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Dredged Material Evaluations An Environmental Testing ...

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Copyright © 2019, TestAmerica. All rights reserved. Patricia McIsaac - Product Manager, Eurofins TestAmerica Dredged Material Evaluations An Environmental Testing Laboratory’s Perspective 1
National ConferenceDredged Material Evaluations An Environmental Testing Laboratory’s
Agenda Background- USACE & U.S. EPA & Dredged Material Evaluations Technical Guidance Documents
ITM OTM QA/QC Manual Regional Guidance Documents
US EPA & USACE Region 6 RIA USACE Galveston District – Private Dredging SAP
Details to Execute Projects from a Laboratory Perspective Physical, Chemical & Biological Testing ITM, OTM and UTM Elutriates Pandora’s Jar Issues UTM Testing
USACE’s Navigation Mission
The United States Army Corps of Engineers [USACE] mission is to provide quality, responsive engineering services to the Nation including: Planning, designing, building and operating water resources and
other civil works projects (Navigation, Flood Control, Environmental Protection, Disaster Response, etc.)
USACE supports navigation by maintaining and improving channels. It is the Corps of Engineers' earliest Civil Works mission, dating to Federal laws in 1824 authorizing the Corps to improve safety on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers and several ports.
Maintaining channels means keeping them at specified depths and widths by dredging and other means.
Improving channels means making them deeper or wider.
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Courtesy of T. Burroughs USACE HQ from WEDA Eastern Chapter Meeting 10.17.2018
USACE’s Navigation Mission
With millions of American jobs dependent on our import and export trade, these ports are vital to our economic security
Ports and waterways also play a role in national defense • Practically all the heavy equipment and supplies bound overseas for military
deployments is moved by ship through ports maintained by the civil works program
USACE conducts Federal Dredging through its Civil Works Program
USACE regulates non-Federal dredging & dredged material discharge programs through its permit program
USACE & U.S. EPA have statutory and regulatory authority for dredged material management in both inland and coastal US waters
Oct. 2018- Water Resources Reform and Development Act [WRRDA] signed in law - contains provisions that prioritize navigation projects across the entire waterways system
Provide safe, reliable, efficient, and environmentally sustainable waterborne transportation systems for the movement of national
security needs, commerce and recreation.
Texas Gulf Coast Region This is a competition with other US Ports -
East and West Coast • Panama Canal Expansion
• Significantly larger cargo ships ’neopanamax’ vessels traveling from East Asia to Gulf Coast & East Coast
• Ports deepening & improving infrastructure • Ports of Beaumont, Brownsville, Corpus
Christi, Freeport, Galveston, Houston, Port Arthur, and the Sabine-Neches Waterway
• Gulf Coast Ports will need to be deepened to attract the larger ships
• LNG expansion • Crude Oil Export Terminal on Harbor Island
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Environmental Dredging
Contaminated Sediments can pose a potential risk to human health and the environment
Common options for the remediation of contaminated sediments can include: monitored natural attenuation [MNR] in situ capping environmental dredging, followed by
treatment or disposal Environmental dredging is the removal
of contaminated sediments for the purposes of sediment remediation
USACE often partners with other agencies on research and development of field guidance for sediments, notably, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency [U.S. EPA]
In cooperation with the U.S. EPA, the USACE has developed and published several manuals for testing and management of dredged material
Technical Guidance Documents Technical Guidance Technical Framework Inland Testing Manual [ITM] Ocean Testing Manual [OTM] Upland Testing Manual [UTM] QA/QC Manual Regional Implementation Manuals State Guidance Documents
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It is all about placement… Disposal of dredged material inland, near coastal and ocean waters has a
regulatory basis Dredged Material Evaluation is all about the placement of the sediment…
Open Water Confined Disposal Facilities [CDFs] - are designed and constructed facilities for the disposal of dredged material. They are designed for the unique properties of sediment, such as high water content and return flow of excess water as effluent into surface waters.
