 | Lizzie / Carver MP | 517 | 292 | 580 | 715 | 616 | 358 | 434 | 502 | Ashlynn / Nevan Str | 277 | 317 | 229 | 211 | 242 | 292 | 256 | 312 | Carver / Lizzie Agi | 167 | 151 | 342 | 297 | 266 | 155 | 201 | 168 | Milly / Ashlynn Res | 158 | 166 | 151 | 127 | 185 | 198 | 146 | 240 | Lizzie / Amos Wis | 247 | 137 | 307 | 307 | 340 | 196 | 226 | 270 | Nevan / Ash + Milly Sty | 79 | 62 | 110 | 123 | 50 | 65 | 90 | 75 | Ashlynn / Milly

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_____________________/ \| Level 99 Comparison |\_____________________/

Stat| Hero|Carve|Milly| Ash |Nevan| Amos|Terry|Lizzi| First/Second Ranked--------------------------------------------------------------------- HP | 800 | 900 | 700 | 650 | 750 | 800 | 750 | 950 | Lizzie / Carver MP | 700 | 400 | 800 | 990 | 850 | 500 | 600 | 600 | Ashlynn / Nevan Str | 350 | 400 | 300 | 280 | 310 | 380 | 330 | 410 | Lizzie / Carver Agi | 200 | 180 | 450 | 400 | 350 | 190 | 250 | 180 | Milly / Ashlynn Res | 210 | 220 | 200 | 170 | 240 | 250 | 190 | 250 | Lizzie + Amos / Nevan Wis | 330 | 180 | 410 | 420 | 450 | 260 | 300 | 300 | Nevan / Ashlynn Sty | 100 | 80 | 130 | 160 | 60 | 80 | 120 | 100 | Ashlynn / Milly

______________________________________________________________||[mech.005] *****Slime Friends*OPTIONAL****** |||| || ==============================================================

_____________________________________________________________________________||[mech.005a] Slime Knight (Goowain) || =============================================================================

Recruitment - When you first enter the Hostock area, at the first gate, he runs away. After the events in Howcastle, go to the Prince's Room, exit outside and speak to Goowain, say you'll recruit him and he joins.

____________________________________________________________________________/ \Weapon - Oaken Club, Bronze Knife, Copper Sword, Stone Axe, Poison Moth Knife, Chain Sickle, Chain Whip, Steel Broadsword, Cautery Sword, Platinum Sword, Dream Blade, Falcon Blade, Zombiesbane, Fire Blade, Massacre Sword, Dragonsbane, Sunderbolt Blade, Miracle Sword, Blizzard Blade, Great Bow, Flail of Destruction, Metal King Sword

Armour - Plain Clothes, Wayfarer's Clothes, Leather Armour, Scale Armour, Chain Mail, Bronze Armour, Iron Cuirass, Iron Armour, Full Plate Armour, Silver Cuirass, Silver Mail, Heavy Armour, Magic Armour, Spiked Armour, Dragon Mail, Platinum Mail, Flame Armour, Hela's Armour, Armour of Max Wynne, Gigant Armour, Mirror Armour, Metal King Armour

Helmet - Iron Helmet, Iron Mask, Platinum Headgear, Thinking Cap, Great Helm, Helmet of Max Wynne, Metal King Helm

Shield - Leather Shield, Scale Shield, Bronze Shield, Iron Shield,

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Platinum Shield, Dragon Shield, Ogre Shield, Shield of Max Wynne, Ruinous Shield, Metal King Shield

Accessory - Gold Ring, Trailblazing Bandana, Bow Tie, Kerplunk Bracer, Kamikaze Bracer, Meteorite Bracer, Goddess Ring\____________________________________________________________________________/

RESISTANCES (No Resistance = N, Weak = W, Strong = S, Immune = I): o----------------------------------------------------------------o | Frizz: W | Sizz: S | Bang: S | Crack: N | Woosh: S | |----------------------------------------------------------------| | Zap: S | Ice: N | Fire: N | Dazzle: N | Sleep: S | |----------------------------------------------------------------| | Death: W | Poof: S | DrainMP: S | Fizzle: S | Confu: N | |----------------------------------------------------------------| | Sap: N | Poison: N | Stop: N | Prlyz: S | Seal: I | |----------------------------------------------------------------o | Strike: N | Summon: N | o-------------------------o

o--------------------------------------------------------------------o|Starting Equipment - Nothing |o--------------------------------------------------------------------o

o---------------o---------------o-----o-----------------------------------o| Natural Spell | Level Learned | Cost| Effects |o---------------o---------------o-----o-----------------------------------o| Heal | Initial Spell | 2 | Heal 30-40, Ally |o---------------o---------------o-----o-----------------------------------o| Drain Magic | 3 | 0 | Absorb MP, Single |o---------------o---------------o-----o-----------------------------------o| Kabuff | 8 | 2 | Def +25%, Party |o---------------o---------------o-----o-----------------------------------o| Focus Strength| 13 | 0 | Charge, next Attack 200-250% |o---------------o---------------o-----o-----------------------------------o| Cop Out | 18 | 0 | Increase evasion, 20-30% chance to|| | | | deflect physical attacks on Foe/ || | | | Ally |o---------------o---------------o-----o-----------------------------------o| Falcon Slash | 25 | 0 | Attack 2x at 75% per, Single |o---------------o---------------o-----o-----------------------------------o

o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 1 | 40/40 | 6/6 |44/44 |20/20 |45/45 |25/25 |15/15 | 0 || 2 | 6/46 | 3/9 | 1/45 | 5/25 | 0/45 | 0/25 | 0/15 | 995 || 3 | 5/51 | 3/12 | 2/47 | 4/29 | 0/45 | 0/25 | 0/15 | 1554 || 4 | 5/56 | 3/15 | 1/48 | 4/33 | 0/45 | 0/25 | 0/15 | 1868 || 5 | 6/62 | 4/19 | 2/50 | 3/36 | 0/45 | 0/25 | 0/15 | 2044 || 6 | 4/66 | 2/21 | 1/51 | 2/38 | 0/45 | 1/26 | 0/15 | 2319 || 7 | 4/70 | 2/23 | 1/52 | 3/41 | 1/46 | 1/27 | 0/15 | 2748 || 8 | 5/75 | 2/25 | 1/53 | 3/44 | 0/46 | 1/28 | 1/16 | 3418 || 9 | 5/80 | 2/27 | 1/54 | 4/48 | 1/47 | 1/29 | 0/16 | 4464 || 10 | 5/85 | 2/29 | 1/55 | 2/50 | 1/48 | 2/31 | 1/17 | 6098 || 11 | 11/96 | 3/32 | 2/57 | 5/55 | 1/49 | 2/33 | 0/17 | 7834 || 12 | 11/107 | 3/35 | 2/59 | 4/59 | 1/50 | 2/35 | 0/17 | 9678 |

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| 13 | 8/115 | 3/38 | 2/61 | 4/63 | 2/52 | 2/37 | 0/17 | 11637 || 14 | 8/123 | 4/42 | 3/64 | 3/66 | 1/53 | 2/39 | 0/17 | 13718 || 15 | 8/131 | 4/46 | 3/67 | 3/69 | 2/55 | 2/41 | 0/17 | 15929 || 16 | 4/135 | 4/50 | 0/67 | 4/73 | 1/56 | 2/43 | 0/17 | 19245 || 17 | 5/140 | 3/53 | 1/68 | 4/77 | 1/57 | 2/45 | 0/17 | 24219 || 18 | 4/144 | 3/56 | 1/69 | 4/81 | 1/58 | 2/47 | 1/18 | 31680 || 19 | 5/149 | 4/60 | 1/70 | 3/84 | 1/59 | 2/49 | 0/18 | 42871 || 20 | 7/156 | 3/63 | 1/71 | 3/87 | 1/60 | 2/51 | 1/19 | 59657 || 21 | 10/166 | 2/65 | 2/73 | 1/88 | 0/60 | 1/52 | 0/19 | 75918 || 22 | 9/175 | 3/68 | 2/75 | 1/89 | 1/61 | 2/54 | 1/20 | 91670 || 23 | 9/184 | 4/72 | 2/77 | 1/90 | 1/62 | 1/55 | 0/20 | 106,929 || 24 | 8/192 | 3/75 | 2/79 | 1/91 | 0/62 | 2/57 | 1/21 | 121,711 || 25 | 8/200 | 3/78 | 3/82 | 1/92 | 1/63 | 1/58 | 1/22 | 136,310 |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 26 | 10/210 | 3/81 | 2/84 | 1/93 | 1/64 | 2/60 | 0/22 | 149,903 || 27 | 11/221 | 3/84 | 2/86 | 1/94 | 0/64 | 1/61 | 1/23 | 163,341 || 28 | 11/232 | 3/87 | 2/88 | 1/95 | 1/65 | 2/63 | 0/23 | 176,359 || 29 | 10/242 | 4/91 | 2/90 | 1/96 | 1/66 | 1/64 | 1/24 | 188,970 || 30 | 10/252 | 4/95 | 2/92 | 1/97 | 1/67 | 2/66 | 1/25 | 201,186 || 31 | 5/257 | 1/96 | 2/94 | 2/99 | 2/69 | 2/68 | 0/25 | 216,740 || 32 | 6/263 | 2/98 | 2/96 | 2/101 | 2/71 | 2/70 | 1/26 | 234,218 || 33 | 6/269 | 2/100 | 2/98 | 2/103 | 4/75 | 3/73 | 1/27 | 256,331 || 34 | 5/274 | 2/102 | 2/100 | 2/105 | 3/78 | 3/76 | 0/27 | 283,281 || 35 | 5/279 | 2/104 | 3/103 | 3/108 | 2/80 | 3/79 | 1/28 | 316,126 || 36 | 7/286 | 2/106 | 2/105 | 2/110 | 2/82 | 2/81 | 1/29 | 356,155 || 37 | 4/290 | 2/108 | 2/107 | 2/112 | 2/84 | 3/84 | 0/29 | 404,940 || 38 | 5/295 | 1/109 | 2/109 | 2/114 | 2/86 | 2/86 | 1/30 | 464,396 || 39 | 4/299 | 2/111 | 2/111 | 2/116 | 2/88 | 3/89 | 1/31 | 536,858 || 40 | 4/303 | 2/113 | 4/115 | 2/118 | 4/92 | 2/91 | 0/31 | 625,171 || 41 | 5/308 | 2/115 | 2/117 | 2/120 | 4/96 | 3/94 | 1/32 | 732,802 || 42 | 4/312 | 2/117 | 2/119 | 3/123 | 3/99 | 3/97 | 1/33 | 863,977 || 43 | 4/316 | 2/119 | 2/121 | 2/125 | 3/102 | 3/100 | 0/33 | 1,023,846 || 44 | 5/321 | 2/121 | 2/123 | 2/127 | 2/104 | 3/103 | 1/34 | 1,218,686 || 45 | 6/327 | 2/123 | 3/126 | 2/129 | 3/107 | 3/106 | 1/35 | 1,456,147 || 46 | 6/333 | 8/131 | 4/130 | 2/131 | 2/109 | 2/108 | 0/35 | 1,686,187 || 47 | 6/339 | 8/139 | 3/133 | 2/133 | 2/111 | 2/110 | 0/35 | 1,909,038 || 48 | 7/346 | 11/150 | 3/136 | 2/135 | 2/113 | 3/113 | 1/36 | 2,124,924 || 49 | 7/353 | 7/157 | 3/139 | 3/138 | 2/115 | 2/115 | 0/36 | 2,334,063 || 50 | 5/358 | 10/167 | 4/143 | 2/140 | 3/118 | 4/119 | 1/37 | 2,536,666 |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 51 | 7/365 | 9/176 | 2/145 | 3/143 | 3/121 | 3/122 | 0/37 | 2,732,937 || 52 | 7/372 | 9/185 | 2/147 | 3/146 | 2/123 | 2/124 | 1/38 | 2,923,074 || 53 | 6/378 | 11/196 | 3/150 | 2/148 | 2/125 | 3/127 | 0/38 | 3,107,269 || 54 | 5/383 | 10/206 | 4/154 | 2/150 | 4/129 | 2/129 | 1/39 | 3,285,707 || 55 | 8/391 | 7/213 | 2/156 | 3/153 | 2/131 | 3/132 | 0/39 | 3,458,568 || 56 | 5/396 | 9/222 | 4/160 | 2/155 | 2/133 | 2/134 | 1/40 | 3,626,027 || 57 | 7/403 | 11/233 | 3/163 | 2/157 | 2/135 | 2/136 | 0/40 | 3,788,252 || 58 | 5/408 | 7/240 | 4/167 | 2/159 | 2/137 | 3/139 | 1/41 | 3,945,407 || 59 | 6/414 | 12/252 | 3/170 | 2/161 | 4/141 | 2/141 | 0/41 | 4,097,650 || 60 | 5/419 | 8/260 | 2/172 | 2/163 | 2/143 | 2/143 | 0/41 | 4,245,135 || 61 | 7/426 | 8/268 | 4/176 | 4/167 | 2/145 | 2/145 | 1/42 | 4,388,011 || 62 | 7/433 | 10/278 | 4/180 | 2/169 | 2/147 | 2/147 | 0/42 | 4,526,422 || 63 | 6/439 | 12/290 | 2/182 | 2/171 | 4/151 | 3/150 | 1/43 | 4,660,507 |

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| 64 | 7/446 | 11/301 | 3/185 | 2/173 | 2/153 | 2/152 | 0/43 | 4,790,401 || 65 | 7/453 | 9/310 | 3/188 | 3/176 | 2/155 | 3/155 | 1/44 | 4,916,235 || 66 | 6/459 | 9/319 | 3/191 | 2/178 | 2/157 | 2/157 | 0/44 | 5,038,136 || 67 | 5/464 | 9/328 | 4/195 | 2/180 | 2/159 | 2/159 | 1/44 | 5,156,227 || 68 | 6/470 | 13/341 | 3/198 | 2/182 | 3/162 | 4/163 | 0/44 | 5,270,627 || 69 | 6/476 | 11/352 | 3/201 | 2/184 | 2/164 | 2/165 | 1/45 | 5,381,452 || 70 | 7/483 | 9/361 | 4/205 | 2/186 | 2/166 | 4/169 | 0/45 | 5,488,813 || 71 | 7/490 | 7/368 | 4/209 | 2/188 | 2/168 | 2/171 | 1/46 | 5,592,818 || 72 | 8/498 | 10/378 | 2/211 | 2/190 | 3/171 | 2/173 | 0/46 | 5,693,572 || 73 | 6/504 | 7/385 | 4/215 | 2/192 | 2/173 | 2/175 | 0/46 | 5,791,177 || 74 | 7/511 | 8/393 | 3/218 | 3/195 | 3/176 | 2/177 | 1/47 | 5,885,731 || 75 | 7/518 | 12/405 | 4/222 | 2/197 | 2/178 | 3/180 | 0/47 | 5,977,330 |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 76 | 8/526 | 11/416 | 2/224 | 2/199 | 2/180 | 2/182 | 1/48 | 6,066,066 || 77 | 5/531 | 8/424 | 3/227 | 3/202 | 3/183 | 2/184 | 0/48 | 6,152,029 || 78 | 6/537 | 7/431 | 3/230 | 2/204 | 2/185 | 3/187 | 1/49 | 6,235,305 || 79 | 8/545 | 10/441 | 4/234 | 2/206 | 2/187 | 2/189 | 0/49 | 6,315,978 || 80 | 7/552 | 11/452 | 3/237 | 3/209 | 2/189 | 3/192 | 1/50 | 6,394,129 || 81 | 6/558 | 12/464 | 3/240 | 3/212 | 2/191 | 2/194 | 0/50 | 6,469,837 || 82 | 6/564 | 8/472 | 2/242 | 2/214 | 2/193 | 4/198 | 1/51 | 6,543,179 || 83 | 5/569 | 8/480 | 3/245 | 2/216 | 2/195 | 2/200 | 0/51 | 6,614,229 || 84 | 7/576 | 12/492 | 3/248 | 2/218 | 2/197 | 2/202 | 1/52 | 6,683,058 || 85 | 7/583 | 9/501 | 2/250 | 2/220 | 2/199 | 3/205 | 0/52 | 6,749,736 || 86 | 6/589 | 9/510 | 3/253 | 2/222 | 3/202 | 2/207 | 0/52 | 6,814,330 || 87 | 6/595 | 9/519 | 4/257 | 3/225 | 2/204 | 3/210 | 1/53 | 6,876,905 || 88 | 5/600 | 9/528 | 2/259 | 2/227 | 2/206 | 2/212 | 0/53 | 6,937,524 || 89 | 7/607 | 10/538 | 3/262 | 2/229 | 2/208 | 2/214 | 1/54 | 6,996,248 || 90 | 5/612 | 11/549 | 2/264 | 3/232 | 2/210 | 4/218 | 0/55 | 7,053,136 || 91 | 5/617 | 7/556 | 4/268 | 2/234 | 2/212 | 2/220 | 1/56 | 7,108,246 || 92 | 5/622 | 10/566 | 2/270 | 2/236 | 2/214 | 3/223 | 0/56 | 7,161,633 || 93 | 8/630 | 11/577 | 3/273 | 4/240 | 2/216 | 2/225 | 1/57 | 7,213,351 || 94 | 6/636 | 7/584 | 3/276 | 2/242 | 2/218 | 2/227 | 0/57 | 7,263,452 || 95 | 5/641 | 11/595 | 4/280 | 2/244 | 4/222 | 3/230 | 1/58 | 7,311,987 || 96 | 7/648 | 9/604 | 4/284 | 3/247 | 2/224 | 2/232 | 0/58 | 7,359,005 || 97 | 6/654 | 9/613 | 2/286 | 2/249 | 2/226 | 2/234 | 1/59 | 7,404,553 || 98 | 6/660 | 11/624 | 4/290 | 2/251 | 2/228 | 2/236 | 0/59 | 7,448,677 || 99 | 7/667 | 12/636 | 4/294 | 2/253 | 3/231 | 3/239 | 1/60 | 7,491,422 |------------------------------------------------------------------------------

_____________________________________________________________________________||[mech.005b] Healslime (Healie) || =============================================================================

Recruitment - In Clearvale in the Dream World, after obtaining the bed, speak to Healie to recruit the Healslime.

____________________________________________________________________________/ \Weapon - Poison Needle, Bone Stake, Stone Fangs, Boomerang, Staff of Ghent, Iron Claw, Poison Moth Knife, Edged Boomerang, Steel Fangs, Falcon Knife Earrings, Fire Claw, Lunar Fan, Icicle Dirk,

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Flametang Boomerang, Ferocious Fangs, Cobra Claw, Wizardly Whip, Miracle Sword, Solar Fan, Metal King Sword, Orichalcum Fangs

Armour - Rags, Boxer Shorts, Fur Cape, Slime Gooniform, Iron Cuirass, Cloak of Evasion, Tortoise Shell, Glombolero, Magical Skirt, Magic Armour, Flowing Dress, Slime Armour, Armour of Max Wynne, Angel Leotard, Metal King Armour

Helmet - Pointy Hat, Shellmet, Bunny Ears, Iron Mask, Duplic Hat, Hermes' Hat, Happy Hat, Slime Helmet, Metal King Helm

Shield - Pot Lid, Silver Platter, Power Shield, Silver Shield, Metal King Shield

Accessory - Slime Earrings, Raging Ruby, Bow Tie, Gold Ring, Prayer Ring, Trailblazing Bandana, Kerplunk Bracer, Kamikaze Bracer, Meteorite Bracer, Pink Pearl, Glass Slippers, Gospel Ring\____________________________________________________________________________/

RESISTANCES (No Resistance = N, Weak = W, Strong = S, Immune = I): o----------------------------------------------------------------o | Frizz: W | Sizz: S | Bang: S | Crack: N | Woosh: N | |----------------------------------------------------------------| | Zap: N | Ice: N | Fire: W | Dazzle: W | Sleep: S | |----------------------------------------------------------------| | Death: S | Poof: W | DrainMP: S | Fizzle: W | Confu: N | |----------------------------------------------------------------| | Sap: N | Poison: S | Stop: S | Prlyz: S | Seal: I | |----------------------------------------------------------------o | Strike: N | Summon: N | o-------------------------o

o--------------------------------------------------------------------o|Starting Equipment - Nothing |o--------------------------------------------------------------------o

o---------------o---------------o-----o----------------------------o| Natural Spell | Level Learned | Cost| Effects |o---------------o---------------o-----o----------------------------o| Heal | Initial Spell | 2 | Heal 30-40, Ally |o---------------o---------------o-----o----------------------------o| Midheal | 9 | 5 | Heal 75-75, Ally |o---------------o---------------o-----o----------------------------o| Fullheal | 15 | 7 | Heal 100%HP, Ally |o---------------o---------------o-----o----------------------------o| Multiheal | 18 | 18 | Heal 100-120, Party |o---------------o---------------o-----o----------------------------o| Omniheal | 23 | 36 | Heal 100%HP, Party |o---------------o---------------o-----o----------------------------o

o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 4 | 59/59 | 26/26 |23/23 |21/21 |28/28 | 6/6 |15/15 | 882 || 5 | 8/67 | 5/31 | 2/25 | 5/26 | 3/31 | 2/8 | 0/15 | 1122 || 6 | 2/69 | 7/38 | 2/27 | 3/29 | 1/32 | 2/10 | 0/15 | 1459 || 7 | 2/71 | 6/44 | 2/29 | 5/34 | 1/33 | 2/12 | 1/16 | 1932 |

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| 8 | 2/73 | 8/52 | 2/31 | 4/38 | 1/34 | 2/14 | 1/17 | 2597 || 9 | 2/75 | 5/57 | 2/33 | 4/42 | 1/35 | 2/16 | 1/18 | 3532 || 10 | 9/84 | 3/60 | 1/34 | 5/47 | 3/38 | 2/18 | 0/18 | 4788 || 11 | 9/93 | 5/65 | 2/36 | 6/53 | 3/41 | 3/21 | 0/18 | 6475 || 12 | 9/102 | 4/69 | 1/37 | 3/56 | 2/43 | 2/23 | 0/18 | 8741 || 13 | 11/113 | 4/73 | 2/39 | 5/61 | 4/47 | 3/26 | 1/19 | 11785 || 14 | 7/120 | 4/77 | 1/40 | 4/65 | 4/51 | 3/29 | 0/19 | 15875 || 15 | 8/128 | 5/82 | 2/42 | 5/70 | 4/55 | 2/31 | 0/19 | 21370 || 16 | 7/135 | 3/85 | 1/43 | 4/74 | 4/59 | 3/34 | 0/19 | 28753 || 17 | 9/144 | 5/90 | 2/45 | 6/80 | 3/62 | 2/36 | 1/20 | 38673 || 18 | 4/148 | 6/96 | 1/46 | 2/82 | 0/62 | 1/37 | 0/20 | 49213 || 19 | 5/153 | 7/103 | 2/48 | 2/84 | 1/63 | 1/38 | 1/21 | 60411 || 20 | 5/158 | 6/109 | 2/50 | 2/86 | 1/64 | 2/40 | 0/21 | 72308 || 21 | 4/162 | 7/116 | 1/51 | 2/88 | 1/65 | 1/41 | 1/22 | 84948 || 22 | 4/166 | 8/124 | 2/53 | 3/91 | 0/65 | 2/43 | 0/22 | 98378 || 23 | 4/170 | 9/133 | 2/55 | 2/93 | 1/66 | 1/44 | 1/23 | 112,647 || 24 | 3/173 | 7/140 | 1/56 | 2/95 | 1/67 | 2/46 | 0/23 | 127,807 || 25 | 4/177 | 6/146 | 2/58 | 2/97 | 1/68 | 1/47 | 1/24 | 143,914 |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 26 | 3/180 | 7/153 | 2/60 | 2/99 | 1/69 | 2/49 | 1/25 | 161,270 || 27 | 3/183 | 12/165 | 0/60 | 1/100 | 2/71 | 1/50 | 0/25 | 180,813 || 28 | 4/187 | 11/176 | 1/61 | 1/101 | 3/74 | 1/51 | 0/25 | 203,690 || 29 | 4/191 | 11/187 | 1/62 | 2/103 | 3/77 | 2/52 | 1/26 | 230,141 || 30 | 3/194 | 10/197 | 0/62 | 1/104 | 3/80 | 1/53 | 0/26 | 260,724 || 31 | 4/198 | 14/211 | 1/63 | 2/106 | 3/83 | 2/55 | 0/26 | 296,850 || 32 | 4/202 | 9/220 | 1/64 | 1/107 | 3/86 | 1/56 | 1/27 | 336,971 || 33 | 4/206 | 14/234 | 1/65 | 2/109 | 3/89 | 2/58 | 0/27 | 384,245 || 34 | 5/211 | 8/242 | 0/65 | 1/110 | 2/91 | 1/59 | 0/27 | 438,905 || 35 | 6/217 | 9/251 | 1/66 | 1/111 | 3/94 | 1/60 | 1/28 | 502,105 || 36 | 5/222 | 12/263 | 1/67 | 2/113 | 3/97 | 2/62 | 0/28 | 575,180 || 37 | 6/228 | 10/273 | 0/67 | 1/114 | 3/100 | 1/63 | 0/28 | 659,672 || 38 | 3/231 | 10/283 | 1/68 | 2/116 | 3/103 | 2/65 | 1/29 | 757,365 || 39 | 6/237 | 13/296 | 1/69 | 1/117 | 3/106 | 1/66 | 0/29 | 870,322 || 40 | 5/242 | 10/306 | 1/70 | 2/119 | 3/109 | 2/68 | 1/30 | 1,000,928 || 41 | 7/249 | 5/311 | 4/74 | 3/122 | 1/110 | 2/70 | 0/30 | 1,131,534 || 42 | 6/255 | 9/320 | 3/77 | 4/126 | 2/112 | 2/72 | 1/31 | 1,262,140 || 43 | 7/262 | 7/327 | 3/80 | 2/128 | 2/114 | 2/74 | 0/31 | 1,392,746 || 44 | 6/268 | 8/335 | 2/82 | 3/131 | 2/116 | 3/77 | 1/32 | 1,523,352 || 45 | 7/275 | 7/342 | 3/85 | 3/134 | 1/117 | 2/79 | 0/32 | 1,653,958 || 46 | 7/282 | 8/350 | 3/88 | 3/137 | 2/119 | 2/81 | 1/33 | 1,784,567 || 47 | 6/288 | 8/358 | 3/91 | 4/141 | 2/121 | 2/83 | 0/33 | 1,915,170 || 48 | 7/295 | 10/368 | 3/94 | 3/144 | 2/123 | 4/87 | 1/34 | 2,045,776 || 49 | 7/302 | 8/376 | 3/97 | 2/146 | 1/124 | 2/89 | 0/34 | 2,076,382 || 50 | 6/308 | 8/384 | 4/101 | 4/150 | 2/126 | 3/92 | 1/35 | 2,306,988 |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 51 | 7/315 | 6/390 | 3/104 | 3/153 | 2/128 | 2/94 | 0/35 | 2,437,594 || 52 | 7/322 | 9/399 | 3/107 | 2/155 | 2/130 | 3/97 | 1/36 | 2,568,200 || 53 | 7/329 | 8/407 | 3/110 | 3/158 | 1/131 | 2/99 | 0/36 | 2,698,806 || 54 | 7/336 | 6/413 | 4/114 | 4/162 | 2/133 | 3/102 | 1/37 | 2,829,412 || 55 | 6/342 | 6/419 | 3/117 | 3/165 | 2/135 | 2/104 | 0/37 | 2,960,018 || 56 | 5/347 | 9/428 | 4/121 | 3/168 | 2/137 | 3/107 | 1/38 | 3,090,624 || 57 | 6/353 | 7/435 | 3/124 | 3/171 | 1/138 | 2/109 | 0/38 | 3,221,230 || 58 | 6/359 | 9/444 | 3/127 | 3/174 | 2/140 | 2/111 | 1/39 | 3,351,836 |

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| 59 | 5/364 | 7/451 | 2/129 | 4/178 | 2/142 | 2/113 | 0/39 | 3,482,442 || 60 | 5/369 | 6/457 | 4/133 | 4/182 | 2/144 | 3/116 | 1/40 | 3,613,048 || 61 | 6/375 | 6/463 | 1/134 | 0/182 | 1/145 | 0/116 | 0/40 | 3,743,654 || 62 | 7/382 | 7/470 | 3/137 | 1/183 | 2/147 | 1/117 | 0/40 | 3,874,260 || 63 | 7/389 | 8/478 | 2/139 | 1/184 | 1/148 | 1/118 | 0/40 | 4,004,866 || 64 | 5/394 | 11/489 | 2/141 | 1/185 | 2/150 | 1/119 | 1/41 | 4,135,472 || 65 | 6/400 | 7/496 | 1/142 | 0/185 | 1/151 | 0/119 | 0/41 | 4,266,078 || 66 | 6/406 | 11/507 | 2/144 | 1/186 | 2/153 | 1/120 | 0/41 | 4,396,684 || 67 | 6/412 | 7/514 | 2/146 | 1/187 | 1/154 | 1/121 | 0/41 | 4,527,290 || 68 | 8/420 | 11/525 | 2/148 | 1/188 | 2/156 | 1/122 | 1/42 | 4,657,896 || 69 | 5/425 | 7/532 | 2/150 | 0/188 | 1/157 | 0/122 | 0/42 | 4,788,502 || 70 | 6/431 | 9/541 | 1/151 | 1/189 | 2/159 | 1/123 | 0/42 | 4,919,108 || 71 | 5/436 | 10/551 | 2/153 | 1/190 | 1/160 | 1/124 | 0/42 | 5,049,714 || 72 | 5/441 | 10/561 | 2/155 | 1/191 | 2/162 | 1/125 | 1/43 | 5,180,320 || 73 | 7/448 | 8/569 | 2/157 | 1/192 | 2/165 | 1/126 | 0/43 | 5,310,926 || 74 | 7/455 | 10/579 | 2/159 | 0/192 | 1/166 | 0/126 | 0/43 | 5,441,532 || 75 | 7/462 | 7/586 | 1/160 | 1/193 | 2/168 | 1/127 | 0/43 | 5,572,138 |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 76 | 6/468 | 8/594 | 2/162 | 1/194 | 1/169 | 1/128 | 1/44 | 5,702,744 || 77 | 7/475 | 9/603 | 3/165 | 1/195 | 2/171 | 1/129 | 0/44 | 5,833,350 || 78 | 8/483 | 11/614 | 2/167 | 0/195 | 1/172 | 0/129 | 0/44 | 5,963,956 || 79 | 6/489 | 9/623 | 2/169 | 1/196 | 2/174 | 1/130 | 0/44 | 6,094,562 || 80 | 8/497 | 11/634 | 1/170 | 1/197 | 1/175 | 1/131 | 1/45 | 6,225,168 || 81 | 6/503 | 7/641 | 2/172 | 1/198 | 2/177 | 1/132 | 0/45 | 6,355,774 || 82 | 6/509 | 8/649 | 2/174 | 0/198 | 1/178 | 0/132 | 0/45 | 6,486,380 || 83 | 5/514 | 7/656 | 2/176 | 1/199 | 2/180 | 1/133 | 0/45 | 6,616,986 || 84 | 5/519 | 9/665 | 2/178 | 1/200 | 1/181 | 1/134 | 1/46 | 6,747,592 || 85 | 7/526 | 10/675 | 1/179 | 1/201 | 2/183 | 1/134 | 0/46 | 6,878,198 || 86 | 8/534 | 11/686 | 2/181 | 1/202 | 2/185 | 1/135 | 0/46 | 7,008,804 || 87 | 8/542 | 8/694 | 2/183 | 0/202 | 1/186 | 0/135 | 0/46 | 7,139,410 || 88 | 7/549 | 8/702 | 2/185 | 1/203 | 2/188 | 1/136 | 1/47 | 7,270,016 || 89 | 5/554 | 11/713 | 3/188 | 1/204 | 1/189 | 1/137 | 0/47 | 7,400,622 || 90 | 7/561 | 10/723 | 1/189 | 1/205 | 2/191 | 1/138 | 0/47 | 7,531,228 || 91 | 7/568 | 8/731 | 2/191 | 0/205 | 1/192 | 0/138 | 0/47 | 7,661,834 || 92 | 7/575 | 10/741 | 2/193 | 1/206 | 2/194 | 1/139 | 1/48 | 7,792,440 || 93 | 5/580 | 8/749 | 2/195 | 1/207 | 1/195 | 1/140 | 0/48 | 7,923,046 || 94 | 7/587 | 7/756 | 2/197 | 1/208 | 2/197 | 1/141 | 0/48 | 8,053,652 || 95 | 7/594 | 11/767 | 1/198 | 0/208 | 1/198 | 0/141 | 0/48 | 8,184,258 || 96 | 6/600 | 10/777 | 2/200 | 1/209 | 2/200 | 1/142 | 1/49 | 8,314,864 || 97 | 7/607 | 7/784 | 2/202 | 1/210 | 1/201 | 1/143 | 0/49 | 8,445,470 || 98 | 6/613 | 9/793 | 2/204 | 1/211 | 2/203 | 1/144 | 0/49 | 8,576,076 || 99 | 6/619 | 9/802 | 2/206 | 1/212 | 2/205 | 1/145 | 1/50 | 8,706,682 |------------------------------------------------------------------------------

_____________________________________________________________________________||[mech.005c] Mottle Slime(Spot) || =============================================================================

NOTE - Recruitment info provided by King_Zenith.NOTE2 - Tied with Slime for worst resistance table of the Slime Recruits.

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Recruitment - Once able to access Castle Graceskull, go to Real World version, enter the well, and find him on the South-East lawn, in the North-East corner. Speak to him and he will join.

____________________________________________________________________________/ \Weapon - Poison Needle, Bone Stake, Stone Fangs, Boomerang, Staff of Ghent, Iron Claw, Poison Moth Knife, Edged Boomerang, Steel Fangs, Falcon Knife Earrings, Fire Claw, Lunar Fan, Icicle Dirk, Flametang Boomerang, Ferocious Fangs, Cobra Claw, Wizardly Whip, Miracle Sword, Solar Fan, Metal King Sword, Orichalcum Fangs

Armour - Rags, Boxer Shorts, Fur Cape, Slime Gooniform, Iron Cuirass, Cloak of Evasion, Tortoise Shell, Glombolero, Magical Skirt, Magic Armour, Flowing Dress, Slime Armour, Armour of Max Wynne, Angel Leotard, Metal King Armour

Helmet - Pointy Hat, Shellmet, Bunny Ears, Iron Mask, Duplic Hat, Hermes' Hat, Happy Hat, Slime Helmet, Metal King Helm

Shield - Pot Lid, Silver Platter, Power Shield, Silver Shield, Metal King Shield

Accessory - Slime Earrings, Raging Ruby, Bow Tie, Gold Ring, Prayer Ring, Trailblazing Bandana, Kerplunk Bracer, Kamikaze Bracer, Meteorite Bracer, Pink Pearl, Glass Slippers, Gospel Ring\____________________________________________________________________________/

RESISTANCES (No Resistance = N, Weak = W, Strong = S, Immune = I): o----------------------------------------------------------------o | Frizz: N | Sizz: N | Bang: N | Crack: N | Woosh: N | |----------------------------------------------------------------| | Zap: N | Ice: N | Fire: N | Dazzle: N | Sleep: N | |----------------------------------------------------------------| | Death: N | Poof: W | DrainMP: I | Fizzle: I | Confu: N | |----------------------------------------------------------------| | Sap: N | Poison: N | Stop: N | Prlyz: N | Seal: I | |----------------------------------------------------------------o | Strike: N | Summon: N | o-------------------------o

o--------------------------------------------------------------------o|Starting Equipment - Nothing |o--------------------------------------------------------------------o

o---------------o---------------o-----o------------------------------------o| Natural Spell | Level Learned | Cost| Effects |o---------------o---------------o-----o------------------------------------o| Tongue Lashing| 4 | 0 | Enemy loses 1 Turn, Single |o---------------o---------------o-----o------------------------------------o| Follow Suit | 9 | 0 | Counter and mimic attacks against || | | | caster. |o---------------o---------------o-----o------------------------------------o| Whistle | 11 | 0 | Starts a random battle |o---------------o---------------o-----o------------------------------------o| Dig | 13 | 0 | Dig on Map to uncover Items or Gold|o---------------o---------------o-----o------------------------------------o

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| Nap | 15 | 0 | Caster sleeps for a time to heal HP|| | | | and MP on Map and in Battle |o---------------o---------------o-----o------------------------------------o| Double Up | 16 | 0 | 200% Damage, Spot takes 200% damage|| | | | from enemy attacks, Single |o---------------o---------------o-----o------------------------------------o

o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 1 | 5/5 | 0/0 | 8/8 | 3/3 | 5/5 | 2/2 | 2/2 | 0 || 2 | 6/11 | 0/0 | 2/11 | 4/7 | 2/7 | 1/3 | 0/2 | 1103 || 3 | 9/20 | 2/2 | 3/14 | 3/10 | 0/7 | 2/5 | 1/3 | 1845 || 4 | 8/28 | 1/3 | 3/17 | 3/13 | 2/9 | 2/7 | 1/4 | 2354 || 5 | 9/37 | 0/3 | 5/22 | 4/17 | 2/11 | 1/8 | 0/4 | 2708 || 6 | 8/45 | 3/6 | 2/24 | 2/19 | 2/13 | 2/10 | 1/5 | 3150 || 7 | 8/53 | 2/8 | 3/27 | 2/21 | 2/15 | 2/12 | 0/5 | 3711 || 8 | 9/62 | 2/10 | 2/29 | 2/23 | 1/16 | 1/13 | 1/6 | 4438 || 9 | 8/70 | 2/12 | 3/32 | 3/26 | 2/18 | 1/14 | 0/6 | 5402 || 10 | 7/77 | 1/13 | 3/35 | 1/27 | 2/20 | 0/14 | 1/7 | 6710 || 11 | 10/87 | 2/15 | 2/37 | 2/29 | 2/22 | 1/15 | 0/7 | 8151 || 12 | 9/96 | 0/15 | 2/39 | 1/30 | 2/24 | 2/17 | 1/8 | 9744 || 13 | 9/105 | 2/17 | 3/42 | 2/32 | 1/25 | 0/17 | 2/10 | 11507 || 14 | 7/112 | 2/19 | 2/44 | 1/33 | 2/27 | 1/18 | 1/11 | 13461 || 15 | 11/123 | 1/20 | 2/46 | 1/34 | 0/27 | 1/19 | 1/12 | 15631 || 16 | 7/130 | 2/22 | 4/50 | 3/37 | 2/29 | 0/19 | 1/13 | 18486 || 17 | 5/135 | 2/24 | 5/55 | 2/39 | 1/30 | 1/20 | 2/15 | 22305 || 18 | 7/142 | 3/27 | 5/60 | 3/42 | 2/32 | 2/22 | 2/17 | 27497 || 19 | 5/147 | 2/29 | 6/66 | 3/45 | 1/33 | 1/23 | 2/19 | 34666 || 20 | 6/153 | 1/30 | 5/71 | 3/48 | 2/35 | 1/24 | 2/21 | 44703 || 21 | 7/160 | 2/32 | 3/74 | 2/50 | 1/36 | 1/25 | 1/22 | 54803 || 22 | 8/168 | 1/33 | 3/77 | 1/51 | 1/37 | 2/27 | 2/24 | 64900 || 23 | 9/177 | 1/34 | 3/80 | 2/53 | 1/38 | 2/29 | 1/25 | 75372 || 24 | 10/187 | 1/35 | 4/84 | 2/55 | 1/39 | 2/31 | 1/26 | 85946 || 25 | 11/198 | 2/37 | 4/88 | 2/57 | 1/40 | 2/33 | 0/26 | 96792 |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 26 | 9/207 | 1/38 | 3/91 | 2/59 | 2/42 | 1/34 | 0/26 | 107,976 || 27 | 9/216 | 1/39 | 4/95 | 1/60 | 2/44 | 1/35 | 1/27 | 119,572 || 28 | 10/226 | 2/41 | 3/98 | 2/62 | 1/45 | 1/36 | 0/27 | 131,664 || 29 | 9/235 | 2/43 | 4/102 | 2/64 | 2/47 | 1/37 | 1/28 | 144,341 || 30 | 8/243 | 1/44 | 3/105 | 1/65 | 1/48 | 0/37 | 1/29 | 157,708 || 31 | 8/251 | 1/45 | 3/108 | 1/66 | 1/49 | 1/38 | 0/29 | 173,265 || 32 | 9/260 | 2/47 | 2/110 | 2/68 | 1/50 | 2/40 | 1/30 | 191,407 || 33 | 8/268 | 1/48 | 3/113 | 1/69 | 0/50 | 1/41 | 1/31 | 212,577 || 34 | 7/275 | 1/49 | 2/115 | 2/71 | 1/51 | 0/41 | 0/31 | 237,342 || 35 | 8/283 | 2/51 | 3/118 | 2/73 | 1/52 | 1/42 | 1/32 | 266,350 || 36 | 8/291 | 1/52 | 4/122 | 1/74 | 1/53 | 1/43 | 0/32 | 300,384 || 37 | 7/298 | 0/52 | 4/126 | 0/74 | 1/54 | 1/44 | 1/33 | 340,277 || 38 | 8/306 | 1/53 | 3/129 | 0/74 | 1/55 | 0/44 | 1/34 | 387,448 || 39 | 8/314 | 1/54 | 3/132 | 0/74 | 1/56 | 1/45 | 0/34 | 442,936 || 40 | 8/322 | 0/54 | 3/135 | 1/75 | 1/57 | 0/45 | 1/35 | 508,448 || 41 | 7/329 | 0/54 | 3/138 | 1/76 | 1/58 | 0/45 | 0/35 | 585,912 || 42 | 7/336 | 1/55 | 4/142 | 1/77 | 1/59 | 1/46 | 1/36 | 677,645 || 43 | 8/344 | 0/55 | 3/145 | 0/77 | 1/60 | 0/46 | 1/37 | 786,433 || 44 | 8/352 | 1/56 | 4/149 | 0/77 | 1/61 | 0/46 | 1/38 | 915,633 |

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| 45 | 8/360 | 1/57 | 3/152 | 0/77 | 1/62 | 0/46 | 1/39 | 1,069,285 || 46 | 8/368 | 6/63 | 3/155 | 0/77 | 1/63 | 1/47 | 1/40 | 1,219,563 || 47 | 7/375 | 3/66 | 3/158 | 1/78 | 1/64 | 1/48 | 0/40 | 1,366,574 || 48 | 8/383 | 6/72 | 3/161 | 1/79 | 1/65 | 1/49 | 1/41 | 1,510,419 || 49 | 7/390 | 4/76 | 3/164 | 1/80 | 1/66 | 0/49 | 0/41 | 1,651,197 || 50 | 7/397 | 5/81 | 3/167 | 0/80 | 1/67 | 1/50 | 1/42 | 1,789,005 |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 51 | 7/404 | 7/88 | 5/172 | 0/80 | 0/67 | 0/50 | 0/42 | 1,923,934 || 52 | 8/412 | 7/95 | 2/174 | 1/81 | 1/68 | 1/51 | 0/42 | 2,056,075 || 53 | 8/420 | 7/102 | 5/179 | 0/81 | 1/69 | 0/51 | 1/43 | 2,185,515 || 54 | 8/428 | 7/109 | 3/182 | 1/82 | 1/70 | 1/52 | 1/44 | 2,312,338 || 55 | 8/436 | 4/113 | 3/185 | 0/82 | 0/70 | 0/52 | 0/44 | 2,436,626 || 56 | 7/443 | 7/120 | 4/189 | 1/83 | 0/70 | 1/53 | 0/44 | 2,558,459 || 57 | 8/451 | 3/123 | 2/191 | 0/83 | 1/71 | 0/53 | 0/44 | 2,677,912 || 58 | 8/459 | 6/129 | 2/193 | 1/84 | 1/72 | 0/53 | 0/44 | 2,795,061 || 59 | 8/467 | 6/135 | 4/197 | 0/84 | 1/73 | 1/54 | 0/44 | 2,909,978 || 60 | 7/474 | 4/139 | 5/202 | 0/84 | 1/74 | 0/54 | 0/44 | 3,022,731 || 61 | 8/482 | 5/144 | 5/207 | 0/84 | 1/75 | 1/55 | 1/45 | 3,133,390 || 62 | 8/490 | 4/148 | 4/211 | 0/84 | 1/76 | 0/55 | 0/45 | 3,242,019 || 63 | 7/497 | 4/152 | 3/214 | 0/84 | 1/77 | 1/56 | 0/45 | 3,348,682 || 64 | 8/505 | 7/159 | 2/216 | 0/84 | 1/78 | 1/57 | 1/46 | 3,453,440 || 65 | 7/512 | 7/166 | 3/219 | 1/85 | 1/79 | 1/58 | 0/46 | 3,556,352 || 66 | 8/520 | 5/171 | 3/222 | 1/86 | 1/80 | 1/59 | 0/46 | 3,657,476 || 67 | 8/528 | 3/174 | 3/225 | 1/87 | 0/80 | 1/60 | 0/46 | 3,756,869 || 68 | 7/535 | 3/177 | 5/230 | 0/87 | 1/81 | 0/60 | 1/47 | 3,854,584 || 69 | 8/543 | 3/180 | 5/235 | 1/88 | 1/82 | 1/61 | 0/47 | 3,950,674 || 70 | 8/551 | 6/186 | 3/238 | 0/88 | 1/83 | 0/61 | 0/47 | 4,045,190 || 71 | 7/558 | 3/189 | 4/242 | 1/89 | 1/84 | 1/62 | 0/47 | 4,138,180 || 72 | 8/566 | 7/196 | 4/246 | 1/90 | 0/84 | 0/62 | 0/47 | 4,229,692 || 73 | 8/573 | 5/201 | 4/250 | 1/91 | 0/84 | 1/63 | 0/47 | 4,319,773 || 74 | 7/580 | 3/204 | 4/254 | 0/91 | 1/85 | 0/63 | 1/48 | 4,408,467 || 75 | 7/587 | 7/211 | 3/257 | 1/92 | 1/86 | 0/63 | 0/48 | 4,495,818 |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 76 | 7/594 | 3/214 | 5/262 | 1/93 | 1/87 | 0/63 | 1/49 | 4,581,867 || 77 | 8/602 | 6/220 | 3/265 | 0/93 | 1/88 | 0/63 | 1/50 | 4,666,656 || 78 | 8/610 | 6/226 | 2/267 | 0/93 | 1/89 | 0/63 | 0/50 | 4,750,224 || 79 | 8/618 | 6/232 | 5/272 | 0/93 | 0/89 | 1/64 | 0/50 | 4,832,609 || 80 | 7/625 | 4/236 | 5/277 | 0/93 | 2/91 | 0/64 | 1/51 | 4,913,847 || 81 | 7/632 | 3/239 | 4/281 | 1/94 | 1/92 | 0/64 | 1/52 | 4,993,975 || 82 | 8/640 | 4/243 | 3/284 | 0/94 | 1/93 | 0/64 | 0/52 | 5,073,027 || 83 | 8/648 | 4/247 | 4/288 | 1/95 | 0/93 | 1/65 | 0/52 | 5,151,037 || 84 | 8/656 | 4/251 | 3/291 | 0/95 | 1/94 | 0/65 | 0/52 | 5,228,038 || 85 | 8/664 | 6/257 | 3/294 | 0/95 | 2/96 | 1/66 | 1/53 | 5,304,061 || 86 | 7/671 | 3/260 | 4/298 | 0/95 | 1/97 | 0/66 | 1/54 | 5,379,137 || 87 | 7/678 | 6/266 | 3/301 | 0/95 | 2/99 | 0/66 | 0/54 | 5,453,295 || 88 | 8/686 | 5/271 | 4/305 | 1/96 | 1/100 | 1/67 | 0/54 | 5,526,565 || 89 | 7/693 | 4/275 | 3/308 | 0/96 | 2/102 | 0/67 | 1/55 | 5,598,972 || 90 | 7/700 | 4/279 | 4/312 | 0/96 | 1/103 | 0/67 | 0/55 | 5,670,545 || 91 | 8/708 | 5/284 | 3/315 | 1/97 | 1/104 | 1/68 | 1/56 | 5,741,310 || 92 | 7/715 | 4/288 | 3/318 | 0/97 | 1/105 | 0/68 | 0/56 | 5,811,292 || 93 | 7/722 | 4/292 | 3/321 | 0/97 | 1/106 | 0/68 | 0/56 | 5,880,515 || 94 | 8/730 | 6/298 | 3/324 | 0/97 | 1/107 | 0/68 | 1/57 | 5,949,004 || 95 | 8/738 | 6/304 | 3/327 | 1/98 | 2/109 | 1/69 | 1/58 | 6,016,780 |

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| 96 | 8/746 | 3/307 | 3/330 | 0/98 | 1/110 | 0/69 | 0/58 | 6,083,867 || 97 | 8/754 | 3/310 | 4/334 | 0/98 | 1/111 | 0/69 | 1/59 | 6,150,285 || 98 | 8/762 | 5/315 | 4/338 | 1/99 | 1/112 | 0/69 | 1/60 | 6,216,057 || 99 | 8/770 | 5/320 | 4/342 | 0/99 | 1/113 | 1/70 | 0/60 | 6,281,201 |------------------------------------------------------------------------------

_____________________________________________________________________________||[mech.005d] King Slime(Kingsley) || =============================================================================

NOTE - Recruitment info provided by King_Zenith.

Recruitment - After winning Rank 7 of the Best-Dressed Contest, speak to him at the Best-Dressed Contest bar.

____________________________________________________________________________/ \Weapon - Poison Needle, Bone Stake, Stone Fangs, Boomerang, Staff of Ghent, Iron Claw, Poison Moth Knife, Edged Boomerang, Steel Fangs, Falcon Knife Earrings, Fire Claw, Lunar Fan, Icicle Dirk, Flametang Boomerang, Ferocious Fangs, Cobra Claw, Wizardly Whip, Miracle Sword, Solar Fan, Metal King Sword, Orichalcum Fangs

Armour - Rags, Boxer Shorts, Fur Cape, Slime Gooniform, Iron Cuirass, Cloak of Evasion, Tortoise Shell, Glombolero, Magical Skirt, Magic Armour, Flowing Dress, Slime Armour, Armour of Max Wynne, Angel Leotard, Metal King Armour

Helmet - Pointy Hat, Shellmet, Bunny Ears, Iron Mask, Duplic Hat, Hermes' Hat, Happy Hat, Slime Helmet, Metal King Helm

Shield - Pot Lid, Silver Platter, Power Shield, Silver Shield, Metal King Shield

Accessory - Slime Earrings, Raging Ruby, Bow Tie, Gold Ring, Prayer Ring, Trailblazing Bandana, Kerplunk Bracer, Kamikaze Bracer, Meteorite Bracer, Pink Pearl, Glass Slippers, Gospel Ring\____________________________________________________________________________/

RESISTANCES (No Resistance = N, Weak = W, Strong = S, Immune = I): o----------------------------------------------------------------o | Frizz: S | Sizz: S | Bang: S | Crack: W | Woosh: N | |----------------------------------------------------------------| | Zap: N | Ice: W | Fire: S | Dazzle: S | Sleep: S | |----------------------------------------------------------------| | Death: I | Poof: I | DrainMP: S | Fizzle: S | Confu: S | |----------------------------------------------------------------| | Sap: W | Poison: I | Stop: I | Prlyz: S | Seal: I | |----------------------------------------------------------------o | Strike: W | Summon: S | o-------------------------o

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o--------------------------------------------------------------------o|Starting Equipment - Nothing |o--------------------------------------------------------------------o

o----------------o---------------o-----o-------------------------------------o| Natural Spell | Level Learned | Cost| Effects |o----------------o---------------o-----o-------------------------------------o| Heal/Midheal/ | Initial Spells|2/5/3| H: 30-40, Ally/H: 75-95, Ally/ || Zing | | | Revive 50%HP, 50% Success, Ally |o----------------o---------------o-----o-------------------------------------o| Puff-Puff | 4 | 0 | Stuns an enemy if used by a female, || | | | damages if used by a male, Single |o----------------o---------------o-----o-------------------------------------o| Muster Strength| 5 | 0 | Charge, next Attack 200-250% |o----------------o---------------o-----o-------------------------------------o| Shove | 7 | 0 | Removes a weak enemy from battle, no|| | | | EXP or Gold gained |o----------------o---------------o-----o-------------------------------------o| Body Slam | 10 | 0 | Deals 80% damage to the target and || | | | user, Single |o----------------o---------------o-----o-------------------------------------o| Kazing | 15 | 20 | Revive 100% HP, 100% Success, Ally |o----------------o---------------o-----o-------------------------------------o| Hocus Pocus | 20 | 20 | Random Effects (List: spell.003) |o----------------o---------------o-----o-------------------------------------o

o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 3 |150/150 | 90/90 |73/73 |58/58 |68/68 |71/71 |20/20 | 5296 || 4 | 5/155 | 0/90 | 2/75 | 2/60 | 2/70 | 0/71 | 0/20 | 10764 || 5 | 5/160 | 0/90 | 2/77 | 2/62 | 2/72 | 1/72 | 1/21 | 19820 || 6 | 4/164 | 4/94 | 0/77 | 2/64 | 0/72 | 2/74 | 0/21 | 30574 || 7 | 3/167 | 3/97 | 1/78 | 2/66 | 1/73 | 3/77 | 0/21 | 43344 || 8 | 4/171 | 4/101 | 0/78 | 2/68 | 1/74 | 2/79 | 1/22 | 58508 || 9 | 5/176 | 5/106 | 1/79 | 2/70 | 1/75 | 3/82 | 0/22 | 76515 || 10 | 4/180 | 4/110 | 1/80 | 3/73 | 1/76 | 3/85 | 1/23 | 97898 || 11 | 3/183 | 10/120 | 0/80 | 2/75 | 1/77 | 3/88 | 0/23 | 121,953 || 12 | 5/188 | 10/130 | 1/81 | 2/77 | 2/79 | 4/92 | 0/23 | 149,014 || 13 | 4/192 | 9/139 | 0/81 | 3/80 | 1/80 | 3/95 | 1/24 | 179,457 || 14 | 2/194 | 11/140 | 1/82 | 2/82 | 2/82 | 4/99 | 0/24 | 213,705 || 15 | 5/199 | 7/147 | 1/83 | 3/85 | 2/84 | 3/102 | 1/25 | 252,234 || 16 | 11/210 | 12/159 | 2/85 | 1/86 | 1/85 | 4/106 | 0/25 | 299,191 || 17 | 10/220 | 9/168 | 2/87 | 1/87 | 1/86 | 4/110 | 1/26 | 356,419 || 18 | 10/230 | 10/178 | 3/90 | 1/88 | 2/88 | 4/114 | 0/26 | 426,165 || 19 | 11/241 | 11/189 | 2/92 | 1/89 | 1/89 | 4/118 | 1/27 | 511,167 || 20 | 10/251 | 8/197 | 3/95 | 2/91 | 2/91 | 5/123 | 1/28 | 614,763 || 21 | 5/256 | 9/206 | 2/97 | 1/92 | 0/91 | 6/129 | 0/28 | 708,646 || 22 | 6/262 | 7/213 | 3/100 | 2/94 | 1/92 | 6/135 | 0/28 | 793,727 || 23 | 5/267 | 8/221 | 2/102 | 1/95 | 0/92 | 4/139 | 0/28 | 870,831 || 24 | 4/271 | 9/230 | 3/105 | 2/97 | 1/93 | 6/145 | 0/28 | 940,706 || 25 | 5/276 | 10/240 | 2/107 | 2/99 | 1/93 | 6/151 | 1/29 | 1,004,030 |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 26 | 5/281 | 9/249 | 2/109 | 2/101 | 1/94 | 5/156 | 1/30 | 1,061,417 || 27 | 6/287 | 9/258 | 2/111 | 2/103 | 1/95 | 6/162 | 0/30 | 1,113,423 |

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| 28 | 5/292 | 6/264 | 3/114 | 1/104 | 0/95 | 5/167 | 0/30 | 1,160,553 || 29 | 4/296 | 8/272 | 2/116 | 2/106 | 1/96 | 7/174 | 0/30 | 1,203,264 || 30 | 3/299 | 9/281 | 3/119 | 2/108 | 1/97 | 6/180 | 1/31 | 1,241,970 || 31 | 9/308 | 11/292 | 3/122 | 0/108 | 0/97 | 3/183 | 0/31 | 1,283,095 || 32 | 10/318 | 10/302 | 4/126 | 1/109 | 0/97 | 2/185 | 0/31 | 1,326,790 || 33 | 6/324 | 10/312 | 3/129 | 0/109 | 0/97 | 2/187 | 0/31 | 1,373,215 || 34 | 8/332 | 9/321 | 3/132 | 1/110 | 1/98 | 2/189 | 1/32 | 1,422,541 || 35 | 7/339 | 10/331 | 4/136 | 1/111 | 0/98 | 1/190 | 0/32 | 1,474,949 || 36 | 8/347 | 12/343 | 4/140 | 0/111 | 0/98 | 2/192 | 0/32 | 1,530,632 || 37 | 6/353 | 10/353 | 3/143 | 1/112 | 1/99 | 2/194 | 0/32 | 1,589,795 || 38 | 8/361 | 8/361 | 4/147 | 1/113 | 0/99 | 3/197 | 1/33 | 1,652,655 || 39 | 9/370 | 6/367 | 3/150 | 0/113 | 0/99 | 2/199 | 0/33 | 1,719,443 || 40 | 10/380 | 7/374 | 4/154 | 1/114 | 1/100 | 3/202 | 0/33 | 1,790,405 || 41 | 7/387 | 10/384 | 3/157 | 1/115 | 0/100 | 2/204 | 0/33 | 1,865,802 || 42 | 8/395 | 10/394 | 3/160 | 0/115 | 0/100 | 2/206 | 1/34 | 1,945,911 || 43 | 7/402 | 11/405 | 3/163 | 1/116 | 0/100 | 2/208 | 0/34 | 2,031,026 || 44 | 8/410 | 8/413 | 4/167 | 1/117 | 1/101 | 2/210 | 0/34 | 2,121,460 || 45 | 9/419 | 10/423 | 3/170 | 0/117 | 0/101 | 3/213 | 0/34 | 2,217,546 || 46 | 10/429 | 9/432 | 4/174 | 1/118 | 0/101 | 4/217 | 1/35 | 2,319,637 || 47 | 6/435 | 10/442 | 4/178 | 1/119 | 1/102 | 2/219 | 0/35 | 2,428,108 || 48 | 9/444 | 11/453 | 4/182 | 0/119 | 0/102 | 2/221 | 0/35 | 2,543,358 || 49 | 7/451 | 10/463 | 3/185 | 1/120 | 0/102 | 2/223 | 0/35 | 2,665,811 || 50 | 8/459 | 12/475 | 4/189 | 1/121 | 1/103 | 2/225 | 1/36 | 2,795,917 |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 51 | 7/466 | 6/481 | 3/192 | 0/121 | 0/103 | 1/226 | 0/36 | 2,926,023 || 52 | 9/475 | 8/489 | 3/195 | 1/122 | 0/103 | 2/228 | 0/36 | 3,056,129 || 53 | 8/483 | 11/500 | 2/197 | 0/122 | 1/104 | 1/229 | 0/36 | 3,186,235 || 54 | 8/491 | 8/508 | 3/200 | 1/123 | 0/104 | 2/231 | 0/36 | 3,316,341 || 55 | 7/499 | 9/517 | 6/206 | 1/124 | 0/104 | 2/233 | 0/36 | 3,446,447 || 56 | 9/508 | 8/525 | 3/209 | 0/124 | 1/105 | 1/234 | 0/36 | 3,576,553 || 57 | 10/518 | 9/534 | 4/213 | 1/125 | 0/105 | 2/236 | 0/36 | 3,706,659 || 58 | 8/526 | 7/541 | 3/216 | 0/125 | 0/105 | 2/238 | 0/36 | 3,836,765 || 59 | 7/533 | 8/549 | 5/221 | 1/126 | 1/106 | 1/239 | 0/36 | 3,966,871 || 60 | 8/541 | 8/557 | 2/223 | 1/127 | 0/106 | 2/241 | 1/37 | 4,096,977 || 61 | 9/550 | 8/565 | 3/226 | 0/127 | 0/106 | 1/242 | 0/37 | 4,227,083 || 62 | 8/558 | 8/573 | 3/229 | 1/128 | 1/107 | 2/244 | 0/37 | 4,357,189 || 63 | 9/567 | 10/583 | 4/233 | 0/128 | 0/107 | 2/246 | 0/37 | 4,487,295 || 64 | 6/573 | 8/591 | 3/236 | 1/129 | 0/107 | 1/247 | 0/37 | 4,617,401 || 65 | 9/582 | 7/598 | 6/242 | 1/130 | 1/108 | 2/249 | 0/37 | 4,747,507 || 66 | 7/589 | 8/606 | 2/244 | 0/130 | 0/108 | 2/251 | 0/37 | 4,877,613 || 67 | 8/597 | 8/614 | 3/247 | 1/131 | 0/108 | 1/252 | 0/37 | 5,007,719 || 68 | 8/605 | 8/622 | 4/251 | 1/132 | 1/109 | 2/254 | 0/37 | 5,137,825 || 69 | 10/615 | 6/628 | 3/254 | 0/132 | 0/109 | 2/256 | 0/37 | 5,267,931 || 70 | 8/623 | 9/637 | 5/259 | 1/133 | 0/109 | 1/257 | 1/38 | 5,398,037 || 71 | 8/631 | 8/645 | 3/262 | 0/133 | 1/110 | 2/259 | 0/38 | 5,528,143 || 72 | 5/636 | 7/652 | 4/266 | 1/134 | 0/110 | 1/260 | 0/38 | 5,658,249 || 73 | 7/643 | 8/660 | 3/269 | 1/135 | 0/110 | 2/262 | 0/38 | 5,788,355 || 74 | 8/651 | 8/668 | 5/274 | 0/135 | 1/111 | 2/264 | 0/38 | 5,918,461 || 75 | 9/660 | 10/678 | 3/277 | 1/136 | 0/111 | 1/265 | 0/38 | 6,048,567 |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 76 | 8/668 | 8/686 | 4/281 | 0/136 | 1/112 | 2/267 | 0/38 | 6,178,673 || 77 | 7/675 | 9/695 | 3/284 | 1/137 | 0/112 | 2/269 | 0/38 | 6,308,779 || 78 | 4/679 | 7/702 | 5/289 | 1/138 | 0/112 | 1/270 | 0/38 | 6,438,885 |

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| 79 | 8/687 | 8/710 | 3/292 | 0/138 | 1/113 | 2/272 | 0/38 | 6,568,991 || 80 | 9/696 | 6/716 | 4/296 | 1/139 | 0/113 | 1/273 | 0/38 | 6,699,097 || 81 | 10/706 | 9/725 | 3/299 | 0/139 | 0/113 | 2/275 | 0/38 | 6,829,203 || 82 | 8/704 | 7/732 | 4/303 | 1/140 | 1/114 | 2/277 | 0/38 | 6,959,309 || 83 | 8/712 | 8/740 | 4/307 | 1/141 | 0/114 | 1/278 | 0/38 | 7,089,415 || 84 | 9/721 | 8/748 | 2/309 | 0/141 | 0/114 | 2/280 | 0/38 | 7,219,521 || 85 | 6/727 | 7/755 | 6/315 | 1/142 | 1/115 | 2/282 | 0/38 | 7,349,627 || 86 | 8/735 | 8/763 | 3/318 | 1/143 | 0/115 | 1/283 | 0/38 | 7,479,733 || 87 | 10/745 | 10/773 | 4/322 | 0/143 | 0/115 | 2/285 | 0/38 | 7,609,839 || 88 | 8/753 | 8/781 | 3/325 | 1/144 | 1/116 | 2/287 | 0/38 | 7,739,945 || 89 | 5/758 | 10/791 | 4/329 | 0/144 | 0/116 | 1/288 | 0/38 | 7,870,051 || 90 | 8/766 | 8/799 | 2/331 | 1/145 | 0/116 | 2/290 | 1/39 | 8,000,157 || 91 | 8/774 | 8/807 | 3/334 | 1/146 | 1/117 | 1/291 | 0/39 | 8,130,263 || 92 | 6/780 | 7/814 | 3/337 | 0/146 | 0/117 | 2/293 | 0/39 | 8,260,369 || 93 | 10/790 | 9/823 | 5/342 | 1/147 | 0/117 | 2/295 | 0/39 | 8,390,475 || 94 | 8/798 | 8/831 | 3/345 | 0/147 | 1/118 | 1/296 | 0/39 | 8,520,581 || 95 | 7/805 | 8/836 | 4/349 | 1/148 | 0/118 | 2/298 | 0/39 | 8,650,687 || 96 | 9/814 | 9/845 | 3/352 | 1/149 | 0/118 | 2/300 | 0/39 | 8,780,793 || 97 | 7/821 | 8/853 | 4/356 | 0/149 | 1/119 | 1/301 | 0/39 | 8,910,899 || 98 | 9/830 | 10/863 | 3/359 | 1/150 | 0/119 | 2/303 | 0/39 | 9,041,005 || 99 | 9/839 | 9/872 | 4/363 | 1/151 | 1/120 | 2/305 | 1/40 | 9,171,111 |------------------------------------------------------------------------------

_____________________________________________________________________________||[mech.005e] Slime(Goober) || =============================================================================

NOTE - Recruitment info provided by King_Zenith.NOTE2 - Tied with Mottle Slime for worst resistance table.

Recruitment - Once access to Slimopolis is obtained, win Rank A and defeat "Hammer" the champion slime of the Arena owner. Speak to the owner afterwards and agree to take on Goober to train him.

____________________________________________________________________________/ \Weapon - Poison Needle, Bone Stake, Stone Fangs, Boomerang, Staff of Ghent, Iron Claw, Poison Moth Knife, Edged Boomerang, Steel Fangs, Falcon Knife Earrings, Fire Claw, Lunar Fan, Icicle Dirk, Flametang Boomerang, Ferocious Fangs, Cobra Claw, Wizardly Whip, Miracle Sword, Solar Fan, Metal King Sword, Orichalcum Fangs

Armour - Rags, Boxer Shorts, Fur Cape, Slime Gooniform, Iron Cuirass, Cloak of Evasion, Tortoise Shell, Glombolero, Magical Skirt, Magic Armour, Flowing Dress, Slime Armour, Armour of Max Wynne, Angel Leotard, Metal King Armour

Helmet - Pointy Hat, Shellmet, Bunny Ears, Iron Mask, Duplic Hat, Hermes' Hat, Happy Hat, Slime Helmet, Metal King Helm

Shield - Pot Lid, Silver Platter, Power Shield, Silver Shield, Metal King Shield

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Accessory - Slime Earrings, Raging Ruby, Bow Tie, Gold Ring, Prayer Ring, Trailblazing Bandana, Kerplunk Bracer, Kamikaze Bracer, Meteorite Bracer, Pink Pearl, Glass Slippers, Gospel Ring\____________________________________________________________________________/

RESISTANCES (No Resistance = N, Weak = W, Strong = S, Immune = I): o----------------------------------------------------------------o | Frizz: N | Sizz: N | Bang: N | Crack: N | Woosh: N | |----------------------------------------------------------------| | Zap: N | Ice: N | Fire: N | Dazzle: N | Sleep: N | |----------------------------------------------------------------| | Death: N | Poof: W | DrainMP: I | Fizzle: I | Confu: N | |----------------------------------------------------------------| | Sap: N | Poison: N | Stop: N | Prlyz: N | Seal: I | |----------------------------------------------------------------o | Strike: N | Summon: N | o-------------------------o

o--------------------------------------------------------------------o|Starting Equipment - Nothing |o--------------------------------------------------------------------o

o-------------------o-------------------o-----o----------------------------o| Natural Spell | Level Learned | Cost| Effects |o-------------------o-------------------o-----o----------------------------o| Midheal/Frizzle/ | Initial Spells | 5/3/| H: 75-95, Ally/F: 70-90, || Sizzle/Kabuff/ | |4/6/3| Single/F: 30-42, Group/Def || Snooze | | | +25%, Party/Sleep, Group |o-------------------o-------------------o-----o----------------------------o| C-C-C-Cold Breath | 45 (Talk to Arena | 0 | Ice 210-230, All || | Owner with Goober | | || | in Party) | | |o-------------------o-------------------o-----o----------------------------o| Scorch | 90 | 0 | Fire 150-170, All |o-------------------o-------------------o-----o----------------------------o

o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 20 |110/110 | 27/27 |53/53 |85/85 |24/24 |50/50 |20/20 | 38690 || 21 | 6/116 | 1/28 | 2/55 | 2/87 | 3/27 | 1/51 | 1/21 | 44648 || 22 | 5/121 | 2/30 | 3/58 | 3/90 | 3/30 | 2/53 | 1/22 | 51350 || 23 | 6/127 | 2/32 | 2/60 | 2/92 | 3/33 | 1/54 | 1/23 | 58889 || 24 | 7/134 | 1/33 | 2/62 | 3/95 | 4/37 | 2/56 | 1/24 | 67370 || 25 | 6/140 | 2/35 | 4/66 | 1/96 | 3/40 | 1/57 | 1/25 | 76911 || 26 | 6/146 | 2/37 | 3/69 | 3/99 | 3/43 | 2/59 | 1/26 | 87644 || 27 | 6/152 | 2/39 | 2/71 | 1/100 | 4/47 | 1/60 | 1/27 | 99718 || 28 | 5/157 | 2/41 | 3/74 | 3/103 | 3/50 | 2/62 | 1/28 | 113,301 || 29 | 3/160 | 2/43 | 4/78 | 2/105 | 3/53 | 1/63 | 1/29 | 128,581 || 30 | 6/166 | 2/45 | 3/81 | 3/108 | 4/57 | 2/65 | 1/30 | 145,771 || 31 | 5/171 | 3/48 | 3/84 | 4/112 | 1/58 | 1/66 | 0/30 | 165,109 || 32 | 4/175 | 3/51 | 2/86 | 5/117 | 2/60 | 2/68 | 1/31 | 186,864 || 33 | 6/181 | 3/54 | 4/90 | 5/122 | 1/61 | 2/70 | 1/32 | 211,338 || 34 | 7/188 | 3/57 | 4/94 | 5/127 | 2/63 | 1/71 | 0/32 | 238,871 || 35 | 4/192 | 3/60 | 3/97 | 5/132 | 1/64 | 2/73 | 1/33 | 269,845 || 36 | 6/198 | 3/63 | 4/101 | 5/137 | 2/66 | 2/75 | 1/34 | 304,690 || 37 | 5/203 | 3/66 | 3/104 | 4/141 | 1/67 | 1/76 | 1/35 | 343,890 |

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| 38 | 6/209 | 3/69 | 4/108 | 5/146 | 2/69 | 2/78 | 0/35 | 387,990 || 39 | 6/215 | 3/72 | 3/111 | 5/151 | 1/70 | 2/80 | 1/36 | 437,602 || 40 | 5/220 | 3/75 | 2/113 | 5/156 | 2/72 | 1/81 | 1/37 | 493,415 || 41 | 6/226 | 3/78 | 3/116 | 5/161 | 1/73 | 2/83 | 1/38 | 556,204 || 42 | 6/232 | 3/81 | 4/120 | 5/166 | 2/75 | 2/85 | 0/38 | 626,841 || 43 | 5/237 | 3/84 | 3/123 | 4/170 | 2/77 | 1/86 | 1/39 | 706,307 || 44 | 4/241 | 3/87 | 3/126 | 5/175 | 2/79 | 2/88 | 1/40 | 795,706 || 45 | 6/247 | 4/91 | 4/130 | 5/180 | 2/81 | 2/90 | 1/41 | 896,279 || 46 | 6/253 | 5/96 | 3/133 | 2/182 | 2/83 | 2/92 | 5/46 | 996,852 || 47 | 5/258 | 4/100 | 1/134 | 4/186 | 3/86 | 2/94 | 6/52 | 1,097,425 || 48 | 6/264 | 3/103 | 2/136 | 3/189 | 3/89 | 3/97 | 6/58 | 1,197,998 || 49 | 4/268 | 5/108 | 4/140 | 2/191 | 2/91 | 2/99 | 6/64 | 1,298,571 || 50 | 5/273 | 2/110 | 2/142 | 2/193 | 3/94 | 2/101 | 6/70 | 1,399,144 |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 51 | 5/278 | 4/114 | 2/144 | 3/196 | 3/97 | 3/104 | 6/76 | 1,499,717 || 52 | 5/283 | 4/118 | 3/147 | 1/197 | 2/99 | 2/106 | 6/82 | 1,600,290 || 53 | 4/287 | 4/122 | 1/148 | 3/200 | 3/102 | 2/108 | 6/88 | 1,700,863 || 54 | 6/293 | 5/127 | 2/150 | 3/203 | 3/105 | 3/111 | 6/94 | 1,801,436 || 55 | 4/297 | 4/131 | 3/153 | 2/205 | 2/107 | 2/113 | 6/100 | 1,902,009 || 56 | 5/302 | 4/135 | 3/156 | 3/208 | 3/110 | 2/115 | 6/106 | 2,002,582 || 57 | 6/308 | 5/140 | 1/157 | 3/211 | 3/113 | 3/118 | 6/112 | 2,103,155 || 58 | 5/313 | 6/146 | 2/159 | 1/212 | 2/115 | 2/120 | 6/118 | 2,203,728 || 59 | 5/318 | 4/150 | 1/160 | 4/216 | 3/118 | 2/122 | 6/124 | 2,304,301 || 60 | 6/324 | 5/155 | 2/162 | 3/219 | 3/121 | 3/125 | 6/130 | 2,404,874 || 61 | 8/332 | 6/161 | 4/166 | 2/221 | 1/122 | 2/127 | 0/130 | 2,505,447 || 62 | 8/340 | 7/168 | 4/170 | 2/223 | 2/124 | 3/130 | 0/130 | 2,606,020 || 63 | 8/348 | 8/176 | 5/175 | 3/226 | 1/125 | 3/133 | 0/130 | 2,706,593 || 64 | 8/356 | 9/185 | 5/180 | 2/228 | 2/127 | 2/135 | 0/130 | 2,807,165 || 65 | 9/365 | 8/193 | 3/183 | 1/229 | 1/128 | 3/138 | 0/130 | 2,907,739 || 66 | 8/373 | 10/203 | 5/188 | 2/231 | 2/130 | 3/141 | 0/130 | 3,008,312 || 67 | 8/381 | 6/209 | 4/192 | 2/233 | 1/131 | 2/143 | 0/130 | 3,108,885 || 68 | 7/388 | 9/218 | 4/196 | 3/236 | 2/133 | 3/146 | 0/130 | 3,209,458 || 69 | 8/396 | 8/226 | 5/201 | 3/239 | 2/135 | 3/149 | 0/130 | 3,310,031 || 70 | 10/406 | 6/232 | 4/205 | 2/241 | 2/137 | 2/151 | 0/130 | 3,410,604 || 71 | 5/411 | 9/241 | 5/210 | 2/243 | 1/138 | 3/154 | 0/130 | 3,511,177 || 72 | 8/419 | 8/249 | 5/215 | 2/245 | 1/139 | 3/157 | 0/130 | 3,611,750 || 73 | 8/427 | 9/258 | 3/218 | 2/247 | 2/141 | 3/160 | 0/130 | 3,712,323 || 74 | 7/434 | 7/265 | 5/223 | 2/249 | 1/142 | 2/162 | 0/130 | 3,812,896 || 75 | 9/443 | 8/273 | 4/227 | 3/252 | 2/144 | 3/165 | 0/130 | 3,913,469 |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 76 | 8/451 | 9/282 | 4/231 | 2/254 | 1/145 | 3/168 | 0/130 | 4,014,042 || 77 | 8/459 | 7/289 | 5/236 | 2/256 | 1/146 | 2/170 | 0/130 | 4,114,615 || 78 | 10/469 | 8/297 | 4/240 | 2/258 | 1/147 | 3/173 | 0/130 | 4,215,188 || 79 | 8/477 | 11/308 | 4/244 | 1/259 | 2/149 | 3/176 | 0/130 | 4,315,761 || 80 | 9/486 | 8/316 | 5/249 | 3/262 | 1/150 | 2/178 | 0/130 | 4,416,334 || 81 | 7/493 | 8/324 | 5/254 | 2/264 | 2/152 | 3/181 | 0/130 | 4,516,907 || 82 | 8/501 | 9/333 | 4/258 | 2/266 | 1/153 | 3/184 | 0/130 | 4,617,480 || 83 | 6/507 | 7/340 | 4/262 | 2/268 | 2/155 | 2/186 | 0/130 | 4,718,053 || 84 | 8/515 | 8/348 | 4/266 | 2/270 | 1/156 | 3/189 | 0/130 | 4,818,626 || 85 | 9/524 | 10/358 | 4/270 | 2/272 | 2/158 | 3/192 | 0/130 | 4,919,199 || 86 | 8/532 | 8/366 | 5/275 | 2/274 | 2/160 | 3/195 | 0/130 | 5,019,772 || 87 | 7/539 | 5/371 | 3/278 | 2/276 | 2/162 | 2/197 | 0/130 | 5,120,345 || 88 | 8/547 | 8/379 | 5/283 | 1/277 | 1/163 | 3/200 | 0/130 | 5,220,918 |

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| 89 | 4/551 | 8/387 | 4/287 | 2/279 | 1/164 | 3/203 | 0/130 | 5,321,491 || 90 | 9/560 | 6/393 | 3/290 | 2/281 | 2/166 | 2/205 | 0/130 | 5,422,064 || 91 | 9/569 | 9/402 | 5/295 | 2/283 | 1/167 | 3/208 | 0/130 | 5,522,637 || 92 | 8/577 | 8/410 | 5/300 | 1/284 | 2/169 | 3/211 | 0/130 | 5,623,210 || 93 | 7/584 | 7/417 | 5/305 | 3/287 | 1/170 | 2/213 | 0/130 | 5,723,783 || 94 | 8/592 | 8/425 | 5/310 | 2/289 | 2/172 | 3/216 | 0/130 | 5,824,356 || 95 | 9/601 | 8/433 | 4/314 | 2/291 | 1/173 | 3/219 | 0/130 | 5,924,929 || 96 | 8/609 | 7/440 | 4/318 | 3/294 | 2/175 | 2/221 | 0/130 | 6,025,502 || 97 | 8/617 | 9/449 | 5/323 | 2/297 | 2/177 | 3/224 | 0/130 | 6,126,075 || 98 | 8/625 | 8/457 | 4/327 | 2/299 | 2/179 | 3/227 | 0/130 | 6,226,648 || 99 | 9/634 | 9/466 | 5/332 | 3/302 | 1/180 | 3/230 | 0/130 | 6,327,221 |------------------------------------------------------------------------------

_____________________________________________________________________________||[mech.005f] Cureslime(Curie) || =============================================================================

NOTE - Recruitment info provided by King_Zenith.

