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Dumas w 0120 Rhel Roadmap1

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8/13/2019 Dumas w 0120 Rhel Roadmap1 http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/dumas-w-0120-rhel-roadmap1 1/88  RED HAT ENTERPRISE LINUX ROADMAP HIGHLIGHTS Denise Dumas Director, Platform Engineering and RHEL Engineering Managers Red Hat, Inc. June 12, 2013  
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Denise Dumas

Director, Platform Engineeringand RHEL Engineering ManagersRed Hat, Inc.June 12, 2013 

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!e content set fort! !erein is Red Hat confidentialinformation and does not constitute in an" #a" a

$inding or legal agreement or im%ose an" legal o$ligationor dut" on Red Hat.

!is information is %ro&ided for discussion %ur%oses onl"and is su$'ect to c!ange for an" or no reason.

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Objectives for te Roa!ma" Sessio#

Descri$e t!e life c"cle and status of eac! release● (!are %roduct direction and u%coming feature


● )onnect "ou #it! ot!er (ummit tal*s and resources

● Meet t!e RHEL engineering management team

● Encourage feed$ac* + including sur&e" in%ut

e onl" !a&e time to descri$e a small su$set of %ro%osed features and t!emes.

P + mar*s features in tec#olo$% "revie& status

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Introduction Denise Dumas - Ron Pac!eco 120 + 1/0

ile ("stems - (torage Ric !eeler 1/0 + 10

Platform Ena$lement Peter Martuccelli 10 + 200

ernel Linda ang 200 + 210

et#or*ing Ras!id !an 210 + 22045rea*6 220 + 230

Introduction Denise Dumas 230 + 23

7irtuali8ation aren oel 23 + 2/

ools, De&elo%er oolset Dee%a* 5!ole 2/ + 2

(oft#are )ollections -)ore 9tilities

Rade* 7o*al 2 + 30

Installation and Des*to% )!ristian (c!aller 30 + 31

("stem Mgmt - (ecurit" Jac* Rieden 31 + 32

(ummar" Denise Dumas 32 + 330

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Re! Hat E#ter"rise Li#'( )

10 "ear life c"cle


More t!an 1,200com%onents co&ering arange of functionalit"

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Re! Hat E#ter"rise Li#'( 2

Performance andsecurit" %rofiles $asedon common #or*loads

Ease of administration,installation, de%lo"mentand maintenance

?%enLMI Linu= managementframe#or*

In:%lace u%gradeca%a$ilities

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Re! Hat Pro!'ct Portfolio

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Re! Hat E#ter"rise Li#'( Roa!ma"3

/*4565 /*4566 /*4564 /*4567 /*4568

Production 3Production 2Production 1

*All dates are approximate and subject to change

RHEL 2 95

RHEL 0 9897949695 9)

RHEL ) 965 9669:9;92909)

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.ile S%stems a#!Stora$eRic !eeler(enior Engineering Managerile - (torage ("stems

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Re! Hat E#ter"rise Li#'( 098Performa#ce E#a#ceme#ts

● L7M (cales u%

● e# t!inl" %ro&isioned de&ice ma%%er target

(cala$le L7M sna%s!ots $ased on t!in %ro&isioning● (%eed u% for large storage configurations courtes" of

an L7M metadata daemon

● 9(E @9ser (%aceA ile ("stems

● Ha&e ne# readdir%lus@A ca%a$ilities

● )an do scatter:gat!er I? across t!e 9(E $oundar"

● Reduces tri%s from user s%ace to t!e *ernel

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Re! Hat E#ter"rise Li#'( 098Ne& .eat'res

● irst in industr" su%%ort for Parallel ( clients

● ile la"out su%%ort used $" &endors li*e etB%%

L7M (u%%ort for RBID10● E=t/ en!anced for &irtual guest storage

● e# C!ole %unc! feature de:allocates data from t!emiddle of a file

● Refres! of t!e $trfs tec!nolog" %re&ie#

● 9% to date #it! t!e u%stream 3. *ernel

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Re! Hat E#ter"rise Li#'( 2+ri#$i#$ *o' More /oices

● RHEL is loo*ing to su%%ort e=t/, F( and $trfs

● Bll can $e used for $oot, s"stem - data %artitions

5trfs going t!roug! intense testing and Gualification● E=t2>E=t3 #ill $e full" su%%orted

● 9se t!e e=t/ dri&er #!ic! is mostl" in&isi$le to users

● L7M (u%%ort for ((D )ac!ing

● Dm:cac!e module !as %lugga$le cac!e %olic" module

● rite$ac* or #rite:t!roug! cac!ing

● Part of t!e de&ice ma%%er stac*

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E#a#ceme#t Stora$e Ma#a$eme#t

● L7M #ill su%%ort more soft#are RBID features

● (cru$$ing, res!a%e, #rite:mostl", #rite:$e!ind, res"nct!rottling

(torage Management BPIs● li$storagemgt, li$l&m

● BPIs in t!e #or*s include H5B, ()(I, i()(I, coE,multi%at!

