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Drood Ending!

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  • 8/6/2019 Drood Ending!


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    Ch. 24 DUSK

    The following afternoon, Rosa is having tea with her protectress when they are

    startled by a knock at the outer door. Both raise their eyes and look about the room as if

    the sound of someone knocking were shocking and curious.

    You were not expecting anyone, my love? says Miss Twinkleton, looking over

    her teacup as though the mere suggestion of a caller at teatime were a dreadful scandal in

    itself.No, Miss Twinkleton. No one, she answers, blushing.

    No doubt the person of the house has at last troubled someone to repair my

    draperies, though why, at such an unreasonable hour, I should like to know.

    The knocking continues unabated.

    Shall I answer it? says Miss Bud, setting her toast aside.

    Why, if neither you nor I am expecting a caller, I hardly see why either of us

    should be expected to play butler to Mrs. Billickin. In fact, I should think it very rude to

    answer that door, as it is sure to be none of our business.

    Rosa is not entirely convinced of Miss Twinkletons logic. Furthermore, she

    knows (as does Miss Twinkleton) that Mrs. Billickin takes an hour of repose at just this

    hour every day. Yet Miss Twinkletons face has hardened into an expression of such

    forced jollity, Rosa fears that any attempt at conversation might strain the fabric of her

    skin to breaking point. And so the knocking continues until at last, after a great deal of

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    thumping about upstairs and tripping in the hall, the door is answered. There are muffled

    voices, and now a knock at the door of the parlor itself.

    Do come in, sings Miss Twinkleton, smiling stiffly at a scone.

    Miss Rosa, says Mrs. Billickin having paused in the doorway to right her

    bonnet, you ave a visitor.

    Miss Twinkleton, in spite of herself, inquires who it might be.

    Well, Miss Rosa, should you incline yourself to ask me who that visitor of

    yourn is, I shouldnt be able to answer you as I never ave set eyes on the said gentleman

    afore. But he do ave a mighty shock of white hair.Rosa brightens for a moment. Thank you, Mrs. Billickin. Please show him in.

    Shortly, the white-haired gentleman appears at the doorway, cap in hand.

    Well? says Miss Twinkleton, when the stranger does not speak, do be so kind

    as to introduce yourself.

    The gentleman enters fully into the room, apologizes with a frank but modest

    grace for interrupting the ladies, and turns to Rosa with his reply. Datchery, Miss.

    Richard Datchery. Dick, if you please. At your service.

    Well, Mr. Dick Datchery, says Miss Twinkleton, pausing to place her teacup in

    its saucer, do be so kind as to disclose the purpose of your visit.

    Mr. Datchery smiles and nods. If it please you, Miss, I should prefer to consult

    with your ward in private.

    Miss Twinkleton, her face like a strained flag, prepares to exit the parlor in a huff.

    I shall be in the drawing room, she says. She waits. Should you need me, that is

    where Ill be. She waits a moment longer. Reading. Finding her exit still unimpeded,

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    she proceeds to the door. The drawing room, she says once more, like a Parting shot

    and closes the door with a bang.

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    When Miss Twinkleton is safely out of earshot, Rosa turns to Mr. Datchery. All

    about her relaxes, and her face loses that bright look of earlier. Yet she remains the meek

    and pretty girl of whom everyone is so fond. Do please sit, she says, folding her little

    hands in her lap. When Mr. Datchery has executed this maneuver, she continues, You

    found your trip informative?

    Ah, most informative, Miss.

    Rosa lifts her delicate eyebrows and smiles. And?

    Your admirer is a very queer character indeed. Mr. Datchery produces a smallleather-bound notebook from his coat pocket. Ill leave my notes with you to peruse at

    your leisure, but to sum up The choirmaster of Cloisterham Cathedral appears to be on

    intimate terms with a certain purveyor of opium

    Rosa gasps.

    who goes by the moniker Princess Puffer. He does a great deal of stealing

    about, particularly at night. And ever since you removed yourself to London, he has been

    making frequent trips here,

    Another gasp from Rosa.

    where he has neatly divided his leisure time between an opium den and the

    alley across from your window. In fact, I believe him to be loitering there at this very


    Rosa gasps a third time and dabs a little lace handkerchief about her temples.

