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1 ). :, ..I'i" Special Meeting term, Johnson said. Norris Hansen who was vice chairman of the caunty .commlt= tee annouced hIs resIgnation at the convention. The delegates elected Leo Voss, Hoskins, to f1l1 his vacancy. Johnson explained that Voss's term would be for one yea'. The delegates then elected Henry Arp as 1st alternate to the County commlHee and Dean ONens as 2nd alternate, accord- Ing to Johnson. Norris Hansen's resignation 15 effective Dec. 31. Leo Voss will take over the position Jan. 1. Hansen has served' five years on the committee. Johnson Indicat- ed Hansen had served as a CommunIty committeeman and commodity Inspector for several years. prIor to being elected as a County committeeman The Wayne city council will hold a special meeting Tuesday beginning a! 5:30 p.m. In fhe FredrIc Brink Council Chambers In city hall. Items on the agenda Include presentatIon of the selectIon committee for a new city administrator. - committeemen were 'he dele gates to the County ASC Conven· tlon. Alden Johnson, Wakefteld, was' reelected to a three year term on the committee. Johnson als'o reelected as O1alrman for the coming year. Erwin Morris, Carroll, was elected as vice chaIrman. Morris has two years remaining In his 1---· NE;R. --HISTORICAL 1500 R 8TR ET LltlCOl.N. II aRe 68508 i Region IV Christmas The Region IVoff/ces of Wa.yne held a ChrIstmas party at the'childrens center Saturday evening. The Wayne Jaycees donated two Christmas trees and supplied Santa Claus to the See NI;WS BRIEFS, Page 12 At Convention Thursday Present Petition Pork. Porkelfes and related Industry people from the first distrIct In Nebraska will present petitions to 'Congressman-elect Doug Bereuter today (Monday) Bob Craft, Foster, will present the signed petitIons to Bereuter at 10 a.. m. in Room 1113 at the State Capitol In LIncoln The 10.000 signatures on these petitions represent individuals who want Congress to return' reasonable regulations to the pork industry , Districts II and III held similar meetIngs with their Congress representatives on Sept, 30 and Oct. 10. The News in Brief BoUots Piling Up THE NORTHEAST Nebraska Yuletide contest Is coming down to the wire and tke votes are Ilooding In as evidenced by Lee Ann Switzer, State NatIonal Bank and Trust Company, who rs engUlfed by the paper ballots. The voting will end Saturday with Yuletide Princesses being named in 17 Northeast Nebraska communities. The contest Is being sponsored by Wayne merchants. Christmas shoppers stili hawdlme to register votes for their favorite candidates with merchants reminding shoppers the l;Iallots will be given out to those who pay outstanding accounts by the contest deadline. The Wayne County ASC can· vention was held Thursday, 14 to eled pers-ons 10 lill County ASC Committee vacancies Alden Johnson, chaIrman of the Wayne County ASC commltte-e. reported that 36 out of 39 delegates attended the conven tlon Recenlly elected Community Miss Theisen. an EngJJsh history major at Wayne State College. is completing her stu dent teaching In the position she is lliling She was graduated Irom 0& mond Community high school In 1975, attended Northeast Com munlly high school In 1975. attended NOf"theast Communlly College for one· year before entering WSC The Human and Legal Rights committee consists 01 persons receiving Region IV services, staff members and volunteer community representatives, The committee's purpose Is to safe guard the rights of mentally retarded citzens served by Re· gion IV programs Board Fills Teaching Post Teresa Theisen, RR 2, Osmond, has been named as replacement for Robert Newman, EngHsh Instructor, who resigned at the Wayne Carroll high school Iy 25 mJles from Wayne and the recreation area would be readily accessable lor Wayneland resi dents. . Hartung said. no project oppo nents attended the meeting In Uncoln. but the park's spo""sor was represented by Steve Olt mans, manager of .Ihe Lower Elkhorn NRD ' , The vote to recommend Ihe 43,016.125 grant was unanimous among the'lIdvlsory board, whose eight members Indude repre senlatlves from the stale depart ment of economIc development. planning and programming. waler resources. agriculture, environmental control and the game commission, resources commission and the University of See GRANT, Page 12 Within this close human relation shIp, the advocate defends the rights and Interests 01 fhe protege and gives him practical and emotional reinforcement. Troyer Is one 0' 13 advocates wtm Region IV. As an advocate, he spends some of his spare time with his protege; Mike Tobin, goIng to movies, playing basket· ball and working out In the gym II Is also h!s lob, to see Ihat MIke's rights as an Individual are not InfrInged upon. Troyer has 12 Poges Bob Troyer, a 21 year-old community service counsel and sociology double malar af WlJyne State College, has been selE'Cted "CUlzen Advocate 01 the Year" by Ihe.206 logan office 01 Region lV..In_Wa:y.ne.._ .._.. ,-_. _ Troyer was 10 be honored saturday evenIng al I!i special Christmas pa.rty lor advocates Mld protewn. ClflJ:en ."dvocacy Is 1!1 one.to Me relMfonshlp between a cap· able volunteer" advocate" and a mentally retarded "protege" $3 Million-Pius BOB TROYER (rlghll enjoys a Christmas tree with J¥lke Tobin, protege from Region IV Way is Paved for Vote On Wi lIow Grant WSC Student Selected Year's 'Citizen Advocate' The way has been paved a proposed flood control and re vote by the Nebraska Natural creation project meels tile four Resource5 commission on a standards by which the commls proposed SJ mllllOfl,plus grant 10 slOll measures projects: envlro help build Willow Creek part near mental acceptability and technl Pierce. cal, economical and An advisory :Ward composed of feasibility state government officials meet· . The board had been undecided Ing In LIncoln Tuesday racom. about the project', financial mended 'lh,,1 the commIssIon aspects;, but that changed wIth a approve Ihe grant vote recentty by the Nebraska The commission was Informed Game and Park commIssion, of the board's decision at Its . Hartung saId. 'meetlng Thursday but the com. commission agreed mission cannot take act on for a to operate and maintain the park month, according to Ray Har. to be located two miles west of tung, administrative coordinator Pierce, thus relieving' the park's for the Ne6rask.,.. Resources spo;,sor, the lower Elkhorn Development tund, which would Natural Resources district. of supply the rnoney which Wayne-county Is a part, of . Hartung 'sald Ihe advisory fInancial burden board members decided the PIerce Is located approximate· Issue ,,. One eetion" HE--WAYNE "' ,je,••• Postage Paid at. ; Wayne Youth In ETV Show I - WAYNE, NEBRASKA6t717;MONDAY, OECEMBER 1'8,"1911 ON£_HUNORED THIRD YEAR NUMBER THIRTY.SEVEN The Wayne·Carroli board ot education presented Margaret Lundstrom the board's dlstln· gulshed service award for her Shl andone·half years of service a board member. Dale Stoltenberg, who was elected to replace Mrs. LUI12' strom, was present at the meeting last week. A Wayn. youth Is a member of a college vocal group which will appear on Nebraska public" television r.letwbrk In a Christmas Wednesdllly, Dec. 20 at 9 p.m Mark Cramer, soo of Mr. and Mn. Alan Cramer Is a member of the choir lit St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minn. According to a release by the Nebraska ETV Network the college historic Christmas Festival "Wonder -AlWW......... Five choirs, aU from the college, and the college and dancers will participate. o.t.r atudentS are "Invol'*' In tht'. annual Festl ....1 which began In 1912. - At the time of the videotaping of the show In 1'976, Cramer YJas a sophomor& at the school and a member 0' the Viking Chorus:--.i- men'l choir Waynetand vlewflA m4iY see tbe show on Channel 19, Wayne . Cable sub!cribers will rts:etve It on Channel 12 Seek Nominations Board Memb.er Is Recognized For the tbirty fifth year, Ak-Sar-Ben invites nominationa for citizens throughout Nebraska -and Western Iowa for-ib- annual Good Neighbor Awanb, The program individuals and groups cited by neighbors for See Se: EK, Page 12 Hearing A kan$as man, presently his ailse the Supreme court. No date, has been set for the hearing b>! the high coort. William ;HlII, Rossville. Kans., began "'rvlno the handed down Nov. 22 bV District Judge Eugene Nor· folk, follO'o'fIng- court prOCMdlngs whIch laS/fed nearly one and one-half y."rs. AccordIng to court records, Hill was found glJllty of sexually anaultlno' II Dixon county teen ager near WInside on June 29. IOn FoUowh1g a serIes of phychlat· rIc examinations and evalulI- tlons. HIU'was sentenced to the Lincoln faCIlity and after agree- Ing to to contest to the charge. A charge of felonlou5 ,'I5Sl!1ult was dropped. "Key to Continued Growth" .' , . Airport Manager Looks at Transportaf!on on Mant]ed Flight A:t1ni yersary FRANK ,B?CKETT, t .. u.rel fermer. wi 1M hIs hand·bullt airplane BY CHUCK BARNES _,Robinson said the devices are a Nell Armstrong may tulive spln·off or the space program. He taken a "Glan' slepfOf'" mankind" said, the InstrumentaHon now 'when he sef foof on the moon, bu' available lor small aircraft O"vllle and Wilbur Wrlghf must because of the IIght.welght tran·. bt credited with gl ... lng hlm·the sitors and other mechanics f,rom nwaM with which to "walk." the space program, meens safer TlMI: anniversary of the flightl and more use or the Wrighf Brothers' "11ft. aircraft Itself' Qff" at Kitty Hawk win observed The Wayne manager said In W.yneland area Sunday with p-Ivate aircraft traffic Is growIng .somber rilght over Wayne wlfh 16 to each year .. And AI Robinson, W.yne municipal because' of thb growth. airports ---------.rr'ii aperaw;""..-fhi-jiHot· and -wen lIi' 'fhe 'o'ne afWlJyne;.- ari" ...... nl.tl ..... of news mlelia a. ae"lng' more traffic and lire ..-n9tr1. giving more service. Atlxactly lO:35a,m., Robinson He explatned the Weyne aIr· roc:Ud t'- wings of the alrpMlne port presently offers fuel for In. quiet fribut. to the· INrig'" i tr -4nslent aircraft, mal"'tenance Brother. and t.,. taal beglnnlrlg IItt"vlce, flight Instruction, air d'" ,.Ir age. ' taxi and's capable of milking In -;efltdlng blidt fhrough tM emer.ancy flights when time _ 15 yurs at manrwct afT ibtcofrln --IF ----m-ator- -flIctor·tn ft5ght,RobtnsonMldhetOntIdltI ,R1OV1",g a medical panent to a he .. ma.t· IIgnlflc.nt_st.,,'Slnu .,'COnSlder. the Wayne-facility to be thlt flr.t ftl9ht'.t Kitty H.wk. playing "cateh·lJp" In competl., tlon wllh other areas In the midwest "It's no secret that those communitIes which have a large trade territory, also' have ade· quate or betfer.than·"dequate transportation- systems," Robin· son explained He said Wayne I!; mainly dependent on car·truck-bus or al r lor Its transportation. He also poInted put Wayne does mrt have a malor federal highway running through /t although there are two state Iltghways. And It has lost Its railroad: he saId. Robinson said he isn't down grading Wayn.e; only'pointlng out those things which might dIstract from the,growth of Wityne. "I like Wayne. Ibelieve In Wayne. That picture of Wayne now and how 1t might 10 to 20 years down the road. The aIrport manager said airports playa malor role In the decfslon ror Industry to locate In a community "rime means money and most Industrialists want to lTnake as much money as possIble ',as efflc.lently as ·pOssl. Ible." I used St. Joseph, Mo·, as an of is cIty which had a major opportunity to be a economically as possible. "High,. leading transportation center·for way 8' will continue to PM' the west as It was betng settled. through Columbus and most He cfted the Oregon Trail, which likely, Norfolk. Buf If It wanb to began at St. Joe, and" the Pony link 'up with a malor highway or Express which had St. Joe as Its 'nterstate, If will he-ve fo swing to starting place. He also said the the· easf and If fhe situation Is Union Pacific railroad was pla"- right, It1TH9ht be re"located near nlng to uSe St. Joe as Its malor Wayne.'" railhead, followIng thEt Oregon "Returning to the present, Trail. - Robinson said plens are In· the "But because certain people mill to up-grade the Wayne with !¥'wer In Sf loe wam.d---«----tG-::afrport----whfch --Is -- remain cfty unto Its own, making Wayne more attractl .... transportatIon centers shifted to IndUStry. Hit sald plans are to from there to Kansas CIty and to. lengthen ·t.,. present 2,eoo.foot Omaha," _Robinson explained. paved runway to 3,@feetand to HE! 'also took a stab at what add a second paved ....,2OI)..f-oot might be In the future tor Wayne runwa)l'.' ;:Is the country contlflues to grow, The Wlyne alr.pOr't 1l.oonlflnt. =f . bIIsed hIs on airport to. a"ow pr-}vahi .Ireraff the ptemlse people wIll, continue. to make, In'.trum.,.t r.ndlngs. to to get where tf\ey are An Intensive and aIr ta)ll going: as fast as possible 81rytt e. See LOOKS, Page 12




Special Meeting

term, Johnson said.Norris Hansen who was vice

chairman of the caunty .commlt=tee annouced hIs resIgnation atthe convention. The delegateselected Leo Voss, Hoskins, to f1l1his vacancy. Johnson explainedthat Voss's term would be for oneyea'.

The delegates then electedHenry Arp as 1st alternate to theCounty commlHee and DeanONens as 2nd alternate, accord­Ing to Johnson.

Norris Hansen's resignation 15effective Dec. 31. Leo Voss willtake over the position Jan. 1.Hansen has served' five years onthe committee. Johnson Indicat­ed Hansen had ~Iso served as aCommunIty committeeman andcommodity Inspector for severalyears. prIor to being elected as aCounty committeeman

The Wayne city council willhold a special meeting Tuesdaybeginning a! 5:30 p.m. In fheFredrIc Brink Council ChambersIn city hall.

Items on the agenda IncludepresentatIon of the selectIoncommittee for a new cityadministrator.

- ~----------

committeemen were 'he delegates to the County ASC Conven·tlon. Alden Johnson, Wakefteld,was' reelected to a three yearterm on the committee.

Johnson 'wa~ als'o reelected asO1alrman for the coming year.Erwin Morris, Carroll, waselected as vice chaIrman. Morrishas two years remaining In his


• NE;R. ~:T~~TC--HISTORICAL JlO~~;;-,;1500 R 8TR ETLltlCOl.N. II aRe • 68508


Region IV ChristmasThe Region IVoff/ces of Wa.yne held a ChrIstmas party at

the'childrens center Saturday evening. The Wayne Jayceesdonated two Christmas trees and supplied Santa Claus to theSee NI;WS BRIEFS, Page 12

At Convention Thursday

Present PetitionPork. prod~cers, Porkelfes and related Industry people

from the first distrIct In Nebraska will present petitions to'Congressman-elect Doug Bereuter today (Monday)

Bob Craft, Foster, will present the signed petitIons toBereuter at 10 a.. m. in Room 1113 at the State Capitol InLIncoln

The 10.000 signatures on these petitions representindividuals who want Congress to return' reasonableregulations to the pork industry ,

Districts II and III held similar meetIngs with theirCongress representatives on Sept, 30 and Oct. 10.

The News in Brief

BoUots Piling UpTHE NORTHEAST Nebraska Yuletide contest Is coming down to the wire and tke votes areIlooding In as evidenced by Lee Ann Switzer, State NatIonal Bank and Trust Company, whors near~y engUlfed by the paper ballots. The voting will end Saturday with YuletidePrincesses being named in 17 Northeast Nebraska communities. The contest Is beingsponsored by Wayne merchants. Christmas shoppers stili hawdlme to register votes fortheir favorite candidates with merchants reminding shoppers the l;Iallots will be given out tothose who pay outstanding accounts by the contest deadline.

The Wayne County ASC can·vention was held Thursday, Dec~

14 to eled pers-ons 10 lill CountyASC Committee vacancies

Alden Johnson, chaIrman of theWayne County ASC commltte-e.reported that 36 out of 39delegates attended the conventlon

Recenlly elected Community

Miss Theisen. an EngJJshhistory major at Wayne StateCollege. is completing her student teaching In the position sheis lliling

She was graduated Irom 0&mond Community high school In1975, attended Northeast Communlly high school In 1975.attended NOf"theast CommunllyCollege for one· year beforeentering WSC

The Human and Legal Rightscommittee consists 01 personsreceiving Region IV services,staff members and volunteercommunity representatives, Thecommittee's purpose Is to safeguard the rights of mentallyretarded citzens served by Re·gion IV programs

Board Fills

Teaching PostTeresa Theisen, RR 2, Osmond,

has been named as replacementfor Robert Newman, EngHshInstructor, who resigned at theWayne Carroll high school

Iy 25 mJles from Wayne and therecreation area would be readilyaccessable lor Wayneland residents. .

Hartung said. no project opponents attended the meeting InUncoln. but the park's spo""sorwas represented by Steve Oltmans, manager of .Ihe LowerElkhorn NRD '

, The vote to recommend Ihe43,016.125 grant was unanimousamong the'lIdvlsory board, whoseeight members Indude represenlatlves from the stale department of economIc development.planning and programming.waler resources. agriculture,environmental control and thegame commission, resourcescommission and the University ofSee GRANT, Page 12

Within this close human relationshIp, the advocate defends therights and Interests 01 fhe protegeand gives him practical andemotional reinforcement.

Troyer Is one 0' 13 advocateswtm w..Qr_k._.~lth prt;.'l.t~lLmRegion IV. As an advocate, hespends some of his spare timewith his protege; Mike Tobin,goIng to movies, playing basket·ball and working out In the gym

II Is also h!s lob, to see IhatMIke's rights as an Individual arenot InfrInged upon. Troyer has

12 Poges

Bob Troyer, a 21 year-oldcommunity service counsel andsociology double malar af WlJyneState College, has been selE'Cted"CUlzen Advocate 01 the Year"by Ihe.206 logan office 01 RegionlV..In_Wa:y.ne.._ .._.. ,-_. _

Troyer was 10 be honoredsaturday evenIng al I!i specialChristmas pa.rty lor advocatesMld protewn.

ClflJ:en ."dvocacy Is 1!1 one.toMe relMfonshlp between a cap·able volunteer" advocate" and amentally retarded "protege"

$3 Million-Pius

BOB TROYER (rlghll enjoys a Christmas tree with J¥lke Tobin, protege from Region IV

Way is Paved for Vote

On Wi lIow Cre~kGrant

WSC Student Selected

Year's 'Citizen Advocate'

The way has been paved l~r a proposed flood control and revote by the Nebraska Natural creation project meels tile fourResource5 commission on a standards by which the commlsproposed SJ mllllOfl,plus grant 10 slOll measures projects: envlrohelp build Willow Creek part near mental acceptability and technlPierce. cal, economical and fl~ncjal

An advisory :Ward composed of feasibilitystate government officials meet· . The board had been undecidedIng In LIncoln Tuesday racom. about the project', financialmended 'lh,,1 the commIssIon aspects;, but that changed wIth aapprove Ihe grant vote recentty by the Nebraska

The commission was Informed Game and Park commIssion,of the board's decision at Its . Hartung saId.'meetlng Thursday but the com. Th~ g~.me commission agreedmission cannot take act on for a to operate and maintain the parkmonth, according to Ray Har. to be located two miles west oftung, administrative coordinator Pierce, thus relieving' the park'sfor the Ne6rask.,.. Resources spo;,sor, the lower ElkhornDevelopment tund, which would Natural Resources district. ofsupply the rnoney which Wayne-county Is a part, of. Hartung 'sald Ihe advisory fInancial burden

board members decided the PIerce Is located approximate·

Thi~ Issue , , . One eetion"

HE--WAYNEN':~HER.~I....;I::)P"b'''ii:dM~:;'\,::~;d''rl.;;;~.i';'~'' "'_-~~ ,je,••• Postage Paid at. ~iyn('


Wayne Youth

In ETV Show

I -KaM~:sMan


The Wayne·Carroli board oteducation presented MargaretLundstrom the board's dlstln·gulshed service award for her Shl

andone·half years of service ~s aboard member.

