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DUMBS and ALIENS Part Two - Three Hearts Church alien saucer base. ... Phil’s friend Ron Rummel...

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Page 1 of 24 DUMBS and ALIENS Part Two During his marriage to Cynthia Drayer, Phil claimed that the military industrial complex had succeeded in miniaturizing some of the technology associated with the Philadelphia Experiment which could make a soldier disappear. This led to a portable device that could be worn on a person’s belt. Operation Crossroads was a series of nuclear weapons tests conducted at Bikini Atoll during the summer of 1946. Claims by Phil Schneider that the Bikini Atoll tests were a cover for a much more sinister TOP SECRET program have never been independently verified. According to Schneider, Bikini Atoll was bombed due to the existence of a massive underwater alien saucer base. Apparently, up to 500,000 saucers were destroyed in the “test”. Photos of alleged “UFO’s” departing the area at tremendous speeds at the precise time of detonation mysteriously vanished after his death. He said some of the caves were infested with out of place artifacts dealing with UFO’s and other paraphernalia with rocks forming around them. So they were basically an alien junk yard, probably 10,000 years old. He said Dulce NM was another old alien base. They have been around the better part of at least half a million years. Phil’s ex-wife

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DUMBS and ALIENS – Part Two During his marriage to Cynthia Drayer, Phil claimed that the military industrial

complex had succeeded in miniaturizing some of the technology associated with

the Philadelphia Experiment which could make a soldier disappear. This led to a

portable device that could be worn on a person’s belt. Operation Crossroads was

a series of nuclear weapons tests conducted at Bikini Atoll during the summer of

1946. Claims by Phil Schneider that the Bikini Atoll tests were a cover for a much

more sinister TOP SECRET program have never been independently verified.

According to Schneider, Bikini Atoll was bombed due to the existence of a massive

underwater alien saucer base. Apparently, up to 500,000 saucers were destroyed

in the “test”. Photos of alleged “UFO’s” departing the area at tremendous speeds

at the precise time of detonation mysteriously vanished after his death.

He said some of the caves were infested with out of place artifacts dealing with

UFO’s and other paraphernalia with rocks forming around them. So they were

basically an alien junk yard, probably 10,000 years old. He said Dulce NM was

another old alien base. They have been around the better part of at least half a

million years.

Phil’s ex-wife

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Cynthia Drayer shared the following information:

They were a Navy arm force family. Phil went to Washington D.C., and to London

in the early 50’s. Phil wrote about the autopsy of a Philadelphia Experiment crew

member. This guy died in VA and Phil was in London and he came in to do the

autopsy. Phil’s dad was frightened by the

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Philadelphia Experiment. The items that he was pulling out of the back of their

eyes and arms and legs that look like transistors. That’s what they were,

surveillance items placed into the bodies of the Philadelphia Experiment crew


Oscar was doing arm force work in NATO when Phil was in London. He sort of

knew his dad was doing a lot of top secret things later on in life. Oscar was in the

“Black Projects” and government secrecy. In the 1990’s Phil carried lots of

documents and pictures as evidence or proof of the testimony about many

controversial subjects he talked about.

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A picture of an alien that had been working for the U.S. pentagon for the last 58


Phil said his name is Val Valiant Thor, that’s him with the red circle around his

head. Phil’s dad is in the picture right behind the alien. ((When you watch the

video you can tell that this is the same picture that Phil holds up if you zoom in on



Masonic author, George Oliver, says that in ancient times, the gavel referred to the hammer of the God Thor. [Oliver, Signs and Symbols, Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Co., 1906, p. 14]. We know that Thor is an ancient pagan god, one whom Freemasons worship. In fact, Thor is part of the pagan Trinity in Scandinavia [Pike, Morals and Dogma, p. 552; also W.L. Wilmshurst, The Masonic Initiation , Trismegistus Press, 1980, p. 92]

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However, Albert Pike makes identification of Thor very easy for us, as he states, on page 15 of Morals and Dogma, that Thor is another name for Sirius **(These were the aliens Duncan talked about in Montauk Project)**, the Blazing Star or the Pentagram. However, on page 381, Pike also tells us that Thor WAS the Sun, the Egyptian Osiris, and Kneph, the Phoenician Bel or Baal. The Bible tells us that worshipping Baal is identical to worshipping the Devil [1 Kings 16:30-33, 22:53; 2 Kings 17:16] God condemned Baal worship, slaughtered the priests of Baal , and finally abolished it altogether in Israel. Yet, here, Freemasonry boldly states that they revere him.