BEFORE COMPLETING THE GAME:Recruitment - After setting up a Dreamcard, 10 Dreamcards must be obtained (Tag Mode), and the woman blocking the stairs to the basement of the Suite Dreams manor will move. Enter the well in the basement and speak to Curie, and he will join.

AFTER COMPLETING THE GAME:Recruitment - After having completed the main game and saving the completion data, restart the starred save file, and go to the Dream Confession House to find Curie on the front lawn.

____________________________________________________________________________/ \Weapon - Poison Needle, Bone Stake, Stone Fangs, Boomerang, Staff of Ghent, Iron Claw, Poison Moth Knife, Edged Boomerang, Steel Fangs, Falcon Knife Earrings, Fire Claw, Lunar Fan, Icicle Dirk, Flametang Boomerang, Ferocious Fangs, Cobra Claw, Wizardly Whip, Miracle Sword, Solar Fan, Metal King Sword, Orichalcum Fangs

Armour - Rags, Boxer Shorts, Fur Cape, Slime Gooniform, Iron Cuirass, Cloak of Evasion, Tortoise Shell, Glombolero, Magical Skirt, Magic Armour, Flowing Dress, Slime Armour, Armour of Max Wynne, Angel Leotard, Metal King Armour

Helmet - Pointy Hat, Shellmet, Bunny Ears, Iron Mask, Duplic Hat, Hermes' Hat, Happy Hat, Slime Helmet, Metal King Helm

Shield - Pot Lid, Silver Platter, Power Shield, Silver Shield, Metal King Shield

Accessory - Slime Earrings, Raging Ruby, Bow Tie, Gold Ring, Prayer Ring, Trailblazing Bandana, Kerplunk Bracer, Kamikaze Bracer, Meteorite Bracer, Pink Pearl, Glass Slippers, Gospel Ring

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RESISTANCES (No Resistance = N, Weak = W, Strong = S, Immune = I): o----------------------------------------------------------------o | Frizz: N | Sizz: W | Bang: W | Crack: W | Woosh: N | |----------------------------------------------------------------| | Zap: N | Ice: N | Fire: N | Dazzle: W | Sleep: I | |----------------------------------------------------------------| | Death: I | Poof: I | DrainMP: S | Fizzle: S | Confu: S | |----------------------------------------------------------------| | Sap: N | Poison: N | Stop: N | Prlyz: I | Seal: I | |----------------------------------------------------------------o | Strike: N | Summon: N | o-------------------------o

o--------------------------------------------------------------------o|Starting Equipment - Nothing |o--------------------------------------------------------------------o

o---------------o---------------o-----o------------------------------------o| Natural Spell | Level Learned | Cost| Effects |o---------------o---------------o-----o------------------------------------o| Fullheal | Initial Spell | 7 | Heal 100%HP, Ally |o---------------o---------------o-----o------------------------------------o| Midheal | 6 | 5 | Heal 75-95, Ally |o---------------o---------------o-----o------------------------------------o| Kazing | 17 | 20 | Revive 100%HP, 100% Success, Ally |o---------------o---------------o-----o------------------------------------o| Multiheal | 20 | 18 | Heal 100-120, Party |o---------------o---------------o-----o------------------------------------o| Omniheal | 50 | 36 | Heal 100%HP, Party |o---------------o---------------o-----o------------------------------------o

o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 4 |111/111 | 28/28 |60/60 |95/95 |59/59 |14/14 |10/10 | 3529 || 5 | 2/113 | 3/31 | 0/60 | 2/97 | 2/61 | 2/16 | 0/10 | 5297 || 6 | 4/117 | 6/37 | 1/61 | 2/99 | 2/63 | 1/17 | 0/10 | 7376 || 7 | 3/120 | 3/40 | 0/61 | 1/100 | 3/66 | 2/19 | 0/10 | 9836 || 8 | 3/123 | 5/45 | 1/62 | 2/102 | 2/68 | 3/22 | 1/11 | 12769 || 9 | 4/127 | 3/48 | 1/63 | 2/104 | 1/69 | 2/24 | 0/11 | 16290 || 10 | 4/131 | 3/51 | 1/64 | 1/105 | 1/70 | 0/24 | 0/11 | 20548 || 11 | 2/133 | 5/56 | 1/65 | 0/105 | 2/72 | 2/26 | 0/11 | 26054 || 12 | 3/136 | 4/60 | 3/68 | 2/107 | 1/73 | 2/28 | 1/12 | 33211 || 13 | 2/138 | 2/62 | 0/68 | 2/109 | 0/73 | 2/30 | 0/12 | 42563 || 14 | 4/142 | 4/66 | 1/69 | 2/111 | 1/74 | 3/33 | 0/12 | 54859 || 15 | 2/144 | 2/68 | 0/69 | 1/112 | 1/75 | 2/35 | 0/12 | 71128 || 16 | 2/146 | 5/73 | 1/70 | 2/114 | 2/77 | 4/39 | 0/12 | 88062 || 17 | 3/149 | 2/75 | 1/71 | 3/117 | 1/78 | 2/41 | 1/13 | 106,088 || 18 | 3/152 | 6/81 | 0/71 | 1/118 | 1/79 | 2/43 | 0/13 | 125,859 || 19 | 2/154 | 3/84 | 1/72 | 2/120 | 2/81 | 3/46 | 0/13 | 148,369 || 20 | 2/156 | 4/88 | 0/72 | 2/122 | 1/82 | 2/48 | 0/13 | 175,143 || 21 | 4/160 | 5/93 | 1/73 | 2/124 | 1/83 | 3/51 | 1/14 | 198,894 || 22 | 3/163 | 6/99 | 1/74 | 0/124 | 1/84 | 1/52 | 0/14 | 220,191 || 23 | 2/165 | 4/103 | 1/75 | 3/127 | 2/86 | 3/55 | 0/14 | 239,512 || 24 | 4/169 | 6/109 | 1/76 | 2/129 | 1/87 | 2/57 | 0/14 | 257,264 |

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| 25 | 3/172 | 5/114 | 1/77 | 2/131 | 1/88 | 3/60 | 0/14 | 273,796 |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 26 | 2/174 | 4/118 | 0/77 | 2/133 | 1/89 | 2/62 | 0/14 | 289,409 || 27 | 4/178 | 6/124 | 1/78 | 2/135 | 1/90 | 2/64 | 1/15 | 304,365 || 28 | 3/181 | 5/129 | 1/79 | 1/136 | 0/90 | 4/68 | 0/15 | 318,899 || 29 | 3/184 | 5/134 | 2/81 | 3/139 | 1/91 | 3/71 | 0/15 | 333,218 || 30 | 3/187 | 7/141 | 1/82 | 2/141 | 1/92 | 3/74 | 0/15 | 347,515 || 31 | 2/189 | 8/149 | 2/84 | 1/142 | 1/93 | 2/76 | 0/15 | 363,895 || 32 | 3/192 | 9/158 | 1/85 | 2/144 | 1/94 | 3/79 | 0/15 | 382,711 || 33 | 2/194 | 11/169 | 2/87 | 2/146 | 1/95 | 2/81 | 1/16 | 404,389 || 34 | 2/196 | 12/181 | 1/88 | 1/147 | 1/96 | 3/84 | 0/16 | 429,446 || 35 | 3/199 | 10/191 | 1/89 | 1/148 | 1/97 | 2/86 | 0/16 | 458,515 || 36 | 4/203 | 11/202 | 1/90 | 1/149 | 2/99 | 2/88 | 0/16 | 492,372 || 37 | 2/205 | 8/210 | 1/91 | 1/150 | 2/101 | 2/90 | 0/16 | 531,976 || 38 | 3/208 | 7/217 | 1/92 | 2/152 | 2/103 | 2/92 | 0/16 | 578,519 || 39 | 4/212 | 10/227 | 1/93 | 2/154 | 2/105 | 1/93 | 1/17 | 633,490 || 40 | 3/215 | 11/238 | 1/94 | 1/155 | 2/107 | 2/95 | 0/17 | 698,758 || 41 | 3/218 | 7/245 | 2/96 | 2/157 | 2/109 | 2/97 | 0/17 | 776,681 || 42 | 3/221 | 8/253 | 2/98 | 2/159 | 1/110 | 1/98 | 0/17 | 870,245 || 43 | 5/226 | 9/262 | 1/99 | 2/161 | 2/112 | 2/100 | 0/17 | 983,252 || 44 | 4/230 | 8/270 | 2/101 | 1/162 | 2/114 | 2/102 | 0/17 | 1,120,552 || 45 | 3/233 | 7/277 | 2/103 | 1/163 | 1/115 | 2/104 | 1/18 | 1,288,358 || 46 | 7/240 | 10/287 | 4/107 | 2/165 | 3/118 | 1/105 | 0/18 | 1,447,375 || 47 | 7/247 | 5/262 | 3/110 | 1/166 | 2/120 | 0/105 | 0/18 | 1,599,424 || 48 | 8/255 | 9/271 | 1/111 | 2/168 | 3/123 | 1/106 | 0/18 | 1,746,189 || 49 | 7/262 | 10/281 | 4/115 | 3/171 | 3/126 | 2/108 | 1/19 | 1,889,244 || 50 | 5/267 | 6/287 | 4/119 | 3/174 | 3/129 | 2/110 | 0/19 | 2,030,079 |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 51 | 6/273 | 7/294 | 4/123 | 1/175 | 3/132 | 0/110 | 0/19 | 2,164,926 || 52 | 8/281 | 8/302 | 4/127 | 4/179 | 3/135 | 0/110 | 1/20 | 2,294,532 || 53 | 6/287 | 7/309 | 2/129 | 3/182 | 2/137 | 2/112 | 0/20 | 2,419,553 || 54 | 8/295 | 6/315 | 3/132 | 3/185 | 2/139 | 1/113 | 1/21 | 2,540,561 || 55 | 6/301 | 10/325 | 1/133 | 3/188 | 2/141 | 0/113 | 0/21 | 2,658,059 || 56 | 4/305 | 10/335 | 1/134 | 4/192 | 0/141 | 1/114 | 1/22 | 2,772,485 || 57 | 5/310 | 10/345 | 1/135 | 1/193 | 1/142 | 1/115 | 0/22 | 2,884,223 || 58 | 8/318 | 5/350 | 4/139 | 4/197 | 1/143 | 2/117 | 0/22 | 2,993,609 || 59 | 4/322 | 5/355 | 4/143 | 1/198 | 2/145 | 1/118 | 1/23 | 3,100,937 || 60 | 6/328 | 7/362 | 4/147 | 3/201 | 1/146 | 0/118 | 0/23 | 3,206,464 || 61 | 3/331 | 9/371 | 2/149 | 2/203 | 2/148 | 0/118 | 0/23 | 3,347,045 || 62 | 7/338 | 9/380 | 3/152 | 1/204 | 1/149 | 1/119 | 1/24 | 3,487,626 || 63 | 8/346 | 7/387 | 3/155 | 1/205 | 3/152 | 0/119 | 0/24 | 3,628,207 || 64 | 4/350 | 5/392 | 2/157 | 1/206 | 2/154 | 1/120 | 1/25 | 3,768,788 || 65 | 6/356 | 7/399 | 3/160 | 4/210 | 3/157 | 2/122 | 0/25 | 3,909,368 || 66 | 5/361 | 6/405 | 1/161 | 4/214 | 2/159 | 0/122 | 0/25 | 4,049,949 || 67 | 7/368 | 5/410 | 2/163 | 4/218 | 1/160 | 1/123 | 1/26 | 4,190,530 || 68 | 3/371 | 8/418 | 3/166 | 3/221 | 1/161 | 2/125 | 0/26 | 4,331,111 || 69 | 5/376 | 8/426 | 1/167 | 4/225 | 2/163 | 1/126 | 1/27 | 4,471,692 || 70 | 7/383 | 10/436 | 2/169 | 4/229 | 2/165 | 0/126 | 0/27 | 4,612,273 || 71 | 8/391 | 10/446 | 4/173 | 4/233 | 0/165 | 2/128 | 1/28 | 4,752,853 || 72 | 5/396 | 8/454 | 4/177 | 1/234 | 3/168 | 2/130 | 0/28 | 4,893,434 || 73 | 8/404 | 8/462 | 1/178 | 3/237 | 0/168 | 1/131 | 1/29 | 5,034,015 || 74 | 7/411 | 11/473 | 0/178 | 3/240 | 0/168 | 1/132 | 0/29 | 5,174,596 || 75 | 8/419 | 10/483 | 3/181 | 2/242 | 3/171 | 1/133 | 1/30 | 5,315,177 |

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o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 76 | 8/427 | 8/491 | 2/183 | 4/246 | 1/172 | 2/135 | 0/30 | 5,455,757 || 77 | 5/432 | 8/499 | 2/185 | 3/249 | 1/173 | 1/136 | 0/30 | 5,596,338 || 78 | 7/439 | 8/507 | 4/189 | 1/250 | 3/176 | 0/136 | 1/31 | 5,736,919 || 79 | 6/445 | 9/516 | 3/192 | 1/251 | 3/179 | 1/137 | 0/31 | 5,877,500 || 80 | 8/453 | 5/521 | 4/196 | 2/253 | 3/182 | 2/139 | 0/31 | 6,018,081 || 81 | 6/459 | 7/528 | 2/198 | 1/254 | 2/184 | 1/140 | 1/32 | 6,158,662 || 82 | 9/468 | 8/536 | 1/199 | 2/256 | 3/187 | 1/141 | 0/32 | 6,299,242 || 83 | 6/474 | 9/545 | 2/201 | 1/257 | 3/190 | 2/143 | 1/33 | 6,439,823 || 84 | 3/477 | 6/551 | 2/203 | 2/259 | 3/193 | 2/145 | 0/33 | 6,580,404 || 85 | 5/482 | 8/559 | 4/207 | 2/261 | 1/194 | 2/147 | 1/34 | 6,720,985 || 86 | 6/488 | 10/569 | 0/207 | 1/262 | 3/197 | 0/147 | 0/34 | 6,861,566 || 87 | 5/493 | 10/579 | 3/210 | 3/265 | 2/199 | 0/147 | 1/35 | 7,002,147 || 88 | 5/498 | 9/588 | 2/212 | 3/268 | 3/202 | 0/147 | 0/35 | 7,142,727 || 89 | 3/501 | 8/596 | 1/213 | 4/272 | 1/203 | 0/147 | 0/35 | 7,283,308 || 90 | 9/510 | 6/602 | 2/215 | 2/274 | 1/204 | 1/148 | 1/36 | 7,423,889 || 91 | 8/518 | 7/609 | 4/219 | 4/278 | 1/205 | 1/149 | 0/36 | 7,564,470 || 92 | 6/524 | 10/619 | 2/221 | 4/282 | 1/206 | 1/150 | 1/37 | 7,705,051 || 93 | 7/531 | 8/627 | 3/224 | 3/285 | 1/207 | 2/152 | 0/37 | 7,845,631 || 94 | 9/540 | 8/635 | 3/227 | 4/289 | 3/210 | 2/154 | 1/38 | 7,986,212 || 95 | 8/548 | 6/641 | 1/228 | 3/292 | 2/212 | 0/154 | 0/38 | 8,126,793 || 96 | 3/551 | 2/643 | 3/231 | 3/295 | 2/214 | 1/155 | 1/39 | 8,267,374 || 97 | 4/555 | 9/652 | 2/233 | 3/298 | 1/215 | 1/156 | 0/39 | 8,407,955 || 98 | 7/562 | 5/657 | 4/237 | 1/299 | 1/216 | 2/158 | 0/39 | 8,548,536 || 99 | 6/568 | 3/660 | 1/238 | 2/301 | 2/218 | 1/159 | 1/40 | 8,689,116 |------------------------------------------------------------------------------

_____________________________________________________________________________||[mech.005g] Shell Slime(Shelley) || =============================================================================

Note: Recruitment info provided by King_Zenith.

Recruitment - After obtaining Curie, the Cureslime, find Shell Slime in one of the various towns and wells he appears in. His final resting spot is the underwater Inn just north of the Fashion Smith. Speak to him with Curie in party and he will join.

____________________________________________________________________________/ \Weapon - Poison Needle, Bone Stake, Stone Fangs, Boomerang, Staff of Ghent, Iron Claw, Poison Moth Knife, Edged Boomerang, Steel Fangs, Falcon Knife Earrings, Fire Claw, Lunar Fan, Icicle Dirk, Flametang Boomerang, Ferocious Fangs, Cobra Claw, Wizardly Whip, Miracle Sword, Solar Fan, Metal King Sword, Orichalcum Fangs

Armour - Rags, Boxer Shorts, Fur Cape, Slime Gooniform, Iron Cuirass, Cloak of Evasion, Tortoise Shell, Glombolero, Magical Skirt, Magic Armour, Flowing Dress, Slime Armour, Armour of Max Wynne, Angel Leotard, Metal King Armour

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Helmet - Pointy Hat, Shellmet, Bunny Ears, Iron Mask, Duplic Hat, Hermes' Hat, Happy Hat, Slime Helmet, Metal King Helm

Shield - Pot Lid, Silver Platter, Power Shield, Silver Shield, Metal King Shield

Accessory - Slime Earrings, Raging Ruby, Bow Tie, Gold Ring, Prayer Ring, Trailblazing Bandana, Kerplunk Bracer, Kamikaze Bracer, Meteorite Bracer, Pink Pearl, Glass Slippers, Gospel Ring\____________________________________________________________________________/

RESISTANCES (No Resistance = N, Weak = W, Strong = S, Immune = I): o----------------------------------------------------------------o | Frizz: W | Sizz: W | Bang: W | Crack: W | Woosh: W | |----------------------------------------------------------------| | Zap: N | Ice: W | Fire: W | Dazzle: N | Sleep: N | |----------------------------------------------------------------| | Death: W | Poof: S | DrainMP: W | Fizzle: W | Confu: W | |----------------------------------------------------------------| | Sap: W | Poison: N | Stop: N | Prlyz: N | Seal: I | |----------------------------------------------------------------o | Strike: W | Summon: N | o-------------------------o

o--------------------------------------------------------------------o|Starting Equipment - Nothing |o--------------------------------------------------------------------o

o------------------o---------------o-----o----------------------------o| Natural Spell | Level Learned | Cost| Effects |o------------------o---------------o-----o----------------------------o| Kabuff | Initial Spell | 2 | Def +25%, Party |o------------------o---------------o-----o----------------------------o| Cool Breath | 5 | 0 | Ice 13-16, All |o------------------o---------------o-----o----------------------------o| Tidal Wave | 17 | 0 | Water 30-40, All |o------------------o---------------o-----o----------------------------o| Chilly Breath | 22 | 0 | Ice 50-60, All |o------------------o---------------o-----o----------------------------o| Freezing Blizzard| 35 | 0 | Ice 120-140, All |o------------------o---------------o-----o----------------------------

o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 3 | 72/72 | 3/3 |48/48 |51/51 |135/135|17/17 |18/18 | 1038 || 4 | 3/75 | 3/6 | 1/49 | 2/53 | 2/137 | 2/19 | 1/19 | 1689 || 5 | 3/78 | 2/8 | 1/50 | 2/55 | 2/139 | 3/22 | 0/19 | 2873 || 6 | 2/80 | 4/12 | 2/52 | 3/58 | 1/140 | 2/24 | 1/20 | 4190 || 7 | 2/82 | 3/15 | 1/53 | 2/60 | 2/142 | 0/24 | 0/20 | 5677 || 8 | 4/86 | 4/19 | 1/54 | 1/61 | 2/144 | 2/26 | 0/20 | 7389 || 9 | 5/91 | 3/22 | 0/54 | 2/63 | 1/145 | 3/29 | 1/21 | 9405 || 10 | 2/93 | 3/25 | 1/55 | 2/65 | 2/147 | 2/31 | 0/21 | 11821 || 11 | 3/96 | 4/29 | 1/56 | 1/66 | 1/148 | 2/33 | 0/21 | 14512 || 12 | 2/98 | 4/33 | 0/56 | 1/67 | 2/150 | 2/35 | 0/21 | 17536 || 13 | 1/99 | 4/37 | 1/57 | 1/68 | 1/151 | 1/36 | 1/22 | 20971 || 14 | 3/102 | 3/40 | 0/57 | 1/69 | 1/152 | 2/38 | 0/22 | 24921 |

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| 15 | 1/103 | 4/44 | 1/58 | 1/70 | 2/154 | 2/40 | 0/22 | 29519 || 16 | 3/106 | 3/47 | 0/58 | 2/72 | 0/154 | 1/41 | 0/22 | 35818 || 17 | 4/110 | 5/52 | 1/59 | 1/73 | 2/156 | 2/43 | 0/22 | 44464 || 18 | 4/114 | 6/58 | 1/60 | 0/73 | 1/157 | 1/44 | 1/23 | 55377 || 19 | 1/115 | 5/63 | 0/60 | 1/74 | 1/158 | 2/46 | 0/23 | 69411 || 20 | 2/117 | 5/68 | 0/60 | 1/75 | 2/160 | 1/47 | 0/23 | 87779 || 21 | 3/120 | 4/72 | 2/62 | 2/77 | 3/163 | 0/47 | 0/23 | 105,702 || 22 | 1/121 | 5/77 | 0/62 | 1/78 | 4/167 | 2/49 | 0/23 | 123,235 || 23 | 3/124 | 3/80 | 1/63 | 2/80 | 4/171 | 1/50 | 0/23 | 140,432 || 24 | 3/127 | 3/83 | 0/63 | 1/81 | 4/175 | 2/52 | 1/24 | 157,344 || 25 | 3/130 | 4/87 | 1/64 | 1/82 | 5/180 | 1/53 | 0/24 | 174,024 |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 26 | 2/132 | 4/91 | 0/64 | 1/83 | 4/184 | 2/55 | 0/24 | 190,522 || 27 | 2/135 | 3/94 | 1/65 | 0/83 | 5/189 | 2/57 | 0/24 | 207,451 || 28 | 1/136 | 2/96 | 2/67 | 1/84 | 5/194 | 2/59 | 1/25 | 224,983 || 29 | 3/139 | 3/99 | 1/68 | 2/86 | 5/199 | 2/61 | 0/25 | 243,312 || 30 | 3/142 | 2/101 | 2/70 | 1/87 | 5/204 | 1/62 | 0/25 | 262,658 || 31 | 3/145 | 3/104 | 2/72 | 1/88 | 5/209 | 2/64 | 0/25 | 285,567 || 32 | 2/147 | 2/106 | 3/75 | 1/89 | 5/214 | 2/66 | 0/25 | 312,714 || 33 | 2/149 | 4/110 | 4/79 | 1/90 | 6/220 | 1/67 | 1/26 | 344,904 || 34 | 4/153 | 3/113 | 1/80 | 1/91 | 5/225 | 2/69 | 0/26 | 383,100 || 35 | 2/155 | 2/115 | 3/83 | 1/92 | 6/231 | 2/71 | 0/26 | 428,457 || 36 | 4/159 | 3/118 | 3/86 | 0/92 | 6/237 | 1/72 | 0/26 | 482,351 || 37 | 4/163 | 2/120 | 3/89 | 1/93 | 5/242 | 2/74 | 0/26 | 546,436 || 38 | 2/165 | 2/122 | 3/92 | 1/94 | 4/246 | 3/77 | 0/26 | 622,691 || 39 | 1/166 | 4/126 | 2/94 | 1/95 | 4/250 | 2/79 | 1/27 | 713,489 || 40 | 3/169 | 3/129 | 3/97 | 1/96 | 3/253 | 2/81 | 0/27 | 821,677 || 41 | 2/171 | 2/131 | 2/99 | 1/97 | 2/255 | 1/82 | 0/27 | 943,532 || 42 | 4/175 | 1/132 | 2/101 | 1/98 | 1/256 | 2/84 | 0/27 | 1,082,043 || 43 | 2/177 | 3/135 | 2/103 | 1/99 | 2/258 | 0/84 | 1/28 | 1,240,853 || 44 | 2/179 | 3/138 | 1/104 | 1/100 | 2/260 | 1/85 | 1/29 | 1,424,404 || 45 | 3/182 | 4/142 | 3/107 | 1/101 | 1/261 | 1/86 | 1/30 | 1,638,106 || 46 | 3/185 | 12/154 | 3/110 | 1/102 | 2/263 | 1/87 | 0/30 | 1,846,559 || 47 | 3/188 | 7/161 | 2/112 | 1/103 | 2/265 | 1/88 | 1/31 | 2,049,925 || 48 | 1/189 | 8/169 | 4/116 | 1/104 | 2/267 | 2/90 | 0/31 | 2,248,364 || 49 | 1/190 | 9/178 | 3/119 | 1/105 | 2/269 | 1/91 | 0/31 | 2,442,030 || 50 | 2/192 | 6/184 | 2/121 | 1/106 | 1/270 | 2/93 | 0/31 | 2,631,073 |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 51 | 1/193 | 12/196 | 4/125 | 1/107 | 1/271 | 2/95 | 0/31 | 2,815,636 || 52 | 2/195 | 11/207 | 4/129 | 1/108 | 2/273 | 2/97 | 0/31 | 2,995,860 || 53 | 3/198 | 11/218 | 3/132 | 1/109 | 2/275 | 1/98 | 1/32 | 3,171,879 || 54 | 2/200 | 10/228 | 3/135 | 1/110 | 2/277 | 2/100 | 1/33 | 3,343,827 || 55 | 1/201 | 12/240 | 3/138 | 1/111 | 1/278 | 2/102 | 1/34 | 3,511,829 || 56 | 3/204 | 9/249 | 3/141 | 0/111 | 2/280 | 2/104 | 0/34 | 3,676,009 || 57 | 1/205 | 12/261 | 2/143 | 1/112 | 1/281 | 1/105 | 1/35 | 3,836,487 || 58 | 1/206 | 6/267 | 4/147 | 1/113 | 2/283 | 1/106 | 0/35 | 3,993,378 || 59 | 1/207 | 12/279 | 2/149 | 1/114 | 2/285 | 2/108 | 1/36 | 4,146,794 || 60 | 3/210 | 8/287 | 4/153 | 1/115 | 2/287 | 2/110 | 1/37 | 4,296,845 || 61 | 3/213 | 6/293 | 5/158 | 1/116 | 1/288 | 1/111 | 0/37 | 4,445,282 || 62 | 1/214 | 4/297 | 5/163 | 1/117 | 1/289 | 2/113 | 1/38 | 4,592,156 || 63 | 1/215 | 7/304 | 4/167 | 1/118 | 2/291 | 1/114 | 0/38 | 4,737,516 || 64 | 2/217 | 9/313 | 3/170 | 1/119 | 1/292 | 1/115 | 1/39 | 4,881,410 || 65 | 1/218 | 4/317 | 2/172 | 1/120 | 1/293 | 1/116 | 1/40 | 5,023,882 |

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| 66 | 3/221 | 8/325 | 3/175 | 1/121 | 2/295 | 2/118 | 1/41 | 5,164,978 || 67 | 1/222 | 6/331 | 3/178 | 1/122 | 2/297 | 1/119 | 0/41 | 5,304,740 || 68 | 1/223 | 11/342 | 3/181 | 1/123 | 1/298 | 2/121 | 1/42 | 5,443,211 || 69 | 1/224 | 11/353 | 4/185 | 1/124 | 2/300 | 2/123 | 0/42 | 5,580,430 || 70 | 1/225 | 12/365 | 5/190 | 1/125 | 2/302 | 2/125 | 0/42 | 5,716,437 || 71 | 2/227 | 5/370 | 3/193 | 1/126 | 1/303 | 2/127 | 1/43 | 5,851,269 || 72 | 1/228 | 8/378 | 4/197 | 1/127 | 2/305 | 1/128 | 0/43 | 5,984,963 || 73 | 1/229 | 10/388 | 2/199 | 1/128 | 2/307 | 1/129 | 1/44 | 6,117,556 || 74 | 2/231 | 6/394 | 5/204 | 1/129 | 2/309 | 2/131 | 0/44 | 6,249,080 || 75 | 1/232 | 13/407 | 4/208 | 1/130 | 1/310 | 1/132 | 1/45 | 6,379,570 |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 76 | 1/233 | 5/412 | 3/211 | 1/131 | 2/312 | 2/134 | 0/45 | 6,509,058 || 77 | 3/236 | 9/421 | 3/214 | 1/132 | 1/313 | 2/136 | 1/46 | 6,637,576 || 78 | 3/239 | 7/428 | 3/217 | 1/133 | 1/314 | 1/137 | 0/46 | 6,765,153 || 79 | 1/240 | 11/429 | 3/220 | 1/134 | 2/316 | 2/139 | 1/47 | 6,891,819 || 80 | 3/243 | 10/439 | 3/223 | 1/135 | 1/317 | 1/140 | 1/48 | 7,017,602 || 81 | 1/244 | 10/449 | 3/226 | 1/136 | 2/319 | 1/141 | 0/48 | 7,142,531 || 82 | 1/245 | 12/461 | 3/229 | 1/137 | 2/321 | 2/143 | 1/49 | 7,266,631 || 83 | 1/246 | 8/469 | 3/232 | 1/138 | 1/322 | 1/144 | 1/50 | 7,389,929 || 84 | 1/247 | 11/480 | 2/234 | 1/139 | 2/324 | 2/146 | 1/51 | 7,512,450 || 85 | 0/247 | 12/492 | 4/238 | 1/140 | 2/326 | 2/148 | 1/52 | 7,634,217 || 86 | 1/248 | 9/501 | 3/241 | 1/141 | 2/328 | 1/149 | 1/53 | 7,755,256 || 87 | 2/250 | 4/505 | 3/244 | 1/142 | 2/330 | 2/151 | 0/53 | 7,875,588 || 88 | 1/251 | 6/511 | 3/247 | 1/143 | 2/332 | 1/152 | 1/54 | 7,995,235 || 89 | 2/253 | 11/522 | 3/250 | 1/144 | 2/334 | 2/154 | 0/54 | 8,114,219 || 90 | 2/255 | 11/533 | 3/253 | 1/145 | 1/335 | 2/156 | 1/55 | 8,232,560 || 91 | 1/256 | 6/539 | 4/257 | 1/146 | 1/336 | 2/158 | 0/55 | 8,350,279 || 92 | 1/257 | 9/548 | 2/259 | 1/147 | 2/338 | 2/160 | 1/56 | 8,467,395 || 93 | 2/259 | 11/559 | 3/262 | 1/148 | 1/339 | 1/161 | 1/57 | 8,583,927 || 94 | 1/260 | 5/564 | 4/266 | 1/149 | 2/341 | 2/163 | 1/58 | 8,699,892 || 95 | 1/261 | 11/575 | 3/269 | 1/150 | 1/342 | 2/165 | 0/58 | 8,815,310 || 96 | 2/263 | 4/579 | 2/271 | 0/150 | 2/344 | 1/166 | 1/59 | 8,930,197 || 97 | 1/264 | 7/586 | 2/273 | 1/151 | 2/346 | 1/167 | 0/59 | 9,044,569 || 98 | 1/265 | 9/595 | 3/276 | 1/152 | 2/348 | 2/169 | 1/60 | 9,158,443 || 99 | 1/266 | 8/603 | 2/278 | 0/152 | 2/350 | 1/170 | 1/61 | 9,271,834 |------------------------------------------------------------------------------

_____________________________________________________________________________||[mech.005h] Liquid Metal Slime(Mercury) || =============================================================================

Note: Recruitment info provided by King_Zenith.

BEFORE COMPLETING THE GAME:Requirements - A Dreamcard must be created, and 20 Dreamcards must be gathered.

AFTER COMPLETING THE GAME:Requirements - After beating the game, save after the credits and play the starred Save.

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Recruitment - If either recruitment requirements are met, the curtain at the rear of the Suite Dreams manor will open. Enter and walk down the path to a forest round-about and an LMS who will run away at any approach. Keep chasing the LMS until the man offers to help trap it (similar to trapping the horse Peggy Sue in the beginning of the game). After trapping he lets the slime join the party but gives it the name Mercury.

____________________________________________________________________________/ \Weapon - Poison Needle, Bone Stake, Stone Fangs, Boomerang, Staff of Ghent, Iron Claw, Poison Moth Knife, Edged Boomerang, Steel Fangs, Falcon Knife Earrings, Fire Claw, Lunar Fan, Icicle Dirk, Flametang Boomerang, Ferocious Fangs, Cobra Claw, Wizardly Whip, Miracle Sword, Solar Fan, Metal King Sword, Orichalcum Fangs

Armour - Rags, Boxer Shorts, Fur Cape, Slime Gooniform, Iron Cuirass, Cloak of Evasion, Tortoise Shell, Glombolero, Magical Skirt, Magic Armour, Flowing Dress, Slime Armour, Armour of Max Wynne, Angel Leotard, Metal King Armour

Helmet - Pointy Hat, Shellmet, Bunny Ears, Iron Mask, Duplic Hat, Hermes' Hat, Happy Hat, Slime Helmet, Metal King Helm

Shield - Pot Lid, Silver Platter, Power Shield, Silver Shield, Metal King Shield

Accessory - Slime Earrings, Raging Ruby, Bow Tie, Gold Ring, Prayer Ring, Trailblazing Bandana, Kerplunk Bracer, Kamikaze Bracer, Meteorite Bracer, Pink Pearl, Glass Slippers, Gospel Ring\____________________________________________________________________________/

RESISTANCES (No Resistance = N, Weak = W, Strong = S, Immune = I): o----------------------------------------------------------------o | Frizz: I | Sizz: I | Bang: I | Crack: I | Woosh: I | |----------------------------------------------------------------| | Zap: I | Ice: I | Fire: I | Dazzle: I | Sleep: I | |----------------------------------------------------------------| | Death: I | Poof: W | DrainMP: I | Fizzle: I | Confu: I | |----------------------------------------------------------------| | Sap: I | Poison: I | Stop: I | Prlyz: I | Seal: I | |----------------------------------------------------------------o | Strike: I | Summon: I | o-------------------------o

o--------------------------------------------------------------------o|Starting Equipment - Nothing |o--------------------------------------------------------------------o

o---------------o---------------o-----o---------------------------------o| Natural Spell | Level Learned | Cost| Effects |o---------------o---------------o-----o---------------------------------o| Sizz | Initial Spell | 4 | Fire 15-25, Group |o---------------o---------------o-----o---------------------------------o| Kaclang | 3 | 2 | Turn party invincible for 3 |

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| | | | rounds (party inactive) |o---------------o---------------o-----o---------------------------------o| Zoom | 5 | 1 | Warp to Previously Visited Towns|o---------------o---------------o-----o---------------------------------o| Magic Burst | 7 | 100%| Fire 2x Current MP, All |o---------------o---------------o-----o---------------------------------o| Big Banga | 14 | 30 | Frizz 300-400, All |o---------------o---------------o-----o---------------------------------o

o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| Lvl| HP/MHP | MP/MMP | +/Str | +/Agi | +/Res | +/Wis |+/Style| Exp |o----o--------o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------------o| 1 | 7/7 | 30/30 |61/61 |150/150|500/500|50/50 |15/15 | 0 || 2 | 3/10 | 20/50 | 4/65 |10/160 | 0/500 | 0/50 |10/25 | 20000 || 3 | 2/12 | 20/70 | 4/69 |15/175 | 0/500 | 1/51 | 5/30 | 46250 || 4 | 3/15 | 20/90 | 4/73 |15/190 | 0/500 | 2/53 | 5/35 | 80703 || 5 | 2/17 | 30/120 | 5/78 | 3/193 | 0/500 | 2/55 | 3/38 | 145,302 || 6 | 3/20 | 30/150 | 5/83 | 3/196 | 0/500 | 2/57 | 3/41 | 266,425 || 7 | 2/22 | 30/180 | 5/88 | 4/200 | 0/500 | 3/60 | 4/45 | 493,530 || 8 | 3/25 | 18/198 | 9/97 | 4/204 | 0/500 | 1/61 | 3/48 | 763,217 || 9 | 3/28 | 18/216 | 9/106 | 4/208 | 0/500 | 1/62 | 3/51 | 1,083,470 || 10 | 2/30 | 18/234 |10/116 | 4/212 | 0/500 | 1/63 | 3/54 | 1,463,770 || 11 | 2/32 | 18/252 | 9/125 | 4/216 | 0/500 | 1/64 | 3/57 | 1,915,376 || 12 | 2/34 | 18/270 |10/135 | 4/220 | 0/500 | 1/65 | 3/60 | 2,341,658 || 13 | 6/40 | 57/327 |28/163 |70/290 | 0/500 | 1/66 | 7/67 | 3,021,457 || 14 | 8/48 | 58/385 |29/192 |70/360 | 0/500 | 1/67 | 8/75 | 3,626,868 || 15 | 7/55 | 57/442 |29/221 |70/430 | 0/500 | 1/68 | 7/82 | 4,270,117 || 16 | 5/60 | 58/500 |29/250 |70/500 | 0/500 | 2/70 | 8/90 | 4,953,569 |------------------------------------------------------------------------------

______________________________________________________________||[mech.005i] *****Slime Roster Breakdown/Comparison |||| || ==============================================================

This section is a direct comparison between the different recruited Slimesand how they break down at different levels. Just keep in mind that all statshave a base and a random seed of +/-1 to 5, with a typical range of 1-3, with4-5 being exceedingly rare. Most playthroughs will look very close from statto stat, level to level, and no matter how different, the system always worksto correct wild fluctuations to come up with level 99 stats that are within a+/-50 range for HP and MP, and a +/-15 range for normal stats (though +/-8 isthe typical range seen). Breaking this down into Level 10, 16, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80, and level 99.

NOTE: Keep in mind, LMS levels are different from other slimes, each level isequivalent to several levels from other slimes and humans. Rough equivalent:

LMS |Everyone Else-------------------------Level 1-5 |Level 20-30Level 6-10 |Level 30-40Level 11-12|Level 40-50Level 13-14|Level 50-70

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Level 15 |Level 80Level 16 |Level 99

_____________________/ \| Level 10 Comparison |\_____________________/

Stat|SKnig| Heal| Mott| King| Cure|Marin| LMS | First/Second Ranked-------------------------------------------------------------------- HP | 80 | 83 | 77 | 180 | 131 | 93 | 30 | King / Cure MP | 28 | 62 | 13 | 110 | 51 | 25 | 234 | LMS / King Str | 55 | 34 | 35 | 80 | 64 | 55 | 116 | LMS / King Agi | 50 | 47 | 27 | 73 | 105 | 65 | 212 | LMS / King Res | 48 | 37 | 20 | 76 | 70 | 147 | 500 | LMS / Marine Wis | 31 | 18 | 14 | 85 | 25 | 31 | 63 | King / LMS Sty | 17 | 18 | 7 | 23 | 11 | 21 | 54 | LMS / King

_____________________/ \| Level 16 Comparison | <-----LMS Maxes its level here, all subsequent LMS\_____________________/ showings will use its level 16 Stats.

Stat|SKnig| Heal| Mott| King| Cure|Marin| LMS | First/Second Ranked-------------------------------------------------------------------- HP | 139 | 134 | 130 | 210 | 145 | 106 | 60 | King / Cure MP | 48 | 86 | 22 | 170 | 73 | 47 | 500 | LMS / King Str | 66 | 43 | 50 | 85 | 71 | 58 | 250 | LMS / King Agi | 73 | 75 | 37 | 86 | 114 | 72 | 500 | LMS / Cure Res | 56 | 55 | 29 | 85 | 78 | 154 | 500 | LMS / Marine Wis | 44 | 34 | 19 | 103 | 40 | 41 | 70 | King / LMS Sty | 17 | 19 | 13 | 25 | 12 | 22 | 90 | LMS / King

_____________________/ \| Level 20 Comparison | <-----Starting level for normal Slime.\_____________________/

Stat|SKnig| Heal| Mott|Slime| King| Cure|Marin| LMS | First/Second Ranked-------------------------------------------------------------------------- HP | 160 | 155 | 153 | 110 | 250 | 155 | 117 | 60 | King / Knight MP | 60 | 110 | 30 | 27 | 210 | 88 | 68 | 500 | LMS / King Str | 70 | 50 | 71 | 53 | 95 | 73 | 60 | 250 | LMS / King Agi | 85 | 86 | 48 | 85 | 91 | 122 | 75 | 500 | LMS / Cure Res | 60 | 60 | 35 | 24 | 91 | 83 | 160 | 500 | LMS / Marine Wis | 52 | 41 | 24 | 50 | 120 | 49 | 47 | 70 | King / LMS Sty | 19 | 21 | 21 | 20 | 28 | 13 | 23 | 90 | LMS / King

_____________________/ \| Level 30 Comparison |\_____________________/

Stat|SKnig| Heal| Mott|Slime| King| Cure|Marin| LMS | First/Second Ranked--------------------------------------------------------------------------

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HP | 250 | 193 | 243 | 170 | 300 | 186 | 141 | 60 | King / Knight MP | 92 | 192 | 44 | 44 | 300 | 140 | 101 | 500 | LMS / King Str | 92 | 62 | 105 | 80 | 120 | 83 | 70 | 250 | LMS / King Agi | 95 | 105 | 65 | 110 | 107 | 142 | 87 | 500 | LMS / Cure Res | 67 | 76 | 48 | 57 | 97 | 93 | 204 | 500 | LMS / Marine Wis | 67 | 55 | 37 | 65 | 180 | 75 | 62 | 70 | King / LMS Sty | 25 | 26 | 29 | 30 | 30 | 15 | 25 | 90 | LMS / King + Slime

_____________________/ \| Level 40 Comparison |\_____________________/

Stat|SKnig| Heal| Mott|Slime| King| Cure|Marin| LMS | First/Second Ranked-------------------------------------------------------------------------- HP | 296 | 230 | 322 | 223 | 375 | 214 | 168 | 60 | King / Mottle MP | 110 | 300 | 54 | 74 | 400 | 235 | 128 | 500 | LMS / King Str | 114 | 70 | 135 | 113 | 155 | 95 | 98 | 250 | LMS / King Agi | 115 | 120 | 75 | 156 | 113 | 156 | 95 | 500 | LMS / King + Cure Res | 95 | 105 | 57 | 72 | 100 | 108 | 253 | 500 | LMS / Marine Wis | 95 | 70 | 45 | 81 | 200 | 96 | 81 | 70 | King / Cure Sty | 31 | 30 | 35 | 37 | 32 | 17 | 27 | 90 | LMS / Slime

_____________________/ \| Level 50 Comparison |\_____________________/

Stat|SKnig| Heal| Mott|Slime| King| Cure|Marin| LMS | First/Second Ranked-------------------------------------------------------------------------- HP | 351 | 290 | 397 | 276 | 450 | 261 | 192 | 60 | King / Mottle MP | 167 | 375 | 81 | 110 | 500 | 311 | 181 | 500 | LMS + King / Cure Str | 141 | 100 | 167 | 140 | 190 | 120 | 120 | 250 | LMS / King Agi | 136 | 150 | 80 | 193 | 120 | 175 | 104 | 500 | LMS / Slime Res | 121 | 122 | 67 | 93 | 103 | 130 | 270 | 500 | LMS / Marine Wis | 122 | 95 | 50 | 101 | 220 | 111 | 93 | 70 | King / Knight Sty | 37 | 35 | 42 | 70 | 35 | 19 | 31 | 90 | LMS + Slime / Knight

_____________________/ \| Level 60 Comparison |\_____________________/

Stat|SKnig| Heal| Mott|Slime| King| Cure|Marin| LMS | First/Second Ranked-------------------------------------------------------------------------- HP | 414 | 350 | 474 | 330 | 531 | 322 | 210 | 60 | King / Mottle MP | 261 | 450 | 139 | 150 | 581 | 385 | 282 | 500 | King / LMS Str | 173 | 130 | 201 | 160 | 224 | 148 | 154 | 250 | LMS / King Agi | 159 | 180 | 84 | 220 | 126 | 202 | 113 | 500 | LMS / Slime Res | 143 | 140 | 75 | 120 | 106 | 147 | 287 | 500 | LMS / Marine Wis | 146 | 120 | 55 | 125 | 236 | 119 | 110 | 70 | King / Knight Sty | 41 | 40 | 45 | 130 | 36 | 23 | 36 | 90 | Slime / LMS

_____________________/ \| Level 80 Comparison |\_____________________/

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Stat|SKnig| Heal| Mott|Slime| King| Cure|Marin| LMS | First/Second Ranked-------------------------------------------------------------------------- HP | 540 | 478 | 625 | 494 | 694 | 441 | 246 | 60 | King / Mottle MP | 450 | 629 | 236 | 303 | 744 | 539 | 439 | 500 | King / Heal Str | 238 | 165 | 274 | 247 | 294 | 197 | 223 | 250 | King / Mottle Agi | 206 | 195 | 93 | 261 | 138 | 253 | 133 | 500 | LMS / Slime Res | 187 | 170 | 92 | 150 | 113 | 184 | 317 | 500 | LMS / Marine Wis | 194 | 135 | 65 | 178 | 268 | 140 | 140 | 70 | King / Knight Sty | 51 | 45 | 51 | 130 | 38 | 31 | 47 | 90 | Slime / LMS

_____________________/ \| Level 99 Comparison |\_____________________/

Stat|SKnig| Heal| Mott|Slime| King| Cure|Marin| LMS | First/Second Ranked-------------------------------------------------------------------------- HP | 660 | 600 | 770 | 650 | 850 | 550 | 270 | 60 | King / Mottle MP | 630 | 800 | 320 | 450 | 900 | 680 | 600 | 500 | King / Heal Str | 300 | 200 | 340 | 330 | 360 | 240 | 280 | 250 | King / Mottle Agi | 250 | 210 | 100 | 300 | 150 | 300 | 150 | 500 | LMS / Slime + Cure Res | 230 | 200 | 110 | 180 | 120 | 220 | 350 | 500 | LMS / Marine Wis | 240 | 150 | 70 | 230 | 300 | 160 | 170 | 70 | King / Knight Sty | 60 | 50 | 60 | 130 | 40 | 40 | 60 | 90 | Slime / LMS

______________________________________________________________||[mech.006] *****Alltrades Abbey and Vocation |||| Change***** || ==============================================================

Dragon Quest VI brings back the vocation change system and Alltrades Abbey(once called Dharma/Dhama Shrine), only changing it from DQIII and separatingvocation level from character level. If you change vocations, it has no effecton your character level. You have a tiered vocation system as well, with a setof basic vocations that everyone can learn, and by learning sets of basicvocations, secondary vocations are unlocked. There are three specialvocations, Hero, Dragon, and Liquid Metal. Hero vocation is learned by theHero after mastering one secondary vocation, but for everyone else, three mustfirst be mastered. Dragon and Liquid Metal Slime are secrets which will berevealed later.

After defeating Murdaw, the first Dread Fiend, Alltrades Abbey will beunlocked in the world of dreams. There any party member, human or slime, cantake on a specific Vocation. Just talk to the guy at the top of the stairs inthe middle of the main room, pick the character, then pick the vocation tochange to. When browsing the vocation options, the status changes broughtabout by each vocation can be viewed.

Vocations do not alter your level, as they all have their own level,

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capping at 8. Each level is gained by fighting a certain number of battlesand killing at least one enemy in that battle (so if every enemy is Poofed, orthey run, no point is awarded towards job leveling). Each battle won is onepoint. However, each area fought in has a level cap, and any character overthat level cap is ineligible to gain battle points towards job levels. Forexample, Carver is the fastest leveling character, and thusly the first to passthe level cap. If leveling in an area with a cap of 20, Carver is level 21,and everyone else is between 16 and 20, Carver cannot gain any points towardshis job level, but everyone else is eligible because they are either at thelevel cap, or some level below it.

Each job will alter your base stats in certain ways. First Tier vocationsdecrease more than increase stats. Second teir and the special vocations arethe opposite, offering more increases than decreases. Hero is the onlyvocation that has no decreases for any stat. There are no bonuses formastering a tier one vocation, but there are for tier two, Hero, and bothspecial vocations. The Hero vocation is the only one with a special feature,that starting on level 4 you heal HP every round.

*IMPORTANT*- Mastery bonuses for Tier Two classes do NOT carry between classes and are not tied to the character, only to the class, so if you switch back to mastered second tier and specialty classes the bonus will still be there to enjoy. It's just another reason to stick with certain classes even after mastering them.

_____________________________________________________________________________||[mech.006a] Tier One: Warrior || =============================================================================

Battles to master: 150

Status changes: _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ | HP | MP | Str | Agi | Res | Wis |Style | Total | o------o------o------o------o------o------o------o----------o | +10% | -60% | +10% | -35% | 0% | -30% | 0 | -105% | -------------------------------------------------------------

Levels, Skills, Spells:

____ _________ __________________ ______ ____________________ / Lv \/ Battles \/ Skill Name \/ Cost \/ Description \ o===================================================================o | 1 | 1 (1) | - | - | - | | 2 | 9 (10) | Focus Strength | 0 | 2-2.5x Damage on next| | | | | | attack | | 3 | 10 (20) | - | - | - | | 4 | 15 (35) | Double-Edged Slash| 0 | 1.5x Damage to Enemy | | | | | | 0.25x Damage to User | | 5 | 20 (55) | Mercurial Thrust | 0 | Strike First, 0.8x | | | | | | Damage | | 6 | 30 (85) | Frenzy | 0 | 2x Damage, ignore Def| | | | | | hits Enemy/Ally |

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| 7 | 30 (115) | Falcon Slash | 0 | 2x Hit, 0.75x Damage | | 8 | 35 (150) | Hatchet Man | 0 | 37.5% Crit or Miss | o-------------------------------------------------------------------o

_____________________________________________________________________________||[mech.006b] Tier One: Martial Artist || =============================================================================

Battles to master: 200

Status changes: _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ | HP | MP | Str | Agi | Res | Wis |Style | Total | o------o------o------o------o------o------o------o----------o | 0% | -50% | 0% | +15% | -10% | -20% | 0% | -65% | -------------------------------------------------------------

Special: Critical Hit rate is increased by 4x?

Levels, Skills, Spells:

____ _________ _________________ ______ ______________________ / Lv \/ Battles \/ Skill Name \/ Cost \/ Description \ o====================================================================o | 1 | 1 (1) | Leg Sweep | 0 | Stuns enemy for a round| | 2 | 15 (16) | Roundhouse Kick | 0 | Group attack, 1x, .8x, | | | | | | .7x, ... | | 3 | 16 (32) | Wind Sickles | 0 | User LVx3 (+/-10) | | 4 | 28 (60) | Dodgy Dance | 0 | Increases Evasion | | 5 | 30 (90) | Knuckle Sandwich | 0 | 2x Damage, often misses| | 6 | 35 (125) | Pressure Pointer | 0 | ~20-30% Instant Kill | | | | | | 50% Damage if miss | | 7 | 33 (158) | Heave-Ho | 0 | Attempt to remove enemy| | | | | | no EXP/Gold if success | | 8 | 42 (200) | Multifists | 0 | 4x Hit, 0.5x per, Hits | | | | | | Randomly | o--------------------------------------------------------------------o

_____________________________________________________________________________||[mech.006c] Tier One: Mage || =============================================================================

Battles to master: 180

Status changes: _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ | HP | MP | Str | Agi | Res | Wis |Style | Total | o------o------o------o------o------o------o------o----------o | -40% | +10% | -40% | -5% | -40% | +20% | 0% | -95% | -------------------------------------------------------------

Levels, Skills, Spells:

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____ _________ _____________ ______ ________________________ / Lv \/ Battles \/ Skill Name \/ Cost \/ Description \ o==================================================================o | 1 | 1 (1) | Frizzle | 4 | 70-90 Frizz Damage | | | | Snooze | 3 | Put enemy to Sleep | | 2 | 12 (13) | Sizz | 4 | Group, 16-24 Sizz Damage | | | | Dazzle | 5 | All, Blind Enemies, Hit | | | | | | rate /4 | | 3 | 15 (28) | Sizzle | 6 | Group, 30-42 Sizz Damage | | | | Zoom | 1 | Warp Party to known Towns| | 4 | 15 (43) | Fuddle | 5 | Group, Cause Confusion | | | | Kasap | 4 | Group, Reduce Def 25% | | 5 | 32 (75) | Boom | 8 | All, 52-68 Bang Damage | | | | Evac | 8 | Warp Party out of Dungeon| | 6 | 30 (105) | Crackle | 5 | Group, 42-58 Crack Damage| | | | Drain Magic | 0 | Steal enemy MP | | 7 | 40 (145) | Kasnooze | 5 | Group, Strong Sleep | | 8 | 35 (180) | Kasizzle | 10 | Group, 88-112 Sizz Damage| | | | Bounce | 4 | Self, Reflect all Spells | o------------------------------------------------------------------o

_____________________________________________________________________________||[mech.006d] Tier One: Priest || =============================================================================

Battles to master: 160

Status changes: _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ | HP | MP | Str | Agi | Res | Wis |Style | Total | o------o------o------o------o------o------o------o----------o | -20% | 0% | -20% | -10% | -30% | +10% | 0% | -70% | -------------------------------------------------------------

Levels, Skills, Spells:

____ _________ ____________ ______ ____________________________ / Lv \/ Battles \/ Skill Name \/ Cost \/ Description \ o=====================================================================o | 1 | 1 (1) | Heal | - | 30-40 HP recovery | | | | Poof | 1 | Group, Remove Weak Enemy no | | | | | | EXP/Gold if success | | 2 | 18 (19) | Woosh | 2 | Group, 8-24 Woosh Damage | | | | Squelch | 2 | Removes Poison | | 3 | 18 (37) | Buff | 2 | Raise Defense 50% | | | | Fizzle | 3 | Group, Cancel Spell/Skill Use| | 4 | 13 (50) | Midheal | 5 | 75-95 HP recovery | | | | Tingle | 2 | Remove Sleep/Paralysis | | 5 | 30 (80) | Whack | 4 | Chance to cause Death | | | | Kabuff | 3 | Party, Raise Defense 25% | | 6 | 20 (100) | Swoosh | 4 | Group, 25-55 Woosh Damage | | 7 | 30 (130) | Thwack | 7 | Group, Chance to cause Death | | | | Fullheal | 7 | 100% HP recovery | | 8 | 30 (160) | Zing | 10 | 50% Revive Success, 50% HP | o---------------------------------------------------------------------o

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_____________________________________________________________________________||[mech.006e] Tier One: Dancer || =============================================================================

Battles to master: 120

Status changes: _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ | HP | MP | Str | Agi | Res | Wis |Style | Total | o------o------o------o------o------o------o------o----------o | -30% | -20% | -30% | +30% | -40% | 0% | +10% | -80% | -------------------------------------------------------------

Special: Increased evasion.

Levels, Skills, Spells:

____ _________ ________________ ______ _____________________________ / Lv \/ Battles \/ Skill Name \/ Cost \/ Description \ o==========================================================================o | 1 | 1 (1) | Sultry Dance | 0 | Stun Enemy One Round | | 2 | 4 (5) | Dodgy Dance | 0 | Increase User Evasion | | 3 | 13 (18) | Wierd Dance | 0 | Reduce Enemy MP | | 4 | 20 (38) | Fuddle Dance | 0 | Group, Confuse Enemy | | 5 | 15 (53) | Cop Out | 0 |Increase Evasion, 20-30% Chance| | | | | | to Deflect physical attacks on| | | | | | Foe/Ally. | | 6 | 29 (82) | Ban Dance | 0 | Group, Seals Dances | | 7 | 15 (97) | Tap Dance | 0 | Absorb Enemy MP | | 8 | 23 (120) | Death Dance | 0 | All, Attempt to Instant Kill | o--------------------------------------------------------------------------o

_____________________________________________________________________________||[mech.006f] Tier One: Thief || =============================================================================

Battles to master: 140

Status changes: _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ | HP | MP | Str | Agi | Res | Wis |Style | Total | o------o------o------o------o------o------o------o----------o | -10% | -40% | -10% | +20% | -30% | -10% | -20% | -100% | -------------------------------------------------------------

Special: while in active party, Thieves have a chance to steal an item from a single enemy at the end of battle.

Levels, Skills, Spells:

____ _________ _________________ ______ ____________________________ / Lv \/ Battles \/ Skill Name \/ Cost \/ Description \

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o==========================================================================o | 1 | 1 (1) | Sandstorm | 0 | All, lower Enemy Hit Rate | | 2 | 7 (8) | Eye for Distance | 0 | Map, Zoom Out on World Map | | 3 | 9 (17) | Stone's Throw | 0 | Group, 10-25 Damage | | 4 | 13 (30) | Shove | 0 | Removes weak Monster, no | | | | | | EXP/Gold | | 5 | 18 (48) | Storyteller | 2 | Map, Shows Current Floor | | 6 | 18 (66) | Padfoot | 0 | Map, Prevents Battle with | | | | | | Weaker Monsters | | 7 | 44 (110) | Nose for Treasure| 0 | Map, Displays Treasure Count | | 8 | 30 (140) | Snoop | 2 | Map, Uncovers Hidden Treasure| o--------------------------------------------------------------------------o

_____________________________________________________________________________||[mech.006g] Tier One: Monster Master || =============================================================================

Battles to master: 165

Status changes: _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ | HP | MP | Str | Agi | Res | Wis |Style | Total | o------o------o------o------o------o------o------o----------o | -20% | -30% | -15% | 0% | -20% | 0% | 0% | -85% | -------------------------------------------------------------

Special: Small % chance for enemies to begin Sleeping or attempt to flee on the first round.

Levels, Skills, Spells:

____ _________ ________________ ______ _____________________________ / Lv \/ Battles \/ Skill Name \/ Cost \/ Description \ o==========================================================================o | 1 | 1 (1) | - | - | - | | 2 | 17 (18) | Sweet Breath | 0 | Group, Put Enemies to Sleep | | 3 | 15 (33) | Poison Breath | 0 | Group, Attempt to Poison | | 4 | 25 (58) | Tongue Bashing | 0 | Reduce Enemy Defense to 0, May| | | | | | also stun an enemy. | | 5 | 19 (77) | Cool Breath | 0 | All, 13-16 Ice Damage | | 6 | 16 (93) | Flame Breath | 0 | All, 30-40 Fire Damage | | 7 | 32 (125) | Burning Breath | 0 | Group, Attempt to Paralyze | | 8 | 40 (165) | Puff! | 18 | Turn into AI-Controlled Dragon| o--------------------------------------------------------------------------o

_____________________________________________________________________________||[mech.006h] Tier One: Merchant || =============================================================================

Battles to master: 130

Status changes:

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_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ | HP | MP | Str | Agi | Res | Wis |Style | Total | o------o------o------o------o------o------o------o----------o | 0% | -50% | -5% | -40% | -20% | +20% | -20% | -115% | -------------------------------------------------------------

Special: 10% extra Gold dropped at the end of every battle.

Levels, Skills, Spells:

____ _________ ________________ ______ _____________________________ / Lv \/ Battles \/ Skill Name \/ Cost \/ Description \ o==========================================================================o | 1 | 1 (1) | Peep | 1 | Item, Check Chest/Pot | | | | | | Opens door to The Spiegelspire| | 2 | 6 (7) | Muster Strength | 0 | 2-2.5x Damage on next attack | | 3 | 8 (15) | Dig | 0 | Map, Dig to uncover Gold/Items| | 4 | 9 (24) | Weird Dance | 0 | Reduce Enemy MP | | 5 | 16 (40) | War Cry | 0 | All, Attempt to Stun Enemies | | 6 | 25 (65) | Body Slam | 0 | 80% HP damage Enemy/User | | 7 | 30 (95) | Service Call | 15 | Call random Church, Inn, Item,| | | | | | Weapon, Armour, Village Store | | 8 | 35 (130) | Call to Arms | Lvx50g| Summon Army to attack 4x, | | | | | | (LV*2) +/-25 damage | o--------------------------------------------------------------------------o

_____________________________________________________________________________||[mech.006i] Tier One: Gadabout || =============================================================================

Battles to master: 155

Status changes: _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ | HP | MP | Str | Agi | Res | Wis |Style | Total | o------o------o------o------o------o------o------o----------o | -30% | -40% | -30% | -30% | -40% | -20% | +5% | -185% | -------------------------------------------------------------

Special: Small % chance that grows with every job level to override normal behaviour and use the skill, Lucky Dip. Each job level adds a new Lucky Dip behaviour.

Levels, Skills, Spells:

____ _________ ________________ ______ __________________________ / Lv \/ Battles \/ Skill Name \/ Cost \/ Description \ o=======================================================================o | 1 | 1 (1) | Lucky Dip | 0 | Random Effects | | 2 | 11 (12) | Whistle | 0 | Map, Starts a Battle | | 3 | 13 (25) | Tongue Lashing | 0 | Try to Stun an Enemy | | 4 | 20 (45) | Puff-Puff | 0 | Female - Stun Enemy | | | | | | Male - Damage Enemy | | 5 | 22 (67) | Nap | 0 | Map/Battle, User Sleeps to | | | | | | restore HP/MP |

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| 6 | 15 (82) | Tongue Bashing | 0 | Reduce Enemy Defense to 0, | | | | | | May also Stun an Enemy | | 7 | 36 (118) | Follow Suit | 0 | Counters with same attack | | 8 | 37 (155) | Hocus-Pocus | 0 | Random Effects [spell.002] | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------o

_____________________________________________________________________________||[mech.006j] Tier Two: Gladiator || =============================================================================

Requirements: Must master Warrior and Martial ArtistBattles to master: 250Mastery bonus: Strength + 20

Status changes: _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ | HP | MP | Str | Agi | Res | Wis |Style | Total | o------o------o------o------o------o------o------o----------o | +20% | -40% | +15% | +10% | +10% | -20% | 0% | -5% | -------------------------------------------------------------

Special: Small % chance to brush off enemy attacks (works like a dodge/parry).

Levels, Skills, Spells:

____ _________ ________________ ______ _____________________________ / Lv \/ Battles \/ Skill Name \/ Cost \/ Description \ o==========================================================================o | 1 | 1 (1) | Gust Slash | 0 | 1.3x Woosh Damage | | 2 | 14 (15) | Undead Undoer | 0 | 1.5x Vs. Undead | | 3 | 20 (35) | Cop Out | 0 |Increase Evasion, 20-30% Chance| | | | | | to Deflect physical attacks on| | | | | | Foe/Ally. | | 4 | 30 (65) | Multislice | 0 | All, 1x, .8x, .7x, ... Strike | | 5 | 35 (100) | Flying Knee | 0 | 1.5x Vs. Flying | | 6 | 40 (140) | Dragon Slash | 0 | 1.5x Vs. Dragons | | 7 | 50 (190) | Boulder Toss | 0 | 90-130 Damage | | 8 | 60 (250) | Metal Slash | 0 | +1 Damage Vs. Metal Slime-Type| | | | | | 1.5x Vs. all other Metals | o--------------------------------------------------------------------------o

_____________________________________________________________________________||[mech.006k] Tier Two: Armamentalist || =============================================================================

Requirements: Must master Warrior and MageBattles to master: 240Mastery bonus: MP + 20

Status changes: _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ | HP | MP | Str | Agi | Res | Wis |Style | Total | o------o------o------o------o------o------o------o----------o

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| -10% | +10% | +5% | -10% | -15% | 0% | 0% | -20% | -------------------------------------------------------------

Special: None, the only second tier vocation without a special ability.

Levels, Skills, Spells:

____ _________ _________________ ______ ________________________ / Lv \/ Battles \/ Skill Name \/ Cost \/ Description \ o======================================================================o | 1 | 1 (1) | Flame Slash | 0 | 1.3x Frizz Damage | | 2 | 11 (12) | Oomph | 6 | 2x Attack buff | | 3 | 12 (24) | Lightning Slash | 0 | 1.3x Bang Damage | | 4 | 26 (50) | Bound | 4 | Party, Reflect One Spell | | 5 | 40 (90) | Kacrackle Slash | 0 | 1.3x Crack Damage | | 6 | 50 (140) | Bazoom | 8 | Remove Enemy from Battle | | | | | | (Boss Immune) | | 7 | 50 (190) | Magma Blast | 0 | All, 70-85 Fire Damage | | 8 | 50 (240) | Kafrizzle | 10 | 180-200 Frizz Damage | o----------------------------------------------------------------------o

_____________________________________________________________________________||[mech.006l] Tier Two: Paladin || =============================================================================

Requirements: Must master Martial Artist and PriestBattles to master: 260Mastery bonus: HP + 20

Status changes: _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ | HP | MP | Str | Agi | Res | Wis |Style | Total | o------o------o------o------o------o------o------o----------o | 0% | 0% | +10% | +15% | 0% | +15% | 0% | +40% | -------------------------------------------------------------

Special: Chance to inflict instant Death when using normal Physical attacks.

Levels, Skills, Spells:

____ _________ _________________ ______ ___________________________ / Lv \/ Battles \/ Skill Name \/ Cost \/ Description \ o=========================================================================o | 1 | 1 (1) | Selflessness | 0 | Defends an Ally | | 2 | 24 (25) | Thin Air | 0 | All, (Lv*2 + 50)*Modifier | | | | | | Woosh damage, cap of 165. | | | | | | 1.3x Vs. Undead | | 3 | 25 (50) | Double Up | 0 | 2x Damage, User and Enemy | | | | | | Always goes First | | 4 | 30 (80) | Kaswoosh | 8 | Group, 80-180 Woosh Damage | | 5 | 35 (115) | Magic Barrier | 3 | Party, Magic Damage 1/2 | | 6 | 40 (155) | Forbearance | 0 | Defends Party | | 7 | 45 (200) | Kerplunk | 100% | Sacrifice User, Revive Party| | 8 | 60 (260) | Pearly Gates | 20 | All, 180-210 Woosh Damage | | | | | | 1.3x Vs. Undead |

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_____________________________________________________________________________||[mech.006m] Tier Two: Sage || =============================================================================

Requirements: Must master Mage and PriestBattles to master: 270Mastery bonus: MP + 20

Status changes: _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ | HP | MP | Str | Agi | Res | Wis |Style | Total | o------o------o------o------o------o------o------o----------o | -20% | +20% | -30% | +5% | -20% | +20% | 0% | -25% | -------------------------------------------------------------

Special: Starting from level 3 Sages get a reduction in MP cost for all skills and spells. Level 3: MP Cost 7/8 Level 5: MP Cost 6/8 Level 7: MP Cost 5/8 Level 8: MP Cost 1/2

Levels, Skills, Spells:

____ _________ _________________ ______ ___________________________ / Lv \/ Battles \/ Skill Name \/ Cost \/ Description \ o=========================================================================o | 1 | 1 (1) | Absorb Magic | 2 | Absorb MP of Spells used | | | | | | against Caster | | 2 | 14 (15) | Insulatle | 3 | Party, Non-Magic Fire and | | | | | | Ice 1/2 | | 3 | 25 (40) | Bazoom | 8 | Remove Enemy from Battle | | | | | | (Boss Immune) | | | | Oomph | 6 | 2x Attack Buff | | 4 | 30 (70) | Tidal Wave | 0 | All, 30-40 Woosh Damage | | | | Summon | 20 | Summon Spirit, Ability and | | | | | | Power based on User Lv see | | | | | | [spell.004] | | 5 | 40 (110) | Multiheal | 18 | Party, 100-120 HP recovery | | | | Fissure | 0 | All, 20-30% Instant Death | | 6 | 40 (150) | Kazing | 20 | 100% Revive Success, 100% HP| | | | Kacrackle | 12 | All, 80-104 Crack Damage | | 7 | 60 (210) | Magic Barrier | 3 | Party, Magic Damage 1/2 | | | | Kamikaze | 1 | Sacrifice to Damage Enemy | | 8 | 60 (270) | Kaboom | 15 | All, 130-150 Bang Damage | | | | Kathwack | 15 | All, Chance to cause Death | o-------------------------------------------------------------------------o

_____________________________________________________________________________||[mech.006n] Tier Two: Ranger || =============================================================================

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Requirements: Must master Thief, Monster Master, and MerchantBattles to master: 200Mastery bonus: Agility + 20

Status changes: _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ | HP | MP | Str | Agi | Res | Wis |Style | Total | o------o------o------o------o------o------o------o----------o | -10% | -30% | -10% | +20% | -20% | +10% | 0% | -40% | -------------------------------------------------------------

Special: Increased chance to escape battle.

Levels, Skills, Spells:

____ _________ __________________ ______ ___________________________ / Lv \/ Battles \/ Skill Name \/ Cost \/ Description \ o==========================================================================o | 1 | 1 (1) | Holy Protection | 4 | Keep Weak Monsters Away | | 2 | 19 (20) | Venom Mist | 0 | Group, inflict Envenom | | | | | | that does damage per round | | 3 | 30 (50) | Safe Passage | 2 | Party, Protect from Damage | | | | | | Tiles | | 4 | 30 (80) | Stomp | 0 | All, 50-65 Damage | | 5 | 30 (110) | Dazzleflash | 0 | All, attempts to Blind | | 6 | 30 (140) | Defending Champion| 0 | Reduce damage by 90%, blocks| | | | | | some Special Attacks | | 7 | 30 (170) | Pyre o' Fire | 0 | 170-190 Fire Damage | | 8 | 30 (200) | Backdraft | 0 | Reflect Breath Attacks | o--------------------------------------------------------------------------o

_____________________________________________________________________________||[mech.006o] Tier Two: Luminary || =============================================================================

Requirements: Must master Dancer and GadaboutBattles to master: 220Mastery bonus: Style + 15

Status changes: _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ | HP | MP | Str | Agi | Res | Wis |Style | Total | o------o------o------o------o------o------o------o----------o | -20% | -10% | -20% | -10% | -10% | 0% | +15% | -55% | -------------------------------------------------------------

Special: Increases the chance enemies will lose a turn admiring the character.

