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EbbnFlow July 2012

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Friday 20th of July - from 7.30pm Homemade Pizza baked outside on the Terrace - available to eat in or take away all evening Tuesday 24th of July - 7.30pm Monthly Pub Quiz A Country Pub with Proper Food, Real Ales and Rooms Tel: 01728 688510 Bed & Breakfast available throughout the Summer Months Double & Twin En-Suite Rooms Diamond Jubilee Celebrations An excellent crowd turned out to enjoy the outdoor service followed by fun & games on the playing field at Blaxhall Some 50 villages enjoyed watching the Thames River Pageant at Great Glemham Hall The Diamond Jubilee Coronation Service at Snape Church witnessed an excellent turnout and splendid spread

Friday 20th of July - from 7.30pm Homemade Pizza baked outside on the Terrace - available to eat in or

take away all evening

Tuesday 24th of July - 7.30pm Monthly Pub Quiz

A Country Pub with Proper Food, Real Ales and Rooms

Tel: 01728 688510

Bed & Breakfast available throughout the Summer


Double & Twin En-Suite Rooms

Diamond Jubilee Celebrations

An excellent crowd turned out to enjoy the outdoor service followed by fun & games on the playing field at Blaxhall

Some 50 villages enjoyed watching the Thames River Pageant at Great Glemham Hall

The Diamond Jubilee Coronation Service at Snape Churchwitnessed an excellent turnout and splendid spread

Life on Snape Marshes - Summer 2012

The topsy-turvy weather this year has led to some very patchy bird migration. We seem to be very well off for swifts and martins, but swallows are not so numerous. Cuckoos seem to be everywhere and Snape has an excellent seven nightingale territories, two of which are on Suffolk Wildlife Trust's Snape Marshes reserve. We also had the exciting sighting of a red kite over the marsh on 9 June - we were pleased, but the four crows and magpie that were mobbing it seemed less than happy.

The active programme for control of American mink, which operates on all of Suffolk's rivers, gives hope that summer migrants such as sedge warblers will have a bumper breeding year. We also hope that water voles will have a chance of coming back to the marsh, especially as one was seen only 200 yards away on the allotments this time last year.

The cattle on Suffolk Wildlife Trust's Snape Marshes reserve arrived late due to the very wet conditions and the article by David Hull, the grazier, gives a good cow's-eye view of things. The Snape Rustlers are now in action again, keeping an eye on the cattle. After a grazing gap of 22 years, the past four years have seen a great improvement in the variety of vegetation, with rank grasses being replaced by more interesting plants with great names, tubular water dropwort being our favourite. Kingcup is a quite uncommon plant due to more intensive agriculture practice across the country, but it is now thriving on the reserve.

The area of reclaimed heath at the top of Snape Marshes is now looking good, with sheep's sorrel and common bedstraw getting well-established. Quite a transformation from the thick bracken and years of accumulated bracken litter that were there before our band of volunteers got to work. We're hopeful that we will attract a good moth population, which in turn will bring in hunting nightjars, which are now back from their migration grounds in Africa. We've also got our fingers crossed that glow worms will move into the area, as there are usually good numbers along the footpath from Foxes Corner.

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Finally a word about Mick Wright, the SWT warden responsible for Snape Marshes. He has recently retired after many years of hard work for the Trust and he will be much missed. We are sure though that Andrew Excell will prove an excellent replacement. Andrew formerly had responsibility for Redgrave and Lopham Fen, so has plenty of experience with habitats similar to Snape Marshes. We wish him well.

Derek and Lesley WalduckVoluntary Wardens


Snape Fun Day – 4th August 2012

This year’s Snape Fun Day is to take place on the 4th August at Snape Playing Field, a great afternoon of entertainment is planned including kites by Team Spectrum, a dog show, children’s entertainer, face painting, running races, five-a-side football, bar and refreshments, live music, a raffle and side stalls, also for the first time this year we will be holding a produce show which will be open to anyone to enter. Anyone wishing to have a table top or car boot selling items are also welcome.

If you would like any further information or would like to contribute in any way please contact Elaine on 01728 689116 or email [email protected]

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Cuttings from the Walled Garden: Jim Mountain

The Walled Garden.

On 22nd May, there is an entry in my diary “summer has arrived”. The following day, in anticipation of a long hot spell, Garry and I cleaned out the irrigation tank. The 5ft high tank does not have a roof and leaves that fall in it during the autumn form a sludgy deposit which feeds algae. Water from the tank is pumped round the nursery and any small particles can block the filters. A good cleanout in the spring saves a lot of time in the summer. The job takes an afternoon. An old fashioned style dustpan is the best implement for gathering the last dregs of water and sludge. Its put in a bucket and emptied over the side. A quick pressure wash and a spray of household bleach provides a final clean before it is filled up overnight. It is important to hold at least a third of a tankful of water in case the mains supply is disrupted.

The traditional Whitsun bank holiday was replaced this year by the Jubilee very long weekend. We can tell from our past records roughly how many customers to expect given decent weather so the change in timing and length of the holiday posed problems in estimating how many staff to get in. Would people be at home watching the events on TV rather than planting their gardens? As it turned the mix of cool and wet weather dictated the numbers of visitors that we had. Sometime on the Monday night, persons unknown, armed with a substantial jemmy, forced open the wrought iron gate in the south wall and then split the office door frame from top to bottom, bending the substantial 5 lever lock in the process. The sensor was also torn from an outside light to prevent it working. As far as we can see, nothing has been taken. However, we have spent 3 days repairing the damage. We took the gate of its hinges and welded a more substantial hasp on it and then installed a new keep set deep into the wall 18 inch thick wall. With the help of Garry, we rebuilt the office wall where the frame was pulled out, installed a new lock and hung the door. The burglar alarm and CCTV company rep comes on Wednesday!

