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E3 fple marianos et al-v2

Date post: 20-Aug-2015
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A Framework for Evaluating a Personal Learning Environment Using Digital Storytelling Nikolaos Marianos ([email protected]), Nikolaos Manouselis ([email protected]), Madalina Ungur ([email protected]), John Stoitsis ([email protected]), Alexios Dimitropoulos ([email protected]) POLITICS

A Framework for Evaluating a Personal Learning

Environment Using Digital Storytelling

Nikolaos Marianos ([email protected]), Nikolaos Manouselis ([email protected]), Madalina Ungur ([email protected]), John Stoitsis

([email protected]), Alexios Dimitropoulos ([email protected])



Learning about Politics (LAP) Platform

• Personal Learning Environment developed by the POLITICS project

• Uses digital storytelling and Web 2.0 tools to help users learn about Politics and Active Participation

• Offers multilingual Story Frameworks, Educational Scenarios, Learning Objects and Tutorials

• Addresses school students, VET trainees and adult learners, especially immigrants


LAP Platform Approach

• Does not impose a unique approach to learning

• It’s based on the idea that the learner is often acquiring knowledge outside the formal context and has an important role in his own learning process

• To support this process offers• tools to foster learning • guiding tutorials hosted at the Politics

Wiki page (wiki.agroknow.gr/politics)


LAP Platform Components• A collection of Digital Stories based on Story

Frameworks• A collection of Educational Scenarios with various

activities on Politics and Active Citizenship topics• A variety of multilingual Learning Objects (LOs)

(text, images, videos, ppt, etc.)• Communication channels such as Groups,

Forums, Blogs• A set of tutorials on the POLITICS wiki

• Digital Storytelling Tutorial• Web2.0 Tutorial (YouTube, Wikis, Flickr,

Facebook, SlideShare, Wordle, Prezi and Smilebox)

• Copyright Tutorial




Evaluation Stakeholders


Evaluation Approach


Evaluation Approach• Formative

• Content & Stories-Scenarios• LORI questionnaire (Content quality, Learning

Goal Alignment, Feedback and Adaptation, Motivation, Presentation Design and Reusability)

• LAP Platform • WebQual questionnaire v4.0

• Summative• Training methodology, Content & Stories-

Scenarios• pre- and post-training session questionnaires

• LAP Platform • WebQual questionnaire v4.0


Open Validation Event - Spring School

Participants ProfilesAge < 25: 3

26-30: 3

36-40: 3

41-45: 5

46-50: 4

> 50: 4

Occupation1 entrepreneur

2 journalists

4 students

8 teachers

4 trainers

1 UN employee

2 university professors


Austria: 1

Belgium: 1

Estonia: 3

Finland: 1

Germany: 2

Italy: 3

Romania: 2

Slovenia: 4

Turkey: 2

UK: 2


Evaluation Results

POLITICS Methodology Learn Effect

Learn effect on Web 2.0 and OER experience


Evaluation Results

Personalization Learning About Politics PLE Operation & Design


Evaluation Results

Learning About Politics PLE Operation & Design


Conclusions - Strengths• The educational material is structured properly,

it helped learning • The activities makes use of many sources (i.e.

material from web links, Wiki pages, blogs, YouTube and other Web2.0 tools) to construct knowledge.

• The pilot training course was responsive to their own particular learning needs

• Collaborative learning improved their learning ability

• Web2.0 tools used and the information provided proved useful in everyday life circumstances


Conclusions - Weaknesses• The navigation of the LAP Platform is not very

easy• The collaborative story writing tools were not

very handy• The LAP Platform did not always create a sense

of personalization• The LAP Platform did not have a very attractive

appearance• Digital storytelling was not always improving the

learning ability of the learners• The course was not very responsive to the

particular cultural needs of the learners


Conclusion• The evaluation methodology:

• identified a number of weaknesses• allowed for the improvement of

• the learning methodology• the content• the Personal Learning Environment• the evaluation tools themselves

(WebQual questionnaire)• The LAP Platform was improved in terms

of:• appearance and design• facilitating easy access to training Tutorials,

to Web2.0 tools and offering additional guidance to its users


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