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-"'-X^' ..-..--,• €STABLISH£trMAY, 1895 L. X X n . i^u;' "^ISl^AssAs; VA., ^^SKCTTAPRIL^?, 1917 $1.00 A Year in Advabc* — O l O W M AT COUMIY FAffi^^iSPUTING GEN. S H E | K ^ School Elxhibit and Rally at East- em- Track* Events This Afternoon. Large delegations of patrons, teachers and school children from all parts of the county are in Manassas today for the annual fair of the Prince William coubty TChDotffT' A Planting Day gram, Maria* Sergeant Say* <ow« Hiiag* About War Ara •'H—ypif' P?5- as announced in last week's was carried out this mom- tnjf on tuaatei'ii campus. hibit has been open to thrdnfirs^ visitors. The events of th« afternoon will he the athktic meet and a baseball game between Manassas and Ha>marke£ High Schools. The fair has offered full oppor- tunity for displays of patriotism and. instead of school bannera this yearthe American Hag has taken the most prominent part in the decorations. Membera of praRti- cally eveiy group of visitors seen on the cuapus aiid on the eSreets were armed wTth'ihe Stars'and Stripes. "* The awards of tho judges, so far announced, are as follows: Darned stockings—lstiMaurine Nails, Greenwidj; 2nd, Bdl^e Kincheloie, Smitihfield; 3rd, Coa- "stawje Waters, Pomfries. Middy bknaes—tat, Elsie GM- ber, Adeiy ^2tod, Pearl Roasell, e:' Woodbine;* S r d ^ e r e i q o r d l © ^ miyr J S f a it^1»e«v«ily."i Stone House —Apmn with bi^—Ist^. Irene pron—wH.li my—iBn,.» ifcne th, Catharpin; 2nd, MUesJtiill, Smi , Woodbine;3rdj Constance Waters^ Dumfries. '. Homemade fancy apron—Ist, Roberta Smith, CaOartMtt; 2nd "Blanche TRexrode, mkesVi 3rd, Maude Heoatfir,. Bradley. Piece^of en^NKd^^-^lsl Two very proud and * loyal young American worrfen were passengers on an outbound local today, says a news dispatch from Cleveland, Ohio. They wejre re- turning to their homes at Medina, near Cleveland; proud because they had seen their sweethearts enlist; loyal because they had done their duty by Uncle Sam.- 3 When .:BBrz^:j»HB._: drotared, Charles P.. Donahue told his fi- ancee. Myra Ayerill, of his in- tention to enHs^ "and ask^Tier to postpone this ve<lding. At the same time, Donahue's chiim, Paul Bownmn. made up his mind to %|ht for Old Glory, and- raked Nora -Good if she was willing to wait until he was free; The young women not only conaentted,-.but proudly accom- panicd their sweethenrtj to the Cwr United States Marine ccHrps re- cruiting , station w h e r e _ both boys enlisted and were immed- iately sent to t})e training station. Port Royal, S. C. That the parting of the foa]« lovers was not without its dra- matic interest is vouched for by the marine sergeant who was marked: '-'Far be it from me to^ , . ,, di^Mte , General. S^b^an; but ^wf«» fol|ow: floAe things aboot war u<§ beaK nlcmday, ' Commeiicement week at East -«>n<]olleg»wiU b ^ n on Monday, May 7, with an expresaiohjroisl- tal and the ;Preftident'sjnrjftft de- bate. The pttMie is « H m t t y in-^ vited to all .tbeexerdaeBafjuici weekl; No .formal invitations are issued b;y iJm col]^^. - The events of efflpSeftCfement A PROCLAMATlOiy- May' 7r-Expression repicar oymiss Amecnrfjinnu aoa ^/Elizabeth nie Pattie, Hooper, Dum: Snapp, Bethel. Sixbuttdfil "-Gretiiwii . . . Catharpin; 3di Ifite SB, ypo^ bine. Patches on striped matorial— 1st, Audrey Covert, Betftrf; 2d, Iq accordance with a joint reso- lution adopted by the General ^^^'lAaocmbly at ila bcgttion ua i914. ***"•' ywl since the Hoh H. C- Stuart, i(f^astMa3lT^,''Vvery earn* estiy appeal to .the p e ^ e of 'MSnSayr diatafct to arrange to devote that -&^Mo theraatfe^' Use your teie^ -ptene to i^im your work and; then work your pint.' Nothing' adds mor^fa*tfiB ^uhnrvfimny fff Marie Barring, Aden. Crocheting—Ist, Anna Ches- iock, Smithfiekl; 2d, Elizarfveth Snapp, Be^el; Sd.Myrtle Bai^^ Dumfries " Hemstitdied handkerchief-^ 1st, Lecik Herring. Aden; 2d, Florence Gcoss, Groveton; 3d, .Jessie Ellicott. Gold Ridge. Dres8ed~a<rii»T-iat, ^SeTef^ fries. Catharpin,-Stoi^Swa Mil- stead, Bethel, 3rd, DortL Grisso, Xoke£\'ille. _ i,=-,o»«» ^u, ^^uj^^^ M^MMT M.n;r- Three buttonhdes—Ist, CeciHT „>jf.» rtw;.;'a*^«WK'.,^««™».-™»^«- Mour.tjoy, Mill Park; & Rath ^ \ 2 S ? ^ ^ " l ^ T ^«^ Swrartz. Nokabville, Swir Alberta ingatVaOp. " «A.^t JIBO_ Wbeaton, Woodbine. —r rash towel—Istt Moate PoterB, Ha-market; 2nd, Nanc? Keys, Smkhfield; 3rd, Bettie J'o8t«& '-f'enwich, itoi} bed set-lst,iteyr|BiOda^ Nokesville; 2nd.Ykla Aitington, Bet, el; 3rd, Na«cy Keye^SflSlth- L'arnmg^ on. J -:;-- Greenwich;, 2n4-AaHiEBy S.T,.r."...fid. ., .~ __ . Hon. made rag-lst,RuUlFair-1 Wat^^rg,^liii^ fax. fiacon Racer 2BdrOcafl91iee ^ Mour;,oy, H<rimesT 3rd, Etta Tarsrott, Joplin. . NDER ELEVEN YEARS •itched handkerchief^ orene RotHnaon, Oreen- .d. Edna Campbell, llier- ;rd, Constance Henfy. WlC^.. - nuprhfa Storit» ] l?t. F^ : 2nd. F Dame: rene Ro r ton. BfV. the reli8^<Hi8, edaea^onal: -and soeial wdfare of oar county t l w k & i e RMids. ^ J. J. CONNER, StfPERvisbR. —Services at the Presbyterian Church.. Rev. Alford Kelley, pas- tor, for the ct^oing^^ week are as folh)w»: Sunday—Sunday School at^ 9:45 a. m., suhjeetr "Jesus Wideomed afi. King;'' prieaching sienary Opportpniti«j^ iif AmerieaT*" "NoTcvoniag proaeh- int^ Wednesday-^ Patriot wi^ vfee in CoJm&HrW^r-"^^^ Aden; 2nd, fiawkes Ayres, Stone Hcga^_^d^_f8i»^hfith Snapp, —— Tl ^^jTaT" Ginger bread—1st, Ruth Pear- Jeffirtes, Catharpin. Butter—lat, PauKne Towe 3d, Aima Chflaioek, fti^ifidd. Chocolate fudge^lsti^^obert Hadriip, Stone Hooae; 2d. Nellie Armel, H^rinaricet; 3d, Georgie ise. -.emmed handkerchief— e Smith. Woodbine: House, of Woodlawn; Farr, Hickory GroTt^ tockings—Ist, Ddt^t«; n 2lid, Viola ArrinR- lock. Sn:.:- —^ TtK>maf.for> - ^ - X n i s l e Rear; , Iftt, AftoaChea- L.d 2nd. Li-iiie. Cak«—Ist, a..:.en Braach^ ^nd,..Bethd; 2luL Mints—l8t,0nrfia V. Kline, Cannon Braoi^; SJo^VioiarArriDS- ton. Bethel. Sea'foam—1st, Bessie Jeffries, Catharpin; 2d. Maturine KaUs, Greenwich: 3d, O r i ^ V. KUne, Cannon Branch. 3kfbr-l£t.Iona Milstead,Betht ; M, - ~ Lillian Frazier, Stmig -HI€»-SCBOOL WORK jpc 3)K •?!>• ^mt^^ Patriotic Meeting Wednesday Arrangements are going forward for another patriotic rally totbe held Wednesday in Conner's Hallr beginning -at 8 p. m. The prineipal speaker'is Repreaentaitive Charies C. CarKn who is expected Jp= make a lousinf patriotic .speech. - , - - The ministers of the town have agread to postpone their Wednesday evening services that their gongregations may take an active part in the occasion. Several of the I cter^^en probably will be called upon to mafce brief ad t drjassesc^" Everybody in the county is invited to swell the attend- \. l anee: OtoMI^ 305 3W EAStEia ttOSES MAY ISJHSCIJSS^ F ^ ^ SmJATIOH Event* of CommenceQient Week to B^in Wkh Reeitdl on Moiiifaiy,1Mary 7. - ip. in.- President's ipd2e debate who had aateed ta^h connectiiB contest at 8'MiL m. Tue^y, May 8—Exp;^ili#na recital hy Mioo Carrie Pi""' 7:30 p. m. Allebach i^(|^ orator- ical contest at 8:45^^.^^_. .^ pianoforte^iecital hy Miss Ifabel Joiies, at 8p^m. Thursday, May. 10-Studiftrtr pianoforte racital at>ipr ta.. Friday, May ll'^JPresident's te- eepti(»^ to s^gow class atSp. m. Si^orday, Hay ia-:ExhitHtkgi d«p))BnsttatiOB age^t, who gam he/^^lopracbmpnd... It was on the ciil| of ppqiWMfcdaass.'jot onl^ t»ibe ^^xCenaon jpeoi^ buTto^he bQto«,1Uie School and the farm, ftiipt. ^^n"* T> t^ notify all and renje^fCiotr hy setKxd of h«ne $CMiamt&s at 3 p. Hj^ Rcidtel by pupile ^ expression d^pjutmeot at 8 p>. to. . ' ' . awiday.Miqfl^ ^ac<4lau<;gafce seroKHi by Pniaideiit^ tT. Sbop, LL.IX, at U' la. Bs. Ckunpua praise service at 6:45 Pk nL An- nual addrasc h«fore CttUUm ^ stKuaoma at V.M." MondiB^, MayR=CfiniHHay ftiy.iBPw nt s p- TT^r 1l^py^ iconcert by advaticedimials of pmnofcdte Tmstasy. Ifaylfi-^ Annmfl CAtnmaniH^rfwMt a t 1ft • liE" DOGANJIROWN BfU.<i/ilA-.D«gwi. Miss Frapcffl R, Bmlg" "'"< WB, Bacon Rii-f; ?ni. Wilkfas . ^"« fTancea. tu. »myn wnn 7^re(B7St«>e House.; m, BMkie IfarWilliam H. DogUi, otGwve- ton, were quietly married Ifen- 'tamrmn nt thii hiimn nf thr bride ip Waahingtwi the-offi- dating: minister waa Rev. C. C. Warner, of the Episcopal Church. The bride wag giver "* 'p*"^*gg by her l»other, Ur.' Caaode^ B. Brow'n. - - - "nie b r i ^ has many friends in this pommunilj, having taught I t Groveton for doe aetaioQ i^mit three years ago. Mr. Donn is the son of Mrs. M. E. Dogu. Boaae; M, ^h-ace ji'esteri Green | will naake their hr>mn at Gtomtoa, wieh t^ACECHUkliU^ ell. Bethel4 Grare MithndiatrEpjanqpia Butter-Ist^SueScM&fielheL^urch; South,Tt»^7W.% Burr, Biscuits—lit. Came Leary, ..... ,;.•, ;- ra- _:;i. A.lliaiia ^-3. Virginia NoKe,-- ,"•' biso..;^ -•• : tone HO:.£L .^^ . .-Sethe! gnti. t,*r»y«* H«Te;;. :; 3rd. As^nath Avres, i.^'\',r..~ .owder bis- vi Mrctor. Hay-1 Bethel:2nd. Eva Kidwdl, Bethel. .A^^fnath Ajres, Bread - 1st. Phoebe V. Reetor, y«wk- [Ilaymarket. Best collection of candy Florere irossom. Haymarket. t',.xiK.n«- »f>ron and eap—Ist. "am--- rlammilL Betheli-2ndTt ?:• 1 K ".'J--!!, Bethel. ^ , •.; :-.i:- -y..ex.tc d-regg—1st, -SUA- ;-- >napr- Hfthe!. s' pastor. Sunday School at 9: fThere were 108 preseot l3t,1day. Will you not help to makeP'*'''^ ^ Jo'n it 125 next Sunday:)- MiM Gilbert Tells Houseke^av All Mart A s s i s t in Pre-, siring professional' training for primary and grammar-grade work. Students wishing college credit and those preparing" "for college entrance are taught in the Summer School. Following are some of the courses: Agriculture, astronomy, art, biology, fi(dd botany, ehem^ Bethlehem-Good Housekeepei^' eiufa-met on tha aftemaoa si April 18 at the hospitable home of Mrs. €teoi^e (f: Bound". In order to have as o(ir honored gu^t Misa Edith A. Roberts, specialist in home economies, the m^ng wiw held three days in ftdVuce of th£ usual time %e meeting: was eaHed^to order by jty^ president (After thebusi- UIBpcnscU WIUSi Buu "waiting'for HTaa R o b e r t in. {Petersburg, the mem^>ers-were (lelifhtfuliy entertained by lllaa school sttperinl part in the great work. Mated that in thee ^»~di b da7 b6 spent is room uui the oth^ h«lf in ^ pQsmutwof asTiculture.- Hiss ikgoew, heade€ the home deinoQBtration woric in Virginia, aajathyton aectwaitof the scarcity ef tin^cans the bars will have to be let down and^n the place of so much tamaiijg the heat ^fffurte of the «mn«rs most be put forth in drying evenr availaDle v^re- gong evenr avaihtbli Vttielia^-sBfep beaof, butt» ._., com, eicra, etc, ai»4-all f ini£Eh-berries. cherries, apiMtt, peipsa etc TO OPEN WNE f9^ Univanity ef Virgtiua Biiiiiwi » Har* 100 Tamdtmt. ScUol Rumors that the University of Virginia Summer School would be discontinued hecause of the war are unfounded. It opens June 19. Theijl catalogue, containing 65 pages, has just been issued from the presH and 1f),nnn ropJAs aHll % A. HHNEKEN IS DEAD W«M-Known Resident of Hay- market-Ndi^ilMMrbood Sue- cuasKiliXong illness. Christian A. HeioektjivfiMriher president "of the National Bank of Manassas, died early this morning at "Mill Park," his home near Haymarket. after an be mailed at onc» ^<ore than 100 teachers" have been engaged for the Summer School Faculty. 7~Cour8MrM«e stven for Btudenttt and teachers in high schools, academies, colleges and those de- istry. commercial courses, draw* iog,^ lOduisatlonj eogipeering E^- yliahr ffrench, geography, GPT. man, history, hous^old a ^ , in- tmwjJQnaJiiiff and ^Htiwi. Latin, library economy, muiual and in- dustrial arts, mathetnatics, music, philosophy, -physical eduqition, physics, political science, psy- pho1ogy,'RHl CruBS mUtBtoriuff itary traiomg, sociology,SpaiUBh. story: teUipsTf special ttrtoring and writing. ^1——^—i-—-i, ASIS^SOaiEIS IttlMTE Jummtl W y t y Mfwe Qata Con- tdqiederala Veter- 'Several veterans of the Gon- {t^[»ey have responded to THE JouBNAL's reqaeat foif date oon-' eernipg their service in the (^vii War. We trust that otherswUl of thar^^ontribnte to the list, that we ina]riui7e~as full jMid accurate a bistoneaT illness extending over a period of two years, He was sevtiiity-four years old. , C. A. MKNEKSW ' Mr. HelnelceQ was ah Anoerir can dti»en"g -(ietmiui exfifaetiefte- He was b(Mritin America of Aaaer- ican parents and^spent part of hia lifff in Gerrnany. He waa a "umnljei' of thti Pi uiuuiaiil. Lufeg—- oran Church: Funeral services will be beki tyBoou ai. 2.30 o'clock swtia- lent wUL WSt" Rev. Rebb WSte, jr., rector of St. Pad's, wiK ' Surviving members ef i ily are his three datu^ters, Mrs. Fn»z Peters, Mig^ Waltw Lum and Miss Mary I^^il^ln^iii imd his twoiSons» Mesnrs; C. A. H«ndten, jr.^ and Herman Heindcen. all of Haym^ket. and twv tllHUini< Jits. J&ary^ riate and Mrs. Avmc Weffiehi^^eth^f whom I r n m Geraiamr. Seyerar grandehildnig|» flVVive. His wife died odlHpTO years ago. Bodi Ae& and women must get op uid hustle on all lineaof fana- J the clnldzeB_faaxe dMtt' sKare in the worit byiviidnr dndieaa and in -tmtli growing' jrik^ of vegetables. April 27 is as Planting Day in Vkginia. Gen. Ashby'a company on March the- tl00 Wnr^h nt tangible prop- -| 4gg, lang, Wtn>Atftii>ywn:n him tcff FROiJr NFYT THUWSDAY -the pemaindeT'ef fee war. 'Wti Smifeaaya be Anyone who en joys good, whole- rjfaeoU :ledemeJemfie. iit 1868 with Hahipton'i l.sgiaa, Cscuud fluuth cvopjgit a|ij8rjgtkck in. Ihe «jMPr naMoniT It is a yearly corienTorlhe young ftwn in Prof. Masher's daaato get up aa nfenaal ahev displiviog*tlK diffarent types of Bpeeek. Some of tjbe nombera . ^ - will be an after^iinner speech, a After a wedding tnp the coopte ^ y ^ addreas inwhich iir. Rauua> rung for uflke agatnsr Raupai;imuwurtin,iMtgnHF -^anfcb addre»~&efe^ Booehead ^igfa School. and t-as—poBSttalir data and for the pleasmre-of oar v^enn frioids and other raadeis. The fir^ re8p<n8e ca|hie from Mr. Suhud Uoyd, of Manassas, .«.—--r-^-»-.-.-«w-«. who says he went out with tfa4i917 l£flS^iNN8lBiCED noilitia. was thrown intotbe'voil- iie6 and served on-- til 186<LiU|krCapt^ Moore. Oom- pany g.^^irty-thitd regiment, Stonewall Srigade. He was in fomr battles—RepciU^ C h u c ^ ImWilB^, Wmrhf^tiwr imd.43ett3W^ Adopts Tax burg. Mr. R. S. Smith, of Manassas, wTJtiia- that he enliftted in 1861 under Anderson Smith and iwned frcwimoWiihiscomradaetfaroBgg fhjjit cfllninns— ~ fgible pifopeitjfT Mr B B R i' *• '^' ^ _ , ,5^X2ierfn»a, ConvaiiT B, u n d e r ing dass of Eotem CoHege w h i ^ will take place next Thursday a|.frjgd Aug. 1. 1864. Mr. George wastungcpli'. -At a sperirf* meetinfir of the county bowrd of^ supervisors h^d yesterday at the coCirtrhouse, the following tjg ratea w«re ordsred^*^ jilted and levsia^^ the :fimr '~ iSi^ County ae! SB cents on erty. —.: Brentsville, Cdes, Ihuafnes, anaiiss and Qcco- qn«w itiatrifz-^Stoal tevjes. each 25 cents on theflOO worth of tan-. fUl^ nasssfr, tay he <mtw»d the Con. .^J^gtyjoad (p^nanent road) I 1& cents. "{tppffml mari Iwry. lit ootitiT— _ Brentsville dia<3ict road levy, 25 cent& <k4«.^FCTrihyriSeww wooodef Coles district wad levy,30 cent-< Dumfries district road levy, 2H cents. \ ""evy. levy, lew. Reev^s^ T wnt^ "1 ^aeS eompiny A, SatltViiginia Battel- ion. in ihit year of 18Q. under Major Richardson, commander. My euHipoy offieen were aa foi* R^^HH tows: Capt. Piper, First lieuten- ant Green, Seeend lieutenant Lttpton, and Third lieotaoant Cartmal. -"The battieeffl_whieh I fought arp SB felk>w« ftedeiickabuife jp. m. to vi^t th* Chancellorsvilk.-Getty^b-urfi-'the boar<! lee] BriatME^CeatecyiHe. TheWate-tCO necesv-;'v I 2Oc0at8. Mananaff didtrfct road SOOMita. ' ' ^ Oocoquan district road Roads and bridgres, 30 (intangibte property). Tax fin bax^ shares, i. A tiibc of $1 p^r head ^'k ied on all dogs EKthe i.u; : tor lev- Bendes this there will be bucklness, Spottsyhrania ffturt l&uae, i»n<^ rejects. wing dancing, mooobgues]The Siege of Pet«K.^ —JIviewers and wmg danang. moootogues The Siege of PeteH.^ '^'^'was oVd ^ a. m. *^ aSwiaaAJpinetrio in stot. I flags'.battles that I a l G o t re- j changed ; last Sun- « ^ " ^ ^ wlltelnKe~audience lfl]meB^)i», for my memory iwi't as' ner *• r was ordt'rt*'! at M The audience is ^ good as it was aomeyears back." . Ber from other vef- ^ _ ^reqofttted to antar iato ^hesprnt— Let eranu. us "hear Preaching at .1 a.m. and a p.m-i of the occasion and applaud voeif- .Tjnior Epworth League at 3l«™*^ly' Fifteer. cents' admis- lu- St?ni<?r Fpworth T.Aagn<.jsion will be charge. Mr Arthtir J-Vnr* ^r mr^fM» ~s-»j*aj» **>fi?><»!»• It* \'->' ''^fre was '>~ionera> . I t u^i^ read be T Nail's cor-_ -tra.^ht::netonar .cr.-ihe liam^ to -' M- -.: .Mrs. 1? snvrn hf'Mr^ - i.-..- '•' ippeared^ e hed . :' tni^ ^nad ao c^an*Ki to r£v«rt to Mf. DowhS^^^^B' ;f4 i/tjo" mvT5 Ym: arp :r.ri1iallv invited tr- f>V»- irr-4««, -lllanc Herrinj?. Bethei. svorsfii^' wiift tis. home hare.' ^'f •' land "between theTences aold )^e ^•^••'i''; trees ia torpmain the property JL-J Px road purpoowr-
Page 1: EAStEia ttOSES MAY ISJHSCIJSS^ F^^ SmJATIOHeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News...EAStEia ttOSES MAY ISJHSCIJSS^ F^^ SmJATIOH ... 1^ '> -

