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dream team starter

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Page 3: dream team starter


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Grammar characters byTim Kahane

Illu st rat ions byStefan Chab luk pp 6 (food), 24 (objects and food), 28 (Matt'sfavourite sports), 36 (objects), 50 (food), 56 (trays); MarkDraisey pp 27 (plural exercise), 36 (puzz le), 44; Neil Gowerp 21 (map); Bill Greenheadlll iustration pp 32 (Sandy), 37 (chef,dentist, farmer, teeth, teacher), 41 (exercise), 43 (gr id), SO(tab le); Rob Hancock pp 4, 5, 7 (word snake), 12 (spira l), 31(sports buttons, clocks), 32 (suitcases), 40, 51, 55 (puzzle);Conny Jude pp 9, 11 (articles exercise), 17, 25, 33 (conversat ionexercise), 41 (conversation exercise), 49 (conversation exercise),53, 56 (kitchen); Tim Kahane pp 8, 13, 15, 20 (silhouettes);Gavin Reece/New Division pp 11 (Gary and Kelly), 16, 19, 20(fam ily t ree), 24 (faces), 28 (name the sport), 31 (footba llplayers), 38,49 (food); Martin Shovel pp 18, 27 (possessiveexercise), 33 (faces), 36 (hobbies), 39, 42, 43 (imperatives),48,52.

We would also like to thank the following for the permissionto reproduce photographs:The Ronald Grant Archive p 21 (Emma Thompson); Greg EvansInternational pp 14 (boy wearing baseball cap), 37 (vet), 46(mounted Police); Guide Dogs for t he Blind p 46; The ImageBank pp 24 (David De Lossy), 37 (aeropla ne inter iorfTomHussey); OUP pp16 (Julie Fisher), 45 (Corel/Bison), 54 (Magg ieMilner); Popperfoto pp 21 (Sir Anthony Hopkins/Graham), 29(Beckham/Reuters); Rex Features pp 21 (Sean Connery, LiamNeeson/Charles Sykes),37 (mechanic /Pat rick Lucero), 45 (po larbear/Fayolle/Sipa Press); Spectrum Colour Libr ary p 46(kangaroo); The Stock Market p 46 (chimpa nzee); JohnWa lmsley pp 14 (girl , boy play ing saxaphone), 22, 28 (tab letennis player), 29 (school race), 37 (hai rdresser); Janine Wiede lPhotolibrary p 30.

Page 4: dream team starter

NewstanlI'm Ben.


• Complete the table.

Short form Full form

I'm Monika I am Monika

Ask about names

• Complete the conversations.

Hello. Whats your name?I'm Daniel. Whats your name?I'm Ben.Hello, Ben.

I'm Sam


I'm Dan

(4) _

• Write introductions.

(1) _

I am Filipe

(3) _ _

I am Laura

Hello. What's your (1) ?

I'm Monika. What's (2) name ?

(3) Carmen.

Hello, Carmen .

2 Hello. (4) your name?

I'm Carmen . What's your (5) ?

I'm Daniel.

(6) , Daniel.

3 Hello. (7) ?

(8) _ Laura. (9) ?

(10) __ Filipe.

Hello, Filipe.

Hello, I'mDaniel.


Hi, I'm Laura.


• Complete the table.

Full form Short form

1 helloimMonika

2 hiimFi lipe

3 helloimCarmen

She is Carmen Shes Carmen

He is Ben (1)

She is Laura (2)

He is Daniel (3)

I am Carmen (4)

She is Monika (5)

You are Filipe (6)

• Complete the sentences. Use 'm, 'reo or s.She's Monika. 3 I Daniel.

1 He _ Filipe. 4 She Carmen.

2 You Laura. 5 He Ben.

Page 5: dream team starter

The alphabet

• Put the lettersof th e alphabet in th ecorrect order.


o Find ten colours in the puzzle.

R E B L U 8 R G I T

G 1( 8 L A C K) E R W H

R L U C K R 0 E T 0

P U 0 D A E R Y U Y

U E T T N 8 A P R E


P 8 R 0 W N G I 0 L

L L 8 y N R E D D 0



• Write the colours.1 dre red

2 nreeg 9

3 kaclb b

4 neogar 0

5 lurppe p

6 ryeg 9

7 uleb b

@8 Iyowel y

M 9 nborw b

10 htiew w

A _


Page 6: dream team starter

What's your name?

• Put the words in order and writesentences.

your I What's I name?Whats your name?

1 Ben Jackson. I name's I My

2 spell I you I do I 'Jackson'? I How

3 name?/ What's /your

4 name's I Monika Rulska. I My

5 you I spell I do I How I 'Rulska'?

Spell your name

• W rite the questions.

Teacher What s your name?Filipe My name's Filipe Faria.

Teacher (1) _

---- - - - ---_ ?

Filipe F-A-R-I-A

Teacher (2) ?

Carmen My name 's Carmen Portella.

Teacher (3) __

--- - - - - ----_ ?

Carmen P-Q-R-T-E-double L-A

o Write the answers.

Teacher What's your name?

You (1) My name s _

Teacher How do you spell your name?

You (2) _

Numbers 1-20

• Match the numbers with the w ords.


three"""• seven

3 Ilio.... one

4 •nine

5 eight6 •


] ten8 five

9 four

10 two

• Do these sums. Write the words.

a 1 + 3: tour f 8+2:

b 9 -4: g 6-4 -

c 6-3: h 2+4:

d 4+4: 9 -8:

e 5+2- 11 - 2-

• Write the numbers in t he correct o rder.

fourteen nineteen eleven twentyseventeen thirteen twelve fifteen

eighteen sixte en


Page 7: dream team starter

• Do the number puzzle.

16 5 I X T E E N










• Write a or an.

It 's a banana.

It 's anapple.

It 's__ hamburger.

..y -

2 It 's_ _ hot dog.

Howald are you?

o Match the questions and answers .

How old are you,Laura?

a We're twelve.

2 How old is Monika?

b They're f ourteen.

3 How old is Filipe?

c I'm th irteen.

4 How old are Benand Ros?

d She's th irteen.

5 How ol d are you,Eduardo and Carmen?

e He's eleven .

3 It's

4 It's



Page 8: dream team starter

• Write the answers. Use She's, He's andThey're. Write the age in words.

Howald is M on ika?She's thirteen.

1 Howald is Ben?

2 Howald is Carmen?

3 Howald is Daniel?

4 Howald are Ros and Ben?

The seven days of the week

• Find th e days of the week.

• Now write the days of the week in thecorrect order.


5 How aid are you?

I'm _

(1) _

(2) _

(3) _

(4) _

(5) _

(6) _

Page 9: dream team starter

Where are you from?

• Find six countries in the puzzle.

p 0 8 H U G A M C R


R I I A l G y H S M


A P A P 0 l A N D R




E N T 8 R I T Y H D

P 0 R T U G A l A R

• Complete the conversation.Use How old are you?

What's your name?Where are you from ?

Monika Hello. Whats your name?

Ben My name's Ben. (1) ?

Monika I'm Monika. (2) 7

Ben I'm f ourt een.

Monika (3) ?

Ben I'm from Britain.


Argentina e Look at the notes. Then comp lete t heletter.





(2) old.

Dear laura,

My name is Dan. I (1) t hirteen

am from name years

Dear Ben,

I'm your new pen-friend!

My name is (1) . J am (2) _years old.

I am from (3) _



• Complete the letter to Laura. Use thewords in the box.

4 Where are yo ufrom?

2 Where areJane andPeter from?

Where's Artu rf rom ?

Wh ere are you from, Ros?I'm from Britain.

3 Whe re's Isabelfrom?

J am (3) Englan d.



Page 10: dream team starter

• Read the conversation. Th en write t henames. Communication

He's from Hungary. Imre

~ John. :=>

Boy H' II.

Girl Hello!Boy What's you r name?

Girl (1)

Boy How ald are you?

Girl (2)

Boy Wh ere are you f rom?

Girl (3)

2 _

I'm thirteen. Hello !I'm from England. My name 's Helen.

What's your name?

Ask about names and ages

• Complete the sentences.

e m fourtee~-


\~~ ,I\~\ ~-I'-m-t-hi-rt-e-v

• Com p lete the conversation . Use thewords in the box.