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3 Primary Resource Documents The Upland Testing Manual [UTM] is a resource document for elutriates and other specialize testing
Ocean Testing Manual [OTM]
Originally developed in 1977, Updated in 1991
Tiered testing Placement of dredged material in
ocean and territorial seas Aka the ‘Green Book’
Inland Testing Manual [ITM]
Developed in 1998 Placement of dredged material in
inland waters and near coastal waters
Tiered testing Aka the ‘Gold Book’
U.S. EPA & USACE - QA/QC Guidance
Companion document to ITM and OTM Developed in 1995 ITM Appendix G – also applicable to OTM Provides guidance in the development of
Quality Assurance Project Plans to ensure the reliability of the data collected to evaluate dredged material
Outline procedures for the sampling & analysis of sediment, water and tissue
Recommended targeted detection limits for chemicals of concern
Recommends project specific Quality Control samples which should be collected – MS, MSD, field duplicates, field blanks
From the QA/QC Guidance
QA/QC planning is necessary to ensure that the chemical and biological data generated during dredged material evaluations meet overall program and specific project needs
Establishing QA/QC procedures is fundamental to meeting project Data Quality criteria and to providing a basis for good decision making
QA activities provide a formalized system for evaluating the technical adequacy of sample collection and laboratory analysis activities …Involve the environmental testing lab early in the SAP/QAPP
• Specific Requirements Method Blanks Laboratory Control Samples Standard Reference Materials (where available) Matrix Spike and Matrix Spike Duplicates Field Duplicates Surrogates (organics only) Site Water analyses (for elutriate tests) Reference sediment
• Matrix Considerations Sediment: High moisture content (typically > 50%) Water/Elutriates: Salinity range from 0 – 35 ppt Tissue: Limited volumes, interferences, lipid/moisture determinations
Bulk Sediments: What is different?
Aquatic & Marine Sediment are saturated with water, often achieve very anoxic state due to the limited diffusion of oxygen through the sediments.
Soil are considered unconsolidated material on upland landscapes and well aerated.
Programmatic Support Sediments, Elutriates & Tissues
The Lab implements the project specific SAP testing requirements Recognition that Sediments are a different matrix
High Moisture Non-target compounds Need to achieve lower reporting limits to support project requirements
‘Standard’ processes for sediments, tissues and elutriates Estimating sample mass/volume to execute all methods required Mitigating issues with moisture / salinity Employing extract cleanup techniques for organics Offering low level options for target compounds Extended compound lists
SOP’s Handling sediment, tissues and generating elutriates
Technical, Experienced Sediment Project Manager to support the project
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Regional Implementation Manuals U.S. EPA/USACE Region1 U.S. EPA/USACE Region 2 U.S. EPA/USACE Region 3 - MARIM U.S. EPA/USACE Region 4 - SERIM U.S. EPA/USACE Region 6 - RIA U.S. EPA/USACE Implementation of ITM
in San Francisco Bay U.S. EPA/USACE Northwest Regional
Sediment Evaluation Framework Various State Programs
o Alaska o New Jersey o New York o Oregon o Washington o Wisconsin o Others
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Finalized in August 2008 U.S. EPA Region 4 USACE South Atlantic Division Ocean Disposal only Requires Sampling and
Analysis Plan (SAP) [Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP)] Plan approval by the
USACE SAD district & EPA Region 4
SAP Reviewers Checklist Sediment Testing Reports
Reviewers Checklist Specific compound list and
targeted reporting limits Compound list are
above & beyond TAL/TCL lists
2003 Regional Implementation Agreement for Ocean Disposal
USACE Galveston & New Orleans U.S. EPA Region 6 Ocean Disposal only Specific compound list of parameters with
targeted TDLs provided with the document
2003 Regional Implementation Agreement for Ocean Disposal
Specific Compound List of parameters with targeted TDLs provided in Appendix C of document which is slightly different than this Table 2.