-"'-X^' ..-..--,•

€STABLISH£trMAY, 1 8 9 5 L. X X n . i^u;' " ISl AssAs; VA., ^^SKCTTAPRIL^?, 1917 $1.00 A Year in Advabc*


School Elxhibit and Rally at East-e m - Track* Events This


Large delegations of patrons, teachers and school children from all parts of the county are in Manassas today for the annual fair of the Prince William coubty

TChDotffT' A Planting Day gram,

Maria* Sergeant Say* <ow« Hiiag* About War Ara •'H—ypif'

P?5-as announced in last week's was carried out this mom-

tnjf on tuaatei'ii campus. hibit has been open to thrdnfirs^ visitors.

The events of th« afternoon will he the athktic meet and a baseball game between Manassas and Ha>marke£ High Schools.

The fair has offered full oppor­tunity for displays of patriotism and. instead of school bannera this yearthe American Hag has taken the most prominent part in the decorations. Membera of praRti-cally eveiy group of visitors seen on the cuapus aiid on the eSreets were armed wTth'ihe Stars'and Stripes. • "*

The awards of tho judges, so far announced, are as follows:

Darned stockings—lstiMaurine Nails, Greenwidj; 2nd, Bdl e Kincheloie, Smitihfield; 3rd, Coa-

"stawje Waters, Pomfries. Middy bknaes—tat, Elsie G M -

ber, Adeiy 2tod, Pearl Roasell, e:' Woodbine;* S r d ^ e r e i q o r d l © ^ miyr J S f a it^1»e«v«ily."i

Stone House —Apmn with bi^—Ist^. Irene pron—wH.li my—iBn,.» i f c n e

th, Catharpin; 2nd, MUesJtiill, Smi , Woodbine;3rdj Constance Waters^ Dumfries. '.

Homemade fancy apron—Ist, Roberta Smith, CaOartMtt; 2nd

"Blanche TRexrode, mkesVi 3rd, Maude Heoatfir,. Bradley.

Piece^of en^NKd^^-^lsl

Two very proud and * loyal young American worrfen were passengers on an outbound local today, says a news dispatch from Cleveland, Ohio. They wejre re­turning to their homes at Medina, near Cleveland; proud because they had seen their sweethearts enlist; loyal because they had done their duty by Uncle Sam.-3 When .:BBrz :j»HB._: drotared, Charles P.. Donahue told his fi­ancee. Myra Ayerill, of his in­tention to enHs^ "and ask^Tier to postpone this ve<lding. At the same time, Donahue's chiim, Paul Bownmn. made up his mind to %|ht for Old Glory, and- raked Nora -Good if she was willing to wait until he was free;

The young women not only conaentted,-.but proudly accom-panicd their sweethenrtj to the

Cwr United States Marine ccHrps re­cruiting , station w h e r e _ both boys enlisted and were immed­iately sent to t})e training station. Port Royal, S. C.

That the parting of the foa]« lovers was not without its dra­matic interest is vouched for by the marine sergeant who was

marked: '-'Far be it from me to^ , . ,, di^Mte , General. S^b^an; but ^wf«» fol|ow: floAe things aboot war u<§ beaK nlcmday, '

Commeiicement week at East -«>n<]olleg»wiU b ^ n on Monday, May 7, with an expresaiohjroisl-tal and the ;Preftident'sjnrjftft de­bate. The pttMie is «Hmtty in- vited to all .tbeexerdaeBafjuici weekl; No .formal invitations are issued b;y iJm col]^^. -

The events of efflpSeftCfement


May' 7r-Expression repicar oymiss Amecnrfjinnu aoa

^ /El izabeth nie Pattie, Hooper, Dum: Snapp, Bethel.

Sixbuttdfil "-Gretiiwii . . .

Catharpin; 3di Ifite SB, y p o ^ bine. •

Patches on striped matorial— 1st, Audrey Covert, Betftrf; 2d,

I q accordance with a joint reso­lution adopted by the General

^^^'lAaocmbly at ila bcgttion ua i914. ***"•' ywl since the Hoh H. C- Stuart,

i(f^astMa3lT^,''Vvery earn* estiy appeal to .the p e ^ e of

'MSnSayr diatafct to arrange to devote that -&^Mo theraatfe^' Use your teie^ -ptene to i^im your work and; then work your pint.' Nothing' adds mor^ fa* tfiB ^uhnrvfimny fff

Marie Barring, Aden. Crocheting—Ist, Anna Ches-

iock, Smithfiekl; 2d, Elizarfveth Snapp, Be^el; Sd.Myrtle B a i ^ ^ Dumfries "

Hemstitdied handkerchief-^ 1st, Lecik Herring. Aden; 2d, Florence Gcoss, Groveton; 3d, .Jessie Ellicott. Gold Ridge.

Dres8ed~a<rii»T-iat, ^ S e T e f ^ fries. Catharpin,-Stoi^Swa Mil-stead, Bethel, 3rd, DortL Grisso, X o k e £ \ ' i l l e . _ i , = - , o » « » ^u, ^^uj^^^ M^MMT M.n;r-

Three buttonhdes—Ist, CeciHT „>jf.» rtw;.;'a*^«WK'.,^««™».-™»^«-Mour.tjoy, Mill Park; & Rath ^ \ 2 S ? ^ ^ " l ^ T ^ « ^ Swrartz. Nokabville, Swir Alberta ingatVaOp. " «A.^t JIBO_ Wbeaton, Woodbine.

— r rash towel—Istt Moate PoterB, Ha-market; 2nd, Nanc? Keys, Smkhfield; 3rd, Bettie J'o8t«& '-f'enwich,

itoi} bed set-lst,iteyr|BiOda^ Nokesville; 2nd.Ykla Aitington, Bet, el; 3rd, Na«cy Keye^SflSlth-

L'arnmg on. J -:;-- Greenwich;, 2n4-AaHiEBy

S . T , . r . " . . . f i d . ., .~ _ _ .

Hon. made rag-lst,RuUlFair-1 W a t ^ ^ r g , ^ l i i i ^ fax. fiacon Racer 2BdrOcafl91iee ^ Mour;,oy, H<rimesT 3rd, Etta Tarsrott, Joplin.

. NDER ELEVEN YEARS •itched handkerch ie f^ orene RotHnaon, Oreen-.d. Edna Campbell, l l ier-

;rd, Constance Henfy. WlC^.. -nuprhfa Storit» ]

l?t. F^ : 2nd. F •

Dame: rene Ro r ton. BfV.

the reli8^<Hi8, edaea^onal: -and soeial wdfare of oar county tlwk&ie RMids. ^

J. J. CONNER, StfPERvisbR.

—Services at the Presbyterian Church.. Rev. Alford Kelley, pas­tor, for the ct oing ^ week are as folh)w»: Sunday—Sunday School at 9:45 a. m., suhjeetr "Jesus Wideomed afi. King;'' prieaching

sienary Opportpniti«j^ i i f AmerieaT*" "NoTcvoniag proaeh-int^ Wednesday-^ P a t r i o t wi^ vfee in CoJm&HrW^r-"^^^

Aden; 2nd, fiawkes Ayres, Stone — Hcga^_^d^_f8i»^hfith Snapp, — — T l ^ ^ j T a T "

Ginger bread—1st, Ruth Pear-

Jeffirtes, Catharpin. Butter—lat, PauKne Towe

3d, Aima Chflaioek, fti^ifidd. Chocolate fudge^lsti^^obert

Hadriip, Stone Hooae; 2d. Nellie Armel, H^rinaricet; 3d, Georgie

ise. -.emmed handkerchief—

e Smith. Woodbine: House, of Woodlawn; Farr, Hickory GroTt^ tockings—Ist, Ddt^t«; n 2lid, Viola ArrinR-

lock. Sn:.:-— ^ TtK>maf.for> • - ^ - X n i s l e Rear;

, Iftt, AftoaChea- — L.d 2nd. L i - i i i e . Cak«—Ist, a..:.en Braach^ ^nd,..Bethd; 2luL

Mints—l8t,0nrfia V. Kline, Cannon Braoi^; SJo^VioiarArriDS-ton. Bethel.

Sea'foam—1st, Bessie Jeffries, Catharpin; 2d. Maturine KaUs, Greenwich: 3d, O r i ^ V. KUne, Cannon Branch.

3kfbr-l£t.Iona Milstead,Betht ; M , - • ~ Lillian Frazier, Stmig


jpc 3)K • ? ! > • ^mt^^

Patriotic Meeting Wednesday

Arrangements are going forward for another patriotic rally totbe held Wednesday in Conner's Hallr beginning -at 8 p. m. The prineipal speaker'is Repreaentaitive Charies C. CarKn who is expected Jp= make a lousinf patriotic

.speech. - , - -

The ministers of the town have agread to postpone their Wednesday evening services that their gongregations may take an active part in the occasion. Several of the

I c t e r ^ ^ e n probably will be called upon to mafce brief ad t drjassesc^"

Everybody in the county is invited to swell the attend- \.

l anee:

OtoMI^ 3 0 5 3W

EAStEia ttOSES MAY ISJHSCIJSS^ F ^ ^ SmJATIOH Event* of CommenceQient Week

to B ^ i n Wkh Reeitdl on Moiiifaiy,1Mary 7. -

ip. in.- President's ipd2e debate who had aateed ta^h connectiiB contest at 8'MiL m.

T u e ^ y , May 8—Exp;^ili#na recital hy Mioo Carrie Pi""' 7:30 p. m. Allebach i^(|^ orator­ical contest at 8 : 4 5 ^ ^ . ^ ^ _ . . ^

pianoforte^iecital hy Miss Ifabel Joiies, at 8p^m.

Thursday, May. 10-Studiftrtr pianoforte racital at>ipr ta..

Friday, May ll'^JPresident's te-eepti(»^ to s^gow class a t S p . m.

Si^orday, Hay ia-:ExhitHtkgi

d«p))BnsttatiOB age^t, who gam

he/^^lopracbmpnd.. . It was on the ciil| of ppqiWMfcdaass.'jot onl^ t»ibe ^^xCenaon jpeoi^ buTto^he bQto«,1Uie School and the farm, ftiipt. ^ ^ n " * T> t^ notify all

and renje fCiotr hy setKxd of h«ne $CMiamt&s at 3 p. Hj Rcidtel by pupile expression d^pjutmeot at 8 p>. to. . ' ' .

awiday.Miqfl^ ^ac<4lau<;gafce seroKHi by Pniaidei i t^ tT. Sbop, LL.IX, at U' la. Bs. Ckunpua praise service at 6:45 Pk n L An-nual addrasc h«fore CttUUm ^ stKuaoma at 8» V.M."

MondiB , MayR=CfiniHHay ftiy.iBPw nt s p- TTr 1l py iconcert by advaticedimials of pmnofcdte

Tmstasy. Ifaylfi-^ A n n m f l CAtnmaniH^rfwMt a t 1ft •




Miss Frapcffl R, Bmlg" "'"< WB, Bacon Rii-f; ?ni. Wilkfas . ^"« fTancea. tu. »myn wnn 7^re(B7St«>e House.; m, BMkie IfarWilliam H. DogUi, otGwve-

ton, were quietly married Ifen-'tamrmn nt thii hiimn nf thr

bride ip Waahingtwi the-offi-dating: minister waa Rev. C. C. Warner, of the Episcopal Church. The bride wag giver "* 'p*"^*gg by her l»other, Ur.' Caaode^ B. Brow'n. - - -

"nie bri^ has many friends in this pommunilj, having taught I t Groveton for doe aetaioQ i^mit three years ago. Mr. Donn is the son of Mrs. M. E. Dogu.

Boaae; M, ^h-ace ji'esteri Green | will naake their hr>mn at Gtomtoa, wieh —


ell. Bethel4 Grare MithndiatrEpjanqpia Butter-Ist^SueScM&fielheL^urch; South,Tt»^7W.% Burr, Biscuits—lit. Came Leary,

. . . . . ,;.•, ;- ra-_:;i. A.lliaiia

^-3. Virginia NoKe,-- ,"•' biso..;^ -•• :

tone HO:.£L . ^ ^ . .-Sethe!

gnti. t,*r»y«* H«Te;;. :; 3rd. As^nath Avres,

i.^'\',r..~ . o w d e r bis-vi Mrctor. Hay-1 Bethel:2nd. Eva Kidwdl, Bethel.

.A^ fnath Ajres, Bread - 1st. Phoebe V. Reetor, y«wk- [Ilaymarket. —

Best collection of candy Florere irossom. Haymarket.

t',.xiK.n«- »f>ron and eap—Ist. " a m - - - rlammilL Betheli-2ndTt ?:• 1 K ".'J--!!, Bethel. ^ ,

•.; :-.i:- -y..ex.tc d-regg—1st, -SUA- ;-->napr- Hfthe!. s'

pastor. Sunday School at 9:

fThere were 108 preseot l3t,1day. Will you not help to makeP'*' ' '^ ^ Jo'n

it 125 next Sunday:)-

MiM Gilbert Tells Houseke^av All Mart A s s i s t in Pre- ,

siring professional' training for primary and grammar-grade work. Students wishing college credit and those preparing" "for college entrance are taught in the Summer School.

Following are some of the courses: Agriculture, astronomy, art, biology, fi(dd botany, ehem^

Bethlehem-Good Housekeepei^' eiufa-met on tha a f temaoa s i April 18 at the hospitable home of Mrs. €teoi^e (f: Bound". In order to have as o(ir honored gu^t Misa Edith A. Roberts, specialist in home economies, the m ^ n g wiw held three days in ftdVuce of th£ usual time

% e meeting: was eaHed to order by jty^ president (After thebusi-

UIBpcnscU • WIUSi Buu "waiting'f or HTaa Robert

in. {Petersburg, the mem^>ers-were (lelifhtfuliy entertained by lllaa

school sttperinl part in the great work. Mated that in thee ^»~di

b da7 b6 spent is

room uui the oth^ h«lf in ^ pQsmutwof asTiculture.-

Hiss ikgoew, heade€ the home deinoQBtration woric in Virginia, aajathyton aectwaitof the scarcity ef tin^cans the bars will have to be let down and^n the place of so much tamaiijg the heat fffurte of the «mn«rs most be put forth in drying evenr availaDle v^re-gong evenr avaihtbli

V ttieli a -sBfep beaof, butt» ._., com, eicra, etc, ai»4-all f ini£Eh-berries. cherries, apiMtt,

peipsa etc


Univanity ef Virgtiua Biiiiiwi » Har* 100 Tamdtmt.


