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Eagle House School Mitcham

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Eagle House School MITCHAM
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Eagle House SchoolM I T C H A M

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Contents Page

Letter from the Head teacher . . . . . . 1

Our Vision, Philosophy and Ethos . . . 2

Our Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Our School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Our Curriculum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

A Multi-disciplinary Approach . . . . . . 6

• Speech & Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

• PODD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

• Occupational Therapy . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

• Psychology and behaviour . . . . . . . . . . 9

• Music Therapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Working with Parents . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Links with the local Community . . . . 14

Admission arrangements . . . . . . . . . . 15

The School Year & the School Day . . 16

• School uniform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

• Lunchtimes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

• Health & Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

• English as an Additional Language . . . . 20

• Behaviour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

• Sex and Relationships Education . . . . . 20

• Complaints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

“My son was not able to cope in mainstream school. He is now accepted as one of the class”A Parent

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Dear Parents and Carers,Choosing the right school foryour child is often one of themost difficult but far reachingdecisions you make in your child’slife. It is therefore important thatyou receive the right informationto help you to decide.

For your child, success will bemeasured not only academicallyand socially, but also in their abilityto communicate and adjust tochange. At Eagle House Schoolwe help your child to achievethis through a teaching approachthat is practical, functional andmeaningful.We call this the EagleHouse Approach to learning,which is delivered by our onsitemultidisciplinary team of teachers,teaching support assistants andtherapists.

Our approach very much relieson the support of our parents andcarers and collaborative workingwith other professionals involvedwith our families.

This dynamic collaboration provides our pupils with a solidfoundation from which they canstart to achieve their full potential.

This prospectus is designed toanswer some of the questions youmay have during this difficultprocess; however, don’t be toosurprised if it raises more questions than answers.

For this reason I would like toinvite you to join us at one ofour monthly Parents’ Open Days.During your visit you will havea tour of the school, meet someof our teaching staff, therapists andpupils working in class.You willalso have the opportunity to meetother parents who, like you, arein the process of choosing a newschool for their child.

My staff and I very much lookforward to welcoming you inthe near future.

Janis RogersHead teacher

A letter from the Head teacher

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Our Vision,Philosophy and Ethos‘Eagle House Group is committedto responding to the needs of anddelivering exceptional services topeople with an autism spectrumdisorder and more complex specialneeds and their families.’

‘It is our vision that by the end oftheir time at Eagle House School,all of our children will have a senseof achievement, raised self-esteemand will leave us with a positiveattitude to future life and learning.’

At Eagle House School we valuethe contribution each pupil bringsto our community and we aim tounlock their individual potentialby striving to create a school daythat is motivating, rewarding andpurposeful.

We recognise that successfullearning is achieved throughpositive experiences. The school isa non-denominational communityin which everyone works happilyand purposefully together.

• We value every pupil as an individual

• We provide a safe, secure and positive environment

• We provide a motivating school environment where learning is encouraged through participation,enjoyment and success

Our StaffWe have a dynamic, multiculturalstaff team, all of whom have apassion for working with childrenand young people with autism.

All staff are fully committed tothe school’s vision, philosophyand ethos and are fully involvedin our extensive professional development programme whichis at the core of the Eagle HouseApproach.

We are a multidisciplinary teamencompassing fully qualifiedteachers, learning support assistants,a clinical psychologist, occupationaltherapists, speech and languagetherapists, a music therapist, behaviour support specialist andadministrative staff who worktogether to support our pupils.

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Our SchoolEagle House School (Mitcham)is part of the Eagle House Groupof schools.We are an independentspecialist day school providingprimary education for children(4-12 years) with an autismspectrum disorder and associatedsocial and communication difficulties.

The school was established in2004 and occupies the beautifulGrade I listed building of EagleHouse, a building of historic interest set on land formerlyowned by Sir Walter & LadyElizabeth Raleigh. BehindEagle House is Eagle Court,built in the twentieth century ina style to match the main house.

The grounds have been convertedin to three separate playgroundswith an additional front gardenfor pupils to enjoy.

There is limited parking for useby staff and visitors.

The school consists of airyteaching rooms in both buildingsand various relaxation rooms forpupils. Facilities include a newICT suite, two teaching kitchens,a soft play area, sensory room, therapy rooms, music room, occupational therapy swingroom, library, medical room,meeting rooms and a school hall.