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Port Of Houston Authority Sediment Protocols
Port of Houston has specific protocols for sediment to be evaluated for placement in their Dredged Material Areas- 4 page document of compounds and screening thresholds.
Sampling and Analysis Plan- Private Dredging Maintenance – Galveston
Multiple updates –Current July 2015 Refers to 3 national reference
documents and 1 regional implementation manual
Requirement for SAP to be submitted for approval Client can not state in ‘general
terms’ that project will be compliant to this document
Separate document on data reporting requirements is available
Specific Compound List of parameters with targeted TDLs provided with the document
Limit Comparison Example
Executing projects with guidance documents in mind
Sediment, Site Water, Elutriate & Tissue
Matrix Spike
Field Duplicate
Need to take the mass / volume for QA/QC samples into consideration for sample collection!
Example Scope of Services
Example Scope of Services
Tiered Evaluation
Allows the use of the necessary and sufficient level of testing for each dredged material evaluation.
Tier 1 Evaluation-
Physical, Chemical and Biological Testing
Physical Testing
Chemical Testing
• Organics • Inorganics
In general, environmental testing laboratories do not perform the biological testing – bioassays or bioaccumulation tests. They do perform chemical testing on the clams and worms from the bioaccumulation tests.
Chemical Testing can be in almost all matrices
Parameters list should be site specific.
• Semivolatiles • OC Pesticides
[special list] • OP Pesticides • Herbicides • PCB Aroclors • PCB Congeners • Dioxins/Furans
Inorganics / Wet Chemistry
Carbon • Nitrogen series • Sulfides • Phosphate series • COD • BOD • Other tests
Special/Regional Specific
Chromium • ‘ Agronomy’ tests for
U. S. Environmental Protection Agency EPA-823-B-01-002 October 2001
Methods for Collection, Storage and Manipulation of Sediments for Chemical and Toxicological Analyses: Technical Manual http://water.epa.gov/polwaste/sediments/cs/collection.cfm
I Chapter 1: Introduction (PDF) (4 pp, 180K) Chapter 2: Sediment Monitoring and Assessment Study Plans (PDF) (24
pp, 561K) Chapter 3: Collection of Whole Sediments (PDF) (17 pp, 1.9MB) Chapter 4: Field Sample Processing, Transport, and Storage of Sediments
(PDF) (16 pp, 991K) Chapter 5: Sediment Manipulations (PDF) (16 pp, 825K) Chapter 6: Collection of Interstitial Water (PDF) (14 pp, 856K) Chapter 7: Quality Assurance and Quality Control (PDF) (6 pp, 179K) Chapter 8: References (PDF) (22 pp, 285K) Appendices A-G (PDF) (64 pp, 916K)
Lab Created Matrix- Elutriate Material prepared from the
mixing of sediment & site water Different ratios of sediment/site
water Different mixing techniques
Used for chemical analysis [can be used for toxicity testing]
Four different elutriates Standard elutriate Effluent elutriate Modified elutriate DRET
Elutriate Elutriate
Standard Elutriate Test (SET)
Standard Elutriate Test (SET) Standard Elutriate is used to predict the release of contaminants to the water
column resulting from open water disposal. 34
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Effluent Elutriate Test (EET)
slurry concentration it 150g/L
Modified Elutriate Test (MET)
slurry concentration it 150g/L
DRET is designed to stimulate the quality of water resulting from sediment at the point of dredging
Settle for 1 hour
Alert Nomenclature Issues - Elutriates
• Total & Dissolved Phases
Dredging Elutriate [DRET]
• Point of Dredging
• Total & Dissolved Phases
There has been some nomenclature issues with the names for these elutriates- Effluent Elutriate has been called the Modified Elutriate in some of the literature, to distinguish itself from Standard Elutriate (also known as the open water elutriate). Therefore, focus on the placement (Open Water vs. Upland/CDF) and the fraction[s] required (Total and/or Dissolved) ….and then the name of the elutriate.
