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Dusk & Summer by Hgfan1111

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  • 8/13/2019 Dusk & Summer by Hgfan1111


    Dusk & Summer by hgfan1111


    Content:"hapter 1 to 1 of 1 chapters


    Summary:$fter the war% arry an' (inny are both going through the motions% )ost asthey try to fin' their way in a wor)' that they 'on*t rea))y recogni+e. ,ritten for the -

    Seasonsfest (ift change on 0.

    *Chapter 1*: Dusk & Summer

    Author's Notes:,ritten for the 21 -Seasonsfest (ift change. 4he inspiration forthis piece came from a song by Dashboar' "onfessiona) ca))e' Dusk an' Summer. 5 )ike'

    the fee) of the song as we)) as the )yrics that fit we)). 5 trie' to incorporate as many of the

    reuests as possib)e: mi)' angst% a uestion of wi)) they/won*t they with (inny an' arry%a conersation with $rthur% an' two uotes% of course.

    8Remember, we all stumble, every one of us. That's why it's a comfort to go hand in

    hand." ~Emily Kimbrough

    8Summer is the time when one sheds one's tensions with one's clothes, and the right ind

    of day is !eweled balm for the battered sirit. # few of those days and you can becomedrun with the belief that all's right with the world." ~ #da $ouise %u&table

    Dusk & Summer

    85 neer thought 5*' say it%8 9on grumb)e' as he )ay in a prone position on his be'% 8but 5

    miss the Dementors.8

    4he statement took a moment to sink into arry*s consciousness% s)ow)y inching past theehaustion an' irritabi)ity to 'awn on him eact)y what 9on sai'.

    8$re you barmy8 arry raise' his hea' from his camp be' an' g)are' at the fu++y form

    of his frien'.

    9on shifte' s)ight)y an' sighe' )ou')y. 8;ot% you know% the who)e sou) sucking bit% but at)east when they were bree'ing it was coo)er.8

    4he who)e situation struck arry as funny an' he cou)'n*t ho)' in a )augh. 5t broke freean' me)te' against the wa)) of heat that surroun'e' them )ike a sticky b)anket. 9on*s

    )aughter ming)e' with it an' arry )et his amusement take oer% )aughing unti) hisstomach hurt an' his hea' swam in a 'e)irious% p)easant fog.

    85 was going to ask

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    wou)' chort)e again an' set the other off% but they were beginning to be capab)e of speech

    once more.

    9on groane'. 80eitating stones% actua))y. Swish an' f)ick?8 9on 'i' an eaggerate'impersonation of ermione an' wae' his arm aroun' as if it were a wan'. 8*=ember

    that% arry8

    8>f course 5 remember it.8 arry sighe' an' smi)e' fon')y. e rea))y shou)' get up an'

    'o something pro'uctie% but his who)e bo'y ache' from working at ogwarts to'ay.ery other 'ay he an' 9on% as we)) as a who)e host of other witches an' wi+ar's%

    $pparate' to ogwarts to he)p with the rebui)'ing process. S)ow)y% it was beginning to

    )ook )ike the cast)e he*' come to )oe an' think of as home.

    8$n' the who)e time% =c(onaga)) is there oer my shou)'er% pointing to @ust where shewants each particu)ar stone% an' arguing for usAyou an' meAto come back this fa)).8

    4he i'ea wasn*t new an' arry ha' to a'mit he was ha)fBtempte' to 'o @ust that.Spen'ing a year at ogwarts finishing his e'ucation without some ma'man p)otting to

    ki)) him was appea)ing. e a)so knew it wasn*t going to happenC too much ha' gone on inthe )ast year to a))ow him to simp)y pick up the pieces of his )ife as if nothing ha'

    change'. 5t was time to moe forwar'.


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    85*e got to go in to the =inistry.8 arry stare' at the cracke' cei)ing an' )et his min'

    'rift. 4he oppressie heat of the momentAwhy were they a)) the way in the top of the

    urrow where the heat poo)e' incessant)y% againAma'e any 'irecte' thought har' toho)'.

    8ow*s that going8 9on aske'% een though he knew the answer. 4hey*' ta)ke' in circ)esthe past few weeks. 5t was easier than a'mitting things they 'i'n*t want to ta)k about. ;ot

    right now% anyway.

    8(oo'.8 arry*s answer was rare)y 'ifferent. onest)y% he 'i'n*t uite know what to

    make of the =inistry. ,orking with Eings)ey was great% but there were some aspects that

    sti)) ma'e arry fee) )ike he was a chi)' wa)king into an a'u)t*s wor)'.


  • 8/13/2019 Dusk & Summer by Hgfan1111


    arry was @ust about to respon' when the back 'oor s)amme' be)ow them. 4he soun'

    'rifte' in through the open win'ow an' both boys shifte' so they cou)' see who ha'


    (inny was making her way across the gar'en towar' her father*s she'. She swere'

    s)ight)y% 'ipping 'own to grab a gnome from the groun' an' he)' it a)oft. 4he )itt)ebugger wigg)e' an' suawke' at her before she f)ung it far oer the fence. arry

    watche'% entrance' with the simp)e grace the moement ha'.

    8She*s gotten better at that%8 9on commente' absent)y. 8She use' to hae pity on the poor

    things an' not f)ing them as far% but that was when she was rea))y )itt)e.8

    arry cou)'n*t tear his eyes from her an' fe)t his face heat een further% if possib)e% when

    he rea)i+e' how appreciatie he was of how much )eg her shorts reea)e'% or the fact thathe cou)' see a bit of pa)e skin between her shirt an' the waistban' of the same shorts.

    8,hat*s up with you two8

    9on*s uestion start)e' arry an' he b)inke' at his frien'% hoping he ha'n*t oice' his

    a'miration oca))y or 'one something horrib)y sappy )ike sigh with )onging.


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    4here were times when he thought he might see that )onging mirrore' in her epression.

    ut they were a)ways so busy% so 'istracte' by piecing the wor)' back together again that

    the net time he )ooke'% she*' hae rep)ace' it with 'etermination% or that horrib)y acant%sa' )ook.

    $n' arry ha' no i'ea what to 'o% what to say to make it a)) better. e actua))y ha' noso)i' i'ea whether she wante' to be with him as much as he )onge' to be with her% in fact.

