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Earth-717: One-Shot Pack 1

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All four One-Shots for Phase One of Earth-717.
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Earth-717: One Shot Power Incarnate Arthur walked out of the containment wing, shutting off the light as he did so. After closing the door behind him, he began walking down the hallway towards the lobby area. His eyes were blue and his hair was brown. He was wearing a collared shirt, a grey vest, a red bow tie, and dress pants. An earphone was in his left ear, and the cable stretched down to the MP3 player in his pocket. He was holding a mug in his hands, and took a sip from it as he entered the lobby. Arthur nodded to the electronic music he was listening to as he walked to the front desk. An elderly woman with glasses and business attire was sitting there. The large, golden sign on the wall behind her read 'Stark Enterprises'. She smiled at Arthur as he walked up to the desk. The woman looked at the mug. “For me?” asked the woman. Arthur laughed. “Sorry, Bambi, no coffee for you. You know I'm not allowed to bring you any more caffeine.” Bambi scowled. “Says who?”

Earth-717: One Shot

Power Incarnate

Arthur walked out of the containment wing, shutting off the light as he did so. After closing the door behind him, he began walking down the hallway towards the lobby area. His eyes were blue and his hair was brown. He was wearing a collared shirt, a grey vest, a red bow tie, and dress pants. An earphone was in his left ear, and the cable stretched down to the MP3 player in his pocket. He was holding a mug in his hands, and took a sip from it as he entered the lobby.

Arthur nodded to the electronic music he was listening to as he walked to the front desk. An elderly woman with glasses and business attire was sitting there. The large, golden sign on the wall behind her read 'Stark Enterprises'. She smiled at Arthur as he walked up to the desk. The woman looked at the mug.

For me? asked the woman.

Arthur laughed.

Sorry, Bambi, no coffee for you. You know I'm not allowed to bring you any more caffeine.

Bambi scowled.

Says who?

Says . . . . you.

Bambi groaned and then let out a soft laugh. Arthur took another sip before speaking again.

Do you know where Tasha is? She said she was going to come down and check out my project today. Wanted to make sure she didn't forget.

I'll ring her for you.

Thanks a ton.

Bambi tapped a number into her phone. Arthur put his mug on the desk, before snapping his fingers, tapping his hands against the counter and clicking his ankles together. Bambi placed the receiver against her ear as the line opened.

Hey . . . . yeah, it's Bambi . . . . yeah, thanks . . . . good, good . . . . I've got Arthur Parks down here, says he needs to . . . . uh huh . . . . yeah, sure . . . . good, thanks.

Bambi put the receiver back on her phone.

Ms. Potts is going to go get her now," said Bambi, with a smile.

Arthur snapped both of his fingers and pointed at Bambi.

You're the best, Bam! I'll be back in my lab.

Bambi waved at Arthur as he jogged out of the lobby. Bambi then smirked, noticing that he had left his mug.

* * * *

Pepper walked up to the door to Tasha's suite and stopped in front of it. Holding her notebook in her right hand, she took a moment to run her left hand through the hair around her ears before knocking on the door. She narrowed her eyes as she heard music coming from the other side.

After a minute, the door opened. Tasha was standing on the other side, with one hand on the doorknob and her other fist on her hip. She was wearing panties and an Avenged Sevenfold t-shirt.

Pep, girl, what's up?

Pepper gulped and then looked over Tasha's shoulder. She saw two tall, black men on the couch, watching the television. They were wearing nothing but sailor's caps.

Do you have two sailors in there?

Tasha laughed.

No . . . . I have two guys wearing sailor costumes . . . . well, they were wearing them, anyway.

Tasha ran her eyes up and down Pepper's figure. She then mischievously smirked.

Do you want one?

Pepper's eyes widened.

Uh, what . . . .? No, I mean . . . . eh, heh, yeah, no.

Pepper blushed, her cheeks turning as red as her hair. Tasha shrugged.

Alright, fine. More for me.


No really, what do you need, baby? You know that Saturdays are my only days off. I'm having a get together here.

I got a call from Bambi, explained Pepper. She said that an Arthur Parks needed to see you about a project?

Tasha's eyes widened.

Oh shit, yeah! I forgot. Shit . . . . Just give me, uh, I'll be right there. One sec. Let me get dressed.


One of the men on the couch called out.

Get dressed? We just got you out of those clothes!

Tasha started stepping into her jeans.

Sorry boys, I promised to meet someone today. Just stay up here. Janice? Take care of them for me while I'm gone, okay? I shouldn't be more than a half hour.

Understood, ma'am, replied Janice.

* * * *

So, the entire photon array will be centralized on this one point in the middle of the laser field, which will be, hopefully, be capable of transmutating matter.

Tasha stroked her chin as she looked at the device in front of her. Several laser prisms were affixed to two radial daises attached to the top and bottom of the apparatus. Narrowing her eyes, she scanned her eyes across the whole device, going through mathematical formulas in her head.

Arthur looked at her, twiddling his thumbs together.

The laser field crosses over itself at several points, said Tasha, exponentially increasing energy output without adding to the size of the field, which would destabilize it.

Arthur grinned and nodded as he held a small control device in his hand, with a single large button. Pressing the button with his thumb, the photon array turned on, firing pink lasers from each of the points, converging in the centre of the energy field. After a few seconds, the lasers disappeared. Arthur then looked back at Tasha.

I based the design of the array on the vibranium core of your arc reactor. I got the idea after you let me look at it a few months back. What do you think?

Tasha folded her arms and nodded.

I think . . . . it's brilliant. In terms of mechanical design anyway. But what's this business about transmutating matter?

Well, you see, what my new photon array generators should, theoretically, be able to do, is take a piece of material, say, a small piece of solid iridium, and temporarily put it in a temporal stasis field, created by the laser array, which will render it non-corporeal.

Tasha's eyes widened as she looked over at Arthur.


Yes. I think I may have a way of phasing objects in and out of existence, by temporarily turning them into light.

Tasha's jaw dropped as she looked back at the device.

But . . . .

As you've probably figured out, the issue is how exactly to hold the material in place in the centre of the laser field. Magnets would be the easy solution, but that wouldn't work for non-metals, obviously. I was thinking of calling my sister at Project Pegasus to see if they had any breakthroughs in their gravity tech development, but then they had that fiasco last week and the whole place is in shambles. She, uh, lost her fiance in the incident.

Tasha frowned.

I'm sorry.

Yeah, he was, uh, a good guy. I liked him a lot.

Both Tasha and Arthur were silent for a few seconds.

Well, as for your project here, I would say that it's excellent as a theoretical thing, but I don't know how we're going to be able to get the damn thing to hold objects in the air long enough to get it done.

Could you perhaps pop by more? I was thinking of setting up a project schedule . . . .

Tasha laughed and rubbed the back of her head.

Sorry love, but the company is swamped with people who want projects looked at right now. I mean, between trying to stave off both Trask and Hammer, my work as Iron Maiden, and the constant energy tech contracts, there's not a lot of room for new research and development projects. Like, I could probably scrounge up a team for you, but you're the best laser engineer in the country. It's why I hired you.

Tasha, I don't need a team. I need you.

Tasha sighed and exhaled. She then put her hand on Arthur's shoulder.

Arthur, you're my main man. You know that right?


Give me three weeks. I'll try and clear out some of the garbage in the schedule; maybe shuffle some folks around. Once we're over this month's hump, you and I can tackle this thing. Okay?

Arthur nodded.


Keep cracking at it though.

I will.

Good man. Take the rest of the day off, alright? With pay. My treat.

Arthur weakly smiled.


Tasha nodded at him and then left the room. Arthur watched her from behind as she closed the door behind her. Grinding his teeth together behind his stern, closed mouth, Arthur then exhaled and and walked over to the photon array.

Not enough time she says, give me three weeks, she says.

Arthur placed the control mechanism on a box next to the photon array, near the edge. Walking into the middle of the apparatus, he pulled out a small wrench and began tightening one of the bolts, which he noticed was slightly loose.

Meanwhile she's off having those parties of hers, and flying around for the newsreels . . . . pah.

Arthur groaned as he tried to pull the wrench off the bolt.

Come on, you little . . . .

The wrench snapped off the bolt, and Arthur fell back against the prism arm behind him. Dropping the wrench in surprise, he then saw that his body's impact jostled the entire apparatus, knocking the control mechanism off the nearby box. His eyes widened as he saw the control mechanism land upside down on the floor, pressing the activation button. Arthur screamed as the laser field turned on, firing all of its lasers at his body. He looked down at himself as he was transformed into a light construct.


Arthur exploded into a cloud of pink mist, which quickly dissipated. The force of the explosion incinerated pieces of the apparatus, scattering mechanical debris all over the room. An alarm sounded, and a minute later, Tasha and several security guards ran into the room. Her eyes widened as she looked at the smouldering remains of Arthur's machine.

Pepper entered the room behind her.

What happened?

Tasha looked down at the ground, seeing a half-torn identification card. She picked it up, seeing that it read 'Arthur Parks'.

It was Arthur . . . . he's . . . .

Pepper sighed.

Oh no . . . . should I, uh, call his next of kin?

Tasha shook her head.

No . . . . no, uh, I-I'll do it.

Tasha held her head down as she walked out of the room.

