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Date post: 22-Feb-2022
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Instead of coming back to see familiar faces in the school hall, the Class of 2019 met their classmates in assigned tutorial rooms to collect their GCE ‘A’ Level examination results.

The suspension of mass gatherings due to the COVID-19 situation meant that even our Principal Mrs Teo’s opening speech had to be done through a livestream that was broadcasted to the respective venues.

Yong Jie Ning (18J01), one of the top scorers from her cohort, lamented that her batch could not collect their results together in a common venue but she was also thankful that at least she was able to do so with her classmates.

River Valley High School is proud to announce that students from the Class of 2019 have done exceptionally well.

Of all 4H2 students, a notable 99.2% attained at least 4H2 and a H1 GP pass while 98.4% of the cohort scored at least 3H2 with a pass in H1 GP. Additionally, 36.92% of the students achieved at least 3 H2 distinctions.

Overall, 43.3% of the cohort attained a score between 85 and 90 rank points and 28 students attained a perfect score of 90 rank points.

Valedictorian, Ian Lee (18J02), explained that he was initially disappointed with his preliminary examination results and, despite his peers expressing faith in him, did not expect to do too well.

“So when I received my results, I was pleasantly surprised,” he said.

While the students faced various challenges in their preparation for the examination, Jie Ning attributed her good grades to diligent effort

GCE 'A' Level Examination Results

and getting help promptly from her teachers by consulting them.

“Many would think that it may be too early to consult their teachers for help in JC1 but it is definitely necessary if you cannot understand the concepts,” she explained.

As for Ian, he has this piece of advice for current J2 students: “Enjoy the process, and always remember to stop and smell the flowers.”

Congratulations again to the outstanding Class of 2019!

Chloe Lim Kai Ling (20J04) and Soh Jia Xuan (20J18)

The school leaders with our top scorers

Students waiting in excitement for their results



29 August 2020 marked River Valley High School’s inaugural eHonours Day. The online format of this year’s event allowed all RVians to be a part of this event commemorating RVians’ achievements over the past year.

There was much to celebrate as the wide array of prestigious awards for both academic and non-academic achievements testified to RVians’ continued pursuit of excellence. The award presentations were interspersed with congratulatory speeches and videos from both students and staff on how the RV spirit has continued to burn bright even in these unprecedented times.

Mrs Teo Khin Hiang, Principal of River Valley High School, spoke about the COVID-19 pandemic. She highlighted the many student-led events, innovations and achievements that occurred over the past year, remarking that the pandemic has not impeded the school’s pursuit of excellence. Mrs Teo also shared how the staff exemplified the school value of lifelong learning during the HBL period, which served as an inspiration for the

E-Honours Day

Kenneth Kwan Yu Heng, Recipient of the RV Outstanding Leadership Award and RV Student of the Year

students. Mrs Teo also thanked the EAS staff and the school community, as she shared how the close bonds between students, staff, parents, alumni and the school management board have allowed RVians to continue to pursue proactive and people-centric solutions to school and national issues. Mrs Teo specifically mentioned how RV’s holistic and well-developed curriculum gave our student leaders the positive mindset and perseverance they needed to adapt to the constantly changing pandemic situation. Finally, Mrs Teo encouraged all RVians to continue to contribute to RV and to Singapore, by staying united and being innovative leaders of distinction.

The Guest-of-Honour, Mr Tan Wee Seng, a member of the School Advisory Committee and President of the RV Alumni Association, spoke to RVians as a senior and highlighted the importance of the school motto, 立德立功 化愚化顽, especially in the new normal. He congratulated the award recipients and shared his hope that they will also carry the school motto with them as they venture into the world beyond RV

Recipients of the RV Academic Excellence Award



我的语文水平不是很好。说话的时候,在脑海中已经形成那个概念了,可是用文字表达出来的时候却是断断续续的。因此我一直以为我应该不太会喜欢翻译。直到鉴定考时,我才真正发现翻译的乐趣。在从原文转换到译文时,有一种外科手术医生的感觉,手握的黑笔犹如锋利的手术刀,将原文切割为一块一块易于理解的信息后,准确地翻译为译文。做完我的第一篇译文后,我做出了选读 H2 翻译的决定。对翻译产生的浓厚兴趣也驱使我在 2019 年的夏天找到了我的第一份翻译实习工作,并在 2020 年年初报名参加了第六届白玫瑰翻译比赛。



钟品晨 (19J13)



为了让同学体验到学习华文与文化的乐趣并增长相关的知识,立化中学双文化领袖学研中心(Bicultural Leaders Academy)每年都会举办校内华文大比拼,使对华文抱有热忱的同学们有机会大展拳脚。

由于今年情况特殊,所以华文大比拼无法如往年一样,在礼堂进行。于是,学研中心的同学别出心裁,以从未尝试过的线上形式,通过谷歌会议(Google Meet)与网络抢答器进行比赛。除此之外,未参赛的学生在比赛过程中通过Youtube观看直播,为其班级代表加油打气。这便是这场华文大比拼与往年最大的不同了。


来自双文化学研领袖中心的中四学生黄乐萱同学今年参与了华文大比拼的筹备工作。她分享道:“在计划这次华文大比拼的过程中,我们不但需要确保比赛的玩法公平,也要考虑到比赛的刺激性和趣味性。因此,今年的比赛,我们加入了新的赛制,如抽取功能卡,以及新的题型,如“看表情符号(Emoji)猜成语”。 我想参赛者都会认为这一次的比赛既是对自己的挑战,也是一次学习新知识的机遇。而对于双文化领袖学研中心的成员来说,疫情所带来的限制也鼓励了我们创新求异,大胆尝试运用网络科技来突破距离上的挑战。”


刘欣然 (4C)

《校内华文大比拼 学生们一展身手》



By Liu Zixuan (1H) – TOP 15

My songwriting journey started during the pandemic period in late January when we all had to stay home. Luckily, I had music to keep me company. I wrote this song during Chinese New Year and shared it with my friends on social media. It received positive feedback and that motivated me to continue writing music and improving myself. When my music teacher, Mr Hung, shared information on this year’s SYF Theme Song Competition, I decided to give it a try despite my lack of competitive songwriting experiences and lack of confidence. Fortunately, I got to attend many mentorship sessions online, which greatly helped me to improve my skills. I believe that I have matured as a songwriter and as a person over the course of these few months. My songwriting skills are now more structured and I am able to express myself better. Entering this competition is a good start to my musical journey.

