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Drug Therapy of Cardiac Diseases in Children - Indian Pediatrics

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INDIAN PEDIATRICS 310 VOLUME 46 __ APRIL 17, 2009 T he list of drugs used for various cardiac diseases in children is long and ever increasing. Most of the data for efficacy of these drugs has been generated in adult cardiac patients through randomized trials and observational studies. Conducting such trials in children is difficult, if not impossible, due to logistic problems and ethical issues. Therefore, in most cases the basis of using a drug in pediatric practice is extrapolated from the experience in adult patients. With this background, the Working Group on Management of Congenital Heart Diseases met on 13th September 2008, at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences. New Delhi, to reach a consensus for evidence based review of drugs used in heart disease in children and formulation of recommen- dations. The recommendations are classified into three categories according to their strength of agreement: Class I: General agreement exists that the treatment is useful and effective. Class II: Conflicting evidence or divergence of opinion or both about usefulness/efficacy of treatment. IIa: Weight of evidence/opinion is in favor of usefulness/efficacy. IIb: Usefulness/efficacy is less well established. Class III: Evidence and/or general agreement that the treatment is not useful and in some cases may be harmful. The following review is based on the presentations and discussion of the Working Group. A consensus was reached to provide recommen- dations for drug therapy under the sub-headings of various clinical settings. The pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of individual drugs will only be briefly mentioned, as and when necessary. Drug Therapy of Cardiac Diseases in Children WORKING GROUP ON MANAGEMENT OF CONGENITAL HEART DISEASES IN INDIA Correspondence to: Dr Anita Saxena, Professor of Cardiology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi 110029, India. E mail: [email protected] Justification: The indications and doses of most drugs used for heart ailments in children are extrapolated from data in adult patients. Separate guidelines are needed for neonates, infants and children because of the differences in underlying heart diseases and metabolic clearance of some of these drugs. Process: Consensus emerged following expert deliberations at the National Meeting on Management of Congenital Heart Diseases in India, held on 13 th September 2008, at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India, supported by Pediatric Cardiac Society of India. Objectives: To review the literature and frame evidence based guidelines for (i) indications, doses, adverse effects and safety profile of commonly used drugs in pediatric cardiology practice; and (ii) to provide an algorithm for treatment in various clinical settings. Recommendations: Consensus review and recommendations are given for drugs used in children for heart failure, hypertension, thrombosis, supraventricular tachycardia and intensive care. Guidelines are also given for use of intravenous immunoglobulins and sildenafil in children. Key words: Children, Drug doses, Drug therapy, India, Pediatric cardiology. CONSENSUS REVIEW


The list of drugs used for various cardiacdiseases in children is long and everincreasing. Most of the data for efficacy ofthese drugs has been generated in adult

cardiac patients through randomized trials andobservational studies. Conducting such trials inchildren is difficult, if not impossible, due to logisticproblems and ethical issues. Therefore, in most casesthe basis of using a drug in pediatric practice isextrapolated from the experience in adult patients.

With this background, the Working Group onManagement of Congenital Heart Diseases met on13th September 2008, at the All India Institute ofMedical Sciences. New Delhi, to reach a consensusfor evidence based review of drugs used in heartdisease in children and formulation of recommen-dations.

The recommendations are classified into threecategories according to their strength of agreement:

Class I: General agreement exists that the treatmentis useful and effective.

Class II: Conflicting evidence or divergence ofopinion or both about usefulness/efficacy oftreatment.

IIa: Weight of evidence/opinion is in favor ofusefulness/efficacy.

IIb: Usefulness/efficacy is less well established.

Class III: Evidence and/or general agreement that thetreatment is not useful and in some cases may beharmful.

The following review is based on thepresentations and discussion of the Working Group.A consensus was reached to provide recommen-dations for drug therapy under the sub-headings ofvarious clinical settings. The pharmacokinetics andpharmacodynamics of individual drugs will only bebriefly mentioned, as and when necessary.


Correspondence to: Dr Anita Saxena, Professor of Cardiology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi 110029, India.E mail: [email protected]

Justification: The indications and doses of most drugs used for heart ailments in children are extrapolated from data inadult patients. Separate guidelines are needed for neonates, infants and children because of the differences in underlyingheart diseases and metabolic clearance of some of these drugs.

Process: Consensus emerged following expert deliberations at the National Meeting on Management of CongenitalHeart Diseases in India, held on 13th September 2008, at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India,supported by Pediatric Cardiac Society of India.

Objectives: To review the literature and frame evidence based guidelines for (i) indications, doses, adverse effects andsafety profile of commonly used drugs in pediatric cardiology practice; and (ii) to provide an algorithm for treatment invarious clinical settings.

Recommendations: Consensus review and recommendations are given for drugs used in children for heart failure,hypertension, thrombosis, supraventricular tachycardia and intensive care. Guidelines are also given for use ofintravenous immunoglobulins and sildenafil in children.

Key words: Children, Drug doses, Drug therapy, India, Pediatric cardiology.





Heart failure is a clinical syndrome characterized bythe inability of the heart to supply cardiac output at apace necessary to meet the metabolic demands of thebody. In children, the requirement also includes“growth and development”. Heart failure in childrenmay occur secondary to congenital or rheumaticheart disease. The causes of heart failure in childrenare summarized in Table I.


1. Digoxin

Digoxin is a digitalis glycoside. It inhibits thesodium potassium adenosine triphosphatase (Na-K-ATPase), increasing the intracellular calcium levels,thereby increasing the contractile state of themyocardium. Inhibition of Na-K-ATPase alsoreduces sympathetic flow from the central nervoussystem and reduces the renal absorption of sodium in

the kidney(1). This leads to suppression of reninsecretion from the kidneys(2). Digoxin increases thevagal tone, thereby increasing the refractory periodand slowing the conduction through the sinus nodeand the atrioventricular node. Digoxin is the onlyoral inotropic drug.

Indications: Digoxin is indicated in heart failureassociated with reduced systolic function of heart. Inmost cases of heart failure, digoxin is combined witha diuretic and an angiotensin converting enzymeinhibitor (ACEi). Its role in heart failure secondaryto left to right shunt lesions, where systolic functionof the myocardium is preserved, is not well defined.Digoxin is used for slowing ventricular rate intachyarrhythmias such as supraventricular tachy-cardia (SVT), atrial flutter and atrial fibrillation(AF).

Evidence: Digoxin is shown to improve symptoms inpatients with heart failure(3). However, it has notbeen shown to provide survival benefit in adults or inchildren(4). Lower dose may reduce the incidence ofside effects and toxicity(DIG trial)(5). In a post hocanalysis of DIG trial, higher serum digoxin levelswere associated with increased mortality in men withheart failure(6). Scant data exist for digoxin therapyin children with heart failure. Utility of digoxin inheart failure secondary to volume overload of theventricle, as seen in left to right shunt lesions, is lessclear, since the myocardial contractility is normal insuch cases(7).

Dosage: See (Table II). Rapid digitalization isusually not indicated when using digoxin for heartfailure(9). Rapid digitalization may be indicated fortreatment of acute tachyarrhythmias. Themaintenance dose is given in twice daily doses forchildren under 10 years and once daily for childrenabove 10 years. Digoxin “holiday” is generally notneeded in children. The half life of digoxin ismarkedly prolonged in preterm babies and in thosewith renal dysfunction. Dose of digoxin should hehalved when using amiadarone.

Side effects: Digoxin has a narrow therapeutic rangeand side effects are not uncommon. Heart blocks aremore common in children; ectopy is more often seenin adults. Side effects include:


Volume overload with preserved systolic ventricular function

Large left to right shunt: VSD, AVSD, PDA

Admixture lesions with high PBF: TGA, TAPVC, Truncus

Regurgitant lesions: MR, AR (Rheumatic/Congenital)

Myocyte dysfunction with abnormal ventricular contractilefunction

Pressure overload: Severe AS, PS

Muscular dystrophy, DCM

Inflammatory: Myocarditis, Chaga’s, HIV

Tachycardiomyopathies secondary to SVT

Abnormal morphology: single ventricle (pre and post op)

Ischemic: ALCAPA

Others: Sepsis, post CPB, hypocalcemia etc.

ALCAPA: anomalous left coronary artery from pulmonary artery,AR: aortic regurgitation, AS: aortic stenosis, AVSD:atrioventricular septal defect, CPB: cardiopulmonary bypass,DCM: dilated cardiomyopathy, HIV: human immunodeficiencyvirus, MR: mitral regurgitation, PBF: pulmonary blood flow, PDA:patent ductus arteriosus, PS: pulmonary stenosis, SVT:supraventricular tachycardia, TAPVC: total anomalous pulmonaryvenous connection, TGA: transposition of great arteries, VSD:ventricular septal defect.



• Cardiac arrhythmias – Sinus bradycardia,sinoatrial and atrioventricular blocks, atrial andnodal ectopic beats, atrial tachycardia with block,ventricular arrhythmias including ventriculartachycardia (VT).

• Gastrointestinal – nausea, vomiting, abdominalpain and diarrhea.

• Central nervous system – lethargy, confusion,disorientation, vertigo, headache, fatigue,anxiety, depression, delirium, and hallucinations

• Endocrine and Metabolic – Hyperkalemia withacute toxicity.

• Ocular – blurred vision, haloes, yellow/greenvision, diplopia, photophobia, flashing lights.


Absolute: Hypersensitivity to digoxin, ventricularfibrillation, sick sinus syndrome, atrioventricularblocks and hypertrophic obstructive cardio-myopathy.

Relative: Hypoxia, hypothyroidism, acute myo-carditis, pre-excitation like WPW syndrome (if >2years of age), electrolyte disorders and acutemyocardial infarction.

The dose of digoxin should be reduced in renalimpairment. Concomitant use of calcium channelblockers should be avoided.

Monitoring: Heart rate and rhythm should bemonitored. Periodic ECGs are recommended whenuptitrating the dose or using diuretics. Serumcalcium, potassium and renal parameters need to be

monitored. If suspecting toxicity, serum digoxinlevels should be measured (sample taken at least 6hours after the dose). Toxicity is usually seen at >2ng/mL level.

Preparations: Digoxin is available as elixir (60 mLsuspension, 50ug/mL) and tablet (0.25 mg tab).Tablets should not be crushed to formulate liquidpreparations for children. Injectable digoxin (100µg/mL, 250 µg/mL) is available for intravenous use.Intramuscular route is not recommended.

2. Diuretics

Diuretics are widely used in heart failure because ofthe symptomatic relief from fluid overload with inminutes of administration. Diuretics are currentlyrecommended for all adult patients with heart failurewho have volume overload of the ventricle(10).These drugs can be classified into three categories,according to their site of action on the kidney.Diuretics from different groups can be combined forgreater efficacy:

(a) Loop diuretics: Act on the ascending limb of loopof Henle, resulting in Na, K+, chloride and waterexcretion. Examples include Furosemide,torsemide.