As the venue for teas on the Sunday of Benhall Open Gardens, the garden is subject to more scrutiny than normal and I was very pleased at my staff spending some time and taking a pride in getting our borders looking at their best. I managed to

escape the nursery for a quick visit round one of the open gardens. I was amazed and inspired by the quality of what I saw and came away with a few ideas that could be easily put into practice. The simplest of these was a chimney pot filled with Sedums, rich in texture and mute in colour. At home my chimney pot's annual planting of verbenas has been replaced by a similar idea.

With such an ample supply of rain, most of the shrubs that we have hard pruned in the winter are pushing out new growth. Lonicera involucrata, the Twinberry Honeysuckle, especially had erupted in a dome of green shoots. The marbled form of common laurel sprouts from mature limbs. It seems incredible how shoots bubble through the bark. The foliage which follows is much better marked than it was before the pruning, with clear streaks of white across the olive-green leaves. Never a particularly showy plant, it earns its place by protecting the wall from the westerly winds. The storm of 1987 must not be forgotten.

Jim Mountain

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Local History & Characters

Overseers of the Poor: Parish records of welfare in Great Glemham under the 'Poor Laws'

It is exciting to see the combined display cabinet and document store for a parish archive now installed at the west end of All Saints church, Great Glemham. In the past, the parish records lay for many years in a plain wooden chest, unlocked, that stood against the wall in the room at the top of the church tower. Inside were a mass of ancient papers of all descriptions, some printed, others hand written, including property deeds from 1303, apprentices' indentures, bills from tradesmen and labourers, receipts for parish expenditure – and also two large calf-bound books. These two books contained the accounts of the “Overseers of the Poor” from 1709 until 1837.

This unique collection of historic Parish papers is now safely deposited at the Suffolk Record Office, Ipswich Branch, under the reference FC 121. In 1950-51, while they were still in the church tower, I abstracted details from the Overseers' accounts for a school project. My report (inevitably written with my father's help) has survived down the years. I have revised my original, rather rambling essay, in the form of a 6-page abstract. A copy has been given to Jill Wilson, and is also available from me, on r e q u e s t , o n p a p e r o r i n d i g i t a l f o r m ([email protected]).

Nowadays we take for granted the benefits of the welfare state, from maternity services to old age pension. It was not so in the past. From 1536 until 1834, under the Poor Laws of England and Wales social welfare was the responsibility of parishes. The Overseers' accounts show how the system

operated in Great Glemham through a period when those in need were the responsibility of their neighbours in the community. I hope that my abstract will intrigue and encourage others to explore the Great Glemham parish archive in greater detail. Much more could be gleaned by further study of the account books, and more still from examination of the whole documentary collection.

GATHORNE CRANBROOKGlemham House, Great Glemham

E&F would love to receive more old photos, stories, history from across the benefice, so please email us if you have something we could feature.

Last week’s windmill, for those of you who may be wondering, was Saxmundham post mill. Until it’s demise in the early 20th century it was one of the tallest post mills in Europe, the roundhouse survived and was familiar for many years as a garage before recently being converted into a house.

Kim Curtis

Dog Walker

01728 688584

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Snape News

Accessories Sale and dress for the evening is Mexican, Western, or American Indian. Bring a swimsuit (or a wetsuit!).

Snape W. I.

Snape WI celebrated the Queen's Diamond Jubilee with a tree-planting and picnic on Tuesday 5th June - a perfect ending to a fantastic weekend for the nation. We are lucky to have a recently established woodland called Priory Wood, created from agricultural land near the church crossroads. A Whitebeam (Sorbus Aria), a native hardwood sourced locally, was selected for its three seasons of interest and its merits for wildlife. A group of about 50 members, family, friends and guests, turned out for the picnic on a (thankfully) sunny afternoon. We brought bunting, sang the National Anthem around our tree. Our enjoyable time spent together chatting and eating culminated with a Union Jack decorated cake.

This site is a lovely spot for anyone to enjoy. Our WI presented a picnic bench several years ago and we are pleased to continually support this local amenity.

A bonus Jubilee point of interest was the feature of member Sue Partington in June's Suffolk magazine. She had been selected as one of the six bakers in the Jubilee Bake-Off, with a nice photo and lemon Victoria sponge, complete with pop-up corgis. Congratulations to Sue.

June's meeting had a slide presentation given by Andrew Brogan. What appeared to be an Indonesian jungle with walkways and huts was, in fact, photographed about half an hour up the A12 in the microclimate of Henstead Exotic Garden. Andrew has formed an outstanding collection of palms, bamboos and exotic plants, which survive in an area that many gardeners would consider being a hostile environment of coastal winds and low temperatures. Surprisingly, several photos showed these seemingly tender jungle plants under inches of snow.

Andrew demonstrated a thorough understanding of the adage 'put the right plant in the right place' in the organisation of the garden. This has been gained through seeing examples of exotics which had not survived while he was travelling in warmer climes. His garden is continually enlarging and evolving, and has been featured in most national newspapers, several magazines, books and on Gardener's World. His knowledge of the plants in this impressive collection is extensive and infectious, and we plan to take a trip there as soon as possible. The garden actually has year-round interest so may require a second trip in autumn or winter to fully appreciate the scope of Andrew's achievement. Entertaining and informative, it was a very enjoyable evening.

