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Dyslexia Dysgraphia ADHD 091112 - Stanford Medicine · 2018-11-28 · DYSLEXIA,*DYSGRAPHIA,*...

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DYSLEXIA, DYSGRAPHIA, AND ADHD Carol Wilkinson, Jessica Witkowski, and Jenna Klotz Development and Behavioral Pediatrics September 11, 2012
Page 1: Dyslexia Dysgraphia ADHD 091112 - Stanford Medicine · 2018-11-28 · DYSLEXIA,*DYSGRAPHIA,* AND*ADHD* Carol*Wilkinson,*JessicaWitkowski,*and*JennaKlotz Developmentand*Behavioral*Pediatrics**

DYSLEXIA,  DYSGRAPHIA,  AND  ADHD  Carol  Wilkinson,  Jessica  Witkowski,  and  Jenna  Klotz  

Development  and  Behavioral  Pediatrics    

September  11,  2012  

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¨  DefiniNon  ¤ Characterized  by  difficulNes  with  accurate  word  recogniNon,  poor  spelling  and  decoding  abiliNes  n Must  not  be  due  to  inadequate  instrucNon  n Must  occur  in  context  of  normal  cogniNve  funcNoning  

¨  A  neurobiological  condiNon  

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¨  Most  common  learning  disability  ¤ Boys  >  girls  

¨  Risk  factors  ¤ Family  history  ¤ History  of  SLI  ¤ Environmental:  low  exposure  to  books  and  instrucNon  in  pre-­‐reading  skills,  poverty,  low  parental  educaNon.    

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• Recognizes  leZers  and  words  • Form  assoc.  with  leZers  that  co-­‐occur  • Allows  for  recogniNon  of  words  that  don’t  follow  typical  leZer-­‐sound  correspondence  (i.e.  yacht)      

• Forms  associaNons  of  words/syllables  with  sounds  (phonemes)  • Back  up  the  larger  system  (used  to  “sound  out”  an  unknown  word)  

• Facilitates  understanding  of  meaning  of  words  as  they  are  read  

• Understanding  of  text  being  read  • Uses  syntax,  semanNc,  and  pragmaNc  knowledge  

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Phonological  deficit  hypothesis  

¨  Lack  of  phonemic  awareness  blocks  access  to  higher  order  process  involved  in  comprehension.  ¤  Several  studies  have  shown  children  with  dyslexia  are  impaired  in  phonological  processing  tasks  n  Example:  Children  with  dyslexia  and  normal  readers  were  compared  with  reading  one  and  two-­‐syllable  nonwords  

n  Dyslexics  made  more  errors  in  reading  nonwords  aloud,  especially  with  phonological  complexity  (p  <  0.05)  


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¨  DisrupNon  of  led  hemisphere  posterior  brain  systems  ¨  Study  of  24  dyslexic  children  and  15  normal  reading  children  ¤  Asked  to  press  a  buZon  when  2  visually  presented  leZers  rhymed  (ie  D  and  T)  and  then  when  2  leZers  were  the  same  (D  and  D)  n  By  comparing,  can  determine  which  brain  acNvity  was  due  to  phonological  demands  (rhyme  task)  vs.  orthographic  (same  leZers)  

¤  Asked  to  press  a  buZon  when  2  leZers  matched  and  then  when  2  lines  had  the  same  orientaNon  (ie  I  and  I)    n  To  determine  brain  acNvity  due  to  orthographic  processing  

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Behavioral  Results  

¨  Dyslexic  children  were  less  accurate  for  rhyme  leZers  (p  =  0.05)  

¨  No  difference  between  groups  for  match  leZers  or  match  lines  (p  >  0.1)  

¨  Performance  on  rhyme  task  correlated  with  reading  for  all  subjects  (p  =  0.005)  

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Rhyme  vs.  LeZer  Matching  ¨  Both  groups  showed  

acNvaNon  of  led  frontal  lobe  with  leZer  match  

¨  Normal  reading  children  show  led  temporo-­‐parietal  regions  with  rhyming  