● (torage s"stem manager %ro&ides )LI

● ()(I 9nit Bttention Processing to automate normalstorage e&ents li*e $atter" failure, #rite cac!e c!ange

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Re! Hat E#ter"rise Li#'( 2Defa'lt .ile S%stem

● In RHEL, Red Hat is loo*ing to ma*e F( t!e ne#default

● F( #ill $e t!e default for $oot, root and user data%artitions on all su%%orted arc!itectures

● Red Hat is #or*ing #it! %artners and customers duringt!is selection %rocess to test and &alidate F(

● inal decision #ill $e made %ending successful testing

E&aluating ma=imum file s"stem si8es for RHEL● 005 for F(, 205 for (2, 05 for e=t/ - $trfs

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Net&or< .ile S%stems= N.S a#! Samba 

● RHEL Parallel ( client #ill su%%ort mostcommercial %( ser&ers

● Bdds su%%ort for $loc* and o$'ect la"outs

(u%%ort for (ELinu= o&er (● La$eled ( ena$le fine grained (ELinu= attri$utes

● RHEL en!anced su%%ort for Microsoft %latforms

(am$a (M53.0 su%%ort !el%s (M5 clients● )I( *ernel module (M52.1 su%%ort en!ances access

to (M5 ser&ers

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P'lli#$ it All To$eter

● Ease of 9se

● uning - automation of Local ( to L7M ne# features

● !in %ro&isioned storage

● 9%grade roll$ac*● (cala$le sna%s!ots

● Ma'or focus on sta$ilit" testing of $trfs

Loo*ing to see #!at use cases it fits $est● Harden F( metadata

● Detect errors to confidentl" su%%ort 005 single (

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Lear# more abo't .ile S%stems > Stora$e

Bttend related (ummit (essions● Linu= ile ("stems Ena$ling )utting:edge eatures in

Red Hat Enter%rise Linu= - @ed /0A

● ernel (torage - ile ("stem Demo Pod @ed 30A

● E&ol&ing - Im%ro&ing RHEL ( @!urs 230A

● Parallel ( (torage Leaders - ( Brc!itects Panel@!urs 3/0A

Engage t!e communit"● !tt%>>l#n.net

● Mailing lists linu=:e=t/, linu=:$trfs, linu=:nfs,=fsKoss.sgi.com

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Platform E#ableme#t

Peter Martuccelli(enior Engineering ManagerPlatform Ena$lement

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Develo"me#t To"ics

Re! Hat E#ter"rise Li#'( )?0?2  + limitations, ne#additions and $e"ond

H%"erscale Server Platforms + latest de&elo%mentinformation

Po&er Ma#a$eme#t + latest %latform results

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Re! Hat E#ter"rise Li#'( )

E=tended !ard#are su%%ort in RHEL.

!e ne# 3rd eneration Intel )ore %rocessors @codenamed CI&" 5ridgeA. I&" 5ridge is t!e 22nm &ersion of Intelmicroarc!itecture codenamed (and" 5ridge :: t!e Ntic*Nfollo#ing t!e (and" 5ridge Ntoc*N.

IntelO Micro:arc!itecture codename Has#ell

Has#ell de&elo%ment includes su%%ort for its associatedPlatform )ontroller Hu$, @P)HA

Bd&anced RB( features and instructions are in RHEL,RHEL

Pro&ides e=isting RHEL customers additional time on t!elatest H %latforms #!ile %re%aring for future u%grades

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Re! Hat E#ter"rise Li#'( 0

HPs emini !"%erscale ser&er #it! Intels lo# %o#er)enterton %rocessor @full su%%ort RHEL./A

(u%%ort for IntelO Micro:arc!itecture codename I&" 5ridge:EP>EF, 5ric*land, and Has#ell @RHEL./A

(tream )ontrol ransmission Protocol @()PA ra%idfailo&er @RHEL./A

IP& $ased %=e $oot su%%ort in gru$ on 9EI $aseds"stems @RHEL./A

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Re! Hat E#ter"rise Li#'( 2

(elect B)PI to%ics under de&elo%ment, @additional RB( and%o#er sa&ingsA

(u%%ort %lanned for future IntelO Micro:arc!itectures

Increased (R:I?7 &irtuali8ation o%timi8ations : for Emule=,(olarflare, 5rocade, 5roadcom

9EI and secure $oot su%%ort

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H%"erscale Server Platforms

● Hig! densit" ser&er %latforms

– BMD, Dell, HP

● Brc!itectures

– oda" =Q/, includes Btom, Feon, ?%teron

RHEL is certified– omorro# includes BRM BBrc!/

● Initial #or* done in edora )ommunit"

● Industr" %artici%ation

Joined Linaro Enter%rise rou% to ena$le future BRM %latforms● ounding Mem$er

● ?n ec!nical (teering )ommittee

● 7isit H"%erscale %od in t!e Emerging area of t!e Red Hat $oot!