2 Kings 17:16-18 – And they left all the commandments of the LORD their God, and made them molten images, even two calves, and made a grove (this always indicates Asherah or Ashstarte, the Canaanite goddess and consort of baal), and worshipped all the host of heaven, and served baal. And they caused their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire and used divination and enchantments, and sold themselves to do evil in the sight of the LORD, to provoke Him to anger. Therefore the LORD was very angry with Israel, and removed them out of His sight: there was none left but the tribe of Judah only.

He mentioned Al Bielek from the Philadelphia and Montauk experiments and

atomic bomb scientists. He talked about time variant experimentalists (time

travel), and the top physicist of the day and this was in Aug. of 43.

From an interview with Al Bielek (from my message: Opening the Abyss – Part Two)

What was the ultimate power behind the Phoenix projects?

Ultimately, the whole thing is manipulated by the Orion group (aliens/demons). The expectation was that they could use mind control to take over the populace in the 1990's - no later than 1994 or 1995. They have also been doing genetic work in which they alter a human sperm and ovum to the extent that all offspring will produce hybrids with new characteristics. Humans will mate and create children with alien genetics.

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In these latter days, the Bible says it will be a time of mass hybridization and

corruption of human DNA like never before. Which is why we see an uptick in

UFO/Nephilim abduction and sightings. God told us that it would be like the days

of Noah, ”But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of

man be.” Matthew 24:37. During Noah’s time there was an invasion of Nephilim

and so it will be in our generation. “Beforeitisnews”


93:4 “After me there shall arise in the second week great and evil things; deceit

should grow, and therein the first consummation (The flood) will take place. But

therein also a certain man (Noah) shall be saved. After it is ended, injustice shall

become greater, and He shall make a law for the sinners.”

93:9 “After that in the seventh week an apostate generation shall arise; its deeds

shall be many, and all of them criminal.”

I’d say we are there with mind control and clones and the governments lying and

illuminati ruling.

Some of his documents are from his dad in the 1950’s when he was with the U.S.

navy. This was during the time the Philadelphia Experiment took place.

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J. Edgar Hoover was a Freemason

Hoover was the director of the FBI since 1924 when it was established.

From the Retired CIA Agent (From my message: Jade Helm – Aliens/Demons –

First in Power): When he and his boss got back there, they gave them a tour and showed them all of what was going on. Out at S4 they had different saucer crafts. They saw the Roswell craft, and all the aliens in it died except for a couple. There are different types of “grays.” At S4 they viewed autopsy film. They were told they were interviewing a gray right then. It looked sort of oriental, the shape of its eyes were different, its head was bigger than a human head, it had a small mouth and its ears were just holes.

They went back and reported to the President. At this meeting were Former

President Nixon, Hoover, along with Former President Eisenhower. They met at

the 2nd

story of old OSS warehouse. The President did not know they had an alien.

They had learned of their “Black Projects” U2 and SR71 – the early version.


Phil believed that J.Edgar Hoover was part of the UFO cover up.

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One of the letters that Phil had from his dad talked of 7 crew members escaping

from the psychological unit where they were being held for testing. Hoover

labeled this situation as 1A – Prime Directive. He mentions N. Tesla’s spacial

analyzer also which was part of the Philadelphia Experiment. **This really

happened, there’s too much evidence that has surfaced.**

Phil had an IQ of 163 and he could speak 11 languages. He spent 4 years at Duke

University. His ex wife has social security records under a wrong social security

number for him. She believed they did this so that he could not prove his work

history. But she had paperwork showing he had worked for Morris Knudson,

which is a contractor (like Halliburton is today), Phil worked for them during

vietnam. Some of the guys were captured, killed or tortured. He worked at

Trojan Nuclear in the early 80’s until he could not work any longer and then he

went on disability. His memory was shot. She told him to stop taking the meds

they had him on. They were supposed to stop seizures but she noticed when he

took them that it caused seizures.

