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EASY AS 1-2-3- HOME AND FAMILY ORGANIZING Moreen Torpy De-Clutter Coach http://decluttercoach.ca
Page 1: Easy Home and Family OrganizingEasy… · EASY HOME AND FAMILY ORGANIZING 12 Month Organizing Plan Sometimes organizing your home feels too overwhelming. The closets are jam packed.

EASY AS 1-2-3-



Moreen Torpy

De-Clutter Coach http://decluttercoach.ca

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EASY HOME AND FAMILY ORGANIZING .................................................................................................. 2

12 Month Organizing Plan ................................................................................................................... 2

The Three Zone System ...................................................................................................................... 4

IN DETAIL ............................................................................................................................................... 5

Entrance............................................................................................................................................. 5

Kitchen ............................................................................................................................................... 6

Office ................................................................................................................................................. 7

Laundry Room ................................................................................................................................... 8

Eliminate Clutter Forever ................................................................................................................... 9

FAMILY MATTERS ................................................................................................................................ 10

Getting Kids Organized ................................................................................................................. 10

Tips to Keep Your Family Organized ........................................................................................... 11

Storage Solutions ................................................................................................................................ 12

Organizing Tools ................................................................................................................................. 14

CLEANING ............................................................................................................................................. 15

Create Cleaning Checklists ........................................................................................................... 15

Speedy Cleaning ............................................................................................................................. 16

SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................................. 17

About Moreen Torpy .......................................................................................................................... 18

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12 Month Organizing Plan

Sometimes organizing your home feels too overwhelming. The closets are jam packed. There’s no room in the garage for another box, not to mention the car. And the clutter just keeps piling up. This is the time to step back from the chaos and create a plan. Most plans are effective when they feel like they’re achievable. That means breaking a large scale project or goal up into smaller, bite size, pieces. This 12-month organizing plan can help you have a completely organized home in a year. Of course, if you’re feeling motivated you can push through the plan as fast as you’re able to. Month 1: Master Bedroom Why start with the bedroom? Well, often the bedroom is the most personal room in your home. It’s where you spend a significant portion of your life. It’s also where you reconnect with your significant other. But perhaps most importantly, organizing your bedroom is a manageable way to start your year of organizing. Divide your bedroom belongings into three main piles – “keep”, “donate”, “toss”. If you can’t manage your entire bedroom in one day or weekend then break it down by space. For example, take one day to clean out the closet, another day to deal with your dresser, and yet another day to dig under the bed and so on. Month 2: Primary Bathroom It’s amazing what collects in medicine cabinets and under the bathroom sink. Grab a garbage can and throw the junk out. Reorganize what you keep by using labels and storage containers. Remember to take expired medications back to the pharmacy for disposal. Month 3: Kitchen The kitchen can be a big job. Often there are a lot of extra dishes and small appliances. For example, you might have two blenders. Repeat the keep-donate-toss process this month in your kitchen. Reorganize and remember there must be a place for everything you keep. You might wish to donate one of the blenders and find storage for rarely used items elsewhere.

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Month 4: Reassess your organizing systems in your bedroom, bathroom and kitchen. Fix what isn’t working. Month 5: Guest Bedroom/Home Office It’s not unusual to assign one room to do this double-duty. Ensure your filing is up-to-date and that nothing confidential or personal is scattered about. To have a guest feel welcome, allocating some closet space is important, so remove as much of the storage in there as possible. If you have a dresser or desk there, make room for your guest’s things here too. Month 6: Children’s Bedrooms Involve them in the keep-donate-toss process. If you’re willing, consider holding a garage sale. Children’s items sell quickly and your children might be motivated by the money they can earn by getting rid of some of their stuff. Month 7: Additional Bathrooms Repeat the process you used in the primary bathroom. Month 8: If you haven’t held the garage sale yet, now is the time as long as the weather is appropriate for it. Evaluate the organizing systems you created in your guest bedroom or home office and your children’s rooms. Fix anything that isn’t working. Month 9: Garage Honestly the garage is usually the worst place in most people’s homes. Things are shoved in there and forgotten about. You may need to focus on your garage the entire month using all your weekends to get the job done. Month 10: Family/Living Room Round up the remote controls and store them in one place, maybe a box or basket. Make a new rule that any dishes taken there must be removed when done. Use the keep-donate-toss rule here too. Month 11: Dining Room and any other rooms you’ve missed What’s in the dining room that shouldn’t be there? Take it to its real home and ensure you can use the dining room for its intended purpose. Month 12: Basement and/or Attic These are almost as problematic as the garage as catch-all places and will likely take the whole month to organize. It can be fun to find items from your past hidden there, and be sure to make those decisions as to what you really need or not. Remember the three zone system when returning items to each room. Your “keep” items need to have a proper place to be appreciated and used. In most cases one weekend a month is all it takes to maintain the room. Over the course of a year you’ll

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transform your entire home into an efficiently organized and clutter-free space.