Dale Stoltenberg, who waselected to replace Mrs. LUI12'strom, was present at themeeting last week.

A Wayn. youth Is a member ofa college vocal group which willappear on Nebraska public"television r.letwbrk In a Christmasconc~rt Wednesdllly, Dec. 20 at 9p.m

Mark Cramer, soo of Mr. andMn. Alan Cramer Is a member ofthe choir lit St. Olaf College,Northfield, Minn. According to arelease by the Nebraska ETVNetwork the college historicChristmas Festival "Wonder

-AlWW.........wm1W~----Five choirs, aU from the

college, and the college orc~.stra

and dancers will participate.o.t.r ~ atudentS are "Invol'*'In tht'. annual Festl....1 whichbegan In 1912. -

At the time of the videotapingof the show In 1'976, Cramer YJas asophomor& at the school and amember 0' the Viking Chorus:--.i­men'l choir

Waynetand vlewflA m4iY seetbe show on Channel 19, Wayne .Cable sub!cribers will rts:etve Iton Channel 12

Seek Nominations

Board Memb.er

Is Recognized

For the tbirty fifth year,Ak-Sar-Ben invites nominationafor citizens throughout Nebraska-and Western Iowa for-ib- annualGood Neighbor Awanb, Theprogram h~fl:Ors individuals andgroups cited by neighbors forSee Se: EK, Page 12

Seek~ HearingA kan$as man, presently


=~,lt:~~~.c:~.t~:~~his ailse ~ the Supreme court.

No date, has been set for thehearing b>! the high coort.

William ;HlII, Rossville. Kans.,began "'rvlno the senten~1lhanded down Nov. 22 bV DistrictJudge Eugene M~Fadden, Nor·folk, follO'o'fIng- court prOCMdlngswhIch laS/fed nearly one andone-half y."rs.

AccordIng to court records, Hillwas found glJllty of sexuallyanaultlno' II Dixon county teenager near WInside on June 29.IOn

FoUowh1g a serIes of phychlat·rIc examinations and evalulI­tlons. HIU'was sentenced to theLincoln faCIlity and after agree­Ing to pl~ to ~ contest to thecharge. A charge of felonlou5,'I5Sl!1ult was dropped.

"Key to Continued Growth".' , .

Airport Manager Looks at Transportaf!on on Mant]ed Flight A:t1niyersary

FRANK ,B?CKETT, t ..u.rel fermer. wi 1M hIs hand·bullt airplane

BY CHUCK BARNES _,Robinson said the devices are aNell Armstrong may tulive spln·off or the space program. He

taken a "Glan' slepfOf'" mankind" said, the InstrumentaHon now'when he sef foof on the moon, bu' available lor small aircraftO"vllle and Wilbur Wrlghf must because of the IIght.welght tran·.bt credited with gl...lng hlm·the sitors and other mechanics f,romnwaM with which to "walk." the space program, meens safer

TlMI: 75t~ anniversary of the flightl and more use or theWrighf Brothers' hl.t~rlc "11ft. aircraft Itself'Qff" at Kitty Hawk win observed The Wayne manager saidIn W.yneland area Sunday with p-Ivate aircraft traffic Is growIng.somber rilght over Wayne wlfh 16 to 18~peroont each year.. AndAI Robinson, W.yne municipal because' of thb growth. airports

---------.rr'ii aperaw;""..-fhi-jiHot· and -wen lIi' 'fhe 'o'ne afWlJyne;.- ari"......nl.tl..... of news mlelia a. ae"lng' more traffic and lire..-n9tr1. giving more service.

Atlxactly lO:35a,m., Robinson He explatned the Weyne aIr·roc:Ud t'- wings of the alrpMlne port presently offers fuel forIn. quiet fribut. to the· INrig'" itr-4nslent aircraft, mal"'tenanceBrother. and t.,. taal beglnnlrlg IItt"vlce, flight Instruction, aird'" ,.Ir age. ' taxi and's capable of milking

In -;efltdlng blidt fhrough tM emer.ancy flights when time_ 15 yurs at manrwct afT ibtcofrln --IF ----m-ator- -flIctor·tnft5ght,RobtnsonMldhetOntIdltI ,R1OV1",g a medical panent to a

::;~:~:-:I:~~:;:.~ 1"a''l:~m::t~;hf~~If::~VI~f!1. he.. ma.t· IIgnlflc.nt_st.,,'Slnu .,'COnSlder. the Wayne-facility to bethlt flr.t ftl9ht'.t Kitty H.wk. playing "cateh·lJp" In competl.,

tlon wllh other areas In themidwest

"It's no secret that those

communitIes which have a largetrade territory, also' have ade·quate or betfer.than·"dequate

transportation- systems," Robin·son explained

He said Wayne I!; mainly

dependent on car·truck-bus or al rlor Its transportation. He alsopoInted put Wayne does mrt havea malor federal highway runningthrough /t although there are twostate Iltghways. And It has lost Itsrailroad: he saId.

Robinson said he isn't downgrading Wayn.e; only'pointlng outthose things which might dIstractfrom the,growth of Wityne. "I likeWayne. Ibelieve In Wayne. Thatj~ wh¥-.l~9---CM.c...and

~~:; ~l'~d:~: ~~;~~:o~:~~:~picture of Wayne now and how 1tmight 10 to 20 years down theroad.

The aIrport manager saidairports playa malor role In thedecfslon ror Industry to locate In acommunity "rime meansmoney and most Industrialistswant to lTnake as much money aspossIble ',as efflc.lently as ·pOssl.Ible." I

Robln~on used St. Joseph, Mo·,as an ell"~mpleof is cIty which had

a major opportunity to be a economically as possible. "High,.leading transportation center·for way 8' will continue to PM'the west as It was betng settled. through Columbus and mostHe cfted the Oregon Trail, which likely, Norfolk. Buf If It wanb tobegan at St. Joe, and" the Pony link 'up with a malor highway orExpress which had St. Joe as Its 'nterstate, If will he-ve fo swing tostarting place. He also said the the· easf and If fhe situation IsUnion Pacific railroad was pla"- right, It1TH9ht be re"located nearnlng to uSe St. Joe as Its malor Wayne.'"railhead, followIng thEt Oregon "Returning to the present,Trail. - Robinson said plens are In· the

"But because certain people mill to up-grade the Waynewith !¥'wer In Sf loe wam.d---«----tG-::afrport----whfch --Is 'd~ -­remain ~ cfty unto Its own, making Wayne more attractl....transportatIon centers shifted to IndUStry. Hit sald plans are tofrom there to Kansas CIty and to. lengthen ·t.,. present 2,eoo.footOmaha," _Robinson explained. paved runway to 3,@feetand to

HE! 'also took a stab at what add a second paved ....,2OI)..f-ootmight be In the future tor Wayne runwa)l'.';:Is the country contlflues to grow, The Wlyne alr.pOr't 1l.oonlflnt.

~~~~r~:Yas;S~I:Ir,~~~;. :;:~~ofu~:::?:mth~~ht~":~~~:t~Yt:~;ya:e~:~~: ft:ruo::,~ =f~~t::~tyi':t:l:' ':'~:. .R.~lnson bIIsed hIs t~ on airport to. a"ow pr-}vahi .Ireraffthe ptemlse people wIll, continue. to make, In'.trum.,.t r.ndlngs.to w~nt to get where tf\ey are An Intensive ~lIght and aIr ta)llgoing: as fast as possible 81rytt e. See LOOKS, Page 12


bidder!> who are seeking ownership of theland. The tolal bid price Is likely thelargest price ever bid In a land sale In the 'county, according to AI Maul of Pender,who acted as referee for the SlIle .

LEROY Ernst was hIred as the newprincipal of Madison HIgh school at ameeting last week 01 'he school board.Ernst fUl.s a vacancy created by 'tn.resignation of Richard Ward who hastllken a position with an Insurence com.pany In Franklin, Nebi'". Ernst Is In his tlfthyear as a membe,.. of Ihe MHS teKhingStllft

PETE _Temp!! .was elected to theposition of president of the Ponca Com­mercial Club for 1919. Temple was electedat the Dec. 11 meeting of the club. EarlWE'ge, treasurer, and Emmett Asmussen,secretary, were re·elected

Wit. C.uele Barnes

"Evelyn Lenore Hunter:'That W<L'i it. The kids learlCd to thcir feci

shoulin~, "Yeah MOM!!"Evey took her diploma, looked our way, and

winked a slightly tearful eye.And J wa.~ pro~d. My \\11e lhe graduate.

EdlJl'aHon is ftit ~l)erymJ('. )hlJllM illl!.1 oM

t:~1:~:eJ~n~~: /:::~hU;:~~i~~~f/~h!oP:~:;:/rith u s.Savings Plml. or where you bank. Whetlirl.YJmeS to college,tlrey're one'smartnuJtJe.

recognized with plaques and gold pensotto Hass, George Schutt and Otto Petelwere on hand to accept their awards, whileAlvin Pestel was unable to attend

THE Bow Valley Mills locllted nellrWynot has been entered In the NationalRegister tor Historic Places, according toMarvin Kivett 01 Lincoln, state historIcalpreservation officer. The mill was built In1867·63 and ~upplled flour to early settlers.

THE center for Rural Aftal,..s In Walthillwill hold an open house Tuesday, Dec. 19,hostE!d by local friends 01 the organlz.atl~.Area residents Interested In gettingacquainted with the Center should drop byfor coffee and cookies anytime between 8a.m. lind 04:30 p,rn

THE sale of lIpproxlmately 1,245l1cres ofJohn House-Neme ~raven land In Thurs­ton and Cumlng Counties recently broughta total bid at $1 ,38LOS from the successful

heads In a moment Of silent prayer. wonders of the world.~H~ ~H~

We're certain that Randy will take ad· _ - . We vividly remember sololng. It Is akinvant!.2e ot the "solemn moment, not only to to having' the exula11ng eKJ)Orlence ofremeQ1ber the annlvl!ll"sary but to ask that· seeing one Of you'" children Wn. YOU neveh&besafel)"dellveredtotheground.ltwlJl to have been thl!ll"e to .Bppredate whatmark his first, ride In an alrplalne. we're talking about.

-CH~ -CH&-We have long been lin· avid advoCate of several weeks ago, we watthed a batch

flying. AII·ofouralrtll'fle In the left seat "'al d hand-gllde[s 'who ·PUlhed off from thebeen In alrcrlltt wlthpropellers. We have bluffs near Turin, la. \lihlle we watched,,..idden In commercial and military lets, they m.anuvered their seemingly fra"lIetlut we hllv~tJ!.~~ the nerve to t~~~_ gliders to .BAY ar_ they wanted, tllklngone'- orlfie· overgrown blow torches. - ·------aavin"fage-Drlfii-lerr-arri·-eiiCrlM ""rna:""·· --.-Somehow, not haVing a propeller turning They landed with the l!lIIH of a bird.In front of U!_whlle flyjng ls a little un· -CHI-settling. But you can't buck progress. We suspec1 mey are even closer to thole

-CH~ thlnqs that make flying what It Is. We doPiloting a plane Is a wonderful expe· not want to attempt hand-gliding, but w.

rlence. You scmetlow are able to put thIngs can certaInly apprecIate those who do.In their propltr perspective while soaring -CHO-through the air during one of those Ideal And that he said as he 'MIrbled "Up Indays tor flying when you can trim out the the air, 1unlor blrdmt'n; up In the aircraft. sit back and enloy the many upsIde dO'Nn. .", Is that!

lSan_~~_~.h~in itself.~~l._.~

Fn'I/lw,f./lf'/ dip/tJ//III1,,,,J...l'd'm/ll"wj.

,oul Wi/lt,f'rlrl

AI/~hlflf (I'II,-IIIJ r'III'

$ETTY Walters, Area Home Economl$t .~tllRton 6nd Madison counties, recently ,wbmltted her resignation to the ~J(tenslon

~rd. The, resignation will be effectIve.March 1. Miss Walters will be attendingcoUege at Iq,wa State UnIversity, studyingtor a mast."..,s program In housing.

$HERYL Whitehorn, a sophomore at theRandolph Public Schools, has been named1M local winner In the Voice of Democracy

cootest sponsored by the VF)N Post 5545and AUJllJllary. She Is now eligIble fOf" distrlet competition. Sheryl Is the dllughter 01Ntr. lind Mrs. Don Rlcha,..ds of BeldenBelden

FOUR charter members and others that:leNed as directors were honored Dec. 5 asFarmers Union Coop 011 Company ofWisner and Beemer celebrated Its goldenMtnlverSllry. An ntlmated SOO personsattended. The only living charter mem­beI'"S of Farmers UnIon 011 of Wisner were

,eekly gleanings.!

_._......:._-..s:I .... ,.. .....-..e-.

«E·enneth~'Hargrave:' .They-were already on the H's. Any

, . momenlnowwe'd"havea'brandnewcollc'ge graduale in the family.

''Mary J. Herbert:' :With every name the dean read our hearts

jumped a IilUe bit more.'~Jnseph C. Holmes:' .~y; it wa..n~f eaS)' ~eUin#:; here. But we had

a deal. She'd·do Ihe studying if I'd join lhe,Payroll ,I Savings Plan and buy U. S. SavingliiBonds.Bejoreong. we had (""11ou~h for school and ababy-si ler



Phone 375·2690

No. 37-y,OK.II,


Our liberty dependson the freedom of thepress, anti that 'cannotbe limited withouf being 'o~t. - ThDlllOI-.l<Jefferson, Letter, 1796

..Chuck Barnes


Jim Mar,shBusiness Ma~ag!r

cedes "dIsappointing results.. In theSenate.race!.. claiming only 12 vldorlesout of 30 endorsed candidates.

In the House, where political philosophymay not come as forcefully Into play, assay, Incumbency (only 5 percent 01 allHouse members seeking r.e·election lost),the shift Is harder to measure. The largene'tN freshman cless of 77 Is noteworthy InItself. Our legfslatlve specialists foresee aconservative gain of 16 seats.

But the lineup of new members dOl!lS nottell the full story. Many of the suctes&ful3S8 House Incumbents and 15 Ser\lllte Incumbents, duly Imprnsed with the voters'moods. will return to t&!Jr WashingtoncIiIks with campaign rhetoric stili rlnillngIn1helr .ears:

II the predlc;.tlons beer up, we shol,tld seea somewhat mor~ conservative C.",gressInclined to help President Carter,' In hisefforts to combat Inflation by c'lItbacks inspending and one,..ous regulatIons. ~

Sparked by Proposition 13, the Callfornla smash hit with taxpayers; the nationaltaxpayers revolt proved Itself no dudVotera In many states approved ballotmeasures to reduce taKes or governmentspending or both.

Uberats--are not very heppy -over t¥election results. They are complainingabout fat defense budgets, single-issuevoters and likely cuts In the Mxt federalbudget. They blame chiefly the mlddle­elass taxpayers, who after years 01generosity are accus8d of turning theirbacks on the poor. The char-ge, of course, isuntrue.

The fastest.growlng programs In thefederal budget In recent years have beenthose providing direct payments to IOOlvl'duals from the U.S. Treasury - Incometransfer payments such as Social Securitybenefits, Medicare, welfare and foodstamps. .

Taxpayers have bee:n most generous. ItIs untalr and totally wrong to accuse themof turning agllln,t SO(:ial programs ,ImplybecaUH they now express a sttong.deslrefor reasonable controls on spending In. aperiod of grossly Inflated costs.

We are entering dnew era, not hJrnlngthe clock back.

,-'" 'r....


EstabliShed in' 1875: a l'leWspaper published semi-weekly. ~dayand Thu"'sday .(eJlcept holidays): by Wayne He,..ald Publish~ng

Company, Inc.. J. Alan Cramer. President: ent.ered in. the postottice, at '!'layne, Nebraska 68187. 2nd_clas~ .~-llaid atWayne, 'Nebraska 68787

. Officill HewsPapet' Of the Cflyof Wilyne, the Countyt:tf WoIy",e #fId tIN- srilf~ of Hebrnb

~14 Main Street

_wase.,nloN RATESIn W.yflE-, Pierce.~. Oixon. Th~ston. Cumin9, Stanton ~nd.

Madison (:ountiH: sa.J9 PN~ yur, $6.$8- fO!" S-ill f!'IO"l'hs. ~.16 for·rh'H.t'J'W)n~" O'lolhjdl!! ~tj" menti6rtfd ·S10.OO per' y_al:". 18.00for: S-':' ~th~ .• ~ 'S !~, ~~r~ ~---onth!o S'f'i;\e; cop"a l~ CiffiH,

I. WHO will represent the BOlI,..d 01Trustees lit the Wayne State commence·ment ceremonies?

2. WHO officially became mayor ofWayne Tuesday night at 1:'51 .

3. WHAT was held Thursday at the ASCoffice In Wayne?

4. WHO wTTl represent the Nortt1eastNeb,..aska Pork Producers In the '97~

Nebraska Pork'Queen contest, Jan. 5 and 6In Llncmn1 .....,.

5. WHO received the Sliver Beaver AdultScouting award?

,. WHO .Is tl:le new manager of CarhBrtLumber wood componen~ ~~v.!sJon? .

ANSWE RS: 1. Henry Ley, a Nebras.kllState College Board of Trustee memberwill represent the board at Wayne State'srommencement. 2. Wayne Manh offl·cially became may9" of the City of Wayneat 7:.cs p.m. Tuesday night at the regularmeeting of the dty,councll. 3. The annualcounty conventIon ,I.of the Wayne CountyASC Communi!}' commlHee was heldThursday at the ASe office In Wayne. 04.Laura Hagemann. Wayne wllJ representNortheast Nebraska In the 1979 PorkG).MIen cont~t Jan. 5 and 6 in Lincoln. 5.Bob Carhart, Wayne businessman anddvlc leader, reached the top ring of scout·Ing when he was presented the SliverBeever award at a recognition dinner ()fthe..Mld,Amer"Jca Council Boy Scouts ofAmerIca. Omaha. 6: R9nald L Schlerllng,1300· Sherman Street, has assumedr8WOOs1bllitJes of managing the woodcompOnent division· a1 Carl'\art LumberCompany.

59-041. by party, one 9r two votes can bec:rudal. In oceurred this 'feM In .thesuccessful filibuster of a notorious anti­business bill supported by the lab(l.unions. The AFL-CIO's political actionorganization, COPE. Incidentally, con·

THE WAYNE HERALDServing NorUleast Nebraska's Grear Farming Area

had examined all of the fadS", themembers of the council make theirdecisions...Oased On the facts.

we believe the Wayne city governmenthas credibility because of the leadershipprovided by tile late Fredric Brink, ·whOplaced the good, of the community fore·

Who's who,what's what?


Pn_mof"t"'*Um.i"tedn:'!'S"'(~WASHINGTO - Quite often, as I

travel and s k around the country,people ask about he growing conservlltlvemood and how I It will last.

My answer ha been that we are wit.nesslng a perm nent shift from the ideaborn In the 1930's and stl1l with us that thefed8ral govern~ent in Washington cansol.ve all of our ~roblems with tax dollars.

Inmy mlnd,th s shift will bea dominantp;:IlItical factor s long as Americans liveIn frustration a~d anguIsh over (1) highrates of Inflatltn and (2) high rates oftaxation. And th t.promi5estocontlnue torsometime.

Neither of the,e problems has ever been

so..d.lffICUlt .or.~.Olong.. ed for us In peace­time, and now [ the 1970's, they :seem tohave come t efner. with devastatIngeffects for mllll ns of Americans. Peoplewant change.

While makln no claims for politicaldalrvoyance, peclally slrtOe"net even theprofessional pol ters are making them, Iern pleased to, note that results of the

-~nn!elec.tlods..Qffe!-'hI'(! strong­est evidence yei,af the public trend toward

~~~,It~~~~~~~~~:n;l~:g~o~=;.:government SJnding, taxes and ¥Iclts.