On one of their dates he brought her back to his place and there was a big white

board in his apartment and she saw a drawing of a space shuttle with a lot of

calculations written on it. She asked what’s that? He told her it was the

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Challenger which had been shot down by a cosmosphere.

A.C. Griffith, from the NSA – from my message: Genocide of Christians and Jews /

Agenda 21:

Remember he said that Russia and other countries have scaler weapons. And

that the scaler weapons work in 3 ways: interjetics, bio-interjetics, and psycho

interjetics. He said they have been guiding hurricanes into our country. Some

examples of guided hurricanes are: Katrina 05’, Rita 05’, Gaston 04’. He said they

brought down our space shuttles: Challenger 86’, Colombia 03’. He said with

psycho interjetics you can put another personality in a person. You can turn this

on and off, this is mind control. I have spoken personally with a lady that they

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are trying to change her personality. Like from a Christian to a prostitute or a

violent person.

She said that “Black Ops” is a world that is different than what we know.

Phil’s friend Ron Rummel was murdered. When Phil’s dad died, he had found a

file cabinet full of documents, drawings, and photographs from the navy that

were his dad’s. He was sharing this information with his friend Ron. They had

been doing a little UFO digest magazine together. His friend was about to write a

book and they killed him the same year. They called it suicide, and Phil said he

had a family and every reason to live.

Phil said the federal government is being phased out and going to a NWO (New

World Order.) He talked about the human/alien (demon) deal. He said there

were rumors about Eisenhower meeting with aliens and a number of people

claimed to be present. (See above under J. Edgar Hoover) He thinks he sold the

USA down the river with the aliens, made a deal with them.

Neil Gould, founder of exopolitics Hong Kong

He said that military abductees have seen aliens underground, and that mind

control is involved. Said if aliens were here, where would they be? Underground

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makes sense because of the microbes we have out here and our light, etc.

Listening to encounters, he is sure we are interacting with multiple non-human

groups. They may not all have the same agenda. He mentioned

Gray Alien/Demon

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Reptilian Alien/Demon

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Mantid or Insectoid Alien/Demon

Before Phil died he talked about 11 attempts that had been made on his life. He

had been shot, shot at, pushed off the road and run off the road. 11 of his friends

were murdered and they called 8 of them suicides.

Phil Schneider was murdered in 1996. The first police report said it was from

natural causes. The obituary given to the newspapers, not by his wife, said

natural causes. After some calls were made asking for investigation to be done

into his death, many calls were ignored and not followed up on. When they

finally followed up, they ruled his death as suicide. The autopsy said, killed by

asphyxiation. He was strangled by a catheter cord around his neck.

He had the scars and loss of fingers matching his testimony of the shoot out with

the alien.

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Chest wound

Fingers gone

Phil said, NWO/alien agenda is one and the same. It is world take over and the

decimation of the population of this planet.

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A total of four treaties were signed between the aliens and the U.S. Government. The dates for these treaties were as follows: 1944, 1954, 1962, and 1979. In 1954, the “Greata” treaty was signed between the Eisenhower administration, the U.S. Navy, and a species of Grey aliens who originated from Zeta Reticuli. In essence, the Greata treaty was an agreement between the U.S. Government, and known malevolent aliens. The agreement allowed for the abduction, study, and genetic sampling of humans in exchange for alien technology. It was later discovered that the Greys were abducting far more human subjects than originally planned, and that the entire alien situation had “gone off the rails”, and was beyond the capability of the U.S. Government to contain. This constituted the “terrible truth”, and provided further justification for the now 64 year old cover-up.

In private conversations with alleged Philadelphia experiment survivor Al Bielek,

Phil stated that he was present at one particular meeting which included high

level United Nations officials. The meeting was held in an undetermined

underground location, and NOT the U.N headquarters in New York. According to

Phil, this facility included large expansive meeting rooms (identical to the U.N.),

and a specific “raised seating area”. In this elevated section sat multiple seven

foot tall Grey aliens who were “dictating policy” to U.N. officials. Apparently the

“Alien Agenda” had gotten so far out of hand, that the U.S. Constitution no longer

held any legal standing, and international leaders were at the mercy of the Greys.