    4here were @ust those brief moments where she wou)' smi)e at him% or when she wou)'touch him in some soft wayAher han' trai)ing a)ong his shou)'ers as she wa)ke' behin'

    him at the 'inner tab)e% the way she )eane' on him 'uring #re'*s funera)% her p)ayfu)

    nu'ges when one of them was taking the piss out of 9on. $)) of it ma'e him want topursue what they once share' together een more.

    Somewhere 'eep insi'e him% arry thought he might be in )oe with (inny. 5t was a

    strange sensation to rea)i+e itAhappy an' thri))ing an' confusing at the same timeAan'

    it )eft his hea' ree)ing.

    8$h ha?8 9on stoo' up triumphant)y an' wae' a battere' book in arry*s 'irection. is

    hair was matte' to his forehea' with sweat an' arry b)ew out a breath. 5t was horrib)y

    hot up here in this tiny )itt)e room% but the effort )eaing reuire' was beyon' arry right

    now. e was @ust too ehauste'.

    84his is what you nee'. 5n fact% you shou)' go to Diagon $))ey an' get your own since

    you can*t fin' your copy. 5 think (eorge may hae one% as we)). #re' is

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    now. Sure)y it wou)'n*t gie a'ice on how to 'ea) with a gir) who was sti)) grieing% or

    how to get past a)) that ha' happene' 'uring their year apart.

    85 'on*t nee' a book%8 arry sai' soft)y. 85 @ust nee' time. $n' to spen' some time withher% you know. ,e*re both @ust

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  • 8/13/2019 Dusk & Summer by Hgfan1111


    (inny fe)t a prick)e of annoyance an' frustration but pushe' it away. #rustration was an

    o)' frien' of (inny*s. She*' )ie' with it for so )ong that it a)most fe)t norma) to fee) it

    creep into her )ife again. 4hen again% (inny 'i' hate the fee)ing. She 'rea'e' waking upeach morning an' knowing that there were things she cou)'n*t change% things she was

    going to hae to en'ure unti) they en'e' an' something e)se came a)ong.

    85*m aoi'ing eeryone.8 4he a'mission seeme' strange an' it )eapt from her before

    (inny een registere' it ha' escape'. 85 @ust

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    8Fou*re not a)one% you know8

    85 know%8 (inny answere' uick)y. She rocke' her stoo) s)ight)y an' )eane' against his

    workbench. 85 think eeryone might fee) that way.8

    85 'o%8 he a'mitte' soft)y. 85 'o when 5 see how much some of you are strugg)ing% whenyour mother takes her naps% when 5 see 9on an' arry come home coere' in 'ust an'

    )ooking so tire' they might @ust fa)) oer.8

    (inny*s stomach gae a )urch at arry*s name% but she tampe' it 'own. 4hat fe)t broken

    too% a)though she cou)'n*t uite 'eci'e how.

    arry. -recise)y where (inny*s min' wou)' hae en'e' up sooner or )ater. 5t was a

    comfortab)e% fami)iar p)ace to )an'% een though @ust the simp)e name brought frustration%

    as we)).

    4here was a )onging there that (inny cou)'n*t 'eny. She wante' what they ha' onceshare'% een if it might be an impossib)e 'ream right now. So much ha' happene' in the

    past year% more than (inny was sure she wante' to een know about. -erhaps ignorance

    was b)iss. "ou)' she han')e knowing a)) that arry ha' been through oer the past year"ou)' he han')e a)) that she*' been through

    So much ha' change' in a year. So much ha' staye' the same.

    (inny*s fee)ings for arry ha'n*t remaine' unchange'. 5nstea' of the intense% urgent nee'

    to be near him when they were first together% there was a re)ae'% accepting fee) to their

    frien'ship. 4hey were both 'ea)ing with a )ot right now% so @umping into some whir)win'

    romance wasn*t ery practica).

    Sti))% (inny 'i' wish some 'ays that he wou)' gie some hint that he wante' more from

    her. 5n time% she kept te))ing herse)f. 5n time% they*' spen' 'ays together 'oing eerything

    an' nothing. 5n time% they*' be ab)e to stea) fie minutes away from the wor)' to 'osomething @ust for the two of them an' not hae to race off to ogwarts% or the =inistry%

    or he)p some fami)y member with something.

    8ut it 'oes get better.8

    8,hen8 (inny 'eman'e'. er face f)ushe' when she rea)i+e' how she must soun' to

    her fatherC )ike an impatient schoo) gir) 'eman'ing to know eerything about the wor)'right then.

    e chuck)e' an' s)i' his g)asses back on. 85*' )ike to say that one morning you*)) wake up

    an' eerything wi)) be fine% but that*s a )ie. 5 cante)) you that one morning you*)) wake upan' things wi)) )ook @ust the sma))est bit brighter. 4hen the net morning it wi)) be the

    sma))est bit brighter again.8

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    (inny )et out a shaky breath. 4here were 'ays she fe)t )ike the wor)' might be spinning

    correct)y again% but then something wou)' happen to make it wobb)e once more.

    8ut you know the best part of it a))8

    She waite' for him to continue% ho)'ing her breath in the stif)ing)y hot )itt)e area that wasfi))e' with 'ust an' the tangy taste of e)ectrica) things.

    8,e 'on*t hae to 'o it a)one.8 is whispere' wor's fe)t )ike a sp)ash of coo) water when

    they washe' oer her. She actua))y tremb)e' an' gae a @erky no'.

    8,hen we stumb)eAan' we a)) 'oAthere*s someone there to reach 'own% )ift us back upan' ho)' our han' as we go.8

    $ bubb)e of emotion fi))e' (inny from insi'e an' she ha' to swa))ow the tightness of her

    throat away. She wou)'n*t gie into the tears right now. ;ot in the 'ay)ight.

    4hey sat in si)ence for a moment before (inny turne' to )ook at the c)utter on his bench.

    8,hat e)se 'o you hae aroun' here8

    80ooking to get your han's 'irty8 4he smi)e was back on her father*s face% the somber

    moment banishe' for something )ighter right now.

    8Sure.8 (inny no''e' firm)y an' )et her eyes s)i'e oer eerything unti) she foun'

    something hu'')e' in the back% peeking from among a tang)e of co)ore' wires. She ha' aague i'ea of what it was% but this one was sma))er an' 'ifferent from the others she*'


    er thin han' 'e)e' into the wireB@ung)e an' etracte' the sma)) b)ack bo. 85t*s a


    8=mmhmmm%8 her father agree'. 8=ugg)e.8 e sai' it with such pri'e that (inny ha' to


    8Does it sti)) work8 (inny inspecte' the buttons% pressing 'own on them an' turning the

    knob on the top. 5t gae a satisfying c)ickBc)ickBc)ick.