“the School encourages pupils’ cultural developmentvery effectively”

Ofsted 2011

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Our Curriculum Our curriculum is designedspecifically for children with anautism spectrum disorder.

Our approach; the Eagle HouseApproach, is at the core of ourcurriculum and is based on bestpractice, experience and innovationwithin the field of autism.

Our approach combines aspectsfrom a range of strategies knownto be successful in supportingpupils with autism. These includeTEACCH, PODD, Intensive Interaction, the ALERT Programmeand ‘the little group’ approach.

It focuses on developing each pupil’spersonal skills within five key areas:1. Communication Skills

receptive, expressive & non-verbal

2. Behaviourboundaries, rules, consequences,emotional self-regulation & sensory self-regulation

3. Independencedaily living skills, self-care skills, leisure skills, confidence& perseverance

4. Social Skillsinteractions, co-operation, relationships & social understanding

5. Thinking and Learning Skillsacademic skills, problem solving, creativity

Each pupil has an Individual Education Plan (IEP), whichidentifies targets within each ofthese five key areas and ensures thattheir personal learning programmeis specific to their needs rather thanbeing a more general ‘one size fits all’.

Eagle House School (Mitcham) Curriculum

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By fully embedding The EagleHouse Approach within the academic curriculum, we ensurethat every pupil is able to accessopportunities to develop theirskills within each of the five keyareas throughout their entireschool day; each and every day.

The school’s academic curriculumis based on the national curriculumand provides each pupil withplanned learning opportunitieswithin the full range of subjects,which are practical, functionaland meaningful. It is based on athree year cycle of topics with adifferent topic being coveredeach half term across the wholeschool. It is then differentiatedacross four levels of ability rangingfrom an experiential, sensory-based level through to nationalcurriculum levels.

The curriculum is enhanced byeducational visits to the localcommunity, which enables ourpupils to practice the skills theyhave learnt in the classroom, in to ‘real life’ situations.

Pupils also access a number ofoff-site curriculum activities, whichinclude swimming, horse ridingand rock climbing. These are fullyrisk assessed.

Class groups typically have sixpupils in each with pupils beingplaced according to their age,ability and level of communication.Each class has a fully qualifiedteacher who is supported by threeor four learning support assistantsdepending on the needs and thenumber of pupils in each.

“Staff establish effectivecommunication with

the pupils”Ofsted 2011

Eagle House School (Mitcham) Teaching PhilosophyHow We Teach

• We recognise that our pupils associate traditional classrooms with negative educational experiences so we teach our pupils outside of this traditional model on an individual or small group basis

• We understand how important it is for our pupils to be happy at school and have fun in their lessons

• We focus on each pupil’s strengths and interests and use these to re-engage them in their learning

• We utilise relevant opportunities as and when they arise in order to address areas in need of development

• We use a multi-sensory approach to learning to deliver lessons which provides opportunities to learn through visual, auditory and kinaesthetic experiences

• We make use of autism approaches such as TEACCH which are known to have a positive impact on enabling pupils to access the curriculum

• We employ Individual Education Plans (IEPs) to help our pupils to develop the skills they need to better cope with having an autistic spectrum disorder

• We use carefully planned, individualised curriculum activities along with positive language and high levels of focussedpraise to ensure our pupils’ experience success on a daily basis

Why We Teach

• To develop the skills of young people with an autistic spectrumdisorder

• To improve the quality of life for our pupils

• To show that our pupils can learn when they are accepted for who and where they are in their educational journey

• To re-engage our pupils in their educational experience

What We Teach

• Communication• Skills for living• Social competence including

group & co-operation skills• Independence• Respect for self & for others• Self – management of behaviour• Self – regulation of emotions• Enjoyment of learning• Leisure skills• Academic skills• Vocational & work related

learning• Range of accredited


Where We Teach

• Dedicated autism schools

• Positive, calm environment

• Safe, structured settings

• Visually supportive classrooms

• Sensory aware atmosphere

• Local and wider community

• Leisure and sporting facilities

“My son has beenattending Eagle House for just

under a year. His progress has been amazing”

A Parent

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Teaching and learning across theschool is fully supported by theschool’s in - house Curriculum Access Team (CA Team). This is ourown team of specialist therapists whowork closely with each class teamto ensure there is a multi-disciplinary, pupil centred approachto planning and delivering all aspects of the curriculum.