Levels, Skills, Spells:

____ _________ _________________ ______ __________________________ / Lv \/ Battles \/ Skill Name \/ Cost \/ Description \ o========================================================================o | 1 | 1 (1) | Dazzleflash | 0 | All, Attempt to Blind |

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| 2 | 9 (10) | Kaclang | 2 | Party, 3 Rounds Invincible | | | | | | but cannot move/act | | 3 | 15 (25) | Lightning | 0 | All, 40-50 Bang Damage | | 4 | 15 (40) | Kerplunk Dance | 0 | Sacrifice for 100% Success | | | | | | Party Revive, 100% HP | | 5 | 30 (70) | Spooky Aura | 0 | Group, Reduce Magic Damage | | | | | | ~30-50% | | 6 | 40 (110) | Hustle Dance | 0 | Party, 70-80 HP recovery | | 7 | 50 (160) | Harvest Moon | 0 | All, 100%x(3/(Enemy N. +1))| | | | | | Damage per Enemy | | 8 | 60 (220) | Song of Salvation| 20 | Party, 50% Revive Success | | | | | | 50% HP | o------------------------------------------------------------------------o

_____________________________________________________________________________||[mech.006p] Tier Three: Hero || =============================================================================

Requirements: Must master Gladiator, Sage, Ranger, and Luminary (Hero need only master one)Battles to master: 150Mastery bonus: MP + 40

Status changes: _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ | HP | MP | Str | Agi | Res | Wis |Style | Total | o------o------o------o------o------o------o------o----------o | +10% | +10% | +10% | 0% | 0% | +15% | +10% | +55% | -------------------------------------------------------------

Special: HP Restoration per round from level 4 on (triggers at the end of the round). Level 4: 30HP Level 5: 40HP Level 6: 50HP Level 7: 60HP Level 8: 80HP

Levels, Skills, Spells:

____ _________ _________________ ______ ____________________________ / Lv \/ Battles \/ Skill Name \/ Cost \/ Description \ o==========================================================================o | 1 | 1 (1) | Kaclang | 2 | Party, 3 Rounds Invincible | | | | | | but cannot move/act | | 2 | 7 (8) | Disruptive Wave | 0 | All, Removes all enhancements| | 3 | 12 (20) | Zap | 6 | All, 70-90 Zap Damage | | 4 | 20 (40) | Kazap | 15 | Group, 175-225 Zap Damage | | 5 | 20 (60) | Meditation | 0 | Self, 500 HP recovery | | 6 | 30 (90) | Gigaslash | 20 | Group, 350-410 Zap Damage | | 7 | 30 (120) | Lightning Storm | 25 | All, 210-290 Zap Damage | | 8 | 30 (150) | Kazapple | 10x4 | 600-700 Zap Damage, entire | | | | | | Party sacrifices turn to cast| o--------------------------------------------------------------------------o

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_____________________________________________________________________________||[mech.006q] Special: Dragon || =============================================================================

Requirements: Must have Dragonic Diligence Scroll when speaking to Alltrade's Abbot.Battles to master: 280Mastery bonus: Strength + 20

Status changes: _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ | HP | MP | Str | Agi | Res | Wis |Style | Total | o------o------o------o------o------o------o------o----------o | +30% | -20% | +20% | -20% | +20% | -10% | 0% | +20% | -------------------------------------------------------------

Special: If in Active Party, increases the chance for Pre-emptive Battles - meaning battle begins with the enemies unable to act the first round.

Levels, Skills, Spells:

____ _________ _________________ ______ _______________________ / Lv \/ Battles \/ Skill Name \/ Cost \/ Description \ o=====================================================================o | 1 | 1 (1) | Fire Breath | 0 | All, 6-10 Fire Damage | | 2 | 9 (10) | Cool Breath | 0 | All, 13-16 Ice Damage | | 3 | 20 (30) | Flame Breath | 0 | All, 30-40 Fire Damage | | 4 | 20 (50) | Chilly Breath | 0 | All, 50-60 Ice Damage | | 5 | 35 (85) | Inferno | 0 | All, 65-85 Fire Damage | | 6 | 45 (130) | Freezing Blizzard| 0 | All, 120-140 Ice Damage | | 7 | 60 (190) | Scorch | 0 | All, 150-170 Fire Damage| | 8 | 90 (280) | C-C-Cold Breath | 0 | All, 210-230 Ice Damage | o---------------------------------------------------------------------o

_____________________________________________________________________________||[mech.006r]Special: Liquid Metal Slime || =============================================================================

Requirements: Must have Liquid Metal Mind Scroll when speaking to Alltrade's Abbot.Battles to master: 299Mastery bonus: HP + 100, Spell/Breath Resistance = Immunity

Status changes: _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ | HP | MP | Str | Agi | Res | Wis |Style | Total | o------o------o------o-------o-------o------o------o----------o | -70% | -20% | -40% | +100% | +100% | -20% | 0% | -50% | ---------------------------------------------------------------

Special: Increased Resistance to Spells and Breath attacks.

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Levels, Skills, Spells:

____ _________ _________________ ______ __________________________ / Lv \/ Battles \/ Skill Name \/ Cost \/ Description \ o========================================================================o | 1 | 1 (1) | - | - | - | | 2 | 9 (10) | Kaclang | 2 | Party, 3 Rounds Invincible | | | | | | but cannot move/act | | 3 | 10 (20) | - | - | - | | 4 | 10 (30) | Zoom | 1 | Warp Party to known Towns | | 5 | 20 (50) | - | | | | 6 | 50 (100) | Magic Burst | 100% | 2x Current MP Damage, Fire | | 7 | 100 (200)| Lightning Storm | 25 | All, 210-290 Zap Damage | | 8 | 100 (300)| Big Banga | 30 | All, 300-400 Frizz Damage | o------------------------------------------------------------------------o

______________________________________________________________||[mech.007] *****Area Level Caps***** |||| || ==============================================================

Almost all credit goes to http://dq6.org/skill2.html with some being my ownwork, and the rest is still in question.

AREAS |LEVEL CAP-----------------------------------------------------------------------Weaver's Peak(Dream World) | 5-----------------------------------------------------------------Mountain Pass(Dream World) | 5-----------------------------------------------------------------Haggleton(Dream World) | 7-----------------------------------------------------------------Wellshire(Dream World) | 8-----------------------------------------------------------------Somnia (Near - Dream World) | 7-----------------------------------------------------------------Somnia / Outside Gardsbane Tower (Dream World) | 9-----------------------------------------------------------------Gardsbane Tower(Dream World) | 10-----------------------------------------------------------------Horse Field(Dream World) | 7-----------------------------------------------------------------Northern Path to Alltrades Abbey(Dream World) | 11-----------------------------------------------------------------Secret Passage(Dream World) | 12-----------------------------------------------------------------Alltrades Abbey(Dream World) |11-13-----------------------------------------------------------------Alltrades Abbey/Port Haven/Madame Luca's(Real World) | 14-----------------------------------------------------------------Lucid Grotto(Real World) | 14-----------------------------------------------------------------

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Somnia/Amor(Real World) | 16-----------------------------------------------------------------Amor(Dream World) | 7-----------------------------------------------------------------Cave of Amor(Dream World) | 18-----------------------------------------------------------------Moonmirror Tower(Real World) | 19-----------------------------------------------------------------Outside Underkeep(Dream World) | 20-----------------------------------------------------------------Underkeep(Dream World) | 21-----------------------------------------------------------------Ghent/Isle of Murdaw/Scrimsley(Real World) | 22-----------------------------------------------------------------Isle of Murdaw Magma/Hazy Heights(Real World) | 23-----------------------------------------------------------------Isle of Murdaw Water/Arkbolt(Real World) | 24-----------------------------------------------------------------Murdaw's Keep/N. of Arkbolt(Real World) | 25-----------------------------------------------------------------Inland Ocean(Real World) | 24-----------------------------------------------------------------Well S. of Alltrades(Real World) | 25-----------------------------------------------------------------Aridea(Dream World) | 25-----------------------------------------------------------------Medford's Manor (Dream World) | 7-----------------------------------------------------------------Inland Ocean(Dream World) | 25-----------------------------------------------------------------N. of Cloudsgate Citadel/N.E. Islands/ |Islands N. Mage Tower(Real World) | 26-----------------------------------------------------------------Howcastle(Real World) | 27-----------------------------------------------------------------Hallowed Hollow(Real World) | 28-----------------------------------------------------------------Clearvale/Areas around Clearvale(Dream World/Real World) | 29-----------------------------------------------------------------Destiny's Drop(Real World) | 30-----------------------------------------------------------------Castle Swanstone(Real World) | 99-----------------------------------------------------------------The Spiegelspire(Dream World) | 99-----------------------------------------------------------------Suit Dreams(Dream World) | 31-----------------------------------------------------------------Pescado(Real World) | 31-----------------------------------------------------------------Underwater Realm(Real World) | 99-----------------------------------------------------------------Sunken Ship(Real World) | 99-----------------------------------------------------------------Undersea Palace(Real World) | 99-----------------------------------------------------------------Area Around Slimopolis(Dream World) | 24-----------------------------------------------------------------

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Gracos Lair(Real World) | 99-----------------------------------------------------------------Sorceria(Dream World) | 31-----------------------------------------------------------------Best-Dressed Contest(Real World) | ??-----------------------------------------------------------------Castle Graceskull(Real World/Dream World) | 99-----------------------------------------------------------------Felonia(Real World) | 33-----------------------------------------------------------------Cryptic Catacombs(Real World) | 99-----------------------------------------------------------------Mt Snowhere(Real World) | 99-----------------------------------------------------------------Everfrost Grotto(Real World) | 99-----------------------------------------------------------------Turnscote(Real World) | 99-----------------------------------------------------------------Around and Below Weaver's Peak(Real World) | 19-----------------------------------------------------------------Path to Cloudsgate Citadel(Real World) | 33-----------------------------------------------------------------Cloudsgate Citadel(Dream World) | 33-----------------------------------------------------------------Dullerton(Real World) | ??-----------------------------------------------------------------Despairia(Dread Realm) | 24-----------------------------------------------------------------Greedmore Valley(Dread Realm) | 99-----------------------------------------------------------------Greedmore Mine(Dread Realm) | 99-----------------------------------------------------------------Path under Lake(Dread Realm) | 99-----------------------------------------------------------------Gallows Moor(Dread Realm) | 99-----------------------------------------------------------------Prison of Sorrow(Dread Realm) | 99-----------------------------------------------------------------Mortamor's Dreadlair(Dread Realm) | 99-----------------------------------------------------------------Fungeon(Dream World - Bonus) | 99-----------------------------------------------------------------

______________________________________________________________||[mech.008] *****How to Kill a Metal Monster***** |||| || ==============================================================

Each piece of gear and skill will have a star rating for effectiveness, 1-5stars, 1 being semi-effective, 5 being very effective.

Note: Nearly everything here is untested, so until I know for sure, this isbased on both the original, and some changes to DQ4 and 5 DS.

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____________________________________________________________________________/ \ Useful Weapons: 1) Poison Needle (Arkbolt) 1 Atk, Special: Instant Kill (about 10-30% chance) Positive: Poison Needle always does 1 damage or instant kill, even to metals, effect triggers with slash attacks (Metal/Falcon Slash) Negative: Criticals are 1 damage. RATING: ***

2) Falcon Blade (Turnscote Casino) 67 Atk, Special: Double Attack Positive: Attacks twice, so two chances per round for a critical. Works

with Slash attacks (Metal Slash x2). Negative: Rounds down, so damage is typically 0 per hit save with Metal Cut. RATING: ***

3) Demon Spear () 99 Atk, Special: Instant Kill (about 10-30% chance) Positive: Unlike the poison needle, the Demon Spear is capable of normal critical hits, so it's more useful than the Poison Needle. Effect triggers with slash attacks (Metal/Falcon Slash). Negative: Low instant kill chance, can miss entirely. RATING: ****

4) Hela's Hammer (Greedmore Valley) 115Atk, Special: Crit or Miss (40-50% Critical chance) Positive: One critical hit is an instant kill, and this weapon has by far the highest crit rate, therefor the highest kill rate of any weapon. Negative: When it doesn't crit, it is always a miss, minor negative. Effect does not work with any skill. RATING: *****

5) All boomerangs and whips, Special: Attack all enemies or group Positive: When fighting groups very useful because at least a small chance one will get hit. Negative: No criticals, no chance for instant death, instant death skills do not work with multi-hit weapons. RATING: *

6) Falcon Knife Earrings () 35Atk, Special: Double Attack, Pierce Defense Positive: Attacks twice, pierces Defense unlike the Falcon Blade, and also unlike the Falcon Blade damage is not rounded down. Works with Slash attacks (Metal Slash x2). Negative: None. RATING: *****\____________________________________________________________________________/ ____________________________________________________________________________/ \ Useful Armor (not positive as of yet, will have to do some testing first...) 1) Mirror Armour (Greedmore Valley) 95 Def, Special: Reflect magic 50% of the time. Positive: Magic reflected does full damage, so occasional instant kills.

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Negative: Does not always reflect spells and there is no way to count on metal monsters casting spells. Spells are rarely used. RATING: ** (Still unproven)

2) Spiked Armour (Cryptic Catacombs) 55 Def, Special: Reflect 1/4 physical damage roughly 25% of the time. Positive: All damage returned is not affected by defense of metal monster. So if a Metal monster attacks for 20 damage, 5 damage will be returned. Negative: Does not always reflect damage. RATING: **** (Tested, works)

3) Shimmering/Radiant Dress (Best-Dressed Contest) 55 Def, Special: Reflect magic 50% of the time. Positive: Magic reflected does full damage, so occasional instant kills. Negative: Does not always reflect spells and there is no way to count on metal monsters casting spells. Spells are rarely used. RATING: ** (Still unproven)\____________________________________________________________________________/

____________________________________________________________________________/ \ Useful Skills: 1) Metal Slash (Gladiator 8, Lizzie 20) Effect: Guarantees hit on a Metal and does 1-2 damage. Positive: With Falcon Blade this might do two Metal Slashes. If Attack is over 510, can do over 2 damage. Negative: No critical allowed, but consistent. Ignores the Hela's Hammer inherent critical rate. RATING: *****

2) Falcon Slash (Warrior 7, Goowain 25) Effect: Attack twice for 75% damage each hit. Positive: Very useful with either Poison Needle or Demon Spear equipped as it will carry the instant death effect. May allow critical hits (needs testing). Negative: Rounds damage down, ignores critical hit rate of Hela's Hammer. RATING: ***

3) Hatchet Man (Warrior 8, Lizzie 9) Effect: Critical or Miss (roughly 30%- 40% critical chance), minor testing done. Positive: Critical chance, less than or equal to Hela's Hammer (needs testing). If critical, instant kill. Negative: Only a 37.5% chance to Crit, and a 62.5% chance to miss, so the RNG can work against you. RATING: ****

4) Mercurial Thrust (Warrior 5) Effect: Strike first in battle. Positive: Get a first strike no matter what. Negative: No criticals, no damage above 1 unless over 510 Atk (without Oomph). RATING: **

5) Oomph (Armamentalist 2, Sage 3) 6MP Effect: Doubles Attack Power

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Positive: DQVI is the first DQ where you can get enough battle power to physically take out metal mobs with normal attacks in one hit. Negative: To get this level of physical prowess, even with Oomph, and level 99, Strength Seeds would have to be gathered just for one character (need 510+ Attack). RATING: ***

6) Hocus Pocus (Gadabout 8, Kingsley 20) 20MP Effect: Random Effects (possibly up to 100) Positive: Nearly 1/2 of the effects will wipe out the enemy party, or inflict status effects (the only way to inflict them on metal monsters) that help the team. Fun to use. Negative: Nearly 1/3 of the effects negatively affect the party, including wiping it out. Very risky. RATING: *\____________________________________________________________________________/

____________________________________________________________________________/ \Useful Items: 1) Sands of Time (Medford's Manor: 50M) Special: Reverts battle to start Positive: Using it cancels every scenario and returns the battle to the first moment it began, allowing a repeat effect. Negative: Because it must be used, if the battle ends before it can be used, the battle ends. RATING: *****\____________________________________________________________________________/

______________________________________________________________||[mech.009] *****Useful Battle Tips***** |||| || ==============================================================

Tip1: Skills, skills, skills. Magic costs MP, but most skills, even some of the best cost nothing.

Tip2: Know which skills are based on attack power and which are not. Some early skills gain damage as the characters gain strength, and are useful well into the future.

Tip3: Resistances are vital. No monster is inherently weak to an element, but most have resistances to specific elements. One thing to note, the Zap line has no resistances, either enemies can be hit by it, or they are immune. Learn what spells are useful in what areas.

Tip4: Ashlynn is worthless. Granted, this game is easy, but Ashlynn's HP is so utterly deficient that she can be one-shotted through nearly the whole game.

Tip5: Status effects. Most bosses have particular status effect weaknesses. knowing what to use and when is very useful, and while this guide will try to show these, without codes and cheating it will be nearly impossible to know for sure for every boss after Alltrades Abbey is unlocked (as vocation progression is dependent on choices of vocation, choices of leveling spots, and what skills might be used in those

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battles - like poof to ensure only one monster is killed per battle).

Tip6: Weapons with elemental additional attacks are sometimes far more useful than higher level weapons with much higher Attack bonuses. However, enemies with high resistences render this bonus damage pointless. So be considerate in what you pick.

Tip7: Multi-hit weapons are your friends. Later on, multi-hit skills. Though in the end-game, multi-hit weapons can still do more damage, all depends on levels and total Attack.

______________________________________________________________||[mech.010] *****Basic Gameplay Tips***** |||| || ==============================================================

Tip1: Banks, banks, banks. Dieing is unlikely, but it CAN happen, and you do not want your gold to deplete by half. So put your cash into the bank until you plan to spend it.

Tip2: Talk to everyone. I cannot stress this enough. If you cannot progress, and you know you have done just about everything you need to, talk to everyone.

Tip3: Party chat. Both helpful and fun. If you want character development or perhaps a reminder or a tip on what to do, sometimes party chat will offer this.

Tip4: If you're really stuck and you don't want to use the walkthrough section try tip2, or you can always go to any of the fortune tellers/mystics, like Madame Luca.

Tip5: If you want challenge, don't overlevel, and if you want to ensure you can get job level credit, do not over level. Each area has a specific level cap, where if your characters are above said level cap, they will no longer recieve battle credits towards leveling jobs. So if Carver is Level 40, and the level cap in the area is 38, any battle won will not count towards Carver's job, and his job will thus not level up. This effectively wastes those battles fought, unless of course Carver is at max level in his Job (level/rank 8), and you wish to keep him there.

Tip6: Don't go after every item in every shop you come across, unless you want to spend lots of time in the casino making oodles of cash (luck based). You might find the item you want in the next dungeon, saving you some money, and some weapons/armor are not as good as others.

Tip7: Taking into account the above, sometimes magic defense, status defense, and breath defense is smarter than normal defense. Same goes for weapons. Sometimes a weapon that can cast a spell is more important, or something that hits all enemies (though due to vocations and skills, it depends on damage output from one or the other.

Tip8: The Casino is the key to cashflow. Skip to extra.001 or cheat.003 to find out more.

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Tip9: Make sure to check your vocation levels. Unless you don't care about wasting some battles that could have been used towards leveling a new vocation, you will want to make sure you return to Alltrades Abbey whenever you need to switch vocations. Advanced vocations have FAR superior stat changes, and all of them have more bonuses than reductions. Plus Advanced vocations give bonuses after mastery, though they do not carry to other vocations.

______________________________________________________________||[mech.011] *****FAQ's***** |||| || ==============================================================

Q1. Generic where do I go, what do I do now?A1. Check the FAQ, if you cannot find it, post on GameFAQS or email me. Also remember to check everywhere, talk to everyone. Sometimes the game requires the player to speak to EVERYONE in town to trigger the next event. Sometimes talking to a fortune teller/mystic, like Madame Luca Luminista, will point in the right direction.

Q2. Why is your walkthrough lacking a lot of explanation or detail?A2. I wanted to make a very straightforward and easy to follow walkthrough. I like other faq builds, but I wanted just pure information and direction. If you don't like it, there will probably be conversions done by stahlbaum and the other DQ VI SFC faq writers, adapting their existing FAQs to this version.

Q3. Where do I go after Murdaw, I'm so confused, the world seems far too open?!?A3. Just read the walkthrough, you have very limited options, and the story continues from a very obvious starting point, though I think you might be able to jump ahead, the safe bet is to just head to the two northeast continents, the Northernmost of them heads to Scrimsley and a sidequest. The slightly more Eastern landing leads straight to Arkbolt and continues the story.

Q4. Why all the holes in the ground?A4. You'll find out what they are soon enough, just continue forward. The game is pretty linear for the most part.

Q5. Where is Alltrades Abbey, and why is the Alltrades on my Zoom list an empty shell?A5. Alltrades was destroyed in the living world, but exists in the dream/phantom world, which will unlock soon enough. Just keep playing.

Q6. You messed up, are you going to fix it?A6. If you let me know where I can check it and if I find it wrong, yes I will fix the glaring inconsistency, etc.

Q7. Where is the best spot to level up?A7. All depends on where you are in the game, and whether you want to level your characters or their vocations: 1) The best spot before Cloudsgate Citadel, is Castle Swanstone, as it serves a nice balance. Being the first level 99 cap area for job leveling, and the EXP is still decent, while not leveling your

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characters too quickly thereby rendering the game too easy. 2) After Cloudsgate Citadel, Pillar of Pegasus, which has a relatively high concentration of Liquid Metal Slimes; particularly on the second to last external floor. 3) After getting to the Dread Realm, Mortamor's Dreadlair, especially on the second floor room with the movement tiles. Walk to the back and fight around the central-North stairs leading down. Down those stairs is a healing breeze; just walk into it to trigger. All of the normal monsters give a lot of exp, but the key element are Metal King Slimes which give the most XP of any monster in DQVI.

Q8. Where is the best spot to job level?A8. Before Cloudsgate Citadel: Castle Swanstone. First level 99 cap, and you won't level up quite that fast..still overleveling and maxing too many vocations will render a relatively easy game a single cake-walk. After Cloudsgate Citadel: Just about everywhere, as nearly all areas cap at 99.

Q9. How do I make a lot of cash? I've come across a lot of new great shops and I can't afford anything...A9. Casino, casino, casino...make a lot of Tokens, never let the Token count go lower than 30k, so you can always make a lot more, and sell the best Token to cash items. I listed them in the Casino section. Other than the casino's just leveling vocations or leveling your characters will net you plenty of cash.

Q10. I just found a key, where are the doors I can use this on? I don't want to miss anything.A10. That's why I created the Key section: extra.006

Q11. Where do I find this or that slime? I've seen several slimes in town and none have offered to join.A11. Check the slime section and the walkthrough section, I name off each slime and where you find them in both.

Q12. My stats are not the same as yours. Is my game bugged?A12. No, the system was changed so stats are somewhat random. The range seems to be +/-3. Normally you'll see +/-1. This is from comparing the stat increases from the original SFC version, which are fixed, to this game.

Q13. Are there any missables?A13. Yes, see section below [mech.012].

Q14. My game doesn't work for whatever reason, how can I fix it?A14. Well, depends on the problem. If the battery backup system is not working right, or your game loops at the very start, where you cannot get past the dragon flying, then you have a pirated copy. Go make sure you buy one brand new from a major retailer (so if you go to Amazon, make sure you buy DIRECTLY from Amazon) like Gamestop, BestBuy, or even Nintendo's main site. If you know for an absolute fact your copy is legit, and you still have problems, contact Nintendo. I suggest starting here: http://www.nintendo.com/consumer/systems/ds/index.jsp

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Q15. Why is the main character silent, and why is there so little effort put into character development?A15. Welcome to Dragon Quest. The main character is silent because you ARE the main character. People have reactions to you and party chat was made available to show party member reactions to you. Though much of the reactionary dialogue is generic, it does give you an idea of how Hori, the creator, views the main character. Your characters do have story, but DQ does not attempt to go overboard in fleshing them out beyond measure. It sticks to simple factors that are made complex by very subtle bits of dialogue. The party chat further expands upon this, and really gives good insight into their thoughts.

Q16. I just maxed an Advanced job, and when I switched to a different vocation my bonus was gone. What happened to it?A16. Your stat bonus is still there, it just does not carry to other vocations. When you switch back to that Advanced job, the bonuses will still be there.

Q17. Can I rename my characters?A17. Yes, you can rename every main character, and Slime. This occurs once [Lorelei's Harp] is obtained. Warp to Ghent, dive, enter the cave and speak to Appello the Naming God.

If there are any other questions I'll be sure to place them and their answershere.

______________________________________________________________||[mech.012] *****Missable or Lost Forever Item/People/ |||| Scenarios/Pwnage***** || ==============================================================

There are some items that once gotten, there is a scenario where it can belost forever if given up. The trade is worthwhile, but for those perfectionistplayers, it may be worth keeping.

There are several missables, one is the Gardsbane Tower, another is when youhave to choose one of Wynne's gear, another is a scene and special battle atthe Lake West of Greedmore Valley, and a third is EXP from defeating bothDogmus and Zozagel in Gallows Moor. The most important missable is Amos, whocan be permanently missed.

1.Somnia (Dream World) - Lost Forever

1) When you enter town for the first time, there is a woman in the NW, next to a well. She is looking for her ring that she dropped in the well. Hop in, defeat the Grim Grinner [044] and open the chest for an [Antique Ring].

There are two choices. Keep the [Antique Ring], which is a one-time only item, not found in any other chest, pot, drawer, barrel, or cabinet. Not even found off any enemy. Or trade it for a new item, [Seed of Strength].

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Again, once traded, the [Antique Ring] is gone FOREVER. Though if you go to the [cheat.005] section, had down to the Item Codes, and you can turn the first bag item into an [Antique Ring]. That said, the trade is well worth it, and the Ring is easily the worst accessory in the game (another aspect of "The Hobbit" theme for this bit).

2.The Gardsbane Tower: Several factors fall into this, all explained in the walkthrough, but I will re-explain here. To start, there are two accessories, one that can be kept after the contest is over. 1) If you leave the tower at any time, save dieing before defeating the "Tower Sentry" you lose the contest and cannot get either the [Gold Ring] or [Restless Heart], nor battle "Garrett."

2) If you defeat Garrett before getting the [Gold Ring], the [Gold Ring] is lost until later when it is dropped by Goodybag [050].

The tricky part is the room just after meeting up with Carver. Enter the RIGHT door first, pick up the [Gold Ring], don't forget to snag the [Mini Medal]. Then exit back to the room with three doors, enter the LEFT door and head up to "Garrett". Speak to him to trigger the battle, then pick up the [Restless Heart]. It should be noted you cannot keep the [Restless Heart] as it will be taken when you return to the castle. However, the point is to experience every boss battle, and to get the Heart and the Ring. At least the [Gold Ring] can be kept. The [Restless Heart] can be found later; dropped by King Slime [106].

3.Amos. Yes, Amos, the only optional human character, can be missed. The way to avoid this problem is to not let him know that he is the monster terrorizing Scrimsley at night. Here's how this scenario plays out:

1) Enter town, stay overnight at the Inn.

2) When awoken at night, go around to the roof, jump off, and do battle.

3) In the morning speak to Amos for the critical conversation: A) If the party tells him that he is the monster you defeated, he will leave PERMANENTLY. Never to be recruited. B) If he is kept ignorant of his condition, he can be saved.

4) Once option B is chosen, and he is kept ignorant, speak to the people of Scrimsley and learn of some seeds from a mountain (Hazy Heights) that can restore sanity.

5) Head to Hazy Heights, climb to the top, speak to the shoot, then search NW from the shoot to find the [Seeds of Reason].

6) Head back to town, give Amos the seeds, and after an event he will join.

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4.Max Wynne: Near the end, you will meet up with Max Wynne, and you will have a choice of one of three armors for him to make; Body Armor, Helmet, or Shield. Whichever you choose, you will never have a chance at the other gear without an AR.

5.Lotus Lagoon, West of Greedmore Valley: When entering the Lake, talk to the SW man to trigger the event. Walk down on the left stairs, watch every scene, at the bottom, speak to the woman to trigger two demons. Speak to them to trigger a new event where one man stands in front of the chest. Speak to him to trigger a hidden Boss Battle. Very easy, grants no exp, because it is a boss/sub-boss there is no [Big Book of Beasts] entry. Once finished, walk North and the scene resets. Retrigger event, walk down right side stairs to ensure no deaths, you can speak to people at this point without killing them, then open chest to end event.

6.Gallows Moor: Previous guides are incorrect, the Minimedal in Gallows Moor is always there and cannot be missed. However, the EXP and prestige of beating Dogmus and Zozagel can. The battle lasts four rounds before Dogmus stops it by freezing the party. To avoid this there are two methods.

1) Having Mercury, the Liquid Metal Slime, and Ashlynn in party, where Mercury has learned Magic Burst, and is likely at max level. Then both must be in a Mastered Sage Vocation, and have [Elfin Elixirs] if any are on hand. Hassan or Lizzie must be in the party with either Dragon or Gladiator at max level, and for the first round should power up, while the Hero casts Oomph. Ashlynn and Mercury should use Magic Burst. Second round both Ashlynn and Mercury should heal their MP, Hassan/Lizzie should use a [Falcon Blade] and Falcon Slash or Double Up (Note, Double Up cannot be buffed, but Falcon Slash can). Knuckle Sandwich is worthless in this battle. Pump up again on third round for Hassan/Lizzie, while Ashlynn and Mercury should use Magic Burst again. Next round Hassan/Lizzie should use Falcon Blade and Falcon Slash or Double Up, Hero uses Double Up, Ashlynn and Mercury use strongest physical attack, likely Double Up.

2) Over level, by a lot. They're both killable in two rounds with a level 70+ Ashlynn using Magic Burst, and everyone else buffing and using Falcon + Falcon on the next attack, or just using Double Up. Might take three to take out Dogmus.

____________________________________________________________________________|============================================================================|||[walk.000] *****Walkthrough***** |||| ||

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Huzzah, the quest begins! Sit your butt somewhere, it is time to get theaction rolling. Might I suggest some snacks, perhaps pizza? Unless ofcourse, you are in a moving vehicle.

For anyone who wishes to see a map, I will provide a link to one of these twomaps in each section (thanks to Woodus for hosting them):

Dream World:


Real World:



______________________________________________________________||[shortcut] *****Area title, typically town***** || || || ============================================================== Monsters: Monsters in the area or in the dungeon. Items: Items found around the town or dungeon. Shops: Any shops and inns. Recommended Level: Minimum Recommended Level for the area. | Level Cap: Level Cap for Vocation Levels for the area or dungeon. | Gold: Gold found in the town or dungeon. | Medals: Total Medal count up to this point, including all previously found.

Items + Medals:(P) = pot(B) = barrel(D) = drawers(Ca) = cabinet(Ch) = chest

Shops:(I) = Item(A) = Armor(W) = Weapon(G) = Gear = Weapon + Armor


Town/Dungeon Map Key:

1-99 = Treasure* = Mini-MedalsS = Shop (Town)

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C = Church (Town)I = Inn/Bed (Town)A-FF = Paths Between Areas# = StairsP = Pitfalls/Holes

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @******************************************************@ @***))###| |###((***@ @**))######| CHAPTER 1, THE Dream World |######((**@@*))########| |########((*@@******************************************************************@

The beginning of this adventure starts us off with what may or may not bea dream of a terrible battle gone awry. Only time will tell.

_____________________________________________________________________________||[walk.001] *****The Opening***** |||| || ============================================================================= Monsters: No Monsters Items: No Items Shops: No Shops Recommended Level: None | Level Cap: None | Gold: None | Medals: None

The start opens with a campfire. Press any button to awaken the hero from his nap. A man with purple hair jumps down, and you, the blonde woman, andthe man all decide to head off. Walk north and follow them. Speak to the manfirst, then speak to the woman to progress the game. She summons a dragonwhich you all ride to Murdaw's Keep. Talk to both people then exit through theNorth-West door. You can party chat on every single floor here for some slightvariations in discussion, all about how eerie the castle is and the feelings ofyour two party members over the battle ahead. Proceed through the hail to theNorth-West door. Walk straight North and ascend the stairs.

This is the outside room before Murdaw, where you have some extra partychat before talking to the large door in the North. Some more party chatafter opening it. Walk through to be bested with ease, as Murdaw is a skilledmage. One by one the party is poofed away...

_____________________________________________________________________________||[walk.002] *****Weaver's Peak***** |||| || =============================================================================

Map Link:http://www.woodus.com/den/gallery/graphics/dq6ds/maps_overworld/dq6ds_dream_world_names.png

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Monsters: Mottle Slime [001], Feralball[002], Scare Root[003]

Items: 1. Leather Hat(D) / 2. Seed of Agility(B) / 3. 10Gold(P) / 4. Medicinal Herb(P) / 5. Seed of Resilience(B) / 6. 10Gold(B) / 7. 3Gold(B) / 8. Medicinal Herb(P) / 9. Antidotal Herb(P)

Story Items: Bag (Mayor) / Village Goods (Mayor)

Shops: Church (Save)

o==============================================================o |Item Shop |Weapon/Armour Shop | o------------------------------o-------------------------------o | Medicinal Herb (8) | Cypress Stick (10) | | Antidotal Herb (10) | Bamboo Spear (50) | | Chimaera Wing (25) | Copper Sword (270) | | Leather Hat (65) | Wayfarer's Clothes (70) | | Hardwood Headwear (120) | Leather Armour (180) | | | Leather Shield (70) | | |*Enchanted Armour* (7000) | | | -Search it to buy | o==============================o===============================o

Recommended Level: 1 | Level Cap: 5 | Gold: 23 | Medals: None

New Character: The Hero, Lv1 o-------o------o-------o------o------o------o---------o | HP|28 | MP|0 | St|11 | Ag|6 | Re|3 | Wi|5 | Style|5 | o-------o------o-------o------o------o------o---------o Starting Items: 70g, Cypress Stick, Plain Clothes

Actions to Complete: 1) Speak to Mayor to get Bag and Village Goods. 2) Leave for Haggleton

___________ ______ |_ ____ | You awaken to your sister calling your name. Get | ___ |________| 8|9 | | up, pick up the [Leather Hat] from the drawer | |2 1| | | ___| | next to your bed. Talk to your sister, then snag | |3__| |__ _____| the [Agility Seed] and [10g] from the barrel and | ___ ___ ## ___ | pots in the N-W alcove of the house. Go outside |4 |_S_| | C | | S|| and speak to everyone save the Mayor in the N-E | _ |_ _| |__ || house. Grab the [Medicinal Herb] from the pot to | ___ |_| ___ ____ | the left of the item shop. Move to the S-W house | | | | | | || for a [Resilience Seed]. [10g] is outside the | | _5| 6|_ _| |7___|| S-Central House. [3g] is in the Pub near the |_______ exit ___________| door. A [Medicinal Herb] is just outside the entry Elder's house and an [Antidotal Herb] is within a pot inside his house.

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After grabbing all the items, and spoken to everyone, go speak to the Mayorto start the next phase. You will go to Haggleton to both sell the VillageGoods and pick up the Crown for the upcoming ceremony. You can go speak tosome town members for new conversation. There is a *Shell Slime* in the wellbut it will not join yet. Leave town and head S to Haggleton. Make sure toequip the [Leather Hat].

*TIPS*- 1) Don't buy anything but a few [Medicinal Herb]s, you will soon get a better weapon and armour that will suffice until the next town. 2) Place at least 4 [Medicinal Herb]s in the Hero's inventory. 3) I recommend saving all Seeds for now.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Suggested Gear Section!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Best Buys: 3x [Medicinal Herb]s.

Low-Maintenance Equipment *RECOMMENDED* Hero- Cypress Stick, Plain Clothes, Leather Hat

Frugal Equipment Hero- Cypress Stick, Plain Clothes, Leather Shield, Leather Hat

High-Maintenance Equipment Hero- Copper Sword, Leather Armour, Leather Shield, Hardwood Headwear

_____________________________________________________________________________||[walk.003] *****Mountain Pass***** |||| || =============================================================================

Map Link:http://www.woodus.com/den/gallery/graphics/dq6ds/maps_overworld/dq6ds_dream_world_names.png

Monsters: Mottle Slime [001], Feralball [002], Scare Root [003], Ghastropod [004], Batatouille [005]

Items: 1. Wayfarer's Clothes(C) / 2. Medicinal Herb(C) / 3. Oaken Club(C) / 4. 20Gold(C)

Shops: Inn (10 Gold)

Recommended Level: 2 | Level Cap: 5 | Gold: 20 | Medals: None

_start__ _#_ ______ Level 2 |__ ____| Inner | C | | ____ | ____##_______ Levels |_ _| _| | _| |__

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| ____ _| E |F__| | _ | ___________|__ __|A | D I| |4| |A| | C _______ ## __| _| ____ ___ | __| |______| |__| ________ |G__F| | _G| B |J 32 | ___| | ___H_ |______ | | ___| Level 1 | |__K_ | | |H| _E_ |_ _ _| | _ |I| |B |__Inn___# # _| |J| |1__| |# _| _| | |____ ___|___| | __| | # | | | |__exit___| |K|

Starting the level, walk downstairs, talk to Buddy. Head over the bridgejump down falling point B, grab chest 1 for a [Wayfarer's Clothes]. Enterdoor E and climb stairs C. Back over the bridge to falling point D, thenthrough door I. Pick up the [Oaken Club] from chest 3 and [Medicinal Herb]from Chest 2. Drop from J and out door K. Up the stairs and through door H.Up G, then F, pick up chest 4 with [20g]. Go back down to door H. Rest atthe inn if need be. Leave South, South-West to Haggleton.

*TIPS*- 1)Equip the [Wayfarer's Clothes] and [Oaken Club] as they are found. 2)Ignore the Inn, just make sure to heal up to 30 HP before exiting.

_____________________________________________________________________________||[walk.004] *****Haggleton***** |||| || =============================================================================

Map Link:http://www.woodus.com/den/gallery/graphics/dq6ds/maps_overworld/dq6ds_dream_world_names.png

Monsters: Scare Root [003], Ghastropod [004], Batatouille [005], Lips [006], Ornery Onion [007], Slugger [008], Leery Lout [010]

Items: 1. 5Gold(B) / 2. Seed of Agility(P) / 3. Big Book of Beasts(Ca) / 4. 250Gold(Ch) / 5. Chimaera Wing(P)

Shops: Inn (6 Gold), Bank, Church (Save)

o--------------------------------------------------------------o |Item Shop 1(North-West) |Armour Shop | o------------------------------o-------------------------------o | Medicinal Herb (8) | Wayfarer's Clothes (70) | | Antidotal Herb (10) | Leather Armour (180) | | Chimaera Wing (25) | Scale Armour (350) | o------------------------------o Leather Shield (70) | |Item Shop 2(East) | Scale Shield (180) | o------------------------------o Leather Hat (65) | | Antidotal Herb (10) o-------------------------------o

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| Moonwort Bulb (30) |Weapon Shop | | Holy Water (20) o-------------------------------o | Scale Shield (180) | Bamboo Spear (50) | o------------------------------o Oaken Club (110) | |Bazaar Pre Murdaw -Base Cost | Copper Sword (270) | o------------------------------o-------------------------------o | Leather Armour (200)-180|Bazaar Post Murdaw -Base Cost | | Pot Lid (100)-NS o-------------------------------o | Leather Shield (115)-70 | Leather Kilt (200)-220 | | Heal Set:6 Medicinal Herbs, 1| Boxer Shorts (1000)-Not Sold | | Holy Water (50)-68 | Bone Stake (130)-110 | | Thief's Key (Haggle | Heal Set:3 Amor Seco Essence, | | to 200g)| 1 Chimaera Wing (400)-385 | | | Thief's Key (10) | o------------------------------o-------------------------------o | At some point after Gracos', Item Shop2 closes, and the | | bazaar is reduced to Thief's Key (10) only. | | Base Cost in the Bazaar refer to cost from normal shops. | | NS means Not Sold, as in not sold in any normal shop. | o==============================================================o

Recommended Level: 3 | Level Cap: 7 | Gold: 255 | Medals: None

______ __________ Inn Basement: | _____ _____ | _______ | |(W,I)| | | | | 4 5 | | |_____| |_____| | |______#| ______ ______ || ___ ___(A)|^^^| -Special Key- ||T1 | | B2|(I)| B1: Buck, B2: Bill || |__ __| | | T1: Thief's Key Merchant ||_2_B1_ ______| | ___ ______ | | | | 3 | | | | | | # | | | |_C_| 1 |_I____| | |______Start__________|

Enter Haggleton, grab the [5G] in the barrel near the entrance. Walk to theWest Bazaar building, grab the [Seed of Agility] from the pot. Talk to thetownspeople, but avoid the deals in the Bazaar for now as it is time to sellthe [Village Goods].

There are two brothers, Buck and Bill, one in each Bazaar building. Buck isthe man in the South of the West Building, Bill is the man in the Center of theEast Building. Talk to either to start off the bartering to sell the[Village Goods]. Do not sell right away, just walk back and forth gettingdifferent deals until the Buck offers 480g.

Time to pick up items, but first you want the [Thief's Key]. Head to the WestBazaar building and to the Merchant just above the old man in the NW corner.Haggle the [Thief's Key] down to 200g and buy. You can now open Blue steeldoors!

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Head to the Inn, open the left door on the top floor, open the cabinet for the[Big Book of Beasts], which contains the Beastiary for the game.

o---------------------------------o Head downstairs and open the door for a| Big Book of Beasts! | chest with [250g] and a pot with ao---------------------------------o [Chimaera Wing].| This awesome book slowly fills || up with information as you fight| With new gold in hand there are several| new enemies. To unlock an enemy| options. The only good purchase is the| they must be seen in battle, not| [Scale Shield] as very soon a good piece| killed. However, to unlock all | of headwear will be found for free, and| data for a monster, 11 of that | you will want to save up for the| monster must be defeated. | [Boomerang] in Somnia, which is the besto---------------------------------o weapon for the Hero for some time.

When you're satisfied with any purchase choices and personal play choices suchas battling around town to build up Gold reserves and gaining levels, head tothe North East House in town, speak to the woman there to learn her fatherthe Crown Maker, headed off to the West and hasn't returned.

Head out of town to the West, cross the bridge, then head North-West to a gianthole in the ground. Walk up to enter. Walk around to the Northern tip of thehole to see a man dangling, talk to him to save him. Though in the process theHero will fall.

*TIPS*- 1) Haggle the [Village Goods] to 480g. Haggle the [Thief's Key] to 200g. 2) Head to the Inn, get the items on the first and second floor. 3) Buy a [Scale Shield] and if herb count is 3 or below, buy perhaps 2 more [Medicinal Herbs]. 4) I recommend saving all seeds for now.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Suggested Gear Section!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Best Buys: Scale Shield

Low-Maintenance Equipment *RECOMMENDED* Hero- Oaken Club, Wayfarer's Clothes, Scale Shield, Leather Hat

Frugal Equipment Hero- Copper Sword, Wayfarer's Clothes, Scale Shield, Leather Hat

High-Maintenance Equipment Hero- Copper Sword, Scale Armour, Scale Shield, Hardwood Headwear

_____________________________________________________________________________||[walk.005] *****Wellshire***** ||

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|| || =============================================================================

Map Link:http://www.woodus.com/den/gallery/graphics/dq6ds/maps_overworld/dq6ds_real_world_names.png

Monsters: Batatouille [005], Stumpkin [008], Stumpkin [009], Leery Lout [010], Bubble Slime [014], Slime [015], Crested Loon [016]

Items: 1. Seed of Life(P) / 2. Mini Medal(D) / 3. 20Gold(P) / 4. Hardwood Headwear(?) / 5. Plain Clothes(Ca) / 6. Medicinal Herb(P) / 7. Pretty Betsy(D)

Shops: Inn (10 Gold - Free only at this point), Bank, Church (Save)

o--------------------------------------------------------------o |Item Shop |Weapon Shop 1(Mid-East) | o------------------------------o-------------------------------o | Medicinal Herb (8) | Thorn Whip (350) | | Antidotal Herb (10) | Iron Claw (700) | | Holy Water (20) | Chain Sickle (1100) | | Moonwort Bulb (30) | Chain Whip (1200) | | Chimaera Wing (25) | Edged Boomerang (1500) | | Gold Bracer (350) | Sledgehammer (1800) | o------------------------------o-------------------------------o |Armour Shop |Weapon Shop 2(N-W):After Murdaw| o------------------------------o-------------------------------o | Bronze Armour (700) | Chain Whip (1200) | | Iron Cuirass (1000) | Sledgehammer (1800) | | Iron Armour (1200) | Steel Broadsword (2000) | | Iron Shield (720) | Morning Star (3000) | | Iron Helmet (1100) | Battleaxe (4300) | o==============================o===============================o

Recommended Level: 4 | Level Cap: 8 | Gold: 20 | Medals: 1 (1)

Actions to Complete: 1) Head North to Hut with Well, enter Well.

________________________________ Well:| ___ ___ _______ | __|__| |(W)| ____ | 5| |6 7| | | 2|| |___| |4 | |___| |_______| | | | 3|____| |_____| ___ || | C | _______ When you land in a strange new world, don't| | | |(I) (A)| be shocked. Head into the town to the| | | | South. Try talking to everyone in town to| ____|___ (W)|^ find that no one can see or hear you,| | I | _ | lending to some interesting conversations, |1___| |_| | especially from the NW Weapon Merchant and

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__Start_________________________| two men just East of the NW Weapon Shop.

Start by going into the Inn, which at this point, by speaking directly to theinnkeeper, you may stay free (this will change). Break the pot for a[Seed of Life]. Head out the back of the Inn and enter the Well. Open thedrawers for the first [Mini Medal].

o-------------------------o Head to the North West of town, break some outdoor| Mini Medals! | pots for [20G], then head into the second houseo-------------------------o from the left for a [Hardwood Headwear]. Equip| These little things are | it if you haven't purchased one yet. Move to the| rather important to a | next house for some [Plain Clothes], then head| man who will appear down| into the NE house. A short event occurs. Grab| the road. Once given to| the [Medicinal Herb] from the Pot in the Kitchen,| this man, after reaching| then the [Pretty Betsy] from Drawers on the right.| certain count tiers, || prizes are awarded. | If you have not spoken to everyone in town, do so| Mostly to the tune of | for some fun and interesting conversation. The| very useful and powerful| two men behind the houses in the NW are likely to| gear. To see more, skip| pull something in the future, so perhaps we shall| to section [extra.004], | return.| or [walk.025] |o-------------------------o Head outside and to the North, North-East to a hut. Head inside and check the well. You are now back in the normal world up top.

*TIPS*- 1) Don't forget to equip the [Hardwood Headwear]. 2) I recommend saving all Seeds for now.

-------------------------------------------- ||[walk.005a]***Haggleton*** || ============================================

Story Items: Crown (Crown Maker)

Actions to Complete: 1) Speak to Crown Maker 2) Return to Weaver's Peak

After getting back to the "Upper World" from the odd world down below, headSouth, then East back across the bridge to Haggleton.

Once back in town, Brick and Brock have new conversation, along with severaltownsfolk walking between the tents, the man outside the Crown Maker's house,and the the Crown Maker's daughter. Speak to the Crown Maker to recieve theflowery [Crown]. Head outside and North towards Weaver's Peak.

-------------------------------------------- ||[walk.005b]***Weaver's Peak*** || ============================================

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Story Items: Entry Pass (Mayor)

Actions to Complete: 1) Speak to old woman in Tania's House 2 or 3) Witness Buddy and Tania speaking (North of Mayor's House). 3 or 2) Speak to Mayor to get [Entry Pass]. 4) Go back to Tania's House, speak to Tania to sleep. 5) Head to Somnia in the South.

Climb back up through the Mountain Pass and head back to Weaver's Peak. Oncein the village the Elder will automatically greet you and take the [Crown].Say whatever, then, if you want extra conversation, speak to everyone BUT theold woman in Tania's house. Once satisfied, go back to Tania's and speak tothe old woman.

Once awoken, head outside for an Event. After the Event, you can speak to thePriest for helpful story dialogue and direction. Then, if you wish for newconversation, speak to everyone in the town South of the Mayor's House. If youhead outside town to the Mountain Pass, you will be blocked by a man laying onthe ground. Nor can you trigger any battles outside. When satisfied, headjust North of the Mayor's House for an Event, or head to the Mayor's House andspeak to the Mayor.

If you choose to see the Event North of the Mayor's House first, head to theMayor's House and speak to him. If you spoke to the Mayor first, head North ofhis house to witness the Event. Either way, the Mayor will give you the[Entry Pass] which will allow entry into Somnia.

After witnessing the Event and speaking to the Mayor the Nun reappears in thechurch for some new dialogue. Head to Tania's House and speak to Tania forsome sleep.

In the morning there are new conversations in town. When satisfied head out,down the Mountain Pass and South, South West to Haggleton, and from there,directly South through the Mountain Pass (Buddy has some new conversation), andEast to Somnia.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Suggested Gear Section!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Best Buys: N/A (cannot purchase anything in Wellshire yet)

Low-Maintenance Equipment *RECOMMENDED* Hero- Oaken Club, Wayfarer's Clothes, Scale Shield, Hardwood Headwear

Frugal Equipment Hero- Copper Sword, Wayfarer's Clothes, Scale Shield, Hardwood Headwear

High-Maintenance Equipment Hero- Copper Sword, Scale Armour, Scale Shield, Hardwood Headwear

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_____________________________________________________________________________||[walk.006] *****Somnia***** |||| || =============================================================================

Map Link:http://www.woodus.com/den/gallery/graphics/dq6ds/maps_overworld/dq6ds_dream_world_names.png

Monsters: Mottle Slime [001], Ghastropod [004], Lips [006], Ornery Onion [007] Slugger [008], Leery Lout [010], Haardvark [011], Barksman [013], Bubble Slime [014], Crested Loon [016], Budding Sorcerer [017]

Items: 1. Antique Ring(C) / 2. Seed of Strength (Lady Next to Well, Trade) / 3. Medicinal Herb(D) / 4. Plain Clothes(Ca) / 5. Antidotal Herb(P)

Shops: Inn (10 Gold), Church (Save), Bank, Slippin' Slime (Inn)

o--------------------------------------------------------------o |Item Shop |Armour Shop | o------------------------------o-------------------------------o | Medicinal Herb (8) | Leather Armour (180) | | Antidotal Herb (10) | Scale Armour (350) | | Holy Water (20) | Leather Shield (70) | | Chimaera Wing (25) | Scale Shield (180) | | Moonwort Bulb (30) | Leather Hat (65) | | | Hardwood Headwear (120) | | o-------------------------------o | |Weapon Shop | | o-------------------------------o | | Oaken Club (110) | | | Giant Mallet (220) | | | Copper Sword (270) | | | Boomerang (420) | | | Stone Axe (550) | o==============================o===============================o

Recommended Level: 5 | Level Cap: 7-9 | Gold: None | Medals: None (1)

Actions to Complete: 1) Head North to Castle and tell guard you wish to join the military. 2) Head to Church for a scene. 3) Head back to Castle and speak to guard again. 4) Head up stairs and stand in front of Captain Blade. 5) Head out of town South towards Gardsbane Tower.

Castle of Somnia: see [walk.007a]

Town of Somnia: Upon entering Somnia the guard

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will halt the Hero, then let __________To Castle____________ Well Map: him pass after seeing the | | ____|____ [Entry Pass]. There are a ____________| |______________ | _____ | bunch of people to talk to,| ____ | | | (1) | | but first head to the|| | _ | | |__*__| | Weapon Shop and purchase a|| ||_|2 | |_________| [Boomerang]. Equip it, and||___5| | check the Armour shop to see| |Inn/Church 2F: if the [Scale Armour] can be| ___ ____ | ___________ afforded if you have not|| | | | | |# |# 3| bought it yet, if so equip it.||4__| | | | | | | | |(I) | | |_____|_____| Next up, save at the Church,| ________ _____| | | then head to the Well in the| |# I #C | | (W) (A) | | NW of town. Speak to the lady| |________| |__________| | in front of it now for some new conversation|_____________Entry_____________| then head into the well and battle the demon standing in front of the chest. The battleis versus a Grim Grinner [044]: 50HP, 48Atk, 42Def, 16Agi. Attack and Defend.If the Hero is level 7, use Sap twice. Keep HP above 20. If you die, restartand just level to 7 if not so already, otherwise keep battling.

Once the Grim Grinner is destroyed, open the chest for an [Antique Ring], thefirst one-time only item that can be lost forever. The battle will always bepresent, as will the ring, however, it belongs to the old lady at the top ofthe well. If you give it to her, she will hand you a [Seed of Strength] inreturn. There are no other methods, save through cheating, to get the[Antique Ring] again. For more info, read [mech.012].

Head to the Church after completing the first sub-quest for the [Antique Ring].Kudos to those who recognize "The Hobbit" tip-o'-the-hat. Save, then upstairsto a drawer with a [Medicinal Herb]. Rest if needs be and head to the centralWest house for a [Plain Clothes] in the cabinet and some funny conversation.

The Northern house next to the well contains an [Antidotal Herb]. Next it istime to speak to anyone not yet spoken to. Take notes on what the man standingup on the second floor of the Inn says.

When satisfied head North to the castle and speak to the guard. Tell him youwish to join the Army. Head south into town and go to the Church. A scenetriggers with the familiar looking Purple-Haired Man. Save if you wish, thenhead back to the castle and speak to the guard once more to be let inside.

You may speak to the other guards blocking each doorway, then head upstairs.There are a few one-time only conversations if you speak to each person beforestanding in the open spot on the upper-left. Once satisfied, stand in the openspot for an Event. After the event it is a good idea to Save the game.

Exit outside and head a little South-East to a Bridge. Cross it and head South

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to another Bridge, cross that and head South-West to Gardsbane Tower.

Tips: 1) Buy a [Boomerang] immediately. Then buy [Scale Armour]. 2) Buy at least 9 [Medical Herb]s. 3) Level to at least 6; recommended 7. 4) For those OCD about having every item, keep the [Antique Ring], otherwise, trade it for the [Seed of Strength]. Note that [Seed of Strength] can be farmed relatively easily down the road. 5) As per usual, I recommend saving all Seeds for now.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Suggested Gear Section!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Best Buys: Boomerang, Scale Armour *Why Shell Now? Read Below:

Unless you want to spend excess time leveling, more often than not on-hand Goldwill not be enough to buy both the [Shell Armour] and the [Boomerang]. I put[Boomerang] as the first priority as it is by far the best weapon for the Herofor some time. It attacks All monsters making it easy to clear through battlesto either build decent gold reserves, gain experience, or just get through thegame. So the idea is to ensure having enough money first for the [Boomerang]then worrying about [Scale Armour] afterwards.

Low-Maintenance Equipment Hero- Boomerang, Wayfarer's Clothes, Scale Shield, Hardwood Headwear

Frugal and High-Maintenance Equipment *RECOMMENDED* Hero- Boomerang, Scale Armour, Scale Shield, Hardwood Headwear

_____________________________________________________________________________||[walk.007] *****Gardsbane Tower***** |||| || =============================================================================

Map Link:http://www.woodus.com/den/gallery/graphics/dq6ds/maps_overworld/dq6ds_dream_world_names.png

Monsters: Batatouille [005], Stumpkin [009], Haardvark [011], Cumaulus [012], Barksman [013]

Items: 1. Chimaera Wing(C) / 2. 130Gold(C) / 3. Mini Medal(D) / 4. Gold Ring(Speak to NPC) / 5. Medicinal Herb(C) / 6. Restless Heart(C)

Shops: No Shops

Recommended Level: 7 | Level Cap: 10 | Gold: 130 | Medals: 1 (2)

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Actions to Complete: 1) Enter the Tower, battle the Tower Sentry on the third floor. 2) Climb to the fifth floor, drop down to a room with three doors, take the RIGHT for a [Gold Ring]. 3) Back in the room with three doors, take the LEFT and climb to the top. 4) Speak to Garrett at the top and defeat him for the [Restless Heart]. 5) Return to Somnia and Captain Blade.

-Special Key- 1F: ______________ 2F: ______________Damage Tile: % | %%&%%%%% E| | | E|Empty Chests: @ _| ____%%____ |_ _| _______| _|_Movement Tiles: ^,v,<,> | D| %%%%%%|_ | | D| | |Sentry, Garrett: ! | | ______%%%%| | | | ___ | |Fellow Contestants: & | | @@ | | | |_____| _| |NPCs: $ | | | | | | | | | |%%|_ %% _| ___| | | F| |_ | _____ |__|%%%_|%%|_ BC| |__ |___|___ |__C| _| |_ |_____AA_____| |_______&_|1_| | |_____| | _| |__Q__| | 3F: _____ 4F-1: ________ 5F-1: _____ | | ! |__ __|_ _ |__ |>v <>v| | J | _| _____ P | | | _!2| | | |^v J ^^v| | | _| | |___L|___| | | | | | I| |^v ^^v| | v || | | |__K| |__ |_G| |F| |H_| |^v<<<^^ | | v || |____| | ___ | |_ |_____| |^v>v^^^ | | v || | |___G|& |___H_| &| | |^ ^>^^^ | | v || |___| |______| __ | | |^ ^^^ | | || |___| |______| |B__| | |^<< >^^ | |__K__|| |___________| 4F-2: _________________ |^ >>^ ||__ _| |_____| | N|%%%%%| M| |^ &^ | 5F-2: ______|_____|_____AA____|_____| |__ __|__ __|__ __| |^ ^ I| |3 M| |__ __| | $| $| $| |^<<<__| | $4 | ## | ____________| |______| ## | | Entrance |$_L_| 5F-3: ___ 6F: _____ | N | | O | Enter the Tower, speak to the guard for some | | | | funny dialogue then enter the building. Head to | |____ | | the NW corner, going first East to the wall, | O| | P | then North to the spikes, then West past the two | ____| |_____| empty chests. Around the wall behind the chests | | is a man sitting on the spikes. Speak to him if |_5_| you want, then head around the walls to the NW staircase D. Head up, then South, then East for some more conversation. Head back down to the first floor.

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Go back to the empty chests and head to the East wall, then North to the North-East staircase, E. From the top, walk South, hugging the East wall to a Chestwith [Chimaera Wing]. Then North to the center, and West to the stairs F.

Walk North and speak to the soldier. Say yes for a Sub-Boss battle against"Tower Sentry." Say no for some interesting conversation, then head around tothe North side for some more interesting conversation and the first Sub-Bossbattle "Tower Sentry."

o==================================================================o| Sub-Boss [B01] | Tower Sentry |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| HP: 150 | MP: - | Item: Medicinal Herb | Rate: 1/32 |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| ATK: 34 | DEF: 32 | AGI: 22 | EXP: 95 | GOLD: - |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Muster Strength |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Resistance data based on likely known skills: || NO RESISTANCE: Sap || WEAK RESISTANCE: N/A || STRONG RESISTANCE: N/A || IMMUNITY: N/A |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Strategy: || Sap the first and second rounds. || Attack normally. || If he uses Muster Strength, defend. || If HP hits 20-25, use a Medicinal Herb on the next round. || |o==================================================================o

*IMPORTANT* - From this point forward DO NOT LEAVE THE TOWER. Doing so will forfeit the contest, lose the Accessory [Gold Ring] (which can be found later off Goodybags [050]), and miss some fun conversation and the battle with Garrett - luckily sub-bosses are not recorded in the Big Book of Beasts, but why bother losing everything over nothing more than leaving to heal up?

*IMPORTANT2* - If you die on the way up, it does not count as having "left." So return if you do die to complete the tower.

After defeating the Tower Sentry, open the chest for [130G]. Then West andSouth to head outside. Go East and around to the next door, H. Then up thestairs, I to a funky movement tile room. Step South one tile, then West andstep on the movement tile. Either move South 2, East 2, South 1, and step onthe East movement tile, or speak to the man then head North 2 and step on theEast movement tile. Walk up staircase J.

South and out the door, head to the left edge and jump off, the right leadsback to the third floor. Speak to the man to learn his name and some

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competitive spirit. Head inside doorway L. Speak to the guard to learn whatlies before you, then speak to the three people in front of the door for one ofthe oldest riddles: Which one is Lying? Of course, if you know the riddle, youknow the question is "What would the other one say..." where the "..." refersto the subject at hand, in this case the correct door to complete the tower.

The truth is the MIDDLE door leads to spikes, the RIGHT door leads to a potwith a [Mini Medal], and by speaking to the man you receive a [Gold Ring],which is not the real trophy.

*IMPORTANT* - If you do not get the [Gold Ring] before going up and defeating Garrett, it cannot be obtained until later, from Goodybags [050]. As an accessory it is only useful now, later there are far better options.

After getting the items from the RIGHT door, head back down and go to the LEFTand up staircase N. South to a chest with [Medicinal Herb], then North andEast to stairs, O, up more stairs, P to exit to the top of the tower.

Heal if needed, ensure your inventory has only equipped gear and Medical Herbs.Head towards the man waiting and speak to him. Accept the challenge to startthe second Sub-Boss battle, "Garrett."

o==================================================================o| Sub-Boss [B02] | Garrett |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| HP: 250 | MP: - | Item: Seed of Strength | Rate: 1/32 |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| ATK: 40 | DEF: 35 | AGI: 35 | EXP: 120 | GOLD: - |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Violent Slashing Attack, Leg Sweep |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Resistance data based on likely known skills: || NO RESISTANCE: Sap || WEAK RESISTANCE: N/A || STRONG RESISTANCE: N/A || IMMUNITY: N/A |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Strategy: || Sap the first and second rounds. || Attack normally. || When HP hits 20-25, use a Medicinal Herb on the next round. || |o==================================================================o

*NOTE*- If you die to Garrett, you can return to rebattle him and get the [Restless Heart].

After defeating Garrett, walk in the door, speak to him for some new dialogue,

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then open the chest for the trophy, [Restless Heart]. Head out, and either usea Chimaera Wing or jump off the tower from the West opening and head to Somnia.

-------------------------------------------- ||[walk.007a]***Somnia*** || ============================================

Items: 1. Mini Medal(P)

Medals: 1(3)

Actions to Complete: 1) Enter Castle and speak to Captain Blade (Restless Heart is taken, no way around this). 2) Speak to the man in the center of the garden on 1F. 3) Leave and head West for the horse pasture.

Somnia Castle:1F: 2F: 3F: ________ ________ _________________ ___________ ___| 1| | |___ ___| _____ |___ __| |__| | | | | |_____| E | | E|| B |___ _|__ __|_ ___| C | |_ ___________________ _| |_________________|| | | | | | | || | | | | | | | B1-A: B1-B:| | __ __ | | | | _____ | | __________ ___| |____| |____| | | |____| |____| | |B | | | | C || ___ | | | ___ | | | |___|___| | || #A# | | #A# | |__________| | ||_________ _________| |________| |________| _|___|_ |Entry| |__D__| | | |_______|

Hit up the town of Somnia for a few new conversations, some of them amusing.When satisfied, walk North to the castle, up the stairs, and speak to CaptainBlade. He will take the [Restless Heart] and let you go.

Speak to everyone in the Palace for some new conversation, some of it ratherfunny. Grab the [Mini Medal] from the pot in the kitchen, then head to thegarden to speak to the old man. Say yes to start a new journey in search of aHorse. Exit to the town for a few new conversations. Then outside and headWest.

o=============================o| IMPORTANT |o-----------------------------o| The [Enchanted Armour] is || now available to buy in the || Weaver's Peak Weapon Shop. || Just walk up to it and check|| it to purchase. Price is || 7000 Gold. |

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_____________________________________________________________________________||[walk.008] *****The Horse and the Journey East***** |||| || =============================================================================

Map Link:http://www.woodus.com/den/gallery/graphics/dq6ds/maps_overworld/dq6ds_dream_world_names.png

Monsters: Mottle Slime [001], Ghastropod [004], Lips [006], Ornery Onion [007] Slugger [008], Leery Lout [010], Haardvark [011], Barksman [013], Bubble Slime [014], Crested Loon [016], Budding Sorcerer [017]

Items: No Items

Shops: No Shops

Recommended Level: 7 | Level Cap: 7 | Gold: 0 | Medals: 0(3)

Actions to Complete: 1) Head West, recruit Carver. 2) Continue through the mountains to the Horse Pasture. 3) Corner the horse to capture her. 4) Take the newly dubbed Peggy Sue back to Somnia.

Once outside town, head in any direction, though the Hero should be moving Westand eventually Carver will stop you and ask if he can help. Whether he won thetower contest or not is irrelevant.

________________________________________||[char1] CARVER! || ========================================

The first character to join is Carver. A Martial Artist by trade, alsogifted, unknowingly, as a carpenter. He wishes to follow the hero and help onhis journey, regardless that you beat him to the top of the tower or not.There is no way to skip Carver, he will join even if you deny him.

New Character: Carver, Lv3 o-------o------o-------o------o-------o------o---------o | HP|42 | MP|0 | St|20 | Ag|5 | Re|12 | Wi|4 | Style|4 | o-------o------o-------o------o-------o------o---------o Starting Items: Bamboo Spear, Leather Kilt, Leather Shield

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It would be smart to give Carver the [Oaken Club] and [Leather Hat]. If youfeel wealthy, buy him a [Stone Axe] and [Scale Armour]. Skip upgrading theshield for now. Then head out West once more, when you hit the mountains, keepgoing West between both sets of mountains, and to the South side of the water.

Keep going West until you find a Bridge a little to the North. Cross it andmove into the center of the forest with the sign to enter the Pasture. Once inhead to the East to find a horse. It will run from you, just chase it untilCarver stops you. When Carver moves North, head East to chase the Horse oncemore. After it is cornered speak to Carver to trigger an Event.

Take the horse, now named Peggy Sue, back to Somnia.

Tips: 1)Equip Carver with at least the [Oaken Club] and [Leather Hat].

-------------------------------------------- ||[walk.008b]***Somnia*** || ============================================

Items: 1. Silver Tiara(D)

Actions to Complete: 1)Head to the castle courtyard, speak to the old man. 2)Exit Somnia, head North / North East to the North Gate.

Somnia Castle 3F: Once back in town, speak to everyone for some new dialogue. _______ One man, in the House just north of the Inn, says some very __| |__ interesting things. Once satisfied, head into the Castle.|1 #| Speak to everyone but the old man for some new conversation|_____________| and then head to the garden when ready. After talking to the guy looking for a horse an event occurs. After the# = Stairs event, speak to everyone in the King's room, then head to West end and open the Drawer for a [Silver Tiara].

Head downstairs and if you wish, there are a few new conversations to read.Then head into town and consider whether you wish to buy new equipment forCarter in preparation or not.

Tips: 1)Buy Carter the [Scale Armour] in preparation for the journey.

-------------------------------------------- ||[walk.008c]***Northlands*** || ============================================

Items: 1. Holy Water(P - Church) / 2. Pretty Betsy(D - Church) / 3. Antidotal Herb(P - House) / 4. Hardwood Headwear(D - House)

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Monsters: Leery Lout [010], Haardvark [011], Cumaulus [012], Barksman [013], Crested Loon [016], Budding Sorcerer [017]

Services: Inn (Free - In Church), Church (Save)

Recommended Level: 8 | Level Cap: 11 | Gold: 0 | Medals 0(3)

Actions to Complete: 1)Head through the North Gate, then East, and then South. 2)Enter the Southern House and agree to build a shed for the woodsman. 3)Head East to the small desert, search in the center for the Secret Passage and enter.

Once out of Somnia, head East then North following the Mountains to a gate.Head into it, perhaps speak to the soldiers, then head North, then East untilyou come to a Church. Enter the Church which has a free heal service and aSave point. Grab the [Holy Water] from the pot on the left and on the rightis a [Pretty Betsy] in a drawer. Head out when finished and South.

Down South is a House and a dead-end. Enter the house and break the pot for an[Antidotal Herb], and in the drawers is a [Hardwood Headwear]. Give Carter thehelmet. Then speak to the woodsman. Tell him No, Yes, Yes to trigger an Event.

After the Event, speak to the woodsman again, then head out East to the smallpatch of desert and search for a hidden dungeon. Enter.

Tips: 1)Equip the [Hardwood Headwear] to Carver.

-------------------------------------------- ||[walk.008d]***Secret Passage*** || ============================================

Items: 1. Bronze Shield(C) / 2. 270Gold(C)

Monsters: Batatouille [005], Lips [006], Cumaulus [012], Bubble Slime [014], Mad Mollusk [019]

Recommended Level: 8 | Level Cap: 12 | Gold: 270 | Medals 0(3)

B1-A: B2: B1-B: _ _ _ __ _____ | | |2| Upon entering the cave, go ___ | | | B| |C | | | | | _ South, then South at first T| A | | | | | |____ \_| |_| |__|D| to chest with [Bronze Shield].| | | | _ | | \ ___ ____| Equip to Hero or Carver. If| |__| |____| | | | _/ / \ | Hero, give [Scale Shield] to|____ ______ B| | | | / | | Carver. _| | |__| | C| |_| |_| |_1_| |__| Go North, straight East, pass the passage headed North, and

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continue to stairs B.

Go straight south to stairs C, then head directly East. Pass first South andNorth passages, and go up the second North passage to a chest with [270G].Back South, then East to stairs and the world map.

Tips: 1)Equip the [Bronze Shield] to the Hero, give Carver the [Scale Shield].

-------------------------------------------- ||[walk.008e]***Second Hole*** || ============================================

Monsters: Mottle Slime [001], Ornery Onion [007], Cumaulus [012], Barksman [013], Bubble Slime [014], Crested Loon [016], Budding Sorcerer [017], Mad Mollusk [019]

Recommended Level: 8 | Level Cap: 11-13 | Gold: 270 | Medals 0(3)

Head East, then South, then East to a giant hole. Walk towards the hole, thenaround to the Northern tip. Fall into the world below.


@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @******************************************************@ @***))###| |###((***@ @**))######| CHAPTER 2, AWAKENING TO THE REAL WORLD |######((**@@*))########| |########((*@@******************************************************************@

_____________________________________________________________________________||[walk.009] *****Port Haven***** |||| || =============================================================================

Map Link:http://www.woodus.com/den/gallery/graphics/dq6ds/maps_overworld/dq6ds_real_world_names.png

Monsters: Cumaulus [012], Bubble Slime [014], Slime [015a], Goblin Pixie [018] Gum Shield [020], Babygoyle [022], Ruffled Goon [024]

Items: 1. Bamboo Spear(D) / 2. Medicinal Herb(P) / 3. Mini Medal(P) / 4. Pretty Betsy(Ca) / 5. Iron Claw(B) / 6. Fur Hood(B)

Shops: Inn (10 Gold), Bank, Church (Save), Patty's Party Planning, Casino,

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Ship to Somnia (50g per person)

o--------------------------------------------------------------o |Armour Shop |Weapon Shop | o------------------------------o-------------------------------o | Leather Armour (180) | Thorn Whip (350) | | Scale Armour (350) | Boomerang (420) | | Leather Dress (380) | Stone Axe (550) | | Scale Shield (180) | Iron Claw (700) | | Leather Hat (65) | Chain Sickle (1100) | | Hardwood Headwear (120) | | o==============================o===============================o

Recommended Level: 9 | Level Cap: 14 | Gold: None | Medals: 1(4)

Actions to Complete: 1) Head to Southern Dock to witness event. 2) Go to the Mayor's House(SE), speak to Maid, follow her upstairs and speak to her again. 3) Attempt to leave House to trigger event. 4) Head to Central building in Port, walk North, talk to Blonde woman. 5) Head outside of town towards the South East to Luca's.

_________ _______ Mayor 2F: Inn 2F: Shops 2F: | _____ | | _____ | _____ ________ ______ | | 6 | E | | | | | | | | | | | | Patty| | |__ | _| | | __| |__________ | | |_ |_ |_ | |___ | |______ | ___|_______ __ | |____A| |_______B| | | C| _______ | | | 3 4| | ___ | |____ _|| ____ | | | | I 2| | | C | | |______||| D| |_| |_| _____B| | |_ _| | Port 2F: Jail:||____ _ _ * C|5| ||___| Entry _____ ________ Casino:|_______| | | |(W) |_| | _____ | | | | | | ______________ | | |(A) | | | 1| | | | |____|___| | | E | | __| |_|_ __| | | | | | D| | F| |_____| |____| |__ ______| __| |_ __A| | |_____| |________| | | |_| |F | |_____| |slots slots| |______________| | ___ ______| |poker| |_____| |______________|Upon entering town, if you want to get a one-time onlypiece of conversation, speak to the Mayor. Then speakto everyone else for some new dialogue. Don't forget party chat. The oldwoman in church is the only one who will not respond. There is a special smallevent when speaking to the man near the weapon shop. There is a curious scenein the North-Central house. Stay away from the SW corner in the Port until youwish to further the story. Don't forget to check the signs around the town.

Time to hunt items. Go to the Mayor's House in the SE, open the drawer for a[Bamboo Spear]. Inside the large building and break the pots left of the Innfor [Medicinal Herb]. Head to the room just above the Inn for a pot with a[Mini Medal] and a cabinet with a [Pretty Betsy]. Move over to the weapon shop

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and out the door across from it. Break the barrel for an [Iron Claw], whichshould be equipped to Carver. Back inside, then across to the door North ofthe weapon shop, North to the NW harbor building. Break the barrels for a[Fur Hood].

When finished go to the SW corner of the Port for a scene. Afterwards you canspeak to the young man for some more conversation. Then head to the Mayor'shouse. Speak to Ella, then follow her upstairs and speak to her again. Headback down and attempt to leave for an event. Once over, there's a bunch of newconversation. After having your fill head to the Port, enter the Centralbuilding and speak to the Blonde woman.

Heed Carver's advice and head to the Church to Save. Then head out of town andmeet up with Milly.

Tips: 1)Give Carver the [Iron Claw].

-------------------------------------------- ||[walk.009a]***Madame Luca*** || ============================================

Items: 1. Lucida Shard(Ca) / 2. Seed of Magic(P) / 3. Medicinal Herbx10 (Luca after scene) / 4. Trailblazing Bandana(Well)

Monsters: Well Wisher [040]

After exiting Port Haven, Milly takes the party to Madame Luca's. After ascene, wake up and move to the cabinet for a [Lucida Shard]. Break the pot fora [Seed of Magic]. Go and speak to Milly first, then Madame Luca. She hands10 [Medicinal Herb]s to the Hero and Milly joins as a guest character.