The Three Zone System

For many, organizing is a process of trial and error. You place labels on things. You buy storage bins and materials. And yet, after all that hard work and effort, you still feel disorganized. If this sounds familiar, consider trying the three ZONE system. What is The Three Zone System? The Zone System is the foundation professional organizers use for any task or client they have. The three zone system helps to prioritize your items and organize them in a way that supports optimal efficiency. Zone 1: Items you use daily. In your entry way it may be everything from your keys to your shoes and coat. In your home office the daily items might be your computer, pens, paper, and your phone charger. In your kitchen it’s your daily dishes and cookware. These Zone 1 items need to be handy and accessible. You’ll also want to create a place for them, one that works for you so you can always put things where they belong – and find them when you need them. Zone 2: Items you use less often, maybe weekly or even monthly. In the entry way that might be something like an umbrella. In your home office it might be your business plan or bank statements. In your kitchen, Zone 2 items might be your popcorn popper, fryer, blender and other mid-sized appliances. Zone 2 items don’t need to be out and readily available all the time. However, you also shouldn’t have to go looking for them. For example, an umbrella in your entry way could be stored in a bin for raingear or in your hall closet. In your home office you might keep your bank statements in a file cabinet right next to your desk. In your kitchen mid-sized appliances like a popcorn popper or waffle iron might be kept in a pantry or out of the way cupboard. Zone 3: Things you use occasionally. We’re talking about items you pull out once, twice, three times a year. In your entry way that could be a wreath or special door decoration. In your home office it might be your income taxes or family will. In your kitchen it might be fine china, special holiday table cloth or a cake stand. These third zone items don’t need to be nearby at all. In fact, if you only use them a few times a year they can be stored away in closets, bins and other storage areas. The key to storing them is to place in logical and easy to access storage areas with proper labeling.

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This sets the foundation for organizing any space. When taking a look at your own organization systems and processes, ask yourself if they embrace the Three Zone System. Try it and improve your organization today.



People’s first impression of your home is thee entrance. It should reflect your personality and how you want others to feel there. It should also make you feel welcome when you step through the door. Here are some tips to help you create an organized and welcoming entry way.

1. Keep it clear of clutter. The single most important element to remember about an entrance is that it must be free from clutter. Clutter makes you and anyone else who comes into your home feel overwhelmed and that’s the opposite effect to the one you want to have.

2. Match the storage solution to the space. If you have enough space you can

utilize larger furniture pieces and storage solutions. For example, an armoire in a large entry way can be a practical way to store coats, boots, umbrellas and other outdoor wear. If on the other hand if you have a small space, a single bench or table with storage compartments may be the answer.

3. Think about your routine. What do you do when you enter your home? If you're

like most, you kick off your shoes, drop your keys, purse and other parcels, then remove your coat. Each of these needs to have a home base — a place you habitually put them and can always find them. But it should not look cluttered, rather an organized and welcoming space. Be creative by using a decorative basket or pottery dish on a table to hold your keys, wallet and phone. Bags and purses can hang on a coat rack, shoes can stand on a designated mat, so on. These storage items don't have to be boring; you might use whimsical or modern knobs on your coat rack.

4. Provide flow. You don't want people or energy to stop just inside the door,

rather to encourage flow through your entry way. This can be created with lighting, mirrors and artwork. Guide your visitors through the entry way and into the main living area of your home.

5. Color! What color says home to you? Blue? Green? Red? How do you want

people to feel when they walk into your home? Blues and yellows are common entry way colors. They’re light, whimsical and clean. They can also be sophisticated or modern. If you don't want bright colorful walls consider accent

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pieces. Add bright pillows to a bench, paint the storage bins under a table, hang wall art.