(b) Thiazides: These drugs act at the distalconvoluted tubule and also result in Na, K+ andchloride excretion. Examples include hydro-chlorothiazide and metolazone.

(c) Aldosterone antagonists: These drugs actprimarily by competing for intracellularaldosterone receptors in the distal tubule. Theexcretion of water and Na is increased, while K+


Age Total digitalizing dose mcg/kg/24 hr Daily maintenance dose mcg/kg/24 hrPO IV PO IV

Premature newborn 20 15 5 3-4Full term newborn 30 20 8-10 6-8<2 yr 40-50 30-40 10-12 7.5-92-10 yr 30-40 20-30 8-10 6-8>10 yrs 0.75-1.5 mg 0.5-1 mg 0.125-0.5mg 0.1-0.4mgPO: per oral; IV: intravenous.



excretion is spared. Examples includespironolactone and eplerenone


Furosemide is a loop diuretic and is a preferredagent in heart failure due to its rapid onset of action,high efficacy with greater fluid clearance.Increasing doses have increasing efficacy and itremains effective even at low glomerularinfilteration rate (GFR). Furosemide is three timesmore potent than thiazide diuretics. Furosemidealso has a venodilatory effect and increasessystemic venous capacitance, thereby reducingpreload.

Indications: Furosemide is indicated in heartfailure, pulmonary edema, hypertension, renalfailure, and for fluid overload due to other causes.When using diuretic, one must make sure that thereis no hypovolemia (as may be seen in postoperativesettings and in newborns)

Evidence: Furosemide is proven to be beneficial forsymptomatic relief. No survival benefit has beenshown for patients with heart failure.

Dosages and Pharmacodynamics: Oral: 1-2 mg/kgevery 12 hours, maximum of 4 mg/kg/day;intravenous: 1 mg/kg/dose up to 3-4 times a day;Continuous IV infusion: 1-4 mg/kg/day.Continuous infusion may be better and safer inacute heart failure and in postoperative setting. Theonset of action starts in 10-20 minutes after an IVdose and 20-30 minutes after oral administration.The duration of action is six hours.

The dose does not need to be adjusted in renal orhepatic impairment. Furosemide may increasechances of digoxin toxicity by producing hypo-kalemia. It activates the renin angiotensinaldosterone axis (RAAS), producingvasoconstriction, which is detrimental in heartfailure. Concomitant use of ACEi (vasodilator) isrecommended, whenever possible.

Preparations: Furosemide is available as 40 mgtablet and 10 mg/mL (2 mL amp) injections. Thecost is quite low. Oral liquid preparation is notavailable in Indian market.

Side effects: These are dose dependent and includethe following:

1. Electrolyte imbalance: Most common and mostdreaded side effects.

(a) Hyponatremia: hyponatremia is common,especially with high doses and it results infurther drug resistance. It should bemanaged with fluid restriction.

(b) Hypokalemia: Hypokalemia may increasechances of digoxin toxicity. It is bestmanaged by combining furosemide withACEi or spironolactone. Alternatively,potassium supplements may be prescribed.

(c) Chloride depletion, leading to metabolicalkalosis. Supplementation with potassiumchloride helps.

2. Metabolic alkalosis, hyperuricemia.

3. Impaired glulcose tolerance leading tohyperglycemia.

4. Increased low density lipoprotein cholesterol andtriglycerides.

5. Ototoxicity: Rapid administration of large dosesmay cause ototoxicity, rare in children. Whenfurosemide is used along with aminoglycosides,the incidence of ototoxicity increases.

6. Nephrocalcinosis.


Absolute: None except hypersensitivity.

Relative: Hypotension, hypovolemia, hypo-kalemia, hyponatremia.

Alert: Furosemide may have to be stopped ifchild develops diarrhoea or vomiting.

To be used with caution when using digoxin(avoid hypokalemia) and aminoglycosides (higherrisk of ototoxicity)

Monitoring parameters: Serum Na, K+, Ca++ andblood sugar.




Is also a loop diuretic similar to furosemide, but ismore potent (10 mg of torsemide is equivalent to40mg of furosemide), has a higher bioavailabilityand a longer duration of action. In an open labelstudy on children, torsemide was considered betterthan furosemide for control of heart failure(11). It ismore expensive than furosemide.


These drugs act on distal convoluted tubule of thenephron. Except for metolazone, thiazides arerelatively milder diuretics and are rarely used in thetreatment of heart failure. Hydrochlorothiazide is themost often used drug in this category. Primaryindications for thiazide diuretics are mildhypertension and edema. The dose of hydro-chlorthiazide is 2 mg/kg/day in two divided doses.Like furosemide, it also causes excretion of Na, K+

and chloride along with water. Hydrochlorothiazideis available as 12.5 gm, 25 mg, 50 mg tab. The drug isquite inexpensive.

Metolazone is ten times more potent thanhydrochlorthiazide and is useful in resistant cases ofhypertension and heart failure. Intermittent doses ofmetalozone may help to overcome diureticresistance which may occur due to fluid overload,mesenteric congestion (inadequate absorption) andlow renal blood flow. The dose is 2.5-5 mg/day foradults and 0.2-0.4 mg/kg/day in children.Electrolytes must be monitored closely.


Sprinolactone is an aldosterone blocking agent, theother such drug is eplerenone. These act on distalconvoluted tubule of the nephron, producingmoderate diuresis with Na and chloride excretionand sparing of K+. Spironolactone is often used incombination with furosemide for heart failure.

Evidence: Sprinolactone has been shown to improvesurvival in adult patients with heart failure(12). Nosuch specific benefit has been shown in children, butthe drug is effective.

Two small observational studies usingspironolactone(13,14) in children, have shownbenefit in controlling heart failure.

Dosage and preparations: Neonates 1-3 mg/kg/d in1-2 divided doses; Children 1.5-3.5 mg/kg/d in 1-4divided doses; Adult 25-200 mg in 1-2 divided doses.Available as 25 mg, 50 mg and 100 mg tablet.

Side Effects: Electrolyte imbalance: hyperkalemia,especially when using with ACEi and in renalimpairment; anorexia, gastritis, gastric bleeding,diarrhea, gynaecomastia, irregular menses, andamenorrhea. These side effects are dose and durationrelated and tend to reverse after discontinuation ofthe drug. These are not seen with eplerenone.

Contraindications: Significant renal failure,hyperkalemia, peptic ulcer

Monitor: Serum K+, renal functions, especially ifrenal impairment.

3. Vasodilators: Angiotensin ConvertingEnzyme Inhibitors (ACEi)

ACEi decrease the adrenergic drive and block theheart failure induced activation of renin angiotensinaldosterone axis (RAAS). Increased levels ofaldosterone and angiotension II have been associatedwith poor outcome in heart failure. ACEi alsoincrease bradykinin which has natrinureticproperties. Currently ACEi therapy is recommendedas the first line treatment for heart failure, when it isnot secondary to an obstructive lesion.


1. Heart failure due to ventricular dysfunction

2. Hypertension

3. Significant valvular regurgitation (even withoutheart failure)

4. Heart failure secondary to large left to rightshunts: Role of ACEi is less convincing, but isoften used.

Classification: ACEi are classified into 3 classes;

I Captopril is the active form of the drug and it ismetabolized in liver.

II Enalapril, ramipril: These are pro-drugs and aremetabolized to the active form.



III Lisinopril: Is excreted without being metabolizedby the kidney.

Evidence: Improvement in symptoms and survivalhas been shown in adults with symptomatic heartfailure on ACEi(15,16). Later, ATLAS trial showedthat high dose of lisinopril was more beneficial thana low dose(17). Therefore, one must up titrate thedose to the maximum tolerable permissible doses formaximum benefit.

There are no randomized trials in children, thetrials may be considered unethical at this stage.Several small observational studies have proven theefficacy and safety of these drugs in children(18-20).There is one study showing survival benefit withACEi in children with idiopathic dilated cardio-myopathy(21). ACEi have been found to be useful invalvular regurgitation(22) and large left to rightshunts, if the systemic vascular resistance is elevatedat the baseline(23).

Captopril. Most often used ACEi in pediatricpractice, especially in neonates and infants whereenalapril may induce renal dysfunction. The startingdose is 0.1 mg/kg/dose; it is gradually increased to0.5-1 mg/kg/dose three times a day (increase afterevery 4 to 5 doses). Maximum dose is 2 mg/kg/dose.BP and renal parameters should be monitored whenup titrating the dose.

Enalapril. Enalapril is useful for older children. It islonger acting and given twice daily. The dose is 0.1-0.5 mg/kg/dose twice a day. The initial dose may besmaller. Monitoring is as for captopril.

Ramipril and lisinopril are other ACEi, both arecommonly used for hypertension. The doses forheart failure in children are not defined.

Side effects: Hypotension: It usually occurs in theinitial phase (4 or 5 doses) and recovers afterreduction of the dose. Cough is the mosttroublesome side effect. It is due to increased levelsof bradykinin. Non steroidal anti-inflammatoryagents may be helpful. The frequency of cough islower in infants and children as compared to adults.

Monitoring: Blood pressure (BP), renal parameters,serum K+ should be monitored, initially and

whenever the dose is increased. In a relatively stablepatient, ACEi therapy can be initiated in theoutpatient department.

Alert: Avoid using ACEi with spirnolactone due topossibility of inducing hyperkalemia.

Contraindications: Bilateral renal aretery stenosis,to be used carefully in coarctation of aorta, renalfailure with severe decrease in GFR, hyperkalemia,preterm and sick neonates – avoid ACEi especiallyenalapril, and pregnancy.

Hydralazine: It is a non ACEi peripheral vasodilator,resulting in relaxation of arterial smooth muscles.Hydralazine does not produce hyperkalemia, and issafe in patients with renal impairment. It should beused in patients in whom ACEi or ARB are nottolerated or are contraindicated. Dose is 0.75 mg/kg/day; may be increased gradually up to maximum of 5mg/kg/day in four divided doses. It is available withdifficulty.

4. Angiotension Receptor Blockers (ARB)

ARB are competitive antagonists for theangiotension II receptors, they block the cell surfacereceptor for angiotension unlike ACEi, which areconverting enzyme inhibitors. ARB do not inhibitbradykinin breakdown and hence cough is muchrarer. Also ARB are not nephrotoxic. However, ameta analysis of randomized trials in adults did notshow any advantage of ARB over ACEi(24).

