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Drumbeat Bear Grylls Special Edition

Date post: 24-Mar-2016
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Bear Grylls came to Devon as part of his Bear in the Air adventure and drumbeat was at one of the events to capture the proceedings.
DRUMBEAT The Teignbridge Scouting magazine for Members, Leaders, Parents and Friends T T h he e B Be ea ar r i i n n t t h he e a a i i r r s sp pe ec ci i a al l . .. .. . BG Special C Ch hi ie ef f S Sc c o ou ut t c co om m e es s t to o D De ev v o on n. . . . . .
Page 1: Drumbeat Bear Grylls Special Edition

DRUMBEATThe Teignbridge Scouting magazine for Members, Leaders, Parents and Friends

TThhee BBeeaarr iinn tthheeaaiirr ssppeecciiaall......

BG Special

CChhiieeff SSccoouutt ccoommeess ttoo DDeevvoonn......

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Today was the Westcountrys turn toexperience the ‘Bear in the air’event, an exciting opportunity for asmany of our membere, to meet andgreet our Chief Scout, Bear Gryllsas he made two stops in Devon.

Drumbeat was there to catch Bearon the act, so we could keepeverybody informed of the daysproceedings and make sure as manypeople as possible were up to date on the Bear Adventure.

After visiting the Nine Ashes campground in Cornwall, its back in theHelicopter with his son and BeaverCub - Jesse Grylls, before headingback up to Devon.

Bear Arrives at Collard BridgeCamp Ground in North Devon for ashort visit, before the flying off tohis final destination of the day atSidmouth on the south coast.

We estimated that Bear must haveseen well over four thousand youngBeavers, Cubs and Scouts today aswell as leaders, helpers and parents.Many people felt that today of alldays they really became part of thebig adventure.

The day started at Gloucester Campbefore shortly arriving at BristolDocks, where Bear jumps straighton to a boat and out onto theopen water.

Then before long, he is on histravels again, next stopSomerset and soon arrives atBall’s Hill to greet scouts at adistrict camping competition.

Still in Somerset, the SomersetMedia team get excited with dozensof messages and texts over facebookand twitter as they wait for Bear toarrive at the popular HuishWoods camping ground. Therehe joins them at the YeovilJamboree.

Next stop you thought wouldbe Devon but he coudn’t comeall this way without checkingin with our Cornishneighbours first.

DRUMBEATBear Grylls the trip....

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Over 600 Beavers, Cubs and Scoutswere part of a great event held justoutside of Sidmouth. This was thelast stop on Bear Grylls South Weststage of Bear in the Air.

There were two fields packed full ofactivities including a massiveinflatable assault course, archery,laser pigeon shooting, extremetrampolining, woggle workshops,climbing walls and so so muchmore. Everyone was kept extremelybusy, until Bear arrived dead on timeat 4.40pm.

As soon as he landed - duty calledand Bear and his son Jessedisappeared for a brief moment, tothen be met with hundreds of young

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Despite over600 youngpeople at theevent Bear didas much aspossible tomake everyonebe part of theadventure.

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people - just wanting to meet theirchief scout. Quickly, Bear met theteam on the Extreme Trampoliningbefore being given a go on the moretraditional archery range.

Next stop - the Zip wire which Bearkindly refused, but he did almostattempt the climbing wall beforeletting a waiting Cub Scout show usexactly how it should be done.

Bear then made his way, guided byhis two trustee explorers, to meetsome of the group who had beensetting up the event as well as localcommisoner and presidents.

Then on to the Woggle workshop.Here, he was given a woggle andKnecker, meeting and greetingmany people along the way.

Sidmouthreally put on agreat eventand reallyshowed whyscouting ismore populartoday thanever before.

“.. Not even theGuide Dogescaped Bearsmarker pen...”

...probably themost treasured

knecker ever...

Makes you proudjust to have been

a part of it...


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Even though Bear wasn’tvisiting the TeignbridgeDistrict this event reallyshowed how we are all partof just one big family ofscouting.

Bear really did go out ofhis way to makeeverybody feel part of it,especially when one girlfell over in all of thepushing, Bear stopped theproceedings, ensured thatshe was able to get up

safely and be the next in the lineto have her kneckerchief signed.