¨  Dyslexic  children  showed  no  acNvaNon  of  led  temporo-­‐parietal  cortex  with  rhyming  

¨  Led  temporo-­‐parietal  region  not  acNvated  in  leZer  match  task  ¤  Deficit  is  phonological  

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LeZer  Match  vs.  Line  Match  

¨  Several  regions  showed  greater  acNvity  in  normal  reading  children  

¨  Dyslexic  children  did  not  show  acNvity  in  the  occipital-­‐parietal  area  (p=0.02)  

¨  Difference  in  orthographic  processing  for  dyslexia  children    

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¨  Grizzle,  Kenneth  L.  “Language  and  Learning:  A  Discussion  of  Typical  and  Disordered  Development.”  Current  Problems  in  Pediatric  and  Adolescent  Health  Care.  Vol  39  (7)  Aug.  2009,  168-­‐189.  

¨  Hamilton,  SuZon.  “Normal  Reading  Development  and  ENology  of  Reading  Difficulty  in  Children.”  UpToDate.  

¨  Peterson,  Robin  L.  “Neuropsychology  and  GeneNcs  of  Speech,  Language,  and  Literacy  Disorders.”  Pediatric  Clinics  of  North  America.  Vol  54  (3).  June  2007.  543-­‐561.  

¨  Snowling,  Margaret  J.  “Phonemic  Deficits  in  Developmental  Dyslexia.”  Psychological  Research.  Vol  43.  1981.  219-­‐234.  

¨  Temple,  Elise.  “Disrupted  Neural  Responses  to  Phonological  and  Orthographc  Processing  in  Dyslexic  Children:  an  fMRI  study.”  Neuroreport.  Vol  12  (2),  Feb  2001.  299-­‐307  

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Developmental  Dysgraphia  

¨  WriNng  skills  below  those  expected  for  a  person’s  age  or  ability,  despite  appropriate  educaNon    

¨  Illegible  handwriNng,  leZer  shape  distorNons,  dysfluent  wriNng,  spelling  errors  or  other  difficulty  in  wriZen  expression  that  cannot  be  aZributed  to  disabiliNes  in  reading,  oral  expression,  intellectual  disability,  impaired  vision  or  hearing,  or  other  neurological  disorders  

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Developmental  Dysgraphia  

¨  10-­‐30%  with  “difficulty”  v.  2-­‐4%  with  “disability”    ¤ Must  significantly  impair  academic  achievement  and/or  ADLs  

¨  Rarely  resolves  without  intervenNon  

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Neural  Basis  of  WriZen  Expression  

Purcell et al. Written production ALE meta-analysis

emission tomography (PET) and functional magnetic resonanceimaging (fMRI) studies of word spelling in alphabetic languageinvolving adult participants.

Producing written words involves a number of interactingcognitive processes that have been described in various modelsof written language production (Roeltgen and Heilman, 1985;Rapp and Caramazza, 1997; Rapcsak and Beeson, 2002; Hillis andRapp, 2004). Although these cognitive processes are highly inte-grated, an important distinction is often made between centraland peripheral components (see Figure 1). The different patternsof impairment that have been observed in cases of acquired dys-graphia subsequent to brain lesions have constituted the majorsource of empirical support for the distinctions between centraland peripheral processing components as well as for the more fine-grained distinctions described below and depicted in Figure 1. Inaddition, convergent evidence for many of these distinctions hasbeen confirmed by behavioral studies of spelling and writing inneurologically healthy participants. While it is outside the scopeof this paper to review these literatures, we refer the interestedreader to various reviews (Ellis, 1979; Burt and Fury, 2000; Burtand Tate, 2002; Weingarten, 2005).

