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e Views Review

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  • 8/9/2019 e Views Review



    Eviews Tutorial for Economic Forecasting


    Lei Lei

  • 8/9/2019 e Views Review



    Getting Started

    Open Eviews window

    Create a workfile

    Import dataEdit and Save data

    View and plot data

    View summary statisticsGenerate new variales

    !un simple regression

  • 8/9/2019 e Views Review


  • 8/9/2019 e Views Review



    "#Open Eviews window$-

    Status line: 

     .t t&e ottom' providing additional information

    on t&e status of various settings of t&eprogram#

    Work area%

    /etween t&e command window and t&e statusline' w&ere t&e results of operations will e


  • 8/9/2019 e Views Review



    -#Create a 0orkfile$"

    Click on t&e File menu' t&en on New ' and onWorkfile - t&e most important o1ect containerin Eviews' w&ic& can e used to store data

    In the window appeared: C&oose t&e type of your data# For e+ample' you can

    select (2ated$regular fre,uency) for time$series data Input t&e start and end dates of your data 3ame t&e workfile 4optional Click OK #

  • 8/9/2019 e Views Review



    -#Create a 0orkfile$-

    The workfile now contains two

    entries: c  5 constant' w&ere Eviews saves t&e

    intercept of t&e regression

    resid   5 residuals' w&ere Eviews saves t&e

    residuals of last regression

  • 8/9/2019 e Views Review


    6#Import data$"

    Import from excel file: Open t&e file' make sure t&e oservations for different

    variales are arranged in columns' wit& names on top#

    Copy t&e names of t&e variales' and rememer t&e 7pperleft data cell 4location of first data' i#e#' .-8' t&en close t&e


    In main Eviews window' after creating t&e workfile' click

    File' t&en Read Text-Lotus-Excel ' and specify t&e location

    of data file#

    In t&e opened dialog o+' fill in t&e 7pper left data cell' t&en

    past t&e names of t&e variales' click OK #

  • 8/9/2019 e Views Review


    6#Import data$-

    Enter data manuall:

     click on !uick in t&e title ar' and t&en onEmpt "roup #Edit Series$#

    3e+t enter t&e variales' starting wit& t&e name'

    in t&e grey o+ to t&e immediate rig&t of (os#)

  • 8/9/2019 e Views Review


    6#Import data$6

    Import %SCII data form a textfile: 9ake sure t&e oservations for different

    variales are arranged in columns' wit& nameson top#

    In t&e Eviews workfile window' click Procs' andRead Text-Lotus-Excel, t&en rowse for

    location t&e te+t file# In t&e dialog o+' select from a range of input


  • 8/9/2019 e Views Review


    :#Edit and Save data$"

    Edit data: click t&e Edit+/-  utton on t&e workfile toolar' move to t&e oservation in ,uestion'

    enter t&e correct value' and press Enter#

    ;aste data into word file% click freeze' t&en

    you can copy and past#

    ;rint data% click Prit  utton#

  • 8/9/2019 e Views Review


    :#Edit and Save data$-

    Save data:

    Save an entire workfile% click !a"e in t&e workfile toolar' or click on File and t&en !a"e#s in t&e

    main menu#

    Store individual series% clcik !tore in t&e workfile toolar# If you need to retrieve t&e series' you can

    simply click on Fetc$ in t&e workfile toolar#

  • 8/9/2019 e Views Review


  • 8/9/2019 e Views Review


  • 8/9/2019 e Views Review


    >#View summary statistics

    (ne variable Click t&e )iew  utton at t&e upper$left corner of

    t&e workfile' t&en click on escri%ti"e!tatistics' and isto'ra. ad !tats

     Multiple variables

     First open t&e variales as a group  View escri%ti"e !tatistics in t&e group

     View correlatios

  • 8/9/2019 e Views Review


    ?# Generate new variales

    In t&e workfile window' click Genr utton' t&en

    specify t&e new variale using e,uation formula#

     .lternatively' in t&e command line' use command(genr) to generate new variales# For e+ample'

    natural logs% genr l,vetts@log4,vetts8

    genr unempls,@unemploymentAunemployment

    lagged variale% genr lprice@price4$"8

  • 8/9/2019 e Views Review


    B#!un simple regression$"

    In main Eviews window' click uick ' t&en 

    Esti.ate E0uatio# .lternatively' in Workfile 

    window' click O12ect ' and New O12ect, t&enclick E0uatio#

    E,uation Speciation% write down t&e e,uation'

    t&en c&oose t&e met&od 4usually leasts,uares8 and sample period#

  • 8/9/2019 e Views Review


    B#!un simple regression$-

    Savin) e*uation: using Na.e Option

    +ote: If run linear regression' you may 1ustinput t&e name of t&e variales instead oft&e w&ole formula# First is t&e dependentvariale' t&en write down all independent

    variales# 4e#g% * c " - D k8

  • 8/9/2019 e Views Review


    B#!un simple regression$6

    The interpretation of the coefficients: 

    It indicates t&e effect of a unit c&ange in t&erelevant variale on t&e dependent variale'holding all other factors constant 4(ceterisparius)8#

    Exportin) table of results:

    Save tale using Freeze/Na.e Open tale' select all' t&en copy and c&oose

    (formatted)' t&us paste in word file#

  • 8/9/2019 e Views Review


    B#!un simple regression$:

    Test:  Click &iew,Coefficient Tests,Wald-Coefficient


    &iew results in the e*uation window: !egression output% click )iew ' t&en Esti.atio


    !esiduals% click )iew ' t&en #ctual, Fitted redisual 

  • 8/9/2019 e Views Review


    T&e end

    T&ank you
