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E C Playbytherules ofthegame · 2019-11-24 · AdaniWilmar Formerdesignation AuditAssistant,...

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TAKING WINGS ABOUT ME MY BUSINESS NUMBER CRUNCHING ARPIT PARIKH, SOMENDRA SHARMA & KUNAL SHUKLA AdiAnant Greens Private Limited AdiAnant Greens is a company focused in Green Rural marketing. The Team consists of marketing and financial experts all of whom are alumni of XLRI, Jamshedpur. The main idea of the company for Green Rural Marketing is that solar power indeed has emerged, but it is not reaching the final consumer. We visited many vil- lages in Uttar Pradesh and Jharkhand and noticed that solar powered devices was still a distant dream here. We found that they are the ones who want it most, and that they do have the capacity to pur- chase these products. But the issue was a lack of effective marketing and distribu- tion channel for the manufacturers of so- lar products. We at AdiAnant Greens are working on a rural retail model by opening up AdiAnant Shoppe in the rural areas. This we do with the help of local villagers, in turn creating job opportunities, along with gaining the confidence of the other villagers for these products. AdiAnant Shoppe is a one-stop model store for display, demonstration, market- ing, sales as well as after sales service of the various solar products such as solar lanterns, solar fans, solar mobile charger, solar inverters, solar street lights, solar water pumps, solar water heater and other such useful products. AdiAnant Shoppe in Shaktinagar, Renukoot, Waidhan and Basti are now open. These shops are solving power shortage issues in these villages. They now having direct access and are benefit- ing from the abundant solar resources. Name Arpit Parikh, Somendra Sharma, Kunal Shukla Age 24, 28, 26 Hometown Mumbai, Shaktinagar, Kanpur Family background First gen entrepreneurs More than 1 company? No Education All - Post Graduate Program in entrepre neurship management Individual - CA, AFP, MBA Marketing Graduated from PGPCEM- XLRI Former employer Deloitte, Titan, Adani Wilmar Former designation Audit Assistant, Business Development, Accounts Manager Area of responsibility Audit,Marketing, Accounts Favorite book/movie The First Twenty Million is always the Hardest 2010 2011 No. of employees :3 7 No. of locations :3 7 No. of customers : 16-20 20- 50 Turnover : R 12 Till date lakh R 15 lakh Profits : R 2 lakh Till date R 3 lakh The best advice I got... Eat. Sleep. Drink. Think… Business. Have a very clear focus. Your idea might not be very unique, but it should be something that will have an impact. Select your team with great precision, without any bias. The defining momentWhen we opened our first store and when we had repeat orders from our customers. It is very satisfying when customers say that our products have brought about a change in their lives. What keeps me awake at night… Business. Business. Business. And how we can take this idea to the next level I thought I would give up... There were times when we were not able to convince people about the technology. They used to come up with questions we were not able to answer. We worked around the problem and were successful the next time we met them. My word of advice for others... Do not get into business if: you want to run away from your job; you want to engage in social service without the thought of making money; you want to spend more time with your family. Business should be done with passion, with the objective to earn money. Only then can you scale up, attract investors and after that actually uplift the society where you business has made an impact.MY GAMEPLAN National Entrepreneurship Network, a non-profit organisation that supports high-potential entrepreneurs, contributes to this weekly feature Company Name : AdiAnant Greens Founded in : 2010 Headquartered in : Mumbai, Kanpur Company : www. adianant greens.com Industry : Green Rural Marketing Stage of the company : Initial scale-up Source of idea : A visit to the rural areas concept