In July we celebrate our birthday with a party and demonstration of Mexican cookery by Karen Eidson, who taught in a cookery school in Sonoma, California before returning to Suffolk. There will be another successful

Snape School Fun Afternoon

What are you doing on Friday 13th July? We are all going to be at Snape School for their fun afternoon. Activities start at 3 o'clock. There will be loads of stalls and games to play and of course lovely cakes to buy and eat! Please come and you will see lots of happy children enjoying their school.

We would also like to thank everyone who helped raise a staggering £420 for Snape School's BAGS TO SCHOOL collection. Thank you. We couldn't do this without the village's help.

The next BAGS TO SCHOOL is Monday 12th November. Please put it in your diary!

Snape School Parent Staff Association

Snape’s Own Olympic Torchbearer

Laura Bizzey, who lives at Brodies, Wadd Lane, is one of Britain's lucky Olympic Torchbearers. Laura, who suffers from a rare strain of Muscular Dystrophy, was nominated by the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign. The Charity wanted to mark Laura's tireless endeavours living with this progressive neuromuscular disease, her fantastic fundraising and the work she has done to raise the profile of the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign.

Laura was chosen by WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) to be their National Community Champion in 2011 for all her efforts and for living in the face of great adversity. Together with her Mum Katie, Laura has raised in excess of £26,000 for The Muscular Dystrophy Campaign.

Laura will be carrying the torch on July 5th at approximately 15.15 in Ufford, from Spring Lane into Yarmouth Road. She says 'it is a fantastic honour to have been chosen by the Olympic Committee out of so many thousands of nominees. It is a lovely recognition of all I do and how I have to live my life. I am so proud to be a part of 2012 Olympics in Britain and I am creating my own piece of history for my family and the beautiful place where I live.'

Laura has been able to buy her torch and she and her Mum are hoping to have a small open event at Snape Village Hall where anyone who is interested can come and meet Laura and see a real live Olympic Torch.

If you would like to know more about Laura's leg of the Torch Relay nearer the time when all is finalised, you can ring her on 01728 687780.

Katie Bizzey

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Barrie’s Letter

The Alde River Benefice

The Rectory,Stratford St Andrew,Saxmundham,IP17 1LJ01728 [email protected]

Dear Friends

One of the memorable things about the Diamond Jubilee was the crowds which packed the Mall after the processions on the Tuesday. If you were near the Admiralty Arch end of The Mall you were over a thousand yards away from the Balcony of Buckingham Palace (I know that for the Jubilee Concert there were big screens either side of the Mall) but you are still a long way from the action. Jesus asked the crowds about John the Baptist: "What did you go out into the wilderness to see ? “ He continued to ask them what did they expect to find.

The great thing about the crowds in the Mall and the crowds who went to hear John the Baptist preaching and baptizing in the desert was that they made an effort to be there. There is the nice little story of Zacchaeus who was too short to see over the crowd that surrounded Jesus when he went to Jericho. This was probably not the first time that his lack of stature had caused him a problem; he could have gone off in a sulk bewailing the unfairness of life, but no, he did something about it. So Zacchaeus climbed up a tree so that he could see Jesus. His efforts were rewarded and Jesus called him down but then he told him that he was coming to his house. An unexpected consequence !

So where does all this get us ? What I am trying to say is that sometimes we have to make the effort, we have to make a move. Whilst be believe that God loves each one of us and that we don't have to earn that love sometimes a parent knows that they have to leave it for their child to do something for themselves – to make the effort of the first move. Sometimes its hard for the parent to stand back and watch their children not attempting to do what would be good for them. There must be many parents who have done the homework for their children rather than watch them walking away from it. But sometimes this is for the benefit of the parent and the desire for a quiet life – than for the good of the child.

Frequently we will only achieve the most by making the most effort – we will see a lot of this with competitors at the Olympics – and we know in our heart of hearts that doling out Gold Medals whether you had tried or not would not be right.

So in the Olympic spirit we should go out of our way to try that bit harder to approach God and to understand his purposes. Once we make the effort we are assured of a positive response and a reward greater even than Olympic Medal.





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Great Glemham Flower Festival

The 2012 Great Glemham Flower Festival will be held at All Saints Church on Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th July 10.00 – 5.00. The theme this year is ‘All the World’s a Stage’ as a celebration of the theatre, so prepare to be star struck by the creations this year!

Refreshments will be served in the in the village hall.

Benhall and Sternfield Flower Show & SportsSaturday 11th August 2012

This will be held at Benhall Club in School Lane. A steel band will play from 1.00pm until the children's fancy dress procession enters the ground for the official opening of the Show by a personality at about 1.45pm. Entertainment includes a steel band, exotic dancers, a birds of prey display, childrens sports, sideshows, the Flower Show marquee and food & drink. Flower Show entry schedules are available from Christine Buttery – tel. 602182. Entries for the fancy dress should meet at the top of the village green by 1.00pm. A relaxed Dog Show starts at 2.30pm –contact Nicky on 07760487019 if you need more information.Please book 11th August as your date to visit and enjoy a traditional village show.

