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DWARKA INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL CLASS I FUN FILLED …2) Read Story Books like Panchatantra and Tenali...

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DWARKA INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL CLASS I FUN FILLED SUMMER ACTIVITIES (2019-20) THEME: SEASONS Name :_______________ Class:__________ Section : _________ Dear Children, It’s time for mangoes, watermelons, ice creams, lemonades and lots and lots of fun! Summer vacations are a welcome break from fixed schedules, rules and regulations. Visiting Nanima house, Dadima house, picnics, exploring new places and watching your favourite shows on television. But there is a lot more you can do to make your holidays more interesting and meaningful along with doing your masti. Your teachers have planned some interesting activities for you. So, don’t sleep till late in the morning. Try getting up early and go for a morning walk with your parents, breathe fresh air and avoid playing out in sun. Make a decorative paper bag/folder to keep all your holiday homework. Kindly ensure that the holiday homework is completed by the student himself/herself under parent guidance and bring it in a folder. All the work should be handwritten. Original drawings / illustrations and creative use of material will be appreciated. The homework should be presented with coloured pictures wherever necessary. Use colours, sketch pens or glitter pens for writing. Decorate creatively, presenting your information in the best possible way. Date for Submission of Holiday H.W is 28.6.19 AND 29.6.19 GENERAL GUIDELINES. Dos Drink lots of water. Carry a water bottle wherever you go. Wear light cotton clothes. Have plenty of seasonal fruits like musk-melon, water-melon, peach, mango, etc.



    Name :_______________ Class:__________ Section : _________

    Dear Children, It’s time for mangoes, watermelons, ice creams, lemonades and lots and lots of fun! Summer vacations are a welcome break from fixed schedules, rules and regulations. Visiting Nanima house, Dadima house, picnics, exploring new places and watching your favourite shows on television. But there is a lot more you can do to make your holidays more interesting and meaningful along with doing your masti. Your teachers have planned some interesting activities for you. So, don’t sleep till late in the morning. Try getting up early and go for a morning walk with your parents, breathe fresh air and avoid playing out in sun. Make a decorative paper bag/folder to keep all your holiday homework.

    Kindly ensure that the holiday homework is completed by the student himself/herself under parent guidance and bring it in a folder. All the work should be handwritten.

    Original drawings / illustrations and creative use of material will be appreciated. The homework should be presented with coloured pictures wherever necessary. Use colours, sketch pens or glitter pens for writing. Decorate creatively, presenting your information in the best possible way.

    Date for Submission of Holiday H.W is 28.6.19 AND 29.6.19


    Do’s ✓Drink lots of water.

    ✓Carry a water bottle wherever you go.

    ✓Wear light cotton clothes.

    ✓Have plenty of seasonal fruits like musk-melon,

    water-melon, peach, mango, etc.

  • ✓Drink a glass of buttermilk with every meal.

    ✓Study for one to two hours every day.

    ✓Play outdoor games (only in evenings), go for cycling,

    swimming (accompanied by elders), hide and seek, anything

    that will make you run.

    ✓Imbibe good manners – 4 magic words ―Please, Thank you,

    Excuse me, Sorry – Use them and see the difference.


    ✓Don’t be out of house in afternoon

    ✓Don’t have junk food.

    ✓Don’t watch too much TV.

    ✓Don’t waste time in being lazy.

    Dear Parents,

    “Together we may give our children the roots to grow and the wings to fly.”

    It’s our accountability to nurture our divine blossoming buds with care, serenity,

    tenderness, and endearment. They look forward to us for every petty yet significant

    issue. It is very crucial to endow them with your precious time and million dollar

    smile which they yearn to witness.

    Working together on the activities will help your child to build confidence, learn to

    reason and develop skills necessary for their education. So, utilize this golden period

    of family reunion and strengthen your family ties with your kids and relatives. Gear

    up and utilize your time in the best possible manner.

    ______________ ____________________

    Principal Head Mistress

  • * Spend your Summer Break Fruitfully with the following Activities

  • EVS

    Different fruits are available in different seasons .

    FSA 1) Let’s enjoy all the seasonal fruits available in the market during

    this summer break and learn something interesting about the seeds

    of these fruits. Note down your observations in the observation table

    given below. (Please note that you can use a slice of a fruit rather

    than whole fruit for writing the information)

    Observation Table





  • It’s time to take a cool dip into the ocean of imagination.

    FSA 2) Fruits have seeds of different sizes and shapes. Now use your

    creativity and make something new ( any design) with the seeds you have saved. You can use sketch pens, paints, glitters etc to

    decorate. Do this work in A-3 sheet. Some ideas are given below for

    your reference:

    Loo and Dust storms make the body dehydrated and weak in Summers.

