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gswflni&jtaaii ggRJSgE 'V, W1 7&$f&M SkW 5fcTv M - fssssssssaxsasssssmm ssWi7wrfvvifmrmmmssFf 'ya i . WWW f , ' V , e jpilw V J Jy f Jl wwiHrw aim. gg Vol. XL No. IGb'D. HONOLULU, II. I., MONDAY EVENING, JFEMIUAKY 21, 1887, CO CENTO SUBSCRIPTION PER MONTH A M V '. vis " I it. My & : THE DAILY BULLETIN Is printed nud publlahoJ nt tho offlce, Queen Street, Honolulu, II. I., cvciy nftcrnoon (Sundays excepted). Subscription, 60 cents por Month. Address nil Communications Daily Bum.ktin. Advertisements, tc emuio Insertion, should be handed In before one o'clock r. m. WALTER, HILL Editor and Proprlotor W.A.S.Boals Shipping Roporlor & Collector JAS. G. CLEVIOR, Manager. Bulletin Steam Printing Office. Newspaper, Book and Job Printing of all kinds done on the most favorublu terms. Bell Telephone No. 250 Mutual Telephone No. 250 Commission Metonants. Geo. W. Macfarhun. II. R. Macfarlane. G. W. MA0?AELANE & Co. IMPORTERS. COMMISSION MEB, CHANTS and Stiff ar J? actors, Firc-Proo- f Building, - 62 Queen street, Honolulu. ILL auknts tor The Walkapu Sugar l'lautatloii, Maul, Tuu dpoucer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii, The llcjia Sugar Plantation, Oahu, Huelo sugar Mill, Maul, lluulu Sugar Plantation, Maui, Puuloa Sheep Ranch Co., Hawaii, '.. Fowler Az Co. Sttam Plow and rt- - able Tramway Works, Leeds, Mhrlees, Watson &Oo's Sugar Mai-Ui- cry, Glasgow, Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Pai jats Ss COMPANY, CBREWEli (LimiUd) OltNKIUI. MkHCANTILB AND Commission Agents. LIST Of OFFICERS: P. U. Jones, Jr. . . .Presideut Ss Muuager J. 0. Caiitkh. .. ..Treasurer & Secretary DIUECIOIIS! Hon. C. R. Bishop. Hon. U. A. P. Carter 3J ly T. WATBRHOUSK, JOHN Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, Queen it., Honolulu. 1 Olaus Sireckcla. Wm. G. Irwin. IBWIN fc COMPANY, WOt. Sugar Factors and Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 Si CO., WILDER Dealers In Lumber, Taints, Oils, Nails. Sal, and Building Materials - of every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts., Honolulu. 1 S. N. Oaatlu. J. B. Athorton. It OOOKE, CASTLE Shipping and Commission Merchants. Importers and Dealers in General Merchandise, No. 80 King st., Honolulu. 1 GRINBAUM &t CO., MS. Importers of General Mer- - oliandlso and Coininiasion Morchuuts, ' Hnuolulu,aiid l&l Callfomiit street, 1 riuu Fruuciaco, Cal. r O. BBRQER, 24 Meiiouant Strbbt. General Agont lor The N. Y. Life Insurance Company, Tho City of London Fire In. Go(limlt'd Jjuth British and National Flro & Ma-rin- o Insurance Co. Macnealo & Urban Safes, Tho Celobrated Springfield Gas Machine Uas Fixtures of Mitctyoll, Vqnco & Co. The Hartford Fire Insurance Co. Tho Commercial Fire & Marino Insur- ance Co. 238 Gronsalves Ac Co., Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants 280 Beaver Block, Honolulu. CHB. GERTZ, No. 80 Fort street, Honolul.fC" Iroporier und Dealer in Gent's, Ladles' l)d Clilldreu's boots, shoes and slippers. ? B. inoworrt, i J, I,owi uy, 0, M. Co.ke. ti OOOKB, (successors to Lowers & Dlcksou.) Importers and Dealers iu Lumber und all kinds ot Building Materials, Fort streot, Honolulu 1 WILLIAM MILLER Cab inetmaker And UphelHtcrci', No. 03 ,..., Hotel street, Opposite International Hotel, Canos and Valking Sticks, Mftdo of overy kind of NATIVE WOODS rackets, Cornices, Curtain Poles, itc t uiuuu oi tuo latest ucsigns. Professionals. CLAUKNLT. WILDER VOtNKT VAILLANCOUUT ASlll OKI), ASHFOIID. . ASHFORD & ASHFORD, Imw, Chancery, Conveyancing, Admiralty, Hankruptcy, l'robntc, i:tr., VAc, Klc. Orrict:: Old Cailtol llullding, adjoin. lug General I'ost-Olllc- 93 Alfred Magoon, J AT10RNEYATLAW. 173 42 Merchant street, Honolulu, ly JM. MON8ARRAT, ATTORNEY AT LAW and Notary Public. Real Estnto in any part of the Kingdom bought, sold ond leased, on commission. Loans ncgotla ted, Logal Documents Drawn. No. 27 Merchant st. (Gazctto Block), Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands 190 BROWN, Attorncrand Counsellor at Law. Notary Public, aud Agent lor taking Ac knowledgmcnts of Instruments for the Island of Oahu. Merchant street, Hono- - ulu. x JOHN T. DARE. Attorney and CounncUor-at-Ii&w- . 0fice: No. 12 Spreekels' Block, Honolulu. 02 M THOMPSON, . ATTORNEY AT LAW, und Solicitor In Chancery. OUlce Campbell's Block, Second Story, Rooms 8 aud 9. Entrance on Merchant Street, Honolulu, II. I. 934 tf JOHN A. HASSINQER, Agent to take Acknowledgment! iu uunuueis iui uiiuur, Interior OQlco, Honolulu. T)R. IWAI. rJiyniclaii and Surgeon. RESIDENCE AND OFl'ICE : - 40 EMMA 8T OUlce Houis: from 9 to 12 A. M. Bell Telephone No. 423. 271y P. GRAY. M. D., 13 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office, first door west of Library Build- ing. Hours, from 9 to 11 a.m., and 2 to 4 and 7 to"8 p.m. Sundays, 0 to 11 a.m. Hr Residence, No. 40 Alakea, near Hotel Sticet. Dn. EMERBON, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Eesidence and Office, 196 Tort St ( 8 to 10 A.M., Ofkiok HOUKS'J 1 to 8 P.M., ( 7 to 8 Evening. Telcphouo (Bell and Mutual), No. 149. 177 tf M. GOTO, DR. Phyncian nud Surgaon. LEPROSY A SPECIALTY. OQlco hours at Kukaako from 8 to 11 "" a. m. every day except Sundays. AV1U visit patients at their residence by All other diseases treated at his office corner ot'Punchluwl aud Beretania Sts, Okficu Hoi'bs 1 to 5 r. m. . 47 Urn 8 to 12 a. m, Sundays JAMES BRODIE. Veterinary Surgeon. OFFICE und residence, 100 King St., Kawalahao Church. Mu- tual Telephone, 354. Olllco hours from 7 to 0 a. m., and 1 to 2 r. m. Orders left at tho Pantheon Stables will hi prompt- ly attended to. P. O. Box 80. 843 tf IC. M. DENfiON. a. TV. SMITH. BENSON, SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, 118 & 110 Fort Street, - Honolulu. Depot for Boerloke & Sceehlk's HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES, c kscckcr's Pci fumes aud Toilet Requisites, 1 2y "' HOLUSTER & CO. Druggists & Tobacconists, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 109 Fo-- t Sticet, William's Block, llono-'21- Honolulu, H. I. JOHN MACOON, OiTlco 42 Merchant St., Honolulu. Collector & Real Estate Agent. 18 ly WM. HcCANDIiESS, No. 0 Queen street. Fish Market, Dealer in choicest Ilccf, Veal, Jlutton, FIhU, &e, 4r- - Family and Shipping Orders carefully attended to. Llvo stook furnished to vcs3eh at sliOi't notice, and Vegetables of all kinds supplied to order. 340 1y Notice. 1TESSRS.E. PECK AND S. PECK 4.YJL liayo entered Juto a unilor tho llrm immo of E, & S, PECK, from January 1, 1897, and will carry on Diuv'mg and Forwarding BmlnotH In all its launches. E. PECK, 43 lm H. PEOK. O. 'WEST, President. K. O BCIIUMAK. aec'y&Ticas. Haw'SLGarrispI'I'iGo, (Mmlted) Importers & Dealers In Iron, Cumberland Coal, Hard Wood Lumber, : And all kinds of : Carriage and Wagon Materials. 83 0m CALLATMRHOYT'S CORNER OF ALAKEA & KING STREET and sco I ho Cutaway Carriages Phaetons, &c, He has for snlo cheap, before purrhus- - 74 ing thou here. ALVINII. KASEMANN, Book-Bind- er PAPER-RULE- and BLANC-BOO- Manufacturer. Book Binding of all description neatly and promptly executed. Campbell Block, Rooms 10 und ll.Mcr-72- 2 chant street. ly Thos. Lindsay, MANTJFACTTJBING JEWELER, 1C8 No. CO Nuuanu fctrcct. IV WENNER & CO. Manufacturing Jeweller, NO. o x-o- iit BTxnaja-x1- . Constantly on hand a largo assortment of every description of Jewelry, Watches, Gold and Silver Plated Ware, Ac. 358 ly I'XOJXiuErt STEAM CAM FACTORY AND XJAJCXSltY. F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. 71 Hotel St. "Sr Telephone 74 Wolfe & Company, Grocery and Feed Store, 67(and 00 Hotel street, Fresh Oroceries and Provisions received by every Steamer. P. O. Box 180, Bell Telephone No. 319 Mutual Telephono No. 194. 501 urn LAINE & CO. Have a Largo Stook of the VERY BEST HAY. G-x-ai- Etc., Which is offered at Lowest Market Prices AND-Deliv- ered Free to any part of the City AQENTSFOR THE Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co OF CALIFORNIA. Agents for tho Hoover Telephone. CommisslonerofDeodsforCalifornia Telephone No. 147. 708 Sgp. Saloon The Best Lunoh in Town, Tea and Coffee at 111 Hours Tho lnet Biund of Cigars & Tobacco always ou haml. ii. .1 NOLTE, Proprietor. Metropolitan Market, KINO STREET, G. .T. AVjVtiX.li3, Xrojrlotor. Choioest Moats from Finest Herds. Families and Shipping SUPPLIED ON SHORT NOTICE and at the XjowomL Mnvlcot Pricew. All moats delivered from this Market are thoroughly chilled Imnicdlntely after killing by means of a Pa- tent Dry Air Refilgoratoi. Meat bo treated retains all its juicy properties, and la Guaiuntkkd to Kkici Lonoku AirrKn Dkmvi:uy7,ian Fih'.sih.y-ki- u bu Meat. 74 ly The Popular Millinery 104 Fort Street, Honolulu, IV. S. fe5A.CHS9 - Iropvietoi Bargains in House o Wliitfl and TTnhlnnnliPrl Furnishing Goods! IlmnQcilr Tiupii TIllllU UUU UilUlUUUllUU JJUillUlJiV XUUIU LilUUli Tied Damask Tabic Linen, "White and Unbloaelied Bed Sheeting-- , Mosquito Netting-- , Red, White and Blue Wool Blankets Curtains and Curtain Net, Curtain Scrim in Plain and Fancy Figured, Marseilles and Honey Comb Bed Spreads Bed Ticking-- , Blue and Fancy Striped, a full as- sortment of LINEN, DAMASK & RUSSIAN TOWELS ntlCEM I.OWEK THAN EVKSK. HAY - 175. Corner ,- -, kss and 79 k 81 House HAY and -- GRAIN GRAIN. Largest Stocks, Choicest Quality, Lowest Prices. UNION FEED CO.. Telephones A. MORGAN, Blacksmith Work: Ciirrititro Knllflin Painting Kin Street, JEutruuccM lrom ICiiiff mid Merclmut HtH. Every description of work In tho above Al6o, Horse Shoeing a Specialty. t3T Bell Telephone, 107. "Wt (327 CHAS. HUSTAOE, OROGER, King Street, between Fort ami Alakea Streets, Just received per Australia, Capo Crauberrlcs, Fio-- h Apples, Almonds. Walnii) Pu-nu?- , BraII Nuts, Fllbertp, Iig3, Datcp, Table Raisins, Cuir.mts. Boston Blown Baud, Lemon, Citron and Oiange Peel, Imperial Plums in glas, Olives, Prune;, Wilbur's Oocoutlim, Install-tnueon- s Chocolate, Curried Oysters, Plum Pudding, Alinco Meat, O.ikes and Crack-eis- , Solooii Brend, Medium Bicad, Oysters, Sardinci, Bird Seed, Liquid Rennet, Extract, Roto Water, etc, etc. All ut LoTVOHt Kutew nntl SutiNlUetion Ciiiuruittcuil. Leave your Orders, or Ring up 119. lltf & Q,ueon Streets. Old Premises, Hues performed a first-clas- s manner. ly) Bell Telephone, 107. -- a P. O. Box JII7. & CO., GOODS received every wloamcr of tliu Oceanic Co.'s line. 021y H. E. MclNTYRE & BRO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS TN Groceries, Provisions and Feed, EAbT CORNER FORT AND KING STREKTS. Now Goods n reived by every Packet from Isuttern Staks and Europe Fresh Callloriila Produce by e Stunner. All oidore faithfully altcndtd to. and Oooilh dellven d to any pU ot the city fnt of charge. Iblunil orders foli-cite- SJitlrtfiiflion giiniuiiiuul. l'ost 011( n Box 140. 'JVIephoiH! No. D'J. KiSly Tolephouu2IO. LEWIS Importer unit Ilcnlcr In STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Etc., Etc. A nice assortment of Grojso&Blackwell'i nml J.T. Morton's English Orororiei alwavs on hind. Alsa, a full line of tho leading American brnndi of OAISrJV33X Fresh Goods of tho Season on ICE S. S. SATISFACTION Tnhlo Edinburgh. Trimming:, lose In EST by MVAllAKTKKfK the cry Every Description of Executed with neatness and diapatch At the Daily Bulletin Office EOltOK LUCAS, kH-- , and lUilhlcr,'ahB;jii Honolulu Steam Pinning Mills, Espla- nade, Honolulu. Manufacturer nil kinds Of Mouldings, Bracket, Wludow Frames, Blinds, Sashes. Doois, and all kinds of Wood- work Itnlch. Turning, Scioll and Baud Sawlti. All kltidt of Sawing and Plan- ing, Morticing and Tenanting. Orders pi omptly attended to and work guaranteed. Orders from tho other is solicited AUTItUll lt.U'.lUSON. VIIKI). llAltlUSOH. HARRISON BROTHERS, JJiiiHIer.s S Couti'ttctorM. M P. O. Box 478. E. E. MAYHEW, CONTRACTOR & BUILDER, 80 Hotel htrect, - - Honolulu, H. I. (Opposite Fashion Stables). P. 0. Eos 315; Bell Telephone 53. All work iu my lino faithfully done. Plans and specifications made. Job. bmg iu nil details done at short notice. ool Work ami Low Charge is my Motto. 99 OKAVANAGH, Steam Boilers, Furnaces and Ranges Set. Brick and Stonework done on reasonable tcims. Alnp.il St., Second door from Beret 'in 1 1. P. O. Box 457. Order from the other Islands puue-tuall- attended to. "illy IE. 35. riTHOJC-S- , Builder. Oillcc, corner Alakea and Queen streets, MUTUAL lELKl'IIONE, 385. 31 1 P. O. Box 117. flm Contractor ami Iluilder. Stores and olllccs lilted up, Istinttet given on all kimh of brick aid wooden buildings, Plans and Spccitlcatlons B3J- - Oillcc, 110 BereUnla St.; Mutual Telephone, U.V2; Pobtofllce Box, 100. 323 ly E.hoads & Greene, House Builders and Architects. Plans, Spccitlcatlons and detailed Draw- ing fmnishid for all kinds oi wood or brick buildings and Estimates given ior tuo same, ah joutnng promptly at- tended to and charges moderate. Any of tho above work entrusted to our care, will receive our personal attention. Ordcib from tho other islands solicited. Office and Shop, 88 Queen St. TEMn-IION- 34S. Honolulu, May 7, I860. 8 ly NTERPRISr PLANINO MILL- - P Aluki'ii, near (ncen SUM Tclepliono 55. J A. MCKENZIE, PRACTICAL PLUMBER and Gas Fitter. All ordors for Houso or fehip work promptly executed. C2T Shop next to Post Ofllce, Bethel Street. P. 0. Box 100. Bell Tele, phono 424. 154 ly F. RUPPRECHT, FreHco Painter, 120 Nuuanu St., Honolulu, H. I. no !im xP-f- ? Honolulu Iron Works, tJSJ22iStcnm engines, sugar mills, boil, era, coolers; iron, brats and lead east- ings; inauhinery of overy description made to order, Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exe- cuted at fcbort notice. 1 R. flORE & Co Ship's Blacksmith & General Machlaltt. r?T All work Promptly and neatly Per. foinied. 205 3m (Successor io J. M. Oat, Jr. & Co.) Dealers iu all kinds of STATIONERY, The Latest Foreign Papers always on Stteel 1ST The English Admiralty Ohnrts iiluuys ou hand. lby O liUSO IIAWAIIANO. A IjL persons who want to coramuni cute with tho l'oitiif ues, elthtr tor business, or for procuring workmrn, ttcrvuiits or any other helps, will find It tliumnst prolltiihh) y to adveitlsotn tho Luso Ifawaiiaito, tho new organ of llio Portumiosu colony, which in pub. llshed ou Merchant street, Gaxettt Build, log, (Post.Olllre Letter Box E.), and only charges reasonable rates for adver- tisements. F'"1 I . f' 7 Insurance. THE NEW YORK Life Insurance Co. Old. Succtsslul. Trustworthy. Purely Mutual. No Stockholders. Divldonds Annually. ORGANIZED 18-12- . Assets OTOl' -- Surplus $70,000,000 over - 11,000,000 It bsue the licet forms of polloy and pays tho JLAIMJEST Tontine Divi- dends of any Compmy. The latest udvantnge added to its Non Forfeiting Limited Tontine Policies is: A guaranteed rctnru of all Premium unld, in addition to Face of Policy, In of death during the Tontine period. For full particulars apply to C. 0. BERGER, Honolulu, Gcuiral Agent Hawaiian lilnnrW. 19 tf m IE IS FOR THE EQUITABLE LIFE Assurance Society !,. OF THE UNITED STATES. ALEX. J. OAllTWBIGHT, Agent for the Hawaliau Island. 00 ly CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Firo & Marina Insur'ce Agent. AG UMTS TOS. The Mow England MUTUAL LIFE INS. COiHP'Y, of Boutou. Tho JEtna Fire Insurance Co. of Hartford, Conu. The. Ilutou Flro anrt Marine Insurance Co. of Ban Francisco, Cal. llly Prussian National Insurance Comp'T Kstahlihueu 1846, CapUal, .'. . .9,000,000 RelcbtMrtw, UE undersigned, having qen up X pointed agent of the above Company for tho Hawaiian Islands, Is prcpurtd to Lottet Promptly Adjuited and Payable in Honolulu. II, R1EMENSCIINEIDER, 070 ly at Wilder & Co'. A LARGE & ELEGANT Stock of Goods KecJTd ( SealiiUla, NOW READY AT J. T. Waterhouse's 70 Queen & Fort Street Btorw- - U ?m i tS 1 ft -- . ', Y?

