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Dream Business Roadmap eBook

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  • 7/27/2019 Dream Business Roadmap eBook


  • 7/27/2019 Dream Business Roadmap eBook


    Your DreamBusiness Map

    Form an OnlineCoaching Group

    Assess SharedInterests & Problems

    Base Program onDaily Accountability

    UnderstandGroup Dynamics

    Leverage Technology

    Offer an OngoingMembership Site

    Unhook YourselfFrom the Process

    Spark New InterestIn the Program




  • 7/27/2019 Dream Business Roadmap eBook


    Copyright 2013 Finish Agent, Inc. and Gina Hiatt All Rights Reservedwww.FinishAgent.com [email protected]

    Page 1


    This ebook is not about doing business the same old way. Its about doing business an

    easier, more effective way.

    If youre not sure whether you should continue reading, then answer these questions.

    Are you tired of your income being limited by how many hours you can work?

    Do you wish your clients would FOLLOW THROUGH on what they

    learn through your coaching or teaching?

    Would You Like to Run a Membership Site or Group Program That

    Doesnt Require New Content Every Month , That Coaches People To

    Change, and Creates Recur ring, Leveraged Income?

    If you answered yes to any of these questions, then read more about the system


    Find out how you can create an affordable group coaching program or teleseminar

    series that gives real value to your clients, while still earning you recurring and

    even passive revenue.

    You will learn principles that you can take action on right away, whether or not you

    use the Finish Agent software. So lets get started!

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    Copyright 2013 Finish Agent, Inc. and Gina Hiatt All Rights Reservedwww.FinishAgent.com [email protected]

    Page 2

    Your Dream Business Road Map:

    8 Simple Steps to Recurring and Passive Income

    By Gina Hiatt, Ph.D.

    President, Finish Agent, Inc.

    Im a big dreamer. I love to imagine my perfect work life. In most of my dream

    scenarios, Im sitting on the balcony of a villa in Lake Como, Italy, sipping cappuccino. I

    have my laptop, and Im just working a couple of hours that day. After all, were going to

    Switzerland for the afternoon.

    But Im not just a dreamer; Im a doer. And Ive done something very exciting I

    created a business plan and some pretty fantastic software that not only allows me to

    run online groups that last and last, but that gave me over $300,000 in COMPLETELY

    PASSIVE income last year. My group 0f 10 people has grown into over 400 people who

    pay every month to be part of my site. And they love it, because they get results!

    The good news for you is that I have re-created that same software in a form that any

    coach, trainer, or mastermind leader can license, to run online groups that grow and

    that bring recurring income, month after month.

    My Dream Business Map on the previous page walked you through the 8 steps of my

    F.A.B.U.L.O.U.S. business system. That gives you a start in understanding some of the

    principles that I will cover in this ebook.

    First of all, let me tell you a little about me.

    Im a clinical psychologist. During my career, I specialized in several areas, including

    neuropsychology, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and group therapy. For almost threedecades, I had a private practice, where I worked with adults, teenagers, children,

    couples, and groups.

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    Copyright 2013 Finish Agent, Inc. and Gina Hiatt All Rights Reservedwww.FinishAgent.com [email protected]

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    Here is a picture of me during office hours as a psychologist:

    But as you can see from the picture, I eventually got burned out from doing therapy hour

    after hour. I yearned to have some freedom to work from anywhere, and not always be

    stuck in the same office.

    So I became a coach. I loved coaching and loved my clients, and I especially loved

    having the freedom to coach from anywhere, but soon I realized that I was running into

    a lot of problems.

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    Copyright 2013 Finish Agent, Inc. and Gina Hiatt All Rights Reservedwww.FinishAgent.com [email protected]

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    And thats not all that bothered me. I wonder if youve secretly had the same concerns

    about coaching as I did.

    What is holding our clients back? Why do they (and we) procrastinate so much on

    those long-term projects that matter to us so much? Heres why:

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    Copyright 2013 Finish Agent, Inc. and Gina Hiatt All Rights Reservedwww.FinishAgent.com [email protected]

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    We are change agents, yet one of our biggest difficulties is to get people to change.They get motivated, they get excited, they feel the pain, and they even pay money to

    change. Yet, they struggle to finish what they started out to do change.

    Your teaching, coaching, or technique must have a method for breaking through that

    resistance. One powerful method is to help your client feel success by taking action, no

    matter how small.