Rumors that the University of Virginia Summer School would be discontinued hecause of the war are unfounded. It opens June 19. Theijl catalogue, containing 65 pages, has just been issued from the presH and 1f),nnn ropJAs aHll

% A. HHNEKEN IS DEAD W«M-Known Resident of Hay-

market-Ndi^ilMMrbood Sue-cuasKiliXong illness.

Christian A. HeioektjivfiMriher president "of the National Bank of Manassas, died early this morning at "Mill Park," his home near Haymarket. after an

be mailed at onc» ^<ore than 100 teachers" have been engaged for the Summer School Faculty. 7~Cour8MrM«e stven for Btudenttt and teachers in high schools, academies, colleges and those de-

istry. commercial courses, draw* iog, lOduisatlonj eogipeering E^-yliahr ffrench, geography, GPT. man, history, hous^old a ^ , in-tmwjJQnaJiiiff and ^Htiwi. Latin, library economy, muiual and in­dustrial arts, mathetnatics, music, philosophy, -physical eduqition, physics, political science, psy-pho1ogy,'RHl CruBS mUtBtoriuff itary traiomg, sociology,SpaiUBh. story: teUipsTf special ttrtoring and writing. ^1——^—i—-—-i,

ASIS^SOaiEIS I t t l M T E Jummtl W y t y Mfwe Qata Con-

tdqiederala Veter-

'Several veterans of the Gon-{t^[»ey have responded to THE JouBNAL's reqaeat foif date oon-' eernipg their service in the (^vii War. We trust that otherswUl

of thar^^ontribnte to the list, that we ina]riui7e~as f ull jMid accurate a


illness extending over a period of two years, He was sevtiiity-four years old.


Mr. HelnelceQ was ah Anoerir can dti»en"g -(ietmiui exfifaetiefte-He was b(Mritin America of Aaaer-ican parents and^spent part of hia lifff in Gerrnany. He waa a "umnljei' of thti Pi uiuuiaiil. Lufeg—-oran Church:

Funeral services will be beki

tyBoou ai. 2.30 o'clock swtia-lent wUL

W S t " Rev. Rebb WSte, jr., rector of St. Pad's, wiK '

Surviving members ef i ily are his three datu^ters, Mrs. Fn»z Peters, Mig Waltw Lum and Miss Mary I^^il^ln^iii imd his twoiSons» Mesnrs; C. A. H«ndten, jr. and Herman Heindcen. all of Haym^ket. and twv tllHUini< Jits. J&ary riate and Mrs. Avmc Weffiehi^^eth^f whom Irnm Geraiamr. Seyerar grandehildnig|» flVVive. His wife died odlHpTO years ago.

Bodi Ae& and women must get op uid hustle on all lineaof fana-

J the clnldzeB_faaxe dMtt' sKare in the worit byiviidnr dndieaa and in -tmtli growing' jrik^ of vegetables. April 27 is

as Planting Day in Vkginia.

Gen. Ashby'a company on March the- t l00 Wnr h nt tangible prop- -| 4gg, lang, Wtn>Atftii>ywn:n him tcff


-the pemaindeT'ef fee war. 'Wti Smifeaaya be

Anyone who en joys good, whole-rjfaeoU

: l e d e m e J e m f i e . iit 1868 with Hahipton'i l.sgiaa, Cscuud fluuth

cvopjgit a|ij8rjgtkck in. Ihe «jMPr naMoniT

It i s a yearly corienTorlhe young ftwn in Prof. Masher's daaato get up aa nfenaal ahev displiviog*tlK diffarent types of Bpeeek. Some of tjbe nombera

. ^ - will be an after^iinner speech, a After a wedding tnp the coopte ^ y ^ addreas inwhich iir.

Rauua> rung for uflke agatnsr

Raupai;imuwurtin,iMtgnHF -^anfcb addre»~&efe^ Booehead ^igfa School.


t-as—poBSttalir data and for the pleasmre-of oar v^enn frioids and other raadeis.

The fir^ re8p<n8e ca|hie from Mr. Suhud Uoyd, of Manassas, .«.—--r-^-»-.-.-«w-«. who says he went out with t fa4i917 l £ f l S ^ i N N 8 l B i C E D noilitia. was thrown intotbe'voil-

iie6 and served on--til 186<LiU|krCapt^ Moore. Oom-pany g.^^irty-thitd regiment, Stonewall Srigade. He was in fomr battles—RepciU^ C h u c ^ ImWilB , Wmrhf tiwr imd.43ett3W^

Adopts Tax

burg. Mr. R. S. Smith, of Manassas,

wTJtiia- that he enliftted in 1861 under Anderson Smith and iwned

frcwimoWiihiscomradaetfaroBgg fhjjit cfllninns— ~ fgible pifopeitjfT

Mr B B R i' *• '^'

^ _ , ,5^X2ierfn»a, ConvaiiT B, under

ing dass of Eotem CoHege w h i ^ will take place next Thursday


Aug. 1. 1864. Mr. George


-At a sperirf* meetinfir of the county bowrd of supervisors h^d yesterday at the coCirtrhouse, the following tjg ratea w«re ordsred^*^ j i l t e d and levsia^^ the :fimr '~ iSi^

County ae! SB cents on

erty. —.: Brentsville, Cdes, Ihuafnes,

anai iss and Qcco-qn«w itiatrifz-^Stoal tevjes. each 25 cents on theflOO worth of tan-.

f U l ^ nasssfr, t a y he <mtw»d the Con. .^J^gtyjoad (p^nanent road) I

1& cents. "{tppffml mari Iwry. lit ootitiT—

_ Brentsville dia<3ict road levy, 25 cent&

<k4«.^FCTrihyriSeww wooodef Coles district wad levy,30 cent-< Dumfries district road levy, 2H

cents. \ ""evy.



Reev^s^ T w n t ^ "1 ^aeS

eompiny A, SatltViiginia Battel-ion. in ihit year of 18Q. under Major Richardson, commander. My euHipoy offieen were aa foi* R^^HH tows: Capt. Piper, First lieuten­ant Green, Seeend lieutenant Lttpton, and Third lieotaoant Cartmal.

-"The battieeffl_whieh I fought arp SB felk>w« ftedeiickabuife jp. m. to vi t th* Chancellorsvilk.-Getty^b-urfi-'the boar<! lee] BriatME^CeatecyiHe. TheWate-tCO necesv-;'v I

2Oc0at8. Mananaff didtrfct road

SOOMita. ' ' ^ Oocoquan district road

Roads and bridgres, 30 (intangibte property).

Tax fin bax^ shares, i. A tiibc of $1 p r head ^'k

ied on all dogs EKthe i.u; : tor • lev-

Bendes this there will be bucklness, Spottsyhrania ffturt l&uae, i»n< rejects. wing dancing, mooobgues]The Siege of P e t « K . ^ —JIviewers and wmg danang. moootogues The Siege of P e t e H . ^ '^'^'was oVd

^ a. m. *^ aSwiaaAJpinetrio in s t o t . I flags'.battles that I a l G o t re- j changed ; last Sun- « ^ " ^ ^ wlltelnKe~audience lfl]meB^)i», for my memory iwi't as' ner *• r

was ordt'rt*'! at M

The audience is good as it was aomeyears back." . Ber from other vef- ^ _ ^reqofttted to antar iato ^hesprnt— Let

eranu. us "hear

Preaching at .1 a.m. and a p.m-i of the occasion and applaud voeif-.Tjnior Epworth League at 3l«™*^ly' Fifteer. cents' admis-lu- St?ni<?r Fpworth T.Aagn<.jsion will be charge.

Mr Arthtir J-Vnr* r mr fM» ~s-»j*aj» **>fi?><»!»• It*

\'->' ''^fre w a s

'>~ionera> . It u^i^ read be T Nail's cor-_

-tra.^ht::netonar .cr.-ihe liam^ to -'

M- -.: .Mrs.

1? snvrn hf'Mr^ - i.-..- • '•' ippeared^

e hed . :' tni nad ao c^an*Ki to r£v«rt to Mf. DowhS^^^^B'

;f4 i/tjo" mvT5 • Ym: arp :r.ri1iallv invited tr- f>V»-

irr-4««, -lllanc Herrinj?. Bethei. svorsfii^' wiift tis. home hare.'

^'f •' land "between theTences aold ) ^ e • ••'i''; trees ia torpmain the property JL-J

Px road purpoowr-

Page 2: EAStEia ttOSES MAY ISJHSCIJSS^ F^^ SmJATIOHeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News...EAStEia ttOSES MAY ISJHSCIJSS^ F^^ SmJATIOH ... 1^ '> -

M«ta la TOi!mANAg^-*ji||p|fT|f^^ ^rr..v i m -^ im .i»


~tb«re wUt -be two contegU, one in oratory knd 000 in debate. A sold med«l wrf^'-^ii^^JljiWlpn-test

Several of the students have

oratorical contest, whieh is open to the entire schod. It is hoped that many will signify-^ desire -to, enter. So far the following have entered their names; Messrs. Polen.Martin, Ferris and Ramsey.

Tb« auhi«ct of debate*is "Re-sdved. That the United States send an expeditionary force of 566,€00"nien to Europe, have been <4n^wti .hv th« niirtiri


FM* Gdvemor of Vtniiil


psting students and the speakers are as follows: Affirmative, ttr. Krammand Mr. Polen; n^ative, Mr. iSboreJtnd^Hr. Ramsey.

Miss Mab$l M&> n, head of the dramatic art department, will present two humorous plays at the college auditwium on the evening of Saturday, May 5. The plays-wiU-be entitled "IstWBsls, Wife^^and^The Elopemell of Ellen."

A joint meeting of the ,Y. M. and Y. W. C. A.'s will.be held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The subject is "Missions."'

The Washlngto!! Irving and Jeifersonian UtCTary met. together Friday The program included an open detratg~gff compulsory military

societies evening,

on gomPtUOTrv^mintarv {, solos by Miss Ambler<


training, Miss Roop and Miss Swartley, an original story by Miss Smith, "First Aid'' by Miss Ernestine Mozer, the Herald by Mr. Ram- , sey and prayer bythe chapttin, _ Prof. B. D. Lucas,


The Occoquan Hifrf.rint school com exhibit-wao hold at Bothcl Higfe School crowd

on April 1,9. A large was present to view the

exhibits and hear the speakers. Bethel Hifrh School led the

di8fa4€t4n pmca, getting % ty? five bhtes^ twegty-tkrec r e ^ and tvronty-one wWtes. Th^'othei' scS^is of the dis&ieMrare wdtt represented by their exhibits and won many ribbons. ,

The exhibition roonr vras thrown og§ivto-the pubHg^at 1:30 p. ta.":^m^fTomW^iehS^

viewing the vartetts iMnga made by the boys^nd jprifi-of t f e l district. ' ^ : '


At 3 o'clock the house was called to order by Mr. Dawson, president of the district organi­zation, and excellent talks we»)»^ given by each of the-jtn Supt. Charles R. McDnnalil, Mr. C. A. Moiitguuktry, Mrs, J. h\ Dogan, MrsrWi^tar Ix_Sand»8, Mrs. McDoinaldrMiS~nifian Gilbert,Miss Edith A. Roberta

audience li^;ened-«ttenthrdy to all of the sneakers and the c of each adqress was mariced by


or lOODOUN C0UN*1*Y •TMK f,

Ycwit'Tote.fw Davii-it «-^ote-ipt FARMER REPRESENTATION

ON THE STATE TAX BOARD For eight yean Wettroore*

land Davis was president of the Virginia St^te Fanners' Institute, and was largely in-

LiOtS slruiiieutai insccuiii'ig the TOT-InvinglnTi'f •

• Tome* tTAttaU

U» Cttata Bill, wliich cbcclud ca<^ load MpcataU oi condcoMd milk and ***Tr^ WVWnm9tw •VVlIa %mtm *»•• • • «nM» • • • ^ ^

Lbnc GHiuUn^ BUU ciUbUihhiff flint* — '-g "*'»''~ *' ^'-"t^^

Diivii tecured reduced freight ralo y fMund UiTwrtone tbiougit tb» Cotporatloo CopimintoiT.

. A l w a y s -an, t d v o o t e oi Uiger approcciattoia for grade and grammar -tciooL.

and Irvington, Va., ghHog farmcn Ume at 7Sc. a ton, f. o. b. can .

'tp^cgitUtifm'XUrcMact Bureau. ' LawBondingGKiuniiuonMerctuats

, Westmoreland Davii fa the champion , , tnlit»tJ thai ai HfrttUlluie prospera, so {area thereat of the tiate. His b u u i i ^

fu* been farming, and not poltticatbe has (ervcd bis- «i*4e weU a* • ptivate dtizcnf he aspire* to acrve bcr in a broader w ^ r aa Governor.


_ W a a t m a r s l M i d P a v b t C a m p a l g a Cfaifc, RiehmcsiMl, V a .

UiKler iiod by virtue of oertam dxaculionK in my baadtt in favur of the CouimoDweaJth ot Virginia anaioat ^ett ie L. Oan-iaon, and bf cirtu* of l«ry «f l ^ aaia a M c a t w s ott the r»a] esu ieof tl>e u i d Nettie L. Qarrison witbio lb« ooont]^ of Frinc* Wil iam, Vir-jrinia, to iiatiaf; aaid •xwuiio^a, tbe uader-sigsed anall on

If you value Accuracy in the execution ot your Job «Work,

with TFS: JOURNAL'S service



Saturday.May 12, 1917 in front of the Peoples N'ntioiud Bunk, ia tbe tojrn ol Manaaiaa, Va , at aboot 11 o'clock, a. m , oiler far aa)e to die h i ^ M t bidder for caab tbe ooe-fiftb undinded intereatoi lbs said Nettie L. Oarrieon in and to tbe follqiir-ingreal eetale ly iagaod fieioa situate io said count; of Prioce William, Virginia: - yirst: Tbe undiviifed onp tiflh intereHt of tbe a^id N«Hi« T. n.rrlimn in knH In : Kn acres of land situate on tbe road leading from Manasase to ttrenlsville, in Manassaa Magiateriai Disirict, s lyrt of »|i<t l«-wt .!.<<

Siog on tlie road from Uradle; to Sinclair's ill, and being tbe fame property upon

wbicb MotStCTeus at preaent liTM. Second: Tbe u»divid«d oue-fifth-interest

of tbe said Nettie I.. Garrison ia and to a certain lot of land IjinK and being situate on

~''llK!irs&#et eztenfded, in tbe town of Ifanas~ Hsa, Va., adjoining th

NOTICE A(>ni \i). i a l7 .

- "T« T ) M tntamBttDOid S t w i M a t e €aBi -M n 7 , of Quaot ico . Princ* W i W u n C a u i t y , Virgoria, t U Soccaasora, Ba Officers, StoAK^trWa mnd CniHmn:

•^urfserwi«<.4lil^MHn«i^Uff,^Sn OT about tlie i'^d day of March, 19H, to engage Tbe IrootoD Piinrh A iibetbr Company, oi Irootun, Ohio, to msnufaclare for it two punclies and a apacisg table, lor wbioh said Compasy w«a to pay aooording to certain condibona, all oi which it has wholly failed to do or perform, OT to answer any letters or coaxaunicatioB to it or Its officers.

The undersigned tiaring been pat to troo-ble, loss and expanse by aforesaid sets, datb now aad at this time aotify all oi aioreeaid partiee in interest tliat unless payment ia made on cr before May 1,1917, at I'i o'clock aooa oi aaid date, that it, the undersigned, will sell.BSBie to the highest bidder ior cash only to satisfy alt expenses, toaaea aad ehargsM, both legal and otbtrwise, togMbar with coet of sale, and if asme ix iusufticientj^

11 proceed ta aaiieat any dnfieionoy Bom

of W, N. Lip- _ lauds ftcomb.X". A about one sn^ one-half acres The said two tracts o^JSntt^ir iaDd bei>g tbe real estate o{ which t£e latr Judge A m. R. Lipeoomb died seised and- poeeea»edr Tbe interest ot the said NaUie X.jQarrison i s and to said real estate^will be sold subject to tbe life estatetberean of Mrs. Henrietta ^. Lipeco:nb, she bariiiga life estate therein by virtue oi a conveyance, duly reouided, from the heirs at law oi ih^ )sti» Jiulire Wm V. I.ipw-nmh

t H 48-4t

S. A t^ARBEE, Sheriff Prince William ounty.

aid CtMpany, successors or legal assigna. Witness signature and seal oi said Cooi-

r>ny a , h—>uii. Obiu, this the lUlh. Ay-fl"" April, 1917, by official duty authorized. THE IRUNTJN PUNCH * SHEAR CO.

<SE*L) B T J, a . BlTIB.

48>2t It* Secretary-Treasuier.

~ B I D S W A N T E D ^ ~ Ofiee-oi tba State Hisbway Commisaidb .

BiebmoBd, V a , April 16, 1917. Bida will be receiVed at tbe Clerk's Office,

Manassas, Va., until 12 o'clock noon, Fri--day, Uay 4.-1017, tor -the iwconKrftction' of 1.8 m i w a i macadani mad hetmwin Haymitr-ket and Hickory Or ore, in Prince William county.

Plans and specifications' on file at tbe Clerk's Office, Msnaaaas, Va., abd at this office. SpecL&catians itirqished on applies-tioD to tbe undersigned.