'Though the n 'mber or seats won or lostb¥ the two mai r partles'may not convey

~he:~~~n ~:;~at~v~~dl.~:,t~e;;Jmprl!lSslve andlwldely recognized.

In the U.S. ~ena1e races, perhaps thebest barometer pf the publIc mood becausecandidates. ten9 to run more on the Issue!.

.... re<e.. Ive gr~ter p.Ubliclt.


, five incu.m...bent liberals ere defeated by Republl·cans, and In three Instances will benplaced by cu rent House members with.tabllshed vot ng records In Congress fortaking a con ervatlve and oftentimesbusfness vlewp Int on legislation.

From a g oup of 20 new se~te

. members, a '9onservative gain of fourseems assuredj In a body that will be split

ts---on-- cd1c1110ftl made by the city councils are administrator. We, didn't 'always "agreeCUlt •• Important. as those made In with him, we usually admired him for hisCongress. stand.

W. have reported many council meet- Former Mayor Freeman Decker pro-lngs and for the in'ost part, our personal vlded positive guldance for the council asfeelings 'about council members were less It confronted the many problems facing athan pOSitive. We have seen those who are progr"¥lve community such as Wayne.council members for the sole purpose of He lent an expertfse 10 the posll,lon whichshOring 'up thelr personal egos. The title helped 10 build a sound foundation for oilwas more !mportant tt4an the lob. strong city government.

We hive also seen and heard those coun- . we feel thecltlzens of Wayne have madedl mtmberswhomay have a personal ax. a good c"olce In electing Wayne Ma,.",h liS

~:~::,:.,~~ sharpened it at the tax- =;~s':~~~~ty~:;~~':~~e~ta~':But atter lit year watchIng and reporting polnt of a taxpayer and a cltv council

the happenings of the Wayne city council, member. We,feel that when he gets his feetour confldence~n city government Is 00 the ground he will continue the samereturning. It Is_ n over~}\~~_mlng-,-_but. ,th.L positive guidance needed. tor the pro-

-'1P8J'k has been nfted. ~~~,:-:-~g:O~~~~':es,We believe the Ity council has acted In we remind city elected and lIppointed

goodfllthesthey enhboutcity business. officials that roses have thorns. We willIf there was a Cf1fl1ct of Interest, they mntlnuetoreporttheadlonsofthecooncll

=~;,;~~r;h:~:;U:'ectedpositions =Itt f:~ua~~~~~~h~C~:'J::::' I~~U:The WaYM c1t)\ government has a pasl- wrong.or not in the best Interests 01 the

tfveattitudl!ttOW~dthecommunity. There community. We stlllln1end to be a- strong

::a:fl:~e;;~ ::"i~I;~~~:lI~';v:s=. ~~ ~~:::.~~~pa.:r::::lIa: =c~tmanydlfterence of opinIon, but after they don't lInger. - Chuck Bames.


Votdrs affirm new conservatisim

The '·ehanglng· of the guard In cltyooYW""l"'t Tuesday night provided· anapportunlty tP retrect lust how Important

. dty govemn,ent is to-those It represents.. f'roblIbly nowherre In our ,'-over-allgowrnment structure Is their opportunitytor ... _taxpayer to be reeognbed and


I't d

For the December Chrl,ttn•• ·


ad MOnn-Home

ne Wavne t..ebr.fH....kI·'MonUv, DKamber 1'.'",

luncheon in ,

longe Home· Mrs, Russell Lutt was a goest

at Klick and Klafter HomeTx;'lensiOn----etufj Tuesday. Four­

feen members met for a C::overf)ddish Christmas luncheon In thehome of Mrs. Rolile longe.

Roll call was a ChrIstmasverse

Mrs. Herb Niemann. president,read the poem "We Prepare forTomorrow" to open the meeting.Mrs. lou luff dlsfrlbuted year­book6 and discussed plans for thenew year

Mrs. Harvey Beck led thegrOup In singing of Chrlstrpascarols, followed wIth an 'ex·change of gifts.

Mrs. Walter Moller wrfl behostess for the next meeting. setfor 1:30 p.m. Jan. 9.

Extensl~ 'Club met "wTth Mr•.• Fred Mann Tuesday for a 12:~

1 coopemJve -dlnnef' ~_ .

Thirteen members and a guest,Mrs. laurlne Beckman. respond·ed to roll call with memories offormer Christmases.

· Secret sisters were revealedand new names were drawn 'orthe new year. A gift exehangewas heltl

Mrs. Werner Mann will enter­tain the club on Jan. '" af 1:30p.m.~~-~

Kenneth. Haller wH! have thelesson on cultural am.

The MASSENET • K2520Mediterranean styled console.

Wood-gra~ned fln[sh o.n topand ends. Front and base of

sImulated wood. Dark Oak

C:lor (K2520Dr'~(2526P)~C~~t~~~

TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19senior Citizens Center ChrIstmas potluck luncheon, noonLaPorte Club potluck luncheon, Anna Cross, 12:30 p.m.Progressive Homemakers Club, Mrs, Harry Schulz, 1:30

pmVilla Wayne Tenants Club weekly i'neetlng, 2 p.m

WE,DNESDAY. DECEMBER 20Club 15, rws. Morris BacktromGrace Lulheran Duo ClubPleasant Valley Club, Mrs, Dale Thompson, 2 p.rn '":;.Tops Club, West Elementary SchooL 7 p.m

THURSDAY, DECEMBER21Happy Homemakers Home Extension Club Christmas

party, Mrs. Mildred Jones, 12:30 p.mImmanuel lutheran Ladles Aid carry-In Christmas

luncheon, 12:30 p.mFRIDAY,OECEMBER22

Senior Citizens Cenler SpanJsh class, 10 a.m.

MONDAY, DECEMBER 18Senior Citizens Center bingo, 1:30 p.mAcme Club, Mrs. Martyn Koch, 2 ~.m

Senior Citizens Center monthly meeting, 2:30 p.mWoNI Auxiliary, Vet's Club, 7:30 p,mWayne Auxiliary 3757 fraternal Order of Eagles, 7:45

p.m ..


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Mr '<lnd Mrs. Harry Wert,Clarence May, Mrs. Bruno Splittgerber, Goldie leonard, MlidredWacker, Alice Dorman, Mr. andMrs. Erwin Vahlkamp, FerneLonge and Joclell 6ull

The next monthly dance, singa-long and observance of birthdays and anniversaries will be onTuesday, Jan. 9, at 2 p.in

KAUP'S TV222 Main 5t, Phone 375·1353

Wayne, Nebraska '

also available in other designs

Nine members and two guestsattended a luncheon of St, Paul'sAltar Guild Wednesday afternoon. Guests were Mrs ArlenPeterson and Mrs Irene Hansen

Guild will not meet in JanuaryNexl meeting will be a1-2 p.m. onfeb. 1, Hostess will be MrsNorris Weible

Guild luncheon

At Sf. Paul's

and Henrietlc! Frost, outer sentinel •

The group voted to purchaseChristmas gilts tor shut.in members, including three at IheWayne Care Centre

Following C! gift exchange, thehostess served cookies andcoffee

Date for the next meeting willbe C!nnounced

on bun. cnee-;eblln~(ed com,

Royal Neighbors 01 Americaelected new ollicers following acarry In ChristmilS dinner Sunday in the home ot ThelmaYoung Eight members attended

New officers are ThelmaYoung, oracle: Ellen Huxlord,vice oracle, Fanchen Banister­recorder, Geneva Beckner, recelver, Sue Brown, marshall,PhylliS Caauwe, assistant marshall, Hatlie McNutt:~·-pasl oracle Ruby Jensen, inner sentinel,


d",,_'Se, curn, plum,;Tu~,Chrl'<lno(l"i"1<..".(jel"'in


SIl(l?S, POI1lfo-,Thurld;Jy'~hedpot<l!oes,'''dgr"vy,

CT(Wrf'dlurk ..yan"d""'S''''l.cr''''bern.-spel'S, Chn~lmilS cookl('';. brf',,"Frictav. Fish ,><,ndwo<ll, qr"en beiln,;


WAI(EFIELDMonday: Hoi " ....I pol"tDe~,

iXi:igfinuri·· ...... "Tuesday: TLJrk"y ~a",jwld1, celery w,fh

pE'allJl blJ!tl". Fre"d1''''''',Cilk"Wed~ qr~"n he<Y\'~(lple

Thursdayfruitfrriila\i':'--'FfiOO"' '(f'-;~M::-- "POI=- 'and'~"II" (,'hh,.;W .... Iil':1 r11l5ml,11 .. dP';..';Prt

Mllk5erv<Xlwllh ..iKll~ill


(Df"n, Rice Krl,>ple har'>,or ch~'SSlllftll,a-acxersorrolts, Rice Krlspletl<'rSTu~: F':I1l s.qUilFe5..-..:l t~¥ 5.IllJce,

aJftaoe fries, cinnarmn rolls M'd bulter.Pl'<Y~ce,orm!"\'S';alad,crlld<.eon;or




tx ~'~ '\.lllild, O'ad<er~or rol\~,oeI8lIn

Th\JndlI'¥: (re rred lurkey on Whippedpol"'~' ::r""'t T(<dUU'.butl~redCOf'n,

roIk Nl'.l bulle<', Ch,,~ll"l'Wl mok~. let!CTl!oIlffi;ffi~l<'J(\


PWJ£,pI'¥1'''''''-'''' ,ym"""",,liOd,CTlOCl<ers

(Jfrr,Hl"pe1lt.t,!A.>rr:",.1. '>t"vM ~{Tr, u<!1 ~~I


,Monday' &'l"f Pil!l,f', green be""s,lJ"1TIg.e IU'Cl', pei'C,es. cookie bun, ord1f"h.5illaj,peiKlles,cookle,roltTU~: TOO5IOO dleese sardwid'l,

devHed!"Qg, P<'<"lS, a:>lerystrrp, pears,wokle.orct>!"\'5Sillild, pe,'T;, Cllrrdl sHlprollWed~,cn'd<nld,lurkeYonpot'"

toes-. cranberries, carrol strip, lllftaged1~ilfidPlneapple,gelil\ln,rolt,or



:;1:=,: CI~~::nn~r or :~~~~~:rnlISfl.appiesau<:e.onn"rrvnroil

Frlc1ay,: f'1!J1w.lth lat1ar sauce, whipped~a1oes ,If)(\ buffer, strawlX-'rry!l1or1<2Ike,roILord1""·sSilI<'Jd, <;an-OIs,rlp,


ALLENMonday:!W''''~-,f,mr;fW<lpolil!oe<;ano"fNY pe<lCt1",;,br"",JilOdbl,illc-r,grilMam

CTi>o<ermok,eTullMlay: Tav<>rn~ rrearrrn yn'0l beilllS

"""Wedl1e$day Inc'<.J d"ek,,", fY'l--.;he<lpoIaloe-;,1r\,lqrilVy,rr,"'bl'rrYClJp.hrei>dand huller, 'CJ' rre<lmb3r~Thursday. WI,,"<,r~, C>ilk,,(1 1"''''''5, hilll

Qr"ilnY'!',bred<l...-.clbuf'erFr,d;rv f'lsh burger 8f\(f far1,,, 'ilUce,

pot,lJO r::I'::~rl~:;iw~~',~k;.'rll

YounOgsters Say 'Merry Christmas'

250 at Open HouseNearly 250 persons attended

open house al the WakefieldHealth Care Cenler Dec. 10

Decorations were In the IradiIlona I ChrIstmas mollf withtouches of Swedish and Germilnladles serving lunch were dressed In Swedlsn costumes and!>erved ostkaka, German cookies,and bars, coHee and punch

Next clrcte meetings are Jan10 with Mary Circle at 9:15 amDorcas Circle al 2 pm., andfv'Iartha ClrcleatSp.m

Redeemer Lutheran Churchwomen held a Christmas potlucksupper Dec 13, hosted by theMary Circle

The Fallh and lile committeepresented Ihe program, entitled"We Are There," A mone'ary giltwas presented 10 Ihe Rev andMrs S,K deFreese and will beus.ed to purchase new hymnals

Christmas gifts were sent to aresident al the Wayne CareCentre and 10 Bethphage. A cardwas senf to the missionary

It was announced that therewill be a meetJng 01 the lCWbo;srd on Jan, 9 at 7:30 p.m

Lew Fare Potluck


HICKERSON - Mr and I'o'n BrlldHldwnon, OITllllIl. a '100, JOf\ftthanThomll'),9 1m.. 1. ()l., CJol>c SGnn:1parenf~ ¥~ Nr M1d Mn Orvill ..Hldoonon. W"."r>e, and Mr and rw,TornBashIlr/ll,SlovxClty

Save with regularity.o.Eve;y Pay Dayo

You'll. be surprised how it adds up. '

Doily interest, too

from day of deposit to day of withdrawal

me WAYN'eouFEDERAL G:r--"-""", Savings and Loan _~--_..- 321 M.,ln Strut Phone 375.2043 LENDER

Eugene Nettleton of WakefieldunderwetTt bY-~'5 heollrt surgerylast Mond.l!ly IIf the MethodistHOSp.!tlll In Om.,ha.

Nettleton's mother, Mn. Bes­sie Nettleton, lind brother andwife, Mr, and Mrs. Don Nettleton,aU of Carroll, were In Omaha forthe surgery. Mrs. Don Nettletonis staying with the EugeneNettleton family In Wakefieldwhile their mother Is In Omaha.

Mall will reach Nettleton Itaddreued to Methodist Hospital,8303 W. Dodge Road, Oml!lha,Neb,.., 68114.


Surgery in Omaha


--II"art, Sundav, 0.,. "." ~! At7:20&':10p.m. ~

~'~"R7:'E~ iJ~,\ Ulltll '''''II,j \ fj"KI'JIJdiU:R: ~


Students of the special educatian-'~ at ~IeSchqo) joined members of theWl!yne Senior Citizens Center _--,-±±:::s@

- Tuesday'afternoon ,In observance

ofS~~;~~~~eas~sons turned outfor the....party. Students attendingwete Rick Kenny, Troy Vofwller,Kall 'J-o Corbit. Cindy Sitzman,Taml Har'man~ MarFays'!v\aro'z, Terry Wendel snd Rod··ney Bauermeister, and teachersMrs. Gertrude Vatllkamp andMrs. Pat Glassmeyer

. EdCh student and teachers• L.. . W were Rresented a crocheted

_f~LCi.LapterMeets_at . .avne~~.~;:~h;~~"~"~:;;pInned' on by Gladys Peterson,

Forty-three members of PsI meeting. The music committee singing "0, Holy Nlghf, were made by members of thechapter, Delta Kappa Gamma, and hostesses were In charge of panled by Mar!!yn Wallin. center's crochet class.met In the Birch room at the the program Mlnnle Rlceannouncedthe$150 Students, teachers and senior, .~

Wayne State College Student Vera Dledlker and Mary Dahl grant. In· aId rec:lplent, Pamela clflz,ens danced to the tunes of. "1 7>, .-Union for a 6:30 buffet Tuesday. qulst read an original poem, a Mllander of Coleridge. Center's Bubbles and Bobblettes .J. : ~' u.

Four new members were psrody on "Twas 'he NlgM Ch~:~e:~es,lO~er:re~~:~, :~~ev' baCh",d,olma~~,. ...,'.D",~, Old'faShloned~'~".',., ~\initiated Into the chapter. They Before Christmas," Dr, M3rla .> .,.>..... .> ~

~_·~~£~~;:~t;:b.H~:a:.--·=~·~~~=~;~of ...~~~seg;~~~_~~·~·~;----~~~~~~=-~e:d~~:t-' "pr·~·---_··_-- .~-~; ~_h_Esther Reher of Wakefield, 5nd I Franktln, all of Wayne wlches from a table decorafed ~

luelle- Foste-r of Wynot. FollowIng group *Inglng 01 Next meeting wlH be a 9:30 In the Christmas motif. Each THESE YOUNGSTERS from the special educC!tlon class at Wayne Middle Schoo! lolnedDr. Mary Arle-ne Schulz, presl carols, Mlldred Jo s relld a brunch on Feb. 10 at the student received Christmas tree Wayne's Senlqr Citizens for a Christmas celebration 'Tuesday afternoon at the Senior

dent, conducted the business poem, entitled "Whe e Can We Methodl.,t Church In Randolph ornaments made by senior clti Citizens Center, Pictured, from left, are Rodney Bauermeister, MarFaye Marotz, TamlFind Him," and f~e evening rv\arlan Jordan 01 Wayne Is the zens In the cr5ft class, and candy Hartmann, Mrs. Pat Glassmeyer, Terry Wendel, Rick Kenny, Troy Volwller, Cindy

concluded with RUbT Pedersen chairman. ~~~~ t;n~n;c7:;;~ Soules and Sitzman, Mrs. Gertrude Vahlkamp and Kall Jo Corbit.

if:j;;:US;::!~~l':l=:fso:r~E:Q'B;:I:~~I'Q:B:lI'l':Q:I:J:S;Zr,;::t~f.S;:\f:S;l:~:S;l'f't The youngsters, In return celebrated 51 years 01 marriage Nlary Echtenkamp, Arma Splitt

W!, ~ ::~~~:~~~e~~;r~~~~ls~~:S ta~yu~lisfl:~~eC~;~SI~~~~h~~~~~r ~~~~rM;~da~~s M~;~'r~h~:I:t~! ContGlto .Wednesday ! tr~:nlorCitlzenSObSerVlngbirth Citizens Cenler, where she serves LarryOsnower and Mr, and Mrs

II. IJ. days, and anniversaries during 'as~i;~I~~rrelreshmentsof cake, CI~~~n~u~:: table feafures a1 st , Paul's Lut~eran Church 01 Winside Invites fhe public ii 'he month at December also were cookies and sandWiches were the Christmas tablecloth and was

W to attend a Chrls'A1M canta'a Wednesday evenIng, Dec, 20, If' ho~~t~~ay honorees were Mrs ~;o:~~s ';';sd ~irO~~1 ~~:;,~:~:: ~:~~~~~dWI~~ aG~:~;sba::r::~7t at 7~~~;;;;lng to ,the Rev. G,W, Goftberg, the cantata Is i Esther Carlson, Mrs, Mary fox Bernita Higgins, Shirley Wagner and Shirley Wagneri entitled "Love Transcending" by John W, Pelerson, and will iMina Dunklau, Floyd McCrlqhf Lf>ona Bahde, Besse Peterman, Serving on volunteer commitW' Include the songs '''Birthda.v of the King," "Have You Any 'i1 and Gladys Petersen, Anniver Dorothy Thun, Goldie leonard, lees to serve and cleanup wereii Room For Jesus: 1 "We Three Kings: "Oh Holy Night" and II sary greetings were sung to Mr Mr and Mrs, Bruno Splitfgerber, Gladys Petersen, Bill Hansen

i "Away IntheMa~ager" ~ =n~:;r~;~y:~:~.:nhdOtoh~re lllll{ln Miller, Emma Soules Mr and Mrs, Virgil Chambers

1':H~~i'C:.'lIB:\HQ[~~~~~~B=:II1ZI{::n~IClB~~b':;:l:~~and Mrs, Erwin Vahlkamp, who

RNA Elects Officers



1110 112-411124 14 21-71

FGFT F PTS.5225121000264-641600-120

~ ~ ~ f ~2 2 ~ 3 6Oqll10-001

"'·11"4119 lO·U""


DMnMIUerSwll H"flsfromVon PortWOOdBllrrvJOnesDouQ Sl"rtlr"""swlg"f1TlmP.allllrson~IM'I $O(iM!)eroT01.11H..-tIng1on

tigures for the Trolan! withHallstrom netting 16 points andPreston hitting 12 as Wl!!lketleldwas successful on J9 percent of Itsfield goal attempts. Wildcat TomGoetz hurt Wakefield with 2.points.