Diamond Jubilee Fun at Blaxhall

Blaxhall Diamond Jubilee Celebration was a wonderful afternoon. Barrie started the event with a short service on the playing field. This was followed by children's games, rounders and a tug of war against neighbouring Tunstall. Needless to say Blaxhall won! Tea and scrumptious cakes were in plentiful supply. The afternoon drew into evening with a barbecue and get together in the Ship. A thoroughly good time was had by all.

Blaxhall Summer Ball

Blaxhall Summer Ball was a great success and we were lucky to have the warmest evening of the year so far. Fantastic music was provided by the ever popular Buckshee and a fine buffet was enjoyed by all. What a fantastic night!

Women’s Fellowship

There was no meeting in June as this was an extra bank holiday for the Queen's Diamond Jubilee celebrations. The next meeting on Tuesday 3rd July and will be the AGM and usual birthday service and cake followed by a talk by Susan Slatter on Papua New Guinea. There is no meeting in August.

Opening of Great Glemham Jubilee Ringing Gallery

On the Monday morning of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Celebrations over fifty people gathered in All Saints Church in Great Glemham for a short service, after which Mrs Ruby Crane, one of the oldest residents of Great Glemham unveiled the Royal Coat of Arms which will for the embellishment to the new ringing gallery when it is completed.

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Local Food

Making the Most of Our Local Seasonal Produce – July. By Jennifer Hammond

With the summer finally upon us fresh produce is now available in abundance in our gardens, allotments and from local farm shops and suppliers. July is usually the hottest month and with the school summer holidays fast approaching it's time to stock up on some tasty summer treats. Summer is the season to indulge in raw produce which is easy to prepare and packed with nutrition. See below for some inspiring ideas for meals made with the pick of the crop this month.

The best fresh local produce available in July includes;

TomatoesCucumbersCurly LettuceCherries


Choose your tomatoes carefully, or better still pick them when they are bright red and juicy on the vine. Tomatoes should have a pleasant aroma that reminds one of being in a green house on a warm summer's day.

There are plenty of ways to enjoy this versatile fruit. To get the best flavour, as with strawberries, leave them out of the fridge to get to room temperature or allow them to warm gently in direct sunlight before eating. They can then be eaten raw, roast, tossed in pasta or blended with basil and garlic to make delicious passata sauce. Team your raw tomatoes with fresh basil for an instantly aromatic, Italian inspired salad. A few ways with tomatoes are as follows:

Slice four large, or the equivalent amount of small, tomatoes and layer them in a salad bowl with a handful of torn basil leaves, thick slices of mozzarella and several chunks of ripe avocado. Season this with finely ground salt and black pepper and a liberal dash of a good quality balsamic vinegar (Aspall's organic is very good for this) and extra virgin olive oil. Serve this summery salad with a new potato salad (see last month's recommendation) or freshly baked bread.

Add a handful of cherry tomatoes to a tray of roast vegetables. Sprinkle with balsamic vinegar, slowly roast and serve when the tomatoes are piping hot and about to burst out of their skins. Grate over some fresh parmesan and serve immediately.

Finely chop some very ripe tomatoes and mix with thinly sliced salad onions, a chopped red pepper and a few chilli flakes. Top the mixture with freshly chopped chives and serve the salsa as a side dish with crisps, tacos, tortilla chips, Mexican, fish or rice dishes.


This lovely cool and refreshing fruit is best served straight

rom the fridge. In addition to being used in the usual salad dishes cucumber is also renowned for its healing properties. Slices can be placed on tired eyelids to revive them and peeled sticks of cucumber make a lovely soothing snack for teething toddlers.

Make an appetizing salad dressing/tzatziki style dip by finely chopping roughly a quarter of a cucumber. Pop it into a bowl and spoon in four tablespoons of natural yogurt (Greek style is a favourite). Chop up some fresh mint leaves and stir them into the mixture with a small amount of seasoning. Leave this in the fridge for approximately 30 minutes so that the flavours infuse and serve with hot pitta bread, barbequed meat or as a cool and refreshing dressing over salad.

Curly Lettuce

Sometimes called Butterhead lettuce, this summer vegetable is a wonderful addition to salad dishes. Its soft texture and mild flavour make it the ideal accompaniment to most summer meals. Some say it is has mildly soporific qualities so it is the ideal ingredient for a tasty, therapeutic supper before bedtime.

Lettuce is delicious when torn and thrown into a salad. Alternatively you can also add it to warm dishes such as pasta rice and cous-cous. Lettuce is also a lovely soup ingredient. Try adding it to pea soup or pour hot vegetable soup over a bowl of torn lettuce leaves, they will wilt down and still retain their delicate flavour beautifully.


Cherries really are the taste of summer. These juicy delicious berries make the perfect summer pudding. They really need nothing more than to be served ripe and at room temperature. For a touch of difference try poaching pitted berries in orange juice with a small dash of sugar to taste. Add this warm syrupy mixture to a bowl of good quality chocolate ice-cream, top with a dollop of whipped cream and chocolate flakes to make a delicious black forest pudding.

For full details of where to buy locally sourced fresh produce please see our April or May issues, or look out for next month.

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Benhall Preschool

With all the support from parents and members of the community Benhall PreSchool have raised a fantastic amount, (which we’re still totting up); the PreSchool are continuing to fundraise by holding numerous events once again with the support of parents and people in the village. Upcoming events include the following:Jenny's Abseil: Saturday 7th July 2012Craft Fair: Saturday 14th July 2012: 12pm till 3pm Quiz Night: Saturday 28th July2012 7:30pm Teams up to 6 Benhall Ex-servicemen's Club

If you would like to sponsor Jenny or find out any more information about the above then please don't hesitate to contact us Monday-Friday 8:30am until 4pmBenhall PreSchool is also looking for a Volunteer Handyman/Women to help us with general ware and tare jobs around the setting.