Does that sound familiar??? Karen Hudes (World Bank whistle blower) Edwin

Snowden (Spoke of the shadow government and aliens ruling).

The New World Order Among his most conspiratorial subjects, Phil Schneider constantly warned of a “global take-over” by the power elites, which would enslave humanity into a totalitarian dictatorship “police state”. In this “New World Order”, citizens would willfully hand over their civil liberties and freedoms in exchange for Government protection against “manufactured” terrorists threats. To facilitate this diabolical plan, and to “neutralize” any “patriots”, Schneider claimed that 64,000 black helicopters were built. However, he never revealed which defense contractor manufactured these helicopters, or where they were based. It’s believed that these black helicopters were built to monitor “domestic terrorists”. In addition, Phil stated that 107,200 prison boxcars have been built. These boxcars were said

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to incorporate 143 pairs of shackles each (enough for 15 million U.S. “dissidents” who refused to go along with the plan). These citizens would be shipped to one of the 600 pre-existing “FEMA detention camps” which were funded under the Reagan Authorized Rex 84 Project “Garden Plot”, and Operation “Cable Splicer”.

Rev. 13:16-18 – this is where it is defined that you will be faced with accepting or

rejecting at the cost of your life by being beheaded - the mark of the beast.

Phil Schneider and His daughter Marie

He was a daddy, a human being and they took his life to keep him quiet about

their dirty secrets.

The gov. wants mind control, the aliens/demons – satan want mind control, the

illuminati want mind control – THEY WANT TO TAKE YOUR FREE WILL, YOUR


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TO JESUS. They are trying to fix it so you don’t hear His voice. They are killing

people to keep you from knowing truth.

Matt.26:4-5 - And consulted that they might take Jesus by subtilty, and kill him.

But they said, Not on the feast day, lest there be an uproar among the people.

Today they are doing the same stuff. What they do today is kill but try to make it

look like a suicide to keep suspicion off of them. Just like they did with Phil

Schneider because he was uncovering and speaking out about truth.

One of the TI’s (targeted individual) from DEW (Directed Energy Weapons) shared

with me that every time she starts to pray or read her Bible they turn up the pain

or the drugs so that she can’t even think or concentrate. They put her to sleep


Over here they are running their DEW weapons to torture and kill. Over there,

they are assassinating people for what they know. Everywhere, they have cloning

stations so they can rape, molest, sacrifice and kill. They are doing mind control

on the public without our knowledge. All over the world they are implanting us

with nanobots through chemtrails, our food, sunblock, vaccinations. They are

setting up bogus wars to run their agenda an example is ISIS terrorists – they were

created and cultivated to be terrorists – Obama supports them. We have drones,

clones, unhuman and dead people running our governments and entertainment


THEY WANT US DEAD. They want you to think you have no hope and can’t do

anything. New Agers are trying to astral project or go other places in their minds

just to deal or get away from this world. They want you to believe there isn’t a

God. They want you to believe they have all power and are controlling

everything, because if there is a God, where is He?

Rev.17:13-14 – They will come against the LAMB but they will lose.

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Rev.5:5-13 - Read this passage

Have you been purchased by Him?? Do you know in the spirit realm, they can see

if you are already marked for God or not? Have you applied the blood of Jesus

Christ to your heart and life?

Isaiah 45:22-23

Have you bowed your knee to Him?

Rev.3:20 – Behold, I (Jesus) stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My

voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with


Prayer: give us boldness, help us to evangelize the world, keep us humble, use us

as mighty tools and strong and sharp weapons in Your right hand!!! Let us not be

scared of losing our lives for standing up for the truth.

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I was a friend of Philip Schneider and also know his ex-wife and daughter. He is the re-posting

from my Time Travel web site.

