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E3 global insight magazine issue16

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INSIDE THIS ISSUE Global Insights Magazine Looking at the brand from the inside out Ensuring that your promise is kept Including employees who take part in the branding in process Merging teams into one brand promise Issue 16 - Edited by OZ Branding 2014 The Brand Promise & Branding In A platform for continuous growth and improvement 2 4 6 10 What is your brand promise? The branding in method The sum of the parts makes a (new) whole Branding out & branding in
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Global Insights Magazine

Looking at the brand from the inside out

Ensuring that your promise is kept

Including employees who take part in the branding in process

Merging teams into one brand promise

Issue 16 - edited by OZ Branding 2014

The Brand Promise & Branding InA platform for continuous growth and improvement

2 4 6 10What is yourbrand promise?

The branding inmethod

The sum of the parts makes a (new) whole

Branding out & branding in

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?What's your brand promise

Much has been written about the strength of a brand,

about your product or service as a brand, about the

premium your customers will pay if you bring real

value to them, and about the loyalty you gain that

strengthens your company's stability.

This magazine is dedicated to the brand promise and

what we call “branding in.” We will be looking at the

brand from the inside out. We’ll see how the brand

promise can be used as a tool and as a platform to

build and strengthen your company through internal

processes that align with your marketing efforts.

When you see your brand as a promise, you will

realize that your employees are the promise keepers.

By connecting management and employees across

the entire organization to your brand promise, you

ensure that you stay true to the values underlying

that promise to leverage your competitive


What exactly is your brand promise? "A brand

promise is everything a brand is, everything it does,

everything it stands for, and every way it affects the life

of the consumer” (William J. McEwen with Jennifer

Robison, Gallup Business Journal).

It’s the commitment you make to your customers,

and by extension, the value you create in their world.

And we believe it is also the glue that gives meaning

and adds value to your employees, your teams, and

your whole organization.

Happy reading :) The OZ Branding Team

Orit Oz

Gustavo IsmachYoav Sonda


Dina Gidron

Efrat SchlagmanMiri Peled

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The Philips brand promise: Delivering sense and simplicity"

Philips is more than just a company name — it’s a brand that promises an experience to people.

Whether it was lighting lives in 1891 when we introduced our first incandescent light bulb,

to saving lives with the HeartStart defibrillator, people have always been at the heart of Philips.

Prior to the launch of “sense and simplicity,” we did not have a consistent way within our organization

to deliver a one-Philips brand experience to customers. The launch of our brand promise — “sense

and simplicity” — in 2004 was an important milestone in our brand journey. This step guided the

organization to deliver a consistent, differentiated brand experience; helping us to build our brand in

the hearts and minds of people.

This brand promise encapsulates our commitment to deliver solutions that are advanced, easy to use,

and designed around the needs of all our users and customers.


Every time you keep the promise, you strengthen your brand...

"" Monica Skipper, Director, FedEx Global Brand Management

There are countless contact points between your brand and its ecosystem.

Sales team


Tech support



Social media



Marketing materials


Customer service




Store shelves

Company trucks

And many more...



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Operations & logistics

Products & services

The connection between branding out and branding in





The Brand Promise


e m














How do you ensure that your promise is kept at every contact point?

How do you connect all employees to the meaning behind the promise?

How do you help all employees understand they play a crucial role in the success of the company?


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By connecting the whole company to the promise and using it as the focal point

For the full article, see- http://www.forbes.com/



Ford’s new branding effort has two important

audiences: the world of car buyers — and Ford

employees. So when the company urges all within

hearing to “Go Further,” it’s not just appealing to

consumers in America or China to take that extra

step and check out a Ford vehicle; and it’s not just

promising that new Ford models will exceed their


The company is exhorting its 166,000 worldwide

employees to “Go Further,” too, because

executives believe that making Ford’s “internal

brand” consistent with its new external messaging

can create profound synergies that benefit the

company in significant ways.

“What we aim to do is inspire behavior,”

Matt VanDyke, Ford’s director of global

communications, told me. “Go Further” is

“more than an advertising tagline. We want to

institutionalize it as part of

our culture.”

Sarah Tatchio, manager of global integrated

communications for Ford, explained that the

goal is to make “Go Further” important to Ford

employees — “not something else I have to do but

really who we are, and giving a voice to it. Like, I’m

going further when I make a certain decision or do

something for this customer. It’s a slightly different

framework for thinking about things.”