doing very well outside India E quity as an asset class is known to give best returns over longer period. It does give good returns in short periods as well, as short as single day. However, every game has its own set of rules and equity is no exception. Rules start from identifying the time horizon and deciding whether one is a trader, investor or just a momen- tum player. Many people enter the equity market thinking that they would make a quick buck riding on some news or momentum without having a time horizon in mind. However, once the stock they invested in starts sliding, they tend to keep increasing their time horizon and refrain from cutting losses. It is dangerous to buy “stocks in news” without regard to fundamentals. Typically picking up a ‘tip’ and buying without any information is a common mistake many investors end up making. The stock market has seen excesses in the past where stock prices are whipped up in frenzy by ‘operators’ after planting news about the growth prospects of the company. Castles get built in the air and an atmosphere of belief is created and it is too late before an unsuspecting investor figures out the truth about the company. IDENTIFY THE TYPE Every individual while entering the market has to determine the expo- sure s/he is willing to take and the time horizon s/he would like to invest that money for. Many entrants into stock markets are not clear of their risk appetite and the time they expect to be in the market. “Rather than taking a disci- plined approach to investing or trad- ing, many times individuals are look- ing to make a fast buck from the market and this approach lands them into deep trouble as there is no such thing as a free lunch, especially in the stock market,” says Sandeep Nayak, ED & CEO, Centrum Broking. EQUITY TRADING A trader has a short term horizon where each purchase may be an intra-day trade where the transaction is squared off and profit or loss booked by the end of the day. A trader uses the help of technical analysis tools to identify the trend in the stock price and it is necessary to determine the price upside (or down- side) one is playing for and determine a stop loss level. One must recognise that technical analysis is not a perfect science and is known to fail one at crucial times. It is therefore necessary to identify a stop loss strat- egy and recognise pattern failures and accept them and book losses. “A trader or momentum player needs to decide a stop loss level upfront before entering the trade. There is no hard and fast rule and the stop loss is a matter of risk appetite. A rule of thumb a trader may follow is that the stop loss should be less than a third of the gain one is aiming for. For exam- ple, if a trader buys a stock with an expected gain of Rs 6 then an oppos- ing movement in stock price of Rs 2 should be his or her stop loss,” adds Nayak. MOMENTUM PLAYER A momentum player identifies an underlying trend in the price of a security and rides the trend as long as it is profitable and the time hori- zon could be a few days to a few months depending on how long the trend lasts. “As a momentum player, an investor invests on the assumption that a company is ‘hot’. Typical streaks do not last beyond 5-10 per cent,” says Sandeep Tyagi, MD and CEO, Estee Advisors. Traders and momentum players trade on both sides of the market i.e. long and short side both depending on whether the outlook for the market or stock is bullish or bearish. The “trend is your friend” strategy is best adopted by these players with two key things to be kept in mind — stop loss must be strictly followed without fail and exposures kept under control — keep taking money off the table when you are winning. “A common mistake made by most of the traders is increasing exposures by ploughing back trading profits leading to large exposures which can lead to higher losses when the market whipsaws contrary to expec- tation. About 90 per cent of the traders/momentum players end up losing money as they mix emotions and let their ego influence their buy/sell decisions. Exiting timely