CA Team therapists meet withclass teams on a regular basis toidentify appropriate targets withineach of the five key areas on eachpupils IEP, they also provide adviceand guidance on aspects of theacademic curriculum such ashand writing and literacy skillsand, where appropriate, supportclass staff to deliver individualtherapeutic programmes andstrategies throughout each schoolday for individual pupils.

Class teams and parents canmake a request for additionalsupport from the CA Team foran individual pupil in additionto the on-going, daily multi-

disciplinary support that theyprovide. This can include inputfrom our behaviour support specialist, speech and languagetherapists, occupational therapists,clinical psychologist and musictherapist.

In response to a parent or carer’srequest for support, our in-housetherapists can visit a pupil’s homein order to establish the leveland type of support they need.Strategies can be created aroundthe pupil for use both at schooland at home. This personalisedprogramme can help a pupil tomake good progress across all aspects of their lives.

Members of our CA Team aresupported and supervised by seniortherapists from their respectivedisciplines who work across Eagle House Group. Our music therapist is trained throughNordoff Robins (a unique andrenowned national music charity)and is supervised by a seniormember of their staff.

Our Multi-disciplinary Approachto Teaching and Learning

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Speech and Language Therapy

Our therapists work collaborativelywith teachers, learning supportassistants (LSA), occupationaltherapists, the behaviour supporttherapist, clinical psychologistand parents/carers to supportour pupils to develop skills inexpressive and receptive languageand in the use of non-verbalcommunication for social interaction.

The team works together to creategoals and develop functionalbased programmes, which addressthe different needs of pupils andenables them to more activelyparticipate in school and thewider community.

Communication is an essentiallife skill and for our pupils - a fundamental core difficulty,which needs to be supported ina holistic manner. Speech andlanguage therapists work closelywith class teams to embed a ‘totalcommunication approach’ into thecurriculum and develop a visuallysupported classroom, which allowsall pupils to access all of theirlessons throughout the school day.

The needs of our pupils are addressed through a variety ofevidence-based approaches including:• attention and listening based


• Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)

• a range of visual strategies to support transitions, organisationand independence such as TEACCH, Visual Timetables, Voice Output Devices, Social Stories.

Therapy varies depending on theneeds of the class and individualpupils taking the form of smallgroup or individual therapy, delivered both in and out of the classroom.

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PODD Pragmatic OrganisationDynamic Display CommunicationTool

Many of our pupils are severelychallenged by their difficulties withlanguage and communication.We use PODD, an‘augmentativeand alternative communication’ systemfor developing both expressive(talking) and receptive (listening)language.

PODD is a proven interventionthat supports and develops pupils’speech and language. This multi-level communication book is anexciting tool that allows pupilsto be spontaneous in their use of language and can be used inconjunction with other visualcommunication strategies.

PODD offers a broad range ofvocabulary for our pupils to useon a daily basis helping them togrow in confidence and enjoythe experience of effectively communicating - perhaps forthe very first time.

Occupational Therapy (OT)

Occupational therapists assess apupil’s ability to be effective, safeand independent in their day-to-day activities.

They assess their ability to lookafter themselves, the potentialimpact on their school work, play,social interaction and independence.Pupils are assessed with age-appropriate daily living tasks, withthe OT focusing on the areasthat pupils are finding difficult.OTs also assess pupils’ physicalmotor and sensory skills lookingat how these may impact theirday to day living.

In our OT sessions we aim to:• Improve the motor skills of

the pupils so that they are able to participate in whole body activities such as running and jumping, in the playground (gross motor)

• Improve their strength, muscletone and endurance so that theycan maintain an upright sitting posture at the desk needed for table top activities

• Improve their abilities to control their sensory experiencesin class so that they are aware of and respond to sensory information from their bodies and from their environment. This can be overwhelming for them.


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Interventions can be carried outin a group setting or in one toone sessions. These sessions areimplemented within the normalclass timetable ensuring that new skills are put into practiceimmediately and lessons are notmissed.

Psychology and BehaviourSupport Team

Our psychology and behavioursupport team is committed tocreating a positive and proactiveapproach.Working as part of theschool’s CA Team, they have akey role to play in understandingpupils’ strengths and areas of difficulty by assessing a range oftheir cognitive, emotional andbehavioural issues.