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Po&er Ma#a$eme#t

)P9 idle sa&ings of 21< com%ared to RHEL

Po#erto% and tur$ostat for %o#er measurements








(and" 5ridge 2 (oc*et (er&er

)P9 Idle Po#er

RHEL Release

   ,  a   t   t  s  a   t   I   d   l  e


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(and" 5ridge 2 (oc*et (er&er

)P9 Idle Po#er

RHEL Release

   ,  a   t   t  s   >   )  o  r  e

Po&er Ma#a$eme#t

)P9 idle sa&ings of 21< com%ared to RHEL

Po#erto% and tur$ostat for %o#er measurements


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,er#elLinda ang(enior Engineering Managerernel eneralist

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/ore ,er#el .eat'res a#! E#a#ceme#ts

● @irt'al Memor% Sce!'ler

– Reduced memcg Memor" ?&er!ead

– Memor" Reclaim>)om%action

●  Reso'rce Ma#a$eme#t

– )ontrol grou%s, names%aces, and containers

● Performa#ce E#a#ceme#t

– Perf>race%oint>una

● Deb'$$i#$ Meca#ism

– Hard#are Error Re%orting Mec!anism

– e=ec *dum% su%%ort

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@irt'al Memor% E#a#ceme#ts

● Ne& i# Re! Hat E#ter"rise Li#'( 098

● Performa#ce● 9%date code $ase to use reclaim>com%action feature to im%ro&e

%erformance for large memor" allocation t!ats under memor"%ressure.

● Scalabilit%

● !e memcgs memor" o&er!ead #as reduced on t!e large memor"ser&ers $" restructuring t!e data structures #!ic! !el%s reduce t!eo&erall memor" consum%tion during runtime.

● Raised ma=imum memor" si8e su%%ort on =Q/ from 1 to 3.

● Pla##e! for Re! Hat E#ter"rise Li#'( 2

– N'ma+ala#ce > N'macore

● Im%ro&e %erformance for large, long running %rocesses to $etterd"namicall" allocate memor" relati&e to numa nodes localit" fora%%lications suc! as 7M %rocess and data$ase.

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Reso'rce Ma#a$eme#t Im"roveme#ts● Re! Hat E#ter"rise Li#'( 098

Im"rove! te abilit% to isolate a""licatio#s● /o#trol Gro'"s Bc$ro'"sC

● 9%dated de&ice cgrou% as #ell as memcg foren!anced scala$ilit"

● Introduced cgrou% migration ca%a$ilit" #it!in a s"stem

● Li#'( /o#tai#ers BLX/C Tec#olo$% Previe&

● 5ac*%ort names%ace features et#or*, PID, mount, IP)

● ec! Pre&ie# %ending use case re&ie# and %erformance,and scala$ilit" e&aluation

Re! Hat E#ter"rise Li#'( 2● Im%ro&ements %lanned in t!e area of (ecurit" @more details

included in (ecurit" sectionA

,er#el Deb'$$i#$ Meca#isms

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,er#el Deb'$$i#$ Meca#isms● Re! Hat E#ter"rise Li#'( 098

● Perf and racee&ent 9%dates

• e# tracee&ent li$rar" used $" PerfS im%ro&es e&ent decoding.

• e# %erformance tool : una. oal is to integrate #it! uned%rofiles.

● e=ec dum% (u%%orta$ilit"

logdum% mec!anism allo#s *ernel to dum% t!e *ernel log tosta$le storage u%on cras!.

• Bdd more t!an one net#or* interface in *dum% en&ironment.

• dum% is full" su%%orted on s30= Brc!itecture.

● Pla##e! for Re! Hat E#ter"rise Li#'( 2

● Hard#are Error Re%orting Mec!anism THERMU• Im%ro&es ser&er error logging mec!anism $" integration #it!

&arious H error in%ut met!ods, including edac, BPEI, etc.

• Pro&ide single user interface $" com$ining mcelog - edac:util.

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Lear# more abo't ,er#el

● (ummit (essions

● ues, 00:00, Demo of una>uned Profiles

● eds, 1000:1200, Demo of una>uned Profiles

● eds, 3/0://0, Linu= )ontainers ?&er&ie# - Roadma%

● !urs, 120:220, Performance Bnal"sis - uning of Red Hat Enter%riseLinu= Part I

● !urs, 230:330, Performance Bnal"sis - uning of Red Hat Enter%riseLinu= Part II

● Resources

● !tt%s>>git.fedora!osted.org>cgit>rasdaemon.git>

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Net&or<i#$ Services

Ras!id !an(enior Engineering Manageret#or*ing (er&ices

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Net&or<i#$ Services= Team Driver

● )om$ines multi%le net#or*ing interfaces into a singleinterface.

● Im%ro&ed t!roug!%ut● et#or* redundanc"● Easier to manage

● B&aila$ilit"● (tarting #it! Red Hat Enter%rise


5enefit to our customers● Easier to e=tend and manage $ecause management is

in users%ace, still %ro&ides all t!e functionalit".