A certified check for ^260.00 6iuat sooom-psi>y««oh hi^ ^

bids. right ia rsarved to rejeet eay-er-eff

a. P. COLEMAN "State^i^way < - That OiirMfinte^

Subscribe for THE JoilRMAL. SI.0O a year in advance.

be necessary aftear you have Itried our meats (we sell notiiing else) for our mod-erh mathodaof handling 4^em enable you to hay the qiutlity at the inaxi-mum and minimum^ieer^


h earty^plause. The community was especiidly

glad tn wP^tnimPTrtt nf-fityrTtpm. onstratibn a^nts—Misa ffilbert and Mr. Moatgomery,our county agents ; Miss john-gnn fnrmAr county i^PTit, anH Miaq Rfthartaj riUtle agtinl—W.hit.nUHll' «l8tll in­teresting tailjs poiaaarmigJaBm work in its rslation to oar poei-rion at this cntieal p&nsA.

After th«^adj©umfflentof the meeting the crowff went to tiie baH; fidd to see Uiu Bethel and HoMtey.. t ^ « » ereas 4»t^ It was one o'f-.ttje most exqiting pames playeddn4he local field for s(»n* ^w^»QTt-i(ie^ ^t|w teen innings, the rival playing hanl bef<2S„B?tM. could ctarm the victoir, by the score of 9 to 7. Eddie Hammill m cu{^;^ingetf in )m usual good lorroin the" and "-'^^^awfio /v^ni^i t^gnv^ ^(T pnnH"^nrlf Tr ~d a-r

#J0!^Sl^^t S I

Underlyiufi die timfaca look ol ft gu'u«^E=Bg the^h4figs that 4«termine'it& i«*armntt—-i|g . is not a detail in the whole suit w

Ttaunihuaiii ilu setvuMttimuir-^ ~~^ l lg ff^*^** ..^^^..^Ji^.^-115.0a^$t6.5a--|20.0fr-i25.00 ^O.Og^feene is oue JtbBofate a f e p a g i .

•For ii a flHir|aemkciul with watk »po<«inside they will eal of-rigorous .wear.

hny fii SL A suit that is on p* ipt>nfr

It is tht Kirtchbauu Ukel.


pected that they wiUcrosa bata again in the new future. -

ManagRT JtewHT^SEXa Hammiu will be glad to cfallenges forgamrawith scliools of the county.

In t t e mornJBlf of 1^. day the two literary societies of the f?fhool had an interesting fame of basket ball, the Thom-tuFLs irising: to the Tylers by the -c^^re • f 4 to 3. It was not un-' • r f- :.'ist mtmit*' of the second

* : :-,at the Tylers won on a . . . . . . . ^ . , i < . . - ^ Q ^

=1lfoTttfngyerneeeived smiriactory weuf feiagyr garment that did not contain these essentialf;

-c:^n alPwooI fabric thoroughly shrunk by •—.ike Loadoa cold water prooqw—and not by

the fust laiiTiimjudi the Weafer is caught. ~

. ' gLnuimHtocnfcanvaslm^^a^ty tjieap-iPttrFn ^

—sewing.at all points of strain done painstak-r ingly by lund witk-^k

uiteightty ooopa. ^~' not weak."

Hintioutht Choice »/ ChUus

Tfc>cBMtboBld&. the jnidtUc (or top) button k » neceaarx to force die

:if BniiBK- Ht ii oiBctjAwj accfiifimiin the w n t Issc "

The cocrect coat colkr tkk year MO

— ' 'lliedS^Bilib-faafiic effect iajk* ce^uja gmmn.

Tin Itinfr^rMlwrwer^SiMkl tw-Tu* uwa>-iy-hancdcar of dM boooBtt ibaatocty.

widKMt breakkic—wA ike aad ikx bollowd aha t _ Of i l l y iua iw.

HIBBS & GIDDINGS The Only &Ktusiir« Gents' Ootfitters in the County, Manassas, Va.

Give your horses a little tpnic before they have to go into the field every day. It makes them more effksait. We have

Hess & Clark's or International


FrmceWilliam Pharmacy ^anaasaa, Virginia

PrescriytiMs? IkA'i Oar Bisiaess.

WeAdmit Are High in QualityBut Not

_ in Price. JJo further argument will

Garden making is in (aider. Do you need an; new tools?

^ 1—We have a big stock to adeet &om. JSanMis'! Risaember. we are sole agents for the Oliver

irjoods-^trfowff, eaitt' vsittMrs. plow points, etc., The onlyiriaeein M^massas where you can get gmuine OOver points.



HichV New Stjde Book of . ^Sh<M^ FaiUlShs will be ^I^Wniled on Request —

• IHtMtr<ttc« jaggndnlthc model* wUcir ~=*in 1» wo» ihhi tSS Juia' winter t ^

diaeriminatiinr people—mea. cESdreii.

with perfect aati»faction' It you can bay

Rector & Co.

E v c r y t K i n ^ G o i n ^ U p ! — Ooat of BTJBjf; farm implement* hav«> advanced; it co«t» much more to educ&ta joar children "than foraieTTy: wpannp •mfipmttX aBd«Ter*thingjra>a bov ifirmnir

T 4 » Ka. AM. told that fire ia»»rar>c<»


IWPFKTABERS atad satisfactory ser-emne rumisnea -4or—

nay reasonable distance.

uiiiitwilM a n aJiautlUR llieli [•!» w -toaBModoos proportion*—BUT R£M£M-MK—tiie old reliable Fauqaier MutuRl Flra laaaraneeCempAny havp not as v c

fire eomea, iaaor* y«ur propertv P'-t-X^ tar to have it aad not need it than u.n«-«l tt and ac^hya i t We will be gta i to fl*e T«* '••aa^ ~NOT*Bewinjf every vear wtww jmrrm. KUNE. "

:__- isL-ofi U&nawiaf

tariaii Chnrcit, Birauaclvun. A b oooDt t>><> atv^vp mwt.nc ->-m,3<>.-. rCi • .v will K»Te nr. SA.P SI W .«. , ,- • ... .f princij*' 7v-.t~*« t n p frm»-rr--TTr mrJno . \: .^

' 1 . • . o . Ill

.1 V.ri .


' ( • •

Page 3: EAStEia ttOSES MAY ISJHSCIJSS^ F^^ SmJATIOHeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News...EAStEia ttOSES MAY ISJHSCIJSS^ F^^ SmJATIOH ... 1^ '> -

J- THg HJO ASSAS j o u s a g i ; FRTOAY. APKIL jr. in? t H- ^ ^ ^ g l ^jIg^ggQ^ T Q „ j-j, ~ 11 v iv fo^jt^ rmpressrvely show TS^'rers of stockings w«l tin-

J ,*ooif A r,.j • u ^^y^kr^ TTo A\A derclothes in theistate are able to equip a greater army than the country hagr ever yet en­rolled. There is enough coal in Pennsylvania to supply all the


Ik Maum J««ul MUi i i C«.. LK,

iDntered at the Puat Office at Manassas, Virginia, &<> Second Class Mail Matter

itself. And the foreign war did come. It was at hand. Its earl­iest v^ttm chanced to be a southern lad. With Wheeler, Fitz I>ee aud Wilson—the self-


Friday, April 27, 1917


The £ >proaching Confederate reunion 9t Wfushingtcm has been the subj«Gt of mucK~e${on«r comment throughout the coun­try. One of the finest exanliples is the following from the pen of OA. Henry Watterson, in the

When Williiuu McKiuley, HB brave a Union soldier as iever went to battle, wearing a dcjco-rative Ck)nfederate butttm and carrying a miniature C(»if eder-a t e flag—trophies acquired from a bevy of ptetty southern £urtl-Tman^^ in tr iumph throiil^ the^treets of Atlanta,

was served "npon all whom it nifl conoam" that Ite war gf sectiiCHis was over.


named a Ccmfedentte soldier as Quef-^Jcistice of the United

had captured Je EesBon Davis—mated in Cuba, with Miles and Castlenum in Puerto Rico, what more was wanted?

All went well again. The proud and happy American, whether of Yankee land or Dixie land, had once noore a common heritage ~Kentucky a little in the lead, for XenEu^Ey was the birthplace of both commanders of the rivri vawuiaa the war of sections and holds the two spots in reverence and honor, caring lovii^ly for each as for a 8hrine-8»-lhat the glory, the name and the fame of the soldiers who wore the blue and of the soldiers who wore the ^ y became interchangeable. Forever ^ now ti^ eonstatute a great lytipnal asset, dear to


trial revealed the shortcoming and welded it together as never before.

A TIME FOR ACTION A situation worthy the

prompt consideration ef the cit-izensof Maaassas and vieimty is the apparent-opportunity to se­cure tor Mi fir^rQ' training mtmpR to be ea-

tabliahad by Ifae goveraawt Absolute knowledge of odr cbnoes is not to IK had Kbi; it

as-true an-Amerieafe^aHi-tg|i8~eoq)ectedi%t some~6f <)ur Eiived, fiatwhasTP-to-poja

^irtes /'by andr Rith the advfe^ jeet "ai^^Ment of the Senate" of the United States, and the am-yersal atqpi'oval of the peuyfe of tiie Dordwm section of tiie<tJnr ion» proclamation waanaadetittt the war of sections was over.

—Yet, long befiwe^-eitijw-of ^ those events, the soldiers fil the

nort^ foai aoutj^the men who %idaete«itiMK«ht^k»-^aB-^

- sections—had oKBpoMd fteir differoKes, i«d teri«I their faatehete and—at lea^ in the

the mcmoiy of oldoeofoe no thoy

not dHtii«pflb the irtio had iram tbe Um ftomthft

I t was in 1896 that iha-^rand Army (rf the RepuMic held its uFst national encaiitpmept ^xm

d t a s D ^

sees iiiemselves of detuled in­formation cQiaceraing the pro^

We can < ier i» ideal, and the advantages of jEeoaaohiieal~ location-JUMI healtiifal climate idtonid be pmv amount That our sitaati(m isj.* £q>ecially adapted to the «eeds of a inmilar prejact was forre?

*B»-. •^rr

given time more freight cars in Pennsylvania than in any other stste;a thing of vital need when those war drums beat to arms." Only one other state could buy more fJovemment bonds. In a word, as the Ledger «uns it up:

"Yes, Pennsylvania is the Hercules of the Union, and if it were necessary to mobilize up to the limit that has been done in

our battle flags an army of 800.-000 men." •

And when we have conquered Gemumy,.. Pennsylvania can show her hew to govern herself. —New York Evening Post.:

Who) you shall choose the course that you wotrid go

To reieE~tbe goaltowud'wfaiefa yoor powsn bend.

Let naught yoor aim aad purpose ovorthrow.

But, whate'er comes, press brave­ly to the end.-

every Ainetlcan country and is true to its insti­tutions, for the nation" is at length as it was intended by the fathers to be and as it was thodg!tt to Jy-uutil sUe ^ flrn1|whi„, . i 11 iifi"'thitirm°f»»ii f

you will'do That w<nttlv is of brain and mind

' andtaoacfat, Whnr'nr oppniiiii stilljmnr WOTIT

pursoe 7 - -Until it is to ftdl perfect ion

' brought

When in your heart yowassaethiaf have to taf .

That, if aceented, will some good bestow;

U i ^ Tw^ir — ^ wuMd ili «urUi ibaU

to know...

To sum np alL fn every^ioiq^t and deed

fie yoor own sdf. A»ia.-iatsase;

No matter irito shall fiowa or who shall

Shad hratebr: ma

fulfy dnncm^rated dunng the manoenvers here ten years, ago. "Oirttoff«ttwr oaLadvantagas iidiich would ae-ene to^liaiuiesas as the nte of IdK camp are easilir ondeotoed.

jtrdassof American citizenriiy ranpad mth Aildren who cotttd|ViriK^ Is^aSnittedly damjble,

for MM maaol Otaiaiaw' taHn-ing cmrpa will of aeoessitgr be

fTnancial stanc point only

sdf to the business men of the and

^ua ity, make a eording.to a w^-known'wxiler ^mtkaaubjaei.

aexitinpDt; such an oat] oaring of brothcorhood; sneh eagei q»o- taiieoQS IrantB- of big pot was literacy pot in' tiie


THE XSUOKT tfP A STKTE^ aoBf. The I Thentoeat rf wir ha.diaken

ttoad t M plf-.=<«: Jia we jnggt pnt i t he now seea Imnself—as the

little pot Haipitafil^ turns withpajjietjSPL

The weUrin' rai* with the ahoatiag of tiie trivfBr"RbthHerc merely the pubfic plaoai glowed -with emblematic signs that the war-rf-Boetiona was oveFr-hBt throogh streets aikd lane—upfnoWw signifieaace t» its name tiitjwnja juST iJLiwiii i»f the nter^ Vr

white aadUuer ^rom MsBe to Tetas, the cry went and thanks to God, "The war of sections is over!"

It was thougirt and said, if incxe should come a foreign war, tnc proof that the war of sec nans IS over

Keiyatooa State 'Wi f iw than any oti>er Commonwealth.

I „Thifl hank ia^abank-of the peonlfi, hy the pfloplfi.japd for the people^'.It is y^ (rf the people because-7—~

by the peojrfe because

THEY WANT IT and for the people because

IHEY USE^JX Are you using it? If not, why not? All. your neighbors do. Our patrbas are tlie people. You should be one of them. Start today doing your buaingw M^TH US. '


Seiecl y^ur agent aad i yowr financial east'

EstdUisbed in 1&78 T'



^ew Y<A jfatfi ert: It wiB pay yow toiaSkU6y«Bm^

Many people talaaffiroi form or another, seddqr

uonmoae _ richer,

— ^ people realised thi^ the kidneys " ""

to the nearest

tie m noo-aleohotte natoral iron, Aaid Iron MinetaL

IB hsr own inimitable way mixed it—kept it pure, down in the earth. Acid Iron Mtnenl

* Is not ti patent mehctBe. It h^ps uMtead of injaru^rteatiy

more flower garden of American flags. Xtte wans < th«pe^)k- were clad in red^ founded by WUtiam Penn is the :

<mly one whkfr eut—baiti and. « battleship—^arm it witir

the biggest guns, stock the mag­azines with shells and gird the whole thing witlisteel armor." A single clothii^ manufacturer

Philadelphia can turn m will even more 8,000 unifomasa week. Manu-


And Licensed Ensbehner L B k-rt., *u> ComaocnB. Vtttmtt, Yk.

Prompt tumticm ^im d oi4tn. Pr «« Inm 4« toai T r i c e M J inilnrial iriU j


j 3 W ^ i : 4 NOW PAYING

3le l



Kfflassas^^fodnce Exchange LARKIN FCCO BUILOINGrJDCfftTER STREET

Page 4: EAStEia ttOSES MAY ISJHSCIJSS^ F^^ SmJATIOHeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News...EAStEia ttOSES MAY ISJHSCIJSS^ F^^ SmJATIOH ... 1^ '> -


BRIEF LOCAL NEWS —The town coancil will be in

regular monthly aeasion. Monday njgljLt at the Town Hljl-^^^

-Mrs. Ait>ertSpeiden, whohka been critically ill, continues to im­prove slowly.

—ifrs. Wiffiam Foote, who««» recovering from her recent ill­ness, baak snffered « reUpae and

-The Woman's Christian Tem­perance Union will bold a Due Social and Reception for new

• memberaon fext Friday, Hay 4,

-Mrs . Mattic Walker died Sat­urday night at her residence in \ Paul Charlottesville, the handsome old CalonMTiuinnof tivGov. G l t e e r

Mrs. W. M. Liggett, of Minn., a delegate to

is still confined to her home.

—Lawson Mieredith. colored, has a badly injured foot as the Ttaudi of striking it with hia.piek while at work on Wednesday.

—Irene Hudnall. little daugh-ter of Mr. J. W. Hudnall, broke her annWedn^day while playing at the family home ou Porluer avenue.

-Al ine Wj-ight. the 2-year-old daogfater of Mr. and,Mrs. Lee Wright, was buried Sunday. Pre­ceding the burial a short service was held at the house.

- D r . Byron W. King.of King's School of Oratory, will be heard here tonight afr torium, under the auspices of the college. An excellent program is promised.

taking the last of twentyrthree anti-rabies, tr^ibneiits at the United Stales Hygienic Ilogpita in Washiniftpirr"" " 7 *'•"•"

—^rvioea will tMOOodncted at 11 o'clock aindtoy_n>onang at Trinity Episcopal Caiarcfi, Htiv. J. F. Burks, rector. Stoday School meets pMUlKlJI' *VWy Sufi-day at9:45ft. lliL

at 8 p. m. at the home of Mrs. A. E. Spies. All members are asked to bap'»" *';tflM'^>il,tafc4bi« time and aH are«fg«dt&b ent and enjoy the social time to­gether.

—Capt. WiHiam Lay Patterson, U. S. A., commanding a division of the secoad aerial squadron, has been prooooted to the rank of major. Capt Patterson is a son of Mrs. Ballantyne Patterson and a fe«other of Mr. Lyman Patter­son, of Eastern Cdlege. He is stationed at Cbrregidor^ 4»laad« thePhilippinca

_-ri:BMaked. That the prawnt irohibitionjawis unconstitution­

al, undemocratic and un-Scrip-tua!,"is the subject of a debate to be held at Nokesvilie on Sat-urday, May 5, at 8 p. m. The affirmative aide will be argued by Mt. C. FitiiWBlei. uf Nokeayille. Col. Robert A. Hutchison, of Ma­nassas, will support the negative.