is extremely important to make money,” suggests G Maran, executive director, Unifi Capital. INVESTOR An investor is in the stock market with a long-term horizon intent on capital appreciation. The dividend yield is also a relevant consideration but largely an investor is in the game for a reward through handsome capital appreciation. According to the experts, an investor is likely to get best results following a buy and hold strategy with a horizon of three years and above. Identifying the right companies to invest is a great challenge faced by an investor. Understanding the fundamentals of the company, judging the quality/competence of the manage- ment and the corporate governance standards followed by them require expert guidance and a good quality advisor or wealth manager is a handy help in this process of stock selection and investment. “A good company tends to grow at 15-20 per cent. The market volatility is about 25 per cent. So your holding period should be at least 2 years in simplistic terms. The stop losses should be decided when the losses are more than the market volatility (so if the market is down 5 per cent and your pick is down 10 per cent, net loss of 5 per cent is what should determine that you exit),” adds Tyagi. An investor needs to spend adequate time tracking the perfo- rmance of portfolio. It is necessary to review each company one holds in the portfolio and ensure that the ratio- nale for purchase still exists. Com- pany performance is available on a quarterly basis and researchers put out updates on the company after each result and explain the variations in performance. A prudent investor would do well to at least review portfolio every quarter and take a call in conjunction with an advisor/wealth manager on the prospects of the stocks. But before that, do identify whether you are a trader, momentum player or an investor and play by the rules, for that should be the first step when investing in stocks. [email protected] LOOK BEFORE INVESTING Company Date of High High Close % Change REL CAPITAL 07 Oct 2010 882.00 344.20 -60.98 REL COMM 14 Oct 2010 188.50 72.20 -61.70 DLF 04 Oct 2010 397.35 176.10 -55.68 JET AIRWAYS 10 Nov 2010 926.35 250.15 -73.00 REL INFRA 07 Oct 2010 1,132.00 416.05 -63.25 (Source: Centrum Broking) NAME: RAJAT TALUKDAR, 46 RESIDES IN: MUMBAI PROFESSION: SELF EMPLOYED - ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR NET ANNUAL INCOME ( R 18 LAKH ) OTHER DETAILS: REEMA (HOUSEWIFE), DAUGHTERS -SUCHITRA (14), APARNA (9) STATUS & GOALS HAVING COME UP IN LIFE THE HARD WAY, RAJAT HAS MOSTLY INVESTED HIS SAVINGS IN BANK FIXED DEPOSITS, PPF, INSURANCE AND POSTAL SCHEMES WITH VERY LITTLE EXPOSURE TO SHARES OR MUTUAL FUNDS. HIS PRIMARY CONCERN IS TO FUND HIS CHILDREN'S FUTURE EDUCATION AND CREATE A DECENT RETIREMENT CORPUS. NEEDED A financial plan that can guarantee good returns and also provide for all his goals R 65,000 NET MONTHLY SURPLUS PLAN BY: STEVEN FERNANDES, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER, MEMBER OF THE FINANCIAL PLANNERS’ GUILD, INDIA(www.fpgindia.org) For expert guidance on your financial planning email us your details at [email protected] EXPRESS CLINIC OBSERVATIONS Though Rajat has some savings and investments he has not diversified enough with most of his investments be- ing in debt with very little exposure to equity. His insurance policies also do not provide suf- ficient coverage considering the high pre- mium that he is paying. Rajat needs to review his asset allocation keeping his goals in mind. FINDINGS EMERGENCY FUND: Rajat maintains R3 lakh in his savings account at all times along with an additional amount of R12 lakh in short and medium term fixed deposits HEALTH INSURANCE: R 3 LAKH Covered upto R3 lakh through a family floater mediclaim policy LIFE INSURANCE: R 15 LAKH cover from 6 different insurance policies EXISTING INVESTMENTS: Investments have been done mostly in safe av- enues such as FD, Postal, etc with the intention of using it to fund children's educational needs. PPF is being rightly utilised upto R70,000 per year for the