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DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training Complexes

DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training Complexes

DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training Complexes

Disclaimer!!Please review the following User Agreement carefully before using the 300 Ultimate Sandbag Workout program. The author of this e-book strongly recommends that you consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program. You should be in good physical condition and be able to participate in the exercise.!!Innovative Fitness Solutions, LLC is not a licensed medical care provider and represents that it has no expertise in diagnosing, examining, or treating medical conditions of any kind, or in determining the effect of any specific exercise on a medical condition.!!You should understand that when participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge Innovative Fitness Solutions, LLC from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of Innovative Fitness Solutions, LLC negligence.! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training Complexes

!What Is A Complex? !!Complexes have been used in fitness forever. The favor of using complexes has been related to their ability to accomplish a lot in a very small amount of time. Most of the time, complexes were used in general fitness arenas as a means to increase endurance and the amount of energy given off by a specific exercise. However, complexes have also long been used in athletic circles to achieve more detailed goals. !!Those new to complexes, there are various forms. A complex involves one exercise that contains several exercises. Simple complexes have existed for years such as lunging and biceps curls, squat to overhead press, push-up and squat thrust. Building complexes is not restricted to two exercises, in fact, building complexes has no limit. Yet, we want you to understand how to build complexes in a smart manner to achieve your goals. !!Istvan Javorek is considered a “founding father” of complexes for athletes. Coach Javorek was one of the first to attempt to build a system with complexes. His goal was to bring some of the success he had with Olympic athletes in Eastern Europe to American athletes and sports. !!One of the most important concepts Coach Javorek espoused was that of “General Physical Preparation” (GPP). This term has gained popularity in the last few years, but has been misunderstood. People assume that GPP is a free pass to beat themselves up with very general conditioning based exercises. However, Coach Javorek had deeper intent…!!“The main purpose of combination lifts is to improve and stimulate neuromuscular coordination, increase the workout load and intensity, stimulate the musculoskeletal system, increase the free weight program’s cardiovascular quality, and make a program more dynamic and efficient.”!!If that seems a bit overwhelming don’t worry, I am going to lay out how you can create your own very effective complexes with principles from our Dynamic Variable Resistance Training (DVRT™) system. You will also find over 20 Ultimate Sandbag complexes to follow as you learn to develop your own. The key is to understand that the best complexes are those with just a little bit of planning. If done correctly you will find that Ultimate Sandbag complexes are the most effective means in getting in shape, building flexibility, increasing strength, and getting lean! !!!

DVRT Master Instructor and Co-Owner of Envision Fitness in Vancouver shows how creative and purposeful you can make DVRT Complexes

DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training Complexes

!!!!Do DVRT Complexes Have Any Advantages?!!Building complexes based upon our DVRT system can encompass a ton of great benefits. Right off the bat you will find that your heart rate goes through the roof in a very short amount of time. That means you can get fit in a very short amount of time and with minimal space available. You

will find the heart rates achieved are similar to those found in running and sprinting. Unlike these highly touted “get fit fast” methods, you will not have the pounding on the joints, or need for the right surfaces and weather. !!Don’t be fooled with complexes being easy though. These will be some of the most challenging workouts you have experienced!!!DVRT complexes are powerful in both burning body fat and improving conditioning. The benefits don’t stop there though. DVRT complexes don’t have to be done fast in order to achieve these results, you will find that DVRT complexes employ slow and fast speeds to take advantage of the pros that both offer. Using these variations will not only make your programs more effective, but will give you ways to progress the workouts for any fitness level. No matter where you are

starting in your fitness program you will be able to benefit from DVRT complexes. !!