To succeed … programs such as “Go Further”

must begin by making sure every constituency

in the company is fully apprised of the common

platform and expectations about it; then break it

down to help individual employees understand

what it means for them in their roles; then

obtain commitments from employees and

begin measuring behaviors that will indicate

the internal branding effort is taking hold; and,

finally, seriously recognize and reward the desired


An added important element for Ford is that “Go

Further” has become its global rallying cry, so the

internal-branding campaign has to be translatable

across the company’s operations worldwide.

Go Further" Brand Message Is Aimed at

Ford's Employees, Too | by Dale Buss, Forbes

How do you create a process for continuing improvement in which many voices can be heard?



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Our branding in" method

Middle management

Connecting the organization to its promise

A top-down, bottom-up, cross-team effort produces a circular and inclusive process

The branding-in process starts at

the top with senior management.

They generate “buy in” and lead

the efforts to define and translate

the company values and brand

promise into a tool that permeates

throughout the organization.

Through interactive workshops and

meetings, middle management

examines the company values to

gain greater understanding and

to shape and give meaning to the

brand promise.

Middle managers are trained to

“pass it forward.” They conduct

discussions at the department

and team levels, so that every

employee in every role is

exposed to the company values

and the brand promise in order

to understand their relevance

from the employee, team, and

organizational perspectives.

Each team devises its own specific

work plan to adopt, incorporate,

and implement the brand

promise into their day-to-day


Inter-team meetings and

connection points are created to

strengthen the common language

and commitment across the



Senior management

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Added values of branding in

Connects employees to overall success

Employees who take part in the branding in process

are more likely to be happier and more satisfied on the

job. They’ve been heard. They have a voice. They have


Even for those employees who are not in direct

contact with customers or end-users, the branding in

process brings real meaning to their everyday work,

which, in turn, helps to strengthen the perception of

the company in the market.

Becomes a tool for analyzing gaps

When a company realizes what (and where)

the gaps are, it can work effectively and continuously

to close them by asking, “Where do we need to

improve?” or “What do we need to do better to meet

our promise?”

Serves as a platform for communication

A number of the day-to-day problems in an

organization stem from a lack of communication

between workers, departments or offices. The

branding in process produces a common language

throughout the company. The brand and the brand

promise platform presents an opportunity to

communicate using this common language.

Focuses the whole company on the same goal

Sometimes individual employees or entire teams feel

they operate in a void. The branding in process gives a

focal point to the entire organization. No matter which

department or at what level, each employee can

connect to the promise and the values underlying it.

The brand promise also becomes the focal point for

other organizational processes, ensuring maximum

results at all touch points.

Infuses the company with energy

The branding in process is energizing. In addition

to the “network of communication” it produces,

the process generates tremendous enthusiasm and

camaraderie among the participants that continues

long after the workshops and meetings.

Empowers managers

Because the branding in process is implemented at

all levels of management, managers feel empowered.

They speak the language of the brand promise and

company values. They start a dialogue with their

teams, and they use the promise and values as a

measure by which to evaluate performance.


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Most global companies started local. Their company

culture and values were key to their success and often

formed the foundation for growth.

How can a global company keep its culture? How can

it make sure the values and behaviors are maintained

in every office around the world? How can it connect

employees from different cultures to the company and

its values? How can it form the foundation to create

something bigger and drive future growth?

To answer these questions, we’ll look at Maytronics, an

Israeli company that 30 years ago pioneered the pool-

cleaning robot.

Our challenge was to help Maytronics strengthen its

global brand as a tool to drive growth and continued

success. Together, we worked with the company to

bring meaning to their brand promise “exceptional

experience,” and to build a common language based

on that promise and the company's values.

The Maytronics promise:

Exceptional experience

True to the promise -- globally

Connecting employees from around the world to the brand promise

Case study

You purchase an


that performs well, gives value

for money, is easy to use and

maintain, offers superb results

(a clean, healthy pool), is fully

guaranteed, and is supported

by the company.

It's produced by a team that has an


love what they do, care for

the customers, always come

through and deliver on what

they promise, are really nice

and friendly, have great spirit,

and absolutely believe in their product.

The product is backed by


From pioneers in the field and

leaders in pool robotics technology,

who have years of experience,

operate all over the world, and are

always innovating and developing

the next generation of products.

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The Maytronics promise of "exceptional experience" has been implemented throughout the organization. From Israel to France and from Australia to the United States, all Maytronics managers and employees are aligned and connected to a clear brand promise and meaningful corporate values.