Exit the house and head to the well. Try to enter for a battle with aWell Wisher [040]. Do NOT cast Sap until the Bounce effect wears off.Defeating it earns the accessory [Trailblazing Bandana]. Equip it to Carver.Exit outside and head South East to a bridge, then South to the Lucid Grotto.

Tips: 1)When battling the Well Wisher [040], wait until it's Bounce effect wears off before casting Sap. Keep HP high, and just attack. 2)Equip Carver with the [Trailblazing Bandana]. 3)It is wise to not use Seeds at this point.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Suggested Gear Section!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Best Buys: N/A (cannot purchase yet)

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_____________________________________________________________________________||[walk.010] *****Lucid Grotto***** |||| || =============================================================================

Map Link:http://www.woodus.com/den/gallery/graphics/dq6ds/maps_overworld/dq6ds_real_world_names.png

Monsters: Slime [015a], Goblin Pixie [018], Gum Shield [020], Babygoyle [022], Slime Knight [023], Ruffled Goon [024], Mud Mannequin [025], Hell Hornet [027], Metal Slime [069a]

Items: 1. Chimaera Wing(C) / 2. Seed of Resilience(C) / 3. 230Gold(C) / 4. Bronze Knife(C) / 5. Fur Cape(C)

Story Items: Dream Dew (Pot on B4)

Shops: No Shops

Recommended Level: 10 | Level Cap: 14 | Gold: 230 | Medals: 0(4)

Actions to Complete: 1)Walk down to the bottom floor. 2)Defeat the Bloodcreeper, then examine the pot for [Dream Dew]. 3)Exit and head back to Madame Luca.

B1: B2: B3: __ B4: __ ___ _____ ___________|C | ________|B | __ | B |____| ___| | | | () |\ \ | A| |______ __ | | _ ___ __| | | \ \______/ / | || |_ |4| | | |__| | | \_____ ___/ __ _| ||__ \ |_| | | __ | D | | | |3|_| \ \ \ ___| |___| 5| |______| | | |__ ____ \___| | |D | |1_| | | |_____ | |____________| | |_____ | | | ____C| _| | |__| |2__|

Enter, move South, then head down the South path at the first T for a chestwith a [Chimaera Wing]. Go North, then East, up and around to stairs, B. HeadEast to the wall, then South, hugging the wall to the bottom for a Chest with a[Seed of Resilience]. Walk North, at the first intersection head West, passthe lake on the South side, and head directly West to the wall, then North to achest with [230Gold]. Then South, South at the intersection, then East at thenext to stairs, C. Head South, then navigate the stairs all the way to theWest wall and a chest, [Bronze Knife]. Go back up and around to the Southward

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road, then East to another chest with a [Fur Cape]. Equip the Cape to the Heroand if Carver does not have [Scale Armour] give him the Hero's cast-off. HeadSouth and straight West to staircase D. Heal up, give the Hero and Carver any[Medicinal Herb]s as needed.

When ready, walk up to the monster and speak to it to trigger the thirdSub-Boss battle.

o==================================================================o| Sub-Boss [B03] | Bloodcreeper |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| HP: 370 | MP: 18 | Item: Seed of Resilience | Rate: 1/16 |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| ATK: 53 | DEF: 50 | AGI: 52 | EXP: 260 | GOLD: 370 |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Dazzleflash, Sap, Buff, Whips its Tail |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Resistance data based on likely known skills: || NO RESISTANCE: Sap || WEAK RESISTANCE: N/A || STRONG RESISTANCE: N/A || IMMUNITY: N/A |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Strategy: || Hero - Sap first and second rounds. Work as back-up healer. || Attack otherwise. || Carver - Attack. |o==================================================================o

After defeating the Bloodcreeper, walk towards the pot and examine it to getthe [Dream Dew]. Exit the cave and head North to Madame Luca's.

Tips: 1)Give the Hero the [Fur Cape] and give Carver the [Scale Armour] if he does not have it equipped. 2)Head into the battle with Bloodcreeper fully healed.

-------------------------------------------- ||[walk.010a]***Madame Luca*** || ============================================

Walk up to Madam Luca and speak to her to start an event. Once finished youcan now speak to people in the Real World. Milly also joins as the thirdcompanion regardless of whether you wish her too or not.

*IMPORTANT*- Madame Luca, being a dream seer, will always have invaluable info on where to go and what to do next. Sometimes the information is strange and difficult to decipher, but more often than not the directions are clear.

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________________________________________||[char2] MILLY! || ========================================

Once invisible like the Hero, she was helped by Madame Luca and works as herassistant. Unsure of her past she travels with the party to unlock both hersecrets and to help the Hero and Carver in their quest.

New Character: Milly, Lv5 o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o----------o | HP|63 | MP|50 | St|12 | Ag|35 | Re|25 | Wi|45 | Style|40 | o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o----------o Starting Items: Bronze Knife, Silk Robe

Milly starts somewhat weak in gear. For now give her the [Silver Tiara] and[Lucida Shard] - the shard adds no defense, but it is a useful accessory whenused in battle. Geared up, there is some interesting tidbits if you speak tothe man in the well. When finished, head out and North-West to Port Haven.

o-----------------------------------------------o| *Sidequest* Wellshire [walk.013a] |o-----------------------------------------------o| This is the earliest you can do the Wellshire || sidequest. I just usually finish the event || after Amor. However, in visiting Wellshire || now it can both be added to the list of Zoom || locations and the stores will be open to shop || offering one of the best Accessories for only || 450g. || So either wait until the same time I do it, or|| go immediately to [walk.013a]. || |o-----------------------------------------------o

____________________________________________ ||[walk.010c]***Port Haven*** || ============================================

Story Items: 1. Boarding Pass

Actions to Complete: 1)Enter the Mayor's house, head upstairs and speak to the son. 2)Head to Central port house, buy a [Boarding Pass], speak to the sailor in front of the ship to set sail for Somnia.

Back in town it is tempting to just go and buy new weapons and armour, but thewiser thing to do is to skip such action for now and head to the casino. Thereare a bunch of new conversation bits all over town. When finished, decide toeither save Gold, hit up the Casino, or buy gear now.

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If you buy gear now, my only recommendations are the [Thorn Whip] for Milly and[Leather Dress] for Milly. If you wish to buy extra, the only noteworthy pieceis the [Chain Sickle], perhaps for the Hero since Carver has an [Iron Claw].If you wish to take my main recommendation, be smart, and hit the casino first,head to the next section [casino1].

Otherwise, head to the Mayor's home, speak to him for some interestingconversation, to complete tell him Yes twice. Head upstairs to speak to theson. There is also some more interesting conversation in the North-Centralhouse. When done, head to the Central dock building and buy a boarding pass.Perhaps hit up the people upstairs for more conversation. When done, speak tothe sailor in front of the ship to board and leave for Somnia.

Tips: 1)Spend nothing, go to the Casino; see below.

________________________________________||[casino1] First Casino || ========================================

Port Haven has the first of three Casino's in Dragon Quest VI.

The Casino is the best place in DQ to make money, and I mean lots and lots ofgold. The first thing to do is hit up the left counter by the stairs and spendevery single cent on Tokens. 100 Tokens is the absolute minimum. Save, thenhit up either slots or poker and save at earning intervals. I recommend slots.Then the trick is to make enough to buy items from the Casino shop, thenselling. The best option in Port Haven's Casino is the [Silk Tuxedo].

For more info on the Casino's check: [extra.001]

For tactics and major tips on how to win effectively: [cheat.003]

Once satisfied with Token count and Gold amount, buy freely, though I stillrecommend not buying anything from Port Haven save the [Thorn Whip] for Milly.I do recommend getting [Platinum Mail] and [Dragon Shield]s for Carver and theHero. With the lack of any revive spell, I also recommend picking up a few[Yggdrasil Leaf] and putting at least one in each character's inventory.

When done, it's time to make a pit-stop in Weaver's Peak. Head back to theRuins, head downstairs and enter the well. Zoom to Weaver's Peak, enter theWeapon Shop and search the shiny mail to be offered it for 7000g. Buy it forthe [Enchanted Armour]. This armour is Milly's best for some time.

Upon returning to Weaver's Peak, there are new conversations to be had by everyperson in town, and a special one with Buddy.

*NOTE*- From this point forward I will play the "Suggested Gear Section!" as

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though the Casino will be abused for more Gold and will recommend the High-Maintenance Equipment always.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Suggested Gear Section!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Best Buys: Thorn Whip

Low-Maintenance Equipment Hero- Boomerang, Scale Armour, Bronze Shield, Hardwood Headwear, Gold Ring Carver - Iron Claw, Fur Hood, Scale Shield, Hardood Headwear, Trailblazing Bandana Milly - Thorn Whip, Silk Robe/Leather Dress, Silver Tiara, Lucida Shard

Frugal Equipment Hero- Boomerang, Platinum Mail, Dragon Shield, Hardwood Headwear, Gold Ring Carver - Iron Claw, Platinum Mail, Dragon Shield, Hardwood Headwear, Trailblazing Bandana Milly - Thorn Whip, Enchanted Armour, Silver Tiara, Lucida Shard

High-Maintenance Equipment *RECOMMENDED* Hero- Boomerang (Chain Sickle), Platinum Mail, Dragon Shield, Hardwood Headwear, Gold Ring Carver - Chain Sickle, Platinum Mail, Dragon Shield, Hardwood Headwear, Trailblazing Bandana Milly - Thorn Whip, Enchanted Armour, Silver Tiara, Lucida Shard

____________________________________________ ||[walk.010e]***Dock SE of Somnia*** || ============================================

Shops: Church(Save), Ship to Somnia (50g per person)

Upon arrival at the port there are some new people to speak to, a curious slimethat was previously seen in the Weaver's Peak from the upper Dream World.

_____________________________________________________________________________||[walk.011] *****Somnia in the Real World***** |||| || =============================================================================

Map Link:http://www.woodus.com/den/gallery/graphics/dq6ds/maps_overworld/dq6ds_real_world_names.png

Monsters: Slime [015a], Budding Sorcerer [017], She-Slime [021], Babygoyle [022], Ruffled Goon [024], Silencing Ram [026], Hell Hornet [027], Dead Resident [028]

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Items: 1. Poison Moth Knife(D - Thief's Key) / 2. Holy Water(D) / 3. Medicinal Herb(P) / 4. Mini Medal(P) / 5. Silk Robe(D)

Shops: Inn (10 Gold), Church (Save), Bank, Slippin' Slime (Inn)

o--------------------------------------------------------------o |Item Shop |Armour Shop | o------------------------------o-------------------------------o | Medicinal Herb (8) | Chain Mail (500) | | Antidotal Herb (10) | Fur Cape (550) | | Holy Water (20) | Bronze Armour (700) | | Moonwort Bulb (30) | Noble Garb (800) | | Chimaera Wing (25) | Dancer's Costume (1300) | o------------------------------o Bronze Shield (370) | |Item Shop 2 (Inn 2F)* o-------------------------------o o------------------------------oWeapon Shop | | Moonwort Bulb (30) o-------------------------------o | Gold Bracer (350) | Thorn whip (350) | | Thief's Key (200) | Iron Claw (700) | | | Chain Sickle (1100) | | | Chain Whip (1200) | | | Edged Boomerang (1500) | o------------------------------o-------------------------------o | *Item Shop 2 appears after Underkeep events, dissapears after| | Murdaw's defeat. | o==============================================================o

Recommended Level: 11 | Level Cap: 16 | Gold: None | Medals: 1(5)

Actions to Complete: 1)Purchase the [Noble Garb], equip it to the Hero. 2)Walk North to the Castle and gain entry. 3)Speak to everyone in the castle. 4)Speak to the Soldier guarding the stairs to 3F. 5)Speak to the King, Queen, and Maid, head back to the stairs. 6)Exit town heading West.

Town of Somnia: Upon entering Somnia, there a bunch of different people to __________To Castle____________ Well Map: speak with, and some curious | | __|________ tidbits. Trying to enter the ____________| |______________ | | | | castle will lead nowhere but| ____ | | |_| | to be cast out.|| 4| _ | |_ _|____| || ||_| | | |_| So, before taking note of some||____| | of the tidbits of new info| |Inn/Church 2F: about the Hero looking similar| ___ ____ | ___________ to the Prince, it is time to|| 3| | 1 | | |# |# 2 | shop. If you have low funds||___| | | | | | | and never took advantage of| |(I) | | |_____|_____| the casino, just buy the

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| ________ _____| | | [Noble Garb], and if there is| |# I #C | | (W) (A) | | enough, pick up the| |________| |__________| | [Edged Boomerang]. The next important item|_____________Entry_____________| should be a [Dancer's Costume] for Milly or a [Bronze Armour] for the Hero or Carver. Otherwise buy whatever, though thenext town has considerable upgrades for the Hero and Carver, unless theWellshire sidequest was completed first.

Next is item gathering. There is a [Poison Moth Knife] in a drawer behind theThief's Key door, behind the Item Shop. Give it to Milly as a backup and bossweapon. Above the church is a [Holy Water] in a pot. One house up and to theleft has a [Medicinal Herb] in a pot. Going to the NW house, there is a[Mini Medal] in a pot.

Having bought the [Noble Garb], equip it to the Hero and walk to the castle.Speak with the guard to be allowed inside with a new event.

Somnia Castle:1F: 2F: 3F: ________ ________ _________________ ___________ ___| | | |___ ___| _____ |___ __| |__| | | | | |_____| E | |5 E|| B |___ _|__ __|_ ___| C | |_ ___________________ _| |_________________|| | | | | | | || | | | | | | | B1-A: B1-B:| | __ __ | | | | _____ | | __________ ___| |____| |____| | | |____| |____| | |B | | | | C || ___ | | | ___ | | | |___|___| | || #A# | | #A# | |__________| | ||_________ _________| |________| |________| _|___|_ |Entry| |__D__| | | |_______|

Once inside, after the event, the "Prince" must speak to everyone. Thefollowing is a list of everyone in the castle:

1) Two Guards to the right and left of Captain Rusty.2) A Girl and Cat in the Garden.3) An Old Man in the Library off the East door from the Garden.4) A Chef in the Kitchen off the West door from the Garden.5) A Soldier and Prisoner in the Jail, stairs west of the Kitchen.6) An Old Man in the room up the stairs behind Captain Rusty.7) A Soldier outside on 2F, SE.8) A Man in Purple and three Soldiers on 2F, North to the NW and N Central.9) When finished, speak to the man guarding the staircase to 3F for a scene.

Once the scene passes and you are allowed, walk upstairs and directly to theWest, open the drawer for a [Silk Robe]. Then speak to everyone but the Kingand Queen, and finally speak to them. Then head back to the stairs for a scene

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and a question about the name of a sister that can never be answered correctly.No matter what occurs down the road, the answer to the sister's name is alwaysincorrect.

After the event ends, there is an NPC on the West lawn in front of the castle,speak to him for some interesting information and a new direction. In townthere is some new dialogue. Once finished, head out of town and to the West.

Tips: 1)First you must buy the [Noble Garb] to progress the story, afterwards it has no value. 2)If you have enough, buy the [Bladed Boomerang]. After that, the only worthwhile piece of equipment is the [Dancer's Costume]. 3)Do not forget to give Milly the [Poison Moth Knife]

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Suggested Gear Section!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Best Buys: Bladed Boomerang, and to a far lesser degree, Dancer's Costume

*NOTE*- All of these assume the party has not been back to Wellshire yet

Low-Maintenance Equipment Hero- Edged Boomerang, Scale Armour, Bronze Shield, Hardwood Headwear, Gold Ring Carver- Iron Claw, Fur Cape, Scale Shield, Hardwood Headwear, Trailblazing Bandana Milly- Thorn Whip (Poison Moth Knife), Dancer's Costume, Silver Tiara, Lucida Shard

Frugal Equipment Hero- Edged Boomerang, Platinum Mail, Dragon Shield, Hardwood Headwear, Gold Ring Carver- Chain Sickle, Platinum Mail, Dragon Shield, Hardwood Headwear, Trailblazing Bandana Milly- Thorn Whip (Poison Moth Knife), Enchanted Armour, Pot Lid, Silver Tiara, Lucida Shard

High-Maintenance Equipment *RECOMMENDED Hero- Edged Boomerang (Chain Sickle), Platinum Mail, Dragon Shield, Hardwood Headwear, Gold Ring Carver- Chain Sickle, Platinum Mail, Dragon Shield, Hardwood Headwear, Trailblazing Bandana Milly- Thorn Whip (Poison Moth Knife), Enchanted Armour, Pot Lid, Silver Tiara, Lucida Shard

_____________________________________________________________________________||[walk.012] *****Amor***** |||| || =============================================================================

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Map Link:http://www.woodus.com/den/gallery/graphics/dq6ds/maps_overworld/dq6ds_real_world_names.png

Monsters: She-Slime [021], Babygoyle [022], Ruffled Goon [024], Mud Mannequin [025], Silencing Ram [026]

Items: 1. Chimaera Wing(D) / 2. Amor Seco Essence(B) / 3. Mini Medal(D) / 4. Holy Water(P) / 5. Amor Seco Essence(P)

Shops: Both Real and Dream World Amor's Inn (15 Gold - Cannot rest at Inn yet), Church (Save), Bank

o--------------------------------------------------------------o |Item Shop |Armour Shop | o------------------------------o-------------------------------o | Antidotal Herb (10) | Bronze Armour (700) | | Moonwort Bulb (30) | Iron Cuirass (1000) | | Chimaera Wing (25) | Iron Armour (1200) | | Amor Seco Essence (120) | Iron Shield (720) | | | Fur Hood (400) | | | Iron Helmet (1100) | | o-------------------------------o | |Weapon Shop | | o-------------------------------o | | Iron Claw (700) | | | Chain Sickle (1100) | | | Chain Whip (1200) | | | Edged Boomerang (1500) | | | Sledgehammer (1800) | | | Steel Broadsword (2000) | o==============================o===============================o

Recommended Level: 11 | Level Cap: 16 | Gold: None | Medals: 1(6)

Actions to Complete: 1)Speak to the man in the Cave North of Amor. 2 or 3)Enter town, speak to the Priest. 3 or 2)Speak to the man in the weapon shop, man in the SW house, and man in the NE house. 4 or 3)Speak to the Innkeeper (Must be spoken to AFTER Priest). 5)Enter Church.

Upon heading out of Somnia headed West, follow the river North-West, cross thebridge, then West to a sign, from there South, then East around the Mountainsto a cave. Enter and speak to the old man. Exit and walk South to the town,Amor.

Town of Amor: 1B: Once entering town, there are several __________ _____________ ____ ways to play this. However, before| _____ | | ______ | | 2#| progressing the story, this is one of|| #1 | | | | | | |____| the best times and places to shop for|| | | | | __| | gear with some of the most useful sales

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||_ ___| |__| |_ _| available in the last few towns. First| __ Entry to consider is whether you went to the casino / |___ ____ or not. If not, the best gear option to buy / _____ \ | || is the [Iron Helmet] for both Hero and Carver.| ____ / / ____\ \ | || Second would be the [Steel Broadsword], at| | 3| | ||5 C || | | I || least one, though I suggest Carver, unless he| | | | ||4 || | |_ __|| has a [Sledgehammer], then it should be the| |_ __| |_||__ _||_| single-strike back-up weapon for the Hero.| _ _ ___ _ | \______/ | |(I)|| If you have chosen not to abuse the casino, |_| | _____/ | || consider also getting at least one | / _____ |___|| [Iron Shield] for the Hero, give Carver the | ||(A) (W)|| [Bronze Shield] the Hero used to equip. | ||___________|| Once satisfied with purchasing, it is time to progress the story. The first thing to noteis there will be a few conversations to be had around town, but only two arerequired to be one after the other; the Priest, then the Innkeeper, in thatorder.

Either you can start with the Priest and Innkeeper. Start with the Priest,then the other three required conversations, then the Innkeeper, or start withthe other three required conversations, the Priest, then the Innkeeper. Thoseother three required conversations are the knight wandering the Weapon/ArmourShop, the man in the North-East house, and the man in the South-West house.

Once all finished the Priest will move indoors (if this has not occurred, it islikely because the man in the cave North of Amor has not been spoken to yet).It is fun to still speak to the entire village for more insight and some funparty chat moments.

Next it is time to collect some items. First hit up the NW House, top floor,open the drawers for a [Chimaera Wing], then head downstairs and break a barrelfor an [Amor Seco Essence]. Next, move to the SW house, open a drawer for a[Mini Medal]. Head into the Church, open the door and break the barrels for a[Holy Water], then the pots for an [Amor Seco Essence]. Before going to theChurch, it is a very wise idea to buy some extra [Amor Seco Essence], whichheals slightly more than double what a [Medicinal Herb] heals.

Once finished, go speak to the Priest inside the Church. Then head downstairsand speak to Evgenya to rest.

Tips: 1)Definitely buy the [Iron Helmet] for Carver and Hero. Consider one [Steel Broadsword] purchase. 2)Strong recommendation to buy some extra [Amor Seco Essence], which is a very useful replacement for [Medicinal Herbs] and can help out in a pinch. I typically buy 5-10, and that lasts me the whole game.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Suggested Gear Section!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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Best Buys: Iron Helmet, Amor Seco Essence, Steel Broadsword, Iron Armour/Shield(If not equipped with Platinum Armour and Dragon Shield)

Low-Maintenance Equipment Hero- Edged Boomerang, Iron Armour, Iron Shield, Iron Helmet, Gold Ring Carver- Steel Broadsword, Fur Cape, Bronze Shield, Iron Helmet, Trailblazing Bandana Milly- Thorn Whip (Poison Moth Knife), Dancer's Costume, Silver Tiara, Lucida Shard

Frugal Equipment Hero- Edged Boomerang, Platinum Mail, Dragon Shield, Iron Helmet, Gold Ring Carver- Steel Broadsword, Platinum Mail, Dragon Shield, Iron Helmet, Trailblazing Bandana Milly- Thorn Whip (Poison Moth Knife), Enchanted Armour, Pot Lid, Silver Tiara, Lucida Shard

High-Maintenance Equipment *RECOMMENDED Hero- Edged Boomerang (Steel Broadsword), Platinum Mail, Dragon Shield, Iron Helmet, Gold Ring Carver- Steel Broadsword, Platinum Mail, Dragon Shield, Iron Helmet, Trailblazing Bandana Milly- Thorn Whip (Poison Moth Knife), Enchanted Armour, Pot Lid, Silver Tiara, Lucida Shard

-------------------------------------------- ||[walk.012a]***Another Amor*** || ============================================

Monsters: Mottle Slime [001], Ghastropod [004], Lips [006], Slugger [008], Cumaulus [012], Goblin Pixie [018], Gum Shield [020], Slime Knife [023], Ruffled Goon [024]

Items: 1. Mini Medal(P) / 2. Bunny Ears(D) / 3. Amor Seco Essence(B) / 4. 50Gold(D)

Shops: See [walk.012], Inn (6 Gold)

Recommended Level: 11 | Level Cap: 7-17 | Gold: 50 | Medals: 1(7)

Actions to Complete: 1)Exit Church to witness scene. 2)Exit town and head North to the Cave of Amor.

Town of Amor: B1: Upon waking up, break the pots for a __________ _____________ ____ [Mini Medal]. Speaking to the man lends| _____ | | ______ | | #| some interesting info. Walk outside the|| # 2 | | | | | | |3___| church to witness a scene.|| | | | | __| | ||_ ___| |__| |_ _| Once done, it is possible to leave town | __ Entry and head North to the cave, however, speaking / |___ ____ to the townsfolk lends some interesting text

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/ _____ \ | || and party chat, and there are a few more items| ____ / / ____\ \ | || in town.| | 4| | || 1 || | | I ||| | | | || C || | |_ __|| The NE house cannot be entered yet (it will| |_ __| |_||__ _||_| not be open for awhile yet), but the NW house| _ _ ___ has a pair of [Bunny Ears] in a drawer on the _ | \______/ | |(I)|| to level. Equip to Milly. Downstairs is an |_| | _____/ | || [Amor Seco Essence] stuck in a barrel. | / _____ |___|| | ||(A) (W)|| In the SW house, in the drawer is [50G]. When | ||___________|| all set, head out and north to the cave.

Tips: 1)Equip the [Bunny Ears] to Milly.

_____________________________________________________________________________||[walk.013] *****The Cave of Amor***** |||| || =============================================================================

Map Link:http://www.woodus.com/den/gallery/graphics/dq6ds/maps_overworld/dq6ds_dream_world_names.png

Monsters: Cumaulus [012], Goblin Pixie [018], Babygoyle [022], Slime Knight [023], Ruffled Goon [024], Mud Mannequin [025], Silencing Ram [026], Dead Resident [028], Blooming Sorcerer [029], Rotton Cotton [035], Metal Slime [069a]

Items: 1. Seed of Life(C) / 2. Pretty Betsy(C) / 3. Seed of Magic(C) / 4. Mini Medal(C) / 5. Edged Boomerang(C) / 6. 410Gold(C) / 7. Magic Water(C) / 8. Iron Claw(C) / 9. Agility Ring(After bringing Ilya to the first floor)

Shops: No Shops

Recommended Level: 11 | Level Cap: 18 | Gold: 410 | Medals: 1(8)

Actions to Complete: 1)Walk forward to trigger a scene, then head down to the bottom of the cave. 2)On the bottom floor witness another scene, then battle. 3)Speak to Warrior. 3)Head back up, watch scene then exit cave for Amoru.

__ ___1F: 2F: 3F:__/ _|*1 |__ \_ -Special Key- ___ ___ ____ _____ __ /E / *4\ C| Log *1 = Chest 5, 6|1 | | | / _ \ / ___ \ / \ | /_ _| | Stairs F

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| | | B| /E_/ \ \_/ / __\ \_/ __B\ | _|*2 |___| Log *2 = Log *6, *7| |_| 9| |_/ _/ __ | |C__ _ / \ | | __/ _____ Log *3 = Deadend| _ | / _/ \ \___/ / \\__/ | | |*3 |_5_F_|*5 Log *4 = Deadend| | | | _/ / ___ \_____/ / / | |_ _____ __ Log *5 = Return to| | | | /2 / /F \ ______/ | | 4 | |_____|*7 | D| Start.|__| |AA| |__/ \__6/ |_D_________/ |___| *6 _ _| | Log *6 = Stairs H |G| |_ | Log *7 = Return to4F: 5F: *8 _/ _/ Start. __ __ ____ __ ____ __/3 / Log *8 = Return to | |__| I| / \_/ \ |__H_| |____/ Start. __ |_____ | __ | _ ||7 | | | |8 | \____/ / \| |_______| |_| | ___/ ||____ _________ | | I / After entering walk directly North to __ | | __ | | \________/ trigger a scene with Evgneya. Then| |_| |__/ \___| | open the chest for a [Seed of Life].|___ _____G______| Head down stairs B and hug the East |H| wall headed South then West across a bridge to stairs D. Head down and South to a chest with a[Seed of Magic]. Then move back up and East, back over the bridge, then Northhugging water to another bridge. On the donut-shaped island, ignore the stairsand move West to the next bridge, cross, and at the intersection, head South toa chest with a [Pretty Betsy]. Then move back North and to the West to theNorth-West stairs E.

Head down and in the room with logs, move to log *1 (NE log), get off and grabthe chest for an [Edged Boomerang]. Then back up stairs F to another chestwith [410G]. Back down, go to log *5, and upon landing, head up stairs, D.Go all the way to the North-West stairs, E, but this time head South to achest with a [Mini Medal]. Then go back up to where the stairs were, but thistime, head to log *2 (middle log). At the stop, turn to log *6, which isimmediately to the South. When stopped, go up the stairs, H.

Head North at the first intersection, then West to a chest with a[Magic Water]. Head directly East to another chest with an [Iron Claw], thenSouth and West at the T-section, North at the next one, pass the path to theWest and land at stairs I. Head up, then around to the place where the Dragonand man are fighting. Make sure the Hero and Milly have single-target weaponsequipped before triggering the battle and the party is fully healed (a goodtactic is to ensure everyone has [Amor Seco Essence] and perhaps[Yggdrasil Leaf]s). When ready, walk forward and initiate battle.

o==================================================================o| Sub-Boss [B04] | Grrrgoyle |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| HP: 380 | MP: - | Item: Iron Claw | Rate: 1/64 |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| ATK: 69 | DEF: 72 | AGI: 65 | EXP: 330 | GOLD: 250 |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Claw Slash, Dazzleflash, Fuddle Dance |o------------------------------------------------------------------o

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| Resistance data based on likely known skills: || NO RESISTANCE: Sap || WEAK RESISTANCE: Crack, Dazzle || STRONG RESISTANCE: N/A || IMMUNITY: Paralyze (Poison Moth Knife), Confuse (Lucida Shard) |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Strategy: || Hero- Sap first and second rounds (if not Fuddled), Attack and || backup healing if HP goes below 30. || Carver- Attack. || Milly- Buff everyone, starting with self first (if not Fuddled). || Then Dazzle.Attack and backup healing if HP goes below 30.|o==================================================================o

Once boss is slain, speak to the warrior Ilya and agree to carry him up to thetop. In the next room, of the two staircases headed up, take the East stairs,G. Once on the first floor a scene triggers, right before it finishes, Ilyawill hand the Hero an [Agility Ring]. Equip it on whomever, but I prefer theHero. Head out and back to Amor.

Tips: 1)If the Hero does not have a [Bladed Boomerang], give him the one found in the cave. 2)Make sure to heal up before the battle with Grrrgoyle, and in the battle, make sure Milly is Buffed or the whole battle can go awry. 3)Make sure to equip someone with the [Agility Ring], one of the top 3 accessories in the early game, top 5 overall. I prefer the Hero, but any of the three would work out well.

-------------------------------------------- ||[walk.013a]***Amor (Dream/Real World)*** || ============================================

Story Items: 1. Mirror Key(Evgenya after scene)

Actions to Complete: 1)Walk into Church, go to sleep.

Once back in town there are a number of new conversations, some which are quitepertinent and important, if not essential to progressing the story. Whensatisfied, head into the church, as the Inn cannot be stayed in. Go to sleepin the Church by speaking to the man in the room with the bed.

Wake up to an event and Evgenya gives the party the [Mirror Key] which opensMoonmirror Tower. There are a few new conversations in the village, and oncesatisfied there is a possible sidequest if you have not done it yet:Wellshire! If you have not, read into the next section, if you have, skip itfor [walk.014]


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||[walk.013b] *****Sidequest: Wellshire***** |||| || =============================================================================

Monsters: Batatouille [005], Stumpkin [008], Stumpkin [009], Leery Lout [010], Bubble Slime [014], Slime [015], Crested Loon [016]

Items: *Town items found the first time through, if not: [walk.005]*

Shops: Inn (10 Gold), Church (Save), Bank

o--------------------------------------------------------------o |Item Shop |Weapon Shop 1(Mid-East) | o------------------------------o-------------------------------o | Medicinal Herb (8) | Thorn Whip (350) | | Antidotal Herb (10) | Iron Claw (700) | | Holy Water (20) | Chain Sickle (1100) | | Moonwort Bulb (30) | Chain Whip (1200) | | Chimaera Wing (25) | Edged Boomerang (1500) | | Gold Bracer (350) | Sledgehammer (1800) | o------------------------------o-------------------------------o |Armour Shop |Weapon Shop 2(N-W):After Murdaw| o------------------------------o-------------------------------o | Bronze Armour (700) | Chain Whip (1200) | | Iron Cuirass (1000) | Sledgehammer (1800) | | Iron Armour (1200) | Steel Broadsword (2000) | | Iron Shield (720) | Morning Star (3000) | | Iron Helmet (1100) | Battleaxe (4300) | o==============================o===============================o

Recommended Level: 11 | Level Cap: 8 | Gold: None | Medals: 0(8)

Actions to Complete: 1)Head to the Mayor's House, after scene, speak to him. 2)Go North to the cabin and speak to the man. 3-1)Choose to battle. 3-2)Choose to pay ransom. 4-1)Tell the truth to the Mayor. 4-2)Lie to the Mayor. 5-1)If you battled and told the truth, or paid and lid or told the truth, return to town and speak to the Mayor then leave for Moonmirror Tower. 5-2)If you battled and lied, leave for Moonmirror Tower.

Once in town, there are some interesting tidbits of conversation; like the manin the well. There is one piece piece of new gear to grab, the [Gold Bracer],one of the best and most accessible accessories in the game!

Check the weapon and armour shops in case you want anything like the[Iron Helmet]. Though if this is done after the events in Amor, you likelyhave all the best armour and weapons Wellshire has to offer.

Once ready to complete this scenario, head to the NE house, the Mayor's, for a

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scene. Then speak to the Mayor. Follow him out of town and up to the Hut inthe North. Once there, heal up and speak to the man to start a series ofscenarios.

The first is in choosing whether to battle the kidnappers or pay the ransom.The second is in choosing what to tell the Mayor(father) when he comes to paythe ransom. There are certain rewards granting depending on the choices made.Once the choice is made, after the scene/battle ends, speak to the girl foranother scene, and the second scenario of choices. The full breakdown andreward list is as follows:

1) Pay the ransom, tell the Mayor the truth that you paid. Reward: Mayor pays back the 5,000g, and if you return to town he will gift a [Seed of Life].

2) Pay the ransom, tell the Mayor a lie that you did not pay. Reward: Return to town and the Mayor will gift a [Seed of Life] and a [Prayer Ring].

3) Beat up the kidnappers, tell the Mayor the truth that you defeated them. Reward: Return to town and the Mayor will gift a [Seed of Life].

4) Beat up the kidnappers, tell the Mayor a lie that you paid the ransom. Reward: Mayor pays back 5,000g. If you return to town the Mayor will treat you with scorn for lying and gift you nothing.

If you choose to battle the following will ensue. Note that while they bothdrop Boxer Shorts, it is a shared drop, meaning only one will drop:

o==================================================================o| Sub-Boss [B05] | Bigg |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| HP: 500 | MP: - | Item: Boxer Shorts | Rate: 100% |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| ATK: 70 | DEF: 80 | AGI: 20 | EXP: 520 | GOLD: 250 |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Muster Strength, Fear Shout, Flails Weapon About |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Resistance data based on likely known skills: || NO RESISTANCE: Sap, Crack || WEAK RESISTANCE: N/A || STRONG RESISTANCE: N/A | | IMMUNITY: Dazzle |o==================================================================o| Sub-Boss [B06] | Liddle |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| HP: 320 | MP: - | Item: Boxer Shorts | Rate: 100% |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| ATK: 55 | DEF: 51 | AGI: 45 | EXP: 305 | GOLD: 124 |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Selflessness, Medicinal Herb |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Resistance data based on likely known skills: |

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| NO RESISTANCE: Sap, Crack || WEAK RESISTANCE: Dazzle || STRONG RESISTANCE: N/A || IMMUNITY: N/A |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Strategy: || Hero- Sap Liddle on the first two rounds. Then attack with the || Boomerang. Once dead, repeat the process for Bigg. Heal || if HP gets below 30. || Carver- Attack Liddle first, then focus on Bigg. || Milly- Dazzle Liddle then Buff Self. If she has Crack, use it on|| Liddle, then focus on Bigg. If not, attack. |o==================================================================o

Once the entire scenario is over, time to head out to the next area. If thisis done after the events in Amor, scroll down, otherwise, return to the sectionyou left off from.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Suggested Gear Section!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Best Buys: Gold Bracer, Iron Helmet/Shield/Edged Boomerang (only if not purchased earlier)

Low-Maintenance Equipment Hero- Edged Boomerang, Iron Armour, Iron Shield, Iron Helmet, Gold Bracer Carver- Steel Broadsword, Fur Cape, Bronze Shield, Iron Helmet, Gold Bracer Milly- Thorn Whip (Poison Moth Knife), Dancer's Costume, Pot Lid, Bunny Ears, Gold Bracer

Frugal Equipment Hero- Edged Boomerang, Platinum Mail, Dragon Shield, Iron Helmet, Gold Bracer Carver- Steel Broadsword, Platinum Mail, Dragon Shield, Iron Helmet, Gold Bracer Milly- Thorn Whip (Poison Moth Knife), Enchanted Armour, Pot Lid, Bunny Ears, Gold Bracer

High-Maintenance Equipment *RECOMMENDED Hero- Edged Boomerang (Steel Broadsword), Platinum Mail, Dragon Shield, Iron Helmet, Gold Bracer Carver- Steel Broadsword, Platinum Mail, Dragon Shield, Iron Helmet, Gold Bracer Milly- Thorn Whip (Poison Moth Knife), Enchanted Armour, Pot Lid, Bunny Ears, Gold Bracer

_____________________________________________________________________________||[walk.014] *****Moonmirror Tower***** |||| ||

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Map Link:http://www.woodus.com/den/gallery/graphics/dq6ds/maps_overworld/dq6ds_real_world_names.png

Monsters: Mud Mannequin [025], Silencing Ram [026], Hell Hornet [027], Dead Resident [028], Gustodian [030], Shadow [031], Giant Moth [033] Loathsome Leek [034], Devil Glass [052]

Items: 1. Iron Cuirass / 2. 200Gold(C) / 3. Seed of Strength(C) / 4. Seed of Agility(C)

Story Items: 1. Ra's Mirror(C - Suspended Room)

Shops: No Shops

Recommended Level: 12 | Level Cap: 19 | Gold: 200 | Medals: 0(8)

Actions to Complete: 1)After opening the door, head to the NW corner and search the mirror opposite the stairs. 2)Head up East tower to the top, throw the 6F Switch. 5)Speak to Ashlynn and use the [Dream Dew]. 3)At the top, get on the left side of the balls, push them to the right. 4)Head up the West Tower to the top. 5)On Floor 5F, search the spot on the ground where stairs are reflected in the mirror. 6)At the top, get to the right side of the balls, push them to the left. 7)Head to the fallen platform, enter and get [Ra's Mirror]

Zoom to Somnia from either Amor or Wellshire, heal if need be, save, then headEast and North then West to the North side of the river. Then West to someMountains and North-West to the Tower. With the [Mirror Key], open the doorand enter.

Moonmirror Tower: 1F-1: B1-A: B1-B: -Special Key- _____ _____ _*_________ ___ ___ * = Search for Secret | | | | | B_______A | |A | |B | @ = Magic Orb ___| __| |__ |___ | | | | |___| |_1_| ! = Ashlynn| Y| |\ ___ /| |N | | |_______| | & = Switch| W| | | | | | | |L | |_ | _|| |_| | |___| | |_| | |__| |__| |___ X|__|/|_Z_|\|__|M ___|| | | | | || |__ __| |__ __| | 2F:| | |_ _| | | 1F-2: ___ ___| | | |___| | | | __ __ _| Q | | F |_| | | C | | | _| |_| |_ _| __| |__ |_

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| | | ___ | | | | C 2| | _| |_ ||___| | | | | |___| | _________| | | | || | | |___| | | | | | | |_ _| || |__O__| ___ |__D__| | | | |P |__ __| E||___ |_A_| ___| |_ | | _||___|_______| # |_______|___| |_O_| |_D_| |_______| # |_______|

3F: 4F: 5F: ___ ___ ___ ___ _ ___ ___ _ _| Q | | F |_ _| U| |J |_ _|_| U| |J |_|_ _| __| |__ |_ _| | __| |__ | |_ |_| __| |__ |_| |R_ _| |_ _G| |R ||_ _|| G| | _| |_ !| |S | | H| |S | | | | H| | |_ _| | |_ |_ _| _| |_ | _| |_ | _| | |_| |_| | |P| |__ __| |E| |_ ||__ __|| _| |_ V*|__ __|K _| |_ T| |I _| |4| T| |I |3| |_ | | _| |___| |___| |___| |___| |___| |___|

6F: _ _ _|_| |_|_ Once inside, head East, and around to the North, ignore _| @| |@ |_ the stairs and head to the West. Dive down the stairs _| | _| |_ |&|_ for a chest with [Iron Cuirass]. Climb back up and | _|Y| |N|_ | face the mirror to see an odd reflection (no stairs). | W| |L | I suggest equipping multi-hit weapons if not done so | _| |_ | already. |_ V|___ ___|K _| |_|X|_| |_|M|_| Check the mirror in front of the West stairs twice and |__@| |@__| and a battle will trigger.

o==================================================================o| Sub-Boss [B07] | Corpsickle [Three of them] |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| HP: 360 | MP: 20 | Item: Seed of Life | Rate: 1/8 |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| ATK: 62 | DEF: 43 | AGI: 25 | EXP: 280 | GOLD: 57 |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Poison Attack, Grab, Venom Mist, Heal |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Resistance data based on likely known skills: || NO RESISTANCE: N/A || WEAK RESISTANCE: Crack, Sap || STRONG RESISTANCE: Dazzle || IMMUNITY: Paralyze (Poison Moth Knife), Confuse (Lucida Shard) |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Strategy: || Hero- Sap for the first 6 rounds. After that Attack and keep HP || above 40 (in case of Envenom). || Carver- Attack. || Milly- Should be attacking with the [Thorn Whip]. Keep watch on || status and use Squelch if anyone becomes Envenomated. |o==================================================================o

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After the battle, head North through the now open passage. Then East, pass thestairs and to the chest with [200G]. Head back to the stairs and up. Onceoutside, head to the East Tower, then North, passing the first stairs to thesecond stairs, F. Then South and up stairs G, pass the stairs going South toa chest with a [Seed of Strength], then down the center stairs H. South and upstairs I. Then North and up stairs J, then south to a see-through woman.Speak to her and find out her name is Ashlynn and let her join. Then South andup stairs K. Go past the stairs to the switch, pull it to open the door to theWest Tower. Up the center stairs L, and on the roof go to the top stairs N.Move to the left side of the magic ball and push it to the right. Then back upN, and down the Southern stairs M, do the same with the next magic ball, thenup and jump off the South ledge.

Head into the West Tower, pass the first stairs and up the second stairs, Q.South and up stairs R then pass stairs S to a chest with a [Seed of Agility],then head down stairs S. South and up stairs T, then North and up stairs U.South and at the southern mirror, search the tile adjacent to the mirror tounveal the stairs, V. Up and, then up stairs W, then North and down Y. Moveto the right side of the magic ball and push it to the left. Then up and downthe South stairs X, push that magic ball to the left, then drop off.

Enter the center building for some dialogue and the chest with [Ra's Mirror].Ashlynn then joins the party permanently.

________________________________________||[char3] ASHLYNN || ========================================

Ashlynn is a young woman with no memory of her past or why she cannot be seenand sought Ra's Mirror in the hopes of revealing herself. This purpose isnullified after the Hero pours [Dream Dew] on her. Not having any cleardirection she joins the party in the hopes she will find out who she is andwhere she came from.

New Character: Ashlynn, Lv2 o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o----------o | HP|60 | MP|65 | St|13 | Ag|35 | Re|15 | Wi|33 | Style|20 | o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o----------o Starting Items: Thorn Whip, Leather Dress, Hairband

Ashlynn starts out with reasonable stats but poor equipment. So give her the[Iron Cuirass] and [Silver Tiara] for now, but she will need better equipment.So it's time to warp to Wellshire and buy her a [Chain Whip] and if you do nothave one, a [Gold Bracer] accessory.

Once satisfied, warp to Madame Luca's for a scene and she will update Zoom.

o-----------------------------o Then it is time to decide on a few things| Madame Luca's Zoom Boost | before heading to Somnia:o-----------------------------o| Once revisiting her, after | 1)Max out gear - if you have not used the

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| recruiting Ashlynn, she will| casino, now is always a good time.| increase the power of Zoom | 2)Getting the [Enchanted Armour] - if you have| by allowing you to switch | not yet, do so, this Armour is well worth| between both Worlds with the| the 7,000G cost.| option "Switch Worlds." | 3)Leveling up Ashlynn - not necessary, but it| Each time this choice is | does make the next dungeon a little easier.| it warps the party to the | Just be careful not to overlevel the other| version of Alltrades Abbey | members.| from the other world. | 4)Stocking up on useful items -o-----------------------------o [Amor Seco Essence], [Yggdrasil Leaf], [Magic Water], and [Moonwort Bulb]

Once ready, go straight to the Dream World and then to Somnia.

Tips: 1)Make sure Ashlynn has at least a [Gold Bracer] and if possible a [Chain Whip].

-------------------------------------------- ||[walk.014b]***Somnia (Dream World)*** || ============================================

Actions to Complete: 1)Head to the Castle, speak to Captain Blade. 2)Speak to the King. 3)Speak to Captain Blade the head to the King's Chamber. 4)Speak to Captain Blade. 5)Head out and East, South-East to the South-East Gate.

Once in town there are a bunch of new conversations to be had. So spend sometime there if you wish. Once ready head into the castle and whether you wishto spend some time speaking to people in the castle, head to the stairs leadingto 3F and speak to Captain Blade. Walk up the stairs, and if you want someextra conversation and party chat, speak to everyone but the King.

When ready, speak to the King for a short scene. After the scene, follow Bladeup to the King's Chamber for another scene. Speak to the Minister, then Bladefor a new and enlightening scene. The new "Queen" will now join the party.

Head out and to the East, then the South-East to the Gate leading to Murdaw'sUnderkeep. Pass through it, then further East across two bridges to an islandwith a cave. Enter the cave to enter the Underkeep. Just to note, there is apriest who can save the game at the Eastern Gate, though I prefer saving inSomnia. It will matter little as the Underkeep is one of the few dungeons thatcreates a log in the Zoom menu.


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||[walk.015] *****Underkeep***** |||| || =============================================================================

Map Link:http://www.woodus.com/den/gallery/graphics/dq6ds/maps_overworld/dq6ds_dream_world_names.png

Outside Monsters: Dead Resident [028], Gustodian [030], Shadow [031], Giant Moth [033], Rotton Cotton [035]

Monsters: Silencing Ram [026], Gustodian [030], Shadow [031], Giant Moth [033] Burning Man [037], Deadly Dodo [038], Guaardvark [039], Damselfly [041], Hermit Pixie [042], Grim Grinner [044], Arrghgoyle [058], Metal Slime [069a]

Items: 1. Iron Helmet(C) / 2. Seed of Magic(C) / 3. Magic Water(C) / 4. Dancer's Costume(C)

Shops: No Shops

Recommended Level: 14 | Level Cap: 20-21 | Gold: None | Medals: 0(8)

Actions to Complete: 1)Enter, get down to the castle area in the underground. 2)Head down the stairs on the immediate right in the castle and press the switches to open the doors. 3)Turn on the four light switches, head down the stairs and navigate around clockwise to the South-Central stairs and a fifth light switch. 4)Beat Murdaw to unlock the truth. 5)Head to the Real World Somnia.

Section 1: Cave

B1: B2-1: B2-2: B2-3: B3-1: B3-2: |G| ______ _ ____ _D____C_ ___ ___ ____________| |_| A | | | | B| ___ |___ __| | E | | E| | _____________|| ___| | | | __| / | | |__ |_ \ | _| | | F| || | | | | | _ | /|G| | __| \ \ | | | |___|___J___ _|| | | |__| |__| | | |___ | | \ | __| | | | || |3||B_| | ______| | _ 1| _| | |_ | | _ \ |_ | | ___| | | __/ | | \_| |_ | | | | | | \ |_#| \___|___ | | | | \______| | |D| | | | 2| |_____________ |_| |C| \__________/ |F| |__| |____H_ | | |#| | |I| | | B3-3: | |____| |

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________ |_________// ___ || / |#|| | |#| The first section of the Underkeep is a cave with three chests.|H| |I| Start by heading South and down stairs B. Then South, South-West all the way to the SW corner and out to a more open cave. Now head West and North through the next opening. Then North anddown the stairs E. Head South hugging the East wall to a chest with a[Seed of Magic]. Then go all the way back North, hugging the same East wall,and back up the stairs E, and back South and out doorway D. Next head Southto the bottom, then West, North, and East at the T-junction for a chest with an[Iron Helmet]. Give it to the Hero or Carver if they do not have one yet.Next head North and around to the ladder heading down, G.

In the next area, keep heading down the ladder, then West, then South, down thenext, then East across the bridge, then down the ladder. Go around Northaround the landing, then North to a chest with a [Magic Water], which may proveuseful. Then back South, around the landing again, South, then West and Norththrough doorway H. Then around and down doorway I, then North to doorway J,which leads to the second half of the Underkeep; The Castle.

Tips: 1)Try to conserve MP in this dungeon by not using single-target damage spells only against the rare Shadow's. 2)If you encounter any Arrghgoyles, be sure to Sap them. 3)Carver should know Double Up. If he does, get into the habit of using this skill all the time until other effective skills, such as AoE attacks are learned, or single-strike attacks that can be buffed and allow innate weapon affects to work (Double Up is just a flat 200%).

Section 2: Castle Once inside the castle F1: B2: B3: head down the right ___________________ ___ _______ steps and down stairs K.| ___ | ___ | _| |_ | ! | Walk over both switches|| | | | || _| |_ |_______| in the center of the||___| __|__ |___|| _| ___ |_ |__#__| room, then back up.| * | ___ | * | | |O N| | |_#_||__ __|| ||__ __| |_ * |___| * _| ||#|| Walk up the steps and| ___ ||___|| ___ | |_ _| | # | into the now open doors|| | |_____| | || | | |_O_| on the left and right||___| | * | |___|| | K| and press the floor| * | M| * | |_______| switches to unleash|___ _|_____|_ ___| light down below. |___ _ _ ___| |_L_##_| |_##___| -Special Key- Head down the left steps this time, and | | | K | * = Switchs through doorway L. Be careful for the |______| |______| ! = Murdaw pitfalls, there are quite a few. Just |_______J_______| Head North for now, missing the center

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right pitfall to a slim path. Carefully B1: navigate the path, then head East to a ________ chest with a [Dancer's Costume]. Then East to _______| |____|4|_______ another slim path. Carefully navigate it and|___ ___ | head to the South wall, again, carefully| _| __ ________| __| __| navigating the path. *now you see the purpose of| | _| | N|| __| | the light*| ||_ | |||__ || |_ | |___ ___||__ | | Once at the South wall, hug it heading West. The|___||__| ||__ |___||__| steps on the other side of the wall is where you| |__ |__ || __| want to go. Just walk around the wall to the| _ |_ ||| |_ | other side - don't worry there are three tiles of| | |_ |_||| __ |_| room north of the wall before it drops off.| | |||___|| | |_ || _ |________| | _|| Head up stairs M and press the new switch. Back| || | | |__| | down again, and to speed things up, drop in the| _|| | | | |_ __ | pitfalls/holes - does not matter which one. Then| |__| |_|___M| |_||__| | back up the familiar South-East stairs K. Return|___L___|_| |_________| to the room and head to the new, and longest slim path. Carefully navigate and head to stairs N.

Down stairs O to enter into Murdaw's room. A few things to consider beforespeaking to the Dread Fiend.

1)Heal up, and put any [Amor Seco Essence] and [Yggdrasil Leaf]s in each character's inventory - if you have none, [Medicinal Herb]s will do.2)If there are any [Magic Water]s in the bag, use them if MP is below 70%.3)Equip single-target weaponry (can be done in battle with no penalty, but if done now, it is done) for everyone but Ashlynn (her strongest weapon is the [Chain Whip] at this point).4)If you wish for every Big Book of Beast entry without spending time wandering the world, make sure you have all of them, as the Castle section of the Underkeep becomes clear of enemies. Thankfully every enemy in the Castle can be found in other dungeons and in different locations on either world map.

When ready, walk towards the throne and up to Murdaw to trigger dialogue and the battle with the supposed Dread Fiend!

o==================================================================o| Sub-Boss [B08] | Murdaw |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| HP: 900 | MP: 255 | Item: Seed of Magic | Rate: 1/32 |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| ATK: 109 | DEF: 102 | AGI: 35 | EXP: 2270 | GOLD: 580 |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Flame Breath, Buff, Frizzle, Mimic Hero's Voice (Change's|

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| Party Tactics) |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Resistance data based on likely known skills: || NO RESISTANCE: Frizz, Sap || WEAK RESISTANCE: Crack, Sizz || STRONG RESISTANCE: N/A || IMMUNITY: Snooze, Paralyze (Poison Moth Knife), Confuse (Lucida || Shard), Dazzle |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Strategy: || Hero- Sap on the first round. Backup healer if HP gets below 40.|| Otherwise Attack. || Carver- If he has Double Up, use that, otherwise Attack. || Milly- Buff Ashlynn and Self for first four rounds. Main healer, || keep HP above 40. If she has to attack, use Crack. || Ashlynn- Sap on the first round (combines with Hero). Frizz or || Attack, whichever does more damage. Recast Sap if he || casts Buff. || *MAKE SURE TO WATCH FOR THE SKILL: Mimic Hero's Voice || *If used, change party tactics back to your settings on the next || round. |o==================================================================o

After the battle, witness an event and when prompted, say "YES" to use[Ra's Mirror] for a new scene and a major revelation in the game. Return tothe Dream World Somnia (if Ashlynn has Evac, use it).

Tips: 1)Make sure everyone is prepared for the battle with Murdaw, but know that the trip to Murdaw is far more taxing and dangerous. 2)Keep Ashlynn's HP above 40 at all times due to her fragility.

-------------------------------------------- ||[walk.015a]***Somnia (Dream World)*** || ============================================

Actions to Complete: 1)Head to the Castle and to the King's Room. 2)Speak to the Minister, say "Yes" twice. 3)In the morning, head to the Real World Somnia

Upon returning to Somnia there are a few no conversations in town, and some newparty chat. In the Castle things are odd. Captain Blade and the "King" havenot yet returned. Go to the 3rd Floor and speak to the Minister, tell him"Yes" twice to move on. After the full scene is over head downstairs foranother and a direction (as if it wasn't obvious enough already).

If you wish, there are new points of conversation in Haggleton, the Thief's Keydealer cannot sell the key just yet (he will after the next major battle isover), and the bazaar is almost completely void and empty (this will shift from

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time to time after and between major events, with the next set of Bazaaroptions coming after the next major battle).

There is one new conversation in Weaver's Peak, after having slept in Tania'shouse, speak to her a second time.

When ready, cast Zoom and "Switch Worlds". Then either head directly to Somniaor spend some time speaking to people in Port Haven. Madame Luca also has somenew directions for the party, but it is obvious enough Somnia is the currentgoal.

-------------------------------------------- ||[walk.015b]***Somnia (Real World)*** || ============================================

Story Items: 1. Royal Missive(King Somnus)

Actions to Complete: 1)Walk into Somnia, head to the castle and speak to the guard. 2)Once freed walk out of cell. 3)Follow King outside and speak to him.

The town of Somnia has some new conversations, and some very sad news, mostnews is positive. Above the Inn, on the second floor, is a new item shop, which, while it appears in the original Somnia sectiono--------------------o of the walkthrough, I will repaste it here.| Item Shop 2 | o--------------------o If you have not bought either the [Thief's Key] or the| Moonwort Bulb (30) | [Gold Bracer], do so now. If this is your first time| Gold Bracer (350)| buying the [Thief's Key], there is a door to open in| Thief's Key (200)| the main Item Shop in the Real World Somnia, and twoo====================o in Haggleton; See [walk.004], [walk.011]. Once finished, it is time to move on with the story. Head to the Castle andtalk to the guard at the front door, say "Yes" to trigger a new scene. Once inprison, there is some one-time party chat which has a short 5-6 second windowof time to get to before the party is automatically released. Walk forward totrigger a new scene with more insights. You can speak to the other people inthe castle, but to continue, follow the King downstairs and out the SW door.

Once finished, the King will hand the party the [Royal Missive] which will helpgrant the party the ability to use the Ghent ship, Providence. Restock itemsif needed: [Amor Seco Essence], [Medical Herb], [Yggdrasil Leaf], etc. Whenready, head out of Somnia and go North to the gate to Ghent. Pass through thegate and head North-East.

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_____________________________________________________________________________||[walk.016] *****Ghent***** |||| || =============================================================================

Map Link:http://www.woodus.com/den/gallery/graphics/dq6ds/maps_overworld/dq6ds_real_world_names.png

Monsters: Gustodian [030], Loathsome Leek [034], Tree Feller [036], Damselfly [041], Grim Grinner [044], Malevolamp [045], Hell Nino [046], Undentured Servant [064], Sorcerer [067]

Items: 1. Seed of Resilience(P) / 2. Plain Clothes(D) / 3. Seed of Magic(P) / 4. Pointy Hat(Ca)

Shops: Inn (10 Gold), Church (Save)

o--------------------------------------------------------------o |Item Shop |Armour Shop | o------------------------------o-------------------------------o | Medicinal Herb (8) | Iron Armour (1200) | | Antidotal Herb (10) | Full Plate Armour (2300) | | Holy Water (20) | Cloak of Evasion (3000) | | Moonwort Bulb (30) | Iron Shield (720) | | Chimaera Wing (25) | Silver Tiara (450) | | | Iron Helmet (1100) | | o-------------------------------o | |Weapon Shop | | o-------------------------------o | | Iron Staff (850) | | | Sledgehammer (1800) | | | Steel Broadsword (2000) | | | Morning Star (3000) | | | Cautery Sword (4400) | o==============================o===============================o

Recommended Level: 14 | Level Cap: 22 | Gold: None | Medals: 0(8)

Actions to Complete: 1)Go to the Ghent Elder's house in the NW, speak to him. 2)Attempt to exit the Elder's house. 3)Follow Nevan outside, then inside the Providence Temple. 4)Speak to Nevan to proceed to Murdaw's Island.

Ghent: __________________ Once in town, speak to the populace to find out _| |_ all about the healing properties of the Elder. | | | | In the SW house there is a [Seed of Resilience] | | | | in a pot. Head to the last room of the Inn, and | |__________________| | in the drawers is a pair of [Plain Clothes].

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| |________ ________| | |____ ____| Once satisfied, move to the North-West house, _|___/#____ ____#\___|_ the Elder's house, to find a [Seed of Magic] in| #/___/#__#\___\# | a pot, and a [Pointy Hat] in the Cabinet. There| ______ #/__\# | are a lot of very good buys at the Weapon and|| 4 3| _____ Armour shops, but for now it is best to ignore|| _ _| | |^ them. However, should you choose to purchase||__| |_ _|_|^ at this point, get at least one [Cautery Sword], _________ two [Morning Star]s, at least one ^|(W)(A)(I)| ________ [Cloak of Evasion]. If this playthrough is ^|__|___|__| |I 2|| without [Platinum Armour], get at least one ____ |_ __ ___|| [Full Plate Armour]. ____| 1 | | C || ^| __ _| |_ _|| I suggest giving Milly the Cloak and Star. The^|_____| ^^ Hero the Sword, and if you bought the Armour,^^^^^^^^^^^^ Entry ^^ ^^^ I suggest giving it to Carter. When ready, speak to the Elder, and after thescene, attempt to exit his house to meet Nevan and a new scene will trigger.He will leave, then exit outside and once he stops at the Providence Temple,follow him inside and to proceed, speak to Nevan on the ship for a new scenethat takes the party to Murdaw's Island.

On the island, Ashlynn will decline to help battle Murdaw, and Nevan replacesher, joining the party for the battle with the Dread Fiend! Don't worry,Ashlynn is not gone, she just will not join the party for this battle.

________________________________________||[char4] Nevan || ========================================Nevan is a holy man of Ghent, and the next leader in line to take over for hisgrandfather. Given divine providence and direction, he decides to follow thewill of the Goddess and help the Hero and party in their quest to use battleMurdaw. Through his cooperation, the party can use the holy ship, Providence!

New Character: Nevan, Lv10 o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o----------o | HP|80 | MP|55 | St|20 | Ag|47 | Re|35 | Wi|45 | Style|10 | o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o----------o Starting Items: Staff of Ghent, Wayfarer's Clothes, Leather Hat

If you have not yet shopped, Zoom to Ghent immediately.

Nevan is both poorly and well equipped. The [Staff of Ghent] is one of thebest weapons in the game for its added bonus of [Midheal] when used in battle.If you purchased items in Ghent, and took my advice to give Milly the[Cloak of Evasion], give Nevan the [Enchanted Armour]. Also give him thesecond [Morning Star] to use as his main weapon - just make sure he has the[Staff of Ghent] in his inventory. I also suggest giving him the [Pointy Hat].For an accessory, the [Gold Bracer] is the best choice for now, or give himthe [Agility Ring] and give the Hero a [Gold Bracer]. Nevan can also equip the

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[Scale Shield] and [Bronze Shield], so if the [Bronze Shield] is free, give itto him for optimal defense.

Once ready, SAVE. I mean it SAVE THE GAME. Once you get to Murdaw's Keepitself, it is impossible to leave until you die or defeat Murdaw. So beforeleaving, SAVE! Once ready, go to Ghent or exit the town outside, and walk tothe ship to be automatically taken to the Isle of Murdaw.

Tips: 1)It is best to wait until after recruiting Nevan to purchase new gear. 2)Ensure you have all the necessary items because the next dungeon is a long trek.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Suggested Gear Section!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Best Buys: Cloak of Evasion, Morning Star, Cautery Sword, Full Plate Armour (to a lesser extent)

Low-Maintenance Equipment Hero- Edged Boomerang, Iron Armour, Iron Shield, Iron Helmet, Gold Bracer Carver- Steel Broadsword, Full Plate Armour, Bronze Shield, Iron Helmet, Gold Bracer Milly- Thorn Whip (Poison Moth Knife), Cloak of Evasion, Pot Lid, Bunny Ears, Gold Bracer Ashlynn- Chain Whip, Iron Cuirass, Silver Tiara, Gold Bracer Nevan- Staff of Ghent, Enchanted Armour, Scale Shield, Pointy Hat, Gold Bracer

Frugal Equipment Hero- Edged Boomerang (Cautery Sword), Platinum Mail, Dragon Shield, Iron Helmet, Gold Bracer Carver- Steel Broadsword, Platinum Mail, Dragon Shield, Iron Helmet, Gold Bracer Milly- Thorn Whip (Poison Moth Knife), Cloak of Evasion, Pot Lid, Bunny Ears, Gold Bracer Ashlynn- Chain Whip, Cloak of Evasion, Silver Tiara, Gold Bracer Nevan- Morning Star, Enchanted Armour, Bronze Shield, Pointy Hat, Gold Bracer

High-Maintenance Equipment *RECOMMENDED Hero- Edged Boomerang (Cautery Sword), Platinum Mail, Dragon Shield, Iron Helmet, Gold Bracer Carver- Cautery Sword, Platinum Mail, Dragon Shield, Iron Helmet, Gold Bracer Milly- Cautery Sword, Cloak of Evasion, Pot Lid, Bunny Ears, Gold Bracer Ashlynn- Morning Star, Cloak of Evasion, Silver Tiara, Gold Bracer Nevan- Morning Star, Enchanted Armour, Bronze Shield, Pointy Hat, Gold Bracer


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||[walk.017] *****Isle of Murdaw***** |||| || =============================================================================

Map Link:http://www.woodus.com/den/gallery/graphics/dq6ds/maps_overworld/dq6ds_real_world_names.png

Monsters: Mud Mannequin [025], Gustodian [030], Cannibox [032], Loathsome Leek [034], Tree Feller [036], Damselfly [041], Feralbeast [043], Grimm Grinner [044], Malevolamp [045] Undentured Servant [064], Sorcerer [067]

Items: No Items

Recommended Level: 16 | Level Cap: 22 | Gold: None | Medals: 0(8)

Actions to Complete: 1)Exit ship. 2)Enter SE cave. 3)Get through the first set of caves [walk.017a]. 4)Get through the second set of caves [walk.017b]. 5)Speak to Milly. 6)Defeat Murdaw [walk.017c].

Once landed, get off the ship and walk South. Notice there is another shipbeached in shore. Enter if you wish for some new party chat. Be wary of thepoisonous swamp, which reduces HP by 1 per step. Head to the South-East caveand enter to the first of three areas prior to the big battle.

Tips: 1)Just to make sure, if you have not saved, do so now and return, as this trek is long and at the end you cannot leave the Keep but through death.

-------------------------------------------- ||[walk.017a]***Fire Caves*** || ============================================

Monsters: Cannibox [032], Grim Grinner [044], Hell Nino [046], Goodybag [050], Walking Corpse [051], Thaumatobat [053], Metal Slime [069a], Lesser Demon [074]

Items: 1. 1150Gold(C) / 2. Full Plate Armour(C) / 3. Chain Whip(C) / 4. Seed of Life(C) / 5. Seed of Agility(Cannibox)

Recommended Level: 16 | Level Cap: 23 | Gold: 1150 | Medals: 0(8)

F1: F2-1: F3-1: F3-3:

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__ __ __ ___ __| %|___ _ __| B| | D| |%% | | _ %__ |_|B| | _ | |% | ___ |% | || |2%| | _%_| _| | |_| |__| | 5 | | | _ ||__ __|| _| _| _ | _| | ||%| | _ | |%_ | _| _ | |D| | |__ __| |_______| |_||_||_||_|| __| _| ||___|%| |_ |___/ ________G|| %__%__ ___| | | |%____%| F3-2: | ______/| |_ __||__ | |___|| __ ___ | | ______|%_1| | ___ %|__ |_ _%%%%| |% | | 4| | |__| __ |_ ____||___\ % E| || |%| F2-2: |_C| | __| |______%| |__F| |%% _ %| _||__|| ____ ||__|| |%_A| |%% _| _|% %%| |F%%%| |____| |Entry| |%%%%_ %| |___E| |3 %| |C| Once inside the first-Special Key- _||_ section of the cave, head% = Damage Tile |___A| to the West, then around South to the first stairs A. Go up and head North to a chestwith a [Chain Whip]. If you do not have a multi-hit weapon for Nevan, give itto him. Then back South and back down stairs A. Head North and follow thewall going North-East, being careful to avoid the damage tiles. Then North atthe T-junction and West, heading North, West, South, then West again around thesquarish pillar and magma, then South to a chest with [1150G].

Back North, and at the same pillar with a damage tile, just head straight Northto the wall, and East to a chest with a [Full Plate Armour]. Just cross overthe magma to the East and keep going East then North to stairs B, Up, thenSouth hugging the Western Wall all the way until magma blocks the South-Westpath, then head East and South to stairs C, and up. From there, follow thepath to a chest with a [Seed of Life]. Back to stairs C and down, then backNorth-West to the West wall, then North hugging the West wall back to stairs B.

Down then head South, West, and South at the T-junction to the wall, then West.When the path opens up to the South, head South, then East hugging the wall andwalking over magma to stairs E. Head up, then up stairs F. Then West to thewall, and North, hugging the West wall to a chest with a Cannibox that willdrop a [Seed of Agility]. Then South and East when the path turns East. Passthe North path and keep East to staris G and the next area: The Water Caves.

Tips: 1)Watch out for magma tiles when you can, but you will have to take damage to complete the dungeon (obvious, but you never know). 2)Keep Nevan's HP above 40 at all times given he is the weakest (especially if you are running a game with minimal funds). 3)Don't worry about casting spells, and remember Carver is most effective using Double Up. 4)Remember that Nevan's [Staff of Ghent] offers free healing when used in battle. 5)Envemon and Poison should be delt with immediately.


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||[walk.017b]***Water Caves*** || ============================================

Monsters: Malevolamp [045], Hell Nino [046], Walking Corpse [051], Mudslinger [054], Animated Armour [056], Arrghgoyle [058], Undentured Servant [064], Metal Slime [069a]

Items: 1. Magic Water(C) / 2. Seed of Agility(Cannibox) / 3. Seed of Agility(Cannibox)

Recommended Level: 16 | Level Cap: 24 | Gold: None | Medals: 0(8)

F1-1: F1-2: F2-1: F3: B C _________ __ __ |E| _ | | | | #_ D# | | |__| | | | _ _G___ | | | | | |__ \_| | \ __ / | |_| | | _| | | __| | |__ \ | | | | | | _ |_ / | | || _ \_ \ # | | | | | | | | | | / | ||# | | |_|_____| |B| |C| _| | \__| | \____| || _|____|__ | | | \____ \___ /|# |____|_ |__| |#| | ____ __ | | /| # # __ __| | |# | || _| /| |__| | | F2-2: |___ | || __| /| __| \1 _| ___ | / | || |F_____/| _| \2| | F| | | | ||_| |_ _ __| _| |# / | || |_ ___|A| | | | |__/ \_| Once in the Water section|_ |__| __| | | | __ | move West around the water |___________| | _| | _/ |__3| then North hugging the East |E| |D_/ bank of the underground lake to some steps. Head East over the steps, cross thebridge, then down more steps and South to two chests; [Magic Water] and aCannibox that will drop a [Seed of Agility].

Back North and West over the bridge to the West wall, then North up the stepsand through doorway B, then around North to the East side. Then south back tothe main room, and West over the steps and North and up stairs D. Head Eastand cross the bridge to the third chest with a Cannibox that again drops a[Seed of Agility]. Back West over the bridge, then North hugging the rivertill the wall. Then West, up the stairs and straight North through doorway E.then North again and up stairs F. Head North-East hugging the North wall, thenWest, and North to exit the Caves and trigger a familiar scene.

Once the scene finishes, head North and speak to Carver and Nevan, then toMilly for another familiar scene that gains entry to Murdaw's Keep

Tips: 1)Mudslingers are the first enemies encountered who can use instant death attacks, so take them out first. 2)As with the Fire section, keep Nevan's HP above 40 at all times. 3)Make sure to make the best use of Nevan's [Staff of Ghent] for free healing. 4)As with the Fire section, remove Envenom and Poison immediately.

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-------------------------------------------- ||[walk.017c]***Murdaw's Keep*** || ============================================

Monsters: Healslime [047], Pesky Jester [059], Harmour [060], Slumbering Ram [063], Undentured Servant [064], Animated Armour [065], Sorcerer [067], Urnexpected [072]

Items: 1. Amor Seco Essence(C) / 2. 1800Gold(C) / 3. Iron Mask(C) / 4. Fire Claw(C)

Recommended Level: 16 | Level Cap: 25 | Gold: 1800 | Medals: 0(8)

F1: F2-1: F2-2: F2-3: F3: __B_______ _____ |C| _____ _____________________ | | | | | | | |D | | | G | E| | | A | | 1 A | |#|____ |_____| | &D| * | & | | |_ __| | 2 3 | |____ | | | | |_&_| |_&_| _| |_ |_____| |#| |__|__| | | | || | | | |_ |_ _ _ _| _|| ___ ___ | |B| | |_ _| ||__| Entry |__| |_________|C|_________|

F4-1: F5: F4-2: F4-3: -Special Key- ___ ____ ____ _H_ _____ * = Special Event After landing in|%%%| | E | | F| | | | ! | & = Sculptrice the castle, walk|%4%| | | | @ | | | | | @ = Grim Keeper to Nevan and speak|_%_|___| | |____| | | | | o = Urnexpected to him to witness| & | |__ _| |_G_| |__H__| ! = Murdaw him creating a Zoom| | | % = Damage Tile point. This is not|__ & __| necessary to see as| | |o | the Zoom point will|__F|________| be made regardless that you witness it. However, it is more dialogue, and it lets the player know that should you die you can return to the Keep without having to go back through thecaves. Just notice you cannot Zoom out, cannot open the front door, and cannotEvac out of the Keep. The only exit is through death (which is why I mentionedsaving earlier). This will change upon Murdaw's defeat, but you must walk outthe front door to Zoom away; Evac will never work in the Keep.

Speak to the other characters for some more conversation, then head to theNorth-East room and up stairs A. Open the three chests for an[Amor Seco Essence], [1800G], and an [Iron Mask]. I suggest giving the mask tothe Hero for a nice defense boost. Head back downstairs then around to thedoor in the North-West. Head through, then walk through the familiar hallway.

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Once on the large room of the 3rd floor, a scene triggers and Carver walksforward to the statue that looks like Carver and speaks to it for a specialevent. Carver now learns Knuckle Sandwich, one of the best skills in the gamebecause it can be buffed, it has no Damage flag, only a Dodge flag, so if itconnects, damage is always 100%, however it does mean enemies who are resistantcan dodge it far more often than skills with a Damage flag, for furtherexplanation, look at the damage mechanics section [mech.003b].

After Carver's special event, there are three paths to take, the stairs theCarver statue was blocking heads directly to Murdaw, there are hidden stairsunder a gargoyle statue in the West hall, and stairs headed up to a chest anda sub-boss in the East hall. Speaking to any of the gargoyle statues begins anew sub-boss battle with Sculptrice (there are six in total). Luckily theseremain even after Murdaw's defeat, as does the sub-boss Grim Keeper.Regardless of which path, I will assume the next destination is taking outthe Sculptrice's.

o==================================================================o| Sub-Boss [B09] | Sculptrice |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| HP: 350 | MP: 15 | Item: Magic Water | Rate: 1/32 |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| ATK: 75 | DEF: 82 | AGI: 31 | EXP: 165 | GOLD: 210 |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Kasnooze, Kasap, Cool Breath |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Resistance data based on likely known skills: || NO RESISTANCE: Sap || WEAK RESISTANCE: Dazzle, Knuckle Sandwich || STRONG RESISTANCE: Bang, Fire Claw, Cautery Sword || IMMUNITY: Crack, Snooze, Fizzle, Poof, Whack, Woosh, || Poison Moth Knife, Lucida Shard |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Strategy: || Hero- Sap twice, then attack. || Carver- Double Up every round. || Milly- Attack and heal if HP gets below 30. || Nevan- Attack and heal if HP gets below 30. |o==================================================================o

Once the paths to both the down and upstairs are opened, I will assume takingthe West path first and heading down staircase D which leads to a dead-end.Head back up and to the East hall, then up staircase E. Head around the pathto the South, and in the South-East of the room is a pot that when checkedstarts a battle with an Urnexpected. The first thing to do in that battle isto attack, as Urnexpected has Strong Resistance or Immunity to everything butPoison. I suggest Carver spam Double-Up to maximize damage output. The fifthSculptrice is in the center of the room, and the final one is blocking theNorth-West section of the room.

Next, head to the North-West of the room and open the chest for a [Fire Claw],the single best weapon for Carver for some time. It is the first weapon youwill find that adds trailing elemental damage, in this case, Frizz property,

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that does 50% of physical damage (this added damage is not affected by buffs,nor will it work with every skill, and sadly it will not with Double Up but itdoes work with Knuckle Sandwich, and it is reduced by enemy Resistances). Theclaw also casts Frizzle when used in battle, so even if your party is lowleveled, Carver can just use the Claw to deal high damage. For more info,check [mech.003b].

