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Dream it * Plan it * Do it

Date post: 14-Apr-2017
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IntroductionSo many people today want to live their lives according to the way they dreamt when they

were younger. As we grow up, dreams fade and die, new ones pop up and so often we just

dismiss them as impossible.

Well if you can dream it, you can do it.  Here you will begin your journey into turning your

dreams into reality.

I will show you how to move dreams from your head, onto paper and into actions.

 Simplifying what you want and how you can get it.

There is nothing airy fairy about this process.  No chanting to be done.  No change of faith

or me asking you to believe in the impossible.

Dreams are so often a complex image of things you want to do, not things you want to

have.  So we will look at those dreams, decide what it is you really want to do and get on

and do it.

So many people say "I want to be rich".  They dream of winning the lottery or making

millions in their business.  So the question I always ask is, "What will you do with all this

money?".  "What is it you really want to do and think that money will help you do it?".  And

the answer is often, "I want to travel", or "I want to buy my own home".  The dream is not

being rich, it is something much more tangible.  It is about doing something that you have

always wanted to do or being someone you want to be.

Dreams do not have to be big.  They just need to be what you want from life.  They are an

extension of your desires and no matter how small or how big, you can make it happen

Success is having achieved that which you determine you will do!

YOU determine what success is for you.  It's not based on any judgment other

than your own.  It's not dependent upon materialistic measurements.  And, for

some, success is the journey, itself.

Success may be something material, such as money or a new home.  It could be

something egotistical, as the power and notoriety that comes with position of

CEO.  It could be emotional, as find love and commitment.  Success may even be

unselfish and altruistic, as seeing children in thrid world countries healthy and

safe.  Success has not particular name or identify.  There is no one method to

describe what success is, other, than the definition above.  It means something

different to each individual.

All successful people, however, have one thing in common - determination!  To

be a success, you must first determine to be so.  Though not always a conscious

decision, the seed that leads to action is to first determine what you want.

Follow this workbook and see how to turn your dreams into reality.

DreamItWhat do you really want?

Ever wonder why some people never get anything good out of their life?  That's because they don't know what they want in the first place!

You must be specific in your passions, then you must focus all your efforts on that particular desire.

Some people don't really know what they want.  One moment they are excited over a particular thing or endeavor, the next thing you know they completely abandon it: either

because they lose interest or because it became to difficult and they gave up. Those who always change their minds and those who give up easily when the going gets

tough will never get anywhere. Maybe right now your're a bit confused.  You don't seem to know what you really want in

life.  You might want to consider these:

What makes your heart beat with excitement? What makes you happy? What are you consistently thinking of day & night? What do you want to do for the rest of your life? What do you enjoy doing? What are your obsessions? What things make you jump for joy?

Open your mindA closed mind seals off creative solutions and eliminates any possiblity for new opportunities.  A closed mind keeps you where you are in life, where you always have been, and will continue to be.  A closed

mind creates:

Constant struggle to achieve or get ahead Constant conflict and obstacles, the ever-present resentments that rear their ugly heads for each new situation you encounter Remorse of not doing or having what you truly dream Envy you feel each time you meet, read or hear about someone more successful than you

So open your mind to the fun bit.  This is where you get to dream the dream.

A thought, just like an action, is energy in motion.  Emotional thoughts carry even more energy.  When you create a thought, especially one you feel emotional about (such as your dream of success), you have created energy that goes out to the Universe and allows you to explore, create

and grow the thought.  The process takes care of itself.

All these things you have dreamt about, or wanted can now be put on paper.  All you need are pictures of the things you dream about, or a

phrase, or a statement, or a mixture of all three.  Then put them into the next page.  This is your vision page.

Your Vision Page

Let's look at why you want themWhat I want Why I want it

e.g. I want to be earning a wage So that I can be financially independent

I want to be a model I love fashion, I want to be famous

Let's look at why you want themWhat I want Why I want it

PlanItSo now we get down to some hard work.  Dreams are lovely, however, if you never work out how you are going to make them happen, then they remain just dreams.

The Hidden superpowers of your Mind

The mind is an infinite wonder.  It has the fantastic ability to transmute your desires into their physical counterparts.  You can do anything that your mind can conceive,

as long as you have the belief and will power to back it up.  

Take the case of cancer patients who were given placebo pills.  These are just plain pills that have no healing capabilities.  So how did they get well?

The power came from their thoughts.  They were told that these pills contain the highest amounts of cancer-fighting ingredients which can effectively cure them in a

matter of days.

See how powerful your mind is?

They believed that their health will be restored.  They have registered in their minds that these pills will cure them of their illnesses.  In the process, the belief embedded

within their subconscious came to reality.

So how can you use your mind to achieve your dreams?  One of the most effective ways is to use the "as if" principle.

Act as if you are the person you want to be.  Act as if you are already in possession of whatever you long to have.


PlanItSo what do you want to be?

You want to be a lawyer, doctor, athlete, or newscaster?  Think, act, and feel like one.  You'll be much closer to your goal ifyou're constantly intact with your

objective.  Be obsessed with your dream.  It doesn't mean that if you want to be Superman you'll fly out the window.  Not a good idea!