A major part of their role is toassess any underlying causes of apupil’s behaviour. They aim tounderstand ‘why’ and to designuseful, positive strategies in collaboration with the CA Teamand parents/carers taking thepupil’s strengths and interests into account. This information willform the basis of their ‘BehaviourSupport Plan’.

Whilst every pupil has a BehaviourSupport Plan (BSP) developed,some plans will be more detailedthan others depending on eachpupil’s needs. Once the BSP hasbeen developed, the psychologyand behaviour team monitorand review progress regularly.

Pupils will be supported throughgroup sessions or in a one to onesession where they will look at apupil’s issues with anxiety, lowself-esteem and anger management.Additionally the team providestraining and support to other staffmembers and families/carers.


“The MDT approach isfantastic and has really

helped our daughter”A Parent

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Music Therapy

Our music therapist is a trainedby the nationally renownedNordoff Robbins who endorse thebelief that everyone can respondto music. Through improvisationand creating music together, arelationship is built as the musictherapist helps the pupil to engage inactive participation personalisedto meet their individual needsand capabilities. Our therapistprovides opportunities for ourpupils to enjoy creating music in an interactive and fun way.

From time to time, pupils mayalso receive support through thefollowing agencies:• Local authority educational

psychologists, speech and language therapists, behaviour support teams, ADHD nurse.


• Social care

• GP

Working with ParentsWe recognise and value the important role played by parents/carers. To ensure our parents arefully supported, we have a parentliaison officer who you can contactat any time during school hours.

We encourage parents and carersto play an active role in their child'seducation and ensure mutuallysupportive links between homeand school. Parents and carers arealways welcome to visit us at school.

You can expect us to:• value your child as an individual

• provide a stimulating and motivating curriculum which encourages full potential

• provide a safe, happy and caringenvironment for teaching and learning

• ensure close communication through open and honest discussion

• respect confidentiality and be non-judgemental

• recognise the important role youplay in your child's education

• provide regular information about your child's progress

“I am very happy withEagle House School.

It is a blessing my childis in the school”

A Parent

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We encourage parents/carers to:• work in partnership with us

• share your concerns with us

• be honest and open

• ensure your child's regular attendance at school

• attend progress meetings and annual reviews about your child

• support the teaching team and agree to undertake any home/ school learning

• actively support the school's policies and guidelines for behaviour

We strive to keep our parents andcarers informed and involved byproviding our daily communicationbook, which allows a two-wayflow of information between homeand school. We like parents to tellus about events that may havehappened at home, for example,an outing or more difficult issuessuch as a sleepless night that couldaffect your child’s school day.

Access to our CA team for supportand advice on challenging homeissues is very popular with parentsand ensures pupils are consistentlysupported both in and out ofschool.

Our school newsletter is sent hometo all parents and carers providinginformation about recent andupcoming events. We have regularparent and carer workshops,which cover a range of autism-related issues and provide youwith an opportunity to meetstaff and to share a coffee withother parents and carers.

Every year, parents are invited toattend their child’s Annual Review,three Parent-Teacher eveningsand will receive an end of yearreport for their child. Staff arealways available to talk to or meetwith parents and carers on request.

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Links with the LocalCommunityIt is essential that our pupils aregiven regular opportunities topractice and generalise the socialinteraction and communicationskills they learn in school, outsidein the local community. For thisreason, our pupils attend a rangeof carefully planned and fully riskassessed activities outside of school.

These include weekly visits to:• a local specialist adventure


• horse riding

• swimming and sports at a leisure centre with specialist staff

• climbing centre

• BMX biking

We invite visitors in to school tosupport our curriculum. Thesehave included professionals froma local football club, officers fromthe local fire brigade, MetropolitanPolice Service and people whorepresent various religions withinthe local community.

The school has established aclose link with a local primaryschool and has created a Mainstream Opportunities programme for some pupils,providing them with appropriatetime when they can integratewith their mainstream peersboth socially and academically.

At Eagle House School we involve local shops, proprietors andbusinesses who are familiar withour pupils and their difficulties.This has included a local barberwho understands the sensory issues that some of our pupilsface. We have been able to takepupils along for haircuts whenthe need has arisen and he hashelped us to desensitise pupilswho often find having their haircut distressing. Other local placesinclude the library, Morrison’s,the duck pond, the local park,the corner shops and a localchildren’s centre.

On reaching Key Stage 2, pupilscan attend one of our residentialschool trips. Currently, pupilshave the opportunity staying forfive days with Pro Corda - a musiccharity based at Leiston Abbey,in the Suffolk countryside.