* * * *

Three Days Later

In the containment hall, a custodian locked a door behind her before walking over to her cart. Grabbing the broom off of it, she began sweeping the tiled floor of the hall. As she walked past the door which led to Arthur's lab, a tiny amount of pink light emanated from under it. The custodian looked at it, but barely got a glimpse before it disappeared. Shaking her head, she then continued to sweep.

A few seconds later, the light reappeared, and she watched it for half a minute before it disappeared again. Narrowing her eyes, she pulled out her keys. She looked at the 'Do Not Enter' sign on the door, but went ahead and unlocked the door anyway. As it opened, more of the pink light filled up her field of vision.

She gasped upon seeing what was behind the door.

Gruhhhh . . . . gyahahahahhahgh . . . .

It was a humanoid construct of pink light. What appeared to be white electricity currents flowed through the body section, with the rest glowing bright pink. The custodian shook in place as the figure turned towards her, and she saw the face.

It had a solid, purple construct over the head section. The face was a slightly lighter shade, looking like a skull plate. Two rectangular holes simulated eyes. The eyes flared up with pink mist as it looked directly at her. The custodian felt like her lungs were bursting when she screamed.

The figure gyrated in response.

Gyrrrrrrraaaaaaaaghhhhhh . . . . gyyyybrrraaaaaaaaaallllltur!

The figure then formed itself into a laser, half a metre in diameter. Blasting forward, it knocked the custodian over, before bouncing off the walls several times. Each time it bounced off a wall, it made a zinging noise, and left a small trail of pink mist which slowly dissipated.

Bouncing down the hall, the laser then stopped in the lobby, reverting to its humanoid form over the front desk. Bambi, who was sitting there, shouted and held her hand over her heart.

Beeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrmmmmmmmmmmmbi . . . . huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrgghhhhhhhh meeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhh . . . .

Bambi shouted again before pounding her fist on the emergency button under her desk. The construct stayed in the air, continuing to try and vocalize.

Baaaaammmmmmmmbi . . . . Baaaaaammmmbi . . . .

Bambi narrowed her eyes and tilted her eyes as she listened to it.

Bambi . . . . help me . . . .

The construct was interrupted in its speech by Tasha, in her Iron Maiden suit, flying from above. She tackled the construct, but fell right through it, crashing onto the ground. The construct turned to looked at her, seemingly unfazed. Tasha recovered from her crash landing by turning around and firing two repulsor shots at it, which also went through it without effect.

Tasha stood up and aimed her repulsors at the construct, but did not fire.

Alright, pinkette, come down from there and . . . .


Tasha's eyes widened.


Taaaarrrshaaa . . . . It's meee . . . . Arrrrrghthuuuurr.


Tasha lowered her repulsors and pulled up her face plate. She looked into Arthur's eyes as he gently landed on the floor.

Arthur . . . . is that you?

Yesss . . . . hellllrrp me . . . .

Oh my . . . . the apparatus! It activated on you, didn't it?

Arthur took a wobbly step forward, holding his hands close to his face. His speech began to form properly, but had a synthesized tone to it.

I think so . . . . one second I was talking to you, and then the next . . . . I was here, and the pain . . . . don't know why . . . .

Tasha slowed down her breathing.

Listen to my voice, Arthur. Try and focus on me. I don't know exactly what happened to you, but we're going to figure it out, together, okay?

Together . . . .

The electric arcs inside of Arthur's light form began to spin faster.

Now you want to work together?!

Arthur threw his arms forward, and they fired two lasers, which collided with Tasha's chest piece. She fell backwards, crashing into the wall behind her.


You should have worked with me when I asked you to!

Closing her face plate, Tasha looked up at Arthur, who walked towards her, glowing even more brightly. He then roared as his energy surged all around him.


Arthur's body fired off multiple lasers from random locations, which then bounced off anything they came in contact with. Bambi shrieked and hid under her desk. Tasha pushed herself off the ground.

Janice, give me something!

Scanning Arthur's energy frequency now, ma'am. If you match your suit's frequency to his, then your energy weapons will be able to, well, connect, so to speak.

Do it!

Modifying Mark Two energy frequency now.

Tasha aimed her left hand forward, and fired a repulsor blast at Arthur, which knocked him on to his back. He then started writhing back and forth on the floor.

Arthur . . . . can you hear me?

Stop it . . . . stop it! I can't control . . . . so much . . . don't want to hurt . . . . no, yes, no, erghhhhh . . . . can't contain . . . .

Arthur, try to focus for me, okay? I think that your mind has been spread across your entire laser form. How you're still alive, I don't know, but I'm going to try and keep you that way, alright? Arthur? Arthur!

Arthur's body vibrated as he screamed. He then fired upwards, into the array of window panes on the front of the building. The glass panes glowed pink as they all showed the same image of Arthur's face.


Arthur blasted out of the glass panes, shattering them all. He then fired up into the night sky outside of the building. Tasha activated her jets, and flew off after him, flying through one of the now empty window panes. Quivering, Bambi looked up over the top of her desk, watching as Tasha flew over the Los Angeles skyline.

* * * *

Arthur boosted through the air, over multiple buildings, leaving behind his laser trail for Tasha to follow. Pedestrians on the streets screamed and pointed as they watched the chase happening in the skies.

After following him for a minute, Tasha watched as Arthur blasted himself into a neon sign. The tubes of the sign took on Arthur's pink colour, before the entire building became covered in his energy. A full body image of himself the size of the building appeared on its windows. Tasha hovered in place, looking at it.

Do you see my power now, Iron Maiden? I grow in strength, in control . . . . soon I will be in complete command of my abilities . . . . I will be power incarnate!

Arthur, this isn't you! I know you!

Arthur's image held up its right hand, and shook its index finger.

No you don't . . . . Arthur Parks is dead, Iron Maiden . . . . there is only . . . . the Living . . . . Laser!

Tasha's eyes widened as she felt her heart racing.

And you will be the witness . . . . to my ascension!

Arthur shot out of the building, bouncing across multiple structures. Tasha engaged her thrusters, boosting after him. She followed the laser trail until it led her to the top of the Two California Plaza building. Arthur was already there, levitating above the edge of the structure, looking out at the city. Tasha landed on the ground behind him.


Arthur's head shook violently, as if in pain.

I'm not Arthur!

Yes you are! shouted Tasha. Your name is Arthur Parks. You worked at Stark Enterprises. You're a laser engineer, and you're my friend.

Arthur turned towards Tasha, grabbing his head with both hands. His head was still vibrating.

No! No! I'm not . . . . not . . . . the pain . . . .

Fight it, Arthur! I know you're in there!

No . . . . I was a nobody . . . . I don't want to be a nobody . . . .

You weren't a nobody! You were somebody! You were my main man!

Arthur looked at Tasha, withdrawing his arms.


You have people that care about you! Bambi, me, and . . . . your sister.


Yes. Arthur . . . . I had to call her. I had to tell her that you were dead. She lost her fiance and you in the same week. Can you even imagine how happy she would be to hear that you're still alive?

Arthur moaned and began shaking again.

No . . . . No! Judy! I can't . . . . can't let her see me like this . . . .

Tasha took a step forward.

She won't, Arthur. Not if you let me help you. We can end this, you and I. All we have to do is find a way to contain your light form . . . .

Contain?! No! Never! I won't be contained!



Arthur shouted and fired two more lasers at Tasha, which she dodged by rolling backwards. The lasers bounced off the ground and headed upwards, striking Tasha in the face as she recovered from her roll. She tried to stay standing, but Arthur boosted forward, striking her in the chest. He then bounced around the items on the roof, striking her again. His third strike sent her spinning in the air, until she landed on her back.

Arthur then landed on top of her. Tasha weakly chuckled.

I don't suppose I could convince you to just come back on staff as an electrician?


Arthur roared, firing three lasers from his face: one from each eye and another from his mouth. They gashed Tasha's face plate, and surged the entire suit with electrical energy. Tasha shook and sputtered as she turned her palms towards Arthur. She then blasted him with two repulsor shots, knocking him off. Recovering, Tasha then boosted upwards, and began flying around the edge of the building.

Arthur fired a laser with his left arm, which Tasha flew over. Growling, he followed her and fired another laser with his right arm, which she dodged by performing a barrel roll. She then launched a set of cluster missiles from her shoulder, which hovered behind her and exploded simultaneously, creating a wall of small explosions, hampering Arthur's movement momentarily.

Boosting back around, she fired another repulsor blast at Arthur, which stunned him. He quickly turned around and fired two lasers, which she absorbed with her energy shield. Keeping her shield active, she then boosted straight into him, crashing against him and sending him careening away. He recovered and spun around, firing a swath of miniature lasers, which Tasha also dodged.

You're fast . . . . but even you can't move at the speed of light! shouted Arthur.

By the looks of it, you can't either!

Arthur shook both of his fists and growled. Tasha raised an eyebrow.

But that's it, isn't it? You can't move that fast because you can't use your full abilities . . . . because you won't let yourself.

What are you . . . . why, don't . . . . stop . . . . never!

You're still in there, aren't you, Arthur? asked Tasha. You're trying to stop yourself from hurting me . . . . you're trying to piece together your fractured mind, which was scatter shot all over your non-corporeal form.

Get away . . . . don't want to . . . . hurt them . . . . but yes . . . . my, no, yes, want to use . . . . my power!