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Net&or<i#$ Services= Net&or< Ma#a$er

● Interface for configuring, monitoring, and managementof net#or*ing connections.

● (ingle %oint of management for net#or*ing interfaces@ireless, iredA.

● Im%ro&ed functionalit" to include 5onding, 5ridging, 7LBs.● Im%ro&ed user e=%erience, #it! no&ice and e=%ert modes.● )omes #it! 9I and )LI.

● B&aila$ilit"● (tarting #it! Red Hat

Enter%rise Linu=

●  5enefit to our customers● )entral interface for net#or* configuration and management.

Net&or<i#$ Services= IEEE 6);; Precisio# Time

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Net&or<i#$ Services= IEEE 6);; Precisio# TimeProtocol BPTPC

● Ensures %recise su$:microsecond s"nc of cloc*s ofdistri$uted cloc*s o&er t!e net#or*s.

● )an $e used to s"nc a%%lications in dis%arate net#or*s.

B&aila$ilit"● Red Hat Enter%rise Linu= ./ tec! %re&ie#● RHEL . and RHEL full su%%ort

●  5enefit to our customers●

!roug! H and P( assist %ro&idesmore %recise s"nc!roni8ationas com%ared to P.

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Net&or<i#$ Services= O"e# vS&itc BO@SC

● ?%en source, multi:la"er soft#are s#itc! designed to for#ardtraffic $et#een &irtual mac!ines and to and from %!"sicalnet#or*s.

● (u%%orts o%en flo# to ena$le %artici%ation in (D● Pro&ides securit" - isolation of a%%lication traffic

● B&aila$ilit"● Red Hat Enter%rise Linu= ./ ec! Pre&ie#● RHEL ., ull (u%%ort

● 5enefits to our customers● E=tends %ac*et s#itc!ing $e"ond t!e %!"sical net#or* into t!e

ser&ers and all t!e #a" to t!e 7Ms.● Pro&ides isolated a%%lication traffic management t!roug! a

centrali8ed controller from %!"sical net#or*s to 7Ms.

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ROADMAP Hi$li$ts Part 4

Denise Dumas

Director, Platform Engineeringand RHEL Engineering ManagersRed Hat, Inc.June 12, 2013 

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Introduction Denise Dumas - Ron Pac!eco 120 + 1/0

ile ("stems - (torage Ric !eeler 1/0 + 10

Platform Ena$lement Peter Martuccelli 10 + 200

ernel Linda ang 200 + 210

et#or*ing Ras!id !an 210 + 220

45rea*6 220 + 230

Introduction Denise Dumas 230 + 23

7irtuali8ation aren oel 23 + 2/

ools, De&elo%er oolset Dee%a* 5!ole 2/ + 2

(oft#are )ollections -)ore 9tilities Rade* 7o*al 2 + 30

Installation and Des*to% )!ristian (c!aller 30 + 31

("stem Mgmt - (ecurit" Jac* Rieden 31 + 32

(ummar" Denise Dumas 32 + 330

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@irt'aliFatio#aren oelEngineering Manager

Platform>7irtuali8ation eam

@irt'aliFatio# Temes

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@irt'aliFatio# Temes● Performance - (cala$ilit" + astest and $iggestV

Red Hat Enter%rise 7irtuali8ation - Red Hat ?%en(tac* :7M is t!e foundation

● E=ce%tional features + RHEL Host - uest

● (ecurit" + Protected $" (ELinu= #it! (7irt

● Mission )ritical + )ommunit", Gualit" - testing

@irt'aliFatio# Performa#ce

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Microsoft H"%er:7 P)I %ass:t!roug! @ de&sA &(%!ere .1 &irt io:$l* data:%lane @t%A










Si#$le @irt'al Maci#e IOPS

Direct Ra#!om I?O at 8,+ +loc< SiFeHost (er&er W Intel E:0K2./H8, /0 )ores, 25

   I   ?  s   P  e  r   (  e  c  o  n   d   @   I   ?   P   (   A

@irt'aliFatio# Performa#ce

● O#l% virt'aliFe! TP// res'lts @RHEL ./A

1,320,02 t%m) @a%%ro= < of $are metalA, X>t%m) X0.1, e$ 2013

● Lea!ersi" @irt'al Dis< I?O "erforma#ce @RHEL ./A

 1,,/ I?P(V



● Ne& SPE/virtJsc4567 res'lts

● 7M#are 2:soc*et result, RHEL>7M /:soc*et result

@irt'aliFatio# Scalabilit%

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@irt'aliFatio# Scalabilit%

RHEL)9) RHEL095094 RHEL0970985









RHEL Releases

   @   i  r   t  '  a   l   /   P   U  s RHEL./ &)P9

2. = ; &(%!ere .1 &)P9 limits

RHEL095096 RHEL094 RHEL0970985









RHEL Releases

   @   i  r   t  '  a   l   M  e  m  o  r  %   i  #   G   + RHEL./ &Memor"

