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eBook Customize a Business Process

Date post: 17-Aug-2015
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Customiz e a business process in CRM Make Microsoft Dynamics CRM processes match the way your organization works For managers and admins [Insert picture]

Customize a business process in CRMMake Microsoft Dynamics CRM processes match the way your organization works For managers and admins[Insert picture]contentsProide your sa!es or serice reps with a we!!"de#ned process to take the guesswork out of their day"to"day actiities$ Microsoft Dynamics CRM inc!udes ready"to"use business processes that you can customize to match how your organization works$Fo!!ow these steps to customize your own business process% &hat is a business process' (he basics of customizing a business process )ow !et*s add a branch Make your business process aai!ab!e for use )e+t stepswhat is a business process?,usiness processes he!p you and eeryone on your team fo!!ow best practices by guiding you through consistent stages and steps for common tasks$For e+amp!e- your organization may want eeryone to fo!!ow the same steps to .ua!ify new sa!es !eads or to reso!e serice cases$ ,usiness processes he!p you do that$Applies to: Microsoft Dynamics CRM /n!ine 0 Microsoft Dynamics CRM 1234Note% 5ou*!! need the Manager- 6ice President- C7/",usiness Manager- 8ystem 9dministrator- or 8ystem Customizer security ro!e or e.uia!ent permissions to do the tasks in this guide$ )ot sure you hae the right permissions' 6iew your user pro#!esee your next steps no guesswork!5ou*!! see the process bar at the top of the screen when you work on certain types of records:for e+amp!e- !eads or opportunities$(he process bar shows you where a customer is in the process- and the ne+t steps you need to take$ 5ou enter necessary information and mark comp!eted steps in the process bar as you go$It*s your roadmap for getting things done$ Process barWant a short, visual guide that introduces business processes? Check out the e,ook% ,usiness Processes$adapt a process to match your business(here are seera! business processes aai!ab!e for common customer interactions- with the stages and steps a!ready mapped out for you$,ut what if you need to change a business process to make it match the way your organization does things'(his guide shows you how$he best way to learn how to customi!e a business process is to start with an example"#n this guide, we$ll show you how to change the %ead to &pportunity 'ales (rocess to add a stage to create a proposal )or a lead"he %ead to &pportunity 'ales (rocess is a ready*to*use process provided by +,-" #t$s a template you can change to match how you do business"%et$s get started!the basics of customizing a business processgo to the list o) processes#) your screen looks like this .latest version/: ;o to 'ettings < (rocesses$#) your screen looks like this .older version/: ;o to -icroso)t 0ynamics +,- < 'ettings < (rocesses$ view the list o) business processes(o see a !ist of a!! the business processes insta!!ed on your system- choose the arrow- and then se!ect 1usiness (rocess 2lows$select the business process to editChoose a business process in the !ist to !ook at and edit its stages and steps$In our e+amp!e- we*e chosen the %ead to &pportunity 'ales process$get to know the business process editor7ach bo+ is a stage in the business process$ Choose 'tage Name to change the name$5ou can edit detai!s !ike the business process name and description$7ach stage contains steps$If your process needs to change under certain conditions- you can create a branch with di=erent stages- and then merge back into your main process$add a new stage to your process31In our e+amp!e- we want to add a stage ca!!ed 3enerate (roposal after the 0evelop stage$ (his new stage inc!udes the steps for drafting a proposa! to send a !ead who is a!most ready to buy$Choose #nsert stage$name your new stage(ype a name for the new stage$ In our e+amp!e- the stage is ca!!ed 3enerate (roposal$base your new stage on an entity8e!ect an entity >record type? to base the stage on$ &e*re basing this one on &pportunity$ (he entity you se!ect a=ects the #e!ds aai!ab!e for the steps you add !ater on$Choose the #e!d under 4ntity and then se!ect the one you want$select a category )or your new stage9 category !ets you group stages by a type of action$ In our e+amp!e- we*!! se!ect 0evelop$Choose the #e!d under 'tage +ategory and then se!ect the one that #ts best$ add steps to your new stage31In the 'tep Name co!umn- choose the #e!d and type a descriptie name for the step$ (his wi!! appear on the process bar$In the 5alue co!umn- choose the #e!d- and then se!ect a #e!d to use for data entry$ If app!icab!e- se!ect the ,e6uired check bo+ for any re.uired #e!d$In our e+amp!e- we*!! @ust add one step ca!!ed 0evelop (roposal$ If you need to add more steps- choose the Add button be!ow the !ast step$ #) you want a stage that appears only under certain conditions, you can add a branch to your business process" When you add a branch, you also set the conditions )or which it appears"now !et*s add a branchcreate a branch in your processIn our e+amp!e- we want to add an Incubate stage that appears on!y when the purchase timeframe for a !ead is this year or unknown$Aet*s add a branch for this after the 7uali)y stage$Choose Add branch$&hen you*re done setting the conditions for the stage- se!ect $If you want to add another condition- se!ect the Add button $set the conditions )or the branch)ow you set the conditions for when you want the branch to appear$A 1 + 0A1In the 2ield dropdown- se!ect (urchase ime)rame$ (he aai!ab!e #e!ds are steps in the preceding stage$In the &perator dropdown- se!ect 46uals$+ In the ype dropdown- se!ect 5alue$0 In the 5alue !ist- se!ect his 8ear and 9nknown$add a stage in the branchChoose #nsert stage$edit the new stageBse the same steps as before to edit the new stage$add a stage a)ter the branch)ow that you*e created a branch- you need to add a stage for the two branches to merge back into to continue with the process$In our e+amp!e- we*!! add a stage ca!!ed ,esearch that both the 7uali)y and #ncubate stages merge into$Choose #nsert stage a)ter branch$edit the new stageBse the same steps as before to edit the new stage$ )ame this stage ,esearch- base it o= the &pportunity entity- categorize it as ,esearch- and add steps to it$de:ne how the stages are related,ecause the ,esearch stage is based on &pportunity whi!e the 7uali)y and #ncubate stages are based on %ead- you need to de#ne how these stages are re!ated$Choose 'elect ,elationships$set the relationships8e!ect the re!ationship to this stage$8e!ect the entity the preious stage is based on$Choose &; when you*re done$8e!ect the preious stage$need to delete a stage or a step?8e!ect the stage or step you need to remoe- and then choose