"Repreaentttive and aura Porter H. Dale, of Vermont, and Mr. Arthurs. Bennett, of Spring­field. Vt., wjere married Saturday

„ j ^.^ ,.^, „ 1 ^f u , evening at the apartments of the EdgK. tfe$ httte sptt of Mr. i ^ X a pailnta in the^DriaeoH.^

and Mrs; E. It. ConnWr today is Washington was ^er Jfe

Miss trartxa, uaie s only attendant


his widow, who i» a Miswaaippiagr —Rev. C. K. Millican'sappoint^jihtee-g^nddaughtersr-Ae-ehil

JbAowa: ments ior !:iunaay a^ Gainesville ^Ifethoficir^Epiicosai Church, South, at 11 a m.; Bria-fow Church a t 3 p . tfi,, and Whnd« lawn Church at 8 ^ ni. '

^Thwe will be no atf^r^ at Bethel Lutheran CnurcB m Sun* day in the absence of the pastor. Rev. Edgar- Z. Poieer'^&iiMtaqr School will meet at 10 a. m. and the choir 9''' '*^^^ will be held WpdnpaHny Bvanlng. -


—Dr»' Richard Winter Mere-ditfa, a native of Virginia. di<dlA»OUT liViday at bis home in Mi l l i e s ; Taaaa, He was about .eighty'-fiye. years old. HeiaaBrviTedby

St. the

D. A. R. convention at Washing-tuitr matfti a aliofi vlali tjpr. and

She was the second daughter of Mr. N. A. Terrell, of Charlottes­ville, and wa8.twi(v> txigrs^d^ifr

having omIflPCary Wills. In 1912 she married the late C. H. Walker, former city treasufer and one of Charlottes- j ville's most prominent business men, whose death occurred a month ago-ITMra. Walker Is euc-vived by her father and b y h o ' brother. Mr. Frank Terrell, of Roanoke, and three sisters, Mrs. Charles Birch and Mrs. John A. Maddox, of Charlottesville, and Mrs.-f'aiieher Turner, of City T*».w<- . . ^ -_- - _ ~ iTMni. " — William James Hubsrd.grand " lecturer of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Masons in Virginia, died last Friday afternoon at bis home in Richmond, at the-age of

He is survived by his 74 years. widow and by one son, Mr. N. Walter Hubard. The funeral took place Sunday afternoon from All Saints' Episcopal Church, Rich-

-Miss Marian J. Dale, daugh-1 ^ pH, «nH intormftTit wan _ia HnJly wood' Hub­ard was one of the best-known Masons4n Vii^nia and was grand high priest of Royal Arch Masobs in 1901-1902. He was a member dTLpehbury RbyirArch t^hap-tar,:No. I0,and of Marshall Lodgfe.) N a 39. A. FfamiA. M. He was a ConfedeaBg^gateran and one

lawfaffn CoiliRgi' rnnn j ^ the <aw gigyiTiipg^ Nwnnaritet caieiB.

Wrs. C. R. C. Johnson this week. Mr.- and Mrs. W. B. Winalow,

of Sarona, W»"—^""Ji iSiPIJpirf their daughter, AHPST F . J. Chandler. Mr. Winslow, who is an^ ppticiant^ plans to lociktejLere.

Mrs: e r W . Pelton and lier lit­tle daughter, of Baltimore, have ai'rived "tti Manassas to spend the summer with Mrs. Peiton's mother, Mrs. G. W. Rosenberger. Mr. Pelton is ejipected in several weeks.


Hwk School Track S^mmi HoMa Annul iBUr-CtMM C T M L ~ ^ — — •

The annual inter-class meet of the Manassas High School track squad resulted last Friday in the victory of-the firet year with"43 points to their credit. The sec­ond-year boys pressed them close getting 40 tallies, while the Seniors amassed the totaH>f 27 points.

The chance of the Manaa-sas teanr to win the Eighth District meet on May 5 looked very much brighter as a result of (he show­ing on Friday-and it looks as thpugh netxt Saturday will see the beat meet on Round i^eB in

'"Wilh malice tmcardvuMe, 'Wttil cfuirity

f<yr all, with firmness in the rigM, as God

gives tistoseethe right." -Ldncpln-

A State^f War has been thrust upon us.

A united-Nation in this solemn hour calmly

facea the future with'ISR&t cwifidence bom

<^ compete faife in American Ideals.

The Peoples National Bank stands united wit i ieveiy member of thlsconimunity and Country to cooperate in every way possible in resisting any attempt to abrogate Amer-ican Freednm, Jnafipft and Honor. :

The Peoples National Bank OF MANASSAS, VA.

Oir Slogan: "It is a pleasure to serve you."


dt^ti ^ M a « i ^ Mii'who died le^l, than ayear ago. and two brothos, ]>r. i.e. Metedifli.of Man^ssaa, >nk Mr. Tlwinaa S. Mwntith, o l

—ServiceaLlf ^Asbory Method diat Episcopal Chnreh, Biev, 3, Hal penny, pastor, for ^ c o n r i n g week are as Arilowa; 'Sunday-Sunday Sehaol arilftTL m;-«i[dii Epworth League meeting at 7 p. m.. Thursday—Pray« meet­ing at 8 p. m. •

—Rev. L. C; Messick's sched­ule of services is a a f c ^ w s : Mid-land United Dteuifen (^Hig^ first and third Sondayg at 11 a. m. > Buckhall Chiaxh, first and third Sundaya-at-3 p. m^H»d^

some price of |6,500. Mr. Bot^ ~ tlnck haa an order for twelve im- ^ " « * Ajf* ^ ^ ^ . ^^^^^ porteiPercheron mare^.tobede. jM.been^thegaestof MiaaBmma livoed^ to the sama o o o ^ ^ y aa+">^ OamB. soon as thtj^ can be impcurted from Fianee. Be r e c e n t l y

Aden Chiwrh, iieoni and'fonttli Sundays at 11


.a. m. -Mr . and Mrs. W.;

son, of Pnreellva^ county, have gagement

announced the ea-ef thei^-son, Balph

Mortimai-,taMiasPina»H<tah daughwr of of Manatee, _The tnarriage


-Mr . W. B. BulkKk haa-aold to the All^hany County Horae Breeders' Asaoeiation three yea* poTtad Petciwon rtaBioas to ini^ prove'their stock, for the hand-

Mr. Cari t^ymt w a x Manaaaas local terair visitor daringlaat week.

TO(miww>^'»"~* ^*^ ^ " ^ ^ ^ " ^ naTT-ywd wiB be tmveiiod at Riahmond on May

Mrs. W. T recent waaiimgtonjgator.

Hiaa EMe Ba«Ber. o f _ Q i t | ^ was a r e c ^ town viritw.

Miaa Mygarat T.ynch was a Washington dtepp^r Tu^niay.

l lS^l iRF«tt ie ,pfGi waa a Huiaasu yisit»r yi

Mn. i^eweU | i . 4 t b e y l i ^ lion-day. t^JvMllwlativBs in I^nmrlo vania. ^ /

the history^ of^tfae series. Wkirenton and Colpeper will

both a^Kl strong teams, and Mar^ aba& and Htmie win i K>bably make a «ood showing on-thdr first appearance.in these meets. It ia hoped tbat a goad crowd will turn oat and ratioorage the

A tablet marking the site of

10. The taUet adonoaa huge Rivftr granite boulder in

the center of a triangolar plot of ground at the intnaection of Lester. Maple and K M been

and Ash streets, defeated by the jatodby

Gonfedei eity of f^chmond as Gonfederate Navy-Vutb Park. The C<mfed-erate odors wiH beunfmrled from a sizty-fiTe-foot flag<8ti^

If ywi vahie Acxwacy; in fee exectttkm^^^ o ^ ^ &tk^ y o u will iiot with T H E JOURNAL^S s e r d c e


shipped to Spot^lvania-county a fina imported staOion wdghing 2.100 pounds. The price was $ ^ Md.. Ja spending a iew4ayawith 600. He also ahipped^ way A » ^fr. and Mrs. W. N. Weroiftr r^Btered gray Percheron stal' lion ifi Virginia Beach on Wed> neaday.

T^W&ile the ease of Cbapin vs. ^ Hawling' was ha course of trial

before a juryjn the eireuit court iff^fiinahniii ~iatrt" tentkm of Judge i<'ietener waa called to the fact that one of the JBTOff bad been peacefully aleep-

rMearttoi«^ 4Kveral witne had been giving~their

—The judge immedi--iteiy wnt<eog vjunot of the ilui

itka, attwx^thetrialof the ~ ^

Wilt take

— A convention of B a p ^ lay­men and Sunday School wirkwa will be hdd tomorrow and Soft* day at the Luug Branfh CStoieht near The Plaina. Mr. Waatwood Hutchison, of Manaaaaa,. ia ^ make an addieaa on "The Proper Housing of the Sunday Seboot."

-Miss Bessie Bdike».daHgfater

Fink, of Washington, were mar­ried in WaahingtOP on Apv3 11, They jrill make their hone in WashingUw. Tht bride ia a sister trf Mr }eiiai IT Rm-lfo, nt

nntil-a new jtny coaid be em-paiwiltod.'flned t h e s l e ^ n g jurwr $10 and diamiaaed the «itire j ury whifh haff alrradjTlnTnrril nrrrr a day to the hearing of evidence m the ttm iM^miL-^lMrnkm

I—Tbe Fauquier-Loudoon Bank, recently ocganiaed ^ UpperriHe with a raa rapital of yB noO

Mr. P. H. Lynch left Suncby iOL ^pesad several weeks in^Hot Springs, Ark.

Mr. W. QB^ of Hagerstown,

Misses Anna and Ada^ Wood-l ard, of^rentsyUle, apen( die Week-end -wsdi Gregory. ^

Mrs. E. A Walter, ofCnlpi^wr. Ife-weekr-tli*^«t? ^M^thft M d f c i l ^ j ^


The Flower of hLUUKS w a n t maggg:

with her siater. Mrs, ^ctp^ Lee lETmeraon.

Tbaroagtkfare, of

and surfdoa otJ2,S0fK of Mr.-aad Mw. J. W. Barket JtomMiLgn April 16^ TheJiank of Marshaa,^andMr. BenjanrnTj: i« ia twnpotatj quatUaa pending

—Among the hunters enteredip in the jumping evenS of the T?ih tional Capital Uiuae Sbtiw^ May 5 to iO, is the string of Mr. Mife-chell Harrison, of Greenwich, in­cluding Fire Alarm, Bright Star. Sunlight. Twilight, Sedlight, the Cinder and Water Baby. Mi.4s Laki Long of Kansas City, iAo., oneof tftebest ttnown h<gae-wotnen of the country, is num-i»eFed among the exhibitors.

the eonatroetion of their new faaakiiy booae whiefa ia to be of atone, built in cetonial deeign. The building will be erected by private capitid and rented with the piifilege of pmchaae. Tteg cartier of the new bank ia Mt.

AndetsMi,. formerly aawistant

Jaeoba. ^ ten the

innt, Mra. Miffit

Mr. Raymond Baevea. of W a ^ ington, haa been riaitiiii; JU§ fatiMf. Mr. R R. R e e r a n . ^

Mra. G. W. Petten. in Baltimore tfd.

Mias M u y Ajtera. who haa hfrfm tnrhing at Wflndhrii^gn htf ratiMTiad to her

UP.TMili^-" nice stodc^^

i»tTwe are iitJL porition to offer y<m at a good price;

Com King Manure Soor aders, Hootier G>mplanters, ~~ Hobster Drills and Lime SOWCTS, Weber Wagons,

. Mogtf and Titan^Ehgines (Hft fcrl H. L K) J ^ L <:ase Pfows, l ivot -

Wheel Cultivators, Deering Rakes, Mowers and Bmcfers

the vacation noontha.

caahier of the Rappahannodc Na-tknal 3 ^ L ^ The boaid of R e c ­tors ia '^mpused-^ Gen." J. A.

Glaaeoekv Mi^bos Gore Richard­son. A. C, Reid. H. M. Luttrell. P. S. Gochnauer, W a r r e n G. Jones, C. F. Rinker. J. A. John-sten, T

Messrs. Rosweil Round RrC; HaydsB, of the tJnlvi • f Virginia, spent Sunday their respective homeaL

Archdeacon Neve, of the ion School at R^ged Mountain, was the recent guest of Rev. J. P. Burks, at the Rectory.

Piiixuraae and Sharpies Separators

Mrs. gue^t;


wood. Wood.

E. .^ers had a.« her anoay tic s>->n-in-.aw

C. Idea, EugEPgt;. Gate-, gad daart.tar. Mr. ind Mrs. W.' C. M. Peach and A. M. A. G.ast\->ck ir.c :sr .v.-.. Mr.'

. Paul Aicera. a'., vTf Wa.ohington.

Manassas Feed, Supply and Implement Co. EVERYTHING FOR T H E FARM-

• !

Page 5: EAStEia ttOSES MAY ISJHSCIJSS^ F^^ SmJATIOHeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News...EAStEia ttOSES MAY ISJHSCIJSS^ F^^ SmJATIOH ... 1^ '> -

mmm wm§ THE MANASSAS JOURNAL. t' KI D A x l l i ^ L g?^ 1917

• I H — u p

»'f^fI>fcl*flL»EPn'>iiia-"'^the school building, SupT. M. _ j Hall prSIHing inliis usual efR

The Coles District school fair, it^ient manner. A number yhich vvag hyH harejaaturdky, teachers vyere pret^nt tnypt l fir

I'ellows' Hall, was as with Messrs. Swart and Garrett,

of F at the Odd decided .success'. A splendid exhibit was s h o w n and the

_/cpresented de-s H"-cn credit for therrwwtHf'

The hall was filled with en-LhusiiLslic patrons and children A bountiful'dinne after which the following pro-j Tarn was rendered:

Address on 'Our Schools oad Their Part in thg Fair"-Supt ("harles R. McDonald.

Talk on "Club Work"-Mr. <' A. Montgomery.

Talk on "Club Work and Vir-i:rina's Part in War^-Miss Lil-iian V.t5ilbert. ' "~:

.SONGS AND HEADINGS^ i5ong,"Kind W«rdsGaft^Jever

Die"-Smithfield School, Recitation—"To Help the Ap-

{)etite"—Helen Chesloek. - -Recitation "The Springtime"

served" Miss €rewe, oTTender, rdaS a

of the Centerville school b(»rd,. and a few patrons aiid, visitow. ^.Jiiiss Smith, of Qifton S j ^ l ^ read, an artic1^-,m—^3b!<( i!Sy the Teaching of Hygiene tie Helpful to the Community?"

paper on "Civics: Its Importance and What Should Be Stressed in Teaching It."

Hazel LunsfonE Story, "Piggy with a

Tair'-George Chesloek.

A paper on "Gran^mar in the Advanced Grades: How Can We Jylaintain an Interest in It?" was read by Miss Jenkins, of Clifton.

After lunch, which was served by Tnembera of the league, Dr. Ormond Stone discussed"the sub­ject ^ "A Better-Underetand-ing Between the Commumty and the SchooTrHow May We TSseurer Ttr Dr. Stone gave some excellent advice to scnool officials,' teachers and patrons and tft thTmwnber oFtni


, Recitation,"The Village Black­smith"—Anna Chesloek.

Duet—Ruth and Rae Luck. Recitation, "In CM Virginia,"

—Moo Hill, Recitation—Annie Comwell. Recitation, "Sister's Best Fal­

low"—Annabel Merrill. Solo, "Yankee Doodle"—Rae

Luck. — R6Citatton, "Somebodya Dar-

ling"—Dorothy Merrill. ; fiOBfE GARD^ DISCUSSED

"The Home G^^rden and Yard" was the subject of MUIH ,terestii^~'discussioi> last Friday evening at a special -meeting W a U ^^ TTutiti.iiljl gjittjtjtl rM-'Uni-neta v^ najrueni OCIKKN. X/CIWF-f eataires of the eyening were songs aiidrecii^Bons. Mr. Gea

16 o^m-munity who does not belong to either of these classes, but who nevertheless has a duty as a cit­izen towards the school.

Supt Hall announced the ap­pointment of a honje demg^nstra-iipr" for" Fairfax county and urged

ar acted-aa ofthe

Mifls Dor"t>fY,Mfirri'], "^ ^''-naasas High Sehool, s ient the we^-^id with h0r.4wrents &t ^'SpriBgdale."

Miss Lillie £ e W. Storke


t o ^ Saturday. Miss lilliaox Gaitison was the

_ . .guest of Miss Anna Wolfenden, /'Mkvof Kopp, Sunday-mdMoaday. \ Mr8.W.Fairi»nki^ofMiimie-

viUe,waa a-week-end guest at

and Mrs. Carl Lynn, of Alexajidria, have ^returned to their home after spen(Ung a few daj^ wit^ Mr. Lynn's aunt,Mrs.

^ R Lowe, iieaar Independent - « « = ^^—^-

KLDER SMOOT PREACHES. Services were conducted by

Elder Smoot Sunday arthe Old School^ Bw?tifft^htirchj^ Ijode-pendent EuTl.

Mr. Carlton HiU, of Eastern .CoU^e,spent the week-end with his parents at "Hillsdale."

Hayfield hao tho honor of being one of the five staodard schools intbe<^unty. . Mrs. Lwig, of ^Ri<Amopd, is vlBiting this week at the home of Mr. S. LcHig.

uly^arho-gpent aey< in Mana8sa8.moved back to their farm near Independent HiH last yft^ki • —

Mr. May Wriifir was OK i l r . xi-i

of Manassas, rector of Trinity Episcopal Church.

The School and Civic League met Frid^ at the school house. The principal, M&s Tenknis, pre-* sideo, in the absence of the ident, Mrs: WiSon Mrs. Hodge itfeiS^ piano.

The report of the CMnmittee on steps was considered and it was decided to erect ptamsaaaA steps of i;euieut with plknlr i)ncige"at Uta fiF'* "f *^ " '> *" McAdam rosAr

Following the business session was a program on "The Home Garden," the subject of the month. After enjoying a treat of candy the company "»d ;oumed, t*> meet with trpty at her home on Frida; May 4. from 3 to 5 p.' m.

Ti-_-VCHERS' i N ' s r r n T E

- „ thp cooperation of~the community in her work during these times of the need of ex­tensive crops to fiU the lack in the world's supply and the jJre-s^rving tif the 8viq>hB TW*-^ j < ^ tables and f njit.

Friday evemng a sleight of hand perfprm&nce was given-at the school house Aner the show iee cream was serrea.


