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Drugs Attitudes Group Influence Names The Eye.

Date post: 30-Dec-2015
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Group Influence


The Eye

Normal Curve































Drugs Attitudes Group Influence Names The Eye Normal Curve

What type of drug is LSD?


Drug classification of amphetamines and cocaine


Drugs that block receptor SITES are known as


Drugs that mimic neurotransmitters are called


How does alcohol affect the brain?

Effects the cerebellum (balance, coordination) and frontal lobe (judgment, decision making), suppresses the processing of memories into long term memory; interrupts REM sleep; Can shrink the brain

How do attitudes form?

Personal experience, contact with others (friends, family members, media), operant conditioning and observational learning

Tendency for people who agree to a small action to comply later with a larger one

Foot-in-the-door phenomenon

What is cognitive dissonance?

When two or more attitudes conflict or when your attitudes conflict with your actions

What is the central route to persuasion?

Attitude change path in which one focuses on the information presented

How does one reduce cognitive dissonance?

Either change your actions or change your attitudes!

The reduced motivation and effort shown by individuals working in a group as opposed to working alone

Social Loafing

When discussion makes a group more extreme than the initial opinions of its members ________ has occurred

Group polarization

Often the reason why some people engage in mob activity


What is groupthink?

(Often) flawed decision making in which a group does not question its decisions critically

Well practiced, simple skills improve in the presence of others because of

Social facilitation

Irving Janis


Mary Whiton Calkins

First female APA president

Michael Gazzaniga

Split brain research

Ernest Hilgard

Hidden observer; Divided consciousness theory of hypnosis

Daniel Kahnerman and Amos Tversky

Researched many concepts related to cognition including the availability and representativeness heuristics

Protects the eye


Expands or shrink to control the amount of light let into the eye

Iris (although it looks like the pupil is changing)

Place where your vision is the best and most focused


Three layers of the retina

Rods and cones (receptor cells for sight!), bipolar cells, ganglion cells (whose axons form the optic nerve)

What is the job of the lens?

Stretches/thickens depending on distance of object in visual field

Where are the measures of central tendency on a normal curve?

In the middle!

What percentage of scores fall within one standard deviation on a normal curve?

68% (34 above and 35 below); On an IQ normal curve 68% are between 85 and 115

What percentage of scores fall between 2 standard deviations of the mean on a normal curve?


Describe a positively skewed distribution

Mode is still highest point on graph (lowest number); Median is between mode and mean and mean is highest (number); “Tail” is on the right

Describe a negatively skewed distribution

Mode is highest point and highest number, median is in between mode and mean, and mean is the lowest score; “Tail” is on the left