Head South to stairs F and speak to the Skeleton there to trigger the next,if optional, sub-boss battle with the Grim Keeper! o==================================================================o| Sub-Boss [B10] | Grim Keeper |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| HP: 520 | MP: - | Item: Seed of Life | Rate: 1/32 |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| ATK: 92 | DEF: 75 | AGI: 37 | EXP: 530 | GOLD: 150 |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Venemous Vapor, Calls for Backup (Healslime) |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Resistance data based on likely known skills: || NO RESISTANCE: Woosh, Crack || WEAK RESISTANCE: Dazzle, Bang, Fire Claw, Cautery Sword || STRONG RESISTANCE: Sap, Knuckle Sandwich || IMMUNITY: Snooze, Fizzle, Poof, Whack, Poison Moth Knife, || Lucida Shard |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Strategy: || Hero- Attack, work as a backup healer if HP gets below 30. || Carver- Double Up every round. || Milly- Dazzle until it lands, then Crack and heal if HP gets || below 30. || Nevan- Woosh and heal if HP gets below 30. |o==================================================================o

Once the battle is over, head back down to the third floor where Carver'sstatue stood. Then head up the stairs for the hallway leading to Murdaw.Prior to opening the door, it is time to do some preparation work:

1)DO NOT heal up, and put any [Amor Seco Essence] and [Yggdrasil Leaf]s in each character's inventory - if you have none, [Medicinal Herb]s will do.2)If the party is low leveled, consider giving the [Fire Claw] to the Hero or Milly for them to use in battle, whichever gets the claw, give the other the [Staff of Ghent], as Nevan will typically die every round.3)If the party is reasonably leveled (Hero 16+ / Carver 16+ / Milly 15+ / Nevan 13+), make sure Nevan has the [Staff of Ghent] in his inventory, and ensure Nevan has the [Enchanted Armour] equipped if he does not already.4)For the first battle, if the Hero isn't given the claw, make sure he has the [Bladed Boomerang] equipped, otherwise it does not matter, make sure he has a backup single-target weapon.5)Another consideration is regardless of stats and levels, that in giving the [Fire Claw] to the Hero, and giving Carver the second strongest weapon he can otherwise equip, [Steel Broadsword], as the damage difference is negligible

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when using Double Up. The Hero cannot come close to the output of Frizzle unless he is above level 28 (which is 10-12 levels overpowered for this battle). This means two solid damage dealers putting out over 100 every round from level 16+.

Once you are set and ready, walk up to the door and enter (don't forget theparty chat). The game will take over from here and the party will beautomatically healed and all MP restored.

#########################################!![dread1a] MURDAW PHASE 1 !!#########################################

o==================================================================o| Dread Fiend [D01] | Murdaw |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| HP: 500 | MP: 90 | Item: Seed of Resilience | Rate: 1/4096 |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| ATK: 95 | DEF: 105 | AGI: 47 | EXP: 1000 | GOLD: - |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Kasap, Flame Breath, Summon Allies (Prickly Prankster) |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Resistance data based on likely known skills: || NO RESISTANCE: N/A || WEAK RESISTANCE: Woosh, Bang, Crack, Fire Claw, Cautery Sword, || Knuckle Sandwich || STRONG RESISTANCE: N/A || IMMUNITY: Snooze, Dazzle, Fizzle, Sap, Poof, Whack, || Poison Moth Knife, Lucida Shard |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| SUMMONED HELPERS: || 2x Prickly Prankster HP(76), ATK(85), DEF(82) |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Strategy: || Hero- Attack with the [Edged Boomerang] to strike all, work as a || backup healer if HP goes below 60 (Amor Seco Essence, Heal,|| or Staff of Ghent, whatever the setup going into battle). || If only one Prickly Prankster is left, change gear to a || single strike weapon. || Carver- Attack Murdaw with Double Up, once destroyed then work on|| any Prickly Pranksters left over if everyone is at 100% || HP. If weak, use the claw. || Milly- Buff Self and Nevan, perhaps Hero and Carver. Heal if HP || goes below 60, focus on keeping Nevan alive. Items before|| magic to conserve MP. || Nevan- Heal if HP goes below 60, focus on keeping Hero and Carver|| alive. Items before magic to conserve MP. || *IMPORTANT*- Make sure one Prickly Prankster is alive after || Murdaw goes down, and use the breather to heal the || party to full with the [Staff of Ghent]. |o==================================================================o

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There will be no time to heal before the next phase begins, so make sureeveryone has as close to full HP before the final blow. The next battle issignificantly harder than the first.

#########################################!![dread1b] MURDAW PHASE 2 !!#########################################

o==================================================================o| Dread Fiend [D02] | Murdaw |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| HP: 900 | MP: 255 | Item: Magic Water | Rate: 1/128 |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| ATK: 115 | DEF: 105 | AGI: 45 | EXP: 2300 | GOLD: 770 |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack Twice, Attack, Chilly Breath, Lightning, Dazzleflash, || Eyes Gleam |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Resistance data based on likely known skills: || NO RESISTANCE: Bang, Fire Claw, Cautery Sword || WEAK RESISTANCE: N/A || STRONG RESISTANCE: Crack, Woosh || IMMUNITY: Snooze, Dazzle, Fizzle, Sap, Poof, Whack, || Knuckle Sandwich, Poison Moth Knife, Lucida Shard |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Alternative Strategies found in [cheat.002] || || Strategy: || Hero - If given [Staff of Ghent], use only that with focus on || Nevan. If given [Fire Claw], use it every round. || If given neither, Attack with [Cautery Sword] or some || other single-target weapon and backup heal if HP gets || below 60. || Carver - Attack with Double Up every single round. If everyone || else dies and he has [Yggdrasil Leaf], use them on Hero || first. || Milly - First, Buff Self and Nevan, maybe Carver and Hero. If || given [Staff of Ghent], use it every round with focus on || Nevan. If given [Fire Claw], use it every round. If || given neither, work as backup healer if HP goes below 60,|| and Attack otherwise. || Nevan - If given [Staff of Ghent], use it every round with focus || on Self. If not, work as main healer if HP goes below 60|| and keep people alive with Zing or [Yggdrasil Leaf]. |o==================================================================o

Just remember, if you die, Zoom back to Murdaw's Keep.

Once defeated some major cutscenes as the party is transported to the RealWorld Somnia.

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Tips: 1)Make sure to defeat the Sculptrice blocking the North-East section of the large 3rd floor room, head up the stairs, and defeat the Sculptrice guarding the North-West chest with the [Fire Claw]. 2)Make sure to equip Carver with the [Fire Claw] once found, but be considerate of the strategy to give the [Fire Claw] to the Hero for the battle with Murdaw so he can deal consistent 70-90 damage, while Carver takes a slight loss of 5-10 damage using Double Up with the [Steel Broadsword]. 3)Use the [Staff of Ghent] as a free healing tool to conserve MP.

-------------------------------------------- ||[walk.017d]***Aftermath*** || ============================================

Items: 1. Lightning Staff(King Somnus)

During the cutscenes, the Hero will be given the [Lightning Staff] as a giftfrom King Somnus. The party is temporarily dismissed, but while having controlof the Hero, speak to everyone before Queen Apnea, then speak to the Queen whenready for a new direction. King Somnus has new dialogue, then speak to thesoldier before the stairs for some new info. Head down to rejoin the party.

There are new conversations to be had in Somnia, Port Haven, and Ghent if youwant to return there and read some new text, directions, useful info, and partychat. Of course, Madame Luca has some new directions. Once satisfied, openthe Zoom section, and choose to Switch Worlds to be brought to a filled in holeabove the ruins of Alltrades Abbey, which happens to be, Alltrades Abbey.

*IMPORTANT*- Due to the addition of vocations, all boss resistance tables will use a group term instead of specific skill, spell, and item names. This will save space. I will also include a link to the section in the spell/skill part of the FAQ. Just note that not all spells and skills have an element (also mentioned in the section).

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @******************************************************@ @***))###| |###((***@ @**))######| CHAPTER 3, A NEW PATH |######((**@@*))########| |########((*@@******************************************************************@


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||[walk.018] *****Alltrades Abbey, the Aftermath and |||| other Extras***** || =============================================================================

Map Link:http://www.woodus.com/den/gallery/graphics/dq6ds/maps_overworld/dq6ds_dream_world_names.png

Monsters: Mottle Slime [001], Ornery Onion [007], Cumaulus [012], Barksman [013], Bubble Slime [014], Crested Loon [016], Budding Sorcerer [017], Mad Mollusk [019]

Items: No Items

Shops: Inn ( Gold)

o--------------------------------------------------------------o |Armour Shop |Weapon Shop | o------------------------------o-------------------------------o | Rags (25) | Steel Broadsword (2000) | | Leather Kilt (220) | Morning Star (3000) | | Fur Cape (550) | Cautery Sword (4400) | | Full Plate Armour (2300) | Bone Stake (110) | | Slime Gooniform (330) | Stone Fangs (240) | | Pointy Hat (70) | | o==============================o===============================o

Recommended Level: 16 | Level Cap: 13-24 | Gold: None | Medals: (8)

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Suggested Gear Section!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Best Buys:Low-Maintenance Equipment Hero-Frugal Equipment Hero-High-Maintenance Equipment

_____________________________________________________________________________||[walk.019] *****Scrimsley***** |||| || =============================================================================

Map Link:http://www.woodus.com/den/gallery/graphics/dq6ds/maps_overworld/dq6ds_real_world_names.png

Monsters: No Monsters

Items: No Items

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Shops: Inn ( Gold)

o--------------------------------------------------------------o |Item Shop |Armour Shop | o------------------------------o-------------------------------o | Medicinal Herb (8) | Fur Cape (550) | | Antidotal Herb (10) | Full Plate Armour (2300) | | Holy Water (20) | Cloak of Evasion (3000) | | Moonwort Bulb (30) | Iron Shield (720) | | Chimaera Wing (25) | Shellmet (250) | | | Iron Helmet (1100) | | o-------------------------------o | |Weapon Shop | | o-------------------------------o | | Stone Fangs (240) | | | Iron Claw (700) | | | Edged Boomerang (1500) | | | Steel Fangs (2000) | | | Steel Broadsword (2000) | | | Cautery Sword (4400) | o==============================o===============================o

Recommended Level: 17 | Level Cap: 22 | Gold: None | Medals: None

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Suggested Gear Section!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Best Buys:Low-Maintenance Equipment Hero-Frugal Equipment Hero-High-Maintenance Equipment

o==================================================================o| Sub-Boss [B11] | Scrimsley Terror |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| HP: 800 | MP: - | Item: Stone Fangs | Rate: 1/16 |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| ATK: 115 | DEF: 90 | AGI: 40 | EXP: 310 | GOLD: 170 |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Defend, Stomp, Fang Bite |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Resistances, for specific spells/skills/equipment [spell.007] || || NO RESISTANCE: Frizz, Sizz, Bang, Crack, Zap, Fire, Ice || WEAK RESISTANCE: N/A || STRONG RESISTANCE: Woosh, Poison, Strike || IMMUNITY: Dazzle, Sleep, Death, Poof, Drain MP, Fizzle, Confuse, || Reduce Def, Stop, Paralyze, Seal, Summon |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Strategy: ||

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_____________________________________________________________________________||[walk.020] *****Hazy Heights***** |||| || =============================================================================

Map Link:http://www.woodus.com/den/gallery/graphics/dq6ds/maps_overworld/dq6ds_real_world_names.png

Monsters: No Monsters

Items: No Items

Shops: No Shops

Recommended Level: 17 | Level Cap: 23 | Gold: None | Medals: None

________________________________________||[char5] AMOS*OPTIONAL* || ========================================

New Character: Amos, Lv15 o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o----------o | HP|150 | MP|37 | St|70 | Ag|66 | Re|68 | Wi|60 | Style|24 | o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o----------o Starting Items: Cautery Sword, Full Plate Armour, Iron Shield, Iron Mask

_____________________________________________________________________________||[walk.021] *****Arkbolt***** |||| || =============================================================================

Map Link:http://www.woodus.com/den/gallery/graphics/dq6ds/maps_overworld/dq6ds_real_world_names.png

Monsters: No Monsters

Items: No Items

Shops: Inn ( Gold)

o--------------------------------------------------------------o |Item Shop |Armour Shop | o------------------------------o-------------------------------o | Medical Herb (8) | Full Plate Armour (2300) | | Antidotal Herb (10) | Silver Cuirass (3200) | | Chimaera Wing (25) | Dancer's Costume (1300) |

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| Gold Bracer (350) | Iron Shield (720) | | | Magic Shield (5000) | | | Iron Mask (3500) | | o-------------------------------o | |Weapon Shop | | o-------------------------------o | | Steel Broadsword (2000) | | | Morning Star (3000) | | | Battleaxe (4300) | | | Cautery Sword (4400) | | | Spiked Steel Whip (7400) | o==============================o===============================o

Recommended Level: 17 | Level Cap: 24 | Gold: None | Medals: None

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Suggested Gear Section!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Best Buys:Low-Maintenance Equipment Hero-Frugal Equipment Hero-High-Maintenance Equipment

o==================================================================o| Sub-Boss [B12] | Bronson |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| HP: 1300 | MP: - | Item: Seed of Strength | Rate: 1/128 |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| ATK: 105 | DEF: 95 | AGI: 65 | EXP: 310 | GOLD: - |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Desperate Attack, Flying Knee, Flame Slash, Sultry Dance |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Resistances, for specific spells/skills/equipment [spell.007] || || NO RESISTANCE: Zap || WEAK RESISTANCE: Frizz, Sizz, Bang, Crack, Woosh, Fire, Ice, || Strike || STRONG RESISTANCE: Defense Down || IMMUNITY: Dazzle, Sleep, Death, Poof, Drain MP, Fizzle, Confuse, || Poison, Stop, Paralyze, Seal, Summon |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Strategy: ||o==================================================================o

o==================================================================o| Sub-Boss [B13] | Brick |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| HP: 1200 | MP: 255 | Item: Seed of Wisdom | Rate: 1/64 |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| ATK: 85 | DEF: 72 | AGI: 20 | EXP: 120 | GOLD: - |

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o------------------------------------------------------------------o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Double Up, Kasap, Oomph, Multiheal |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Resistances, for specific spells/skills/equipment [spell.007] || || NO RESISTANCE: Frizz, Sizz, Bang, Crack, Woosh, Zap, Fire, Ice, || Strike || WEAK RESISTANCE: Poison || STRONG RESISTANCE: Dazzle || IMMUNITY: Sleep, Death, Poof, Drain MP, Fizzle, Confuse, || Defense Down, Stop, Paralyze, Seal, Summon |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Strategy: ||o==================================================================o

o==================================================================o| Sub-Boss [B14] | Brock |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| HP: 1300 | MP: - | Item: Seed of Resilience | Rate: 1/64 |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| ATK: 115 | DEF: 83 | AGI: 8 | EXP: 110 | GOLD: - |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Defend, Selflessness, Mercurial Thrust |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Resistances, for specific spells/skills/equipment [spell.007] || || NO RESISTANCE: Frizz, Sizz, Bang, Crack, Woosh, Zap, Fire, Ice, || Strike || WEAK RESISTANCE: Poison || STRONG RESISTANCE: Dazzle || IMMUNITY: Sleep, Death, Poof, Drain MP, Fizzle, Confuse, || Defense Down, Stop, Paralyze, Seal, Summon |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Strategy: ||o==================================================================o

o==================================================================o| Sub-Boss [B15] | Commander Brutus |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| HP: 1800 | MP: 80 | Item: Seed of Life | Rate: 1/128 |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| ATK: 140 | DEF: 105 | AGI: 75 | EXP: 450 | GOLD: - |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Multislice, Falcon Slash, Kasap, Thin Air, || Roundhouse Kick, Powerful Burst |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Resistances, for specific spells/skills/equipment [spell.007] || || NO RESISTANCE: Zap, Fire, Ice || WEAK RESISTANCE: Crack || STRONG RESISTANCE: Frizz, Sizz, Bang, Woosh, Strike, Defense Down|

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| IMMUNITY: Dazzle, Sleep, Death, Poof, Drain MP, Fizzle, Confuse, || Poison, Stop, Paralyze, Seal, Summon |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Strategy: ||o==================================================================o

_____________________________________________________________________________||[walk.022] *****Wayfarer's Pass, Three Houses, and the |||| Cave to Aridea***** || =============================================================================

Monsters: No Monsters

Items: No Items

Shops: No Shops

Recommended Level: 17 | Level Cap: 25 | Gold: None | Medals: None

_____________________________________________________________________________||[walk.023] *****Aridea***** |||| || =============================================================================

Map Link:http://www.woodus.com/den/gallery/graphics/dq6ds/maps_overworld/dq6ds_dream_world_names.png

Monsters: No Monsters

Items: No Items

Shops: Inn ( Gold)

o--------------------------------------------------------------o |Item Shop |Armour Shop | o------------------------------o-------------------------------o | Medical Herb (8) | Full Plate Armour (2300) | | Moonwort Bulb (30) | Tortoise Shell (2500) | | | Silver Cuirass (3200) | | | Magic Shield (5000) | | | Shellmet (250) | | | Silver Tiara (450) | | o-------------------------------o | |Weapon Shop | | o-------------------------------o | | Edged Boomerang (1500) | | | Morning Star (3000) | | | Battleaxe (4300) | | | Lunar Fan (5500) |

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Recommended Level: 17 | Level Cap: 25 | Gold: None | Medals: None

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Suggested Gear Section!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Best Buys:Low-Maintenance Equipment Hero-Frugal Equipment Hero-High-Maintenance Equipment

_____________________________________________________________________________||[walk.024] *****The Perfect World***** |||| || =============================================================================

Map Link:http://www.woodus.com/den/gallery/graphics/dq6ds/maps_overworld/dq6ds_real_world_names.png

Monsters: No Monsters

Items: No Items

Shops: No Shops

Recommended Level: 18 | Level Cap: 26 | Gold: None | Medals: None

#########################################!![dread2] JAMIRUS !!#########################################

o==================================================================o| Dread Fiend [D03] | Jamirus |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| HP: 1500 | MP: - | Item: Fire Claw | Rate: 1/8 |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| ATK: 178 | DEF: 125 | AGI: 65 | EXP: 1050 | GOLD: 430 |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack Twice, Attack, Grab, Flame Breath, Fire Claw |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Resistances, for specific spells/skills/equipment [spell.007] || || NO RESISTANCE: Crack, Woosh, Zap, Ice || WEAK RESISTANCE: Bang, Strike, Defense Down || STRONG RESISTANCE: Frizz, Sizz, Fire || IMMUNITY: Dazzle, Sleep, Death, Poof, Drain MP, Fizzle, Confuse, || Poison, Stop, Paralyze, Summon |

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o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Strategy: ||o==================================================================o

_____________________________________________________________________________||[walk.025] *****Medford's Manor***** |||| || =============================================================================

Map Link:http://www.woodus.com/den/gallery/graphics/dq6ds/maps_overworld/dq6ds_dream_world_names.png

Monsters: No Monsters

Items: No Items

Shops: No Shops

Recommended Level: 18 | Level Cap: 7 | Gold: None | Medals: None

_____________________________________________________________________________||[walk.026] *****Island Travel***** |||| || =============================================================================

Map Link:http://www.woodus.com/den/gallery/graphics/dq6ds/maps_overworld/dq6ds_dream_world_names.png

Monsters: No Monsters

Items: No Items

Shops: No Shops

Recommended Level: 18 | Level Cap: 26 | Gold: None | Medals: None

_____________________________________________________________________________||[walk.027] *****Howsworth***** |||| || =============================================================================

Map Link:http://www.woodus.com/den/gallery/graphics/dq6ds/maps_overworld/

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Monsters: No Monsters

Items: No Items

Shops: Inn ( Gold)

o--------------------------------------------------------------o |Item Shop | o--------------------------------------------------------------o | Medical Herb (8) | | Holy Water (20) | | Stone Axe (550) | | Fur Cape (550) | | Tortoise Shell (2500) | | Fur Hood (400) | o==============================================================o

Recommended Level: 18 | Level Cap: 27 | Gold: None | Medals: None

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Suggested Gear Section!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Best Buys:Low-Maintenance Equipment Hero-Frugal Equipment Hero-High-Maintenance Equipment

_____________________________________________________________________________||[walk.028] *****Howcastle***** |||| || =============================================================================

Map Link:http://www.woodus.com/den/gallery/graphics/dq6ds/maps_overworld/dq6ds_real_world_names.png

Monsters: No Monsters

Items: No Items

Shops: No Shops

Recommended Level: 18 | Level Cap: 27 | Gold: None | Medals: None

_____________________________________________________________________________||[walk.029] *****Hallowed Hollow***** ||

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|| || =============================================================================

Map Link:http://www.woodus.com/den/gallery/graphics/dq6ds/maps_overworld/dq6ds_real_world_names.png

Monsters: [025]

Items: No Items

Shops: No Shops

Recommended Level: 19 | Level Cap: 28 | Gold: None | Medals: None

o==================================================================o| Sub-Boss [B16] | First Test |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| HP: 1000 | MP: 255 | Item: Seed of Agility | Rate: 1/64 |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| ATK: 90 | DEF: 20 | AGI: 72 | EXP: 550 | GOLD: 220 |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Frizz, Sizz, Fuddle Dance |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Resistances, for specific spells/skills/equipment [spell.007] || || NO RESISTANCE: Crack, Woosh, Zap, Ice, Strike, Fizzle, Seal || WEAK RESISTANCE: N/A || STRONG RESISTANCE: Defense Down || IMMUNITY: Frizz, Sizz, Bang, Fire, Dazzle, Sleep, Death, Poof, || Drain MP, Confuse, Poison, Stop, Paralyze, Summon |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Strategy: ||o==================================================================o

o==================================================================o| Sub-Boss [B17] | Second Test |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| HP: 1500 | MP: - | Item: Seed of Strength | Rate: 1/128 |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| ATK: 190 | DEF: 120 | AGI: 63 | EXP: 750 | GOLD: 380 |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Muster Strength, Wind Sickles, Eyes Gleam |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Resistances, for specific spells/skills/equipment [spell.007] || || NO RESISTANCE: N/A || WEAK RESISTANCE: Frizz, Sizz, Bang, Fire, Strike || STRONG RESISTANCE: Crack, Woosh, Zap, Ice, Defense Down, Poison, || Stop || IMMUNITY: Dazzle, Sleep, Death, Poof, Drain MP, Fizzle, Confuse, || Paralyze, Seal, Summon |

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o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Strategy: ||o==================================================================o

o==================================================================o| Sub-Boss [B18] | Third Test |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| HP: 1300 | MP: 255 | Item: Seed of Wisdom | Rate: 1/256 |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| ATK: 150 | DEF: 100 | AGI: 95 | EXP: 1250 | GOLD: 680 |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack Twice, Attack, Horn Attack, Kasap, Bound, Lightning |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Resistances, for specific spells/skills/equipment [spell.007] || || NO RESISTANCE: Crack, Ice || WEAK RESISTANCE: Woosh || STRONG RESISTANCE: Frizz, Sizz, Bang, Fire, Strike, Fizzle || IMMUNITY: Zap, Dazzle, Sleep, Death, Poof, Drain MP, Confuse, || Defense Down, Poison, Stop, Paralyze, Seal, Summon |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Strategy: ||o==================================================================o

________________________________________||[slime1] Slime Knight || ========================================

New Slime: Slime Knight (Goowain), Lv1 o-------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o----------o | HP|40 | MP|6 | St|44 | Ag|20 | Re|45 | Wi|25 | Style|15 | o-------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o----------o Starting Items: None

_____________________________________________________________________________||[walk.030] *****Clearvale***** |||| || =============================================================================

Map Link:http://www.woodus.com/den/gallery/graphics/dq6ds/maps_overworld/dq6ds_dream_world_names.png

Monsters: No Monsters

Items: No Items

Shops: Inn ( Gold)

Page 163: Dragon Quest VI Realms of Revelation Walkthrough.doc

o--------------------------------------------------------------o |Armour Shop |Weapon Shop | o------------------------------o-------------------------------o | Full Plate Armour (2300) | Sledgehammer (1800) | | Silver Cuirass (2500) | Battleaxe (4300) | | Silver Mail (6300) | Cautery Sword (4400) | | Magic Shield (5000) | Dream Blade (6300) | | Iron Helmet (1100) | Spiked Steel Whip (7400) | | Iron Mask (3500) | | o==============================o===============================o

Recommended Level: 19 | Level Cap: 29 | Gold: None | Medals: None

_____________________________________________________________________________||[walk.031] *****Clearvale in the Real World***** |||| || =============================================================================

Map Link:http://www.woodus.com/den/gallery/graphics/dq6ds/maps_overworld/dq6ds_real_world_names.png

Monsters: No Monsters

Items: No Items

Shops: Inn ( Gold)

o--------------------------------------------------------------o |Item Shop |Armour Shop | o------------------------------o-------------------------------o | Medical Herb (8) | Full Plate Armour (2300) | | Antidotal Herb (10) | Silver Cuirass (3200) | | Holy Water (20) | Silver Mail (6300) | | Chimaera Wing (25) | Magic Shield (5000) | | Hairband (150) | Iron Helmet (1100) | | Silver Tiara (450) | Iron Mask (3500) | | o-------------------------------o | |Weapon Shop | | o-------------------------------o | | Sledgehammer (1800) | | | Battleaxe (4300) | | | Cautery Sword (4400) | | | Dream Blade (6300) | | | Spiked Steel Whip (7400) | o==============================o===============================o

Recommended Level: 19 | Level Cap: 29 | Gold: None | Medals: None

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Suggested Gear Section!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Best Buys:

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Low-Maintenance Equipment Hero-Frugal Equipment Hero-High-Maintenance Equipment

_____________________________________________________________________________||[walk.032] *****Destiny's Drop***** |||| || =============================================================================

Map Link:http://www.woodus.com/den/gallery/graphics/dq6ds/maps_overworld/dq6ds_real_world_names.png

Monsters: No Monsters

Items: No Items

Shops: No Shops

Recommended Level: 20 | Level Cap: 30 | Gold: None | Medals: None

_____________________________________________________________________________||[walk.033] *****The Flying Bed and some Extras***** |||| || =============================================================================

Map Link:http://www.woodus.com/den/gallery/graphics/dq6ds/maps_overworld/dq6ds_dream_world_names.png

Monsters: No Monsters

Items: No Items

Shops: No Shops

Recommended Level: 22 | Level Cap: 18-32 | Gold: None | Medals: None

________________________________________||[slime2] Healslime || ========================================

New Slime: Healslime (Healie), Lv4 o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o------o----------o | HP|59 | MP|26 | St|23 | Ag|21 | Re|28 | Wi|6 | Style|15 | o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o------o----------o Starting Items: None

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._______________________________________________________________.| ******IMPORTANT****** |o---------------------------------------------------------------o| It is possible to recruit Cureslime, Shell Slime, and || Liquid Metal Slime from this point forward. || || To start: Make a Dreamcard || || Cureslime: Obtain 10 Dreamcard from other players (tag mode). || Then walk down the now unblocked stairs, enter the || well and speak to Curie the Cureslime. || || New Slime: Cureslime (Curie), Lv4 || o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o----------o || | HP|111 | MP|28 | St|60 | Ag|95 | Re|59 | Wi|14 | Style|10 | || o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o----------o || Starting Items: None || || || Shell Slime: After obtaining Curie the Cureslime, head to || the last place where Shell Slime was found with || Curie in party, and speak to Shelley, the Shell || Shell Slime. || || New Slime: Shell Slime (Shelley), Lv3 || o-------o------o-------o-------o--------o-------o----------o || | HP|73 | MP|3 | St|48 | Ag|51 | Re|135 | Wi|17 | Style|18 | || o-------o------o-------o-------o--------o-------o----------o || Starting Items: None || || || LMS: Obtain 20 Dreamcard from other players (tag mode). Then || walk through the now open curtain in the back of the || Suite Dreams manor. Continue down the path to a circular|| map with an LMS that runs away at the slightest approach.|| Keep chasing it until the man offers to help. || || New Slime: Liquid Metal Slime (Mercury), Lv1 || o------o-------o-------o--------o--------o-------o----------o || | HP|7 | MP|30 | St|61 | Ag|150 | Re|500 | Wi|15 | Style|50 | || o------o-------o-------o--------o--------o-------o----------o || Starting Items: None || |o---------------------------------------------------------------o

_____________________________________________________________________________||[walk.034] *****Dullerton***** |||| || =============================================================================

Map Link:http://www.woodus.com/den/gallery/graphics/dq6ds/maps_overworld/

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Monsters: No Monsters

Items: No Items

Shops: No Shops

Recommended Level: 22 | Level Cap: ?? | Gold: None | Medals: None

_____________________________________________________________________________||[walk.035] *****Castle Swanstone***** |||| || =============================================================================

Map Link:http://www.woodus.com/den/gallery/graphics/dq6ds/maps_overworld/dq6ds_real_world_names.png

Monsters: No Monsters

Items: No Items

Shops: Inn ( Gold)

o--------------------------------------------------------------o |Armour Shop |Weapon Shop | o------------------------------o-------------------------------o | Cloak of Evasion (3000) | Battleaxe (4300) | | Silver Cuirass (3200) | Dream Blade (6300) | | Legerdemantle (4200) | Staff of Antimagic (6000) | | Heavy Armour (5000) | Saw Blade (9800) | | Magic Shield (5000) | | | Iron Mask (3500) | | o==============================o===============================o

Recommended Level: 23 | Level Cap: 99 | Gold: None | Medals: None

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Suggested Gear Section!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Best Buys:Low-Maintenance Equipment Hero-Frugal Equipment Hero-High-Maintenance Equipment

_____________________________________________________________________________||[walk.036] *****The Spiegelspire***** ||

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|| || =============================================================================

Map Link:http://www.woodus.com/den/gallery/graphics/dq6ds/maps_overworld/dq6ds_dream_world_names.png

Monsters: No Monsters

Items: No Items

Shops: No Shops

Recommended Level: 25 | Level Cap: 99 | Gold: None | Medals: None

o==================================================================o| Sub-Boss [B19] | Spiegel |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| HP: 2400 | MP: 255 | Item: Seed of Magic | Rate: 1/128 |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| ATK: 160 | DEF: 120 | AGI: 85 | EXP: 2000 | GOLD: 800 |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Frizzle, Kasizzle, Calls for Backup (Low Djinks) |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Resistances, for specific spells/skills/equipment [spell.007] || || NO RESISTANCE: Crack, Woosh, Zap, Fire, Ice, Strike || WEAK RESISTANCE: Frizz, Sizz, Bang || STRONG RESISTANCE: N/A || IMMUNITY: Dazzle, Sleep, Death, Poof, Drain MP, Fizzle, Confuse, || Defense Down, Poison, Stop, Paralyze, Seal, Summon |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Strategy: ||o==================================================================o

_____________________________________________________________________________||[walk.037] *****Pescado***** |||| || =============================================================================

Map Link:http://www.woodus.com/den/gallery/graphics/dq6ds/maps_overworld/dq6ds_real_world_names.png

Monsters: No Monsters

Items: No Items

Shops: Inn ( Gold)


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|Item Shop | o--------------------------------------------------------------o | Shellmet (250) | | Pink Pearl (1500) | | Medical Herb (8) | | Antidotal Herb (10) | | Moonwort Bulb (30) | o==============================================================o

Recommended Level: 26 | Level Cap: 31 | Gold: None | Medals: None

_____________________________________________________________________________||[walk.038] *****Slimopolis***** |||| || =============================================================================

Map Link:http://www.woodus.com/den/gallery/graphics/dq6ds/maps_overworld/dq6ds_dream_world_names.png

Monsters: [023],

Items: No Items

Shops: No Shops

Recommended Level: 26 | Level Cap: 24 | Gold: None | Medals: None

_____________________________________________________________________________||[walk.039] *****The Final Key, Underwater Treasures |||| and New Places***** || =============================================================================

Map Link:http://www.woodus.com/den/gallery/graphics/dq6ds/maps_overworld/dq6ds_real_world_names.png

Monsters: No Monsters

Items: No Items

Shops: Inn ( Gold)

o==============================================================o | The Well (Real World) | o--------------------------------------------------------------o |Item Shop |Armour Shop | o------------------------------o-------------------------------o | Slime Earrings (650) | Dragon Mail (12000) | | Fishnet Stockings (3200) | Flowing Dress (14800) | | | Flame Armour (15000) |

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| | Slime Helmet (2000) | | | Iron Mask (3500) | | | Thinking Cap (13000) | | o-------------------------------o | |Weapon Shop | | o-------------------------------o | | Saw Blade (9800) | | | War Hammer (12000) | | | Zombiesbane (18000) | | | Flametang Boomerang (13000) | | | Fire Blade (22500) | o==============================o===============================o

Recommended Level: 27 | Level Cap: 99 | Gold: None | Medals: None

_____________________________________________________________________________||[walk.040] *****Seabed Shrine***** |||| || =============================================================================

Map Link:http://www.woodus.com/den/gallery/graphics/dq6ds/maps_overworld/dq6ds_real_world_names.png

Monsters: No Monsters

Items: No Items

Shops: No Shops

Recommended Level: 28 | Level Cap: 99 | Gold: None | Medals: None

#########################################!![dread3] GRACOS !!#########################################

o==================================================================o| Dread Fiend [D04] | Gracos |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| HP: 3000 | MP: 50 | Item: Gracos's Trident | Rate: 100% |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| ATK: 210 | DEF: 210 | AGI: 80 | EXP: 3700 | GOLD: 900 |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Kacrackle, Chilly Breath, Flails Weapon About, || Mows Down Party With Trident |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Resistances, for specific spells/skills/equipment [spell.007] || || NO RESISTANCE: Zap, Strike || WEAK RESISTANCE: Frizz, Sizz, Bang, Woosh, Fire, Drain MP, Seal, || Summon || STRONG RESISTANCE: Dazzle, Fizzle |

Page 170: Dragon Quest VI Realms of Revelation Walkthrough.doc

| IMMUNITY: Crack, Ice, Sleep, Death, Poof, Confuse, Defense Down, || Poison, Stop, Paralyze |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Strategy: ||o==================================================================o

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @******************************************************@ @***))###| |###((***@ @**))######| CHAPTER 4, THE LEGENDARY GEAR AND |######((**@@*))########| CLOUDSGATE |########((*@@******************************************************************@

______________________________________________________________||[walk.041] *****Sorceria, The Best-Dressed Contest, |||| and a Magic Carpet***** || ==============================================================

Map Link:http://www.woodus.com/den/gallery/graphics/dq6ds/maps_overworld/dq6ds_dream_world_names.png

Monsters: No Monsters

Items: No Items

Shops: Inn ( Gold)

o--------------------------------------------------------------o |Item Shop |Armour Shop | o------------------------------o-------------------------------o | Medical Herb (8) | Legerdemantle (4200) | | Holy Water (20) | Magical Skirt (6700) | | Steel Fangs (2000) | Magic Armour (7500) | | Iron Mask (3500) | Magic Shield (5000) | | o-------------------------------o | |Weapon Shop | | o-------------------------------o | | Dream Blade (6300) | | | Staff of Antimagic (6000) | | | Lunar Fan (5500) | | | Wizardly Whip (13000) | | | Zombiesbane (18000) | o==============================o===============================o

Recommended Level: 28 | Level Cap: 31-?? | Gold: None | Medals: None

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Suggested Gear Section!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Page 171: Dragon Quest VI Realms of Revelation Walkthrough.doc

Best Buys:Low-Maintenance Equipment Hero-Frugal Equipment Hero-High-Maintenance Equipment

______________________________________________________________||[walk.042] *****Castle Graceskull and the Armor of |||| Orgo***** || ==============================================================

Map Link:http://www.woodus.com/den/gallery/graphics/dq6ds/maps_overworld/dq6ds_real_world_names.png

Monsters: No Monsters

Items: No Items

Shops: No Shops

Recommended Level: 28 | Level Cap: 99 | Gold: None | Medals: None

________________________________________||[slime3] Mottle Slime || ========================================

New Slime: Mottle Slime (Spot), Lv1 o------o------o------o------o------o------o---------o | HP|5 | MP|0 | St|8 | Ag|3 | Re|5 | Wi|2 | Style|2 | o------o------o------o------o------o------o---------o Starting Items: None

______________________________________________________________||[walk.043] *****Felonia***** |||| || ==============================================================

Map Link:http://www.woodus.com/den/gallery/graphics/dq6ds/maps_overworld/dq6ds_real_world_names.png

Monsters: No Monsters

Items: No Items

Shops: Inn ( Gold)

o--------------------------------------------------------------o |Armour Shop |Weapon Shop | o------------------------------o-------------------------------o | Dancer's Costume (1300) | Siren Sword (9800) |

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| Silver Mail (6300) | War Hammer (12000) | | Dragon Mail (12000) | Watermaul Wand (14000) | | Flame Shield (17000) | Zombiesbane (18000) | | | Fire Blade (22500) | o==============================o===============================o

Recommended Level: 28 | Level Cap: 33 | Gold: None | Medals: None

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Suggested Gear Section!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Best Buys:Low-Maintenance Equipment Hero-Frugal Equipment Hero-High-Maintenance Equipment

______________________________________________________________||[walk.044] *****Cryptic Catacombs and the Shield of |||| Valora***** || ==============================================================

Map Link:http://www.woodus.com/den/gallery/graphics/dq6ds/maps_overworld/dq6ds_real_world_names.png

Monsters: No Monsters

Items: No Items

Shops: No Shops

Recommended Level: 30 | Level Cap: 99 | Gold: None | Medals: None

______________________________________________________________||[walk.045] *****Mt Snowhere***** |||| || ==============================================================

Map Link:http://www.woodus.com/den/gallery/graphics/dq6ds/maps_overworld/dq6ds_real_world_names.png

Monsters: No Monsters

Items: No Items

Shops: Inn ( Gold)

o--------------------------------------------------------------o |Item Shop |Weapon/Armour Shop | o------------------------------o-------------------------------o | Medical Herb (8) | Steel Fangs (2000) |

Page 173: Dragon Quest VI Realms of Revelation Walkthrough.doc

| Antidotal Herb (10) | Spiked Steel Whip (7400) | | Holy Water (20) | Dream Blade (6300) | | Chimaera Wing (25) | Saw Blade (9800) | | | War Hammer (12000) | | | Heavy Armour (5000) | o==============================o===============================o

Recommended Level: 30 | Level Cap: 99 | Gold: None | Medals: None

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Suggested Gear Section!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Best Buys:Low-Maintenance Equipment Hero-Frugal Equipment Hero-High-Maintenance Equipment

______________________________________________________________||[walk.046] *****Everfrost Grotto***** |||| || ==============================================================

Map Link:http://www.woodus.com/den/gallery/graphics/dq6ds/maps_overworld/dq6ds_real_world_names.png

Monsters: No Monsters

Items: No Items

Shops: No Shops

Recommended Level: 30 | Level Cap: 99 | Gold: None | Medals: None

______________________________________________________________||[walk.047] *****Turnscote and the Sword of Ramias***** |||| || ==============================================================

Map Link:http://www.woodus.com/den/gallery/graphics/dq6ds/maps_overworld/dq6ds_real_world_names.png

Monsters: No Monsters

Items: No Items

Shops: Inn ( Gold)

o--------------------------------------------------------------o |Item Shop |Weapon Shop 1 (South-West) | o------------------------------o-------------------------------o

Page 174: Dragon Quest VI Realms of Revelation Walkthrough.doc

| Chimaera Wing (25) | Battleaxe (4300) | | Trailblazing Bandana(500) | Saw Blade (9800) | | Bow Tie (2400) | War Hammer (12000) | o------------------------------o Zombiesbane (18000) | |Armour Shop o-------------------------------o o------------------------------oWeapon Shop 2 (North-West) | | Bunny Suit (3300) o-------------------------------o | Silver Cuirass (6300) | Bone Stake (110) | | Dragon Mail (12000) | Edged Boomerang (1500) | | Flowing Dress (14800) | Steel Fangs (2000) | | Iron Mask (3500) | Morning Star (3000) | | Magic Shield (5000) | Lunar Fan (5500) | | | Dream Blade (6300) | o==============================o===============================o

Recommended Level: 30 | Level Cap: 99 | Gold: None | Medals: None

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Suggested Gear Section!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Best Buys:Low-Maintenance Equipment Hero-Frugal Equipment Hero-High-Maintenance Equipment

______________________________________________________________||[walk.048] *****Somnia, the Hero's Identity, and the |||| Helm of Sebath***** || ==============================================================

Map Link:http://www.woodus.com/den/gallery/graphics/dq6ds/maps_overworld/dq6ds_real_world_names.png

Monsters: No Monsters

Items: No Items

Shops: Inn ( Gold)

o==============================================================o | Weaver's Peak (Real World) | o--------------------------------------------------------------o |Item Shop |Weapon/Armour Shop | o------------------------------o-------------------------------o | War Hammer (12000) | Cypress Stick (10) | | Zombiesbane (18000) | Bamboo Spear (50) | | Dragon Mail (12000) | Copper Sword (270) | | Flowing Dress (14800) | Wayfarer's Clothes (70) | | Bunny Ears (750) | Leather Armour (180) | | | Leather Shield (70) | o==============================o===============================o

Page 175: Dragon Quest VI Realms of Revelation Walkthrough.doc

Recommended Level: 30 | Level Cap: None | Gold: None | Medals: None

o==================================================================o| Sub-Boss [B20] | Demon-At-Arms |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| HP: 1500 | MP: 255 | Item: Medicinal Herb | Rate: 1/4096 |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| ATK: 180 | DEF: 300 | AGI: 79 | EXP: 1800 | GOLD: 320 |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack Twice, Attack, Violent Slashing Attack, Flame Breath, || Kacrackle, Kasap |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Resistance data based on likely known skills: || NO RESISTANCE:| WEAK RESISTANCE:| STRONG RESISTANCE:| IMMUNITY:o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Strategy: ||o==================================================================o

o==================================================================o| Sub-Boss [B21] | Demon-At-Arms |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| HP: 400 | MP: 50 | Item: Medicinal Herb | Rate: 1/4096 |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| ATK: 160 | DEF: 270 | AGI: 57 | EXP: 1800 | GOLD: 320 |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack Twice, Attack, Violent Slashing Attack, Flame Breath, || Kacrackle, Kasizzle, Kasap |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Resistance data based on likely known skills: || NO RESISTANCE:| WEAK RESISTANCE:| STRONG RESISTANCE:| IMMUNITY:o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Strategy: ||o==================================================================o

______________________________________________________________||[walk.049] *****The Underwater Castle***** |||| || ==============================================================

Map Link:http://www.woodus.com/den/gallery/graphics/dq6ds/maps_overworld/dq6ds_real_world_names.png

Monsters: No Monsters

Page 176: Dragon Quest VI Realms of Revelation Walkthrough.doc

Items: No Items

Shops: No Shops

Recommended Level: 32 | Level Cap: 99 | Gold: None | Medals: None

________________________________________||[slime4] King Slime || ========================================

New Slime: King Slime (Kingsley), Lv3 o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o----------o | HP|150 | MP|90 | St|73 | Ag|58 | Re|68 | Wi|71 | Style|20 | o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o----------o Starting Items: None

________________________________________||[slime5] Slime || ========================================

New Slime: Slime (Goober), Lv20 o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o----------o | HP|110 | MP|27 | St|53 | Ag|85 | Re|24 | Wi|50 | Style|20 | o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o----------o Starting Items: None

______________________________________________________________||[walk.050] *****Reviving Cloudsgate Citadel***** |||| || ==============================================================

Map Link:http://www.woodus.com/den/gallery/graphics/dq6ds/maps_overworld/dq6ds_real_world_names.png

Monsters: No Monsters

Items: No Items

Shops: No Shops

Recommended Level: 32 | Level Cap: 33 | Gold: None | Medals: None

o==================================================================o| Sub-Boss [B22] | Stormsgate Citadel |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| HP: 3000 | MP: 255 | Item: Seed of Resilience | Rate: 1/4096 |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| ATK: 240 | DEF: 200 | AGI: 65 | EXP: 2200 | GOLD: - |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Thin Air, Tramples Party, Magic Barrier |

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o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Resistance data based on likely known skills: || NO RESISTANCE:| WEAK RESISTANCE:| STRONG RESISTANCE:| IMMUNITY:o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Strategy: ||o==================================================================o

o==================================================================o| Sub-Boss [B23] | Terry |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| HP: 2500 | MP: 50 | Item: Stylish Bandana | Rate: 1/4096 |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| ATK: 220 | DEF: 180 | AGI: 90 | EXP: 1300 | GOLD: - |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Leg Sweep, Falcon Slash, Flame Slash, Gust Slash, || Multislice, Kasap |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Resistance data based on likely known skills: || NO RESISTANCE:| WEAK RESISTANCE:| STRONG RESISTANCE:| IMMUNITY:o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Strategy: ||o==================================================================o

#########################################!![dread4] DHURAN !!#########################################

o==================================================================o| Dread Fiend [D05] | Dhuran |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| HP: 500 | MP: 90 | Item: Seed of Resilience | Rate: 1/4096 |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| ATK: 95 | DEF: 105 | AGI: 47 | EXP: 1000 | GOLD: - |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| BOSS SKILLS: ||o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Resistance data based on likely known skills: || NO RESISTANCE:| WEAK RESISTANCE:| STRONG RESISTANCE:| IMMUNITY:o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Strategy: ||o==================================================================o

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________________________________________||[char6] TERRY || ========================================

New Character: Terry, Lv28 o--------o-------o-------o--------o-------o-------o----------o | HP|226 | MP|86 | St|86 | Ag|115 | Re|59 | Wi|83 | Style|40 | o--------o-------o-------o--------o-------o-------o----------o Starting Items: Sunderbolt Blade, Platinum Headgear, Dragon Shield, Dragon Mail

________________________________________||[char7] LIZZIE*OPTIONAL* || ========================================

New Character: Lizzie, Lv5 o--------o-------o--------o-------o--------o--------o----------o | HP|240 | MP|50 | St|130 | Ag|77 | Re|150 | Wi|110 | Style|20 | o--------o-------o--------o-------o--------o--------o----------o Starting Items: None

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @******************************************************@ @***))###| |###((***@ @**))######| CHAPTER 5, THE DREAD REALM |######((**@@*))########| |########((*@@******************************************************************@

______________________________________________________________||[walk.051] *****Pillar of Pegasus***** |||| || ==============================================================

Map Link:http://www.woodus.com/den/gallery/graphics/dq6ds/maps_overworld/dq6ds_real_world_names.png

Monsters: No Monsters

Items: No Items

Shops: No Shops

Recommended Level: 33 | Level Cap: 99 | Gold: None | Medals: None

______________________________________________________________||[walk.052] *****Dread Realm and Despairia***** ||

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|| || ==============================================================

Monsters: No Monsters

Items: No Items

Shops: Inn ( Gold)

o--------------------------------------------------------------o |Armour Shop |Weapon Shop | o------------------------------o-------------------------------o | Gigant Armour (23000) | War Hammer (12000) | | Flowing Dress (14800) | Zombiesbane (18000) | | Ogre Shield (20000) | Blizzard Blade (21000) | | Thinking Cap (13000) | Solar Fan (22000) | o==============================o===============================o

Recommended Level: 34 | Level Cap: 24 | Gold: None | Medals: None

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Suggested Gear Section!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Best Buys:Low-Maintenance Equipment Hero-Frugal Equipment Hero-High-Maintenance Equipment

______________________________________________________________||[walk.053] *****Max Wynne and Removing the Curse***** |||| || ==============================================================

Monsters: No Monsters

Items: No Items

Shops: No Shops

Recommended Level: 34 | Level Cap: 24 | Gold: None | Medals: None

______________________________________________________________||[walk.054] *****Greedmore Valley***** |||| || ==============================================================

Monsters: No Monsters

Items: No Items

Shops: Inn ( Gold)

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o--------------------------------------------------------------o |Item Shop |Armour Shop | o------------------------------o-------------------------------o | Medical Herb (8) | Gigant Armour (23000) | | Moonwort Bulb (30) | Mirror Armour (30000) | | Trailblazing Bandana(500) | Ruinous Shield (5300) | | Fishnet Stockings (3200) | Silver Shield (33000) | | | Great Helm (25000) | | o-------------------------------o | |Weapon Shop | | o-------------------------------o | | Hela's Hammer (15000) | | | Massacre Sword (29000) | | | Great Bow (37000) | | | Ferocious Fangs (17000) | o==============================o===============================o

Recommended Level: 35 | Level Cap: 99 | Gold: None | Medals: None

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Suggested Gear Section!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Best Buys:Low-Maintenance Equipment Hero-Frugal Equipment Hero-High-Maintenance Equipment

o==================================================================o| Sub-Boss [B24] | Averill |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| HP: 2000 | MP: - | Item: Medicinal Herb | Rate: 1/4096 |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| ATK: 125 | DEF: 110 | AGI: 110 | EXP: - | GOLD: - |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Double Up, Leg Sweep |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Resistance data based on likely known skills: || NO RESISTANCE:| WEAK RESISTANCE:| STRONG RESISTANCE:| IMMUNITY:o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Strategy: ||o==================================================================o

______________________________________________________________||[walk.055] *****Gallows Moor***** |||| || ==============================================================

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Monsters: No Monsters

Items: No Items

Shops: No Shops

Recommended Level: 37 | Level Cap: 99 | Gold: None | Medals: None

o==================================================================o| Sub-Boss [B25] | Gallows Giant |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| HP: 2800 | MP: - | Item: Mini Medal | Rate: 100% |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| ATK: 220 | DEF: 150 | AGI: 115 | EXP: 6300 | GOLD: 580 |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Desperate Attack, Quick Attack, Dark Haze, Lightning || Fear Shout |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Resistance data based on likely known skills: || NO RESISTANCE:| WEAK RESISTANCE:| STRONG RESISTANCE:| IMMUNITY:o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Strategy: ||o==================================================================o

o==================================================================o| Sub-Boss [B26] | Prison Guard [Two of them] |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| HP: 750 | MP: - | Item: Medicinal Herb | Rate: 1/4096 |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| ATK: 210 | DEF: 150 | AGI: 100 | EXP: 500 | GOLD: - |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Flails Weapon About, Stone's Throw, || Violent Slashing Attack, Sandstorm |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Resistance data based on likely known skills: || NO RESISTANCE:| WEAK RESISTANCE:| STRONG RESISTANCE:| IMMUNITY:o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Strategy: ||o==================================================================o

o==================================================================o| Sub-Boss [B27] | Dogmus |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| HP: 7000 | MP: 255 | Item: Seed of Magic | Rate: 1/4096 |o------------------------------------------------------------------o

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| ATK: 200 | DEF: 300 | AGI: 200 | EXP: 500 | GOLD: - |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Fuddle, Kathwack, Multiheal, Assess the Situation, || Paralysing Gaze |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Resistance data based on likely known skills: || NO RESISTANCE:| WEAK RESISTANCE:| STRONG RESISTANCE:| IMMUNITY:o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Strategy: ||o==================================================================o

o==================================================================o| Sub-Boss [B28] | Zozagel |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| HP: 3500 | MP: - | Item: Seed of Strength | Rate: 1/4096 |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| ATK: 250 | DEF: 200 | AGI: 105 | EXP: 1000 | GOLD: - |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack Twice, Roundhouse Kick, Multislice, Mercurial Thrust, || Flame Slash, Metal Slash |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Resistance data based on likely known skills: || NO RESISTANCE:| WEAK RESISTANCE:| STRONG RESISTANCE:| IMMUNITY:o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Strategy: ||o==================================================================o

o==================================================================o| Sub-Boss [B28] | Zozagel [Reprise] |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| HP: 3500 | MP: - | Item: Seed of Strength | Rate: 1/4096 |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| ATK: 250 | DEF: 200 | AGI: 105 | EXP: 1000 | GOLD: - |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack Twice, Roundhouse Kick, Multislice, Mercurial Thrust, || Flame Slash, Metal Slash |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Resistance data based on likely known skills: || NO RESISTANCE:| WEAK RESISTANCE:| STRONG RESISTANCE:| IMMUNITY:o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Strategy: ||

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#########################################!![dread5] BLACKMAR !!#########################################

o==================================================================o| Dread Fiend [D06] | Blackmar |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| HP: 500 | MP: 90 | Item: Seed of Resilience | Rate: 1/4096 |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| ATK: 95 | DEF: 105 | AGI: 47 | EXP: 1000 | GOLD: - |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| BOSS SKILLS: ||o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Resistance data based on likely known skills: || NO RESISTANCE:| WEAK RESISTANCE:| STRONG RESISTANCE:| IMMUNITY:o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Strategy: ||o==================================================================o

______________________________________________________________||[walk.056] *****Prison of Sorrow***** |||| || ==============================================================

Monsters: No Monsters

Items: No Items

Shops: No Shops

Recommended Level: 38 | Level Cap: 99 | Gold: None | Medals: None

o==================================================================o| Sub-Boss [B29] | Belleau |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| HP: 2500 | MP: 255 | Item: Mini Medal | Rate: 100% |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| ATK: 250 | DEF: 290 | AGI: 50 | EXP: 3300 | GOLD: 850 |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Boulder Toss, Selflessness, Stomps on Party Member, || Midheal, Meditation |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Resistance data based on likely known skills: || NO RESISTANCE:| WEAK RESISTANCE:

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| STRONG RESISTANCE:| IMMUNITY:o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Strategy: ||o==================================================================o

o==================================================================o| Sub-Boss [B30] | Cabot |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| HP: 3500 | MP: - | Item: Mini Medal | Rate: 100% |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| ATK: 300 | DEF: 190 | AGI: 20 | EXP: 4400 | GOLD: 550 |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Muster Strength, Stomps on Party Member, Stomp, || Selflessness |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Resistance data based on likely known skills: || NO RESISTANCE:| WEAK RESISTANCE:| STRONG RESISTANCE:| IMMUNITY:o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Strategy: ||o==================================================================o

______________________________________________________________||[walk.057] *****Mortamor's Dreadlair and the Final |||| Battle***** || ==============================================================

Monsters: No Monsters

Items: No Items

Shops: No Shops

Recommended Level: 40 | Level Cap: 99 | Gold: None | Medals: None

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Suggested Gear Section!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Best Buys:Low-Maintenance Equipment Hero-Frugal Equipment Hero-High-Maintenance Equipment

#########################################!![dread6a] MORTAMOR PHASE 1 !!#########################################

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o==================================================================o| Dread Fiend [D07] | Mortamor |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| HP: 500 | MP: 90 | Item: Seed of Resilience | Rate: 1/4096 |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| ATK: 95 | DEF: 105 | AGI: 47 | EXP: 1000 | GOLD: - |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| BOSS SKILLS: ||o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Resistance data based on likely known skills: || NO RESISTANCE:| WEAK RESISTANCE:| STRONG RESISTANCE:| IMMUNITY:o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Strategy: ||o==================================================================o

#########################################!![dread6b] MORTAMOR PHASE 2 !!#########################################

o==================================================================o| Dread Fiend [D08] | Mortamor |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| HP: 500 | MP: 90 | Item: Seed of Resilience | Rate: 1/4096 |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| ATK: 95 | DEF: 105 | AGI: 47 | EXP: 1000 | GOLD: - |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| BOSS SKILLS: ||o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Resistance data based on likely known skills: || NO RESISTANCE:| WEAK RESISTANCE:| STRONG RESISTANCE:| IMMUNITY:o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Strategy: ||o==================================================================o

#########################################!![dread6c] MORTAMOR FINAL PHASE !!#########################################

o==================================================================o| Dread Fiend [D09] | Mortamor |

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o------------------------------------------------------------------o| HP: 500 | MP: 90 | Item: Seed of Resilience | Rate: 1/4096 |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| ATK: 95 | DEF: 105 | AGI: 47 | EXP: 1000 | GOLD: - |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| BOSS SKILLS: ||o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Resistance data based on likely known skills: || NO RESISTANCE:| WEAK RESISTANCE:| STRONG RESISTANCE:| IMMUNITY:o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Strategy: ||o==================================================================o

o==================================================================o| Dread Fiend [D10] | Right Hand |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| HP: 500 | MP: 90 | Item: Seed of Resilience | Rate: 1/4096 |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| ATK: 95 | DEF: 105 | AGI: 47 | EXP: 1000 | GOLD: - |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| BOSS SKILLS: ||o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Resistance data based on likely known skills: || NO RESISTANCE:| WEAK RESISTANCE:| STRONG RESISTANCE:| IMMUNITY:o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Strategy: ||o==================================================================o

o==================================================================o| Dread Fiend [D11] | Left Hand |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| HP: 500 | MP: 90 | Item: Seed of Resilience | Rate: 1/4096 |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| ATK: 95 | DEF: 105 | AGI: 47 | EXP: 1000 | GOLD: - |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| BOSS SKILLS: ||o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Resistance data based on likely known skills: || NO RESISTANCE:| WEAK RESISTANCE:| STRONG RESISTANCE:| IMMUNITY:o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Strategy: |

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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @******************************************************@ @***))###| |###((***@ @**))######| CHAPTER 6, THE POST-GAME |######((**@@*))########| |########((*@@******************************************************************@

______________________________________________________________||[walk.058] *****Leftovers***** |||| || ==============================================================

Monsters: No Monsters

Items: No Items

Shops: No Shops

Recommended Level: None | Level Cap: None | Gold: None | Medals: None

________________________________________||[slime6] Cureslime || ========================================

New Slime: Cureslime (Curie), Lv4 o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o----------o | HP|111 | MP|28 | St|60 | Ag|95 | Re|59 | Wi|14 | Style|10 | o--------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o----------o Starting Items: None

________________________________________||[slime7] Shell Slime || ========================================

New Slime: Shell Slime (Shelley), Lv3 o-------o------o-------o-------o--------o-------o----------o | HP|73 | MP|3 | St|48 | Ag|51 | Re|135 | Wi|17 | Style|18 | o-------o------o-------o-------o--------o-------o----------o Starting Items: None

________________________________________||[slime8] Liquid Metal Slime || ========================================

New Slime: Liquid Metal Slime (Mercury), Lv1 o------o-------o-------o--------o--------o-------o----------o

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| HP|7 | MP|30 | St|61 | Ag|150 | Re|500 | Wi|15 | Style|50 | o------o-------o-------o--------o--------o-------o----------o Starting Items: None

______________________________________________________________||[walk.059] *****The Bonus Dungeon: Section 1***** |||| || ==============================================================

Monsters: No Monsters

Items: No Items

Shops: No Shops

Recommended Level: 50 | Level Cap: 99 | Gold: None | Medals: None

______________________________________________________________||[walk.060] *****Reaper's Peak***** |||| || ==============================================================

Monsters: No Monsters

Items: No Items

Shops: Inn ( Gold)

o--------------------------------------------------------------o |Item Shop | o--------------------------------------------------------------o | Dragonic Diligence (30000) | | Staff of Resurrection (45000) | o==============================================================o

Recommended Level: 50 | Level Cap: 99 | Gold: None | Medals: None

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Suggested Gear Section!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Best Buys:Low-Maintenance Equipment Hero-Frugal Equipment Hero-High-Maintenance Equipment

______________________________________________________________||[walk.061] *****The Bonus Dungeon: Section 2***** |||| || ==============================================================

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Monsters: No Monsters

Items: No Items

Shops: No Shops

Recommended Level: 55 | Level Cap: 99 | Gold: None | Medals: None

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Suggested Gear Section!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Best Buys:Low-Maintenance Equipment Hero-Frugal Equipment Hero-High-Maintenance Equipment

#########################################!![dread7] NOKTURNUS !!#########################################

o==================================================================o| Dread Fiend [D12] | Nokturnus |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| HP: 500 | MP: 90 | Item: Seed of Resilience | Rate: 1/4096 |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| ATK: 95 | DEF: 105 | AGI: 47 | EXP: 1000 | GOLD: - |o------------------------------------------------------------------o| BOSS SKILLS: ||o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Resistance data based on likely known skills: || NO RESISTANCE:| WEAK RESISTANCE:| STRONG RESISTANCE:| IMMUNITY:o------------------------------------------------------------------o| Strategy: ||o==================================================================o

____________________________________________________________________________|============================================================================|||[extra.000] *****Extras, Minigames, and Other Activities***** |||| |||============================================================================||____________________________________________________________________________|

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______________________________________________________________||[extra.001] *****Casinos***** |||| || ==============================================================

There are three Casinos in the game. The first is in Port Haven, thesecond is in Turnscote, and the final one is in Greedmore valley within theDread Realm. The Casino is by far the best way to become wealthy, and in DQVIGold is easily spent. This is one of the few Dragon Quest games where a playercan easily keep up with gear from moment they can gamble in Port Haven - afterbecoming visible.

Casinos do not take Gold directly, but rather you convert Gold to Tokens,and these Tokens are used to bet and purchase items at the prize shop. You mayonly purchase one item at a time, but the system allows a continuoustransaction loop. Transfer ratios of Gold to Tokens is a static 20 to 1

The following are lists of each Casino's games, prizes, and a few tips:

______________/ PORT HAVEN \\______________/

Games: Poker [ 1-100T Bets, 2x-1000x winnings depending on cards ] To start, walk up to table, talk to dealer. Then pick bet (1-10). 5 Cards appear, pick which stay and which are traded out. Then press Deal. If the cards amount to any win two options appear, Take Winnings and Double Up. Take Winnings - Winnings for that round are added to Token total and Player can change the bet or press Play to start a new round. Double Up - 1 face up card, 4 face down, pick 1 face down card. 1)Higher value = pass, Tokens doubled, and a chance to go again. If winnings are more than 10,000 Double Up ends winnings are added to Player's Tokens, and Poker starts over. 2)Lower Value = fail, all winnings lost and Poker starts over.

Slot Machines [ 1T, 10T, 100T ] To start, walk up to a machine, accept to start game, then choose the number of Tokens to spend (total of 9 bets per run, so 9T, 90T, and 900T respectively). If all bets are made slots auto-start, if not press (A) to continue. Once all slots stop, winnings are determined by horizontal groupings of each icon in a row. Winnings multipliers are shown on the top screen.

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_______________________________________________Prizes: / Magic Water | 200T (150g) | 0.75 G/T \ | Silk Tuxedo | 500T (2625g) | 5.25 G/T | <-Best ratio | Yggdrasil Leaf | 1000T (1125g) | 1.125G/T | | Dragon Shield | 2000T (5325g) | 2.663G/T | <-2nd best ratio | Platinum Mail | 3500T (0g) | N/A | | Kamikaze Bracer | 5000T (7500g) | 1.5 G/T | \___________________|________________|__________/

Tips: To make cash, purchase anywhere from 100-200 Tokens (usually 2-4000g). *IMPORTANT* Go Save *IMPORTANT* then return and hit either the 1T slots or the poker table. If winnings bring total Token count to 150% of the Token count of the last save, save again. If player loses everything, restart. At 1,000T switch to 10T Tokens machine (left), or continue playing poker until 8-10,000T is reached. Then save again and switch to 100T machine. Once at 50,000T, save, and play blindly while watching movies until total count is satisfactory (I usually go between 500k and 1mil).

*Important* To make excess cash for the game, purchase the Silk Tuxedo and sell it to shops, as it has the best Token to Gold sell-back ratio.

_____________/ TURNSCOTE \\_____________/

Games: Poker [ 1-100T Bets, 2x-1000x winnings depending on cards ] To start, walk up to table, talk to dealer. Then pick bet (1-10). 5 Cards appear, pick which stay and which are traded out. Then press Deal. If the cards amount to any win two options appear, Take Winnings and Double Up. Take Winnings - Winnings for that round are added to Token total and Player can change the bet or press Play to start a new round. Double Up - 1 face up card, 4 face down, pick 1 face down card. 1)Higher value = pass, Tokens doubled, and a chance to go again. If winnings are more than 10,000 Double Up ends winnings are added to Player's Tokens, and Poker starts over. 2)Lower Value = fail, all winnings lost and Poker starts over.

Slot Machines [ 1T, 10T, 100T ] To start, walk up to a machine, accept to start game, then choose the number of Tokens to spend (total of 9 bets per run, so 9T, 90T, and 900T respectively). If all bets are made slots auto-start, if not press (A) to continue. Once all slots stop, winnings are determined by horizontal groupings of each icon in a row. Winnings multipliers are shown on the top screen.

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________________________________________________Prizes: / Silk Tuxedo | 500T (2625g) | 5.25 G/T \ <-Best ratio | Dragon Shield | 2000T (5325g) | 2.663G/T | <-2nd best ratio | Platinum Mail | 3500T (0g) | N/A | | Prayer Ring | 5000T (2250g) | 0.45 G/T | | Falcon Blade | 10000T (18750g) | 1.875G/T | | Kerplunk Bracer | 20000T (3750g) | 0.188G/T | \___________________|_________________|__________/

Tips: Slots are the still the best, and in this version it does not seem like any fixed, or higher payout slots exist. Poker is slow, but if the party did not make Tokens in the Port Haven Casino, then buy up to 500 Tokens, then save. Play poker, using double ups and luck until 10,000+ Tokens, then save once more. Play the 100 Token slots until winnings are huge, saving now and again (best played while watching a movie or tv, continuously pressing (A) ). It is highly recommended to skip Poker and go straight to slots.

*Important* To make excess cash for the game, purchase the Silk Tuxedo and sell it to shops, as it has the best Token to Gold sell-back ratio. It is possible to make excess cash buying and selling Falcon Blades and Dragon Shields instead of Silk Tuxedos, if only due to the amount gained per sale is higher, even though the casino Token cost to gold ratio is worse.

____________________/ GREEDMORE VALLEY \\____________________/

Games: Poker [ 1-100T Bets, 2x-1000x winnings depending on cards ] To start, walk up to table, talk to dealer. Then pick bet (1-10). 5 Cards appear, pick which stay and which are traded out. Then press Deal. If the cards amount to any win two options appear, Take Winnings and Double Up. Take Winnings - Winnings for that round are added to Token total and Player can change the bet or press Play to start a new round. Double Up - 1 face up card, 1 face down, choose if face down is of higher or lower value than face up card. 1)Higher value = pass, Tokens doubled, and a chance to go again. If winnings are more than 10,000 Double Up ends winnings are added to Player's Tokens, and Poker starts over. 2)Lower Value = fail, all winnings lost and Poker starts over.

Slot Machines [ 1T, 10T, 100T ] To start, walk up to a machine, accept to start game, then choose the number of Tokens to spend (total of 9 bets per run, so 9c, 90c, and 900c respectively). If all bets are made slots auto-start, if not press (A) to continue.

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Once all slots stop, winnings are determined by horizontal groupings of each icon in a row. Winnings multipliers are shown on the top screen. ___________________________________________________Prizes: / Yggdrasil Leaf | 1000T (1125g) | 1.125G/T \ <-2nd best ratio | Prayer Ring | 5000T (2250g) | 0.45 G/T | | Falcon Blade | 10000T (18750g)| 1.875G/T | <-Best ratio | Kerplunk Bracer | 20000T (3750g) | 0.188G/T | | Metal King Armour | 150000T (0g) | N/A | | Flail of Destruction | 300000T (0g) | N/A | \______________________|_________________|__________/

Tips: Greedmore Valley's Poker is the easiest to win in due to Double Up. Not only is there one Card to choose from, but it's a gamble of whether it is higher or lower in value, making it a 50/50 chance each time. What's even better is the face down card is determined by the clock, so learning how to use a stopwatch to unlock the secret of which card is going to be shown at what second will virtually guarantee winning each round of Double Up.

Outside of Poker, the Slot machines are still good for making loads of Tokens in a short period of time, and while doing other activities such as eating, watching TV, or watching a movie.

If the party has no Tokens up to this point, and the Port Haven tips for gaining lots of Tokens were not followed:

Spend anywhere from 5,000 to 10,000 gold on Tokens. Save the game, then play poker until winnings equal 10,000 Tokens or more. Then Save and play the 100 slot Tokens blindly while watching TV or a movie, continuously pressing (A), and check every now and again to see progress. If a substantial Token collection is gathered, around 500,000 or more, buy the best Token to Gold ratio, place in the bag. Then sell at a store for profit.

*Important* To make excess cash for the game, purchase the Silk Tuxedo and sell it to shops, as it has the best Token to Gold sell-back ratio. So return to Turnscote or Port Haven. However, Gold gained per monster battle is high enough that this is no longer necessary. It is possible to make excess cash buying and selling Falcon Blades and Dragon Shields instead of Silk Tuxedos, if only due to the amount gained per sale is higher, even though the casino Token cost to gold ratio is worse.

************************ PERSONAL EXPERIENCE:************************

Turnscote 100-Token slots seems to have the highest rate of return with large

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gaps of losses and higher rates of big gains.Rating: ***

Port Haven 100-Token slots seem to have a good balance between low and highgains with relatively few dry periods.Rating: **

Greedmore Valley 100-Token slots seem to have an excessively low rate of highgains, and a high rate of low gain wins with relatively few dry periods,however, due to low winnings dry periods are very painful.Rating: *

______________________________________________________________||[extra.002] *****The Best-Dressed Contest***** |||| || ==============================================================

The Best-Dressed Contest is the only Minigame that is necessary to play tofinish the game when the story requires the Magic Carpet. TheBest-Dressed Contest is just what it sounds like, a contest comparing the Stylerating of a chosen member of the party with a group of NPCs to win a prize.

The Style House is located inside the mountains of the Southern tip of theNorth West Continent. After accessing the Mermaid Harp, and prior tounlocking Pegasus, warp to Wellshire, board the ship, and travel to theSouthern section of the Island. Dive underwater and move North up the shortriver, and raise at the end to access the Best-Dressed Contest.

Each contest always goes in order, and the next contest will not be helduntil the party undergoes the one prior (either participating or watching).First enter the staircase to get to the contest itself, then speak to the manguarding the door, whatever option is chosenn he will let the party by, thoughif you wish to participate, tell him so. Then head into the either the Eastor West dressing rooms, and speak to the men guarding the central staircase toopen a window of options. The first option allows participation. Choose,pick the desired character, and once in control, move the character to theback of the line. On stage, once the spotlight shines on character, move downthe red carpet and back to the original spot. Winner is chosen by judgesafterwards.

So far it seems at least the final contest has a cycle of top NPC "winners"to defeat. Thanks to The_Bones, we know that 375 is the highest number so farknown for Rank 8. Possbily the other ranks also randomly choose and cyclethrough a set of NPC "winners" but thus far I have no knowledge of needingany other style levels beyond what is shown below.

*NOTE*- Some contests require a specific Type of person, a Male, Female, orMonster, but most allow anyone to enter.

*NOTE2*- The Silver Platter is the first Shield Milly can equip.