retirement goal. Other FDs and Postal investments are not providing inflation beating returns and are also not tax efficient. Only R3 lakh invested in various diversified mu- tual funds as lumpsum investments. RECOMMENDATIONS EMERGENCY FUND: Presently R3 lakh is being maintained in savings account for contingency purpose which is adequate Express Tip: Emergency expenses should ideally be maintained in savings account with ATM facility so that you can avail of it during emergency requirements even after banking hours. HEALTH INSURANCE: Take a super surplus mediclaim policy of R10 lakh with a deductible of R3 lakh covering the entire family. Premium outgo per year will be R8,000 Express Tip: Medical costs are on the rise and its necessary to have an adequate cover to prevent oneself from using other savings to fund medical costs. LIFE INSURANCE: As per the expense replacement method there is a shortfall of R1.8 crore in life cover. This can be covered through pure term insur- ance plans. Annual premium will be around R50,000 for online term plans. Make tradi- tional policies paid up and use premium sav- ings towards the new cover. Express Tip: Term insurance is the cheapest form of insurance. Low yield policies should be discontinued only after you have been is- sued the suggested term policy to prevent loss of cover during the application stage. EDUCATIONAL FUNDING FOR SUCHITRA (2018) & APARNA (2023) A SIP of R16,000 in two balanced mutual funds with a good track record for 7 years for Suchitra, and R11,000 in equity and balanced funds for 12 years to fund Aparna's higher education. (Rate of return assumed:10 per cent.) Express Tip: SIPs in equity mutual funds are the best way to invest in equity, which usu- ally beats inflation over longer investment periods along with minimising risk. RETIREMENT FUNDING (2025): Rajat will require a corpus of R3.15 crore at retirement. PPF account needs to be contin- ued till retirement. Present FD can be invested in bal- anced funds via systematic transfer plan (STP) and held till retirement. Invest the insurance surrender value of R4 lakh in diversi- fied equity mutual funds via STP. This and PPF will yield nearly R 1 crore at retirement. He should invest R 59,000 per month in bal- anced mutual funds to bridge the shortfall. He will be short of R 21,000 per month after allocating the surpluses to children's educa- tion. With rising income the additional sur- pluses can be invested for retirement goal. Express Tip: Retirement planning should begin as early as possible in order to benefit from the power of compounding. One can consider education loans in order to bridge any shortfall. CONCLUSION Assess your financial goals early and allocate accordingly. Medium and long term goals can be given equity exposure and short term goals to debt investments. This ensures diversification, tax efficient returns and availability when needed. MONTHLY INCOME (Post Tax) R1,50,000 TOTAL EXPENSES R 85,000 GOALS IN ORDER OF PRIORITY SUCHITRA'S HIGHER EDUCATION (2018) (inflation at 10%) CURRENT VALUE R 10lakh FUTURE VALUE R 19.50 lakh RETIREMENT PLANNING (2025) (Inflation at 7%, Life expectancy 85 years) CURRENT INVESTMENTS PRESENT RETIREMENT EXPENSES R 50,000 FUTURE VALUE R 1.30 lakh CORPUS REQUIRED R 3.15 crore APARNA'S HIGHER EDUCATION (2023) (inflation at 10%) CURRENT VALUE R 10lakh FUTURE VALUE R 31.40 lakh PPF R 6lakh FIXED DEPOSITS & POST R 12lakh EQUITY MUTUAL FUNDS R 3lakh INSURANCE SURRENDER VALUE R 4lakh The Indian EXPRESS www.expressmoney.in 18 MONDAY I AUGUST 29 I 2011 y M o n e y EXPRESS STOCK MARKET Play by the rules of the game To make money in the stock market, first identify what kind of investor you are and then diligently follow the rules. Never let emotions and ego influence a buy/sell decision and keep taking money off the table when you are winning, says Ritu Kant Ojha THINKSTOCK
Page 1: E C Playbytherules ofthegame · 2019-11-24 · AdaniWilmar Formerdesignation AuditAssistant, BusinessDevelopment, AccountsManager Areaofresponsibility Audit,Marketing, Accounts Favoritebook/movie