Tasha's eyes then widened.

Non-corporeal . . . . Janice! Reverse polarity of unibeam!

Arthur shook back and forth, firing lasers randomly, but not at Tasha. He grabbed at his head and screamed, seemingly in great agony.

Ready to fire.

Arthur looked at Tasha and leaped forward.


Fire now!

Tasha held her chest open, and the arc reactor glowed. A vortex then generated around the vibranium core, pulling Arthur towards it. He tried to move away, but found himself being dragged in.

What's happening?!

I've got an energy firing device in my chest, explained Tasha. I should have realized earlier that I can also use it as a syphon. I just created a vortex that's attuned to energy, and you're made of nothing but energy.


Arthur shrieked as his entire light construct form was absorbed into the arc reactor, causing the vortex to dissipate. Tasha then fell onto one knee as the vibranium core of her arc reactor glowed pink.

Ma'am, the internal systems are taking damage. What is he doing?

He's trying to induce a goddamn heart attack. The core's absorbed him, but I need to get back to Stark Tower and contain him.

Converting all power to thrusters now.

And Janice?


Call Pepper.

* * * *

Struggling to stay on her feet, Tasha walked into the containment room. As she reached a containment cube, she pulled the arc reactor from her chest and stuffed it inside. Sealing the containment cube, she watched as the pink electrical surges went back and forth inside of the core.

Tasha then collapsed and fell on her back, opening her face plate.


Pepper burst into the room, holding another arc reactor in her hands. She ran forward and plugged it into Tasha's empty chest slot. As she locked it in place, Tasha gasped for air and coughed several times. Pepper weakly laughed.

This is becoming a habit with us, said Pepper.

What, this? Eh. I can think of worse things that you could be doing with my chest.

Pepper sighed and rolled her eyes. She then looked at the containment cube. Tasha stood up.

What happened to him?

His body was turned into a construct of pure light energy. Somehow his consciousness was maintained, but it was fractured. The core of that arc reactor is acting like a prism, endlessly refracting him around it. It will contain him for now, until I figure out what to do with him.

Poor guy, said Pepper. Are you going to call his sister? Tell her what happened?

No. I think it would only cause her more pain.

Pepper walked out of the room. Tasha watched the arc reactor for a few minutes, with a frown on her face.

I've lost you in this room twice now, Arthur. I'm sorry.

She then turned away and walked to the door. She turned off the lights and closed the door behind her. The room ended up in utter darkness, aside from the glowing pink light coming from the core of the arc reactor.


Earth-717: One Shot

Viper's Vitrification

In March of 1933, the National Socialist German Worker's Party, commonly known as the Nazi Party, was given supreme totalitarian power over the country of Germany. Within a handful of years, the party's leader, Adolf Hitler, established the doctrine of Nazism via the construction of numerous concentration camps throughout his territory, all while preparing for a full-scale invasion of Europe in a bid for world domination.

To aid in his efforts, he and his officials determined that there needed to be a division of the party outside of the standard military used for black-ops, advanced scientific development, and paranormal research. Before the start of World War II, this division was kept a secret from all but the highest members of Germany's government. The division was given the name Hydra.

In July of 1937, near Weimar, Germany, the concentration camp known as Buchenwald was built, becoming one of the largest and most infamous camps in history. It was used as a labour camp and prison for numerous 'undesirable' groups, including Jews, Romani, Poles, Jehovah's Witnesses, homosexuals and prisoners of war.

It was also the camp assigned to providing slaves for Hydra.

* * * *

April 14th, 1938

Dust and sand swelled into the air as the green military truck pulled in to the main gate. As the wheels of the truck crunched the pebbles of dirt, they released even more dust, as if trying to choke the oxygen out of the atmosphere. Once inside the main reception courtyard, the gate closed behind the truck, and it came to a stop in front of a concrete tower.

Standing out front of the tower was Karl-Otto Koch, in his SS uniform. He had his hands behind his back. Two lieutenants, one man and one woman, stood at his sides. Koch kept his eyes on the truck as it came to a stop. He looked at the side, which had a red emblem painted on. It was a skull, with six tentacles protruding from it.

Koch gulped before sniffling his nose. One of the lieutenants gestured as if to speak to him, but stopped before saying anything. The truck's passenger door opened, and a dark-green, leather jackboot appeared from behind it. A woman stepped out, in a uniform similar to the SS officers, except that hers was made of materials all coloured green, albeit of different shades.

Her single-coloured palette even extended to her hair, eyes and lipstick. Her flawless facial features and toned, athletic body gave her the appearance of a strikingly beautiful model of Aryan perfection. She had a set of twin lugers, one affixed to each hip. A tiny metal pin was attached to the centre of her collar, with the same emblem as the truck.

Koch turned his head slightly.

Let me do the talking, he whispered. Not a word.

The lieutenants nodded. The one who had gestured earlier had a few drips of sweat on his forehead. The woman marched toward Koch with her gloved hands formed into fists, and a stern, unbreakable glare. She exuded nothing but cold confidence and callous contempt.

She stopped a metre away from Koch, who took off his hat and bowed.

Madame Sarkissian, said Koch. Please, if you . . . .

It's Madame Hydra to you, Commandant, retorted Ophelia. None may refer to me by my birth name.

Koch blinked and gulped again.

F-Forgive me, Madame, I-I misspoke, eh heh.

Ophelia sneered, glaring into Koch's eyes until he lowered his gaze. Seemingly satisfied, she then blinked and looked to the left, at the main section of the camp, with hundreds of prisoners moving about and working.

Koch looked back up as she watched the prisoners.

W-We were, told to uh . . . . expect you, t-today, Madame, stammered Koch. Y-You had a p-prisoner request?

I did, answered Ophelia. I understand that you received a shipment of children recently. I know you don't deal with such prisoners, and they were scheduled to be executed. I want to take a look at them for myself before you do so.

Koch nodded.

Of course, Madame. The children are in one of our bunks. I can take you to them now.

Please do.

* * * *

Walking a few paces ahead of Ophelia, Koch reached the door to the cabin. It was a wooden structure, built to house a single room. It had no windows, and no other entrances. Two guards stood at attention, one on each side of the door.

At ease, said Koch.

The guards nodded without looking at Koch, before standing to the side. Koch then stepped forward and unlocked the door with his key. After pushing it open, he walked inside, followed by Ophelia.

The room had a single bulb attached to the ceiling, flickering with its last vestiges of life. A set of bunk beds lined both walls perpendicular to the door. As Koch and Ophelia entered the room, there was a shuffling of bodies as the thirty children all scrambled to get as far away from them as they could.

Koch scowled at the children.

Children, you have a . . . .

Ophelia gently tapped Koch on the chest with the back of her left hand.

That will be quite enough, Commandant, interrupted Ophelia. Thank you.

Koch's eyes jarred open at her surprisingly soft tone. Nodding, he then stepped back to the door, putting his hands behind his back. Exhaling, Ophelia looked at the children before her. They ranged in ages from three to ten, all of them prepubescent. They were mostly in ragged, tattered clothes, with skin caked in grime and crumbs. They seemed to be holding their breath as she eyed them.

Hello, children.

The only responses Ophelia received were gulps and hyperventilation. Putting on a smile, she took a few steps forward. Reaching into one of her coat pockets, she pulled out a small package of two square soda crackers, holding it in front of her. The breathing from the kids heightened even further, as they all stared at her gloved hand.

I want you all to listen very carefully. My name is Ophelia. I am your friend. I am not here to hurt you. I have brought some gifts with me, with these crackers being just a small taste.

Koch raised an eyebrow, but did not speak.

However, I do not have enough to go around. Therefore, I cannot just give the crackers out. If you wish to take them, you must promise to come with me. If you do, more food, and water, will follow.

The children stared at her, but none of them spoke. After half a minute, a girl, no older than five, took a step forward. She was wearing a torn, blue dress, and had shoulder-length black hair that covered part of her face. Her entire body was shaking. Ophelia knelt in front of her and smiled.

What is your name, schnuckelchen?

The girl licked the inside of her mouth, trying to coax words out of her dry oesophagus.

Es . . . . Es . . . . E-Esther.

Esther, repeated Ophelia. A beautiful name, for a beautiful girl.

Ophelia held the crackers out with her hand. Esther looked at them, but did not move.

Go on. Take them.

Esther cautiously reached out before quickly swiping the crackers out of Ophelia's hand and tearing the plastic packaging off, tossing it to the floor. Breathing quickly, she bit down into the first cracker, unconsciously moaning in delight as she chewed on the delicious treat.

Ophelia smiled again before pulling a small cloth from her breast pocket. Gently grabbing Esther's head, she pressed the cloth against her face, wiping away some of the dirt and muck. Esther barely noticed, focusing on eating her crackers. She greedily gobbled both of them and swallowed by the time Ophelia was done cleaning her face.

There. That wasn't so bad, now was it?


Esther, I want you to come with me, now. We'll clean you up, and get you more to eat, and then, you'll stay with me. Alright?

Esther nodded, but then shook her head.

Is something the matter, schnuckelchen?

Wuh . . . . wuh . . . . w-why?

Why what?

Why . . . . d-do you . . . . uh . . . . do you w-want me to . . . . to . . . . c-come with you?

Ophelia tilted her head before reaching out and tenderly grasping Esther's hand with hers. As she spoke, she softly rubbed Esther's hand with her thumb.