    85 think so.8 er father scow)e' thoughtfu))y an' brushe' his finger a)ong the e'ge of it%

    remoing a thin )ayer of 'ust from the b)ack casing. 8-erkins brought it in. Someone ha'charme' it to b)in' the person )ooking at the f)ash.8

    (inny c)ucke' her tongue. 8orrib)e peop)e.8

    8,e remoe' the curse% but the wi+ar' who ha' it 'i'n*t want it back. 5*e ha' it out hereforeer. 5 was thinking about taking it apart.8

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    (inny*s fingers c)ose' tighter on the camera% as if she cou)' protect it from the gutting it

    might receie if she )eft it here a)one. er eyes 'arte' towar' the contraptor which was

    spi))ing its insi'es eerywhere.

    8Do you

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    arry b)ew out a frustrate' breath an' c)ose' his eyes. 4he music change' into a s)ow%

    )a+y ba))a'% something about stirring a cau)'ron of )oe. arry ague)y remembere'

    hearing the song before an' won'ere' if it was one =rs. ,eas)ey use' to sing 'uring thesummers when he wou)' isit the urrow. erything was so 'ifferent now. She neer

    sang anymore. She rare)y smi)e'% an' it worrie' arry.

    =rs. ,eas)ey was the iron backbone of the ,eas)ey fami)y. arry fe)t he)p)ess watching

    the sa'% 'rawn )ook on her face as she went about her 'ai)y chores. $n' he saw the samefrustration on (inny*s face as she fo))owe' her mother aroun' an' preten'e' to be

    intereste' in c)eaning the 'ishes @ust so% an' the proper way to charm the washer to get

    the stains out of c)othing.

    (inny was another worry. She ha'n*t come to 'inner tonight% een. =r. ,eas)ey sco)'e'

    his wife when she frette' about the empty spot at the tab)e% an' to)' her that (inny was

    working on a pro@ect. She*' be in when she came in% he sai' firm)y% en'ing any bui)'ing


    4he c)ock on the mante) chime' mi'night soft)y an' arry )istene' to the )ow soun' of

    the song it p)aye' ming)e' with the song on the wire)ess. e rea))y shou)' go up to be'C

    morning was going to be har' if he waite' up much )onger. e yawne' wi'e)y but

    cou)'n*t bring himse)f to moe. Secret)y% he*' been waiting for (inny to come in from theshe' eer since 'inner en'e'. ,hen the ,eas)eys went off to be' one by one% arry

    thought maybe he*' fina))y gotten )ucky enough to fin' some time for @ust the two of

    them a)one.

    e*' been sitting in the 'ark thinking of what to say% but ha'n*t ma'e it past greeting her

    an' stammering about nonsense things.

    4he creak of the f)oorboar's in the kitchen start)e' arry from his imagine'

    conersations an' he pu))e' his wan'% more out of habit than a)arm. 4he urrow wassecureC he knew that.

    (inny came into the )iing room a secon' )ater an' start)e' at seeing someone sti))

    awake. er hair was escaping the 'ishee)e' ponytai) an' bits of it c)ung to her forehea'%

    stuck there with moisture from the hot night.

    8i.8 arry fe)t his face heat when eery coo)% suae thing he*' p)anne' to say manage'to 'isappear% an' the simp)e greeting s)ippe' from his mouth instea'.

    She b)inke' at him an' then her )ips twiste' into a sma)) smi)e. 8i. Di'n*t epect anyone

    to be up sti)).8

    arry shrugge' an' shifte' on the sofa. e wante' to inite her to sit 'own% but maybeshe was tire'. =aybe she wante' nothing more than to go up to her be' an' s)eep.

    8Feah% er

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    She smi)e' again an' took a step towar' him. arry reste' his han' on the sofa%

    hesitating in his initation for her to @oin him.

    85 know. 5h.8 She seeme' surprise' an' )ooke' back oer her shou)'er towar' the kitchen 'oor.

    8onest)y% 5 'on*t think 5 cou)' eat anything now% anyway. 4his heat saps a)) the energyfrom eerything.8

    85t 'oes%8 arry agree'. 4hey s)ippe' into si)ence an' arry 'ebate' what to te)) her net.

    (inny shifte' in p)ace an' g)ance' at the stairs before taking a further step into the )iing


    arry )et out a shu''ering breath an' praye' that he was rea'ing her hesitation right.

    She*' @ust chosen to stay here an' ta)k with him rather than going to be'. 9ight e

    curse' interna))y an' wishe' they cou)' get back to the easyBtoBun'erstan'% )ightre)ationship they*' once ha'. efore eerything ha' gone pearBshape' they cou)' ta)k for

    hours about eerything an' nothing.

    (inny 'i'n*t sit 'own% but moe' across the room to stu'y the wa)) where arious frame'

    photographs of the fami)y hung. Some of the frames were emptyAthe pictures ha' been'amage' or ruine' comp)ete)y when the Death aters ca))e' an' foun' the ,eas)eys ha'

    gone into hi'ing 'uring the war. ust )ike the portraits at ogwarts.

    She moe' to stan' in front of the wa)) an' )ifte' her fingers to trace one of the empty

    frames. 84his one use' to be my faorite. =um*s ha' the same ones here foreer.8

    arry stoo' awkwar')y an' moe' to stan' behin' herAc)ose enough that he was awashin the scent an' heat of her% but not uite touching her. 8,hat was it of8

    is c)oseness seeme' to start)e (inny% but she 'i'n*t moe away% @ust )ooke' oer her

    shou)'er at his face.

    85 was three. 9on% (eorge an'

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    with an o)' camera that Da' ha' fie' up. She ma'e us a)) )ine up an' show off our


    arry chuck)e' an' trie' to remember if he*' eer pai' attention to the picture before.ow he wishe' he cou)' see itC see the )ook of triumph on their mu'Bcoere' faces as

    they he)' up treasures for their mother to be prou' of.

    8=ine was the biggest%8 (inny sai' prou')y.