2 = ; &(%!ere .1 &Memor" limits

Blso● !ousands of de&ices #it! &irtio:scsi @RHEL ./A● )luster u% to 200 !osts @RHE7 3.1A● 6 assigned de&ices %er guest @RHEL A

RHEL > ,@M .o'#!atio#al Tec#olo$%

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RHEL > ,@M .o'#!atio#al Tec#olo$%

● RHE@ "o&ere! b% RHEL > ,@M

● RHE7:H $are:metal !"%er&isor : RHEL *ernel - 7M inside

● RHEL - indo#s guests

● Enter%rise:read", Bfforda$le, (ecure, Hig!:%erformance, (cala$le

● RHOS "o&ere! b% RHEL > ,@M

● 7M : THE &irtuali8ation tec!nolog" for Red Hat ?%en(tac*

@irt'aliFatio# A&esome .eat'res

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● Device scali#$ a#! S/SI "asstro'$ + &irtio:scsi @RHEL ./A

.le(ibilit% : Li&e (torage Migration @RHE7 3.2A● Ma#a$eabilit% @RHE7 3.2A

● Li&e (na%s!ot

● Li&e (na%s!ot 5i:directional Merge - Delete

● .'t'res @Planned for RHEL . and RHELA

● .le(ibilit% : &)P9 - memor" !ot:%lug, auto:memor" $allooning

● Sec'rit% : YEM9 sand$o=ing, &Entro%", 7I? de&ice assignment

● Performa#ce?Scali#$ : 9MB features in !ost and guest

● P)I:e, 9(5 3.0, 7MD>7HD file formats, Y)?2Z, li&e migrationen!ancements, more...

@irt'aliFatio# .or more i#formatio#

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@irt'aliFatio# .or more i#formatio#

● Related (ummit (essions

● 7M H"%er&isor Roadma% - ec!nolog" 9%date

● !ursda", 10/0am, Room 30/

● H"%er&isor ec!nolog" )om%arison - Migration

● rida", /am, Room 313

● Demo of t!e latest 7M features, Red Hat 5oot!, IBB( (ection

● Resources

● !tt%>>###.red!at.com>%roducts>&irtuali8ation>ser&er>

● !tt%>>###.red!at.com>%roducts>&irtuali8ation>des*to%>

● !tt%>>###.red!at.com>resourceli$rar">reference:arc!itectures>

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Tools a#! Develo"erToolset

Dee%a* 5!oleEngineering Manager, oolc!ain eam

Kava a#! O"e#KD, "rese#t

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Kava a#! O"e#KD, "rese#t

● Latest %ro%rietar" JDs @?racle Ja&a , I5M Ja&a , , A insu%%lementar"

● Latest ?%enJD and

● ?%enJD su%%orted $" Red Hat

Kava a#! O"e#KD, f't're

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● entati&el" %lanned for Red Hat Enter%rise Linu=

● ?%enJD Tsu$'ect to BU

● !ermostat + B ne# %rofiling, monitoring, management tool for?%enJD

● entati&el" %lanned for Red Hat Enter%rise Linu= .=

● (!enandoa! Bn ultra:lo# %ause:time gar$age collector for100Z5 !ea%s TJa&a or !ig!erU

Performa#ce Tools

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● Performance ools in Red Hat Enter%rise Linu=

● S%stemTa" + Li&e a%%lication anal"sis #it!out re$uilding

● RHEL ./

● Remote instrumentation ca%a$ilities for cloud, %erformance @to

allo# scri%ted multi:mac!ine instrumentationA● )ZZ su%%ort

● 5ac*trace im%ro&ements @more useful data traces t!at %ro&ideadditional insig!tA

● OProfile + 9no$trusi&e, s"stem:#ide code %rofiler

● @al$ri#! + Runtime anal"sis @%articularl" memor"A

● RHEL ./ additional I5M Po#er su%%ort, gd$ser&er su%%ort @forremote anal"sisA, scaling to larger %rograms

Performa#ce Tools

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● Performance ools tentati&el" %lanned for Red Hat Enter%riseLinu=

● S%stemTa"  + Pure users%ace im%lementation o%tion @#ill allo# usage of #ider functionalit" #it!out reGuiring root accessA

● Performa#ce co"ilot B"c"C + e# frame#or* to su%%ort s"stem:le&el>net#or* %erformance monitoring, anal"sis and management.9nifies all t!e %erformance data in a s"stem, and %ro&ides man" tools forinterrogating, retrie&ing and %rocessing t!at data.

● "c"$'i + )ross:%latform 9I, includes &isuali8ation tools for monitorings"stems using li&e and arc!i&ed %c% sources @#ill allo# centrali8ed

monitoring of multi%le resourcesA● !%#i#st + e# li$rar" t!at %ermits t!e insertion of code into a running

%rogram, %ro&ides a mac!ine inde%endent interface to facilitate t!ecreation of tools and a%%lications t!at use runtime code %atc!ing @#illallo# instrumenting of li&e code, com%utational steering, etc.A

Toolcai# U"!ates

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● oolc!ain u%dates in Red Hat releases

● RHEL . (ta$ilit" em%!asis

● gcc:/.1.= and gcc:/./.=

● gli$c:2.