By Rachel Wee Hui Ying (19J10) – Honorable Mention

This songwriting experience was a rather unique one as it took place in my own home, contrary to what I had originally expected. Initially, I was looking forward to having face-to-face mentorship sessions, but the pandemic dashed my hopes as the mentorship had to be done online. However, these online sessions were nonetheless extremely enriching and the personalised feedback from a professional was invaluable. As I had no proper equipment at my disposal, I was forced to think out of the box to utilise the limited resources I had at home. I was also allowed the space to freely explore different methods of song production and recording, which I thoroughly enjoyed. Although the process was unprecedented, this experience taught me how to be self-directed in my pursuits and the importance of learning how to learn.

SYF Theme Song

Liu Zixuan was in the top 15 of the songwriting competition

Rachel Wee received the Honorable Mention in the songwriting competition




Exploring opportunities in the new norm + Designing with TI GC Competition

During the Circuit Breaker, we were faced with the prospect of not having face-to-face MLA workshops and sessions, but every cloud has a silver lining - instead of hampering us in our learning, it opened new doors for us to share the joy of learning Mathematics!

We seized the opportunity to engage RVians online and started an initiative “tALLYtogether” which comprised two main parts. Firstly, “SUMming COVID-19” was a series of facts that touched on the Mathematics behind this pandemic, such as the eye-opening predictive models and simulations used by epidemiologists.

We also had a virtual Graphing Calculator (GC) workshop through a series of video tutorials created by our very own members. This workshop,

which was made available to all RVians, was able to better equip students to participate in this year’s Designing with TI Graphing Calculators competition. We are proud to have clinched 1 Silver and 2 Bronze awards for the competition. This year’s theme “A Better World with Less Plastics” also aptly reminded us to be more watchful of our plastic consumption especially during the pandemic.

This year’s experience has inspired us to constantly innovate and think out of the box. We were pushed to explore possibilities beyond what have been done previously, such as utilising various online platforms to facilitate sessions and communication. This period, although filled with many challenges, has definitely taught us to turn these challenges into new learning opportunities.

Chua Yao Xuan (20J13) and Glenda Chong Rui Ting (20J15)

Designing with TI GC Competition - Chua Yao Xuan (20J13) won a Bronze

Designing with TI GC Competition - Sheila Chen Sing Hui (19J03) won a Bronze

Designing with TI GC Competition - Glenda Chong Rui Ting (20J15) won a Silver




庸小说都被她翻烂了”,从此培养了她的阅读习惯。这些年来,她不仅代表学校参加写作比赛,更是学校辩论社的代表。她说: “感激华文这个奇妙的语言为我打开那么多道门,让我能够看到多彩的世界。”








Mathematics Leaders Academy


For the second year in a row, RVHS JC 1 students had the opportunity to experience Gap Exploration Month. “Gap Exploration Month” (GAP) was inspired by the gap year that some college students take to travel and explore different parts of the world, or to partake in internships to gain new experiences. Similarly, our GAP month was designed for RVians to deepen their knowledge according to their interests, to learn to work positively as a group and contribute as change-makers in their community. The three big questions that guided the design of the GAP month were: ‘How can I know myself better?’, ‘How can I work positively and meaningfully with others?’ and ‘How can I be a positive force in the community?’

GAP month started with a very exciting four days of the Sports Enrichment Module. The students participated in various sports modules that took them beyond normal Physical Education lessons to instill the importance of healthy living and teamwork.

One of the most interesting experiences the students had was the week-long Social Investigation Project (SIP). The main idea of this team and project-based learning was to give students the chance to go beyond the classroom and school and find out what other groups, perspectives, and experiences are out there, and how they are relevant to each student as a Singaporean. By researching different social groups and problems, students then used their understanding of these perspectives and experiences to generate solutions to effect positive change. What many students enjoyed was that it enabled them to step out of their comfort zones and reach out to the public. By conducting surveys and interviews with the public, many noted they learnt to empathise better with different people. This heightened their awareness of difficulties faced by different communities, and also planted the seeds for RVians to contribute more to society.

The Higher Education Career Guidance was enjoyable as students had the chance to attend a panel discussion where all the local universities were represented. Through the sharing by various speakers, students were able to find out more about opportunities that different industries

GAP Exploration Month 2020

Lab Tour Learning Journey

and local universities have to offer. There was also a spirited Question and Answer session with the representatives. Seizing the opportunity to speak to representatives from tertiary institutions, students stayed on till late to converse with them. With the insights gleaned from the talks and learning journeys, students have a clearer understanding of what prospects and opportunities they could strive for.

Finally, students had the opportunity to further explore an area of

their choice using online learning. Students signed up for modules from online course providers such as Coursera and Udemy to learn about topics they would not normally be exposed to in the standard curriculum. Students studied a variety of subjects such as Philosophy, Greek mythology, Cryptology, and many more.

With all these enriching activities and programmes, the JC ones had a meaningful and fruitful GAP month to give them a flying start to their JC lives!

Mark CordinerTeacher in-charge of GAP month

Learning journey to Yale-NUS CollegeSUTD learning journey

School-Wide Events and Activities


River Valley High School celebrated its 64th anniversary on 16 January 2020. This is the first school anniversary helmed by students, with a Organising Committee that is made up of 45 JC 1 students.

Many of us were inexperienced in organising large scale events. Understandably, we felt lost and faced many challenges and difficulties, particularly in terms of communication. However, with the guidance of our teachers-in-charge, we became better decision-makers, risk-takers and ultimately, stronger leaders.

For this year’s celebration, we had two special committees, namely, media publicity and pre-events. Together, they worked to enliven

RV64 Celebration

the celebratory mood prior to the anniversary. It was also the first time we had a RV64 logo for the school anniversary, designed by our Public Relations team. The Montage team also reached out to our alumni to create a meaningful montage. This spirit of collaboration was a key factor in the successful completion of the event. With everyone working together, we were able to overcome challenges and had many breakthroughs.