    8,hat about this one8 arry )eane' aroun' (inny an' touche' an empty frame. 5t

    rocke' s)ight)y on its nai)% showing off a bit of pa)e wa)) behin' it that was coere' infresh paint.

    8mmm.8 (inny ti)te' her hea' to the si'e an' shifte' her weight on one hip% moing

    c)oser to him. arry*s heart thumpe' )ou')y in his chest an' he won'ere' if he ha'

    enough courage to take her han' in his. 85*m pretty sure that one was of i)) an' "har)ie

    trying to goa' baby -ercy into eating cooke' carrots. 4hey were a)) uite sma)).8

    arry*s arm brushe' (inny*s when he touche' the net frame. 8$n' this one8

    (inny hesitate' an' )ooke' at him before answering. 8=um an' Da'*s we''ing photo.

    4he on)y one they ha'.8

    is breath caught in his throat an' arry swa))owe' the emotion away. So manymemories ruine' by i'iocyC ruine' by peop)e who 'i'n*t care about the occupants of the

    photograph% who on)y care' about a means to an en'.

    8=um has it up in her room. She thinks it might be ab)e to be repaire'.8

    84hat*s goo'%8 arry sai' soft)y. is han' fumb)e' for hers an' her fingers fo)'e' into hisas if they*' neer been apart. 5n this moment% there was no year )ost between themC there

    were no sha'ows an' pain to )eap oer to achiee this outcome. 4here was @ust the two of


    85 wish there was a way to rep)ace them.8 (inny*s oice soun'e' tire' an' arry fe)tgui)ty for stan'ing in the mi'')e of the urrow after mi'night% keeping (inny from her


    8=aybe we can fin' a way.8 5t soun'e' )ike a ho))ow promise% but arry wante' to try.e wante' to 'o anything he cou)' to make (inny smi)e again )ike she ha' tonight% eenif it was on)y for a minute.

    S)ow)y% they turne' to )ook at each other. arry*s han' reache' up an' tugge' )ight)y on a

    piece of hair that hung 'own by the si'e of her face.

    85 probab)y )ook a fright%8 she sai' an' )ifte' her han' to rest it a)ongsi'e her hea'.

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    8Fou )ook fine to me%8 he proteste' uiet)y.

    She smi)e' once more an' arry fe)t his heart might c)imb out of his chest by way of his

    throat. =aybe it was as easy as taking her han'% saying a few wor's% an' )eaning oer tokiss her. =aybe a)) of the mess between them% aroun' them% 'i'n*t hae to get in the way.

    =aybence she*' c)eane' eery bit of the outsi'e case for the camera with the worn f)anne) that

    she*' foun' by rummaging on her father*s workbench% (inny stare' at the pro@ect. 5t

    )ooke' perfect an' she was 'isappointe' that it 'i'n*t work yet. 5t was probab)y messe'up insi'e somehow. $)) the pieces insi'e )ooke' right% but (inny ha' to a'mit she*' neer

    seen the insi'e of a camera before.

    5f on)y she cou)' ow) "o)in an'ne kiss wou)'n*t wipe away a)) that was between them% an' a)) that surroun'e' them. 5t

    wou)'n*t make the pang of )oss any 'u))er. 5t wou)'n*t erase the worry from her mother*sface. 5t wou)'n*t ease the awkwar' si)ence when arry an' 9on came home from

    ogwarts with their faces )ine' in 'ust an' weariness. $n' it wou)'n*t erase the

    memories of the things (inny ha' eperience'.

    >ne kiss @ust wasn*t magica) enough.

    85 think maybe it*s broken.8

    She was staring at the camera but not ta)king about it. er father ma'e a soun' in theback of his throat an' came to stan' behin' her once more. 8Do you think it can be


    (inny took in a shaky breath an' )et her min' wan'er back through the moments of )astnight. arry*s han' ha' been warm an' fami)iar in hers. She sti)) crae' his touch an'

    wante' to see him smi)e. 85 want to fi it.8

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    85 think a)) it takes is a )itt)e effort.8

    She no''e' an' )eane' her temp)e into his )ips when he presse' a kiss there. 8$n' you

    'on*t hae to 'o it a)one. 5*m sure you can fin' someone to he)p you.8

    en though they were speaking about ery 'ifferent things% (inny thought it was ironicthat the a'ice sti)) app)ie'.

    5f she wante' to repairAor% rea))y% @ust rebui)'Awhat she an' arry ha'% they were

    going to hae to work on it together. $n' it was going to take effort% an' time. ;ot

    simp)y a sto)en kiss in the mi'')e of the night.

    8Fou )et me know if you nee' a few ga))eons to buy parts an' whatnot.8 (inny )ooke' up

    as her father pause' at the 'oor to his she'.

    She gae a 'istracte' no' an' kept )ooking at the camera% not rea))y seeing the p)astic an'

    meta) an' g)ass% but the parts of herse)f that nee'e' to be put back together to eua) awho)e (inny again.

    9on was a)rea'y up when arry ro))e' oer in be'. =rs. ,eas)ey ha' offere' him

    another be'room in the house rather than hae him use the o)' camp be' in 9on*s room%

    but the urrow ha' been teeming with peop)e those first few weeks after the att)e."har)ie ha' come an' staye' for seera) weeks to he)p. =embers of the >r'er were in

    an' out% often staying oer when their meetings ran )ate. arry sometimes sat in on the

    meetings% but grew tire' of )istening to the same things being rehashe' time an' timeagain. Eings)ey kept him we)) apprise' of any situations that nee'e' his attention.

    5t seeme' strange that now that arry was of age an' a))owe' to be ino)e' in the >r'er%

    he wasn*t near)y as intereste'. 4here was sti)) a 'esire in him to put things right% to he)p

    where he cou)'% but for the first time in a ery )ong time the urgency wasn*t there. e ha'time.

    e stare' at the fa'e'% pee)ing orange paint on the wa)) @ust aboe his hea' an' sighe'.

    e nee'e' to get up an' moing for the 'ay. 4hey were 'ue at ogwarts soon an' he

    wou)' nee' a goo' breakfast in him to )ast through whateer tasks -rofessor =c(onaga))ha' set asi'e for them to'ay.

    S)ow)y% the o)' cast)e was being piece' back together. 5t was a 'e)iberate% te'iousprocess% but one that arry fe)t he nee'e' to be ino)e' in. ach bit that went back

    togetherAeach stone )eitate' in% each wa)) rebui)t% each statue or portrait back in p)aceAseeme' to hea) arry the tiniest bit. 4here was sti)) a ery )ong way to go% but at )east

    he was accomp)ishing something.