Hi! You're a good player.


My name 's Helen . What's yourname?


Where are you from, Imre?

I'm from Hungary. Are you in theschool team?

No, I'm not. I'm not a good tennisplayer.

Who's she?

She's my friend Marta.

Howald is she?

She's thirteen.

Is she a good player?

Yes, she is. She's in the school team.


and _

She isn't in the school team . _















5 They're good tennis players. _

2 She isn't a good tennis player. _

It's Saturday. Helen and Marta are at t heschool sports centre.

4 She's thirteen. _

3 She's Helen's friend. _

Page 11: dream team starter


Dan and Ben, you 'r e in the schoolfootball t eam.

I am not I'm not

you are not (1)

he is not (2)

she is not (3)

it is not (4)

w e are no t (5)

yo u are not (6)

they are not (7)

I'm from Arge ntina.

o Cha nge the sentences from affirmativeto negative. Use short forms.

She's English .She isn't English.

b e: present s imple (neg at ive)

• Complete t he table. Use the negativeshort forms of be.

I 'm from Poland .He's a student.

be: present simple (affirmative)

• Complete the sentences. Use the shortfo rms 'm, 's, or 'reo

2 They're at scho ol.

3 It's nice.

We _ _ goodfriends.

2 You _ _ a go odplayer, Ros.

4 We're in the school team.

5 He's my friend.

6 John, you're the captain .

3 Shethirteen.

4 It _ _ Sunday.

7 She's fourt een.

8 Ben and Dan, you' re go od te nn is players.

5 from London .

Page 12: dream team starter

o Match the questions with the answers.

1 Are you a Yes, it is.

the captain?'l2 Is Kate b No, he isn't .

a student?

3 Are Ros and c No, I'm not.Kate at home?

be: present simple (interrogat iveand short answers)

• Complete the questions. Use Am, Are,or Is. Then complete the answ ers.Use am/'m not, is/isn't, are/aren't.

Are you Polish? No, I'm not.

_ _ you from England? No, w e _

2 __ the match on Saturday? Yes, it

3 __ I in the school football t eam? Yes,

4 Is Ben a goodtennis player?

S Is it Monday?

6 Are you andDan in the team?

d Yes, we are.

e No, they aren't.

f Yes, she is.


you _

4 __ Ben a good tenn is player? No, he

S __ Kate in the tennis tea m? Yes, she

Personal pronouns (subject)

• Complete the sentences. Use thecorrect personal pronoun.

Kate isn't my sister. She's my fr iend.

My name is Kate . __'m a student.

6 _ _ Ros fifteen? No, she _ 2 You and Dan are good players. __'rein the school team.

3 Gary - from Canada?

2 Kelly - thirteen?

S Are Kate and Rosat school? No, __'reat home.

6 Is it Monday? No, _ _ 's Saturday.

3 How old are __? I'm thirteen.

4 Ben isn't at school. _ _ 's at the SportsCentre .

7 Kate and I aren't American. __'reEnglish.

8 Ros isn't at home. __'s at school.


• Write a or an.

~c5a bookan apple

t2-J, 'f)

ice-cream .,2 __ orange

~ ".~• . r~ I"'~

3 _ _ boy ... ~ ,. ,

C -;:'14 _ _ girl

ftJ_..- ...-, ..... ,

S football - '

My name's Kelly. I'mfourteen . I'm from


Gary - fourteen?I s Gory fourteen?No , he isn't.

Kelly and Gary - from England?

My name 's Gary. I'mthirteen. I'm from


• Read about Gary and Kelly. Then writequestions and answers.

Page 13: dream team starter


The seven days of the week

• Complete th e puzzle with the names ofthe days of the week.

1 S2 U I3 N4 05 A6 Y

• Write th e seven days of the week inthe correct order.

M onday

The twelve months of the year

.. Find and circlethe twelve months of the year.

• Write the twelve months of the year inthe correct order.(1) January (7) _

(2) _

(3) _

(4) _

(5) _

(6) _

(8) _

(9) _

(10) _

(11) _

(12) _

on and in (time)

• Complete the sentences. Use on or in.

My birthday is in Apri l.

I am at home on Sunday.

The tenn is match is__ May.

2 My birthday is _ _ Wednesday.

3 Ben is at home __ Monday.

4 She is in England __ July and August.

5 They are at the disco__ Saturday.

Page 14: dream team starter

Cultura.l stud.ies~"""""~~""""""""~

• Complete the school timetable. Change the pictures into the names of school subjects.Use the words in the box.

History Spanish Art Science English Mat h History Mat h Spanish EnglishHistory Music Science Math Art English

Spanish Science

Wednesday Thursday Friday

4! 7xBLflI~lIa12-9

1 History

7xB 4! 7xB12-9 12-9


3Il ~ 4!


4Letl~lla Len~lIa ~

5 4! Il Il~t~ \=- \=-

~IW ~...6


o Complete the sentences. Use the namesof school subjects.

Lesson two on Thu rsday is His t ory.

o Complete your timetable for Mondayand Tuesday. Then answer thequestions.

1 Lesson three on Wednesday is _

2 Lesson five on Thursday is _

3 Lesson four on Friday is _

4 Lesson two on Wednesday is _

5 Lesson six on Thursday is _




Monday Tuesday

6 Lesson three on Friday is _ What's lesson 2 on Monday? _

2 What's lesson 4 on Monday? _

3 What 's lesson 1 on Tuesday? _

4 What's lesson 3 on Tuesday? _

Page 15: dream team starter


• Read abo ut Jessica and Sami. Thencomplete the notes.

• Complete the paragraph about Tom.Use the notes.

(1) , his favourite

colour (2) , and his

Name Tom

Age 14

Favourite subject Music

Favourite colour red

Favourite food cheese

Birthday April

Tom is at school in Perth, Aust ralia .He's 14.

His favourite subject

Jessica is at school inEdinburgh. She'sfourteen. Herfavourite subject isMaths. Her favouritecolour is yellow, andher favourite food ischocolate. Herbirthday is in July.

Sami is at school inAustin, Texas. He'sfifteen. Hisfavourite subject isScience.His favouritecolour is gree n,and his favouritefood is spaghetti.His birthday is inFebruary.

f avourit e food (3) . His

Name Jessica S ami

Age 14 (5)

Favourite subject (1 ) Science

Favourite colour (2) (6)

Favourite food (3) (7)

Birthday (4) (8)

birthday (4) _

• Write about you.

My name's _

I'm at school in (town),

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ (country).

I'm (age). My favourite subject


3My favourite colour _

4My favourite food _

5My birthday _




Page 16: dream team starter


• Complete the sentences. Use the shortforms 'm, '5, or 'reo


• Write the seven days of the week.

o Write the twelve months of the year.

You __ my f rie nd .

2 They __ at school.

3 It __ my birthday in Marc h.

4 We_ _ from Argentina.

M, _

T _

S, _

T _

F _

W _

S _

5 She __ my sister.

6 I _ _ fou rteen on Saturday.

7 He __ a very good tennis player.

• Complete t he sentences. Use the shortfo rms 'm not, isn't, or aren't.

We in t he school footballte am.

2 She my sist er.

3 They good f riends.

4 It very nice.

5 You twelve.

ryJnu a a

y erbrauF

car h M

r A I P i


ne uJ

u Y I J

sg u t Au


cbOet ro

vm e ob N re



6 He t he captain of t he schoolfootball tea m.

• Choose and underline the correct fo rmof be.1 Is/Are you from London?

2 Am/Are you f ourteen?

3 Are/Is he a student?

4 Amlfs I in t he school team?

5 Is/Are they in your class?

6 Are/Is your birthday on Mo nday?

7 Is/Am she you r English t eacher?

7 _ _ _ _ Engli sh.

• Complete the conversation. Use What'syour favourite subject?/ Where are youfrom? / What~ your name?/ How oldare you?

Boy Hi!

Gir l Hello!Boy (1) ?

Girl My name's Helen .

Boy (2) ?

Girl I'm th irteen.Boy (3) ?

Girl I'm from England .

Boy (4) ?

Girl Maths.

