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Easy Way to Success

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65471719.doc Khutbah Al Haajah   و ه ر   ف غ    ت   س   ن و        ي   ع   ت   س   ن و ه د   م   ح   ن    ل ا د   م   ح   ا      ي   ل       ك     ت   ن و     ب     ؤ ن .     ي         و     س   ف   ن أ     و   ر   ش        ل ب ذ      ع   ن   و      م   ا .       و       ض           ل ها د             ل ل   ض             ئ د   م   ح   ا د       ن  و . ا    لا ا     ا   ا د         ن   و             و ه د      اAll Praise is due to Allah: We Praise Him: We beg assistance of Him: We ask Him for forgiveness. We have faith in Him: We have reliance on Him. We fly for refuge unto Him (to deliver us) from the mischief of our minds and from the evil consequences of ou r actions. Whomever Allah directs shall not go astray: and whomever He allows to go astray, no one can gu ide. We profess that there is nothing worthy of worship except Allah, and we further profess that Muhammad is His Servant and His Messenger. 1

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Khutbah Al Haajah

و  ه  ر  ف   غ   ت   س  ن  و       ي   ع   ت   س  ن  و ه  د  م   ح  ن    ل   د ا  م   ح    ا  

   ي   ل     ك 

   ت  ن  و   ب      نؤ


  ي        و     س   ف  ن   أ و   ر  ش        بل  ذ     ع  و ن   

    م    ا .

    و         ض          ه ال   د            لل   ض         

    ئ د   م   ح    ا  د       ن  و .ا   ال  ا    ا  ا  د       و ن             و  ه  د      ا

All Praise is due to Allah: We Praise Him: We beg assistance of Him: We ask Him for 

forgiveness. We have faith in Him: We have reliance on Him. We fly for refuge unto

Him (to deliver us) from the mischief of our minds and from the evil consequences of our 

actions. Whomever Allah directs shall not go astray: and whomever He allows to go

astray, no one can guide. We profess that there is nothing worthy of worship except

Allah, and we further profess that Muhammad is His Servant and His Messenger.


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(O you who believe! Fear Allâh as He should be feared, and dienot except in a state of Islam (as Muslims) with complete

 submission to Allâh.)’ [Aal ‘Imraan 3:102],

(O mankind! Be dutiful to your Lord, Who created you from a single person, and from him He created his wife, and fromthem both He created many men and women, and fear Allâh

through Whom you demand your mutual (rights), and (do not cut the relations of) the wombs (kinship) Surely, Allâh is Ever 

an All-Watcher over you).’ [al-Nisaa’ 4:1],

And finally Allah reminds us when he says:


YUSUFALI: O ye who believe! Fear Allah, and let every soul look to

what (provision) He has sent forth for the morrow. And, fear Allah: for

Allah is well-acquainted with (all) that you do.

Brothers and sisters in Islam I want to spend the moments that Allah

has given to us in this blessed day of Friday to reflect, to ponder,


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understand and Inshallah implement the lesson on easy way to

success as told to us in Surat Al Shams the 91th chapter of the Quran.

My Brothers and Sisters in Islam count the aspects of creation that

Allah takes an oath on:


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1. By the Sun and his (glorious) splendor;

2. By the Moon as she follows him;

3. By the Day as it shows up (the Sun's) glory;


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4. By the Night as it conceals it;

5. By the sky and its (wonderful) structure;

6. By the Earth and its (wide) expanse:

7. By the Soul, and the proportion and order given to it;

8. And its enlightenment as to its wrong and its right;-

9. Truly he succeeds that purifies it,

10. And he fails that corrupts it!

My brothers and sisters in Islam we know that whenever Allah takes

an oath in the Qurran by something, Allah then follows those oaths by

mentioning something very important to us. Here Allah after taking

oaths on 7 aspects of His creation, Allah says in the 9th Ayah “Qad” 

which can be translated as Truly, verily, with out a doubt he succeeds

that purifies it. And he fails that corrupts it!” 

The “it” referred to in this ayah is the soul, the nafs. Those who purify

it attain tazkiah succeed and those that corrupt it fail.


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So as a result of these aayat, Rasullullah SAW would make a duaa’.

The mufasir-reen has commented that the success or falah referred to

in this ayah is not temporary success, but rather permanent success.

We have many types of the temporary successes in this world.

• You have job today. You do not have one tomorrow.

• You are rich today, you are poor tomorrow.

• You have your health today you do not have it tomorrow.

• Look for example Ronald Reagan, who died in 2004. I mean,

hear was a man who 20 years had the most quote “most

powerful” position in the world. He was the President of the

United States for 8 years, yet that was a temporary success,

because when he died he had reached such an advance stage

with his alltimerizers disease that he could not recognize his

wife, or who he was.