    In short, concludes Mr. Datchery, folding up his notebook and placing it in

    Rosas tiny white palm, I think him quite probable and quite capable of having

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    murdered your betrothed. Furthermore, I do believe he is a real danger to your own


    Rosa abandons gasping for the moment and feints. However, the spell passes

    quickly in favor of an adorably determined scowl. Thank you. Thank you so very

    much. You cannot know how helpful this is to me. She picks up the leather notebook

    and turns it over in her hands.

    Shall I be off then, Miss?

    I think so. Miss Twinkleton will be interrupting soon anyway.

    Very well then.Oh. And Mr. Datchery?

    Yes, Miss.

    I think Mr. Datchery has outlived his usefulness.

    Mr. Datchery smiles and nods, As you wish, Miss. Ill be shoving off, then.

    And for your efforts, says Rosa, producing a small bundle of notes.

    Datchery frowns and shakes his head. Wouldnt have it, Miss.

    Rosa smiles prettily. Good day, then Mr. Datchery.

    Good day to you, Miss Bud.

    Mr. Datchery walks to the door, smiles at Miss Twinkleton, whose strained flag is

    now flying at half mast in the hall, then exits the residence. As he descends the stairs,

    Mr. Datchery removes his white wig and black eyebrows. He unbuttons his tightish blue

    surtout and shrugs it off. He removes his buff waistcoat, packs it into his pocket, and by

    the time he is at the street, he is again Mr. Tartar. He smiles at the figure hiding in the

    shadows of the alleyway across the street, and walks whistling away.

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    Meanwhile, Miss Twinkleton has found Rosa in a swoon, sent out the alarm, and

    summoned both Helena and Neville Landless to her aid. Mr. Grewgious is soon in

    attendance. The leather notebook is passed round and both Twinkleton and Billickin

    begin to circle the room like rooks at a bell tower, cawing ceaselessly.

    Oh dear. Oh dear, cries Miss Twinkleton.

    Dear me. Dear me, exclaims Mrs. Billickin.

    My child. My child, declares Mr. Grewgious, smoothing his head and perusing

    the contents of the leather notebook.Helena holds the shivering Rosa in her arms, stroking her pale face with the back

    of her hand.

    Outrageous! shouts Neville suddenly, and runs from the room, followed by

    Grewgious. There is a terrible commotion from across the street, and Neville returns

    tending a very bloody nose and being tended by the unflappable Grewgious.

    Once Neville is duly settled, Mr. Grewgious takes the floor, smoothing and

    resmoothing his head. My child. My child, he says again, this time, addressing first

    Miss Bud and then Mr. Landless. If Mr. Jasper were not aware of our mutual friendship,

    he certainly is now, which presents us with a unique and troublesome predicament. I

    amI am a particularly angular man. Uncreativeand ill-suitedto quick thinking.

    Clearly there is much to worry us about our dear girls unfortunate situation, but how to

    proceed with it, I know not. Nor perhaps shall I ever knowunless I spend some time in

    calm contemplation. Might I suggest that we each go to our separate quarters where we

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    may all digest it the betterif we sleep on it tonight. We can meet at my lodgings

    tomorrow for breakfast.

    Rosa looks up, suddenly, her pretty face obscured by tearsyet somehow even

    prettier. No, please, guardian. Have it here. Do come here to breakfast. Id be afraid to

    leave my rooms.

    If it is your will that the event should proceed in that mannerI cannot see any

    reason why it should be otherwise. Unlessthere be any objections.

    There are no objections from any of the parties concerned. All but Helena and

    Miss Twinkleton departHelena because Rosa will not allow her to leave, and MissTwinkleton because she will not be convinced to do so.

    The next morning finds Helena still at the quarters of Miss Rosa Bud, though

    Miss Bud looks fresher, prettier, and more delicately charming than ever. When it is

    discovered that there are no cakes for the breakfast, she cheerily suggests that Helena and

    she make an outing of ither crippling fear lost in the bright morning mists. Together,

    Rosa and Helena depart arm-in-arm for the confectioners.

    My love, do you think this isahwise? asks Helena as they step out of doors.

    Of course it is, you silly thing, says Rosa, though her jollity sounds a little

    forced. Do you think that old monster would dare accost two young ladies in broad

    daylight? Come, let us have a walk in the air. It will do us good. I utterly refuse to have

    breakfast without cake. Besides, she adds with a giggle, I noticed a Lumps of Delight

    shop not far away. Some Turkish Delight might well settle my nerves.