    You may be asking yourself, How will my clients know that they are experiencing

    resistance? Again, Steven Pressfield comes to the rescue with a list that is

    depressingly long (this is just one part of it):

    So the answer is: Its very hard for your clients to know that they are experiencing

    resistance. It doesnt look like resistance and it doesnt feel like resistance. You only

    know that resistance is getting in your way when you look back and realize that youspent the whole day, week, month or year NOT doing what you intended to do.

    How does resistance show up for you? I know that for me, when Im about to sit down

    and work on something difficult but important, I suddenly feel overwhelmingly hungry or

    incredibly tired.

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    Copyright 2013 Finish Agent, Inc. and Gina Hiatt All Rights Reservedwww.FinishAgent.com [email protected]

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    Copyright 2013 Finish Agent, Inc. and Gina Hiatt All Rights Reservedwww.FinishAgent.com [email protected]

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    I called my solution Finish Agent

    Working with a talented web developer, I created software that allows you to provide

    your cli ents with daily accountability within a small group setting, complete with

    coaching, visual progress tracking, and other fun features.

    And the exciting part is that I earned over $300,000 in passive income last yearby

    using my solution in my own coaching business. And yes, thats passive income, as in:go ahead and take 10 months off. Or in my case, you can build a second business.

    In fact, thats what Ive done. When I saw that the income flowed in even when I was

    out o f commission for 6 months with back pain, surgery and then divorce; I thought,

    what coach wouldnt want this, too?

    Ive created a complete business system based on software that I recreated for you! Im

    excited to share this with the world, because my clients love it, and so do I!

    The F.A.B.U.L.O.U.S. System

    Ive developed a business system called the F.A.B.U.L.O.U.S. System. You may have

    noticed that your Yellow Brick Road to Passive Income followed the letters in this

    system (I couldnt resist). Here is what the letters in the system stands for:

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    Copyright 2013 Finish Agent, Inc. and Gina Hiatt All Rights Reservedwww.FinishAgent.com [email protected]

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    This is a model that you can use to build your business step by step like I did. Start with

    a small group, use these psychological and business principles, and grow and grow

    until, like me, you have over 400 paying members in your membership site, and you

    dont have to create new content month after month to keep it running.

    What Im Going to Teach You in this Ebook

    I would have loved to take you all the way through the F.A.B.U.L.O.U.S. System, but itwould be too much for one ebook. So, I will show you enough so that you can decide

    whether you want to learn more. Then Ill give you resources on the last page, so that

    you can find out more, if you wish.

    Dont worry:

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    Copyright 2013 Finish Agent, Inc. and Gina Hiatt All Rights Reservedwww.FinishAgent.com [email protected]

    Page 9

    Im going to cover four of the principles in the F.A.B.U.L.O.U.S. System, and they are

    F, A, B and L.

    Lets start with F, Form a Small Online Coaching Group.

    This is your first step. If youve never formed a group, find a few people who are tired of

    not finishing the important projects that really matter to them. I started with a group of

    10, who were initially just planning on participating for 2 weeks.

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    Copyright 2013 Finish Agent, Inc. and Gina Hiatt All Rights Reservedwww.FinishAgent.com [email protected]

    Page 10

    My training for Finish Agent licensees dives into the reasons why small groups and

    online groups are such an integral part of the formula. For now, Ill just mention the idea

    that people need people. We are more likely to get something done if we know that

    others that we know well, know what were doing. In other words, the accountability

    factor is heightened when a group is involved.

    Now, on to A.

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    Copyright 2013 Finish Agent, Inc. and Gina Hiatt All Rights Reservedwww.FinishAgent.com [email protected]

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    If you are having difficulty answering these three questions, its possible that your

    particular coaching niche is not appropriate for using Finish Agent.

    What Coaching / Training Niche Works With Finish Agent?

    Not every niche lends itself naturally to the get it done type of group or membership

    site. There are two main categories that work well. Ask yourself:

    1. Are my clients working towards a long-term goal (e.g. build a business, free

    their house of clutter, create more online presence, write a book or online copy to

    fill a large website, increase the size of their dental practice)?

    2. Do my clients want to create and maintain better habi ts on a daily basis (e.g.

    yoga, meditation, nutrition, physical fitness, prayer)?

    These two categories work well for creating a Finish Agent community.