It's not enough that you act like one, but you have to actually ACT.  Do what needs to be done.  You might get so lost in your fantasy dream world that you've forgotten

to take some action.  Let your visions encourage and motivate you to make your dream a reality.

White lies have become prevalent nowadays in order to ease the burdens or to persuade others to do things that they thought are unattainable.

There was one a weightlifter who couldn't lift weights in excess of 300lbs.  So his coach devised a clever idea and told him that the barbell he has to carry weighs only 300lbs.  With all his might, the weighlifter managed to put it above his head.  After

he puts it down, the coach told him that he has just lifted 350lbs.  It's all in the mind.

A famous person once said, "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.

If you think you are poor, then you are; unless you properly condition your thoughts to the positive mindset.  I know it's hard to think rich if your environment is not

conductive to such a way of thinking.  Use your imagination then!  Visualise your house to be a mansion, your old car to be a limousine.... You get the picture.

There is absolutely no limit to what the mind can achieve. But you have to combine

belief, will power, and action with positive thinking in order to arrive at your intended destination.

Let's plan how to make your dreams come trueWe are now going to plan how you can make those dreams reality.

Depending on the number of dreams you have on your Vision Page, you now need to decide which one you really want to start working.  Which one could

make that change you want in your life.

Do not think to hard abou this.  Resist the thinking that says, well I don't want to do that or I cannot do that.  Just answer the questions without any judgement

on how and when.



To have a job

Why I want it

To be financially independent

How I am goingto

get itI need to get a

CV in order Need to go back to college/adult

learning Find out what work

I can do Work out how much

money I need to survive

Your Turn

DoItSo now we work on the DOING IT. 

A plan will always be just a plan unless you actually do it.  So we need to take the 'how I can do it' and put some actions and time-lines in place.  Deciding when you want

something to happen means we can work backwards and put some first steps in place.

So look back at the dream : 'I want to be earning a wage' - then ask yourself 'When do I want to be earning this wage'.

The WHEN will depend on what is happening in your life today.  If you have children at home, you may decide that earning your own wage will have to wait until they start school.  Or if you have other dependents, you may want to give yourself time to find

the right kind of job to fit in with the hours you can work.

So firstly decide when you want your dream to be happening.  e.g. within 12 months.

4 Great Techniques to Realise your Goals

Goals keep us motivated.  But sometimes, people find it too hard to achieve their goals.  Perhaps because they have set long-term goals before setting short-term ones,

or they did not plan their goals carefully. Goal-setting strategies are important especially for those who want to achieve long-

term goals.  

Four-goal setting techniques. Begin at the end and set your long term goal

Start moving backwards and setting goals to achieve the long term goal Break down each goal to 3 achievable goals

Make sure you can begin with small bites to build up to your long-term goal.

Now we can build the timeline



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This planning works for whatever dream you may have.  It may take a matter of months or years to achieve your dreams, however, you will be on the right road

to ensure you achieve what you want.  If your plan will only take a month or two, then work your timeline in weeks or days.  If it is likely to take 2 or more

years, then do a yearly plan for each year.

Once you have completed your timeline, all you have to do is DO what you have set yourself.  Start with the simple stuff and then work on up to your bigger dreams.  You will find that all your actions plans will be a journey to your

ultimate dream.  And that is

Living the life you want to live, in the way you want to

live it

2 Powerful ways to fire up your motivation

It is so difficult to go on when everything seems to fail, isn't it?  Are there times in your life when you really want to call it "Quits" because you just can't see any good

results from all the hard work you have done

Hold Your Horses

Never ever think of giving up.  Winners never quit and quitters never win

Take all negative words out of your mental dictionary and focus on the solutions with utmost conviction and patience.  The battle is never lost until you abandon your


1.  The Overwhelming Feeling of Attaining your Desired End.

How would you feel after accomplishing your mission?  Of course you will feel ecstatic.  You might be shedding tears of joy.  Let this tremendous

feeling sink in and encourage your to persist despite all odds.

2.  The Reward System

How would you feel if you entered a contest, but there are no prizes for the winners.   This applies to your vision.  Reward yourself after accomplishing a goal.   Set a

reward for every goal you set and obtain.

Wiping out obstacles to Goal Achievement

Life is an obstacle course.  It is normal to encounter obstacles in the pursuit of a goal.  Actually, it is expected to pop up once in a while, causing delays or revisions

to one's plans. However, when obstacles start to become a nuisance to the point of almost putting a stop to one's goal; or worse making one completely abandon his/her goal, a think

over becomes a necessity. Here are some helpful, tested pointers to keep one's attention focused in achieving a


Think Positive.  This means 'Do not quit", especially when one is midway in working for a goal., there should be no room for quitting.  If you quit you go back to the starting line of goal accomplishment.   Time, energy, money and a lot of others things wasted and lost.   It costs to give up, so find a solution to the problem.

Keep a clear, open, and tense-free mind, ready to receive new ideas.  Focus and

Concentrate.  Be open to options.

Persist and perservere.  Test, Test and Test again to find the solution.

Simulate by picturing in the mind a possible solution to solve the obstacle.

Get help from other people who may know more on the work being done.  Ask for help.  Take their suggestions if they work for you and if they don't, they may trigger

new ideas for the solution.