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    And you, she says, turning to Miss Twinkleton, who stands mutely in the

    doorway, too taken aback by Rosas cheerfulness to correct her manners, you start

    without us if we do not return in time. We will shortly.

    Miss Twinkleton stutters a good-bye and she and Mrs. Billickin shrug to one

    anotherfriends now, having found a common enemy in John Jasper.

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    Ch. 27 A FRIGHT

    The breakfast at Rosas residence was an utter catastrophe, though not for lack of

    cake. Indeed, Miss Bud insisted on purchasing so much cake, and cake of such variety,

    that she and Miss Landless arrived quite late to the meal. They were understandably

    surprised to find the breakfast table circled with corpses. Miss Twinkleton was dead.

    Mrs. Billickin was also dead. Mr. Tartar was dead as well. Poisoned. The tea, it

    appeared upon investigation by certain authoritiesand a great multitude of authorities

    appeared, including half a dozen beadles, four members of the London Watch and at least

    two grandly mustachioed and top-hatted officers of the Bow Street Runnerswas lacedwith opium, and opium of such purity and quantity as to stop the heart of a horse. Should

    the breakfasters have summoned a horse to dine with them that morning (and it was

    roundly agreed by the assembled authorities that they shouldnt) that horse would most

    certainly have died as well (should the horse have taken a cup of tea, which it wouldnt).

    Thus, all twelve authorities conceded that the villain had to be Mr. John Jasper,

    choirmaster of Cloisterham Cathedral, spurned lover, opium addict, and malcontent.

    Within three hours, the case was solved, a warrant issued for the arrest of said party, and

    Miss Bud left alone with Mr. Grewgious (who had never been more pleased to be a

    drinker of coffee), and Neville Landless (who had never been more pleased to be a late

    sleeper). Miss Landless was also in attendance to mourn the loss of so many good souls

    and contemplate the lamentable state of everyone elses affairs.

    Now what now am I to do? cried little Rosa, looking more delicate, more

    vulnerable, more lost, more lonely and more weary than ever.

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    My dear, dear child, said Mr. Grewgious, I had already concluded last night

    what course you ought now to undertake. This mornings events have convinced me that

    my reasoning was indeed sound. As long as John Jasper remains aliveand aboutyou

    are in danger. Neville and Miss Landless are no doubt in danger as well. I myself may

    be in dangerso long as I am guardian to you.

    Too true! cried Rosa.

    Listen now, my dear ward. You must pack up your thingsall of themand

    this time, use a much larger bag. You have come into a considerable fortune, thanks to

    your dear departed father. Take your belongings and your inheritance with you to somefar away country. Find a new name. Begin a new life.

    Rosa gasped and buried her face in her hands.

    My dear, said Mr. Grewgious, You are not to worry. You are young and

    pretty and clever. Wherever you go, you will find friends and benefactors.

    She will not need them, cried Neville, stepping forward now with a look at once

    dignified, protective, and gentle. Helena and I both will accompany her.

    Rosa looked up from her hands.

    Neville knelt before her. I have never yet had the courage to say to you, Miss

    Bud, what in full openness I longed to have said when we first met. It is not easy to say,

    and I have been withheld by a fear of its seeming ridiculous, which is very strong upon

    me down to this last moment, and might, but for my sister, prevent my being quite open

    with you even now. I admire you, Miss Bud, so very much, that I cannot bear the thought

    of you in danger. I will go with you anywhere. And I speak for my sister as well, for she

    does love you as much as I.

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    Miss Bud, stunned to silence by this revelation and the many events of the day,

    nodded, consented, wept, smiled, and wept again. It was decided the three should leave

    on the very next morning. For America.

    So then, coughed Mr. Hiram Grewgious, None of us should be alone until you

    are safely on that boat. Once you three are seen safely offI feel certain of my own

    safety. After all, I have Mr. Bazzard to keep me companyif need be. Mr. Neville,

    Perhaps you should lodge with me tonight. Helena, you with Rosa. Ill send someone to

    collect and pack your things.

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    The four survivors collect themselves, collect their wits, collect their belongings

    and recollect their many dayshappy and sadspent in the shadow of Cloisterham

    Cathedral. By nightfall, they are all quite exhausted from so much collecting, and their

    last supper together is quiet and quickall the quieter and quicker for the brooding

    presence of Mr. Bazzard. A few awkward pleasantries are exchanged. It is revealed in

    the course of their sparse conversation that Mr. Hiram Grewgious has named Neville

    Landless heir to his estate. The young heir should be quite well set up in his new home,

    wherever that might be. Moreover, in the future (far distant, it is to be hoped, for Mr.Grewgious sake) he may expect to come into a considerable inheritance. Should Jasper

    be apprehended, Mr. Landless will, Mr. Grewgious jokes to polite laughter, be landless in

    England no more. Should something happen to Neville, the property will be merged with

    Rosas own sizeable fortune.