Side effects are same as for ACEi except thatcough does not occur. Other drugs in this groupbesides the commonly used losartan, areCandesartan and Valsartan. Studies in children are inprogress, primarily for treatment of hypertension. Acombination of ACEi and ARB is currently notrecommended in pediatric patients.

Dose of Losartan: 0.75 to 1.4 mg/kg/day

5. Beta blockers

Heart failure results in activation of sympatheticnervous system and increased levels of circulatingcatecholamines. Chronic activation of sympatheticnervous system leads to worsening of heart failure byinducing myocardial apoptosis and fibrosis.



Circulating catecholamines also induce peripheralvasoconstriction along with renal retention of saltand water. Betablockers antagonize these deleteriouseffects(25). In addition, betablockers also haveantiarrhythmic effect.


1. Mild, moderate or compensated heart failure,secondary to ventricular dysfunction. Beta-blockers should not be initiated in acutedecompensated heart failure.

2. SVT and other tachyarrhythmias

3. Hypertension

Evidence: The benefits of betablocker therapy inadult patients with heart failure have been shown inseveral studies(26). In addition to metoprolol,carvedilol has been shown to decrease all causemortality and risk of clinical progression of heartfailure(27,28). Carvedilol is a non selective betablocker which also has an anti-oxidant property.Due to its alpha blocking effect, carvedilol exerts avasodilatory effect. It improves functional class andfractional shortening in children with ventriculardysfunction(29). Side effects include dizziness,hypotension and headache. The first multicentre,randomized, double blind, placebo controlled trialfor carvedilol in children is recently published byShaddy and colleagues(30). There was nostatistically significant difference between carve-dilol and placebo. Authors postulated that this lackof effect may be due to unexpectedly low rate ofevents for patients in worsened category and thatthe trial may have been underpowered.

Pharmacodynamics: Dose reduction is required insevere liver dysfunction, but not for renaldysfunction. Carvedilol increases digoxin concen-tration so dose of digoxin may have to be decreasedby 25% when using carvedilol. Combination withcalcium channel blockers should be avoided.


Metoprolol: 0.2-0.4 mg/kg/day initially, graduallyincrease to a maximum of 1 mg/kg/day in twodivided doses.

Carvedilol: 0.1 mg/kg/day in two divided doses,increase at 1-2 weekly interval to 1 mg/kg/day with amaximum of 2 mg/kg/day.

Metoprolol is available as 12.5 mg, 25 mg, 50mg, and 100 mg tablet.

Carvedilol is available as 3.125 mg, 6.25 mg,12.5 mg, and 25 mg tablet.

Side effects: Bronchospasm, bradycardia, heartblock, hypotension, hyperglycemia, dizziness.Aggravation of heart failure may occur in somecases, the diuretic dose may have to be increased.

Contraindications: Advanced heart block, sick sinussyndrome, acute heart failure, bronchial asthma,cardiogenic shock. Relative contraindicationsinclude chronic airway disease, bradycardia,hypotension, hypothyroidism.

Anticoagulation for children with chronic heartfailure is discussed later.


Key concepts in management of heart failure inchildren are listed in Box 1. In neonates and infants,active fluid restriction is not recommended. Caloriesupplementation, either by increasing the density ofmilk or giving commercially available high calorieformulas, is recommended. In older children, fluidand salt restriction are generally required. Childrenshould be asked to avoid extra salt as is present infries, chips, pizzas and other similar food items.Drug therapy has to be individualized as per clinicalsetting A-D, as described below:

Clinical setting A: Patients at increased risk for heartfailure, but no volume overload or ventriculardysfunction as seen in exposure to cardiotoxicagents; family history of heritable cardiomyopathy;univentricular hearts (pre and post Fontan);congenitally corrected transposition.

Therapy consists of the following: (i) avoidcardiotoxic drugs; (ii) periodic clinical assessment;(iii) periodic echocardiographic evaluation forventricular function; (iv) maintenance of sinus



rhythm. There is no role of ACE inhibitors/Betablockers (Class III).

Clinical setting B: Patients with abnormal cardiacmorphology or function, but no symptoms of heartfailure as seen in mitral regurgitation (MR) or aorticregurgitation (AR) with left ventricular enlargement;and univentricular heart with dysfunction.

Therapy and class of recommendation: See Table III.

Clinical setting C: Patients with past or currentsymptoms of heart failure (commonest group)

Therapy and class of recommendation is detailedin Table IV.

Clinical setting D: Treatment for end-stage heartfailure requiring continuous infusion of inotropicagents, mechanical circulatory support, cardiactransplantation or hospice care.

Therapy: Intravenous infusion of dopamine,dobutamine, milrinone, alone or in combination(details described later in section on “Drugs in ICUsetting”). Betablockers and ACEi should not be used(Class III).


Do• Treat the underlying cause of heart failure.• Digoxin has a narrow safety window in children.• Continuous infusion of furosemide may be better in

acutely ill cases .• A persistent tachycardia (>180) may indicate

“tachycardiomyopathy” as the cause of heart failure.• Rapid digitalization is not required for majority.Do Not• Combine angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors

(ACEi) with Angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB)(Class III).

• Avoid combining ACEi and spironolactone, ifnecessary, monitor potassium levels (Class II b)

• Do not give ACEi in heart failure secondary topressure overload (Class III)

• Avoid using ACEi in acute decompensated heartfailure (Class II b)

• Betablockers should not be initiated in acutedecompensated stage of heart failure (Class III)

• Potassium supplements are not required in earlyinfancy


Preserved systolic function Ventricular Pressure overload RV DysfuctionLeft to right shunts MR/ AR Dysfunction

Diuretics I I I IIa IDigoxin IIa IIa I (for symptoms) III IIaACEi IIa I I III IBetablockers III III IIa III IIbAnticoag III III IIa Urgent intervention to relieve obstructionACEi: angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor; AR: aortic regurgitation; MR: mitral regurgitation; RV: right ventricle


Preserved systolic function VentricularLeft to right shunts MR/ AR Dysfunction

ACEi III IIa IBetablockers III III I (IIa if RV

morphology)Digoxin III III IIIDiuretics III III IIIAnticoag III III IIb

ACEi: angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor; AR: aorticregurgitation; MR: mitral regurgitation; RV: right ventricle




Systemic hypertension is an important, oftenunderdiagnosed, condition in children. In developedcountries, the estimated prevalence is 1%-2% duringchildhood. Small surveys in school children suggesta prevalence of 2%-5% in India(31). It isrecommended that all children over 3 years of ageshould have their BP measured whenever seen by adoctor. Hypertension in children can be essential(primary) or secondary (often to renal or endocrinedisorder). Readers are encouraged to refer to theguidelines on “Evaluation and management ofhypertension” recently published in IndianPediatrics(32).

Definition of Hypertension

Normal BP: systolic or diastolic BP < 90th centile forgender, age and height.

Pre hypertension: systolic or diastolic BP between90th & 95th centile.

Hypertension: systolic or diastolic BP exceeding95th centile on 3 separate occasions. This is furthersubdivided into 2 stages

Stage I: Systolic or diastolic BP >95th centile andup to 5 mm above the 99th percentile

Stage II: Systolic or diastolic BP values 5mm ormore above the 99th percentile

Anti Hypertensive agents

Before starting drug therapy, it is important todifferentiate essential or primary hypertension fromsecondary hypertension. In most cases of secondaryhypertension, treatment of the underlying causecan cure the child of high BP and hence the needfor long term antihypertensive therapy. Thedoses of various antihypertensive agents are given inTable V.

Algorithm for treatment of Hypertension

Life style modifications are very important; theirdiscussion is beyond the scope of this article, butthey are required for all stages of hypertension, withor without drug therapy. Drug therapy is indicated inchildren with hypertension and in those with pre

hypertension, when associated with co-morbidconditions. The goal of treatment is to reduce BP tobelow 95th centile or below 90th centile, if targetorgan damage or a co-morbid condition is present.Commonly used medications include ACEi, calciumchannel blockers (CCB), other vasodilators, betablockers and thiazide diuretics. Recommendedalgorithm for treatment of hypertension is:

· Initial treatment with CCB or BB or ACEi

· If BP continues to be >95th centile: Usecombination therapy - ACEi + CCB or ACEi +Thiazides or CCB + BB. (Watch for bradycardiawhen combining BB and CCB)

· If BP continues to be >95th centile: Add thirdagent - ACEi + CCB + Diuretic/BB. Otheragents: prazosin, clonidine, hydralazine. BB:betablockers, CCB: calcium channel blockers

Choice of drugs according to the cause ofhypertension

For essential hypertension in children, one can startwith a drug from the group of calcium channelblocker, ACEi or betablocker. If hypertension issecondary to acute glomerulonephritis, loop diureticlike furosemide along with a calcium channelblocker or ACEi should be used. ACEi can be usedfor hypertension secondary to renal disease as longas the GFR is >30 mL/hour. If it is <30 mL/hour,calcium channel blocker and/or betablocker shouldbe used instead of ACEi. It is important to monitorserum potassium and creatinine levels in such cases.For renovascular hypertension, ACEi should not beused if renal artery anatomy is not clear or if there isbilateral renal artery stenosis. A combination of acalcium channel blocker and a diuretic should beused. One can use a betablocker instead of a calciumchannel blocker if ventricular function is normal ormildly deranged. Same is true for hypertensionsecondary to coarctation of aorta.


Recommendations for anti-thrombotic therapy inchildren have been extrapolated from experience inadult patients, perhaps due to relative infrequency of




Drug Initial dose (maximum)

Calcium channel blockersAmlodepine Children 6-17 years: 2.5-5mg once daily, od-bidNifedipine (extended release) 0.25-0.5mg/kg/d (3mg/kg/d up to 120mg/d), od-bidIsradipine 0.15-0.2mg/kg/d (0.8mg/kg/d up to 20mg/d), tid-qid

Angiotension converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotension receptor blockersCaptopril 0.3-0.5mg/kg/d (6mg/kg/d), tidEnalapril 0.08mg/kg/d up to 5 mg/d (0.6mg/kg/d up to 40mg/d) , od-bidLisinopril 0.07mg/kg/d up to 5mg/d (0.6mg/kg/d up to 40mg/d), odRamipril 6 mg/M2, od

Irbesartan 4-5mg/kg/d (6-12 years:150mg/d, >13 years: 300mg/d), odLosartan 0.7mg/kg/d up to 50mg/d (1.4mg/kg/d up to 100mg/d), od

Beta blockersAtenolol 0.5-1mg/kg/d (2mg/kg/d up to 100mg/d), od-bidMetoprolol 1-2mg/kg/d (6mg/kg/d up to 200mg/d), bidPropanolol 1-2mg/kg/d (4mg/kg/d up to 640mg/d), bid-tidLabetalol 1-3mg/kg/d (10-12mg/kg/d up to1200mg/d), bid

Central alpha agonistClonidine 5-25 ug/kg/d (2.4mg/d), tid-qid

Peripheral alpha antagonistPrazosin 0.05-0.1mg/kg/d (0.5mg/kg/d), bid-tid

VasodilatorsHydralazine 0.75-1mg/kg/d (8mg/kg/d), qidMinoxidil 0.1-1mg/kg/d (50mg/d),od-bid

DiureticsFrusemide 0.5-2mg/kg/d (6mg/kg/d),od-bidSpironolactone 1mg/kg/d (3.3mg/kg/d up to 100mg/d), od-bidMetolazone 0.2mg/kg/d (0.4mg/kg/d), odHydrochlorothiazide 1mg/kg/d (3mg/kg/d), odAmiloride 0.4-0.6mg/kg/d (20mg/d), od

od: once a day; bid: twice a day; tid: thrice a day; qid: four times a day

thromboembolic events in children. Anti-thromboticagents are required in critically ill-neonates withumbilical catheters, children with cancer (requiringlong term indwelling lines), children with pro-coagulation abnormalities, post cardiac surgery etc.