● RHEL ./ (ta$ilit" and %erformance focused u%dates

● gcc:/./.=

● gli$c:2.12

● entati&el" %lanned for RHEL Ma'or ne# features &ia )) /.,D5 . and gli$c:2.1

Develo"er Toolset

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● Red Hat De&elo%er oolset Tne#er tools on and for older RHELto address ongoing need for ne#er featuresU

● B&aila$le #it! De&elo%er (u$scri%tions

● &1.1 T2012U (tatus B release, )>)ZZ>ortran, =>=Q/

● gcc:/. for de&elo%ment on and for su%%orted RHEL and

● Performance tools T?Profile, ("stema%, 7algrind...U

● &2.0 T2013U (tatus 5eta a&aila$le no#, adds to 1.1 feature set

Re$ased com%onents @e.g. gcc:/.A Z Ecli%se IDE @/.3A Z more tools● (o%!isticated tas* management @M"l"nA

● Red Hat leading t!e com%letion of %rofiling tools unification

● Bforementioned )) /. and D5 . features

Lear# more abo't Tools a#! Develo"er Toolset

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● Related (ummit (essions

● O"e#KD, o# 08bit ARM Har!&are + Bndre# Dinn

● J9D)on, rac*

● Monda", June 10, /30 %m : 30 %m

● Dia$#osi#$ Performa#ce Problems Efficie#tl% + illiam )o!en

● De&elo%er E=c!ange Da", rac* 3

uesda", June 11, 1230 %m : 130 %m● Profile /?/ A""licatio#s Usi#$ Ecli"se i# RHEL  Jeff Jo!nston

● B%%lication De&elo%ment rac*

● ednesda", June 12, 3/0 %m : //0 %m, Room 20

● Develo"er Toolset : Matt e#some

● B%%lication De&elo%ment rac*

● !ursda", June 13, 10/0 am : 1130 am, Room 20

● Te +ri$t .'t're of O"e#KD, + Dee%a* 5!ole

● !e Road B!ead rac*

● !ursda", June 13, 230 %m : 330 %m, Room 311

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Soft&are /ollectio#sa#! /ore

Rade* 7o*[l(enior Engineering ManagerDe&elo%er E=%erience

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Re! Hat E#ter"rise Li#'( 0 U"!ates

● 5etter %o#er management and %erformance for (BPon RHEL &ia t!e sa%conf %rofile

● Im%ro&ed %recision in !ard#are and soft#are time

stam%ing #it! Precision ime Protocol @PPA su%%ort in● 9%date man%ages e&en for %ac*ages t!at dont need

$ugfi=es t!roug! man:%age:o&errides

● Im%ro&ed logging and notifications in a$rt $ug re%orting


● aster "um #it! resol&er fi=es

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Re! Hat E#ter"rise Li#'( 2 .eat'res

● e# Postgre(YL, no(YL data$ases : mongod$

● MariaD5 + BPI com%ati$le #it! M"(YL

● Butomatic tuned %rofile selection during installation

● aster do#nloads and de%endenc" resolution in "umand r%m

● tar includes su%%ort for e=tended attri$utes

● coreutils #it! %erformance im%ro&ements in unicode

● DE:/.10  Yt/ @Yt in edoraA

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Re! Hat E#ter"rise Li#'( 2 .eat'res D%#amic La#$'a$es

● Perl .1

● Ru$" 2.0

● %"t!on2.

● $etter for#ard:com%ati$ilit" to %"t!on 3

● io li$rar" re#ritten into ) @muc! faster t!an in 2.A

● Ma&en 3

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Im"rovi#$ /o!e tro'$ A#al%sis

● 9sing se&eral code anal"sis tools, es%eciall" )o&erit",and com%aring results

● i=es su$mitted u%stream

● $ind : 3 %atc!es

● d!c% : 1 %atc!es

● sGuid : 1 %atc!es

netsnm% : /1 %atc!es● dnsmasG : 23 %atc!es

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Soft&are /ollectio#s

● Install and use multi%le &ersions of t!e same soft#are

● oundation for ot!er %ro'ects + ?%en(!ift, ?%en(tac*

● oundation for customer de%lo"ments

● B%%s inde%endent on ?(

● Installed outside of t!e standard %at!s

● 9sing r%m, "um, Pac*ageit

● B&aila$le %roducts

● D( 1.1, D( 2.0 @$etaA

● RH()L 1.0 @$etaA

Lear# more abo't Soft&are /ollectio#s

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(la&e* a$rda, !omas )ameron +.rom /o#ve#tio#al Re! Hat Pac<a$e Ma#a$erBRPMC to Soft&are /ollectio#s

● Hands:on la$

● rida", June 1/ 00 am : 1100 am


● Marcela Maslano&a +

+ri#$ Or!er to *o'r A""licatio# Ma!#ess &itSoft&are /ollectio#s

● rida", June 1/ 1100 am : 1200 %m

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I#stallatio# a#! Des<to")!ristian (c!allerEngineering Manager