Page 17: dream team starter

UnitGraded exercises

Write the answers.

Is Sheila fourteen? (thirteen)No. she isn't . She's thirteen.

1 Is she at school? (home) _

2 Is it Friday? (Monday) _

3 Is Sheila'sbirthday in December? (January)

4 Is Pete r at home? (school) _

5 Is Peter a teacher? (student) _

6 Is it Thursday? (Tuesday) _

7 Is it a Music lesson? (Maths) _

Complete Tim's letter. Use 'm, ~, 're, is.or are.

Dear Maria.

My name is Tim. I (1) your new

pen-friend. Karen and Peter

___(2) my friends. They (3)

in the photo with me. We (4)

students in London. Karen (5)

thirteen and Peter is fifteen. He

___(6) the captain of the school

football team.



3 Write about you. Write five affirmativesentences and five negative sentences.Use the correct form of be.

Page 18: dream team starter

• Read the conversation. Then correct thefalse sentences.

Marta, Helen, and John are in the CafeSport. John is with a new student.

CommunicationWhere are you from?

• Complete the co nversat io ns.

Boy Where are you f rom?

Girl I'm from England.

Boy Oh, you' re British!


Boy Where are you ?

Girl I'm Mex ico.----

Boy Oh, you' re Mexican!

2Boy Where _












Who's the boy wit h John?

That 's Steve. He's a new student.

Where's he from?

He's from Sydney. He's Australian.


Hey, Steve. This is Helen. She'sJohn 's sister.

Hi, Helen . Nice to meet you.

Hi! Nice to meet you, Steve. Is thisyour dog?

Yes. This is Sam.

Nice to meet you , Sam!

He's enormous!

---_ ?

____ Canada.

_ ___ Canadian!

_ _ _ _ Hungary.

_ _ _ _ Hunga rian!

Helen isw ith Lucas.

Helen is with Marta.

Steve is from Chicago .

2 Steve is English.

3 Helen is Steve's sister.

4 Sam is John's dog.

S Steve is enormous.


• Complete the conversations. Usenumbers or words.

Wha t 's twenty-n ine and thirty-four?sixty-three!

What's twenty-seven and thirty-two?

2 What's 47 and ? 96!

3 Wha t's and forty-one?Fifty-four!

4 Wha t's 19 and 177 _

Page 19: dream team starter

I •Grammar

this, that, these, and those

• Complete the sentences. Use This, That,These, or Those .

That is my Science These are myteacher. parents.

1 3are my CDs. is my cat.

~ ~~2 4

are my pens. is my computer.

• Complete the sentences. Use thecorrect possessive adjective.

Kate and her brother are at home today

o Complete the questions and answers. Usethis, that, these, or those for the questions.UseIt'sor They're for the answers.

friends at3 Kate and Ros are withthe sports centre today.

We are with _ _ parents.

6 This is my favourite cafe. _ _ name isCyberbar.

S Thi s is John and _ _ sister, Helen .

4 I'm with __ f riend Dan today.

2 Hi, Dan. Here's _ _ sandwich.

• Complete Alex's e-mail. Use the correctpossessive adj ective.


'"t~ 51{ s\~"="'''~ 19


(II "'~ " \\\~_ _ _ _ trainers.

What are those?They're hamburgers.

What's this?It's a fo otball.

1 What are _

2 What's _

_ _ __ adog.Dear Wesley,

My name'sAlex. I'm (1)__ English internet

pen-friend I This is a photo of (2)__ family.

3 Whatare _

_ _ _ _ books.

I'm with (3) _ _ parents. (4)__ names are

Sheila and Bill. My sister is four (5)__ name's

4 What's _

_ _ _ _ an ice-cream .

Sally. My brother is eight (6)__ name's Tom.

Best wishes,


Page 20: dream team starter

2.2Plurals (regular nouns)

o Write the plurals.

• Change the sentences from singular toplural.

He iswith his friend .They are with their friends.

She is from New York.

2 That is a good book.

3 It is a nice sandw ich.

4 This is a new bus.

5 This is a fantast ic ice-cream!

4 a sandw ich

• Change the sentences from plural tosingular.

They're good pizzas.It's a good pizza.

These are great hamburg ers.

2 They're our pens.

5 a gi rl

6 a book

7 a country

3 Those are the new computers.

4 They aren't very good books.

5 Those are rich count ries.

Page 21: dream team starter


Members of the family

o Look at Joe's family tree. Then completethe se ntences about his family.

Joe Karen

o Write the family words in two lists. Usethe words in the box.

Eia6 ~ seR grandma husbandbrother daughter sister mum

grandad wife uncle

t *aunt dad

1 son

2 6

3 7

4 8

5 9

o Find and circle twelve fam ily words inthe puzzle.

Page 22: dream team starter

2.3 1

Sean ConneryScottishEdinburgh, Scotland.James Bond in Goldfinger.

B Name:Nationality:From:Film role:

(4) is Scottish. He's from

(5) in (6) . He's

(7) in Goldfinger.

• Read the sentences about two famousBritish actors and complete the notes.

Emma Thompson isEnglish.She's from London inEngland.She's inmanlJ famous films.She's inPrimary Colors andSense andSensibility




2 Edinburgh is in _

London is in _

3 Belfast is in _

lish CLcrOSS the curriculumi!iii~

• Look at the countries of the UnitedKingdom on the map.

• Complete the sentences.

Cardiff is in Wales.

A Name: Emma ThompsonNationality: (1) _

(2) in

(3) _

(4) and

(5) _



Liarn Neeson is Irish. He'sfrom Northern IrelandHe's inSchindler'sListandStarWar£ ThePhantom Menace.

B Name: (6)

Nationality: (7)

From: (8)

Films: (9) and

(10)in (3) -;-----;----;_ -;-_----;-;- _and a lot of other famous f ilms.

4 Port Talbot is in _

(1) in (2) . He's

A Name: Anthony HopkinsNationality: WelshFrom: Port Talbot, WalesFilm role: Zorro in The Mask of Zorro

Sir Anthony Hopkins is Welsh. He's from

o Read the notesabout two famousBritish actorsand completethe sentences.

Page 23: dream team starter


o Read Gareth's letter to his newHungarian pen -friend, Katarina. Thenanswer the questions.

Dear Katarina,

I'm'lournewpen'friend M'l name'sGareth. That's m'l firstname. M'l famil'l nameisEdwards. I'mfromWales. My home is inCardiff.

rmfourteen yearsold Thename of my school is Greenhill Comprehensive.M'l favourite subject is Music, What's yourfavourite subject?

My favourite sport isvolleyball. My favouritefood is fishandchips. My favourite singer isSritney Spears, andmy favourite groupisSWitchedWho are your favourites?

Here's a photo of me andm'l dog. His name isRoddy.Bestwishes,


What's Gareth's family name? Edwards

Which country is he from? _

2 Where's his home? _

3 How old is he? _

4 What's his favourite subject? _

5 What's his favourite food? _

6 What's his favourite sport? _

7 What's his favourite singer? _

8 What's his favourite group? _


• Complete the notes about Linda. Usethe words in the box.

age food fldffIe school sportsinger subject name group

First name Linda

Family (1) Shaw

Country Scotland

Home (city) Edinburgh

(2) 15

Name of (3) HilltopComprehensive

Favourite (4) Science

Favourite (5) tennis

Favourite (6) pizz a andice-cream

Favourite (7) Robbie W illiams

Favourite (8) 8oyzone

o Complete the letter from Linda to herpen-friend Juan in Argentina. Use thenotes.

Dear Juan,Hi! I'myour new pen-friend My name's LindaThat's my first name My family name is l1J_ __ ' I'm from (2) ' My homeis in (3) 'I'm(4) years old, The name of myschool is (5) , My favourite subject is(6) , What's your favourite subject?My favourite sport is (J) . My favouritefood is (S) ' My favourite singer is(9) , andmy favourite groupis(10) ,Who are your favourites?Best wishes,linda

• Write a paragraph about Linda. Useshe/her.

Her f irst name is Linda. Her fami ly name is

_ ___ .She's . Her home is i

Page 24: dream team starter


o Complete the sentences. Use This is,That's, These are, or Those are.


o Complete William's sentences. Use thecorrect family word.

my favourite cafe.2

my new trainers.