________________________________________________ / Contest | Style | Type | Prize \ o---------o-------o--------o---------------------o

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| 1 | 180 | Any | Silver Platter | | 2 | 200 | Male | Trailblazing Bandana| | 3 | 220 | Any | Magic Carpet | <- Needed for Story | 4 | 250 | Female | Glass Slippers | | 5 | 280 | Male | Platinum Headgear | | 6 | 310 | Any | Shimmering Dress | | 7 | 260 | Monster| Sage's Stone | | 8 | 376 | Any | Happy Hat | o---------o-------o--------o---------------------o

TIPS: 1)Max Luminary. Not only do they have the highest Style rating, but mastering the vocation adds an extra Style bonus of +15 Style. Luminary = +15% Style (Character Style only) Hero = +10% Style (Character Style only) Dancer = +10% Style (Character Style only)

2)The Best Characters with Base Style: Men: Hero Lv30(30) Lv40(37) Lv50(46) Terry Lv30(41) Lv40(43) Lv50(50)

Women: Ashlynn Lv30(35) Lv40(48) Lv50(64) Milly Lv30(48) Lv40(56) Lv50(70)

Monster: Slime Knight(Goowain) Lv30(25) Lv40(31) Lv50(37)

3)Special Gear Sets and Bonuses:

Characters: Slime Companions:

H = Hero, Sk = Slime Knight(Goowain),C = Carver, Sl = Slimes (All other Slimes)M = Milly,A = Ashlynn,N = Nevan,Am = Amos,T = Terry,L = Lizzie

E = Everyone

_____________________________________________________________________________/| WHO | SET | BONUS | TOTAL |\o-----------+------------------------------------------------+-------o--------o| N Sl |Slime Helmet(12) + Slime Armour(30) | 10 | (52) ||-----------+------------------------------------------------+-------o--------|| C Am T L |Hela's Hammer(33) + Hela's Armour(12) | 10 | (55) |

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|-----------+------------------------------------------------+-------o--------|| A N |Morning Star(14) + Magic Shield(21)(*38) | 10 | (45) || | | | (*62) ||-----------+------------------------------------------------+-------o--------|| Sl |Steel Fangs(8) + Fur Cape(18) | 10 | (36) ||-----------+------------------------------------------------+-------o--------||H C Am T L |Dragonsbane(30)(*55) + Dragon Shield(25)(*47) + | 15 | (107) || Sk |Dragon Mail(37)(*72) | | (*189) ||-----------+------------------------------------------------+-------o--------|| H |Sword of Ramias(32)(*52)(*70) + | 15 | (138) || |Helm of Sebath(24)(*45) + Shield of Valora(35) +| | (*227) || |Armour of Orgo(32)(*80) | | (*245) ||-----------+------------------------------------------------+-------o--------|| C Am T L |Ogre Shield(-10)(*50) + Gigant Armour(15)(*77) | 15 | (20) || Sk | | | (*142) ||-----------+------------------------------------------------+-------o--------|| C Am T L |War Hammer(19)(*50) + Iron Mask(-10)(*35) | 15 | (24) || | | | (*100) ||-----------+------------------------------------------------+-------o--------|| M A |Siren Sword(51) + Flowing Dress(42) | 15 | (108) ||-----------+------------------------------------------------+-------o--------||H C N Am T |Fire Blade(33)(*36) + Flame Shield(22)(*45) + | 20 | (108) || L Sk |Flame Armour(33)(*55) | | (*156) ||-----------+------------------------------------------------+-------o--------|| N Sl |Pointy Hat(-2) + Tortoise Shell(-15) | 20 | (3) ||-----------+------------------------------------------------+-------o--------|| M A N |Cloak of Evasion(11) + Agility Ring(18) | 20 | (49) ||-----------+------------------------------------------------+-------o--------|

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| H Am T |Flametang Boomerang(25)(*52) + | 20 | (78) || |Flame Armour(33)(*55) | | (*127) ||-----------+------------------------------------------------+-------o--------|| A Sl |Wizardly Whip(45)(*70) + Magical Skirt(35) | 20 | (100) || | | | (*125) ||-----------+------------------------------------------------+-------o--------||H C N Am T |Silk Tuxedo(40) + Bow Tie(33) | 25 | (98) ||-----------+------------------------------------------------+-------o--------|| M A |Silver Tiara(25) + Silver Cuirass(30) | 25 | (80) ||-----------+------------------------------------------------+-------o--------|| M A |Thorn Whip(7) + Fishnet Stockings(40) | 25 | (72) ||-----------+------------------------------------------------+-------o--------||H C N Sl |Pot Lid(-20) + Boxer Shorts(-100) | 30 | (-90) ||-----------+------------------------------------------------+-------o--------||H C Am T Sk|Metal King Sword(40) + Helm(38) + Shield(40) + | 30 | (193) || Sl |Armour(45) | | ||-----------+------------------------------------------------+-------o--------||H Am T |Zombiesbane(5)(*62) + Enchanted Armour(35) | 30 | (70) || | | | (*127) ||-----------+------------------------------------------------+-------o--------|| M A |Magical Skirt(35) + Fishnet Stockings(40) | 30 | (105) ||-----------+------------------------------------------------+-------o--------|| M A |Bunny Ears(15) + Bunny Suit(38) + | 30 | (123) || |Fishnet Stockings(40) | | ||-----------+------------------------------------------------+-------o--------|| A |Spiked Steel Whip(22) + Fishnet Stockings(40) | 30 | (92) ||-----------+------------------------------------------------+-------o--------|| H T |Sunderbolt Blade(40)(*65) + | 35 | (93) |

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| |Tempest Shield(18)(*44) | | (*144) ||-----------+------------------------------------------------+-------o--------|| M |Lunar Fan(30) + Dancer's Costume(25) | 35 | (90) ||-----------+------------------------------------------------+-------o--------|| M A |Silver Tiara(25) + Shimmering Dress(61) + | 40 | (171) || |Glass Slippers(45) | | ||-----------+------------------------------------------------+-------o--------||H C M A N |Miracle Sword(38)(*51) + Sacred Armour(55) | 40 | (133) || Am T | | | (*146) ||-----------+------------------------------------------------+-------o--------|| H T Sk |Silver Shield(38) + Mirror Armour(50) | 40 | (128) ||-----------+------------------------------------------------+-------o--------|| M |Solar Fan(49)(*67) + Dancer's Costume(25) | 45 | (114) || | | | (*132) ||-----------+------------------------------------------------+-------o--------|| M A |Bunny Ears(15) + Silver Platter(23) + | 50 | (166) || |Bunny Suit(38) + Fishnet Stockings(40) | | ||-----------+------------------------------------------------+-------o--------|| M A |Golden Tiara(50) + Princess's Robe(72) | 50 | (172) ||-----------+------------------------------------------------+-------o--------||H C Am T Sk|Platinum Sword(45) + Headgear(42) + Shield(40) +| 50 | (228) || |Mail(51) | | ||-----------+------------------------------------------------+-------o--------|| M A N Sl |Happy Hat(-17) + Glombolero(-50) | 60 | (-7) ||-----------+------------------------------------------------+-------o--------|| M A |Silver Tiara(25) + Shimmering Dress(61) + | 60 | (186) || |Pink Pearl(40) | | |o-----------+------------------------------------------------+-------o--------o

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Winning Combinations for those who don't want to mix and match on their own:

Hero (Maxed Luminary) PRE-LEGENDARY GEAR: Lv30 (30) +15% Style Bonus (4) +15 Maxed Luminary Bonus = 49 +Miracle Sword* + Sacred Armour (*146) = 195 +Dragon Shield* (47) = 242 +Iron Mask* (35) = 277 +Slime Earrings (35) = [312] Style, 272 in Status

POST-LEGENDARY GEAR: Lv40 (37) +15% Style Bonus (5) +15 Maxed Luminary Bonus = 57 +Sword of Ramias*2 + Armour of Orgo* + Shield of Sufida + Helm of Sebath (*245) = 302 +Turnscote Pendant (45) = [347] Style, 332 in Status

Terry (Maxed Luminary) POST-LEGENDARY GEAR (w/out Platinum Headgear): Lv30 (40) +15% Style Bonus (6) +15 Maxed Luminary Bonus = 61 +Miracle Sword* + Sacred Armour (*146) = 207 +Dragon Shield* (47) = 254 +Iron Mask* (35) = 289 +Turnscote Pendant (45) = [334] Style, 294 in Status

POST-LEGENDARY GEAR (W/ Platinum Headgear): Lv30 (40) +15% Style Bonus (6) +15 Maxed Luminary Bonus = 61 +Miracle Sword* + Sacred Armour (*146) = 207 +Dragon Shield* (47) = 254 +Platinum Headgear (42) = 296 +Turnscote Pendant (45) = [341] Style, 301 in Status

*NOTE*- Terry w/ all Platinum Gear + Turnscote Pendant = [334] Style, 284 in Status

Ashlynn (Maxed Luminary) PRE/POST-LEGENDARY GEAR: Lv30 (35) +15% Style Bonus (5) +15 Maxed Luminary Bonus = 55 +Wizardly Whip* (70) = 125 +Silver Tiara + Shimmering Dress + Pink Pearl (186) = 311 +Magic Shield* (38) = [349] Style, 289 in Status

PRE-MORTAMOR (w/ Metal King Shield): Lv40 (48) +15% Style Bonus (7) +15 Maxed Luminary Bonus = 70 +Wizardly Whip* (70) = 140 +Metal King Shield (40) = 180 +Golden Tiara + Princess's Robe (172) = 352 +Glass Slippers (45) = [397] Style, 357 in Status

Milly (Maxed Luminary)

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PRE-CLOUDSGATE (w/out Metal King Shield): Lv30 (48) +15% Style Bonus (7) +15 Maxed Luminary Bonus = 70 +Miracle Sword* (51) = 121 +Silver Tiara + Shimmering Dress + Pink Pearl (186) = 307 +Silver Platter (23) = [330] Style, 270 in Status

POST-CLOUDSGATE (w/ Metal King Shield): Lv40 (56) +15% Style Bonus (8) +15 Maxed Luminary Bonus = 79 +Sunderbolt Blade* (65) = 144 +Silver Tiara + Shimmering Dress + Pink Pearl (186) = 330 +Metal King Shield (40) = [370] Style, 310 in Status

POST-DESPAIRIA (w/ Metal King Shield): Lv40 (56) +15% Style Bonus (8) +15 Maxed Luminary Bonus = 79 +Solar Fan* (67) = 146 +Silver Tiara + Shimmering Dress + Pink Pearl (186) = 332 +Metal King Shield (40) = [372] Style, 312 in Status

PRE-MORTAMOR (w/ Metal King Shield): Lv40 (56) +15% Style Bonus (8) +15 Maxed Luminary Bonus = 79 +Solar Fan* (67) = 146 +Metal King Shield (40) = 186 +Golden Tiara + Princess's Robe (172) = 358 +Glass Slippers (45) = [403] Style, 363 in Status

Slime Knight (Maxed Luminary) PRE/POST-LEGENDARY GEAR (w/ Platinum Headgear): Lv30 (25) +15% Style Bonus (3) +15 Maxed Luminary Bonus = 43 +Platinum Sword + Platinum Mail + Platinum Shield + Platinum Headgear (228) = 271 +Bow Tie (33) = [304] Style, 254 in Status

______________________________________________________________||[extra.003] *****Slimopolis***** |||| || ==============================================================

Located North-East from Sorceria, behind a special gate lays the Slimopolis.This place is an Arena for, you guessed it, Slimes to duke it out in combat.The Arena complex has an upper floor with an Inn and a Patty's Party PlanningPlace, the lower floor comprises the Arena itself, where the left side counteris where Prizes are dished out to winner, and registration is handled on theright side counter.

On the bottom floor, at the North face of the Arena lays the owner and masterwith his Champion Slime, Hammer, the current arena winner. Through a littledoor to the NE, that only a slime can fit through is the Slime resting andpreparation area.

*NOTE* - To enter the Slime Preparation Area the active party must consist ofonly slimes.

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Items found on the first floor: NW Right Drawer - Slime Gooniform NW Left Drawer - Mini Medal

Items found in the Slime Preparation Area: NE House S Pot - Mini Medal NE House N Pot - Mini Medal Well Chest - Slime Armour

Once a Slime to battle with is decided, walk up to the counter and choose aRank level, and the sum to enter will be automatically paid. Once done, thebattles start and carry out automatically, so preparing a slime ahead of timeis vital, both in levels, skills and spells, and in the vocation choice goingin. The breakdown of battle ranks and the way the battles work is as follows:

1) There are a total of 8 Ranks, starting from Rank H, going to Rank A. 2) Each Rank is a series of 3 separate battles with no break in between. 3) Each Rank is Progressively harder than the one before it, taking from higher level enemies.4) There is a prize awarded for finishing each Rank. No prizes are awarded for finishing part-way through the competition.5) Rank H through B can be completed twice, the second time with an HP and MP penalty of 1/2 current HP and MP, not maximum, so heal between bouts. First time through there is no penalty.6) Any HP depleted and MP spent carries over after the battles, nothing is automatically healed, so again, heal between bouts.7) Rank A is special. For one it is by far the most difficult. For two it can only be completed once. Finally, there is a fourth battle where the Champion Slime, Hammer, will challenge your slime.8) Upon completing Rank A, speak to the owner to recruit Goober, the slime. If Goober reaches Level 45, return and have him speak to the Slimopolis to learn the highest level ice breath: C-C-Cold Breath.

Breakdown of each Rank, the Prize, Battles, and Cost:

______________________________________________________________/| Rank H | Cost: 200G | Prize: Hermes' Hat |\o++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++o| BATTLE 1 | --------------------------------------------------------------| 3x Slime Knights | Attack, Heal, Critical Hit |o--------------------------------------------------------------o| BATTLE 2 | --------------------------------------------------------------| 1x Toxic Turnip | Attack, Poison Attack, Poison Breath || 1x Wild Carrot | Attack, Wierd Dance || 1x Scare Root | Attack, Sultry Dance |o--------------------------------------------------------------o| BATTLE 3 | --------------------------------------------------------------| 1x Skull Rider | Attack, Leg Sweep, Flame Slash |

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_____________________________________________________________/| Rank G | Cost: 300G | Prize: Edged Boomerang |\o++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++o| BATTLE 1 | --------------------------------------------------------------| 2x Feral Beast | Attack, Do Nothing, Blown Away || 1x Ruffled Goon | Attack, Kasap || 2x Feral Beast | Attack, Do Nothing, Blown Away |o--------------------------------------------------------------o| BATTLE 2 | --------------------------------------------------------------| 2x Animated Armour | Attack, Mercurial Thrust |o--------------------------------------------------------------o| BATTLE 3 | --------------------------------------------------------------| 1x Arrghgoyle | Attack, Sizzle, Kaclang |o==============================================================o

______________________________________________________________/| Rank F | Cost: 500G | Prize: Poison Needle |\o++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++o| BATTLE 1 | --------------------------------------------------------------| 1x Gustbluster | Attack, Swoosh || 1x Undentured Servant | Attack || 1x Gustbluster | Attack, Swoosh |o--------------------------------------------------------------o| BATTLE 2 | --------------------------------------------------------------| 1x Lesser Demon | Attack, Kasap, Spooky Aura || 1x Healslime | Attack, Heal || 1x Lesser Demon | Attack, Kasap, Spooky Aura |o--------------------------------------------------------------o| BATTLE 3 | --------------------------------------------------------------| 1x Jumping Jackal | Attack, Slashes with Claws, Thin Air|o==============================================================o

______________________________________________________________/| Rank E | Cost: 700G | Prize: Slime Armour |\o++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++o| BATTLE 1 | --------------------------------------------------------------| 2x Dreamaera | Attack, Midheal, Cool Breath |o--------------------------------------------------------------o| BATTLE 2 | --------------------------------------------------------------| 1x Battering Ram | Attack, Attack with Horns, Fizzle |o--------------------------------------------------------------o| BATTLE 3 | --------------------------------------------------------------| 1x Diethon | Attack, Poison Attack, Tail Whip, |

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| | Venom Mist |o==============================================================o

______________________________________________________________/| Rank D | Cost: 1000G | Prize: Icicle Dirk |\o++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++o| BATTLE 1 | --------------------------------------------------------------| 1x Noble Gasbagon | Attack, Smothers Party Member, || | Flame Breath || 1x Gasbagon | Attack, Smothers Party Member, || | Swoosh, Flame Breath || 1x Noble Gasbagon | Attack, Smothers Party Member, || | Flame Breath |o--------------------------------------------------------------o| BATTLE 2 | --------------------------------------------------------------| 2x Cureslime | Attack, Fullheal, Drain Magic |o--------------------------------------------------------------o| BATTLE 3 | --------------------------------------------------------------| 1x Haunted Mirror | Attack, Frizzle, Dazzleflash, Morph |o==============================================================o

______________________________________________________________/| Rank C | Cost: 2000G | Prize: Falcon Knife Earrings |\o++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++o| BATTLE 1 | --------------------------------------------------------------| 1x Hell Nino | Attack, Sizz, Fire Breath || 1x Corpse Corporal | Attack, Do Nothing, Spooky Aura, || | Tongue Bashing || 1x Porker | Attack, Flails its weapon about || | fiercely |o--------------------------------------------------------------o| BATTLE 2 | --------------------------------------------------------------| 1x Freezing Fog | Attack, Chilly Breath, Cool Breath || 1x Mottle Mendslime | Attack, Defend, Assess The Situation,|| | Multiheal || 1x Splutterfly | Attack, Boom, Magic Barrier, Kabuff |o--------------------------------------------------------------o| BATTLE 3 | --------------------------------------------------------------| 2x Axesaurus | Attack, Hatchet Man, Flame Breath |o==============================================================o

______________________________________________________________/| Rank B | Cost: 3000G | Prize: Metal King Shield |\o++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++o| BATTLE 1 | --------------------------------------------------------------| 1x Scytheborg | Attack, Do Nothing, Frenzy || 1x Bomboulder | Attack, Do Nothing, Kerplunk |

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| 1x Overkilling Machine| Attack, Flails its weapon about || | fiercely, shoot arrow, violent || | slashing attack || 1x Brimstone Bulb | Attack, Kasap, Sweet Breath |o--------------------------------------------------------------o| BATTLE 2 | --------------------------------------------------------------| 1x Czargoyle | Attack, Do Nothing, Flee, Frizzle || 1x Drastic Drackal | Attack, Bites with needle-sharp || | fangs, Chilly Breath || 1x Czargoyle | Attack, Do Nothing, Flee, Frizzle |o--------------------------------------------------------------o| BATTLE 3 | --------------------------------------------------------------| 1x Living Statue | Attack, Stomp, Stomps on Party Member|o==============================================================o

______________________________________________________________/| Rank A | Cost: 5000G | Prize: Dragonic Diligence |\o++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++o| BATTLE 1 | --------------------------------------------------------------| 2x Sluggerslaught | Attack, Sultry Dance, Follow Suit || 2x Wraithwand | Attack, Kasap, Chilly Breath || 2x Sluggerslaught | Attack, Sultry Dance, Follow Suit |o--------------------------------------------------------------o| BATTLE 2 | --------------------------------------------------------------| 1x Pudgedevil | Attack, Kaboom, Magic Barrier, || | Freezing Blizzard, Calls for Backup || | (Cureslime) || 1x Iron Tortoise | Attack, Selflessness, Defending || | Champion, Bounce |o--------------------------------------------------------------o| BATTLE 3 | --------------------------------------------------------------| 1x Demon Overlord | Attack, Bounce, Freezing Blizzard, || | Kaboom, Kazing, Pyre o' Fire |o--------------------------------------------------------------o| BATTLE 4 | --------------------------------------------------------------| 1x Hammer (Champ) | Attack, Freezing Blizzard, Absorb || | Magic, Fullheal, Metal Slash |o==============================================================o

******************* TIPS FOR WINNING:*******************

Slime Knight is the best option to use for Slimopolis, mostly because Goowainwill be with the party the longest of any slime, have the best overall statsfor the Arena, has useful innate spells and skills, and has the best equipmentoptions of any slime. That said, any slime can get through this, including thefour weakest: Curie, Spot, Shelley, and Mercury.

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Curie - Weak overall stats, poor natural defense, subpar resistances, good spell list.

Spot - Poor defense, very poor resistances, worst skill/spell tree of the slimes for Slimopolis, high strength, high HP.

Shelley - Second lowest HP, second lowest strength, great natural defense, one of the best two natural skill trees.

Mercury - Worst HP, third lowest strength, best and worst overall natural skill tree (Big Banga is insanely useful here, but Magic Burst is a death sentence), highest Defense, immune to every element.

Goober - Not worth mentioning given either you will usually have beaten every round before getting Goober, or due to the difficulty difference between Rank A and all other Ranks, it won't matter much. Even Rank B on the second round with a 1/2 HP and MP handicap is only barely harder than Rank A. However, if you want to take the handicaps with Goober, or every Rank but the only Rank Goober cannot fight in (A), then he does make a good choice.

Kingsley - Kingsley is the King of all Slimes for a reason. No really, best stats, some useful skills, great resistances.

Healie - Like Curie, only a little stronger.

Goowain - As stated above, solid stats all around, great skills, and by far the best gear options of the slimes.

Natural skills aside, most people will be playing this game with vocations inmind, and from there the perspective on what vocations to pick and when is thekey, and perhaps which equipment is best. First let me say this: Equipment isnot that important. That said, I will provide a list of the following gearoptions that are worthwhile, and the vocations that function the best in theSlimopolis arena.

************ Equipment:************ Slime Knight: Pre-Sorceria - Zombiesbane, Fire Blade, Dream Blade Heavy Armour, Dragon Mail, Platinum Mail, Flame Armour Iron Mask, Thinking Cap Dragon Shield Kerplunk Bracer, Meteorite Bracer

Pre-Metal King Gear - Miracle Sword, Blizard Blade, Flail of Destruction Flame Armour, Hela's Armour, Gigant Armour Armour of Max Wynne Great Helm Dragon Shield, Ogre Shield, Shield of Max Wynne Kerplunk Bracer, Meteorite Bracer

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All other Slimes: Pre-Sorceria - Falcon Knife Earrings, Fire Claw, Icicle Dirk Cloak of Evasion, Flowing Dress Slime Helmet Silver Platter Kerplunk Bracer, Meteorite Bracer, Raging Ruby

Pre-Metal King Gear - Miracle Sword, Wizardly Whip Flowing Dress, Magic Armour, Armour of Max Wynne Slime Helmet Silver Shield Kerplunk Bracer, Meteorite Bracer, Raging Ruby

************ Vocations:************ 1)Priest: Midheal and Fullheal are absolute musts 2)Martial Artist: Roundhouse Kick, Wind Sickles, Knuckle Sandwich, and Multifists are extremely beneficial and useful skills. 3)Paladin: Double Up and Thin Air can easily win this competition at any point, and luckily, the two most useful base skill sets are the requirements for Paladin. 4)Gladiator: For Ranks D-A, Thin Air is useful, but several enemies are Resistant, and for these the Gladiator skill Boulder Toss is effective. 5)Warrior: required for Gladiator, no skills are particularly useful here. 6)...no other Vocations matter, but frankly the Arena can be won with just Mage spells as a Mage.

______________________________________________________________||[extra.004] *****Mini Medals***** |||| || ==============================================================

o-------o----------------------------------------------------o| Medal | Where Found |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 1 | Wellshire - Drawer in the well. |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 2 | Gardsbane Tower - At three-way doors, take right, || | search drawers. |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 3 | Somnia(Dream World) - Kitchen Pot |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 4 | Port Haven - Pot behind Inn |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 5 | Somnia(Real World) - Pot in NE house |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 6 | Amor(Real World) - Drawer in SW house |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 7 | Amor(Dream World) - Pot in Church basement |

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o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 8 | Cave of Amor - B3 Chest (NE section) |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 9 | Alltrades Abbey - Shiny spot at N end, B1 Torchroom|o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 10 | Scrimsley - Shiny spot, center of town |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 11 | Scrimsley - Drawer in House S. of Amos' house |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 12 | Arkbolt Castle - Barrel, 2F Kitchen |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 13 | Arkbolt Castle - Pot, Training Room |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 14 | House NE of Arkbolt - Drawer, N house |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 15 | Cave to Aridea - Chest below Inn |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 16 | Aridea - Pot in NW House |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 17 | Mobile Island - Barrel behind Bar |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 18 | Cabin SW of Jamirus' Castle - Pot |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 19 | House S/SE of Alltrade's Abbey - Barrel |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 20 | Well S/SE of Alltrade's - S Chest |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 21 | Gatehouse to Howcastle - Pot in Inn |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 22 | Howsworth - Pot in NW House |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 23 | Howsworth - Barrel Outside Inn |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 24 | Howcastle - Pot in Kitchen |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 25 | Hallowed Hollow - B3, NW Chest |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 26 | Hallowed Hollow - B4, S Chest |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 27 | Howcastle - Sparkle outside Prince's Room |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 28 | Arkbolt Castle - NE Wing, Pot behind Magic Key Door|o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 29 | Clearvale(Dream World) - SE House, Drawer |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 30 | Clearvale(Real World) - SW House, Drawer |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 31 | Destiny's Drop - Chest, First door on West Wall |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 32 | Clearvale(Dream World) - Drawers in Child's Bedroom|o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 33 | Cave E of Clearvale (Dream World) - Sparkle |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 34 | Dullerton - Pot outside Max Wynne's House |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 35 | Jail NW of Suite Dreams - Barrel |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o

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| 36 | Church S of Suite Dreams - Dresser |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 37 | House in Well NW of Castle Swanstone - Drawer |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 38 | Castle Swanstone - Dresser on 2F |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 39 | Castle Swanstone - King's Room Drawer on 3F |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 40 | Well N of Castle Swanstone - Drawer |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 41 | The Spiegelspire - NW Chest on 2F |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 42 | Pescado - Barrel in Fish Store |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 43 | The Well Shop (W of Madame Luca's) - NE Shiny Spot |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 44 | Best-Dressed Contest - E Dressing Room Drawers |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 45 | Underwater, Sunken Ship (N of Pescado) - Barrel |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 46 | Underwater, Poseidon's Palace (NW of Felonia) - || | Drawer |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 47 | Underwater, Poseidon's Palace (NW of Felonia) - || | Chest behind Ultimate Key Door |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 48 | Underwater, Underwater Tunnel (Well in Somnia) - NE|| | Chest |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 49 | Underwater, Shrine NW of Sunken Ship - Shiny Spot || | at Base of Tree |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 50 | Underwater, Inn N of Fashion Forge - NE Shiny Spot |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 51 | Somnia(Dream World) - NE Treasure Room Chest behind|| | Ultimate Key Door |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 52 | Mobile Island - Chest behind Ultimate Key Door |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 53 | Port Haven - Chest in Prison, Ultimate Key Required|o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 54 | Somnia(Real World) - NE Treasure Room Chest behind || | Ultimate Key Door |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 55 | Arkbolt Castle - Pot in Prison, Ultimate Key Needed|o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 56 | Howcastle - Chest in 1F Treasure Room behind || | Ultimate Key Door |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 57 | Slimopolis - 1F NW Corner Drawer |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 58 | Slimopolis - Slime Area Pot in Hammer's House |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 59 | Slimopolis - Slime Area Pot in Hammer's House |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 60 | Seabed Shrine - W Chest on 1F |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o

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| 61 | Seabed Shrine - Sparkle in 1F room that opens after|| | pressing switch. |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 62 | Sorceria - Pot in NE House |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 63 | Sorceria - Pot below Armour Shop |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 64 | Castle Graceskull(Dream World) - 3F Dresser |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 65 | Castle Graceskull(Dream World) - B1 of Hidden || | Treasure Room |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 66 | Felonia - NW Shiny Spot |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 67 | Felonia - Barrel in NE House |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 68 | Felonia Castle - Shiny Spot in 1F Garden |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 69 | Felonia Castle - Barrel on 2F of West Wing |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 70 | Felonia - Barrel in Well behind Ultimate Key Door |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 71 | Felonia Castle - Pot in Prison, Ultimate Key Needed|o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 72 | Cryptic Catacombs - B1 Chest |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 73 | Cryptic Catacombs - B2 Chest |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 74 | Cryptic Catacombs - B4 Chest |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 75 | Inn S of Mt Snowhere - Barrel |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 76 | Mt Snowhere - Drawer in NE House |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 77 | Everfrost Grotto - B3 Chest |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 78 | Turnscote - NW Dresser, Outside |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 79 | Turnscote - Barrel behind Bar |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 80 | Turnscote Graveyard - Shiny Spot near Grave |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 81 | House S of Weaver's Peak (Real World) - Drawer |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 82 | Mountain Pass (Real World) - NW Chest |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 83 | Mountain Pass (Real World) - F3 Chest, Fall of NE || | Cliff to Access |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 84 | Weaver's Peak (Real World) - Pot outside Mayor's || | House |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 85 | Underwater Castle - SE Chest behind Ultimate Key || | Door |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 86 | Underwater Castle - SW Chest behind Ultimate Key || | Door |

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o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 87 | Cloudsgate Citadel - Drawer on 2F |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 88 | Cloudsgate Citadel - Shiny Spot behind Throne |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 89 | Pillar of Pegasus - NW Chest on 1F |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 90 | Pillar of Pegasus - Chest in Semi-Hidden 3F || | Treasure Room |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 91 | Despairia - Pot in Underground Inn |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 92 | Spring - Shiny Spot near Skeleton |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 93 | Despairia - Shiny Spot near Middle Grave |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 94 | Greedmore Valley - Shiny Spot next to NW House |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 95 | Gallows Moor - Sub-boss battle Prize (100% drop) |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 96 | Gallows Moor - Pot near Captain Blade, B4 |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 97 | Gallows Moor - Barrel in Bar in B2 town |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 98 | Gallows Moor - Sparkle at top of East Tower |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 99 | Gallows Moor - NE Chest on 1F Treasure Room |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 100 | Isaac's Mind - Sub-boss battle Prize (100% drop) |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 101 | Mortamor's Dreadlair - NW Chest on 1F-B |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 102 | Mortamor's Dreadlair - S/SW Chest on 5F-C |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 103 | Bonus Dungeon - East Chest on B1 |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 104 | Bonus Dungeon, Reaper's Peak - Pot NW of Well |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 105 | Bonus Dungeon, Reaper's Peak - Pot NW House |o-------+----------------------------------------------------o| 106 | Bonus Dungeon - East Skeleton on B3-E |o-------o----------------------------------------------------o

o--------o------------------------o | Medals | Prize | o--------+------------------------o | 15 | Staff of Divine Wrath | o--------+------------------------o | 25 | Raging Ruby | o--------+------------------------o | 30 | Platinum Sword | o--------+------------------------o | 40 | Miracle Sword | o--------+------------------------o | 50 | Sands of Time | o--------+------------------------o | 60 | Sacred Armour |

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o--------+------------------------o | 70 | Metal King Helm | o--------+------------------------o | 80 | Glombolero | o--------+------------------------o | 90 | Dragonic Diligence | o--------+------------------------o | 100 | Robust Lingerie | o--------o------------------------o

______________________________________________________________||[extra.005] *****Slippin' Slime Mini-Game***** |||| || ==============================================================

Slippin' Slime! All that is written here is based on King_Zenith (Gfaqs andDragon's Den) as presented in the Dragon's Den: http://www.woodus.com/den/games/dq6ds/slippin_slime.php

I highly recommend checking out the guide, it comes complete with visualreferences to get a good idea of what is stated. A few things to note. Forone, there are NO PRIZES TO WIN FOR USE IN THE MAIN GAME, this mini-game iscentralized as its own game. Secondly, this game is designed to be played withthe Stylus, and for any complainers, it is quite fun and addicting, with rathertight controls.


Inns: Somnia Inn (Dream and Real Worlds) Greedmore Valley Inn (Dread Realm)

Other Locales: Slimopolis Pub (Dream World) Chateau de Sass Pub (Real World) Turnscote Pub (Real World)

There are a total of 6 different game tracks: 1) Starter's Slip (Beginner's Course) 2) Rage of the Rockbomb (Adventurer's Course) 3) Bowling for Bandits (Bowler's Course) 4) Goolympic Slime Jumping (Goolympian's Course) 5) Cliffside Chaos (Adventurer's Course) 6) Sorcerer's Slope (Champion's Course)

The first five are found in every Curling machine, but the sixth is foundonly in the Turnscote Pub and Desire Town Inn machines.


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Touch the Slime and while holding the stylus down, drag it backwards to pullthe catapult back. Move it from side to side for aiming and let go to release.Once released, the slime will slide, and two boxes appear in front.

To keep the slime sliding, the stylus must be brushed back and forth betweenboth boxes. To slide straight, keep the stylus strokes evenly between bothboxes, as close to the center as possible. To slide right, stroke only theright box. Left, stroke only the left box. When you wish to stop, touch andhold in between both boxes.

It is always a wise move to aim for the different items, as they grantshifts in speed, points, protection, the ability to attack, and the ability todestroy magical barriers.

Prior to starting each game, the course can be looked over to help decide apath and plan a route. To skip the overview, tap the bottom of the screentwice.


Seed of Agility - Increases Slime Speed

Shield - Creates a Protective Barrier from Rockbomb Explosions

Sword - Enables the ability to attack monsters, gather more to upgrade

Magic Orb - Breaks upcoming Magical Barriers

Tangleweb - Slows down slimes

Tiny Medal - 3 points

Mini Medal - 10 points

Maxi Medal - 50 points

TRACKS - Zenith's guide includes videos made displaying each course, and tips on how best to win.

1)Starter's Slip (Beginner's Course)

Objective: Aim for the bulls eye.

To Clear: Hit the bulls eye and earn 100 points.

Track Items: None

2)Rage of the Rockbomb (Adventurer's Course)

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Objective: Get around the dangerous curves, avoid the cliffs, defend against the Rockbomb, and aim for the decent score.

To Clear: Earn 100 points by collecting medals and getting a good score on the target.

Track Items: Seed of Agility, Shields, Tiny Medals, Mini Medals, Maxi Medal

3)Bowling for Bandits (Bowler's Course)

Objective: Maximize speed and aiming to knock down Hoodlums arranged in the the pattern of bowling pins. The more Hoodlums are knocked down the more points in the end. Point values are awarded by how far a Hoodlum is knocked from its position and how many chain hits are attained.

To Clear: Earn 200 points by knocking down as many Hoodlums as possible as hard as possible (more speed).

Track Items: Seed of Agility

4)Goolympic Slime Jumping (Goolympian's Course)

Objective: Maximize speed and aim directly in the center with as much speed as is possible for a large jump. The further the slime lands the more points are earned.

To Clear: Earn 300 Points by jumping as far as possible.

Track Items: Seed of Agility

5)Cliffside Chaos (Adventurer's Course)

Objective: Travel around several rather wild twists and turns, avoid cliffs and the Rockbomb aiming for the target.

To Clear: Earn 300 points by gathering as many medals as possible and aiming for the best score possible on the target.

Track Items: Seed of Agility, Tanglewebs, Tiny Medals, Mini Medals, Maxi Medals

6)Sorcerer's Slope (Champion's Course)

Objective: Collect Magic Orbs to remove the barriers, Swords to take out the monsters, and avoid the pitfall on the way to the Boss. Just make sure to gather enough Swords to kill the Boss.

To Clear: Defeat the Statue Boss.

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Track Items: Seed of Agility, Swords, Magic Orbs, Maxi Medals

For more tips, tricks, and help, check out King_Zenith's Slippin' SlimeGuide at Dragon's Den: http://www.woodus.com/den/games/dq6ds/slippin_slime.php

______________________________________________________________||[extra.006] *****Keys and their Doors***** |||| || ==============================================================

Thief's Key - Found in Haggleton, Bazaar, West Building, bargain down to 200g. After Underkeep, in Somnia (RW) for 200g on the 2nd Floor of Inn. After Murdaw, back in Haggleton, from the original merchant, for 10g.

Magic Key - Found in Howcastle, must complete events there.

Ultimate Key - Found on bottom floor of Sunken Ship N of Pescado.

o------------------------o| Thief's Key Doors |o------------------------o

1. Haggleton Inn, Upstairs:

Cupboard - Big Book of Beasts

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------2. Haggleton Bank, downstairs of Inn:

Chest - 250g Pot - Wing of Wyvern

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------3. Somnia (Dream World), Armour and Item Shop:


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------4. Somnia (Real World), Armour and Item Shop:

Drawers - Poison Moth Knife


NOTE: There are several other Thief's Key Doors, however, they are mostly used to get around in the story, so I will add them as I find them all over again. The point being, when it's first available for 200g, BUY IT, DO

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o------------------------o| Magic Key Doors |o------------------------o

1. Howcastle (Real World):

First Slime Companion - Slime Knight (Goowain) Shining Spot West of Goowain - Mini Medal

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------2. Arkbolt (Real World), North-East Wing:

Pot - Mini Medal Chest - Poison Needle

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------3. Turnscote (Real World), Mid-East House:

Left Chest - Seed of Wisdom Right Chest - Seed of Life

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------4. Despairia (Dread Realm):

North-West Underground: Pot - Seed of Resilience The Blacksmith Max Wynne!


o------------------------o| Ultimate Key Doors |o------------------------o

1. Somnia Castle (Dream World), Prison:


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------2. Somnia Castle (Dream World), North-East Basement:

Left Chest - Boxer Shorts Right chest - Mini Medal

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------3. Port Haven (Real World), Prison:

Left Chest - Mini Medal Right Chest - 1500g

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------4. Somnia Castle (Real World), Prison:



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5. Somnia Castle (Real World), North-East Basement:

Left Chest - Mini Medal Right Chest - Platinum Shield

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------6. Murdaw's Keep (Real World), Floor 1B Prison:


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------7. Arkbolt (Real World), South-East Wing Prison:

Left-Cell Pot - Mini Medal Right-Cell - Lizzie (Must have Terry)

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------8. Mobile Island (Dream World), Below Bar:

Left Chest - Mini Medal Middle Chest - Hela's Armour Right Chest - Magic Water

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------9. Howcastle (Real World), Treasure Room:

Left Chest - Mini Medal Right Chest - Platinum Mail

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------10. Poseidon's Palace (Real World), Treasure Room:

NW Chest - Kerplunk Bracer SW Chest - Silver Platter SE Chest - Watermaul Wand NE Chest - Mini Medal

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------11. Underwater Palace (Real World):

Right Cell, Right Chest - Mini Medal Right Cell, Left Chest - Gringham Whip Left Cell, Right Chest - Tempest Shield Left Cell, Left Chest - Mini Medal

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------12. Jail Island NW from Sorceria (Dream World):

Chest - Magma Staff

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------13. Castle Graceskull (Dream World):

Left Chest - Mini Medal Middle Chest - Tempest Shield Right Chest - Strength Seed

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-----------------------------------------------------------------------------14. Felonia (Real World) Castle Jail:

Barrel - Seed of Agility Barrel - Mini Medal Chest - Prayer Ring

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------15. Felonia (Real World) Hidden Well Jail:

Leftmost Cell Pot - Mini Medal Second Cell From Left, Pot - Urnexpected

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------16. Hot Spring (Dread Realm):

Well back to Real World.


____________________________________________________________________________|============================================================================|||[spell.000] *****Spells and Skills***** |||| |||============================================================================||____________________________________________________________________________|

Welcome to the spell and skill section! They layout for this will be differentfrom most guides, as I'm not a fan of alphabetical listings, which are usefulbut do make it difficult to track when you're looking for families, plus thelists are so short alphabetizing seems a little redundant to me. However thecore purpose for the layout is to show the different variations of skills andspells and how they relate.

The order of Attack, Support, then Healing is due to the order of spells andskills in battle. However the actual order as shown is not identical as thegame lists them.

Attack spells into the different families with other attack spells at the endas a collective.

Support are split into Debuffs, then Buffs, then Random, and finally FieldSpells.

Healing spells are ordered by type, Healing, then Revive, then Status Recovery.

***************** KEY*****************

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---------------o---o------o-------------o--------------------------------------NAME |MP |AFFECT| WHO | EFFECT ---------------o---o------o-------------o--------------------------------------

NAME = Name of spell/skill. MP = Cost of spell/skill.AFFECT = Who or what is targeted: One - One enemy or ally Group - Enemy group All - Targets all enemies Random - Targets random enemy Any - Randomly targets one of the following: One, Group, All, Self, Ally, Party Self - Targets caster Ally - Targets one party member Party - Targets all party members Map - Targets the current Map (Town, Dungeon, World) Item - Chest, Pot, or Special Item in front of party WHO = Which characters and vocations learn the spell. List is shown below. Name is followed by level number so: Sk5 means Slime Knight Level 5. Wor8 means Warrior Level 8. All vocations appear first, followed by characters, then slimes. Separated by asterisks: Wor8*Sk5EFFECT = What the spell/skill actually does. Damage, healing, status effect, whatever it may be.

Characters: Slime Companions:

H = Hero, Sk = Slime Knight(Goowain),C = Carver, Hs = Healslime(Healie),M = Milly, Ms = Mottle Slime(Spot),A = Ashlynn, Ks = King Slime(Kingsley),N = Nevan, Sl = Slime(Goober),Am = Amos, Cs = Cureslime(Curie),T = Terry, Sh = Shell Slime(Shelley),L = Lizzie Li = Liquid Metal Slime(Mercury)

E = EveryoneVocations:

Wor = Warrior Gla = GladiatorMta = Martial Artist Amm = ArmamentalistMge = Mage Pld = PaladinPst = Priest Sge = SageDan = Dancer Rng = RangerThf = Thief Lmn = LuminaryMns = Monster Master Hro = HeroMch = Merchant Drg = DragonGdb = Gadabout Lms = Liquid Metal Slime

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______________________________________________________________||[spell.001] *****Offensive Spells |||| || ==============================================================

_____________.___.______._____________.______________________________________ / | | | |/ FRIZZ |MP |AFFECT| WHO | EFFECT---------------o---o------o-------------o--------------------------------------Frizz | 2 | One |A2 | 12-15 Low level Fire attack.---------------+---+------+-------------+--------------------------------------Frizzle | 4 | One |Mge1*Sl20 | 70-90 Mid level Fire attack.---------------+---+------+-------------+--------------------------------------Kafrizzle |10 | One |Amm8 | 180-200 High level Fire attack._______________|___|______|_____________|______________________________________

_____________.___.______._____________.______________________________________ / | | | |/ SIZZ |MP |AFFECT| WHO | EFFECT---------------o---o------o-------------o--------------------------------------Sizz | 4 | Group|Mge2*A6*Li6 | 16-24 Low level Fire attack.---------------+---+------+-------------+--------------------------------------Sizzle | 6 | Group|Mge3*A16*Sl20| 30-42 Mid level Fire attack.---------------+---+------+-------------+--------------------------------------Kasizzle |10 | Group|Mge8 | 88-112 High level Fire attack._______________|___|______|_____________|______________________________________

_____________.___.______._____________.______________________________________ / | | | |/ BANG |MP |AFFECT| WHO | EFFECT---------------o---o------o-------------o--------------------------------------Bang | 5 | All |M15 | 20-30 Low level Explosion attack.---------------+---+------+-------------+--------------------------------------Boom | 8 | All |Mge5 | 52-68 Mid level Explosion attack.---------------+---+------+-------------+--------------------------------------Kaboom |15 | All |Sge8 | 130-150 High level Explosion attack._______________|___|______|_____________|______________________________________

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_____________.___.______._____________.______________________________________ / | | | |/ WOOSH |MP |AFFECT| WHO | EFFECT---------------o---o------o-------------o--------------------------------------Woosh | 2 | Group|Pst2*N10 | 8-24 Low level Wind attack.---------------+---+------+-------------+--------------------------------------Swoosh | 4 | Group|Pst6*N15 | 25-55 Mid level Wind attack.---------------+---+------+-------------+--------------------------------------Kaswoosh | 8 | Group|Pld4 | 80-180 High level Wind attack._______________|___|______|_____________|______________________________________

_____________.___.______._____________.______________________________________ / | | | |/ CRACK |MP |AFFECT| WHO | EFFECT---------------o---o------o-------------o--------------------------------------Crack | 3 | One |M9 | 25-35 Low level Ice attack.---------------+---+------+-------------+--------------------------------------Crackle | 5 | Group|Mge6 | 42-58 Mid level Ice attack.---------------+---+------+-------------+--------------------------------------Kacrackle |12 | All |Sge6 | 80-104 High level Ice attack._______________|___|______|_____________|______________________________________

_____________.___.______._____________.______________________________________ / | | | |/ ZAP |MP |AFFECT| WHO | EFFECT---------------o---o------o-------------o--------------------------------------Zap | 6 | All |Hro3*H? | 70-90 Low level Lightning attack.---------------+---+------+-------------+--------------------------------------Kazap |15 | Group|Hro4 | 175-225 Mid level Lightning attack.---------------+---+------+-------------+--------------------------------------Kazapple |10 | One |Hro8 | 600-700 High level Lightning attack. | | | | Special- All 4 members attack._______________|___|______|_____________|______________________________________

_____________.___.______._____________.______________________________________ / | | | |/ WHACK |MP |AFFECT| WHO | EFFECT---------------o---o------o-------------o--------------------------------------Whack | 4 | One |Pst5*N21 | Chance to cause Death on an enemy.

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---------------+---+------+-------------+--------------------------------------Thwack | 7 | Group|Pst7 | Chance to cause Death on a group.---------------+---+------+-------------+--------------------------------------Kathwack |15 | All |Sge8 | Chance to cause Death on all enemies._______________|___|______|_____________|______________________________________

_____________.___.______._____________.______________________________________ / | | | |/ OTHER |MP |AFFECT| WHO | EFFECT---------------o---o------o-------------o--------------------------------------Kamikaze | 1 | Self |Sge7 | Sacrifice to deal massive damage on | | | | all enemies.---------------+---+------+-------------+--------------------------------------Puff! |18 | Self |Mns8 | Become AI-Controlled Dragon that | | | | attacks or uses Flame Breath._______________|___|______|_____________|______________________________________

______________________________________________________________||[spell.002] *****Support Spells |||| || ==============================================================

_____________.___.______._____________.______________________________________ / | | | |/ STATUS EFFECT|MP |AFFECT| WHO | EFFECT---------------o---o------o-------------o--------------------------------------Sap | 3 | One |H7*A2 | Reduces monster Defense by 1/2.---------------+---+------+-------------+--------------------------------------Kasap | 4 | Group|Mge4*A12 | Reduces monster Defense by 1/4.---------------+---+------+-------------+--------------------------------------Dazzle | 5 | All |Mge2*M6*A2 | Blinds and reduces Accuracy to 1/4---------------+---+------+-------------+--------------------------------------Fizzle | 3 | Group|Pst3*N11 | Cancels Spell and Skill Use.---------------+---+------+-------------+--------------------------------------Fuddle | 5 | Group|Mge4*A18 | Causes Confusion.---------------+---+------+-------------+--------------------------------------Snooze | 3 | Group|Mge1*M11*A2 | Puts Monsters to Sleep. | | |Sl20 |---------------+---+------+-------------+--------------------------------------Kasnooze | 5 | Group|Mge7 | Stronger Sleep than Snooze.

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---------------+---+------+-------------+--------------------------------------Drain Magic | 0 | One |Mge6*A14*Sk3 | Steals MP.---------------+---+------+-------------+--------------------------------------Absorb Magic | 2 | Self |Sge1 | User Absorbs MP value of spells cast | | | | on user._______________|___|______|_____________|______________________________________

_____________.___.______._____________.______________________________________ / | | | |/ BUFFS |MP |AFFECT| WHO | EFFECT---------------o---o------o-------------o--------------------------------------Buff | 2 | Ally |Pst3*M5 | Raises ally Defense by 1/2.---------------+---+------+-------------+--------------------------------------Kabuff | 3 | Party|Pst5*M18*Sk8 | Raises party Defense by 1/4. | | |Sl20*Sh8 |---------------+---+------+-------------+--------------------------------------Oomph | 6 | Ally |Amm2*Sge3 | Doubles ally Attack Power.---------------+---+------+-------------+--------------------------------------Magic Barrier | 3 | Party|Pld5*Sge7 | Halves Magic attack damage, increases | | | | ability to dodge spells.---------------+---+------+-------------+--------------------------------------Insulatle | 3 | Party|Sge2 | Halves Non-Magic Fire and Ice attack | | | | damage.---------------+---+------+-------------+--------------------------------------Bounce | 4 | Self |Mge8 | Reflects Healing and Attack spells.---------------+---+------+-------------+--------------------------------------Bound | 4 | Self |Amm4 | Full party Healing and Attack spell | | | | reflection for one spell.---------------+---+------+-------------+--------------------------------------Kaclang | 2 | Party|Lmn2*Hro1 | Party Invincible, but inactive for 3 | | |Lms2*Li3 | rounds._______________|___|______|_____________|______________________________________

_____________.___.______._____________.______________________________________ / | | | |/ RANDOM |MP |AFFECT| WHO | EFFECT---------------o---o------o-------------o--------------------------------------Poof | 1 | Group|Pst1*N10 | Removes weak monsters; no EXP/Gold. | | | | (Bosses are Immune)---------------+---+------+-------------+--------------------------------------

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Bazoom | 8 | One |Amm6*Sge3 | Removes a monster from battle. | | | | (Bosses are Immune)---------------+---+------+-------------+--------------------------------------Hocus Pocus |20 | Any |Gdb8 | Random effects (See below) | | | |_______________|___|______|_____________|______________________________________

_____________.___.______._____________.______________________________________ / | | | |/ FIELD |MP |AFFECT| WHO | EFFECT---------------o---o------o-------------o--------------------------------------Storyteller | 2 | Map |Thf5 | Shows current dungeon floor.---------------+---+------+-------------+--------------------------------------Snoop | 2 | Map |Thf8 | Shows current treasures on the map.---------------+---+------+-------------+--------------------------------------Safe Passage | 2 | Party|Rng3 | Protects party from damage tiles.---------------+---+------+-------------+--------------------------------------Peep | 1 | Item |Mch1*H6 | Check Chest, Pot Contents | | | | Special - Opens door to | | | | The Spiegelspire---------------+---+------+-------------+--------------------------------------Holy Protection| 4 | Party|Rng1 | Keeps weaker monsters away on Map.---------------+---+------+-------------+--------------------------------------Evac | 8 | Party|Mge5*M7*A10 | Warps party out of Dungeons.---------------+---+------+-------------+--------------------------------------Zoom | 1 | Party|Mge3*Lms4*H8 | Warps party to known Towns. | | |A8*Li5 |_______________|___|______|_____________|______________________________________

Hocus Pocus Effects:

1) All enemies fall asleep. 2) Full party HP recovery. 3) Full party and enemy HP recovery. 4) Full party and enemy MP recovery. 5) Party and enemy MP becomes 0. 6) All dead party members and enemies revived. 7) Full party Oomph buff. 8) Strange fog appears; ?skills? and/or ?spells? are rendered invalid. 9) Battle reverts to the first round. 10) Demons swoop down and attack all enemies. 11) All enemies frozen for a round. 12) Turns entire party into uncontrollable Dragons. 13) All enemies destroyed, but no experience or gold granted. 14) Party and enemies frightened for 1-3 turns.

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15) Meteor lands in the battle field. All party and enemy HP becomes 1. 16) Voice from the clouds, nothing happens.

______________________________________________________________||[spell.003] *****Healing Spells |||| || ==============================================================

_____________.___.______._____________.______________________________________ / | | | |/ HEAL |MP |AFFECT| WHO | EFFECT---------------o---o------o-------------o--------------------------------------Heal | 2 | Ally |Pst1*H4*M5 | Heal 30-40HP to one party member. | | |N10*Am15*Sk1 | | | |Hs4*Ks3 |---------------+---+------+-------------+--------------------------------------Midheal | 5 | Ally |Pst4*M13*N10 | Heal 75-95HP to one party member. | | |Hs9*Sl20*Ks3 | | | |Cs6 |---------------+---+------+-------------+--------------------------------------Fullheal | 7 | Ally |Pst7*N19*Hs15| Heal 100%HP to one party member. | | |Cs4 |---------------+---+------+-------------+--------------------------------------Multiheal |18 | Party|Sge5*Hs18 | Heal 100-120HP to Party | | |Cs20 |---------------+---+------+-------------+--------------------------------------Omniheal |36 | Party|Hs23*Cs50 | Heal 100%HP to Party_______________|___|______|_____________|______________________________________

_____________.___.______._____________.______________________________________ / | | | |/ REVIVE |MP |AFFECT| WHO | EFFECT---------------o---o------o-------------o--------------------------------------Zing |10 | Ally |Pst8*N13*Ks3 | Revive 50%HP, 50% Success---------------+---+------+-------------+--------------------------------------Kazing |20 | Ally |Sge6*L25*Ks20| Revive 100%HP, 100% Success | | |Cs17 |_______________|___|______|_____________|______________________________________

_____________.___.______._____________.______________________________________ / | | | |/ STATUS HEAL |MP |AFFECT| WHO | EFFECT---------------o---o------o-------------o--------------------------------------

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Kerplunk |ALL| Self |Pld7 | Sacrifice-Self to Revive Party, 50%HP---------------+---+------+-------------+--------------------------------------Squelch | 2 | Ally |Pst2*M5*N10 | Removes Poison---------------+---+------+-------------+--------------------------------------Tingle | 2 | Ally |Pst4*N17 | Removes Sleep and Paralysis_______________|___|______|_____________|______________________________________

***************** KEY*****************

---------------o---o------o----------------------------------------------------NAME |MP |AFFECT| WHO | EFFECT---------------o---o------o-------------o--------------------------------------

NAME = Name of spell/skill. MP = Cost of spell/skill.AFFECT = Who or what is targeted: One - One enemy or ally Group - Enemy group All - Targets all enemies Random - Targets random enemy Any - Randomly targets one of the following: One, Group, All, Self, Ally, Party Self - Targets caster Ally - Targets one party member Party - Targets all party members Map - Targets the current Map (Town, Dungeon, World) Item - Chest, Pot, or Special Item in front of party WHO = Which characters and vocations learn the spell. List is shown below. Name is followed by level number so: Sk5 means Slime Knight Level 5. Wor8 means Warrior Level 8. All vocations appear first, followed by characters, then slimes. Separated by asterisks: Wor8*Sk5

Characters: Slime Companions:

H = Hero, Sk = Slime Knight(Goowain),C = Carver, Hs = Healslime(Healie),M = Milly, Ms = Mottle Slime(Spot),A = Ashlynn, Ks = King Slime(Kingsley),N = Nevan, Sl = Slime(Goober),Am = Amos, Cs = Cureslime(Curie),

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T = Terry, Sh = Shell Slime(Shelley),L = Lizzie Li = Liquid Metal Slime(Mercury)

E = EveryoneVocations:

Wor = Warrior Gla = GladiatorMta = Martial Artist Amm = ArmamentalistMge = Mage Pld = PaladinPrt = Priest Sge = SageDan = Dancer Rng = RangerThf = Thief Lmn = LuminaryMns = Monster Master Hro = HeroMch = Merchant Drg = DragonGdb = Gadabout Lms = Liquid Metal Slime


______________________________________________________________||[spell.004] *****Offensive Skills |||| || ==============================================================

________________.___.______._____________.___________________________________ / | | | |/ SLASH ATTACKS |MP |AFFECT| WHO | EFFECT------------------o---o------o-------------o-----------------------------------Lightning Slash | 0 | One |Amm3 | 130% damage (Bang Property)------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Flame Slash | 0 | One |Amm1 | 130% damage (Sizz Property)------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Gust Slash | 0 | One |Gla1 | 130% damage (Woosh Property)------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Kacrackle Slash | 0 | One |Amm5 | 130% damage (Crack Property)------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Undead Undoer | 0 | One |Gla2 | 150% damage to the Undead------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Dragon Slash | 0 | One |Gla6 | 150% damage to Dragons------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Metal Slash | 0 | One |Gla8*L20 | +1 damage to Metal Slime, Liquid | | | | Metal Slime, and Metal King Slime | | | | 150% damage to all other Metal | | | | monsters.------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Falcon Slash | 0 | One |Wor7*L5*Sk25 | 2x Hit, 75% damage per (Rounds | | | | Down = 0's or Criticals vs Metals)

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------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Hatchet Man | 0 | One |Wor8*L9 | Crit or Miss, 37.5% hit rate------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Double-Edged Slash| 0 | One |Wor4 | 150% damage, User takes 25% damage------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Multislice | 0 | All |Gla4 | 100% damage, then 80%, then 70%, | | | | ... (Strike Property)__________________|___|______|_____________|___________________________________

________________.___.______._____________.___________________________________ / NUETRAL AND | | | |/ STRIKE ATTACKS |MP |AFFECT| WHO | EFFECT------------------o---o------o-------------o-----------------------------------Flying Knee | 0 | One |Gla5*C5 | 150% damage to Flying monsters------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Double Up | 0 | One |Pld3*C14*Ms16| 200% damage, user takes 2x damage | | | | from any attack that round. | | | | Special: Goes first, even before | | | | Mercurial Thrust.------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Knuckle Sandwich | 0 | One |Mta5*C? | 200% damage (Strike Property)------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Mercurial Thrust | 0 | One |Wor5 | Attack first in battle, 80% damage------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Multifists | 0 |Random|Mta8 | 4x hit, 50% damage per------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Roundhouse Kick | 0 | Group|Mta2 | 100% damage, then 80%, then 70%, | | | | ...------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Body Slam | 0 | One |Mch6*Ks10 | Slam body into enemy, 80%HP damage | | | | to enemy and user. If it misses | | | | user still takes damage. | | | | (Death Property)------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Frenzy | 0 | Any |Wor6 | 200% damage to one foe or friend------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Harvest Moon | 0 | All |Lmn7 | 100% damage x (3/(No. of Enemies | | | | +1)) Damage per enemy.__________________|___|______|_____________|___________________________________

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________________.___.______._____________.___________________________________ / | | | |/ FIRE ATTACKS |MP |AFFECT| WHO | EFFECT------------------o---o------o-------------o-----------------------------------Fire Breath | 0 | All |Drg1 | 6-10 Fire damage------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Flame Breath | 0 | All |Mns6*Drg3*L5 | 30-40 Fire damage------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Inferno | 0 | All |Drg5*L15 | 65-85 Fire damage------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Scorch | 0 | All |Drg7*L30*Sl90| 150-170 Fire damage------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Magma Blast | 0 | All |Amm7 | 70-85 Fire damage, Field-type | | | | affects success rate------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Pyre o' Fire | 0 | One |Rng7 | 170-190 Fire damage------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Big Banga |30 | All |Lms8*Li14 | 300-400 Frizz damage__________________|___|______|_____________|___________________________________

________________.___.______._____________.___________________________________ / | | | |/ ICE ATTACKS |MP |AFFECT| WHO | EFFECT------------------o---o------o-------------o-----------------------------------Cool Breath | 0 | All |Mns5*Drg2*Sh5| 13-16 Ice damage------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Chilly Breath | 0 | All |Drg4*Sh22 | 50-60 Ice damage------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Freezing Blizzard | 0 | All |Drg6*Sh35 | 120-140 Ice damage------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------C-C-Cold Breath | 0 | All |Drg8 | 210-230 Ice damage | | |Sl45(Special)|__________________|___|______|_____________|___________________________________

________________.___.______._____________.___________________________________ / | | | |/ WATER ATTACK |MP |AFFECT| WHO | EFFECT------------------o---o------o-------------o-----------------------------------Tidal Wave | 0 | All |Sge4*Sh17 | 30-40 damage (Woosh Property)

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| | | | Field-type affects success rate__________________|___|______|_____________|___________________________________

________________.___.______._____________.___________________________________ / | | | |/ WIND ATTACKS |MP |AFFECT| WHO | EFFECT------------------o---o------o-------------o-----------------------------------Wind Sickles | 0 | One |Mta3 | User Level x 3 (+/-10) Woosh | | | | Property damage.------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Thin Air | 0 | All |Pld2 | (Level*2 + 50) * Modifier, Woosh | | | | Property, Damage cap of 165 | | | | Special: 130% Damage to the Undead------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Pearly Gates |20 | All |Pld8 | 180-210 Woosh Property damage | | | | Special: 130% Damage to the Undead__________________|___|______|_____________|___________________________________

________________.___.______._____________.___________________________________ / | | | |/LIGHTNING ATTACKS|MP |AFFECT| WHO | EFFECT------------------o---o------o-------------o-----------------------------------Lightning | 0 | All |Lmn3 | 40-50 Bang damage------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Lightning Storm |25 | All |Hro7*Lms7 | 210-290 Zap damage------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Gigaslash |20 | Group|Hro6 | 350-410 Zap damage__________________|___|______|_____________|___________________________________

________________.___.______._____________.___________________________________ / | | | |/ EARTH |MP |AFFECT| WHO | EFFECT------------------o---o------o-------------o-----------------------------------Stone's Throw | 0 | Group|Thf3 | 10-25 Strike Property Damage------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Stomp | 0 | All |Rng4 | 50-65 Woosh Property Damage------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Boulder Toss | 0 | All |Gla7 | 90-130 Strike Property Damage__________________|___|______|_____________|___________________________________

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________________.___.______._____________.___________________________________ / DEATH AND | | | |/ BANISHMENT |MP |AFFECT| WHO | EFFECT------------------o---o------o-------------o-----------------------------------Pressure Pointer | 0 | One |Mta6 | ~20-30% chance to instant kill one | | | | enemy, 50% Nuetral damage if fail------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Fissure | 0 | All |Sge5 | ~20-30% chance to instant kill all | | | | enemies------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Death Dance | 0 | All |Dan8 | ~10-20% chance to instant kill all | | | | enemies------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Shove | 0 | One |Thf4*Ks7 | Removes a weak monster; No EXP | | | | or Gold (Bosses are Immune)------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Heave-Ho | 0 | One |Mta7 | Attempt to remove a strong monster | | | | No EXP or Gold (Bosses are Immune)__________________|___|______|_____________|___________________________________

________________.___.______._____________.___________________________________ / | | | |/ SUMMONING |MP |AFFECT| WHO | EFFECT------------------o---o------o-------------o-----------------------------------Summon |20 | Party|Sge4 | Summons a spirit to help party. | | | | Spirit abilities and power depends | | | | on caster level; see below.------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Call to Arms |LVx|Random|Mch8 | Summons an army to randomly attack |50g| | | 4x. Caster Level x 2 (+/-25) | | | | Damage per hit. | | | | Special: No MP cost, instead costs | | | | Gold, 50g x Caster Level.__________________|___|______|_____________|___________________________________


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/ | | | |/ OTHER |MP |AFFECT| WHO | EFFECT------------------o---o------o-------------o-----------------------------------Megamorphosis | 0 | Self |Am15 | Amos transforms in an AI managed | | | | monster, uses Stomp, Thin Air, | | | | Body Slam, Bite Attack.------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Magic Burst |ALL| All |Lms6*A?*Li7 | Uses all current MP to deal | | | | current MP x 2 Fire damage to all | | | | (Despite certain claims, this will | | | | not work against Metal Slime-type)__________________|___|______|_____________|___________________________________

List of Summoned creatures from Sage skill Summon:

*NOTE*- There are 4 summons total, each summon is randomly selected. Selectionis based on character level, each new summon is added to the list as the casterrises in levels.

---------Monster 1: Tatron---------

Minimum level to Summon: None, can always be summoned. HP: 200 MP: 50 Atk: 180 Def: 150 Agi: 80 Abilities: Attack / Lightning / Midheal / Selflessness / Sweet Breath---------Monster 2: Deago---------

Minimum level to Summon: 30 HP: 300 MP: 60 Atk: 210 Def: 160 Agi: 120 Abilities: Fang Bite / Inferno / Oomph / Sweet Breath / Tongue Bashing---------Monster 3: Samshin---------

Minimum level to Summon: 35 HP: 450

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MP: 40 Atk: 250 Def: 190 Agi: 150 Abilities: Dragon Slash / Flame Slash / Hatchet Man / Kasap / Lightning Slash / Undead Undoer---------Monster 4: Bazhoul---------

Minimum level to Summon: 40 HP: 700 MP: 255 Atk: 350 Def: 300 Agi: 100 Abilities: Attack / Disruptive Wave / Freezing Blizzard / Kaboom / Lightning Storm / Omniheal

______________________________________________________________||[spell.005] *****Support Skills |||| || ==============================================================

________________.___.______._____________.___________________________________ / STUN AND | | | |/ PARALYSIS |MP |AFFECT| WHO | EFFECT------------------o---o------o-------------o-----------------------------------Sultry Dance | 0 | One |Dan1 | Attempts to stun an enemy for one | | | | round by distracting.------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Leg Sweep | 0 | One |Mta1 | Attempts to stun an enemy for one | | | | round by tripping them. | | | | Special: If another character | | | | attacks before enemy gets up, | | | | normal attack critical% up.------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------War Cry | 0 | All |Mch5 | Attempts to stun all enemies for | | | | one round by screaming.------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Tongue Lashing | 0 | One |Gdb3*Ms4 | Attempts to stun an enemy for one | | | | round by licking them.------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Burning Breath | 0 | Group|Mns7 | Attempts to paralyze an enemy | | | | group for 1-3 rounds.------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Puff-Puff | 0 | One |Gdb4*Ks4 | Female Caster - Attempt to stun an

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| | | | enemy for 1-3 rounds. | | | | Male Caster - Damages enemy__________________|___|______|_____________|___________________________________

________________.___.______._____________.___________________________________ / | | | |/ SEALING |MP |AFFECT| WHO | EFFECT------------------o---o------o-------------o-----------------------------------Ban Dance | 0 | Group|Dan6 | Attempt to seal dances of an enemy | | | | group for 1-3 rounds.__________________|___|______|_____________|___________________________________

________________.___.______._____________.___________________________________ / DEFENSE | | | |/ REDUCTION |MP |AFFECT| WHO | EFFECT------------------o---o------o-------------o-----------------------------------Tongue Bashing | 0 | One |Mns4*Gdb6 | Attempts to reduce enemy Def to 0 | | | | May also Stun an enemy.__________________|___|______|_____________|___________________________________

________________.___.______._____________.___________________________________ / | | | |/ SLEEP |MP |AFFECT| WHO | EFFECT------------------o---o------o-------------o-----------------------------------Sweet Breath | 0 | Group|Mns2 | Attempt to put a group of enemies | | | | to sleep for 1-10 rounds.__________________|___|______|_____________|___________________________________

________________.___.______._____________.___________________________________ / | | | |/ CONFUSE |MP |AFFECT| WHO | EFFECT------------------o---o------o-------------o-----------------------------------Fuddle Dance | 0 | Group|Dan4 | Attempt to confuse an enemy group | | | | for 1-10 rounds.__________________|___|______|_____________|___________________________________

________________.___.______._____________.___________________________________ / | | | |/ POISON |MP |AFFECT| WHO | EFFECT------------------o---o------o-------------o-----------------------------------Poison Breath | 0 | Group|Mns3 | Attempt to poison an enemy group

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| | | | (No damage per round) | | | | (need to test what this means)------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Venom Mist | 0 | Group|Rng2 | Attempt to envenom an enemy group | | | | (small damage delt per round | | | | ~5-10%, needs further testing)__________________|___|______|_____________|___________________________________

________________.___.______._____________.___________________________________ / EVASION UP AND | | | |/ LOWERED HIT RATE|MP |AFFECT| WHO | EFFECT------------------o---o------o-------------o-----------------------------------Sandstorm | 0 | All |Thf1 | Attempts to blind all enemies for | | | | 1-3 rounds.------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Dazzleflash | 0 | All |Rng5*Lmn1 | Attempts to blind all enemies for | | | | 1-3 rounds (Higher success rate | | | | than Sandstorm)------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Dodgy Dance | 0 | Self |Mta4*Dan2 | Increases user evasion drastically__________________|___|______|_____________|___________________________________

________________.___.______._____________.___________________________________ / DEFENSE AND | | | |/ DISRUPTION |MP |AFFECT| WHO | EFFECT------------------o---o------o-------------o-----------------------------------Defending Champion| 0 | Self |Rng6 | Reduces damage by 90%, renders | | | | some special attacks like Strike, | | | | Pierce, Critical, and Instant | | | | Death ineffective.------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Spooky Aura | 0 | Group|Lmn5 | Reduces enemy magic damage by | | | | ~30-50% (needs testing)------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Backdraft | 0 | Self |Rng8 | Reflect breath attacks.------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Disruptive Wave | 0 | All |Hro2 | Removes all enhancements and buffs | | | | on all enemies.__________________|___|______|_____________|___________________________________


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/ | | | |/ BLOCK |MP |AFFECT| WHO | EFFECT------------------o---o------o-------------o-----------------------------------Selflessness | 0 | Self |Pld1 | Protect a single ally from all | | | | attacks for one round.------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Forbearance | 0 | Self |Pld6*C18 | Protect party from all attacks for | | | | one round.__________________|___|______|_____________|___________________________________

________________.___.______._____________.___________________________________ / | | | |/ DAMAGE BOOST |MP |AFFECT| WHO | EFFECT------------------o---o------o-------------o-----------------------------------Muster Strength | 0 | Self |Mch2*Ks5 | Charge up to increase damage by | | | | 2-2.5x on the next round only. | | | | (Does not stack)------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Focus Strength | 0 | Self |Wor2*Sk13 | Charge up to increase damage by | | | | 2-2.5x on the next round only. | | | | (Does not stack)__________________|___|______|_____________|___________________________________

________________.___.______._____________.___________________________________ / | | | |/ MP MANIPULATION |MP |AFFECT| WHO | EFFECT------------------o---o------o-------------o-----------------------------------Wierd Dance | 0 | One |Dan3*Mch4 | Reduces enemy MP by 1-100% | | | | (typically 10-30% or 1-20 MP)------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Tap Dance | 0 | One |Dan7 | Absorbs enemy MP by 1-100% | | | | (typically 10-30% or 1-20 MP)__________________|___|______|_____________|___________________________________

________________.___.______._____________.___________________________________ / | | | |/ COUNTER |MP |AFFECT| WHO | EFFECT------------------o---o------o-------------o-----------------------------------Cop Out | 0 | Self |Dan5*Gla3 | Increases evasion, 20-30% chance | | |Sk18 | to deflect damage on Foe/Ally------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Follow Suit | 0 | Self |Gdb7*Ms9 | Counter attacks with same exact

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| | | | attack used against caster.__________________|___|______|_____________|___________________________________

________________.___.______._____________.___________________________________ / | | | |/ RANDOM |MP |AFFECT| WHO | EFFECT------------------o---o------o-------------o-----------------------------------Lucky Dip | 0 | Self |Gdb1 | Random silly effects that can be | | | | beneficial (eg. enemy loses turn)__________________|___|______|_____________|___________________________________

________________.___.______._____________.___________________________________ / | | | |/ FIELD |MP |AFFECT| WHO | EFFECT------------------o---o------o-------------o-----------------------------------Eye for Distance | 0 | Map |Thf2 | Zooms out on world map to show a | | | | larger area.------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Padfoot | 0 | Map |Thf6 | Keeps weaker enemies away on Map.------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Whistle | 0 | Map |Gdb2*Ms11 | Instantly starts a random battle.------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Dig | 0 | Map |Mch3*Ms13 | Dig to possibly uncover Gold or | | | | Items.------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Nose for Treasure | 0 | Map |Thf7 | Displays number of Treasure on | | | | current Map.------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Service Call |15 | Map |Mch7 | Call a random Church, Inn, or | | | | Store; Item(800), General, Weapon, | | | | and Armour. | | | | (Does not work in Dungeons and | | | | Towns)__________________|___|______|_____________|___________________________________

______________________________________________________________||[spell.006] *****Healing Skills |||| || ==============================================================


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/ | | | |/ HEALING |MP |AFFECT| WHO | EFFECT------------------o---o------o-------------o-----------------------------------Meditation | 0 | Self |Hro5 | Heal 500HP to caster------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Hustle Dance | 0 | Party|Lmn6 | Heal 70-80HP to party------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Nap | 0 | Self |Gdb5*Ms15 | Caster sleeps to restore HP and MP | | | | while in battle and on Map. | | | | Awoken by attack or until healing | | | | is complete.__________________|___|______|_____________|___________________________________

________________.___.______._____________.___________________________________ / | | | |/ REVIVAL |MP |AFFECT| WHO | EFFECT------------------o---o------o-------------o-----------------------------------Kerplunk Dance |All| Self |Lmn4 | Caster Sacrifices life to Revive |HP | | | and Heal party. 100% HP, 100% | | | | Success.------------------+---+------+-------------+-----------------------------------Song of Salvation |20 | Party|Lmn8 | Revive 50%HP, 50% Success on party__________________|___|______|_____________|___________________________________

______________________________________________________________||[spell.007] *****Resistance Groups |||| || ==============================================================

Dragon Quest VI, like every Dragon Quest since the third game, has variousgroups of skills and spells set to different resist flags. From there it isa breakdown of what skill and spell falls into what resistance category, thenwhether the resistance is flagged as Damage or Dodge, and finally what levelof resistance a monster has. However, these mechanics are explained in thestatus effect [mech.003a] and damage mechanics [mech.003b] sections.

The following list is just a breakdown of the different resistance categoriesand the breakdown of what gear, which spells, and which skills fall into each.

Note that not all damage skills fall into these groups. The reason for this isthey have no property and are considered Nuetral, and therefor are subject onlyto standard Defense reduction.

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Frizz = Spells [Frizz, Frizzle, Kafrizzle] Skills [Big Banga] Weapons [Fire Claw(Hit, Use), Fire Blade(Hit)]

Sizz = Spells [Sizz, Sizzle, Kasizzle] Skills [Flame Slash] Weapons [Lightning Staff(Use), Cautery Sword(Use)]

Bang = Spells [Bang, Boom, Kaboom] Skills [Lightning Slash, Lightning] Weapons [Fire Blade(Use)]

Crack = Spells [Crack, Crackle, Kacrackle] Skills [Kacrackle Slash] Weapons [Icicle Dirk(Hit, Use), Blizzard Blade(Hit)]

Woosh = Spells [Woosh, Swoosh, Kaswoosh] Skills [Gust Slash, Tidal Wave, Stomp, Wind Sickles, Thin Air, Pearly Gates, Megamorphosis] Weapons [Staff of Divine Wrath(Use), Watermaul Wand(Use)]

Zap = Spells [Zap, Kazap, Kazapple] Skills [Lightning Storm, Gigaslash] Weapons [Sunderbolt Blade(Use), Sword of Ramias(Hit)]

Ice = Skills [Cool Breath, Freezing Blizzard, C-C-Cold Breath]

Fire = Spells [Puff!] Skills [Fire Breath, Flame Breath, Inferno, Scorch, Magma Blast, Pyre o' Fire, Magic Burst] Weapons [Magma Staff(Use)]

Dazzle = Spells [Dazzle] Skills [Sandstorm, Dazzleflash]

Sleep = Spells [Snooze, Kasnooze] Skills [Sweet Breath] Weapons [Dream Blade(Hit)]

Death = Spells [Whack, Thwack, Kathwack] Skills [Pressure Pointer, Fissure, Death Dance, Body Slam]

Poof = Spells [Poof, Bazoom] Skills [Shove, Heave-Ho] Armour [Tempest Shield(Use)]

Drain MP = Spells [Drain Magic] Skills [Wierd Dance, Tap Dance]

Fizzle = Spells [Fizzle] Weapons [Staff of Antimagic(Use)]

Confuse = Spells [Fuddle] Skills [Fuddle Dance] Weapons [Siren Sword(Hit)] Access. [Lucida Shard(Use)]

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Reduce Def = Spells [Sap, Kasap, Tongue Bashing]

Poison = Skills [Poison Breath, Venom Mist] Weapons [Cobra Claw(Hit)]

Stop = Skills [Sultry Dance, Leg Sweep, War Cry, Tongue Lashing, Puff-Puff(Females), Tongue Bashing]

Paralyze = Skills [Burning Breath] Weapons [Poison Moth Knife(Hit), Ferocious Fangs(Hit)]

Seal = Skills [Ban Dance]

Strike = Skills [Knuckle Sandwich, Puff-Puff(Males), Stone's Throw, Boulder Toss, Multislice]

Summon = Skills [Summon, Call to Arms]

******************************** Attack Skills with No Element: ********************************

As stated above, these are Nuetral attacks, meaning enemies have no naturalresistances to them. So they work like standard damage

Single: Undead Undoer, Dragon Slash, Metal Slash, Falcon Slash, Hatchet Man, Double-Edged Slash, Flying Knee, Double Up, Mercurial Thrust, Frenzy Random: Multifists

Group/All: Roundhouse Kick, Harvest Moon

**************************** Skills that can be Buffed: ****************************

____________________________________________________________________________|============================================================================|||[gear.000] *****Equipment and Items***** |||| |||============================================================================||____________________________________________________________________________|

This is the equipment section, below gear is ordered by Weapons, Helmets,Shields, Body Armour, then Accessories. After that comes the item list.

NOTE: All "WHERE FOUND" answers will be the first place to either purchase orif said item cannot be found in a shop or in the casino, the first place it canbe found. There was not enough room to really cram in the information I wishedfor, so I created a separate Weapon and Armour FAQ. There is also a full shop

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list in this FAQ.

______________________________________________________________||[gear.001] *****Weapons |||| || ==============================================================

First section breaks down into different weapon types, and gives verydetailed information for every weapon. Second section gives very basic infoand is more of a list to show how each weapon compares by attack power.

===================================Weapon Type:

(B) = Boomerang(W) = Whip(S) = Sword(St)= Staff(K) = Knife(F) = Fist/Fang/Claw(H) = Hammer(A) = Axe(L) = Lance/Spear(O) = Other===================================Note: All Slimes have identical Equipment save Slime Knight, so they areseperated as Slimes and Slime Knight.