We are immensely proud of the hard work we had put in. The planning process had opened our eyes and taught us many valuable lessons. We are very grateful to the school for this experience, as well as the meaningful relationships forged and memories created on this journey. Happy 64th Birthday, RV!

Student Writers (Chairpersons of RV64):Guo Ziqiao (20J09), Huang Xinyue Serene (20J14) and Yam Sing Er Angela (20J11)

Art Club & Calligraphy Collaboration

RV Dance Society performing Ascent

RV Medley

School-Wide Events and Activities









School-Wide Events and Activities


刘欣然 (4C)


School-Wide Events and Activities

JC1 students had an active start to the 2020 academic year. In the first week of GAP month, students reunited with their classmates through an array of physical activities anchored and organised by the PE department such as kayaking, bouldering, bowling, windsurfing, archery, muay thai, inline skating and yoga.

While we had fun in January, little did we know that COVID-19 would upend all our other plans such as the annual Cohesion Hike and Sports Carnival. Although safe distancing measures ruled out many conventional physical activities and contact sports such as basketball and football, teachers and students demonstrated positivity and resilience by adapting to the new norm and staying physically active nevertheless. Adjustments such as reducing the number of players on-court, disinfecting sports equipment and practising personal hygiene at all times were quickly made.

Engaging in Physical Health and Fitness, a Way to Fight COVID-19

Enjoying a game of soccer while staying safe!

Home-based teaching and learning for PE, whilst challenging in its implementation, afforded teachers timely opportunities to guide students in taking charge of their personal well-being by designing and carrying out appropriate exercise programmes supported by good sleep hygiene and nutritional practices. Indeed, engagement in physical health and fitness is a great way for us to fight Covid-19. Staying in the pink of health enables us to fulfill our social responsibility of looking after the more vulnerable in the community.

Disinfecting used floorball sticks

Learning to play badminton while staying safely distanced

JC1 students kayaking during GAP month in January

Performing isometric exercises while getting a good dose of Vit D


Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic and with safety measures implemented, having to plan the school’s National Day eCelebration seemed like a gargantuan task.

With the various constraints and considerations, the Organising Committee had to work very closely online to put together a very unconventional concert. We brainstormed for innovative ideas to ensure that the programme and various initiatives would still be able to capture the spirit of National Day, and build up excitement among the students.

National Day eCelebration

Unlike typical National Day celebrations in RV, where the school would first watch the march-past by the Uniformed Groups before attending a concert, this year’s celebration was viewed from the comfort of our respective home rooms, with a pre-filmed, meticulously edited video of the flag-raising ceremony and concert. Besides the change in the execution of the celebrations, our pre-event initiatives had to be taken online as well — the annual photo booth was replaced by an Instagram filter, and the inter-class design competition was carried out online. Despite the tight timeline and changes, the performers, student editors, Organising Committee members, and the teachers-in-charge put in their best effort to make this year’s celebrations an authentic and successful one.

RV’s National Day celebration 2020 was indeed a unique one, and the limitations ultimately presented us the opportunity to go beyond what we thought was possible. Through this experience, the Organising Committee has definitely learnt how to become more adaptable and think out of the box when presented with constraints due to unforeseen circumstances. This has helped us to grow as leaders in a VUCA world, where the expectations of what it means to be a good leader are ever-evolving.

NDP 2020 ChairpersonsAmanda Zhao Xin Hua (20J04), Tan Yuu Wei (20J08), Mao Ruijie (20J09) and Yong Kai Qing (20J17)

Students reciting the national pledge in class

Watching a medley of NDP songs by our talented performers

Watching the concert from the comfort of our home rooms









黄乐萱 (4C),戴予洵 (4C),郭哲涵 (4B)

校长与同学们分享求学乐事 一幅幅画框表达同学们对学校员工的谢意


School-Wide Events and Activities







赖思竹 (3C),张卉昕 (3B)


2020 中秋表演视频截图

明月相照 线上同行相声表演,幽默逗趣。



School-Wide Events and Activities


To commemorate Total Defence Day on 15 Feb 2020, the student body participated in a variety of activities. In addition, the National Education Council had a series of daily morning broadcasts on Total Defence-related contemporary issues to raise the students’ awareness of current events in our country.

For the Secondary 1 students, they learnt about the six pillars of Total Defence and the different ways Singaporeans can strengthen these pillars through the “Guardian of the City II” game, which was facilitated by NPCC cadets. At the end of the game, students were given time to reflect and share what they learnt about Total Defence. Through this activity, students were able to develop a deeper understanding of Singapore’s security threats and how each of us can play our part to keep Singapore safe and secure.

Total Defence Day 2020

Another group of Sec 1 students playing Guardian of the City II game

The Secondary 2 students were taught some basic and improvised first-aid skills by the St John Brigade (SJB) students. Through a simulated emergency situation, students from various groups raced against one another to save “victims”, students could better grasp what Civil Defence is about, and were also able to equip themselves with some basic knowledge on first-aid skills, which they can apply in emergency situations.

The National Education Council, together with the CCE representatives, taught Secondary 3 and 4 students how to discern fake news and real news, an important skill these days when misinformation has become so much more common. During the activity, students were given news articles to read, and using the Source, Understand, Research, Evaluate (SURE) framework, they had to decide which of the news were fake or real. This enabled students to see how online falsehoods can affect them and Singapore at large, and appreciated the importance of Digital Defence for Singapore.

Gallery walks were held in tutorial rooms where JC1 and 2 students discussed and learnt more about current and potential security threats that affect Singapore. Adding depth to their discussion, they identified and explained how individual actions can contribute to each pillar of Singapore’s Total Defence in times of crisis.

With the plethora of activities to highlight the importance of Total Defence Day, we hope that everyone understands their role because Singapore can be strong only if we all stand united and stay committed to play our part.

We are Total Defence.