Hosted and Interacti&e E=%erience

Re! Hat E#ter"rise Li#'( 2Pla##e! I#stallatio# /a#$es

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● e# user interfaces, #it! e=tensi&e user interaction

re&ie# for ease of use● E&ent dri&en res%onsi&e Z 3 $ased gra%!ical


● on:curses $ased te=t mode interface @#or*s #ell on

serial consolesA● ransaction dri&en o$'ect oriented storage li$rar"

● B&aila$le as a de&elo%ment li$rar" @"%to#blivetA

Blread" in use $" ot!er Red Hat %ro'ects● Cfirst$oot ste%s can eit!er $e com%leted at %ac*age

install time or after installation

Re! Hat E#ter"rise Li#'( 2Pla##e! I#stallatio# /a#$es Bco#t9C

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● (u%%ort for installing to image files T&irt>cloudU

● (u%%ort for installing from image files in addition to"um re%ositories T&irt>cloudU

Re! Hat E#ter"rise Li#'( 2Pla##e! Des<to" /a#$es

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● e# ?ME 3 $ased user interface

● #o o%tions a&aila$le + modern and classic

● Im%ro&ed touc! screen su%%ort

● Hig!l" e=tensi$le #it! Ja&a(cri%t

7idia discrete gra%!ics card su%%ort

Re! Hat E#ter"rise Li#'( 2Pla##e! Des<to" /a#$es Bco#t9C

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● Im%ro&ed i1n in%ut su%%ort @i$usA

● Im%ro&ed color cali$ration functionalit"

● Muc! im%ro&ed su%%ort for acom ta$lets

● e# ?ME 3 o%timi8ed a%%lications li*e Documents,P!otos and Music

● ?ME ?nline accounts, ne# s"stem for #e$ser&ices integration into Des*to%

Re! Hat E#ter"rise Li#'( 2Pla##e! Des<to" A""licatio#s

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?ngoing #or* to furt!er integrate irefo= #it! Des*to%● 5o=es, ne# user friendl" a%%lication for running &irtual


Re! Hat E#ter"rise Li#'( 2Pla##e! Des<to" A""licatio#s Bco#t9C

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● E&olution grou%#are client

B lot of #or* !as gone into im%ro&ing E=c!ange and\im$ra su%%ort

● Bdded su%%ort for E=c!ange distri$ution lists

● E=c!ange ?ut out ?ffice ser&er message

● (u%%ort for %rofile %icture in E=c!ange

Re! Hat E#ter"rise Li#'( 2Pla##e! /a#$es to LibreOffice

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● (u%%ort for )MI( content management s"stems

Im%ress remote control B%% for Bndroid● ]ou can no# im%ort 7isio and M( Pu$lis!er files

● eneral im%ro&ements in M( ?ffice com%ati$ilit"

Re! Hat E#ter"rise Li#'( 2Pla##e! S"ice im"roveme#ts

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● Im%ro&ed 9(5 de&ice !andling su%%ort

Performance im%ro&ements for 3D

Lear# more abo't I#stallatio# a#! Des<to"

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Related (essions● RHEL $oot! demonstrating classic mode

● edora $oot! demonstrating modern mode

● eds, 1000 + 200, Demo A#aco#!a I#staller, RedHat 5oot!, Infrastructure (ection, Performance?%timi8ation P?D

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S%stem Ma#a$eme#ta#! Sec'rit%

Jac* Rieden(enior Engineering Manager(er&er E=%erience

  Re! Hat E#ter"rise Li#'( 098 Sec'rit% U"!ate

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Sec'rit% U"!ate● (ELinu=

● e# (ELinu= (ecurit" Domains

● Ric! Documentation set

● (ecurit" )ontent Butomation Protocol

● ()BP 1.2

● L( 1.1 (u%%ort

● PBM + Loc* out inacti&e accounts

● (((D + Integration #it! Bcti&e Director"

● Identit" Management

● )entrali8ed Management of ((H *e"s and

(ELinu= %olic"

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Soft&are Ass'ra#ce

)ommon )riteria

● RHEL ./ 5ase?(

● RHEL . 7irtuali8ation @7MA

● RHEL .2 5ase ?(● Bd&anced Budit + remote logging

● dm:cr"%t + trans%arent dis* encr"%tion

● Butomatic (creen loc*ing

● RHEL .2 7irtuali8ation @7MA

Sta#!ar!s a#! /ertificatio#s

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  Sta#!ar!s a#! /ertificatio#s

● IP( 1/0:2

US Government Standard used to accredit cryptographic modules

● RHEL./ @((, ?%en((H, ?%en((L, ?%en(#an, li$gcr"%t, ernel )r"%to BPIA

● RHEL.2 @((, ?%en((H, ?%en((L, ?%en(#an, Li$gcr"%t, ernel )r"%to BPI, dmQcr"%tA

● 9(&

Standard required for !v" net#or$ing in the %ederal Government (&eplaces !v" &eady 'ogo)