Pete is my dad. I'm his _

2 Sarah is my sister. I'm her _

3 My mum is Fiona. My sister Sarah is her

4 Mum is Dad's _

5 My mum's sister is Molly. Molly's my

6 My aunt's daughter is Beth . Beth's my

3my sisters.

4my school.


• Complete the conversations.

Australia I Australian

Girl Where are you from?

5 ______ my dog .Boy

• Complete the sentences. Use thecorrect possessive adjective.

That's Ros with dad.

2 Kate and Ben are with _ _ friends atthe sports centre .

3 Dan and I are at home with __ cousinstoday.

4 It 's Ben w ith __ dog.

5 Is that Kate w ith __ parents?

6 Here's__ ice-cream, Kate.

7 Dan and __ sister are at home today.

8 This is my favourite book. __ title isHuckleberry Finn .

Girl oh, you 're _

2 Mexico I Mexican

Girl Where are you from?


Girl Oh, you 're _

3 England I British

Girl Where are you from?


Girl Oh, you're _

4 Poland I Polish

Girl Where are you from?


Girl Oh, you 're _

9 I'm at home with fr iends.

Page 25: dream team starter

Graded exercises

~ Complete the letter. Use the correct possessive adjective.


My name's PatfJc,{ I'm (t) nEWfnqliSh jJfn-(fJftld I'mfrom

Birminql1am. 1hiSis aphotoof(2) family I'mwith mysister.

She's mile (3) name is Liza. WereI14th (4) parents

(5) namesare.knt!yand qeorqe MybrotherIsn't Iii thephoto.

(6) nameisJames tie's twentyandhes inCanada now.

Best I14shes,


f2:] Follow the lines and write sentences.


1 It's their school.

2 They're her books.3






[3J Write about members of your fami ly. Write five affirmative sentences and five negativesentences. Use the correct form of be.

Page 26: dream team starter

• Read the conversation. Are thesentences true or false?

Fine Hello How thanks yeti

It 's------------

How are you?

• Complete the conversation. Use thewords in the box.


, ..,j a8 4

7 6 5


10 (', ,8 4

7 • 5?

What's the time?

What's the time?It 's half past three.

2 What's the

Greg Hello, Helen. How are you?

Helen Fine, thanks. And you?

Greg Fine, (1)

Marta (2) , Greg. How areyou?

Greg Fine, thanks.

John Hello, Lucas. (3) areyou?

Lucas Fine, thanks. And you?

John (4) , thanks.

What's the time?

o Complete the questions. Then write thetime in words.

It is a fantastic cafe . True

Helen This is a fantastic cafe! I like videogames.

John Yes. Lucas and I come here onSaturdays.

Lucas I'm hungry. Are the hamburgersgood?

John They're great. We like themilkshakes too.

Marta Helen! Your hamburger andlemonade are here.

Helen Thanks.

Marta Well, hurry up!

Helen What's the time?

Marta It's half past twelve.

Helen Oh no! Our basketball game at thesports centre starts at half past one .Hurry up, Marta!

Helen likes video games. __

2 John and Lucas come to the cafe on

Saturdays. __ 3 What's ?

1112110 ,

'-'8 47 e 5

3 Lucas isn't hungry. __

4 John likes the miikshakes.

5 Helen is at the sports centre. __ 4 W ?

6 The game at the sports cent re is at half

past twelve.

Page 27: dream team starter

3.2Grammar ..Complete the table with the third

person singular form.

Present simple (affirmative)

• Complete the table with the correctform of like.

like likes

play (1)

wash wQshes

watch (2)

study studies

hurry (3)

• Complete the descriptions of Dan andhis sister Susan. Use the correct form ofthe verb.

3 Kate __ compute r games.

• Complete the sentences. Use like or likes.

Dan likes Music at school.

Kat e and Ros like tennis.

..Complete the sentences. Use thecorrect form of the verb.

She lives in Argent ina. (l ive)

You te nnis at school. (play) (go) to Thames School w it h his sist er Susan.

Dan lives (l ive) in London. He (1) I

footba ll.



Ben and I

5 Ben

2 Ros__ pizza .

4 Ben and Dan

2 They at my school. (work)

3 He his parents. (help)

4 We our fr iends on Sundays.(visit)

5 comput er games. (li ke)

They (2) (go) to school at n ine

o'clock every day. Dan (3) _

(st udy) French at school but Susan

(4) (study) German. Dan and

Susan (5) (like) sport. They

6 You and Ben here onMondays. (come)

(6) (play) tennis at school. In the

evenings Dan (7) (watch) TV

7 It every Saturday! (rain) wit h his parents and Susan.

Page 28: dream team starter

3.2Possessive forms

• Choose and underl ine the correct formof the possessive's or 5'.

Plurals (irregular nouns)

• Complete the table with the correctsingular or plural form.

This is the boy'slboys ' dog .

These are the glr/'slglrls' cats.


Singular Plural

man men

person people

sheep (1)

knife (2)

(3) teeth

child (4)

(5) women

o Complete the sentences with the pluralform of the word.

Those are the people from Argentina.(person)

1 They are very nice . (child)

2 Are those your uncle's ?


3 Look! These are my grandad's

____ I (tooth)

4 These are my . (knife)

((~~B~ "~'"? h . ~


This is my brother'slbrothers' comput er.

2 This is my friend'sHriends' favouritecafe .


4 This is my cousin'slcousins' house.

3 These are my sister'stsisters' books.

5 These are the girl'slgirls' CDs.

G lidt' .

Page 29: dream team starter


• Complete the paragraph about Matt.Change the pictures int o words.

tableMatt's favourite sport is3




• Write the names of the sports.

4 5

t ennis. He likes (1)

too. He plays (2) _ ___ at

school. At weekends he watches

6 7- (3) _ ___ on TV. His

o Com plete the puzzle with the names ofsports.

dad's favourite sport is (4)

's K1A1T I N ' G-3

[, II '5 I--

I-- I--

l- I- l- I--

I-- I-- I-

16 I I


_ _ _ _ . His mum's favourite sport is

(5)~ _ _

• Complete the paragraph with trueinf o rm at io n about you.

My favourite sport is (1) . I like

(2) too. I play (3) at

school. At weekends I watch (4) _

Clues Across 1 kigsant 40ibgxn

6 ngt aycissm 7 ugryb

Clues Down 1 igsmmwin 2 lofg

3 ekhoyc 5 ygcln ic

on TV. My dad's favourite sport is

(5) . My mum's favou rite spo rt is

(6) _

Page 30: dream team starter

3.3ultura. StudIes

• Read the paragraphs. Then choose andwrite the correct topic for eachparagraph. Use the topics in the box.

Sport on TV Sport at schoolFootball

Physical Education (PE) is a school subject inthe UK. In many schools, students have PEon Wednesday afternoons. Boys often playfootball or rugby and cricket. Girls playhockey or netball. Boys and girls dogymnastics and ath letics at school. Somestudents play in t he school teams . They playafter school or on Saturdays.

2 _

British people love football. A lot of peoplego to football matches on Saturdays towatch their favourite teams. ManchesterUnited and Liverpool are famous Englishfootball t eams. David Beckham is a famousEnglish footba ll player. He plays forManchester United.

3 _

British people w atch a lot of sports on TV.They really like f oot ball and cricket. Tennisis also very popular. Milli ons of peoplewatch the famous Wimbledon tenniscompetition in June.

• Choose and circle the correct answers.

In many British schools, PE is...a) in the morning on Mondays.

@in the afternoon on Wednesdays.

Students play in the school teams .. .a) on Sundays.b) on Saturdays.

2 Manchester United is a famousEnglish ...a) football team.b) rugby t eam.

3 David Beckham is a famous English ...a) football player.b) tennis player.

4 Wimbledon is a famous ...a) tennis competition.b) cricket competition.

Sport in Ihe UK

o Write about sport in your country.In my country, the favourite sport is

(1) . (2) is a f amous

player. He I She plays for (3) _

Many people w atch (4) on TV. At

school, stude nts play

(S) _

Page 31: dream team starter

What's your favourite sport?