Saturday thft.hBftkpt hall tftam met the team from Fairfax ffigFT School at Fairfax. The Clifton girkwere badly besttea bpfengtsu^l^ly^l^ that t l i e ^ sae immlHng to fay agMB. ~' '" It the JPairtax^urls on tneir Own court at CKftpn to-monroW at 3 p. m.

luddath died Saturday iMMaae in the yilfawe, fel-r

k>win^ a U»% illness. She was twen^-two years old and is sur­vived \^ her husband, a young 8(»^uadr^her mother. Mis. Corn weU»/^I-ef CPifton, the family having moved here 4liring the past year. She wap-huned Mon-day afternoon. Funeral services: werel conducted at the Baptist Church by the pastor, Rev. W. L. Naff, and intennent was in the Clifton cemetery- "-


Rev. Alford KeHey preached aa exseOent aetrmon Simdiay morning in the Presbyterian Church. Alargeandlbter^ted congregation wae-^'esent. The TOung pec^le's meeting was led by Mr. W. H. Richards. . Among the Sunday visitor oiirviilage were Miss Grey Mop-1 -roe, of Barker fflid Bfr. Samuel S. Hufisbe^r, of Midland. ^iissBet Sara and Chri8tiae| Fer:guson were Waahf hgtoti YIS' iters last Tlmraday,

W U i ^ Ix^affwill Chuiath

at 11 A. in, and 8 p. m. No vices vnW hn held at thft Praflhyn iteriaa '€^^o^d^ except~~Supday

jaefvieaF<i^te=gDaduetcd _CliftMi MissioQ Chapel iSuBday afternoon by Rev. J. F. j u i t a , [ The Stale BuBrd of Health h p

eaUadJfor_Sik}i ior^tiie eynsttue-tioo of the fiBR~baildings to be erected oa the site of Ihe new

hare-iMen -drawn u d are now i^efi'cnlr. Bid^wffi be opapedHay

4 at 3 p. m. '

BIDS The Board

Prince William

WANTED of Sapervisors of


ac I ^ M B : !3^

X .^- • ijuifa;

X Dl


tj The Ford Motor Coaapany, of Datrett, apjwinted m aathorigod ttgont for F6rd cars m this territory, to properly represent Ford interests, to Ford owners. The (Company in return demands that we eqaip and

onCaintaijianadpnnateaafviee^tatton, employing competent F<»xime-chanica, using wlyjgenuwe Ford-maae materials aiid dwu^ng regular Fwd pnees. -— - T ^ — ——-=

: ^ Tilts is the service we arc giving to Ford o -—monehip • pricca, the standard of ewdi

erSt Material Vork-! ^

q When your Ford car needs attehtion, bring it to us, and^etjthe ben-<fito£ expert Ford mechanics. We gi JFord service, with gei uine Ford-maHe

i j :et;

Jive you the assurancft of-e parts.— genuine

q For4 »rs--Runabout $345; Touring CaJLiafiQiJCQupej£tJ$5M;.Tow^ Car $595; Sedan $645, all f. o. b. Detroit. —

CENTRAL W ^ i MeCQY, Agent Manaisas, Virginia-

IC 3C X w^Km 31


jioiurviiMJHuaicmstir -©»«- Chestnut Lick, at a point known as "Hunt's Tord," in Gainesville district, on mad from

> >

Hickory Grove to Catharpin, and haviagr appointed me ctHnmia-gioner to receive bids for erection

- - , of 8ai<i bridge, f will receive rf- J t e | ^ a antit May^Wr^ST?.

appfifirations famiahed applicatinn to tha uadoroignod. -The rigrht is reserved to reject

any or all bids. c • :"•••••••• .-: . :^ -J.F.ADAMS,

e uL-tnt't «ai! heki last; *• C(»mni88toner. ir. tne aail-LOriUr-iof < haymarket. Va. 4d-2t



Send y^ '23IB|M«'^ saddi*' repair to The'CuTpeper Harness Co., at Culpeper, Va.. where it will be promptly and properly tfone at'a* very moderate cost. They will pay the freight one way On work amounting to mure than one dollar. 19It

Tb«1916talbQQlt8ofJ rict diBtrici are now in my hands for

collection. I will be atvWood-bridge Tuesday, May Ist. 1 to 12 a. m.; Russell's Store. 1 a> 2 p. m., and Hoedley, 3 to 6i>. m. Af rgf that date the books will be at my store at Occoquan, Va. JohpLearyx^PtBUtyTratta.dS 3tp4 —For Rent ui 3ale-3iA'iwiu house recently occupied by Mr. Ashby Yate8;eiectric lights, water and sewerage; posaeaaion at oace. Store hnuBfi; pnssesHion - May h. W. S. Athey, Manassas, Va.47-tf

For Rent-"Nine-room house, water on porch, garden, hen house and stable. Apply to Mrs. H. D. Wencich. Manassas, Va. 47

Eat-Sale—31 head good sheffi.-F. Warner Lewis, and lambs.

Manawaa, Va. 46.pdlt^ Eggs for Sale—Thoroughbred


Muiaasas. Va. ' 42 tf ' For BantT-Siit-iieeBa boaae oa

Battle St..-D. J. Arrington. Ma* naasas, Va. 41-tf.

For Sale—Pure White Ply-mouth Rock eggs—$1.00 for UL J. 3. Conner, Manasisas, ya.38-tf

For Rent^One large room <nr«r pool room, suitable f<M* office or iuisi] najn MM ontorpriao *pply *^ EJ Rr€onner

Barred and White' Plymootfa Rocks and White and Brown Ler-horitf eggs n.00 per-IS,-$&<»:

rbn4£rstsandl tey shoig. Harvey

Yoony^ ianassafi,! Va. 2-2tD5a -If' yon ' are Ass^sments,

tey oar old Line Companies, -If

Insnrance-of Mutoal

yon don't like the increasing Mi line ratecC try our Motoal. Tak« voorchoiie. We represoit botii kinds. Austin Cknpwation. 86

Fbr 3sle—Itegistered HoIstCBn male ealves .from high prodoeinff

J. J. Coniyer, Manafr-

-00,000 white onk cro— ties. See us and get prices. M, Lynch as-Ca ' _ 23-tf

For Rent -My residence em North Mdn ^Street, Manassas. S p j ^ to G. W. Payne, R. F. D^


-A goo(^ aUnwund printer. Lning w a n

AUMINtflKATOR'S NOTICE qoabiied^ as adnuiui^ the estate of the late

Uavinfr of _ Aohnaoa, I wfll aettte duly atte8tMV«£ist Uie

~ an Jirties Oid^ted to the estate win please come for­ward ukl settle 8am& at K. C. LEWIS, Adm'r.

b * • Ckrk'a OSoe of t k B C b o v t C o n t ctf 0 « a ^ , ! • vatMiao, * M

Ckttim R. Canm, C M - Y \ ' • ' ' ^ ^ . [ I . C W « 7 .

B i i i k Ceroai, D e t e d u t . j

hj a^plicatioD ux i afBiisTit pnbhoatioa this d i^ 3 k d in

mif ofioe t lur ihe obi«at of thra anh ir tn nh-> <U»wc4 • »i»oalo nuteimonii gpep tto; • i it J i i iHiMi tWj th»di<i i*»«l ,Hi^

Oonm i* oot a ncident of th* State of ~-— kad that her lairt known pIjKv. of

rWaahiaiitaB, D. Gv'Mree* arMrfM*-

a u d IMda Coram do appear withir; &fu>«n d ^ a aftar doe pohlic*tJoa of tliia t'troar an i ^ w k a t i a aaoaaaanr to proi«cl ter ini-r'^i.

* o e p y o l fia* ordar !» uu.,..-.e^ S "UMlt. for (nar asceeaHiw ww>)i» t:

Tta j f a n a a a i J o v s a l , a aavsfiafw nu;. m ]S"aftiu uuiuiir and tofta--* 4M I;IT f .

{ju»>ad at Ibe frgpt dc»x .-•( :!» -onrt-iio.-of n i d ooaatT aa i^j0^ <:<r «-tj<

(JEO. O. T i L E k : -By hi^Depntj

k agpf—teete: GEO. r.. T". ..

B T his i'l. i.i'

I. M • N

. D M A S

l y 1

Page 6: EAStEia ttOSES MAY ISJHSCIJSS^ F^^ SmJATIOHeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News...EAStEia ttOSES MAY ISJHSCIJSS^ F^^ SmJATIOH ... 1^ '> -

ygiPjCT; srmL'Yrr^xT' HP


la ^«et^Septwnber 24^1dl&. (tebedttU 8 cm»« pnblUW onlj «> i

auiiob "not •msnalMo." intw-

TrahgfcwwMBnMWii—fnihwry SODTHBOtJND.

No. V—Dtily local, 8:80 ». m.' Deliru* •onneotr6n"irDTinge diiXf osdipt Sui

No. is—Dail^liroQigh true for Charlotte, 10:03 a. m. <nU atop at itanaaaaa on flag.

Mo. Vf-^=Kiie«piSaa^Tdeit tnm WaU-inglao to WamntoD, 6:22 p. m.

No. IS—Dailylooal lor Wanaaton, Cliar-luf.lMTille aod wa;statioaa,5:12 p. a . 1*011 man PartoT e»t to WarrwitoB.

Ko,t l DaUy thronghnaia, lOttfp, • • •topi to lot oC paaowiRen h m Wmikutgkm kad Alazaadiia and to take oa pui (or point* at wkidi aohadaled to Mop.

HOBTHBOCND. Mo. 18—Bxeapt SoBidM.loaai Iron War

raaton to Waahi^gton, 7:00 a. a . Mo. 16—DaUy throai^ traia batwaM

Chariottaanille. Warifatoa, Hyaaiia aikl w^^hiRqtoa.ft:05a.m.- . , r

Mn.li—UaUyMmUamaoiilMUsto watn iagtoD, 9:47 a. m. PaUnaa Parlor Oar,

Mo. 10—DaUvlb^, 2:10 p.m. Ooaiiaeti at Oranga with 0. ft O. Railway fro&. Bi«h moad aad OordoaaTilla. <~

Mo. 28—DaiW, 8.-08 pjB..4oed traia bar tween Haniaoailiarg, MaaHaia aad Waf^

" No.*U—Daa» through tiaia Utm aad Waahi»|itoa,S:SiSp.i

•Ibiea Dara was a contented and >«|HI| luwi:—Be liail bmu bi might a* oa A f a m jrlaldlng a eomfuriabls UT-Ing. JO* had v o a Mluta BoT*^ l»«41* «( Barrlcw, for Ua brlda and DOV thwo waa a twc^yMK^M little cherob, MOTsan, -to fill the Tine embowand t)ctt«it irif> >"'"'•"'" • " ''•r UaO' ~ , TloB cam* a new run of what bla g l ^ b oftUed lucETHewaa made town mara^taL John Bpafa, his predecessor,

Mg. pwoBMTfftj'Mia mow m aurmea^ ods. Ther needed a younger man to mla the poUce destiDlea of Bayriew.

dutlaa of marshal s t tho

"O-oli : whatever i*hall I do with I t T sbWered Ulnna.

"Put It on the window sill on tha porch," adrtaed Mri. Rush. "Care-fnlljr, now.'Toiir liusband will be home ao«« (• dinaer aad h« wlU attend t» t t * -

The nelgbbor left and Hlnnu 8at oa the towe^'^^^U^Ut^^orcb with manr a tfudoenng giaroWB'the mysterloBS package. Baby was asleep In the bam-

^ mock at the other end of the porch. Minna got so aozlaus that she went dowb to the gate looklhg longln^py

"Oh. there he is at last!" aha ex­claimed Joyfully and hurried down ttM street to meet her husband. - "Why, Mlnai wuLJSBak-_l!l -dis­turbed.'^, spoke Albion H her trembUng hand rested on bis aim and h* noitad tb^ unusual palor on her face.

"I am nearly frigtatencd to death." confessed itinoa. "Ob. Alblosl I fear your b^Dg marshal is going to eoat yon enemies »ud Jaugei."

"Why, how is that, Uttie wMaanr* "Someone. in«yl>e the frlaads of

Kntfer Padd, haa seat yen-a- -boasb-througfa the mail!" and Minna flnttei^ ingiy described the arriral of tli* mya-terlous package.



iTe, yreU ordered Uttle vlHage were at all

onerous or perilous,' but tbere a clTtc pride in keeping the town-clear of tramps gad erladnala.

All thlj» suits me pretty well, Mln-said Albion to his wife. "It's a

hundred dollar salary dropped r t ^ t iny lap. Tt won't interfere with

coatlnnlng to run the store." " It suppose you have to battle with

id aiTMt burglars, and cap-^.nvrsl" TOteed Mbiaa awe-

•omdy, Th«i,^U|^t aa be a m la build, mild

and looffenAre aa b c m w la his talk and nannem, Albion aiBt)^ aoletly •mjl rsplladj.


Mo.38—1 •laapiag 10:20 p.

WE8TB0eN&-No. 49-^Daily loatf for Hyriaeabaig aad

i atermediatajKnata, ft:40 a. b . No. 21—Daily loaai to Harriaoabaw

5:00 p.m

H. F. OAltftGea. Paaa.i8t R. H. DoBUTrs, a » . r


Washington't Leading Store

< n i tgr moral aroaaion, dear,.and If tbat faUa w h r - ^ and he whibited tha

"U'm! we'U look into this." said Al-

i t r "Oa the window siU^Albionl'Matrly

•creamed Mlnna-^"lt's goasi" "Why, that is strange," commented

Albion, as both reached the porch. Thump—thtunp—thump!—the «y«s

of both were turned to* the far eod of the poiEh. Baby, It seemed, liad awak­ened. Baby Itad gone out of the liam-moA. Baby sat pounding with aome- I thlag on tlM floor of the porch wbicii I he-applied to his mouth and poonded I some more.

"Albion r shrieked Mrs. Dara; n f s the draamttel Oh! » t i t Oh I he'a been eattagtt ani^ it may Mil him, CHiI oh I,oh I and in a hysterical fit poor Mlina siknk'tatn thfjteareat seat, o •«^

Ae-roosed to her natund aelf to ^nd her husband laugtiing tlH he shook all orer. He had baby la his arms and baby was crowing loudly.- In Ittg Uttia hand be held the dreaded "djaaaadta

- atlck.5-,Its battered and, tha «as«lt-ot the poimding on tha 9fx<ik floor, bad been stripped dew* aa inch or two by papa and' upon It young Zfonaan waa lemaOat.

iinburr gulped Iflnnaatatf^ "nra eaadyl"

iwT <Kwa L.

•^aTerware, Etc. Oar snprema^- in tiie fODaHriBC

lines has Man.n Dependable .

lowest prioea for nOff l

StatUag SArstwai n a o ^ t K a t o d W a HJgh'GsaaoCgter: CUaa TaUawaca^ TiMoGlasawafa M d i C a t r ' TeOatSata B e a a a a a d C i w i f W a ChafiagMahoa Ck - - -

Parlor I KHafcaa Utiarfli


DuLiNftliKlBliQ. t l ^ F au Mid 1214*18 0 flt.


handia o f - a podcet.

"^Oh, how brava t o d fearlete r breathed Xlnaa. bnt

dered at a alglit of the — p n a . "TTaT* ynni w r i t t a

abot t yoar gettlvg ahaadir

ka i't paid mad^ attention

t a w «( lata yedn . I told h i « . too. aC Uttla Nbcans—«aUad aftM; h U a lddla nana. A «iieer aid fd low' la iTada IBesk I hapa ha w a n t tMak wa mmaA Monaaa after htoifJiMt target lila.soad IrtlL"

"HttiOuoe ha c a r laahed fotUt ttr motheriy Minaa. *Ss titsra a flnw A O d l a the waridt Cnda Baa Oo^ht la~Sa

diffasad a dihtlnet odor of pctverratnt Tiia stick was six times th« dtaante^ af tile oMiaary oae eeateir." AMan-toOk It from tHdty** g r a v and atrtpped off tha rest of its aiaaila cOrertag. As ho did so he brwaght to 1 1 ^ « atrip tif tettar P^MTL * .• ' .

!'Eram..IIn«da_Bai,'* te' adstMd. •Vote.aajK, Wgceat ;i«jsk «( « B d f I «mi«ll.huy.T" . - •

'•Oh, AIMaa. Uaw a t a r i i w w b e e a r breathed Minna,

t l . also add a smiOL jift- for ^mt ». Will dapUeatsMieti. year g

bo behar^a hlnwdf." . " N o r a ^ ndalMbata Umadf ! The

M c a r cried « » fond iMtkar. ^"What la It, A M o n r

"A flTe-hondtad-dolUr bm." an-Bwend AlbbiB. flattvitac tha Imi^ uott in qwertiion. — - -

-Oh, It c a a t bo poanOler . "Look tar yooiaelf aatf Jw OM-

vlncad." "Aad I had my aeata all for aaOi-

ing," narrated Mlaaa to Mf*. .Bnrti m Maa ct-

Uowlag OS an to s i s l t h a r s ^ . Aod iX AIMoQ inn, ai^waim n j i t

Everything m^

My line eml»acefrSt«pIe and F^ncy Gro cnes

Queenswar^ Tm mf



Albtai did very , w ^ handed u d TallaaUy

tared Kalf er Dodd, a \ pad who 1

t f l W W a a f f - ^ j M t ' a f e wttbAlbton.

"Xoa mm yonr tlmo Bko a gsnUo-aaa aad get^good tlma by behaTtnc yaarsalt" adriaad Albion In bla fatet. sood hearted way, "matTB glra yaa m miM ajMta in ntm mihttm -^^^ga naia w^^ «sbC«lOMaCkta." ~- • •

No aaawer came feon Vada Ben, bat tta Daras hoard tbat be was away frott home. Aboat a saeatb lattr tbeta wag a giand » c a « far Mlana

lata tba }awa «t, . "to diaeover an pcfipendnt c a a ^ r lat nsfgtftor chastUy. "Oh. taaebw tia alwi^a ta h q beat, docon^ U. utrnT -^

a a n y nHHssiwras or aNBOoo. Before ite^ dlacorery by the Span-

laR&, i fe i loo was uceaplea by aeTaral

"V/, .-^y f

-Prevent Loss by Fir« aad Wind

- pira, wind and decay are the greatest deatniyeia of farm iMiildinga. <*

Buil<Ui>ga of every kind are easily erected of concrete. Iney are fire proof—wind proof-uUsmal

They never require painting and tha reduced inauranc* rataa ak>ne makea building with concrete an aootwmy

Our^malitarattiradoarrihpi every (iaUll o/ »^°.T**?*^" w •!* it p«r^i«tiy eaay to do aU the work with uoakilled help. Wnta

" C<m«r«te /or PtrmanmiM—SECURITY, tike /VnwoaaiU I^rii^nd Ctmsnt

aaouarvr o a i u u i T a'i.iicK oo_

Henry K. Field & Co., r,3iihigles, LaAs Doors, SasL

BHnds and Building Malmal OF ALL KIHD8.

CSTIMATCS FURNI8HCD. (XBM: No. 116 N. UnlMi S t n t t iiMtegy 1 Ko. m H.Im QHnt^t^kr—r— ALEXAI

Ma8assa iisler&4 2 ^ ^ [ a i ATBBT, PioiviaMr.