Characters: Slime Companions:

H = Hero, Sk = Slime Knight(Goowain),C = Carver, Sl = Slimes (All other Slimes)M = Milly,A = Ashlynn,N = Nevan,Am = Amos,T = Terry,L = Lizzie

E = Everyone===================================Effects Type:

( ) = Sell priceU = Use, H = Hit, C = Cursed, * = Can be improved at Fashion Forge===================================

HUMANSNAME(TYPE) |SLIMES |ATK |STYL|EFFECT |COST |WHERE FOUND---------------------o--------o----o----o-------------o-------o----------------Poison Needle(K) |MANT | 1 | 15 | H:Death | 0 |Arkbolt | Sl | | | 1 Damage | (2175)|

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------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cypress Stick(L) |HCMAN | 2 | 0 | None | 10(7) |Weaver's Peak | | | | | |(DW)------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bamboo Spear(L) |HCNTL | 5 | 1 | None | 50(37)|Weaver's Peak | | | | | |(DW)------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bone Stake(K) |A | 6 | 3 | None | 110 |Alltrades Abbey | Sl | | | | (82) |------------------------------------------------------------------------------Oaken Club(H) |ACAmTL | 9 | 5 | None | 110 |Haggleton | Sk | | | | (82) |------------------------------------------------------------------------------Giant Mallet(H) |CAmL | 10 |-5 | None | 220 |Somnia (DW) | | | | | (165) |------------------------------------------------------------------------------Stone Fangs(F) | | 12 | 3 | None | 240 |Alltrades Abbey | Sl | | | | (180) |------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bronze Knife(K) |MAN | 12 | 8 | None | 0(112)|Milly Initial | Sk | | | | |Equipment------------------------------------------------------------------------------Copper Sword(S) |HCAmTL | 13 | 9 | None | 270 |Weaver's Peak | Sk | | | | (202) |(DW)------------------------------------------------------------------------------Boomerang(B) |HAmT | 15 | 5 | Target All | 420 |Somnia (DW) | Sl | | | | (315) |------------------------------------------------------------------------------Staff of Ghent(St) |N | 15 | 16 | U:Midheal | 0(0) |Nevan Initial | Sl | | | | |Equipment------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thorn Whip(W) |MA | 18 | 7 | Target Group| 350 |Wellshire | | | | | (262) |------------------------------------------------------------------------------Stone Axe(A) |CAmL | 19 | 4 | None | 550 |Somnia (DW) | Sk | | | | (412) |------------------------------------------------------------------------------Iron Claw(F) |CAm | 21 | 15 | None | 700 |Wellshire | Sl | | | | (525) |------------------------------------------------------------------------------Iron Staff(St) |MN | 22 | 8 | None | 850 |Ghent | | | | | (637) |------------------------------------------------------------------------------Poison Moth Knife(K) |MAN | 24 | 13 | May Paralyze| 0(712)|(33)Giant Moth | Sk Sl | | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------Edged Boomerang(B) |HAmT | 25 | 19 | Target All | 1500 |Wellshire | Sl | | | | (1125)|------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chain Sickle(O) |HCAmTL | 27 | 13 | None | 1100 |Wellshire | Sk | | | | (825) |------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chain Whip(W) |ANL | 28 | 18 | Target Group| 1200 |Somnia (RW) | Sk | | | | (900) |------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lightning Staff(St) |N | 29 | 24 | U:Sizz | 0 |King Somnus | | | | | (2475)|(after Murdaw)

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=============================================================================== HUMANSNAME(TYPE) |SLIMES |ATK |STYL|EFFECT |COST |WHERE FOUND---------------------o--------o----o----o-------------o-------o----------------Sledgehammer(H) |CAmL | 30 | 6 | None | 1800 |Wellshire | | | | | (1350)|------------------------------------------------------------------------------Steel Broadsword(S) |HCAmT | 33 | 16 | None | 2000 |Amor (RW) | Sk | | | | (1500)|------------------------------------------------------------------------------Steel Fangs(F) | | 35 | 8 | None | 2000 |Scrimsley | Sl | | | | (1500)|------------------------------------------------------------------------------Staff of Divine Wrath|MN | 35 | 20 | U:Swoosh | 15M |Medford's Manor(St) | | | | | (3750)|------------------------------------------------------------------------------Falcon Knife Earrings|MA | 35 | 32 | 2x Attack | 0 |Slimopolis(O) | Sl | | |Pierce Def | (8250)|Rank C------------------------------------------------------------------------------Morning Star(W) |ANL | 38 | 14 | Target Group| 3000 |Ghent | | | | | (2250)|------------------------------------------------------------------------------Staff of Antimagic |ANAm | 40 | 18 | U:Fizzle | 6000 |Castle Swanstone(St) | | | | | (4500)|------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cautery Sword(S) |HMAmTL | 42 | 23 | U:Sizz | 4400 |Ghent | Sk | | | | (3300)|------------------------------------------------------------------------------Battleaxe(A) |HCAmT | 49 | 15 | None | 4300 |Wellshire | | | | | (3225)|------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fire Claw(F) |CAm | 53 | 21 | U:Frizzle | 0 |Murdaw's Keep | Sl | | | H:Frizz 50% | (4275)|3F------------------------------------------------------------------------------Saw Blade*(S) |CTL | 54 |-2 | None | 9800 |Castle Swanstone*800 (7500) | | |*33 | | (7350)|------------------------------------------------------------------------------Gracos's Trident*(L) |HCNAmTL | 58 |-10 | U:Buff | 0(0) |Gracos (Boss)*3200 (4350) | | |*40 | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lunar Fan(O) |M | 60 | 30 | None | 5500 |Aridea | Sl | | | | (4150)|------------------------------------------------------------------------------Platinum Sword(S) |HCMAAmT | 60 | 45 | None | 30M |Medford's Manor | Sk | | | | (0) |------------------------------------------------------------------------------Icicle Dirk(K) |CA | 62 | 31 | U:Crackle | 0 |Slimopolis | Sl | | | H:Crack 50% | (6750)|Rank D------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rusty Sword(S) |H | 63 | 12 | Rusty Sword | 0(0) |Everfrost Grotto | | | | of Ramias | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Magma Staff(St) |HCMA | 63 | 30 |U:Magma Blast| 0 |Shrine NW of | | | | | (7125)|Sorceria------------------------------------------------------------------------------War Hammer*(H) |CAmTL | 64 | 19 | None | 12000 |The Well*1000 (9187) | | |*50 | | (9000)|------------------------------------------------------------------------------Spiked Steel Whip(W) |A | 65 | 22 | Target Group| 7400 |Arkbolt | | | | | (5550)|------------------------------------------------------------------------------Flametang Boomerang* |HAmT | 65 | 25 | Target All | 13000 |The Well(B) *2000 (10125) | Sl | |*52 | | (9750)|=============================================================================== HUMANSNAME(TYPE) |SLIMES |ATK |STYL|EFFECT |COST |WHERE FOUND---------------------o--------o----o----o-------------o-------o----------------Dream Blade(S) |HAmT | 65 | 28 | May Give | 6300 |DW Clearvale | Sk | | | Sleep Status| (4725)|------------------------------------------------------------------------------Staff of Resurrection|HMN | 66 | 38 | U:Zing | 45000 |Reaper's Peak(St) | | | | |(33750)|------------------------------------------------------------------------------Falcon Blade*(S) |HMAAmT | 67 | 32 | 2x Attack | 10000T|Turnscote*4800 (19650) | Sk | |*60 | (75% per) |(18750)|Casino------------------------------------------------------------------------------Siren Sword(S) |MAT | 70 | 51 | May Confuse | 9800 |Felonia | | | | | (7350)|------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ferocious Fangs(F) | | 73 | 25 | May Paralyze| 17000 |Greedmore Valley | Sl | | | |(12750)|------------------------------------------------------------------------------Watermaul Wand(St) |ANT | 74 | 42 | U:Tidal Wave| 14000 |Felonia | | | | |(10500)|------------------------------------------------------------------------------Zombiesbane*(S) |HAmT | 80 | 5 | +50% Versus | 18000 |The Well*3200 (14100) | Sk | |*62 | Zombies |(13500)|------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fire Blade*(S) |HCNAmTL | 87 | 33 | U:Bang | 22500 |The Well*8000 (18375) | Sk | |*36 | H:Frizz 50% |(16875)|------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cobra Claw(F) |A | 90 | 29 | May Poison | 0 |Aggrosculture, | Sl | | | |(26250)|Merking------------------------------------------------------------------------------Massacre Sword(S) |CAmTL | 95 | 15 | Target All | 29000 |Greedmore Valley | Sk | | | C: Def = 0 |(21750)|------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dragonsbane*(S) |HCAmTL | 95 | 35 | +50% Versus | 0 |Pillar of*2000 (11625) | Sk | |*55 | Dragons |(11250)|Pegasus------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sunderbolt Blade*(S) |HMNAmT | 95 | 40 | U:Zap | 0(0) |Terry Initial*12000 (0) | Sk | |*65 | | |Equipment------------------------------------------------------------------------------Wizardly Whip*(W) |A | 97 | 45 | Target Group| 13000 |Sorceria*4000 (10500) | Sl | |*70 | | (9750)|

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------------------------------------------------------------------------------Demon Spear*(L) |ANT | 99 | 19 | May Instant | 0 |Mortamor's*15000 (21562) | | |*61 | Kill |(18750)|Dreadlair 2F------------------------------------------------------------------------------Miracle Sword*(S) |HCMANAmT| 100| 38 | Heal:25% | 40M(0)|Medford's Manor*1600 (0) | Sk Sl | |*51 | Damage | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------Blizzard Blade(S) |HCAmTL | 105| 38 | H:Crack 50% | 21000 |Despairia | Sk | | | |(15750)|------------------------------------------------------------------------------Great Bow*(O) |CT | 110| 25 | None | 37000 |Greedmore Valley*20000 (31500) | Sk | |*65 | |(27750)|------------------------------------------------------------------------------Solar Fan*(O) |M | 110| 49 | Target Group| 22000 |Despairia*16000 (19500) | Sl | |*67 | |(16500)|------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hela's Hammer(H) |CAmTL | 115| 33 | 40% Crit or | 15000 |Greedmore Valley | | | | Miss |(11250)|------------------------------------------------------------------------------Flail of Destruction*|CAmTL | 125| 26 | Target All |300000T|Greedmore Valley(W) *10000 (0) | Sk | |*68 | | (0) |Casino------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sword of Ramias*(S) |H | 130| 32 | U:Oomph | 0(0) |Give Rusty(S) 1*10000 2*24000 | |*135|1*52| H:Zap 50% | |Sword to | |*145|2*70| | |Turnscote Smith------------------------------------------------------------------------------Metal King Sword(S) | E | 130| 40 | None | 0 |Mortamor's | | | | | (7500)|Dreadlair 5F-C------------------------------------------------------------------------------Orichalcum Fangs(F) |T | 135| 37 | None | 0(0) |Aridea, near | Sl | | | | |well------------------------------------------------------------------------------Gringham Whip(W) |A | 145| 57 | Target Group| 0 |Undersea | | | | | (7500)|Treasure | | | | | |Chamber===============================================================================

______________________________________________________________||[gear.002] *****Helmets |||| || ==============================================================

Note: All Slimes have identical Equipment save Slime Knight, so they areseperated as Slimes and Slime Knight.

Characters: Slime Companions:

H = Hero, Sk = Slime Knight(Goowain),C = Carver, Sl = Slimes (All other Slimes)M = Milly,A = Ashlynn,N = Nevan,

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Am = Amos,T = Terry,L = Lizzie

E = Everyone===================================Effects Type (for a list of each group [spell.007]):D = Death, St = Status

( ) = Sell priceU = Use, H = Hit, C = Cursed, * = Can be improved at Fashion Forge===================================

HUMANSNAME |SLIMES |DEF |STYL|EFFECTS |COST |WHERE--------------------o----------o----o----o---------o-------o----------------Leather Hat |HCMANAmTL | 2 | 2 | None | 65 |Weaver's Peak | | | | | (48) |(DW)------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pointy Hat |N | 3 |-2 | None | 70 |Alltrades Abbey | Sl | | | | (52) |------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hardwood Headwear |HCNAmTL | 6 |-15 | None | 120 |Weaver's Peak | | | | | (90) |(DW)------------------------------------------------------------------------------Shellmet |NAmL | 7 | 3 | None | 250 |Scrimsley | Sl | | | | (187) |------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hairband |MA | 7 | 10 | None | 150 |Clearvale | | | | | (112) |(RW)------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fur Hood |MAL | 11 | 13 | None | 400 |Amor (RW) | | | | | (300) |------------------------------------------------------------------------------Silver Tiara |MA | 14 | 25 | None | 450 |Ghent | | | | | (337) |------------------------------------------------------------------------------Iron Helmet* |HCAmTL | 16 | 15 | None | 1100 |Wellshire*400 (900) | Sk | |*26 | | (825) |------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bunny Ears |MAL | 20 | 15 | None | 750 |Weaver's Peak | Sl | | | | (562) |(RW)------------------------------------------------------------------------------Iron Mask* |HCAmTL | 25 |-10 | None | 3500 |Arkbolt*1200 (2850) | Sk Sl | |*35 | | (2625)|------------------------------------------------------------------------------Duplic Hat |MAN | 25 | 2 | Double | 0(0) |Reaper's Peak | Sl | | | Cast | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hermes' Hat |HMAN | 28 | 8 | U: Zoom | 0 |Slimopolis | Sl | | | | (3750)|Rank H------------------------------------------------------------------------------Happy Hat |MAN | 35 |-17 |1MP/8Step| 0 |Best-Dressed | Sl | | | |(15000)|Contest 8------------------------------------------------------------------------------Platinum Headgear |HCAmTL | 38 | 42 | None | 0 |Best-Dressed

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| Sk | | | | (3075)|Contest 5------------------------------------------------------------------------------Slime Helmet |N | 40 | 12 | None | 2000 |The Well | Sl | | | | (1500)|------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thinking Cap |HCNAmTL | 40 | 21 |15 Wisdom| 13000 |The Well | Sk | | | | (9750)|------------------------------------------------------------------------------Helm of Sebath* |H | 45 | 24 | D/St | 0(0) |RW Somnia after*16000 (0) | |*50 |*45 | Protect | |certain events------------------------------------------------------------------------------Golden Tiara |MA | 45 | 50 | D/St | 0(0) |Mortamor's | | | | Protect | |Dreadlair 3F------------------------------------------------------------------------------Great Helm* |HCAmTL | 50 | 30 | None | 25000 |Greedmore Valley*20000 (22500) | Sk | |*47 | |(18750)|------------------------------------------------------------------------------Helmet of Max Wynne*|HCNAmTL | 55 | 15 | None | 0(0) |One of a choice*10000 (0) | Sk | |*40 | | |of 3 Wynne's Gear------------------------------------------------------------------------------Metal King Helm |HCAmTL | 70 | 38 | D/St | 70M(0)|Medford's Manor | Sk Sl | | | Protect | |===============================================================================

______________________________________________________________||[gear.003] *****Shields |||| || ==============================================================

Note: All Slimes have identical Equipment save Slime Knight, so they areseperated as Slimes and Slime Knight.

Characters: Slime Companions:

H = Hero, Sk = Slime Knight(Goowain),C = Carver, Sl = Slimes (All other Slimes)M = Milly,A = Ashlynn,N = Nevan,Am = Amos,T = Terry,L = Lizzie

E = Everyone===================================Effects Type (for a list of each group [spell.007]):

Fi = Fire Mitigation, I = Ice Mitigation, Fl = Frizz/Sizz/Bang MitigationCr = Crack Mitigation, W = Woosh Mitigation

( ) = Sell priceU = Use, H = Hit, C = Cursed, * = Can be improved at Fashion Forge===================================

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HUMANSNAME |SLIMES |DEF |STYL|EFFECTS |COST |WHERE--------------------o--------o----o----o----------o-------o--------------------Pot Lid |HCMAN | 2 |-20 | None | 0(30) |Weaver's Peak (DW) | Sl | | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------Leather Shield |HCNAmT | 4 | 2 | None | 70(52)|Weaver's Peak (DW) | Sk | | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------Scale Shield |HCNAmT | 7 | 4 | None | 180 |Haggleton | Sk | | | | (135) |------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bronze Shield |HCNAmT | 11 | 7 | None | 370 |Somnia (RW) | Sk | | | | (277) |------------------------------------------------------------------------------Iron Shield |HCAmT | 16 | 12 | Fi/I:-4 | 720 |Wellshire | Sk | | | | (540) |------------------------------------------------------------------------------Silver Platter |MA | 18 | 23 | None | 0(150)|Best-Dressed | Sl | | | | |Contest 1------------------------------------------------------------------------------Magic Shield* |HCANAmT | 20 | 21 | Fi:-8 | 5000 |Arkbolt*1000 (3937) | | |*38 | | (3750)|------------------------------------------------------------------------------Platinum Shield |HCAmT | 25 | 40 | Fi/Fl:-10| 0 |Somnia (RW) | Sk | | | | (2625)|------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dragon Shield* |HCAmTL | 30 | 25 | Fi/I:-15 | 2000T |Port Haven Casino*2000 (5700) | Sk | |*47 | | (5325)|------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tempest Shield* |HCT | 35 | 18 | U:Poof | 0 |Castle Graceskull*4000 (9000) | | |*44 | | (8250)|Hidden Room------------------------------------------------------------------------------Flame Shield* |HCAmTL | 40 | 22 | I/Cr:-20 | 17000 |Felonia*6000 (13875) | | |*45 | |(12750)|------------------------------------------------------------------------------Power Shield |HCAmT | 45 | 33 | U:Midheal| 0 |The Underwater | Sl | | | |(18750)|Tunnel------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ogre Shield* |CAmTL | 48 |-10 | Fi/I:-10 | 20000 |Despairia*16000 (18000) | Sk |*65 |*50 | |(15000)|------------------------------------------------------------------------------Silver Shield |HCMAT | 55 | 38 | Fi/Fl:-25| 33000 |Greedmore Valley | Sl | | | |(24750)|------------------------------------------------------------------------------Shield of Max Wynne*|HCNTL | 60 | 8 | Fi/Fl:-15| 0(0) |One of a choice*10000 (0) | Sk | |*42 | | |of 3 Wynne's Gear------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ruinous Shield |HCAmTL | 62 | 5 | C=Deflect| 5300 |Greedmore Valley | Sk | | | to Party,| (3975)| | | | | Fi/I/Fl/ | | | | | | Cr/W:+50 | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------Shield of Valora |H | 65 | 35 | I/Cr:-30 | 0(0) |Cryptic Catacombs | | | | U:Bounce | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Metal King Shield |HCMNAmT | 70 | 40 |Fi/I/Fl: | 0(0) |Slimopolis | Sk Sl | | | -30 | |Rank B===============================================================================

______________________________________________________________||[gear.004] *****Body Armour |||| || ==============================================================

Note: All Slimes have identical Equipment save Slime Knight, so they areseperated as Slimes and Slime Knight.

Characters: Slime Companions:

H = Hero, Sk = Slime Knight(Goowain),C = Carver, Sl = Slimes (All other Slimes)M = Milly,A = Ashlynn,N = Nevan,Am = Amos,T = Terry,L = Lizzie

E = Everyone===================================Effects Type (for a list of each group [spell.007]):

D = Death ProtectionFi = Fire Mitigation, I = Ice Mitigation, Fl = Frizz/Sizz/Bang MitigationCr = Crack Mitigation, W = Woosh Mitigation

( ) = Sell priceU = Use, H = Hit, C = Cursed, * = Can be improved at Fashion Forge===================================

HUMANSNAME |SLIMES |DEF |STYL|EFFECTS |COST |WHERE--------------------o---------o----o----o-----------o-------o------------------Rags |Am | 3 | 0 | None | 25 |Alltrades Abbey | Sl | | | | (18) |------------------------------------------------------------------------------Plain Clothes |HCMANAmTL| 4 | 2 | None | 0(22) |Hero Initial | Sk | | | | |Equipment------------------------------------------------------------------------------Wayfarer's Clothes |HCMANAmT | 7 | 6 | None | 70 |Weaver's Peak | Sk | | | | (52) |(DW)------------------------------------------------------------------------------Silk Tuxedo |HCNAmT | 10 | 40 | None | 500T |Port Haven Casino | | | | | (2625)|------------------------------------------------------------------------------Leather Armour |HCNAmTL | 11 | 15 | None | 180 |Weaver's Peak | Sk | | | | (135) |(DW)------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Leather Kilt |CAmL | 12 |-20 | None | 220 |Alltrades Abbey | | | | | (165) |------------------------------------------------------------------------------Silk Robe |MAN | 13 | 28 | None | 0(450)|Milly Initial | | | | | |Equipment------------------------------------------------------------------------------Boxer Shorts |HCNAm | 15 |-100| None | 0(75) |Pescado | Sl | | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------Scale Armour |HCNAmTL | 15 | 9 | None | 350 |Haggleton | Sk | | | | (262) |------------------------------------------------------------------------------Leather Dress |MA | 17 | 15 | None | 380 |Port Haven | | | | | (285) |------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bunny Suit |MA | 17 | 38 | None | 3300 |Turnscote | | | | | (2475)|------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fur Cape |HCMANAmL | 18 | 18 | None | 550 |Somnia | Sl | | | | (412) |(RW)------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chain Mail |HCAmTL | 19 | 23 | None | 500 |Somnia | Sk | | | | (375) |(RW)------------------------------------------------------------------------------Slime Gooniform | | 20 | 13 | None | 330 |Alltrades Abbey | Sl | | | | (247) |------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dancer's Costume |MA | 20 | 25 | None | 1300 |Somnia | | | | | (975) |(RW)------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bronze Armour |HCNAmT | 21 | 12 | None | 700 |Wellshire | Sk | | | | (525) |------------------------------------------------------------------------------Iron Cuirass |HCMAAmTL | 23 | 4 | None | 1000 |Wellshire | Sk Sl | | | | (750) |------------------------------------------------------------------------------Noble Garb |HNT | 23 | 28 | Access | 800 |Somnia | | | | Castle | (600) |(RW)------------------------------------------------------------------------------Robust Lingerie |MA | 23 | 100| Enemy May | 100M |Medford's Manor | | | |Lose 1 Turn| (0) |------------------------------------------------------------------------------Iron Armour |HCNAmT | 25 | 19 | None | 1200 |Wellshire | Sk | | | | (900) |------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cloak of Evasion |MAN | 28 | 11 | Improves | 3000 |Ghent | Sl | | | Evasion | (2250)|------------------------------------------------------------------------------Full Plate Armour* |HCNAmT | 30 | 27 | None | 2300 |Ghent*800 (1875) | Sk | |*42 | | (1725)|------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tortoise Shell |NAm | 33 |-15 | None | 2500 |Aridea | Sl | | | | (1875)|------------------------------------------------------------------------------Silver Cuirass |HCMAAmTL | 36 | 30 | None | 3200 |Arkbolt | Sk | | | | (2400)|

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=============================================================================== HUMANSNAME |SLIMES |DEF |STYL|EFFECTS |COST |WHERE--------------------o---------o----o----o-----------o-------o------------------Legerdemantle |MAN | 37 | 10 | Fl:-15 | 4200 |Castle Swanstone | | | | | (3150)|------------------------------------------------------------------------------Glombolero |HMAN | 40 |-50 | May Absorb| 80M(0)|Medford's Manor | Sl | | |50%MP/Spell| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------Silver Mail* |HCAmT | 43 | 40 | Fl/Cr/W:-8| 6300 |Clearvale*4000 (5475) | Sk | |*70 | | (4725)|(DW)------------------------------------------------------------------------------Magical Skirt |MA | 45 | 35 |Fl/Cr/W:-20| 6700 |Sorceria | Sl | | | | (5025)|------------------------------------------------------------------------------Heavy Armour* |HCAmTL | 50 |-30 | Fi/I:-10 | 5000 |Castle Swanstone*1200 (3975) | Sk | |*43 | | (3750)|------------------------------------------------------------------------------Magic Armour* |HCNAmT | 50 | 38 |Fl/Cr/W:-10| 7500 |Sorceria*2000 (6000) | Sk Sl | |*61 | | (5625)|------------------------------------------------------------------------------Spiked Armour |HCAmTL | 55 | 15 | Reflect | 0(0) |Cryptic | Sk | | | 25% Melee | |Catacombs------------------------------------------------------------------------------Enchanted Armour |HMANAmT | 55 | 35 |Fl/Cr/W:-10| 7000 |Weaver's Peak | | | | | (0) |(DW) Check Armour------------------------------------------------------------------------------Shimmering Dress |MA | 55 | 61 |May Reflect| 0(0) |Best-Dressed | | | | Magic | |Contest 6------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dragon Mail* |HCAmTL | 60 | 37 | Fi:-15 | 12000 |The Well*2000 (9375) | Sk | |*72 | | (9000)|------------------------------------------------------------------------------Flowing Dress |MAN | 65 | 42 | Fi:-30 | 14800 |The Well | Sl | | | |(11100)|------------------------------------------------------------------------------Platinum Mail |HCAmTL | 66 | 51 |Fl/Cr/W:-15| 3500T |Port Haven Casino | Sk | | | | (0) |------------------------------------------------------------------------------Slime Armour |N | 70 | 30 | None | 0 |Slimopolis | Sl | | | | (6000)|Rank E------------------------------------------------------------------------------Flame Armour* |HCAmTL | 70 | 33 | I/Cr:-20 | 15000 |The Well*16000 (14250) | Sk | |*55 | |(11250)|------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sacred Armour |HCMANAmT | 75 | 55 | Heal:30HP | 60M(0)|Medford's Manor | | | | Turn-End | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------Armour of Orgo* |H | 80 | 32 | Fi/Fl:-35 | 0(0) |Castle*20000 (0) | |*100|*80 | 1HP/8Steps| |Graceskull (RW)------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hela's Armour |CAmTL | 85 | 12 | Fi/Fl:-15 | 0(0) |Mobile Island | Sk | | | C:0 Agi | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Princess's Robe |MA | 85 | 72 |Fl/Cr/W:-30| 0(0) |Mortamor's | | | | | |Dreadlair 5F-C------------------------------------------------------------------------------Armour of Max Wynne*|HCAmT | 90 | 17 | I/Cr:-20 | 0(0) |One of a choice*10000 (0) | Sk Sl | |*66 | | |of 3 Wynne's Gear------------------------------------------------------------------------------Gigant Armour* |CAmTL | 92 | 15 | Fi/I:-15 | 23000 |Despairia*20000 (21000) | Sk | |*77 | |(17250)|------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mirror Armour |HAmT | 95 | 50 |May Reflect| 30000 |Greedmore Valley | Sk | | | Magic |(22500)|------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dragon Robe |HMAN | 95 | 60 |Fi/I/Fl:-30| 0(0) |Greedmore Valley------------------------------------------------------------------------------Angel Leotard |MA | 95 | 88 | D Protect | 0(0) |Fungeon B2-C | Sl | | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------Metal King Armour |HCNAmTL | 115| 45 | Fi/I:25 |150000T|Greedmore Valley | Sk Sl | | | | (0) |Casino===============================================================================

______________________________________________________________||[gear.005] *****Accessories |||| || ==============================================================

Note: All Slimes have identical Equipment save Slime Knight, so they areseperated as Slimes and Slime Knight.

Characters: Slime Companions:

H = Hero, Sk = Slime Knight(Goowain),C = Carver, Sl = Slimes (All other Slimes)M = Milly,A = Ashlynn,N = Nevan,Am = Amos,T = Terry,L = Lizzie

E = Everyone===================================Effects Type (for a list of each group [spell.007]):Co = Confusion Resistance

( ) = Sell priceU = Use, H = Hit, C = Cursed===================================

HUMANSNAME |SLIMES |BONUS |EFFECTS |COST |WHERE--------------------o--------o---------o----------o------o---------------------Antique Ring |HMAT | +2 Def | None | 0(0) |Somnia Well | |-20 Style| | |(Trade for Life Nut)

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------------------------------------------------------------------------------Restless Heart |HCMANT | 15 Def | None | 0(0) |Gardsbane Tower 6F | | 9 Style | | |(106)King slime------------------------------------------------------------------------------Slime Earrings |HMAT | 5 Str | None | 650 |The Well | Sl | 35 Style| | (487)|------------------------------------------------------------------------------Raging Ruby |HCMANT | 20 Str | None | 25M |Medford's Manor | Sl | 18 Style| |(2250)|------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bow Tie |HCNAmTL | 2 Def | None | 2400 |Turnscote | Sk Sl | 33 Style| |(1800)|------------------------------------------------------------------------------Gold Ring |HMATL | 5 Def | None | 0(0) |Gardsbane Tower 5F | Sk Sl | 5 Style | | |(50)Goodybag------------------------------------------------------------------------------Prayer Ring |HMAT | 5 Def | Use:H30MP| 5000T|Turnscote Casino | Sl | 22 Style| May Break|(2250)|------------------------------------------------------------------------------Trailblazing Bandana|HCMATL | 5 Def | None | 500 |Turnscote | Sk Sl | 28 Style| | (375)|Best-Dressed | | | | |Contest 2------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fishnet Stockings |MA | 5 Def | None | 3200 |The Well | | 40 Style| |(2400)|------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kerplunk Bracer | E | 10 Def | On Death:|20000T|Turnscote Casino | | 25 Style| Kerplunk |(3750)|------------------------------------------------------------------------------Orb of Truth |HCMANT | 10 Def | None | 0(0) |Gallows Moor | | 30 Style| | |(Benjamin)------------------------------------------------------------------------------Gold Bracer |HCMANTL | 15 Def | None | 350 |Wellshire | Sk | 20 Style| | (262)|------------------------------------------------------------------------------Glass Slippers |MA |-20 Agi | None | 0 |Best-Dressed | Sl | 45 Style| | (600)|Contest 4------------------------------------------------------------------------------Agility Ring |HCMANT | 30 Agi | None | 0(0) |Northern Cave | | 18 Style| | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------Meteorite Bracer | E | 2x Agi | None | 0(0) |RW Amor, after Bed | | 15 Style| | |and Event------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lucida Shard |MA | 10 Style| U:Fuddle | 0(0) |Madame Luca's------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kamikazee Bracer | E | 10 Style| On Death:| 5000T|Some enemies, | | | Kamikaze |(7500)|Port Haven Casino------------------------------------------------------------------------------Old Pipe |HCNT | 15 Style|Needed for| 0(0) |Despairia (Max Wynne) | | |Wynne's | | | | |Tools | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pink Pearl |MA | 40 Style| None | 1500 |Pescado | Sl | | |(1125)|------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Turnscote Pendant |HCMANT | 45 Style| Access to| 0(0) |Mt Snowhere after | | |Turnscote | |events------------------------------------------------------------------------------Gospel Ring | E | 15 Def | No Random| 0(0) |Alltrade's Abbey when | | 30 Style| Battles | |all Vocations are Lv5===============================================================================

______________________________________________________________||[gear.006] *****Items |||| || ==============================================================

NAME |EFFECT |COST |WHERE------------------o----------------o-------o----------------------------------Medicinal Herb | Heal 30-40HP | 8(6) |Most enemies, most item shops------------------------------------------------------------------------------Amor Seco Essence | Heal 60-70HP | 120 |Some enemies, Amor | | (90) |------------------------------------------------------------------------------Antidotal Herb | Removes Poison | 10(7) |Many enemies, most item shops------------------------------------------------------------------------------Moonwort Bulb | Removes | 30 |Many enemies, most item shops | Paralysis | (22) |------------------------------------------------------------------------------Magic Water |Heal 10-15MP in | 200T |Some enemies, Port Haven Casino |Battle, 40-50MP | (150) | |in Field | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------Yggdrasil Leaf | Revive 1 Ally | 1000T |Some enemies, Port Haven Casino, | 100% HP | (1125)|Greedmore Valley Casino------------------------------------------------------------------------------Yggdrasil Dew | 100% HP, Party | 0(0) |Gift in Cloudsgate Citadel (1 only)------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sage's Stone | 50-60HP, Party | 0(0) |Style Competition 7------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sands of Time | Revert battle | 50M |Medford's Manor | to start | (0) |------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chimaera Wing | Warp to visited| 25(18)|Some enemies, most item shops | towns | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------Holy Water | Wards off weak | 20 |Some enemies, most item shops | monsters. | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------Seed of Life | MHP +4-6 | 0(26) |[cheat.001]------------------------------------------------------------------------------Seed of Magic | MMP +3-5 | 0(30) |[cheat.001]------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Seed of Strength | Str +1-3 | 0(22) |[cheat.001]------------------------------------------------------------------------------Seed of Agility | Agi +1-3 | 0(18) |[cheat.001]------------------------------------------------------------------------------Seed of Resilience| Res +3-5 | 0(22) |[cheat.001] | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------Seed of Wisdom | Wis +1-3 | 0(15) |[cheat.001]------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pretty Betsy | Style +1 | 0(37) |[cheat.001]------------------------------------------------------------------------------Boarding Pass | Ride boat | 50(37)|Port Haven Dock, Somnia Dock------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thief's Key |Open Thief's Key| 200 |Haggleton Bazaar (center of left | Doors(Blue) | (0) |building) Bargain down to 200g, | | |Turnscote------------------------------------------------------------------------------Magic Key | Open Magic Key | 0(0) |Howcastle (after ceremony) | Doors(Red) | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ultimate Key | Open Jail Doors| 0(0) |Sunken Ship------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dragonic Diligence| Job: Dragon | 90M/ |Slimopolis (Round A), Reaper's PeakScroll | | 30,000|Medford's Manor, | | (0) |Mortamor's Dreadlair------------------------------------------------------------------------------Liquid Metal Mind | Job: Liquid | 0(0) |Cave of Amor B3 Sparkle(Post-Game)Scroll | Metal Slime | |Nokturnus===============================================================================

o------------------o|Special/Key Items:|o------------------o

NAME |USED FOR |WHERE-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mini Medals |See: Mini Medals [extra.004]|Almost everywhere |Collect and give to the | |Medford's Manor for Prizes |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Village Goods |Sell at Bazaar, Max(480) |(DW)Weaver's Peak Mayor-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Bag |Allows party to hold Items |(DW)Weaver's Peak Mayor |Weapons and Armour |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Big Book of Beasts |Allows party to keep track |Haggleton, Cabinet in Inn |of defeated monsters |(Thief's Key)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Crown |Bring back to Weaver's Peak |Haggleton from Cliff the Crown |to start festival |Maker-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Entry Pass |Allows Access to Somnia (DW)|(DW)Weaver's Peak Mayor-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Gold Ring |See: Accessories [gear.005] |Gardsbane Tower F5 |False Trial Treasure |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Restless Heart |See: Accessories [gear.005] |Gardsbane Tower F6 |True Trial Treasure |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Wagon |Allows more than 4 party |(DW)Somnia |members |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Pass |Allows passage to Eastern |(DW)Somnia |Lands |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Dream Dew |Allows invisible people to |Lucid Grotto |become visible |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Mirror Key |Grants access to |Amor after Events(RW) |Moonmirror Tower |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Ra's Mirror |Removes illusions |Moonmirror Tower F2-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Royal Missive |Letter from Somnia King to |Somnia after Events(RW) |Ghent Elder |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Seeds of Reason |Helps sustain sanity |Hazy Heights | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Golden Pickaxe |Breaking Rocks |Destiny's Drop-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Shard of Courage |Fullfill a Child's Dream |Destiny's Drop Summit-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Floodgate Key |Opens Floodgate E of |Castle Swanstone after Events |Castle Swanstone |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Lorelei's Harp |Allows Ghent Ship to dive |Mermaid Sanctuary, from Ova |Underwater |after bringing Unda home-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Sand Urn |Container for Magical Sand, |Seabed Shrine B3 |Can only be used by Ashlynn |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Plush Rug |Seemingly plain Carpet |Best-Dressed Contest 3-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Flying Carpet |Allows party to fly in low |Sorceria after bringing |Altitude (Plains/Desert/ |Plush Rug to old man in NW |Ocean) |building-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Ceremonial Offering|Offering to Summon a Dark |(DW)Castle Graceskull, get |God |from Cook, give to 4F Guard-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Rusty Sword |See: Weapons [gear.001] |Everfrost Grotto-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Turnscote Pendant |See: Accessories [gear.005] |Allows Access into Turnscote-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Sword of Ramias |See: Weapons [gear.001] |Turnscote Weapon Smith (Welda) |Part of a set of 4 Special | |Gear that helps open the | |path to Cloudsgate Citadel |

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-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Celestial Reins |Allows Pegasus to Fly |Cloudsgate Citadel, after | |Pillar of Pegasus is finished-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Old Pipe |See: Accessories [gear.005] |Max Wynne in Despairia |Trade for Wynne's Tools |basement-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Wynne's Tools |Tools to make Armour |Wynne's Wife in Dullerton-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Jailor's Key |Opens Prison Doors in |Gallows Moor |Gallows Moor |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Guards' Garb |Uniforms used to diguise |Gallows Moor |Party |===============================================================================

______________________________________________________________||[gear.007] *****Shops |||| || ==============================================================

Shop list for all shops in game. One thing to note, if any town has morethan one of one type of shop, compass directions will be given. Order of shopAppearance also given next to name

____________________ / \|| Dream World Shops: || \____________________/

o==============================================================o| Weaver's Peak (Dream World) - 1 |o--------------------------------------------------------------o|Item Shop |Weapon/Armour Shop |o------------------------------o-------------------------------o| Medicinal Herb (8) | Cypress Stick (10) || Antidotal Herb (10) | Bamboo Spear (50) || Chimaera Wing (25) | Copper Sword (270) || Leather Hat (65) | Wayfarer's Clothes (70) || Hardwood Headwear (120) | Leather Armour (180) || | Leather Shield (70) || |*Enchanted Armour* (7000) || | -Search it to buy |o==============================o===============================o

o==============================================================o| Haggleton (Dream World) - 2 |o--------------------------------------------------------------o|Item Shop 1(North-West) |Armour Shop |o------------------------------o-------------------------------o| Medicinal Herb (8) | Wayfarer's Clothes (70) || Antidotal Herb (10) | Leather Armour (180) || Chimaera Wing (25) | Scale Armour (350) |

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o------------------------------o Leather Shield (70) ||Item Shop 2(East) | Scale Shield (180) |o------------------------------o Leather Hat (65) || Antidotal Herb (10) o-------------------------------o| Moonwort Bulb (30) |Weapon Shop || Holy Water (20) o-------------------------------o| Scale Shield (180) | Bamboo Spear (50) |o------------------------------o Oaken Club (110) ||Bazaar Pre Murdaw -Base Cost | Copper Sword (270) |o------------------------------o-------------------------------o| Leather Armour (200)-180|Bazaar Post Murdaw -Base Cost | | Pot Lid (100) o-------------------------------o| Leather Shield (115)-70 | Leather Kilt (200)-220 || Heal Set:6 Medicinal Herbs, 1| Boxer Shorts (1000)-Not Sold || Holy Water (50)-68 | Bone Stake (130)-110 || Thief's Key (Haggle | Heal Set:3 Amor Seco Essence, || to 200g)| 1 Chimaera Wing (400)-385 || | Thief's Key (10) |o------------------------------o-------------------------------o| At some point after Gracos' Item Shop2 closes, and the Bazaar||is reduced to Thief's Key (10) only. |o==============================================================o

o==============================================================o| Somnia (Dream World) - 4 |o--------------------------------------------------------------o|Item Shop |Armour Shop |o------------------------------o-------------------------------o| Medicinal Herb (8) | Leather Armour (180) || Antidotal Herb (10) | Scale Armour (350) || Holy Water (20) | Leather Shield (70) || Chimaera Wing (25) | Scale Shield (180) || Moonwort Bulb (30) | Leather Hat (65) || | Hardwood Headwear (120) || o-------------------------------o| |Weapon Shop || o-------------------------------o| | Oaken Club (110) || | Giant Mallet (220) || | Copper Sword (270) || | Boomerang (420) || | Stone Axe (550) |o==============================o===============================o

o==============================================================o| Amor (Dream World) - 8 |o--------------------------------------------------------------o|Item Shop |Armour Shop |o------------------------------o-------------------------------o| Antidotal Herb (10) | Bronze Armour (700) || Moonwort Bulb (30) | Iron Cuirass (1000) || Chimaera Wing (25) | Iron Armour (1200) || Amor Seco Essence (120) | Iron Shield (720) || | Fur Hood (400) || | Iron Helmet (1100) |

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| o-------------------------------o| |Weapon Shop || o-------------------------------o| | Iron Claw (700) || | Chain Sickle (1100) || | Chain Whip (1200) || | Edged Boomerang (1500) || | Sledgehammer (1800) || | Steel Broadsword (2000) |o==============================o===============================o

o==============================================================o| Alltrades Abbey (Dream World) - 10 |o--------------------------------------------------------------o|Armour Shop |Weapon Shop |o------------------------------o-------------------------------o| Rags (25) | Steel Broadsword (2000) || Leather Kilt (220) | Morning Star (3000) || Fur Cape (550) | Cautery Sword (4400) || Full Plate Armour (2300) | Bone Stake (110) || Slime Gooniform (330) | Stone Fangs (240) || Pointy Hat (70) | |o==============================o===============================o

o==============================================================o| Aridea (Dream World) - 13 |o--------------------------------------------------------------o|Item Shop |Armour Shop |o------------------------------o-------------------------------o| Medical Herb (8) | Full Plate Armour (2300) || Moonwort Bulb (30) | Tortoise Shell (2500) || | Silver Cuirass (3200) || | Magic Shield (5000) || | Shellmet (250) || | Silver Tiara (450) || o-------------------------------o| |Weapon Shop || o-------------------------------o| | Edged Boomerang (1500) || | Morning Star (3000) || | Battleaxe (4300) || | Lunar Fan (5500) |o==============================o===============================o

o==============================================================o| Clearvale (Dream World) - 15 |o--------------------------------------------------------------o|Armour Shop |Weapon Shop |o------------------------------o-------------------------------o| Full Plate Armour (2300) | Sledgehammer (1800) || Silver Cuirass (2500) | Battleaxe (4300) || Silver Mail (6300) | Cautery Sword (4400) || Magic Shield (5000) | Dream Blade (6300) || Iron Helmet (1100) | Spiked Steel Whip (7400) |

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| Iron Mask (3500) | |o==============================o===============================o

o==============================================================o| Sorceria (Dream World) - 21 |o--------------------------------------------------------------o|Item Shop |Armour Shop |o------------------------------o-------------------------------o| Medical Herb (8) | Legerdemantle (4200) || Holy Water (20) | Magical Skirt (6700) || Steel Fangs (2000) | Magic Armour (7500) || Iron Mask (3500) | Magic Shield (5000) || o-------------------------------o| |Weapon Shop || o-------------------------------o| | Dream Blade (6300) || | Staff of Antimagic (6000) || | Lunar Fan (5500) || | Wizardly Whip (13000) || | Zombiesbane (18000) |o==============================o===============================o

___________________ / \|| Real World Shops: || \___________________/

o==============================================================o| Port Haven (Real World) - 5 |o--------------------------------------------------------------o|Armour Shop |Weapon Shop |o------------------------------o-------------------------------o| Leather Armour (180) | Thorn Whip (350) || Scale Armour (350) | Boomerang (420) || Leather Dress (380) | Stone Axe (550) || Scale Shield (180) | Iron Claw (700) || Leather Hat (65) | Chain Sickle (1100) || Hardwood Headwear (120) | |o==============================o===============================o

o==============================================================o| Wellshire (Real World) - 3 |o--------------------------------------------------------------o|Item Shop |Weapon Shop 1(Mid-East) |o------------------------------o-------------------------------o| Medicinal Herb (8) | Thorn Whip (350) || Antidotal Herb (10) | Iron Claw (700) || Holy Water (20) | Chain Sickle (1100) || Moonwort Bulb (30) | Chain Whip (1200) || Chimaera Wing (25) | Edged Boomerang (1500) || Gold Bracer (350) | Sledgehammer (1800) |o------------------------------o-------------------------------o|Armour Shop |Weapon Shop 2(N-W):After Murdaw|o------------------------------o-------------------------------o

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| Bronze Armour (700) | Chain Whip (1200) || Iron Cuirass (1000) | Sledgehammer (1800) || Iron Armour (1200) | Steel Broadsword (2000) || Iron Shield (720) | Morning Star (3000) || Iron Helmet (1100) | Battleaxe (4300) |o==============================o===============================o

o==============================================================o| Somnia (Real World) - 6 |o--------------------------------------------------------------o|Item Shop |Armour Shop |o------------------------------o-------------------------------o| Medicinal Herb (8) | Chain Mail (500) || Antidotal Herb (10) | Fur Cape (550) || Holy Water (20) | Bronze Armour (700) || Moonwort Bulb (30) | Noble Garb (800) || Chimaera Wing (25) | Dancer's Costume (1300) |o------------------------------o Bronze Shield (370) ||Item Shop 2 (Inn 2F) o-------------------------------oo------------------------------oWeapon Shop || Moonwort Bulb (30) o-------------------------------o| Gold Bracer (350) | Thorn whip (350) || Thief's Key (200) | Iron Claw (700) || | Chain Sickle (1100) || | Chain Whip (1200) || | Edged Boomerang (1500) |o------------------------------o-------------------------------o| *Item Shop 2 appears after Underkeep events, closes after || Murdaw's defeat. |o==============================================================o

o==============================================================o| Amor (Real World) - 7 |o--------------------------------------------------------------o|Item Shop |Armour Shop |o------------------------------o-------------------------------o| Antidotal Herb (10) | Bronze Armour (700) || Moonwort Bulb (30) | Iron Cuirass (1000) || Chimaera Wing (25) | Iron Armour (1200) || Amor Seco Essence (120) | Iron Shield (720) || | Fur Hood (400) || | Iron Helmet (1100) || o-------------------------------o| |Weapon Shop || o-------------------------------o| | Iron Claw (700) || | Chain Sickle (1100) || | Chain Whip (1200) || | Edged Boomerang (1500) || | Sledgehammer (1800) || | Steel Broadsword (2000) |o==============================o===============================o


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| Ghent (Real World) - 9 |o--------------------------------------------------------------o|Item Shop |Armour Shop |o------------------------------o-------------------------------o| Medicinal Herb (8) | Iron Armour (1200) || Antidotal Herb (10) | Full Plate Armour (2300) || Holy Water (20) | Cloak of Evasion (3000) || Moonwort Bulb (30) | Iron Shield (720) || Chimaera Wing (25) | Silver Tiara (450) || | Iron Helmet (1100) || o-------------------------------o| |Weapon Shop || o-------------------------------o| | Iron Staff (850) || | Sledgehammer (1800) || | Steel Broadsword (2000) || | Morning Star (3000) || | Cautery Sword (4400) |o==============================o===============================o

o==============================================================o| Scrimsley (Real World) - 11 |o--------------------------------------------------------------o|Item Shop |Armour Shop |o------------------------------o-------------------------------o| Medicinal Herb (8) | Fur Cape (550) || Antidotal Herb (10) | Full Plate Armour (2300) || Holy Water (20) | Cloak of Evasion (3000) || Moonwort Bulb (30) | Iron Shield (720) || Chimaera Wing (25) | Shellmet (250) || | Iron Helmet (1100) || o-------------------------------o| |Weapon Shop || o-------------------------------o| | Stone Fangs (240) || | Iron Claw (700) || | Edged Boomerang (1500) || | Steel Fangs (2000) || | Steel Broadsword (2000) || | Cautery Sword (4400) |o==============================o===============================o

o==============================================================o| Arkbolt (Real World) - 12 |o--------------------------------------------------------------o|Item Shop |Armour Shop |o------------------------------o-------------------------------o| Medical Herb (8) | Full Plate Armour (2300) || Antidotal Herb (10) | Silver Cuirass (3200) || Chimaera Wing (25) | Dancer's Costume (1300) || Gold Bracer (350) | Iron Shield (720) || | Magic Shield (5000) || | Iron Mask (3500) || o-------------------------------o| |Weapon Shop |

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| o-------------------------------o| | Steel Broadsword (2000) || | Morning Star (3000) || | Battleaxe (4300) || | Cautery Sword (4400) || | Spiked Steel Whip (7400) |o==============================o===============================o

o==============================================================o| Howsworth (Real World) - 14 |o--------------------------------------------------------------o|Item Shop |o--------------------------------------------------------------o| Medical Herb (8) || Holy Water (20) || Stone Axe (550) || Fur Cape (550) || Tortoise Shell (2500) || Fur Hood (400) |o==============================================================o

o==============================================================o| Clearvale (Real World) - 16 |o--------------------------------------------------------------o|Item Shop |Armour Shop |o------------------------------o-------------------------------o| Medical Herb (8) | Full Plate Armour (2300) || Antidotal Herb (10) | Silver Cuirass (3200) || Holy Water (20) | Silver Mail (6300) || Chimaera Wing (25) | Magic Shield (5000) || Hairband (150) | Iron Helmet (1100) || Silver Tiara (450) | Iron Mask (3500) || o-------------------------------o| |Weapon Shop || o-------------------------------o| | Sledgehammer (1800) || | Battleaxe (4300) || | Cautery Sword (4400) || | Dream Blade (6300) || | Spiked Steel Whip (7400) |o==============================o===============================o

o==============================================================o| Castle Swanstone (Real World) - 17 |o--------------------------------------------------------------o|Armour Shop |Weapon Shop |o------------------------------o-------------------------------o| Cloak of Evasion (3000) | Battleaxe (4300) || Silver Cuirass (3200) | Dream Blade (6300) || Legerdemantle (4200) | Staff of Antimagic (6000) || Heavy Armour (5000) | Saw Blade (9800) || Magic Shield (5000) | || Iron Mask (3500) | |o==============================o===============================o

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o==============================================================o| Pescado (Real World) - 18 |o--------------------------------------------------------------o|Item Shop |o--------------------------------------------------------------o| Shellmet (250) || Pink Pearl (1500) || Medical Herb (8) || Antidotal Herb (10) || Moonwort Bulb (30) |o==============================================================o

o==============================================================o| The Well (Real World) - 19 |o--------------------------------------------------------------o|Item Shop |Armour Shop |o------------------------------o-------------------------------o| Slime Earrings (650) | Dragon Mail (12000) || Fishnet Stockings (3200) | Flowing Dress (14800) || | Flame Armour (15000) || | Slime Helmet (2000) || | Iron Mask (3500) || | Thinking Cap (13000) || o-------------------------------o| |Weapon Shop || o-------------------------------o| | Saw Blade (9800) || | War Hammer (12000) || | Zombiesbane (18000) || | Flametang Boomerang (13000) || | Fire Blade (22500) |o==============================o===============================o

o==============================================================o| Felonia (Real World) - 20 |o--------------------------------------------------------------o|Armour Shop |Weapon Shop |o------------------------------o-------------------------------o| Dancer's Costume (1300) | Siren Sword (9800) || Silver Mail (6300) | War Hammer (12000) || Dragon Mail (12000) | Watermaul Wand (14000) || Flame Shield (17000) | Zombiesbane (18000) || | Fire Blade (22500) |o==============================o===============================o

o==============================================================o| Mt Snowhere (Real World) - 22 |o--------------------------------------------------------------o|Item Shop |Weapon/Armour Shop |o------------------------------o-------------------------------o| Medical Herb (8) | Steel Fangs (2000) || Antidotal Herb (10) | Spiked Steel Whip (7400) |

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| Holy Water (20) | Dream Blade (6300) || Chimaera Wing (25) | Saw Blade (9800) || | War Hammer (12000) || | Heavy Armour (5000) |o==============================o===============================o

o==============================================================o| Turnscote (Real World) - 23 |o--------------------------------------------------------------o|Item Shop |Weapon Shop 1 (South-West) |o------------------------------o-------------------------------o| Chimaera Wing (25) | Battleaxe (4300) || Trailblazing Bandana(500) | Saw Blade (9800) || Bow Tie (2400) | War Hammer (12000) |o------------------------------o Zombiesbane (18000) ||Armour Shop o-------------------------------oo------------------------------oWeapon Shop 2 (North-West) || Bunny Suit (3300) o-------------------------------o| Silver Cuirass (6300) | Bone Stake (110) || Dragon Mail (12000) | Edged Boomerang (1500) || Flowing Dress (14800) | Steel Fangs (2000) || Iron Mask (3500) | Morning Star (3000) || Magic Shield (5000) | Lunar Fan (5500) || | Dream Blade (6300) |o==============================o===============================o

o==============================================================o| Weaver's Peak (Real World) - 24 |o--------------------------------------------------------------o|Item Shop |Weapon/Armour Shop |o------------------------------o-------------------------------o| War Hammer (12000) | Cypress Stick (10) || Zombiesbane (18000) | Bamboo Spear (50) || Dragon Mail (12000) | Copper Sword (270) || Flowing Dress (14800) | Wayfarer's Clothes (70) || Bunny Ears (750) | Leather Armour (180) || | Leather Shield (70) |o==============================o===============================o

____________________ / \|| Dread Realm Shops: || \____________________/

o==============================================================o| Despairia (Dread Realm) - 25 |o--------------------------------------------------------------o|Armour Shop |Weapon Shop |o------------------------------o-------------------------------o| Gigant Armour (23000) | War Hammer (12000) || Flowing Dress (14800) | Zombiesbane (18000) || Ogre Shield (20000) | Blizzard Blade (21000) || Thinking Cap (13000) | Solar Fan (22000) |o==============================o===============================o

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o==============================================================o| Greedmore Valley (Dread Realm) - 26 |o--------------------------------------------------------------o|Item Shop |Armour Shop |o------------------------------o-------------------------------o| Medical Herb (8) | Gigant Armour (23000) || Moonwort Bulb (30) | Mirror Armour (30000) || Trailblazing Bandana(500) | Ruinous Shield (5300) || Fishnet Stockings (3200) | Silver Shield (33000) || | Great Helm (25000) || o-------------------------------o| |Weapon Shop || o-------------------------------o| | Hela's Hammer (15000) || | Massacre Sword (29000) || | Great Bow (37000) || | Ferocious Fangs (17000) |o==============================o===============================o

_________________________ / \|| The Bonus Dungeon Shop: || \_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_/

o==============================================================o| Reaper's Peak (Bonus Dungeon) - 27 |o--------------------------------------------------------------o|Item Shop |o--------------------------------------------------------------o| Dragonic Diligence (30000) || Staff of Resurrection (45000) |o==============================================================o

______________________________ / \|| Special: Service Call Shops: || \_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-/

o==============================================================o| Service Call Item/Village/Weapon/Armour Stores (Field Map) |o--------------------------------------------------------------o|Item Shop |Armour Shop |o------------------------------o-------------------------------o| Medicinal Herb (8) | Leather Armour (180) || Antidotal Herb (10) | Scale Armour (350) || Holy Water (20) | Leather Shield (70) || Chimaera Wing (25) | Scale Shield (180) || Moonwort Bulb (30) | Leather Hat (65) |o------------------------------o Hardwood Headwear (120) ||General Shop o-------------------------------oo------------------------------oWeapon Shop || Medicinal Herb (8) o-------------------------------o| Antidotal Herb (10) | Oaken Club (110) |

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| Chimaera Wing (25) | Giant Mallet (220) || Leather Hat (65) | Copper Sword (270) || Hardwood Headwear (120) | Boomerang (420) || | Stone Axe (550) |o==============================================================o

____________________________________________________________________________|============================================================================|||[mon.000] *****Monster List***** |||| |||============================================================================||____________________________________________________________________________|

*IMPORTANT* - Due to Spacing constraints, and because I created a Monster FAQ, All Location data is the first area found in only.



### = Big Book of Beast Number.Name = Monster NameHP = Hit Points (Health, reduce to 0 to defeat)MP = Mana Points (Determines if monster is a caster)ATK = Attack Power, actual base damage before Defense is ATK / 2DEF = Defense Power, actual base defense is DEF / 4AGI = Agility, helps to determine how often the monster goes first in battleEXP = Experience Points, accumulate this to gain levels and become strongerGOLD = Gold dropped, accumulate this to purchase Weapons, Armour, and ItemsITEM = Item a monster might drop, or a Thief may stealRATE = Drop rate of said item, factors into steal rate.LOCATION = The first area a monster is located.

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|### |Name | 99999 | 999 | 999 | 999 | 999 | 99999 | 9999 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Falcon Knife Earrings |1/4096 | Someplace (Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o



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||[mon.001] *****Normal Monsters |||| || ==============================================================

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|001 |Mottle Slime | 5 | - | 8 | 5 | 3 | 2 | 1 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Medicinal Herb | 1/64 | Weaver's Peak (Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|002 |Feralball | 6 | - | 9 | 6 | 4 | 3 | 2 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Medicinal Herb | 1/16 | Weaver's Peak (Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|003 |Scare Root | 7 | - | 11 | 7 | 5 | 4 | 3 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Medicinal Herb | 1/16 | Weaver's Peak (Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|004 |Ghastropod | 7 | - | 13 | 9 | 2 | 5 | 4 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: |

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| Medicinal Herb | 1/16 | Mountain Road (Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|005 |Batatouille | 8 | - | 15 | 10 | 8 | 7 | 6 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Medicinal Herb | 1/8 | Mountain Road (Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|006 |Lips | 11 | - | 12 | 12 | 4 | 8 | 8 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Holy Water | 1/64 | Haggleton (Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|007 |Ornery Onion | 9 | - | 19 | 14 | 5 | 9 | 10 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Medicinal Herb | 1/8 | Haggleton (Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|008 |Slugger | 10 | - | 17 | 14 | 6 | 7 | 9 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: |

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| Pretty Betsy | 1/4096| Haggleton (Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|009 |Stumpkin | 16 | 3 | 16 | 14 | 6 | 12 | 12 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Medicinal Herb | 1/32 | Gardsbane Tower (Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|010 |Leery Lout | 11 | - | 18 | 36 | 6 | 14 | 13 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Leather Shield | 1/64 | Haggleton (Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|011 |Haardvark | 14 | - | 20 | 15 | 7 | 13 | 14 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Medicinal Herb | 1/32 | Somnia (Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|012 |Cumaulus | 15 | 3 | 21 | 18 | 8 | 15 | 12 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: |

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| Holy Water | 1/64 | Gardsbane Tower (Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|013 |Barksman | 17 | - | 24 | 19 | 8 | 16 | 14 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Leather Hat | 1/32 | Gardsbane Tower (Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|014 |Bubble Slime | 15 | - | 28 | 12 | 7 | 19 | 10 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Antidotal Herb | 1/8 | North of Somnia (Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|015a|Slime | 9 | - | 14 | 13 | 4 | 5 | 3 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Medicinal Herb | 1/16 | Wellshire (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|015b|Slime+ | 120 | - | 105 | 72 | 86 | 28 | 21 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: |

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| Slime Armour | 1/128 | Slimopolis (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|016 |Crested Loon | 18 | - | 28 | 24 | 12 | 18 | 13 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Chimaera Wing | 1/32 | Wellshire (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|017 |Budding Sorcerer | 22 | 3 | 29 | 20 | 13 | 21 | 16 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Cypress Stick | 1/64 | North of Somnia (Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|018 |Goblin Pixie | 20 | 3 | 27 | 22 | 15 | 22 | 21 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Cypress Stick | 1/64 | Port Haven (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|019 |Mad Mollusk | 22 | - | 29 | 22 | 12 | 18 | 16 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: |

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| Medicinal Herb | 1/32 | Alltrades Abbey (Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|020 |Gum Shield | 20 | - | 35 | 8 | 14 | 25 | 15 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Scale Shield | 1/64 | Port Haven (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|021 |She-Slime | 12 | - | 24 | 20 | 8 | 10 | 7 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Holy Water | 1/32 | Somnia (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|022 |Babygoyle | 25 | 8 | 34 | 33 | 16 | 28 | 10 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Bamboo Spear | 1/64 | Lucid Grotto (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|023 |Slime Knight | 28 | 6 | 35 | 30 | 12 | 27 | 16 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: |

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| Copper Sword | 1/64 | Lucid Grotto (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|024 |Ruffled Goon | 27 | 8 | 28 | 31 | 7 | 22 | 18 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Medicinal Herb | 1/32 | Lucid Grotto (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|025 |Mud Mannequin | 32 | - | 26 | 23 | 4 | 25 | 14 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Magic Water | 1/128 | Lucid Grotto (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|026 |Silencing Ram | 44 | 3 | 50 | 37 | 12 | 33 | 15 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Iron Claw | 1/128 | Cave of Amor (Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|027 |Hell Hornet | 32 | - | 28 | 35 | 12 | 26 | 20 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: |

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| Antidotal Herb | 1/64 | Lucid Grotto (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|028 |Dead Resident | 41 | - | 50 | 36 | 15 | 21 | 21 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Oaken Club | 1/64 | Cave of Amor (Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|029 |Blooming Sorcerer | 30 | 9 | 38 | 33 | 17 | 22 | 24 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Iron Staff | 1/64 | Cave of Amor (Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|030 |Gustodian | 40 | 8 | 45 | 31 | 25 | 24 | 16 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Plain Clothes | 1/64 | Moonmirror Tower (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|031 |Shadow | 20 | - | 43 | 130 | 18 | 27 | 12 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: |

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| Seed of Resilience | 1/256 | Moonmirror Tower (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|032 |Cannibox | 144 | 8 | 37 | 60 | 40 | 118 | 96 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Seed of Agility | 100% | Isle of Murdaw (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|033 |Giant Moth | 36 | - | 55 | 44 | 22 | 33 | 9 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Poison Moth Knife | 1/128 | Moonmirror Tower (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|034 |Loathsome Leek | 33 | - | 45 | 39 | 15 | 28 | 19 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Pointy Hat | 1/128 | Moonmirror Tower (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|035 |Rotton Cotton | 40 | - | 40 | 31 | 17 | 32 | 9 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: |

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| Bone Stake | 1/128 | Cave of Amor (Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|036 |Tree Feller | 32 | 9 | 43 | 50 | 21 | 39 | 22 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Wayfarer's Clothes | 1/32 | Ghent (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|037 |Burning Man | 33 | - | 42 | 33 | 23 | 45 | 26 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Seed of Life | 1/256 | Underkeep (Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|038 |Deadly Dodo | 60 | - | 54 | 45 | 26 | 66 | 30 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Chimaera Wing | 1/64 | Underkeep (Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|039 |Guaardvark | 39 | - | 51 | 40 | 24 | 55 | 36 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: |

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| Seed of Agility | 1/256 | Underkeep (Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|040 |Well Wisher | 184 | - | 37 | 50 | 10 | 162 | 72 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Trailblazing Bandana | 100% | Madame Luca's Well (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|041 |Damselfly | 40 | 5 | 52 | 60 | 28 | 58 | 32 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Silk Robe | 1/64 | Underkeep (Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|042 |Hermit Pixie | 45 | 12 | 45 | 39 | 28 | 50 | 32 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Iron Staff | 1/64 | Underkeep (Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|043 |Feralbeast | 72 | - | 54 | 40 | 20 | 45 | 33 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: |

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| Fur Hood | 1/32 | Hazy Heights (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|044 |Grim Grinner | 50 | - | 48 | 42 | 16 | 60 | 45 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Medicinal Herb | 1/16 | Underkeep (Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|045 |Malevolamp | 44 | - | 51 | 98 | 47 | 88 | 33 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Seed of Resilience | 1/256 | Isle of Murdaw (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|046 |Hell Nino | 41 | 20 | 55 | 48 | 28 | 63 | 20 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Pretty Betsy | 1/4096| Isle of Murdaw (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|047 |Healslime | 38 | 34 | 45 | 40 | 65 | 39 | 21 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: |

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| Prayer Ring | 1/4096| Scrimsley (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|048 |Wild Carrot | 44 | - | 62 | 34 | 58 | 57 | 34 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Antidotal Herb | 1/128 | Scrimsley (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|049 |Porker | 64 | - | 81 | 42 | 48 | 78 | 48 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Seed of Strength | 1/256 | Hazy Heights (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|050 |Goodybag | 72 | 255 | 49 | 80 | 60 | 60 | 444 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Gold Ring | 1/64 | Isle of Murdaw (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|051 |Walking Corpse | 72 | - | 59 | 2 | 2 | 80 | 18 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: |

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| Rags | 1/32 | Underkeep (Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|052 |Devil Glass | 72 | 50 | 60 | 75 | 22 | 81 | 42 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Seed of Magic | 1/256 | Moonmirror Tower (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|053 |Thaumatobat | 40 | 12 | 63 | 44 | 26 | 66 | 33 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Bow Tie | 1/256 | Isle of Murdaw (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|054 |Mudslinger | 73 | 5 | 62 | 30 | 31 | 105 | 22 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Yggdrasil Leaf | 1/128 | Isle of Murdaw (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|055 |Sniping Barksman | 69 | - | 77 | 40 | 60 | 86 | 32 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: |

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| Hardwood Headgear | 1/128 | Hazy Heights (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|056 |Animated Armour | 80 | - | 80 | 31 | 35 | 93 | 33 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Holy Water | 1/128 | Isle of Murdaw (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|057 |Mimic | 304 | 10 | 115 | 99 | 40 | 180 | 109 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Seed of Life | 100% | Seabed Shrine (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|058 |Arrghgoyle | 64 | 18 | 83 | 110 | 48 | 98 | 44 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Stone Axe | 1/128 | Underkeep (Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|059 |Pesky Jester | 60 | - | 98 | 70 | 57 | 96 | 38 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: |

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| Chain Sickle | 1/64 | Isle of Murdaw (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|060 |Harmour | 64 | - | 103 | 120 | 43 | 129 | 54 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Iron Armour | 1/128 | Isle of Murdaw (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|061 |Cloud Surfer | 120 | - | 95 | 50 | 63 | 192 | 69 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Cloak of Evasion | 1/128 | Hazy Heights (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|062 |Skullrider | 66 | - | 88 | 63 | 61 | 114 | 49 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Bone Stake | 1/64 | Houses N. of Arkbolt (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|063 |Slumbering Ram | 104 | 13 | 95 | 78 | 47 | 102 | 36 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: |

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| Moonwort Bulb | 1/64 | Murdaw's Keep (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|064 |Undentured Servant | 61 | - | 75 | 43 | 35 | 87 | 24 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Oaken Club | 1/64 | Isle of Murdaw (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|065 |Sluggernaut | 64 | - | 71 | 40 | 50 | 97 | 62 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Dancer's Costume | 1/32 | Houses North of Arkbolt (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|066 |Biguana | 68 | - | 90 | 55 | 58 | 108 | 38 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Moonwort Bulb | 1/32 | Wayfarer's Pass (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|067 |Sorcerer | 96 | 30 | 72 | 80 | 58 | 126 | 92 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: |

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| Seed of Magic | 1/256 | Murdaw's Keep (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|068 |Scorching Man | 88 | - | 70 | 59 | 55 | 132 | 63 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Seed of Wisdom | 1/256 | Murdaw's Keep (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|069a|Metal Slime | 5 | 12 | 39 | 999 | 115 | 1350 | 75 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Boomerang | 1/128 | Lucid Grotto (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|069b|Metal Slime+ | 8 | - | 99 | 999 | 250 | 1015 | 20 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Slime Helmet | 1/64 | Mortamor's Dreadlair (Dread Realm) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|070 |Toxic Turnip | 73 | - | 81 | 40 | 57 | 94 | 33 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: |

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| Antidotal Herb | 1/64 | Wayfarer's Pass (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|071 |Prickly Prankster | 76 | - | 85 | 82 | 41 | 132 | 78 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Pink Pearl | 1/128 | Hallowed Hollow (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|072 |Urnexpected | 200 | 7 | 118 | 135 | 90 | 204 | 162 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Amor Seco Essence | 1/32 | Cloudsgate Citadel (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|073 |Ewwnicorn | 128 | 9 | 87 | 6 | 64 | 144 | 54 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Seed of Wisdom | 1/256 | Hallowed Hollow (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|074 |Lesser Demon | 116 | 4 | 75 | 52 | 57 | 138 | 46 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: |

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| Iron Claw | 1/32 | Isle of Murdaw (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|075 |Gustbluster | 125 | 8 | 92 | 102 | 86 | 108 | 68 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Hermes' Hat | 1/128 | Destiny's Drop (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|076 |Wayward Armour | 128 | - | 95 | 62 | 81 | 115 | 50 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Scale Shield | 1/64 | Hallowed Hollow (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|077 |Stinkerbell | 104 | 16 | 85 | 58 | 83 | 117 | 55 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Seed of Wisdom | 1/256 | Cave to Aridea (Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|078 |Venom Wasp | 88 | - | 93 | 80 | 87 | 96 | 72 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: |

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| Moonwort Bulb | 1/32 | Clearvale (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|079 |Flython | 118 | - | 105 | 58 | 91 | 162 | 56 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Steel Fangs | 1/128 | Clearvale (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|080 |Rockbomb | 240 | 20 | 99 | 150 | 50 | 144 | 15 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Kamikaze Bracer | 1/256 | Clearvale (Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|081 |Gasbagon | 184 | - | 120 | 64 | 88 | 170 | 63 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Amor Seco Essence | 1/128 | Destiny's Drop (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|082 |Demonrider | 160 | - | 115 | 75 | 87 | 156 | 51 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: |

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| Bone Stake | 1/64 | Castle Swanstone (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|083 |Brimstone Bulb | 128 | 5 | 95 | 57 | 92 | 96 | 36 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Boomerang | 1/128 | Destiny's Drop (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|084 |Metal Slime Knight | 144 | 8 | 103 | 115 | 90 | 150 | 72 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Steel Broadsword | 1/64 | Clearvale (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|085 |Muddy Hand | 104 | - | 87 | 63 | 94 | 75 | 60 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Seed of Agility | 1/256 | Clearvale (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|086 |Battering Ram | 188 | 6 | 145 | 67 | 91 | 204 | 57 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: |

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| Staff of Antimagic | 1/256 | Well South of Alltrades(Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|087 |Darkgoyle | 128 | 15 | 130 | 72 | 90 | 135 | 75 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Bamboo Spear | 1/64 | Well South of Alltrades(Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|088 |Aristobat | 113 | 10 | 89 | 130 | 84 | 99 | 82 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Moonwort Bulb | 1/32 | Clearvale (Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|089 |Fuddleguana | 106 | 10 | 108 | 69 | 75 | 141 | 64 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Lucida Shard | 1/256 | Suite Dreams (Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|090 |Hellstalker | 133 | - | 123 | 97 | 88 | 164 | 100 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: |

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| Cloak of Evasion | 1/128 | The Spiegelspire (Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|091 |Dreamaera | 93 | 17 | 103 | 73 | 94 | 123 | 78 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Chimaera Wing | 1/32 | Castle Swanstone (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|092 |Shell Slime | 99 | 6 | 38 | 160 | 72 | 82 | 42 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Seed of Resilience | 1/256 | Castle Swanstone (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|093 |Yawnoceros | 200 | - | 133 | 78 | 67 | 186 | 74 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Iron Cuirass | 1/64 | Well South of Alltrades(Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|094 |Diethon | 144 | - | 129 | 72 | 88 | 172 | 21 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: |

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| Steel Fangs | 1/128 | Wayfarer's Pass (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|095 |Mottle She-Slime | 80 | - | 108 | 74 | 89 | 75 | 58 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Amor Seco Essence | 1/32 | Turnscote (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|096 |Scarewell | 400 | - | 206 | 120 | 90 | 285 | 81 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Trailblazing Bandana | 1/32 | Shrine SW of Howcastle (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|097 |Axesaurus | 296 | - | 110 | 100 | 80 | 300 | 90 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Battleaxe | 1/128 | Turnscote (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|098 |Jumping Jackal | 168 | - | 147 | 78 | 92 | 192 | 93 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: |

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| Iron Claw | 1/64 | Well South of Alltrades(Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|099 |Hocus Dreamaera | 144 | 50 | 123 | 80 | 97 | 152 | 51 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Chimaera Wing | 1/32 | Well South of Alltrades(Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|100 |Frighturn | 504 | 10 | 160 | 300 | 91 | 540 | 189 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Seed of Resilience | 100% | Felonia Castle (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|101 |Haunted Mirror | 200 | 30 | 114 | 180 | 92 | 258 | 60 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Seed of Life | 1/256 | The Spiegelspire (Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|102 |Sinisculpture | 184 | - | 145 | 135 | 90 | 260 | 52 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: |

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| Stone Axe | 1/128 | Seabed Shrine (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|103 |Bloody Hand | 120 | - | 112 | 88 | 96 | 99 | 44 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Pretty Betsy | 1/256 | Pescado (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|104 |Chompoceros | 144 | - | 113 | 70 | 86 | 209 | 116 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Fur Cape | 1/64 | Pescado (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|105 |Troll | 280 | - | 160 | 64 | 55 | 258 | 66 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Oaken Club | 1/64 | Well South of Alltrades(Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|106 |King Slime | 212 | 35 | 135 | 78 | 85 | 240 | 138 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: |

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| Restless Heart | 1/128 | Pescado (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|107 |Noble Gasbagon | 240 | - | 143 | 90 | 91 | 259 | 76 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Iron Cuirass | 1/64 | Turnscote (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|108 |Cutterfly | 152 | 8 | 122 | 77 | 98 | 183 | 118 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Seed of Magic | 1/256 | Mt. Snowhere (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|109 |Gryphon | 200 | 13 | 146 | 86 | 88 | 278 | 25 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Staff of Antimagic | 1/128 | Seabed Shrine (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|110 |Malevolantern | 120 | 18 | 150 | 210 | 95 | 175 | 57 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: |

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| Seed of Resilience | 1/256 | Mt. Snowhere (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|111 |Low Djinks | 304 | 14 | 150 | 94 | 68 | 300 | 69 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Seed of Strength | 1/256 | Mt. Snowhere (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|112 |Cureslime | 136 | 28 | 107 | 72 | 120 | 144 | 51 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Magic Water | 1/128 | Mt. Snowhere (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|113 |Infernal Pane | 408 | 30 | 115 | 188 | 150 | 696 | 156 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Silver Cuirass | 1/128 | Prison of Sorrow (Dread Realm) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|114 |Ne'er-Do-Well | 536 | - | 180 | 150 | 84 | 1620 | 42 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: |

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| Bunny Ears | 100% | Pillar of Pegasus (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|115 |Boarker | 200 | - | 137 | 90 | 83 | 252 | 78 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Chain Sickle | 1/64 | Cryptic Catacombs (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|116 |Drackal | 200 | - | 157 | 87 | 92 | 285 | 88 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Steel Fangs | 1/64 | Underwater Tunnel (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|117 |Magic Marionette | 128 | - | 112 | 94 | 104 | 195 | 82 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Cypress Stick | 1/128 | Well S. of Alltrades (Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|118 |Tyrantosaurus | 248 | - | 180 | 90 | 96 | 372 | 108 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: |