• Answer the questions for you.

(7) football on TV

(6) swimming

(2) home

(3) hockey at school

(4) table tennis

(5) cinema

(1) skating








Karen is a student at Middleton School inBristol. She loves sport. Her favourite sportis skating. On Mondays she .. . after school.On Tuesdays she stays .. . . She ... onWednesdays. She's a very good player. She'sthe captain of the school team. She alsolikes table tenn is. On Thursdays she .. . withher friends. On Fridays Karen and herfriends ... . On Saturdays they .. . . OnSundays Karen stays at home. She .. . w ithher brother!

o Look at Karen's timetable. Complete thparagraph about her, Use the paragrapabout Sean in Exercise 1 to help you.

This is Sean. He's a student at BromleyComprehensive School in Birmingham. Heloves sports. His favourite sport is judo. OnMondays he goes to a judo club after school.On Tuesdays he staysat home. He likes rugby.He plays rugby at school on Wednesdays. He'sa very good player. He'sthe captain of theschool team. On Thursdays he goes swimmingwith his friends. On FridaysSean and hisfriends go to the cinema. On Saturdays theygo cycling. On SundaysSean stays at home.He watches cricket on TV with his dad !

Where's Sean's school?It's in Birmingham.

• Read about Sean. Then write answers tothe questions.


What's Sean's favourite sport? 2 Which other spo rts do you like?

2 What other sports does he like? 3 Which sports don't you like?

3 Which sport does he watch on TV? 4 Which sports do you w atch on TV?

• Complete Sean's timetable.

Monday I judo

Tuesday 1 (1)

Wednesday I (2)

Thursday I (3)

Friday I (4)

Saturday I (S)

Sunday I (6)

• Write about you. Use your answersfrom Exercise 4.

My name is ...

My favourite sport is .. .

I also like ...

I don't like ...

I watch ... on TV.

Page 32: dream team starter

ressc eckGrammar Vocabulary

• Choose and underline the correct formof the verb.1 We playlplays basketball.2 She golgoes to school with Ben.

3 They w ork/works hard in their Mathslesson.

4 My brother study/studies Maths.S Iplay/plays computer games .

6 He Iikel/ikes hamburgers and ice-cream.

• Write the names of the sports.


1112110 29 A 38 ~ I 476 5



11 12110.... 29 -38 476 5

5 It's _

1 It's _

3 It's-----




o Write the time in words.

1112110 l29 38 476 5

the boys' a '0footba lls

~[¥2 t he boy's . tt ~football .~



3 the boys'



4 the boy's 11footballs

c ~~


(:) ni:~


i"•... \1M


o Write the plurals.

one man four

2 one knife two

3 one person two

4 one child three

S one woman five

6 one sheep six

7 one tooth two

• Match the words (1-4) with the pictures(a-d).

Page 33: dream team starter

Graded exercises~ Write sentences.

He likeshamburgers.He likes hamburgers.

1 Iplaytennisatweekends.

2 Mysisterlikespopmusic.

3 Jl ivewit hmyparents.

4 MymumandlgoshoppingonSaturdays.

5 Igoswimmingwithmyfriendsafterschool.

6 MybrotherplaysfootbaJlintheschoolteam.

~ Match each picture of Sandy with two sentences.

1 h 2 3 4

a She watches spo rt on TV after school.

b Her Maths lesson is at 10 o'clock onMondays.

c She likes c;r icket.

d Maths is her favou rite subject.

e History is not her favou rite subject .

f In the morn ing, she goes to school withhe r fr iends.

9 Her History lesson is at 2 o'clock onMondays.

h She starts school at a quarter to nine.

Inm" and place. :

3 Write five sentences about you andyour family. Use words from eachgroup.

I play football at weekends.

~1lI- :::>IMy brother \~

!My dad l ill .~

@[My munD ~

Iswimming IIcycling I Itennis I(:g) IEnglish I ~@ 10.~ [football] :;;

Ion Saturdays.I~

~.,; ~o Lon Mondays]~ -g ~t weekends]

'" '" Iin the evenings.I

Page 34: dream team starter

o Read the conversation. Then writenames for each sentence. Use the wordsin the box.

Charl ie ~ Marta Charlie Helenand Marta Greg Marta

4 He doesn't like shops.

5 He likes the park.

6 They can ta ke Charl ie t o t he park.











Do you like act ion adventuregames, Marta?

No, I don't. I li ke sports games.

What's your favourite game?

Football Champions.

My favourite game is Baseball USA.

Look ! It 's Mum with Charlie!

Oh, can I take Charlie to the shops?

No, you can't, Marta. He doesn'tlike shops.

Can Marta and I ta ke Charlie t o t hepark, Mum?

Yes, you can. He likes the park!


• Write questions and answers.

you I hamburgersDo you like hamburgers?Yes,Ido.

they I HistoryDo they like History?No. they don 't.

I I pizza

2 w e I basketba ll

She doesn't like action adventure games.Marta.Her favourit e game is Football


2 His favourite game is Baseball USA.

3 She can't take Charlie t o the shops.

3 she I ice-cream

4 you I swimming

5 he I coffee

6 we I English

Page 35: dream team starter


Present simple (negative)

o Complete the table. Use doesn't or don't.

don 't play.

(1) You play.

(2) He play.

(3) She play.

(4) It play

(5) We play.

(6) You play.

(7) They play.

o Rearrange the words to makesentences.

in America. /l ive I Kate I doesn 'tKate doesn't live in America.

play I Dan and Ben I t enn is. I don'tDan and Ben don't play tennis.

in Poland. I doesn't I Kate I live

2 don't I like III ice-cream.

3 Kat e and Ros I l ive I don't I in Ar genti na.

4 Ros's dad I w ork I in a garage. I doesn't

5 in England . / live I You I don't

o Change ~he sentences from affi rmat iveto negative.

Ros likesspaghetti.Ros doesn't likespaghe t t i.

Ros's mum and dad play football.Ross mum and dad don't play football.

I live in Spain .

2 Kate and Ros play football.

3 My friend lives in Am erica.

4 Kate plays t he piano.

5 My brother and I go t o school in l ondon.

6 Ben's dog likes w at er !

• Write true negative se ntences aboutyou, your fr iends, an d family.

I (not lik e) .. .I don 't like Moths.

My friends and I (not live) in ...

2 My English te acher (not play) ...

3 My friends at school (not like) ...

4 My fr iend X (not like) ...

5 At my scho ol, we (not stu dy) .. .

Page 36: dream team starter

4.2Present simple (interrogative andshort answers)

o Complete the table. Use Does or Do.


(1) you

(2) he

(3) she like ... ?

(4) it

(S) we

(6) you

(7) they

Cit Complete the questions and answers.Use do, does , don't, or doesn't.

Do Rosand Dan play baseball?No, they don 't.

Does Kate like Spanish?Yes, she does.

_ ___ Ben go to school on Mondays?

Yes,he _

• Rearrange the words to makequestions. Then write true answers.

you and friends I Do I like I tennis?Do you and your friends like tennis?Yes, we do.!No, we don 't.ZI do, butmy friends don't.

your English teacher I Does I football? Iplay

2 Spanish? I Do I speak I you

3 you and your family I Do I Polish? / speak

4 pizza? / Does I like I your friend

can (permission)

o Write questions and answers.

my friends I watch TV? )(Can my friendswatch TV?No , they can't!

1 Ben I come I to our house ? )(

2 _ _ _ _ Ros and Ben live in Oxford?

No, they _

2 Kate and Ros I watch TV? .I

3 Kate and Dan like pop music?

Yes, they 3 Ben I have I a pizza? .I

4 Kate like History?

No,she _


Page 37: dream team starter


Hobbies and interests

• Write answers to the questions. Use the correct form of the verb.

What's Marek's hob by?


Collecting coins.

What's Gary's hobby?


2 What's Bruno's hobby?


l\ J

~ 1' .

"" "0 )h


3 What's Kylie 's hobby? 4 What's Koji's hobby? 5 What's Sally's hobby?

(listen ) (play) (take)

• Complete the puzz le with words for hobbies and interests.





R G5 G


C 5

Page 38: dream team starter

4.3lish QCrCss the curriculum--jijjiIi

• Match t he sentences(1-4) with the people(a-d).