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Is printed nud publlahoJ nt tho offlce,Queen Street, Honolulu, II. I., cvciynftcrnoon (Sundays excepted).

Subscription, 60 cents por Month.

Address nil Communications DailyBum.ktin.

Advertisements, tc emuio Insertion,should be handed In before one o'clockr. m.

WALTER, HILL Editor and Proprlotor

W.A.S.Boals Shipping Roporlor & Collector

JAS. G. CLEVIOR, Manager.

Bulletin Steam Printing Office.

Newspaper, Book and Job Printing of

all kinds done on the most favorubluterms.Bell Telephone No. 250

Mutual Telephone No. 250

Commission Metonants.

Geo. W. Macfarhun. II. R. Macfarlane.

G. W. MA0?AELANE & Co.



Stiff ar J?actors,Firc-Proo- f Building, - 62 Queen street,

Honolulu. ILLauknts tor

The Walkapu Sugar l'lautatloii, Maul,Tuu dpoucer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii,The llcjia Sugar Plantation, Oahu,Huelo sugar Mill, Maul,lluulu Sugar Plantation, Maui,Puuloa Sheep Ranch Co., Hawaii,'.. Fowler Az Co. Sttam Plow and rt- -

able Tramway Works, Leeds,Mhrlees, Watson &Oo's Sugar Mai-Ui-

cry, Glasgow,Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Pai




Commission Agents.


P. U. Jones, Jr. . . .Presideut Ss MuuagerJ. 0. Caiitkh. . . ..Treasurer & Secretary


Hon. C. R. Bishop. Hon. U. A. P. Carter3J ly

T. WATBRHOUSK,JOHN Importer and Dealer in GeneralMerchandise, Queen it., Honolulu. 1

Olaus Sireckcla. Wm. G. Irwin.

IBWIN fc COMPANY,WOt.Sugar Factors and CommissionAgents, Honolulu. 1

Si CO.,WILDER Dealers In Lumber, Taints,Oils, Nails. Sal, and Building Materials

- of every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts.,Honolulu. 1

S. N. Oaatlu. J. B. Athorton.It OOOKE,CASTLE Shipping and Commission

Merchants. Importers and Dealers inGeneral Merchandise, No. 80 King st.,Honolulu. 1

GRINBAUM &t CO.,MS. Importers of General Mer- -oliandlso and Coininiasion Morchuuts, '

Hnuolulu,aiidl&l Callfomiit street,

1 riuu Fruuciaco, Cal.


24 Meiiouant Strbbt.General Agont lor

The N. Y. Life Insurance Company,

Tho City of London Fire In. Go(limlt'dJjuth British and National Flro & Ma-rin- o

Insurance Co.

Macnealo & Urban Safes,

Tho Celobrated Springfield Gas Machine

Uas Fixtures of Mitctyoll, Vqnco & Co.

The Hartford Fire Insurance Co.

Tho Commercial Fire & Marino Insur-ance Co.


Gronsalves Ac Co.,

Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants

280 Beaver Block, Honolulu.

CHB. GERTZ,No. 80 Fort street, Honolul.fC"

Iroporier und Dealer in Gent's, Ladles'l)d Clilldreu's boots, shoes and slippers.


B. inoworrt, i J, I,owi uy, 0, M. Co.ke.ti OOOKB,

(successors to Lowers & Dlcksou.)Importers and Dealers iu Lumber und allkinds ot Building Materials, Fort streot,Honolulu 1


Cab inetmaker

And UphelHtcrci',No. 03 ,..., Hotel street,

Opposite International Hotel,

Canos and Valking Sticks,Mftdo of overy kind of

NATIVE WOODSrackets, Cornices, Curtain Poles, itc

t uiuuu oi tuo latest ucsigns.



ASHFORD & ASHFORD,Imw, Chancery, Conveyancing,

Admiralty, Hankruptcy, l'robntc,i:tr., VAc, Klc.

Orrict:: Old Cailtol llullding, adjoin.lug General I'ost-Olllc- 93

Alfred Magoon,J AT10RNEYATLAW.173 42 Merchant street, Honolulu, ly


and Notary Public. Real Estnto in anypart of the Kingdom bought, sold ondleased, on commission. Loans ncgotlated, Logal Documents Drawn. No. 27Merchant st. (Gazctto Block), Honolulu,Hawaiian Islands 190

BROWN,Attorncrand Counsellor at Law.

Notary Public, aud Agent lor taking Acknowledgmcnts of Instruments for theIsland of Oahu. Merchant street, Hono- -

ulu. x


Attorney and CounncUor-at-Ii&w- .

0fice: No. 12 Spreekels' Block,

Honolulu. 02

M THOMPSON,. ATTORNEY AT LAW,und Solicitor In Chancery. OUlceCampbell's Block, Second Story, Rooms8 aud 9. Entrance on Merchant Street,Honolulu, II. I. 934 tf

JOHN A. HASSINQER,Agent to take Acknowledgment!

iu uunuueis iui uiiuur, Interior OQlco,Honolulu.


rJiyniclaii and Surgeon.RESIDENCE AND OFl'ICE : - 40 EMMA 8T

OUlce Houis: from 9 to 12 A. M.

Bell Telephone No. 423. 271y


Office, first door west of Library Build-ing. Hours, from 9 to 11 a.m., and 2 to 4and 7 to"8 p.m. Sundays, 0 to 11 a.m.

Hr Residence, No. 40 Alakea, nearHotel Sticet.


Eesidence and Office, 196 Tort St( 8 to 10 A.M.,

Ofkiok HOUKS'J 1 to 8 P.M.,( 7 to 8 Evening.

Telcphouo (Bell and Mutual), No. 149.177 tf

M. GOTO,DR. Phyncian nud Surgaon.

LEPROSY A SPECIALTY.OQlco hours at Kukaako from 8 to 11


a. m. every day except Sundays. AV1U

visit patients at their residence by

All other diseases treated at his officecorner ot'Punchluwl aud Beretania Sts,

Okficu Hoi'bs 1 to 5 r. m. .

47 Urn 8 to 12 a. m, Sundays

JAMES BRODIE.Veterinary Surgeon.OFFICE und residence, 100 King St.,

Kawalahao Church. Mu-tual Telephone, 354. Olllco hours from7 to 0 a. m., and 1 to 2 r. m. Orders leftat tho Pantheon Stables will hi prompt-ly attended to.

P. O. Box 80. 843 tf



Manufacturing and DispensingPharmacists,

118 & 110 Fort Street, - Honolulu.

Depot for Boerloke & Sceehlk's


c kscckcr's Pci fumes aud ToiletRequisites, 1 2y


Druggists & Tobacconists,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

109 Fo-- t Sticet, William's Block, llono-'21-

Honolulu, H. I.

JOHN MACOON,OiTlco 42 Merchant St., Honolulu.

Collector & Real Estate Agent.18 ly

WM. HcCANDIiESS,No. 0 Queen street. Fish Market,

Dealer in choicestIlccf, Veal, Jlutton, FIhU, &e, 4r- -

Family and Shipping Orders carefullyattended to. Llvo stook furnished tovcs3eh at sliOi't notice, and Vegetablesof all kinds supplied to order. 340 1y

Notice.1TESSRS.E. PECK AND S. PECK4.YJL liayo entered Juto aunilor tho llrm immo of E, & S, PECK,from January 1, 1897, and will carry onDiuv'mg and Forwarding BmlnotH In allits launches. E. PECK,

43 lm H. PEOK.

O. 'WEST,President.

K. O BCIIUMAK.aec'y&Ticas.


Importers & Dealers In

Iron, Cumberland Coal, HardWood Lumber,

: And all kinds of :

Carriage and Wagon Materials.83 0m



Cutaway Carriages

Phaetons, &c,

He has for snlo cheap, before purrhus- -

74 ing thou here.



Manufacturer.Book Binding of all description neatly

and promptly executed.Campbell Block, Rooms 10 und ll.Mcr-72- 2

chant street. ly


1C8 No. CO Nuuanu fctrcct. IV

WENNER & CO.Manufacturing Jeweller,

NO. o x-o-iit BTxnaja-x1- .Constantly on hand a largo assortment

of every description of Jewelry, Watches,Gold and Silver Plated Ware, Ac.

358 ly


AND XJAJCXSltY.F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,

Pastry Cook and Baker.71 Hotel St. "Sr Telephone 74

Wolfe & Company,Grocery and Feed Store,

67(and 00 Hotel street,Fresh Oroceries and Provisions received

by every Steamer.P. O. Box 180, Bell Telephone No.

319 Mutual Telephono No. 194.501 urn

LAINE & CO.Have a Largo Stook of the

VERY BEST HAY.G-x-ai- Etc.,

Which is offered at Lowest Market PricesAND-Deliv- ered

Free to any part of the City

AQENTSFOR THEPacific Mutual Life Insurance Co


Agents for tho Hoover Telephone.

CommisslonerofDeodsforCaliforniaTelephone No. 147. 708

Sgp. Saloon

The Best Lunoh in Town,

Tea and Coffee at 111 Hours

Tho lnet Biund of

Cigars & Tobaccoalways ou haml.

ii. .1 NOLTE, Proprietor.

