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Early human and great migration

Date post: 13-Apr-2017
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Warm Up You were just stranded on a deserted island. What would be five items that you would bring? Why?

Warm Up

You were just stranded on a

deserted island. What would be five items that

you would bring? Why?

Prehistory is the time before written records were kept. Since people didn’t write down their history we have to do our best to figure out what happened.

3 Million Years Ago…Early HumansIt was during this time that the higher primates, including apes and early man, first appeared.

• There was a difference between apes and man. Early human-like hominids could stand upright. Apes could not.

•Hominids are humans and other creatures that walk upright on two feet.

Paleolithic= Old Stone Age. This era was called the stone age because early man used stone to make his tools and weapons.

These clans got their food by hunting and gathering. Once the food supply ran out they would move to a different area.

Paleolithic= Old Stone Age. This era was called the stone age because early man used stone to make his tools and weapons.

These clans got their food by Hunting and GatheringOnce the food supply ran out they would move to a different area.

The Theoretical Evolution of Hominids, Man/Woman

Term Description

Homo sapien

Homo habilis

Homo erectus



Do we have ape-like ancestors?

Homo habilis – handy man

Homo erectus – stood upright

(What was the word we learned to

describe people who walk on two feet?)

Cro-Magnon – more

intelligent than previous hominids

Homo sapiens – man as we know them today

Modern Human Beings

Appeared in Africa between 150,000-200,000 years ago

Began to migrate outside of Africa 100,000 years ago.

By 10,000 B.C. Homo Sapiens could be found throughout the world due to migration.

During the last ice age between

100,000 B.C. and 8000 B.C. the

water level in the oceans dropped revealing a land

bridge connecting Asia and North



Great Migration

Paleolithic Picassos?A Journey in Prehistoric Art of the

Lascaux Caves


Lascaux Caves

Where are the caves? How ere they discovered and when?

The Artists!Lived about

17,000 to 30,000 years

ago during the Stone Age and

Ice Age

How DID they create the images?• Using bone, sticks,

brushes made with animal hair, hand/fingers and sharpened rock

• Paints came form the earth- crushed and mixed together

• Dark caves were lit with torches

What did the artists paint?• Why did they

paint and carve on the walls?

• Do you think they lived in the caves?• What evidence of

human life do we see in the caves?

Let’s visit the Lascaux Caves!
