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E. Massa (on behalf of G. Mana coordinator) - BIPM - BIPM€¦ · MeP Workshop 21-22 November 2012...

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E. Massa (on behalf of G. Mana coordinator)

E. Massa

(on behalf of G. Mana coordinator)

MeP Workshop 21-22 November 2012

BIPM Sèvres

Metrology Needs• At least three independent experiments, including data both

from watt balance (WB) and from International Avogadro Coordination projects (IAC), yield values of the relevant constants with relative standard uncertainties not larger than 5 parts in 108; • At least one of these results should have a relative standard

uncertainty not larger than 2 parts in 108;• For each of the relevant constants, the values provided by

the different experiments be consistent at the 95% level of confidence;• Traceability of BIPM prototypes to the IPK.

MeP Workshop 21-22 November 2012

BIPM Sèvres

Summary of the JRP• JRP aims to address the discrepancy issue by reviewing,

developing and improving all the measurement apparatuses and procedures extending them up to their limits;

● Setting accuracy targets stricter than those achievable by today’s technology;

● Identify mistakes or hidden assumptions, if any, excluding or identifying and eliminating them;

● JRP is focussed on solving the discrepancy between the watt-balance and 28Si determinations of h;• Demonstrating consistent kilogram realisations based on

both Planck constant, h and Avogadro constant, NA ;

• Set experiment to monitor the stability of the IPK.

MeP Workshop 21-22 November 2012

BIPM Sèvres


no. Participant Type Short Name Organisation legal full name Country

1 Funded JRP-Partner INRIM Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica Italy

2 Funded JRP-Partner CNAM Conservatoire national des arts et metiers


3 Funded JRP-Partner EJPD - METAS

Eidgenoessisches Justiz- und Polizeidepartement


4 Funded JRP-Partner LNE Laboratoire national de métrologie et d'essais


5 Funded JRP-Partner OBSPARIS* Observatoire de Paris France

6 Funded JRP-Partner PTB Physikalisch - Technische Bundesanstalt Germany

7 Unfunded JRP-Partner AIST National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology


8 Unfunded JRP-Partner IOM Leibniz-Institut für Oberflächenmodifizierung


*CNRS is a linked third party to JRP-Partner OBSPARIS and will provide staff who will work on the JRP at OBSPARIS

MeP Workshop 21-22 November 2012

BIPM Sèvres


Short name

Organisationlegal full name

Country Area of collaboration(WP number and detail)

BIPM BureauInternational desPoids et Mesures

The BIPM will bring its specific expertise in mass metrology (WP1, WP2, and WP3); it will ensure the link between the new realisations and the international prototype of the kilogram. In addition, the BIPM is developing a watt balance and it is also participating to the new IAC; therefore, it will bring expertise from these two experiments.

EPFL-LSRO Ecole Polytechnique de Lausanne, Laboratoire deSystèmes Robotiques

Switzerland The EPFL-LSRO will contribute to the conception, design, and characterisation of a translation stage for the METAS watt-balance (WP1).

CERN Centre européende recherchenucléaire

Switzerland The CERN will contribute to the conception, design, and characterisation of the magnetic circuit for the METAS watt-balance (WP1).

Mettler-Toledo Mettler-Toledo Switzerland The Mettler-Toledo will contribute to the conception, design, and characterisation of a force cell for the METAS watt-balance (WP1).

MeP Workshop 21-22 November 2012

BIPM Sèvres

Research Excellence Grants

Fred Pietag


Development of ion beam and/or plasma etching technologies for the nanometre figuring of Si sphere.


Hendrik Paetzelt


Development of ion beam and/or plasma etching technologies for the finishing and planarisation of x-ray interferometers' surfaces.


MeP Workshop 21-22 November 2012

BIPM Sèvres

State of the Art

MeP Workshop 21-22 November 2012

BIPM Sèvres

State of the Art

MeP Workshop 21-22 November 2012

BIPM Sèvres

Work Packages

MeP Workshop 21-22 November 2012

BIPM Sèvres

WP1 Watt-balance Experiments

● The aim of this WP is to determine values of the Planck constant in order to confirm or to exclude the discrepancy between WB and 28Si experiment;

● Task 1.1: LNE: h determination (LNE, CNAM, OBSPARIS, CNRS);● Task 1.2: METAS: h determination (EJPD - METAS);● Deliverables for WP1:

Feb 2014: LNE, h value at 1x10-7, WB experiment in air; Aug 2014: METAS, h value at 1x10-7, WB experiment in air; Feb 2015: LNE and METAS, watt balances operational in vacuum

with 1kg reference mass; Jul 2015: LNE and METAS, Planck costant value with target relative

uncertainty of 5x10-8.