Metropolitan Market,KINO STREET,

G. .T. AVjVtiX.li3, Xrojrlotor.

Choioest Moats from Finest Herds.

Families and Shipping


and at the

XjowomL Mnvlcot Pricew.All moats delivered from this Market

are thoroughly chilled Imnicdlntely afterkilling by means of a Pa-

tent Dry Air Refilgoratoi. Meat botreated retains all its juicy properties,and la Guaiuntkkd to Kkici LonokuAirrKn Dkmvi:uy7,ian Fih'.sih.y-ki- ubu Meat. 74 ly

The Popular Millinery104 Fort Street, Honolulu,

IV. S. fe5A.CHS9 - Iropvietoi

Bargains in Houseo

Wliitfl and TTnhlnnnliPrl

Furnishing Goods!

IlmnQcilr TiupiiTIllllU UUU UilUlUUUllUU JJUillUlJiV XUUIU LilUUli

Tied Damask Tabic Linen, "White and UnbloaeliedBed Sheeting-- , Mosquito Netting-- ,

Red, White and Blue Wool BlanketsCurtains and Curtain Net, Curtain Scrim in Plain

and Fancy Figured,

Marseilles and Honey Comb Bed SpreadsBed Ticking-- , Blue and Fancy Striped, a full as-

sortment of



175. Corner

,- -, kss

and79 k 81



GRAIN.Largest Stocks,

Choicest Quality,Lowest Prices.

UNION FEED CO..Telephones

A. MORGAN,Blacksmith Work: Ciirrititro Knllflin


Kin Street,JEutruuccM lrom ICiiiff mid Merclmut HtH.

Every description of work In tho above

Al6o, Horse Shoeing a Specialty.t3T Bell Telephone, 107. "Wt (327

CHAS. HUSTAOE, OROGER,King Street, between Fort ami Alakea Streets,

Just received per Australia,Capo Crauberrlcs, Fio-- h Apples, Almonds. Walnii) Pu-nu?- , BraII Nuts, Fllbertp,Iig3, Datcp, Table Raisins, Cuir.mts. Boston Blown Baud, Lemon, Citron andOiange Peel, Imperial Plums in glas, Olives, Prune;, Wilbur's Oocoutlim, Install-tnueon- s

Chocolate, Curried Oysters, Plum Pudding, Alinco Meat, O.ikes and Crack-eis- ,Solooii Brend, Medium Bicad, Oysters, Sardinci, Bird Seed, Liquid Rennet,

Extract, Roto Water, etc, etc.

All ut LoTVOHt Kutew nntl SutiNlUetion Ciiiuruittcuil.Leave your Orders, or Ring up 119. lltf

& Q,ueon Streets.

Old Premises,

Hues performed a first-clas- s manner.

ly) Bell Telephone, 107. -- a

P. O. Box JII7.

& CO.,

GOODSreceived every wloamcr of tliu OceanicCo.'s line.



Groceries, Provisions and Feed,EAbT CORNER FORT AND KING STREKTS.

Now Goods n reived by every Packet from Isuttern Staks and EuropeFresh Callloriila Produce by e Stunner. All oidore faithfully altcndtd to.and Oooilh dellven d to any pU ot the city fnt of charge. Iblunil orders foli-cite-

SJitlrtfiiflion giiniuiiiuul. l'ost 011( n Box 140. 'JVIephoiH! No. D'J. KiSly


LEWISImporter unit Ilcnlcr In

STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Etc., Etc.A nice assortment of Grojso&Blackwell'i nml J.T. Morton's English Orororiei

alwavs on hind. Alsa, a full line of tho leading American brnndi of

OAISrJV33XFresh Goods of tho Season on ICE

S. S.











Every Description of

Executed with neatness and diapatch

At the Daily Bulletin Office


and lUilhlcr,'ahB;jiiHonolulu Steam Pinning Mills, Espla-

nade, Honolulu.Manufacturer nil kinds Of Mouldings,

Bracket, Wludow Frames, Blinds,Sashes. Doois, and all kinds of Wood-work Itnlch. Turning, Scioll and BaudSawlti. All kltidt of Sawing and Plan-ing, Morticing and Tenanting.

Orders pi omptly attended to and workguaranteed. Orders from tho other is


AUTItUll lt.U'.lUSON. VIIKI). llAltlUSOH.


JJiiiHIer.s S Couti'ttctorM.M P. O. Box 478.


80 Hotel htrect, - - Honolulu, H. I.(Opposite Fashion Stables).

P. 0. Eos 315; Bell Telephone 53.

All work iu my lino faithfully done.Plans and specifications made. Job.bmg iu nil details done at short notice.

ool Work ami Low Chargeis my Motto. 99

OKAVANAGH,Steam Boilers, Furnaces and Ranges

Set. Brick and Stonework done onreasonable tcims.Alnp.il St., Second door from Beret 'in 1 1.

P. O. Box 457.Order from the other Islands puue-tuall-

attended to. "illy

IE. 35. riTHOJC-S- ,

Builder.Oillcc, corner Alakea and Queen streets,

MUTUAL lELKl'IIONE, 385.31 1 P. O. Box 117. flm

Contractor ami Iluilder.Stores and olllccs lilted up, Istinttetgiven on all kimh of brick aid woodenbuildings, Plans and Spccitlcatlons

B3J- - Oillcc, 110 BereUnla St.;Mutual Telephone, U.V2; Pobtofllce Box,100. 323 ly

E.hoads & Greene,House Builders and Architects.

Plans, Spccitlcatlons and detailed Draw-ing fmnishid for all kinds oi wood orbrick buildings and Estimates givenior tuo same, ah joutnng promptly at-tended to and charges moderate. Anyof tho above work entrusted to our care,will receive our personal attention.Ordcib from tho other islands solicited.

Office and Shop, 88 Queen St.TEMn-IION- 34S.

Honolulu, May 7, I860. 8 ly


Aluki'ii, near (ncen SUMTclepliono 55.


and Gas Fitter.

All ordors for Houso or fehip workpromptly executed.

C2T Shop next to Post Ofllce, BethelStreet. P. 0. Box 100. Bell Tele,phono 424. 154 ly

F. RUPPRECHT,FreHco Painter,

120 Nuuanu St., Honolulu, H. I.no !im

xP-f- ? Honolulu Iron Works,tJSJ22iStcnm engines, sugar mills, boil,era, coolers; iron, brats and lead east-ings; inauhinery of overy descriptionmade to order, Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exe-cuted at fcbort notice. 1

R. flORE & CoShip's Blacksmith & General Machlaltt.

r?T All work Promptly and neatly Per.foinied. 205 3m

(Successor io J. M. Oat, Jr. & Co.)

Dealers iu all kinds of

STATIONERY,The Latest Foreign Papers always on

Stteel1ST The English Admiralty Ohnrts

iiluuys ou hand. lby

O liUSO IIAWAIIANO.AIjL persons who want to coramuni

cute with tho l'oitiif ues, elthtrtor business, or for procuring workmrn,ttcrvuiits or any other helps, will find Ittliumnst prolltiihh) y to adveitlsotntho Luso Ifawaiiaito, tho new organ ofllio Portumiosu colony, which in pub.llshed ou Merchant street, Gaxettt Build,log, (Post.Olllre Letter Box E.), andonly charges reasonable rates for adver-tisements.

F'"1 I . f' 7



Life Insurance Co.

Old. Succtsslul. Trustworthy. Purely

Mutual. No Stockholders.Divldonds Annually.

ORGANIZED 18-12- .

Assets OTOl' --


over - 11,000,000

It bsue the licet forms of polloy andpays tho JLAIMJEST Tontine Divi-

dends of any Compmy.

The latest udvantnge added to its NonForfeiting Limited Tontine Policies is:

A guaranteed rctnru of allPremium unld, in additionto Face of Policy, In of deathduring the Tontine period.

For full particulars apply toC. 0. BERGER, Honolulu,

Gcuiral Agent Hawaiian lilnnrW.19 tf





Assurance Society!,.




Agent for the Hawaliau Island.

00 ly

CASTLE & COOKE,Life, Firo & Marina Insur'ce Agent.



of Boutou.

Tho JEtna Fire Insurance Co.of Hartford, Conu.

The. Ilutou Flro anrt

Marine Insurance Co.of Ban Francisco, Cal.llly

Prussian NationalInsurance Comp'T

Kstahlihueu 1846,

CapUal, .'. . .9,000,000 RelcbtMrtw,UE undersigned, having qen up

X pointed agent of the above Companyfor tho Hawaiian Islands, Is prcpurtd to

Lottet Promptly Adjuited and Payable in


070 ly at Wilder & Co'.


Stock of GoodsKecJTd ( SealiiUla,


J. T. Waterhouse's70 Queen & Fort Street Btorw-- U










ljjira rmrmzxns

!pS$F, -- a -



Tho Court will go iuto full mourningfor Her lato Royal Highness PrincessLlkellko frrm thU date unlit the dayalter the Funeral; and will wear halfmourning from lint time unll the ex.plratlouof two weeks from tho day ofthe Funeral.

CURTIS 1 1AUKKA,II. M.'s Clintiilierlaiu

Iobml Palace. Feb a, 1887.

BISHOP & Co., BANKKKSHonolulu, Hawaiian Islands.

Draw Eichaugo on tho

Bank ol OilHorn I u, H. IT.And their ngents in


Messrs. N. M. Rothschild & Bon, LondonThe Commercial Bank Co., of Sydney,

London,Tho Commercial Bank Co., of Sydney,

The Bank of Now Zealand: Auckland,Chrlstchurch, and Wellington,

The Bank of British Colunibla, Victorla, B. 0., and Portland, Or.

andTrammct a General Banking Business.

o iv

mu gnttjj guilt Jin.Pltdged to neither tied nor I'artj.Bat established for tho benefit of all.

. MONDAY. FEU. 21. 1887.


Whilst it may be truthfully said

that the Hawaiian Kingdom is be-

hind the advanced nations of the age

in some provisions of the publicservice, it cannot bo truthfully said

that the industiinl institutions of thecountry, which depend on privateenterprise for their existence andmaintenance, are much inferior in

their parts and productions to simi-

lar institutions in the most progres-bIv- o

countries. Anyhow, we need

not be ashamed of the comparison.Take, for instance, the iron works,the planing mills, and the carriagefactories. The variety, quality, andfinish of work in their respectivelines can scarcely bo excelled any-

where. For size, class and charac-

ter of machinery, and completenessin all their parts our sugar mills arein the very forefront of advance-

ment. In short, almost every pri-

vate undertaking inaugurated andprosecuted in the country has beenmarked by energy and a liberal useof money. If these were the sole con-

ditions of success, those embarkedin the various enterprises could nothave failed in the acquirement ofwealth.

There is one thing in tho way ofprivate enterprise in which Honolulu

IB said to be ahead of the rest ofthe world, and that is in tho matterof telephones. In this small town,which in a big country would bo

called n village, wo have two tele-

phone companies and two telephonicservices, the Bell and the Mutual.These companies have, according totheir printed lists, the former 445subscribers, and the latter 501,which make a total of 91C. Scarcelya shop, or store, or olllcc, or placeof business of any kind, under thocontrol of white men, is without atcle-phone,a-

comparatively few privateresidences. It is hard to find a manwith a business, a practice, or a homein tho city or its suburbs that youcannot communicate with by tele-

phone. Although a modern inven-

tion and a recent importation tothose islands, the people have cometo regard it us au almost indispens-

ably necessary appurtenance toevery household. It is said that in

no community in tho world is thotelephone to universally used ashere used by so largo a proportionof tho people.

The cheapness of tho bcrviees is,no doubt, a main cause of its beingso generally patronized. Nino dol-

lars a quarter for business establish-ments and six dollars for privateresidonces is certainly a very moder-at- e

charge. These are million ratesas theatrical handbills say plac-

ing telephones within the means ofall who need them. Very acceptableto the public, but can hardly beprofitable to tho companies. If we

aro correctly informed, these pricesaro below the prevailing rates ofother countries.

On tho principle that cheapnessindicates inferiority of quality, onewould infer that our telephone ser-

vices must be of an Inferior character.'The inference is wrong. Tho ser-

vices arc equal to tho best, andsuperior to most. This is tho testi-

mony of many visitors with variedexperience abroad. Thoy have ex-

pressed surpriso at the greater clear-

ness of voice and caso in transmit

ting messages through our tele-

phones, computed with those theyhave been accustomed to in othercountries. So also with the promptattention and patience of the oper-

ators. Even to us this is a matterof surprise ; that is, tho patience ofthe operatois. For some people, arevery hard on the telephone and theoperator. They aro constantly call-

ing to tho "Central" to connect with

and rintr tin somebody, nnd if it is

not tlonetimmcdiately, they want toknow the reason why, with all thoimpel ions importance of the Emperorof Russia. For every trilling, insig-

nificant little thing they lush to thetelephone, and make it a medium fortho transmission of all the gossipand tittle-tattl- e they know of. Itwould not bo a bad idea for the"Central" to keep a list of thesetroublesome customers, and chargethem double I

Altogether our telephone systemis something to be proud of andgrateful for. Its extensive use, itscheapness, and its excellence arefeatures which, In this lino of civil-

ization, place Honolulu in the frontrank of advancement. If our streetsand side-walk- s, and tho various otherpublic requirements which it is theduty of government to provide, wereonly half so good, what n highlyfavored, happy, and contented people wo should bc! No, not alto-

gether contented. "Wo should findsomething to grumble about. Thissafety-valv- e of the Anglo-Saxo- n

must be occasionally opened to pre-

vent explosion of the boiler.


Eihtok Hum.utin: Our genial

friend of the '. V. Advertiser in hisissue of the 19th seems to be gentlyexercised about the "fascination tomany minds of tho hopeless task ofproselyting the teeming millions ofChina.'" Many in Honolulu havelately listened to tho statements andappeals of the gifted and brilliantmissionary Arthur II. Smith of NorthChina, and feel the task anythingbut hopeless. Since all branches ofthe Christian Church from "Wcsleyanto Roman Catholic, arc enthusiastic-ally active and hopeful in the gicattask of bringing the Chinese Empireunder tho light and transformingpower of the Redeemer, it is justpossible that it is not really so hope-less as a supcrlicial and cither in-

different or antipathetic inspectionby commercial foreign observe! smay pronounce it to be.