SUNDAYDon't forget to pay for your pictures! It is so disappointing to go back at 4pm to find that the one you wanted has a little red sticker on it. Sunday is 'sticker day'!!11am sees us tuning up for the Festival Service in St Peter's Church. As this year's theme is a combination of the Olympics and the Jubilee we are going to sing the Jubilee song “SING” which is not only the no. 1 single, but has been designed to get as many people singing together as possible. Hopefully a video will be made for the village archive so that in years to come Blaxhall will be seen to be at the forefront of community endeavour! Ever an optimist!!

Ploughman's lunches will again be served after the service then there will be a rush for seats for a rousing rendition of melodies from a returning band – WINDBLOWN – whose expertise charmed us so last year. This will be approximately between 1pm and 2pm.Churches and music go together so we are lucky to have dear Joyce Lovatt to provide the musical background to our musings. If you ask her I'm sure she will play your favourite hymn!An action-packed week-end indeed, catering to all! Look forward to seeing you!

Festival of St Peter, Blaxhall

Flowers have always been used to celebrate great occasions, and St Peter has been traditionally feted in Blaxhall with a Flower Festival and latterly an Art Exhibition featuring local artists and often local scenes as well. Now, as if that is not enough excitement already, musicians from neighbouring villages have agreed to come and delight us with their talents. They are going to add to the relaxed, informal atmosphere by treating us to melodies old and new while we stroll around the church, enjoy our refreshments and gaze in awe at the ever-more-innovative displays of flowers. You may want to know who is making music and when; so here is a provisional guide to the week-end's excitements:

SATURDAYDoors open at 11! Be the first to marvel at the riot of colour in the church, test yourself on the traditional festival quiz made by our own quiz mistress, Joyce Lovatt, and sample some of Sheila's wonderful cake with your coffee.At 12am 5-IN-A-BAR will be tuning in with songs traditional and modern(ish!) so take your seats in good time to work up your appetite for the ploughman's lunch to follow.During the musical break there will be time to browse the bookstall, tackle the treasure hunt and ask a million questions to our amiable archivist, Shane Pictor , who will be on hand with either the answers………….. or the means to find them! This is also the ideal opportunity to take a leisurely walk down to the village hall to browse through one of the most eclectic collections of art you will ever experience. My advice is to browse now and buy later; but beware, the favourites are snapped up very quickly!Arrival at 3pm will ensure you do not miss the world premiere collection of songs from Suffolk by the newly formed “Diane and Clan” featuring Diane Keeble and her family in a truly Blaxhall line-up. If you are lucky the kettle will still be on afterwards for a cup of tea before you go home.

Wood chippings Still for sale

Several bags of wood chippings are still available at £2.00 for 60 litres, in aid of Blaxhall Environment Group's hedge planting in Blaxhall. Contact Maggie on 01728 688611


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Benhall and Sternfield Social Events

I am pleased to report a positive meeting with the representative of the Fit Villages campaign. We expect to be able to start classes of Zumba, Thai Chi and Pilates in the midweek evenings starting in the autumn.

This month's diary:

Dates for diary for Benhall and Sternfield Social Club for July

Sunday 1st July: Final of Euro-championships. Come and enjoy the final on our large TV with friends old and new!

Saturday 7th July: Car-boot and Fete. 12-5pm in aid of the Joanna Dearing Trust Fund and Macmillan Cancer Research Fund. Car-boot pitches £5 booked in advance (phone Linda on 604250) or £7 on the day.

Saturday 7th July: Cash Prize Bingo. 7.30pm for 8pm start.

Saturday 21stJuly: Cash Prize Bingo. 7.30pm for 8pm start.

Saturday 28thJuly: Music Quiz in aid of Benhall Pre-School

Remember you don't have to join immediately to enjoy the facilities including the discounted prices.For any further information please ring 01728 602337 within opening hours of:

Mon-Thurs: 7pm – 11pmFriday: 4pm – 1amSaturday: 1.30pm – 1amSunday: 12pm – 11pm

Rachel Biggins.

Benhall Low Street Open Gardens

Many thanks to all the wonderful people who visited us on Sunday 10th June. Congratulations to all the organisers, the cake bakers and helpers. Special thank you to our plant stall helpers, Lorna, Nicky, Steve and the star, our granddaughter Victoria. To my husband Colin, I couldn't do it without you. Thank you.

Margaret Tinker, 'Woodside'

Farnham Church Fete

- A traditional fete with a new twistThis year's fete will be held at the Barn, Mill Lane, Stratford St Andrew on Sunday 22nd July . Apart from stalls and produce there will be cream teas and children's' races and entertainments.

Open Gardens Weekend in Benhall - 9 & 10 June

Well – weren't we lucky with the weather!

Our first Open Gardens was an outstanding success, thanks not only to the weather, but also to the huge efforts made by our team of volunteers to make sure that everything went smoothly; and that our visitors had a very enjoyable two days.

On the Saturday, the gardens in Benhall Green each had an average of 100 visitors; while on the Sunday Benhall Low Street/Silverlace Green enjoyed over 120 visitors per garden.

Visitors commented on the high quality of all 18 gardens, so a big thank you to all of those garden owners who worked so hard to present their garden in immaculate condition. Thanks also to our stalwart band of helpers manning the refreshment and plant stalls who, between them, took over £1,500.