Natalie Chan and Krystal Pek (4A)

Sec 1 students playing Guardian of the City II game

School-Wide Events and Activities


From 13 to 17 January, Lim Sing Wei (20J01), Chua Tse Hui (20J02) and Jonathan Chew Jian Pin (20J10) participated in the annual International Youth Science Forum @ Singapore. The event serves as a platform for 120 passionate young scientists from about 45 schools from different parts of the world to participate in intellectual discourse on science and research. During the five-day forum, delegates were engaged in an exciting array of activities, such as masterclasses, excursions, dialogue session and science project exhibition.

The highlight of this forum was the Grand Ceremony with a dialogue session involving Sir Tim Hunt, the Nobel Prize Winner in Physiology or Medicine in 2001, and Professor Konstantin Novoselov, the Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics in 2010. They shared interesting anecdotes and opinions, in response to this year’s theme “Evolving Aspirations: Divergent Pathways, Convergent Future”, that were truly inspirational. The masterclasses chaired by eminent scientists also offered deeper insights into their fields of study.

2020 International Youth Science Forum @ Singapore

Jonathan Chew Jian Pin (20J10) sharing his science project with Nobel laureate, Sir Tim Hunt

Additionally, we enjoyed the Team Project Challenge, in which our groups were tasked with constructing a futuristic means of transport. This activity allowed us to foster strong bonds with our group members. Furthermore, the cultural showcase gave us an invaluable opportunity to interact with international delegates, enabling us to learn more about their rich cultures. We would like to thank the Science Leaders Academy for this chance to participate in this prestigious eye-opening event.

Lim Sing Wei (20J01)

Jonathan Chew Jian Pin (20J10) with eminent Swiss chemist, Professor Michael Grätzel at the ISYF Masterclass

Jonathan Chew Jian Pin holding his group’s prototype for the Team Project Challenge

Lim Sing Wei (1st girl from right, 2nd row) with her team at a learning journey to NTU School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Lim Sing Wei (20J01) with her team mate in a research lab at the NTU School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

CIDC Events / Activities


Four teams with a total of 12 Secondary 2 and 4 students participated in the mBot Workshop and Maze, on 21 and 22 November 2019, organised by the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), National University of Singapore. During the workshop, we learnt about basic electronics circuits, sensors and embedded systems, and built our own robot to navigate through a maze. As it was our first time programming and operating an mBot vehicle, we were quite apprehensive about the task. However, after numerous trial and error attempts with our algorithms, we were able to fully grasp the manoeuvrability of the mBot. Through this workshop, we were gratified to have persevered through and overcome the obstacles faced during app programming. Our efforts paid off with two teams clinching awards in the race:

1st Runner Up (Team)Chua Yong Liang (20J10)Tricia Boo Koh Wei Ping (20J10)Wang Zixun (20J15) 2nd Runner Up (Team)Charis Wong Jing Wen (3A)Rocky Wong (3C)Edric Ng Jean Tzi (3F)

Besides the thrilling mBot race, we also visited the research centres and specialised laboratories in ECE. The sharing by academic staff allowed us to gain deeper insights into the interesting research projects such as laser printing and engineering of medical goggles used for testing glaucoma, undertaken by university students and professors. For many of us, these experiences have definitely been helpful in providing a glimpse of the useful applications engineering can bring to our society.

Chua Yong Liang and Tricia Boo Koh Wei Ping (20J10)

2019 NUS Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering mBot Workshop & Race

RV team launching their completed mBot racer in the maze

Associate Professor Arthur Tay presented the awards to the 1st Runner Up team in the mBot Race

mBot workshop participants visited the Digital Systems and Applications Laboratory to understand more about autonomous systems

CIDC Events / Activities


CIDC Events / Activities

From 25 to 28 November 2019, 11 RVians participated in the Young Defence Scientists Programme (YDSP) Science and Technology Camps held at the Defence Science and Technology Agency (DSTA) campus. The theme for the Secondary 3 camp was Underwater Unmanned Robotics. Over the four days, under the guidance of engineers from DSTA, students were engaged in interesting hands-on activities like learning how to programme and construct their own “Sea Perch” which was an unmanned marine vehicle made of PVC pipes, DC motors and a Micro:bit microcontroller to complete a race to retrieve rings in a pool of water.

The other camp for Secondary 4 and JC 1 students was on Artificial Intelligence: Image Classification and Natural Language Processing. Students were introduced to theoretical and practical knowledge of machine learning and its applications. Groups were then tasked to create an

2019 YDSP Science & Technology Camps: Artificial Intelligence & Underwater Unmanned

image and text classifier within a tight deadline. Programming was clearly not our forte, especially when we encountered bugs in our algorithms. Resolving these issues on the spot by trial-and-error taught us the value of quick-thinking, the power of self-confidence and the importance of staying calm in tough situations. Despite challenges, with teamwork and perseverance, the group comprising Soh Yuyan (20J01), Ge Shuqing (20J13), Teng Yee Shin (20J15), Chew Ching Hian and Dana Ong Zi Yi (19J07) clinched 2nd Runner-Up in the competition!

Through these exciting games, we also met and made new friends with participants from other schools. We are grateful for this invaluable learning opportunity offered by DSTA through the Science Leaders Academy.

Ge Shuqing (20J13) and Teng Yee Shin (20J15)

The Sec 3 team built their Sea Perch, an underwater unmanned robot, to complete a mission in an inflatable pool

The JC 1 team won 2nd Runner-Up in the Artificial Intelligence category in the YDSP Science Technology Camp

Ge Shuqing (20J13) and Teng Yee Shin (20J15) brainstorming on their image classifier programme





我们要感谢学校的支持,以及老师们的鼓励。学校和老师给我们很大的发挥空间和自主性,让我们以学生的视角,制作具有青春活力和校园气息的广播。RVFM 就如同一个大家庭。我们不把制作广播当成一份作业,而是当作兴趣去完成,因此轻松又乐在其中。每一次的广播,都充满期待与喜悦。










颜子凌 (4A)








徐嘉恩 (4G)

CIDC Events / Activities


为了让同学体验到学习华文与文化的乐趣并增长相关的知识,立化中学双文化领袖学研中心(Bicultural Leaders Academy)每年都会举办校内华文大比拼,使对华文抱有热忱的同学们有机会大展拳脚。

由于今年情况特殊,所以华文大比拼无法如往年一样,在礼堂进行。于是,学研中心的同学别出心裁,以从未尝试过的线上形式,通过谷歌会议(Google Meet)与网络抢答器进行比赛。除此之外,未参赛的学生在比赛过程中通过Youtube观看直播,为其班级代表加油打气。这便是这场华文大比拼与往年最大的不同了。



BLA首次举行线上研讨会 利用多媒体带来精彩呈现





苏雨嫣 (20J01), 蔡沛叡 (20J02)






蔡长明 (20J20)

CIDC Events / Activities


In November 2019, the Aesthetics Council organised a two-day Aesthetics Camp for all Secondary 1 to 4 Aesthetics CCA members. It provided a valuable opportunity for the members to get to know their peers and learn more about the various Aesthetics CCAs. To celebrate the arts in RV, the camp held an inaugural mini-concert for the participants to present their talents.