Our friend pays an emphatic tri-

bute to the success and value of thewoik of Christian missionaries inthese islands, but thinks that it isthreatened with extinction by thegreat Chinese invasion of heathen-ism, and that this Chinese assaultupon Hawaiian Christianity is ut-

terly ignored by tho advocates ofmissions to China. Ho will be gladto be informed of what is abund-antly stated in our local missionarypapers and repoits, that this sourceof peril is fully observed, but thatour Christianity is being made moreand more aggressive for the conver-sion of Chinese in Hawaii, underconditions far more favorable thanin China, or in any other country towhich they have emigrated, andwith growing success.

A very interesting feature of thiswork is the picscncc hcie of per-

haps two hundred Christian Chineseimmigrants converted at home, whoare full of faith and good worksalso the existence of large numbersof Chinese converted here, many ofthem by tho efforts of our nativepastors. This docs not look muchlike a "hopeless task."

The dobauching of native femalesby Chinese is indeed an enormousevil. It is only greater than thatpractised by whito men, as the num-ber of Chinese aro greater. I thinkit true that Chinamen who nro mar-ried to Hawaiian wives caro for themmore diligently and successfullythan while men generally do.

As to any "social and re-

ligious supremacy attained byChinese in this country," orlikely to ho attained, our friend'simagination must havo got upon awild ramble, and the "varied formsof moral and religious activity amongour people" aie probably not somisplaced and nullified as ho sur-mises. The almost incredible treat-ment lately accorded hero to a

" wealthy Chinaman does not lookmuch liko his race having yet ap-proximated to "social supremacy."1 think no such indignity wouldhave been ventured on towards anywhito man of similar relative posi-

tion, or oven to a Hawaiian,I know little about Chinese "Joss"

worship : I supposo it to bo propitia-loi- y

of irritable andspirits or deities, and little abovethe grosser kinds of paganisni. Rutit must bo n lack of discriminationto call it "as debased a form ofidolatry" us that of Ilawaliansseventy years ngo. Joss-worsh- ip

pan hardly include those dark andmalignant factors of murderous andparalyzing sorcery, of human sacri-fices, of crncl and cramping kapus,and especially of lecherous, poison-ous hulas which characterizedPolynesian paganism, and made II,although not one of tho most cruel,yet ouo of tho mora polluting anddegrading forms of polytheism.Chinese idols aro gross enough, but

aiMWBMiaaim iiniwtawwanro almost cherubic in comparisonwith the demoniac visages of Ha-

waiian gods.It may bo reasonably expected

that with the effort and attentionwhich is to bo hoped for from goodmen and women of nil the lacesand churches hero existing, neither"Joss" nor Knnaloa will becomeenthroned in Hawaii nci, despite the"Hall of Twine" Society or anyother club house. IL


On Friday evening, tho 11th in-

stant, Mrs. Elmer, of Kealia, diedsuddenly of heart disease. Her re-

mains were hroiittht to Liluie andwere buried in the piivate cemeterybelonging to the Rice family. Herfuneral was very largely attended.All tho foreign residents of Lihuc,a majority of those from Kapaa andKealia, and very many from Koloa,stood at the grave, and gave theirsilent sympathy to the suddenly-bereave- d

daughter, Mrs. Sherman.A good woman lias gone to herheavenly home. Rcquiescat in pace.

On Tuesday, one of the Gemanlunns of the Lihuc plantation, hadIlls leg broken by the wheel of abullock cart. He was made as com-

fortable as possible by Dr. Walters.The services of this popular doctorarc always in demand, and there isprobably no busier person on Knuni.

Master Clias. Wilcox, after a veryserious illness, is now pronouncedout of danger, and is vciy slowlyrecovering. One of the ladyteachcis of the Lihuc School hasspent all her leisure lime at the littleboy's bedside.

It is rumored that Mr. Lucas,principal of the Lihuc School, hastendered his resignation to the Boardof Education.

A poition of tho freight that leftHonolulu on the 8th iust., was notlanded until the 11th, owing to thehigh waves and winds that prevailed.This detention caused considerableembarrassment among Kauai house-keepers, both foieign and native.Tho Mikahala brought 15 bands ofpoi for the Chinese dealers in thearticle, and it was all spoiled beforeit could be lauded.

Pleasant days arc few and farbctw ecu. Wind and rain, alternatingwith rain and wind, heavy cloudsabove, and sticky mud below thisis Kauai.

Kauai, Feb. 18, 1887.


II. W. Schmidt, .Esq. the SwedishConsul, olllcially informed HisHonor Judge A. Fornandcr, onSaturday last, of the Iatter's decora-

tion by the King of Sweden and Nor-

way witli the Order of tho NorthStar. It will be pleasing to thejudge's numerous friends to learnthat he has been distinguished bythis high honor, which ho has cer-

tainly merited by his patient re-

searches and his valuable literaryproductions. And it must be alsogratifying to His Honor to be thusassured that his work is recognisedand appreciated by the sovereign ofliis native country, Sweden.

IMerwri mOn Wednesday, Feb. 23, 1887,

At 11 o'clock n. m.I will tell at my salesrooms for uecount

of whom it may concern,


MEN'S STRAW HATSDamaged by b tit water on voyage of

ex bark M.irtha Fiihor, Buck.Ingham, Mutter, from Liveipoil to Ho-nolulu.

Marked: M. P.fcCollonoluluhi,

nnd numbered as follows:RMO-- Sfi doen Men's Straw Huts.1311 ii " ' " "1'HSlfi " " '

i:i4:t 20 " " ' "1SJ5) 0 " " " '

f 5 ii it u ii

EST Terms Cash In U, S. Gold Coin mLEWIS J. LTSVKY,

(5 lit Auctioneer.


family, within u fewminutes' walk of tho 1'oBt Olllcc, Ap-

ply nt this olllco ostr


Carriage GompanyAre prcpuicd to givo

GOOD SATISFACTION.To llii! Pub'io nnd nsk their pationage.

Charges Moderate.M 11. KANE,Til OS. KKEFK,


t:m:iii,k xumiii:hs :

Bull ys:i. Mutual 512.05lm


Carpenter & llnllilcrllOUSJJS AND PUIINUUUU KKI'AIUBD.

Tulxir, HU.OO nor uy.Workshop, : t h7MnuuakonSlrcut.


wuiackyij!MjiMt .


WHKREAS OSWALD SOHOLTZ,in a certain moilgngo

mnde by John llobollo to said OswaldSoholtz, rtMtil tho tyih of October, 18S5,nnd recorded in Llticr 00 on pages !l(!l toJ107, has hcietofoio duly foreclosed paidmortgage in accordance with the powerof sale therein contained mill the pro.visions of tho Act of 187L now thereforeby order of said mortgagee I will sell ntpublic auction at my salesroom in Hono-lulu, on

Wednosday, February 23, '87At 12 o'clock noon, the property

covered by fcnlil mortgage, viz:A cortnin piece or parcel of land with

the buildings thereon cllimteil nt Kcnnoiila, lluno ulii, being pi I of Komi1 a'ent 44.'J mill belli'' liur- - fullv do.mtIIikI indent from Virgil Tliouipmnto John Jtiibollo, ilitcil Aigust 1, H7uand of recoiil in Liber 17 on pages 71and 72.

2d All lliut (crdilu piece or parcel ofland with the buildings thciconbituatcdin Kconcuni, uonoiiiiu, uemg ctP'Tr.ncuIn Rojnt Patent 442:!, L. O. A. 003, andbeing tho tamo tucmlscs convoyed toMild John Itobillo by deed of MnivElla Clark, dated April 2Dth, 18S:i, ofrecord in liber 12 on pagiKUi and a7fi.Tho above described premiss coiibWtof three Houuc Lots, and tire situated onHobcllo Lune.

No. 1 Has n frontage of 82 feet onHobcllo Lane and a depth 14 1 2 feet,iiiul in.8 upon H a uncuing noiuo con.tabling four room, kitchen, large stableami The liouso Is lined andimpend throughout, nearly now and In

order. Tho loi contains anarm of 11 710 sq ft, or 0.208 of an acre,iiiul gaidcn well laid out.

No. 2 Has a frontage of ill 3.12 feeton liobdlo Lane, with u depth of 1415-1- 2

ftct adjoining ahovo lot No. 1, nnd ton-tuii-

four rooms with kitchen and bath-roo- m

stables and sen nuts' loom l.

House neatly new, well paintedthroughout and In got d older.

No.;!. This lot cmtiiiiM mii urea of8,11(1 tq ft, or 0.104 acre, and has a front,age of Til frit on Hobcllo Lane, with adepth of 142 5 12 feet, bus homages onKobello Lauu and maUiii sidu of lot.'I lie duelling is two s'oihs high con.mining live rooms in good order withstiililu and oul.liousis.

The plan and suriov of tin propenycan bo ccen at the oillcc of llic miction,per.

Teims (Jusli and deeds at the e. easeof the puithneei'.

For further parllculais enquire ofLEWIS J. LEVEY,

Auctioneer.Or t. Ciiitii:s CitKininoN, Attorney.

01 Ot

Elf. BellJeleDlioiie Co.

Reduction of Rates!

ON THE FIItST OFCOMMENCING lentnl of all instill,menu in ue in the District of Konn,

of Ouliu, will be leduced to $J,00per qmutcr.

Persons desiring to make contractsfor ono year at this rnto will "be d

with forms on application at theolllcc of the Compnny.

A discount of 10 per cent "ill boto subscribers paying u year's

lent in advance.GODFREY BHOAVN,

lVwldtntllnw. Boll Tel. Co.Honolulu, February 21, 1837 105 lm


so?.a.:n:l :C'oi'iicr of Xiiiinnu & Hotel Hrcc(n.


Tills Carriage Compnny hns been re-

cently orgunized, and guarantees tofurnMi good eunveyanees, trustworthydrivers, and will make no eMoitionatccharges.

All calls will bo promptly Attended to.(Pt


MORRIS" will leave herofor Samoa next week. Mr.LIU. lutu Chief Officer of the

S.S. Explorer will be in c unmund.

NOTICE.rpiIE ANNUAL MEETING OF THEJL Stockholdcts of tho People's Ice &

Refrigeriting Co., will be held March'Ht, nt 11 o'clock sharp, nt the Comp-any's ofllce.

"W. E. FOSTER,C3!d Scc'y P. I. & Ref. Co.

NOTICE.A MEETING OF THE P.OARI)AT of Directors of (he Kupiolnni Park

Association, hold at the tlllec of A. JCartwright, this 17lh day of February,1887 the following ofllcers wci elect) ufor the coming year:A. S. CLEGHORN rrosldentII. A. WIDEMANN Vice PiesidcntH.R.MAOFARLANE SierclaryW.O.IRWIN TreasurerJ. II. PATY Auditor

II. R. MACFARLANE,0J 4t 8ec'y K. P. Association.

GRAND OIIANOE TO MAKEXjl Monty for a in in with a few himdied dollau. For lmrtlculurs nnnlv to

J. E. UKOWN & CO.Cltf 28 Merchant Street.

LOST OR STOLEN.CARRIAGE LAP ROUE ANDA Cushion. Aiewnrd will bo paiil

any ono returning tho ui tides or givingsunh information as will lend to theirroiovery. Call nt J. I. Dowsett's olllco,GO Queen Hti cot. 6iJ lw

DllJSSpBLrVKINti.RODANET, the well-kno-

MRS. recently rcturnudfrom Paris, has her dross-mukln- loomsstill on Emma strpot, abovo thp square.


Now Photograph Itooms.OVER Nlchol's Moro, Fort street,

tho Shooting Galloiy, Pic.lures, Portraits and views. Fhstolaiswork.OJy J.1.GONSALVES.

$ 'Vs&ifc4j,,

p;,licnmimmgst SB

WHEREAS DEFAULT HAS BEENthe condition of that

certain Mortgage made by Conchco &Ahung to Hymnn Brother, dated De-

cember 15, 1835, nnd lecorded in LiberHO, pages 141 to 440, and I ollce of in-

tention to forteloso tliu saino li'is beenduly given. Now, therefore, In accoid-nne- o

with the power of snlo In snidMortgage continual and by older ofMild Mortgagee", 1 will self nt PublicAuction, nt my salesrooms In Honolulu,on

Saturday, March R, 1887,' nt 12 o'clock, noon.

Tho propel ly covered by wild Mort-gage, viz:

1st The Lease of that eeitalii pieceof Lnud sltmitc nt ICahaliiit, Koolnu.Oaliu, wheicou is situated the Rice Millbelonging to Moitgagois and dcciibcdIn a Lc.ic finm Ah Van & Co. to Con-chco jV; Ahung, dated September l. 18M0,

for 15 years, and leeouled In Reg. ofDeeds In Hook 03, on pages 7, andalso nil Huildltigs, Mnchluciy. andappurtenances hereon situate and albo21 Iltnd of Woi king Oxen, 2 Ox Calls,1 Paddy Warehoii'-e- , Mating capacity100 tons, 1 Dwelling llnuc. 1 MiiailWarehoui! at Kabaluu beach. II Horses.

The Mill Is one of the jeiybeston theIslands, mid cleans 0 bags A No. 1

Rico In twelve hours, and Is run byWnterpower, Is In llrst class older; itwns elected about 0 vearsngoataeost of912,000. The Ground lent for the MIII-slt- c

and Wntei power Is sjyoo per milium.2nd Ono undivided one fourth

in the Wniliole Rico Plantationknown as Wing Cliong Fat Compnny,consisting of 10 leaseholds more orless and haing .'!.") acres of Rice landmore or less mid being intciesl andleiues and lenbcliohl inteiost, des-cribed in Schedule C in snid mort-gage, also two Houses, one RieoFloor, 7 liaises, 8 winking Oxen, 3Plows and utensils icquUite for plan-tation. Rental about .1,02(! permilium, average eiop 45 tons of paddy,owes about $.',500.

Hid Tho Leabii of nil of that cer-tain piece of land with buildings midiiitpiovuiiientH theicnn situate onNuuanu sticet in said Honolulu op-

posite the 'late Queen Eiiimii's lesi-den-

and lately occupied by theMortgngois ns stoie and olllco anddesciibeil in n lease fioin (Jinnies It.Bishop and 1). P. Bishop to Conelieuit Ahung dated November 2o, 1878,for live yeais and fioiu Jmiuaiy 1,18811, nnd extended for veins fiomJanuary 1, 1888 ut n rental ofper minimi, mid leeouled in saidRegistry in Hook 58, page 112, Thispropci ty if loiited now nl jiermonth. For fin ther pmticulars


Auctioneer.Or to L. A. THURSTON.50 20 Attoi ney for Moi tagces.