The event went much better than we could ever have hoped, and has resulted in over £2, 500 for Benhall Church funds – truly a magnificent achievement!


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Jubilee Coronation in Snape

A Sightly Soggy Jubilee Barbeque at Great Glemham

Celebrating the opening of Great Glemham Bell Platform

The Medal Winners at Blaxhall’s Jubilee Celebrations

Laura Bizzey, Snape’s Olympic Torchbearer


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Alde and Ore News

Launch Of New Estuary Partnership For Flood Defences,

The Alde and Ore Estuary Partnership which will be taking over the management of the river defences was launched on Thursday 17th May. Orford Town Hall was packed with over 130 people including representatives from Suffolk County Council, SCDC, SCHU, A&O Association members and many members of the local community to launch the new Estuary Partnership . Richard Benyon MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary and Minister for the Natural Environment and Fisheries, sent a pre-recorded address offering congratulations for such a groundbreaking initiative. His message has been loaded to YouTube and can be accessed on http://www.youtube.com/user/defrauk Sir Edward Greenwell chaired the afternoon which consisted of the AGM of the Alde and Ore Association, chaired by Stewart Ashurst, the conclusion of the Alde and Ore Futures project by Bill Parker, and the conclusion of the Estuary Planning Partnership and the launch of the AOEP chaired by Sir Edward. The AOEP meetings will be open to the public and the first public meeting will be on Monday 18th June at 2pm in Orford Town Hall. A full list of partnership members will be available next month when all the nominations have been agreed.

Alde and Ore Association AGM

At the AGM the Association thanked Stewart Ashurst, who was retiring as Chairman. He had achieved an enormous amount in the 18 months he agreed to take on the Chairmanship and his advice and experience in helping to set up the AOEP has been invaluable. For the time being, Alison Andrews will take on the role as Acting Chairman.

The Glemham Hall Walk and Book Launch was an outstanding success if the overwhelming number of people who came, nearly 60, was anything to go by and the sun was out for the first time in weeks! We were very grateful to Philip and Raewyn Hope-Cobbold who hosted the party and to Sir Christopher Howes who launch Angela Sydenham's booklet on Churches of the Alde and Ore Valley. The book gives an outline of 24 churches in the valley, mostly those reachable on foot from the river, from Laxfield in the north to Bawdsey in the south with photographs showing items of special interest. Copies are available from The Treasurer, The School House, Iken, Suffolk IP12 2ER at £5 per copy. Please send stamped SAE (A5).

Orford Ness tractor tour; the next event is the annual trip to Orford Ness on 29th June meeting on Orford Quay at 9.45am. This is a very good way of seeing the Ness as passengers are driven round on a trailer to visit the sites. Bring a picnic and all weather clothing.

Tickets (Concessionary rate tickets for A&O members £10 for NT members, £14 for non NT members) available from The Treasurer email for details.

Annual Barbeque

The Annual BBQ party will be held on 19th August at the top of Butley Creek (IP12 2AN). Tickets (£15) available from Diana Paterson please email for details. This is always a good party and if you are not already a member join up now.


Party to Celebrate Benhall Open Gardens

Marion and Jim Mountain hosted a special party at the Walled Garden at which all those who had worked so hard to make such a success of the Benhall Open Gardens were thanked for their efforts.


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Margaret Blackall celebrates 25 years as Deacon and Priest

On Thursday 31st May, a service of Holy Communion was conducted by Bishop Nigel at St Mary the Virgin, Grundisburgh to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the institution in 1987of the first three women as Deacons in the St Edmundsbury and Ipswich Diocese.These women were The Reverend Margaret Blackall, The Reverend Canon Sally Fogden and the Reverend Canon Clare Sanders. All are pictured below with Bishop Nigel.

Justover two years after she became Deacon, Margaret Blackall was unanimously appointed Deacon-in-charge of the Benefice which then comprised Blaxhall, Farnham, Great Glemham, Little Glemham and Stratford St Andrew. The latter had two months earlier declared that St Andrew's Church should be made redundant. Margaret's first task was to unite the Parishes of Farnham and

Stratford St Andrew.

It was five years before it became possible for Margaret to be made a Priest, which she became on 30th April 1994. She was now Priest-in-charge of the four Parishes of the Glemham Benefice but without the full recognition and security of being Rector. This was put right two years later on 8th May 1996.

Following retirements and reorganisation within the Deanery some two years later, Margaret found herself Rector of the Glemham Benefice and Priest-in-charge of the Parishes of Benhall, Snape and Sternfield, now together known as the Alde River Benefice.Margaret, who remains in excellent health, retired late in 2002 and was for five years Diocesan Tourism Officer.She still undertakes work within the Diocese and on July 11th has been invited to Lambeth Palace with other former Deaconesses to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of the appointment of the first women as Deaconesses.

Blaxhall Open Gardens Event Raises Over £900!

The organisers wish to say a BIG 'thank you' to EVERYONE who helped to make it such a successful day.Those who opened their gardens, those who baked cakes and served refreshments, everyone who worked so hard behind the scenes and all our visitors who came from far and wide.THANK YOU and WELL DONE!The proceeds will be divided between Snape Primary School and St. Peter's Church, Blaxhall

EBB and FLOW - Page 14


Great Glemham Jubilee

The rain on Sunday 3rd June put a stop to games on Butcher's Field. However the planned barbecue went ahead and we picnicked happily in the Village Hall! About 50 people enjoyed watching the Thames River Pageant on the big screen, and the children produced some wonderful pictures to add to our decorations in the hall.