The camp also held the Aesthetics Council Investiture, which marked the end of the 4th Aesthetics Council’s term. We honoured their contributions to the school and welcomed the 5th Aesthetics Council in their journey to promote the arts!

Odelia Hiew (20J16)

Aesthetics Camp & Aesthetics Council Investiture

Mass Display by Aesthetics Camp participants

5th Aesthetics Council taking the Aesthetics Pledge during the Investiture

Past and present Aesthetics Council members at Bonding Night

On 28 November 2019, the RVHS Choirs were once again invited to perform at Limelight. It is a series that gives some of the best school choirs and symphonic bands in Singapore an opportunity to perform at the Esplanade Concert Hall. It was indeed an incredible honour to be able to perform in a venue of such capacity. Centered on the theme “Homecoming!”, we presented songs that held significance to our memories from the past 20 years. These included “Mi Nong”, which is commissioned by our alumnus Dr Zechariah Goh, “The Bare Necessities”, a familiar and catchy Disney tune, and “Over the Rainbow”, a heartwarming piece about hopes and dreams.

The preparatory journey was one of learning and acquiring a collective experience of joy, as we worked together to create blended melodies.


A night of wonderful music

Liu Zixuan was in the top 15 of the songwriting competition

This experience allowed us to make wonderful memories, forge stronger inter-personal bonds and mature as a choir.

We would like to express our gratitude to the Esplanade for inviting the RVHS Choir to be a part of their Limelight series, as well as the school for giving us the opportunity to perform on this wonderful stage. We would also like to thank our alumni for guiding and singing with us, our teachers-in-charge and student leaders for their continuous hard and ‘heart’ work, our audience for their enthusiastic support, and everyone else who helped in one way or another. Last but not least, we thank our conductor, Ms Choy, from the bottom of our hearts – for believing in us and constantly pushing us to improve as musicians.

Chua Yuan Zhang Fabron (3A) and Audrey Koo Yu Xuan (4A)

CCAC Events / Activities


CCAC Events / Activities

On 11 January 2020, RV held its annual Sports Homecoming where alumni athletes from various CCAs gathered to celebrate their passion for sports. For the RV Table Tennis team (RVTT), this was the fourth Homecoming which saw RV alumni from the Class of 2012 coming back to school to meet their juniors. It was a nostalgic moment for the former players who reminisced about their schooling years with batch mates, coaches and teachers.

It was also a day when we welcomed new players from both Secondary 1 and Junior College to our RVTT family. A student-led initiative by RVTT captains, the existing members had the opportunity to bond across different Divisions while playing friendly matches. It created the opportunity to build camaraderie as seniors shared practical and invaluable tips on balancing the demands of academics and sports while experiencing school life.

As a former RVTT member, it was heartening to see how the CCA has evolved through the years. A sports CCA is more than just 3pm to 6pm training afternoons where we hone our skills, it is also one that nurtures a community of like-minded individuals who take the lead in inspiring others who are walking the same journey. This community would not be sustained without the unwavering support of the parents who have been cheering the players on. As we continue to grow as a CCA, may we never forget our roots, and seize the opportunity to give back to RV.

Ms Lim En Qi

On 29 January, 10 JC 1 students represented River Valley Uniformed Groups (UG) and embarked on an expedition to Taiwan. During the trip, we had the opportunity to act as student facilitators in an outdoor camp organised by the Scouts from Sacred Hearts High School - RV’s sister school, to gain a deeper understanding of Taiwanese culture and way of life.

Throughout the 4 day 3 night camp, the Taiwanese Scouts remained systematic and on-task while managing their roles as both facilitators and organising committee members. When we joined them on a gruelling 1305m hike up Da Jian Shan, they constantly encouraged and cared for everyone despite their own exhaustion. We were impressed by their leadership, discipline and people-centricity.

Besides participating in the school camp, we had the privilege of visiting the Seediq tribe (赛德克族). Through their activities, the concept of sustainability was deeply ingrained into our minds. It is impressive how the Seediq tribe uses the natural resources available to provide for themselves for generations, while protecting the environment they live in.

1月29日,立化中学制服团体的10位高一学生代表参加了一项台湾学习之旅。这次千载难逢的机会让我们对当地的文化有更深的了解。我们有幸参加正心中学的童军为中二同学们举办的户外营。当我们踏入营地时,台湾的同学们面带灿烂的笑容,唱着 ‘欢迎歌’迎接我们,充分展现了台湾人闻名的好客之道。台湾文化非常重视“环保”及“永续性”等概念。露营时,台湾同胞们会细心地将自己的垃圾进行分类,显示了他们强烈的生态持续意识。我们在露营期间学会了新的领导方式,提升我们的领导能力。

Chia An Jie, Dana (20J19), Huang Ziyan (20J08) , Lee Yan Qing (20J14) and Lim Jia Han, Jarred (20J01)

Taiwan UG Expedition Montage

Climbing up Da Jian Shan

Group picture with Sacred Hearts High School’s principal at the peak of the mountain

Table Tennis Alumni at RV Sports Homecoming 2020

Playing the sport together as one RVTT family

Team bonding before the friendly matches begin


This year has been a test of River Valley Guitar Ensemble (RVGE)’s ability to adapt to new ways of learning and interacting with fellow CCA members as social distancing measures mean that we cannot practise face-to-face during CCA sessions. This impeded some of the new members’ learning as they were new to playing the instrument.