Do you have a mother?

Yuh . . . . yuh . . . . yes.

I bet she loves you very much.

Esther hastily nodded her head.

But she's not around anymore, is she?

Esther blinked and shook her head.

I had a mother too. She told me how the happiest day of her life was when I was born. Ever since then, being a mother is something I've always wanted.

Esther narrowed her eyes in curiosity. Ophelia sighed.

Unfortunately, I learned not long ago that I . . . .

Ophelia let go of Esther's hand, before placing her own on her stomach.

Cannot . . . . be a mother.


My body can't do it, answered Ophelia. So, while I cannot give birth, I hoped to find a young child whom I could adopt as my own. You miss your mother, do you not?

Esther slowly nodded.

You know she's not coming back, yes?

Esther continued to nod.

Would you come with me, if I said that I would be your new mother? Make sure you're cared for?

Esther swallowed, blinking multiple times as she looked from Ophelia's gaze to the floor and back again. After a minute's hesitation, she nodded again. Ophelia warmly smiled.


Ophelia stood up, before holding out her hand to Esther. She waited a couple seconds before blinking and grabbing it. Ophelia smiled and turned to leave.


Ophelia turned back to look at Esther.

You're a nice lady, said Esther. I . . . . c-can my sisters come too?

You have sisters here?

Esther nodded quickly again, before looking back at the group of children. Two more girls stepped out of the group, slightly older than Esther.

What are your names? asked Ophelia.

Leah, said one.

Ruth, said the other.

All three girls looked up into Ophelia's eyes. As she ran her gaze across each one, her smile slowly faded. Then, she shook her head and smiled again.

Okay. Stick together now.

Esther grinned, before grabbing Leah's hand, who in turn grabbed Ruth's. Koch watched as this daisy chain of girls was lead outside by Ophelia. Before stepping past the threshold, Ophelia gave Koch a sideways glance.

That's all, she said. Do with the rest what you will.

Understood, Madame.

Ophelia led the three girls out of the cabin, and back towards the reception courtyard. Koch exited behind her and looked over to the guards.

Close it back up. Get them to the monoxide chambers. I want this cabin clear this time tomorrow. Understood?

Yes, Commandant.

* * * *

Ophelia approached the truck, with the three girls following behind her. Stopping, she then turned around and crouched in front of them.

Alright, listen, said Ophelia. Stay here for a moment. I have to speak to someone. I will be right back.

The girls nodded. Ophelia stood back up and walked around to the driver's side door. A woman in a Hydra officer's outfit was sitting in the driver's seat, tapping her hands against the wheel and chewing on bubble gum. She looked over at Ophelia.

I'm going to be in the back. We'll be heading out in three minutes.

Yes, ma'am.

Ophelia walked back around the front of the truck, returning to the three sisters.

Alright girls, let's go.

Ophelia led the three girls to the back end of the truck. Pulling down a stepping ramp, she watched as they clambered up and into the cargo compartment of the truck. Hopping in after them, she set the stepping ramp back in place before taking a seat on a bench, opposite the bench the girls were sitting on.

In the middle of the cargo compartment were several crates. Ophelia pushed one between her and the girls before cracking it open. Their eyes lit up with joy upon seeing that there were dozens of packs of crackers, loaves of bread, cans of meat and glass bottles full of water. Still, they did not reach forward, instead opting to look up at Ophelia, who chuckled and shook her head.

Go ahead.

The girls started digging through the crate, indulging themselves in food and drink as they pleased. Without taking her eyes off them, Ophelia pounded the wall of the truck twice with the inside of her fist. The truck started up and began turning around to leave the camp.

Thank you, ma'am, said Leah.

Ophelia responded only with a smile, which grew into a wider and wider grin as she watched the girls continue to eat.

* * * *

Esther raised an eyebrow upon walking into the basement hall of the mansion. The hall was a large chamber, composed of stone bricks, with medieval steel torches fastened to the walls. A strange, red, multi-angled symbol was painted on the floor.

Esther, Leah and Ruth were all in pristine, freshly pressed clothing, and had washed faces, bodies and hair. Their cheeks were rosy with health, their forms meatier than before, and their breathing normalized.

Ruth looked back up at Ophelia.

Mother? What is this place?

Ophelia patted Ruth on the head in response.

Do you remember the promise you all made? That you would help me, in exchange for my taking care of you?

Yes, answered the girls.

This is how you're going to help me. It's just a small, little thing. Won't take any time at all, I promise. Stand on the symbol.

The girls hesitated for a moment, before relenting, nodding, and stepping onto the symbol. Leah blinked a few times as she looked across the floor with narrowed eyes. Ophelia stood right behind them.

Stand together, please.

The girls stepped closer together, their arms pressed against each other.


Esther started breathing faster as she looked left and right, at both her sisters. Closing her eyes, Ophelia began making gestures with her hands.

By the seal, and the book of the great progenitor . . . . weave these offerings in webs of stasis . . . . by the seal, and the realm of eternal darkness . . . . I petition thee . . . . rend my barriers of reality asunder, by storms of ice and cracks of thunder . . . . by the Flames of the Faltine, I call upon thee!

Ophelia opened her eyes as the room transformed, melting the walls as everything around the symbol on the floor morphed into a chaotic mesh of matter, colour and energy. Three transparent containment orbs formed around the girls, freezing them in place. After several moments of flurry, the movement ceased. Ophelia grinned upon seeing what was before her.

The symbol was now on a cragged rock leading up a throne. All around the cliff was a flowing, empty space, seemingly open to the cosmos as planets and bodies of energy swivelled around and within it. The throne itself was occupied by a humanoid form, wearing purple and orange armour. The most striking feature about it was its head, which was a floating, egg-shaped mass wreathed in flames.


Ophelia smirked.


Dormammu folded his hands together as he tilted his head forward to look down upon Ophelia and the girls.

Speak your name, said Dormammu.

I am Ophelia Sarkissian.

It has been some time since one of your kind has spoken the spell of the seal. Many of the cultures of Earth have dismissed the notions of the mystic realms as fantasy in recent centuries. But not you. Most interesting.

Ophelia started pacing side to side as she continued to speak.

I had to perform quite a bit of research to find you. Many of my contemporaries didn't believe in what I was doing. They called me crazy to think that you could possibly exist. I'm glad I could prove them wrong.

Dormammu sneered.

Why have you petitioned me?

I am of the understanding that you are open to bargains. I've read that mortals of the past have made offerings in exchange for mystic favours.

Indeed. And what is it that you have to offer?

Ophelia gestured to the three girls in their containment orbs.

Three pure souls to add to the population of your realm, oh Dread Lord.

Dormammu's eyes narrowed as he took a few moments to look over the girls. He then looked back at Ophelia.

And in return?

I have resources and power, and I want to obtain more on my own merits. But I'm afraid that the completion of my goals will take more time than . . . .

Ophelia brushed her face with her open hand.

Than I have.

Dormammu turned his head to the side slightly as he listened.

What I want . . . . is eternity. My form as it is is perfect. I know the ravages of time will one day render it . . . . imperfect. I want my beauty to be untarnished. Forever.

Dormammu clicked his fingers together as he considered her for a minute. He then broke out into a laugh. Ophelia scowled at him.

You find this funny, demon?

Dormammu placed his hands on the arms of his throne.

In all my time, I have never come across a mortal quite like you.

I fail to understand.

Most mortals offer me their own souls in exchange for bounties. But not you. No . . . . you would be willing to sacrifice the souls of three children who mean less than nothing to you so that you might indulge your own vanity.

Ophelia's scowl softened.

You truly have not a shred of morality, do you?

Ophelia snickered.

No. Not at all.

I admire that about you, said Dormammu.

Ophelia smiled at him.

I accept your terms, Ophelia Sarkissian. You shall be vitrified; your skin made like glass. Your form will still be the same flesh in all aspects but one . . . . it shall not age under any circumstances. You will be, in essence, immortal. But be warned . . . . while you shall never sicken, maintain injury or be maimed via natural cause, I cannot grant invincibility. You can still be killed by exterior means. Do you wish to proceed?


Dormammu closed his right fist, and the three girls were consumed by flames, reduced to ash in seconds as they let out a faint, final scream.

I take these pure souls, and add them to my power . . . . eternal servants to my divine will . . . . and in honour of our pact, shall you be granted that which you desire.

With his left hand, Dormammu gestured to Ophelia.

Consume Chaos!

A field of crimson energy materialized around Ophelia, quickly enveloping and levitating her above the ground. She laughed with maniacal delight as the energy formed a cocoon around her. Within seconds, she felt her body being torn apart, infused with millions of miniscule droplets of chaos magic. The symphony of pain was both immensely pleasurable and maddeningly unbearable, and seemed to stretch on for an eternity.

Finally, the field disappeared, and Ophelia fell back to the ground, landing on one hand and one knee. As her eyes glowed red for a moment, she beamed with elation. The world morphed again, transforming back into the basement chamber. She then heard the faint voice of Dormammu in her mind.

Go now in peace, Ophelia Sarkissian. Enjoy your blessing.

Ophelia shook with glee, her hands in fists, as she wildly cackled into the air.