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With their older counterpartsfrom Eagle House School (Sutton), pupils create a musicaldance production of a well-knownstory e.g. The Wizard of Oz andThe Lion King.

Some of our other pupils takepart in a three-day camping tripto High Ashurst in Surrey.

Here, they learn new skills suchas abseiling, climbing, archeryand team building. Many of ourchildren have never been away fromhome before so they are carefullysupported with personalisedprogrammes designed to meettheir particular social, learningand dietary needs.

AdmissionArrangementsAdmission to Eagle House School(Mitcham) is typically madethrough the Special EducationalNeeds department of the pupil’slocal authority (LA). Where thepupil’s parents and carers expressa preference for our school, theLA will contact the admissionsco-ordinator with appropriatedocumentation if they agree thatwe can meet the pupil’s needs.

For admission, a pupil requires aStatement of Special EducationalNeeds or Education, Health andCare plan stating that an autismspectrum disorder or Aspergersyndrome is their primary need.Once the admissions co-ordinatorreceives the paperwork, the schooladmissions panel will determinewhether we could potentiallymeet their needs and if there isan appropriate classroom space.

The admissions co-ordinatorwill inform the LA and make arequest to carry out an assessment.This will involve a member of theadmissions panel observing the

“It is a very goodenvironment for my

son with teachers whocare for him”

A Parent

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pupil at their current placement orat home and to gather informationfrom their teacher or parent/carer.If suitable, your child will be invitedto attend a ‘sit in’ at Eagle HouseSchool for a period of 1-3 days,depending upon the complexity oftheir needs. Once this is completedwe will inform the LA and parentor carer as to whether we can offeryour child a place.

We also undertake assessments onrequest from parents and carers whomay be interested in placing theirchild with us but where their LAis not in agreement and fail tosend the child’s paperwork to us.In this instance, please contact theparent liaison officer for advice on0845 074 2972.

The SchoolYear and theSchool DayThe school day generally workson the following timetable - Mondays to Thursdays:• Morning:- 08.30 to 12noon

with a 20 minute midmorning break

• Afternoon:- 13.00 to 14.50 (half of lunchtime is taught PSHE time)

• Fridays Morning:- 08.30 to 12noon with a 20 minute midmorning break

• Friday Afternoon:- 12.30 to 13.30 (to allow for staff training)

Friday morning includes our celebration assemblies where eachclass has the opportunity across theacademic year to lead assembliesand share their work or celebratecurrent religious festivals.

Pupils take great pride in receivingprogress certificates and Star ofthe Week awards in recognitionof their achievements and progressfor that week.

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During the school week, the following teaching time takes place:• Key Stage 1 24.5 hours• Key Stage 2 24.5 hours

Assemblies, break times and lunchbreaks are not included in thisfigure although they are consideredto provide essential learning opportunities. During the schoolyear, pupils attend for 190 days;teaching staff work for 195 days,which includes five training days(Inset Days). In addition, ourpsychologist and behaviour supportteam work throughout the yearto develop support programmesand strategies for pupils andtheir families.

We ask parents/carers to avoidtaking their children out of schoolfor family holidays unless thereare exceptional circumstances.We also ask parents/carers to reporttheir child's absence due to illnessbefore 8.30am on the morningof the absence by contacting theschool administrator.

Planned absences such as medicalor dental appointments should bereported prior to the appointmentby a letter to the class teacher ora message in the child's home/

school book. The regulations inforce regarding attendance requireschools to record all 'unauthorised'absences. These are any absences,which have not been explainedby parents or carers.

School Uniform

We encourage pupils to wearour school uniform of a poloshirt, sweatshirt and fleece jacket.We ask parents of pupils in ourearly years classes to provide apair of indoor shoes also whichcan be easily slipped on and off,such as plimsolls. Both our pupilsand parents/carers find that uniformhelps to reduce problems withdressing and choosing clothes eachmorning as well as promoting thefeel of a whole school community.All items can be purchased fromthe school office. We also providerucksacks for pupils and book bags.

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The following items are not allowed in school:• Jewellery – this is too precious

to risk losing in school

• Earrings – if your child has pierced ears, then only small studs should be worn because anything else is dangerous

• Boots or other shoes with hardened toecaps – these can injure others if a child kicks

The PE kit is worn by all pupilsand consists of a plain white t-shirt,shorts and plimsolls or gym shoes.