The Trojans managed only 25rebounds against Hartington In.c1uding nine by Doug Starzl.Wakefield also committed 19turnOver!

"If was ptrplexlng," saidCoach Joe Cob'le following theloss. "We had a good week ofpractice and It was fust chaos outhere tonIght. It's bette" Ilt!ttlngwhipped like this then to lose a

~:~b:~' ~~~~C:~~~S~~g:~fhe next one. I'm nof thatdisappoInted, we just gof beat,"he added.

The Joss dropped Wakeflefd'sreco,.d to 2-2 ,on the year. Thelocals.. will play at· WausaThursday

Wlnlilkw,...WINSIDEP8u1 Rob"""~


BobH_kJ","""" ....~~8dRobeol'1'

Tal ...

warmed up In the lourth ql,larter&gain for 20 potnts and a 62·49win. The Blue Devils tookadvantage of 28 WInsIde turnovers to score 30 points

R...r'Vu VictoriousWinside won the ref>@rve game

38-31 l!!lS Byron Schellenberg andBrad Roberts led the scoring.SChellenberg laced 13 pofntswhile Robem led the scoringwIth IS. Tad Hoeman scored sixpdlnts and Jim Krajkek andRandy Wills each hll a bucket

Winside host!. Osmond Thuf!·day night

Troians Can't Keep Pace

With Hartington, FridayThe Wakefield Trolan!. played

with Hartington for on!! qyarterbut then fell apart and got rolledOVer' 78-47 by the home te.'lmFriday nIght

The Wildcats held a' sUm 18-17lead after the "rsl quarter but thesecond period proved dlMstr()Usfor the Trolans. Hartingtonouncortcl them 24.10 In thatquarter for a 42-V half-time lead

SCott Hallstrom and TomPreston bofh reached double~

16 •••-],11 • "1I-j4

FaFT F PTS10-012

102,112200,10032-23 S100121001216 .-5' 14

16 2-510 14

Wynot Drops Wildcats


£W1 GotchLt'eHIWlHn



, T01",H._


hit .46 - perc;ent f~om ~ the. fletd_ I After faillng behind by 11 point!TOnlqht (Monday.)-, theiy WIlt hos-t In the flnl quarter, the WinsideP~nca at 6:30 and Thqrsday they WIldcats tried to ma.ke a. comeWill meet Bancroft In a bIg game. back but couldn't pull enough

"I'd like to see us play under momentum and fell victim topressu((~ and I think we will Wynot 62-49 FrJday night.lI~ainst Bancroft Thursday The loss drops Winside's retOl"d~19ht," McManigal predicted.. "I to 2.J for the season. Despite~Ink we can pl.y under .pressure losing 'he game, three Wildcat!When it gets down to the nlffy finished In doubfe figu,.es. Paul9I'ltty," he stressed. Roberts led the team In scoringALLEN FG FT F PTS with '16 poInts,. foHewed by BobSlllO'-l' K~t.., 6 J 2 0 I~ Haw""nswlfh l.(and Chuck Pete"

~:, ~~::n..u ~ ~ ~ ;:~ with 12 I

~~"wEc:,~'" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Cn~o:~~~ ~yn~::s ~::;i;sonya Elll~ I 00 0 2 hot tram the field find built l,Ip a

~1e~~I~;::~~, ~ ~ ~: ~ ~1~~V~~r~e~J'~gal~e~ ~~:~~~I iI!llng 1~ ~_ ~0~ 4~ lead. after lhe firs' qu: rter andHomeor , 0.) 14 11 stretl;hed fhat to 20 at haU

timeThe Wildcats cut the margin to

eight at fheend of t e thIrd periodbut suffered the I when Wynot

Allen Gir's Win Eas;I,The Allen girls basketbalt learn

continued to pldy like a st"te<:(lntender Friday night ~5 theEagles had little trouble dumpingHomer 48·19 In the first half 01 IIgirls-boy double-header

Stacee Koester with U point!.,Usa Erwin with 13 and PamBrowneff with 10 paints sparkedthe Allen offense which averaged12 palnls a quarter. OVer!.hadowlng the offensiveoUtput was a defensive diSplaywhich shut down Homer and heldthe Knights scoreles!'> In the firstquarter Homer scored Its flr<;.tbasket with four m,nules teff inthe r"st hall to break the Ice

'We were the experiencedteam and took control, of thegame."' Coach Steve McManigalsaid "We played 'otal team ballSusie (Erwin) pro.... lded 'theleadership and everyone cont1'lbuted'

'The- Ea9~ oulre.~~mded theine>,_perlenced Knights JA to.11 asAllen was led by Lisa Wood withnine rebounds, Pam B,.owneflwith eight ~nd Lisa Erwin withseven

Usino a fasl break, the Eagles

The Allen Eagles won theirthird' straight boys basketbatlgame Friday night since 1~ln9.

the season opener to Winside andwhen Coach Bart Kneift's ballclub plays, fans don't lea....e 'hegym early

The Eagles lost by sill points toWlnslde and have 'since won twogames by three points and nowthis one by two

Bart Gotch was Ihe Allen heroFriday as he hit a 25 loot lumpshot at the final buzzer tor a 36-34win over Homer The game wasthe nightcap 01 a boys girtsdouble-header

Coach Kneltl sdid aller the_

Eagles Win Numb~rThreer'; I i

game that he was elated with the Ihlt '38 ,percent from the fieldwin "It's a pig lift winning the jcompared to ,AO percent forclose games." KneW stated. "We Homerplayed "eql well. We wefe Allen. now)· 1. will face Poncadisciplined and patient In a very O'l the road Tuesday night. Kneltlbig team effort" say!, his team 111'11 try to play

Gotch totaled 22 points for the patle:n'ly again against the tallerEagles but Knelfl Ins Isled that his, team!eam pl"y was balanced. al·though the scoring was not"Although Gotch scored ill lot ofpoints. the team played withpatience and controlled thetempo of the game," the coachadded

Golen also ted Ihe Eagles In

rebO\Jnds with 13 followe;d by leeHansen wilh seven. The Eagles




TWO POINTS are scored here as AI Nissen of Wayne hits abuCket against Wisner-Pilger Friday night.

Zeiss, Ginn


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17" 'l1-U'IS Jl 14-"



~rJler losses. "I was "beginningto thInk we were snakebltten,"Parks saId. "It was good to getour flrst wIn. We lost two c.losegames and one blowout and Ithink we were beginning to doubtourselves."

--"-Nov( we sh-ovld btrttd "son:ur- ­confidence and play more relax·ed We neEM:led thIs one to give usconfldenc~ so we can pllly theway we're C!aPllble." Park!continued. "I saw a lot of goodthings happening. We had periodswhere we played real well andspans where we didn't look likethe same team.". "We' 'Ie got a lot to work on butthIs will boost our morale 8 lot,"the coach said. "The thlngs_ thatwe did wrong can be ironed outana I saw a lot of positive thln~s.

The Bears came out running Inthe first period and tmder the hotshooting of Ron Gadeken lumpedout In front early_ They held 0" to{j 17 ·2Jead after the first qllader-_.•

Emerson-Hubbard rallied andcut the Laurel lead to 18-13 at onetIme. The five point lelld dldn'flast long as the Bears continuedto play calmly and unselfishly torattle off seven str<'llght pointsand a 25-13 lead.

Laurel controlled the tempo ofthe- game throughout most of thefIrst half, although they went Inhot and cotd streaks. The Piratescut the lead to 31-14 In the fln81minute of the ha If but Laurel randown the clock and Ron GadekenhIt a basket wlth three gecondsleH for a 33·24 score at fhe break.

The fans saw a different Laurelteam than thay had seen In thefirst few games of the season.The Bears had been plagued byturnovers In the)r previous lossesbut stayed away from theturnovers In the first half, takIngadvantage of Emerson mistakesinstead

The combination of Dale White,Gadeken, Don Dalton, SteveAnderson and Russ Gade clickedfor most of the game.

Dalton ran the Laurel offensewith key-..passes from the top ofthe key and played smart defense,drawing charging calls from the­Pirates on several occasions.

Emerson-Hubbard closed thegap again In the third stanz<'l andpulled within seven at 42-35. TheBears beoan to make somemistakes mentally and soon thePirates were threatening with thescore 52-48

Gade stepped to the free throwline with the four point lead andhWthe first one_ Then, Andersontipped In the second free throwfor a three· point play and a 55-48tally

With less than a minute and ahalf left in the game, the crowdwatched for about 15 mInutes asEmerson players foured In des­peration. The Bears expandedtheir lead to put the Icing on the~ke

FollowIng some costly Pirateturnovers and fouls, Anderr.on hittwo free throws with one secondremainIng to salt the vIctory63-49. Laurel Is now 1-3 and willmeet Pender at home tomorrow(Tuesday). Parks says the Pen­dragons will nof be overlooked asthey have a good team

, ,, ,, ,, ,

Beca....e everyoge ~assomething specialto 1Jollton to.


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Ct.}!ter Gills 42B (Ind 1172

Friday nightCoac_h Joel Parks felt relieved

to pick up the victory after three

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basketball season but they did Itin Impres~lve fashion as theydumped Emerson-Hubbard 63.49

TuesdaV NlgM Men" HandlaopWoo,"""

The lounge,s ).172I_etly·. ACa:>unI,ng Servia= n 24fhe Fil,r Slore 3125Wakefield N.uonal Bank lO )6

FonIenelleHybroCls 10 16Turbc'~ SI..,dard 10 16'-aIITDnWell~ ]V nDilve/l.l'lay'5B,S 16)0SrnrOl"der'SPropane 15',11)',A,",""",",r.a" Lcog'Dn 25 JIKratkeOiI 2';])HurrplyDurrplyMllls \8', ])',H'gh Sm",,: Brad Sdlwarten 101, (I,ff

102 ,.,nd 566, M Holm. D f'..kver, K

~lillson. 203. Denny Neyers iIr1d l'lill1dyJohrl5Ol"1 5l7. Don I'lou~e 554, SalrronW..llslOl5. Wakefield N8Ilontll Bartk 1016iJ"d 19,0,4, Fonlanell .. Hvbrlds 1042. TheLoungen 1943 LetlV's Aa:Ounllng ~e'vK:e3014



,-", "

FOULED WHilE going up for the rebound Is Ron Gadeken of Laurel in action againstEmerson ~ubbard Friday nighl Steve Anderson watches In the background


wonLoslCounIryKIO<I!f> J'I,,16',AJleyG/lls )6 10JelSet ]2:l4Sh<W\lldOwl'l1lKids 10',15",Tl>eBIIIIBl!¥lngs 1828Hollywood Squares 23' ; J]' ,

MlllionSBIIl:"es ,016Tl>eG_T"; 14',41' 1HlgtI SCXlf1lS: carol c,,-..,.e IBJ and 51\l

the jel Se1 /51, Counlry KIcker~ 1084

Sun~•.von_ MI:<oo Couples LeagueWonLo,1

Btltl-Gv5loko"1 la"1 IJ'"Holm SIrrp!.Ofl ), 20

IhMtneIl Br~sler II 2\HaIJSlromR,..rnrruelier ]1 21vanCleave Keilgle Ebel 30 nB1rt<lev-Tllvlor 30 nGust~S"Yigart lO,2Hingst Hi.......51 JO nwtlllfordNortenson )0 nBenSon Meyer 19 13Rsmer PresIon 28 24~IIKQl!!'iI.... 26V,25'hEhJdIgam-Fredrld<son 1319

Rouse Schroeder 23 29Kinney Larson 22 lONIIvr1<III-Trube 1131Ril:irrussenSrrilh 2131~enhaul'!"Silfldahl 18]4Fi"euriekson-OdIlnS Tullberg 16 36Be1In:l HenS<:hke 10 42High Sc:orM: Jean Fischl'!" 528 and 196,

-{)JfrIeTappe621 illld 2J4,FISd1erPreslon2001iW1<l717

Wedne1.dItY N,qhILadie:swo"Losl

~ )814Nl'ol,le )6'115'1Otud<w<Q::In 34 18RrJ('sPllls lO "l2VI~Chi:<s 29 23Vikcrn 29 I)KrBfk" Oil 18 14

.Up Town Cate :18 24[)'NoacDor\elldsFeed5 2626S!1011Clrcu1T5 2626lJdlldBe<lOl"SalOll 2626S<JltmrlWelis 11 )0\.lnl-O llldleo; 22 30~Plu..-t:>f>r''''l&'"1,,''',nq 20 JlBressl.... F,m.... ~1 Horne 15" l6',NaJIBender'> 14 l8HlgtlSCDn'!S: Evely" Trube12J ,TlCl 514.

Neo l,le '/1/ ilI'>l1 2628

'----w_~-~:_-~~:---JJ5po,ts IFlreai>d<ers ]] 19fbbC,lIs 1814-X··CNI""", 22 10T~ 21)1High Swrns Bob Uris 1018 iII1d 74l,IVorro5Gu5'~57iil"Cl]OY



122 Main

Phon. 375·1130

200 Logan

Phone 37S;1322

foe Alt.r

Bow/ing Leogue

The EI ToroLoung. & PGckage

Wayne Grain&


StateNational Banlc

& Trust Co.


him "a'real good batt handler" The Lal,lrel Bears not onlyThroughout the year, various athletes moved Into the wIn column wr

will be honored by the Second Guessers the firs! lime In the youngLook for their pictures and someInformation about each lndlvldual as theye... r progresseS

WAYNE' WRESTLING COACH DonKoenig Is sport)n!;! anew look now as his

-. wr~flersareactrve-onthe mal's. Koenig is ~--- -growing a beard a'F1d says he has promlsytlhis team he w(!( conflnue to grow It lJf'1tllthey lose a dual or finish below thlrd',[n.-.a.tournament ~

With his grapplers olf to a good start, thecoach's beard Is now two weeks Inprogress_ Dan Mltchett and Rick LuH areboth undefeated for Ihe Blue Devils withidentIcal 7·0 records.

TWO LOCAL GIRLS CONTINUE toperform well for the Wayne StateWlldklttens. Sisters Lori and Karl Erwinhave erYjoyed good Indlvldl)... 1 effork forthe Kittens, The Erwlns played for AllenHIgh before enrolling at Wayne Slate Andas everyone knows, their !wo youngersisters, Susie and lisa play for Allen, now

REMEMBER WSC WllDKITTENSTAR? Connie Kunzm<'ln? WeH the formerWayne center was on television Saturd<'lYwhen she played for the Iowa Coronetsprofessional basketball team

ALSO, SATURDAY NIGHT, a formerWayne High basketball star played lor theUniversity of Nebraska in. a contest'J96lnst the Wayne State women. SydneyM.osley is a lres"man lor UNL and amember ollhe women's squad down there




Woo,,",~F,,,,,klln 481]WfP{n(JGralntloFecd 43 17fUll & Otl"Consl l8', 1\",WeslcrnAvlo 11''727',W~(oIdSlor8Qe 3218Rollef1~Fl!ed&S~ 32 28

:'~B....-Allerl HiJlrnff\' ~~ ;~

Ww;re Aulo PMh 11 38RrsINIIlIOl\llIEk!nk 21 l8GNEPC 12 38HltJllS_:JoI'InRebemdorf13~, LYryEdlI81kllf'T1)611l,ROOOrtsF~&S~

fIllL Wtryrle Grllin & Fe«! 2526

C6m!n-O!ilrllllOOr Jolls 3~'~~" t----------1alllWlllSOOwood II 13~W~lble8eck,"" l2 2~

Baif!r Roebl!fMeyer l2 14PleitterTietl 12 uD&lILvll )0',',15",~rSk"" 7917

Dl!hlkoetler Milliken 27 1~

I-t:lIdor1,j(!l1!1e1LuII 17 19Jirlke-Ded<.-Harrm 1] ]l

We<:kerFredrldtsorl 18 38Ilaler!'>dlroede!",aoyle \8)8High 5CXlfft, RUeben Neyer 19H, lone~184.DIIleTho~538,Shell",

[)Ih1~ler'503, D.!JhIMoollerMiI1IMe-n689, BIller Roeber-o'Myer 1896

Aeln<llifel .WtryO#'1Ren:terl .....AmleFOI'"d_.Yll!rrurylDgiInVlllley IITll 81 69~L""'fI~1!I" 8070RlrilyNlll1 78',,71',Toms BocIyShop H 76SllIIeNIII'1 BirIl< 1.6'/183'1:1

=~~TV 52'!) 97"1 I---------fHigh S~: VIII Klenml 180 1lfld 651.

4lusly NIlII,o,7(1. AeI""Ule Ins 11M2

Wed~NI1I1OwI, •Wonl.oll

~L__ 4\19K&KS",les 40 10 .CDrrrn!rcl",1 SI<'d"&rlk )Y 211I1Dvtter J4 26Greenvlew-F..,.m l1 28C8'l1el1(lfl'llDryWal+ II 29GoIdenHl:W"Ve$1 )0 30

. Feeden Elevlllor 27 33SherryBr1:l9 27 Jl41hJug )4 l6Ray'!lod<('I" 19 41Trl CO.Jn'VCoop 16 44High S_: I'llc BIlmerl~6.,,-,(l642,

1Ve10d0!l! LlnCS931 aro:l 2563

~LRI(AP·~n" to Randy Has.call '


Woo ....Herv~le's 0 17W~Herald l8 nBlIsB.srt>en 11 18An1!rIQlrl FllIT1Ily 1n5 31'1,28'10Sll<Illon House 3\ 29STora JO 30Cerllid'lDea>rallng 19",30'1>Ofnlelson Drywml 19 ) IGreenvlewFrrn. 29 31ClJ1'ltrl'!l LUrmOlr 28 J2TrvbeStlll'ldllrd 16 lAll::tr'IDertly 13 A1HlgIl lema, Carmie DedI~ 199, Gerl

Nft1<s519. EI T0I"0880 IIf\d 2519

s..runSayNneCoupiftWoo ....

OlInllllson Hlliley l7'1, 14'/,.Jmke-j/lCOl:JSen-D<YlQber'1I 34 18JorOl!flSll'"-R.oIJi~ 19])

KDlIYoM-WltI 18'111)'"SOden-Krueger 28 UBill-Nissen 27 ,259::le/IerMl!'ller 2626OIson-L~.~8I'" 2527WlIsa-': BlIler, Br!!ndt'l"l 2418~_,y.)I1.... n'I,2~'/,

Gr8"1QV~1 johnSOn 18 34RlI!gl!r HotflTlllfl,Jo/Il!Of!r 12'1, l~",

Hlgtt SCllI'M: RId! &mer 12. 8M 574,oeo Ellis 201 tI'1d 535, o..letson-H4I~


Woo,,",PlnPels 471)LudlyStrl1uln 3921PlnSpllnl...... l5 HRDlUvnnoen l5 15Rolling Pins 31 18Up&OQwm J2 28Hlls&M~ 79 11WhiM Aw8Yll 18 n~OPOUls )4 l6N'rJreorLMscs 1) 17Gr~Gat~ IllY~ Rewrts \7 ~1

High la:nI: KlW"efl H~ 119, Hlld';Bwvsfadl547, PIn SpUn!"," 617, Pin PlIIS".,

Woo,,",SIIngsonNvlors 18','715",oVek:ldee LIll1l!'5 38 )6Un'l1nQh«nWell l8 26M&SOU 37'1,26',',I<.lIvW"lOUOh Trud<lng J7 21WillillnSeed l5",28",f'tII'I 8etIuIv Salon 3l )1Shrlllk'f'AII,." 33 31StoliOlNallor18IF....-mMgnY 26 38Idl:WHorT'l!lnwl./lf1oo 25 3~

IIadIKnl\jhl 24"139',.nh jug 18 ~6

High SlJlA'l' CHol UIcl<lJ! 215 ~ 576.Wilson Seed 885. Melodf!e UnI!'5 254 I

Hom. Of

Frigidaire &May tag




Wl H_"."f......HII Wf \Ell





Dining. hioyment


Noon or Night



GOOCH fEEDPhon. 375-1420

'Good E", To Know'

THE W$C WRESTLING team visitedthe Sl!fcood Guesser~ meeting Thundaynoon. The prevIous week, the GuessersInvited the baskflitball players 'rom WSCand met them. '

Coach Nick Pederson Introduced each ofhis wrestler!> to the members present. HeWllrned sOme of- the people sINlng next toDan Shernlkau to wat(;h out because he'sknown for-s-ne-ail:fng food off other platesHe commented tha' Dave Ulch Is comingdown 'In weight and said he could tellbecause he's starting to wear otherpeople's clothes

Then getting to serlou!lo business. heforecast to the Second Guessers that theWSC grapplers have a lot of pteasantsurprises ahead.