When redoing your entry way, first empty it completely. Then study the empty space. Imagine your ideal entry way. Write your ideas down on paper and then make them a reality.


Organizing your kitchen can take much hard work and planning. Many people find that they have a lot more kitchen gadgets and appliances than they realized. These handy organization tips will help you streamline the most important room in your home.

1. Create zones. On your kitchen countertops and workspaces you probably tend to focus on certain tasks. For example, you probably do most of your chopping by the sink so the knives should be within easy reach. The countertops by the stove are reserved for food prep. And your island may be used for pulling it all together. Make sure your tools fit the job.

2. Hide the rarely used appliances. Counter space can easily be cluttered with a

toaster, coffee maker, espresso machine, blender, juicer, griddle and so on. Many kitchens have appliance overload. Put away the ones that are not used on a daily basis. Also, if you can replace them with appliances that do double duty, a toaster oven for example, will save valuable counter space.

3. Invest in drawer organizers. You want to be able to find the utensil you need for

the job at hand. Consider creating a countertop holder for the utensils used daily. The rest can be stored in a drawer with a designated organizer.

4. Utilize space saving storage. There are so many wonderful storage devices

now. A can rack can triple the number of cans a cupboard can hold. You can pour cereal into stackable storage containers and eliminate that cluttered shelf of half full cereal boxes. Determine what you need first and then head to the dollar store or home goods store for solutions.

5. Keep it clean. Once your kitchen is organized, create systems to keep it clean.

A clean kitchen encourages you to put everything back where it belongs. It’s motivating.

Organizing your kitchen doesn't have to be a lifelong process. Look at what you have, what you use and the space available and plan it out before you start making changes. What can you get rid of? How would you like your kitchen to look and feel? Embrace these tips, organize your kitchen and keep it tidy. You may just find you never want to leave your newly organized space.

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The home office can be one of the most important rooms in your home. It’s where your finances are managed, decisions are made and information is stored. If it's chaotic and disorganized it might mean your finances and important family matters are also disorganized. And if you're running a business out of your home office then it is crucial for it to be an organized and efficient space.

1. Identify the purpose. A home office must suit its primary purpose. For example, if a home office is where a business is run then it should be set up to support that purpose. If it's instead set up to support family organization then it's not doing the job.

2. Use the zone organizing system. Keep items you use daily close at hand (Zone

1). Lesser used items can be stored within arm’s reach (Zone 2). Things that are used infrequently can be stored in boxes and out of sight (Zone 3). An example might be last year's taxes. Sure, you'll need to look at them next year but they don't need to be cluttering your daily work space.

3. Find a place for everything - and put it there. Sounds simple, right? It should be

but for most people it isn't. That’s because the system they've created isn't working for them. Take the in/out box for example.

In theory the in/out box makes sense but an inbox can become overwhelmingly full quickly. Then it just becomes a disorganized pile of papers. Unless someone is in the habit of cleaning it out daily, this system won't work well for them.

Consider your personality and habits. Find ways to work with them rather than making big changes. If you only access your inbox once a month, create several inboxes. One for receipts, one for bills, one for miscellaneous information and so on. This will help you stay on top of the paper and be organized at the same time.

4. Group electronics. Cords are frustrating and often unsightly aspects of a home

office—phone cords, charging stations, printer cords, computer cords, speaker wires the list goes on. When you keep your electronics in a single location you can mitigate this clutter with cord hiding solutions.

5. Label properly. Labels are a great way to keep things organized and easy to

find. However, if you use labels you want to ensure they give you the full information. For example, a file labeled "taxes" isn't enough information. Taxes from last year? Five years ago? Ten years ago? Add pertinent information and create a ZONEed system for your files. For example, create a mail file labeled "taxes" and then separate files for each year. You should be able to find any information in your file cabinet or on your computer in less than thirty seconds.

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Organizing your home office isn't a matter of forcing change. Embrace your personality and habits. Be realistic about what you will and won't do and then create systems to support that.