    The news is well received by all but Bazzardthough to be fair, Mr. Bazzard has

    never accepted any news well, be it bad or good, from Mr. Grewgious. All take to their

    beds with high hopes for the future. All, that is, but Mr. Bazzard, who has been pressed

    into service as a sentry outside the rooms of Miss Bud and Miss Landless.

    The four survivors take to their beds in higher spirits, but they do not so awake.

    In fact, two of the four do not wake at all. Next morning, Mr. Bazzard discovers Neville

    Landless and Hiram Grewgious smothered in their beds.

    John Jasper returned in the night! cries Helena, weeping on Rosas shoulder.

    There is a sort of incongruity in the picture they present. Rosa simply is not meant for

    the role of matron and protectress. Moreover, they are surrounded again by the dozen

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    authorities of yesterday, plus an additional dozen beadles, who rarely find their services

    engaged by such lovely subjects. An excessively thorough search of Mr. Grewgious

    rooms reveal only one piece of evidence: a certain gold engagement ring, set with a rose

    of diamonds and rubiesthe very ring intended for Rosa on her wedding dayis

    missing. The murderer has left no other clues to his identity. This, however, is quite

    enough evidence for the beadles, who speak in hushed voices of Jasper the Grasper.

    The Bow Street Runners, conscious of their dignity as defenders of the public (and

    perhaps a little embarrassed at not foreseeing this crime) find the moniker silly and

    lacking dignity. Whats more, grumbles he of the taller hat and broader mustache, theterm grasper bears no relation to the method of the murders. The Beadles are

    summarily dismissed.

    As least it rhymes, grumbles one on his way out.

    Sbetter monikor than Murderous Mary Cotton, adds another.

    at one dunt even rhyme, agrees a third. There is the low moan of grumbling

    throughout the house as the beadles depart, but it soon drains out into the street and away,

    leaving only the terse Runners. Miss Bud. Miss Landless. May we have a word?

    No, says the distraught young Rosa. We know nothing more than yesterday.

    Mr. Bazzard was posted just outside our door and Helena was with me all night. You

    may ask them yourselves.

    I am afraid, adds Helena with a conciliatory shrug, weve been through quite

    an ordeal these last few days, and do not relish the thought of reliving it all so soon.

    Ladies, replies he of the broader mustache, We quite understand your distress.

    However, this is neither the first nor last time we of the Bow Street will encounter such a

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    crime. There are other equally important cases that require our expertise. So you see, we

    must get to the bottom of this, and as soon as possible. The murderer must beindeed

    shall be brought to justice, I assure you. But not without your cooperation.

    Rosa, however, steadfastly refuses to cooperate with the authorities, and in the

    presence of her obstinate taciturnity, Helena assumes a similar attitude. Finding no way

    forward, the runners depart, leaving Mr. Bazzard alone with the two ladies.

    If you please, Miss Bud, Miss Landless, I would be honored to continue in my

    role as protector for as long as you choose to remain in the country. Mr. Bazzard

    appears to have grown a foot or two. In the presence of miseryand the absence of Grewgioushe has assumed a new and thrilling sense of himself. For the first time in

    his glum life, he feels dignified.

    Rosa Bud, delightful as ever, yet somehow also possessed of a new and inspiring

    maturity, replies in kind, Dear Mr. Bazzard, we accept your kind offer. Your presence

    last night very likely saved our lives. Your presence today may well save them yet again.

    You were always a faithful servant and amanuensis to my guardian. Thus it is right and

    proper that you, not I, should inherit his fortune. I have a generous inheritance of my

    own to tend.

    Bazzard gains another inch of height and nods with expansive dignity.

    Helena drops her hands to her sides and looks on, wide-eyed and slack-jawed.

    If, Rosa continues, taking no notice of Helena, you will kindly accompany me

    to the Directors Commons, we may resolve this to everyones satisfaction.

    Again, Bazzard nods. Rosa now turns to Helena, rests her head on her heaving

    breast. Helena raises one trembling hand to stroke her hair. You are not cross with me,

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    are you? croons Rosa.