Despite these challenges, RVGE adopted a positive mindset. During the Circuit Breaker period, our CCA teacher-in-charge set up a

Our CCA, Our Story

Asynchronous home-based CCA

website where our members received music scores and uploaded our learning videos. We adapted to change by having asynchronous home-based CCA training and watching tutorial videos of the songs we had to play. These videos were useful as they focused on the basics such as finger placements and rhythm.

With the opening of Phase 2, ‘live’ eCCAs resumed, to our immense delight. We are now able to see each other’s performance in real time and give feedback, and more importantly,

As part of RVGE, it has been a very fulfilling experience that we will always keep close to our hearts. Despite the fact that this pandemic shortened our CCA journey, we are thankful for the experiences and memories we shared. Our leadership journey has not always been smooth sailing, starting with not knowing what to expect in terms of getting along with one another to learning how to play the guitar. This uncertainty initially made us doubtful of our own capabilities. Fortunately, with the support of one another, we managed to overcome these challenges and grew more confident in guiding the new batch of CCA members especially during this pandemic. When CCA sessions took a hiatus, it had only been

Pass it Ona few months since we got to know our juniors. It definitely worried us to know that we had to step down earlier than expected, cutting short the little time we had to develop their leadership skills. However, our juniors continued to show their passion for our CCA, easing our concerns as we handed over the reins to them. This assured us that our ensemble is in capable hands and without a doubt, they will continue to bring RVGE to greater heights.

Sarah Anyssa (19J17) and Ruth Kang Ming Ying (19J18)

Performance for Teachers’ Day CelebrationRehearsal for the song “Pass it on”

learning as an ensemble gives everyone a stronger sense of belonging! We also make it a point to spend the last part of our eCCA sessions to play games together so as to strengthen our bonds as a CCA. We hope that in the near future, we will be able to play the guitar as an ensemble in a face-to-face setting again!

Tan Si Jing, Edel (20J07), Yin Yuanmei (20J08), Chua Yong Liang (20J10) and Poh Jing Xuan, Eunice (20J12)

CCAC Events / Activities


Leadership Development Camp 2019

From 26 to 28 Nov 2019, River Valley High School (RVHS) and Hua Yi Secondary School (HYSS) co- organised the Leadership Development Camp (LDC). The LDC aims to develop Secondary 2 and 3 student leaders to be steadfast in their vision, and to better appreciate three key values: people-centricity, courage, and resilience.

Some of the highlights of the camp were the Programme Planning and Envisioning workshops. Student leaders learnt useful and practical skills through these workshops, and were provided with opportunities to apply the skills learnt in the Challenge Task which required them to plan and execute a meaningful activity, even when hampered by having limited resources.

Another highlight was the Leaders’ Symposium, where leaders were equipped with various problem analysis and problem-solving skills. CCA Leaders discussed common problems they faced and came up with

solutions together. JC1 Mentors were strategically deployed to lead and guide the juniors. Through the sharing of their personal leadership journey and experiences, the junior student leaders were inspired to challenge themselves to reach even greater heights.

LDC 2019 was a valuable opportunity for leaders to forge connections and long-lasting friendships across diverse backgrounds, levels and schools. Through these interactions, we were able to build a good foundation for future collaborations and we are appreciative of the opportunities given.

On behalf of the LDC Organising Committee, we would like to extend our gratitude to our school and teachers for always being supportive, and for giving us yet another opportunity to learn about student leadership.

Chua Yi Tat Verman (20J16) and Jasper Koay Teck Long (20J02)

Student Leaders facilitating a self-planned activity Working together as a team

The JC CCA leaders took part in the inaugural CCA Leaders’ Camp from 21 to 22 Nov 2019, a unique platform for them to gather, conceptualise goals, and set the tone for #TeamRV. Planned by the 41st Students’ Council, the camp aimed to establish a common identity across different CCAs and create a support system for the leaders who manage the various CCAs.

The theme of the camp, Unity in Diversity, underscored the desire of the CCA leaders to put aside the differences in their personalities, even

the distinctive characteristics of their CCAs, to become better leaders. The Leaders’ Dialogue on Day 1 showed how the diverse group of CCA leaders was in fact, united by similar experiences in their CCAs.

In spite of the small organising committee comprising only 10 student councillors, we managed to gain positive outcomes from the event. This can be seen from the good feedback from participants.

Morning exercise led by the CCA leaders

Amazing Race at Jurong Lake Gardens

One of the key highlights of this event was the Amazing Race at Jurong Lake Gardens which was memorable. While the competitive spirit of everyone was apparent, there were laughs too. More importantly, as we nurtured and honed our leadership skills as CCA leaders, we find ourselves growing as young adults as well.

It is only onwards and upwards for #TeamRV from hereon.

Ng Jayden (19J03)

CCA Leaders' Camp

STudents' Council


Boon Lay Countdown 2020 is an annual event held by the Boon Lay Community Centre in collaboration with various organisations like ActiveSG, MediaCorp artistes and various performance groups.

This year, River Valley High School had the honour of collaborating with Boon Lay Community Centre once again. We planned a carnival to raise environmental awareness amongst residents through fun and games. The activities were also designed to encourage individual contributions towards the pressing global issue of climate change. A noteworthy segment of the carnival was the art and craft station that used an eco-friendly approach to teach participants how to create beautiful artwork from recyclables such as egg cartons and toilet paper rolls.

The event saw a remarkable turnout, with over 1500 people from the community enjoying the carnival activities, Pasar Malam and street

Boon Lay Countdown

The Hospitality Team

performances. To ensure inclusivity, 44 students helped to facilitate the activities for residents who lacked mobility.

Students at River Valley High School are very grateful for the continued opportunities to collaborate with the Community Centre and serve the community in such a meaningful way. We look forward to the next Countdown!

Abelona Chew (19J01) and Tan Kailun (19J15) Boon Lay residents at our art and craft station

Many prizes to be won for the Boon Lay residents!