Elutriates and Volume Requirement
Elutriate is created mixing sediment and site water and letting the sample settle for a predetermined period of time
The elutriate is the clear layer This clean layer/fraction is removed and
analyzed [sediment is disposed] The volume of elutriate generated can
vary greatly Multiple columns are required to be set
up per sample to generate the volume required to achieve the required reporting limits for chemical analysis
Additional columns are required for Matrix Spikes, Matrix Spike Duplicate, & Field Duplicate Samples
Creating the dissolved elutriate fraction
•Some of the elutriates require a dissolved fraction
• Modified [ total and dissolved] • Effluent [ dissolved only] • Standard [ dissolved only] • DRET[ total and dissolved]
•For organics, the elutriate is centrifuged in large refrigerated centrifuges •For metals/wet chemistry, the elutriates are pressure filtered through 0.45 micron filter
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Pandora’s Jar Issues Sediments are a different matrix than soil
Accurate sample volume/mass Need to calculate the sediment and site water mass
/ volumes needed for each project Samples are expensive to collect. Too much sample
can be expensive; too little sample will not allow the lab to generate the data required
Can not presume that there will be enough sample for matrix spike/matrix spike duplicates & field duplicate/triplicate samples
Need to determine how many site water locations
Need to calculate the amount of sediment and site water required for the bioaccumulation tests to generate the mass of tissue required or potentially required
Pandora’s Jar Issues
Water in sediment samples
% moisture?
Simply discussing and defined project procedures can significantly improve the quality of the analytical data for the project.
Example: Volume Estimate for Sediment, Site Water & Elutriate
Bulk Sediment
Parameters Method Volume of Sample Required Volatiles 8260C 4 oz jar SVOAs 8270D LL 8 oz soil jar Metals incl Hg 6020A/7471B from BNAs jar OrganocChlorine Pesticides 8081B LL from BNA jar Dioxin/Furans 1613 4 oz jar PCB Congeners 1668A 4 oz jar
Total Petrolem Hydrocarbons 8015 (Texas 1005/1006) terra core kit or 4 oz jar (project dependant)
Water Content/ Percent Solids ASTM D2216 32 oz soil jar Grain Size ASTM D422 from water content jar Total Solids 2540G 8 oz jar Total Sulfide 9030B/9034 from TS jar Total Volatile Solids 2450G from water content jar TOC Lloyd Kahn from TS jar Ammonia 350.1 from TS jar Cyanides 9014 from TS jar
Site Water
Parameters Method Volume of Sample Required Volatiles 8260C 3x40 mL HCl voa vials SVOAs 8270D LL 2x1L amber glass unp Metals Dissolved ( Minus Hg and Se- they are to be reported as Total) 6020A 1x250 plastic unpreserved Filtering Lab SOP NA Total Hg and Se 6020/7471B 1x250 plastic HNO3 OrganocChlorine Pesticides 8081B LL 2x1L amber glass unp
Dioxin/Furans 1613 2x1L amber glass unp/MS & MSD are not required per the method
PCB Congeners 1668A 2x1L amber glass unpreserved Total Petrolem Hydrocarbons 8015 (Texas 1005/1006) 3x40 mL VV with HCl Total Sulfide 9030B/9034 1x125 plastic ZnAC/NaOH Total Suspended Solids 2540D 1x250 plastic unpreserved TOC 5310C 2x40 mL amber glass VV H2SO4 Ammonia 350.1 1x125 plastic H2SO4 Cyanides 9014 1x125 plastic NaOH
Standard Elutriate
Modified Elutriate
Parameters Method
DRAFT : 2 gallons sediment/5 gallons of site water [project dependant]
DRAFT: 3 gallons sediment/ 8 gallons of site water [project dependant]
Sediment Site Water
Modified Elutriate (Total & Dissolved Phase)
Water Content/ Percent Solids
2x1L amber glass unp
Metals Dissolved ( Minus Hg and Se- they are to be reported as Total)
$ 70.00
$ 550.00
2x1L amber glass unp/MS & MSD are not required per the method
PCB Congeners
Total Sulfide
$ 18.00
DRAFT : 2 gallons sediment/5 gallons of site water [project dependant]
$ 550.00
4 oz jar / MS and MSD are not required per the method
PCB Congeners
Water Content/ Percent Solids
2x1L amber glass unp
Metals Dissolved ( Minus Hg and Se- they are to be reported as Total)
$ 70.00
$ 550.00
2x1L amber glass unp/MS & MSD are not required per the method
PCB Congeners
Total Sulfide
$ 18.00
Modified Elutriate
DRAFT: 3 gallons sediment/ 8 gallons of site water [project dependant]
Assumptions and Clarifications:
Compound lists and Target Reporting Limits are based on the Sampling and Analysis Plan tables provided on Feb 19, 2014.