    Miss Landless is about to answer when there comes a loud and sudden knock at

    the door. All three jump, and Helena receives a mighty blow to the chin from the back of

    Rosas head. As Helena nurses her chin and Rosa her head, Bazzard strides militarily to

    the door, taking a toasting fork from beside the fireplace on his way. In such a state,

    Bazzard can hardly be trusted to wield a weapon with discretion, and the Rev. Septimus

    Cripsarkle is very nearly skewered on the doorstep. Here, the minor canons athleticism

    serves him well, and he manages to dodge the blow, introduce himself, and disarm

    Bazzard before any further damage is attempted. Both ladies are very glad to see him,and he is very sorry to have heard of the recent catastrophies.

    And yet, how timely of you! cries Rosa. Helena and I leave this afternoon

    aboard a ship for America. There is much for us to do about the city, and not nearly

    enough time to do it. If you would kindly accompany Helena on her errands, Mr.

    Bazzard may accompany me on mine. We may all meet at the dock at five.

    And so the days activities are plotted out and set in motion before anyone has an

    opportunity to be curious or concerned.

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    The ancient English Cathedral Tower. The well-known massive gray square

    tower of its old Cathedral. Of course it is here. And yet, how can it be that it seems so

    strangely out of place? There is no spike of rusty iron in the air, between the eye and it,

    from any point of the real prospect. What is the spike that intervenes, and who has set it

    up? Perhaps by the Sultans orders for the impaling of a certain murderer. It is so, for

    cymbals clash, and the Sultan goes by to his palace in long procession. Ten thousand

    scimitars flash in the sunlight, and thrice ten thousand dancing-girls strew flowers. Then,

    follow white elephants caparisoned in countless gorgeous colors, and infinite in number and attendants. Still the Cathedral Tower rises in the background, where it cannot be, and

    still no writhing figure is on the grim spike. Stay! Is the spike so low a thing as the rusty

    spike on the top of a post of an old bedstead that has tumbled all awry? Some vague

    period of drowsy laughter must be devoted to the consideration of this possibility.

    Shaking from head to foot, the man whose scattered consciousness has thus fantastically

    pieced itself together, at length rises, supports his trembling frame upon his arms, and

    looks around. He is in the meanest and closest of small rooms. Through the ragged

    window-curtain, the light of a setting sun steals in from a miserable court. He lies,

    dressed, across a large unseemly bed, upon a bedstead that has indeed given way under

    the weight upon it. No Chinaman lies beside him this time. No Lascar. Just the haggard

    woman, blowing at a pipe, to kindle it. And as she blows, and shading it with her lean

    hand, concentrates its red spark of light, it serves in the dim morning as a lamp to show

    him what he sees of her.

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    Another? says this woman, in a querulous, rattling whisper. Should he have


    He looks about him, with his hand to his forehead. A sharp suck of breath and a

    reeling in his head return him to the floor. For there, in all his glory, stands the sultan.

    Magnificent. Bejeweled. Bedecked in silks. He carries the head of the murderer by its


    Wait, says the sultan, holding out his hand. A small, white hand, unused to

    labor, epicene, unmanly. On the index finger of that hand, a circle of gold, delicately set

    with a rose of diamonds and rubies. Wait, says the sultan again. His voice is high andsweet. It has the languor of one who has seen all and all is too much. He has regained

    consciousness. Can he not rise?

    Oh me. Oh me. No, deary. Ive seen to that. I know how to mix them, I do.

    Nobody but me (and Jack Chinaman tother side the court; but he cant do it as well as

    me) has the true secret of mixing it.

    He couldnt hurt me then? says the sultan. I am a young little thing. And so

    delicate. The voice of the sultan comes to him as from a great distance, as though

    through a thin wall or a thick mist. It is refracted and muffled as it presses on his brain.

    And yet there is some indefinable note in that voiceso plaintive and so tenderthat he

    feels the strings of his heart plucked; and the note sounded by that plucked string pierces

    the cloud momentarily. In that passing moment, he recognizes the fresh young voice, the

    pretty lips. This is his china shepherdess.

    He can hear me then? she says.

    Oh yes, Missy. He can hear ye. Cant say as he would make sense o what ye

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    says, but he hears ye, alright.

    But he cannot rise.