Baggasa, Fnraltnra and all kinds oi marehaaioisa^ ortrtfaar «commoditiaa promptly traaafMrad or deliTored.

Jrmade Irom bflst ntttariaU, b*k6d in In ui>-t<Htatev7eii, Innole"

Bamng determ&ied'to devote our, whole timetothn 1tiylEtttit»iBd_ iBsaraQoe busmess. we i i « P ^ VoBcitLjdLpropertar fear sale and

thoBe Baling pr^terty to name with u^^roiBpflly^

iMM neat, ckttn, < fal wortonen. Ask few it— accept no eth^r We haveameg<_ tafflUJfll!* wfiwe^yw am

yosr appetite. Fidl f Gonfoetienery'.


C. J. MI£CTZE ^ CO. i .Va. aatll.LC.1

ABaaathaUca AdaAiiatarad for laaaKxtrbetion of Taatfc.


^ ^ : JIEMTISr-' _, _;

U. L C. BnUdiiiit. Manasaaa, Va


&pti0 $t to WAiJH4N<JKM>N.

'• Pfli YOMR

In m a aad tta e ^ t a t a tt tha Astee fpaiJtal, Teanrbflttga, la I B t L - Tba apanirti itilnny thns formed w a a ' c r ^ ated into a Ttcwoyaity, ana aeeame tb4

T b a flpamarAi


vbaa ibo Uttar earctar banded padKga atruaa tha aardea p

to bar baabaNM ippad l a l a a t y

Ow new flftock kai riv«d. WeetaiMvei

old price. k««OaokL

of "Son»a cx>Uectioa of th« beat poenu of the late Dr. H. M. Clarkaon, $ 1 0 0 poatp&id Addreas THE JObRNAL. Manaaaaa. Virginia.

aad oaa mncalag sra U a gaesr 4oeang aareel tha dowratep. K"bad'

r ^ a r f u a a ^ A H H y b u b a a d toSk K to the toyh ball. Tt was a Bomb, aa la-"ferrorf lasililiiw Jyuaiufiey

uttered a sharp ^cream and

qneata eren Into what la new tba tar-rttory of the ITnltad Stataa. "nie vtco-ttm bad Am aw^ afar aO tba aar-rltosT. wbMi waa fraai .tta booadary of Oaata Kloa to riorlda. wan aa tbe W e a ladUa. BawaeoT. IB tba elghteaatb aentary tba Baot 1m-dlaa asd Oaalaawla. j r O s a t n d fl-atr lea^ awft

4»%Mfc fiit lu_uuLitB»j Otoat

eaad to bo a tntTaUag laaa. aad haa aoU aterea aad others

^ n i d a a n •aUh.1. After

k T.sbtck foond biaaetf ana aftar-l a a aaaiH vUlaga wktts te beA aaid goods, though ba bad eat

waa a

Pktofial Review Pattern Mid

OeVONSHiRE CLOTH FertfcelHblota

^indies wide; gaaranteed^fe^ eetos; m attaneti a l l » k a xmmmfati rdAvn

r i m i i K i g i i i m '

•ti-i JOQk-^ r i » r » T % > a a-8>>aaaa

Htm ^EilCAgS^ feflt

" dMaia for women and cniwren. imra.. DOMESTIC GIHQHAliS



L o r e a n d W a f / * a ^^ada a nwraiaaiit a a J f ta__th»w tba package Into the street. '

T o r mercy's k ke don't drop f t r warned her agitated visitor. "Don't yon know it goes oCT by nni asstne aad ptay blow BS ail to pteceal"

baaa tbere for maay yaara. It aOiaga where a hltehtBCtacfc a^fiia ^**'g*^ of the

t u would ba lo~8M one of hia otd cnsfeasers aad cafre coogratnlatloos on U a rlao ia Uto since tb* days when be ?reat about dlspoaing of harrlwara. .

The cnstompr was aeated in tha rear ut hU store looking trrer tha bool a^ wbfD Lobeck enfer«<l. He looked 19, recognised Lobeck. and said:

"Doa't wBUt a Aing." And tigbt «e fl^arti^ OL-M grrOnnta,

tbm an cheeks, ibripeB, t , ., .„ .-Mad for wmples of utese; 32-incho8 wide. YanL.


mite ailmiid;jgmAsfeteAgJk colon; a&d ' ' " ' ^ m iwwpliiifa- OAo

38-incbeawkie; awdlis are Jiew; pnwBjgig m.awi^ of^edT



Inaoeh ptrtty striped effects; 32-i h<» wkje; in pj^^trjpe laYCTder, )^i^ %lact and taS; <st fancy camifflatxjiL.eaectB. Jfaid...^.

flON CRUSH LiNENS ^^ ^ ^ _ ^^-«=


Colnptete line of nesrttwing cobra; indadirig Copenhagep. lavender, pink, gold, wid manjAotheors; ack and white aBo included; fuU SB-Inches wide. Q / V Yard T.T;Trrr..;....... ^^—^.....

Kann's—Street Floor. x.a.a^ a j ^ a A a «.««.*.•.«. «~a «-« e 9-t a-ai T 90c

^ _

Page 7: EAStEia ttOSES MAY ISJHSCIJSS^ F^^ SmJATIOHeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News...EAStEia ttOSES MAY ISJHSCIJSS^ F^^ SmJATIOH ... 1^ '> -

:^r=^ "^.ifcM<^>7H^'5A& ^""'"°ilAJU^#i^BAVi ^ W W i i ' t t ^ ?

Home Dressed and Western

I Beef, Lamb, Veal and Pm k

APPEAl^ TO THE PUBUC ^,R««dkH' Sky* Thare Is Necti (tf • 1iMa««Md Itcitpiict far t o d -m . imd Sabbafl*.



I Cash, Paid for Country Produce and Live 5lbct^ ~" ^

^pril SMafeo OovM - S«T«r«J

Ooung Day.

Hje April term of the circnit-court of Prince William county, Ju(ige J. B. X Thornton preaid-iDfr. ad joumed Saturday. A sum-

back of our puny efforta or have Lmary of the concluding seMioos

I • gent in their appeals for increased S production. This is welUjut how

Farm and city papers are ur>

many I'ea^y believe in the Power

respect for the land over which man was given dAoinion? From the beginning God bressed Che Sabbath day and made it a sign throughout all generations—yet, nationally and individually, what

disregard is showB-beUh land and the Lord's Day. —TJto question in. Do we not bci tievfr Ilia word? He gays, ~'Y» shall keep My Sabbaths and rev­erence My sanctuary—then I will


Allotwances to jurors m civil cases.

Allowances of $46.50, t4.60and $1.50 to Charles A. Barbee,Bhenff.

^9nm%0 •• Mls\fV V« 9)JV« W VMT \JUUA)(V

G. Tyler, elM^c. Allowances of $30 each to

letcsl tiUe to the real estate of the church; motion touppointtrustees coiutipueil to firet day of ^nejtt term. -

CHANCERY Buckner, guardiiiriKagainst

Tyler, gui(ru>_. ^^»i ' MPmst ap­pointed recdver to take ctfarge of real estate mentioned in bill; receiver to be bonded in sum of $300.

National Bank of M a n a s s a s against C. A. S. Hopkins et als.; .decree confirming report of H. Thornton Davies, master com­missioner. C. E. Nicol. Tbos. H. lion, Robt. A. Hutchison and C. A. Sinclair appointed special com­missioners to mske saTe oTreal



give you ram^n.due season and^ 4h§ land shall yield" hisr iHcreBsr

,d thfe treea of the field shall yield their fruit and your thresh­ing shari! reach unto the vintage and the vintage shall reach unto the sowing time; and you shall eat your bread to the full and dwell in your land safely. And

will give peace to the land, and y^ shay lie down and none shall make you afraid; and I will rid evil beasts on]; of the land, neither

land." In this


V go throDgft-yeuf

same 26th chapter of ., we find tliese words,

"But-i£ ye will not hearken unto Mej I AlsQ Will do this unto you. I also will.even afipoint^over you terror, cohsumption and^tebqmj ing: ague .tbM sbaii consitme S e eyes and eause aorruW of. heart, a h d T ^ H i ^ sow your seed ia s^a^ ' for your'enemies-shall aal JL'*

not well consider tStee wi»ds be­fore we presome to ocpecttiie land to yjeUI her inereue?

I B a Moent addresa « t Manas­sas bef wis the Northern Virguua Farpiers' Institote. Mr. W. B. Poak. of CUftra Station, called attantion to how hunt eluba and

/ ^

When you jyiink ofpurchasing a watch, a i ^ , a scarf - lErtrooch jrfn, oroftherjewehy, remembei we can

sgpply your wants. Most anything in the

1 ^ I T i : ! 11

spirting goods line will he foiniff nere-^ at an attractive price.

Watdi Repavng ami Fittiiig ei Classes

. J e w d e r and Opticwn Manasaaa, Virginia

_ ^ t i

' >

BROWNIE The cWfchwi a h n y s enjoy ^i&ing pietares- i t_ adds tu the pleaameB 0^ Ae-dsfs agt ing;

Wl^h every Kodftk or Brownia p u r c ^ a e d - -

nffftViy tn i> f *^***7<^ d i e aniateur pho"'

Dowell's Pharmacy "THE REXALL STORE'

Biblical Mid^rofane history teach that tboac ^^romiseB an? corses are Utorally fulfilled, se WtoTe we are pliinriing anJx^fl^

Ohailes A. Daibec, sheiig. iohn^—P. W. RoblnBOH against Shep* P. Kerlin, deputy sheriff, and W. J. Ashby, jailpr, fnr 15 rihys at-tendance at court.

AllowanceTo NrWitspn Pigrretreportedv Shepi»rg^ tract of^CT as witness ^t June;i9I6> term

Allowance to W. H. Smith as witness at December. 1915, ter^.

. Certificate for obtaining letters, of administration on personal es­tate of G. H. T. Macrae, deceased, granted to G. A. Macrae, his son; C. J. Meetze. £ . R. Conner, L. E. Beachley. J. P. Leachman and Thomas W^ Ljon iwjyJhreejof

to be bonded in sum of $6,000.

EiaiMityStore My goods j|r4k«u^^^tj|«cl«nd

must prove satisfactory

or your money back

on demand

Sugar, OcPmrnd A fresh supply of Groceries

always on h^nd, such as

CsunnedCorn, Tomatoes, Cab

bage, Celery, Cranberries Etc.

pard et als.; decree confirming report of II. Thornton Davies, commissioner of sale, and sales

whom may act) hamed appraisers.

acres to I. T. Hooker for $200 and E l i z a Sheppard tract to James E. Nelson for $320. 3 -Tborntoiv Daviea .muned special commissioner tn convey land te purchasers; cause referred to Robt. A. Hutchison,commis8ioner. to audit accounts of commissioner of saie and distribute funds.

Hattjp R. Rnrkle against Cora

AHowance to Wm. T. Wharton, jostice of the peace.

Altowance to C. H. Wine, Mia-

and nassas town sergwmt, for arreab | charge of real estate; Cora ing R. C. Copen, charged with a felony; allowance to G. W. Nutt, jQstil^ of the peace, for issuing wingint and"rsndsriiig judgmoHt.

Aljowaace^ L. E. Jterehant, I KOfice of the pjeaee. /

XJcease to sell soft drinks dur-yewt ending April 90. -1910,

additiotad bond in $1,000.

wg g)rantgH tn the fnllnajng appH. •eanta; Rr H. vypodyard &-Soa

thefar wopld-be imita|or»vk>latBd both civil and BiUical law By making theae week-end fomyr into the coontry^riding roofl^ shod over the farms, catting wire fences and often leaving < )g8 to

yard), Occoqaan;:Giie8 A. Car-ter, Oecequan; - Jerdim & Jerdan-(C. EL Jordan, R.,H. Jwdan and W. M. Jordan), Haymarket;H. U: 9. Pafaner, New Hsrket; L. W. PrinaftThwpoBghfare; J e e ^ Hedges, Neabseb; Rtqr ifcdaar, Brentsville; E. L^ Ferry, Qoaa-tieo; J. M.'Bel], L. E. B e w ^ ^ ,

J.R.King/R.S.Ahel. A. L; Wataon, Dumfries; T. R. Galteher, Hidt<«y Grove; F. H.

run ^^v» SttndajF. l^tog^ «t<«k :,gjjg Bockland. a n d destroying inaectjvoroos

toamoeg blrdsr^The idea some vacooos minds, bat the Sab-bafe fidluwiug this Fiidarttftr witlun a mile 0|f the emnt-hoose. dogs got into Mr. i. B. Johnsoo's fid&."k^ng lMirt» jindsMPymg flock.

There is need tor increased re­spect ias both the land and Sab­bath in a gcnoial wayv h a t it i ie in l «$~»rt&» Idl aboohi anito

jSandears. Catharpin; Mrs. Ahme H a i a l i p , Stone House; Mary Th(Hii|is> near Damfries; R,' H Keys. Rrantatvittor fUa. W. HaU

L. Burkle, i to C. A- Sinclair, commissioner in chancery; J. P. Lacbnmft ap­pointed special receiver to take

L. Buckle, administratrixT S. Tavenoer, tru8te«r granted leave to'file answer within 30

idaflBiflBffttflx to eteeate penalty of

Connor against Mi Ko-

e t CELLY ISC owfc iwi win xfcwigy TTT

Spriikcl'i OU Stasd luassas, Va.


L referred 1 _ J h e way to naake-two blades of-n a s s grown w:hiere one does now: &iy the celebrated Magnesium Lime from Leesburg* Lime Co.',. the' lime that has been sold in Loudoun and Fairfax iorthe past twenty-five years, and out pro­duced them aU. an(F the reason for it is becaose it contains Mi nesium and Qride of Iron in rigi St-

sbeba et als.; sale of real estate in bill as reported by Robert A. nulehisuH and C.v A. ^ftctetfT t© ComweU Supply Co;. eoatgriseioners of iialct not eon firmed to MiduM^ Ol^par; reil s t a t e tdaeed:.in hands Of -€. A. Barbee, reedvej^. _

Adioq{ped to.ji^oe term.

HBR JOUBKAL fifl^-two fiir $1.00 in advance..

proporticm to Cal&ium Cu4>onate, and the United States Agricnl-tpral Department in Tear Book 1901, page 161, states that Mag-r uwium IB absolutely iHicemHtryto" pisnt girowth and nothing else Snff orflera.

sasj^^ar^ Rdlips, Bristow, ingtoo,Va^; M

Va.. or direct tons and same srfU have prompt attention. .

kdmrgiiiie Co. be B. V. W^OTE. Manager

To nMfix M. Pfaw. EiMirtor of Iba krt 1 ^ aad t i m » i f of E. B. Difcu., 4mei^ Con L. tmoMm. »i»Wihiiir

• f i J urtJilow amk fail i n « l th« p«W-

. J!. la^hroj,^ iF.y&-B. LirthropaadJ. D. Pat-ton, partners trading under the

- Take notioe tiuU I shall, oa Moaday. Uaij 28di, lUT, betniining at 10 a. m., o'clock, at my otfae in Uw town ol Mapaawaii, Prince WSlian Conaty, vwyaia, Oagn tae aoMcii-

I tkm o< a deeiee df tSe arcoit court ^f saTd: eonnty, entett»d<»ith> aad dayot.April ^MWi in tl>e_p«n(i>Bg clinoal9~'t9RiH.'orF(ilii If. Finn, Eaor. o{ E. B. L. Bukle, Admrtz. of J

CFOfM. W r i t * for

r. W.WOOD 6 ^ N S , l!chMad,Ta.

1225 F Street N. W. WASHINGTON. D. C

style and firm nan» oz u. f. £jF t h n 9 - & Co. against the Inter-national Steel and Shipboilding Co.; a eorp(nrati(Hi: ordered de^ f endant to appear within i 5 days to!prpt»et its intawst,

OtiAx annulling lUQMMntment-


, dec'd., va Cora R. BoiUe, dec'd^ ^ ,

r"to aramiiin.itntw tnd»ttlethe "

}•• WMt is iss-vif s^

iie Miisg faftra. Ov iwrilf wk "ililiHis i f ' tT' tamiiappnfd hfthcBsvi sf

WyiBiM'tkme-Mt |iT a bif pke far sT gssj

ibip aoaeaat heiet«for» catiatiag tw-iween J. R BoiUe aad £• B. I>oi»oa,'and make r^wrt tethiaeoiut in writiaR. with any and all mattan deameA pertiaaat lif him qr whiek~mit7 he nifaind qr a>r panoa iatar-astid to fo elated, iacteduv all ddMa dae bJ aaid uaitaetAipk"

I f Hid aattlaiaiit ia notrfyrJmiarl nn thft •aid I M day of V ^ . IfflTrthe aame wUi M eoatiaaed fian da? to day at the eame •tttS ccaclnded ' tlie craditori aad del


^j^nt^ied mrfareg are smiooth, hard^ ncm-abspfrbent and sani-tary. Durt, dirt, smoke and gresse^ <k> JHilduiKlxr tttChgn gglte-. . y^ ."»y^bekeptc tem, ' oocMkoaOy wi{«ig with a damp dotn. I


m S T lUnONAL I M f f ,


pjpducp~g'e: are inexpensive.

•= Call ai UUi stuiB luid tot m uliuw ^»u to»ryog<»afc3eaafe:TSfcHmniTrnii n,.iiin **v«taia VUtMAT* I una fL *l-l Cm. genuine enamel finishes on your pantiy and cupboard shelves, W^n!KC» LJUP « AWCl V . j jimif reffitpggtpr, aink and kitchentaJwnet^ any sBtfaoe aboot

your home. Furnished in ridi colors, delicate tints. shltfi-BOd



AL - vno .sot 111) UIUlTttSP - - „ .

f • . t J h o o + i ^ - tt.i.vasnliD -WATXB mOBSBTS

alaMaai i t l i Hi

DOtraLASS STT7AXT F W W M W T f a Lu i i ;

W.a.BARlOW. J. v . M ^ i a ,


>*MkrMi(h*attk> Oaltcd St*t«


Graduat*. Ljt«kt, M « ^ cine. Engineering

LOAN FUNDS AV/^ajUftJE to deeerring itndenl*.-I iu.' ' oOTt-'' • eaeta to VirgiiuA uudenu DepartnMcU. S«ID(1 for -jiii- ^ - H O W A R D w»;jii<^i>..«..