Client will pay for all return shipping of the samples back to the laboratory
This is a draft document. TestAmerica will issue a final quote with our terms and conditions upon final mutually agreeable statement of work.
Turnaround for the analysis will be based on the final scope for the project. Current turnaround is 15 days for the sediment/water and 28 days for the elutriates.
TesAmerica will Archive 1 descrete 4 oz jar which is collected just for long term archival. The charge is $3/bottle /month for frozen storge.
Copyright © 2019, TestAmerica. All rights reserved.
Sample Volume Required - Sediment
Sample Volume Required - Site Water
Bottles for one Site Water or Field Blank
Sample Volume Required – Elutriate (Standard/Effluent)
Bottles for one Field Sample- I gallon for
sediment; 3 gallons for site water for work for USACE Galveston- varies by project.
Program Scope
For One Project with 38 field samples and QC 115 packed coolers with 1,284 bottles.
This does not include any additional sediment and site water which may be required for biological testing.
Key Need to collect the volume of sediment and site water required since resampling is cost prohibited.
Tissues Dredged Material Evaluations can have a
tissue component associated with bioassay / bioaccumulation studies
Environmental Toxicology Laboratories are used for these studies - Environmental Testing Laboratories just receive the tissue sample for chemical analysis Tissue Handling Homogenization Washing Depuration Specialized extract cleanup procedures Lipids determination for organics
Not for the faint of heart!
Upland Testing Manual
material in confined disposal facilities [CDF].
Published in 2003 Tiered approach to assess contaminant
release Focuses on contaminant pathway
Volatilization Surface Runoff Leachate Animal Bioaccumulation Plant Bioaccumulation
Different testing…
Upland Testing Manual Technical Guidance for the evaluation pathways from Confined Disposal
Facilities [CDF] Therefore, relevant pathways may need to be determined and evaluated
Confined Disposal Facility [CDF] Pathways: • Effluent
Discharge • Surface
Effluent Discharge Effluent is defined as the water
discharged from the CDF during & as a result of filling CDF with dredged material
Effluent evaluation process is part of the ITM
Elutriate generation Effluent Modified
Long Tube Column Settling Test Column is 8 foot by 8 inches with multiple
ports Retention time of the TSS within the CDF TSS and Turbidity
Surface Runoff Pathway Runoff is the water and associated
suspended and dissolved materials released from CDFs from precipitation events from exposed dredged material
Simplified Laboratory Runoff Procedure [SLRP] Simulate the water quality of precipitation runoff
from the dredged material Wet anoxic conditions
Suspended solid in precipitation are within the range of 500 mg/l, 5,000 mg/l, and 50,000 mg/l.