Earth-717: One-Shot

Double Date

The teacher droned on about biochemistry or something or other as Lily continued to doodle, her mind elsewhere. She scribbled various sketches with her pen on a piece of lined paper. Her head was pressed against her left hand, her left elbow pressed against the surface of her desk. Both of her hands had black gloves on them. She rubbed the fingers of her hand against her shoulder length brown hair. Sighing, she looked over her drawings as the bell rang.

Alright, class dismissed, said the teacher. See you on Monday.

The students all clambered out of their seats, laughing and chatting as they prepared to ease off for the weekend. Lily watched as the students in the first row quickly stormed out of the room. Shaking her head, she put her pen and her piece of paper in her satchel case before slinging it over her left shoulder. Jamming her hands into the pockets of her jean shorts, she silently walked out of the room, the last to get out.

Miss Madison? called the teacher.

Lily stopped, her head facing the floor.

A moment?

Lily rolled her eyes and inhaled before turning around on her heel. She didn't look at the teacher, keeping her eyes on the floor rather than him.


Miss Madison, I thought that you should be aware that your grades have been severely disappointing this term. You'll be in grade eleven next year. I shouldn't have to remind you how important a high school education is in the world today.


You used to be one of my best students. You have such potential. If you need help with something, please let me know. I'm willing to help.

Lily rubbed the back of her neck.

Nah, it's uh . . . . it's . . . .

Is it the other students? I know you've always had . . . .

It's fine, interjected Lily. It's . . . . fine. Just fine. Look, Mr. Warren, ah . . . . I gotta go.

Lily turned around and quickly started to walk down the hall, not even waiting to hear any protest. Keeping her head down, she wordlessly manoeuvred down the halls, heading for the exit of the school. She felt a couple of people staring at her, either at her purple and blue splash shirt or her thigh high black stockings. She didn't care.

Walking out the entrance of Midtown High, she clomped down the steps in her black laced boots, and headed down the street. All the way on her walk home, she didn't speak to anyone.

She never spoke to anyone.

* * * *

Ben had gotten used to the stares he received while walking down the street. He always took it in stride, knowing that each time he showed up in public, the amount of people who took his appearance as a normalcy grew. People knew who he was. They knew what he had done. Every time he received a warm smile rather than a frightened glare, it made him accept his situation more and more.

Until now.

Standing outside of the art studio, he gulped in and reached for the handle. At the last moment, he receded and started pacing. He looked down at his hands. His bare chest. His black and white Future Foundation pants. After a long while of rumination, he shook his head and turned around. Closing his eyes with a sigh, he took a step away from the shop.

Opening his eyes again, he then stopped upon seeing something out of the corner of his view.

It was a statue.

One of the statues on display in the window of the art studio was a bust of him, molded with red-tinted clay. Ben's eyes widened upon seeing it. It had all of the features of his face: his craggy, rock-like skin, his eyes. He felt warmth grow in his chest as he pressed his hands against the glass. Cracking a smile, he confidently stepped up to the door and pulled it open.

A small bell atop the door rung as he entered.


Ben looked around the studio. Various art supplies for painting and sculpting were strewn about. Dozens of paintings of all kinds of styles adorned the walls. He could also see several other sculptures, all made of the same red-tinted clay. A man in clothes covered in paint stepped into view, and smiled upon seeing Ben. He then turned to the left.

Alicia! Someone here for you!

After a moment, Alicia stepped into view. The painter then walked back into the studio. Ben smiled upon seeing Alicia look at him with her beautiful but lifeless grey eyes. She did not have to move to sense who was in the room. After a moment, she returned his smile.


Uh, hello, Alicia. How'd you know it was me?

I could feel your presence. I could hear your breathing. It sounds different.



Ben twiddled his thumbs as Alicia took a couple steps closer.

Uhm, uh . . . . I, er . . . . saw your sculpture there. In the window, I mean.

Do you like it?

Yeah. Yeah. S'real good. Real good work. Mama Grimm never pegged me for an artist's model. I'd tell her myself, 'cept, uh . . . . she ain't round no more. But uhm . . . . yeah. Real good. You remember that much from just meetin' me the one time?


Alicia started walking behind the counter at the front of the store as she spoke.

I lost my sight when I was six. I spent a long time . . . . adjusting. I had to learn new ways to learn. You know, scientists have proven that people have different learning styles?

Uh . . . . sure . . . .

Some people are audial learners. Learn through hearing things. Explanations. Words. Others are visual. They learn by seeing things. Demonstrations. Pictures. And others . . . . are kinesthetic.

Alicia held out her palms and stretched her fingers in and out.

I learn by touching things. Feeling them. Doing things with my hands. Moving. Being tactile. Because I've spent most of my life without any visuals, all of my senses . . . . all of my energy is in my hands. In my skin. My touch. I can retain quite a bit from just one incident of contact. The nerves in my hands . . . . they can remember so much.

Ben's smile slowly grew wider as he listened.

The softness of the petals on a newborn daisy. The moisture in the air of a spring morning. The feeling of another's skin on yours.

Alicia grew silent. Neither she nor Ben said anything for a minute.

Hey, uh . . . .

I'm sorry. I got lost for a moment. My own little world.

Listen, Alicia, I uh . . . . I'd been meaning to come by ever since I crashed into you here. I'd just been um . . . . unsure, you know? Eh, what am I trying to say . . . . heh, uh . . . . what I'm trying to say is, well . . . . I had been hoping you would like to . . . .

Alicia raised an eyebrow as Ben's voice trailed off. He swallowed and then continued.

I mean, I was wondering if maybe you'd like to come to dinner with me tonight? You know, if ya ain't doin' anything else. Cause, uh, well, my friend Johnny, you know Johnny, he was on the news with me and the rest of the team . . . . anyway, he and uh, his new girlfriend wanted to go on a double, double date, and they knew . . . . knew I liked you and was plannin' on asking yous out anyway, so . . . . so . . . .

Alicia smiled.

Are you done rambling? she asked.

Er . . . .

I was going to say yes, but you wouldn't give me the chance.

Er, right. Sorry.

You've no need to be nervous around me, Ben. I would be happy to go on a date with you.

Really? Heh . . . . uh, good. Good.

I get off at seven.

Ben nodded.

I'll be here.

* * * *

I'm just so worried.

And you're sure she isn't . . . .?

No, no. No trace of it. I would've smelled something. Has to be something else.

I don't know, Marla. All sorts of things can get to kids these days.

Pretty sure it's Joseph. She's seemed so lost since we got the word from Afghanistan . . . .

Marla's voice was cut off by the sound of the door opening and closing. Lily stood at the foyer. She could see her mother and her friend sitting at the kitchen table.

Honey, said Marla.


Everything alright at school today?


Lily kicked off her boots and charged up the stairs in front of her to avoid further conversation. On the way up, she passed a picture that was on the wall, showing Marla, a younger version of Lily, and a man in a military uniform. Once she was at the top of the stairs, she headed into her room and shut the door, locking it behind her. Placing her satchel on the floor next to her desk, she sat down in her rolling chair and turned on her laptop.

Scratching her head and ruffling up her hair, she clicked on her web browser and opened up the website that she had created last year.


She clicked on the forums and spent the next couple hours there, chatting with the users. They talked about various topics.

About recipes they were thinking of trying.

About their favourite movies and video games.

About how much they hated democracy.

After checking the clock at the bottom right of her screen, she realized that it was time for her to leave. She said her farewells on the forums and stood up, grabbing her satchel. Before opening the door, she looked at the poster that was tacked onto the inside of the door. She smiled at it before opening the door and leaving.

The poster depicted a man in a suit of cybernetic armour, with a green cloak. Several hearts were drawn on the poster in pink marker.

When she arrived at the bottom of the stairs, Marla was in the kitchen, washing some dishes.


Lily stopped, her hand on the doorknob.


Marla turned off the sink faucet and wiped her hands on a dish cloth before walking up to Lily.

You going somewhere?


Might I ask where?


Marla folded her arms.

Now listen here, young lady . . . .

What do you want?! snapped Lily. I'm a teenager, and I wanna go out on a Friday night. Is that a crime?

No, but you never go out. I never see you hang out with your friends. I don't see Sally anymore. Do you still talk to her?

Not really.

Look, honey, what you choose do with your time and your life is your decision. But these last couple years . . . . I know they've been tough, okay? I lost him too. I don't see you draw anymore. I don't see you smile anymore. You're my baby girl, and I just wanna make sure you're okay. I worry about you.

Lily was quiet for a long time.


Lily then opened the door and walked outside. Marla closed the door behind her, and went back to sit in the kitchen. For a long time, she sat there crying. Alone.

* * * *

Jonathan Storm, will you knock it off?

Johnny snapped at one last person before looking back at Doris. She was walking behind him, in her casual clothes. She had her short, brown hair in a bob cut. Alicia and Ben were walking beside her. Johnny winked at Doris from behind his sunglasses.

Awh, come on, Dorrie! We're on the town! It's Friday night! People wanna have fun! Loosen up!

He started to dance in front of her as they continued to walk down the street. She rolled her eyes but smiled regardless.

Ah ha! See? Told you you'd have fun. We're gonna drink, we're gonna dance, we're gonna live it up!

Like a girly girl? asked Doris.

Hell yeah! responded Johnny. Girly girls always have the most fun.

You keep acting like a girly girl, matchstick, and Ms. Evans here might need to question your . . . . ah, er . . . . compatibility.