Laundry Room

The laundry room can be a dismal space. Usually it’s in the basement surrounded by wires and pipes with gray unfinished walls. Or it's in a windowless closet on an upper level. The result, of course when a room is this unappealing it doesn’t encourage you to spend time there. Oh sure maybe a wire shelf is hung on the wall so the laundry detergent and supplies have a home but that's about as far as laundry room organization goes. Then laundry pours out of the room. You’ll have clean baskets of clothes unfolded and sitting in rooms for days, weeks even. The clean gets mixed with the dirty and the end result is laundry chaos. However, when a laundry room is organized and mildly pleasant to be in, laundry gets done, folded and put away happily. Essentials: A laundry room has a few essentials. They include laundry detergent, dirty clothes hampers, drying racks, a folding surface and an ironing board and iron. You’ll also want baskets to store and deliver the clean clothes. Some laundry rooms have ample space and adding these items can be as simple as going to the store to get them. However, most people have smaller laundry spaces so a little creative brainstorming is useful. Colorful painted shelving can be added to store laundry supplies. Consider using a small storage bin to keep the laundry detergent, dryer sheets and stain removal items organized. A narrow cupboard can be added to house the drying rack, ironing board and iron. And the surface of the dryer can be covered to provide a surface for folding clothes. Instead of buying a tall freestanding hamper consider purchasing one that lives in a cupboard. Then you have extra storage space and a place for your dirty clothes. And don't forget the trash can for lint removal and all the fun junk found in pockets. Check the cabinet department of your local home store for suitable cupboards and smaller storage. Look at kitchen cabinets as the lower ones are small and just the right size for a small laundry room. Fun extras Making a laundry room welcoming is as simple as painting the walls a bright happy color. Consider adding an element of entertainment with a wall mounted television,

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iPod speakers or other media to entertain while chores are being done. These will encourage you to keep up with the folding, sorting and ironing. The laundry room doesn't have to be a depressing and cluttered space. Find simple storage solutions using bright shelving, storage containers and simple cabinetry found at your local home store. Add a splash of color with paint, incorporate media and watch the laundry chores turn into a pleasant pastime.

Eliminate Clutter Forever

Clutter causes stress. It creates an environment of disorganization and lowers the quality of life. Here are some ideas to help you get rid of clutter forever.

1. Catchall: This is actually a surprisingly easy approach to taming clutter. Depending on the size of your home and family choose a container that you can keep in your main living space. At the end of each day spend five minutes running through the house collecting everything that is out of place.

Then you have a choice. You can spend five to ten minutes putting things where they belong or call a family meeting to assign each person responsibility to put away their own belongings. This is simple, inexpensive and effective. (And eventually your family members may get tired of the routine and start actually putting their things away.)

2. Play the Toss Ten Game: Choose any room in your home. Look around and

grab ten things you can throw away. Limit it to ten, don’t go over and make sure you throw away ten items. (Note, if you want to donate them that’s okay too.) Play this game every day in one room in your home until you’ve paired down to items that you cherish and have room for.

3. Hide It: Buy furniture that doubles as storage. One of the reasons clutter exists

is that there isn’t enough storage in a home. You simply don’t have a place to put some of your necessary items. For example, coffee and end tables in a living room can double as chests or contain drawers for storage. A chest can double as a bench in an entry way and store outdoor wear and gear.

4. A Shopping Elimination Diet: Don’t buy anything until you’ve cleaned out your

entire home. It’ll either ensure you clean out the clutter quickly or you’ll stop shopping. You might be surprised how easy it is to stop shopping and how much money you save.

5. One Habit a Week: Create one new habit a week. For example, this week put

your phone on the charger or in the phone caddy every day. Next week go

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through your bills and sort mail at the end of every day. Throw away or donate one item in your closet each day.

Clearing out the clutter won’t magically happen. Unfortunately, you cannot wave a magic wand and have your entire home ready for a magazine photo shoot. However, you can make major changes in your environment today. Eliminate ten things. Adopt a new clutter system. Stop shopping and change your habits. Start living a clutter free life!


Getting Kids Organized

Children of all ages need a little help with their organization. As parents it’s your job to help them learn how to manage their responsibilities and their life. That means teaching them organization skills. Here’s how to help children get organized regardless of their age. Young Children Young children can understand the concept of organization with their toys. You can help a child learn this by creating homes for their toys. For example, blocks can go into a bin labeled Blocks. Be sure to put a picture of blocks on the outside of the bin. Next, once storage areas are created, teach your children to put their toys away. Make it a game to tidy up before bed. Consider setting a timer and challenging your child to put away all their toys before the timer goes off. If they are successful they can watch a movie, have a cookie or some other reward. Young School Aged Children As children enter school they begin to have more responsibility. Homework, getting to school on time and after school activities are all common tasks that young people need to learn to manage. As a parent you can help by creating a schedule and a calendar for your child. For example, after school they have a 30 minute snack time before starting homework. Post a calendar on the wall in the main living area so your child can learn the value of calendars and keeping track of their schedule. Ask them questions like, “When do you have soccer practice?” That way they’ll get in the habit of learning their schedule and being responsible for it.