“The benefits of implementing a global brand strategy as it relates

to helping connect employees to our promise and our values

supports our efforts in creating a consistent culture, enhances our

ability to communicate a consistent message both internally and

externally about our company, and defines our company's behavioral

characteristics- during both good and bad times...”

Larry RuizzoMaytronics USA

“At the beginning of the process it was difficult to predict just

how effective it would be. As we moved forward and went deeper,

it became apparent that the strength and clarity of our brand

promise became even more powerful and more precise, the more it

was translated into practices and linked, across the organization, to

authentic corporate values."

Yuval Beeri, CEO, Maytronics

“…If we can truly achieve this

'branding in' process, then

the level of connection with

the company grows from the

employees – they genuinely

feel important and part of the

bigger family of Maytronics,

rather than just an employee

number. The translation of this

becomes extremely powerful

in connection with day-to-day

tasks, how employees behave

every day: Do they aspire to

meet the values and behave in

line with them or not? This can

create a significant point of

difference versus competitors."

Dan KwaczynskiMaytronics Australia

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+ =

When two companies merge or when rumors fly about an acquisition, ripples (and sometimes waves) spread

throughout the entire organization. Management may not communicate often enough or clearly enough because

of ongoing negotiations. Employees fear for their jobs and feel less secure. Productivity slips.

The main opportunities (and the main challenges) of branding a merged company is building a compelling,

ambitious vision; leveraging the strengths of the combined companies; creating synergy and adding value to

both entities and the market (customers, partners, shareholders).

Change and synergy depend on people. When there is a behavioral shift, one that is supported by clear and

compelling values, messages, and a brand promise, change and synergy will occur.

Merging teams from different companies to the brand promise

Employees MarketFor the market to “buy in” to the

change, it must understand the

benefits of the merged brand.

For employees to get behind the

change, they must understand the

values of the merged brand.

The sum of the parts

The brand promise serves as a powerful tool in a merger by connecting two

companies and enabling them to create a new joint future while maximizing

the potential of the merger. The branding in process serves as an effective

method for working together to find the strengths of both companies and to

build a new brand promise that reflects the merged company.

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The four main objectives that lead to change and synergy in M&As:

[ 1 ]

[ 2 ]

to understand the joint vision and strategy

of the merged company

To define the core values of the merged company,

the brand promise and the differentiating

advantages of the various business units

[ 3 ]

[ 4 ]

To build the brand architecture and hierarchy,

including products, services, and market segments

to develop authentic and compelling messages

that best articulate all the above and support

the companies’ business activities and growth

over the coming years

make a (new) whole

When the people from both companies believe in the merger and have obtained these objectives, they will have succeeded in achieving the main goal: To align and connect all parts of the merged company to a clear corporate vision, strategy, brand promise — and culture.


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e3 n



E3 networkThe E3 Agency Network is a closely integrated

coalition of independent brand strategy and

marketing communications firms from around the

world. With access to this wide pool of talent,

E3 agencies give clients a real chance to make an

impact nationally and internationally.

Find out how the E3 perspective can help you.


Administration: [email protected]

Brand Strategy and PlanningWithin the E3 network of agencies there

exists a broad range of global brand expertise.

From branding in to corporate brand identity

development, E3 Network offers the expertise

to help businesses succeed.

If you’re looking for brand strategy and

planning in your local market or on a

worldwide scale, please contact

[email protected]

Adsmith / China

Advertigo / Romania

Aloft Group/USA

Ansel & Möllers / Germany

Audacity / USA

Base One / UK

BB&B / France

BBC / Belgium

Bernstein / Germany

BMLab / Russia

Café Design / Hungary

C&COM Advertising / Czech Republic

D.A.G Communication / Italy

Igriega / Spain

The brand promise reflects the commitment that a company makes to its customers and the unique value it creates in their world. It is everything a company strives to do and the way in which it operates.

The promise...which is also the heart...gives meaning to employees and is an effective platform for continuous improvement and growth.

OZ BrandingThis issue of the E3 Global Insights

Magazine was published by OZ

Branding, a creative agency in Israel

specializing in branding in and

branding out for B2B companies


Manof Ind. Park | Misgav 2018400

Israel | Tel. +972 4 9933900


Media Consulting / Portugal

OZ Branding / Israel

Preferendum / France


Rainfall / Romania


Recommended / Sweden

S'P'S Marketing / Austria

SanderWerbung / Germany

Schindler Parent / Germany

TANGRAM / Liechtenstein

TANGRAM / Switzerland

Truly Deeply / Australia