Spelling typically begins by hearing words (e.g., taking notesin a lecture, a message over the phone, etc.) or with inter-nally generated word meanings (e.g., writing a letter, a gro-cery list, etc.). These auditory comprehension and semanticprocesses and mechanisms are not specific to spelling, yetserve as the basis for the subsequent retrieval or assembly ofspellings. Spelling-specific, central processes are usually identifiedas: orthographic long-term memory (O-LTM; the orthographic

lexicon), phoneme–grapheme (PG) conversion, and orthographicworking memory (the graphemic buffer). O-LTM is the store ofthe word spellings that an individual is familiar with. As indicatedin Figure 1, information in O-LTM may be retrieved on the basis ofa word’s meaning or, according to some researchers, directly froma representation of the word’s sound (Patterson, 1986). In addi-tion to retrieval from O-LTM, word spellings may be assembledfrom a phonological stimulus via the PG conversion processes thatapply learned information regarding the relationships betweensounds and letters (or other sub-lexical units) to generate plausi-ble spellings for sound strings. For example, the sound stimulus“wuns” could result in the retrieval of the information O-N-C-Efrom O-LTM and/or in the assembly of a plausible spelling suchas W-U-N-S-E from the PG conversion system. The letter rep-resentations assembled or retrieved are assumed to be abstract,lacking format-specific information (such as shape, size, motorplan, etc.). The abstract letter strings are then processed by O-WM, a limited capacity system responsible for maintaining letteridentity and order information active so that they can be selectedfor further processing by peripheral components (Rapp and Kong,2002; Kan et al., 2006). These central processes interact with oneanother, with evidence specifically supporting bi-directional inter-actions between O-WM and O-LTM (McCloskey et al., 2006)and between O-LTM and PG conversion processes (Rapp et al.,2002).

In terms of peripheral processes, it is generally assumed thatthere are multiple stages involved in going from the abstract lettersrepresentations in O-WM to the correct ordering and executionof the effector-specific muscle movements required for expressing

FIGURE 1 | A schematic depiction of the cognitive architecture of the written word production system.

Frontiers in Psychology | Language Sciences October 2011 | Volume 2 | Article 239 | 2

Purcell  et  al.,  2011  

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“Central”  Processing  

Long  term  orthographic  memory  (storage)  

Long  term  orthographic  memory  (retrieval)  

Phoneme  to  grapheme  conversion  

Orthographic  working  memory  

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“Peripheral”  Processing  

Conversion  of  graphemic  representaNon  to  motor  commands  

Sequence  of  motor  commands  

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Types  of  Dysgraphia  

Linguis'c  Dysgraphias   Features  Phonological   Can  not  convert  phoneme  à  grapheme,  

but  can  copy  leZers.  Phonologically  incorrect  misspelled  words.  

Lexical   Can  not  learn  or  recall  lexically  (recognize  full  words).  Misspells  words,  but  phonologically  correct.  

Dyslexic   Can  not  convert  grapheme  à  grapheme.  Misspellings  with  reversals,  omissions,  inversions,  non-­‐words.  

Gerstmann   Fluent  incomprehensible  order  of  leZers  and  words.  Misspellings  with  jumbled  sequences.  

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Types  of  Dysgraphia  

Non-­‐linguis'c  Dysgraphias  


Motor  Apraxic   Poor  penmanship.  UnNdy  wriNng  with  mild  reversals.  

IdeaNonal  Apraxic   Can  copy  wriNng  examples,  but  can  not  write  spontaneously.    

ConstrucNonal  Apraxic   VisuospaNal  difficulty.  Reversals  and  inversions.    Can  not  copy  wriNng  examples.    