    FSA 3) Find out from your elders and parents what all you should eat or drink in summers to keep your body fit and fine. Write the names of minimum 10-12 food or drink items in scrap book along with the pictures. For eg. Buttermilk , cucumber etc.

    Juice Ice cream

  • Festivals have a very specific significance for e.g. Arrival of a

    season, or the victory of good over evil, or the birth of God etc.

    FSA 4) Write the names of few festivals along with the month and season in which we celebrate these festivals. You can add pictures

    also. Do this work in scrap book for e.g.

    Festival Picture Season Month

    Durga puja

    Autumn October

    Spring is the season when flower bloom everywhere

    whereas Autumn is also known as Fall season.

    FSA 5) Become a budding artist and show how your garden will look

    in Autumn and Spring season. Do this work in A3 sheet. You can

    colour your drawing. Use your own creativity. For example:


  • Winter, Summer, Spring, Fall .What do you like the best of all?

    Winter’s cold, Summer’s hot, Spring time’s green and Fall is hot.

    I can’t decide , I like them all, Winter, Summer, Spring, Fall.

    FSA 6) Look at the table given below and complete it by adding

    information about various seasons. You can do this work in chart

    paper and decorate it with suitable pictures.



    ANY (2) FRUITS











    bitter gourd



    A.C , cooler




  • ह िंदी कहानियों का मारे जीवन पर एक अद्भतु असर ोता ै| एक छोटी सी क ानी, मारे ववचारों में बड़ा बदलाव ला सकती ै | क ाननयााँ मनोरिंजन के साथ साथ आपको बड़ी सीख देने का भी काम करती ैं | अपनी गमी की छुट्हटयों में शिक्षाप्रद क ाननयााँ पहिए और म उम्मीद करते ैं कक ये क ाननयािं आपके जीवन में सकारात्मक बदलाव ला पाएाँगी| धोबी और गधा एक निधधि धोबी था| उसके पास एक गधा था | वह काफी कमज़ोर था क्योंकक उसे बहुत कम खािे पीिे को ममल पाता था | एक दिि, धोबी को एक मरा हुआ बाघ ममला | उसिे

    सोचा,”मैं गधेके ऊपर इस बाघ की खाल डाल ि ूँगा और उसे पड़ोमसयों के खतेों में चरिे के मलए छोड़ दिया करूँ गा | ककसाि समझेंगे कक वह सचमचु का बाघ है और उससे डरकर ि र रहेंगे और गधा आराम से खेत चर मलया करेगा” |धोबी िे तुरंत अपिी योजिा पर अमल कर डाला| उसकी योजिा काम कर गयी |एक रात गधा खेत में चर रहा था कक उसे ककसी गधी की रेंकिे की आवाज़ सिुाई

    िी | उस आवाज़ को सिुकर वह इतिे जोश में आ गया कक वह भी जोर-जोर से रेंकिे लगा| गधे की आवाज़ सिुकर ककसािों को उसकी असमलयत का पता लग गया और उन्होंिे गधे की ख ब पपटाई की | इसमलए कहा गया है कक अपिी सच्चाई िहीं नछपािी चादहए |

    प्र०1) पप्रय छात्रों , धोबी और गधा कहािी आिंिप वधक पदिए व कहािी मेंआए बबिा मात्रा वाले,आ की मात्रा वाले, इ मात्रा तथा ई मात्रा के शब्िों को छाूँटकर मलखखए व इि में से ककन्ही िस शब्िों के वाक्य बिाईए | यह कायध स्क्रैप बुक में कीजजए |

  • प्र०2) नीचे दिए गए बािल ों में दिए गए दचत् ों के माध्यम से प्रते्यक ऋतु क

    पहचादनए व उसका नाम दलखकर उस ऋतु से सम्बोंदित फल ,सब्ज़ीऔर वस्त्र

    का नाम दलखखएI

  • प्र०3) इन्ही पोंखिय ों क ध्यान में रखते हुए नीचे दिए गए शब् ों क ऋतुओों

    केअनुसार छााँटकर तादलका में दलखखए I

    इोंद्रिनुष आम बरसात गरमी काला बािल अिरक पोंखा

    शलगम गीजर नी ोंबू सोंतरा अचकन ठों ड अनार

    बफफ क हरा छाता लू नाव आइसक्रीम

    ऋतुएाँ आती जाती हैं,जीवन का पाठ दसखाती हैं,

    पररवतफन ही जीवन है,बात यह हमें बताती हैं I

    वर्ाा ऋतु िीत ऋतु ग्रीष्म ऋतु

  • डेहदलया

    चोंचल वायु गीत सुनाए, मन्द-मन्द सुगन्ध फैलाए सुन्दर

    फूल ों का यह झुरमुट, सब के मन क बहुत लुभाएI

    प्र०4) फूल हमारी प्रकृदत की सबसे प्यारी िेन हैं। हर ऋतु में प्रते्यक फूल कीअपनी महत्वता है I इसी बात क ध्यान में रखते हुए दवदभन्न ऋतुओों में पाए जाने वाले