He also challenged a youngscout to a one shot Archerycontest, joined in with everybody cheering on the guyscoming down on the Zip wire andthe climbing wall.He went andsaw as many people as possible.

Before leaving Sidmouth andclimbing back into his helicopter,Bear spent a few minutes with thecrowd, explaining how proud hewas to be part of the scoutingcommunity.

He concluded that it was fantasticthat he was able to see such anenthusiastic crowd and have achance to view some of the greatactivities available to everyone.

After he left, we realised that theweather had been constant rainthroughout the visit - we now had afield of over 600 soggy scouts, readyfor their parents to dry them out.

Later on we heard that some of theCubs had recieved their Silver ChiefScout award - rounding off afantastic day. How many peoplewould be able to say that the ChiefScout was actually with them on theday they recieved their award.


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1st AshburtonContact Pat Layely 01364 642683 E.Mail [email protected]

1st BishopsteigntonContact Peter Condliffe 07866099701E.Mail: [email protected]

1st Bovey TraceyContact Ken Daniels 01626 832042 E.Mail [email protected]

1st ChudleighContact Darren Le Marquand 01626 853918E.Mail [email protected]

1st DawlishContact David Bird 01626 891821 E.Mail [email protected]

1st HeathfieldContact Andrew Perry 01626 834350E.Mail [email protected]

1st Highweek VillageContact Andrew Thorpe 01626 854177E.Mail [email protected]

1st IpplepenContact Douglas Morgan 01803 812957E.Mail [email protected]

1st KentonContact Edmund Froude 01626 899185E.mail [email protected].

1st KingskerswellContact Steve Micheals 07919375464E.Mail [email protected]

1st LivertonContact Rob White 01626 821918E.Mail [email protected]

1st LustleighContact Peter Harvey 01647 277169E.Mail [email protected]

1st MoretonhampsteadContact Eric Garner (No Phone record)E.Mail [email protected]

1st �ewton AbbotContact Steve Robinson 01626 360179E.Mail [email protected]

2nd �ewton AbbotContact: John Roberts 01626 212626E.Mail [email protected]

3rd �ewton AbbotContact Paul HewsonE.Mail [email protected]

1st Shaldon - River Teign Contact Simon Durant 01626 360868E.Mail [email protected]

1st South BrentContact Peter Hopwood 01364 72056E.Mail [email protected]

4th TeignmouthContact Jo Bennett 01626 867002E.Mail [email protected]

1st Teign ValleyContact John Lund 01647 252485E.Mail [email protected]

All details correct at time of going to print. Pleaseemail any changes to [email protected].

DRUMBEATGROUP CONTACTSWho to contact in each of our groups ........

DISTRICT CONTACTSWhos who on the Teignbridge District Scout Council

DISTRICT COMMISSIO�ERAlan W.Partridge F.Inst TT 01626 365383E.Mail [email protected] Cub ScoutsJeff Hiscoke 01626 201368E.Mail: [email protected] ADC ScoutsNeil Freeman 01626 366033E.Mail [email protected] DevelopmentForm "M" AssessorAdrian M Partridge 01803 812280E.Mail [email protected] Media Development ManagerSteve Michaels 07919375464E.Mail [email protected] InternationalPatrick Gourd 01626 773903E.Mail [email protected] �etwork LeaderDebs Rylands 07786444816E.Mail [email protected]

Local Training Manager Chris Solway [email protected] Tors Training ManagerMike Ruffles 01626 824675Chairman Finance & General PurposesGodfrey Foot 01803 872159District ChaplainRev. Tony Meek 01803 814370E.Mail [email protected] Support LeaderKen Purchase 01626 353063E. Mail [email protected]

DISTRICT PRESIDE�TLord Clifford of Chudleigh 01626 852179E.Mail [email protected] ChairmanRobert Gray 01803 812776E.Mail [email protected] ChairmanMike Ruffles 01626 824675

District Minutes SecretaryJenny Wilson 01626 [email protected] & Appointments SecretaryJean Ingram 01626 361156District HeadquartersRobert Gray 01803 812776E.Mail [email protected] DirectoryElaine Jeffery 01647 252786E.Mail [email protected] Scout Shop ManagerDulcie Purchase 01626 353063

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