1. Heparin

Unfractionated heparin is the most commonly usedanticoagulant. It acts by forming a complex with

antithrombin III which inhibits coagulation factorsIX, X, XI, XII, plasmin and kallikrin. Heparin alsobinds to a glycoprotan, cofactor II that inactivatesthrombin independently of antithrombin III.Neonates and infants have reduced level ofantithrombin III and have faster clearance of heparin,both these facts result in increased dose requirementsin pediatric group. Resistance to heparin can beovercome by increasing either the dose of heparin or



the antithrombin concentration(33). Heparin dose istitrated to achieve an activated partial thrombo-plastin time (aPTT) of 60-85 seconds whichgenerally correlates with anti Xa level of 0.35-0.7unit per mL.

Indications: Heparin is used as first lineanticoagulant until oral agents such as warfarin areinitiated. Heparin bolus is given in the catheteri-zation lab to prevent risk of arterial thrombosis.Heparinised saline is used to flush catheters in thecatheterization lab.

Dosage: An IV bolus dose of 75-100 units/kg ofheparin results in a therapeutic aPTT in 90% ofchildren.

Maintenance dose (as IV infusion)

< 2 months of age 28 units/kg/hour

2 mo-1yr 25 units/kg/hour

> 1 yr 20 units/kg/hour

Older children 18 units/kg/hour (samedose as for adults)

Dosage in catheterization lab: 50-100 units/kg bolusIV or through arterial sheath.

Monitoring: Heparin dosing monograms have beenvalidated in children(34). Many physicians use antiXa levels for infants or in critically ill children asaPTT may not be very predictive. In relatively stableinfants and in older children, aPTT is used formonitoring as it is more easily performed and iswidely available. If aPTT is <60 seconds, dose ofheparin should be increased by 10% every 4-6 hourstill aPTT is over 60 seconds. If aPTT exceeds 85seconds, heparin dose should be decreased and ifaPTT is >95 sec, the heparin infusion should bestopped.

Side effects: Bleeding occurs in 1.5%-24%, the truefrequency may be somewhere in between thesefigures. Reports of heparin induced thrombo-cytopenia have been described in up to 2.3% forchildren in intensive care. Osteoporosis is rarelyseen, it is related to long duration of use. Protaminsulfate is used to counter effect of heparin

immediately, in case bleeding occurs. The dose is 1mg for every 100 units of heparin, if heparin infusionhas been received in past 30 minutes. Reduced dosesof protamin sulfate are required if the last heparininfusion given was over 30 minutes ago.

2. Low Molecular Weight Heparin

Low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) isincreasingly used in children, primarily due to lessstringent monitoring requirement. The mechanismof action is similar to that of heparin. Studies fromHospital for Sick Children in Toronto confirm theadvantages of LMWH over standard heparin(35,36).These advantages are relative ease of subcutaneousadministration, minimal need for monitoring, mini-mal interference by other concurrent medications,decrease effect on bones with long term use anddecreased incidence of thrombocytopenia. Severalstudies have confirmed the efficacy of LMWH inchildren and a need for higher dose has beenconfirmed in these studies, when compared toadults(37-39). Therapeutic dose is extrapolated fromadults and is based on anti factor Xa levels. Therecommended level of Xa is 0.50-1.0 unit/mL whensample is taken after 4-6 hours of a subcutaneousinjection.

Dosage: Majority of data in children is withenoxaprin. Dose is 1.5mg/kg 12 hourly for <2 month(<5kg) and 1 mg 12 hourly for older infants andchildren. For preterm babies a higher dose, up to 1.5– 2 mg/kg 12 hourly, may be required.

Adverse reactions include major bleeding (4%).

3. Vitamin K Antagonists

These drugs reduce the concentration of vitamin Kdependent factors, II, VII, IX and X. In newborns,concentration of these factors is physiologicallyreduced, resulting in a prolonged prothrombin time,the international normalized ratio (INR) being 2.0-3.0. So, the role of vitamin K antagonists is limited innewborn period. The breast milk has a lowconcentration of vitamin K, making breast fedinfants very sensitive to these drugs. On the otherhand, formula milk has high vitamin K levels andtherefore, babies on formula milk are relativelyresistant to vitamin K antagonists.



Warfarin and acenocoumerol are available drugsin this category. Only oral preparations are availablein the market. Warfarin is the most common oralanticoagulant used; it is indicated for prophylaxisand treatment of thromboembolic disorders. Theefficacy of warfarin is judged by measuring INR.

Dosage: Initial loading dose is 0.2 mg/kg. Infants <1yr usually need higher maintenance dose comparedto older children. The dosage schedule is as per INRvalue given in the Table VI. Average dose ofwarfarin in infants and young children is 0.33 mg/kg/day to achieve an INR of 2.0-3.0. For teenagers, thedose is 0.09 mg/kg/day and for adults, 0.04-0.08 mg/kg/day.

Monitoring: Frequent dose adjustments warrantclose supervision of INR. Vitamin K antagonistshave extensive cross-reactivity with severalcommonly used drugs and dietary agents. Certain“point-of-care” monitors are commercially avai-lable, which are considered reliable and acceptablefor checking INR in home setting. These aresomewhat similar to “glucometers”.

Side effects: Bleeding is the main complication; therisk of major bleeding is 0.5% per patient year. Risk

increases significantly when INR is >8 units. Otherside effects are development of osteoporosis onprolonged use. The complication of bleeding can betreated with vitamin K administration (30 mcg/kg).In serious cases, fresh frozen plasma should be used.

Contraindications: These include severe renal orhepatic impairment, cerebral or dissecting aorticaneurysms, active ulceration, severe hypertension,infective endocarditis, pericardial effusion, preg-nancy and hypersensitivity to warfarin.

Interactions: A major concern in using vitamin Kantagonists is their interaction with several drugs anddietary substances, requiring dose adjustments. Thedose of warfarin needs to be increased when usinganticonvulsants like phenobarbital and carbamaze-pine. Other drugs interacting with warfarin areaspirin, steroids, nonsteroidal anti inflammatoryagents, alcohol, fluconazole, metronidazole, amoxi-cillin, rifampicin, chloramphenicol, sulfametho-xazole-trimethoprim combination etc. As mentionedearlier, breast fed infants are more sensitive towarfarin as compared to formula fed infants.

Patients should be told not to make frequentchanges in their diet. If a new drug is needed e.g.antibiotics, INR should be monitored. INR level isaffected by cumulative dose of warfarin taken overthe last 5-7 days, so testing INR just after a day ofchange in dose is not very useful.

4. Antiplatelet Agents


The effect of aspirin is mediated through inhibitionof prostaglandin synthetase, which results inprevention of formation of the platelet aggregatingsubstance thromboxane A2. This antiplatelet effect isgenerally seen at doses of 3-5 mg/kg/day. Aspirinresistance, as seen in adults is prevalent in childrenalso, 26% in one study(40). The main indications inchildren are, following palliative Blalock Taussig(BT) shunts and in patients with Kawasakisyndrome. In a nonrandomized observational study,aspirin was found to lower the risk of death and BTshunt occlusion(41). Low dose aspirin has also beenused following Glenn and Fontan procedures.Aspirin clearance is slower in neonates. Aspirin


Loading dose (Day 1)0.2mg/kg (maximum 10mg); 0.1 mg/kg in presence ofhepatic dysfunction

Days 2-4INR 1.1-1.3, repeat loading doseINR 1.4-1.9, give 50% of initial loading doseINR 2.0-3.0, give 50% of initial loading doseINR 3.1-3.5, give 25% of initial loading doseINR > 3.5, hold until < 3.5, restart at 50% of previousdose

Maintenance dose (day 5 and beyond)INR 1.1-1.4, increase dose by 20% of previous doseINR 1.5-1.9, increase dose by 10% of previous doseINR 2.0-3.0, no changeINR 3.1-3.5, decrease dose by 10% of previous doseINR >3.5, hold until <3.5, restart at 20% of previousdose

INR: international normalized ratio



should be administered with milk or food as it maycause gastric irritation. A controlled releasepreparation must not be crushed or chewed as thebioavailability will change. Generally no specificmonitoring is required when using low dose aspirin,however hemoglobin may be checked every 6months to detect anemia which may occur due toblood loss from gut.

Side effects: Aspirin is relatively safe in anti plateletdoses. Rarely it may result in bleeding, especially inthose with underlying coagulation disorder.Symptoms of peptic ulcer may be precipitated. Reyesyndrome is dose dependent, hence not seen withlow dose aspirin. In the rare event of significantbleeding, platelets should be transfused.


It is one of the thienopyridines and selectivelyinhibits ADP-induced platelet aggregation via theinhibition of P2Y12 receptor. Its effect is additive toanti platelet effect of aspirin.

Data in children on the use of clopidogrel isemerging. The initial report was on 15 children(42).More recently there is a prospective, multicenter,randomized, placebo controlled trial (PICOLO) thatwas conducted to evaluate the pharmacodynamics ofclopidogrel in 116 children with risk for arterialthrombosis(43). The drug was well tolerated and adose of 0.2 mg/kg/day was able to achieve plateletinhibition level similar to that in adults taking thestandard dose of 75mg/day. 80% of children werealso taking aspirin, no serious bleeding occurred.

The indications for clopidogrel are same as foraspirin. It may be considered in cases that areintolerant to aspirin. Clopidogrel can be combinedwith aspirin in cases where stronger antiplateleteffect is required.

Side effects: Frequency of side effects is low. Mainside effects are gastrointestinal. Rarely rash,neutropenia and bleeding has been described inadults.