STudents' Council


STudents' Council



今年迎新会的主题是《爱我立化,携手未来》,希望学弟学妹们能够肩并肩,一起度过未来在立化学习生涯中的酸甜苦辣。同时,也希望他们经历迎新会后, 能够领悟到”携手共进“的立化精神。迎新会给予新生们一个别具意义的开始,让他们感受到,有了朋友、同学、学长学姐以及老师的陪伴,会让他们体会到独一无二的立化情。

谢慧琴 (4C)





中一新生学唱由学姐梁伶蔚作词作曲的《立化情》 中一生门兴致勃勃地参与集体游戏


Collegiate Group Leaders trying out the games during Preparation Camp

The Collegiate Experience (previously called JC Orientation) is a camp that unites all JC1 RVians by providing opportunities for bonding and collective growth. This event, which took place from 5 to 7 Feb 2020, had the objectives of instilling in the cohort the RV spirit and a strong sense of belonging, to forge strong relationships, and to give students a glimpse of the JC experience. The theme was Kairos and it represented an opportune moment for all JC1s.

Although helmed by the Students’ Council, the leadership opportunities of this event were extended to other JC seniors who applied to join us as a Collegiate Group Leader. Prior to the event, all members of the JC Collegiate Experience Committee held many planning meetings and two preparation camps to ensure that the programmes catered to the needs of our peers and that the lessons on leadership were carefully woven into our games.

As the first event for JC1s, the programme was designed to introduce them to the school and familiarise them with the facilities. Activities such as the School Tour and the Amazing Race were just some of the many programmes that helped students learn more about the school, especially its rich history. Led by the Collegiate Group Leaders, the JC1s had the opportunity to get to know their new friends. Various House activities, such as the House Showdown and the competition between the different houses to be the champion, enabled them to better understand the essence of the RV school spirit.

The planning of this event was as exhilarating as it was stressful.

Due to the COVID-19 situation, we had to make changes one night before the actual event. To ensure social distancing, we did not have mass gatherings. This meant that we had to make significant changes to the actual programme, and that the organising committee also had to be creative and innovative while leveraging on technology. Thanks to support from the school, we were able to hold both our opening and closing ceremonies by live streaming the programme, and even have our ‘mass display’.

The Collegiate Experience was truly one of the most memorable experiences for us all and we hope the juniors are inspired to plan an even better one next year.

Sun Ya Qi (19J19)Chairperson, Collegiate Experience 2020Vice-President of the 41st Students’ Council, (JC)

Collegiate Experience 2020

A Collegiate Group learning the mass dance with their Collegiate Group Leader

JC1 Students enjoying a game of “Guess Who?”

Mass Display with the theme for 2020 - “Kairos”

House Captains of Collegiate Experience 2020

STudents' Council


42nd Students' Council InvestitureHSSC Students’ Council Investiture

Due to the 2020 pandemic, the 42nd High School Students’ Council Investiture was carried out online. The theme for this year is 携手共进 (Lead for Progress, Hand in Hand) and it is extremely apt as we have to overcome challenges together during this period.

Recorded videos of our investiture speeches were played on 19 and 24 June to the students from Secondary 1 to 4. During this week, a series of 12 posts was also featured on our Instagram account (@the_rvibe). Instead of the usual Badge Pinning Ceremony, Councillors were officially installed through the department videos. It is heartwarming to hear the advice and encouragement from seniors from different batches. The 42nd High School Students’ Council will strive to strengthen bonds in our student community and shape a positive school culture as we develop our Student Councillors to lead and serve with courage and integrity.

So Jun Ming Randall (4A)

JC Student Leaders’ Investiture

The 42nd Junior College Student Leaders’ Investiture was held in August this year.

This year’s theme, Enkindle, signifies our desire to ignite the passion to serve as student leaders. The event was planned by a team of JC1 Student Councillors to commemorate the efforts of JC student leaders, which include JC class chairpersons and student leaders from the 41st Students’ Council, while also introducing the incoming 42nd Student Councillors to the school.

As with many events this year, to adhere to the new safe-distancing measures, the investiture had to be filmed and subsequently screened in the respective homerooms.

“In the one week we had, we transformed the Student Leaders Development Academy room into a filming studio that ensured the safety of all,” said Alvin Ong Zhao Wei (20J09), Media Committee Head for this year’s Investiture.

“There are still many undiscovered opportunities in terms of the collaboration between all groups in RV, and the 42nd will strive to extend these opportunities and bridge this gap especially during this time of uncertainty,” said Amanda Zhao Xinhua (20J04), President of the 42nd JCSC.

Soh Yuyan (20J01), Alvin Ong Zhao Wei (20J09), Mao Ruijie (20J09), Lee Qi Xuan Shanon (20J10) and Clarice Yeo Ning Xuan (20J17)

The official stepping down of the 41st Junior College Students’ Council

The installation of the 42nd Junior College Students’ Council.

Instagram Posts of HSSC Investiture 2020.

The JC Class Chairpersons pinning their badges and reciting the Chairpersons’ Oath.

STudents' Council


Attending a traditional music lesson at SMAN 1 Yogjakarta

Closing ceremony of SISLAC 2019

Singapore-Indonesia Student Leaders Adventure Camp (SISLAC) 2019 is a 5-day student exchange progamme which alternates annually in Singapore and Indonesia. It is a platform for selected Singaporean and Indonesian student leaders to interact with one another. Last year, student leaders from Tanjong Katong Secondary School, Hua Yi Secondary School, Chua Chu Kang Secondary School and River Valley High School represented Singapore to participate in SISLAC.

SISLAC aims to develop student leaders, and promote collaboration between Indonesia and Singapore through cross-cultural learning and team-building activities. The theme of last year’s SISLAC, “Harmony of Culture”, represents the unity between Singaporeans and Indonesians by embracing one another’s cultural differences.

Students were involved in a myriad of activities, inclusive of school visits and participation in cultural activities. We had first-hand experience in playing traditional instruments and games like Gangsa and Congkak. The opportunity to learn Indonesian dance moves while immersing ourselves in their traditional practices and songs was a meaningful way to understand and appreciate their culture. These moments allowed us to interact with our Indonesian counterparts which not only enabled us to forge close bilateral ties but also find out more about growing up in a different country.