AdiAnant Greens Private Limited

AdiAnant Greens is a company focused inGreen Rural marketing. The Team consistsof marketing and financial experts all ofwhom are alumni of XLRI, Jamshedpur.

The main idea of the company forGreen Rural Marketing is that solar powerindeed has emerged, but it is not reachingthe final consumer. We visited many vil-lages in Uttar Pradesh and Jharkhand andnoticed that solar powered devices wasstill a distant dream here. We found thatthey are the ones who want it most, andthat they do have the capacity to pur-chase these products. But the issue was alack of effective marketing and distribu-tion channel for the manufacturers of so-lar products.

We at AdiAnant Greens are workingon a rural retail model by opening upAdiAnant Shoppe in the rural areas. Thiswe do with the help of local villagers, inturn creating job opportunities, alongwith gaining the confidence of the othervillagers for these products.

AdiAnant Shoppe is a one-stop modelstore for display, demonstration, market-ing, sales as well as after sales service ofthe various solar products such as solarlanterns, solar fans, solar mobile charger,solar inverters, solar street lights, solarwater pumps, solar water heater andother such useful products.

AdiAnant Shoppe in Shaktinagar,Renukoot, Waidhan and Basti are nowopen. These shops are solving powershortage issues in these villages. Theynow having direct access and are benefit-ing from the abundant solar resources.

Name Arpit Parikh,Somendra Sharma,Kunal Shukla

Age 24, 28, 26Hometown Mumbai, Shaktinagar,

KanpurFamily background First gen entrepreneursMore than 1 company? NoEducation All - Post Graduate

Program in entrepreneurship managementIndividual - CA, AFP,MBA Marketing

Graduated from PGPCEM- XLRIFormer employer Deloitte, Titan,

Adani WilmarFormer designation Audit Assistant,

Business Development,Accounts Manager

Area of responsibility Audit,Marketing,Accounts

Favorite book/movie The First Twenty Millionis always the Hardest

2010 2011No. of employees : 3 7No. of locations : 3 7No. of customers : 16-20 20- 50Turnover : R 12 Till date

lakh R 15 lakhProfits : R 2 lakh Till date

R 3 lakh

The best advice I got...Eat. Sleep. Drink. Think… Business.Have a very clear focus. Your idea might notbe very unique, but it should be somethingthat will have an impact. Select your teamwith great precision, without any bias.

The defining moment…When we opened our first store and whenwe had repeat orders from our customers.It is very satisfying when customers saythat our products have brought about achange in their lives.

What keeps me awakeat night…Business. Business. Business. And how wecan take this idea to the next level

I thought I would give up...There were times when we were not ableto convince people about the technology.They used to come up with questions wewere not able to answer. We workedaround the problem and were successfulthe next time we met them.

My word of advice for others...Do not get into business if: you want to runaway from your job; you want to engagein social service without the thought ofmaking money; you want to spendmore time with your family.

Business should be done with passion,with the objective to earn money. Onlythen can you scale up, attract investorsand after that actually uplift the societywhere you business has made an impact.◆


National Entrepreneurship Network, anon-profit organisation that supportshigh-potential entrepreneurs,contributes to this weekly feature

Company Name : AdiAnantGreens

Founded in : 2010Headquartered in : Mumbai,

KanpurCompany : www.


Industry : Green RuralMarketing

Stage of the company : Initial scale-upSource of idea : A visit to the

rural areasconcept doingvery welloutside India

E quity as an asset class isknown to give best returnsover longer period. It doesgive good returns in short

periods as well, as short as single day.However, every game has its own setof rules and equity is no exception.Rules start from identifying the timehorizon and deciding whether one isa trader, investor or just a momen-tum player.

Many people enter the equitymarket thinking that they wouldmake a quick buck riding on somenews or momentum without having atime horizon in mind. However,once the stock they invested in startssliding, they tend to keep increasingtheir time horizon and refrain fromcutting losses. It is dangerous to buy“stocks in news” without regard tofundamentals.

Typically picking up a ‘tip’ andbuying without any information is acommon mistake many investorsend up making. The stock markethas seen excesses in the past wherestock prices are whipped up in frenzyby ‘operators’ after planting newsabout the growth prospects of thecompany. Castles get built in the airand an atmosphere of belief iscreated and it is too late before anunsuspecting investor figures out thetruth about the company.

IDENTIFY THE TYPEEvery individual while entering themarket has to determine the expo-sure s/he is willing to take and thetime horizon s/he would like to investthat money for.

Many entrants into stock marketsare not clear of their risk appetite andthe time they expect to be in themarket. “Rather than taking a disci-plined approach to investing or trad-ing, many times individuals are look-ing to make a fast buck from themarket and this approach lands theminto deep trouble as there is no suchthing as a free lunch, especially in the

stock market,” says Sandeep Nayak,ED & CEO, Centrum Broking.

EQUITY TRADINGA trader has a short term horizonwhere each purchase may be anintra-day trade where the transactionis squared off and profit or lossbooked by the end of the day.