Ticlopidin is another thienopyridine, given indoses of 10 mg/kg/day in two divided doses, butthere is no data to support its use in children.

Intravenous antiplatelet agents

These include glycoprotein IIb-IIIa antagonists suchas intravenous abciximab, eptifibatide and tirofiban.One study on use of abciximab for patients withKawasaki disease demonstrated greater reduction incoronary aneurysm diameter at early follow upcompared to patients who received standard therapyalone(44). Abciximab therapy may be considered inpatients of Kawasaki disease who develop largecoronary aneurysms in acute or sub acute phase.

5. Thrombolytic Agents

Thrombolytic agents act by converting endogenousplasminogen to plasmin. The various agents in thisgroup are streptokinase, urokinase and tissueplasminogan activater (tPA). Levels of plasminogenare much lower at birth (50% of adult values).Therefore the thrombolytic effect of these drugs isdecreased in neonates. Streptokinase is the cheapestof all three agents but may produce allergy in somecases. In Western countries, tPA is the agent ofchoice. A review of 182 neonates and infants giventhrombolytic agents failed to show any significantdifference between the three agents(45). Freshfrozen plasma supplementation may be used toincrease efficacy of tPA.

Indications include femoral artery occlusion(following cardiac catheterization), aortic throm-bosis, intracardiac thrombi, pulmonary embolism,thrombosed prosthetic valves and thrombosed BTshunts.

Dosage: The optimal dose for pediatric patients isnot known. Table VII outlines the usual dosageschedule and monitoring parameters. These drugsare generally administered intravenously; howeverlocal therapy may be better for catheter inducedthrombosis, if the catheter is already in situ. It isimportant to start heparin therapy immediately aftercompletion of thrombolytic therapy, a loading dosefor heparin is not required.

Side effects: The major adverse effect is bleeding,seen in 20%-68% of cases. A higher dose and a longduration of therapy, predispose to bleeding.Intracranial bleed has been reported in 4% of pre-term babies as compared to 1% in term babies(46).



Major bleeding may be treated with cryoprecipitateand other blood products.

Contraindications include stroke, transient ischemicattacks and severe hypertension.


1. Blalock – Taussig Shunts

Modified BT shunt involves interposition of aGortex tube between the subclavian artery andipsilateral branch of pulmonary artery. The risk ofthrombotic occlusion of graft varies from 1%-17%depending on various factors such as size of thegraft, size of the pulmonary artery, age of the patient,hematocrit, etc.

Recommendations: Heparin should be used duringand immediately following a BT shunt. This shouldbe followed by aspirin in a dose of 3-5 mg/kg/day(Class I). Clopidogrel may be used in place of aspirinin those unable to tolerate aspirin (Class IIa). Acombination of aspirin and clopidogrel may be usedif one episode of shunt thrombosis has occurred onaspirin alone (Class IIa).

2. Mechanical Valves

Thrombosis of a prosthetic valve can be catastrophicand must be prevented. Warfarin is a very effectiveoral anticoagulant to prevent prosthetic valve throm-bosis in adults; data in children is less robust.

Recommendations: Warfarin (or other vitamin Kantagonists) to be used for all children withmechanical valves (Class I). The recommended INRis 2.5-3.5 for prosthetic mitral valve and 2.0-3.0 forprosthetic aortic valve. The dose of oral anti-coagulant should be titrated accordingly.

For those who have had a valve thrombosis whileon adequate oral anticoagulation, addition of aspirin,in a dose of 3-5 mg/kg/day should be considered.(Class IIa).

For a bioprosthetic valve, oral anticoagulation tomaintain INR between 2.0 and 3.0 is recommendedfor initial three months after surgery, noanticoagulation is required thereafter. Low doseaspirin may be used (Class IIb).

3. Kawasaki Disease

Coronary artery aneurysms develop in 15%-25% ofpatients with Kawasaki disease. Treatment with highdose intravenous gamma globulins has been shownto reduce the risk of coronary aneurysm. Antiplateletagents are used to prevent coronary thrombosis inacute phase and myocardial infarction in chronicphase.

Recommendations: Aspirin, in anti inflammatorydose of 80 -100 mg/kg/day is used for initial phase,sometimes up to 14 days (Class I). Later, the dose isreduced to 3-5 mg/kg/day to exert antiplatelet effect.It is given for 6-8 weeks if no coronary abnormalitiesare present (Class I). If coronary aneurysms arepresent, aspirin in low doses is continued till theaneurysms persist, which may be life long (Class I).For big coronary aneurysms, (over 6-8 mm indiameter), clopidogrel may be added to aspirintherapy (Class IIb). For giant aneurysms (>8mm indiameter), addition of oral anticoagulation isrecommended to aspirin therapy (Class I). The targetINR should be maintained between 2.0 and 3.0. Forcoronary artery thrombosis, glycoprotein IIb IIIainhibitors like abciximab may be used (Class IIa).Abciximab may also be indicated for giantaneurysms (Class IIb).


Loading Maintenance Monitoring

Urokinase 4,400u/kg 4,400 u/kg/h for 6-12h Fibrinogen, TCT, PT, aPTTStreptokinase 2,000 u/kg 2,000 u/kg/h for 6-12h Fibrinogen, TCT, PT, aPTTtPA None 0.1-0.6mg/kg/h for 6h Fibrinogen, TCT, PT , aPTT

aPTT: activated partial thromboplastin tim;, INR: international normalized ratio; PT: prothrombin time; TCT: thrombin clothing time;tPA: tissue plasminogen activator



4. Intracardiac Thrombi in Neonates withNormal Ventricular Function

Neonates are particularly vulnerable to intracardiacthrombi due to imbalances in their fibrinolyticsystems and low levels of natural anticoagulants intheir body.

Recommendations: Direct infusion of thethrombolytic agent as close to thrombus as possibleis preferred (Class I). If given IV, higher doses arerequired, which increase the risk of cerebralhemorrhage, more so in preterm babies. The dose forurokinase is 1000 to 3000 units/kg/hour and for tPA0.01-0.05 mg/kg/hour(47). Fibrinogen levels shouldremain above 100 mg/dl during treatment. Thethrombolytic treatment should be followed byheparin infusion.

5. Dilated Cardiomyopathy/myocarditis

Dilated cardiomyopathy or myocarditis with heartfailure predisposes to stroke and pulmonaryembolism.

Recommendations: Those with gross heart failureshould receive oral anticoagulants (Class I). Oralanticoagulants are also preferred for other childrenwith cardiomyopathy who have significantventricular dysfunction (Class IIa). The target INR iskept between 2.0 and 3.0. If intracavitary thrombus ispresent, anticoagulant therapy is again warranted(Class I).

6. Idiopathic Pulmonary Hypertension

Anticoagulants are often used for prophylaxis in thisgroup of patients, based on the data generated inadults.

Recommendations: Oral anticoagulation withvitamin K antagonists to maintain INR between 2.0and 3.0 (Class IIa). Antiplatelet agents have no role.

7. Arterial Cardiac Catheterization (Diagnosticand Interventional)

Young children are at increased risk of femoral arterythrombosis following arterial access for cardiaccatheterization. Femoral artery thrombosis should besuspected if the pulse in the corresponding limbremains absent after 2-4 hours of the procedure and itshould be treated with anticoagulants.

Prophylaxis for femoral artery thrombosis

Use of heparin during cardiac catheterization isshown to reduce incidence of femoral arterythrombosis in children by 40% to 80%. In a study,50units/kg bolus was found to be as effective as100units/kg, given immediately after arterialpuncture(48). However most recommend the higherbolus dose of 100units/kg in infants and youngchildren (Class I). If procedure is prolonged,additional doses of heparin or a heparin infusion isused. Activated clothing time should be monitored ifthe procedure is prolonged; it is maintained between200-250 seconds.

Treatment of femoral artery thrombosis

If pulse in the index limb does not appear after 2-4hours of cardiac catheterization, heparin should begiven in a dose of 20 units/kg/hour (Class I). If pulsestill remains absent after 36-48 hours, thrombolytictherapy is recommended (Class IIa). Forsignificantly ischemic limb (threatening to extend orlimb death), thrombolytic therapy may be initiatedearly (Class I). IV streptokinase is used, the bolusdose is 1000-4000 units/kg given over 20-30minutes. This should be followed by infusion at 1000units/kg/hour. If thrombolytic therapy iscontraindicated, surgery should be done. It isbelieved that in about 70% of cases, heparin resolvesthe thrombus.

8. Peripheral and Umbilical Arterial Catheter inNeonates and Children

For prophylaxis against catheter thrombosis, heparininfusion in concentration of 5units/mL should becontinued through the catheter at a rate of 1mL/hour.In case thrombosis has occurred in the arterialcatheter, the catheter should be removed and heparininfusion given intravenously. In cases withsignificant limb ischemia, thrombolytic agents mayhave to be used.



SVT is the most frequent form of symptomatictachyarrhythmia in children. The heart rate is usually



more than 180-200 bpm. The commonest type is dueto an accessory connection between the atrium andventricle; it is called atrioventricular re-enteranttachycardia (AVRT). Atrioventricular nodalreentrant tachycardia (AVNRT) is less common inchildren. The least common type is ectopic atrialtachycardia (EAT). SVT is poorly tolerated inneonates and infants, leading to heart failure.Palpitation is the main symptom in older childrenand adolescents. Most SVT patients have astructurally normal heart. In rare instances, apersistent, chronic SVT may cause ventriculardysfunction and a dilated cardiomyopathy likepicture. Drugs for pharmacological treatment ofSVT include adenosine (for acute episode only),calcium channel blockers like verapamil anddiltiazem, digoxin, betablockers, amiodarone,sotalol, flecainide and propafenone. Antiarrhythmicdrugs are classified into four categories based ontheir mechanism of action (Table VIII). Digoxin andbetablockers (already discussed) are the mostcommonly used drugs for SVT. Other drugs likeamiodarone, sotalol and flecainide will be discussedin this section.

1. Amiodarone

Amiodarone has been used as an antiarrhythmicagent since 1970s and is useful for both SVT and VT.It is primarily a class III anti-arrhythmic drug, but hasother class effects also. Oral amiodarone usuallytakes days to exert its antiarrhythmic effect, but IVamiodarone has immediate onset of action and canbe used in acute settings. The predominant effectafter IV administration is due to its betablocking andcalcium channel blocking actions. Class IIIantiarryhthmic effect takes much longer.

Indications: Amiodarone is indicated for difficult tocontrol SVT, which may be due to AVRT,AVNRT, atrial flutter or AF. Amiodarone is the drugfor choice for junctional ectopic tachycardia (JET)which may occur in postoperative setting in theintensive care unit. This drug is also useful forvarious types of VT.