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Older School Aged Children As children grow they gain even more responsibilities. In fact during the later middle school years and certainly the high school years, the schedule can feel overwhelming. This is when children need to be taught two key things. First is the importance of systems. For example, how does a child organize schoolwork so they never miss a homework assignment and have all the materials they need to study for tests? The second is how to follow through. For example, they might create an effective system to track their homework but if they don’t use it, then they’ll miss assignments. Some children need more help than others. As a parent it’s your job to help children create systems by providing the guidance, materials and support. Try to steer clear of bailing them out when they mess up. If they miss a homework assignment there are consequences. This will help reinforce the importance of creating systems and following through. If you bail them out they’ll learn to depend on you instead of themselves. Teaching organization isn’t easy but it’s definitely an important skill to learn. The better your children learn it the easier their adult life will be. And of course, do your best to be a good organization role model because children do pay attention to what you do.

Tips to Keep Your Family Organized

It's not enough to keep yourself organized; families include little people and/or a spouse to keep organized too. While it’s not always an easy job, the following tips will help.

1. Organize yourself first. If you're disorganized there's no way you're going to be able to keep track of anyone else's schedule. Use whatever system works best for you; day planner, mobile device, computer calendar or good old fashioned pen and pencil on paper.

2. Create solutions that fit the person's personality. Some people are detailed and

able to follow through, others...not so much. Address the challenge your family member is facing. For example, if your daughter has a good system for organizing her school work but fails to follow through then her challenge is in the follow through. Help her create new habits.

Some people like very structured organization while others are more relaxed about it. As long as they can immediately find what they need and mistakes are not made then the system works. For example, one child may keep a calendar on their wall with all their practices, meetings and homework listed. Another

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child may keep the information on their iPad and have it send them messages when things are due. Both systems, while very different, can work.

3. Create a central zone. While individual family members may be able to keep

track of their own tasks and responsibilities, it can be difficult to pull it all together as a family. Many families create a central information zone. You might use a chalk board or dry erase board. You might use a large hanging calendar. One great idea is to create a monthly calendar on a sheet of poster board. However, instead of writing on the calendar you use post-its for each day. You can color code the post-its for each family member and write down their schedule. That way everyone can tell at a glance what's going on for the entire family.

4. Their own space. The entry way of your home is a perfect example of a location

where everyone needs their own space. Children come home from school and just dump their stuff on the floor. Your spouse comes home and drops his or her keys on the table. Eventually it all gets muddled together. It’s a mess and things get lost. Create a space for each person. Use a coat rack, shelf or baskets. Label them and teach everyone to put their items in their own space. That goes for you and your spouse too. Central mail, keys and charging stations also help ensure items never get lost.

You can embrace this "own space" concept in other rooms too. The laundry room, bathroom and even the living room can each offer storage space for each family member. It helps keep things organized, minimizes lost items and squabbles.

Keeping your family organized is no small task! Organize yourself first. Pay attention to each personality in your family and try to create systems that work for them. Finally, provide space for each family member in key areas of your home.

Storage Solutions

Sometimes simple lack of space is the cause of disorganization and clutter. There’s just not room enough for everything you own. If you’ve already eliminated everything that you don’t really need and still are disorganized, here are some tips: Living Room The living room is often the center of the home. It’s where everyone congregates to watch television, play games and talk. The more organized it is, the more welcoming it will be. Consider:

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Double duty furniture – furniture that doubles as storage space to keep items handy yet out of sight. For example, a coffee table that offers storage space inside or underneath for remotes, magazines and small items is extremely useful. An ottoman or side table that doubles as a chest can store blankets and seasonal pillows. Shelving is also a common storage solution for the living room. Media centers with extra shelves, adding shelves to a wall or using book cases can all help you become organized and clutter-free. Bedroom Under the bed storage is useful to keep seasonal items or linens. But many under the bed storage solutions don’t work when you bring them home. The container is too tall for the space or it just doesn’t hold as much as you’d hoped. Research your container and measure the space under your bed before you buy. Also use double duty furniture and shelving in your bedroom. A captain’s bed has built-in drawers to corral any number of things from T-shirts to toys. A shoe organizer holds shoes but can also be used for little things like ties, belts, jewelry and even cosmetics. Kitchen The kitchen is a place of whirlwind activity. It can get messy and out of control quickly. And if you like to cook and entertain then space is definitely a priority. Use canned food organizers in your pantry and cupboards to store canned food and soda. Take advantage of space saving spice racks and utensil storage solutions to maximize space and efficiency. And get the items that you don’t use often out of the way. For example, pots and pans can be hung on a decorative rack to free up valuable cupboard space. Around The Home Take advantage of every nook and cranny. Under the stairs is often a wasted space. Consider also how you’re using your existing closets. Would storage containers or extra shelves make the space more useful? Armoires can be used in a basement to create separation between spaces—a room divider and they provide storage as well. You can place decorative bins on top of them to store more items. Look for practical ways to recycle and reuse. For example, some food containers can be washed out and used as pencil holders, vases or storage containers. An old candle jar does a good job of holding loose change and miscellaneous items found in the laundry room once pockets have been emptied.

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Approach each space in your home with an open mind and an organizer’s eye. How could you use the space better? What storage solutions can make it happen?

Organizing Tools

Organizing yourself and your life is a fine balance. Too many tools and devices and you spend more time managing the tools than you do your life. Too few tools and you lose time trying to find things while staying organized. Let’s explore the basics and ten tools everyone needs to get and stay organized.

1. Planner/Calendar: This may sound like a no-brainer but there’s a difference between having a planner and actually using it. You want to find a planner that you will use consistently. Compare paper, computer based, and mobile device planners and find one that fits your needs and personality.

Always use only one planner so nothing falls between the cracks if you don’t have the appropriate different one with you

2. Overflow bin: An overflow bin collects items that don’t belong in the space they

are. For example, many people keep a basket at the foot of the stairs. Anything that belongs up stairs goes into the basket. Once a day or once a week the basket is emptied and items are placed where they belong.

3. Media command center: The media center is often a source of chaos. Remotes

get lost, DVDs are broken and cause frustration. Create a media command center where all remotes are placed when they’re not being used. DVDs and other media are all stored in a box or drawer when not being used.

4. Phone/Electronics command center: Phone recharging can be a bit chaotic if

phones, cords, keys and wallets are allowed to get mixed. Designate a single location for all rechargeable media. Purchase or make a caddy that can hold three to five mobile devices, with holes in it so the cords go through the back and into a wall outlet. Label each space with the name of the person whose device goes with which charger. This way everyone will know where to plug in their own device.

5. Cleaning baskets/storage: Assign a basket or small bin in each room to hold that room’s cleaning supplies. This is particularly important for the kitchen and the bathroom which tend to require a variety of cleaning supplies.

6. Chore Chart/Family Organization Area: This helps keep track of where

everyone needs to be and what they’re responsible for. One idea is to use post-its on a large calendar. The post-its can be easily removed and replaced as needs change.

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7. File Cabinet: The file cabinet should house all of your family and personal

documents. Bank statements, charge card statements, tax information, and receipts are particularly important. You could also scan and store them on your computer. There are portable scanning devices designed specifically for this purpose. Just make sure to back up your computer information.

8. Task List: Create some sort of task list system for yourself. It can be pen and

paper, mobile device or other option. The key is to make sure it’s easily accessible and that you use it.

9. Binders: Binders are excellent for storing information that you use often.

Recipes, schoolwork, and even receipts can be organized and stored in three ring binders.

10. 10 Minutes, Minimum, of Free Time: While free time isn’t a tool per se, it is

essential to get and stay organized. A cluttered mind cannot organize effectively and efficiently. Take time each day to clear your thoughts.


Create Cleaning Checklists

Does it seem like cleaning your home, and keeping it clean, takes more time than you want to spend doing it? The secret to fast and easy cleaning rests in your hands. When you create a systematic, step by step cleaning checklist, the cleaning gets done in no time. Checklists offer other benefits too. In addition to providing structure to a sometimes overwhelming task, a checklist helps other people (ahem, children and spouses are you listening?) clean effectively and efficiently too. Create Your Own Cleaning Checklists.