    Here are some other ways to think about whether Finish Agent is right for you. Would it

    make sense to help your clients to work towards their goals if you used the Finish Agent


    How Finish Agent Helps Clients Meet Their Goals

    Before we go on to the other two F.A.B.U.L.O.U.S. steps that Ill cover today, lets

    review just some of the ways that the Finish Agent System is different from otherbusiness models.

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    Copyright 2013 Finish Agent, Inc. and Gina Hiatt All Rights Reservedwww.FinishAgent.com [email protected]

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    A tiny, but important underlying principle that Finish Agent is based on:

    Like the famous hare, who didnt take the tortoise seriously, who raced helter-skelter,

    stopped and started, and took long rests (and didnt win), we often work on long-term

    projects in fits and starts. The tortoise, in the meantime, has used his slow and steady

    pace to get far ahead of the siwwy wabbit.

    What is a Small Daily Action?

    Now, just for a second, lets consider the idea of What is a small daily action? I

    struggled for quite a while to define what constitutes a small action, but I finally

    realized after helping literally thousands of people to reach their goals, that its this


  • 7/27/2019 Dream Business Roadmap eBook


    Copyright 2013 Finish Agent, Inc. and Gina Hiatt All Rights Reservedwww.FinishAgent.com [email protected]

    Page 13

    It is crucial to understand this apparently simple concept in order to be successful with

    the F.A.B.U.L.O.U.S. System.

    Now lets look at B.

    The Importance of Daily Accountabili ty.

    DAILY accountability is at the heart of the Finish Agent System. Human beings get

    overwhelmed in the face of a large endeavor. If we help our clients to see how they

    really CAN take that tiny step, then they are more likely to take it.

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    Copyright 2013 Finish Agent, Inc. and Gina Hiatt All Rights Reservedwww.FinishAgent.com [email protected]

    Page 14

    How Can One Coach Manage Daily Accountabili ty of a Group?

    This question may have popped into your head. Dont worry; I will address this when

    we get to L.

    Base Daily Accountability on Daily Questions

    How do you decide on the daily questions? Ideally, they would be general enough that

    you would rarely or ever change them, but specific enough that they enable your clients

    to feel accountable.

    Note that the following questions are not open-ended questions. In the Finish Agent

    Licensee Training, I teach how to develop other questions that help promote openness,group interaction, and self-awareness.

    To create the optimum question, start by asking yourself this question in regard to your

    clients long-term projects or habit-changing goals

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    Copyright 2013 Finish Agent, Inc. and Gina Hiatt All Rights Reservedwww.FinishAgent.com [email protected]

    Page 15

    Then, decide what kind of action each client could engage in on a daily basis in order

    to build success.

    Finally, think of ways that you could turn those daily actions into questions. These

    questions are the ones that the client would see and respond to daily.

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    Copyright 2013 Finish Agent, Inc. and Gina Hiatt All Rights Reservedwww.FinishAgent.com [email protected]

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    Finally, lets turn to L, the last step of the F.A.B.U.L.O.U.S. System

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    Copyright 2013 Finish Agent, Inc. and Gina Hiatt All Rights Reservedwww.FinishAgent.com [email protected]

    Page 17

    You need technology for this system to work .

    After all, your ultimate goal, beyond helping your clients get real results within a first-

    class get-it-done system and thriving interactive community for your clients, is to

    leverage your time and work towards passive income. Techno logy is the key to

    obtainingpassive income.

    How YOU Can Use Available Technology

    Lets look at whats available to you in terms of low-tech technology.

    Forum main topics with the ability for anyone to comment under the topics. So

    the coach could have an area where everyone writes what theyve done.

    Listserv an email to one person goes to everyone in the group. So people could

    write to each other to say what theyve done

    Email you could have your clients write you to tell you they did the task

    Chat rooms people could get on the chat room to say what theyve done

    Telephone the coach gets on the phone with the group and they each reviewwhat theyve done and what their plans are for the coming week/month.

    Of course, there are variations on all of these technologies, such as phone conferencing

    lines that allow you to break up your large group into smaller groups for discussions or


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    Copyright 2013 Finish Agent, Inc. and Gina Hiatt All Rights Reservedwww.FinishAgent.com [email protected]

    Page 18

    These technologies, especially those that are online, will move you in the direction of

    putting your groups online. When your groups are available online, and available 24-7

    to people all over the world in any time zone, you vastly increase your reach.

    Limitations of These Techno logies

    But there are limitations to using even the online technologies for daily accountability.

    The coach needs to be able to keep track of whos doing what and when. The other

    group members, even in a small group, should be able to keep track of each other, also.