Valuable Real EstateIS JIOXOIiUJLU.

Under instructions from tho HON.BOARD OF EDUCATION, 1 kliall Fellat Piillic Auction, on

Monday, March 7th, .1887,At 12 o'clock noon,

at my salesroom", corner of Fort andQuei n Hrci'ts, Honolulu, that virv de.siiabJo tiact of lai d situated at Kuliu,Lillha Sneet, known as Lee You.man's Property, comprising

Kalo & Kula Landof supeilor qunlily,

JLot A'o. 1 Containing an area of11 mid 5.1(10 acres, ot an upset priceof 87,500.00.

liot No. ii Adjoining tho nlovo onthe mauka side, and containing nnan a of 1 in ro. Upstt pries $750 00.TITLE PERFECT.

TEISMS CANH. Deeds nt ilm(spenso of purchnseis. Further pirtlc-alm- s

tuny b: lennud by application atthe ofllce of the Hoard of Education,where phm and suiveys of the laudniny bo seen.

LEWIS J. LEVEY,Aw tionei r

Honolulu, Teh. 2, U87 SOtd

1 heLea ui ug Mil i iucry Uo use

-- OF

CHAS. J. FISHEL.Ry tho Atistrulia wo hae received n

fine lino of NBW GOODS, which willbo placed for sale on fcATURDAY.

Ladles' Black Silk Clocked Hoso (Good Black)

Cream Astrachun DicssGcod, J) on MsWidth.

Cream Grcnndluu and Sicking DressGoodf.LIGHT COLOR'D CASHMERES

Houieiliing mvr In Fniity Ciapo

Gauze 3K.il)loii,tho laid.

Infants' ?i.IIo i in Garnet, Pink, llluoand Wiiilc.

A lino Hun of Skirt 1'leatlngH and ltucli- -

lugs. Tho Illicit line, of

S3LEC CLOVESover imported to thin city.

Spanish Lace Fichus in While and lllnckWo have on hand a vciy Inrgn Mod; rf

A.I-- X. WOOL HIIAWLWA line lino of Ladies Trimmed ami

Uiitrimined HATS.A full Hue of lllnck CiMhmere, Gimps,

Filnget, etc.Come and see our New Good's.

CHAS. J. FISHEL,Thtil.ciKlhiK 33tllhicry Houuc.



l.ecu dlbnolved bynulcroftho tiupieiuo Court, and the ui.iler.-lgni'- il

appointed Receiver1; notico Is herebygivqi that tho (lap slock of Waujiesond.Iowelry will boon palo at tho stproif Hncnr&rfi'lfer for a short tlpic, atrtduced prices.

All parties indebted to this t)rpi arenotlllcd to make (settlement nt nuco.

W. F. ALLEN,Receiver for Bpcar & Plolfcr.

Uonolulu, Feb. 10, 1887. GO lm

- . ..kMfiif.ujiMiato. -


Bargains a!Ilailog bought tho entire Stock of

Mai and Ms' FMislrii MFrom the Temple of Fashion nt grenlly reduced iato, wc now oiler them to ourii'imoroui patrons at prices which do y competition

ThcM) goods aro first class In cvciy respect and onml t of nil grades and quil.Itlci of

Gloli, Kiiilif! for tie Rich and Poor ale.In olleriing them t our customers wo would moU lcsprelfnlly dmiv their

to the fast that wo aro giving them tho of our cheap b.irgiln andinvito the public in general to clvo us a cill and cxamlno these goods bclorc pur-chasing elsewhere. Our,U8Ual lino of ,


is too well known to need ct pccinl comment. fiy

"TEMPLE OF FASHION,"& 3(55 Eorfc Street, Honolulu.

S3PJEOI.L TSOrVTGXD.During my absence from this Kingdom my Entire Stock of

Dry and Fancy GoodsHas been reduced 10 per cent, less than cost, in order tomake room for new importations. Great Bargains areoffered. 59 S. EHRLICH.


Egan Go.




Custom o SVIade o ClothingGent's Fine Furnishing Goods, Hats and

Corner Fort & Merchant Streets, Honolulu. Campbell's Block.


Hell Tel. 112. Mutual Tel.P. O Rox i:07.

J. E. BROWN & CO.,Campbell's Block, 31eichnnt St.,

Employment Bureau and Registra-

tion Office,


Ofler the following:

Houso to Rent and Furnituro for Salo.Lease $20 per month. Houso cnutuinE8 moms and bath; also hot nuil coldwutci; good locality, lle minutes'walk from I'oat Olllcc.

For Sale. Houso and Lot. Aboutncie, within five minutes walk of PostOlllcc. House contains 0 mom?, late-ly put in good repair. Stables and

To Rent. Three Houses on Lillha Stiect.For Sale 1 Open SldeBnr Buggy, cheap.

For Salo Choap. 1 Square Piano, Vt Octaves, in good order.

1 Upright Piano, 7Jjj Oo'aves, in goodorder.

Houso lo Lot, on Kinau slreet, near Ah-liii- !;U Bedrooms, Sitting-room- ,

Kiichuinnd Bathroom;renovated. Rent 10 a month.

Rooms to Rent. Four very hand'omelyfiiinUhcd rooms in largo homo; wallsituated on Niiuauu 'Avenue. Rent$la a month each.

US Merchant Street. Ut


A Nm Lot of

Cigars and Gigarettes

Entirely New in this Market.:u


pKGS TO INFORM 1IKR NUMER.1.) oih fi lends nnd custninoM thnttho bus rcsumtd biwincs') nt her iosl.donee, Emnn street, next to Mis. VTodo.house.


MISS CLARKE, who has had manycxperiem o In Dres & Clonk


ESTABLISHMENT at 101 AlakeaMreet, CI


Sirs. Smitlicr, I,ulien' Xni'Hc,HAVING RETURNED FROM THE

1m prepared to uinke ii fewongngemeniH. Mr3. Briilther has hndlong exptijenco aa Indies nurso and canIuiiiIbIi best of inference, both in thoUnited States and,' on tho Miuid. ' Cullor nildroas, MRS. 8. SMITJJE.R, FprtStreet, between Hotel ami Berctunlo,UUUU1UIU, aoim







Per " MARTH V FISHER," n small

iniolco of tl.e CelebroUil


F. A. Schaefer & Co.02 4t


JUST BEOEIVED ! -Per Bktno Geo. C. Perkins, over 2,000

packages of



J. F. COLBURN, King St.Bell Telephone 63,r0 Muiu il Telephone S87.

Bell Telephone . P. O. Box 41 5.


Agent to tnke Acknowledgments toI.ubor VontraetN, Mui'i'luge


General Business & Commission Atrent.

MKAIi ESTATE ItltOKER.BS" Canii.bcll's Block, lecond floor,

ndioiiilug United Slates Consulate, Mortli.mt tilreot, Honolulu, ILL 23tf

NOTICE,rpiIE PUBLIC AVILL PLP.ASE TAKIJL notico thnt I bine admitted y

Mr. JAMES STEINER who has beenin my employ for many years; ns apiutner In my hiisluepx. Xauieand styloof linn will bo heitMfter

HART & STEINER.Thiinkliig tho )itbllu for their geuerotiRmiiipoitjii tlio pact, I solicit respect-fully tho Kitine for the new linn.

II. J. HART,Honolulu, H. L, Feb. 1m, 188T.


IIKNRY.r. HART and JAMESSTK1NBR, both lesldlng in Honolulu,havo entered to-d- Into

under the 111 in name ofHART & STEINER.

To carry on tho Elite Ieo Cream Parlors,Honolulu, for tho inaiiiifnctuio and saleof Ico Cieain, Cakes, Candles, Curiosnnd other business Incidental thereto.


Honolulu, II. L, Feb. 10, 1887. CO 3t

NOTICE.riMIK ANNUAL MEICTING of theJL ' Stockhalderk of- - tho liawallm(nniigo Manufacturing Co,, yhich wto havo been held today, Fob; 10th, hasbocu postponed until tho 24th lust.

E. O. BOHUMAN, Sco'y & Tread.0. WEST, President. COtd






-- :LV.

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'S,j-- i 'VP'





1..'l - V',,4,


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ft gttilji Uih.MONDAY, FEU. 21, 1887.

ARRIVALS.February 20Stfcrn-whc- el stnir Fwn, from Ewa,

OiiliuSt nir Mlkalmlii fiom KauaiHtnir Surpi lo from Kuiiu, MaulStmr Mokolll from MolokalSoli Kiuillluafroin KauaiSclir Kulnniiinu from ll:iin:ikii:tSclir Kauallaiil fiom Koolitu, 0:ilmSclir Lenhl from ICohalaSclir Knunn from ICuiiul

February 21

8 H Gaelic from Hongkong en route forSan Francisco

Bcbr Maim from KuanSclir Lliukitl from Wnialuii


Stmr Kliiau for Maul, Hawaii i ml tbovolcano, at 4 n m

Stmr Llkcllko for Kahulul and liana, at5 ii m

Stmr lwahuil for llamakuaStmr Mokolll for MoloknlStmr Stirprlo for KuanSclir llalcakala for I'cpcckeoScbr Molwahlne for llamakuaSclir Muiiuokuwal for Koolan


titmr Lcliua for llamakua at B p mStmr Mokolll for Molokal at S p mStmr .Wikahala for Kauai at Ii p mSclir Ebuknl for WaliihmSclir Wallele for KuanUktno Kate Fllckengcr for San Fran-



tttmr Mlknliala 5,3"" bags Hiigar, 25bags paddy, and 7(i hltltH

Stmr Surprise 3,000 bags sugar


From Kauai, per steamer Mlkalmla,Feb. L'OtU Her Excellency GovernessLanibaii, W O Smith, Judge J110 Kn-Mo- u,

Kev D Kaapu. W Ilollna, Herbcr,& Xorman Oavatlti, F Wiebke,.T MlllcrtXV B Starkey, O Sehemei thorn. J

Chinese, and l.i deck.


The steamer Surprise salh this even-

ing for Kaunaknkal, Molokal, to get aload of cattle for Kuan, Maul.


Bk Sonoma, HowesBk C O Whltmore, Thomp-o- u

Bk Lady Lainpson, MarstonBk Zolla, McKayBk Maltha FMicr,Bktne Geo 0 Verklns, AekcrnianBktuo Kate Fllcklnger, YoungBktne AV II Tlhiioiul, Swift


Am wh bk Lancer, from Xcw Bed-ford, duo Fel) 10-2- 8

Am vh bk Kelndcer, from San Fran-cisco, duo I'eb 10-2- 8

Am wh bk Helen Slurs, from SanFrancisco, duo 1 eb 10-2- S

Am wh bk Wanderer, from San Fran-cisco, duo Feb 10-2- 8

Am wh bk Francis rainier, from SanFrancisco, due Fob 10--

Am wh bk Flcotwlng, from San Fran-cisco, due Feb 10-2- 8

Am wh bk William Baylltes, from SanFrancisco, duo Feb 10-2- 8

Am wh bk Mary and Susan, from SanFrancisco, duo Feb 10-2- 8

Am wh bk Mars, from San Francisco,due Feb 10-- 28

Am wh bk Andrew Hicks, from SanFrancisco, due Feb 10-2- 8

Am missionary steam bktne MorningStar, II F Tinner, from the South SeaIslands, due Feb 20-2- 8

K M S S Mariposa (Am), Haywaid,from San Francisco, on route to tho Co-

lonies, duo Feb 10l'JISS City of Itio do Janeiro, W B

Cgbb, from San Francisco, en loute toYokohama and Hongkong, duo March12

Am bk Ceylon, It Calhoun, from SanFrancisco, duo Feb 18-- 20


The clcctiic light at tho 1'alacowent out Saturday night for tho wantpHucl, '

1'jioToaitAi'HEit Gonsalves leavesfor tho Lava Flow by tho Kinau thisafternoon.

Thk mail by tho steamer Gaelic,for San Francisco, closes at 1 o'clockj si, to-da-

Mu. Lowis J. Lovoy will havo anImportant sale of damaged lmts pnWednesday next.

A nitnnzn sprang up from tho souththis morning, bringing with it odorsfrom Kakaako swampB.

Guvkknok 11. II. Baker is in town,looking stout, happy, and good-nature- d

as over.

DuuiNCi tho week ending tho 13thinstant, tho thermometer at theVolcano IIouso ranged fiom CO to (18

years. Tho rainfall for tho sanioperiod was 0 inches.


Mn. Wong Kim, contractor, car-poiit- cr

and builder, wishes it to bounderstood that his workshop is atNo. 87, Maunakea Htcot, and that Jus

gives a day's labor for .$2,00,,.,Pursuant to notice, the Blue

llibbon Lotiguo met at tho Y. M,C. A. Hall, last Saturday evening,lfev. II. II. Gowon presided, antdelivored an address on lamporanoe,

. m

A ar.NTWiMAN desires a furnishedroom with a privato family, not toofar fiom tho l'ost Olllco. Any familyhaving thu room nntl desiring tholodger, may bo suited by applying atthis ofllco.

Two bloods got quarreling yester-day, and after an exchange of blows,they agreed to go on thu side ofPunchbowl hill ami light to a finish.Up to tho latest accounts no liveshad been lost and 110 bones broken.

Tiik Hawaiian Boll Tolophono Co.announgo in this paper, that fromthe' 1st of Apri) noxt, tho rental ofa)l iivBtru'montH hi (mo in'lhd disl'iietbf Komi', Oahu, will bo reduced to$5.00 per (punter, and that a discountof 10 percent will bo allowed to per-sons paying a year's rout in advance.


No nfgnB of Hto steamer ns wo go.to press,

Tun H. 8. Gaelic sails for SanFrancisco this day nl 5 1: M.

Tin: Siinni8-Moor- o juin)ing eon-te- st

will begin at 5 o'clock this after-noon at JInkiki,

A mckciaIi meeting of the fuel di-

vision of (lie Liliiiokalani Education-ti- lSociety will be held at .'1 o'clock

afternoon, at tho usualplace.

Mri. l?obert Horatio Cathcart,chairman of tho swimming com-mittee, will open tho scawon on tho1st of Apiil, with an oration at theKapiolaui bathhouse. Box plan nowopen.