QUOTE OF, THE WEEK: Once again,WSC wrestllng coach Nick Peders~mearnsthe honor of quofe of the week, 'He saidsomething to fhls effect· "You can tellwhen you see wrestlers because they don'tstare at women, they lust took at theIrplates

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I am no longer associated with L& J. J:ruclcirig.

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Body and fender Repair

N.E. NE8RAsl<A ME~'tAL


SI. Plul'l LUfl'oeI'lnOWrc:lI- Loun... WIIyne

111 & )rC! T1Iunde, at Elich Monttl"OOI_m.-12:llONlloOr1::JOp.m.-4:00p.m.

Donl....r & Arlen Pelllrl.ollFor Appolntmenl

Haml _ 17S-3110 e Offici - J7s-lItt,

ALL MAKES and MODELSBlIrJ--u-1Sl--- ylt;l~S InSlaliallon

123 S. MAIN· PH. 375-1966


NATIONAL COJerry Zimmer 31J-1116

1810 DodgeOmoJh<J. Nebr

Proless,o,loJ! Fdrm Managemenl'ioJles Loans Aporaisals





Call 375--1122












CIty Clerk-Tr••surer -Bruce Mot-c:f\Orst 375-1133

oty Attorney-Otds. Swarts &. Ens! 315·3585

Councilmen -Leo Hansen 375·1242Carolyn Filter 375-1510Larry Johnson 37S-286-4alftan GInn 37S·1428BerreU-f-uefber1lt 175-3205Keith Mosley 375--1735Sam Hepburn . .. 315-4759Vernon Russell. . 375·rna

W.yne Munlci,.1 Airport­AJlen Robinson. ,o\I\gr. 37S·4664

MAYOR ­Frefmltln Decker



I /'wse STUDENT tr.lners gain .xperlence helping Inlured athletes In the w~vne StateathLetic training room.


KEITH JECH, c.l.U.J1S·142' 401 Lotan W.yne


.313 Mlln Sf. Phone :17.2020Wayne. Nebr.

III West Jrd

Deane Pierson Agency

_J....~P_HA_R_M_A_CI_ST_Dick Keidel, R.P.


\ Cheryl Hall, R. P.:J75-~"0

Kevin Irish, R. P.375-1761 .

SAV-MORDRUGPhon4li17J-1.... II

;(~~J~"U~ANCE ... Gt.~

Independent Agent



LATE.,.OW'TIL rmo$~~~~~~lHRI5T~n .. fREE Gin WRAPPING..1IU4::1. ~~~~~~••

Curti. BODY Sill'S'0 " .... NOW $ 75

AnellO(: 00'r11 Stipp .. 375,1919Cln1L: Norris W,lble •. :US·2288Assoc. Judge:

. t.uverna Hilton 375--1622ShitriH: Don Welbte 315-1911

:~k~::;:'':: L,-.=---U--"---D--c:IA-'-o---=is-'--T=~yer . . ... 375--3885 REPAIREDClertr: of DI.trld Court: til···Joann Ostrander .... 375-2260 • .r W. d.

At~':;I;~~,'.. 315-3310 .: .. .& ".""AMElICAN GREEnNG BENTHACK CLINIC As,=~":::~-=:,,, 315-mO .~ ;"..'~

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Y2 PRICE Y2 Off 25% DISCOUNT =.~= :riJ~=r- Offl~;'!-.,.. "M& 50111.1 ,'... Merlin Bitlrmlnn .·ADIATO'Rr------...------~~-_._~-. :::~ ::.::,::::.~ydE= '. . ,.

, GRIBS REXALL COUPON _---1il----i-~~ .....'--_.......J OO::::...~:~~_ "1.9M...I S2 off _y nMIX WATa. I LAND SPECIALISTS _In Wr"'" ....... 37...... ..... U5·"nI • v .W.SeII Fer",s

i L ••~~.!~~!..~..ISJM~!•.:-Ji ::: ='T~"i:,' 11111 Flatd' WAYNE CA ECENTREW. Stll .... A GH4 ~_.... of MIDWEST LAND CO. Where Coring. Mo\(.l.s the Difference

--rP'" PhcNM' ~lJ nit T• hrfwIH. gftIlIo. Itnttftf 11ft SIt. ,....... - WO,M. No 918 MAIN PHONE 375-t922

- ~ ----------..,.-----


.:.... FREENo Purchase Necessar)tl World'sLargesl Toy-Filled ChrislmasStocking ABSO'LUTELY FR EE

'10 the lucky winner. You do nolhaVe 10 be presenl 10 win! Tellall you.r fr~end"s.

WIN FREE At Wittig'sAegister ior the World's LargestChristmas Stocking. Filled withexciting toys fC!r. boys and girls- nothing 10 buy.


Sports Slate

GIRLS BASKETBALLMonday. Dec. ,.Ponca at Allen. 6;30Bloomfield at Laurel, 6: 30:~'=~t ~ke~~eld~yne a~ StantonVV1nslde at Osmond


'or CIIrist••··/• I.

.W·t~·t '!.!-r:'.Wlttit'. .Gift·Certifim.,!


WITTIG'S*-:z..J ••_

PMf -

FIGHTING FOR a rebound Is Kathy Gustafson of WakefIeld Joan Miller jJ5). ArdleBarker l«l and Donna Kleckhaler '22) all prepare for action.

we.Hat- Fruit "keflln A~ Prlce·...~


~=:=:JOIIrili(lt" .......... ..: ttI ..u, .'

BASKETBALLTueschty. Dec. I'Pender at Laurel. 6:30Thunday. Dec. 21Osmond at Winside. 5 p.m.

·tt··Trojan Rebound

1 1

~_I_.IHoniioi..-..." __ ,,,,m . I I

You"gTroian Girls lock 'Solid ;Defense Apprent;~es learn At"etic Training '~'«j,'G.e'I', :H'" I·f.~~c'"ra .B.y H'c-:-r-t--"In',~g,t,0,'.,n~ 4,'9~-2.5 -,',' wl~:~~~~I~=':oI ==,,='.~:::-;,.~:w ..... ~~aridm~~ l~a .....\1... .....:.. a "'''''Ied',ralnar .......a,l~ Injuries are a malor en Swanaon Mid the WSC student Ihlp hours ~ athletlc~~~ 1herNA can be certltled by t~ ;

--c-~-c-~~",,,,...,.m,,,..rq.,,.c'N. ~ ~ __ ••• TA.

,".","'C"- - - S:':'~~;::~~ak~fl~~:~ athletes and coe~ -~~ -~ t-'treatment applle:d to _tti6¥ i'n~ >'-,•. j

basketball team, ran Into ear.,.- furies can be very Import'~, to !J'


Th=~n~~lar $.lo'.t.~r,Jolene Bertels, Kathy Gusta,tson With their Inlurla_ ~end Jackie Lu.th both ran Into About 15 WSC students rwfoul trouble urly. when the> f)vo partIcipating In an apPr'M't1 e-

:~~ed~:r:~~:=~ I".e: ::::etf;or;:,~~~':.a~ S' ;.ad nllllgeofthulluationtograb son. The students practle- t·

- '-'- •. _. . __~._._-------lng-----!pOf I

Hert'ng~~s man·lo:-rnan de; earn up to four college c Ittense shUt) dow"n the:,. Trot~·while-' gaining, hours tow.rdoffense again the second f»r.I cert.flc".flon through tbe Hatl.eftaland Gustafson soon plckad up t$lit: Trainer's ASSodetlrtfoqrth foul. Wakefield'. dillfenae Upon grlllduetion and tM ...was weak and the Wilde." took lno of 1!I certlflcetl9l' test': headvantage with fa,t breeklnv students will be certified to: bothboskefs on downcourt passes for tech and fa tfNt _ttj,.,lca 23-1(i halftime lea~. 'njurles such as sprains, br"l,....

In the third perIod, Wakefield dIslocations a:1d othen.looked better and ~Ith some "More "nd more high sc~lsquick baskets cut the store to are ~"'andlngqualified trel,..,..25-22. Then the 5-10 Gustafson on their staffs." SwansM Mid.fouled ou1 with 3:55 lett In the "This makes our 'certified C1r1ad-third quarter. Ulltes very employable."

Freshman Rita Wilson entered SwansOf\ said the WSC "'0-the game In place of Gustafson gram began only last yNr and I,and fllled her shoes well ,consider. one of only two In Nebraska, 1tMIIng her lad< of exPltrience. other program Is at UNl. .... iald

'The- Trolans stayed ~Ithln sIx SlJch programs must be certifiedpoints at 3D-U but two quick by the NATA, which requires _Hartington buckets ended the proballonary period. He addedquarter with the Wildcats holding that WSC Is entering thata JA-lJ lead. ~obatlonary period.

Lueth fouled out In the game to Partlclpants In the WSC pro·loin Gustafson on the bench and gram assist Swanson as student·Donna Kleck.Mfer left the game trainers for all college sports. BUSINESS'with an Injury with 5:JO remftln The students also "'p with theIng In tne game. At thIs point. the renabllltatlOll of Injured athletes

~I~~:~:"~~:~Ym~~:;:ym:~~ ~v~o"::. :;~:,:;:: :"~ AND PROFESSIONALArdle Barker played good de· physicianfense and hit a coupt" of long. "The mInor Inlurles. we treat ,.

'ho" to keep Wak.fI.'d c1... but without. dottor', ...mlnatl..... DIRECTORYthat wasn" enough. Swansqn said, "but if a ser~~s

Freshmen Rita Wilson. senior Injury occurs, we never dr.gooseSusan Millet" and sophomore the Injury. We may suspect whatJoan Miller filled the Trolan It Is. but If It looks seriOUS:: w"posItions most or the final period refer the athlete to a physlclflln." I I I I:;:~:~...ton pulled .w~, t.. In~;~n:;""dl:~~':f~::: ,--_I_N_S_U_R_A_N_C_E__ REAL ESTATE L__S_ER_V_'C_ES _

"Our defense was weak and we by a physician, the student _ ' ' ' -hitd to switch people around tral~rs help_ttl.!! athlete restore (t)because of fouls:' Coach Ellie the Injury through the Ulle or the fStuder said after the loss. The WSC training room. Included InTrolans were led In scoring by those faclilties are whIrlpoolBarker with 10 points. Julie bIIths, a t;splna center, ultra·Het-bolshelmer led the Wildcats sound d~ heating machines,

::~ ::. followed by carla Wall ~~~~a;a~~,pa:)w'::C~':: . -Wakefield will t;sk&a 1·2 :ecord lnesand ~varlety of wei ht1 and

against Wausa Tuesday mgh-t at other equipment. 9 First Natl'onalnome. "No matter how serlOUl the::= I,ll: ',11:=';:~' injury. that athlete Is referred AgencyWAKEFIELD FGFTF-PTS ".0 back tothe training room to work JOI ~in Phone J75·2S25J«.ld«l,.lIeth 0 0 5 0 ----wi). Swanson said. "Thev do not Dick Difm_n. M.,.....-

=~ -i.o ~ ~ :' ~~.-~- ~a~=~I~~::'IYItl Gvstatwn I 26 s. 1tle d INSURANCE ~~AL-E-STATEAf'a: e.ker 5 0·0 ) 10 setv:OUI lust re-Injure them- L1f.· HospitallutJon . DiWlbility='M~~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ "Th~ traln,.,-s work directly _ Homeowners and FarmowneNTot_ 124_11 U u with a doctor or team physlcJan," property'coverolpsM.-tInttCl'l 21 7-25 17 ., Swanson added. "Many or the


(Publ. Dec. 18)

Ev.ry gov.rn","" offIcI.1or bo.rd thet hene"., publicm_ys, should publish etr..,vllr InterYals en account.Ina of it Ihowlnv whe....ndhow aach dollar Is spent. W.hold thl, to be a fund.m.....1prlncipl. to dIImocntlc gov-ernment. .

NOTICe OF PUBLIC HEARINGThe Village of Winside, Nebraska

will ,hold a public ,hearIng at IheVillage Clerk's oUlce on the secondday 111 Jlfnullry, 1979 at Elgf'lt O'clockp.m tor the pvrpose 01 presenting andadopting a One and Sill Year StreetImprOllement Progrllm for SIIldgovernln-g body Anyone Ilvlng w1ttIlnsaid Village of Winside, Nebraskainteresled In thl' above nOtiCe mill'appear In person orbY counsel and beheard

BrUCll Mordhorst, Cler1l:Cttyof wllyne, Nebrask•

(Publ. Dec, 18)

NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETINGNotice Is hereby given th"t 1I special

meeting oltf'le Mayor and City Council01 IheCllyol Wi!lyne, Nebraska wlU beheldaf 5:30 p.m, on Tuesd.llY, Decem·ber 19, 1918 In the Council Chambers InClly Hell, whiCh mel'lInO Is open to 'heplJbllc. An agenda lor SUCh mee-tlng,kl'pt continuously currenlls avallllbleIOrpulllic impeetlon lit the office ofIhe City Clerk allhe City Hall. but theagenda mal' be modified lit suchmeeting

Deadline tor all legal notices tobe published by The 'WayneHerald is as folloWS: 5 p.m,Monday for Thursday's news·paper for' p.m. Thursday forMonday's newspaper.

ymegeof Wln,ldtM",rlanHIll,clark

(Pubf. Dee:.'IBl

ALLEN BOARD MINUTESThe BOIIrd of Education, DIstrict

70·70A met In regular sessIon, Mon.day, December ..th. Members pre·sent: Martin Blohm, LeRoy Kocf'l,RIChard Olesen, H"rten Ma"llS, Ver.len Hingst, end Wayne Stewart. Alsopresent: Superintendent Heckathornand Principal Dale Kennedy.

The minutes were retd andapprOlled". InllolceswerepresentedbySuperln_lendent Heckathorn. MOiled by Ste.wart to "lIow payment_ Seconded byKoch. Carried.

Svperlntendent Heckothorn pre·sented trle Insurance settlement lorhall damage. The issuew"'SI/lbled.

Chairman Blohm stated thM II newloudspeaker sySlem was needed lnfhegym. The Board authorized theAdmlnlstrallon to Inllll5tlqatethe pur·d1aseandlnslallallon.

There WllS no further business:meeling IIdjourned by MartIn BlOhm,Chairman. Neill regular session,JllnuaryB,1979

•spice upyour



Columbus Federal Savingswants to

6. Authorlllld Supt. Haun to attendProlect Empathy WoTk'lhop.'. LEGAl.' 1. Approved tile blrlng of TarftllTheisen.

8. AWllrdlJd a DIstltiguished5arvlceI . . PIn .nd CertifIcate of Boardmaf1:l5hlp

~<011MI<OIm ~~.;I< ..... I'43S.82'