1. List what needs to be done for each job or room. For example, if one task is to take out the recycling then the list might look like this.

* Remove bag from recycling container Monday morning. * Empty bag into large recycling bin * Take bin to the curb for pickup * Replace bag in recycling container * Return recycling bin to garage after pickup

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Go through each task and room that needs to be cleaned and make a simple list of what needs to be accomplished.

2. Get it In Order: In most cases there is a logical order to the cleaning process.

For example, when you’re cleaning the bathroom you don’t clean the toilet and then use the same cleaning rag on your counter tops for hygiene reasons. But you can reverse the steps safely.

Likewise, if you’re cleaning the kitchen it saves time if you wash down the countertops and the kitchen table and appliances all at the same time. If you stop between each of the steps to wash dishes or sweep, it breaks up the flow. We’re talking about creating the most efficient cleaning process possible. Take a look at your list of tasks and steps for each cleaning job and reorder the steps to make the most of your time and energy.

3. Make it Formal: Use your computer’s word processing program to make the list.

Most programs provide the option to make bulleted lists which can be changed to check boxes before each step on your list. Create a new document for each task or cleaning job.

Print the lists. You can now either laminate them or slide into a sheet protector. Using a dry erase marker you or anyone else can quickly work through this checklist. Consider hanging the checklists on a peg by your family chore chart so they’re always handy.

Speedy Cleaning

Who wants to spend more time than necessary cleaning? And if you’re like many people you simply don’t have time to do it. With the right systems in place you can clean any room quickly – really!

1. Organize Your Materials: One of the most time consuming aspects of a cleaning task is gathering the proper supplies and tools. For example, in the bathroom you might need window cleaner, shower and tub cleaner, countertop cleaner and toilet cleaner. You’ll also need a squeegee, sponges, and rags. Gathering all of these supplies can take time.

With your cleaning supplies storage bin already prepared for each room, the job will go much faster.

2. Start with the Visible: The easiest way to get maximum cleaning impact is to

focus first on the clutter – the visible mess. If you’re talking about the kitchen then the visible mess will be dishes on the countertops. If you’re talking about the living room then it’s most likely items on the floor and coffee or end tables. In some instances the items won’t belong in the room they’re in. Grab a laundry basket and toss them in then relocate them once the room is clean.

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3. Moving onto the Real Dirt: This is about cleaning off the countertops, vacuuming

and sweeping. If you’re cleaning more than one room in the house, it’s faster and more efficient if you vacuum the entire house at once.


1. Group like tasks. If you’re washing down the appliances, save time by washing the table and countertops at the same time.

2. Prioritize. What is your goal for cleaning? Are you simply looking to reduce or

eliminate clutter or are you looking for a deep cleaning. Prioritize your tasks based on your goal. If you’re going for a deep cleaning then focus on the places that need the most work first. For example, a deep cleaning in the kitchen might mean cleaning out your refrigerator. Don’t get sidetracked by clearing the countertops first. Focus on your primary goals.

3. Make sure you have the right tools and cleaners. It’s frustrating to run out of

cleaner mid-task. Save time and keep your cleaning bins stocked. You can actually save money when you buy cleaners in bulk or concentrate.

Cleaning doesn’t have to take all day. In fact, most rooms can be cleaned effectively in ten minutes or less. Clean quickly and spend more time on activities you enjoy.


1. Use the keep-donate-toss rule to sort everything.

2. Put things back where they belong.

3. Donate anything useful that you don’t need. There are plenty of places happy

to accept them for the less fortunate.

4. Keep up with organizing and cleaning so it doesn’t get out of hand again.

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About Moreen Torpy

Moreen Torpy is a practicing Professional Organizer since 2004 and

a Silver Leaf Member of Professional Organizers in Canada. She

works with clients who are organizing homes and offices,

downsizing, and planning a move.

Also an author, her third book is Going Forward: Downsizing,

Moving and Settling In. For details about this, please see


Author of two previous books, Let’s Get Organized: 172 Tiplets to Simplify Life and

Christmas Workbook: how to plan and create a more meaningful Christmas,

(available from http://decluttercoach.ca) Moreen lives in North Bay, Ontario,

Canada, where she operates her business, De-Clutter Coach.

Contact information:

[email protected]