    दवदभन्न फूल ों के नाम दलखकर उनके दचत् क सै्क्रप बुक में दचपकाएाँ I जैसे:-

    ग्रीष्म ऋतु


    शीत ऋतु

  • प्र० 5) गरमी में पानी का लुफ़्त उठाएाँ और दिए गए दचत् में रोंग भररए I

  • प्र० 6.) *” योग भगाए रोग” को ध्याि में रखत ेहुए 21 ज ि को अंतराष्रीय योग दिवस मिाया जाता है | आप भी उस दिि अपिे आस पास ककसी उद्याि में जाइए और पवमभन्ि योगासिों का अभ्यास कररए | योगासि करत ेहुए अपिी कुछ तस्क्वीरें खींचकर A-3 शीट पर चचपकाएूँ व उि योगासिों के िाम भी मलखखए | प्र०7) नीचे दिए गए कायफ क अनुक्रमाोंक के अनुसार कीदजए -:

    अनुक्रमाोंक ( Roll No.) कायफ

    1- 8 बारहखड़ी का चाटफ बनाइए

    9 – 12 उ मात्ा के शब् ों का (WALL


    13 - 16 ऊ मात्ा के शब् ों का (WALL

    HANGING) बनाइए

    17 – 20 ए मात्ा के शब् ों का (WALL

    HANGING) बनाइए

    21– 24 ऐ मात्ा के शब् ों का (WALL


    25 - 28 ओ मात्ा के शब् ों का (WALL

    HANGING) बनाइए

    29 - 34 औ मात्ा के शब् ों का (WALL

    HANGING) बनाइए

    प्र०8) पााँच पोंखिय ों वाली पुखिका में सुलेख के १० पृष्ठ कीदजएI

    प्र०9) Hindi practice बुकलेट के पृष्ठ - 8, 9, 14, 19, 22 और 23 कीदजएI

  • ENGLISH 1) Revise all work done till date in books, notebook and


    2) Read Story Books like Panchatantra and Tenali Rama.

    3) Read News headlines under parental guidance.

    4) Watch English Movies like Home Alone, Frozen, Finding Nemo and Zootopia etc.

    My favourite season is summer season as I love to eat ice creams.

    FSA 1) In a scrap book make a bucket list of things you want to do in

    your favourite season. An example has been given.

    1) Love to do swimming.

    2) Visit my grandparents.

    3) ___________________

    4) ___________________

    5) ___________________


  • FSA 2) Be it any season, we always love our family. Write the name of anyone of your family member. Paste his/her

    picture and write down a describing word for each letter

    of his/her name. Suppose your mother’s name is Sunita.

    Do this work in scrap book.


    S- Sweet

    U – Unique

    N- Nice


    T- Talented



  • Give wings to your creativity.

    FSA 3) Month of June symbolizes

    summers, vacations and Father’s

    day. So let’s prepare any

    yumilicious recipe for your loving

    Dad!!!. It can be either aam panna,

    chocolate cake or banana split ice

    cream. Don’t forget to take help of

    your mom or grandmom.Click the

    pictures and request your elder brother or sister to make video


    Paste all the pictures in scrap book that how you celebrated Father’s day.

  • Be a Poet

    As poetry provides a terrific and creative outlet for ideas, thoughts and feelings.

    FSA 4) Write a season poem on an A4 size sheet according to your roll numbers. Color and decorate the

    sheet beautifully related to that season. Roll no. Season

    1 – 8 Summer season 9 - 16 Winter season 17-24 Rainy Season 25-34 Autumn Season

  • O

    Autumn Crossword Puzzle

    FSA 5) Follow the clues and complete the puzzle.



    3) Another name of Fall

    4) What falls from a tree

    in Autumn season

    DOWN 1) Vegetables that grow

    on stalks.

    2) Collecting fruits

    that’s been grown.








  • Time for vocabulary building FSA 6) Make a beautiful wall hanging with delightful season words.

    Take a cut out of any shape/object and write your favourite season on it.

    Below the cut out add few more cut outs of any shape and write few more vocabulary words on each cut out related to the particular season.