As PE is one of the compulsorysubjects of the national curriculumpupils can only be excused fromthese lessons in cases of illness orinjury. Parents and carers shouldcontact school to let us know ifthis has happened.


Pupils should bring their ownlunch to school in a secure plasticcontainer marked with their nameand class. We would ask parentsand carers not to include sweetsor fizzy drinks in their child'slunchbox. A plastic flask or plasticbottle containing a still drink,which has minimal additives orartificial colourings inside thelunchbox, is ideal. All pupils areprovided with a drinks flask whichstaff keep filled with filtered water.Pupils have access to these at anytime throughout the day.

Health and Safety

All external doors are lockedduring lesson times and fire exitsare easily opened from the inside.

The playgrounds are kept securewhen the school is in session andthere are always at least threemembers of staff on duty duringplaytimes whenever pupils areoutside.

The main door is monitored bythe school office staff, which isalso the first point of contact forall visitors.

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Visitors are required to wear avisitor's badge and sign themselvesin to and out of the school.

When the building is empty, theschool is protected by fire andburglar alarms as well as CCTV.

Some members of our class teamsare trained first aiders and candeal with minor cuts, bumps andgrazes. If a pupil becomes ill oris injured, we need to be able tocontact parents or carers quickly.

We keep the children's contactfiles as up to date as possible andrely on parents and carers to tellus of changes to phone numbersor addresses.

We do not generally administermedicines to pupils during theschool day. Parents and carers areasked to regulate dosage to avoidschool hours. The exception tothis rule is a child who has along-term clinical condition.

Inhalers are kept in school andadministered as and when required.In all cases written authority isneeded from the parent or carer.

Each classroom has a copy of amedical list of pupils in that classwho may give cause for concernso that any adult in the room hasan immediate reference guide ifa pupil becomes ill.

We support the Children's Actsand the responsibility of adultsto protect the rights of childrenin their care. All of our staff arecommitted to this and are supported through school policieson behaviour, child protectionand safeguarding and dealingwith bullying.

The school follows thoroughSafer Recruitment procedures and has a fully comprehensiveSafeguarding and Promoting theWelfare of Pupils policy which canbe viewed on our website orobtained from the school office. All staff have been cleared by the DBS in accordance with theDepartment for Education.

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English as an AdditionalLanguage (EAL)

Some pupils may come fromhomes where English is not theirfirst language. Several staff at schoolare able to speak languages otherthan English and use this to supportcommunication with parents andcarers.

Where this is not the case we willuse local authority interpretersfrom their service to support our families.

Behaviour and Discipline

At Eagle House School we focusstrongly on the positive aspects ofa pupil's school life but recognisethat our pupils can present withchallenging behaviour at times inrelation to their autism spectrumdisorder. The school's PositiveBehaviour Support policy and Anti-Bullying policy outlines inmore detail how we promotepositive behaviour and reducechallenging behaviour.

This includes the Rewards andConsequences policy, which outlineshow we motivate our children tolearn using autism specific methods.

Sex & Relationships Education

We are sensitive to the importanceof our pupils developing appropriateawareness of human developmentand social behaviours, particularlyas they approach puberty.

Children and young people withan autism spectrum disorder canbe vulnerable because they mayhave a limited understanding ofwhat are socially inappropriatebehaviours, for example, they maybe over familiar with strangers.

We aim to help our pupils tolearn about themselves and aboutappropriate behaviour in public.The school has a Sex & Relationships Education policy,which provides more detail.

Complaints Procedure

All staff recognise the importanceof working in partnership withparents and carers and we value positive relationships with you.

However, we recognise that onrare occasions you may feel unhappy with an aspect of yourchild's education.

Though most problems and difficulties are usually resolvedinformally, a School Complaintspolicy & procedure is in place formore formal circumstances.

This is available on the schoolwebsite and from the school office.

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Eagle House SchoolM I T C H A M

The proprietor is Eagle House Group Ltd., whose Directors can be contacted at Eagle House Group School Business Office95 Brighton Road, Sutton SM2 4SJ

Eagle House School (Mitcham)

224 London Road, Mitcham,

Surrey CR4 3HD.

T: 020 8687 7050

F: 020 8687 7055

E: [email protected]

W: www.eaglehouseschool.co.uk






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Eagle House Group