Mr.sftiiH. J. E. Brown fc Co., realestate agents, have several inches ofspace in this paper devoted to"houses to let, etc." Besides whichthciu is about a column of indepen-dent notices of a similar character.No hotter guide than tho Bum.I'.tincan be found for those in want ofcottages, etc.

Tin: lloyul Hawaiian Band playedselections of nacred music at the1'alaco Satuiday afternoon, and Sun-day morning, between 11 and 12o'clock, an impressive service washeld in the Throne room, where liethe remains of the late PrincessLikelike. The Bishop of Honoluluand the Kev. Alex. Mackintosh off-iciated.

L. M. Wiiiti:, the young man whokeeps the shoc-blaekiu- g stand at theentrance of the lano by Sopor's bookand news stoic, is invariably polite,civil, and attentive to his patrons,llo furnishes you with tho dailypapers to read the news, while ho iscleaning the mud or dust from yourshoes and substituting therefor apolish liko a mirror, and then brushesyour clothes all for ten cents.

Mil. ,T. E. Miller, representative onthese islands of tho California BonoFertilizing Co., has just returnedfrom a business tour around thoisland of Kauai. Ho reports theheaviest rainfall that it had oyerbeen his lot to experienco whilst atllanalei. Mr. Miller goes to Hawaiithis week and it is possiblo that homay theie fupl that it also rainsconsiderably.

Tin: S. S. Gaelic was reported offWnianae at 10:110 this morning. TheGaelic is from Hongkong civVouto forSun Francisco. Mcssis. llackfeld itCo., her agents, leceivcd po oillcialnotice of her coming here and didnot expect her. At 2 o'clock thisafternoon tho agents did not knowtho reason of her coming here, orwhen she would proceed on herjourney to San Francisco.


Fob. 19; T. T. Aspinwall, Bom-bay; W. Goodale, Maui; 20th, J.E. Miller, San Francisco.


At the store of M. Mclnomy,corner of Fort and Merchant streets,may ho seen tho finest selection ofVery Elegant Stylish Black Goodsever shown in this city. Blackdress coats, vests and pants. Blackfrock coats, vests and pants, all verystylish. Custom niado work. Anypersons needing such goods shouldcall and inspect those and satisfythemselves. The prices aro verymoderate for such choice goods.Call and see them.

IN MEM0RIAM.At an early hour this morning,

Elizabeth Wharton McPhail, wife ofTlioa, A. Thrum, and mother ofThos. G. Thrum, passed awayquietly at the age of 74 years and18 days. The deceased had residedin this city for the past 35 years,andwas widely known for hpr religiousspirit and Christian bearing. Sheleaves an aged husband, a sqn andtwo daughters, resident in this city,besidos other members of tho familyabroad, to mourn her loss.

Tbo funeral took place at 4o'clock this afternoon, from thoresidence of liar son-in:Ia- PoliceJustice D. Dayton, I'iljha street,and the last solemn rites were im-

pressively conducted by thp Roy. E.C. Oggefinthp prespneo of a fewfriends of tho deceased.


Tho day after Feb.23rd, is Lowmasses at G and 7 a. m. at the RomanCatholic Cathedral, with tho adminis-tration of ashes.

From Friday next, Fpb, 25th, toGpod Frid.a.Vi fasting and ab'stinpncp,on every Friday only. And as amemorial service of the Passion, ofour Lord, tho stations of thp crossevery Friday aj; 4 i'. i?.

Fast and abstinence also on HolySaturday.

The timo from toPontecost Day is Hip timp oppolntpdby tho church fqr tho complyingwith faster duty.


The Mibject lost night of thoSovonth day Adventlst services wastho lino of propheoy recorded in tip8th chapter of the book of Daniel.This prophecy is an outline of thoworld's history from tho time Mcdo-Pcrs- ia

became the second universalkingdom.

These subjects aro made not onlyinteresting to tho lovers of Biblestudy, but also to those who enjoytho study of history.

To-nig- ht the subject will bo thotwq, thousand three hundred days OfIhfs same chapter. Mr. Curtis to

show ht what tho mis-

take of Mr, Mlllor was in tho greatadvent movement of 1811.

All arc invited to come and hear.

KfcS MMMietiakanMH


tiio Rev. Geo. Wailneo haa ad-

dressed tho following pastoral tohis parishioners!

To tho Second Congregation ofSt, Andrew's Cathedral DearlyBeloved in the Lord: Wo aro en-

tering upon another Lent. It is atime set apart to repent of sin, andsorrow for it ; to remember Christ'ssufferings and death ; to change ourlife, and deny ourselves in alt ways.

The keeping of tho season out-

wardly is a yoke and burden andnothing more f the keeping of it ns ntime holy unto the Lord, in thespirit and not in the letter, willbrings us the blessing of God.Faithfully your friend and pastor,

Gnonor. Wallaoi:.


On Friday evening last, the skybecame overcast, and a light air setin from the southward, graduallyincreasing in strength during Satur-day, mid culminating in suddensqualls and heavy hursts of rainfallabout midnight of Saturday. Thisslate of things continued throughoutSunday, the wind at times blowingin fitful gusts from the south, ac-

companied by heavy rains. So itcontinued throughout the day, caus-ing the streets to bo almost entirelydeserted, and preventing the usualattendance at the several places ofworship. Tho rainfall from C a. m.

yesterday to G a. m. y was 1.03inches at Dr. Melvibbin's losidcucc.The sea broke heavily on tho reefyesterday and The totalrainfall for 18 hours prior to 1)

o'clock this morning, as reportedby the Government Survey Olllce,was 1.17 inches.

Mr. F. L CJarkc reports the rain-fall at his residence at the outranceto Pauoa Valley as being 1.20inches for the 21 hours ending thisMonday morning at 8 o'clock. Thegreater parts of the rain fell between8 o'clock and noon of yesterday.


Following is a copy of the oath ofenrollment, which members ofvolunteer companies arc required tosign:

I, the undersigned, having volun-tarily enrolled as a volunteer soldierin a military association duly organized and designated under thename and title of under theact entitled an act to organize themilitary forces of the Kingdom, ap-proved on the 1st day of October,A. D. 188G, do solemnly and faith-fully pledge my oath and swearloyal allegiance to His Mojcsty Ka-laka-

the First, King; lib heirsand successors tq the Throne andGovernment, and shall defend withtho uttermost of my power, bravery,strength, skill and courage the at-

tacks of his enemies from personalharm or injuries to his body ; sup-port and maintain the laws of theKingdom, the observance of law,and order, and to uphold with in-

tegrity the honor and dignity of theSovereign and State at the hour ofperil. I furthermore swear to main-tain and observe all military laws,rules and regulations when com-

manded by His Majesty or his au-

thority, and rendor obedience to thecommands of my superior olllcersand to abide by tho constitution andprovision established for tho regula-latio- n

of the corps. In testimonywhereof I have hereunto set myhand and signature this day of

A. D. 188G, in presence ofenrolling officer.



On Sunday morning at the Fort-stre- et

Church the Rev. J. A. Cruzanread tho following resignation fromthe pulpit :

To the officers and members ofthe Fort-stre- et Church and congr-egation

Dearly Beloved : T hereby resigntho pastorate of the Fort-stre- et

Church, my resignation to tako effectat mo pqsp qr piy sixtn year 01servipe September 1st next.

As it is my desire to sail farAmerica at tbo beginning of mynnnual vacation, I present my re-

signation now in order that you mayhave amplo timo to arrange for asuccessor to take up the woik at onceon my departure

In this connection I wish to expresstho heartfejt gratitudp, and nPn rpciarlon of my w'jfo and myself fqr thpJoyo which, lias evpr marked yourtreatment of us ; for your cordial co-

operation and help in our woik forHip Ma&ter; for your luige-heartc- d

liberality in material things, and forthe charity with which you haveoverlooked our short-coming- s. Wonever expect to find ii "wo In-

dulgent, loving and thoughtfulncoplo than you havo been. In ro- -

turn wo havo tried faithfully to servoyou and our Master, and to buildup this church of Jesus Christ.

You will always have a largo plaooIn our hearts, and wo shall not ceaseto pray for tills church where six ofthe best years of our lives havo beenspent, that God's blessing may abldoupon it, and that Jlis favor and pros,pcrity may rest not only upon thochurch as an organization, but nlsoupon each worshipper before heraltar.

I remain, yours, with regard,J. A Cuuzy,

Honolulu, February 10, 1887 '

From the German: Four hunters(who have Just fired simultaneouslyat a rabbit and failed to hit it):"Well, I wonder who missed tliat,ltime,"

'UL, kiMi- -


AT OIIAMUKUS Iltit'Ulli: l'llKSrO!,', 4.

Moniuy, Feb. 21st.In ro application of Thomas Bain

Walker, British Vieo-Consu- l, for tholibcry of on Peter Ilonscn, nowin the custody of tho Marshal. Mr.L. A. Thurston for pititsoncr; Mr.Paul Neumann for respondent.

After tho Court had been detainedabout fifteen minutes for tho arrivalof the Marshal, Mr. Neumann, inreply to His Honor, as to whatauthority lie had for arresting anilholding, cited Section G28 of theCivil Code as sufficient warrant forthe Marshal to hold the man. AlsoArticles 12 and 13 of the treaty be-

tween Sweden and Norway, and theHawaiian Islands.

III Honor inled that the twotreaty sections cited, referred todeserters only, and Section G28 ofthe Civil Coilo to mutineers only.He did not think that any consulwas justified in making such a re-

quest as had been made by ConsulSchmidt of the Marshal. It was aprivilege, and to avail himself ofthat privilege, the law must bostrictly followed. It is clear thelaw intends that before an arrestcan be made, some offence cogniz-able by law shall be stated, butwithout any allegation that the partyto be arrested had been guilty ofsome offence, there is no authorityto arrest. Therefore, in the absenceof that allegation there is no author-ity for tho Marshal to arrest thisman. When the law prescribes thatcertain forms shall bo complied within order that n man shall be arrested,it is unlawful if he, the Marhsalmakes the arrest without said lawin fully compiled with. His Honordecided that Peter Ilcnson the manwho hod been confined, had beenillegally detained, and lie ordered himto be released.

Ilcnson left the Court a free man.



The roll call of drunks was called,aggregating eight offenders for in-

ebriety, all of whom paid the ordi-nary lino of 8.") cacli and SI costs.

Two assault and battery cases.contributed 510 each to (he Courtfupds, and 0110 caso was remandedto the 21th, the complainant beingunable to appear, he being in thoQueen's Hospital suffering from i

bad bite by the prisoner,A Chinese hack-driv- er was fined

$2 for not obeying Police OfficerMacy.

Jno. Dawson, the sailor chargedwith larceny, wus again remanded,owing to the complainant not beingpresent.

A nol. pros, was entered in thocase of Thos. Flowers, who Is al-

leged to have committed an assautand battery pp bonnl thp steamerLikelike, whilst (ho vessel was an-chored at liana, Maui, Ills Honorruling that he had no jurisdiction inthe matter.

The gambling case of last weekwas next called anil again remandedto 28th. One of tho defendants inthis case is n Chinese


Tho wifo of the Mayor of Leedshas received a letter from tho Lon-don Coinmittoc respecting the"Woman's Jubilee Offering," theobject of which is to receive contri-butions towards a gift to the Queenfiom tho women and girls of all,classes, grades, and ages throughoutthe United Kingdom, irrespective ofreligious creeds, political opinions,and all other distinctions or differ-ences in life, as a mark of loyal ai'prcciaUou of her public and privateghaructpr during the past fifty years,Jt is proposed that the contributionsshall range from Id. to 1, and bocollected by the wives of ts

of counties, membors ofParliament, mayors, aldermen, andclergy of all denominations, Thewjfp of tho Mayor lias acceded tothe request of tho committeo, andhas placed herself at the head of themovement in ceds. Homo News.


PERRY'S No. 1 JiVinllv Flour iss ollerid for sale Uy'UONSALYKS &ir at tit.,.. I lit

of tho Lava Flow of 1187.YIEW8NejifilWi'B made on the secondday of the eruption, showing the col.iiuin of hn a nt the courco crater, maybo nl ill') Photograph ltooms of J.GONSALV Ei, 121 Fort St. Si)

a7E HAVE. Just received per Aus.V trult anew lot of AitlMs'

ElonyWnio, Brackets', CiillnctFrames, Iluitio Fram"t, cto. And weare better pteparrd than ever to makeCornices and Phture Krainm, linwntfthe largest and best selected block ofMouldings In Hie Kingdom. Kixolinos.' Aut 31

Dn. Pm.nt'b Hiiaiit Kr.Mi:i)Y is aSpecific for all foims of Heart Ditt-eab- o

and abo for DifP;iMin of Kidnoysand ClrcuUiuon. Doneilptivo bookwith ovory bottlo. Uoiibon Smith &

Co.. AL'onts. 351

Patiionizi: Homo Industry by buy-iiij- ,''

cigarH of J. W. Hingloy, CigarMunufaetuior, at the Cryidnl SodaWorks, wheio I19 a yiQpiuod to (ill allorders at tho lowest potsiblo whole-cal- o

priocH. Island oidoro solicitedand promptly Idled. Tho attentionof dealers is icspeel fully invited totho fact "no licoiuu is miuiied" tobell theso cigars, Do lmt fpigot tbonumu J. W. Hiughiy, nor U10 placeCrystal Soda Works, Hotel street.


nwnnwrimrtmtr. wrmMain iiammmiitetattmufagaaggCOTTAGE TO IiET.

AT A VKIIY HK.VSONABM3Charge, that neat colt'ige 011I lie nlalnr. rpcciilli'nrmnlt'il

by Mr. 1'eacocK, of I'rceth it" Peacock,and aftotwrtidrf by Mr. lib bin. Thecoitigo contains novel ul rooms, n niceyard, stable and carriage house. Forparlimilarit annly (.11 thu pruning-- ! or InM. It. COhllUKN, at U11I111 P i n I Ifltf

TO JjI3T,rpi! well known Old CornerX lr!ltliHPH. Apply nt the II ll

SALOON 1.7 if

FOR KENT.A PLKASANT KIIO.VI' JIOOM.l newly furnished, at I0." Niiuami

Avenue, by the week or mouth.(!0 2V MII3. W. U. XllKDIIAM.