1 d

1 I wor k withchildren. I work in a


• Use the notes (1-4) to write about other people._. =" 2

- Hairdresser1 Flight attendantworks with works with


w orks in a salonworks in anaeroplane cuts and styles

Id hairtravels around the war

2 Iwor k with people.Iwork in a hospital.

3 I cook meals andmake cakes. Iwork in

a big hotel.

3 Mechanicworks withmachinesworks in afactory .makes and repa"smachines

4 Vetworks withanimals. ...,..,works In a . ,Qi."surge rycares for sick animals

4 I wor k withanimals . I work

outside in the fields.

A flight attendant works with people. She/he worksin an aeroplane. She/he t ravels around the world.

2 A hairdresser _



o Who uses these things?1 a hefc

a chef

2 a cotord

3 a sreireshadr

4 a mrarfe

5 a nicemach

6 a srerlwet

Page 39: dream team starter

He eats four eggs for breakfast.

G Are the sentences true or false? Correethe false sentences.

Wally gets up at six o'clock.False. He gets up at half past six,

He has his breakfast at seven o'clock.True.


1 d

• Match the pictures (1-6) with theparagraphs (a-f).


2 He goes to the shops in the morning.

3 He always has lunch at one o'clock.

3 4

4 He sleeps for three hours in theafternoon.

S He has his supper at half past six.

S 6

a We always have lunch at one o'clock inthe afternoon. From two o'clock to threeo'clock I sleep in my chair, but Georginadoesn't sleep. She plays in the garden. Iget up at three o'clock and have my tea.Georgina has some tea too.

b After breakfast, I go to the gym for themorning. Georgina comes with me. I domy exercises, but Georgina sleeps.

c I arrive home at half past eleven . I takeGeorgina for a walk. Then at midnightwe go to bed .

d Hello! My name's Wally. I'm a wrestler.I've got a dog . Her name's Georgina.

e I have my supper at half past six in theevening. Georgina has a big supper!Then at seven o'clock I go to the TVstudios. Georgina stays at home. Shewatches me on TV.

f Georgina and I get up at half past six inthe morning. At seven o'clock we haveour breakfast. I eat three eggs and a lotof toast. Georgina has three dog biscuits .

6 He goes to the TV studios at half past


7 He goes to bed at midnight.

..Imagine you are Georgina ! Write aboyour daily routine. Use the lnformatioiin Exercise 1.

I get up at ---!

I have lunch at- --- - -1

I have a big Supper at-----1

Page 40: dream team starter


• Complete the questions and answers.Use does, do, doesn't, or don't.

o Complete the sentences. Use doesn't ordon't.

s_o_p _n _

5 d _a_i _g

2 w t h n T ~

~3 r - a _ i_ g -=:: t -:.::::- /


4 p- a _ i _g - 0


- a - e - . 'In

Vocabulary• Complete the words for

hobbies and interests.

____ your mum speak English?1

They play baseball.

2 She like tennis.

3 live in England.

4 We like pizza.

5 You play football.

6 He live in England.

Yes, she _

2 those boys like ice-cream?

Yes, they _

61 _s _e_i_g

p_p _ u __




____ you play basketball?

No, 1 _

____ that girl live in London?

Communication• Rearrange the words to make questions

and answers.No,she _

o Complete the sentences. Use can orcan't.

1 to the cinema? I we I Can I go

can. I Yes, I you

1 I go to my friend's house?

Yes, you 2 you Ilike I Do I tea?

2 he have an ice-cream?

No, heI I No, I don't.

3 they watch TV?

No, they _3 Can I watch TV? II

4 _ ___ we do our homework?

Yes, you _you I No, I can't.

Page 41: dream team starter

Graded exercises~ Rearrange the words to make

questions. Then write answers.

play / your parents / basketball? / Do IiDo your parents play baske t ball?No , they don 't.

she / Does /Iike / this T-shirt?.1Does she like this T-shirt?Yes, she does.

Japanese?/ your teacher / Does / speak .I

2 baseball/ watch / your friends / Do / onTV? .I

3 English people / tea?/Iike / Do .I

4 that boy /Iike / swimming? / Does Ii

5 girls in your school/ tennis? / Do / play Ii

6 shopping? / Does / your dog /like.l

i2 Use the words to make five questions. Then write answers.

Do your parents speak Polish?Yes, they do.






3 Write a conversation between two newfriends. Include three questions withDo and Does, and the answers.

Does your brother playbasketball?Yes, he does.

Do students in your s chool studySpanish? No , they don't.

Do Does

your parents your teacheryour cousin

~'==(9~~~1spaghetti? piua? Science?

baseball? History? Chinese? Polish?tennis? Geography?



Page 42: dream team starter

c Be quiet!

d Don't eat it!



________ a car?

_ a bike?

________ a computer?

a Don't be late!

b Give it to me!


1 c

1 Girl a TV.



• Complete the questions and theanswers.

Boy Have you got a cat?Girl Yes, I have.Boy Have you got a mouse?Girl No, I haven't.


• Match the pictures (1-4) with theinstructions (a-d).

Boy Yes, I

John sees Charlie.Girl


b Marta gives Lucas her bike. _ Boy No, I

c John says sorry to Marta. _ 2 Boy

d Lucas thanks Marta.Girl Yes,

e John takes Charlie home. Boy

f Lucas hasn't got a bike. 1 Girl No,

• Read the conversation. Then put theevents in the story (a-f) in the correctorder (1-6).John Have you got your bike, Lucas?

Lucas No, I haven't. It's at home.

Marta Here, Lucas. Take my bike.

Lucas Thanks, Marta.

John Look! It's Charlie.

Lucas He's got a friend!

Marta That's not a friend! That's Sooty, mycat! Stop it, Charlie!

John Sorry, Marta. Charlie loves cats.

Lucas Well, Sooty doesn't like dogs. Andshe hates Charlie!

Marta Take your stupid dog home, John!

John Can I take Charlie to the footballmatch? He likes football.

Lucas Don't be silly! The referee doesn'tlike dogs.

John OK. Come on, Charlie! Let's gohome.

Lucas Hurry up, John! The match starts attwo o'clock.

----- --

Page 43: dream team starter


have got: present simple

o Complete the table.Use have, has, 've, or's.


You a pet snake.

I have got I've got

(1) You __ got (6) You __ got

(2) He _ _ got He's got

(3) She _ _ got (7) She __ got

It has got (8) It __ got

(4) We _ _ got We've got

You have got (9) You _ _ got

(5) They _ _ go t (10) They__ got

He a newspaper.

___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ three cats




Short formsFull forms

• Complete the sentences.Use 've got or's got.

• Change the sentences from affirmative tonegative. Use hasn't got or haven't got.

Kate's got a dog.Kate hasn't got a dog.

We've got a ne w computer.We haven't got a new comput er.

Our parents have got a big car.

She 's got a pet mouse .2 Kate and Ros have got bikes.

3 Ros has got a pet mouse.

They 've g o t a new car.

4 I've got a black cat.

5 My eat's got a mouse !


It horrible teeth.

o Write sentences. Use has got, 've go t,hasn't got, or haven't got.

Ben and Dan I blkes xBen and Dan haven't got bikes.

Kate I a pet dog .I

We mountain bikes.

Page 44: dream team starter

5.22 Ben I a pet snake ;<

3 Dan's parents I a big car ;<

Dan's parents - mountain bikesHave Dan's parents got mountainbikes?No, they haven't.

Ros - a dog

4 My brother and II a new computer ;<

5 You I a bea ut ifu l dog ,/2 Dan's parents - a computer

o Complete the questions. Then matchthe questions with the answers .

1 Have you got a a No, he hasn't .new bike?

3 Dan - a car

Don't sit there! Hurry up! Get t heba ll! Be Earef"l l! Don't be silly!


Be careful!

