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EasyJet Company

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  • 8/17/2019 EasyJet Company


    Project of Advance Financial Management

    Hassan Zaryab



    "niversity of Central P#njab


  • 8/17/2019 EasyJet Company


  • 8/17/2019 EasyJet Company


    tools s#c( as -atio Analysis to see (o m#c( grot( easy6et (as been able to

    ac(ieve and also to see (at mig(t be t(e ot(er factors t(at can infl#ence t(e

    com&any+s grot( and its decision ma)ing and t(an to see t(e limitations of t(e

    financial analysis, 3(ese &erformance indicators are better )non as ratios andconstit#te t(e main tools of conventional financial analysis, For t(e last several

    years' b#sinesses (ave seen t(e ra&id grot( of t(e n#mber of firms offering

    financial sit#ation analysis services, 3(is serves as a &roof t(at more and more

    organisations are realising t(e im&ortance t(e analysis of t(eir financial

    sit#ation in order to )ee& #& it( t(e demands of t(e b#siness orld,

    $ EasyJet mission and vision statementEvery company has its mission to obtain certain objective and goals It"s a guiding

    principle of what the company is today and what it will be in future Easy#et has its

    own mission$ to provide their customer with safe, good value and point to point air



    Safety: We never compromise on safety


    We cut out the things that don’t matter to keep us lean

    and make it easy

    One team:  Together we’ll always nd a way

    Integrity: We stand by our word and do what we say


    We have a passion for our customers, our people and the

    work we do


    We challenge to nd new ways to make travel easy and


    Easy#et %&' (E)#*

  • 8/17/2019 EasyJet Company


    E)# Income Statement

  • 8/17/2019 EasyJet Company


  • 8/17/2019 EasyJet Company


  • 8/17/2019 EasyJet Company


  • 8/17/2019 EasyJet Company


  • 8/17/2019 EasyJet Company


    $ Liquidity Ratio:

    Li8#idity tells abo#t t(e ability of a com&any to efficiently and

    economically accommodate its de&osits and increase in asset,

    $ Current ratio:-

    %t tells #s abo#t t(e com&any+s c#rrent asset relation it( c#rrent


    Current ratio= Current Asset current !ia"i!ity

    C#rrent -atio

    #ears $%&' $%&(

    C#rrent Asset 1!1 !11

    C#rrent Liabilities 190 :.09

    Current Ratio 0,/. 0,!; 

    !"#$ !"#%




    Current Ratio

    'urrent (atio


    C#rrent ratio e mean at (ic( level a b#siness is able to &ay off its

    debts #sing c#rrent assets,

    %t is evident in t(e comtations t(at easy6et as alays in better &osition to

    meet its s(ort*term debt as com&ared to t(ose of rivals in a &er#se of t(e rivals+

  • 8/17/2019 EasyJet Company


    c#rrent ratios, 3(is means t(at easy6et is alays bale to meet t(eir c#rrent

    liabilities #sing t(eir c#rrent assets cas(' inventory' receivables2,

    3(is analysis clarifies t(at t(e ability of APL abo#t its &ayment of its c#rrent

    liabilities #sing c#rrent assets' (as been fl#ct#ating #&ard and donard trend

    (ic( is in 015 at 0,!; and in 019 it as 0,/.,

      )uic* ratio

    %t meas#res t(ose assets (ic( are 8#ic)ly converted into cas( and t(en

    com&ared it( c#rrent liability,


  • 8/17/2019 EasyJet Company



    ?ince 8#ic) ratios are &erceived as a sign of t(e com&any+s financial

    strengt( or ea)ness, 

    A (ig(er n#mber o#ld indicate stronger financial

     &erformance' and a loer one means ea)er &erformance,

  • 8/17/2019 EasyJet Company


    3(is ratio (el&s #s to find t(at (o m#c( an organi@ation #sing its

    reso#rces to manage t(e &rofit,

    As in APL gra&( s(os t(at t(ey are #sing t(eir reso#rces very efficiently

    t(at t(e asset t#rnover ratio is decreasing from 019 to 015,

    Levera,e ratio3(is ratios s(os t(ose activities of a firm are s#&&orted by creditors'

    f#nds as o&&osed to oners,

    3(e folloing ratios can be #sed to identify t(e financial strengt( and ris) 

    of t(e b#siness,

    e"t to Equity Ratio

    3otal debt e8#ity

    #ear $%&' $%&(

    3otal ebts 5!: 10!9


    3otal 8#ity 1; :.//de"t to Equity Ratio 0,! ;