Evidence: Several studies have been reported on oraland intravenous amiodarone use in children(49-51).It has also been successfully used in combinationwith flecainide(52) and propranolol(53) forrefractory tachyarrhythmias in infants and children.

Dosage: IV - Loading dose is 5mg /kg given over 20-30min, it is followed by 5-15 mcg/kg/min infusion.In rare cases, a higher loading dose, up to amaximum of 15 mg/kg, can be given. Oral - Loadingdose is 5 mg/kg given 2-3 times a day (maximum 200mg/dose) for 5 days followed by 5 mg/kg/day as asingle dose.

Amiadarone has a long duration of action andmay exert effect for weeks or months afterdiscontinuation. Since it is metabolized in liver, itsdose must be adjusted in hepatic dysfunction.

Side effects: Very toxic, especially on chronic usage.Side effects are seen in up to 75% of cases. IVamiodarone may result in hypotension, nausea,sweating, and hot flushes.

Side effects of oral amiodarone are:

• Cardiac: bradycardia, prolongation of QTinterval, myocardial depression

• Thyroid: hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism


Class Mechanism of action Drugs

I Sodium channel blockadeIa Prolong repolarization Quinidine, procainamide, disopyramideIb Shorten repolarization Lidocaine, mexiletine, tocainide, PhenytoinIc Little effect on repolarization Encainide, flecainide, propafenone

II Beta adrenergic blockade Propanolol, esmolol, acebutolol, I-sotalolIII Prolong repolarization (potassium channel blockade) Amiodarone, bretylium, d,l-sotalol, ibutilideIV Calcium channel blockade Verapamil, diltiazem, bepridil



• Pulmonary: pulmonary alveolitis, pneumonitisand fibrosis

• Nervous system: peripheral neuropathy, vertigo,headache, insomnia

• Skin: rashes, photosensitivity

• Eyes: corneal deposits, optic neuropathy

• Liver: jaundice may occur due to hepatic toxicity.

Interaction with other drugs: Amiodarone decreasesthe clearance of digoxin, flecainide, procainamideand warfarin. There is increased risk of ventriculararrhythmias when given with erythromycin.

Contraindications: Hepatic dysfunction, restrictivelung disease, long QT interval.

Monitoring: BP monitoring when using IVamiodarone, especially in patients with ventriculardysfunction. Periodic ECGs must be done for QTinterval. Testing for thyroid functions (beforestarting amiadarone, after loading dose and 6monthly), liver functions (before, after loading and 6monthly), pulmonary functions, chest X-ray (beforeand 3-6 monthly later) and slit lamp examination ofthe eyes should be carried out periodically.

Amiodarone, though a very effectiveantiarrhythmic agent, must be avoided as it results inserious side effects, especially for chronic use.Unfortunately due to difficulties in procuring other,safer antiarrhythmics, amiodarone is being widelyused in India. It should be reserved for refractoryarrhythmias not responding to simpler medications.

Amiodarone is available as 100mg and 200mgtablet and 50mg/mL injection.

2. Sotalol

Sotalol is a mixture of D-and L-isoform. It isprimarily a class III antiarrhythmic agent, but hassome class II (beta blockade) effect also, due to L-isoform. It prolongs action potential duration andresults in lengthening of QTc interval. It exerts anegative inotropic and chronotropic effect andreduces AV nodal conduction.

Indications: Sotalol is indicated for refractory atrialtachyarrhythmias. It is often used for arrhythmias in

postoperative patients. For ventricular arrythmias,sotalol has been shown to be superior to class Iagents. It is preferable to amiodarone due to lessserious side effects. Sotalol has also been used forfetal arrhythmias successfully.

Evidence: Experience with sotalol in children islimited, most studies are observational orretrospective, reporting a success in 90% forSVT(54,55). In refractory cases, it can be combinedwith flecainide(56).

Dosage: Sotalol is given orally in a dose of 2-4 mg/kg/day in two divided doses. Doses up to 8 mg/kg/day have been used. Body surface area is reported tobe a better predictor for sotalol dosing; therecommended dose is 30-70 mg/m2/day(57).

Side effects: Sotalol is a relatively safe drug apartfrom its proarrhythmic effect seen in 3%-5%, due toprolongation of QTc interval. Bronchospasm mayoccur in predisposed patients, due to its betablocking effect.

Contraindications: Long QTc interval (>450 msec)is an absolute contraindication. Dosage adjustmentis required in renal failure. Hypokalemia andhypomagnesemia are other relative contraindi-cations. It should be used with caution in patientswith significant ventricular dysfunction and heartfailure.

Monitoring: Sotalol should always be initiated in thehospital setting. A baseline QTc interval should bemeasured on ECG. QTc should be monitored for atleast 3 days after initiation of therapy and againwhenever the dose is increased. If QTc intervalincreases to > 500 msec, the dose should be reducedor drug stopped.

Sotalol is available as 40 mg tablet.

3. Flecainide

Flecainide is a class Ic antiarrhythmic and acts byinhibition of the fast Na channel, prolongation of theaction potential duration and inhibition of the rapidrepolarization current. Its greatest effect is on His-purkinje system and ventricular myocardiumproducing prolongation of QRS duration. Flecainideis a negative inotropic and may induce ventricular



arrhythmia in patients with significant myocardialdysfunction.

Indications: Flecainide is indicated for chronicprophylaxis of SVT in cases refractory toconventional drugs like digoxin, betablockers andcalcium channel blockers. Intravenous preparationhas been used for termination of acute episode ofSVT. It is particularly useful for treatment ofautomatic atrial tachycardia and JET. It is also usedfor atrial flutter, postoperative intraatrial reentranttachy-cardia and VT. Flecainide should be initiatedby a cardiologist or electrophysiologist, who isfamiliar with its usage and side effects.

Evidence: Flecainide has been extensively used forchronic prophylaxis of SVT in children with nounderlying heart disease or ischemia. It is effective inover 90% of cases(58,59). Flecainide has also beenused successfully in combination with amio-darone(52) and sotalol(56). Flecanide is also usefulfor fetal SVT.

Dosage: IV dose for aborting an acute episode ofSVT is 2 mg/kg over 30 minutes. For maintenance,100-250 mcg/kg/hour infusion is given. The oraldose ranges from 2-8 mg/kg/day in 2-3 divideddoses, usual dose is 2-4 mg/kg/day. Dose accordingto the body surface area is 50mg/m2/day for childrenunder two years and 80mg/m2/day for over twoyears.

The drug is metabolized in liver and 30-40% isexcreted unchanged in urine. Half life is about 20hours, but it is shorter in neonates. Drug takes about3-5 days to reach a steady state level after oraladministration. Milk inhibits absorption of flecai-nide. It is advisable to avoid milk consumption onehour before and after flecainide administration.

Side effects: These include bodyache, asthenia,tremors, headache, fatigue, agitation andgastrointestinal upset. The most dreaded side effectis proarrhythmia, seen in 7-8% of cases.Proarrhythmia is more likely if there is myocardialischemia or ventricular dysfunction.

Drug interaction: Digoxin increases level offlecainide. When using with amiodarone, flecainidedose should be reduced by about 50%.

Contraindications: These include significantvalvular heart disease, ventricular dysfunction, heartfailure, hypoxia, recent myocardial infarction/ischemia, heart blocks, sinus node dysfunction andbundle branch block.

Monitoring: Flecainide should be started in ahospital setting. The QRS duration needs to bemonitored meticulously. A 10% increase is expected.An increase of >25% in QRS width should be anindication to reduce the dose or stop the drug. QRSwidth is best judged when ECG is taken at a fasterpaper speed (50mm/sec or 100mm/sec). Plasmalevels of flecainide should be monitored ideally,especially in hepatic or renal impairment, but thisfacility is not yet available in India. Flecainide isavailable with difficulty in India.

The tablet strength is 50 mg and 100mg.


Natural history of SVT is different in infants andchildren as compared to adults and it influences thelong term pharmacotherapy for these patients. 40%-70% of infants do not need drug therapy for SVTbeyond infancy, although many of these still have aninducible SVT on electrophysiologic study. Aboutone third of SVT patients lose accessory pathway but30% of these may develop recurrence of SVT at 8-10years of age. Therefore, infants with SVT due to anaccessory pathway (AVRT), such as Wolff ParkinsonWhite (WPW) syndrome, can wait for spontaneousresolution of the pathway.

The treatment of SVT is described under twosubheadings, abolition of the acute attack andchronic prophylaxis.

Acute Management of SVT

(i) Vagal maneuvers: In a hemodynamically stablechild, vagal maneuvers should be tried beforepharmacologic therapy. Such maneuvers includeice bag application on the face of infants,pressure on infant’s abdomen and gagging. Icebag application is most commonly used and ithas an efficacy of up to 90%. A plastic bag with



ice cubes and water should be applied on child’sface for 10 seconds at a time. Vagal stimulationby applying ocular pressure is contraindicated ininfants and young children (Class III).

(ii) Adenosine: Intravenous adenosine is consideredthe drug of choice for acute termination of SVT.It is effective in 95% of cases of re-entranttachycardia, although success rate in neonatesmay be lower. Adenosine has a very shortduration of action and therefore recurrence ofSVT is common. The dose is 0.1-0.2 mg/kg,given as a rapid IV bolus. A 5 to10ml of salineshould be pushed immediately after givingadenosine bolus. Adenosine breaks SVT byproducing block at the AV node level.

(iii) Intravenous Verapamil/ Diltiazem: These drugshave >90% efficacy for terminating reentrantSVT i.e. AVRT and AVNRT. Verapamil ordiltiazem should not be used in small children (<4 years) and in the presence of heart failure orpre-excitation on the ECG. Verapamilor.diltiazem is rarely used now, since adenosineis available. These drugs still have place in olderchildren who show recurrence of SVT afteradenosine administration.

(iv) Esmolol: Intravenous esmolol (a betablocker)has been used to terminate SVT in some caseswith moderate success.

(v) Intravenous Amiadarone: IV amiodaronereverts most of reentrant tachycardia which useAV node for their sustenance i.e. AVRT andAVNRT. This drug should be reserved forresistant and recurrent SVT.

(vi) Ohers: Intravenous/oral Flecainide has alsobeen used to terminate SVT.

Chronic Prophylaxis for SVT

Chronic prophylaxis with drugs may be required forshort periods, as spontaneous resolution occurs in asignificant number of cases who present in infancy.Choice of the drug depends on the tachycardiamechanisms, age of the child, associated structuralheart disease, ventricular function and familiarity ofthe physician with the drug. The algorithm based on

above factors is given in Fig.1 and 2. As can be seenin figures, initial treatment must start with one of thesafe drugs like a betablocker or digoxin.