For Sitlo or Luti.se.riMIOSi: PIir.MISKS SITUAT!' I) ONX I'unahou Strict colled "Kiuianllo.Ida," the property of C. II J111I1I, aie fortale or for lease tor 11 term of yems.

Per particulars Inquire ofALEX. .1. OAllTWKKHIT.

Honolulu, Doe 13, ItSO.


ruluitblu LUatu In NiiuanuValley, '.! mlliu fiom tint city, and mi.doiibicdly the most cliplhln i.lte for aMilk or Milk mid lluller U.iiry In thisKingdom. Apply to J. II. WOOD.

February 'J I, 188". 52

FOR LEASE OR SALE.rpiHl HOUSE AND LOl' AT WAI.X kllil, nt present oieupled hr Q. U.Ficeth. Apply at olllco of

PKLLTll it l'EACOOIC,12 tf i.lNuuatm btiect.

For Sale or to Leaso.

A COTTAGE on Lunalllo btrcct.At previa nccupled by P. Opfci-Bcl- t,

Exp It contains parlor, dlnhif'100111 unit 2 bedrooms, Imili, pantry anilkitchen. A huge yard with outbuild-iuji- s

for horam, carriage ami scrviiit.17tt Apply to 1I..I. AON15W.

FOR SALE OR LEASE.rpilE HOUSE AND 1.0 1 delightfullyX locuti'cl, now occupied as a privateresidence liy J. 11. Cusile. For fullparllrul.u., inquire of tho owner atCASTLE & CO O ICE'S. 08 2 w


A SMALL MUCK COTTAGE TO1. 1 or for tiilc, at f.olt'O. but would

prefer to bell on en-- v term-- . Apply loT. W. UAWL1NS,

At the Hawaiian So.ip Work, I.elco,Kinghiicct. ii!) 2w

TO LET OR LEASE.rpiIAT 11UILDING FOKMEKLYX occupied by Wont Limit: ns bin

residence at Knpnlama, near the llcfnrm.atory School, containing 7 leonip, ineluding Parlor," Ilcdroom, Dining-roo-

and kitchen, Is now offered for rent orlease at n mud reasonable rote. F'or information enquire at William It. Cnllo'iilnw oflicc, or of Ah In, corner of Here.tania and Xuniim Strcclo. C2 !!w

FOR LEASE.rpiIE UNEXPIRED LEASE OFX those premises in NuuiiuuValley, known as Grnvo Cottafje, form,ci ly occupied by J. II. Paly, and recent,ly by tin niiderslsncd, nfc 11 icsldcnce.The lease expires Dec. I, 18SS.

Apply to IJUUOE OAUTWmUHT.fit Uw No. it Kuahumaiiu SI.


I'at-lui- Linds at P.uiou Vnl-l'-

occupied by 31rx. Lone.Apply on tho premiss. ;t)if


J 'ouiiL' and n eoou milker, imported Irctm California. Inquire of

J. II. SUIT.K,f!) aiMi'ii'hantSt.


A GOOD OAltltlAOE HOUSE,Miltahlu for a lady or child to

drive. Perfectly sound, (pilot, and gen-tle. Price STi'i.oi) Apply ntltui.ir.iiNOlllce, m lw


Ono Oirriniiu I'litiolou. uulii- -

hiuckcr'B inniinfiioiuru; and also, onullnu quuro Wulicr l'lano, all in goodorder, cnqtiiiu of

11 lm 1IY.MAN 1IHQ3.

FOlfc SALE.DOUIILK KNDKD FHUIOI1TTWO in uood order, San Fran,

c.hcn Imili; will 'nrry up to $ tons.Cnii lm tuLiiiitthu)fnilnu Hallway.

Anjily lo TIIEO. II DAYILS i CO.4ltf

FOR SALELAUOK 1.0 1', corner I'oiieacoluONi: I.unalilo Hts, which can hu

divided Inlo two or iiiopj liulldiiis lota.Kiinnlio of G. WICHT,

HI Of Wiiit, Dow & Co.


hlhlu for ilulitR o intniiitcil without tliulronlor. .1. T. WA'IL'UHOUSi:,

A Kim I.

NOTICE.'"IMIK ANNUAL .MIJHTINO OF TIIKX titiiukholilcrri of tho Intci-Uhn- d

Steam Navigation Co. will ho Ik IdMatch It-t-, nt 10 o'clock, a. in. at thuirnlllci,' on the Ksplaiiaili'.

J. KNA,(11 lUt Sa'y I.I. S. N. Co.

IMONEY TO LOAN,rpiIE undurnlcmd havo inouuy lolonn1. in sniiiH of iiul Iops than ono thou".

and ilnlliurt iijioii HiitUfactory cci'iirlly.SMITH, TIIUHSTON Cc .INXH.

(!2lf (! Foit Street, Honolulu.

WANTED,QIX OnOH miEKSMAKMUB wantedO at Chits. J, l'ldiui'n Hrt'SMiiaKlnK

Kstahlnuii'iit. Nonu but gcod huiiiUneed to apply. H tf





Black and White Gloves, Ties, Etc.

A FULL ASSORTMENT of Hit above-name- d Good, of tho


JWC. aOLDBBRGS,Cornel oi Xi--L .Ss IVIci'oliuut. HI., Honolulu.

EGANCorner of Fort ami merchant.

Black Cloth Suits, Gloves, Ties, Etc.

WHITE GLOVES,WHite TTiew, TVliite Hat, D&to.

Bar Our BLACK CLOTH SUITSEastern Finish, and marked at themarket.


H gt t5

. Tho Lager Ilcer of

Io At thuu

1to &is

!0 0m6


A4mfrww&eofrfrmfr6It Fred'ricksburg Brewing Co.


Was AwardedExpotltioiu



& GOm9

Street, Hoikolulu.

arc of excellent quality.LOWEST ilgurcs iu the




tho above Brewery p.

First Prizes B S

of 1685 mid ISStf




Both Tejephoaei Ho f4.

Pioneer Steam Candy Fact y.

And Cake Bakery. .


always on hand tho largest stock and greatest variet of Ilome-Mad- e,

Fresh and only Pure Candies and Cakes.

Lowest Prices, Pull Weight, and Fare Goods at Wholesale and Betail.

F. MORftfi, - ProprietorAnd Only Practical Confectioner and Ornannntcr iu this Kingdom.

Wedding and Birthday CakesNot a specialty exactly, but are made now as beforo, of superior quality

aud richness of tlavor and OHNAMENTED IN AN AUTISTIC STYLEwhich defies imitation and fully sustains a tvfcntj'-tlire- o years' reputation,not yot excelled iu Honolulu.

American, Trench, Italian, English and German PastriesMade to Order at Short Notice.

Itreml Delivered Every liny to nil purtH of the Cliy, '1

Steam Made Ice CreamAt 8U.00 for one, and S5.00 for two Gallons. Mado from rich Bgg

Custard. It is made from Woodluwn Dairy Cream; gunrautecd to bemade without Starch or Gclatino, and acknowledged to bo the Richest,l'urcbt aud Cheapest Ice Cream iu Honolulu.

Special Arrangements made for Large Orders.Satisfaction guaranteed by

F. HORN,Factory, Storo and Ice Cream Parlor: No. 71 Betel Street,

Botwoon Fort & Nuuanu.






ft Australian Mall Service.



FOR SAX FRANCISCO,The now nnd lino Al steel steamship

Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, willhe due nt Honolulu from Sydney

and Auckland oil or about

March I Ith, 1887,And will leave for the nbovo port withmalls and on or iibuut thatdate.

For freight or pns'aRU, having SU.FEKIOIl ACCOMMODATIONS, apply

WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Agents.

For Sydney and Auckland,


Tho new and line Al steel steamship

"MAKIPOSA,"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will

he due nt Honolulu from SanFrancisco on or nliout

February 19th, 1887And will have prompt dbpittch withmails and pntseugeis f i thuulioru poit.

For freight or pnsniRO, having SU.rEHIOK ACCOMMODATIONS, applytot? WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Accents.

For Yokohama&tloug Kong

The well-know- n Al Iron Steamship

'City of Rio de Janeiro,'W. B. COB!!, Commander,

Will fail for Yokohama niid Hongkongon or about the

MARCH 12th, '87,Offering superior accommodations

to passengers.

tS? For Ficightnnd Passage, apply to

H. IIAOKFELD & CO.,66 tf Agents Pacific Mail S. S. Co.


Steel Rails!with




Having teemed tho Services of

Geo. C, Stratemeyerwe arejprepared.to execute all

orders in

Houfite or SSig'iiJPaiiiting-- .


90 tf

jr. hopp & co.71 King Street.

Manufacturers and Importers of allklndb of

Furniture & Upholstery Goods

FINE BEDDING A SPECIALTY.All kinds ol Jobbing promptly attended to.

CHAIRS TO RENTFor Bills or Phi tics In tmall or huge

89 quantities. ly.

The Inter-Islan- d SteamNavigation Co., Limited,

Keep constantly on hand for sale

Steam Family and Blacksmith Coaland u gcneial assortment of

15 Bar Iron. iy


OllAYM IP, IS .LL orders for Cartage promptly X

tended to. Particular attentionpaid to tho

Storing & Shippingof goods In transit to the other Islands.

Also, Black and White Sand

in quantities to suit at lowest prices.- Odlce, ndjoining E. P. Adams & Co.'sauction room.082 ly Mutual Telephone No. 10.

NOTICE.HEHEBY GIVEN THAT ON Ac-countIS of tho death of Yong Kong

Ung, Manager of tho II mi of Wing ChongLung, now doing business on corner ofMaunnkoa and Hotel streets, Hontlulu,Lin Tan Hoong Is hereby appointedmanager of said firm hereafter. He hasfull power to elgn tho 11 rm name andborrow money for the benefit of said

firm, C3Sw


Great Excitement in Walesabout a Marvellous Cure.

Living Six Years WithoutGoing to Bed.

Mn. Editor: While spending n fewdays at tho pleasant scusldo town ofAberyslwlth, Cardiganshire, Wales, Iheard related what seemed to mo cithera fabulous story or a marvellous cure.

The story was that a poor sufferer whohad not been able to He down In bed forsix long years, glvcu up to die by all theDoctors, had been speedily cured bysomo Patent Medicine. It was relatedwith the more Implicit confidence fromthe circumstance, ns was said, that theVlcnrof Llanrystvd in familiar withthe facts, anil could vouch for tlio trutiiof tho report.

Having a little curiosity to know howsuch stoilcs grow In Iruu'lliug, I tooktha liberty while at the village of Lhui.ryttvd to call upon tho Vicar, the Hev.T. Evan, and to enquire nliout thiswonderful cure. Though a total ttrati.grr to him, both ho ami his wifo mostirraciouslv entertained mu in a halfhour's convcihnllon, principally touchingthe case of Mr. Fugh, in which theyseemed to take a deep and sympatheticinterest, having been familiar with hissuflerlngs, and now lejolccd in whatseemed to Ilium a must remurKuuiccinc.

He stiongly ouchcd Mr. Win. Pugh'scharacter us a lespectulle fanner andworthy of credit. I left the venerableVicar with a livelier tense of the happyrelation of a pastor and people, feelingthat ho wns one who truly nipathiseuwith all who aic alllictcd in mind, body,or estute.

On my return to Abcijatwlth, 1 wasImprcsbid w ith a desire to mmj Mr. Piil'Ii,whoso reputation fctood so high. Illsfarm Is called Panconi.Mawr, signifying"above tho dingle," situated near thesummit of a smooth round hill, over-looking a beautiful alley In which issituated tho lovely Ivyinnntled Churchof Llunddeinol. I found Mr. Ptigh,apparently about 40 years old, of mediumluight, rather sliirlit. with iinlcasant andintelligent face. I told him I had heardof his great affliction and of his remark-able and almost miraculous relict, audthat I had come to learn from his ownlips, what there was of truth In tho

Mr. Pugh remarked that his neigh-bors had taken u kindly and symp-athetic interest In his case for manyyear.-- , but of lute their intcicst had beengreatly iiwnkened by n happy changu Inhis condition. What you leport as having heaid abio.nl, said he, is Mibstuut.hilly true, with one evcepttou. I nevertinali stood that my case was over gicuup us hopclets by uuy Physician. Ihave been treated by bcverul Doctorshereabout1, us good us any In Wales, butunfortunately no prescription of theirsever brought tho desired relief.

Fifteen years ago, he said. I llrbt o

conscious ofn sour and derangedstomach and loss of appetite, which theDoctors told mo was Dyspepsia. Whatfood 1 could liolil in my blomiicii seem-ed to do mo no good and was oftenthiown up with painful retchings. Thiswas followed after a time with a honrsc-nes- s

and a raw soreness of tho throatwhich the Doctors called bronchitis,and I was treated for that, but withlittle success. Then came shortness ofbreath and a sense of sullbcation, cspcdaily nights, with clammy .sweat, and Iwould .have to get out of bed and some-times open a door or window in winterweather to till my lungs with the coldair.

Tho Vicar remarked thuthcpiebiimcdhis naino had been connected with thereport from his having mentioned thecase to Mr. John Thomas, u chemist ofLlanon. Ho said Mr. Pugh was former-l- y

a lcsldcntof their parish, hut wos nowliving in tho parish of Llaiiddeiunl.

This medicino tlmy ..dministcrcc tomo according to tho directions, wheu totheir surprise and delight no less thanmy oMi, tho spasm ceased. I became atease, and my stomach was calmed. Mybowels weto moved as by a gentlecathartic, and I felt a sense of quietcomfort all tlnough such as I had uotbefore realized in many years. I couldwalk around tho house and breathecomfortably in a few hours after 1 hudtaken the medicine. I have continuedto take tho medicino daily now fortomclhiiig ocrtuo months, and I canlie down and sleep sweetly at nightsand havo not sluco hud a recurrence ofthose terrible spasms and sweatings. Ihave been so long broken down and re.duced in my whole system that I havonot tried to pcrfoim any very hard out-door labor, deeming it best to he pru-dent lest by over-exertio-n I may do my.self injury before my strength is fullyrestated. I feel that my stomach andbowels have been and iiro being thor-oughly renovated and renewed by themedicine. In fact 1 feel liko a newman.

Early in this last spring I had a stillmore severe spasmodic attack, and myfamily and neighbors became alarmed,believing that certainly I would not suvivc, when a neighbor, who had someknowledge, or had heard of tho medl.cine, sent to Aberyslwlth by the driverof tho Omnibus Post, some seven milesdistant, and fetched a bottlo of MotherSolgel's Curotlvo Syrup.