5 Dan's parents - a car

4 Ros - a pet sna ke

Imperat ives

• Write the imperatives. Use the words inthe box.


pa rents





,/ ,/ ;<

f~ ~s-


~~~ ,/ ,/




2 __ Kate got b Yes, we have.a sister?

3 _ _ they got c No, I haven't.a dog ?

4 _ _ it got a lot d Yes, she has.ofteeth?

5 _ _ we got e Yes, it has.the ball?

6 __ Dan got a f No, they haven't.pet mouse?

• Study the notes. Then write questionsand short answers.

Page 45: dream team starter

5.3vocabUlary • Write labels for the Terrible Thing's face .

Use the words in the box.

Parts of the body

o Complete the words for the parts of thebody.

a r m 6 h d

2 b ck 7 I - g

3 ch st 8 s t m ch

4 f t 9 t

5 h nd 10 f _ng_r

o Write labels for the Terrible Thing'sbody. Use the words from Exercise 1.



ear eye hair FA9b1tR noseteeth tongue

\ 3

It's got a terrible head with long, black

big mouth it's got a lot of horrible,

• Complete the description of the TerribleThing.

___ _ . In its


~1 .It's got

~ and a long

~ and one

hair. It's got two very small,

white (4)

two very big (3) ij

green (1)

enormous (2)











(5)~_ _

Page 46: dream team starter

5.3I I' . I I

• Read about the po lar bear. Then correctt hese fa lse sentences.

The polar bear lives in the Anta rctic.The polar bear lives in the Arctic.

1 It weighs approximately 250 kilogra ms.

2 It's got a lot of grey fur.

3 It's not a good swimmer.

4 It's in danger.

• Re ad a bout t he American b ison. Thencomplete the sentences.

The American bison lives in the USA andCanada.

It weighs _

2 It 's got fur.

3 It's got a very big , with

4 Its are strong.

The polar bear live ' .cold' It 's over 2 5 Sin tbe Arctic. It likes the

. . metres long d . .approxImately 400 k'l ,an Il weighs

l ogramsIt's got a lot ofwhite fur It' .It travels hundreds fk 'l ' s got strong legs andg ... . a I ometres It' 1ooo sWImmer It k'll . s a so a very

. I S seals and fish f fThe I. or ood.. .po ar bear IS protected ~ .

krllit for its fur and it is , '. oday people can't1 "ll t III danger now.

! he ,:,merican bison is 2 metres ta ll andIt weighs ~50 kilograms. Approximatel30 ,000 animals live in the USA d YCanada . an

It'~ got brown fur. It's got a very big headWith.two small horns. It's got stro n~nd It runs fast. It lives in b ig groupgs J:~~It eats grass.

TheA . .mencan bison is protected 'Ii d

people can't kill it for its meat a nd ~ .ay

,In danger now. I is n t

Page 47: dream team starter

b Sh irl~y and Craig work for a special farm.They ve got a lot of different anima lsfrom elephants to horses. Their animalsare very popular, especially thechImpanzees. Candy is the favouritechimp. Children love Candy becauseshe's very f unny!

. is a very famous kangaroo. She'sa SkipPY . n Australian TV

the star actor In: Ie all over the world .programme. Pe p mme appears In

k' Y The prograknow S IpP· d a lot of different80 countnes anlanguages.



1 b

• Match the pictures (1-4) with thedescript ions (a- d).


3 4

. He lives wit h Jane .c Chip is a gUIde do~. She's blind. Chip

J e can t see.Simpson. an . or into t own. Het akes her shoPPing .

'th her all the time.stays WI

d John is a policeman. He's got a beautifulblack horse. His horse isn't a pet - it's apolice horse. Its name is General. Johnand General work in London. Generaldoesn't live at John's home . He lives w itha lot of other police ho rses.

• Complete the notes for John.

• Write a paragraph about Jake and hisdog Sam. Use the paragraph aboutJohn in Exercise 1 to he lp you.

Man's name Jake

Job farmer

Animal dog

Animal's name Sam

Animal's job sheep-dog

Place of work f arm

Jake is a ...

• Choose and circle the correct answers.

Skipp y is a .. .@kangaroob) dog

Skippy appears in .. .a) TV advertisementsb) a TV programme

2 Shirley and Craig have gota) on ly horses and chimpanzeesb) a lot of different animals

3 Candy is a ...a) horseb) chimpanzee

4 General is a .. .a) horseb) po liceman

S General lives w ith .. .a) other police horsesb) John

6 Jane Simpson can't .. .a) w alkb) see

7 Chip is Jane's ...a) dogb) son

Ma n's name


An imal

Animal's name

Animal's job

Place of work


Page 48: dream team starter

Grammaro Complete the sentences. Use's got or

've got.

He two brothers.

2 She a new computer.

3 They a new car.

4 three pet snakes .

S It a lot of teeth .

6 We new bikes.

7 You a fantastic computergame.

• Complete the questions and answers.Use have, has, hasn't, or haven't.

_ _ _ _ they got a computer?

Yes, they _

____ she got a television?

____ you got a mountain bike?

___ _ she got a pet?

_ _ _ _ your parents got a big car?

____ he got a dog?

_ _ _ _ it got big teeth?

Vocabulary• Complete the puzzle with words for

parts of the body.

1 Yo u've got one on each leg.

2 It grows on your head.

3 Youwear gloves on this .

4 You've got two. Charlie's got four!

S You see with this.

6 You hear with th is.

1 F2 I3 N4 - G5 E6 R

Communication• Rearrange the words to make instructions.

1 me I t he ball! I Pass

2 Don't I in t here! I go

3 sit I in my cha ir! I Don't

4 me I the lemonade!! Give

o Write the conversation.Boy a pet? I you I Have I got

Girl have. I Yes, I I

Boy got I you r brother I a pet? I Has

Girl He's I two pet snakes. I got

Boy _


Boy _

Girl _


Page 49: dream team starter

UoiGraded exercises

Rearrange the words to makequestions. Then write answers.

the cat! Has I got I a mouse? ,/Has the cat got a mouse?Yes, it has.

got I mountain bikes?I Have It he gi r lsXHave the girls got mountain bikes?No, they haven't.

your sister I blue eyes? I got I Has ,/

2 a pet snake? I Has I got I your brother X

3 her parents I a new car? I Have I got ,/

4 Have I a computer? I got I you and

your brot her X

5 t he boys I Have I a foot ball? I got X

rn Complete the conversation with thecorrect form of the verb have got.Girl Have you got a pet?

Boy Yes, I (1) . 1(2) _four snakes.

Girl They're horrible! (3) (yourbrother) a pet?

Boy No, he (4) . He doesn't likeanimals.

Girl And your sister? (5) (she) apet?

Boy Yes, she (6) a white mouse .

Girl Yuk i

Boy And you? (7) (you) a dog?

Girl No, I (8) _

Boy What animals (9) (you) ?

Girl I (10) two cats.

Boy I don't like cats!

Complete the notes. Use ./ (yes) or )((no). Then write six true sentencesabout you, your friend, and yourparents.

Have you got ... ?

a computer a car a pet




I haven't got a car,


Page 50: dream team starter

• Read the conversations. Then w riteanswers to th e questions. Communication










Let's mak e some milkshakes.

Good idea! Is t here any chocolate?

No, there isn't. But there's som ecoffee.

I don't like coffee. Are t here anybananas?

Yes, there are. Let's make bana namilkshakes.

OK. Is there any milk?

Yes, there is. And there's some sugar.

Is there any ice-cream?

Yes. Here it is.

Hi! What are those?

Banana milkshakes.

Fantastic! We love milkshakes.

Suggestions: Let's ...

• Write the conversations.

play basketball '"Boy Le t 's play basketball!Girl OK. Good idea!

watch TV IiGirl Let's watch TV!Boy No, thanks.

make a pizza '"

2 go to a cafe Ii

Is there alan ... ? I Are there any .. . ?

• Complete the questions and answers.

Is there any coffee?Yes, there is.

Is there any chocolate?

Isthere an apple?

Yes, there is .

Are there any ?

2 Does Lucas like coffee?

3 Are there any bananas?

No, there ......:==~

•2 Is there ?

Yes, _

3 Are ?

4 Is there any ice-cream?

5 Do Ma rta and John like milkshakes?

6 Are there any chocolate m ilkshakes? 4

Yes, _

----- - --_ ?

No, _


Page 51: dream team starter

6.2Grammar '.. _.: ."

Countable and uncountable nouns

• Complete the table. Use the words in the box.

butter sandwiches egg ~ sandwich tomato water potatoes eggseaAaAas tomatoes eaAaAa potato flour

Uncountable nouns (Singular only)

Countable nounsSingular

sugar 2








obanana bananas

alan and some