Doris let out a loud laugh. Johnny cringed. Alicia gently slapped Ben on the chest.

Oh, Ben!

What? said Ben. What'd I say?

Johnny lit his hand on fire and pointed at Ben, snapping his fingers. He then put out the flame.

Johnny! shouted Doris.

Now listen here, pebble puss, you gotta date tonight, not sure how, so I'll let that one slide. But you slander me again, son . . . .

Johnny took off his sunglasses and glared at Ben.

And I will . . . . Mess. You. Up.

Johnny and Ben stared at each other for a moment before they both burst out laughing. Johnny then walked back into formation and put his arm around Doris, before Ben slapped him on the back.

You're alright, kid. Now where's this place we're heading to?

Johnny pointed forward.

Right there. DeCarlo's. New joint. Just opened up. Heard they got the best steak in Midtown. Figured we'd give it a shot, you know, see if they live up to the rep.

Johnny then looked at Doris.

And don't worry, babe, I'm keeping my promise. No flaming on tonight.

I'm holding you to that. Last time was a disaster. You burned part of my outfit.

Hey . . . .

And my books!

Babe, had to be done! Those guys just robbed the bank 'cross the street! Besides, tonight, it's gonna be all good. Get some food, have some laughs, and then you and I are going dancing! No superhero stuff. I promise. Heh heh. Johnny Storm always treats his ladies right.

Tell that to Beverly, said Ben. And Heather. And . . . .

Ah, learn to shut up, Grimm!

* * * *

Lily approached the double doors at the end of the hall. The carpet below her feet was pristine red velvet, and the wooden doors had an elegant pattern carved into them. The two robotic guards nodded at her before she entered the main chamber. Inside, she saw a man in a metallic suit with a green cloak sitting on a throne.

The throne was facing away from Lily, and the man on the throne was typing into his computer interface. Several holographic screens were displayed in front of him, showing various images and feeds of data. He stopped typing upon hearing the door close behind her.

Ah. You've arrived.

Lily watched as the throne spun around by its foundation, turning to face her. She immediately dropped to her right knee, placing her hands on the floor in front of her.

Master, she said.

Rise, said Doom.

Lily stood back up and smiled as she looked at Doom. He exhaled and placed his hand on his chin.

I summoned you here tonight because I have a task for you.

What do you require, my Lord?

Doom gestured for Lily to come closer as he spun his throne back around to face the computer screens. She eagerly walked up and stood at Doom's side.

The last time you were here at the embassy, explained Doom, you left some preliminary plans for your combat armour. I have taken them and . . . . improved upon the design.

You have?!

Indeed. Your initial designs were surprisingly inspired.

Lily almost felt herself swoon and pass out at his words of praise.

Still, I modified the armour plating, weapons and power systems to take full advantage of the suit's capabilities. As such . . . .

Doom turned to her and held out his hand.

My gift to you.

Lily raised an eyebrow and then turned to look where Doom was gesturing. She gasped as a metal apparatus rose out of the floor in front of her. It was holding a completed version of her armour. Lily's eyes widened as she merrily grinned at the sight of it, jumping up and down as she squealed with glee.

You built it?! You . . . .you actually built it! Oh, oh, thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Indulge yourself, my dear. Try it on.

Lily placed her satchel on the floor and ran over to the armour. Stripping down to her underwear, she slipped into the skin-tight purple under-suit as Doom watched. She breathed in and closed her eyes as the apparatus placed the metallic armour components over her arms, legs, breasts, stomach and rear. Lastly, the apparatus latched the helmet to the top of her spine, before it enlarged and wrapped itself around her head.

As the last component clicked into place, Lily took in a deep breath. The internal heads-up display activated, and the armour component on her back unpacked to reveal the four elongated booster jets, arranged in an X pattern. The suit itself was coloured purple and blue.

Step forward, my new operative . . . . codename . . . . the Beetle.

Lily took a step forward. The apparatus sunk back into the floor.

How does it feel?


The tutorial protocols will upload and show you how to properly control every aspect of the armour's function. As for your assignment . . . .

Doom pressed a button on his keyboard. One of his display screens showed a map of Manhattan, with a green dot pinpointing a location in Midtown.

What's that? asked Lily.

A restaurant. The Human Torch and the Thing of the Fantastic Four are dining there tonight. You are to go to that restaurant . . . . and eliminate them.

Lily inhaled and nodded.

It shall be done, my Lord.

Lily turned towards the window at the end of the hall, which opened. She then activated her four booster jets. She blasted off the floor and flew out into the Manhattan sky.

* * * *

Damn, that's some good grub. Not quite as good as old-fashioned New York pizza, but nothing is.

Johnny sat back in his seat, grinning at Ben.

Told you, Benjy. And we even found a booth large enough to fit you in!

Can it, pipsqueak.

Ben, interrupted Alicia. You know Johnny is just trying to get a rise out of you.

Yeah, yeah, I know. We're good.

Alicia then looked at Doris, who was sitting across from her.

So you were telling me that you're studying English literature at ESU?

Yeah, replied Doris. I really like my courses in Victorian era lit. You know, Austen and such. Gothic satires. That stuff. I would have finished Northanger Abbey by now, but Johnny incinerated my copy on our last date.

It was an accident! exclaimed Johnny.

Kid, you're the accident, said Ben.

Johnny scowled at Ben.

That's what Sue used to say!

Cause it's true!

Johnny's eyes blazed with flames. Doris threw up her arms and rolled her eyes, turning away from Johnny. When she looked out the window, her eyes widened.


Everyone turned to look out the window to see a car flying towards it. Ben instinctively reached out and cradled everyone, defending them from the car as it crashed through the window and slammed against his back.


The crumpled remains of the vehicle slumped to the ground as shattered pieces of glass and brick piled up around Ben. He then stood up and turned around to see a woman in a purple and blue armoured suit land on the road in a three point pose. The force of her impact caused the pavement to crack for several metres all around her.

As she got to her feet, Johnny groaned and furrowed his brow.

Oh, it's on now . . . .

Doris looked at Johnny with concern.

Johnny . . . .


Johnny burst into flames and flew up over Ben's head.

Johnny! You said . . . .!

Dorrie, a supervillain attacked us! I have to deal with this! And she ruined my hair!

Ben rolled his eyes.


Ben then turned to Alicia.

Alicia, I'm sorry, but I . . . .

Go, said Alicia. I understand.


People began fleeing from the restaurant as Johnny flew up to Lily.

So, who do you think you are?! shouted Johnny. Huh? Some kinda Iron Maiden rip-off? You look kinda like you got a bug theme going on there, what with the helmet, the wing-like things . . . . are you the Gnat? The Menacing Moth? No, wait, I got it. Lady Locust?

I'm the Beetle, you loathsome cur, responded Lily.

Lily then fired a laser blast from her left wrist cannon, which Johnny casually dodged.

Really? The Beetle? That's what you're going with?

Lily fired another blast, which Johnny also dodged.

Get that signed off on by your agent? Cause it ain't quite rollin' off the tongue, know what I'm sayin'? I know a few people, real good at PR. I could make a few calls . . . .

Lily roared as she fired twin laser blasts from both wrists, which Johnny again dodged.

Whoa, girly, we can be friends, if you just stop shooting at . . . .


Lily leaped off the ground, sustaining her hovering with her booster jets. She then lobbed a cluster bomb from her wrist cannon, which exploded in front of Johnny, sending him flying backwards. He crashed against the wall of a nearby building.

Ben then walked up to her.

You listen here, you mangy little twerp! The only guy who gets to clobber matchstick over there is me! Well, you ain't a guy, so I guess it counts for girls as . . . . ah, dammit, who cares, just . . . . listen. I ain't gonna fight no lady, ya hear me? Just go on home and . . . .

Lily wordlessly aimed her right arm at Ben, firing a rocket from her wrist launcher. Ben barely had time to react, taking the brunt of the missile to his chest. He collapsed to the ground, his orange skin charred by the explosion.

Ugh . . . .

Lily flew down to attack Ben again before getting tackled by a recovered Johnny.

Stay away from him!

Johnny threw her away, but she managed to pull off an aerial recovery before crashing into the ground. Johnny then let out a fierce flame blast from both hands. Lily responded by arming her energy shield, which absorbed most of the heat.

Ben moaned as he shook his head, trying to shake off his dizziness.

Ugh . . . . now I know what charcoal feels like . . . .

Ben got off the ground and looked up to see Johnny and Lily exchanging energy blast attacks. He then turned his head in the opposite direction upon hearing police sirens. Three NYPD cars arrived on the scene, pulling up next to him. The officers got out of their vehicles and drew their weapons.

What's going on here?! yelled one of the officers.

Stay back! shouted Ben. You can't handle this joker!

And neither can you!

Ben quickly turned around upon hearing Lily's voice, to see Johnny again knocked to the floor. Lily then charged Ben, with an energy blade equipped on her right hand. She performed a dashing slash against his chest before he could brace himself, and he was sent careening into the closest police car. The officers scattered as the impact of Ben's body tore the car in two.

The officers then trained their weapons on Lily.

Open fire!

Lily was bombarded with multiple pistol shots and shotgun blasts, all of which were deflected by her energy shield.

Capitalist warmongers! shouted Lily.