    >nce c)eane' up% arry went 'ownstairs where he cou)' hear 9on ta)king. 4he tab)e was

    fu)) an' arry fought the urge to b)ush when eeryone turne' his way.

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    8a' a )ie in% 'i' you8 (eorge smi)e'.

    arry shrugge' a shou)'er an' g)ance' at (inny who smirke' at him. e ran a han' oer

    his hair se)fBconscious)y an' sank into his seat. 85 'i'n*t rea)i+e how tire' 5 was%apparent)y.8

    85t*s no bother%8 =rs. ,eas)ey soothe'. She s)i' a p)ate of eggs an' bacon in front of him

    an' ruff)e' his hair% messing up any progress he ha' achiee' in getting it to )ay f)at.

    8Fou*e earne' a bit of a rest% 5*' say. ,orking at ogwarts an' the =inistry

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    85t*s a goo' i'ea% =o))y.8 =r. ,eas)ey spoke for the first time that morning. e )owere'

    his paper an' )ooke' at arry appraising)y. 8$n' (inny*s been coope' up )ong enough% 5


    8,e))% arry8 9on s)appe' arry on the back an' he s)i' to the front of his seat in



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    85 nee' to change% though%8 arry sai'. e gesture' 'own at his 'usty @eans an' worn tB

    shirt. 85*' p)anne' on ogwarts to'ay.8

    8Fou rea))y 'on*t hae to come%8 (inny sai' once more. arry won'ere' if there was areason she 'i'n*t want him to come% she was being so a'amant. 8Despite what my mother

    thinks% 5*m perfect)y capab)eA8

    8>f course% 5 want to spen' the 'ay with you%8 arry answere' uick)y. 8$n' 5*m not

    going as some sort of)ian'ers was shabbi)y put together% but she cou)'

    see that the )itt)e sign in the win'ow sai' *open*. Some store win'ows were sti)) 'ark an'there was scaffo)'ing up aroun' (ringotts where the gob)ins were working on charming

    it. arry f)inche' when she pointe' it out an' she won'ere' @ust what ha' happene' on

    the reporte' escape from the ,i+ar'ing bank.

    So far a)) that (inny knew ha' been reporte' in the papers. ;either arry or his si'ekicksha' sai' anything about it to her.

    4hey wan'ere' 'own Diagon $))ey after searching #)orish & )otts unsuccessfu))y for a

    repair book for the camera. Seera) times (inny thought arry might take her han'C hisbrushe' hers% but he 'i'n*t initiate anything.

    85 think we may hae to go out into =ugg)e 0on'on%8 she fina))y sai'% 'oing her best to

    make it soun' casua).

    arry g)ance' 'own the a))ey before )ooking at her. $ crooke' smi)e stretche' his face.

    8$h% now the rea) story comes out. $n' @ust how 'i' you p)an to naigate 0on'on onyour own to'ay% =iss ,eas)ey8

    (inny fe)t her face heat but gae him a 'etermine' )ook. 84he same way 5 'o eerything%

    =r. -otter. 9emember what 5*e to)' you about nere8

    e smi)e' an' fina))y s)ippe' his han' into hers. 8(oo' thing 5 'eci'e' to come a)ong%then% 5 can on)y imagine how far your nervewou)' get you on the 4ube.8

    Despite her misgiings about haing arry chi)'min' to'ay% (inny fe)t better an' better

    about his presence as they spent more time together. 5t wasn*t )ike being with one of her

    oer)y protectie brothers as she*' feare'. arry tease' her for being so naJe about0on'on% but he 'i'n*t forbi' her to go )ike her mother wou)'% or get that crease between

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    his eyebrows )ike 9on wou)'% or een smirk knowing)y )ike (eorge wou)'. e truste'

    that she*' go into 0on'on with or without him.

    $n' he was right.

    (rante'% haing him a)ong was a bonus that (inny ha'n*t been hopefu) to count on.

    >nce they were through the 0eaky "au)'ronAprotesting 4om*s insistence that they hae

    a utterbeer on him an' 'o'ging one reporter who kept snapping pictures of them

    togetherAarry turne' to her an' gesture' to the roa' ahea' of them.

    8,here to% (inny8

    She b)inke' an' stu'ie' the shop fronts aroun' them. 85

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    8Do you miss her8 (inny aske' casua))y. She trie' to watch his epression whi)e

    )ooking )ike she was simp)y browsing the books. 85 know the two of you spent a )ot of

    time together this )ast year.8

    85 suppose.8 arry shrugge' nonBcommita))y. 8aen*t rea))y thought about it much% to

    be honest.8 e pu))e' a book from the she)f an' f)ippe' through the pages. 85 guess it*sbecause 5 know she*)) be back soon.8

    ,hen 9on ha' a'mitte' to his fami)y that he*' aban'one' arry an' ermione before"hristmas% (inny ha'n*t spoken to him for 'ays. 4he a'mission was a gui)ty s)ip% though%

    an' she*' been force' to eamine what her own reaction to the pressure might hae been

    if she*' been with them rather than 'ea)ing with things at ogwarts. 4here was muchmore to the story% she knew% because a)) three of them got re'Bface' when she aske'

    about it.

    onest)y% a)) the secrecy was 'riing her insane% but she 'i' un'erstan' it. (inny ha'

    secrets of her own% after a)).

    85 misse' a)) of you )ast year.8 5t was the c)osest she*' come to ta)king about herogwarts eperience% an' (inny fe)t herse)f hesitate about een mentioning that much.

    arry*s face tightene' an' he opene' his mouth seera) times to respon' before c)osing it

    an' rethinking his wor's. 85 can on)y imagine.8

    (inny notice' that arry ha'n*t change' the sub@ect )ike he norma))y 'i'. =aybe theywere beginning to make progress. She 'i'n*t nee' a gran' confession of eery minute

    they*' spent apart 'uring the )ast twe)e months% but there was so much that )ay unspoken

    between them. 5t fe)t )ike an impenetrab)e wa)) )ooming huge.

    8$t times it was 'ea' boring.8

    arry actua))y )aughe' an' put his book back on the she)f. e came oer to stan' net toher as she )ooke' through book after book% not fin'ing what she nee'e' in any of them.

