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EAV- Ws4.1.2 tutoriel en

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Tutorial of the platform eEAV
E-Engagement Against Violence Online platform for self-learning in media education against discrimination User's Guide www.e-engagementagainstviolence.eu
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E-Engagement Against Violence Online platform for self-learning

in media education against discrimination

User's Guide www.e-engagementagainstviolence.eu

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Table of contents Introduction 1)THE USER 1.A. General homepage and language options 1.B. Connection and registration 1.C. User's account interface 2)THE TRAINING MODULES(courses) 2.A. Course catalog 2.B. One course = one module 2.C. Units 2.D. Specificity of the units : the tests 2.E. Progress 3)THE NETWORK 3.A. The community 3.B. Download a document on the plateform 4) TECHNICAL REFERENCES Conclusion

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Introduction European project e-EAV ( e-Engagement Against Violence) aims to deconstruct populist stereotypes about race, gender, disability and sexual orientation in the media, and promote youth engagement against hate speech through the development of skills of participation and digital media education. Teachers and educators play a crucial role in contributing to these objectives by raising awareness among young people about these issues through media education. At the same time, they need supports to be involved in the teaching in this field. That is why the e-EAV project develops an online learning environment to enhance teachers' and educators' self-learning about media literacy and discrimination.

You will find in this manual illustrated explanations about the

online interface of this learning environment.

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1)THE USER To start, go to:

www.e-engagementagainstviolence.eu You arrive on the website's homepage :

1.A. General homepage and language options You can here select the language you want to use: either English or French.

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1.B. Connection and registration

Change password : If you want to change the password provided at your first connection to personalise it, go on your personal page (by clicking « Social Network » or by visiting the homepage). Click on « Edit profile » and follow the instructions given below :

If this is your first use,click on « Register » and complete the form. A confirmation email will be sent to you. If you have already created a user account, enter your username and password and click on « login ». If you don't remember your password, click on « I lost my password » and enter the email address you registered with. An email with your password will be sent to you.

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1.C. User's account interface

Once you are connected, you can manage your profile, access your internal mailbox, check the invitations you received and invite other users as friends to share your files, exchange mails, etc. (see chapter 3 : « Social Network ») In the « Course Catalog », you will find a list of the available courses called here modules. (see chapter 2 : « One course = one module »)

Finally, a personal agenda is available.

A any time, it is possible to go back to your personal space by clicking on the logo e-EAV at top left or by clicking on the homepage's tab.

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2)THE TRAINING MODULES(courses) 2.A. Course catalog The modules developed in this platform are grouped under the technical designation « COURSES ». You will find all courses/modules you are enrolled in by clicking on « Course catalog ».

In the top left corner of this catalog, you will find a search engine that enable you to find directly the desired contents based on a keyword for example. 2.B. One course = one module These modules aim to promote an awareness to the mechanisms interacting in media, populism and discrimination. They are five themes :

1. Information reception and production

2. Audio-visual fictions and ideologies

3. Videogames and citizenship

4. Political communication and propaganda

5. Online activism and networking

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Modules'presentation :

First of all, you find the language (EN for English or FR for French) and the module's name. Click on description, a new window will open to show the module's details and table of contents. Then you have two options : Option 1 : you can directly access a course by clicking on the direct link. In this case, you can find the content and start the learning. Option 2 : and it is highly recommended, you can register the course before starting it. Being registered allows you to follow your progression in this module, and to keep track of your learning session. You can also, anytime, unsubscribe from the module. When you access a course, you arrive on a page showing the ten units composing the module :

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You also find other icons to :

- See the course description again - Take note of the potential announcements made in the module (such

as updates, technical informations, etc.) - Fill out the online survey to give a feedback on the module (task

to carry out during the experimental phase when you consider you are done with a module).

- Exchange area (forum) : that let you exchange on the units'contents (documents,etc.) when it is asked in an exercice's conclusion or as you wish.

These icons appear in the module when they have contents. If they don't, you will not see them. 2.C. Units

2.D. 2.DI. 2.DII.

Each module is divided into 10 units. These units propose first theory and examples, then invite educators and teachers to take part to online activities. Each unit should last about two hours. Note that you can follow your course's progression on the top bar. The icon : Monitoring access. By clicking on this icon you arrive on a new page « My status » that shows you, for example, the steps'state (completed or non attempted) and the time spent on them.

The icons : Navigation.

To go on on previous or next step, click on either arrows.

Finally, to go back on the course's general page, click on the house or on « course home »

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2.D Specificity of the units : the tests The term "test" is the platform's technical denomination to mean an online activity where your active contribution is expected. It is not an "assessment" or an examination. When you click on "Activity" in the unit's menu (left), a first explanatory page appears. You find here the general test instructions and the "Start test" link to get started in the activity.

At any time, you can consult again the general instructions of the activity by clicking on the « DESCRIPTION » link, on top of the test's page. Once you start one activity, you will find instructions, questions, media resources, etc. For example, here above is an extract of an activity of the module 4. The kind of question can vary from one test to another. In this case, just select the answer you think is correct and go to the next question via the link below or the arrows'progression above. You can also return to the previous question by clicking on the appropriate link. In most cases, you will find a feedback at the end of each activity. This feedback allows you to compare your answers to those expected. An explanation might even be proposed. Other activities' conclusion require to share your work with other colleagues in the platform (Exchange area) in order to get their feedback and don't hesitate to provide with yours.

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Finally, during certain activities, you may be asked to fill external documents outside the platform (sheet in a word document): do not forget to save your document in a suitable folder easy to find on your personal computer to share on the platform or to use with your students. By default, it's downloaded automatically in the folder « Downloads » of your computer. 2.E. Progress By clicking on the tab « My progression » in the menu bar, you can find your courses'list and a timeline presenting your activity on the platform.

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Note : in « My courses », all details by unit (time spent in the course, progress and latest login) are available by clicking on the arrow under « Details ». In our case, the « Perfomance » is not activated.

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3)SOCIAL NETWORK 3.A The community

The e-learning platform is designed to promote exchanges between users.

The inter-users'communication may occur in a private way, via « Messages » but also via social groups .

To find a group or a user, don't hesitate to use the search engine available via the homepage or via « Search ».

The page « Social network » lists all the opportunities offered to you to communicate on the platform. Update your profile, connect with other users (friends), send messages, etc.

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3.b. Download a document on the platform Finally, you have the possibility to download and share files in the platform.

On your personal page in « Social Network », click on « My files ».

Top right, click on « Upload »

Select a file on your personal computer by clicking on « Browse ». Then click on « Upload ». Close the window, your file will be downloaded to your folder. This is the place you can access to your own documents and share them later.

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4) TECHNICAL REFERENCES This platform is designed with the Chamilo tool. Chamilo is an e-learning system (i.e. learning management) developed collaboratively by various companies, associations and individuals, through an open model called « free software ». Chamilo is not only developed collaboratively by dozens of people around the world, it is also supported by a non-profit organisation whose purpose is to promote the platform and ensure its continuity. In this way, Chamilo is the only e-learning free software platform that brings so many guarantees of free access. Média-Animation asbl (Belgium) has used, implemented and adapted this software on their servers in order to develop this online environment « e-engagement against violence ». For technical questions, please contact the technical team of « Média-Animation » at : [email protected] Conclusion There you are at the end of this user guide. All you have to do now is to get started on the platform and discover its contents and features. We are certainly far from a classroom training and this type of device presents both opportunities and limits, but why not make the jump and explore new learning methods ?

Media Animation asbl April 2014