A trader uses the help of technicalanalysis tools to identify the trend inthe stock price and it is necessary todetermine the price upside (or down-side) one is playing for anddetermine a stop loss level. One mustrecognise that technical analysis is nota perfect science and is known to failone at crucial times. It is thereforenecessary to identify a stop loss strat-egy and recognise pattern failures and

accept them and book losses.“A trader or momentum player needsto decide a stop loss level upfrontbefore entering the trade. There is nohard and fast rule and the stop loss isa matter of risk appetite. A rule ofthumb a trader may follow is that thestop loss should be less than a third ofthe gain one is aiming for. For exam-ple, if a trader buys a stock with anexpected gain of Rs 6 then an oppos-ing movement in stock price ofRs 2 should be his or her stop loss,”adds Nayak.

MOMENTUM PLAYERA momentum player identifies anunderlying trend in the price of asecurity and rides the trend as long

as it is profitable and the time hori-zon could be a few days to a fewmonths depending on how long thetrend lasts. “As a momentum player,an investor invests on the assumptionthat a company is ‘hot’. Typicalstreaks do not last beyond 5-10 percent,” says Sandeep Tyagi, MD andCEO, Estee Advisors. Traders andmomentum players trade on bothsides of the market i.e. long and shortside both depending on whether theoutlook for the market or stock isbullish or bearish.

The “trend is your friend” strategyis best adopted by these players withtwo key things to be kept in mind —stop loss must be strictly followedwithout fail and exposures keptunder control — keep taking moneyoff the table when you are winning.

“A common mistake made by mostof the traders is increasing exposuresby ploughing back trading profitsleading to large exposures which canlead to higher losses when themarket whipsaws contrary to expec-tation. About 90 per cent of thetraders/momentum players end uplosing money as they mix emotionsand let their ego influence theirbuy/sell decisions. Exiting timely isextremely important to makemoney,” suggests G Maran,executive director, Unifi Capital.

INVESTORAn investor is in the stock marketwith a long-term horizon intent oncapital appreciation. The dividend

yield is also a relevant considerationbut largely an investor is in the gamefor a reward through handsomecapital appreciation.

According to the experts, aninvestor is likely to get best resultsfollowing a buy and hold strategywith a horizon of three years andabove. Identifying the rightcompanies to invest is a greatchallenge faced by an investor.

Understanding the fundamentalsof the company, judging thequality/competence of the manage-ment and the corporate governancestandards followed by them requireexpert guidance and a good qualityadvisor or wealth manager is a handyhelp in this process of stock selectionand investment.

“A good company tends to grow at15-20 per cent. The market volatility isabout 25 per cent. So your holdingperiod should be at least 2 years insimplistic terms. The stop lossesshould be decided when the lossesare more than the market volatility(so if the market is down 5 per centand your pick is down 10 per cent, netloss of 5 per cent is what shoulddetermine that you exit),” adds Tyagi.

An investor needs to spendadequate time tracking the perfo-rmance of portfolio. It is necessary toreview each company one holds inthe portfolio and ensure that the ratio-nale for purchase still exists. Com-pany performance is available on aquarterly basis and researchers putout updates on the company aftereach result and explain the variationsin performance.

A prudent investor would do wellto at least review portfolio everyquarter and take a call in conjunctionwith an advisor/wealth manager onthe prospects of the stocks.

But before that, do identifywhether you are a trader, momentumplayer or an investor and play by therules, for that should be the first stepwhen investing in stocks. ◆

[email protected]

LOOK BEFORE INVESTINGCompany Date of High High Close % Change

REL CAPITAL 07 Oct 2010 882.00 344.20 -60.98REL COMM 14 Oct 2010 188.50 72.20 -61.70DLF 04 Oct 2010 397.35 176.10 -55.68JET AIRWAYS 10 Nov 2010 926.35 250.15 -73.00REL INFRA 07 Oct 2010 1,132.00 416.05 -63.25(Source: Centrum Broking)






NEEDEDA financial planthat can guaranteegood returns andalso provide for allhis goals




For expert guidance on your financial planning email us your details [email protected]