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Diagnosing  Dysgraphia  

¨  Many  cases  may  go  unrecognized  as  these  children  are  frequently  viewed  as  lazy  or  non-­‐compliant  

¨  Standardized  spelling  tests  ¤ Lexical  errors:  omission  of  silent  leZers  (whether  à  wether)  

¤ SemanNc  errors:  homonyms  (knight  à  night)  ¤ Visuo-­‐spaNal  errors:  deflecNons  from  line  ¤ Graphemic/motor  errors:  fluency  of  wriNng  

¨  Should  also  include  numbers,  copying  reading  samples  appropriate  for  developmental  age    

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IntervenNons  for  Dysgraphia  

¨  Intensive  remediaNon  in  handwriNng  directed  at  specific  deficit  or  learning  disability  

¨  CombinaNon  therapy:  i.e.  focusing  on  both  handwriNng  and  story-­‐wriNng    

¨  Bypass  strategies  ¤ Keyboarding  ¤ Photocopied  worksheets  ¤ Oral  test  taking  

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Dysgraphia  Summary  

¨  Difficulty/disability  in  wriZen  expression  which  impairs  academics  and  ADLs  

¨  Affects  up  to  30%  of  school-­‐aged  children    ¨  Due  to  deficits  in  linguisNc  learning,  working  memory,  and  motor  planning  

¨  IntervenNons  should  either  target  or  bypass  those  deficits  

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References  ¨  Adi-­‐Japha  E,  Landau  YE,  Frenkel  L,  Teicher  M,  Gross-­‐Tsur  V,  Shalev  RS.  ADHD  and  

Dysgraphia:  Underlying  Mechanisms.  Cortex,  2007.  43:700-­‐709.  ¨  Feder  KP  and  Majnemer  A.  HandwriNng  development,  competency,  and  

intervenNon.  Developmental  Medicine  &  Child  Neurology.  2007.  49:312-­‐317.  ¨  Gubbay  SS  and  de  Klerk  NH.  A  study  and  review  of  developmental  dysgraphia  in  

relaNon  to  acquired  dysgraphia.  Brain  &  Development.  1995.  17:1-­‐8.    ¨  Molfese  V,  Molfese  D,  Molnar  A,  Beswick  J.  Developmental  Dyslexia  and  

Dysgraphia.    ¨  Purcell  JJ,  Turkeltaub  PE,  Eden  GF,  Rapp  B.  Examining  the  central  and  peripheral  

processes  of  wriZen  word  producNon  through  meta-­‐analysis.  FronNers  in  Psychology.  2011.  

¨  Zoccolou  P  and  Friedmann  N.  From  dyslexia  to  dyslexias,  from  dysgraphia  to  dysgraphias,  from  a  cause  to  causes:  A  look  at  current  research  on  developmental  dyslexia  and  dysgraphia.  Cortex.  2010.  46:1211-­‐1215.    

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ADHD  ComorbidiNes  

¨  OpposiNonal  defiant  disorder  ¨  Conduct  disorder  ¨  Anxiety  ¨  Depression  ¨  Dyslexia  ¨  WriZen  Language  Disorder  

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ADHD  and  Dyslexia  

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ADHD  and  Dyslexia  

Germano,  Gagliano  and  Curatolo  2010  

18-­‐45%  of  children  with  ADHD  have  dyslexia      18-­‐42%  of  children  with  dyslexia  have  ADHD      

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3  Hypotheses  

¨  Phenocopy  hypothesis  ¤ “I  can’t  read  easily,  so  I’m  distracted…can  I  go  to  the  bathroom?”  

 ¨  Shared  Ae=logy  hypothesis  

¤ ”Some  of  the  genes  that  make  it  hard  for  me  to  focus  also  make  it  hard  for  me  to  understand  phonemes.”  

¨  Cogni=ve  subtype  hypothesis    ¤ “I’m  an  individual  and  my  ADHD/dyslexia  is  not  the  same  as  Jonny’s  ADHD  or  Sally’s  dyslexia.”  