    8Feah% )ea'ing a rebe))ion an' breaking into Snape*s office is 'efinite)y something that

    puts you to s)eep.8

    5t was the first time he*' acknow)e'ge' that he knew something that she*' gotten up to.4here was a tone about his wor's% but he wasn*t sco)'ing% an' (inny ha' to smirk.

    8,e))% it certain)y wasn*t infi)trating the =inistry or stea)ing 'ragons% but someone has to

    'o the menia) tasks.8

    e f)inche' but fina))y manage' a uirk of his )ips. 85 was terrifie' ha)f the time )astyear.8 is a'mission was sma))% but honest. 5t cause' goosebumps to rise on (inny*s arms

    an' she uick)y )ooke' away. 8$re you fin'ing anything he)pfu)8

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    (inny c)eare' her throat% knowing that arry ha' reache' his )imit with the sub@ect for

    the time being. 8;ot at a)).8

    80et*s try somewhere e)se then.8 arry shifte' uncomfortab)y an' g)ance' at the twoyoung women who were staring at him. (inny g)are' in their 'irection an' took arry*s

    han' in hers as they )eft the stacks of books. 8=aybe a camera shop.8

    8,hereer%8 (inny sai' with a shrug. 4he urgency of her pro@ect ha' fa'e' with the

    prospect of spen'ing time with arry. -erhaps if they 'i'n*t fin' what she was )ookingfor to'ay he might come with her again. She cou)' pro)ong the pro@ect in'efinite)y% if


    $s soon as the thought entere' her min'% (inny 'ismisse' it. 4hat wasn*t fair. arry was

    'oing important things at the =inistry an' ogwarts. e 'i'n*t be)ong to her% @ust as she'i'n*t be)ong to him.

    8,hat are you going to take pictures of when you fi the camera8 arry aske' whenthey were back out on the street.

    8erything.8 (inny grinne'. 85 @ust fee) )ike

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    4he shop turne' out to be eact)y what (inny nee'e'. 4he )itt)e o)' man with thick

    g)asses that ran the p)ace recogni+e' (inny*s camera right away an' een he)pe' them to

    fi something he ca))e' the focus mount% an' then the fi)m a'ance. e so)' them fi)man' insiste' on giing (inny a book about how to 'ee)op the photographs.

    arry watche' as the enthusiastic% curious (inny he remembere' ma'e an appearance. 5tseeme' to'ay that she was 'etermine' to c)ing to the norma) that they both crae'% an'

    arry was thri))e' to 'iscoer that he fe)t some of it seeping into him too.

    (inny was ama+ing. en when their wor)' ha' been torn apart% she manage' to fin'

    some bit of sunshine to brighten eerything.

    84hank you so much% arry.8

    ,hen they were outsi'e the 'oor% stan'ing on the crow'e' si'ewa)k% (inny threw herse)f

    into his arms an' near)y choke' him with her eagerness. arry was force' to wrap his

    arms aroun' her to keep them both upright.

    85 can*t thank you enough.8

    er eyes were bright an' crink)e' at the corners when she pu))e' back. arry swa))owe'

    thick)y an' cou)'n*t stop himse)f from pressing his )ips to hers. She respon'e' s)ow)y an'the kiss was oer far too soon for arry. 4he carefree aban'on that ha' 'ecorate' her

    face a moment before was gone when he pu))e' back an' arry curse' himse)f si)ent)y.

    Too fast.

    8=aybe we shou)' get back%8 he sai' awkwar')y.

    (inny no''e' an' put the bag she*' brought oer her shou)'er% but she 'i' take his han'in hers as they wa)ke'.

    85 think we shou)' p)an what pictures we*re going to take.8

    arry watche' the traffic on the roa'. 85 thought this [email protected] e g)ance' at her

    an' was happy to see that the 'iscomfort from before seeme' to be forgotten in herecitement.

    8>h% 5 seem to remember you 'iing wi))ing)y in this morning.8

    e smi)e' an' swung their han's gent)y as they wa)ke'. 8$hh% we))% if 5*' known what 5

    was getting myse)f into

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    arry snorte'. 8#ie years of schoo) together shou)' hae conince' you of that a)rea'y.8

    8ermione 'i' say you an' 9on neer 'i' your homework% an' copie' from her eery

    chance you got.8

    arry wante' to argue with that but he rea))y cou)'n*t. 8,e both owe her any 'ecentmarks we got%8 he sai' fon')y. e ha'n*t rea)i+e' how much he misse' his frien' unti)

    (inny ha' brought it up ear)ier to'ay. 8,e*re both going to strugg)e out in the rea)


    (inny woun' her arm tight)y into his an' arry*s heart thumpe' happi)y. =aybe hisear)ier sto)en kiss ha'n*t ruine' eerything )ike he*' worrie'. 8Fou*)) 'o fine. 5*m @ust

    hoping she*)) he)p me with ;..,.4.*s this year.8

    8ust ask%8 sai' arry. 85*m sure she*)) be thri))e' to hae someone who actua))y wants to


    80oe)y.8 (inny groane'. 8$n' since the two of you aren*t coming back% 5*)) hae her

    un'ii'e' attention.8 er eyes went wi'e an' arry ha' to chuck)e at the )ook.

    85*)) gie you the map an' the c)oak%8 he offere'. 8Fou can hi'e from her.8

    (inny )aughe' an' who)eBhearte')y accepte' his offer. 8$t )east 5*)) hae Hui''itch to

    b)ee' off the frustration.8 She soun'e' a bit wry about it an' arry peere' at her.

    8Do you sti)) want to p)ay when you )eae schoo)8

    She starte' an' arry won'ere' if she een remembere' te))ing him about her 'ream.8Feah%8 she fina))y answere' s)ow)y. 85 'o% but 5*m not going to count on it.8

    8Fou*)) be bri))iant%8 he sai'. 85f any of us ha' a shot at it% it was you.8

    8$ny team wou)' sign you in a heartbeat% arry%8 (inny argue'.

    arry scow)e'. 8;ot for the right reasons.8

    (inny was uiet unti) they stoo' )ooking at the grubby 'oor that )e' to the 0eaky

    "au)'ron. 8Does it bother you 4he fame. 4he reporters. 4he witches.8 She a''e' the )ast

    bit with a nasty smi)e an' arry brist)e'.