Though Rajat has some savings andinvestments he has not diversifiedenough with most of his investments be-ing in debt with very little exposure to equity.His insurance policies also do not provide suf-ficient coverage considering the high pre-mium that he is paying. Rajat needs to reviewhis asset allocation keeping his goals in mind.FINDINGS

EMERGENCY FUND:Rajat maintains R3 lakh in his savings account atall times along with an additional amount of R12lakh in short and medium term fixed deposits


R 3 LAKHCovered upto R3 lakh through a family floatermediclaim policy


R 15 LAKHcover from 6 different insurance policies

EXISTING INVESTMENTS:Investments have been done mostly in safe av-enues such as FD, Postal, etc with the intentionof using it to fund children's educational needs.PPF is being rightly utilised upto R70,000 peryear for the retirement goal. Other FDs andPostal investments are not providing inflationbeating returns and are also not tax efficient.Only R3 lakh invested in various diversified mu-tual funds as lumpsum investments.

RECOMMENDATIONSEMERGENCY FUND: Presently R3 lakh isbeing maintained in savings account forcontingency purpose which is adequateExpress Tip: Emergency expenses shouldideally be maintained in savings accountwith ATM facility so that you can avail of itduring emergency requirements even afterbanking hours.

HEALTH INSURANCE: Take a super surplusmediclaim policy of R10 lakh with a deductibleof R3 lakh covering the entire family. Premiumoutgo per year will be R8,000Express Tip: Medical costs are on the riseand its necessary to have an adequate coverto prevent oneself from using other savingsto fund medical costs.

LIFE INSURANCE:As per the expense replacement methodthere is a shortfall of R1.8 crore in life cover.This can be covered through pure term insur-ance plans. Annual premium will be aroundR50,000 for online term plans. Make tradi-tional policies paid up and use premium sav-ings towards the new cover.Express Tip: Term insurance is the cheapestform of insurance. Low yield policies shouldbe discontinued only after you have been is-sued the suggested term policy to preventloss of cover during the application stage.

EDUCATIONAL FUNDING FOR SUCHITRA(2018) & APARNA (2023)A SIP of R16,000 in twobalanced mutual fundswith a good track recordfor 7 years for Suchitra,and R11,000 in equity andbalanced funds for 12

years to fund Aparna's higher education.(Rate of return assumed:10 per cent.)Express Tip: SIPs in equity mutual funds arethe best way to invest in equity, which usu-ally beats inflation over longer investmentperiods along with minimising risk.

RETIREMENT FUNDING (2025):Rajat will require a corpus of R3.15 crore atretirement. PPF account needs to be contin-

ued till retirement. PresentFD can be invested in bal-anced funds via systematictransfer plan (STP) andheld till retirement. Investthe insurance surrendervalue of R4 lakh in diversi-

fied equity mutual funds via STP. This and PPFwill yield nearly R 1 crore at retirement. Heshould invest R 59,000 per month in bal-anced mutual funds to bridge the shortfall.He will be short of R 21,000 per month afterallocating the surpluses to children's educa-tion. With rising income the additional sur-pluses can be invested for retirement goal.Express Tip: Retirement planning shouldbegin as early as possible in order to benefitfrom the power of compounding. One canconsider education loans in order to bridgeany shortfall.


Assess your financial goals early andallocate accordingly. Medium andlong term goals can be given equityexposure and short term goals todebt investments. This ensuresdiversification, tax efficient returnsand availability when needed.





SUCHITRA'S HIGHER EDUCATION(2018) (inflation at 10%)


FUTURE VALUER 19.50 lakh

RETIREMENT PLANNING(2025) (Inflation at 7%, Life expectancy 85 years)





APARNA'S HIGHER EDUCATION(2023) (inflation at 10%)















Play by the rulesof the gameTo make money in the stockmarket, first identify whatkind of investor you are andthen diligently follow therules. Never let emotionsand ego influence abuy/sell decision and keeptaking money off the tablewhen you are winning,says Ritu Kant Ojha