  • 8/17/2019 EasyJet Company


    !"#$ !"#%





    #ebt to &quity Ratio

    /ebt to 01uity (atio


    3(is ratio meas#re #nder (ic( financing so#rce of b#siness can be


    %n t(e debt e8#ity ratio of A?D63 (as not a great fl#ct#ation in its

    e8#ity, %n 019 to 015 increasing 0,! to ;,

      .et /ro0it 1ar,in+he net profit margin ratio relates the net profit for the period to the sales

    during that period

    Profit After 3a7es ?ales2

    #ears $%&' $%&(

    Profit After ta7 9.1 59/

    ?ales /5 9!/!

    Eross &rofit Margin -atio 0,1; 0,1

    !"#$ !"#%







    Net *ro't )argin

    3et prot 4argin


  • 8/17/2019 EasyJet Company


    3(e ratio of t(e net &rofit to t(e amo#nt of sales is itnessed to decrease

    over time' as larger costs are e7&erienced by t(e com&any' es&ecially for

    easy6et (o belongs to t(e aviation ind#stry' (ere over(ead costs are

    said to go s)yroc)et (ig(' mainly res#lted from increase in oil &rices


    %n t(e gross &rofit margin ratio com&any (as a contin#o#s donfall trend

    since last years,

    Return on &quity

    3(is ratio s(os t(e &rofit attrib#table to t(e amo#nt invested by t(e oners

    of t(e b#siness

    .et 2ro0it equity

      #ears $%&' $%&(

     et Profit 3a7es 9.1 59/

    8#ity 99/ .!0

    -et#rn on 8#ity 0,10. 0,05;

    !"#$ !"#%







    Return on &quity

    (eturn on 01uity


  • 8/17/2019 EasyJet Company


    %n t(is inter&retations of ret#rn on e8#ity e may concl#de t(at com&any

    is don falling in its e8#ity ret#rn trend,

      Earnin, /er S3are

    .et 2ro0it a0ter ta4 no5 o0 s3ares outstandin,

      Dears 019 015

    net &rofit after ta7 9.1 59/

    no of o#tstanding s(ares :.; ;.9

    arnings &er s(are 1,: 0,!.

    !"#$ !"#%






    &arnings *er s%are

    0arnings per share


    %n t(is gra&( it is s(on t(at APL earning &er s(are is increasing as

    com&are to t(e 019 in 015 (ile in t(ere is a slig(t c(ange occ#rred

    toards donfall,

    $ Account 2aya"!e turnover:-

    #ears $%&' $%&(

    Cost of goods sold 155 !:9

    Acco#nt Payable 1110 09!

    Acco#ntPayable 3o#rover 1,:; 1,/

  • 8/17/2019 EasyJet Company


    !"#$ !"#%







    Account Payable Tourover

    ccount 6ayable Tourover

    3(e acco#nts &ayable t#rnover ratio is a s(ort*term li8#idity meas#re #sed to

    8#antify t(e rate at (ic( a com&any &ays off its s#&&liers, %n 019 com&any

     &ay 1,:; times and in 015 com&any &ays 1,/ times to s#&&liers,

    $ Cas3 6!o7 Covera,e

    Cas( flo coverage = et Cas( Flo Ann#al %nterest 7&ense

      #ears $%&' $%&(

     et Cas( Flo !1! 5/.