    Dont ye be afeared for him. He cannot touch ye. Not with what I gives him,

    deary. I know how to mix them. She extends one skeletal hand and coughs. Rosa lifts

    the severed head she holds in her pretty hands. No head, of course, but a very little bag.

    A bag of no use for anything, surely. From the bag, she produces a little pouch of coin.

    Oh me. Poor me, poor me, the market price is dreffle high. And I did faller him

    three days just as you asked, and my head is so bad and ah, my poor nerves. Rosa

    produces another. Princess Puffer coughs once more and sidles up to her twichingly.And ye know, I did talk to that Datchery for ye. And the other, too. The china

    shepherdess casts her a look so cold and cruel, it might freeze the life out of the old

    woman, were she not frozen, pickled, smoked, and mummified already. She turns her

    empty eyes to the floor and shuffles out.

    With great difficulty, the choirmaster of Cloisterham Cathedral lifts his eyes once

    more to the china shepherdess. She stands now at his head, leaning close. Her pretty lips

    close enough to kiss. Rosa, he says. Rosa, darling.

    Her lips part. You are trying to speak, I assume.

    Rosa, darling. You sweet witch. You must know I did not kill him. I would

    havemight havebut did not.

    And again? No use in that. I can guess what you would say. Dont talk, you

    silly old man. Be still. She furrows her expressive little eyebrows and taps him on the

    nose. You murderous old fiend.

    But I

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    Quiet, now, you horrible little man. I cannot understand a word you say. Of

    course I know you are not the murderer. No one knows that better than I. But you have

    it in your heart, now dont you? In that, we are not so different. You would very much

    like to be a murderer, but have never found the opportunity. I should very much prefer

    not to be a murderer, but am. Again she opens her very little bag. That bag of no use

    for anything, surely, but more than adequate for holding an old penny ink-bottle, a

    mouthpiece, a thimble, and a little horn spoon. She fills the bottle, blows at the pipe to

    kindle it, and places it to his lips. The pipe falls from his mouth.

    Now, now, silly boy. You must take it, or be the death of me, to say nothing of my plans. She puts it back, and laying her hand upon his chest, moves him slightly from

    side to side. She pinches his nose with two delicate fingers. He inhales. She sighs and

    looks away. The third was certainly the saddest, if not the most difficult. She sighs

    again. I had been planning that murder for years. Would have done it sooner, I dare

    say, but for my inheritance, which I felt certain rested on my marrying that foolish

    nephew of yours. She turns her pretty eyes to his and smiles. I had meant to frame you

    for the murder. Kill two Rooks with one stone and have you both out of my way. (She

    laughs at her cleverness.) But that silly Neville framed himself instead.

    Jasper strains to lift his hand. To protest, expostulate, plead. But the weight of

    the opium holds it down.

    Dont talk, my dear. Ill explain it all to you. There is nothing lost by it, and I

    have so longed to tell someone. Anyone. You most of all, I think, since you always

    seemed to find a way to the center of it.

    Rosa carries a box of Turkish delight. A gift! she cries, from dear Mr.

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    Bazzard. I gave him Mr. Grewgious inheritance as payment for killing him and Neville.

    Small price, to be sure. She smiles and pops a lump into her mouth. I have never

    wanted to be married, John. Not ever. Not to Eddy, not to you, and certainly not to

    Neville. Why everyone around me insisted on marrying me off, I shall never know. But

    it did make my life unbearably complex. Rosa smiles and chews, occasionally putting

    her little pink fingers to her rosy lips, to cleanse them from the Dust of Delight that

    comes off the Lumps. She soon loses herself among the sweetmeats, popping one after

    another into her mouth in quick succession. Chewing madly, she looks about the

    miserable room and smiles.But where was I? she says at last, her mouth still quite full. Ah yes! I was

    about to confess to you that I poisoned Miss Twinkleton. She swallows. And my

    landlady. She swallows again. And my next-door neighbor. She pops the last lump

    of Turkish delight into her mouth and frowns. No, that wasnt it. Her face brightens.

    I remember! I was going to confess that it was I who dispatched your nephew. Yes, of

    course. The memories all get rather mixed up in my little head. But let me think now.

    Yes. I remember. I followed him to your house that Christmas night, having locked the

    door to my room at school and told that absurd old Hag (God bless her soul) and her

    gaggle of gigglers that I was ill. Not to be disturbed till morning. They were all so

    worried for me, I was desperately afraid they might defy my request and beat the door

    down so to treat me in my infirmity. How fortunate for me that they did not.