Unfortunately, like most forms of fitness unless you come into developing complexes with a plan, most end up just doing what they already are good at and miss many of the powerful benefits! Does that mean DVRT complexes have to be a combination of greatest hits of your LEAST favorite exercises? Absolutely not! What we are going to do is giving you great balance of many different movements to create not just a well rounded physique, but athleticism as well. !!That is key! You must have balance between all the different movement patterns listed below. Using all of them in one DVRT complex is not necessary, however, making sure that you rotate them over the course of various complexes helps accomplish balance. Not sure how to do this? Make sure to take your time working through our DVRT complexes provided and see how we use these concepts in various ways. !!DVRT Movement Patterns:!

DVRT Level 1 & 2 certified instructor, Jackie Pezzolesi knows that DVRT Complexes allow you transform anywhere into an awesome gym!

DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training Complexes

- Squat!- Hip Hinge!- Lunge!- Horizontal Pulling!- Horizontal Pushing!- Vertical Pulling!- Vertical Pushing!- Rotation!- Anti-Rotation!- Flexion!- Anti-Flexion!!Using DVRT complexes go beyond these standard movement patterns. Due to the design of the Ultimate Sandbag we can move in different planes, using various holding positions, and angles. What does this matter? Sure, variation is great, but that isn’t why we are using these principles. Utilizing these concepts allows us to build more progressions, increase the intensity of the exercises, and create more effective strength/fat loss workouts. !!The instability of the Ultimate Sandbag adds one more dimension to all the DVRT complexes. An unstable implement like the Ultimate Sandbag will enhance core and stabilizer strength, but also something more subtle. With most other fitness tools, the Ultimate Sandbag is impossible to “groove”. That means we work harder and smarter because every repetition is different, every single lift! All of this combined is the reason that DVRT complexes are a must use form of training!!!How to Build a DVRT Complex!!DVRT complexes can come in two forms. One of the most common is performing a few repetitions of one drill immediately followed by a different drill. An easy example is performing a certain number of squats (typically around 5-6) then with no rest performing an overhead press for a specified number of repetitions. !!You may also see us use DVRT complexes with one repetition of an exercise followed by one repetition of another. Such an example would be one clean followed by a squat and then lastly an overhead press. This is a very easy demonstration of these complexes, but you will find great variation of them in the DVRT model. !!A DVRT complex like this allows us to sometimes seamlessly flow from one exercise to another.

DVRT Master Instructor, Jason Balajadia, shows that DVRT complexes can be simple. On more stable DVRT complexes we can use more weight in our Ultimate Sandbags or more unstable USBs.

DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training Complexes

This provides an opportunity to really focus on some movement oriented drills that will make you feel that flowing strength that often is accustomed to training like martial arts, gymnastics, or even some more strength based yogas. Pretty cool stuff and definitely requires a bit of practice to become truly proficient. !!!Common Questions and Answers with DVRT Complexes!!Q: How often should I use a DVRT Complex?!!A: Depends a bit on your experience, training frequency, and goals. If fat loss and general

strength/conditioning are your priorities, I would recommend up to twice a week. This also holds true if you are an athlete in the off-season. If you are looking for maximal strength gains and have been training for an extended period of time you can use them once a week. However, in some cases I might recommend using an abbreviated version of the complexes as a means to work on muscular balance and flexibility after one’s focused training is done. !!Q: Should I perform the DVRT Complexes in the order you listed them?!!A: Not necessarily, while I have tried to lay them out in a somewhat progressive and balanced fashion, ultimately it is up to you. I would highly suggest to alternate complexes of different movement patterns so you don’t perform too much of similar movement patterns. For example, if you squat one workout, a complex with more lunges or deadlifts would be a better choice. If you have pressed overhead in one form or another, look to use rows for a second option. !!Q: How much weight or size of Ultimate Sandbag should I use in the complexes?!!A: If you are brand new to DVRT complexes definitely error on a bit of a lighter side. For women that could be a Power Ultimate Sandbag at 25-30 pounds, for guys a Strength Ultimate Sandbag at 40-50 pounds. If you do great and it is easy then increase your weight. !!If you are more experienced and depending upon the type of complex women could use a 40 pound Strength Ultimate Sandbag and men could use a 70 pound Ultimate Sandbag. This assumes that the focus on more stable lifts like cleans, deadlifts, presses, rows, etc. When we add complexity of movement then this can change. Ideal would be having one lighter and one heavier Ultimate Sandbag to maximize your training. !!

