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E 1-new kingdom - class one - The Highlights of the New Kingdom 1550 BC to 1070 BC

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Egyptian History New Kingdom, Class One, The Highlights of the New Kingdom 1550 to 1070 BC Adjunct Professor Joe Boisvert
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The Highlights of the New Kingdom 1550 BC to 1070 BC 2011 – 2012 Joe Boisvert Adjunct Professor Class One Gulf Coast State College
  • The Highlights of the New Kingdom 1550 BC to 1070 BC
    2011 2012 Joe Boisvert
    Adjunct Professor
    Class One
    Gulf Coast State College
  • Review of Ancient Egypt Worlds Longest Lasting Civilization 5300 BC - ??
    Definition:Pre-dynastic Egypt refers to the period before the pharaohs.
    During this period, the Egyptians first practiced agriculture along the Nile valley.
    Earliest pre-dynastic areas were in the Nile Delta and the Fayum depression, located 70 km southwest of Cairo.
    These pre-dynastic cultures are considered part of a Neolithic phase in Egypt that began in about 5300 B.C., in Lower Egypt.
    In Upper Egypt (south of the Nile Delta), the earliest Pre-dynastic sites come from about 4500 B.C.
    At the end of the Pre-dynastic period came the Proto-Dynastic period. After that came the unification of Egypt, attributed to Menes, and the Early Dynastic Period.
  • Pre-dynastic Egypt
  • Where is Egypt
  • B.C. New Kingdom, Dynasties 1820:The
    Theban king Ahmose I reunites Egypt, founding Dynasty 18.
    A series of great warrior kings, in particular Thutmose III, extend Egyptian influence in western Asia throughout the Levant to the borders of the Hittite empire.
    Egypt also gains control of Nubia as far south as the fourth cataract.
  • New Kingdom Glorious Times
    Through military campaigns, trade, diplomatic gifts, and tribute, Egypt attains a level of wealth previously unknown. This wealth is a catalyst for the third great flowering of Egyptian culture, marked by royal building campaigns unequaled since the time of the pyramids.
    Valley of the Kings
    Abu Sidel
    Akhenaton's New Capital
  • The Great Pharaohs
    Included Hatshepsut (the famous female Pharaoh), Akhenaton, Tutankhamen, Tuthmose and Ramses II.
  • Started New Egyptian Empire
    When Ahmose (reigned from c1550 1525 BC) became king, Egypt was in crisis. It was occupied in the north and threatened in the south. It was a shadow of its former self. But by the time he died, Ahmose had liberated his country and started the new Egyptian empire.
    Mummy of Ahmose Father
  • New Kingdom Time of Conquest
    In an effort to secure Egyptian borders against future invasions, Ahmose conquered a territory stretching from Syria-Palestine in the North, to the 2nd cataract in Nubia in the South.
    Egypt became the most powerful nation in the Ancient Near East.
  • Endless deathPharaoh Hatshepsut enjoyed a peaceful and prosperous reign. She built magnificent temples, protected Egypt's borders and masterminded a highly profitable trading mission to the mysterious land of Punt. She should have been feted as one of the most successful of the 18th Dynasty kings. Not everyone, however, was impressed by her achievements.
  • Pharaohs of the New Kingdom in Egypt18th Dynasty 1570-1320 B.C.
    Ahmose I (Nebpehtyre) (1570-1546)
    Amenhotep I (Djeserkare) (1546-1527)
    Tuthmose I (Akheperkare) (1527-1515)
    Tuthmose II (Akheperenre) (1515-1498)
    Queen Hatshepsut (Maatkare) (1498-1483)
    Tuthmose III (Menkhepere) (1504-1450)
    Amenhotep II (Akheperure) (1450-1412)
    Tuthmose IV (Men-khepru-Re) (1412-1402)
    Amenhotep III (Nebmaatre) (1402-1364)
    Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten) (1350-1334)
    Smenkhkare (Ankhheperure) (1334)
    Tutankhamen (Nebkheperoure) (1334-1325)
    Ay (Kheperkheperure) (1325-1321)
    Horemheb (Djeserkheperure)
  • New Kingdom Art
  • 19th Dynasty 1320-1200 B.C.
    Ramses I (Menpehtyre) (about 1320)
    Seti I (Menmaatre) (c.1318-c.1304)
    Ramses II (Usermaatre) (1304-1237)
    Merneptah (c.1236-1223)
    Seti II
    Siptah (c.1208-1202)
    Queen Twosret (c.1202-1200)
  • 20th Dynasty 1200-1085 B.C.
    Sethnakhte (1200-1197)
    Ramses III (1197-1166)
    Ramses IV
    Ramses V
    Ramses VI
    Ramses VII
    Ramses VIII
    Ramses IX
    Ramses X
    Ramses XI
  • The female King vanished from Egyptian history.
    Soon after her death in 1457 BC, Hatshepsut's monuments were attacked, her statues dragged down and smashed and her image and titles defaced. The female king vanished from Egyptian history.
    Hatshepsut and Tuthmosis: a royal feud?
  • Amehotep 111 Akhenaten - Tutankhamen
    Egypt becomes a power to be reckoned with as conquests extend as far as Syria and the Euphrates and these pharaohs are determined never to allow Egypt to be ruled by outsiders again. Egypt again becomes wealthy. The boy Tutankhamen also rules
    during in this era.
  • Heretic King - New God - New Capital
    Akhenaten, who comes to be known as the heretic king rules during this Dynasty. He brings Aten (sun disc god) to the forefront and diminishes the role of the god Amun (meaning the hidden one).
  • Who Was King Tuts Father
    It is believed by some that Amenhotep III is more likely to be his grandfather and that Akhenaten was his father.
  • Belief in One God - Aten
    King Akhenaten established a new religious order worshipping the sun god Aten
  • Tutankhamen Boy King
  • Treasures of King Tut
  • Bronze statue Thutmose IV Kneeling.
  • Egypt Expanded North as Far asModern Day Turkey
    Later Pharaohs in the New Kingdom expanded the boundaries of the new empire as far as the 4th cataract to the south and as far as the Euphrates river near the modern-day
    Turkish border in the north.
  • The reign of the pharaoh Amenhotep III marks the zenith of ancient Egyptian civilization, both in terms of political power and cultural achievement.
    Although Amenhotep greatly embellished Karnack as part of his nationwide building program, the growing power of Amun's clergy was skillfully countered by promoting the ancient sun god Ra. The sun was also worshipped as the solar disc the Aten, with whom the king identified himself by taking the epithet 'Dazzling Aten'.
    Amenhotep III died in around 1354 BC and was buried in his huge tomb in the secluded western branch of the Valley of the Kings. He was succeeded by his son Amenhotep IV, better known as Akhenaten.
  • Abu Simbel, Ramesseum, and Karnack Temples
    Ashift in art and architecture took place mostly devoted to Amen or Amun the God of Thebes through both the 19thand the 20thDynasties.
    Abu Simbel, Ramesseum, and Karnak temples are built during this period. Trials of the tomb robbers come forth. Tanis becomes the capital and Thebes is under the rule of priests.
  • New Kingdom Rameses - 1
    Known as Rameses the Great, he ruled Egypt for more than 60 years and built many of ancient Egypt's greatest monuments.
    Ramses became the third king of the 19th Dynasty at the age of 25.
  • The End Lecture One