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Research  for  geneNc  influence  

Both  Dyslexia  and  ADHD  are  heritable.      Targeted  linkage  studies  have  found  9  chromosome  regions  for  dyslexia  suscepNbility    

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Treatment  of  ADHD  and  Dyslexia  

¨ Methylphenidate  improves  reading  performance  in  children  with  ADHD  and  comorbid  dyslexia  

n Bental  B  and  Tirosh  E.  J.  Clin  Psychopharm.  2008  n Keulers  et  al.  Eur  J  Paediatr  Neurol  2007  

¨  fMRI  of  ADHD  and  RD  teens  both  show  decreased  acNvaNon  of  led  striatum  and  improvement  with  MPH.    

n Shafritz  et  al.  Am  J  Psychiatry  2004  


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ADHD  and  WriZen  Language  Disorders  (WLD)  

¨ DSM-­‐IV:  disorder  of  wriZen  expression.  ¤ GrammaNcal/punctuaNon  ¤ Poor  paragraph  organizaNon  ¤ Spelling  Errors    ¤ Poor  handwriNng  

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Incidence  of  ADHD  and  WLD  

¨  Children  born  between  1976-­‐1982  in  Rochester  Minnesota  

¨ Data  from  Rochester  Epidemiology  Project,  school  district  records  and  1  private  tutoring  agency  

¨  5718  children  ¤ 2956  boys,  2762  girls  ¤ 1509  children  with  complete  assessment  data  

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CummulaNve  Incidence  

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No  ADHD        vs        ADHD  

CumulaNve  Incidence  

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DistribuNon  of  WLD  with  RD  

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DistribuNon  of  WLD  w/o  RD  

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What  type  of  dysgraphia?  

•  40  right  handed  6th  grade  boys    •  ages  11-­‐13    •  Normal  IWQ,  normal  reading  •  ADHD  combined  type  vs  non-­‐ADHD  

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What  type  of  dysgraphia?  

•  Morphological  spelling  errors:  house  vs  horse  •  Graphemic  errors  (motor  programming)  •  Motor  kinemaNc  abnormaliNes:  increased  pressure,  poor  Nme  uNlizaNon,  inconsistent  shapes/heights  


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¨  Clear  increased  incidence  of  Dyslexia  and  Dysgraphia  in  children  with  ADHD.  

¨  Ongoing  research  into  possible  genes  that  affect  both  ADHD  and  Dyslexia  

¨  Dysgraphia  likely  non-­‐linguisNc,  associated  with  problems  in  motor  programming  and  kinemaNc  motor  producNon  

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References  ¨  Germano  E,  Gagliano    A,  Curatolo  P.  Comorbidity  of  ADHD  and  Dyslexia.  Developmental  

Neuropsychology,  2010,  35(5):  475-­‐493.  

¨  Yoshimasu  K,  Barbaresi  WJ,  Colligan  RC,  Killian  JM,  Voight  RG,  Weaver  AL,  Katusi  SK.  WriZen-­‐Language  Disorder  among  children  with  and  without  ADHD  in  populaNon-­‐based  birth  cohort.  Pediatrics,  2011.  128:  e605.  

¨  Adi-­‐Japha  E,  Landau  YE,  Frenkel  L,  Teicher  M,  Gross-­‐Tsur  V,  Shalev  RS.  ADHD  and  Dysgraphia:  Underlying  Mechanisms.  Cortex,  2007.  43:700-­‐709.  

¨  Eden  GF  and  Chandan  VJ.  ADHD  and  Developmental  Dyslexia.  Annals  Ny.Y  Acad.  Sci.  2008.  1145:316-­‐327  

¨  Keulers  EH,  et  al.  Methylphenidate  improves  reading  performance  in  children  with  aZenNon  deficit  hyperacNvity  disorder  and  comorbid  dyslexia:  an  unblinded  clinical  trial.  Eur.  J  Paediatr  Neurol.  2007.  11:21-­‐8.  

¨  Bental  B  and  Tirosh  E.  The  effects  of  methylphenidate  on  word  decoding  accuracy  in  boys  with  aZenNon-­‐deficit/hyperacNvity  disorder.  J  Clin  Psychopharmacol.  2008.  28:  89-­‐92.    

¨  Shafritz  et  al.  The  effects  of  methyphenodate  on  neural  systems  of  aZenNon  in  aZenNon  deficit  hyperacNvity  disorder.  2004.  161:1990-­‐1997.  