A Message from the ex-wife of Philip Schneider

by: cimbid

I am the ex-wife of Philip Schneider. Philip and I met in 1986, were married in Carson City,

Nevada, and had a daughter, Marie, in 1987. We were divorced in 1990 and lived in separate

residences. Philip lived in an apartment complex in Wilsonville, Oregon. On 1/17/1996 I

received a call that Philip was dead in his apartment and apparently had died up to a week

before his body was discovered. At the time of the removal of his body, his cause of death was

by a stroke. When I went to the funeral home I had feelings of discomfort about his death. I

asked to view the body, but due to decomposition, the funeral director suggested otherwise. I

wanted to be sure, in my own mind,. that Philip had not died under "unnatural causes". For the

last two years of his life, Philip had been on the "lecture tour" throughout the United States,

talking out about government coverups. You name it, he was talking about it: Aliens (treaties

and abductions), UFO's, the One World Government, Black Budgets, Underground Mountain

Bases, CIA involvement in civilian murders and drugs, Stealth technology, the Philadelphia

Experiment, Operation Crossroads (Bikini Island A-bomb experiments), Dulce Fire Fight, the

Oklahoma bombing, the World Trade Center bombing, missing children, Gunderson Freight

Cars, the opening of concentration camps and Marshal Law/UN involvement, man-made

viruses and earthquakes, etc.etc.

A day later, I received a call from the Clackamas County Detectives, that the funeral director

had found "something" around Philip's neck. An autopsy was performed at the Multnomah

County Medical Examiner's office (in Portland, Oregon) by Dr. Gunson, and she determined that

Philip had committed suicide by wrapping a rubber cathater hose three times around his neck,

and half-knotting it in front. There are several reasons why I believe that Philip did not commit

suicide, but was murdered:

1. There was no suicide note.

2. Philip always told his friends and relatives, that if he ever "committed suicide" you would

know that he had been murdered.

3. From a number of sources, including his taped lectures (video and audio), and statements to

his friends, and the borrowing of a 9mm gun, Philip felt that he and his family were being

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threatened and were in danger because of his lecutres.

4. All of his lecture materials, alien metals, higher math books, photographs of UFO's coming

out of the Operation Crossroad A-Bomb, notes for his book on the alien agenda, were missing.

(Everything else in the apartment was still there, including gold coins, wallet with hundreds of

dollars, jewelry, mineral specimens, etc.)

5. No coroner ever came out to his apartment after his body was found (against Oregon Law) -

and a police investigation never took under consideration that items were missing from his

apartment - it was considered a suicide, plain and simple

6. The medical examiner took blood and urine samples at the autopsy but REFUSED to analyze

them, saying that the county would not "waste their money on a suicide". Although I was

assured that the samples would be kept for 12 months, when I asked for these samples to be

sent to an independent lab 11 months later they were "missing" and presumed "destroyed".

7. Philip had missing fingers on his left hand, and limited motion in his shoulders. I believe that it

was physically impossible for Philip to have held the rubber hose in his left hand with missing

fingers and then wrap the hose three times with shoulders that had limited motion. In order to

end up where his body was, he had to sit on the edge of his bed, wrap the hose around his

neck, slowly and painfully strangle to death, and fall head-first into a wheel chair.

8. Philip was an expert in chemicals and his own medical needs. He had multiple pills at hand

that could have ended his life quickly and painlessly. He also had a 9mm gun that he had

borrowed to protect himself. Why strangle himself in such an unusual manner?

9. Philip was very religious, and did not believe in suicide. He had intense chronic pain all of the

time I knew him. At the time of his death, he was on disability, had a housekeeper, and had

cancer. The operation to help him with his back pain did not alleviate the pain and he had brittle

bone syndrome (osteoperosis). He struggled every day, not to die, but to live. He felt that these

lectures he gave was making a difference, and was looking forward to giving more. In fact he

was scheduled for another lecture tour that started 1/16/96 in Tampa, Florida. He had just found

a friend who was going to help him write a book about the New World Order, and he was

enjoying his time with his daughter.

10. Philip was undergoing "injections" of "Beta Serone" every week in an experiment to stop his

multiple sclerosis. After his death I contacted the only agency that conducted these experiments

to obtain his medical record (OHSU). They had never heard of him, and he was not a part of

their experiments. This would suggest people unknown were injecting him on a weekly basis

with an unknown substance. He often times called me after these "shots" to tell me that he was

too sick for his daughter to come and visit. I believe that the shots that Philip thought were being

given to him to help him back to health, were actually being given to him to make him sick.

11. Philip was seen with an "unknown blonde haired woman" for several months before his

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death. Several times this same individual was seen or talked about and her mysterious

presence only leads one to wonder if she had anything to do with his "suicide".