AVRT is the commonest cause of SVT in infants.The accessory pathway in such cases may beconcealed or manifest. If the accessory pathway isconcealed, it is not capable of antegrade conduction.ECG in such cases shows normal PR interval and nodelta waves. Manifest pathway is seen in 70% ofcases, i.e. the pathway is capable of antegradeconduction and the ECG shows short PR interval anddelta waves.

FIG.1 Management algorithm for children with regularnarrow QRS, reentrant SVT.1 Rarely fatal, hence doesnot warrant drugs like amiodarone / sotalol on longterm basis (>6 months);2 Use of Digoxin in manifestpathways remains debatable; probably safe for infants(<2yrs);3 Interchangeable with propafenone;4 Alwaysinitiate in hospital; 3-5% risk of Torsades de Pointeseven in normal hearts;5 Amiodarone may be used inspecial situations like uncontrolled recurrent episodesin infants, severe LV dysfunction (tachycardio-myopathy), or when it is difficult to monitor drugs likeflecanide/sotalol etc.

Supraventricular tachycardia

Atrioventricular Atrioventricularreentrant non-reentrant

tachycardia tachycardia

Manifest Concealed1

Beta-blocker ± Digoxin2 Beta-blocker ± Digoxin2

Flecainide3 ± Calcium ChannelBeta-blocker Blocker

(>2 yrs of age)Sotalol4/


Radiofrequency ablation(Amiodarone)5

↓ ↓

↓↓ ↓





Some of the key concepts regardingantiarrhythmic drugs are given in Box 2.


1. Dopamine

Dopamine causes β adrengic stimulation resulting inpositive chronotropy, inotropy and dromotropy.

Indications: Infusion is indicated in acutedecompensated heart failure, cardiogenic shock,septic shock and to improve renal perfusion.Dopamine is used routinely for low cardiac output

syndrome after open heart surgery for congenital andacquired heart defects. It is also useful for birthasphyxia and myocardial ischemia, as seen innewborns(60,61).

Dose: Dopamine is given as a continuous IVinfusion. In the dose of 2-5 mcg/kg/min, it exertseffect on dopaminergic receptors which are presentin renal, splanchnic, and coronary vascular bedsproducing vasodilatation. These effects are notantagonized by beta blockers. The increased renalblood flow results in diuresis and natriuresis(62). Athigher doses, 5-10 mcg/kg/min, it is a pure ß agonist,producing positive inotropic effect on the heart. Atdoses of >10 mcg/kg/min, it exerts alpha agonisticaction, resulting in vasoconstriction. The usualstarting dose is 5 mcg/kg/min; increased gradually, ifrequired, up to a maximum of 20 mcg/kg/min.

Side effects: May produce tissue necrosis withsubcutaneous infiltration; a large vein should be used

Supraventricular tachycardia

Ectopic atrial tachycardia

Normal ventricular Tachycardiomyopathyfunction

(age <2yrs(weight >15kg) weight <15kg)

Beta-blocker± Amiodarone2

Digoxin (any age)

Satalol/ Beta-blocker ±Flecanide Digoxin3



FIG. 2 Treatment algorithm for management of Ectopic atrialtachycardia (EAT).1 In small children with severe LVdysfunction (EF <20%) short term amiodarone (<1yr) can be used to control the tachycardia. RF ablationcan be performed for these children if the tachycardiacontinues to occur at a later age. Older children (>15kg) can have a RF ablation at the first instance ortreated with amiodarone as in small children.2Amiodarone is highly successful in managing EAT andthus improving LV dysfunction. If the tachycardia doesnot get controlled with amiodarone, RF ablation canbe performed even in small infants.3 Once LV functionnormalizes, a trial of â-blocker ± Digoxin, orFlecainide/Sotalol can be given till either thetachycardia spontaneously disappears (upto 30%), orRF ablation can be performed safely.


• Verapamil(a) Not to be used in neonates with SVT; it could

lead to cardiogenic shock.(b) Not to be combined with beta blockers at any

age.(c) Not to be used in broad QRS tachycardia, due to

the risk of electromechanical dissociation.• In a hemodynamically unstable child with

tachyarrhythmia, cardiovert with direct currentirrespective of underlying mechanism ofarrhythmia.

• Therapy with drugs like amiodarone, flecainide,sotalol or propafenone should always be initiated inthe hospital setting, preferably initiated by acardiologist/ electrophysiologist well acquaintedwith these drugs.

• It is advisable to refer resistant cases to experts or toa centre with expertise in arrhythmias.

• Amiadarone is very effective for treatment oftachyarrhythmias, but produces frequent, seriousside effects and is best avoided for long term use.

• Flecainide is also very effective, its use should beencouraged in those with no or minor underlyingstructural heart disease and normal myocardialfunction.



for infusion. Tachycardia and ectopic beats occur athigh doses. Dopamine may worsen pulmonaryhypertension and ventilation perfusion mismatch inthe lung.

Contraindications: Avoid in tachyarrhythmiasunless these can be corrected rapidly.Pheochromocytoma and hyperthyroidism are othercontraindications.

Monitor: The heart rate and BP should be closelymonitored and dose of dopamine titratedaccordingly. Urine output is an excellent marker ofcardiac output and must be measured in all criticalcases on dopamine infusion.

2. Dobutamine

Unlike dopamine, dobutamine is a syntheticsympathotometic agent and has a pure positiveinotropic effect on myocardium by stimulation ofalpha and beta receptors directly. Dobutamineproduces a reduction in systemic vascular resistancewith only a modest increase in heart rate, its mainadvantage over dopamine. The BP is also not muchaffected.

Indications: Indicated in acute heart failure, lowcardiac output state after open heart surgery,neonates with asphyxia, myocarditis and after openheart surgery.

Dosage: Given as continuous IV infusion in dose of5-15 mcg/kg/min. The maximum dose is 20 mcg/kg/min. The drug must be diluted adequately (not lessthan 5mg/mL concentration). Infusion should begradually tapered after 48-72 hours ofadministration. In cases with low BP, dopamine ornoradrenaline infusion may be used concomitantlywith dobutamine.

Side effects: Like dopamine, dobutamine alsoproduces increase in heart rate and ectopic beats,albeit to a lesser extent. High dose infusion mayresult in hypotension due to vasodilatation.

Contraindications: Contraindicated in obstructivelesions of heart, cardiac arrhythmias. Hypovolemiamust be corrected prior to dobutamineadministration.

Monitoring: BP, heart rate and ECG

3. Milrinone

Milrinone is a selective inhibitor ofphosphodiesterase III, thereby increasing levels ofcyclic AMP. It produces a positive inotropic effect onmyocardium and a vasodilatory effect on systemicand pulmonary vasculature. These favorablechanges occur without a concomitant increase inmyocardial oxygen consumption. Additional effectsinclude augmentation of ventricular relaxation(lusitropic effect), anti-ischemic effect onmyocardium and inhibition of proinflammatorycytokines.

Indications: Indicated for heart failure, especially inpost operative setting following cardiac surgery(63-65). Milrinone infusion is also indicated in acuteheart failure due to other etiologies, like dilatedcardiomyopathy.

Dosage: Milrinone is given IV, as 25-50 mcg/kgbolus over 10 minutes, followed by infusion at 0.25-0.75 mcg/kg/min.

Side effects: Arrhythmias including ventricularectopics, non sustained VT. Other side effectsinclude hypotension, hypokalemia, angina (in olderpatients) and tremor. The incidence ofthrombocytopenia is much less compared to thatwith amrinone infusion.

Contraindications: Milrinone should be used withcaution in presence of hypotension. It iscontraindicated in severe obstructive lesions likeaortic or pulmonic stenosis.

Monitor: Heart rate, BP and ECG.

4. Adrenaline/Epinephrine

Adrenaline increases BP, heart rate and cardiacoutput in a dose dependent manner. It is also a potentbronchodilator.

Indications: Post cardiac surgery, in the managementof low cardiac output syndrome, during cardiacresuscitation. Life saving for acute exacer-bation ofbronchial asthma and in anaphylactic shock.

Dose: Adrenaline is given as an IV infusion. At a



dose of 0.05-0.3 mcg/kg/min, adrenaline exerts onlybeta 1 and 2 effect, thereby increasing cardiac outputand heart rate without vasoconstriction. It mayproduce vasodilation due to its effect on B2receptors. At a higher dose, 0.3-1.0 mcg/kg/min,both alpha and beta effects are seen. At further higherdose (>1.0 mcg/kg/min) the alpha effectpredominates resulting in vasoconstriction. Bolusdose is used for anaphylactic reaction and for acutebronchial asthma.

Side effects: Ventricular arrhythmias. Extravasationof infusion can produce skin necrosis; it should beinfused through a large peripheral vein or through acentral vein.

Contraindications: There are no absolutecontraindications.

Monitor: Heart rate, BP, ECG and urine output.

5. Noradrenaline

Unlike adrenaline, it has predominant alphaadrenergic action, producing vasoconstriction.

Indications: Noradrenaline is indicated in septic andother types of shock, where systemic vascularresistance is low(66). Noradrenaline is sometimesused to raise BP after a BT shunt to facilitate flowthrough the shunt.

Dosage: 0.3-2mcg/kg/min infusion IV.

Side effects: These include increased myocardialoxygen demand and increased pulmonary vascularresistance. Skin necrosis occurs if drug extravasates.

6. Isoproterenol

Isoproterenol is a synthetic catecholamine and hasselective effect on beta 1 and 2 adrenergic receptors.Tachyphylaxis develops on prolonged usage.

Indications: To increase heart rate in atrioventricularblocks, bradycardia, while waiting for pacingelectrode to be inserted. It is also useful in post-operative pulmonary hypertension with or withoutright heart failure, as it is a pulmonary vasodilator.

7. Sodium Nitroprusside

Sodium nitroprusside is a nitric oxide donor and hasa potent, short acting vasodilator effect on venous

and arterial beds. It has a very fast onset and a veryshort duration of action, enabling its use in criticalcare setting.

Indications: Systemic hypertension e.g. after repairof coarctation of aorta, malignant hypertension ofrenal vascular origin; acute, sever valvularregurgitation(67,68); low cardiac output statefollowing cardiac surgery, especially after valvularsurgery; and, acute heart failure.

Dosage: It is advisable to start with a low dose,0.5mcg/kg/min IV infusion. The dose can begradually titrated according to improvement insymptoms, status of BP, filling pressures, to amaximum of 10mcg/kg/min.

Side effects: Main side effect is hypotension. Otherside effects include acute increase in intracranialpressure, headache, dizziness, palpitations andsweating. Cyanide poisoning can occur on pro-longed use. It should not be combined with ACEi,other vasodilators and betablockers, as precipitousfall in BP may occur.