So again all the success we have in this world are temporary, but AllahTala is telling us here about a permanent fala or permanent success

for those who purify their souls or in Arabic attain tazkiyah. The

success referred to here is the falah of entering the permanent adobe,

the permanent domicile, the permanent home of jannah.


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And the tazkiyah is a required status, or prerequisite, or condition for


For entering into Jannah. Allah Tala confirms this in the Qurran when

he says:

So to attain tazkiyah is a must for all of us.

We cannot afford not to attain this status.

Now the question is how? How do we attain the state of tazkiyah. And

the answer is there are two ways. One is the easy way and one is the

hard way.

The easy way to attain tazkiyah, is by inculcating, including,

impressing into our lives the Qurran and Sunnah. Our purpose in this


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life is to worship Allah, Allah says in

I have only created Jinns and men, that they may worship Me.

And the only way to worship Allah, is by living our lives accord to

Islam. As Allah say in Surah Imran:

That verily the religion with Allah is Islam.

And Allah further say in Surat Al Madiah ayah 3:

This day have I perfected your religion for you, and have

completed My favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam

as your religion.

So again my brothers and sisters the bottom line is that theeasy way to attain tazkiyah, and eventual entry into Jannah is

to live our lives according to Islam.


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The hard way is to have tazkiyah impressed, upon us by the torment

and fataan either in this world, or in the grave, or on the day of 

Judgment and the worse be clensed in the hell-fire.

And if we think about it this life is too short to trade for the eternal

bliss of the hereafter.

So what if we do not drink everything that we want to in this world.

You know sometimes us Muslims unfortunately glamorize the ways of 

the kuffar by Imation. A few years back I was in a Muslim country and

we went out to a restaurant for dinner. And I was surprised when

some young men sitting at a table close by said, “Bring us beer”. And

of course selling beer is prohibited in that Islamic country but then the

waiter brought on the non-alcholhic beer. And the point of this

example why do we sometimes glamorize the haram. I mean who

wants to drink the haram and be then reward for it in the hereafter

with the drinking of the puss, blood and boiling water of the hereafter.

As Allah says in Surah 78:


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And in surat 88 Allah Tala says:

This life is so short, so what if we do not eat everything or as much

that we want to in this world. So who wants to go hungry for months

on end in hell, and eat the thorns of the plants of the hellfire, as Allah


6: They shall have no food but of thorns

7: Which will neither fatten nor avail against hunger

This life is so short, so what if we do live in the large house that we

want to live in. Who wants to live in the tight, small compartments of 



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So we ask Allah Tala to make us of those who attain tazkiyah, and be

of those who prioritize the hereafter over this world.

   ع   ف  ن  و    ي   ض   ع    ا  ر   ق   ل  ى         و       ال    ب    ك  و إ

  ل      ر  ك   ا ج  ع      ن  أ    ي      ح    ر  ك    او ب   ي    و  ء   ب  ر 

May Allah grace you and us with the blessings of the grand

Qurr’an, and may it benefit us and you with the verses and with

wise commemoration, for He the Almighty is Generous, Noble,Sovereign, Benign, Compassionate, and Merciful.

So brothers and sisters in Islam we have been talking about the first

10 ayaat of Surat Al Shams, and reflecting on them. And we talk about

in the first khutba’ that the easy to attain the eternal success is to

attain the state of tazkiyah or state of purity is by being serious about

of deen, rather than the tazkiyah being impress upon us by the

punishments of the grave and or day of judgment and or hell-fire.

So I want to conclude by asking questions about fundamental actions

of being a Muslim to myself and you, answer these to yourself brothers

and sisters in Islam:

1. Have I established the 5 obligatory, fard salah in my life, if yes

how can I increase the khushoo.

2. Did I give zakah this last year, when was the last time I gave

sadaqah? Recall that just last Wednesday 11/5/08 there was a

6.4 earthquake in Pakistan, which according to Islamic Relief 


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over 70k people have been left homeless from the quake

including 30k children. This school is in need of your help, there

is the tax credit program where you can get $ for $ your money


3. Have I kept good company? Who are the people that I associate?

Will they help me or hurt me with regards to being an observant,

practicing Muslim?

4. When was the last time I picked up the book of Allah or Hadith

of Rasullah, read it, tried to understand it and implement it into

my life?

The positive answers to these and other fundamental questions

will Biidnillah with the help of Allah make of those,

9. Truly he succeeds that purifies it,

Let us make duaa’:

We ask Allah Tala to help us guide us, forgive us, and protect us from

the punishment of the fire.

We ask Allah for entry into Jannah

We ask Allah to alleviate the pain and suffering from the earthquake,

hurricanes, flooding, poverty and hardships of this life.


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We ask Allah to alleviate the pain suffering rancor, and oppression

from all the Muslims, in Iraq, in Afganistan, Kashmir, Checnya,

Phalistine and the all the Muslim Lands.