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| Battleaxe | 1/64 | Cryptic Catacombs (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|119 |Freezing Fog | 132 | - | 125 | 94 | 95 | 192 | 51 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Icicle Dirk | 1/128 | Underwater Tunnel (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|120 |Corpse Corporal | 160 | - | 127 | 72 | 54 | 204 | 38 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Seed of Life | 1/256 | Mt. Snowhere (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|121 |Hirsute Hexer | 304 | 80 | 145 | 145 | 104 | 510 | 255 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Prayer Ring | 1/128 | Pillar of Pegasus (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|122 |Mottle Mendslime | 144 | 20 | 123 | 73 | 92 | 112 | 96 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: |

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| Slime Armour | 1/128 | Pillar of Pegasus (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|123 |Splutterfly | 144 | 35 | 132 | 83 | 101 | 198 | 115 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Bunny Suit | 1/64 | Felonia (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|124 |Bomboulder | 240 | 63 | 143 | 153 | 82 | 302 | 84 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Kerplunk Bracer | 1/256 | Felonia (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|125 |Boss Troll | 256 | - | 241 | 83 | 74 | 372 | 96 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Seed of Strength | 1/256 | Weaver's Peak (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|126 |Overkilling Machine | 200 | - | 162 | 185 | 94 | 420 | 87 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: |

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| Falcon Blade | 1/256 | Pillar of Pegasus (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|127 |Killer Moth | 184 | - | 141 | 80 | 101 | 324 | 105 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Moonwort Bulb | 1/64 | Pillar of Pegasus (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|128 |Scytheborg | 216 | - | 200 | 110 | 88 | 396 | 55 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Boxer Shorts | 1/128 | Greedmore Mine (Dread Realm) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|129 |Drastic Drackal | 240 | - | 185 | 90 | 109 | 308 | 82 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Fur Cape | 1/64 | Pillar of Pegasus (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|130 |Marrow Escapee | 184 | 8 | 167 | 80 | 86 | 339 | 32 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: |

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| Tortoise Shell | 1/64 | Greedmore Valley (Dread Realm) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|131 |Tiger Jackal | 192 | - | 188 | 88 | 102 | 348 | 120 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Fire Claw | 1/128 | Greedmore Valley (Dread Realm) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|132 |King Cureslime | 192 | 120 | 143 | 92 | 88 | 416 | 134 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Slime Helmet | 1/64 | Fungeon (Bonus Dungeon - Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|133 |Mythsteed | 208 | - | 155 | 110 | 115 | 372 | 111 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Seed of Wisdom | 1/256 | Pillar of Pegasus (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|134 |Bad Karmour | 224 | - | 180 | 138 | 99 | 374 | 118 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: |

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| Magic Shield | 1/128 | Weaver's Peak (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|135 |Berzorker | 200 | - | 164 | 90 | 102 | 319 | 134 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Silver Mail | 1/128 | Weaver's Peak (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|136 |Liquid Metal Slime | 6 | 255 | 53 | 999 | 150 | 10050 | 10 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Happy Hat | 1/256 | Felonia (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|137 |War Gryphon | 224 | 12 | 215 | 90 | 132 | 367 | 128 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Tempest Shield | 1/256 | Prison of Sorrow (Dread Realm) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|138 |Hopping Hellfire | 176 | - | 186 | 80 | 115 | 390 | 103 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: |

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| Flame Armour | 1/256 | Greedmore Mine (Dread Realm) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|139 |Kisser | 160 | - | 128 | 91 | 100 | 273 | 72 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Seed of Agility | 1/256 | Greedmore Mine (Dread Realm) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|140 |Wraithwand | 200 | 12 | 175 | 182 | 140 | 378 | 63 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Magical Skirt | 1/128 | Cave under Lake (Dread Realm) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|141 |Czargoyle | 200 | 20 | 157 | 90 | 120 | 300 | 62 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Rags | 1/128 | Cave under Lake (Dread Realm) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|142 |Sluggerslaught | 152 | - | 132 | 92 | 60 | 279 | 93 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: |

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| Dancer's Costume | 1/64 | Cave under Lake (Dread Realm) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|143 |Devilmoth | 248 | - | 189 | 94 | 118 | 338 | 162 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Poison Needle | 1/64 | Pillar of Pegasus (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|144 |Disgustling | 240 | 30 | 171 | 76 | 103 | 396 | 109 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Ruinous Shield | 1/64 | Prison of Sorrow (Dread Realm) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|145 |Uber Dreamaera | 160 | 14 | 185 | 128 | 120 | 500 | 117 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Chimaera Wing | 1/64 | Gallows Moor (Dread Realm) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|146 |Living Statue | 360 | - | 220 | 170 | 72 | 554 | 108 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: |

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| Seed of Strength | 1/256 | Gallows Moor (Dread Realm) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|147 |Dreadful Drackal | 240 | - | 197 | 93 | 115 | 452 | 74 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Ferocious Fangs | 1/128 | Gallows Moor (Dread Realm) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|148 |Demon Steward | 360 | 38 | 215 | 120 | 120 | 660 | 156 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Staff of Resurrection | 1/4096| Mortamor's Dreadlair (Dread Realm) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|149 |Silhouette | 224 | - | 191 | 90 | 128 | 288 | 72 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Flowing Dress | 1/256 | Pillar of Pegasus (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|150 |Metal King Slime | 14 | 20 | 157 | 999 | 350 | 30010 | 15 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: |

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| Duplic Hat | 1/256 | Mortamor's Dreadlair (Dread Realm) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|151 |Sintaur | 320 | - | 245 | 115 | 118 | 640 | 108 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Ruinous Shield | 1/4096| Weaver's Peak (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|152 |Iron Tortoise | 328 | 30 | 225 | 300 | 60 | 504 | 82 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Seed of Resilience | 1/256 | Prison of Sorrow (Dread Realm) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|153 |Annihilantern | 192 | 30 | 167 | 167 | 135 | 396 | 73 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Platinum Shield | 1/256 | Prison of Sorrow (Dread Realm) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|154 |High Djinks | 696 | 48 | 194 | 113 | 114 | 1104 | 300 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: |

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| Glombolero | 1/256 | Pillar of Pegasus (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|155 |Hell Gladiator | 320 | - | 210 | 110 | 120 | 444 | 96 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Dragonsbane | 1/128 | Prison of Sorrow (Dread Realm) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|156 |Stout Troll | 408 | - | 190 | 90 | 120 | 612 | 84 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Hela's Hammer | 1/128 | Mortamor's Dreadlair (Dread Realm) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|157 |Hacksaurus | 416 | - | 290 | 100 | 115 | 698 | 110 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Seed of Strength | 1/256 | Mortamor's Dreadlair (Dread Realm) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|158 |Dragooner | 336 | - | 210 | 160 | 160 | 512 | 150 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: |

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| Platinum Sword | 1/64 | Underwater Castle (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|159 |Aggrosculpture | 208 | 16 | 250 | 192 | 113 | 486 | 118 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Cobra Claw | 1/128 | Mortamor's Dreadlair (Dread Realm) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|160 |Jugular Joker | 264 | 25 | 283 | 128 | 140 | 504 | 162 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Falcon Knife Earrings | 1/128 | Mortamor's Dreadlair (Dread Realm) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|161 |Darkcrawler | 320 | - | 215 | 117 | 130 | 570 | 108 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Pretty Betsy | 1/256 | Mortamor's Dreadlair (Dread Realm) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|162 |Pudgedevil | 368 | 80 | 286 | 113 | 87 | 1140 | 156 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: |

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| Duplic Hat | 1/256 | Mortamor's Dreadlair (Dread Realm) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|163 |Loss Leader | 568 | 90 | 275 | 127 | 137 | 1800 | 252 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Metal King Helm | 1/256 | Mortamor's Dreadlair (Dread Realm) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|164 |Jackal Ripper | 544 | - | 380 | 113 | 123 | 924 | 145 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Ferocious Fangs | 1/128 | Fungeon (Bonus Dungeon - Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|165 |Stone Guardian | 480 | - | 254 | 200 | 77 | 840 | 144 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Hela's Armour | 1/128 | Fungeon (Bonus Dungeon - Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|166 |Mechalomaniac | 720 | 30 | 340 | 200 | 120 | 846 | 96 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: |

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| Flail of Destruction | 1/4096| Fungeon (Bonus Dungeon - Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|167 |Dreadstaff | 368 | 50 | 188 | 205 | 135 | 594 | 162 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Staff of Ghent | 1/128 | Fungeon (Bonus Dungeon - Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|168 |Uberkilling Machine | 480 | - | 354 | 147 | 235 | 1320 | 147 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Miracle Sword | 1/128 | Underwater Castle (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|169 |Zombie Gladiator | 640 | 90 | 440 | 120 | 125 | 1176 | 134 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Dragon Mail | 1/128 | Fungeon (Bonus Dungeon - Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|170 |Tormentaur | 720 | 8 | 274 | 115 | 150 | 1656 | 132 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: |

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| Massacre Sword | 1/256 | Fungeon (Bonus Dungeon - Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|171 |Demon Overlord | 792 | 255 | 314 | 153 | 170 | 2160 | 300 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Magma Staff | 1/128 | Fungeon (Bonus Dungeon - Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

****************** MARINE MONSTERS: ******************

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|172 |Marine Mollusk | 64 | - | 68 | 48 | 50 | 96 | 78 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Magic Water | 1/128 | Inland Sea (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|173 |Cauldrone | 69 | - | 77 | 62 | 68 | 110 | 60 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Iron Helmet | 1/64 | Inland Sea (Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|174 |Wet Kisser | 88 | - | 70 | 55 | 53 | 94 | 88 |

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|____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Bow Tie | 1/128 | Inland Sea (Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|175 |Dread Herring | 72 | 4 | 89 | 67 | 69 | 120 | 56 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Seed of Agility | 1/256 | Inland Sea (Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|176 |Marine Spirit | 104 | 6 | 80 | 58 | 30 | 114 | 75 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Seed of Life | 1/256 | Inland Sea (Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|177 |Thriller Wave | 88 | - | 95 | 80 | 54 | 138 | 24 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Watermaul Wand | 1/256 | Inland Sea (Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|178 |Yabby | 80 | - | 90 | 103 | 40 | 140 | 48 |

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|____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Pot Lid | 1/128 | Inland Sea (Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|179 |Seaslime | 72 | 3 | 80 | 135 | 51 | 144 | 84 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Shellmet | 1/64 | Inland Sea (Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|180 |Mad Mallard | 128 | - | 95 | 84 | 55 | 156 | 38 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Chimaera Wing | 1/64 | Inland Sea (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|181 |Eveel | 144 | - | 107 | 80 | 65 | 117 | 54 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Steel Fangs | 1/128 | Inland Sea (Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|182 |Sea Fortress | 160 | - | 120 | 110 | 44 | 200 | 104 |

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|____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Seed of Strength | 1/256 | Outer Sea (Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|183 |Octavian Pirate | 120 | - | 110 | 96 | 60 | 172 | 86 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Iron Mask | 1/64 | Inland Sea (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|184 |Armoured Wartoise | 112 | 8 | 90 | 250 | 25 | 158 | 96 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Tortoise Shell | 1/64 | Inland Sea (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|185 |Man o' War | 76 | - | 80 | 70 | 48 | 92 | 40 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Moonwort Bulb | 1/64 | Inland Sea (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|186 |Pot Shot | 108 | - | 97 | 93 | 92 | 150 | 81 |

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|____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Iron Helmet | 1/32 | Outer Sea (Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|187 |Helldorado | 120 | 6 | 127 | 97 | 81 | 135 | 102 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Steel Fangs | 1/64 | Outer Sea (Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|188 |Killer Wave | 128 | - | 100 | 88 | 80 | 142 | 84 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Watermaul Wand | 1/256 | Outer Sea (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|189 |Water Wraith | 200 | 50 | 92 | 66 | 62 | 106 | 126 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Seed of Life | 1/256 | Underwater (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|190 |Perky Pelican | 120 | - | 96 | 72 | 85 | 160 | 92 |

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|____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Wizardly Whip | 1/256 | Underwater (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|191 |Poison Eveel | 96 | - | 123 | 94 | 99 | 151 | 96 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Saw Blade | 1/256 | Underwater (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|192 |Sail Serpent | 192 | - | 137 | 120 | 77 | 202 | 112 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Falcon Knife Earrings | 1/128 | Underwater (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|193 |Plated Goretoise | 200 | 8 | 105 | 330 | 45 | 210 | 134 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Tortoise Shell | 1/64 | Underwater (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|194 |Crayzee | 176 | - | 119 | 134 | 92 | 190 | 123 |

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|____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Pink Pearl | 1/128 | Underwater (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|195 |Finned Fatale | 320 | - | 138 | 127 | 65 | 288 | 144 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Seed of Strength | 1/256 | Underwater (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|196 |Octavian Sentry | 200 | 60 | 125 | 112 | 110 | 234 | 152 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Platinum Shield | 1/256 | Underwater (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|197 |Merking | 264 | 50 | 160 | 133 | 92 | 360 | 300 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Cobra Claw | 1/4096| Underwater (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

______________________________________________________________||[mon.002] *****Sub-Bosses |||| ||

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*NOTE*- Subbosses are NOT included in the Big Book of Beasts, so they have nonumber or stats to show there. If two subbosses take part in the same battlethere is only one drop that is considered shared between them.

*NOTE2*- I have to give Brady credit here for skill translations of specificboss skills I had no name for, and for a few I had not seen, but read off navi.

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|B01 |Tower Sentry | 150 | - | 34 | 32 | 22 | 95 | - ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Medical Herb | 1/32 | Gardsbane Tower (Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Muster Strength |o_____________________________________________________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|B02 |Garrett | 250 | - | 40 | 35 | 35 | 120 | 0 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Seed of Strength | 1/32 | Gardsbane Tower (Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Violent Slashing Attack, Leg Sweep |o_____________________________________________________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|B03 |Bloodcreeper | 370 | 18 | 53 | 50 | 52 | 260 | 370 |

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|____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Seed of Resilience | 1/16 | Lucid Grotto (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Dazzleflash, Sap, Buff |o_____________________________________________________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|B04 |Grrrgoyle | 380 | - | 69 | 72 | 65 | 330 | 250 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Iron Claw | 1/64 | Cave of Amor (Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Claw Slash, Dazzleflash, Fuddle Dance |o_____________________________________________________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|B05 |Bigg | 500 | - | 70 | 80 | 20 | 520 | 250 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Boxer Shorts | 100% | Hut North of Wellshire (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Muster Strength, Fear Shout, Flails Weapon About |o_____________________________________________________________________________o


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/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|B06 |Liddle | 320 | - | 55 | 51 | 45 | 305 | 124 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Boxer Shorts | 100% | Hut North of Wellshire (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Selflessness, Medicinal Herb |o_____________________________________________________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|B07 |Corpsickle x3 | 360 | 20 | 62 | 43 | 25 | 280 | 57 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Seed of Life | 1/8 | Moonmirror Tower (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Poison Attack, Grab, Venom Mist, Heal |o_____________________________________________________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|B08 |Murdaw | 900 | 255 | 109 | 102 | 35 | 2270 | 580 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Seed of Magic | 1/32 | The Underkeep (Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Flame Breath, Buff, Frizzle, Mimic Hero's voice (Change's Party |

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| Tactics) |o_____________________________________________________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|B09 |Sculptrice | 350 | 15 | 75 | 82 | 31 | 165 | 210 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Magic Water | 1/32 | Murdaw's Keep (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Kasnooze, Kasap, Cool Breath |o_____________________________________________________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|B10 |Grim Keeper | 520 | - | 92 | 75 | 37 | 530 | 150 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Seed of Life | 1/32 | Murdaw's Keep (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Venomous Vapor, Calls for Backup (Healslime) |o_____________________________________________________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|B11 |Scrimsley Terror | 800 | - | 115 | 90 | 40 | 310 | 170 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Stone Fangs | 1/16 | Scrimsley (Real World) |

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o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Defend, Stomp, Fang Bite |o_____________________________________________________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|B12 |Bronson | 1300 | - | 105 | 95 | 65 | 310 | - ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Seed of Strength | 1/128 | Arkbolt (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Desperate Attack, Flying Knee, Flame Slash, Sultry Dance |o_____________________________________________________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|B13 |Brick | 1200 | 255 | 85 | 72 | 20 | 120 | - ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Seed of Wisdom | 1/64 | Arkbolt (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Double Up, Kasap, Oomph, Multiheal |o_____________________________________________________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|B14 |Brock | 1300 | - | 115 | 83 | 8 | 110 | - ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|

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| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Seed of Resilience | 1/64 | Arkbolt (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Defend, Selflessness, Mercurial Thrust |o_____________________________________________________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|B15 |Commander Brutus | 1800 | 80 | 140 | 105 | 75 | 450 | - ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Seed of Life | 1/128 | Arkbolt (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Multislice, Falcon Slash, Kasap, Thin Air, Roundhouse Kick, Powerful|| Burst |o_____________________________________________________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|B16 |First Test | 1000 | 255 | 90 | 20 | 72 | 550 | 220 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Seed of Agility | 1/64 | Hallowed Hollow (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Frizz, Sizz, Fuddle Dance |o_____________________________________________________________________________o


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/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|B17 |Second Test | 1500 | - | 190 | 120 | 63 | 750 | 380 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Seed of Strength | 1/128 | Hallowed Hollow (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Muster Strength, Wind Sickles, Eyes Gleam |o_____________________________________________________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|B18 |Third Test | 1300 | 255 | 150 | 100 | 95 | 1250 | 680 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Seed of Wisdom | 1/256 | Hallowed Hollow (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack Twice, Attack, Horn Attack, Kasap, Bound, Lightning |o_____________________________________________________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|B19 |Spiegel | 2400 | 255 | 160 | 120 | 85 | 2000 | 800 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Seed of Magic | 1/128 | The Spiegelspire (Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Frizzle, Kasizzle, Calls for Backup (Low Djinks) |

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_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|B20 |Demon-At-Arms | 1500 | 255 | 180 | 300 | 79 | 1800 | 320 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Medicinal Herb | 1/4096| Weaver's Peak (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack Twice, Attack, Violent Slashing Attack, Flame Breath, Kacrackle, || Kasap |o_____________________________________________________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|B21 |Demon-At-Arms | 400 | 50 | 160 | 270 | 57 | 1800 | 320 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Medicinal Herb | 1/4096| Weaver's Peak (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack Twice, Attack, Violent Slashing Attack, Flame Breath, Kacrackle, || Kasizzle, Kasap |o_____________________________________________________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|B22 |Stormsgate Citadel | 3000 | 255 | 240 | 200 | 65 | 2200 | - ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: |

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| Seed of Resilience | 1/4096|Attempt to enter Cloudsgate(Real World)|o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Thin Air, Tramples Party, Magic Barrier | o_____________________________________________________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|B23 |Terry | 2500 | 50 | 220 | 180 | 90 | 1300 | - ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Stylish Bandana | 1/4096| Stormsgate (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Leg Sweep, Falcon Slash, Flame Slash, Gust Slash, Multislice, Kasap |o_____________________________________________________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|B24 |Averill | 2000 | - | 125 | 110 | 110 | - | - ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Medicinal Herb | 1/4096| Lake NW of Greedmore (Dread Realm) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Double Up, Leg Sweep |o_____________________________________________________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|B25 |Gallows Giant | 2800 | - | 220 | 150 | 115 | 6300 | 580 |

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|____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Mini Medal | 100% | Gallows Moor (Dread Realm) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Desperate Attack, Quick Attack, Dark Haze, Lightning, Fear Shout |o_____________________________________________________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|B26 |Prison Guard x2 | 750 | - | 210 | 150 | 100 | 500 | - ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Medicinal Herb | 1/4096| Gallows Moor (Dread Realm) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Flails Weapon About, Stone's Throw, Violent Slashing Attack, || Sandstorm |o_____________________________________________________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|B27 |Dogmus | 7000 | 255 | 200 | 300 | 200 | 500 | - ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Seed of Magic | 1/4096| Gallows Moor (Dread Realm) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Fuddle, Kathwack, Multiheal, Assess the Situation, Paralysing Gaze |o_____________________________________________________________________________o

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_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|B28 |Zozagel (Two Battles) | 3500 | - | 250 | 200 | 105 | 1000 | - ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Seed of Strength | 1/4096| Gallows Moor (Dread Realm) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack Twice, Roundhouse Kick, Multislice, Mercurial Thrust, Flame Slash, || Metal Slash |o_____________________________________________________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|B29 |Belleau | 2500 | 255 | 250 | 290 | 50 | 3300 | 850 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Mini Medal | 100% | Prison of Sorrow (Dread Realm) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Boulder Toss, Selflessness, Stomps on Party Member, Midheal, || Meditation |o_____________________________________________________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|B30 |Cabot | 3500 | - | 300 | 190 | 20 | 4400 | 550 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Mini Medal | 100% | Prison of Sorrow (Dread Realm) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

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| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Muster Strength, Stomps on Party Member, Stomp, Selflessness |o_____________________________________________________________________________o

______________________________________________________________||[mon.003] *****Dread Fiends |||| || ==============================================================

*NOTE*- Dread Fiends are NOT included in the Big Book of Beasts, so they haveno number or stats to show there.

*NOTE2*- I have to give Brady credit here for skill translations of specificboss skills I had no name for, and for a few I had not seen, but read off navi.

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|D01 |Murdaw (1st) | 500 | 90 | 95 | 105 | 47 | 1000 | - ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Seed of Resilience | 1/4096| Murdaw's Keep (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Kasap, Flame Breath, Summon Allies (Prickly Prankster) |o_____________________________________________________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|D02 |Murdaw (2nd) | 900 | 255 | 115 | 105 | 45 | 2300 | 770 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Magic Water | 1/128 | Murdaw's Keep (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

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| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack Twice, Attack, Chilly Breath, Lightning, Dazzleflash, Eyes Gleam |o_____________________________________________________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|D03 |Jamirus | 1500 | - | 178 | 125 | 65 | 1050 | 430 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Fire Claw | 1/8 | Isle o' Smiles (Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack Twice, Attack, Grab, Flame Breath, Fire Claw |o_____________________________________________________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|D04 |Gracos | 3000 | 50 | 210 | 210 | 80 | 3700 | 900 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Gracos's Trident | 100% | Seabed Shrine (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Kacrackle, Chilly Breath, Flails Weapon About, Mows Down Party With || Trident |o_____________________________________________________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|D05 |Dhuran | 3000 | 255 | 260 | 200 | 120 | 5500 | 2300 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|

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| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Seed of Strength | 1/32 | Stormsgate Citadel (Real World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o| BOSS SKILLS: || Disruptive Wave, Harvest Moon, Pounce on Party Member, Bound, Wind Sickles |o_____________________________________________________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|D06 |Blackmar | 3300 | 255 | 270 | 230 | 130 | 8500 | 900 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Silk Tuxedo | 100% | Gallows Moor (Dread Realm) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack Twice, Stomp, Dragon Slash, Flame Slash, Kasap, Kazing, Inferno |o_____________________________________________________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|D07 |Mortamor (1st) | 2000 | 255 | 290 | 250 | 150 | - | - ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || - | - | Mortamor's Dreadlair (Dread Realm) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack Twice, Attack, Venom Mist, Insane Attack, Searing Flame, Frigid Ice, || Balls of Energy, Bounce, Kaboom, Meditation |o_____________________________________________________________________________o


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/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|D08 |Mortamor (2nd) | 3000 | 255 | 410 | 300 | 90 | - | - ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || - | - | Mortamor's Dreadlair (Dread Realm) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Charge Attack, Buff, Oomph, Kasap, Scorch, Mercurial Thrust, || Roundhouse Kick, Defending Champion |o_____________________________________________________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|D09 |Mortamor (3rd) | 2500 | 255 | 300 | 340 | 120 | - | - ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || - | - | Mortamor's Dreadlair (Dread Realm) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack Twice, Eyes Gleam, Roars Ferociously, Kaboom, Kafrizzle, || Disruptive Wave, Freezing Blizzard, Pyre o' Fire |o_____________________________________________________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|D10 |Right Hand | 1700 | 255 | 330 | 180 | 70 | - | - ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || - | - | Mortamor's Dreadlair (Dread Realm) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o

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| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Talon Attack, Talon Slam, Powerful Thrust, Multiheal, Zing |o_____________________________________________________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|D11 |Left Hand | 2000 | 255 | 270 | 180 | 180 | - | - ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || - | - | Mortamor's Dreadlair (Dread Realm) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack, Claw Slash, Talon Attack, Talon Slam, Kazing |o_____________________________________________________________________________o

_____________________________________________________________________________/ | | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGI | EXP | GOLD \|D12 |Nokturnus | 13,000| 255 | 410 | 300 | 210 | 5500 | 880 ||____|________________________|_______|_____|_____|_____|_____|_______|_______|| ITEM: | RATE: | LOCATION: || Liquid Metal Mind | 1/16 | Fungeon (Bonus Dungeon - Dream World) |o_____________________________|_______|_______________________________________o| BOSS SKILLS: || Attack Three Times, Eyes Cleam, Quick Attack, Disruptive Wave, Kafrizzle, || Kazap, Scorch, Roars Ferociously, C-C-Cold Breath, Harvest Moon, || Pounce on Party Member, Pearly Gates, Wind Sickles, Oomph, Falcon Slash, || Metal Slash, Dragon Slash |o_____________________________________________________________________________o


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||[cheat.000] *****Cheats, Hints, Tips, and Other Stuff***** |||| |||============================================================================||____________________________________________________________________________|

Here lies the excess area, where unnecessary but useful info is stored foranyone who wants to know. The seed list displays every seed you find. TheBoss strategy section will give strategies for every boss, includingsub-bosses. Gold gathering is how to make the most gold the fastest. Themini walkthrough displays both what items you find, as you find them, whoto equip them to, if anyone, and when to buy equipment and items. The codessection is obviously going to contain any Action Replay codes I find or areshared with me or on the board. Known bugs is rather obvious, but I willinclude a note about anti-piracy measures, though no tips to get around thiswill be given, as I do not condone piracy unless you have absolutely no choiceto play this beloved game. The last section is pretty much how to dominatein this game, from the start, including rehashes from the other tip sectionson where to level and what to level on, but mostly about what vocations to getfor what character and why, and what skills to use and why.

______________________________________________________________||[cheat.001] *****Seed List |||| || ==============================================================

Note: All seed lists will also contain a monster list at the end of eachfound list, to show what monsters to hunt for seeds.

Seeds are vital to maxing out stats, unless one desires to cheat. So totake advantage of this, I setup this section of the guide, which tells whereeach seed is. However the seeds found in towns and dungeons will hardly beenough to pump up any character to noticeable heights, so there is a trick...play as a Thief, because they steal from enemies at a more common rate thanenemies drop items. The more Thieves in the active party, the more steals,the faster the stockpile of seeds will grow.

One note of importance is that the [Seed of Life], [Seed of Agility], and[Seed of Resilience] are all dropped at a 100% rate by fake Chests and Pots.Mimic, Cannibox, and Frighturn respectively. Once beaten these enemies willnot return, so their seeds can be counted as fixed drops and added to theirrespective total counts found for the game (will be added later).

When injesting seeds I highly recommend saving first, then injesting one,and if the maximum boost does not roll, reset, if it does save again and repeatthe process. This is tedious, but it does ensure maximum benefits, fewer seedsinjested, and less time spent maximizing stats.

********************************* Seed of Life HP+ 4-6********************************* Found, Total: 12 or 13 Found, in Order:

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Wellshire (Real World) 1x Cave of Amor (Dream World) 1x Wellshire (Real World) 1x - Must either Pay the Ransom and get reimbursed by the Mayor, or beat both Bigg and Liddle and tell the Mayor you did NOT pay the ransom. Then go back to town and speak to the Mayor for this reward. Isle of Murdaw (Real World) 1x Alltrade's Abbey (Dream World) 1x Destiny's Drop (Real World) 1x Turnscote (Real World) 1x Felonia (Real World) 1x Stormsgate Citadel (Real World) 1x Pillar of Pegasus (Real World) 1x Despairia (Dread Realm) 1x Greedmore Valley (Dread Realm) 1x Gallows Moor (Dread Realm) 1x Dropped by, in Big Book of Beast Order: 037 Burning Man (1/256) - Underkeep (Dream World) 057 Mimic (100%) - Seabed Shrine (Real World) 101 Haunted Mirror (1/256) - The Spiegelspire (Dream World) 120 Corpse Corporal (1/256) - Mt Snowhere (Real World) 176 Marine Spirit (1/256) - Inland Sea (Dream World) 189 Water Wraith (1/256) - Underwater (Real World) Dropped by, Bosses: B05 Corpsickle (1/8) - Moonmirror Tower (Real World) B10 Grim Keeper (1/32) - Murdaw's Keep (Real World) B15 Commander Brutus (1/128) - Arkbolt (Real World)

********************************* Seed of Magic MP+ 3-5********************************* Found, Total: 9 Found, in Order: Madame Luca Luminista's (Real World) 1x Cave of Amor (Dream World) 1x The Underkeep (Dream World) 1x Ghent (Real World) 1x Alltrade's Abbey (Dream World) 1x Howcastle (Real World) 1x Castle Swanstone (Real World) 1x Sorceria (Dream World) 1x Gallows Moor (Dread Realm) 1x Dropped by, in Big Book of Beast Order: 052 Devil Glass (1/256) - Moonmirror Tower (Real World) 067 Sorcerer (1/256) - Murdaw's Keep (Real World) 108 Cutterfly (1/256) - Mt Snowhere (Real World) Dropped by, Bosses: B08 Murdaw (1/32) - The Underkeep (Dream World) B19 Spiegel (1/128) - The Spiegelspire (Dream World) B27 Dogmus (1/4096) - Gallows Moor (Dread Realm)

********************************* Seed of Strength Str+ 1-3********************************* Found, Total: 12

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Found, in Order: Somnia (Dream World - Traded for Antique Ring) 1x Moonmirror Tower (Real World) 1x Clearvale (Real World) 1x Castle Graceskull (Dream World) 1x Pillar of Pegasus (Real World) 2x Greedmore Mine (Dread Realm) 1x Gallows Moor (Dread Realm) 4x Fungeon (Dream World - Bonus) 1x Dropped by, in Big Book of Beast Order: 049 Porker (1/256) - Hazy Heights (Real World) 111 Low Djinks (1/256) - Mt Snowhere (Real World) 125 Boss Troll (1/256) - Weaver's Peak (Real World) 146 Living Statue (1/256) - Prison of Sorrow (Dread Realm) 157 Hacksaurus (1/256) - Mortamor's Dreadlair (Dread Realm) 182 Sea Fortress (1/256) - Outer Sea (Dream World) 195 Finned Fatale (1/256) - Underwater (Real World) Dropped by, Bosses: B02 Garrett (1/32) - Gardsbane Tower (Dream World) B12 Bronson (1/128) - Arkbolt (Real World) B17 Second Test (1/128) - Hallowed Hollow (Real World) B28 Zozagel (1/4096) - Gallows Moor (Dread Realm) D05 Dhuran (1/32) - Stormsgate Citadel (Real World)

********************************* Seed of Agility Agi+ 1-3********************************* Found, Total: 10 Found, in Order: Weaver's Peak (Dream World) 1x Haggleton (Dream World) 1x Moonmirror Tower (Real World) 1x Isle of Murdaw (Real World - Cannibox) 3x Sunken Ship (Real World) 1x Felonia (Real World) 1x Castle Graceskull (Dream World) 1x Gallows Moor (Dread Realm) 1x Dropped by, in Big Book of Beast Order: 032 Cannibox (100%) - Isle of Murdaw (Real World) 039 Guaardvardk (1/256) - Underkeep (Dream World) 085 Muddy Hand (1/256) - Clearvale (Real World) 139 Kisser (1/256) - Greedmore Mine (Dread Realm) 175 Dread Herring (1/256) - Inland Sea (Dream World) Dropped by, Bosses: B16 First Test (1/64) - Hallowed Hollow (Real World)

********************************* Seed of Resilience Res+ 3-5********************************* Found, Total: 11 Found, in Order: Weaver's Peak (Dream World) 1x Lucid Grotto (Real World) 1x Ghent (Real World) 1x Wayfarer's Pass (Real World) 1x Dullerton (Real World) 1x Church SE of Suite Dreams (Dream World) 1x

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Pescado (Real World) 1x Cryptic Catacombs (Real World) 1x Weaver's Peak (Real World) 1x Despairia (Dread Realm) 1x Fungeon (Dream World - Bonus) 1x Dropped by, in Big Book of Beast Order: 031 Shadow (1/256) - Moonmirror Tower (Real World) 045 Malevolamp (1/256) - Isle of Murdaw (Real World) 092 Shell Slime (1/256) - Castle Swanstone (Real World) 100 Frighturn (100%) - Felonia Castle (Real World) 110 Malevolantern (1/256) - Mt Snowhere (Real World) 152 Iron Tortoise (1/256) - Prison of Sorrow (Dread Realm) Dropped by, Bosses: B03 Bloodcreeper (1/16) - Lucid Grotto (Real World) B14 Brock (1/64) - Arkbolt (Real World) B22 Stormsgate Citadel (1/4096) - Stormsgate Citadel (Real World) D01 Murdaw 1st (1/4096) - Murdaw's Keep (Real World)

********************************* Seed of Wisdom Wis+ 1-3********************************* Found, Total: 6 Found, in Order: Howcastle (Real World) 1x Dullerton (Real World) 1x Seabed Shrine (Real World) 1x Turnscote (Real World) 2x Felonia (Real World) 1x Dropped by, in Big Book of Beast Order: 068 Scorching Man (1/256) - Murdaw's Keep (Real World) 073 Ewwnicorn (1/256) - Hallowed Hollow (Real World) 077 Stinkerbell (1/256) - Cave to Aridea (Dream World) 133 Mythsteed (1/256) - Pillar of Pegasus (Real World) Dropped by, Bosses: B13 Brick (1/64) - Arkbolt (Real World) B18 Third Test (1/256) - Hallowed Hollow (Real World)

******************************* Pretty Betsy Style+ 1******************************* Found, Total: 14 Found, in Order: Wellshire (Real World) 1x Church NE of Somnia (Dream World) 1x Port Haven (Real World) 1x Cave of Amor (Dream World) 1x Dullerton (Real World) 1x Castle Swanstone (Real World) 1x Style Contest (Real World) 1x Seabed Shrine (Real World) 1x Turnscote (Real World) 1x Mountain Pass (Real World) 1x Felonia (Real World) 2x Castle Graceskull (Real World) 1x Greedmore Valley (Dread Realm) 1x Dropped by, in Big Book of Beast Order:

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008 Slugger (1/4096) - Haggleton (Dream World) 046 Hell Nino (1/4096) - Isle of Murdaw (Real World) 103 Bloody Hand (1/256) - Pescado (Real World) 161 Darkcrawler (1/256) - Mortamor's Dreadlair (Dread Realm)

______________________________________________________________||[cheat.002] *****Boss Strategy |||| || ==============================================================

****************************# Sub-boss B01: Tower Sentry # ****************************

_________________________ / \|| Dread Fiend 1: Murdaw || \_________________________/

Strategy 1:

Alternate Strategy (Crimson Phantom's Strategy from gamefaqs):

Forbearance on carver = tanks the attacks

just get him a plat mail and dragon shield, best helm, and best accessory you can, then set him to that every turn...

the problem comes from not being able to insulate or defend against spell attacks... but yeah

once I did that he was a cake walk (actually works pretty good for every boss in the game, even endgame you can tank him up and then just fullheal him and chip away at the enemy...

the best bonus, it sucks ALL enemy attacks to him... including the annoying one that removes buffs..

Alternate Strategy 2 (ZarethKnyght's Strategy from gamefaqs):

While you read this, here's the strat I used on Murdaw. No deaths and it was level 16 and under which is the lowest I've seen here so far (might be able to do it even lower but too lazy to try it again right now :p).

Hero: Level 16 Cautery Sword Platinum Mail Dragon Shield Iron Mask

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Gold Ring

Carver: Level 16 Fire Claw Platinum Mail Dragon Shield Iron Helm Trailblazing Bandana

Milly: Level 15 Cautery Sword Cloak of Evasion Bunny Ears Lucida Shard

Nevan: Level 14 Morning Star Full Plate Armor Pointy Hat Agility Ring

First Form: Hero had the Staff of Ghent as well. I only used one Magic water during the fight on Nevan at the start of the second form since he was low. But for the most part, I used Milly to buff a bit and backup heal, Nevan was set to "Focus on Healing" tactics. With Carver, I kept using the Fire Claw as an item (did around 55ish to the first form). Don't exactly remember too well what I did with the hero but I think he was another backup healer while doing some attacks in between.

Second Form: I actually killed this form faster since the Fire Claw's spell was doing more damage to this form. But I was always using the Staff of Ghent with the Hero, set Milly and Nevan to Focus on Healing (Milly still threw some Bang spells in though). Almost died here but managed to heal everyone up in time before he did another Ice breath/Lightning combo.

So the basic strat is to keep using the Fire Claw with Carver and Nevan concentrate on healing. The rest were buffs/support attacks.

______________________________________________________________||[cheat.003] *****Gold Gathering |||| || ==============================================================

****************** Method 1: Casino******************

Afford 100 Tokens minimum (200 is preferred, but 100 is sufficient). SAVE,

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then enter the Port Haven Slots and bet on the 1-Token slot machines. Playuntil earnings hit 800 - 1,000 Tokens. If everything is lost, reset. If not,SAVE again.

Next, return to the Port Haven Casino and play the 10-Token Slots and playuntil 5,000 - 10,000 Tokens are won. If everything is lost, reset. If not,SAVE once more. It is highly recommended to play while watching a movie, asluck can be poor and the process tedious, however this is usually not the casebut luck can hold out for a bit and still be boring before big winnings comepouring in.

With that 5,000 to 10,000 Tokens (I went to 12,000 actually, but this wasnot necessary), and the game SAVED, go back down to the Port Haven 100-Tokenslots. This time watch a movie and play until winnings are at least 50k.Save once more, return and play until satisfied.

Then purchase [Silk Tuxedo]'s and store each new one in the Bag. Tediousbut once a rythm is established it should take 5-8 minutes to bag 99[Silk Tuxedo]'s. Or however many you feel satisfied with. *IMPORTANT* Do notlet coins go below 50k as down the road Casino prizes are rather expensive butwell worth the cost (150k and 300k for the two most expensive).

Take the [Silk Tuxedo]'s to any store and sell as many as needed to buy whatyou wish. Don't sell them all, consider them a secondary, yet directly on-handbank and trust. Given if you die, on-hand gold is halved, but item counts andbanked gold stay the same. That or sell them all off and bank the bulk of thegold. You can now afford anything. Any money earned fighting is extra and countstowards future stores.

************************************************************** Method 2: Casino - Less effective and risky in the beginning.**************************************************************

Afford 100 Tokens minimum. Save, play poker bet a full 10T, doesn't matterwhat hand is delt play however. The trick is at least winning once, thengetting into playing the odds at doubling-up. Keep winning until comfortable,however, do not go above 500 Tokens per win. Keep saving so long as each winis 500-1000 Tokens above what they were when last saved. At around 1000-3000T,whichever is more comfortable, save again, now switch to the slots and playthe 10-Token slots. Play every slot, so 30T per, 90T per round. Keep savingwhen winnings are around 5000T above the previous save. When anywhere from10000T to 30000T, switch to the 100-Token slot machine. Play to hearts'content, though playing slots while watching a movie is always a good tacticto keep from getting bored, and to keep the slots moving. Winning in slots isentirely about patience and persistence, but the payout is much higher, andmuch faster than for poker.

When satisfied with earnings, exit, save, and purchase the best Token toGold sale items. They can only be purchased individually, so expect stockingup to take awhile. Then sell, or keep and sell as needed.

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VERY IMPORTANT: When purchasing, do not let Tokens go below 50000T. Not once,because some items, particularly in the final casino, are very expensive, andit's easier just going straight to the 100-Token slots and 50000T is a veryopen and workable baseline Token to have.

**************************************************************************** FranckKnight's Method: Casino - Similar to Method 1, also highly effective.****************************************************************************

I know alot of people try to find patterns or easy ways to make money, sothought I'd compile some of my observations up to now, my own progression oncasino playing.

First of all, only played in Port Haven yet, and 100 tokens start up.

Following Ignasia's guide, I started with Poker. It took 2 full rounds ofTokens to realize it's not going anywhere. The Double-Up is crap, I rememberplaying alot of DQ4's casino with the same double-up, but there's somethingodd in this one. Maybe it's the overall speed, but also the fact that DQ4 NEShad winners on a pair of Jack or better. 2 pairs or 3-of-a-kind minimum doesn'tmake it easy to win to start with, and Double-Up works against us most of thetime.

So I fell back on the slots. I took a pot shot at the 10-coin reel, of course90 out of 100 I didn't play long. So I went back for single token play instead.5 tokens for the full set, 20 plays. It seems the slot on the left has lowerpayouts more often. The reels on the right yielded only a single 50 token prizeout of 50 plays. I do suggest playing the left one, maybe it was just me, but Iwas winning low payouts more often, and eventually hit a good amount.

With 300 coins, I figured I'd switch to 10 token slots. Now here's where Idiffer with Ignasia. I suggest moving on to bigger slots sooner, even if I haveto reload more often. The reason is that you don't have to bet the full field,you can bet one on each, for 30 tokens total. At 300 coins, you get to try 10times, which is fair. When you reach around 1000, you can move up to 90 tokenstotal, so you get 10 plays out of it still.

That's what I base myself on. When you got close to 10 plays of a certain betrange, do it, the payout is better. The 100 and 10 token reels are pretty muchthe same, and feels alot more lucky than the 1-token reel. So instead ofbetting 90 for longer, you can move up to 300 tokens (1 of each), until youhave enough to bet 900 each time.

Basically, see it like this :

5 Bet : 0-300 tokens30 Bet : 300+ Tokens60 Bet : 600+ Tokens90 Bet : 900+ Tokens

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300 Bet : 3000+ Tokens600 Bet : 6000+ Tokens900 Bet : 9000+ Tokens

Personally I switched to 300 bets at 2000 tokens or so, I didn't mind reloadingevery 6-7 plays (if I lost all of them of course). I also played the 10-tokenreel on the left, didn't try the right one at all.

Just my suggestions on how to play the casino. On the way home (bus ride), Ihit a 5-grape on 3x100 tokens bet, so I went from 2000 at last save to 10000.Whatever you do, have patience!

********************************************************** Crimson Phantoms' Method: Casino - Focus on slots as well**********************************************************

honestly I recommend going to the 10 token slots asap

I'd say get 180 coins and go for it

one win on those is better than playing the 1 token slot for 5 times aslong...

once you can do a full 300 (to 900) go to the 100 coin slot and just go fromthere

as far as casinos go

100 coin slotsPort casino = lower wins that tend to keep you stable over a long run, so youslowly climb up money... You can go awol on this one and probably end up aheadwithout paying attention

Thieves town casino = mid way between the two... better odds to hit watermelonsthan previous, better odds on blueberries than previous, due to number andplacement of these on the wheel... overtime you are likely to lose but slowly,until you hit a big win and jump ahead quickly... you can't really go awollong...

Greed casino = bad odds on low payouts, best odds on watermelons (100-1000)payouts, worse odds on blueberries than the one before... slightly betterlineup of bells than the other two

What to note

7's and Bar's are the same on all of them for odds... that being said I hit 7'sfar more than bars...Bells are basically the same, the difference here doesn't matterWatermelons are the best on greed

which means that the FASTEST payout over time is the greed casino... but alsorequires the most resets as you can go a while before winning

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Greed > Port = or > Thieves

******************** Method 2: Fighting.********************

Several Areas are solid for making Gold. However, this is all relativelyslow and tedious, as the most Gold per enemy is 444 from Goodybags(discounting Bosses and Subbosses as they are one-time fights). The bestplace to find Goodybags is the Isle of Murdaw in the Real World; first floor,fire area.

Goodybags also appear on every floor of the cave, in the castle, South ofAlltrades in the Dream World, and in the Well South of Alltrades Abbey, in theDream World. They can sometimes be found around Aridea, and aroundThe Spiegelspire.

Casino is much easier, more efficient, and there is no danger of over-levelingeveryone, or wasting battles in areas where the party is beyond the level cap.

______________________________________________________________||[cheat.004] *****Mini Walkthrough, What to Get and |||| When || ==============================================================

Weaver's Peak and Mountain Pass(D)

Haggleton(D) and Wellshire(R)

Somnia and Gardsbane Tower(D)

Path to Alltrades Abbey(D)

Port Haven and Madame Luca Luminista's(R)

Dream-Seeing Cave(R)


Amor(R/D) and Cave of Amor(D)

Moonmirror Tower(R)

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Underkeep(D) and Ghent(R)

Isle of Murdaw and Murdaw's Keep(R)

Scrimsley and Hazy Heights(R)

Arkbolt, Wayfarer's Pass, and path to Aridea(R)

Aridea, Perfect World, and Medford's Manor(D)

Well, Howsworth, Howcastle, and Hallowed Hollow(R)

Clearvale(R/D) and Destiny's Drop(D)

Flying Bed Areas(D)


Castle Swanstone(R), and The Spiegelspire(D)

Pescado(R), and Undersea Areas(R)

Slimopolis(D) and Best-Dressed Contest(R)

Seabed Shrine(R) and Sorceria(D)

Castle Graceskull(D), Felonia(R), and the Cryptic Catacombs(R)

Mt Snowhere(R), Everfrost Grotto(R), and Turnscote(R)

Underwater Castle(R), Cloudsgate Citadel(R/D), and Pillar of Pegasus(R)

Despairia and Greedmore Valley(Dread)

The Mine, Gallows Moor, and Prison of Sorrow(Dread)

Mortamor's Dreadlair(Dread)

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The Bonus Dungeon

______________________________________________________________||[cheat.005] *****Codes |||| || ==============================================================

Thanks to yab, elixirdream, and Unknown we have Action Replay codes. Thefollowing list breaks these codes down into different categories. The Game IDis vital because it allows the Action Replay to properly connect with the gameand ensures the codes work, somewhat like a master code, but not quite.

You can either take these codes directly from here, or go to gbatemp.net, hitthe download section, and pick the code packet with it. Though if you want tovisit the cheat forum, you will need to sign up for an account. This usuallyallows you to stay on top of what new codes are out there.

Everything here is either copied directly off of yab's posts at GameFAQS, whichare either from his codes, or copied directly off gbatemp.

Cheat Device: Action Replay (DS AR, DSi AR) Game ID: YVIE 670F097B

********************** MISCELLANEOUS CODES:**********************

{Debug Mode}5208DFFC D10729021208DFFE 000046C0D0000000 00000000

{Max Gold} {Max Gold in Deposit} -Press Select- -Press Select-94000130 FFFB0000 94000130 FFFB0000020DD524 000F423F 020DD528 000F423FD2000000 00000000 D2000000 00000000

{Max Casino Coins} -Press Select-94000130 FFFB0000020DD52C 0098967FD2000000 00000000

{Mini Medals handed to King x999} {Mini Medals x200} -Press Select- -Press Select-

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94000130 FFFB0000 94000130 FFFB0000020DD530 000003E7 220DD534 000000C8D2000000 00000000 D2000000 00000000

{Walkthrough Walls} -Hold Select-52044B74 E280200012044B74 00002001D0000000 0000000052044B74 E280200194000130 FFFB000012044B74 00002000D2000000 00000000

{All Items x99} {All Items x99}(Excluding Debug Items) (Including Debug Items) -Press Select- -Press Select-94000130 FFFB0000 94000130 FFFB0000D5000000 00630001 D5000000 00630001C0000000 00000100 C0000000 00000102D6000000 020DD548 D6000000 020DD548D4000000 00000001 D4000000 00000001D2000000 00000000 D2000000 00000000

{Max Stats Gain When Using Seeds}520553A0 1C401B00120553A2 0000E001D2000000 00000000

{All Zoom Locations} -Press Select-94000130 FFFB0000020E1E18 FFFF7FFE220E1E1C 00000043D2000000 00000000

{Complete Book of Beasts} -Press Select-94000130 FFFB0000220E1D3C 0000001FD5000000 FFFFFFFFC0000000 00000004D6000000 020E1D24D2000000 00000000

{Level restrictions for vocation points removed}5206349C 42811D281206349C 000020FFD2000000 00000000

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{All minigame courses unlocked} -Press Select-94000130 FFFB0000220E3AAE 0000001FD2000000 00000000

{Hero's HP = Current Level Cap} -Press Select-94000130 FFFB0000DB000000 0212CC26D4000000 00000004D7000000 020DDABCD2000000 00000000

************* ITEM CODES:*************

{99 of whatever item you want First item in bag} -Press Select-94000130 FFFB0000020DD548 0063xxxx <- item idD2000000 00000000

{1 of whatever item you want First item in bag} -Press Select-94000130 FFFB0000020DD548 0001xxxx <- item idD2000000 00000000

{Shop mod code}621879C4 FFFFFFFF02187994 xxxxxxxx <- item price 1 (0000000A = 10 gold)12187998 0000xxxx <- item id 10218799C xxxxxxxx <- item price 2121879A0 0000xxxx <- item id 20218799C xxxxxxxx <- item price 3121879A0 0000xxxx <- item id 30218799C xxxxxxxx <- item price 4121879A0 0000xxxx <- item id 40218799C xxxxxxxx <- item price 5121879A0 0000xxxx <- item id 50218799C xxxxxxxx <- item price 6121879A0 0000xxxx <- item id 6221879C8 00000006 <- number of items in store, max 6D2000000 00000000

Example code that gives six seeds for sale (assuming this example is providedby yab):621879C4 FFFFFFFF02187994 0000000A

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12187998 000000DB0218799C 0000000A121879A0 000000DC021879A4 0000000A121879A8 000000DD021879AC 0000000A121879B0 000000DE021879B4 0000000A121879B8 000000DF021879BC 0000000A121879C0 000000E0221879C8 00000006D2000000 00000000

item codes https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Aog1pI_aJXVydG9Pd2s4NDZKZUZSdkxlNFJfbGc3VEE&hl=en#gid=0

^Treat the link as one line...however, the English names are provided below:

{Item Codes - Weapons}0001 Cypress stick0002 Bamboo spear0003 Oaken club0004 Bronze knife0005 Copper sword0006 Chain sickle0007 Iron staff0008 Stone axe0009 Bone stake000A Poison moth knife000B Steel broadsword000C Cautery sword000D Dragonsbane000E Siren sword000F Dream blade0010 Falcon blade0011 Miracle sword0012 Zombiesbane0013 Blizzard blade0014 Platinum sword0015 Metal king sword0016 Gracos's trident0017 Fire blade0018 Thorn whip0019 Chain whip001A Morning star001B Spiked steel whip001C Gringham whip001D Wizardly whip001E Lunar fan001F Solar fan0020 Boomerang0021 Edged boomerang0022 Massacre sword0023 Flail of destruction

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0024 Lightning staff0025 Staff of divine wrath0026 Staff of antimagic0027 Magma staff0028 Staff of Ghent0029 Staff of resurrection002A Watermaul wand002B Flametang Boomerang002C Iron claw002D Fire Claw002E Icicle dirk002F Stone fangs0030 Steel fangs0031 Orichalcum fangs0032 Cobra claw0033 Ferocious fangs0034 Giant mallet0035 Sledgehammer0036 Battle-axe0037 War hammer0038 Hela's hammer0039 Sunderbolt blade003A Saw blade003B Poison needle003C Falcon knife earrings003D Demon spear003E Great bow003F Rusted sword0040 Sword of Ramias

{Item Codes - Upgraded Weapons}0041 Sword of Ramias0042 Sword of Ramias0043 Dragonsbane0044 Falcon blade0045 Miracle sword0046 Zombiesbane0047 Fire blade0048 Sunderbolt blade0049 Wizardly whip004A Solar fan004B Flametang boomerang004C Flail of destruction004D War hammer004E Saw blade004F Demon spear0050 Great bow0051 Gracos's trident

{Item Codes - Body Armour}0052 Rags0053 Plain clothes0054 Wayfarer's clothes0055 Tortoise shell0056 Leather kilt

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0057 Leather armour0058 Scale armour0059 Fur cape005A Leather dress005B Chain mail005C Iron cuirass005D Bronze armour005E Iron armour005F Full plate armour0060 Dragon mail0061 Spiked armour0062 Silver cuirass0063 Magic armour0064 Silver mail0065 Flame armour0066 Armour of Orgo0067 Sacred armour0068 Hela's armour0069 Mirror armour006A Metal king armour006B Slime gooniform006C Boxer shorts006D Noble garb006E Armour of Max Wynne006F Enchanted armour0070 Slime armour0071 Gigant armour0072 Magical skirt0073 Silk robe0074 Dancer's costume0075 Cloak of evasion0076 Flowing dress0077 Glombolero0078 Shimmering dress0079 Angel leotard007A Platinum mail007B Legerdemantle007C Princess's robe007D Dragon robe007E Heavy armour007F Silk tuxedo0080 Robust lingerie0081 Bunny suit

{Item Codes - Upgraded Body Armour}0082 Dragon mail0083 Full plate armour 0084 Magic armour0085 Silver mail0086 Flame armour0087 Gigant armour0088 Heavy armour0089 Armour of Max Wynne008A Armour of Orgo

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{Item Codes - Shields}008B Leather shield008C Scale shield008D Bronze shield008E Iron shield008F Magic shield0090 Dragon shield0091 Flame shield0092 Power shield0093 Tempest shield0094 Silver shield0095 Pot lid0096 Shield of Max Wynne0097 Silver platter0098 Ruinous shield0099 Ogre shield009A Metal king shield009B Shield of Valora009C Platinum shield

{Item Codes - Upgraded Shields}009D Magic shield009E Dragon shield009F Tempest shield00A0 Flame shield00A1 Shield of Max Wynne00A2 Ogre shield

{Item Codes - Helmets}00A3 Pointy hat00A4 Leather hat00A5 Hardwood headwear00A6 Shellmet00A7 Fur hood00A8 Iron helmet00A9 Iron mask00AA Hairband00AB Silver tiara00AC Hermes' hat00AD Helm of Sebath00AE Helmet of Max Wynne00AF Happy hat00B0 Thinking cap00B1 Golden tiara00B2 Great helm00B3 Metal king helm00B4 Duplic hat00B5 Bunny ears00B6 Slime helmet00B7 Platinum headgear

{Item Codes - Upgraded Helmets}00B8 Iron helmet00B9 Iron mask

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00BA Helm of Sebath00BB Helmet of Max Wynne00BC Great helm

{Item Codes - Accessories, Gospel Ring appears past the Important Items}00BD Meteorite bracer00BE Agility ring00BF Lucida shard00C0 Kamikazee bracer00C1 Kerplunk bracer00C2 Slime earrings00C3 Glass slippers00C4 Gold bracer00C5 Pink pearl00C6 Fishnet stockings00C7 Bow tie00C8 Raging ruby00C9 Trailblazing bandana00CA Prayer ring00CB Gold ring00CC Restless Heart00CD Old pipe00CE Turnscote pendant00CF Orb of truth00D0 Antique ring

{Item Codes - Items}00D1 Medicinal herb00D2 Antidotal herb00D3 Holy water00D4 Chimaera wing00D5 Yggdrasil leaf00D6 Yggdrasil dew00D7 Moonwort bulb00D8 Magic water00D9 Sands of time00DA Sage's stone00DB Seed of strength00DC Seed of agility00DD Seed of wisdom00DE Seed of resilience00DF Seed of life00E0 Seed of magic00E1 Pretty betsy00E2 Amor seco essence

{Item Codes - Important Items And Keys}00E3 Village goods00E4 Spirit crown00E5 Big Book of Beasts00E6 Entry pass00E7 Dream dew00E8 Boarding pass00E9 Mirror key

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00EA Ra's mirror00EB Royal Missive00EC Seeds of reason00ED Mini medal00EE Flying carpet00EF Golden pickaxe00F0 Shard of courage00F1 Lorelei's harp00F2 Floodgate key00F3 Adventurer's map00F4 Sand urn00F5 Ceremonial offering00F6 Celestial reins00F7 Wynne's tools00F8 Plush rug00F9 Jailor's key00FA Guards' garb00FB Thief's key00FC Magic key00FD Ultimate key00FE Dragonic Diligence00FF Liquid Metal Mind

{Item Codes - Final Accessory: Gospel Ring}0100 Gospel ring

{Item Codes - DEBUG Items, warning: these will break the game}0101 Mimic stone0102 Blarney stone

*************** BATTLE CODES:***************

{No Random Encounters} -Hold Select And Move For Instant Battle-5208F068 020A29E41208F06C 00001C491209047A 00002100D0000000 000000005208F068 020A29E494000130 FFFB00001208F06C 000021101209047A 000046C0D2000000 00000000

{Always Preemptive Attack}5208E7CC F777213C1208F7E8 000020001208F7FC 00000018D0000000 00000000

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{Always Critical Hit}5204B61C 270020401204B61C 00002001D0000000 00000000

{Always Item Drop}52057A28 E032006A02057A1C 0012001202057A20 0012001202057A24 0012001202057A28 E0320012D0000000 00000000

{Max Stats Gain When Level Up}5208D47C F79C1C401208D47C 0000E001D0000000 00000000

{Max Experience After Battle}520DD518 00000000020DD518 000F423FD2000000 00000000

{Movement Speed Multiplier x2}92175C74 0000100012175C6C 0000300012175C70 0000200012175C74 00002000D0000000 0000000092156B74 0000019A12156B74 00000334D0000000 00000000

{Movement Speed Multiplier x3}92175C74 0000100012175C6C 0000480012175C70 0000300012175C74 00003000D0000000 0000000092156B74 0000019A12156B74 000004CED0000000 00000000

****************************** HERO/CHARACTER 1 STAT CODES:******************************

{HP 999/999} -Press Select-

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94000130 FFFB0000020DDABC 03E703E7120DDAC0 000003E7D2000000 00000000

{MP 999/999} -Press Select-94000130 FFFB0000120DDAC2 000003E7020DDAC4 03E703E7D2000000 00000000

{Recover HP} -Press Select+L-94000130 FDFB0000DA000000 020DDABED7000000 020DDABCD2000000 00000000

{Recover MP} -Press Select+R-94000130 FEFB0000DA000000 020DDAC4D7000000 020DDAC2D2000000 00000000

************************* CHARACTER 2 STAT CODES:*************************

{HP 999/999} -Press Select-94000130 FFFB0000020DE068 03E703E7120DE06C 000003E7D2000000 00000000

{MP 999/999} -Press Select-94000130 FFFB0000120DE06E 000003E7020DE070 03E703E7D2000000 00000000

{Recover HP} -Press Select+L-94000130 FDFB0000DA000000 020DE06AD7000000 020DE068D2000000 00000000

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{Recover MP} -Press Select+R-94000130 FEFB0000DA000000 020DE070D7000000 020DE06ED2000000 00000000

************************* CHARACTER 3 STAT CODES:*************************

{HP 999/999} -Press Select-94000130 FFFB0000020DE614 03E703E7120DE618 000003E7D2000000 00000000

{MP 999/999} -Press Select-94000130 FFFB0000120DE61A 000003E7020DE61C 03E703E7D2000000 00000000

{Recover HP} -Press Select+L-94000130 FDFB0000DA000000 020DE616D7000000 020DE614D2000000 00000000

{Recover MP} -Press Select+R-94000130 FEFB0000DA000000 020DE61CD7000000 020DE61AD2000000 00000000

************************* CHARACTER 4 STAT CODES:*************************

{HP 999/999} -Press Select-94000130 FFFB0000020DEBC0 03E703E7120DEBC4 000003E7

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D2000000 00000000

{MP 999/999} -Press Select-94000130 FFFB0000120DEBC6 000003E7020DEBC8 03E703E7D2000000 00000000

{Recover HP} -Press Select+L-94000130 FDFB0000DA000000 020DEBC2D7000000 020DEBC0D2000000 00000000

{Recover MP} -Press Select+R-94000130 FEFB0000DA000000 020DEBC8D7000000 020DEBC6D2000000 00000000

************************* CHARACTER 5 STAT CODES:*************************

{HP 999/999} -Press Select-94000130 FFFB0000020DF16C 03E703E7120DF170 000003E7D2000000 00000000

{MP 999/999} -Press Select-94000130 FFFB0000120DF172 000003E7020DF174 03E703E7D2000000 00000000

{Recover HP} -Press Select+L-94000130 FDFB0000DA000000 020DF16ED7000000 020DF16CD2000000 00000000

{Recover MP}

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-Press Select+R-94000130 FEFB0000DA000000 020DF174D7000000 020DF172D2000000 00000000

************************* CHARACTER 6 STAT CODES:*************************

{HP 999/999} -Press Select-94000130 FFFB0000020DF718 03E703E7120DF71C 000003E7D2000000 00000000

{MP 999/999} -Press Select-94000130 FFFB0000120DF71E 000003E7020DF720 03E703E7D2000000 00000000

{Recover HP} -Press Select+L-94000130 FDFB0000DA000000 020DF71AD7000000 020DF718D2000000 00000000

{Recover MP} -Press Select+R-94000130 FEFB0000DA000000 020DF720D7000000 020DF71ED2000000 00000000

************************* CHARACTER 7 STAT CODES:*************************

{HP 999/999} -Press Select-94000130 FFFB0000020DFCC4 03E703E7120DFCC8 000003E7D2000000 00000000

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{MP 999/999} -Press Select-94000130 FFFB0000120DFCCA 000003E7020DFCCC 03E703E7D2000000 00000000

{Recover HP} -Press Select+L-94000130 FDFB0000DA000000 020DFCC6D7000000 020DFCC4D2000000 00000000

{Recover MP} -Press Select+R-94000130 FEFB0000DA000000 020DFCCCD7000000 020DFCCAD2000000 00000000

************************* CHARACTER 8 STAT CODES:*************************

{HP 999/999} -Press Select-94000130 FFFB0000020E0270 03E703E7120E0274 000003E7D2000000 00000000

{MP 999/999} -Press Select-94000130 FFFB0000120E0276 000003E7020E0278 03E703E7D2000000 00000000

{Recover HP} -Press Select+L-94000130 FDFB0000DA000000 020E0272D7000000 020E0270D2000000 00000000

{Recover MP} -Press Select+R-94000130 FEFB0000DA000000 020E0278

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D7000000 020E0276D2000000 00000000

************************ GOLD MULTIPLIER CODES:************************

{x2}5205B0F8 86685E100205C118 47700040D0000000 00000000

{x4}5205B0F8 86685E100205C118 47700080D0000000 00000000

{x8}5205B0F8 86685E100205C118 477000C0D0000000 00000000

{x16}5205B0F8 86685E100205C118 47700100D0000000 00000000

{x32}5205B0F8 86685E100205C118 47700140D0000000 00000000

{x64}5205B0F8 86685E100205C118 47700180D0000000 00000000

{x128}5205B0F8 86685E100205C118 477001C0D0000000 00000000

****************************** EXPERIENCE MULTIPLIER CODES:******************************

{x0, as in NO EXP}

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5205B0F8 86685E100205C0F8 47700800D0000000 00000000

{x2}5205B0F8 86685E100205C0F8 47700040D0000000 00000000

{x4}5205B0F8 86685E100205C0F8 47700080D0000000 00000000

{x8}5205B0F8 86685E100205C0F8 477000C0D0000000 00000000

{x16}5205B0F8 86685E100205C0F8 47700100D0000000 00000000

{x32}5205B0F8 86685E100205C0F8 47700140D0000000 00000000

{x64}5205B0F8 86685E100205C0F8 47700180D0000000 00000000

{x128}5205B0F8 86685E100205C0F8 477001C0D0000000 00000000

*********************** JOB POINT MULTIPLIER:***********************

{x2}1205CE70 00001C801205CE8A 00001C80

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{x3}1205CE70 00001CC01205CE8A 00001CC0

{x4}1205CE70 00001D001205CE8A 00001D00

{x5}1205CE70 00001D401205CE8A 00001D40

{x6}1205CE70 00001D801205CE8A 00001D80

***************************************************** Some RENAME CODES and how they work (codes by yab):*****************************************************

Complete with a warning from yab:

Yes you can rename characters later, but these codes are in case you want to dothis at the beginning. I'm not that far yet so I've only tested Carver. Usecodes at your own risk, etc.

Carver -> Hassan020DAD20 73736148020DAD24 00006E61

Milly -> Milayou020DAE88 616C694D020DAE8C 00756F79020DB9C8 616C694D020DB9CC 00756F79

Milly -> Mireille020DAE88 6572694D020DAE8C 656C6C69020DB9C8 6572694D020DB9CC 656C6C69

Ashlynn -> Barbara020DB158 62726142020DB15C 00617261020DBB30 62726142020DBB34 00617261

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Nevan -> Chamoro020DAFF0 6D616843020DAFF4 006F726F

other characters' locationsHero 020DABB8Terry 020DB2C0Amos 020DB428Lizzie 020DB590Bag 020DD950

You can pick any name you want by using codes of the form220DAD20 000000xx <- first character of Carver's name220DAD21 000000xx <- second character of Carver's nameetc.

where xx is the ASCII code of the character you want to usehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASCIIIf you shorten a name, then use 00 as the last character.

Bag doesn't seem to work though, there might be a "bag is using a differentname" flag I'm not aware of.

______________________________________________________________||[cheat.006] *****Known Bugs |||| || ==============================================================

No known bugs as of yet - and so far...still none that I can repeat.

Piracy - Don't pirate, but you will know you have a pirated copy for sureif the game hangs at the beginning, after getting on the dragon, it will justloop.

For those who purchased the game, the above is likely bypassed by the timethe first pirated copies are out to market, so most pirated games will play.Ways to tell if a game is a pirate copy: 1) Serial number for the game, the one on the front sticker of the cartridge, should be present. US: EU: 2) The box has the right picture (check GameFAQs and other official sites for photo media of the box art), and the correct back picture (hopefully some sites will carry this). 3) The ESRB and Producer are on the face of the cartridge itself, and the box art. Both must be on the bottom, both must be in the order of ESRB on lower left, and Producer name on lower right (should be the correct Square-Enix logo). Make sure the ESRB rating is correct, and the logo looks correct (should be black and white). 4) Save section of cart is usually bad on pirated copies, lasting just over one month. Some might last a year. If your save is corrupted at all and no codes were used, or damage was done, your copy might be pirated.

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5) There should be a Nintendo logo on both the back of the box and the cartridge. On the cartridge there should be an engraved nintendo logo on the back. On both the cartridge front, and the back of the box, the Nintendo Seal should be present. 6) The full ESRB logo should be on the back, lower left, of the box, and the barcode should be on the lower right. Should also have a warning for epilepsy on the back, and a statement about reading the manual with the heading "IMPORTANT!"

That should be everything to tell if a game is a pirate or not. Reallythough, the best way to ensure a game is not pirated, is to buy used from awell known retailer, like Gamestop, Bestbuy, Newegg, Gamecrazy, etc. SE willalso sell the game on their site, always new. Ebay should be avoided, unlessthe seller is well known, has a very high rating, and is known to sell newcopies directly and comparable prices to normal stores. Amazon, any storethat is not traceable to the country of the localization, so if buying the USversion, it should be a US based company, should be avoided, though it issafest to buy directly from Amazon, as they always buy legit.

______________________________________________________________||[cheat.007] *****Vocation Tips, For Those Who Want |||| Pure Domination || ==============================================================

I will just display the basics for now, later I'll explain why. Note thatthe Hero is the only person capable of accessing the Hero vocation aftermaxing one required secondary job. Note also that due to Castle Swanstone, itis possible to stick around there and max every character, or at least geteveryone to Hero. Though this would mean a tremendous advantage in skills, andbeing over leveled by at least 10 levels. Still, it is rather fun to play likethat at least once. Just note that it's tempting to use the best skills overand over again.

Due to the stat bonuses from each vocation, the skills, and the masterybonus, Terry, Amos, Hero, and Carver would all benefit from the Gladiatorpath though the majority of the game.

Note: Some names are not yet based on the US release, when the game isreleased I will change them.

Note2: The way this works is, the top line is the best path to follow, nextis the next best to follow, next is again, what I feel is the next best lineto follow. So if you want to really dominate, just follow that path in order.Of course, if you just want to level everything at Castle Swanstone it does notmatter what order you max your vocations, just remember it will take some time.

Note3: Luminary, while not having the most damaging attacks, or the besthealing, is still one of the best skill sets. The Hero job is also quitedominating, though it takes a long time to access, but the Dragon vocation isarguably the best job, so when access is granted for multiple Books of Dragon,get one for everyone.

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Hero...............Mage(180)->Priest(160)->Sage(270) Hero(150) Warrior(150)->Martial Artist(200)->Gladiator(250) Paladin(260) Dancer(120)->Gadabout(155)->Luminary(220) Dragon(280) Thief(140)->Merchant(130)->Monster Master(165)->Ranger(200) Liquid Metal Slime(300) Armamentalist(240)

Carver.............Warrior(150)->Martial Artist(200)->Gladiator(250) First Scroll--> Dragon(280) Priest(160)->Paladin(260) Mage(180)->Armamentalist(240) Thief(140)->Merchant(130)->Monster Master(165)->Ranger(200) Sage(270) Dancer(120)->Gadabout(155)->Luminary(220) Hero(150) Liquid Metal Slime(300)

Milly..............Dancer(120)->Gadabout(155)->Luminary(220) Mage(180)->Priest(160)->Sage(270) Thief(140)->Merchant(130)->Monster Master(165)->Ranger(200) Liquid Metal Slime(300) Warrior(150)->Martial Artist(200)->Gladiator(250) Hero(150) Paladin(260) Armamentalist(240) Dragon(280)

Ashlynn............Mage(180)->Priest(160)->Sage(270) Martial Artist(200)->Armamentalist(240) Thief(140)->Merchant(130)->Monster Master(165)->Ranger(200) Dancer(120)->Gadabout(155)->Luminary(220) Warrior(150)->Martial Artist(200)->Gladiator(250) Hero(150) Liquid Metal Slime(300) Paladin(260) Dragon(280)

Nevan..............Priest(160)->Martial Artist(200)->Paladin(260) Mage(180)->Sage(270) First Scroll--> Liquid Metal Slime(300) Thief(140)->Merchant(130)->Monster Master(165)->Ranger(200) Dancer(120)->Gadabout(155)->Luminary(220) Warrior(150)->Gladiator(250) Hero(150)

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Armamentalist(240) Dragon(280)

Amos...............Martial Artist(200)->Warrior(150)->Gladiator(250) Thief(140)->Merchant(130)->Monster Master(165)->Ranger(200) Priest(160)->Paladin(260) Dancer(120)->Gadabout(155)->Luminary(220) Mage(180)->Armamentalist(240) Sage(270) Hero(150) Dragon(280) Liquid Metal Slime(300)

Terry..............Warrior(1450)->Mage(180)->Armamentalist(240) Martial Artist(200)->Gladiator(250) Dancer(120)->Gadabout(155)->Luminary(220) Thief(140)->Merchant(130)->Monster Master(165)->Ranger(200) Mage(180)->Priest(160)->Sage(270) Hero(150) Paladin(260) Dragon(280) Liquid Metal Slime(300)

Lizzie.............Dragon(280) Warrior(150)->Martial Artist(200)->Gladiator(250) Priest(160)->Paladin(260) Dancer(120)->Gadabout(155)->Luminary(220) Thief(140)->Merchant(130)->Monster Master(165)->Ranger(200) Mage(180)->Sage(270) Hero(150) Armamentalist(240) Liquid Metal Slime(300)

Slime Knight.......Priest(160)->Martial Artist(200)->Paladin(260) Warrior(150)->Gladiator(250) Mage(180)->Armamentalist(240) Gadabout(155)->Dancer(120)->Luminary(220) Thief(140)->Merchant(130)->Monster Master(165)->Ranger(200) Mage(180)->Priest(160)->Sage(270) Dragon(280) Hero(150) Liquid Metal Slime(300)

Healslime..........Mage(180)->Priest(160)->Sage(270) Martial Artist(200)->Armamentalist(240) Thief(140)->Merchant(130)->Monster Master(165)->Ranger(200) Dancer(120)->Gadabout(155)->Luminary(220)

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Warrior(150)->Martial Artist(200)->Gladiator(250) Hero(150) Paladin(260) Dragon(280) Liquid Metal Slime(300)

Mottle Slime.......Warrior(150)->Martial Artist(200)->Gladiator(250) Priest(160)->Paladin(260) Mage(180)->Armamentalist(240) Dragon(280) Thief(140)->Merchant(130)->Monster Master(165)->Ranger(200) Sage(270) Dancer(120)->Gadabout(155)->Luminary(220) Hero(150) Liquid Metal Slime(300)

King Slime.........Mage(180)->Priest(160)->Sage(270) Warrior(150)->Martial Artist(200)->Gladiator(250) Paladin(260) Dancer(120)->Gadabout(155)->Luminary(220) Dragon(280) Thief(140)->Merchant(130)->Monster Master(165)->Ranger(200) Hero(150) Armamentalist(240) Liquid Metal Slime(300)

Slime..............Mage(180)->Priest(160)->Sage(270) Warrior(150)->Martial Artist(200)->Gladiator(250) Paladin(260) Dancer(120)->Gadabout(155)->Luminary(220) Dragon(280) Thief(140)->Merchant(130)->Monster Master(165)->Ranger(200) Hero(150) Armamentalist(240) Liquid Metal Slime(300)

Cureslime..........Dancer(120)->Gadabout(155)->Luminary(220) Mage(180)->Priest(160)->Sage(270) Thief(140)->Merchant(130)->Monster Master(165)->Ranger(200) Warrior(150)->Martial Artist(200)->Gladiator(250) Hero(150) Paladin(260) Armamentalist(240) Liquid Metal Slime(300) Dragon(280)

Shell Slime........Martial Artist(200)->Warrior(150)->Gladiator(250)

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Thief(140)->Merchant(130)->Monster Master(165)->Ranger(200) Priest(160)->Paladin(260) Dancer(120)->Gadabout(155)->Luminary(220) Mage(180)->Armamentalist(240) Sage(270) Hero(150) Dragon(280) Liquid Metal Slime(300)

Liquid Metal Slime.Liquid Metal Slime(300) Priest(160)->Martial Artist(200)->Paladin(260) Mage(180)->Sage(270) Thief(140)->Merchant(130)->Monster Master(165)->Ranger(200) Dancer(120)->Gadabout(155)->Luminary(220) Warrior(150)->Gladiator(250) Hero(150) Armamentalist(240) Dragon(280)