Contraindications: Contraindicated in severehepatic and renal impairment, cyanide toxicity maydevelop earlier in these patients.

8. Nitroglycerine

Nitroglycerine is a powerful venodilator and a mildarteriolar and coronary vasodilator.

Indications: Post cardiac surgery for valvularregurgitation; cardiac surgeries where coronaries areinvolved, e.g. arterial switch operation, Rossoperation and repair for anomalous left coronaryartery from pulmonary artery; and, systemichypertension.

Dosage: The initial dose is 0.5mcg/kg/min IV, it is uptitrated depending on the response, to a maximum of10mcg/kg/min.

Side effects: Hypotension, tachycardia, methe-moglobinemia leading to cyanosis, acidosis,convulsions and coma.

Contraindications: Hypotension, hypoxia, hyper-trophic cardiomyopathy, hypersensitivity to nitrates.



Nitroglycerine should not be combined with ACEiand betablockers, as severe hypotension may occur.

9. Phenoxybenzamine

It is a long acting alpha receptor blocker producingvasodilatation. It also reduces pulmonary arterypressure, even in neonates(69). Phenoxybenzaminehas a long half life and may result in severehypotension.

Indications: For postoperative pulmonary arteryhypertension. It is also used in pheochromocytoma.

Dosage: 1mg/kg bolus given IV over 30 min,followed by 0.5-1mg/kg/day infusion

Side effects: Hypotension, reflax tachycardia,dryness of mouth.

10. Vasopressin

Arginine vasopressin is a vasoconstrictor. It is usedin cases with refractory hypotension afterconventional drugs have failed. It has also been usedfor heart failure. Vasopressin is particularly useful invasodilatory shock; the classical example is septicshock.

Dosage: It is given as IV infusion at a dose of 0.0003-0.006 units/kg/min.

Side effects: Splanchnic ischemia due to itsvasoconstrictor action.

11. Nitric Oxide

Inhaled nitric oxide is a potent pulmonaryvasodilator with no effect on systemic vasculature.Therefore, its main role is in treatment of pulmonaryarterial hypertension. The effect is usually dosedependent.

Indications: Pulmonary hypertension of thenewborn;

Persistent pulmonary hypertension after correctionfor congenital heart disease, especially when there isdifficulty in coming off bypass or wean offventilator: It is also used to test for operability inshunt lesions with high pulmonary vascularresistance.

Dosage: Delivered along with oxygen, through theventilator circuit, in a dose of 5-80 ppm. The startingdose is 5-20 ppm and it is gradually increaseddepending on the response. Nitric oxide should notbe used for long term, as it results inmethemoglobinemia.

BP, pulmonary artery pressure, and arterial oxygensaturation should be monitored during therapy withnitric oxide.

Box 3 Summarizes the drugs used in commoncardiac conditions encountered in intensive caresettings.


Acute myocardits/cardiomyopathy with cardiogenicshock

• Dopamine infusion, increase dose if necessary

• Add adrenaline if hypotension persists

• If BP acceptable, add milrinone (avoid loadingdose) or dobutamine

Acute mitral or aortic regurgitation (infective ortraumatic)

• Use sodium nitroprusside infusion, invasive BPmonitoring is preferable

Pulmonary hypertension of the newborn

• Raise BP by using dopamine/dopamine plusdobutamine infusion

• Add milrinone in place of dobutamine if BP is inacceptable range, as milrinone is a pulmonaryvasodilator.

• Add inhaled nitric oxide if available

• Continue with other measures like high frequencyrespiration and surfactant therapy.

Septic shock

• IV infusion of isotonic saline or colloid boluses

• Correct hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia

• If still hypotensive, start dopamine infusion,gradually increase the dose

• If still hypotensive, add adrenaline or noradrenalineinfusion

• Vasopressin infusion in refractory cases.




1. Intravenous Immunoglobulins (IVIg)

IVIg is an immunomodulator, affecting function of Band T lymphocytes. It is known to neutralizepathogenic antibodies and suppress the synthesis ofantibodies.

Kawasaki disease (Class I) Myocarditis/cardiomyopathy: No randomized controlled trialsare available. In adults with myocarditis, nosignificant improvement with seen with IVIg(70).Drucker et al reported a better, albeit non significant,survival with IVIg in suspected myocarditis inchildren(71). IVIg may be useful in initial stage ofviral replication. IVIg may be considered in caseswhere onset of symptoms is preceded by a viralillness, or history is short (<3 months duration) orcardiac enzymes are elevated (Class IIa). Somephysicians use IVIg in all infants <1 year of age withidiopathic left ventricular dysfunction (Class IIb).

Acute rheumatic fever: IVIg has been used tocounter inflammation in acute rheumatic fever(72).However no clear benefit has been shown and it isnot indicated for rheumatic fever (Class III).

Dosage: For Kawasaki disease, the dose is 2gm/kggiven over 8-12 hours period. The treatment shouldbe given within 10 days of onset of illness, preferablywithin 7 days (Class I). If active inflammationpersists beyond 10 days in the form of persistentfever, raised ESR and C-reactive protein, or presenceof coronary aneurysms, IVIg can be given (ClassIIa). IVIg is not indicated in Kawasaki after 10 daysif there are no signs of ongoing inflammation orcoronary aneurysms (Class III). IVIg is alsoindicated in incomplete Kawasaki disease withechocardiographic demonstration of coronaryaneurysms (Class I) or with normalechocardiography (Class IIb). In non responders orpartial responders, a second course of IVIg may begiven after 48 hours. For myocarditis, the dose issame i.e. 2gm/kg, however it is generally given over2 days as the volume of fluid is too much in thepresence of ventricular dysfunction.

Side effects: IVIg is a relatively safe drug. The sideeffects are primarily related to hypersensitivity

reactions and include fever, chills, nausea, vomiting,headache, malaise.

Contraindications: IVIg is contraindicated inpatients with hypersensitivity to blood products, andin those with IgA deficiency. Relative contra-indications include previous thrombotic episodesand sepsis.

Interactions: Live vaccines like measles, MMR andchicken pox should be postponed for at least 3months after IVIg has been administered,recommended interval is 11 months. Similarly IVIgshould be avoided for 3 weeks after a live vaccinehas been given.

IVIg is available as 0.5, 2.5, 3, 5, 6 and 10 gmpreparation. Its availability has been a problemrecently and it is quite expensive.

2. Sildenafil

Sildenafil is a phosphodiesterase inhibitor. Itpotentiates the vasodilatory effect of nitric oxide andprostacyclines.

Indications: Idiopathic pulmonary arteryhypertension (Class I); pulmonary hypertensionsecondary to connective tissue disorders (Class I);Eisenmenger’s syndrome, if arterial saturation is <85% or right ventricular dysfunction is present orpatient is in NYHA class III or IV (Class IIa); and,postoperative pulmonary hypertension with noresidual defect (Class IIa); Pulmonary hypertensionof the newborn (Class IIa).

Sildenafil should not be used in large left to rightshunts with hyperkinetic pulmonary hypertension,obstructive total anomalous pulmonary venousconnection, parenchymal lung lesion leading topulmonary hypertension (Class III). Children withDown’s syndrome may have severe pulmonaryhypertension due to upper air way obstruction andchronic hypercapnia, sildenafil should not be used inthem (Class III).

Evidence: Several randomized trials on use ofsildenafil in pulmonary hypertension have beenreported; almost all have shown improvement inNYHA class, quality of life, six minute walk distanceand cardiac output(73-76). Its benefit has also been



reported in Eisenmenger syndrome(77). A recentmeta analysis(78) concluded that sildenafil may beuseful in treatment of postoperative pulmonaryhypertension after pediatric heart surgery.

Dosage: 0.5-5mg/kg/day in 3 or 4 divided doses;dose reduction is required in renal and hepaticdisease.

Side effects: Most important side effects are due tovasodilation and include flushing headache, nasalcongestion, dizziness and hypotension, painfulerection. Ocular side effects include blurred vision,increased light perception. There are reports ofseizures, myalgia, transient ischemic attacks,amnesia and stroke.

Contraindications: Sildenafil should not becombined with nitric oxide or nitrates due to risk ofsevere hypotension. Relative contraindicationsinclude thrombocytopenia. Due to increased risk ofbleeding, antiplatelet agents should not be used withsildenafil.

Alert: Parents and patients must be told not todiscontinue drug abruptly. The dose should begradually increased, initiating with a small dose.

Writing Committee: Anita Saxena, Rajnish Juneja,S Ramakrishnan.

Disclaimer: These recommendations are for use bythe physicians only and are not to be used formedico-legal purposes.

List of Participants with Affiliations

Cardiologists: Anita Saxena (Convener): All IndiaInstitute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, SRamakrishnan (Co-convener), All India Institute ofMedical Sciences, New Delhi, R Tandon: Sita RamBhartiya Institute, New Delhi; S Shrivastava:Escorts Heart Institute and Research Center, NewDelhi; Z Ahamad: Govt. Medical College,Trivandrum; SS Kothari: All India Institute ofMedical Sciences, New Delhi; B Dalvi: GlenmarkCardiac Center, Mumbai; S Radhakrishnan: EscortsHeart Institute and Research Centre, New Delhi; KKumar, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Kochi;D Biswas: Apollo Hospital, Kolkata; R Juneja: AllIndia Institute of Medical sciences, New Delhi; S

Maheshwari: Narayana Hrudayalaya, Bangalore; RSureshkumar: Madras Medical Mission, Chennai; SKulkarni: Wolkhart Institute, Mumbai; ShakuntalaPrabhu: BJ Wadia Hospital For Children, Mumbai;BRJ Kannan: Vadamalayan Hospitals, Madurai;Nageshwar Rao: Care Hospitals, Hyderabad; MKRohit: Postgraduate Institute of Medical Educationand Research, Chandigarh; Shanthi Raj: MadrasMedical Mission, Chennai; Munesh Tomar: EscortsHeart Institute and Research Center, New Delhi;Balu Vaidyanathan: Amrita Institute of MedicalSciences, Kochi.

Cardiac Surgeons: KS Iyer, Escorts Heart Instituteand Research Center, New Delhi; SK Choudhary, AllIndia Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi.

Intensivists: Parvathy Iyer: Escorts Heart Instituteand Research Center, New Delhi; Amit Varma: FortisHospitals, New Delhi; VSV Prasad: Lotus Children’sHospital, Hyderabad; Selva Kumar: MadrasMedical Mission, Chennai.

Pediatricians: Arvind Bagga: All India Institute ofMedical Sciences, New Delhi; Meenakshi Sharma:SMS Medical College, Jaipur; Srikant Basu:Kalawati Saran Children’s Hospital, New Delhi; MLGupta: SMS Medical College, Jaipur.


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