1 have been much congratulated bymy neighbors, especially by the goodVicar of Llanrystyd, who with his gym.pathetic wifo hawi come three miles toshed tears of joy on my recovery.

I bade Mr. Pugh rjood-by- happy thatoven one at least among thousands hadfound a remedy for uu aggravating (liscase.

About six yea is ago I became, so hudthat I could not sleep in bed, but hud totaku my unquiet rest and dreamy sleepsitting in an armchair. My alllictinuseemed to bo working downward intomy bowels ni well as upwntds into mylungs and throat. In thu violent cough,ing spasms which grow more frequent,my abdomen would expand mid collupsoand at times It would seem that 1 shouldsuffocate. All this time I was reducedin strength so that I could perform nohaul labor and my sphlts wom consequently much dcpicssul.

Ilelievlng this remarkablo case ofDyspeptic Asthma should ho known totho public, I beg to submit the uhovofacts as they arc iclatcd to mo.20a It wly V. T. W.

l m rrmitj, .. - T,v VH&r

i"YT'ilT!" saes

lu gnttjj gjttiMiai,

MONDAY. FEB. 21. 1887.


Thu llcrlln thuraen Courier Innuxhiuuctl tliis nnccdolo of Frede-

rick tlio Great: One autumn dayhe was reviewing the nnnuul provin-cial inaneuvrcs, and, as 111 lttukwould havo it, everything seemed togo wrong. Finally ono division ofthe Hussars made such a bad blun-der that the King could no longercontiol his wrath, but spun ml hishorse, raised his cane in the air, andgalloped niter the captain. Thelatter, not bring anxious to feel tiieweight of the king's cane on hisshoulders, also spurred Ills horse,nnd after a long chase succeededin escaping. Next day tho Generalcalled on the King, and among otherthings announced his regret thatCaptain had sent in hisresignation ; he did not know why.lie said, but the Captain had toldhim something had happened whichmade it impossible for him to re-

main. "I mn sorry to lose him,"the Gcneial added; "he is one ofour best olllccrs." "Indeed," saidthe King; "then tell him to cometo me during the parade." Whenthe King espied the captain at thoparade, he rode up to him and

"I have promoted you asa major. 1 wanted to tell you yesterday, but you were too fiibt forme.""


The l'aris Matin gives its readerstho following information respectingtho treatment to which persons ar-

rested as spies arc subjected in Ger-

many: "Some live years ago aBelgian subject was arrested in Ger-

many on suspicion of being a spy inthe pay of the French Government.No trustworthy evidence tigainsthim was forthcoming, and thecharge was sustained merely by thotestimony of an entirely irresponsi-ble individual. Nevertheless theaccus'cd was condemned to ten years'impsisonment, after having alreadysuffered eight months' confinementon suspicion. He has since been toall intents and purposes as one deadto bis family. It has only beenwith tho greatest dilllcttlty that hehas succeeded in obtaining permis-sion from the authorities to write afew lines every quarter. In thisepistle, moreover, he is compelled,under threats, to sing the praises oftho regime of which he is the inno-cent victim. lie has to herd withthieves aud assassins, and althoughsuffering fiom a most painful physi-cal illness, is on no account permit-ted to see a physician. The BelgianGovernment has, it is said, repeat-edly made cffoits to obtain, if notthe release, at all events the bettertreatment of this unhappy man, butin vain." The writer of the articlemaintains that numerous other in-

stances of a similar kind could easi-ly be quoted.


A number of frightful railwayaccidents ate reported from America.None of them, however, display anyparticularly now features, and it is

becoming more and more generallyestablished that the dangers facedby railway travellers arc alwaysmuch the same. The worst accident

that ou tho Baltimore and OhioRailway, where the Chicago expressover-too- k a freight train unawares,and wrecked itself before its waycould bo stopped repeats many ofthe appalling features of the well-kno-

accident at Abergele, inNorth Wales. In the most recentcase the goods train ought to luivebeen bhttntcd. In both there was asteep gradient which affected thogoods train, and in both a numberof victims wore burnt olive by thodevouring flames that soon envelopeda portion of tho train. In the otherrecent American accidents, althoughthe loss of life was small, death wasalso caused by conflagration, themoat terrible end that can well beconceived. How far these disasterswere duo to carelessness may neverbo decisively settled, but it is to bofeared that railway trnlllc in thoUnited Htatps is managed more reck-lessly than ii pthcr parts of theworld. Accidents cnuspd by thooverhauling of goods trains ppouthe same track could never be possi-ble under a strict employment of theblock system, such as is in forco onthe best English lines. But Ameri-can railway enterprise is not to bochecked, oven at the risk of burningpassengers alive. Lliomo Nowb.


They do these things better inPersia. No man thinks of murder-ing a wife of whom lie is tired, buthe fiends her as a gift to somebachelor friend whom slio has taughtto admire her and who is too cour-teous to refuse. Tho Shah sots thiscxamplo, and by this means his be-

loved spouse of the time being isyoung, handsome and loving and hismarried Ilfo la a perpetual honey-moon. There is no sewing up insucks, no poison, no bowstring.The favorite cabinet minister orgcneial is informed that ho will bofavored with a wifo from tho royalliarem, and he smiles and accepts.Tho Persians havo always boon re-

puted a wiso people and their wis-

dom in tho matrimonial lino is sug-

gestive, N. Y. Mercury.


Arrlvo at Honolulu from San Francisco.

Mariposa February 19Australia March 9Zcalandia. March 19vAustralia April G

Alameda April 1G

Australia May 1

Mariposa . May 14Australia June 1

Zealandia June 1 1

Australia Juno 29Alameda July 9Australia July 27Mariposa August G

Australia August 21Zealandia September 3Australia. September 21Alameda October 1

Australia October 19

Mariposa October 29Australia November 1G

Zealandia November 2G

Australia DecemberAlameda December 24

Loavo Honolulu lor San Francisco.

Alameda March 11

Australia March 10Mariposa April 8Australia April 13Zealandia May G

Australia May' 11Alameda Juno 3Australia Juno 8Mariposa July 1

Australia July G

Zcalandia July 29Australia August 3Alameda August 2G

Australia August 31Mariposa September 23Australia September 28Zealandia October 21Australia October 2G

Alameda November 18Australia November 23Mariposa December 1G

Australia December 21Zealandia (1888) January 13


Patent Roller Flourin Qanrtcr SncItN.


Sunbeam Tea !Jubt received cz Australia.

1?UIE JAJ?A3S TEA,In nnd 2.1b. tins and J 11) packages.For sale, lo.vcr than anywhere else intown, wholesale aud retail, hy

HANG MOW CHONG & CO., Agents,03 Nuuiinu Streel, Honolulu. ?5

Competition the Life of Trade.

The United Carriage Co.

SOLICITS ARESPECTFULLY tho putronugo ofthose who occasionally require an ex-p- i

ess for BiiorriNo, uakiku calls, &o..c. The manager also desires to stnte

that the Company's drivers havo earneda reputation for CAitKFUi.Dmvixa, civil-ity and stuict adiikiiencb to theleu.Vl hatks of fare, thereby aoidlugthe necessity to use cards, showing tliothe time tlicy have hcuu engaged andthe amount received for fares.

Tho piotecilon which this Company,oners me pumtc iig.iini-- t overcharging,incivility, tr hiedlcts driving, lies inthe fact that the majority of their driv-ers have, by steady application und sti letattention to Imsiucs", become owners ofthe tcums they dric. Furtliermoio thonumerous calls for the Company's Cau-hiaol- s,

demonstrate bc)ond a doubt,that so far, satisfaction lm been

to thu public. Parlies who de-sire to rldo behind a certain horse ordriver, can always suit their choice, astho drivers are not in the habit of cluing.Ing about from one stable to another.

Discretion in charging, is a specialfeature of the Oompauy's policy,

No Extra Charge for Carriages or-

dered by Telephone.

Fora Hack, Ring UpTELEPHONE No. 290!

United Carriage Company,OFFICII AND CARllUUli tTAM:

Cor. Kinar &; ITort. Hlreotw.43 lm

Yosemite Skating


Will ho open every nlternoon and even,ing as follows:

Homluy, Tucudny, Weilncmlny nndHuturduy F.venliicB,

To the public In general.

ISVISNlIVCirVf,For ladles and gentlemen.

Hntuvday ArtcriioonM,For ladies, gentlemen and children.

Lessons In Fancy Skating.

MTJHIC.Friday and Saturday Evonlngs.


JOHN IDTT, 1 8 Street.

fSSSHlIron and Tin Ware

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,



GEO. EMELHARDT,(Fonncily with Samuel NotP.

Import ci unci Denier-- 111



Agent Hall's Safe and Lock Company.Beaver Block, - Fort Street.

tST Store formerly occupied by t NO'JT, opposite Sprcckels &. Co.'s Hank. "TSIV'li

PACIFIC HARDWARE CO., L'd.(Successors to Dillingham & Co., & Samuel Nott.)

New Goods for the Holidays! Silver Plated Warein Now Designs.

From the verv hes makers.


A. Complete Hto?lc oi' Gootlm in Every Line.FORT STREET, HONOLULU. os

Hollister & Co.








m Cigars



THE HANSARDThe First and Only

GENUINE HANSARDEver published in this Kingdom

Is Now Ready for Delivery'FROM


Over 700 Pgaes with Index I

This is tho Only Original, Correct and Complete Record,in Book Form, of the Business and Pebates of the Legisla-tive Assembly of 18SG.

THE BULLETIN REPORTSHave been Strictly Impartial, and have contained during

the greater part of the session


Of the Principal Speeches delivered iu tho Iloueo.

9fe yS

REMEMBER! The Only Hansard is to behad at the


Let me have a mild

CICARrpilE ABOVC REQUEST IS HEARDJL dully in olgnr ttnrcs, giiloons muloiher nliiees where cigars nro told foritiian .indlsputcd fncttluii most smokersprefer u nlld olgnr nnd tlm' U1030 wholiuve for a long tune snmlad strongclears, iirliicliMslly Imported Hmillna,will, niter having thoroughly Injuredthe stoiiiuch nnd Impaired the iihvoubsystem, surely want 11 mild clunr, If Uuycould find the light kind.

How ninny lliotienmls nf smoliers whoBuftor fiom lom of npputlte, heiuluche,ncrioiis Irrltnblllty, iisthmn, etc., nndwho l:no tried ull ponsllilo remedieswithout Biicccsi, mlejit l,o cured If theyknew that their suH'eilng wire cause!hy ihe InUmpeintc ii'--e ol Hdoiijr clgius,and tint tln-- tdiniiM only biuolie mildand properly prepared oncf.

It Is it fact that nil mild ulcais igreowell with tmoUcre, for In inont westhcto h i luck of rare in the ieh cllun ofthe tobiuco, afid often the necessary ex.perlenee for It In wanting, jet Hiiro

brand which cults tlio moat fastidiousBinokci', und thulh


Sailur" Hnlll CiiarWhich is made from mild, nromaiic r.ndparticularly iclerted nnd prepared to-

bacco, 11 nil combine nil the iiuulltie.-- ;

which may be expected from 11 healthcigar. Jt causes no b'ld effect of anykind, Is ngrecnblo to tho tntle, burnsevenly to the end nnd posicscH 11 fineuroiuu. No smoker should fall to give

Engelbreht's "Sampler" CigarsA fair triiti, and benefit himself nt thetumu time.

For sale Everywhere.no

mm & co.,

The Leading Gents'

Clothing and Fur-

nishing House.




Hay, Grain, Etc.Livermoro Hay,

Whole Bailey,

Crushed Barley,

Oil Cake Meal

0at3, Bran.

Order left at Ofllcc, with N. F. Br.r-gef-s,

fc'4 King Street, will b promptlyattended to. C91y

S. M. CARTER,Una on hand for In quantities

to suit :

Departure Bay Coal, Newoastlo Coal,Charcoal.

Hard and Soft Wood, Sawed nnd Split.Munlcnio liny,

CallfornlaJIIity,Bran, Oals,


Cracked Corn,

Wheat, etc,

Orders are hereby solicited and wiljbo delivered nt any locality within tkecity limits.

No. 8S2 KINO- - STREET.Until Telephones, 1S7. W

Health is Wealth !

Dr. K. C. West's Nerve and HrsMN 'jpnitvr-ME.N- T,

11 gunrnntocd swcillo lor Jlyotorln, JJtei.now. ComuMous. fits, Nervous NeuniJBiu,Uniditclio.MorYousFrootrittlon.ruasixlhjrthancaof alcohol or tobneco, Wiikerulnosa, Mental

Hoftoning ot tho Drain, roeultlng in in.htmlly and lending to misery, doeny and iloatltiI'rumntaro Old Ako, Hnrrennrus, liosa ol PowirIn either box. Involuntary Imsics nnd Hporroator-rhoc- a,

caused by of tlio brain, self,nbuso, or t'ach box containsono month's trcatmont. 31X0 a box, or elx boxentor $5.00, sent by mall pro paid on rocolpt of prico.

WK OUAItASTKB MIX BOXESTo euro uny cats. With each order recnlrcd by tinfor six boxes, accompanied with S5.U0, wo willsend tho purchaser our written Ruarontco to ro-tund tlio money if tho treatmont doos nut effootu euro. CI uaruatoos iaiuod only by

TIOXiXilSTaCll fc CO.

S500 REWARD!WEw!llrrU1t4TrWW(l lArtny turt UmCnaplilat1

Djippi(ft, blck HiiJtcb, Mlfitloo, Cobiiipttba or CctivfiMu,t tuinot cur ulth Wi.l'f wUMt Uvir I'llli, wba tti dlro.

f torn rt itrlclly ccmrli4 villi. Tl y ut partly trgtubh, tolMirer fU t rW ullitKllon. flujtr CwltJ, Ulf Lchi.coq.Ma!jgK).llli,Jnali. f r ill Ij nil tlnnliu, B.i.cftoaoUrfcltl ard taillntlpol. Tb Bcaulut ruknuCACiui4 only bJOHN O. WIST A CO, HI it 3 W. VHttca St, 0bv!ulit) trill MiliM nut by null Mil Uon in.lplut . a r..i .t,irp,

Xlolllutov it Co..CO Cm Wholeea lo and Uctall Agsnts