MeP Workshop 21-22 November 2012

BIPM Sèvres

WP2 28Si Experiment● The Avogadro constant is determined in this WP;● Task 2.1: Molar mass measurements (PTB);● Task 2.2: Lattice parameter measurements (INRIM, PTB, AIST);● Task 2.3: 28Si spheres: surface reshaping and characterization, volume,

mass, and density measurements (PTB, METAS, AIST, BIPM, REG(IOM));● Task 2.4: Point defects and N

A determination (PTB, INRIM, AIST, BIPM);

● Deliverables for WP2: Oct 2013: IOM, technique for figuring Si sphere with errors below 20 nm; Oct 2013: PTB, new sphere interferometer operational @ u

r = 3.0x10-8 ;

Oct 2013: PTB, AIST, density apparatus improved; Aug 2014: INRIM, lattice parameter @ u

r = 1.5x10-9;

Dec 2014: PTB, molar mass of the two speres @ ur = 4.0x10-9;

Jul 2015: PTB, INRIM, AIST, BIPM, Avogadro Constant determination of the IAC 28Si crystal evaluated with relative uncertainty of 1.5x10-8.

MeP Workshop 21-22 November 2012

BIPM Sèvres

WP3 Solving the Discrepancies

● The aim of WP3 is to interact with non-European institutes working on the kg redefinition and to improve the investigations undertaken in this JRP by the advice of expert groups;

● Task 3.1: Expert Groups (INRIM, LNE, CNAM, METAS, OBSPARIS, PTB, AIST, BIPM);• Task 3.2: Mass of primary standards (PTB, METAS, LNE, BIPM)● Deliverables for WP3:

Expert group reports on critical aspects (every six months); CCEM WGKG: LNE and METAS will attend the technical meeting, present the status of

the measurements and discuss with experts (e.g NPL, NIST, NRC, NIM …); CCM WGAC: INRIM, AIST, PTB and BIPM will attend the technical meeting, present

the status of the measurements and discuss with experts (e.g NPL, NIST, NRC, NIM …);

Aug 2015: WB determination of h/(m(28Si)) @ ur = 5.0x10-8;

Aug 2015: Planck constant evaluated;

MeP Workshop 21-22 November 2012

BIPM Sèvres

WP4 Creating Impact

● The aim of this WP is to ensure that the results achieved by the project are adequately and appropriately communicated to the stakeholders and end-user community and that input and feedback is obtained from this community;

● Task 4.1 Knowledge Transfer (METAS, CNAM, INRIM, LNE, OBSPARIS, PTB, IOM, AIST, BIPM, REG(IOM));

● Task 4.2 Training and Dissemination (METAS, CNAM, INRIM, LNE, OBSPARIS, PTB, IOM, AIST, REG(IOM));

● Task 4.3 Exploitation (METAS, CNAM, INRIM, LNE, OBSPARIS, PTB, IOM, AIST, REG(IOM));

● Deliverables for WP4: Presentation at international conferences and paper in peer-reviewed journal; Set 2013: Workshop on the kilogram realisation (Italy); Apr 2014: Input data for the mise en pratique submitted to CCM; Dec 2013-Aug 2015: Input data submitted to CODATA;

MeP Workshop 21-22 November 2012

BIPM Sèvres

WP5 JRP Management and Coordination

● JRP-Coordinator: INRIM, Dr. Giovanni Mana;● Task 5.1: Meetings, reporting, and supervising (INRIM, CNAM, METAS, LNE,

OBSPARIS, PTB, IOM, AIST, REG(IOM));● Deliverables for WP5:

● Publishable JRP summary;● Interim report, updated publishable JRP summary;● Periodic reports including progress report, JRP-Partner activity report,

financial reports;● Final publishable report (Aug 2015 + 60 days);

MeP Workshop 21-22 November 2012

BIPM Sèvres

Summary of Objectives• Adjust the European WB to increase performance level and

carry out h measurements with ur = 5 x 10-8;

• IAC experiment confirming the measured NA

value and its uncertainty or identifying error/s. Target u

r = 1.5 x 10-8;

• To investigate, understand, identify, and, possibly, resolve the discrepancy between the WB and IAC determinations of h and N

A , involving comparisons to IPK;

• To deliver the JRP results to the relevant metrology bodies, to disseminate them in the metrological and scientific communities, and in the wider, not specialist audience;• To demonstrate consistent kilogram realisations based on both

the h and NA determination. (WP1,WP2, and WP3).

Thank you for your attention