The highlight of the trip was definitely the water rafting adventure in the Elo River! After acquiring basic rafting skills, we went rafting with our Indonesian counterparts and navigated through numerous river obstacles. We had to avoid rocks and protruding plants, and adapt to the strong current that was pushing us forward really fast. Such teamwork reminded us of the importance of working and standing together as one.

So Jun Ming Randall (4A)

Strengthening Bilateral Ties with Indonesia through SISLAC

STudents' Council

Adventure water rafting in the Elo River! Team building activities to get to know our Indonesian friends

Learning Indonesian traditional dance


Taking a class photo at the photo booth

The annual Prom Night was held at Marriott Singapore Tang Plaza on 5 December 2019, where the Class of 2019 gathered as a cohort for the last time.

Prom Night is a time for the JC2s to celebrate the conclusion of their six-year journey in RV with their friends. The theme, Polaris, also known as the brightest star, represents the guiding light and hope for the JC2s as they navigate challenging times.

During the Prom, there were various segments that brought joy and laughter to everyone. These included lucky draw games, star awards, performances by their peers, as well as two photobooths for the JC2s to capture the fun moments together as a batch.

To create a memorable night, the planning for the event started in May. We reached out to the seniors through surveys to ensure that we could make it a night to remember. The organising committee was determined to plan and execute an event that was fun and unforgettable for the seniors, and the turnout for the event proved that it was a successful one!

All in all, the organising committee is honoured to have been given this opportunity to plan the Prom for our seniors, and we learnt so much in the process. We hope that our seniors enjoyed themselves, and that we have given them memories that will follow them as they embark on the next phase of their lives. We would like to thank the 2019 JC2 teachers for contributing to the seniors’ gifts, and also our Principal Mrs Teo, Year Master Mr Mark, and other JC2 teachers for celebrating this special night with the seniors.

Ng Sze Yen (19J18) and Tan Yan Tong (19J10)Chairpersons of Polaris 2019

Our Prom King is crowned!

Prom Night: Polaris 2019

Our performers singing 立化情

Congratulations to our Prom Queen!

Looking good at our photobooth!

STudents' Council




北京大学为我们精心准备的学术讲座——“互联网对中国社会的影响”、“中国绿色发展的经济成效及其面临的挑战”、 “近代中国边疆和民族问题”与“流动人口与农民工对中国社会结构的影响与发展”。各专业领域的教授们将毕生的研究,浓缩成精华传授给我们,让我们的学识有了质的飞跃,令我们获益匪浅。











章楚颖 (20J18)












在深圳,我们见证了中国改革开放的 “奇迹”。作为中国发展最快的城市,深





中新广州知识城 ——中新合作新平台





The OVIA trip to Cambodia was a unique experience for me. I grew not only as a student, but also as a person. What I learnt has given me a global perspective and broadened my horizons.

When we first arrived in a Cambodian school, we were greeted warmly with welcome songs by the students. As they showed us around their school which comprised only five classrooms and a small library surrounded by a sandy field, I was humbled to see them brimming with pride, showing that they cherished their school facilities. During my interaction with the children over five days, I learnt the importance of finding creative ways to provide psychological support for others. Beyond financial assistance, emotional support is often overlooked when it comes to helping others live life meaningfully.

Seeing the children glow with happiness and gratitude as they received our donated items, it reminded me to look on the bright side of life and to be content with what I have. Knowing that they were going to share

OVIA Cambodia 2019the gifts with their family or friends, I was happy to have contributed fruitfully and I reflected on how we have taken so many things for granted.

Lastly, I also learnt that relationships know no boundaries. I am grateful to have the privilege of meeting some of the most bubbly and active kids who brought so much warmth and joy. Despite the language barriers and the challenges in remembering their names, we still found ways to forge strong friendships and happy memories. Because of their sincerity and hospitality, I was motivated to make our visit a memorable one for the children.

Let us take a moment to appreciate the people who are there for us during times of hardship, happiness and growth. I want to thank all my friends, teachers and tour guides for making this trip so meaningful and fulfilling.

Lek Kai Jun (19J04)

Conducting a lesson for local students in Cambodia

Learning how rice is grown at at a Cambodian village



OVIA Chiang Mai 2019

Prior to our Overseas Values-In-Action (OVIA) trip to Chiang Mai, Thailand, we were split into groups and some of us took charge of planning the activities while others took on administration and logistics. We had to rehearse the activities and prepare the relevant logistics to be brought there. As the overall persons-in-charge, we had to ensure the smooth running and successful completion of the planned activities.

Through the challenges we faced in the course of our trip preparation, we learnt to leverage on one another’s strengths to work towards a greater goal. We were united by the common purpose of contributing to the childrens’ welfare, and every setback provided important lessons in leadership and team synergy.

As Overall ICs and participants of this OVIA, we are immensely grateful for our enthusiastic team mates. We thank them for being such an easy-going bunch to work with and for putting in the effort to plan the trip and carry out their respective roles dutifully.

Tai Zong Jie (19J07) and Lek Jie Min Jayme (19J01)

Playing ice breakers with the children on our first day at the school! RVians serving the Thai students their lunch The mural that we painted with the children!

Adding colours to the classroom

Teaching the children Mathematics

Fun and games for everyone!

A group of us JC1 students went to Vietnam for an Overseas Values-In-Action trip. It proved to be an eye-opening experience as we saw how life overseas can differ so vastly from our own.

During our visit to a school, we had the opportunity to teach the children and give their learning spaces a small makeover. We also observed that they valued every opportunity to learn, and that made us reflect on how we have been taking things for granted, such as our school resources and facilities that help create a conducive learning environment for us.

Our interactions with the children taught us that human connections are formed through more than just purposeful actions and words. It is sincerity that creates deep bonds between people. To overcome the language barrier, we communicated through hand gestures and simple actions like offering a drink to them.

Overall, this trip has allowed us to learn and form friendships that will last. I am also extremely thankful to the teachers, tour guides and fellow schoolmates for making this trip possible and unforgettable.

Eda Tan Ming Xuan (19J01) and Chiang Ray-Jean Angela (19J04)

OVIA Vietnam 2019

The children participating in the games planned by us

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www.rivervalleyhigh.moe.edu.sg Instagram: @rivervalleysg

River Valley High School (Official)

River Valley High School