    Ann#al %ntrest 7&ense 0


    Cas3 0!o7 covera,e 0 .5

    !"#$ !"#%






    Cas% !low Coverage

    'ash 7low 'overage


  • 8/17/2019 EasyJet Company


    3(is coverage ratio com&ares a com&anyGs o&erating cas( flo to its total debt'

    (ic(' for r&oses of t(is ratio' is defined as t(e s#m of s(ort*term borroings'

    t(e c#rrent &ortion of long*term debt and long*term debt,

    $ Avera,e Co!!ection /eriod

      #ears $%&' $%&(

    Average Acco#nts -eceiveable 00 905

    3otal ?ales:!5 ;,;: 1,/:

    Avera,e Co!!etion 5,/; :1,5!

    !"#$ !"#%






    Average Collection Period

    verage 'ollection 6eriod

    3(e average collection &eriod is t(e a&&ro7imate amo#nt of time t(at it ta)es for 

    a b#siness to receive &ayments oed' in terms of receivables' from its

    c#stomers and clients, %n 019 5,/; days are re8#ired for collection (ile 015:1,5! days are re8#ired from collection (ic( is not satisfactory for com&any

    t(at t(e average collection &eriod is increasing,

    $ 8or*in, Ca2ita!

    Working Capital = Current Assets - Current Liabilities


  • 8/17/2019 EasyJet Company


    years $%&' $%&(

    C#rrent Assets 1!1 !11

    C#rrent Laibilites 190 :.09

    aor)ing Ca&ital *15. *1.:








    .orking ca*ital


    or)ing ca&ital is a meas#re of bot( a com&anyGs efficiency and its s(ort*

    term financial (ealt(,

    $ Hori9onta! And Vertica! Ana!ysis

    a!ance S3eetmount in millions8

    'urrent ssets !"#$ !"#%hori9ontal

    6ercentage!"#$ verticle

    'ash and Short +ermInvestments

    . /0-.01 -02.3


    'ash - - 78A&9E: 78A&9E: 78A&9E:

    'ash ; Eet 44 140 -40 -4043 400/21 Accounts =eceivables

    - +rade, >et 44 140 -40 -4043 400/21+otal Inventory - - 78A&9E: 78A&9E: 78A&9E:

    %repaid E?penses - - 78A&9E: 78A&9E: 78A&9E:@ther 'urrent Assets,

    +otal5. / -0 -22/3 41000

    total current assets . . -604 -454.3

    Fi?ed assets

    %roperty%lantEet 01 00/5 -6400 -423



  • 8/17/2019 EasyJet Company


     AccumulatedCepreciation, +otal  B B 78A&9E: 78A&9E:

    !oodwill, >et6.0 564 -6.0 -44443


    Intangibles, >et6 62 -0 -4.3


    &ong +erm Investments  B B 78A&9E: 78A&9E:>ote =eceivable - &ong

    +erm 1 B 4443 78A&9E:

    @ther &ong +erm Assets,+otal /5 1. -/ -.13


    @ther Assets, +otal  B B 78A&9E: 78A&9E:

    +otal Fi?ed Assets 112 /.4 -04 -163

    $ Vertic!e



    statementyears 41 3age 40 3age

    =evenue 20 443 1.2. 443

    '!S 00 013 .61 0.3

    !ross %rofit 644 1.3 40 113

    total operating e?pense / 523 6//2 203

    @perating Income .61 3 .22 03

    &iabilities 41 40 'hange 3 8ertical

     Accounts payable 61 4 6603


     Accrued e?penses 6/ 6. 63


    >otes payableshort-termdebt

    4 4 4 7CI84: 4

    'urrent portion long-termdebtcapital leases

    41 /1 -/4



    0@ther current liabilities, total 206 ,15 -/1



    Total current liabilities 1,420 1,768 -612 -03 4.2006546

    +otal long term debt 15 6 0463


    +otal debt 05. 0. .443


    Deferred income tax 186 176 403


    Dinority interest -- -- 78A&9E: 78A&9E: 78A&9E:

    @ther liabilities, total 6 66 -2 -603 46.125Total liabilities 2,310 2,579 -./ -3

  • 8/17/2019 EasyJet Company


    $ Uses o0 Ratio Ana!ysis1, 3o eval#ate &erformance to com&are to &ervio#s year and to com&etitor and

    t(e ind#stry,

    , 3o set benc(mar)s or standards for &erformance,

    :, 3o (ig(lig(t areas t(at need to be im&roved' or areas t(at offer t(e most

     &romising f#t#re &otential,

    9, 3o enable e7ternal &arties' s#c( as investors or lenders' to assess t(e

    creditort(iness and &rofitability of t(e firm,

    ; Limitations o0 6inancia! Ratios

    3(ere are some im&ortant limitations of financial ratios t(at analysts s(o#ld be

    conscio#s of>

    • Many large firms o&erate different divisions in different ind#stries, For

    t(ese com&anies it is diffic#lt to find a meaningf#l set of ind#stry*average


    • %nflation may (ave badly distorted a com&anyGs balance s(eet, %n t(is

    case' &rofits ill also be affected, 3(#s a ratio analysis of one com&any

    over time or a com&arative analysis of com&anies of different ages m#st

     be inter&reted it( j#dgment,

    • ?easonal factors can also distort ratio analysis, "nderstanding seasonal

    factors t(at affect a b#siness can red#ce t(e c(ance of misinter&retation,

    For e7am&le' a retailerGs inventory may be (ig( in t(e s#mmer in

     &re&aration for t(e bac)*to*sc(ool season, As a res#lt' t(e com&anyGs

    acco#nts &ayable ill be (ig( and its -IA lo,

    • ifferent acco#nting &ractices can distort com&arisons even it(in t(e

    same com&any leasing vers#s b#ying e8#i&ment' L%FI vers#s F%FI'etc,2,

  • 8/17/2019 EasyJet Company


    • %t is diffic#lt to generali@e abo#t (et(er a ratio is good or not, A (ig(

    cas( ratio in a (istorically classified grot( com&any may be inter&reted

    as a good sign' b#t co#ld also be seen as a sign t(at t(e com&any is no

    longer a grot( com&any and s(o#ld command loer val#ations,

    • A com&any may (ave some good and some bad ratios' ma)ing it diffic#lt

    to tell if itGs a good or ea) com&any,

    %n general' ratio analysis cond#cted in a mec(anical' #nt(in)ing manner is

    dangero#s, In t(e ot(er (and' if #sed intelligently' ratio analysis can &rovide

    insig(tf#l information,

    $ CO.CLUSIO.

    As a concl#ding note' ann#al im&airment tests for si@eable fi7ed assets

    s(o#ld lead to a better val#ation of t(e b#siness' (ic( o#ld res#lt to a better 

    vie of t(e financial sit#ation of t(e civil aviation com&any, Eenerally' t(e

    acco#nting &olicies of easy6et meet t(e %F-? and t(e aviation ind#stry standards

    as ell, otit(standing several critical b#t ot(erise minor entries' it can bes#fficiently agreed #&on t(at easy6et+s acco#nts Jgive a tr#e and fair vie of t(e

    state of affairsK and conse8#ently K(ave been &ro&erly &re&aredK easy6et2, 3(e

    res#lts for t(e financial statements a#dit of easy6et done by

    Priceater(o#seCoo&ers LLP ere evidently ell*&lanned and &erformed t(e

    a#dit so as to obtain all t(e information and e7&lanations (ic( ere considered

    necessary in order to &rovide t(e a#ditors it( s#fficient evidence to give

    reasonable ass#rance t(at t(e financial statements and t(e &art of t(e irectors+

    rem#neration re&ort to be a#dited are free from material misstatement' (et(er 

    ca#sed by fra#d or ot(er irreg#larity or error, %n forming t(e o&inion in t(is

     &a&er' t(e overall ade8#acy of t(e &resentation of information in t(e financial

    statements and t(e &art of t(e irectors+ rem#neration re&ort to be a#dited are

    also eval#ated