    8Fou an' 5 are going to be on the front page tomorrow% 5 guarantee it%8 (inny sai' in auiet oice.

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    arry pon'ere' that. e 'i'n*t want the who)e wor)' sticking their noses into his

    business% but being )inke' to (inny wasn*t the worst thing they cou)' print% as )ong as she

    'i'n*t min'.

    8Does it botheryou8 5t was the c)osest arry cou)' bring himse)f to asking if she wante'

    to be with him again% but those wor's @ust wou)'n*t )eae his mouth.

    She was far too uiet an' arry*s insi'es twiste' horrib)y. This is where she tells you that

    she !ust wants to be your friend.

    85t 'oesn*t bother me at a)).8 4here was a spark in her eye when he turne' to )ook that setarry a)ight. er a)most constant% si)ent 'etermination was back.

    8(oo'.8 e took her han' in his an' )e' her back into the ,i+ar'ing wor)'.

    ack at the urrow% (inny brought him into her father*s she' an' they sat on the wobb)y

    stoo)s whi)e (inny ep)aine' eerything she*' 'one. onest)y% arry 'i'n*t care about thecamera in her han's% but he )istene' anyway. 4hey were together% they were ta)kingA

    een if it was rather oneBsi'e' an' about nothing rea))yAan' arry fe)t )ike they*' taken

    another step towar' being back where they shou)' be.

    85 think it*s a)) rea'y%8 she sai' fina))y. 8;ow we @ust hae to take some photos.8

    8,hat 'o you want to take a picture of8

    (inny thought about it for a minute before a smi)e sprea' across her face. 80et*s go see

    what =um is up to.8

    arry )aughe' at her mischieous nature% but tagge' a)ong to see what she was going to


    =rs. ,eas)ey was in the gar'en% p)ucking wee's from her or'er)y rows of egetab)es.

    (inny an' arry wa)ke' uiet)y an' she 'i'n*t notice that they were een there. (inny

    motione' for arry to stay put an' he no''e' as she crept c)oser% rea'ying the camera.

    =rs. ,eas)ey craw)e' forwar' a row an' g)ance' up @ust as (inny snappe' thephotograph% catching her with a wi'e streak of 'irt 'own her face.

    8(inera ,eas)ey?8

    8Sorry% =um?8 (inny )aughe' gai)y. She snappe' another picture when her mother put

    her han's on her hips an' scow)e'.

    85 can*t be)iee you wou)' waste a photograph on such a si))y thing.8

    (inny rompe' back to arry an' they uick)y ma'e themse)es scarce.

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    8,e shou)' try an' catch (eorge at the shop%8 (inny suggeste'. arry went a)ong with

    it% knowing that he*' 'o pretty much anything to spen' more time with (inny.

    4hey caught (eorge )eitating a stack of huge boes an' start)e' him enough that theentire )oa' ti)te' precarious)y. (inny snappe' the picture @ust as the tower wobb)e' an'

    co))apse'% coering (eorge in ,on'er,itch pro'ucts.

    4heir 'ay continue' @ust )ike that. 4hey wou)' scout their prey an' take a photograph

    before arry $pparate' them to safety or they f)ooe' away. i)) an' ;ei))e% Dean an'0una% een 9on when he ha' a mouth fu)) of roast beef san'wich. >ne by one they

    capture' their frien's.

    $fter catching #)eur with her hair wrappe' in magica) cur)ers an' =r. ,eas)ey as)eep on

    the sofa% they en'e' the 'ay with a isit to 4e''y.

    8ere*s something we nee' to take photos of%8 arry sai'. 4e''y grinne' up at him an'

    trie' to stuff his toes into his mouth. (inny watche' fon')y an' took another photograph.

    85 agree.8

    8ery time 5 come he*s 'ifferent%8 sai' arry. 8efore you know it he*)) be wa)king an'


    4he f)ash went off again an' arry ha' the fee)ing that she*' taken a picture of him% not4e''y. e fe)t his cheeks heat an' )et 4e''y wrap his spitBcoere' fingers aroun'


    8arry% to'ay when you kisse' me

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    8,e can*t preten' that we haen*t change'%8 he agree'.

    8act)y.8 (inny soun'e' re)iee' that he un'erstoo'. 8,e*re both 'ea)ing with a )ot

    right now an' @umping right back to where we think we might hae been

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    84here can be kissing.8

    8$ )ot of kissing%8 arry reaffirme'. 8,e hae months to make up for% after a)).8

    (inny )aughe' an' )eane' into him. 8(it.8 She initiate' the kiss an' arry fe)t himse)f

    fa)) into the p)easure of it. 5t was )ike the kiss on his birth'ay )ast year% fu)) of 'esperationan' promise.

    4e''y cooe' happi)y an' they broke apart% cheeks f)aming.

    8$ )ot of kissing%8 arry sai'.

    8$n' a )ot of pictures.8 She )ifte' the camera an' snappe' another one of arry with his

    @aw hanging open.

    4hings weren*t perfect. arry knew that. 4here were sti)) things that nee'e' to be fie'%an' some things that wou)' neer be fie'% no matter how much they fought an'


    ut they fe)t a )ot c)oser to perfect than arry eer picture' they cou)' beC especia))yright now% when he )ay in the coo) grass in the gar'en of the urrow with (inny besi'e

    him. 4heir shou)'ers rubbe' )ight)y an' their fingers were twine' together so tight)y that

    arry cou)'n*t fee) the tips of his.

    85*m )eaing tomorrow.8

    8Don*t remin' me%8 arry sai' moo'i)y. =aybe if he c)ose' his eyes an' refuse' to watchthe 'usk fa'e into night% tomorrow wou)'n*t come% an' they wou)' sti)) be here% fro+en in


    (inny sighe' 'eep)y an' arry turne' his face to )ook at her. She was s)ight)y fu++y

    because he*' taken his g)asses off ear)ier. She was staring up at the pinkBorange sky% hereyes tracing the patterns of feathery c)ou's across the epanse.

    80ook% the first star.8

    84hat*s an airp)ane%8 arry sai'. e 'i'n*t een )ook at it to check% but sai' it simp)y to

    hear her argue with him about it. 4hey*' 'one this often enough in the past few weeksan' the fami)iarity of the moment was we)come an' warm.

    (inny scoffe'. 8Fou*re b)in'? -ut your g)asses back on an' you*)) c)ear)y see it*sA8

    8$ sate))ite%8 arry uippe'.