The Ship InnBlaxhall

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call 01728 688316


Great Glemham Parish Council

A Special Meeting will be held in the village hall at 7:30pm on Monday 2nd July to discuss the proposal made by the new owners of the Crown Inn, Bridport Capital. This is to seek planning consent to convert the Crown into holiday lettings. As an alternative, Bridport Capital is willing to sell the Crown to a community-led organisation for £350,000. Mr Terry Davey, who rescued and who continues to run the Blaxhall Ship, will be present and will share his experience with the meeting.

The Chairman wishes to encourage members of the public to contribute to the meeting. For further information please contact me.……………………..NA Redman, Honorary Clerk18 June 2012Telephone 663304

Snape Maltings Events

Curwen Print Studio Workshop Tuesday 10th July, 11 am – 4pm

Pizza & Pasta Workshop for Children Tuesday 24th July, 10-12 noon or 2pm -4pm

Farmers Market Saturday 4th August 9.30 am to 1pm

Snape Maltings Vintage Fair Sunday 5th August from 10am

Mysterious Marshes Story River walks

with Mike Dodsworth

Saturday 11th August

Extra Summertime Farmers Market Saturday 18th August, 9.30 am to 1pm

Anthony Osler Marine & Coastal Watercolours Tutorial

Tuesday 18th September, 10am – 4pm

Boat trips are sailing all summer to September. Take a picnic on board & enjoy

the view from the River Alde.

For full details telephone 01728 688 303


EBB and FLOW - Page 15

members of the parish council, the Parochial Church Council and the Riverside Centre. All these organisations contributed funds and volunteers for the day and we also had local fundraising events.

We were very lucky with the weather and everyone enjoyed a fantastic family day.

Debbi Tayler, Parish Clerk,Farnham with Stratford St Andrew Parish Council.

Farnham and Stratford St Andrew Diamond Jubilee Celebrations

A good time was had by all at The Riverside Centre, Stratford St Andrew.

Farnham and Stratford St Andrew villages had their Diamond Jubilee celebrations on Monday 4 June at the Riverside Centre, Stratford St Andrew. We started the day with a cricket match with the two villages playing each other for the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Cup. Stratford won by a small margin. Children's games were held on the field with medals and sweets for all participants. This was followed by a village tea, provided by volunteers. About 150 people attended. It was a real family event with children and grandchildren enjoying each other's company. There was a talent show, followed by a live band 'The Aldertones', a BBQ, bonfire and fireworks.

The oldest resident of the village is Dorothy (Dolly) Horton who will be 90 on 10 June. The youngest is Ella Gordon, who is just six weeks old.

The day was organised by a small committee made up of


Alde Valley Luncheon Club

We were delighted that so many of our members could attend our Jubilee Party on 12th June. In addition to a splendid roast turkey lunch, followed by trifle, we were lucky enough to welcome the Reg Reader Ensemble to play and sing for us again.

We shall hold our July lunch on Tuesday 10th, starting at 12.30pm, when we shall be serving Cottage Pie with seasonal vegetables followed by Bakewell Tart and custard. We look forward to seeing everyone then. Our contact number is Brigid on 602030, for any queries you may have regarding the lunch club.

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The Royal British Legion (RBL) – Snape and Farnham Branch

June Meeting.Those attending our usual meeting enjoyed items of general interest for discussion in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. This included our Jubilee Fish and Chips Evening at Stratford St Andrew on Saturday 9th June. We enjoyed a wonderful evening, even though the actual fish and chips arrived in two shipments! We didn't panic Mr Mainwaring! We were extremely well entertained by Peter Holloway and Dennis Maisey who provided us with song, humour and magic. The evening ended with an excellent raffle.Thanks to all who attended and helped to make it a very successful event. We expect to raise over £300 towards the Branch's Poppy Appeal donation.

Our President, Philip Hope-Cobbold, made a presentation to Frank Beeson in recognition of his 8 year tenure as Branch Chairman and his continuing work on behalf of the Branch. His wife Dorothy was also thanked for her support and presented with a gift.

2011 Poppy Appeal:The final official figure has still to be confirmed but, with more than £38 million collected so far, the record breaking £40 million target is well within range.

Note for the diary:Thurs. 6th September – Day 6 of Tour de Forces (Clacton to Lowestoft via Ipswich)On 1st September, a team of UK & USA Veterans and Civilians will set off from Plymouth to raise funds for 4 charities, (Royal Marines Association, BLESMA, TheRoyalBritishLegion and The SEMPER FI Fund) by cycling, hand cycling and jogging an estimated 3,102 miles around the British coastline.They will be passing through Snape on the 6th September and would appreciate support and encouragement by cheering them on. More details in the next Ebb & Flow.

Our nextmeeting,is at 7.30pm on Monday 2ndJuly2012 at The Benhall Club. For more details please contact David Mincher (Chairman) on 01728 747066 or Alan Edwards (Secretary) on 01728 688502.

Great Glemham Six Charities Fete

The Six Charities Fete was held on May 26th, one of very few warm and sunny Saturdays so far this summer. We were fortunate not only with the weather, but also that so many people came along to support the event so generously. A record amount of £2045 was raised, to be divided between the East Anglian Air Ambulance, RNLI, Red Cross, EACH, MIND and Riding for the Disabled.