ii.iiiiiiiiiiii.iI:--:"::::lun T-cMlctl 5o~- ,..:1 . teJttb<loQ , .AMOcoOIlCo.,lnstructlonitl"travelATnl"" bU' expense

~~~;:~~:I:v.,'.~I:,~~~... 28.00 R;~~~rJ. Dalton, NMe~ H:t:rn~:ntrete 8. Gravel. Co., 470.39 WINSIDE BOARD O;:~~Ec,.rill::S The W.yne (N.br.) Herlild.-MonU1' DKtImbe,t 1', 1'71'.

~~:~:;I:~:~:IV'CO.' S!tc~~~~r.orug Inc, he/lilh' K~~I~~~U%g;~~;I~~ upkeep 31.50 The Winside 80ard ~~d~~~~:~ LGph~~~:e~:~~~~U. 98.00 W1~~~; Side s~ppiv;' .'.. ,144.34IBM Corp, typewriter supplies' of grourids a. bus expense 119.2j met In Ihi regular monthly mM'tlng Life, sUbscription .. ,.. . 12.00 bundlng trim. . 6,541.00

rltpelr .ci.SO Sell. Arts end Crefts, leaching L~SI/lld5,edermlnllte _.;;:; _~~a.;:;:;,~'\~97e:ired I de b, ~ch Fund~tr!nsfer . 1.3<16.94 }MfC~~Us~ trllnSfe; 1.m:::

J";:~;~~- sc=j6~t 17 Acllvlt\". '3002:~ ~ 6:}~~:'::~: _r~~:~:, -:-:--- 821:"9 Ih~:::lr~:~sE;:~~eM;::~~ousmevl "":::r~~:tnodl, ~wel~:~'t & i'" 21.43

J'p.n.,S.:,',n.~...,_.b.•. n._.•.•._....._.n.:r. ""."" c~l~~r!_~~~~1:~ ~=S~I~~I~,;~~PtePlllrs 26,00 logs were re(ld(lndapproll,d. M=~'e:h:SUPPU~: 1.,fi ~~~;~t'e'p~~~PII~' 1lJ."" ~~ '''' "'u....'r ..... ' Mrs. Pal Miller, patron at the dis Mldwesl Spec:laltll!ll Co., Abler Tr(lnsfllr,stIl,pplng.. 53.10'

Journal of Buslne" Educ, leaching supplies 19.50 Nelson Replllr, bus repaIr .'. 313.11 trlct WIlS In Illtendllnceto discuss with !.(Ime • 1".05 WlIrnemunde Ins, workmansperIodIcal, SCotf Electronic Supply. Norfolk Olflce Equipment, the board a matter concerning send· Millers MlIrkt'l,same 23.05 comp 52.00

JW Pepper of Detroit, (ludlo·vlsual teaching Supplies . log materIals home with 'Ihe school MllctleIiManual"books 109.25 GettyOIlCo.,ljlas _...... 11.~strlngmu,lc 6,90 5011 Acllylly Fund, equipment Pitney Bowes, poslage meter dlU~r~!l tn.!!t QJ.d not directly perJIIln-----Modern-CurtPress;-unm 71.71 5ervaflT6welfJOWelsl!f"vlce 109.45

I<II~psT Rspal~ -lIm:l·lrrstnJctlomrITraveo-',·-;---~----nmr-:- ---- 3~.25 to school. M:lnroeWeldlng,lupplles 33."2 E.S.U,No.l,flrstaldMml_(lnnual tullion .. ,. audlo·vlsual repaIr. SO 11 Lum'h Fund, leachln" Region IV Ottlce 01 Dev. Dlsa· rhe claims were revhl·ooVed. Motion N lind M 011 Co.• bUS IIttpplies

Benthack ClinIc, bu' drl,ver Library Book Selection S. supplies bllilles, IIdult development. WIIS made by Deck i!lnd seconded by supplies" " ,. ,.,.... 491.96 Longs Book Slore, tex"ptlYIl(:fll ,. ... 39.00 fludlo·vlsual 29.1)6 Sioux Clly Music Supply, t-!9vember 321.30 8argsladllo lI110w the claims totaling Nelson Re~lr. bus repair ~.68 Cbryell AulO Co., adm. car

Biology Olgnt, perloclleal 59,00 LllUS SportIng GOOds, choir musk' 21.30 Wayne Auto Pllrts, Industrl.lll $69,610.39 In ,he .IlmounfS' Indicated. Northweslern Betl, phone expense .(5.\2Bobs Derby, bus e>l~ 13.U ..hlellc equipment 125.80 Stephenson School Supply. art. , , Ayn - Morris, Brugger. Deck, !.(Irvlce . . Totel ... ".,.,., , ~.".,., , .. ~'.'70."

CS Underhill, IIbrllry booI<. ,...91 Mary Edmonds, mJleage 1.....0 Iludlo-vlsual repllir Wayne Sk"lglls Inc .• fuel and Bowers, Bargstadt and Janke. ~ays OJ WuIISChlall"r, MD, Motion WIIS made by Deck <lindcarhart Lumber CO., upkeep McGraw.HIII Book Co.. Sup! 01 Doc::um"nfs, library repll!r - None. bUs physical 3.00 seconded by Brugger to adopt the

O:::U~'~r::,:~1ItPubl,sh, M:~::::~ons,oUlu bOok 3.25 Ben FranKlin Slore, leilchlng A.~. Dick PrOducts, suppll" Ol~v~~~rts.EnS!, legal. 7.50 ~yO:Sed :"~~~tlo~rl~~=::ceB::~'

-_.-WAlfg.o':~':,~CATION----~l:~X~~:;n'~"tiICk ..- suppll" 21.50 T~:~-~_~~'~"~~-1IT7~~~, b~~ ~~~n~'~ ..~:~~ ~~P:I,~~'ls:el "~~-".~ \6.80 r~~~o~! ~~ii;~~~~~lles j8,~::~~ &l~::::;: ~~Il~~\/';~~"g~;'"a~~Dec""~II,tn. blJUdl~e~'pense 3.50 M:=:r~~:rt~UPPll"~ 20.56 U:~d~~~~;~~ Division, 31.7/HI~~s~~~I;~::I~~~!lCO., 32.74 Ac:~~~~;~;~ent " "899.11 51~~:;:I~I;a~~~~ker :;~~ne:tbl~~.~Ot~Od\~~~;X:;:u~~

blM~r:::::;:a'I~:-:::':I: :~: ~~::: ~~'r~~d~~::"pen"l 220.43 ~~: :~:::e:~:~:;:,i':c, lIS. 19 W=~;;,,~':'k Slore, leaching 19,~5-~~r:~'~~~lll~~:~:~~~~·'cS:.~le 140.00 ~~~f~~~~I~o:~~PI':SIC 23~:~ Sl~~s~ty Musk supply, 48.25 ~~~~~:;:~I"~~~;:S Ba~~l:tbaird 01' tdOCltlon room at the hIgh edutatlon Ind bU' e.pense S6.OJ NCSA, M.S. prIncipal dues 151."0 Wayne Co Public Power 01. >/ --':' 1el~Phone 385.10 Or(lllnll BIoI Supply. ~me 4.01 SRA,lellting 593.56 and Janke. NIlYS _ None.Khoc!' on ~'l" o.«mb" 11, 1911, OlIvld Lutl, In,tructlonal Norfolk Offlce Equipment, • IIghtlnd power 31.90 Parkinson'S. band music, Clel/eland Electric. repair 102.39 Slandard of America. Motion wes mad.. bY Brugger and• 7;tJCI p.m. Advance notIce of fll" Iravel.",.,... l1lflce supplies 35,58 Wllyne County Clerk, oenero'll equipment lind repair 50'.91 Colonllli Research,supplles 1,£122.18 dl!>abillty Ins 201.22 5oeConded by Janke to return trommMtlng and p1aca of Ig"'da _re Denoyer-Geppert Audio-VI. OXford Unll/enlty PrE!$s. election "",pense- 200.00 SRA, Inc" guldan<;:t' 83.04.17 Crescent Electric, S(lme 61.J2 StOOWo'llls, bus repairs and ExecutIve Ses!.lon It 9:32p.m. AYll$-pubilihed In Th. Wlvna Harald on audlO·lllsulIl choir music Wilbur E, Giese. NSSBA 37,50 Tom'~ Music House. repi!llr 4,32 Educallon.lll Filmstrips, suppfln ~rrJs, Brul,lger, Bowers, Deck,~'l'. Daalmber ", \911. DIana Runestad, Parker Publishing Co .. Ilbrery Willis L. Wiseman MO, bu~ Wllyn" Greenhous". science supplies Steph"nson School Supply, 6IIrgsllldt and Janke. Ni!lys - None.

__rei """fQfl;. Instrur;:tlonillravel book drtVl!'r physlcill I"'!J \ 1.50 Educators Progress Ser, supplies Motion WIIS ma(:le by Bowers and1. Approved mlrou'" and bll... Eastern N"br Telephone Co" Pioneer Publlsf'llnQ Co., American Personnel & Wayne Herald, bollrd SlIme' \4.70 Stephensons School Suppl, seconded by Deck totable Ihe decision2.. I.or_ to contract wlth"Prolec, lelephooe princIpal office ellpense Guidance ASS'n, periodicals 25.00 proceedings ESU 1, spec. ed. 8,636.00 SlIme 11.00 on the subject of sending prImed

~lct end Prevent for tha 1979·10 Educ Serllice Unlt Ont, Public Document.. Olsl Ca. ClIyol Wayn", vtlltlles 1.922..'57 Way"e Sporting GOOds, 125.40 ~SU ~?l d~atio:s~lno I~:~ SUl'Uk I, music ~:: ~:'::!::;sO:~e';I:~:~:~~~r:a:;;'

~;=' to c;(Intract with OIIvl,· EI~r,:':~:~ Moe:';~~~~:eltpenSe6

,215.00 R~~";:~=~ Inc, library o;~~~~~~~;~~~:~~I:I~:~IC~ 65,00 W~;~~"~I:~~~~~~~~rllry ~?~~~~;~:::'~:~:UPPlles 61,00 ~~:~~~~~s"~~~;~~~~rlptiOn 2201 :~er~ M~;~~S, ~ec~ll~;~t~~~ :~:=~~::.O:'~~l~~n:r~,::~ E:~OC:;':::t:1 memory RI=~IICk lInd JJIJ. leachlno ~,DHa"II~~',:~o;I~~:'>I~V:~se I~:~ N~~~~ienCeTeachers Ass'n, Hospes, music Supplies 5~:~ ~~:~s!~~~~I~;"'U~I~:' 1,~:~~ Ja;~:'m'::II:~~~:~r~ed at 9:55 p.m.ld'IoOl oNlndoWl. typewriter supplies & public r"latlon Famers Stale Insurance library book 4.30 JW Pepper, some 481.33 Wecker Farm Store, supplies A 10 Respectfully lubmln"

... Ag~ to contrect, wl1f'1 district Ellecullve Educlllor, Robert Porter, band $ponsor Agent1', boiler Insurance Total 20,513." Johnsons Inc, furnace Wi!lyne Co Clerk, election JaenOahlfor ''''a education of all .Ighth ~rllde, I!!!rl09I<;(l1 . ,. '. ~,OO._ PerShlnll.·,·, '.'.: _J!!.~ .Carrotl' 152.00 Slnklnll Fund repair 196.&5 expenses Secrelary to the 80ard of EducatlllflPiPifl'I~~--------- - ·--F/n'-NaflonaTA~'cy. 1Kt;n-- - ROgers Electrlc-SllPPIJ~:---- Fh(Irlc~on 011 Co., bus DaviS Fenlon Stange-Dl'!rllng 188,18 JoslenS,lrophy 51.82 Wayne Herald, lidS lind (Publ. Dec. HI)

5. Acces*1Jd Ihe r.lgl'llltlon of prelum . workmen's comp 311.00 custOdlol supplies 353,19 e>lj!lense, Doris Daniels, S.cr"ary K"nsas·Nebr NIIII GIIS, luel 1,470,69 prOceedings 60.28Robart Newman. Fisher Scll'ntilic. science lab 8,~ Rondes Body Shop. bvs H. McLain 011 Co bu. (PI/bf. Dec. 18) Kirby Co., supplies 35.10 Wlngl'rf Jones Music Co.,

The SpiceO'Life Pattern ByCorning-Ware•.

-. A{T('J'M7fTaii"'1O';mm----p~--·-----

·F,.,J~r'" Low r",qvlr... ~ub'l&nMl p,moJry 1m "llllv wlthd.~w,,1

"When it comes to low.-eostheating, warm UP with a .Knipco portable heatBr.Choose from five different

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Stop by aAct. see the KnlpcoUne of portable heatefJi ...guaranteed to keep youwarm this winter.

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9 }l" SquaTe Uhllty Dish

10 b Cup Teapol

IJ 10" Goverecl Skillet

12 Kitchen Sta.l1eT SelI-I V2 Ql. Cover.ed Saucepan'1_ 2 Qt. Covered Saucepan1-,-10" Covered SkIDel

_~ 2'11 Qt, Slore N' See Canlsler

;: PaIr Pot Holders & KlIchen Towt'l .

J. 2'%. Cup Pellle Pan

4· I Pt & 1V2 Qt, Store N' See Sel_ f, J 'I, Pt. Covered Saucepan. {, .2" AIr pUrpoW 6iab-ftBowls lall'whltet

7 QuJlted Spk'" 0' life Apron

H 2 Qf. Loaf Pan

Wayne220 West 7th St.


Seward310 North ,5th 5t


Now, Columbus Federal Savingsoffers Comins._W~re's Splca-O'_LifeFREE or at reduced prices when •you make a qualifying deposit. SJave$300 or more and choose from a 3·piecekitchen starter set. a 1G'l covered skillet,a,' 6-cup ,eaPot and many, many more.Se-e the chaldordetalls:-~~---

Let Columbus Federal Savingsseason your savings with Just the righttouch....:..coming Ware and the

l'. highes! Insured savings rates allowed- by law. ,

Add a little spice to your life. It's Iheright season for it!

FremontHv.ry. 30 East


Columbus14th 51. and 26th Ave



, '.


... "0",,",_21.1971Ttle Mayor lind CIty ~"cll mt'f I~

regulttr Insl9" .lit '''* City H..U onNovembllf" 28, 1911.

Tile MayM called fll. mletlng tooraer . with ttle following prften'·

0;:,.:' F~~ie~. leo ~an~~~·~';;;~Fuelberlh, LlIrry Joon5Ofl, CllffonGinn, Keith Moll'''''', c ..ralyn FIIt..r,~m Hepburn, Atlorney Kem Swartsaml Clerk.Treasurer Bruce .Moratlonl

Notice of 'h" convening meetingwMlllven In adllflnce by advel.,I!olngIn The Wayne Herald on November p,1918, a copy ottlle proof of·ptltJllcatlonbeing lIt1~,,;:h«llo I""to minutes "ndby nollffcatfon ov.r RediD I(TCH ofWayne, Nebraska. Notld of Jhe meeting was s/rnul'llnOu$ly glv,," 10 nUlMayor and "n memben of Itl.. Clly

Councl~·llnd It copy of Ih" ageno" wllScommunicated In advance 10 tileMayor lind all mernbel'"S ot Ihe CityCouncil of fhls meeting. All proc~lnos hereafter $1lown were lakenwhlle Ihe councH (on~ened meetlnQWM open 10 the allendance of thepubliC

MoIlon by Councilman Hansen and'iKOndedbyCOUlldlm~nJOtlnson'tI!ll

wIlereas 1M Clerk hilS prep.'lredcople5 of the mlnules of the I,"SI<.'ouncll meeting lor each Councilmember and Ihll' each Councilmember has had lin opportunlly 10rlMd "nd study same thai Ihe relldingotthe minutes be dispensed wllh anddeclared approved, The Mayor slaledtile motion and the resull of Ihe rolltieIng all Yees. /he Mllyor decleredlhe motion carrlPd

Thetollowlllll bills Wef'e presentea10 Council tor Ihelr approvlII'

PAYR9LL: Salary. 15931,$4; NebrDept, of Reve., Ile, 329,90; St.Nallon/ll Bank, Re. 2063.03. OASt, RI!I.1m.~; RetIrement B~n No.1. Re.10.00; Retirement No.3. Re. 189..t8;Retirement No.3. Re, '''.0''; Retirement NO.3. Re, 25.34; Wayne FedSoavlngs & Loan. Re. 199.53; Retirement No.3, Re, 9.35; Poltce Ftmd. Re.9.2<&; Retirement Belll!tll No L Re.5.00; Retirement No, 3. Re. 99.53;Retirement No.3. Re. 21.08, Retirement No.3. Re. 31 69;

ELECTRIC: Airborne FreightCorp., SI!I, 115_83, Diers Supply. Suo6.31; Outton-Lalnson. Suo 1301.59:HaVn" Corp .• Se, 106.52; LeonardJonn, SI!I. 209..tlI; Neb'r. PUb. POW!!!rDist .• Se. 53229.11; Payroll Account,Re. 6706_80; Retirement Benefit No 1.Re. 1D.00; RetlAmenl NO.3. Re,189.~; Sale!. Tall Fund, E)l" 42.43;Street FUnd, Se, :z:l2.oo; CIty ClerkFund, Re. 11lO.f8;

GENERAL: A.B. DIck Prod Co.Su, ".80; Diers Supplv, SUo 8.60:Lellgl,le ot Nebr, Munlc., Se. 31.00;Ohis & Swart!., Se, 7'90.00; PayrollAccount. R~, 'l375.00~ People!. NIlIGIlS, se, no.TO; Stnet Fund, St!, 61 16;Tht! Wayne Hl!'rald,. Se. 8"2..tO: CityClerk Fund, Re. 51'0.00; .

AUDITORIUM: N.W. Bell Telephone, Se, 10,,00; Payroll Account. Re.<168_00; Peopleos Nel. Gas. !:ie. 2...80.Retirement No.3, Re, l.t.'Cl.t; CltyClerk. Fund, Re, 84.03;

POLICE: N.W. Bell Telephone, Se.18.65; Payroll ACCQunt.-Re. .t511.60;Retirement No.3. Re. 25J3"; StreelFund,Se,149.n;WaVneFed,Sllvlngs,~'.6IJ1,99.S3; City Crerk_Fund, Re.

SALES TAX: City Clerk Fund. E~,



362 ~".. """""7.t."25,00


" ..10.00"00"00" ..S2.6S



" ..]{1'313




,The Merry ,,#memakers Ell

tension Club met T~day eve·nino 08t the Concord Cafe for the08nnual Christmas supper.

Hostesses were Fern Er1ck~n,

Marie Johnson, Mae' PNiraon.Ruth Erwin, Sheryl Luedtke andAlyce Erwin.

The h~te$ses 41so wet'e Incharge of entertainment, whichIncluded a Christmas skIt andcarols

During the business meeting. afamily supper was planned forJan, 26 at the Wagon WheelSteak house In Laurel

Secret sisters were revealedwith a gift exchang'e, and newname-s were drawn for 1919Ught refreshments and Christmas candy followed

Choirs Honoredsarah. Circle of Concordl.!

Lutherl!r}' Churchwomen servedrefreshments In tile CliffordFredrickson home Wednesdayevening following senior choirpractice

Gues' were Choir members.the-Ir spouses lind the Rev. and!INs. Newmllll. Tt)e event was Inappreciation, of choir members.

Blrt"'VI Honored .~, About 20 members of the Con

cord Womens Welfare Club andother friends were guests In thehome ot Mrs. Hans JohnM)n Moo·day afternoon to- honor the birth·days of Mrs. JohnM)n, Mrs.Esther Peter$OO and Mrs. FernConge,

The honorees e08ch received abirthday cake from her sllentlister

Women R,member-edConcordia lutheran Church·

womens Hanna Circle and other'rlends visited, lhe WakeflejdHealth eare Cenfer Dec. 9 fahonor the 92nd blrfhday at MrsMillIe Nelson. There was aeooperatlve lunch

The LCW Rebekah Circleremembered Mrs. Annie TuHleat the Wayne COre Centre with a .Olrlstmal plonMffl1l In honor ofher 93rd blrthd"v on DlK. II.

~uests In the Dick Hanson'~

home for supper Wednesday In~

honor of their wedding annlver-'sary were the D~vl.d Whites andMichael of DI)l,on. The Roy Han·son family lolned them In theevenIng

DInner gues's Dec. 10 In the·Jack Erwin home honorln!f.Kevin'." blr'hday were Scott"Thompsons 01 liwrel, C\ay'oll~

Erwin of West Point, and Ma">Holdorts., Joining them in theafternoon were the Gene Caleyfamily of Wayne

Fern Conger was entertained:at dInner In the Don Dahlquisthome Dec. 10 In honor of her"birthday

Afternoon guests In fhe CHUordFredrickson home Dec. '0 honor,Ing the hostess' birthday werdMrs Thure Johnson at Wake.·field. Mrs Ruby Pedersen ofWayne and Mildred FredrlckStln:Evening guests were Vern Carl.sons and Randall

In I"st th., p".~t I 00 year~,

m.lllkllln II"" 1J;"d "I"'lot h.llflh.' amuun! "r (,r~"I1l(' fuelswr,o.l. c",,!. p ..lrol.'um' w.W,'f(' \l~{'d ,n lh., prt'("l'(lln~

I .9iHI v'·"1'11~


. WAYNE CITY COUNCIL. December 19,197'5:30 Call To Order5:1S Adminlsfrator-·

Selection Committee5:"51 dnd 6 Year Street Plan, - Streef CommissIoner',00 Ad/ourn




The State NatiO~\al Bank"and 'frust Com .any·

w,ayne, NB 687,87 -, 402/3,75-1130 , Member;ll',DIeMain Bank 122 Main - Drive-In Ba .klOtlf-&Maln.

'. \




"t' ;, I,

----EIOSk ilis -BoyScouts-J.-IQkJ-Court-Gf H&OOr

Celebrate BirthdayMrs.' Herman Stolle, Mrs.

WIlbur Barker, Minnie SneIder,Mrs. ThaIne WOoOward, Mrs./lllarvin Stolle and Mrs. DeaIsom, all of Concord, and Mrs.Walter Hale of Allen were Wed·nesday afternqon guests In thehome of Mrs. Henry Woodward tohelp Elloise yusten celebrate herbirthday



WAKEFIELD NEWSMn, Walter liale - 217-2721





An older home In Wayne...c10SE! to school. . Jour bedrooms,large living room, kitchen. Utility room on main floor. Alsoincludes a rental house and a 24 x 30 insulated garage..possession early January.