    But oh, what a cold, cold night! And unusually dark. How the dust did fly from

    the earth. The trees themselves did toss and creak. Not such power of wind had blown

    for many a winter night. And how the three of you did talk! I very nearly burst in and

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    beat the lot of you to death in my impatience. But I am such a young little thing. And so

    frail. I do not doubt you would have let me do it, but then my pretty designs would have

    been thrown into disarray.

    So no, I waited. I followed Neville and Eddy along the beach. And when at last

    they parted company, I called to him. Dear Ned proposed to me right then and there.

    Silly thing. I suppose Id been too gentle with him when wed broken off our

    engagement. I had been planning to tap him with a stone and throw him in the water by

    the weir, but when he proposed, I came up with the most ingenious little idea. Oh, come,

    Eddy. Let us go to the Church at once, I said, Let us stand at the graves of our dear parents and tell them the wonderful news.

    Say! she looks down at the befuddled choirmaster as though she had just

    noticed him there. You do know that I dispatched them as well, dont you? Oh you

    must. How thick of you not to suspect. I pushed Mummy in the river when she told me I

    must marry that nephew of yours. I was only eight then. And when Papa confided in me

    that he had the same designs, I poisoned him too. Oh! That miserable man. Miserable!

    Nothing but misery! He put it in his will and foiled me even in death!

    A cloud of anger darkens her little face. It might be darling, but for the coldness

    of her bright little eyes. It soon passes.

    No easy task, dragging Ned all the way to the back of that catacomb, I dont

    mind telling you. Rosa huffs and sighs as she thinks of it. She looks miserably at her

    empty box of confections. I am such a delicate little thing. I had to twist him this way

    and that... But the upside of it all was that I recovered this! It was all that the Lyme left

    behind. She holds up her hand so the ring might be admired.

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    John Jasper struggles again to speak, but finds his tongue too heavy. A single

    moan is all he can manage.

    Listen to you! she says, holding the pipe to his mouth again and pinching his

    nose. Youre quite unintelligible.

    The lids of his eyes, heavy as smoke, close out the light of the waning day. He

    struggles to speak, but his mouth feels full of soot.

    Unintelligible! she snaps.

    He smiles and drifts away.

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    The Reverend Mister Septimus Crisparkle and Miss Helena Landless are at the

    dock when Rosa arrives. She arrives alone.

    Is something wrong? Mr. Crisparkle asks.

    Why would there be? answers Miss Bud, a little out of breath. She is carrying

    no luggage but her useless little bag.

    Was not Mr. Bazzard to accompany you here?

    Oh him, answers Rosa. He is following with my boxes.

    Well, I do hope he hurries. You ship is about to set sail.A great low horn sounds, and the last passengers ascend the gang plank.

    Or perhaps he arrived ahead of me, Rosa adds. No matter. Either way, I am

    quite sure I shall find a way to cope. She kisses the befuddled minor canon and marches

    upward. Helena does likewise and follows.

    Another sound of the horn and the gangplank is drawn. A great plume of smoke

    erupts from the stacks fore and aft. The frame of the ship shudders and shifts. It draws

    slowly away from the dock. Looking up at the two ladies from below, Mr. Crisparkle

    doffs his hat and waves.

    That, I should say, is a good man, reflects Rosa, waving back. I think I would

    miss him if I knew him better.

    There are many I shall miss, sighs Helena, holding a lace kerchief to her eyes.

    But she is suddenly distracted. Goodness! she drops her kerchief and takes hold of

    Rosas little hand. Is not that the missing ring?

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    Rosa bursts into loud tears and buries her face in Helenas breast. It is all I have

    left in the world!

    Helena, bewildered and deeply concerned, gathers little Rosa in her arms. My

    dearest, she says, we have one another.

    Rosa sniffs, looks up to her, smiles.

    Nothing, says Helena, holding her little face in her hands, will ever part us.

    Nothing, answers Rosa with a curious half smile. The two young ladies turn

    together toward the sea and gaze over the rail into its azure depths.

    It is certainly a very long way to the water, Rosa whispers, If one of us were tofall overboard, I think no one would even notice.

    Do draw away then, cries Helena with a shiver. I couldnt bear the loss of

    another friend.

    Dont be silly, answers Rosa. Look just there in the water. No there. Here.

    Come closer.

    ###THE END###