The games, which included a coconut shy, were very popular this year, and everyone seemed to enjoy spending an afternoon in the beautiful garden at Stone House. Very many thanks are due to all who helped and supported us in any way.

Snape's Purple Church

Snape church is one of 40 ancient buildings to celebrate the arrival of the Olympic torch in Suffolk. From the day on which the torch arrives in the county [that's Thursday 5th July 2012] Snape church will be floodlit in one of the Olympic colours. Snape have chosen PURPLE. The church will look fantastic, and remain so until the end of the Paralympics Games on 9th September. Please come along on that night and have a look at our purple church. We shall probably have a bit of a "do" -- maybe some music and some eats or maybe some fireworks. Who knows. Come and find out.

May rainfall (mm) in Great Glemham


The Baptism of Olivia Grace Louise Murphy, the daughter of Sarah and Ross Murphy took place at St

thPeter's Church, Blaxhall on 10 June, 2012

The Baptism of Leo Peter Fredrick Ganney, the son of Alysa and Christopher Ganney took place at St Andrew's

ndChurch, Little Glemham on the 2 June, 2012.


The wedding of Melanie Dugard and Steven O'Toole took ndplace at St Andrew's Church, Little Glemham on the 2

June, 2012.


The funeral of Jillian Iris Bolam, aged 80, took place that St John the Baptist's Church, Snape on 11 June, 2012

followed by cremation at Seven Hills Crematorium

The funeral of Alan James Thompson, aged 89, of Stratford St Andrew took place at Seven Hills

thCrematorium on 12 June, 2012

The funeral of Dolly Lewis, aged 87, took place at St thJohn the Baptist's Church, Snape on 15 May, 2012

followed by burial in the churchyard

The funeral of Eileen May Brindley, aged 78, took thplace at St Mary's Church, Farnham on 18 June, 2012

followed by cremation at Seven Hills Crematorium

The Ashes of Graham Ruben Kerridge were interred thin Snape Churchyard on 16 June, 2012

The Ashes of June Sherwood, formerly of Lime Tree thfarm, were interred in Blaxhall Churchyard on 18

June, 2012

From the Registers

EBB and FLOW - Page 17

Contact Us

If you wish to contact the Ebb and Flow team with contributions, questions, letters, advertising enquries, etc please email [email protected]. Please remember we are a small team of volunteers so may not get back to you immediately, but will try to do so within a few days.

Blaxhall Highs and Lows in May

Highest 25.2° C 23rd

Lowest 1.3° C 7th

Windiest 27mph 10th

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 8th 9th 14th 15th 30th 31st

2 29 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.5 3 5 2 4 1.5

Total 55.5mm


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The Puzzle Page

July Crossword Across1. Buccaneers (7)5. African equine (5)8. Serious (5)9. Disregarded (7)10. Abhorrent (7)11. Beer mug (5)12. Intense (5)14. Thicket (5)19. Regular hexahedrons (5)21. Residence (7)23. Greed (7)24. Deportation (5)25. Choose (5)26. Journeyman (7)

Down1. Caring Priest (6)2. Kind of puzzle (5)3. Deluge (7)4. Grabbed (6)5. Regions (5)6. Edges (7)7. Fervent (6)13. Vegetable (7)15. Remnant (7)16. Abrasion (6)17. Photographic equipment (6)18. Aft (6)20. Change position (5)22. Ways out (5)





July Sudoku

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Letters & Quiz

Advertising in Ebb and FlowThank you to all our supportiveadvertisers! Ebb and Flowis run and produced by a small team and delivered by anunsung group of heroes to every house in the benefice –that’s 1450 copies! To take advantage of such fantasticunrivalled reach of households in the EIGHT villageswithin the benefice: Snape. Sternfield, Stratford StAndrew, Farnham, Great Glemham, Little Glemham,Benhall & Blaxhall email [email protected] rates as follows:4.9cm x8.65cm £15 per insertionper month4.9cm x 17.9cm £25 per insertion per month9.8cm x 8.65cm £30 per insertion per month13.3cm x 17.9cm £90 per insertionper monthFront page solus strip colour: £80 per insertion per month

Dear Editor

I have been asked to thank Barrie Slatter for the lovely church displays for the Jubilee weekend. The flags and beacons looked very festive (and still do). Thanks are also due to Barrie’s wife, Susan, who went with him on the Monday evening at 10pm, making sure each beacon was lit up.

The fireworks at the Riverside Centre in Stratford St. Andrew were much appreciated from Great Glemham Churchyard.

Signed: A grateful Parishioner!

Dear Editors,

We cannot be alone in wanting to thank you for the splendid June issue of Ebb and Flow, and for the comprehensive Jubilee Guide supplement. It must have involved a great deal of extra time and effort, and we are most grateful to the editorial team. As always we look forward to the next issue.

With best wishes

Yours, Patricia & Brian Drummond

Thanks for the kind words Patricia & Brian. There

is, indeed, a lot of time and effort involved, so it’s

always nice to hear we’re appreciated!

Hope you enjoy this month’s issue, and do let us

know if you’ve any ideas for something new or



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(No quiz this month I’m afraid, due to the splendid plethora of Jubilee reports and pics, but watch this space for a return of Barrie’s brain teaser in our August issue!)

Great Glemham Six Charities Fete on 26th May Steven O’Toole and Melanie Dugard after their wedding at Little Glemham

Marion and Jim Mountain’s party at the Walled Garden Peter Holloway and Dennis Maisey entertaining the RBL