• Complete the sentences. Use a. an. orsome.

There's a banana.There's an egg.There are some pears.There's some sugar.

There are oranges.

2 There's coffee.

3 There's butter.

4 There's banana.

5 There's apple.

Page 52: dream team starter

some and any

..Complete the sentences.

There isn't any flour.There are some potatoes.

There isn't butter.

2 There aren't pears .

3 There are apples .

4 There's water.

5 There are bananas.

6 There 's coffee.

• Complete the conversation. Use some,any, a, is, isn't, or aren't.

Boy Let 's make s ome chocolate cake.Girl OK. Good idea! Isthere

(1) flour?

Boy Yes, there (2) _

o Change ~he sentences from affirmativeto negative.

There are some pears.There aren't any pears.

There's some cake .There isn't any cake.

There are some potatoes.

2 There are some sandwiches.

3 There's some coffee.

4 There are some tomatoes.

5 There's some sugar.

6 There's some butter.

o What's in the fridge? Complete thesentences. Use some or any.


There's s ome milk.There aren't any oranges.


Girl Is there (3) sugar?

Boy No, there (4) _

Girl And eggs. Are there (5) _eggs?

Boy No, t here (6) . But t here

are (7) tomatoes

and there's (8) cheese.

Girl Well, let's make (9) pizza!









on ions.



tomatoes.\ -


wa ter.


Page 53: dream team starter


Food and drink2

/ __..;:J~.....,..:~~:::::~~, - ---..

~ 'f::~s

~ 8

• Write the names of the f ood and drink. • Complete the puzzl e with words forUse the words in th e box. f ood and drink. Wh at's Ben's favourite

f ood?apples bananas beef biscuits

bread carrots eAiel,eA eg gs fishmilk pasta water

chicken 6


Apples and bananas a re _

..Complete the sentences. Use drinks ,fruit. meat, or vegetables.

Carrots and onions are vegetables.










1 c H I C K E N

2 F3 F4 B5 -06 S7 B8 W9 B

2 Onions and potatoes are _

3 Milk and water are _

4 Beef and chicken are _

5 Oranges and pears are _

o Underline the odd-ward-out.

carrots butter potatoes1 chicken beef biscuits2 onions apples lemon s3 bananas pasta oranges4 water milk bread


Page 54: dream team starter

6.3ultura.l st'Udies Christmas .

• Read about Christmas in Britain, Argentina, and Poland. Then match thepictures (1-3) with the paragraphs (a-e).

a Christmas is an importantfamily occasion in Britain.The traditional Christmaslunch is on 25 December.People eat roast turkey withvegetables and potatoes.They also eat the traditionalChristmas pudding. InDecember the weather iscold, and some people stayat home and watch TV afterlunch . __,

• Complete the table.

b In Argentina, it is traditionalto have a barbecue supperon 24 December. It is veryhot in Argentina atChristmas and some peopleeat outside! They cook meatand eat cold food such aseggs, salads, and tomatoes.They a lso eat a lot of fruit .After supper, the youngpeople go dancing withfriend s:;...__.....__..

c Chri~tmas is a very Specialfamily occasion in Poland.The traditional meal is on 24D.ecember. There are twelvedifferent things to eat anddnnk. People eat fish andvegetables, but t here is nomeat. They also have fruitcake and fruit drinks. It isvery cold outside and manypeople stay at home andwatch TV. Some peopie goto church after supper.

Britain Argentina PolandDate 25 DecemberWeather coldMeal supperTraditional food roast turkey.

vegetablespotatoes.Christmas pudding

After the meal

o Complete the sentences. Use Britain, Argentina, or Poland.

In both Argentina and ~

the Christmas meal is on 24 December.

2 In ----,----,---,----,--- the trad itionaI mea Iis at lunchtime.

3 In' people do not eatmeat for the traditional Christmas meal.

4 In it is traditional tocook meat on a barbecue.

5 In both and

_______ it is cold at Christmas.

6 In some people go tochurch after supper.

Page 55: dream team starter

6.4Favourite food and drink

false sentences.

Jason has supper at seven o'clock.False. Jason has supper at half pastseven.

He eats an egg for breakfast.

On school days, he has lunch at home.

His family drink tea with their supper.

He doesn't like fruit.

His favourite drink is hot chocolate.

ite true answers.When do you have your meals?

On school days. I have breakfast a

What do you eat and drink forbreakfast?

What do you eat and drink for lunch?

What do you eat and drink for supper

What's your favourite food? And whayour favourite drink?










O Wr1

• Are the sentences true or false? Correctthe

5 What do you eat and drinkfor supper?

4 What do you eat and drinkfor lunch?

a For breakfast, I have cereal with milk, anegg, some bread and butter, and someorange juice.

b I like a lot of fruit, but not pears. I likevegetables but I don't like onions. I lovemeat, especially beef. But I don't reallylike hamburgers. I love eggs but I hatefish. And I don't drink coffee.

c On school days, I have breakfast at eighto'clock and I have lunch at school, at oneo'clock. I have supper at home with myfamily, at half past seven.

d We eat a lot of different things, forexample chicken and potatoes or pizza.My mum makes fantastic chocolate orlemon desserts. We like tea with oursupper.

e Myfavourite food is pizza and myfavourite drink is chocolate milkshake.

f I take some sandwiches to school forlunch. I also eat an orange or a banana. Ifinish my lunch with some apple juice.

2 When do you have your meals?

6 Which food do you love?And which food do you hate?

3 What do you eat and drink forbreakfast?

o Read about Jason. Then match thequestions (1-6) with Jason's answers(a-f).1 What's your favourite food? And what's

your favourite drink? e

Page 56: dream team starter

Grammar Vocabulary

• Complete the sentences. Use a, an, orsome.

• Write the food words in lists.

beef apple milk tomatoes applesbread biscuits vegetable tomato

biscuit salt vegetables

There's apple.

2 There are eggs.

3 There 's banana.

4 There 's beef.

S There are vegetables.

6 There's bread.

800e6Geeeee80 86e 8ee0)

o Join the letters to make eight foodwords.






o Complete the sentences. Use some orany.

chicken 4


Girl Let's _

• Complete the dialogue. Use your ownwords.

Isthere chicken?

2 There 's bread.

3 There isn't salt.

4 Are there lemons?

S There's pasta .

6 There aren't biscuits.






Boy No, thanks. Let's _

Girl OK. Good idea .

Page 57: dream team starter

UnitGraded exercisesW Rearran ge the words to make


there / apples? / any / AreAre there any apples?

meat./ isn't / There / anyThere isn't any meat.

butter? / there /Is / any

2 an / There's / apple.


[1J Write a conversation between twofriends. They're making a cake. Includequestions with Is there . .. ? and Arethere . .. ?, and the answers.

3 aren't / sandwiches. / any / There

4 there / biscuits? / Are / any

5 isn't / salt . / any / There

6 some / are / oranges . There

:2 Write descriptions of three meals. UseThere's and There are .

1 There's a hamburger. There are some




Is there - - - ---- - ....J

Page 58: dream team starter

Dream Team is a new four-part series designedto meet the needs of students continuing English as well asthose starting English for the first time. Based on extensiveresearch , Dream Team is above all a course that is easy to

use - even with large classes!

Its I<ey features are:an amusing and lively presentation story

stimulating and engaging topics

a clear and systematic introduction to English grammar

careful attention to vocabula ry and pronunciation

cross-curricular and culture sections

skills work introduced from the start

regular and thorough revision sections

optional projects and stories.

Norman Whitney has been a teacher and teacher-trainer in manydifferent parts of the world. He was editor of the ELT Journal and

his most recent publications include Power, Pedagogy andPractice, and the coursebook Open Doors.

Each level of Dream Team consists of aStudent's Book, Workbook, Teacher's Book,

Class Cassette and Tests.




ISBN 0 - 19 -43 594 1-7

g ~Jl JJ Jl1IJ~