Lily fired off several energy blasts, returning fire at the officers. They took cover behind their cars as Johnny tossed a fireball at her side. Searing the right side of her armour, Johnny then tossed another fireball that Lily dodged with an aerial barrel roll.

Ben, who had recovered from Lily's last attack, then waved the officers away.

Get outta here! Now!

Johnny formed a fireball in each hand.

Now you've really pissed me off!

Lily equipped both of her energy blades, and charged forward, flying between the fireballs as Johnny threw them. She then performed a spinning attack with both blades, which Johnny barely evaded. She vertically slashed at his side, cutting at his right arm. Johnny boosted backwards, leaving a flame shield behind to cover his retreat.

Ben then leaped up and grabbed Lily by the ankle, pulling her down and slamming her against the pavement.


I said I didn't wanna fight ya, but you're forcin' my hand, lady! This ends now!

This doesn't end until you and that worthless flaming brat are corpses!

Hey! said Johnny. She called me a brat!

Lily roared again, charging forward with both energy blades held out. She unleashed a slashing combo on Ben's torso, who yelled in pain. Ben then backhanded Lily across the face, knocking her away. She rolled with the attack and boosted into the air, tossing off another cluster bomb. Johnny reacted faster this time, shooting a precision flame blast that incinerated the bomb before it could explode.

Johnny then boosted straight towards Lily, holding his fists out in front of him. Startled by his speed, Lily boosted away and started flying down the street, with Johnny giving chase. They flew only a few metres above the traffic, with Lily firing random shots behind her, hitting and destroying several cars. She then harshly turned left, quickly arming and firing off a wrist rocket. Johnny barrel rolled to the side, barely dodging the rocket as it crashed into the side of a building.

Lily then boosted upwards, over a residential building and back towards the original confrontation area. Johnny put all of his power into another boost of speed, finally catching up to and grabbing Lily around the waist.

Don't touch me, you filth!

Lily squirmed and bucked as she rocketed forward, with Johnny desperately holding onto her. He increased his heat, searing and damaging more of Lily's armour. Lily screamed as he ran her straight into the ground near Ben, and the two of them bounced and rolled down the street after the impact.


Ben leaped over a destroyed police car and ran over to Johnny, whose flame had died out. He was laying on the ground, face up, and seemingly unconscious. Lily was laying face down about twenty metres away. Ben knelt down next to Johnny.

Hey kid, stay with me, ya hear? Matchstick?

Johnny didn't move.


After several more seconds, Ben fumed and stood up, looking over at Lily, who was pushing herself off the ground.

That's it, firefly! I may have held back before because you're a girl, but lady, you just used up the last of my good will!

Lily, still disoriented, looked at Ben with fear. Ben roared with anger as he threw a hard punch that knocked Lily back to the ground. She shook her head as her heads-up display showed that her armour's power systems were in critical condition. Ben then grabbed her by one of her booster jets and tore it off.

Come here!

Ben seized Lily by the throat and held her up. She screamed and gasped for air as Ben choked her. He had pure rage in his eyes as he squeezed on her throat tighter and tighter.


Ben instinctively stopped squeezing, allowing Lily to breathe. He then looked over to the side to see Alicia running up to him, with tears in her grey eyes.

Ben, please! Don't do this! She isn't a threat anymore!


I could feel you squeezing the life out of her! That isn't you, Ben! I may not have known you for long, but I do know you're not a murderer!

Ben slowed down his breathing for several moments as he calmed down.

No. I'm not.

Ben then let go of Lily, letting her crumple to the ground. She violently coughed several times. Ben looked back at Alicia.


Alicia nodded, wiping her tears away. Doris ran behind her, over to Johnny.


As Doris started performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation on Johnny, Ben looked down at Lily with a furrowed brow. He reached down and grabbed onto her helmet. She groaned in protest, but was too weak to fight back as he ripped the helmet off. He gasped upon seeing Lily's face, dropping her helmet in surprise.

What the . . . .

Lily covered her face with her hand.

You . . . . you . . . . you're just a kid! stammered Ben. Can't be outta high school! The hell are you doing pulling a stunt like this?

Leave her, Ben, said Alicia. She's not a danger anymore. It's over.

As Doris blew air into Johnny's mouth for the third time, he sputtered and opened his eyes. Doris smiled brightly upon seeing him wake up.


Dorrie? Hey . . . . did we . . . . did we win?

Yeah, you big idiot. You won. Scared me half to death to do it.

So uh . . . . about our date . . . . sorry?

Don't worry about it, you jerk.

Doris reached down and gave Johnny a kiss as Ben and Alicia walked over.

And to think you bunch didn't care, chortled Johnny.

Everyone then turned when they heard Lily's booster jets. They watched as she, with her helmet back on, flew up and into the sky. Her flight was slowed by only having three booster jets left.

Ah crap, said Johnny.

Let her go, said Alicia. She isn't a danger. For now.

Yeah, but what happens next time she flies by? asked Ben. I don't really like getting my marbles flame roasted.

You deal with it when it happens, replied Alicia. It's all you can do.

Yeah . . . . I guess so.

* * * *

Bruised, battered and holding her gut with her left arm, Lily limply flew through the open window of the Latverian embassy. She landed on her feet near Doom, who was looking at her from his throne.

My Lord, I'm sorry . . . . I failed . . . .

I am aware. I was observing your battle through the video feed in your helmet.

Please . . . . Master . . . . forgive me . . . .

Doom waited a moment before responding.

Your failure to kill that insipid child and the loathsome monstrosity matters little. I am above all, a reasonable and pragmatic man. Punishing you for not accomplishing your objective would gain me nothing. Besides, it was not a complete waste.

It wasn't?

Of course not. I was able to gather large amounts of combat data during your confrontation. It will make things easier going forward. Meanwhile, I will also use the data to make improvements to your armour.

And then you'll send me out after them again?


Doom turned towards his computer screens. Lily watched as he activated one of the displays. Her eyes widened when she saw what it was showing.

I have a different mission for you.


Earth-717: One Shot

Being Mindful

In here, Charles.

Xavier rolled his way into the office that he and Moira now shared. Due to a recent rearranging of all of their research materials and belongings, many piles of books and boxes were still unsorted. Moira smiled at Xavier as he closed the door behind him. He looked at the main desk, which had a laptop sitting on it, the screen facing him.

Moira pressed a button on the laptop, causing the screen to flicker on. She then stood next to Xavier.

We're ready, Director, said Moira.

Fury stepped into view of the screen, sitting down in front of it so that Xavier and Moira could get a clear view of his face.

Fury, said Xavier.


What is this about?

Ever since your run in with Hydra, a few things have been happening behind the scenes, explained Fury. I felt you deserved to be briefed on some important matters.

And certainly the fact that I'm now aware of Moira's status as a SHIELD agent has nothing to do with this?

I'll own that one, Professor. For any issues that may have caused amongst your team, I apologize . . . . but I wasn't sure if I could trust you yet.

So what did you want to tell me?

First, that you don't have to worry about Senator Kelly's death being traced back to you and your team. Moira gave me her full report, and we've come up with a suitable story to feed the public and most of the government regarding both Sinister's Genesis Camp and the collapse of the Mutant Response Division.

Xavier nodded his head, clearly impressed.

That's quite some pull you have, Director.

It's what I do. Second, you should be aware that the new Massachusetts Senator, Miles Brickman, is currently under our observation. We don't know if he has the same criminal ties as his predecessor, but you can't be too careful with Hydra. We'll keep you apprised of any developments on that front, although even I might not be able to stop Kelly's death from being blamed on mutantkind. Brickman may use that as leverage to gain more concessions, so don't be surprised if he's not the biggest fans of mutants.

I see. And what of Magneto?

He's adjusted fairly well to Ravencroft. Since being captured, he's been a model inmate, to the surprise of many. He's followed all of the rules and made no trouble for the guards. I don't think he'll ever be rehabilitated, but I would say we don't have to worry about him for now. I'll keep you posted if anything changes with him.

Thank you.

And lastly, I have another situation to deal with down in California, so any further updates probably won't be coming from me. Agent Seven has been assigned as liaison to the Institute for the time being.

Coulson? asked Moira.

Yes, replied Fury. He'll be in touch soon. Changing rosters for changing times. You can understand that, right, Professor?

Xavier softly frowned.

I certainly can.

Stay safe.

You as well.

* * * *

In the dining hall, the team was sitting around the table, eating their meals. Hank and Piotr were voraciously consuming their steak and french fries, while Storm was more meticulously following proper utensil etiquette. Jean, meanwhile, was slowly spinning her fork on the plate, having barely touched her food.

Piotr looked over at her with both concern and a full mouth.

Not hungry?

Jean didn't seem to notice.


Jean blinked a couple times and looked over at him.


Your food, said Piotr, finally swallowing. Don't like my cooking?

Storm and Hank stopped to look at Jean, who weakly laughed.

Certainly Piotr's medium rare could not be that repulsive, said Hank, glibly.

Heh. I uh . . . . no, it's fine, Piotr. It's fine. I . . . . I think I just am . . . . I need some time to myself.


Jean stood up.

Don't let it go to waste, okay?

Between Hank and I, I doubt it will, joked Piotr.

Jean let out a soft chuckle before turning and walking out of the room. Hank and Piotr both solemnly looked at her plate, frowning as they did so.