    Because of these limitations in tracking each individuals progress, group members will

    not feel as strongly accountable.

    And thats bad.

    So lets look at Finish Agent, which is technology I created that is specifically built to

    solve all of the limitations of those technologies I mentioned above.

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    Copyright 2013 Finish Agent, Inc. and Gina Hiatt All Rights Reservedwww.FinishAgent.com [email protected]

    Page 19

    The Progress Grid the Heart of Finish Agent

    This is the central place where the action happens in Finish Agent. Although this

    software has forums, chats, and places for your content, videos, audios, pdfs and more,

    the Progress Grid is what sets Finish Agent apart.

    As you can see, the group participants are listed in the left hand column. Across the top

    of the grid are the dates. The checkmarks mean that this person has responded to at

    least some of the daily questions. This tells the other group members (and the coach)

    that they should go in and support that person in whatever way is helpful that day.

    The picture above shows a non-customized page. Here is how Finish Agent looks

    when a licensee has customized not only the banner, but font colors and names of tabs.

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    Copyright 2013 Finish Agent, Inc. and Gina Hiatt All Rights Reservedwww.FinishAgent.com [email protected]

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    Copyright 2013 Finish Agent, Inc. and Gina Hiatt All Rights Reservedwww.FinishAgent.com [email protected]

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    And finally, here is what makes Finish Agent so effective in forming communities.Group members give and receive comments and encouragement each day about taking

    their small daily action step

    This interaction creates intimacy much more quickly than any online forum, and makes

    participants feel more accountable for taking that little step each day.

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    Copyright 2013 Finish Agent, Inc. and Gina Hiatt All Rights Reservedwww.FinishAgent.com [email protected]

    Page 22

    And you can easily create customized graphs that give a visual picture of the progress

    your clients are making.

    Here are some of the other features of Finish Agent.

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    Copyright 2013 Finish Agent, Inc. and Gina Hiatt All Rights Reservedwww.FinishAgent.com [email protected]

    Page 23

    Finish Agent promotes accountability, visual progress tracking, small group connection

    and community and coaching support, in a package that is readily set up for you. Youll

    be all set to create a group or membership site that will help you stand out in a crowded

    field and help your clients succeed.

    And it works! Clients get amazing results and you get passive income!

    Here is a testimonial that one of our Finish Agent licensees, who helps writers finish

    their writing projects, (Jenna Avery, http://justdothewriting.com) recently received:

    "My experience in Jennas circle Im so glad I did it helped me understandwhat it is like to be a participant in the group. And I do write every day. And I loveit I love getting to talk to other writers. Ive been a lone wolf all these years.Hearing from other writers about their writing has been really awesome. I feel thepower of what this does, its really encouraged me. I started envisioning: Wow, ifI could get this much done in a day, just think what I could do in a year!

    When I was running my last business, I used to write from 5AM until 8AM, thenswitch over to money work after that. So, although, I never had a problem gettingup and writing, I wasted years, because I didnt write every day, I wasntconsistent. It took sixteen years for me to complete my last book. It could havebeen done in half that time I thinkmaybe less. Though I appreciate that timeand all the words I threw away, because I was learning how to write, but days orweeks would go by without getting much done. Writing a little bit every day, I

    realize how much I could get done, its huge for me. I didnt have a block, but Irealize how much MORE you could do.

    With daily accountability, Im able to get through resistance, knowing the group iswaiting to hear from me. But its not just about getting thru the resistance, itsabout how much more I could get done by doing a little every day. What abreakthrough!"

    Crisman Cooley


    Next steps

    Now that weve dived a little more deeply into some of the steps in the F.A.B.U.L.O.U.S.

    System, you may be curious to learn even more.

  • 7/27/2019 Dream Business Roadmap eBook


    Copyright 2013 Finish Agent Inc and Gina Hiatt All Rights Reserved

    And you might be wondering if your business will work with the Finish Agent software

    and system.

    If you think that Finish Agent may be right for you, then I invite you to apply for a

    Strategy Session. Well take a look at your business and see if Finish Agent will be able

    to help you create a new income stream. Well help you see if an accountability-based

    get-it-done system will work with your clients.

    Just go here to apply: http://tinyurl.com/strategysessionfa

    To find out more about the inner workings of Finish Agent, make sure you watch this

    short video (required if you apply for a strategy session):

    http://tinyurl.com/FinishAgentTourI hope you will join me in helping the world get things done!