An exceptlol\lll home under construction In Wayne. Featuresforma I dining room, family room, three, bedroorflS, twobaths, large kitchen and living room on main floor. Ttwfinished baSE!ment includes a fireplace, utility room. Doublegarage...this home is located in one of the nicer establisheda.-eas in town and will be ready for occupancy In January.

REALESTATE TRANSFERS;Dec. 8 ~ Harold Gathle to

leRoy W. and Jane E. Janssen,part 01 the NEll.. of the SEll.. of1J.26·J, D.S. S22.

Dec. 11 - CIty of Wayne toCarhart Lumber Company, partof Second Street lying south at lot6, block 15, original Wayne, D.Sexempt~. 11~, Vancel H. and JoAnn

P. I:8ndcaster to Kenneth D. andShirley J. Hamer, lot 14, exceptsouth 1', Wllclltf subdivIsion toWayne, 0.5. $83:60

MARRIAGE LICENSE:Dec. 12 ~ Mark E. Wayt, 24,

Wayne and Donna M. Roberts, 22,Wakefield

Dec. 7. -' Sfephen Falk, 26,Hoskins; Insufficient fund check,paId S5 fIne, $10.50 eosts, restitu­tion $81.08.

Dec. 8 - Gene F. W.elble, 25,WinsIde; speeding, paid S2S tine, #o1he Alvin SundeHs~tt~;'deltthe$8 costs. fIrst symphonic band concert of

Dec. 8 - Daryl J. Hahn, 26, tt;e season last Sunday at Ne·Carroll; speeding, paid $15 fine, l:1rasl(a Wesle';'8" University..sa costs : Sundell'S. daughter, Sarllyn,

Dec. 11 - Lyle Samuelson, ):Ilays In the band and is firstWayne: speeding, paid $19 fine, /chalr In the French horn section..~---_.."._-- -------;' Ttrt-s-s ylilphdl1lc bc!illd, Ollele,

DeC.l1- Ed Cole, 31, WInside; . the dlrectlon,of Franj< M. Bibb,hunting at night with aid of spot·· was first organized In 1903 wIth 18light from vehicle, paid $50 fine, members. In fhls 15th year theSS .costs. band has grown Info a select 70

Dec. 12 - Edmund Helthold, piece concert unit.Wakefield; speeding, paid 529 Sunday's program Included thefine, S8 costs "War March of the Tartars" by

Dec. 12 - Jerry R. Nicholson, Karl L King, "FestIve Overture,24, Emerson; 5peedlng, paid $11 Gr>us 96" by Dimitri Shostako­fine, S8 costs. vlch, "Second Suite In F for

Military Band" by Gustav Holst"Satiric Dances" by NormanDelio Jolo, and concluded with"Stars and Stripes Forever" byJohn Phillip Sousa."


Is Membe-rOf Band

Bible studies at V\lla Wayneeach wednesday morning, havebeen disl;Ontlnued dUr'"lng Decem·ber. Bible study will resumesometime in January. •

Villa Wayne residents gatheredfor a Christmas party Tuesday inthe community room. Bingofurnished entertainment and thegroup exclllanged gifts, Mts. JoeMcCoy 01 Laurel and Mrs. DayleKInkaid and children of NOrfolkwere guests

Villa tenants decorated aChristmas tree last Mondayevening and had lunch afterward.

Residents wilt meet thIs Tuesday for a guest day andcooperative luncheon.

Mrs. Edna Kramer, Mn, ElnaFoster and Mrs. Hilda larson areon lhe serving committeethrough the month 01 December

Harry Murray, a resident ofVilla Wayne, Is a patient In aSloul<. C!ty hospital. Pearl Ech·tenkamp Is In ProvIdence Medical Center

No Bible StudyAt Villa Wayne

In December

"COUNTY CQURT:No~. 28 - Duane K. Wester·

haus, 18, Winside; s~lng, paidSenior Card Club $35 tine, $8 costs. .

Mrs. Walter Fenske was coffee Noy. 28 _. Marilyn P. Reth.chairman when 'the Hoskins wisch, 44, W.,yne; speeding, paidSenior Card Club met Wednesday $21 fIne, sa O:Ists.evening Nov. 29 - DavId L. Cunning·

Card prIzes went to the E.C ham, 19, Page; no vaUd In,pec.Fenskes, high; and Carl Hinzman tlon sticker, paid $5 fine, $8 costs.and Mrs. George r'l1t1er, low. Noy. 29 _ David P. Cooley, 28,

Mrs, Erwin Ulrich wilt be In Carroll; loaded shotgun Incharge of arrangemfmts for ..l:he.-----ve~le,-_pald S50 ftne-;-S8--costsJan. J meeting. Nov. 29 - Timothy P. GarvIn,

21, Dixon; speedIng, pah:is21 fine,$8 costs.

Nov, 29 - Morrie G. MllIdrum,:lA, Wayne; speeding, paid S23fine, 58 costs.

Nov. 30 - Tammy M. Lese­berg, 15, Wayne; no operator'slicense, paid S15 fIne, sa costs

Nov. 30 - Stuart C. Nelson,Battle Creek; driving with 10 percent or more alcohol In bodyfluid, paId $100 fine, $18 cos15 andplaced on sIx months probation tocourt

Nov. 30 - Nlelvln Utecht,Wayne; parking violation, paidSS llne, sa costs.

Nov. 30 - Steven R. Menuey,20, South SIoux City; speedIng,paid Sol] fine, S6 costs

Nov. 30 - Michael D. Robinson27, Randolph; speeding, paId 519fin'e-, 58 costs.

Nov. 30 - Randy A. Nelsen, 24,Winside; speedIng, paid $15 tIne,$8 costs

Nov. 30 - Gregory Welch, 21­Wayne; dog at targe, probation tocourt for 60 days, paid $8 cos15.

Nov. 30 ~ J.,mes R. Shu!thels,'n, Wayne; no red tall lights, 30days probatIon to court, paid 58costs

Nov. 30 - Steve D. Lawson, 19,Spencer, la.; speeding, paid $27fine, $8 costs.

Nov, 30 - Gene l. Topp, 17,Pilger; drag racing, paid S50 fine,$Scosts

Nov. 30 - Ronald M. CalkIns,'n, Fonda, la.; speeding, paid $27fine, $8 costs

Dec. 6 - Daniel l. Walker, 19,Ames, la,; speeding, paid S45fine, S8 costs

Dec. 6 - Michael G. Reed, 19,Randolph; speeding, paid 517fine, 58 costs

Dec. 6 - /lMrI< Wiltse, lincoln;parking vlolatlon, paid $5 fIne, sacosts

Dec. 7 - John J. Gallop, 20,Winside; speeding, paid 519 fine,SScosts

Dinner in NorfolkThe A· Teen Extension Club

met at Ihe Holiday Inn In Norfolklor dinner Wednesday

A short business meeting wasconducted by Mrs. Duane Kru­ger. Yearbooks were dlstdbutedfor 1979, and correspondence wasread from Mrs. Art Andenon, aformer member

Mrs. James Robinson led Ingroup singing of Christmascarols

Cilrds furnished entertainment. with prizes going '0 Mrs.Walter Fleer Jr., high, MrsGerald Kruger, low. and MrsElaine Ehlers, traveling

A gift excheJnge was held <11 the


Missionary SocietyThe Immanuel Missionary

Society met with Gladys Reichert

Brownies MeetSix members of Brownie Troop

2'01 met In the home of leaderMrs. Richard Behmer Tuesdayafternoon.

The meeting opened with theGirl Scout Promise. The girlsmade candy and cookies, andKrlstl Miller served refreshments

Next meeting is this Tue5d.,y at4p.m. at the fire hall

Is Happy ToAnnounce Their




PHONE 371-7840



Serving Wayne & Northern Stanton CountiesLeI Vic Help Vou Plan VourFeeding & Slorage Syslem

1., Vie It.I, ,ou ,Ion ,our feeding

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• relphone Toll Free1-100-412-1334

;- Nin. Steve ,QaYIett,-p'~ . toracttvlttes they partlctpatedln. correspondent was read, for a 'no-host 12:30 Christmas Next meeting, witt be with MrsCorey•. and Mr•• Wayne Wilson The DavIds and Wilson families Zilch furnished entertainment dinner Wednesday Guy Anderson on Jan, 10And family wera-gunts when Boy'· served lunch. with prizes going to Mrs. Emella The meeting openeQ wIth theS<;ouf,Troop 168,and lCoutmaster Next meeting Is tonIght (Mon· y.J~tker, high, and ·Mrs. Walte~ song "Joy to the World," lecLbyStew Oevldl·hefd their Court of dlIyJ at fhe Peace Church. Koehler, low. presldertt M~s Bill· FenskeHonor Mor*y evening at the A gift exchange Wll!l held and o'II'embers responded to roll callPtec» United Church 01 'Christ. a.sserf Luncheon coffee and cookies were served at with a scripture verse.

Fo1lowlng the .f1ag salu'- and Mrs. Arthur Behmer was the close of the afternoon. Yearbooks for 1979 were dlMrl-acout oatHnd law. awards were hostess for· a 1:30 Christmas Mrs. Emil Gutzman wlJl be blJted, and monfhs for enterpresented. dessert luncheon when the..Town hostess tor the Jan. 23 meeting. tlllnlng were drawn.

kurt .. Oevtdl (ecelved the and Country Garden Club met ChrIstmas cards were sent totenderfoot award, cooking. skill Monday. Hoskins "omem.kers Anna and Kathy BrDnzynskl,awerd, 'cltb:enshlp .klll award Mrs. Erwin Ulrich and Mrs. Mr!~, Fred Brumels entertained Fred SchrOel:t«!r, _£;:mr:Rfl_ Bauer·

. ty--meritbadue. Seoll Ollll1hlzmatt were g085I5. "~omemake-nEden· meister, Nelda Schroer, to\r.!£"OItvlds ~Ived the first" class Mrs. Behmer, pr.-esldent, slon Club for a noon no·hosf Mrs. Herman Marten, EIaward, camping, coOking end opened the meeting wHh an O1rlstmas dInner last week. Franz, the 'Rev. Maurice RI ~~, ' 81fh Birthdaycommunication ,klll.wards. end article, entitled "Christmas With Mrs NorrIs Langenberg seL the R~v, and Mrs. Wiedeman, ~ .1lhe, 87th birthday of Frankthe".Cfflcltiandfll'lt aid merit the Nations!' Mrs. Lyle Marott atlended as a guest the Rev. and Mrs, Mueller, the Marten was observed MondaybI!idges. !'tid the secretery and trea· Mrs. Erwin Ulrich conducted' Rev. John Saxton, the Rev, and when 'he leonard MlIrtens enter

Jamie Wilson, Kerry Lee end surer'sreporh. Months for enter business and opened the meeting Mrs. Dale Coakley, the Rev. and lalned for a lamlly dinner I'n hisTerry BronIy'nklwere rec:ognlzed talnment, were drawn, and with a poem, "The Christmas 01 Mrs. Ira W]fCOIC the Rev. Paul honor that evenIng

..--------_--------. Ih~a~~;;ectwas read, followed ~~:~~, :~~.~I~~~~a~I'b:~:~~t A pre-Christmas fllml'y gather.- -wIth the se<:fetary and trea· Christmas boxes were packed Ing was held Dec, 10 In the Jim

surer's reports by Mrs. Kathryn for shut· Ins of the congregation Patterson home, Thlrty.two relaRieck. Yearbooks for 1979 were During tl'le'progr~m, Mrs. Bill tives attended from Oakland,distributed Fenske had charge of the prayer Pilger, West PoInt, Ashland and

Christmas carats were led by calender on Japan. Gladys A-el YutanMrs. Paul Scheurich. Mrs. Anna ched read "Let Us Go ter' Bill Thomas, who attends WestFalk read a poem, "Christmas Bethlehem," and Mrs, Fred mar College In LeMars, la" cameTree," and Mrs. Ezra Jochens Johnson read "A Select Story of ~" 8 tospend mld-term with theread a story, "Chrlstm<'ls Eve In Christmas." Robert ThomasesHeaven." The group read the Chrsltmas

OIher readings were "Oh, story In unison, and Mrs. WalferChlldrim, Do You See HIm" by Fenske gave the story of the poln­Mrs. Kathryn RIeck, "poem, seftla A Doem entitled "Christ"Old Country Church" by Mrs.. mas Candles" was. r8lld by Mrs.Emella Walker, the Christmas Erwin U;rlch. The Rev, and Mrs.story by Mrs. Erwin Ulrich, and Galen Hahn presented "The Ufe"Holidays Are ~or Grandparents of Jesus," and Christine LuekerToo" by Mrs. Emella Walker. read "Going Through Christ

Mrs. Paul Scheurich read the mas."origIn 01 severel Christmas Following Christmas carols,ClIIrols. cookies lind coffee were served

The hostess conducted a con· The Jan. 10 meeting will betest. All members received wIth Mrs. Erwin Ulrichprizes. Following a gift ex·challge, cookies, candy andcoffee were served.

Mrs. ErwIn Ulrich will behostess for the Jan. 9 meeting






\ .

• N~~Colleeting\'\

• VaCCIlion


TlJe Wa,ne Herald

P.O. ,Box 71

Wa,ne, Ne 68787


papers on Wednesday

would lilee to


extra money delivering

ages of 9 and 13 and

and Saturday afternoon$

If you are between the




• comple!~ty FIef 0 ·Fro}1 • Autum'i.e", r",l~' I~D!JQ",I.I ,>l<l

• I-!J~'.....ntl C8lrl~' ~~~r~ VOU' co'.!!= _dlu~r J~ ~ • C'Jnvf"!'~~~ $!O' Mp' ~"",

• ~,~,;rto, ....!hlf1 • 'e-!"~'~!o' • ROi!." "'~" 'I ''''Y '" m~ .. ""'I Ill''!W ~e~,·, !r~·.~ ",~)I :0~';" !~'-"


-..atuftFc.14. 1InM ...... 1IIlI ........... MoclIIESAfC-1S.......... ,UCII.ft.""""

Charlie's Refrige. r.·att~"._~~\.an MaillSt. . Pho..e - 375-1811\

irUilfanllfliirrPP..useulerllll" .. gl gES'fC'AllYWHEN YOU RECE'VE A REBATE"

faQ.-.... III .- -,. 1Il!"" iMcYIc ~'-, InSlelll GI m. !.tSUll '>."'l:~"" _round !~" ""!I~ ,-"b~1 AfnA"" pac", ~'Y 2 ptUS 2'" "'~~ 2 !nCr.,-,01 to;lm ..~ll 1n',u.l.3hCIn ilrmmll me Ith'OerJ:~1 ~'M PlUI 2'1, IflCtle~ ,round1~~ !,~V'r ..~~" ~ ~ _~ mv:;1

Aa~ In, A·~.~. o",,·p~~ 'n,u'''''''' /bQ""'''''~' 000' .... ,... t< J

C<lm~I~Jho" u' ,,)_," ..~d !.t>c<;lLJs, doo' I~"".al>()" P!U\ !tie """"'" J po~,hO~

e"~"JY "".~I r(l~''1)' <!rVJ 1('" tw.'l' a c.h'Ql'rllO' <;~Clall'i enOL"~ltd 'It~eeD I~~ ;')!il '" II" "",' Q';I ¥4l '(DU' "",d''<. tJ<~~ rk/ofrr>'


Methodist WomenUnited Methodist Ladles Aid

members held a potlUck dinner atnoon Tuesday with husbands asguests, There were nine members and four guests

Mrs, Maurice Lindsay openedthe meeting. Mrs Jack Sweigardbegan the program by reading, The Christmas Slory ..

Each member gave a readingor poem for the program

Two poinsettias have been pvrChased lor the church tor Christmas A cheer card Wo/llS sent 10Mrs LoNie Longnecker, andbirthday cards went to Mrs IvaLewis and Mrs. Alta Neely Acord ot thanks was read fromMrs Maude Auk.er

The Ladies Aid plans 10 purchase 3 gift for a resident of theWayne Care Centre at Christmastime Shut ins. who wilt beremembered with a frvlt basket.are Mro;., Eva Lewis. Mrs. AltaNeely. Mrs.. Lot1le Longnecker.Mrs Charles Nelson. MrsHerman Ra:!mussen and WllllamUbengood

A gift exchange was held o/llndIhe grouP sang Christmas carols

I".fol I s.t





Senlllr CINtensWinside Senior Citizens mel

Tuesday at the city auditoriumwah 16 present. Cards furnishedentertainmenf for' the,afternoon

The business meeting was heldwith president Mrs. Ella Miller

Mrs. Ida Fenske was coffeechairman for the cooperallvelunch Mr, and Mrs. EdgarfoIIarolz Irealed the group to icecream in honor of their Decembel" birfhdays

Next meeting is tills Tuesday

Tops ClubMrs. Randy Miller was the best

loser of the week when Tops Club• met 011 the tke halt Tuesday MrsMiller also received the fruitbasket

Plans were completed for aQlrlslmas party this Tuesday

1017 1824_ ,., .

1'7 ..S- .- I T.. I Wed I n.





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~~ltlgSOJ\'MOTORS, INC_ ........ ,_!.:u~L~ -_GMe -lOKI-fOImaC.-,­..... 37S.U55W , 'Ie.Wutllt St~

Chrlstm,n DinnerBusy Bees Club met for a

Christmas dinner for their December meetln~ Wednesdayevening in Ihe home of MrsKenneth Stenwall

Thirteen members answeredroll call.

Ofticers were elected duringthe business meeting. They areMrs. Stenwall, president; Mrs.

Olarlo"e Wylie, vice president;Mrs. Howard Iversen, secretary.


. • I I'W,.,~SiDlrN!~;:"S l'm Mrs2;;~:6~Mann

-_~A~u~'x~i~li~O~'r~y~p~a~c~k~s~e~HLr-is~tm~'=a=s~B~o-x-e-S-F-o~r~F-o~u-r~'-Sh-u-t-~-ln-s--:-~=~=~-~~~~~-~-~-L~~NEED;_ . • i ' ball, 6;30; wrestling, Osmond at

t W1'pslde. 8 p.m.

--I ._'~~-::~:=~C:~e;::~ ~t:~S' Duane ThOfPson, ElevenGi~':;·:~~the.wtn ~:h;S~~;~e;:~~~rV:c'atthe MoncM~Ci~c:te~:.~r Eastem ~~;::e~'; ~~o~2~15~~:S ~~s;the home of Mrs. Char'"lotteWylle secret pals were revealed'and side Federated Woman's Clubex· Neld meetrng will be Jan; '9 Star: Commun,lty Club. p.m. for Christmas vacation;for It 7 o'c1~ no-host Christmas new name., were d,awn for the changed Christmas gIfts follow· with hostess Mrs. Charlotte Wylie TunuV'; Dec. 19: Senior Cltl. gra~e!l kindergarten through sIx

d1~~ offICers and eight mem- 'ne;~~~~e~ber took pa~ In fh-; -~nae~ ~~~~~~~~~:~ :::se~~5Y1fl leoder Mrs. Nel~ lens, Top! Club; Moderfl Mn.; exe an~!p:ltts.ben were present. MA. WIIIl,sm ChrIstmas p am lfhi r d home To....." and Country; Jolly Mrs. Arlene· Zoffko. Mrs.......tgrew,wasa'uesf. Jngs and ~~s. ':s.1 A:lf ~. Lester Grub'b5 read DlnnerlnN,orlolk ~~I~I~-S Tuesday Pitch Club; Herbert Jaeger, Mrs: Russel

NIn. Werner Mann. thelrman, Meyer and Mrs. William Holt "Rocking Cha.I,!.." Modern Mrs. Card Club held Its Hoffman and LOl'"I "Jo Rohlffwu"purchasea Chrlsth1l1sglft for grew were' honored for; their President Mrs: LeSter Grubb!. annual Christmas dinner at the- w:~~~·Y~C~~·;20:S:~~~ attended '8 (hrsUmas concert at

...H'.....llcI.....Att.-4l..~I"'h.......w..."'\'",.e~Cc.."'re'-bbC!rdJtb"'d"'a¥,...s.G.lfts.wereex~~ ~~---lo. -Qrder, -...HQ\.ldf'..Y~,lnn.-"'ln~N"'orlUl"'O!lIl'..JT.u'..",..._"'Y--l'-lele ..[ghl~b..,"Fs-;-·Be.'>&S)V-BIl<,,,,es",-5S.,.•. .pPe,,,,rl",,_---IIw,;a..y,nci'",sijit;;;a';;.e-.iC;,;;O~""~.....De:n.;''';;;JO'...-I-----~~~-----Centre. Christmas boxes were Mrs. Th.ompson will enkertal'n Plans were made 10 loin local With 11 present. . ~- :. e , -packed for four s.hut-In members the club In January I Scout members tor Chrl~tmas Yearly prizes went to Mrs Sunday SChool teachers., Is a member QI the .Wayne State