Who knows what true loneliness is, not the conventional word but the naked terror? started Hank. To the lonely themselves it wears a mask. The most miserable outcast hugs some memory or some illusion. Joseph Conrad.

Storm dropped her utensils onto her plate.

Please excuse me, gentlemen.

Storm stood up and followed after Jean. Hank noticed that she had left her knife and fork crossed.

* * * *


Her knuckles colliding with the door several times, Storm was patient until she received a response.


It wasn't exactly what she was hoping for, but Storm took it as consent to enter anyway. A light flick of her hand opened the door. Stepping inside the room, she saw that Jean was cradled on the bed, laying on her side, facing away from her. Jean's hair acted like a hood to shelter the majority of the upper part of her body, a shield against the rest of the universe.

Storm flicked her hand again, and the door firmly closed. She noted that Jean was not sobbing, but rather just being as still as she could, the occasional breath giving away that she was still alive. Moving onto the bed, Storm sat next to Jean and and gently placed her hand on her arm.

For several minutes, the two women were silent. Finally, Jean spoke up.

What's it been like?

What do you mean?

Being away. From your family, I mean.

Storm looked upwards as she considered Jean's question.

I have only been here for two weeks, so it is difficult to say.

But you're here long term. New field team leader. Kind of a . . . . uh, a big commitment right?

That is correct.

So . . . . why do it? Why step away for so long? Not knowing when you'll go back?

I believe that a part of me never exactly left, explained Storm. I will always cherish my family. My uncle. My friends and siblings. They are all part of me, and the feelings that I possess, the mutual bonds that we share, are ones that simple grievances of proximity cannot break. I came here because the Professor requested I do. He told me that I was needed here. He told me that I could make a difference, and that I could help many people, including the ones I cared about. So, I do not see it as leaving. I see it as a natural progression of the connections I have. This kind of commitment can only hold merit because of the strength of those bonds. And although sometimes we may feel lost, or disconnected because of the distance between us and the people we hold dear, we need only to reminisce on what made those people special to us in the first place, and we can then find our way back to our own path.

Jean gulped upon Storm finishing her speech.

I wish I could be like you.

There is no one to be in this world but ourselves, Jean Grey. To be anyone else, is to betray both one self and the people we care most for.

Sniffling, Jean pushed herself upright on the bed, before turning to look at Storm. The two shared a smile, and then a hug.

* * * *

Crouched and with her back against the perimeter brick wall of the Institute, Martinique calmly took her phone out of her pocket. Her lengthy brown hair sloped down past her shoulders. She was not a day over twenty, and was wearing a dark stealth suit with a utility belt. A Bizon submachine gun was strapped around her back, and her lipstick was the same colour as her suit.

She tapped the icon on her phone that showed that she had a new message.





Smirking to herself, Martinique put away her phone and vaulted over the brick wall, landing on the grass field outside the mansion.

* * * *

Xavier was sitting on the edge of his bed in his night clothes. His legs were dangling off the side, with his palms placed on the blanket. He was listening to the sound of Moira in the adjacent bathroom, brushing her teeth. Feeling a sudden dose of sleepiness, he closed his eyes for a few brief seconds before reopening them.

Xavier shook his head as Moira walked out of the bathroom in her ravishing red dress. Her auburn hair was in an updo, with curled strands framing the sides of her face. Her eyes were oceans of beauty.

She held out her hand.

Give a girl a dance, Charles?

Xavier looked down to see that he was no longer sitting on his bed, but rather, standing, and in his military uniform. He was briefly perplexed, but upon seeing Moira beckoning him, he smiled and reached out for her hand.

They were once again dancing at the restaurant with the name he had long since forgotten. In that moment, nothing else mattered.

* * * *

Hank was walking down the main hall, and turned the corner towards the foyer. He was focused on the datapad he had in his hands, which had readings on it from a recent experiment. As he considered the data, he then looked up and gasped upon seeing who was in front of him.


* * * *

Piotr slammed his fists together.

How did you get in here?!

Sinister responded only with a sly grin.

Answer me, Sinister!

Piotr charged forward, emitting a fierce war cry. He slammed his left fist down, but Sinister leaped backwards to dodge the attack. Swinging his right fist horizontally, Piotr then smashed a large part of the wooden hallway wall. Reach out with both hands, he grabbed Sinister by the shoulders and heaved him against the right wall.

* * * *


Hank burst through the hallway wall and into the kitchen, having been thrown through it by Magneto. Thousands of wood chips scattered into the room, and the force of the impact knocked over much of the furniture and various items. Magneto stepped into the room, menacingly looming over Hank, who was grimacing and trying to push himself off the floor.


Hank did not receive a mental response.

Professor! Help!

* * * *

As Xavier kept his eyes closed and continued to slowly dance in a circle, he suddenly felt a small tinge of static in the back of his mind.

Pr . . . . or . . . . elp . . . .

Xavier tried to focus on the static, but he couldn't make anything out. Moira then looked directly into his eyes.

Hey! Eyes on me.

Uh, right, stammered Xavier.

They continued, and Xavier discarded the static from his memory.

* * * *

Snapping one last shot of the foyer with her phone, Martinique then crouched on the floor and placed two fingers to her temple, focusing on entering the minds of the people in the mansion. Sifting through their thoughts, she could then see a brief glimpse of the Cerebro chamber. Grinning, she then unhooked a tiny explosive charge from her belt and planted it directly on the large X on the floor of the foyer.

Standing back, she waited the few seconds for the charge to explode, breaking apart the segment of the floor that was atop the elevator shaft. Martinique then casually jumped into it and slid down to the hangar.

Pulling out her phone again, she started taking several snapshots of the X-Jet, before turning to look at the door that lead to Cerebro.

* * * *

Roaring, Hank slashed at Magneto's face. Magneto staggered backwards at the attack, and Hank took the opportunity to pounce on him and unleashed a furious claw swipe combo attack on his torso. Magneto grunted in pain before backhanding Hank off of him, knocking him against the kitchen cupboards.

* * * *

Jean woke up, and looked around her room to see that everything was on fire. Too stunned to move, she watched as her bed, clothes, furniture and decorations around her room were all bring simultaneously burned. The small photo she kept on her bedside table of her and Scott had already been turned to ashes.

Too stricken by fear to move, Jean then heard the shrill cry of a wailing bird in the back of her mind.

* * * *

Storm grasped at her forehead as she fell to her knees just outside of her room, near the balcony overlooking the foyer. She had been hearing noises and had come to investigate, but now her whole mind was filled with static.

What is . . . . what . . . .

She then looked up to see the roof caving in her. Several pieces of debris landed around her, and started piling up, boxing her in. She shrieked as she was quickly buried alive.


Lashing out in terror, Storm held up her hands, and a thundercloud quickly took shape over the mansion. Martinique, who rode the elevator back up the shaft and stepped into the foyer, rose an eyebrow upon seeing a distressed Storm laying on the balcony, with nothing around her. Martinique then looked up with a mix of awe and confusion as a massive lightning bolt struck the roof of the mansion.

Oh, shit.

The bolt tore through the ceiling and hit Storm directly, charging her with energy. After a moment, the energy then fired all around her, causing an explosion that tore off much of the roof of the foyer, and shattered most of the windows. Martinique was blown into the air by the force of the blast, and she was catapulted out of the door and onto the front lawn.

Her face smacked against the grass, rendering her unconscious.

* * * *

Piotr and Hank looked at each other in a daze.



You're not Magneto.

* * * *

The fire was gone. Nothing was damaged. Knowing that she couldn't trust her eyes, Jean reached into the astral plane.



What is . . . .

We've been attacked. Head to the foyer. Help Storm!

Jean was already running out of her room by the time Xavier was done issuing his mental command.

* * * *

Martinique pushed herself off the grass, groaning as she did so. Turning around to face the mansion again, she saw that Storm, Jean, Piotr and Hank were all standing there, looking at her. Snarling at the team, she reached for the submachine gun on her back.

Go forth, Piotr! shouted Storm.

Piotr leaped in front of his teammates as Martinique unloaded half a clip of bullets at the team. Piotr absorbed the brunt of the attack, with the bullets bouncing off of his steel skin.

Jean, disarm her!

Jean threw forth one hand and spun her wrist, and she telekinetically ripped the gun from Martinique's hands. Flying above the team, Storm circled both of her hands around each other in a ritualistic motion, and a large swath of wind picked Martinique off the ground, suspending her in the air.

Flailing her arms, Martinique was helpless as Storm then threw her hands down, causing Martinique to get slammed against the ground, once again knocking her out. Xavier and Moira then rushed out of the entrance, looking at the team and the damage done to the foyer. Hank bounded over to Martinique's body, and saw her phone on the ground next to her.

He picked it up, and read the message on the screen.


The phone then short circuited and turned off in his hands.


The rest of the team walked up to Hank, looking down at Martinique.

Who is she? asked Piotr.

I've just scanned her mind, said Xavier. Her name is Martinique Wyngarde. She is a mutant, like us, with the ability to cast telepathic illusions.

Well, that explains some stuff, said Jean.

Storm then widened her eyes.

Professor! About the . . . .

No need to apologize, Storm. This is her fault, not yours.

What do we do with her? asked Jean.

Moira will get on the phone with SHIELD. They'll know how best to handle her incarceration. After that . . . . we'll see about finding someone can who make some repairs to the mansion.

For a short m