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    8;ot on)y b)in'% but hope)ess as we)).8 (inny sighe' an' turne' her hea' to face him.

    8$n' you*e got a sunburn.8

    arry 'i' notice his nose an' cheeks were ten'er% but he 'i'n*t care. 4hey*' been outf)ying a)) afternoon% practicing (inny*s new i'eas for the (ryffin'or teamAshe*' gotten

    the "aptain*s a'ge @ust the other 'ay in the ow) post. e wou)'n*t tra'e those hourswatching (inny*s sunBstreake' form +oom aroun' the pitch for anything.

    8So 'o you%8 he sai'. e )ifte' a finger an' )et it trace a)ong the bri'ge of her nose% 'ownto the en' where he gae it a sma)) tap.

    8(reat%8 (inny grow)e'% 8more freck)es.8

    84hey*re not as ba' as you think they are.8

    8>nce again% we*re remin'e' that you*re b)in'.8

    arry chuck)e' an' shook his hea'. e was going to miss these repetitie )itt)e

    conersations. e*' gotten use' to spen'ing eenings with (innyAit was )ike their ownpersona) time when een 9on knew to )eae them a)one. >f course% now that ermione

    was back from $ustra)ia 9on was much easier to 'istract.

    #or weeks% arry an' (inny ha' sto)en eery minute they cou)'. =uch of their time was

    spent capturing moments in time with (inny*s camera. 4he wa)) in the urrow*s )iingroom was teeming with new photographs that ma'e =o))y*s eyes water. 4hey*' taken so

    many% in fact% that (inny ha' ma'e a photo book to take back to ogwarts an' ha' a''e'

    )oa's of new photos to arry*s a)bum.

    $t first the pro@ect with the pictures was something that they cou)' 'o together%

    something other than the things they*' gone through to ta)k about. S)ow)y% though% they

    began to fin' other things to 'iscuss an' the past s)ippe' out. Some 'ays it was a 'rabb)e

    at a time% a sentence pu))e' here or there% an obseration ma'e whi)e they worke' si'e bysi'e pouring potion oer the fi)m to see the faces appear% an' other 'ays it spi))e' out of

    them% who)e chunks at a time.

    4he sha'ows fa'e' further% an' arry fe)t happier than he cou)' remember being in a

    ery )ong time. e*' een taken a chance )ast week an' whispere' to (inny that he )oe'her. She seeme' shocke' when the wor's s)ippe' from his mouth @ust before he kisse'

    her% but p)ease' a)so. She sai' the wor's back an' arry fe)t the thri)) of )etting themsoak into his summerBkisse' skin.

    85 can*t be)iee we hae to be apart again.8 (inny*s fingers brushe' his oer)yB)ong hair

    away from his forehea' an' trace' his eyebrows.

    85t*)) be 'ifferent%8 arry promise'.

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    8;o more hi'ing in tents for you.8 She )aughe' )ight)y.

    $n' arry rea)i+e' that it wasfunny now. $)) that they*' gone throughAa)though he

    agree' about the who)e tent thingAwasn*t as sharp now. 5t 'i'n*t hurt to simp)y thinkabout. 4here were times when the grief of )osing someone wou)' hit him har'% but now

    he ha' (inny to turn to% an' she cou)' cry on his shou)'er a)so.

    8;o more )ea'ing rebe))ions%8 he sco)'e'.

    (inny sighe'. 85t 'oes take some of the ecitement out of the year% but 5*)) 'o my best to


    arry snorte'. 8-)ease% gie us a 'u)) year?8 e ca))e' it up to the purp)e heaens an'

    they both chuck)e'.

    8$)) our )etters are going to be horrib)y 'rab.8

    8Fours% maybe%8 arry sai'. 8=ine wi)) be fu)) of how many times 5*e wa)ke' in on 9on

    an' ermione snoggingA8

    8>r worse.8 (inny )aughe'.

    arry scrunche' up his face an' ro))e' onto his back. (inny cur)e' into him an' reste'

    her hea' on his shou)'er. er )eg )ifte' onto his an' arry*s bo'y humme' with attraction

    that he was too content to pursue. esi'es% they were@ust in the gar'en% where anybo'ycou)' wan'er through at any minute.

    85*)) take )oa's of pictures for you%8 (inny promise'. 8$n' you can come up an' takesome yourse)f.8

    85*)) take some of 4e''y%8 arry sai'. e*' a)rea'y promise' that% but he wante' to say itagain. 8$n' of your fami)y.8

    4hey )ay together in si)ence an' arry thought back to the many nights they*' been right

    here% in this same spot. (inny*s fingers wou)' run through his hair as she to)' him about

    ogwarts )ast yearAnot eerything% because she cou)'n*t bring herse)f to say it a)). arrywishe' he cou)' change things for her% but he un'erstoo' that eerything she*' gone

    through ha' ma'e her into this person that he was in )oe with.

    $n' she he)' his han' an' kisse' away the worry )ines near his mouth when he to)' her

    about being in the tent% an' the 'ragon% an' wa)king into the forest. She 'i'n*t sayanything when he to)' her about seeing her face ming)e' with the green of the ki))ing

    curse% but crie' right a)ong with him.

    $n' arry fe)t himse)f fa)) in )oe% tru)y% comp)ete)y fa)) in )oe. 5t wasn*t simp)y the i'ea

    of being with (innyAsomeone @ust for him. 5t was )oing the way her temper f)are'

  • 8/13/2019 Dusk & Summer by Hgfan1111


    when he sai' something stupi'% or )oing the way that she was unsure of herse)f at times

    A@ust )ike he was.

    e fe)t )ost% in the best way possib)e.

    8Fou*re happy% aren*t you8

    (inny )ifte' her hea' an' )ooke' at him. $ s)ow smi)e sprea' on her face. 8appier than 5

    thought 5*' eer be again. 5t*s not perfect% butA8

    8-erfection is oerrate'%8 arry sai'.

    8ut 5 think this moment might be perfection.8 (inny )ay her hea' back 'own.

    $n' right then arry agree' with her. 4his moment was something he was going to c)ingtoC a threa' of a memory that woe the picture of who he an' (inny were. ere in the

    'usk an' summer% together.

    5f he c)ose' his eyes% maybe it wou)' )ast. $n' )ast. $n' )ast.