Dry oxidized Suspended solid in precipitation are within the
range of 500 mg/l, 5,000 mg/l, and 50,000 mg/l
Use Hydrogen Peroxide to simulate of solubility of metals
Freshwater systems
http://el.erdc.usace.army.mil/dots/pdfs/trel03- 1.pdf
Leachate Pathway Leachate is the water associated with
dissolved and colloidal materials that seep through dredged materials in CDF to dike or foundation material Dissolved concentrations
Some concerns of leachate to groundwater
Sequential Batch Leachate Test [SBLT] Evaluate the potential leachate quality in
freshwater dredged material Fresh water anaerobic sediments Sediment solids are challenged with
successive aliquots of DI water in an agitated system
Dissolve fraction is created and analyzed
Leachate Pathway
Pancake Leachate Test Evaluate the potential leachate quality in
estuarine dredged material Columns are 10 inches in diameter
and 1.77 inches in height Salt water sediments Leaching of sediment with fresh
water, destabilization of colloidal system as salt is washed out, colloids and colloidal bound contaminants are released
Pancake Column Leachate Test Setup
Volatilization Pathway Volatilization is the movement of
the chemical into the air from a liquid surface.
Volatile loss from dredged material : Exposed dredged material Dredged material submerged under
ponded water
Volatile Flux Chamber Test Measure volatile emissions from
exposed sediments Dredged Material is placed in flux
chamber and sampling the air that has passed over the material
Animal and Plant Uptake Animal Uptake refers to the
bioaccumulation of contaminants in tissue of animals exposed to dredged material
Tropic transfer of contaminants outside the CDF
Terrestrial Animals Animal Bioaccumulation Test
Direct exposure of the earthworms to dredged material and reference sediment in lab
Plant Uptake refers to the bioaccumulation of contaminants in tissue of plants exposed to dredged material
Tropic transfer of contaminants outside the CDF- Metals mostly
Terrestrial Plants Plant Bioaccumulation Test
Growing index plants on dredged materials and reference sediment
Yellow Nutsage [Cyperus esculentus] Fresh wetland Fresh terrestrial Saline wetland
Spartina Alterniflora Saline wetland
Other Leachate Testing Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure [TCLP] Synthetic Precipitation Leaching Procedure [SPLP]
US EPA is shifting in leaching assessment methodology Historical tests are based on single point pH tests Do not necessarily reflect conditions These tests can be used in a broader application to estimate
constituent leaching from a wide range of solid materials associated with disposal, beneficial use and evaluation of treatment effectiveness
NEW SW 846 Methods 1313, 1314, 1315 & 1316
EurofinsTestAmerica does offer a Webinar on these new Leaching Methods. If interested email [email protected]
TestAmerica Locations Providing Dredged Material Evaluation Support
Laboratory & Logistical
Keys to Success Dredged Material Evaluation Projects are
experiments with many variables Lessons Learned – you can never over communicate on these
projects Our recommendations for a successful project
Include the laboratory during the planning process Project kick of conference call Weekly project standup conference calls with Project
Manager, field team representative, data manager Discuss field activities Discuss status of samples in the laboratory Discuss data delivery and evaluation
Communication is the KEY to a successful project!
Dredged Materials Points of Contact
• Larry Matko -Technical Director [email protected] • Carrie Gamber- Senior Project Manager
[email protected]
Eurofins TestAmerica Pensacola
Eurofins TestAmerica Product Manager
3 Primary Resource Documents
Ocean Testing Manual [OTM]
Inland Testing Manual [ITM]
From the QA/QC Guidance
Bulk Sediments: What is different?
Programmatic Support Sediments, Elutriates & Tissues
Regional Implementation Manuals
Slide Number 20
Port Of Houston Authority Sediment Protocols
Sampling and Analysis Plan- Private Dredging Maintenance – Galveston
Limit Comparison Example
Example Scope of Services
Example Scope of Services
Chemical Testing can be in almost all matrices
U.S EPA Sediment Collection Technical Manual
Lab Created Matrix- Elutriate
Standard Elutriate Test (SET)
Effluent Elutriate Test (EET)
Modified Elutriate Test (MET)
Pandora’s Jar Issues
Pandora’s Jar Issues
Sample Volume Required - Sediment
Program Scope
Keys to Success