12. Several people with psychic abilities have indicated that Philip did not commit suicide, but

was murdered (some say by 5 people: 4 men and 1 woman, 4 directly and one by taking out a


It is perhaps important to know WHY Philip began lecturing.

Firstly: His background was as a Structural Engineer. He was an expert on explosives and their

effects on geologic structures. He worked under two social security numbers. Most of his early

work in underground mountain bases with Morrison-Knudsen was done using the wrong social

security number. I was later able to prove that he had two numbers through the social security

office when I applied for his daughter's death benefits. He worked for the Army Corps of

Engineers and U.S. Navy with the same wrong number. Only after he obtained SSI in 1981 did

his "real" number come into play. He always told me that he had a Rhyolitic Clearance and that

his father had a Cosmic Clearance from his work with NATO. And that is the second reason why

Philip began lecturing.

Secondly: On top of his first hand knowledge about underground mountain bases and

government black budgets, and the alien agenda (as he was one of the survivors of the Dulce

Fire Fight with aliens in New Mexico) his father was also involved in government black projects.

When Philip's father, Captain Oscar Schneider, Medical Doctor, United States Navy, died in

1993, Philip discovered documents and photographs in his father's basement which proved that

Oscar had been involved in both the Philadelphia Experiment and Operation Crossroads. Philip

now had letters written in the 1940's and 1950's showing that Oscar helped to isolate the

crewmembers of the Philadelphia Experiment and that Oscar later autopsied them as they died.

He also had photographs of UFO's fleeing through mushroom clouds after the A-bomb was

dropped above the lagoon at Bikini Atoll. This was "Operation Crossroads" and Oscar was

involved in medical examinations of the animals and humans exposed to radiation after the

bomb was dropped.

Thirdly: I believe the main reason why Philip began to lecture was due to the "murder" of his

friend Ron Rummel. Ron was found in a park in Portland in Sept. 1993. The police believed that

he had committed suicide by shooting himself in the mouth. However, if you read the detectives

report, there is blow-back blood on Ron's hand, but NO BLOW-BACK BLOOD ON THE GUN.

The only way this could happen is if Ron had wiped the gun off AFTER he had shot himself in

the mouth. Ron, Philip, and 5 other people had been collaborating on a little magazine called

"The Alien Digest". It was starting to get a fairly wide circulation, when Ron was found in the

park. Philip felt that his friend had been murdered, and decided that it was time to get everything

out into the open, so he began "spilling the beans", and ripped up his security clearance card.

Pufori, through Jeroen Wierda, . Ashley O'Toole of Beachead in Australia, Star Friends, Mr. Pitt,

and now Professor Opmmur are just a few of the agencies and individuals that have taken up

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the call for justice in Philip's death.

My hopes are:

1. That Philip's death certificate will eventually be amended with the true cause of his death:


2. That the world will come to know the truth about aliens, UFO's, the government cover-ups,

black budgets, etc. and how they are affecting us.

3. That assets that belong to his only heir, Marie, can be located and turned over to her.

4. That Philip's true work quarters can be proven by people coming forward with information

about knowing him before 1981, and that his daughter can eventually obtain the death benefits

she deserves.

5. That no more "murders by suicide" ever occur to another individual.

Please look over the information contained in this website. The "truth is out there" and it is here.

I will follow up with websites that connect you to Philip, his life and death, at a later time

Sincerely, Cimbid


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Underground cities in many major countries / alien dumb pic.



Phil Schneider **Main Video**



Phil Schneider Pic’s and 2nd video


Q – super computer 30 trillion per second



1000 trillion per second


Bikini Island and the atomic bomb


Picture of the alien that Phil talked about working at the Pentagon


Website with detailed info. about Projects: Rainbow, Phoenix, Montauk etc.


Montauk, Rainbow,Philadelphia,Phoenix Projects / Preston & Duncan Interview

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Al Bielek – Time travel etc.



Ex-CIA worker goes on record about aliens and Area 51


Los Alamos Laboratory Information www.wikipedia.com

Thor and Freemasons


Info. from Phil’s ex-wife on the cover up of his death and why he spoke out



Addt’l info. on Bikini Island and the A-bombs and UFO’S /NWO/Alien Agenda