.,« Ac«UfOi

Page 8: EAStEia ttOSES MAY ISJHSCIJSS^ F^^ SmJATIOHeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News...EAStEia ttOSES MAY ISJHSCIJSS^ F^^ SmJATIOH ... 1^ '> -

• H i


'IT'" •=rw«4=;^ r^ssieiemrexr:

if.f'.m.-'. T t i S MANASSAS JOURNAL. FRIDAT. APRIL 27, 1917

• '• '•• ' " • • * ' '"•" IVIWMI I I • ' • - '

•PI mmm ^nipipppiiPP"'


tkjfil frum trie Tiiwlogicai_Semr. inai7, conducted the service a t S t Paul's Church Sunday. Ser-vie*»s. n i ^^L^conduc ted every hunu<i.y^min^'%y a s tudent or a minister, until, a successor to Rev. Kobb White, j r . , is secured.

Rev. Robb White; jr., is act­ively enj?aged in farming.

More gardens have b e e n started in and around Haymar-ket than ever before. There are several persons who have no gardens and many who have more than they can work.


Eleven schools were repre­sented at the Gainesville dis


One of the attractive piaces aL.jgherry Hill is the rabbit

trlct iair which Was held in the high achoul building at Hay-raarket. Each school (entered many exhibits and prizes were awarded. * The number of visi-tor8_was _th^ iarge-st seen in Haymarket for a long time.

The Sabbath School will meet at the B^tist Church Sunday nvoming at 10 o'clock; prayer

f attn recently esttU)lished by^iir. G.E. Soutter. About two years ste^ ^^^ jiSHfttia purchasBr* -^ house and-several acres of land southwest of the Richntond, Fredericksburg and Po to m»« Railroad, on a high elevation of gfTound and overlooking the Po­tomac River. - The house is so located that it affords a beautiful view of the picturesque hills and the broadspan of water at the front. In. th9 distance may be seen Indian Head, Md^ where the Naval guns are tested, and a liule below isVWinthrop, Md. which is the lucatlun of the

raeeting^rt^hfr iwaul how. Mr. Randolph Hulfish and his

family-have moved from Back" land to the villageand are nice­ly located in the newlv-repaired house near the Hulfish store.

United States ' Marine Cbrps Rifle Range.

The raroit farmiHiDcated on aide hill-bask of the^ residence

and is enclosed by a five-foot wire Tence, thus affording ample opportunity for the rabbits to run and to dig in the side of the hiH. Mr. Soutter last year made fixtensive improvements to his residence,


'i'he home of .Mr and Mrs. C , E.Clarke was the scene of a vely I pret ty reception Saturday even­ing, given in honor of their son,

"_3<hfrC^*""^«»«"i*i his L_' who arrived that afternoon. Tho^ present were Mrs. E. J. Al»xand«r, Mr. and Mrs. W.^. Dane and their children, Jcdui, Arcelia and Willie; Mr.and Mre. James CAlexander, Misses Ocie M. Greene,Estella L.Alexander, Lucile S. Clarke'Tuid Maud L. Norman and Messrs. D. ClUex-ander and John T. Clarke. - ~

The guests later .were invited to the dining room where the table was laden with delicious refr«rfwnents, t a s t e f u l l y ar-ranged. .Best wishes and con­gratulations—£iaom—th«—«ntu«-neighboriiood are extended th^ happy yniing rnpplp


ROAD WORK PROGRESSES Mr n R AtiYipIl rf>pnH-a tVnt rgpor

uWatr turnpike is progressing and satisfactorily. Th

rapidly e work-

Fairfax and Gainesyille.

nearing completion will be OCCUT pied by Dr. 6. M. Coleriian.^

Mr. Dewey Allison, of Gat-harpin, was a. town visitor Sj t-urday. ^ ";:_.'.; _____

Mr. John-Kood" and son r e

is now at his former home here. Services at Greenwood Pres-

bvierian ChuR-h, Rev. Alford Kelley, pastor, for the coming Sunday a r e as fuHowsr Sunday Sch(X)l at 2 p. m., subject, "Jesus Welcomed as King," and preach; I ! ^ « l a 6 p . m . , subject, Saved."


L Mr. and Mrs. Rush Hereford and son Hobart were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Clarke Sun­day.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Alexander and children, of Jndian Head, Md., were guests of the former's mother, Mrs. E. J. Alexander, Sunday.

Mr. Harry M. Pearson, of Eastern, spent the week-end at hig home hero.



Miss Osie M. Greene-spent of the week-end at the home

Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Clarke. Mr. Raymond 0. Curfcis has

a y^ptecT a "position s^ Cabin Branch Mines.

reys and Spring Wagons Little Gem Single Wagons

Birdsell F&rm Wagons

Viwt cm W a u i i aBOeLinapecL-ing-Jtgck-gf Piiggitf nr-H WTf'^r*

SCHOOL TO USE CHURCH Miss Lillian y.-GilbertjXJounty The school board has niade home demonstration a g e n t ,


wnrlf ^nthf'FairfaY-W^nTQnfnn ^eho^bui ld i i ig fu i thSTemain-der of the session.

In addition to last week's list

The farmers of this section are hearkening to the Presi dent!s proclamation- and Have begun farming on a Jarge scale, '~ COUNTY AGK«T TRAVEii


?MsrLeiia. C. Slrobert ison

The Greenwich Civic and School Improvement League will hold its regular monthly meeting at the sduwl house on Friday, MayT," at 8 p. m., at which time the followijig ph). gram wilF be rendered:

•'My Country 'Tis of Thee" £hon^i. - ^

men are nqw hatf way between ^ f t t e s e ^ o subscribed to a fund to be used for the apprehen-

Capt. Rust's hotMe wbijeLis sion and conviction^-laepCT ;spn or persons who burned the new school house are the nam^

cently visited reladyes near Warrenton. .. ''

Mrs. J.B.^;<e8«^^as reamed from BuckJand where s ^ has been -earing for her jaraftts^ Mr. and Mrs. John niahjrm


The Haymarket High School baseball ciub crossed.bats with the CadifEF^school team Wed^ nesday on the home grouiKte. Haymarket vfOB by the score of 17 to 14. Eeatures of the game were -the^hxHind pla^ng of Joseph Hunt and John Sweaiey; for Haymarket and the w(»ic of Dewey AUiaonand i:flrii^Tiyiuv for Calluipui,

Sergeant G.G. 1 r«dy was in Manassas on bosmew Wednes- ton last week. day.

Mr. Ernest Graham, of Buck-land, visited his* aater. Mra. Lucy Brady, Tuesday.

Mr. William M. Jordan, was in Manassas Monday.


We regret lo r ^ r t that Mr. C. A. HHnftkftn, ar, n nntjm proving rapidly. We trust he will soon be out again.

of the following citizens J. M. Hedges, Emory Moi an.

eyton Brqwii, ox, M. Rison. E.

Hameraul, A. KMacklin, Henry M. Bland and Grover O'Neal, $1 eaefr; Wir-i*; TXxfaon, $5S, and Earl Brown, W. 0. Bushey, GeuiVe Bivwn, Williaut Biwwu, mMt . t * U ^ a * l - ',—; , I- - -


ITier utter ant little jdatighter spentjthe week^ end'wtihlEta. Soiittffi* 8 paeents in Cfiroline county^

the sick list this week. Mr. and Mrs. C. E/.Clarke

motored to Washingtion W«i-nesday. . ,

Minnie>dlle School, in ;^Hn-fries distri<^ goes on4;he .list of StandafSsT """; •.

jyjBailey^sustained ai>adly-cut m:ii9i',u\ii,w»M7;r: voaUr

MrPlT C. Alexander was.a iimf ries viator-Sunday. Miss Maud L. Norman visited

A. Dane's Saturday

- %-Mi

at Mrs. W jfteliiuOiL


Miss Inez Allen spent Satur­day with friends in jPredericka-hwre.

Mr. William Broiwn haa been confined to his home the i»st ^werft by 8ickrae6&_

Mrs, Hemy ^BUaRT and he* young son visited^ m Washii^-

Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Heches went to the Episcopal Eye, Ear anirThmat HfwtMt«l,in Waahing-

Mr. Charles R McDonaWHJt lah: Catharpin,.division siip^ntem dent of schools, attfisded„tfae. ball game Wednesday. *

Mm-Wr H. Dodge, of McLean, her mother, Mrs. Charles Gil-'-ford.and heraon,'ArtJ»ir, irimt*<t f riendsJMra during the i»cck.


MRSnjEP3RJW*STUWIS" Mrs; H, M ffePQiinr hasabwit

ch icks ever aoon in thiu ] Al! are healthy and^doiiur

Mr. and Mrs. Worth Hulfirii, •f Alexandria, Sfme^egta at the Hulfish home the first of the week, and are now the gueste of Mr. Hulfish's brother, Mr. How­ard HuJft*, at Then«JSB. ^

Mrs. H. H. Bragg » visiting in Manawaa. htiom petuiiiing to her hhnv> a t" '


rlospttaljin ton, last Thtiisaay, to make JEU*-rangements for an opei^on on their young child.

Prayer, Busing. . . Address on Good Roads—Mr.

Sylvanus Stokes, jr. ^ Comet Solo—Mr. V. A, Hop­

kins. Solo—Mr. Stokes. •

»"Battle Hymn of the Repub­lic's—Chorus.

in-DorreU Co., Inc.


SpringamlSDimn^oods Now Ready (or Your Inspection —

-The Rural Wt^kly," ^^ tPH

nd Mae flouse. I wand Mae -Miss Marv

United States should have, nuli-t a r y trainingi**~Affiiaiiative speakeis. r Meesrs. CM-1 Glaettii

. Several from Minnievi}}e at­tended tiMs QeooimBi :Omltn9t school exhibit at Bethel Thurs­day afternoon. " Mr. and Mrs, Paul E. Clarice arrived home SatiTrHay nftor-

hdoA after spe&diiig tiieir faoney-moon in some of the N^4hem eiticeu

%he Mre. W. a Smith, called atf ^ ^ ^ 'UklatwmaTTaylor visited c h 6 m c o f M i a E . j : ^ ^ « i r ^ ^ * ^ ^ ^ l

der Tijesday.* _ , , The motorists are paking

good use of the roadslneiw - - LEACCB PLANS

The Minniiovnllo School Mr. W. G. Bushey made a n- - T _ i u

business trip to-Joplin Monda£I?^^^ ^^ague > o|rke.rs are busy Mr. J. G. Crane ^ n t 4fi6]5f?P3rujg week-end in l^ladebma, Rfe., "

Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Dodson s^ut the w«uk-«nd in'Washing-

, . „ programs for fla^ falsing on the aftemooa^ Api t 12, Smd league meeting t5ijft evening. The dote ^ .schopl

The"&nners are busy getting ai^ti) ptaSl their crops.

_ Mr. W. T- AM h«.<. i ^ v ^ Mr. Isa^c^aatoWii Ufe Jck I „ ^ ' ^ -^ ^ ^^} .^^ '^^V

—^ y^Davw wcm' visiluw.df MlflS Rc^rta Ab^l Sundayr

Mr. Jessie Rainey, of Dum-fries,' and Misa£tta.Tapscott,«f

tive hundred «^ i ^ fineit b d ^ Oak Grove, were the ^feSesdaPSt

:rh the preaching'servieewill j n . a t :3 p.m, — • r, .• .1! i'hrr S..:-.aa\-s the

, .;i S. :. -); v .:, rr.ret at 10a. A (• :\:;a: .v. • .uiion is_ex-4at-her homcTfear here.

•:^; to a'! tx':>. r - ." : necom-:..: ' • k ".-f . .ear our t•'•:•. :v*w\'. C. ."k- Mi!:«'-an.

V ; NV A.

Abel Sunday. Misses Myrtle Abel and-^liza

Pickles, of Washi week end, vis^ws

e ^ m m en^&« na «S~f wiH be an­nounced later. All are cordially invited to be present - Miss Ckara. F. Br^;fcad£,ji^b»

and J. g, lintner; negative, Hon. C. J. Meetze and County. Clerk I3:G-Tyler: ' ^

Solo—Mr. Stokes. "Rfed, White and Blue"—

Chorus. rrfflqiTnititpp in rhargc Miooco

1 We are showing this reason, we think, one of the most varied and up-to-date lines ewer shown in Mana^as. We are showing a beautiful Hne of the ^ r t Goods in many different materials. Ateo a nice line of^Siikand Cotton Poplins, ChiflfoaTaffeta, Etc. We have a fiice Hhe of materials Suitable fot'Commencenient

^^Kfest^lO^^ IT We have a big iip-to-date stock of Shoes, bought eaflyrdirect the factories at prices way under to^Vsnrarket, but *iule they last weiije going~to%ive our customers advantage of our early

Holtzclaw _ SoTo—Miss Mary. Cockerillev

1.1 P ^ ^ I L ' l ^ ' ^ f ^ J ^ ^ ' ' ^ P 4 ^ ^ ^ - ^ - ^ i f j o u can get TOurflt, thg^ a"! yonT-^ri^^jhan {able-budied young Tnan m a S t l A L F THE.MlG: f f i fpErcESr "7 ^ ^ '*^m^

1 We liave several tables, fuljof Pumps md ^xfbrds—mostly

TbeXacBerStM« ~

Man^ Nalls,Luluilayhtigh a ^ Anme Taykm


, Mrs. A. B. Cturington spent ^ e n t several- daya last week witii_ Miss aHie Cooke, at .the Ittanse. "7 "•

Mr. and Mrs P. were Warrenton visitor9onejday

— Mr. G. H. Washingtwi visited Sunday at the home of Mr. Carl Glaettii, a t ,arSt^iens .

Mr. JJ. FTHouse, of Washing-ingtfm,- ts spending some time at

t We mvite _ your inq)eclion. <Vlyay8 glad .to *how^ our fsSb^-Vfhetheryou want to buy or not . ' ^ ' ) ^ ^ V /

Maaassat, Va(

lOur new stock of Mdlineiy has just arrived ailcT is now oftdispfey, A^ocki

mmferate prices.

spent several days at the home ef Mrs. e . E. -Qaric^ retomed to her home in-Yonker^ N. Y., WwlmaJay:


-Mr. John Wroe and son, of-Baltimore,Md.,nqptored through Mfmaaaas; iranted the Trone

"and" iRJfflatSaaraSa " ' E . J .

the hone of Mr. and Mrs. W. _T.-AbeL "Mrs. Sophia Abel and Miss

Vrolet Abei;^i ted Mrs: BeU Dunn and her daughters,:Miaii« ArviUah and ArzuTlah, Tuesday.

Mrs. AndpewJV«taeB,JiissX^ inn and Mr. R.W. Abel mo-tored to ^Washington Friday,

spending the wedc-end with rela-tives and friends in the National

called a t Alexandar Sunday, oi route to

gg^E Springfield: JUrs. C. E. Clarke called at

the^homeof-Mre. E. J. Ateun-der Monday BiteacooosL.. ^

MiiR Oftio M RaiU t of Mrs. Carrie

his^onMrherer Mr.F.LMayhugh is improving

h^ store by an aoditioa tnen^. hy thtrty fiHTt.


Mi-. J. F.-Cockerille was j;eeent-vi5itor at

iKenne •rirand riftw. .. The greenwich Geaded School

gtoBBd OB Watriesday: ~ Mr. W. W. Maf.kall,nf .SaSaBu

nah, Ga., spent the week-end at '"aeLawn.'!

%ik J*'eeder,-DrWash-ington, spent the tTCek-emTat hiasummer home here.

- -^' Mr. 11. P. House was'alklanas-5 viffit(»r on Wednesday. MPVR. ^ ^ -

Maamt. WiB ajKrCuITGi^ne. inoiorwl through Ittrade^Hfe

' TIP' Mre.

1 he superintendent of the Sunday School of the Methodist f^iscopai Churcjv South, an-1 irtunces that the Sunday School •••••i tif-open OT] the third, and _

iiuviay a^ r P- -Tff^f^tffertp^rothy Dtinn and Aulweji)iiiiv


Mr. ami Miv. JanMMr€rA!c7r Horace TteVaughn is lander, of Washington, who spent

^T^"^ relatives and friends in several days at the home of Wasliingtnn^——-.^.^ 1 Mrs. £ . J. AI«xa»derr^^tumod

B. MeLeai'eii, uf Wash-ngton. recently spent several

days acTusTiome here.

5 Other spring goo<fe^e arrinng daily, such as Qnghatns, Perches, While Goods, EJc^ -7 ." .'.. '.' " -7 1 Giye us a^tall. ^ Will fee ghid^o send, samples upon reqitestr




Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Dun'n and their 'da^j j^ter--aad SSH^

s g e n f S m d a y with Mro. Dunn's pafeirts, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Cato, of Mount, Stafford county.

h o n e Sunday, accom Ti^ge by Mr. A

William Brower, of the Utica, N. Y., baseball teankinjuredJiis

-ankle in a game last week in

home here, as he will be out of the game for some time. "Bill" had made good with the team

Call 6n us before buying •yo!

9 1 I

sL'^rrHtts Estella. Mr. and M R : V^'

Mr. and Mrs. P E. and Mrs. RuSTT Hereford

_nied to] and wa* playing^fe #?5t ggne xandersjwhen in stealing second b«ae in

- (the ftmrth ianiag hif. spikesf _E (Tlarke, I caught in the bag in sliding and Clarke. Mr, 1 his ankle vras. turned. He was

^ T 1. . , • - > -~ -rr^Trenwved t o t h e c i t v h<:>spitalaaKi Mrs.^Jacob Amidon is very- ill ison Hobart and Msses Maud L. j la ter return.>,i to (^atharpin."

HH i.* rc'L- ::ng ver\- well and i s ' * g i : : . n g itOui.: OR vrytehesr- ^4

NL-s. M.r i a . , v . of >

cUnfl IQOJK ror fUlTul -

Mr. and Mrs. Cha: •:>> and family spent Su;..,^-. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. An(U :-Hili'?; "naip, ],--: IT ("'

; Norman and I«'ur:!<' S, Clarke At^el. were \ ^.sitors at ihi- .nin-.o . .f Mr, withtami Mr^ .'. L h , r* r tnS : - " , -

t ^ ^ amtmmcement m these columnsT" --

• Comwell Supply Company 4