● RHEL.2 @?%en(#anA

9( o&ernment )onfiguration 5aseline @9()5A!rovides a minimum security configuration for soft#are products



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Re! Hat E#ter"rise Li#'( 2.'t're Directio#s

● ("stemd 

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● e# s"stem and session manager for RHEL

● )om%ati$le #it! ("s7 init and L(5 scri%ts

● 5enefits

● Integrated #it! cgrou%s, ude&

● D:5us acti&ation for starting ser&ices

Maintains mount and automount %oints● ?n:demand starting of daemons

● Journald

● Part of ("stemd, adding ric! data to log

5enefits● Bddition of meta data to log + i.e. Process id, user>grou% id

● (tructured + *e">&alue %airs

● Intero% #it! rs"slog

Re! Hat E#ter"rise Li#'( 2.'t're Directio#s

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/o#tai#ers● B%%lication isolation mec!anism for Lig!t:#eig!t multi:tenanc"

● Elements of RHEL )ontainers

● ames%aces ... Process Isolation

)grou%s ........... Resource Management● (ELinu= ........... (ecurit"

● Li$7irt .............. Management

● 5enefits

ast (tartu% and s!utdo#n● Eas" creation of container en&ironment

● (cale out of a%%lications

● Manage one RHEL s"stem

Re! Hat E#ter"rise Li#'( 2.'t're Directio#s

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Microsoft Intero%era$ilit"● Identit" Management @IdMA

● )ross Realm rust #it! Bcti&e Director"

● Im%ro&ed (((D intero%era$ilit" #it! Bcti&e Director"

● 5asic Bcti&e Director" integration

● (im%lified 9ser But!>Mac!ine 'oin ca%a$ilit"

● )an $e de%lo"ed &ia ic*start scri%t

● )ertifications @)ommon )riteria, IP(, 9(&,9()5, ()BP,L(5A

L( 1.2 @nss and o%ensslA

● 9EI (ecure 5oot @su%%ort !ard#are for indo#s logoA

  Re! Hat E#ter"rise Li#'( 2S%stem Ma#a$eme#t O"e#LMI

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  S%stem Ma#a$eme#t O"e#LMI

oals● Pro&ide a standardi8ed remote BPI for s"stem management functions

● Manage soft#are, users, securit" and s"stem configuration

● 9se familiar interaction models : )LI and scri%ts

● 5enefits to our )ustomers

● (tandardi8ed BPI su%%orts ad&anced tooling and automation

● s"stem administrators can manage more %roduction ser&ers

● (ame management interface for remote, local, %!"sical and &irtual s"stems

● Lo#ers learning cur&e for managing, configuring, and monitoring RHEL (er&ers

● (tatus● 5aseline ca%a$ilities deli&ered in edora 1

● (torage, net#or*s, users, soft#are, s"stem ser&ices, %o#er, s"stem configuration

Lear# more abo't S%stem Ma#a$eme#t >Sec'rit%● Related (ummit (essions

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● Linu= )ontainers ?&er&ie# + Dan als! + ed 330%m

● Managing (ELinu= in t!e Enter%rise + Dan als! + ed /0%m

● ac*ling )om%liance #it! Red Hat + (te&e ru$$ + ed 10/0am

● Demo ?%enLMI, !urs 1100 + 200

● Demo Identit" Management, eds, 30:30%mS !urs, 1100 + 200

● ?%enLMI + Russ Dot">(te%!en allag!er + !urs 3/0%m

● etting Read" for ("stemd + Lennart Poettering>a" (ie&ers + ri,/am

● Resources

Red Hat )ertifications● !tt%>>###.red!at.com>solutions>industr">go&ernment>certifications.!tml

● ?%en()BP %ro'ect : !tt%>>###.o%en:sca%.org

● ?%enLMI : !tt%>>###.o%enlmi.org

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Denise Dumas

,e% Ta<ea&a%s

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● Red Hat engineering dri&es res%onsi$le inno&ation in

RHEL, $alancing sta$ilit" #it! ne# ideas t!at $enefitour customers $usinesses.

● RHEL + mature $ase, sta$le and secure.

RHEL + ad&ances in net#or*ing, scala$ilit", resourcecontrol, securit". 10 "ear lifec"cle, #it! t!e latest,sta$le &ersions of %o%ular #e$ de&elo%ment languagesand o%en source data$ases a&aila$le &ia RH()L.

RHEL + in de&elo%ment, focused on design:dri&eninno&ation addressing customer #or*flo#s andc!allenges, $eta in 2013.

Ta#< %o' for joi#i#$ 's a#! for r'##i#$ Re! HatE#ter"rise Li#'(

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● Refer to t!e session !andout for session referrals andresource lin*s.

● )ontinue to tell us #!at "ou t!in* t!roug! "our RedHat %oint of contact and s!are "our t!oug!ts in t!ecustomer %ortal grou%s at!tt%s>>access.red!at.com>grou%s>red:!at:enter%rise:linu=

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