The options you have available for DVRT Complexes are like no other!

DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training Complexes

In order to help you if you wish to do this, use coupon code “complex” at our DVRT store and save 15% on your next Ultimate Sandbag!!!

DVRT Complexes !

The DVRT Complexes in this section will fall into one of two categories, “Flows” or “Hybrids”. A “Flow” complex refers to one that moves from one exercise right into another. For example, performing a squat right into performing an overhead press. A “Hybrid” refers to performing a specific number of repetitions of one movement before moving to the next. This would be five repetitions of a Power Clean then immediately five repetitions of a squat, and so on. !Check out the links to the videos of each complex if you have questions or drop us a line at our DVRT Fitness Group HERE

!Iron Clad Hybrid

Watch Video HERE !

!Armory Hybrid

Watch Video HERE !

Exercises Repetitions Per Exericse Rounds

Clean and Press 5 4-6

Power Clean 5 4-6

Front Loaded Squat 5 4-6

Rest 60 Seconds Between Rounds

Exercises Repetitions Per Exericse Rounds

High Pull 3/2/1 4-5

Bent-Over Row 3/2/1 4-5

Power Clean 3/2/1 4-5

Drop Lunge 3/2/1 per side Rest 60 Seconds Between Rounds

DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training Complexes

!!Brick Wall Hybrid Watch Video HERE !

!Burn Move Flow

Watch Video HERE

Exercises Repetitions Per Exericse Rounds

Lateral Step Clean 3 with 10 second pause 4-5

Drop Lunge 3 with 10 second pause 4-5

Half Kneeling Press 3 with 10 second pause 4-5

Rest 60 Seconds Between Rounds (a round can be between sides or after

both sides are completed)

Exercises Repetitions Per Exericse Rounds

Rear Step Deadlift 3 5

Staggered Row 3 5

Staggered Clean 3 5

Staggered Press 3 5

Lateral Step Deadlift 3 5

Rest 60 seconds Between Rounds (You may rest

between switching sides, but the completion of

both sides is one round)

DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training Complexes

!Groove Flow

Watch the Video HERE !

!Strong and Stable Flow Watch the Video HERE !

!Snatch Power Hybrid

Watch the Video HERE !


Exercises Repetitions Per Exericse Rounds

Rotational Lunge 5 4-6

Bent-Over Row 5 4-6

Clean-Squat-Press 5 4-6

Rest 60 Seconds Between Rounds

Exercises Repetitions Per Exericse Rounds

Staggered Shoulder 3/2/1 3-5

Staggered Squat 3/2/1 3-5

Staggered Arc Press 3/2/1 3-5

Rest 60 Seconds Between Rounds

Exercises Repetitions Per Exericse Rounds

Lateral Step Snatch 5 per side 4-6

Staggered Snatch 5 per side 4-6

Power Snatch 10 4-6

Rest 60 Seconds Between Rounds

DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training Complexes

!Push-Pull Hybrid

Watch the Video HERE !

!Big Shot Hybrid

Watch the Video HERE !

!Pure Will Hybrid

Watch the Video HERE !


Exercises Repetitions Per Exericse Rounds

High Pull 10/8/6/4/2 2-4

Clean to Press 5/4/3/2/1 2-4

Rest 60 Seconds Between Rounds and Proceed to

Next Hybrid

Deadlift 10/8/6/4/2 2-4

Squat Clean 5/4/3/2/1 2-4

Exercises Repetitions Per Exericse Rounds

Power Clean 9 4-6

Front Loaded Squat 6 4-6

Half Kneeling Press 3 Per Side 4-6

Rest 60 Seconds Between Rounds

Exercises Repetitions Per Exericse Rounds

Power Clean 3/2/1 4-5

Overhead Press 3/2/1 4-5

Overhead Lunge 3/2/1 4-5

Front Loaded Squat 3/2/1 4-5

Rest 60 Seconds Between Rounds.

DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training Complexes

!Lateral Move Flow

Watch the Video HERE

!Rotational Power Hybrid Watch the Video HERE

!Keep Moving Hybrid

Watch the Video HERE !


Exercises Repetitions Per Exericse Rounds

Lateral Step Row 5 5-8 per side

Lateral Step Clean 5 5-8 per side

Lateral Clean Grip Lunge 5 5-8 per side

Military Press 5 5-8 per side

Rest 60 Seconds Between Rounds.

Exercises Repetitions Per Exericse Rounds

Rotational Lunge 6 Per Side 4-5 Rounds

Shoveling 6 Per Side 4-5 Rounds

High Pulls 12 4-5 Rounds

Rest 60 Seconds Between Rounds.

Exercises Repetitions Per Exericse Rounds

Rotational Lunge 6 Per Side 4-5 Rounds

Shoveling 6 Per Side 4-5 Rounds

High Pulls 12 4-5 Rounds

Rest 60 Seconds Between Rounds.

DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training Complexes

!On the Shoulder Hybrid Watch the Video HERE

!Big Step Flow

Watch the Video HERE

!!Out of Bounds Flow

Watch the Video HERE


Exercises Repetitions Per Exericse


Arc Push Press 6 Per Side 4-6 Rounds

Shouldering 6 Per Side 4-6 Rounds

Bear Hug Squat Hops 12 4-6 Rounds

Rest 60 Seconds Between Rounds.

Exercises Repetitions Per Exericse


Rotational Lunge 5 Per Side As Many Rounds As Possible in 15 Minutes

Forward Step Deadlift 5 Per Side As Many Rounds As Possible in 15 Minutes

Bent-Over Row 5 Per Side As Many Rounds As Possible in 15 Minutes

Rest 60 Seconds Between Rounds.

Exercises Repetitions Per Exericse


Rotational Clean 5 Per Side 4-5 Rounds

Clean Grip Squat 5 Per Side 4-5 Rounds

Rotational Press 5 Per Side 4-5 Rounds

Rest 60 Seconds Between Rounds.

DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training Complexes

!!Evolution Flow

Watch the Video HERE

!Simple & Sinister Flow Watch the Video HERE

Exercises Repetitions Per Exericse Rounds

Rotational Lunge Clean 5 Per Side 4-6 Rounds

Front Loaded Lunge 5 Per Side 4-6 Rounds

Overhead Press 5 4-6 Rounds

Rest 60 Seconds Between Rounds.

Exercises Repetitions Per Exericse


Power Clean 6 6-8 Rounds

Squat Press 6 6-8 Rounds

Bent-Over Row 6 6-8 Rounds

High Pull 6 6-8 Rounds

Rest 60 Seconds Between Rounds

DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training Complexes

!Power Through

Watch the Video HERE

!New Clean & Press

Watch the Video HERE

!Want to Add to Your DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Gym?

Use Coupon Code “dvrt” to Save 15%!

Exercises Repetitions Per Exericse


Front Loaded Good Mornings

20 Seconds Work/10 Seconds of Rest

6 Rounds

Mountain Climbers 20 Seconds Work/10 Seconds of Rest

6 Rounds

Staggered Clean and Press

20 Seconds Work/10 Seconds of Rest

6 Rounds

Split Jumps 20 Seconds Work/10 Seconds of Rest

6 Rounds

Rest 30 Seconds Between Rounds

Exercises Repetitions Per Exericse


Power Clean 6 5-6 Rounds

Up Downs 6 Per Leg 5-6 Rounds

Kneeling Press 6 5-6 Rounds

Rest 60 Seconds Between Rounds