    For example :




    Cotton clothes

    Swimming pool


    Air conditioner

  • FSA 7) James has removed all the punctuation from these sentences given below. Read it aloud twice to help you insert the correct punctuation with capital letter, full stop and question mark by rewriting the sentences

    A- Capital letter - Full Stop - Question mark 1) summers are always fun

    2) let’s play in the rain

    3) how is your vacation going on

    4) i love summer fruit

    5) where are you going for the vacation

    6) winters season falls in december and january

    7) autumn means fall of leaves

    8) have you seen frogs in rainy season



    .FSA I The Seasons Chart of 2018

    The longest day of the year is in





    Summer season

    22 April to 10 July 60 days

    Rainy season

    28 June to 14 August 48 days

    Winter season 29 December to 30 January

    33 days

    Spring season

    1 February to 31 March 59 days

    Autumn Season 13 October to 19 November

    38 days

    Looking at the above calendar and the observations, answer the following questions:-

    Q1. Which was the longest season? How many days did it last? _________________________ Q2. How long was the shortest season? Name it. _____________ Q3. How many days did autumn and winter last together? ______ Q4.Which season saw 2 different years together? ____________ Q5. Which season falls after winter season ? ________________ Q6. Count the total number of days of both spring and Autumn season?__________________

  • FSA II Summer ready !

    Q) Sita’s family is preparing for the summers .Here is the

    list of things that they brought :- S.NO ITEMS

    1 14 HATS

    2 38 SHORTS

    3 22 SKIRTS

    4 10 SLIPPERS


    6 24 FROCKS

    Q1)Now arrange the items brought in ascending and descending

    order according to their quantities –

    ASCENDING ____________________________

    DESCENDING ____________________________

    Trees and other plants grow the most during summer season

    https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://childrensfashionup.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Girls-kids-shorts.jpg&imgrefurl=https://childrensfashionup.com/find-fashion-cheap-kids-shorts/&docid=345Gyci1IzFzwM&tbnid=B-bM9W6Uhh8imM:&vet=10ahUKEwi7jInn6ZXiAhUJ3o8KHY3JC3QQMwh9KCMwIw..i&w=615&h=460&bih=582&biw=1585&q=kids shorts images&ved=0ahUKEwi7jInn6ZXiAhUJ3o8KHY3JC3QQMwh9KCMwIw&iact=mrc&uact=8

  • Q2) Can you name few more things that they should bring to protect themselves from scorching summers,

    Name a few :-

    _____________________ _________________ ___________________

    _____________________ _________________ __________________


    Q)Given below are the list of some yummy treats used in different seasons .Count the number of alphabets of each treat and write the number names:-

    Article No. of alphabets

    Number name

    coffee 6 six

    hot vanilla milk



    pineapple punch drink

    hot Choco lava cake

    caramel apple cider

    ice lollies

    ice cream shake

    water melon slush

    mint mojito

    The most popular flavor of ice cream is vanilla.

  • FSA IV MONTHS OF THE YEAR! Q) Unjumble letters to make month of the year:-

    Jnue _____

    Mrahc ______

    Arpli ______

    Fberyrua ______

    Jluy _______ Agsutu _____

    Nvoebmer _______

    Sptmeebre ______

    Jnuryaa _______ Otcoerb _____

    Dcmeebre______ Mya _____

    March is named after Mars, the Roman God of War.

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  • FSA V

    Mental Maths

    Task 1

    Write down the next

    number :-

    8 ,9 ,10 ,11 ,12 , _____

    Task 2

    How many stars? _____

    Task 3

    What number comes

    after 44?


    Task 4

    2 tens + ones =


    Task 5

    Write the number name

    of 18?


    Task 6

    Which is smaller 45

    or 54?


    Task 7

    40 and 3 makes 43?

    YES / NO

    Task 8

    What comes between 19

    and 21?


    Task 9

    Arrange in

    descending order:-

    19 , 21 ,10 ,12 , 11


  • Syllabus for Assessment – 1


    Revision L-3 - Deepa and her doll

    Grammar - This /That, These/Those, A/ An

    And all the related work done in book, booklet and note book.


    बिना मात्रा वाले शब्द पाठ -1स्वर ों की मात्रा ( अभय इधर आ) आ(ाा ) की मात्रा पाठ-2 िादलआया पाठ-3 रपववार का दिि And all the related work done in notebook, booklet and book. MATHS

    Chapter -1: Numbers 1 to 10

    Chapter -5: Working till 20 (without addition and subtraction)

    Chapter -6: Working till 50(without addition and subtraction)

    : Mental Maths, Number name from 1 to 50

    And all the work done in notebook, book and booklet.


    Chapter- 2 (My Body)

    Chapter-3 (My Sense Organs)

    Chapter-8 (My family) and all the work done in book, notebook and