of~~:~~la:J,.~. Stanley Soden Cd~~~~g:n::I~~:~st~'~~~~:~ ~~n~angber9 and Mrs ~t~y SchoOl Nevn t~~ft :~~~~f~~;:~:s';~IIC~~

E~E~~:~~;~~:~~:, Co~;,'~,t~;i:;a~::~I~::O ~~~3~::7ar~h~ a~~~'~~:~~~ ",~ex;a~,~~;~~,;·n "wllh ker~~~~~:d~:;;~~0;~: ~::~·r~:::i~0~a~oc~~~~~Battle Creek. department presl day.dent. and from Mrs. Gary Her Prjzes were won by Mrs. e.Obolshelmer of Wakefield, DIstrict Wltt,- Mrs. N.L. Oltman, Mrs111 president. Wayne Imel and Mrs lloyd

New ABC books were re Behmercelved. CommunIcatIons were Nexl meeting Is Jan 10 in theread from Mrs. Herb Wagen home of Mrs. Wayne Imel

kne<:ht of Humboldt and fromMrs. Fred Weber of Culbertson

A Christmas candlellghHngservice, "The, Twelve Days ofOlristmas," was presented byMrs. Mann, Mrs. Paul laNka,Mrs. Leland Andef5efl, Mrs. OonWeible, Mrs. Wayne Denklllu andMrs. Soden. Mrs. Holtgrewplayed organ accompaniment

. ',')


Christmas Party •St. Paul's lutheran Ladles Aid

and LWML had their annualChristmas party Wednesday atthe church following a 1 o'clockluncheon with husbands asguests. About 35 attended.

Mrs. Cliff Rohde gave the wel­come and announced that Mrs.Annie Paulsen, a member of tnesociety, Is residing In the ParkVIew Haven Manor In Coleridge.She will celebrate her birthday onJan. \0 and a card shower I,planned

Mrs. Edward Fork had devo·tlons and prayer, She also read"Be Christmas, Sing Christmas,"and accompanIed for the singingof Christmas carols.

Mrs Ervin Wittier, Mrs.Arnold Junck and Mrs. Gilmoresahs presented a skit, entitled'"Joy." Mrs. Junck was narratorand Mrs, Sahs and Mrs. WIttIerread poems.

Mrs. Fork sang "Go Tell It onthe Mountain"

Mrs. Dorothy 150m and Mrs.Denni!> Junek were In charge 01decoratIons and a gift exchange.Mrs. Erne!>t Junek and Mrs. CliffRohde were on the menu com·mlttee

Next meetIng will be Jan. 10with the newly elected officers,including Mrs. Murray Leley,presIdent; Mrs. Dorothy Iscm,vice president; Mrs. ArnoldJunck., secretary, and Mrs.Ernest Junek, treasurer. Mrs.Gilmore Sahs Is ChrIstian growthchairman. Mrs, Dennis Junckwill be the hostess

Cards were the eJlter'ainment,with prizes going to Mrs. Chris·tlne Cook., Mrs. Jay Drake,George Johnston and HarryHofeldt Mrs, Ray Lobergbrought Christmas cookies forthe a'tternoon lunch.

crafts were held at 'he SeniorCitizens Center on Friday.



* Appraisals* Management ,*: 5a1es

* Farms * farm ..* Resld.ntial * Resid.nlhil'

* Comlllereial

are Katherine Hain, Florance Selmers, Mom Welte, (Moreydirector), Larry Rassmussen, BernIe Minarik and BethRobb as they vlslt at the party.

Craft ClubThe Carroll Craft Club and

Ihelr husbands had supper Dec. 9al Ron's $teakhouse. Afferwardthey went to the Richard Jenkinshome lor cards

High prIzes we;e won by DonVolwller and Mrs. Harold Witt·ler, and low went to Larry Alderson and Mrs. Don Volwller

Nexl regular meeting will beJan 18 in the Jerry Junck home

Card at CenterMrs, Walter Lage and Mrs

Agnes Duffy were wInners MonOay when cards were played atthe Senior Cifizens Center

Thirty aHended a pol luckChristmas dInner on Tuesday

Morrises EntertainStan Morrises enlertalned the

Town and Country Home Exlens ion Club at a supper Dec. 9Husbands were guests, and agrab bag gift exchange was held

card prIzes were won by Mrs.Dean Owens and Stan Morris,high, and Mrs. Merlin Kenny andWillis Lage, low

Mrs. Lowell Olson will behosfess lor Ihe Jan. 9 regularmeeting, Members will meet forsupper and Mrs. Willis Lage willpresent the lesson

Ca nasta ClubClnasta Club met with Mrs

Faye Hurlbert Tuesday, A giftexchange was held, Card prizeswere won by Mrs, Wayne Imel,Mr!'>, Lora Johnson and Mrs. ArtR'be

met for !'>upper and cards Mondayat the Black Knight in Wayne

Prizes went to Ray Roberts andMrs John Bowers, high, EnosWilliams and Mrs Ray Roberts,low. and Mrs, Ralph Olson,traveling ,

Mrs. Cliltord Lindsay wlil bethe Jan 9 hostess

The Wayne (Nebr.) Herald, MondaV, December 1'.1"1


11 ~l


















......•........... 1,088.7,..9,106.15




N.F. Weible, COI/llfy Clllrlo;lPubl Dec.U'

Santa ComingThe Carroll Business Nlens

Club has announced that SantaClaus will be at the school thisTuesday afternoon at 2:30 pmwith treats for all youngsters ofthe Carroll area

Businessmen have strungChrlstma!'> lights on a lree In thelobby 01 the auditorium

Meet for SupperAll members of the Hilltop

Social Club and their husbands

Mr. and Mrs. Milton Owens werein charge 01 serving.

Next meeting will be Jan, 7There will be a carry· In lunch ofsandwiches and cake

TWO RESIDENTS of the Wa~ne Care Center wererecognized as honorary grandparents 01 Morey Hall at theMorey Christmas party Wednesday night. Pictured from left


Adult Fellowship Goes CaroJingThe Adult Fellowship went

caroling Dec 10 and met for chIllafterward ilt the PresbyterIanChurch

The group went caro!lng fo thehomes of Mrs. Marla Jones. MrsC.H, Morris, Owen Owens, Mrs.Anna Mae Morris and leviRoberts

Keith (Moens conducted thebusIness meeting. and Mrs, EnosWIlliam!> reported on the lastmeeting. There were 17 memberspresent

Newly elected officers areN.erlln Jenkin'.>, president; MrsMilton ONens. vice presIdent;Mn., Etta Fisher, secretary, andMTr:., John Rees, treasvrer

Mr. and Mrs. Lem Jones and


Qec.~, 1918The W8yne County BOllrd ot CommiSSioners met per adlournment with all

members pre~nt The mlnut" 01 the precedlno meetlno were read andapproved

Adv!lncenol!ceof this mmlnl/ W!l~ publfshecJ in The Wayne Herald. a legaloowspaper, On November 30, 1'n8

Elmer Wa!lwey and Mr Munderloh met with the Board abou' the ta~

assenment on the house owned by Mr. Munderloh In WlIyneMern MordhorS! met with the Bollrd requesting the appointment ot "norher

member ffom the Northwesf part of the County,Mollon by Belermann to table a de-cllion on approval or disapproval ot the

lonlnQ Reo;Julatlons until the ne,;t meeting In December, Motion wllfi ~e<:onded

by E<Sdfe. ROil c!lll'vote' AU AyesFrederlc.k Mann met wllh the Board to report on two meeting!; of the Gal

denrod Hills ",hlch he had attended since belnlil appointed as the Wayne Countyr~re$en'atlve

''Yhe fOIlOWlnl/ ofllcers reports of'~ collected during the month 01November and remitted to State and Countv TrellsurerS were llpproved asfollOWS: .

N,F,·Welble. Co. Clerk - 13,022.25Joann Ostrender, COC':- $176.25Don G, Weible, Shel"llf -\.4'2.00

The following clalrps were !lu(llled and allowed. Warrants to be ready lordlstrlbotlon December IS, 1918.Wlfr,nll GENERAL FUNDSlIlarlesEastern Nebr TelephOne Co., November servicesIBM Corp., rIbbonsKrattblll PrOducts, suppliesWaynll900k Store,suppllesNancyThleLretlnlshd~k

Iv\onroll, suppliesNortolkDallyNews,annua'sUbscrlptlonRedfIeld &Co. Inc"SuppllesN.E, Nebr. Insurance AOY, bondRlel<.en Upholstery, maintenance of equipmentNorfolk Office Equipment, suppliesShepard'S, Inc" Nebr. cltllllonsMerchant 011 Co., ga"__,'~es~.~~,.c.,-~

FredrlcksonOIi Co., mllintenllnceol equipmentKoplin Auto Supply, sealed beam"Mp. S 011 Co., maintenance at equipmentDon Weible, convention expenseStephenson Scnool SuPpLY,IUPPII"Don Weible, Jailor, IlIlIon fees. board 01 prisonersCltyofWaYne,utllllle5Wayne Refuse Service, NovemberlrashMadIson Bionics, supplies 'MI~ American Research Chern, Corp" suppliesPOStm1llter, Wllyne, Nebr., SOO-prlnted window envelopes'KTCH, pUblic nollcesJurYPlIyroll,afdersattaChedAlbert J. SOmmlf, bam",s feeJelf's Cafe, jurors lunchesABDlck Produr::ls Co., suppll"Moi"nlno Shopper, stationeryJoann R. WeIble, cleaning serviceN.F. Weible, CO. Clerk, record deedzoning PUblications, orden attached. , . ,. .. .."".

COUNTY ROAD FUNOsalaries .. " ." "AllIeCl. Lumber ,SO Supply, suppliesDoonan Truck & Equipment, repairsFredrickson 011 Co., repaIrsHeckman GlolS &UphOls'tery, repairsKoplln--Atll.o Supply, wppU...fv\of"rl'Mac;hlne Sllop, repairsWllyTleAulo Parts, repaIrsWtlll'neAuto'Salvage,suppllnfaII;llrchllnt 011 CO., gas and 011Hl:Jlker Ctlncr~e & Gfllvel CO., 'gravel, , ...COnsolidated Eno.·Arch" bl-mOnlhly paymentCltvotWayrt.8,uIlHlfesat Co. Shop ,. .Carhart Lumber Co.. supplies'CtM'yellAuloCo.,repalr,KopIlnAlIfD Supply, supplies .Mid Con Equipment, repairsSlovxV.tJeyRadloE,ng.;radIOlxchanoe ..Mid Wnl erdg" Construction, ",ravel.MId Wnt 8rdg & Constrl,l-Ctlon, contractsWIoYtl.. Skelgll,;gllSa1Co, Shop ..,",U<.Welble,Co,CIet'"k,t11leGun.. SupPIy'Productl, "vppllnVlc's Jat;k & En(jlne Soerv,replllrWaVMAuto);l'artl, repai... ,. ,WhMt... Dill'. St Re<;Il. Paper, luppllil ,_l\I&.Mo-tt Co., gal ana 011StWtwaw.. :w..vlce, dieM!. Oal, t!1CMId West IlrdQ" Cont.'ruc' ,on, oravel



$2.70$2.55 \$2.11




419 MIflt.


$37.25. '3.3D

For Rent

FOR RENT: Two bedroomground noor apartment Avail­able now. Call after 5 p.m.,Fairview Apts., 375.1140. d18tf

The Kid Power 4·H Club met Inthe Kennard Woockman home,Dec. \ 1 with fIve members andleaders, Mrs. Robert Gnlrk andMrs. Ed Gnlrk present. Guestswere Mrs, Larry Neitzke andBecky and Mrs. Jerry Schwedeand Tony.

The meellng opened with the4-H pledge. Holly Neitzke o'IndKathy Schwede are new members of the club.

Canned food was brought torGood Neighbor famliles

Ellen Woockman' gave ademonstraHon on making Christ·mas decorations. Several gameswere enloyed and a cookieexchange'was held

The next meetlng will be Jan. 8at 7:30 p.m. In the Ed Gnlrkhome.

FOR RENT: Duplex, unfurnlshed. two bedroom, garage, nosteps. Prefer couple or single. Nopets, Phone375-3081. d\4t3

FOR RENT: Two bedroombasement. All utilities furnished.Availabh: Dec. 15. Call 375·2767.


~-'- ----l!AlL- ..Irt I.'11u PRICE ,I'tnl

E78-14 2'or$72 $2'30F78-14 2 'or $78 $2.44078-14 2 'or $84 $2.62G76-15 2 for $84 $2.66H78-15 2 lor $88 $2.66

WIth. 4·Ply Polyest8rSnownresGoodye'iu's Suburbanite FJolyesler snow tireglv,es you 4 plies ot polyester co-rd. Interlockingtread lugs selt-cleaning - dig down d,.eep topull you lhrough. Team 4P thia winter withGoodyear Suburbanites - a greilt choice lorwinter!


-lost & Found

' ••11' 315·2111'-:----..;.;;.;.;.........

LOST: Thursday Dec. 14 near the FOR SALE: 1,977 blue Grand PrixStratton House o~ Wayne State etectrlc seats and windows,Stvdenf Center or The Wagon AM·FM 8 track. Rear wlndOlN de.Wheel In Laurel. A gold bracelet . logger. Brushed velvet Interior,''12 or 5·8 Inch wide of flexible 17,000 actual miles. Call 375.2234 ,herring bone des-Ign. Reward 7:30 a.m. to 5;30 p,m. or 375.1701offered Cat! collect 586·2613. Mrs. after 6 p.m. and ask for JIm.Richard Toll~son, Wausa, Ne < d14tf




WANTID: Babysitter lor 8 monthold, Btartlng as soon as pos~l!ble

Call 375·1995 n3O"

WANTED: ExperIenced bookkeeper, .110 hour week, goodpaying opportunity with fringebenellts. All InquIries will be keRfprivate, Write Box Ikl c-o WayneHerl!lld, Wayne, Nebraska 68787.


PUPPIES TO GIVE AWAY.Dall11atlon·Lab Call375-.(539, d14t2

WANTED: Secretary·bookkeep·at: capable of handling completeset of books - accounts payable,payroll, office machines. FulltIme, salary open. Write statingyour qualifications. Please en­dose. a photo. Kuhn Dept. StoreBox 269,'Wayne, fie. 68787. dW3

W ANlED: Country home forlarge dog. Excellent watChdogand good with children, Call375-2130. dtlt3


For Sale


PROPERTY EXCHANGE111 Protesslonal BuildingWh~re Real Esfate is

Our Only Business

Real Estate


HELP WANTED: Part·ttmetypeSetter. Mostfy night workApply In perSon at The Wl!IyneHerald, 1'4 Main, Wayne, Ne.


When you want a FRESHChristmas tree -. ENJOY ANOUTING. CHOOSE & CUTYOUR OWN CHRISTMASTREE, Hundreds of beautirulhand sheared 3 to 7 H. Scotch,Auslrian and Pondero9II Pinesslanding in field .. We will cut.clean and carry for you or bring E~PEIR-E"CED INDIVIDUALYOl'li own saw and do it yourself., wpnted to manage oIflce, super·BRING THJ<: KIDS & TH~ . vfk bookkeeping tor growingCAMERA Open Saturda1s; :,N6r~east !"'ebraska genera~and Sundays. 9 a.m. to 5 p.mi: :~' actor. Accounting back

~r:en;.n~ou~~t:d~~O:iB~de~.U~~s t~~~dt~;c~:~;VPe~~~ ~~~tInquiries to Christiansen Con·structlon Company, P.O. Box L,Pender, Nebraska 68047, telephone 402-385-3027, Equal Opporfunlty Employer. d14tf

CONSTRue.n,ON KELPWANTED: _Otte Construction

'Cb.. Hlway 35 East, Wayne,375·2180. a2Mf

HELP WANTED: Ne6d lull andpart time evening waitresses.Apply In person at the EI Toro.

d14tf WANTED: Distrjputor far_________ Omaha World Hel'ald. Pays an

S• I - excess of Sloo per week.Short,ec,a Notice hOUnl.C.II:l75·2299. dlltJl

M& SOIL1'1I••• 375·.1130


We need one straight truckdf"iver l~me(fl,lIfely to run 'n....bllshed route. Responsibi­11ty, driving experhmce and agood driving record are~ed.l'hlS-lobpays __ bo.V'.ayerage wages and compilnybenefits are available. IfInterested apply In person atthe Milton G. WaldbaurnCompany, Wakefield, Nebras·k•.

IIELPWA.NTEDTbe Milton G. WaJdbaum'::ompany Is blrln.IC full timeemployet"8 lor all IIhlfb. Noexperience III necesllary. Ifyou- are In -tbe Job market and

~e~~I::e:ePJ~':"~orw;:~nf~our organization. Apply atthe !)Hlee or In' WlIyne con­lact John Kampert or the Ne­braska Job Service.


Wakf'fh·ld. Nebraska 6H7114An Equal

Opportunity r-:mploYf>r

An EqU4t1Opportunity Employer


t.· ?~.·Mtm'" ~.. ~ ~

• f "'1hf f"',lr,,, lro'l 'I

: ~:;~~~:';.;, ~~::J'~'::':',"'(f' J'-'--WAYNE • ,- _

MUNICIPAL AIRPORT_ FOR SALE: Ash firewood, split

ALLEN ROBINSON and' seasoned. $SO a rick deEa\t Hwy. lS . Ph.17S.4Wa-4 livered, PhOne. 878·2245. WInne·

III-.n1UM""III.....1I1 -bago. dl1t3


.Just Say 'Charge It' !.......; .•J ,_'""""

HELP' WANTED: Food. Waif'resse-s, dlnnerroom,cocktallwaitresses and cocktail waltresses. Call 256..3812 or apply Inperson at Wagon Wheel Steakhouse, laurel. Ne nJOt"


ConfIdence Starts Here

, Ii~~AREA----DIIlECTOR: CDrn-- HELP WANTED: Par'.time


...m.unitY.buedmental. retardation bu.tcher. Cltll 286-<4981 •. ' d18t3pqram in Wayne Nebraska.

Responsibilities: administer'HELP WANTED: New position.program to Mlrve development~J- Responsible person for reslden­

I Iy ,disabled adult~ and children In flal assistant at Region 1V~ educational as weD u relli~e~tlal Center',AHernoon work. CIMnlng': aettiDgs. .QuaIIfications: 'Bache- at first and later spending recrea­- '0... d9p,e ill humAllo ae", 1008 61 IIMal tIme, with c:hlldl'4ln. Equal



(Continued from page 1)

Nebraska Conservatlon and Sur·vey division

Money for the Nebraska Re·sources Development lund Isappropria1ed annaul!y by theLegislature



- ..,.-~-.,..--_ ... -:" -4o ~ _ ..... _..,.._'..... -,--I'

~.""."'M."•••" •••""."•••" •••••"."••••""""""."'''•••••''•••••........PRICES EFFEalYE MONDAY· TUESDAY· WEDNESDAY DEC. 18, 19,20 I" I POLAROID'S EXCITING NEW I


• ";,' 0 Doc "."'Mond.'S.'u...., ! PORTABLEi PROJECTOR ATSpecial Moments on Picture ~' , ~u'::.;..::::..:::,~; AN INCREDIBLYor,tn Sound'This Christmas . "0"'" I ,. LOWPRICEI

5oo.on! P"'D~ SCASSEnEI $249C!.,O....1_....Ili::'""..._I)II_....~ .•~~~~~IIlRE~?~ER~~~,.

I =~~~.:r:~:riSy~~~:In 110 ModeIIC·401 Reg. '27"'. ' $1997 ! $22'96 .=~Ir~':j~.:t~~~~a~uto-MAGICFLAS

; instantaneous record of those

1==~I;=:u=.~=;.~ -t"-:sRACH:S.-;LB.MOYIE CAMERA OUTFIT 1.. ).'-~. C!. . •••l:'b~::'" $9997 I We rnow(or.mmihV:)/1 I. CHOCO~TES....:~":=~::"c__ B . IIOMGI"''' 'T1/ ~ .•'~'~ ... ;4~....I. -::.,/, ...::.:~~cw••


R••• $197"' $159971" LAND CAMERi- -P&lAROt~9$1991 MAIlIt MOIf.· TUES.· WED.I ONLY • DEC. I' • 19 • 20

.- --- Re. 'I." $1 000 ! $1200 4 lb. box of Santa lWOrt· PuremilkchocoletewithKODAK PRIO "=S CliO. 20 or g • lid _101M by Bl8ch',. en your favorite .....mo.,

--llKl'A1R' ;111' Cl26"· 20 --- -~-- ---- --- ~-

FILM dIt> ,~ODAK ..~~!!.uat~!.. IIIIN?I ..$546 \J~.. 1.\126 FlASHCUBES CH~OLATES

r.=-==':a;;Er, ,,,.,..,. 96~MEIIOREX RECORDING FWlUI.. MIlum to MINUTES

$199' .\$249srr,,··,·$149
