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EBOOK Mastering the Art of Effective Business Networking ... · Mastering the Art of ... Maybe it...

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Mastering the Art of Effective Business


[email protected] the Art of Effective Business Networking :: Copyright ©2012 Anna Persson 2


The five most important words you can say while networking:

How may I help YOU?

One of the most important things you can do in business is to network. In this e-report I will show you how you can network more effectively and with more value. It’s important to have an offline as well as online network and the key is to maximize both tools. The principles of offline and online networking, stripping away the technology, are basically the same.

Many people understand business networking as selling yourself, your business or product, but that is not the case. Successful networking is all about building sincere, long lasting and mutually beneficial relationships based on generosity.

Take your networking seriously. Quality networking connections will bring you leads and open doors that may otherwise not be available to you. A business network of contacts is both a market and a marketing method for you and your business.

Effective business networking is more about making yourself, your company and its products and services attractive, rather than trying to sell them. Sharing is a vital element. Think of different ways of sharing and what kind of information you would be willing to share freely. Also ask yourself what it is about you that would encourage other business owners to refer someone to you.

Developing and managing your business network takes a lot of planning and commitment. As with everything else, the more we practice the more we can develop our skills. The principles and techniques of business networking are mostly common sense. Many of the behavioural principles that generally apply to relationships also apply to business.

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Table of contents

Mastering the Art of Effective Business Networking

7 Principles of effective business networking 4

Decide your goals and create a plan 5

Winning personality traits and qualities of a powerful 7networker

10 Tips for effective business networking 10

Checklist for effective business networking 15

Final word 17

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“Things that help others is what gets the most shares”

Chris Brogan, President Human Business Works

7 Principles of effective business networking

• Decide what your goals are and create a plan• Be a valuable resource to others• Be clear on what you need• Be genuine and authentic! • Follow the 80/20 rule: Listen 80% and talk 20%• Follow up• Say Thank You

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“Goals determine what you are going to be”

Julius Erving

Decide your goals and create a planMost people look at networking as a reactive marketing approach when instead it is a proactive strategy.

Networking is about building supportive personal and business relationships; it is consistently meeting new people and making new friends, sharing ideas and having lots of fun in the process!

It is an ongoing thing and you will never stop learning, especially since the marketplace is continually changing and people’s priorities change with it. Having clear goals is fundamental for your networking success.

You are trying to develop a relationship with someone, which means you should be thinking about them. Be proactive and create a list of people who you want to contact on purpose. It is your job to understand the people in your network, where they are coming from, and what is important to them.

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Start by asking yourself questions: What do you want your networking to do for you? Are you looking for new prospects? Are you seeing collaboration or a partnership? Are you simply out to create awareness about your services or products? How can you make your networking as productive as possible? How much time, thought and money are you willing to invest? What are the different types of contacts you want in your network? What types of contacts do you have today? Where would be good place to connect with them?

Be specific and consistent!Sometimes we find it hard to stick to our goals or they can be hard to reach. Using S.M.A.R.T. goals is a great way to help you on your way of getting your effec-tive business networking goals completed. Just pick up a pen and a piece of paper and write down the goals you want to reach. Look at each goal and evaluate it.

Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Timely

Specific, answers the questions: What? Why? Who? Where? Which? Measuring progress will help you stay on track. Attainable, stresses the importance of goals being realistic. Relevance means you choose goals that matter to you. A commitment to a deadline prevents your goals from being forgotten in your busy day to day schedule. This way you will establish a sense of urgency and it answers questions like When? What can I do today? 6weeks from now? 6 months from now?

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“Networking is not about hunting. It is about farming.

It’s about cultivating relationships.”

Dr. Ivan Misner, NY bestselling author & founder of BNI

Winning personality traits and qualities of a powerful networkerNetworking is about building your social capital, and in order to become a master networker you will need a number of traits related to developing and maintaining good relationships.

Remember that networking is not just talking about yourself. It is about listening, building trust and be reliable. Powerful networkers are team players and they have a desire to help others unconditionally. They do it without thinking, it is their way of giving back for all that they receive. So your objective should be giving without expecting anything in return.

Genuinely help others, and you will be known as a strong resource. If you help enough people getting what they want, you will also get what you want.

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Follow upThe No. 1 trait of a successful networker is to timely follow up on referrals. Follow up quickly! Follow up on what you say you are going to do and when you say you are going to do it. And make sure you do! Remember that you have a reputation to keep up. This helps you build two other important traits, credibility and trust.

Credible & TrustworthyTrust is a key ingredient in successful networking. Without trust, it is hard to build a solid foundation for cooperation and collaboration. Trust is like respect, it is earned not given. What makes people see you as a trustworthy person? Make sure you deliver what you have promised. When referring someone, make sure it is someone you truly respect and trust. Trust plays a huge role for your credibility so take it seriously. Be genuine and authentic.

Be a good listenerYour success of being a master networker depends on how well you can listen and learn from the people you are networking with. If you are not a natural born extrovert, you are probably a good listener - and listening is an excellent way to get to know a person. Listening for the needs and problems of others gives you the opportunity to recognize where and when you can help others. Remember the 80/20 rule, listen 80% and talk 20%. Powerful Networkers observe others around them.

Be a valuable resource for others. Ask how you can be of assistance. Superstar networkers always keep their eyes and ears open for opportunities in other people’s interests, and offer to help whenever they can. A superstar networker gets a kick out of helping others succeed. Keep up the good work! By genuinely helping others, you will be known as a strong resource. People will remember to turn to you for suggestions, ideas, contacts etc. and this will keep you visible to them.

Have a positive attitude A negative attitude drives people away while a positive attitude is contagious and it makes people wanting to be around you. Having a positive attitude gives you more energy and it contributes to your determination and motivation.

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Be inclusiveBe inclusive in your conversations. Invite others who are on the sidelines. Introduce and connect people with similar backgrounds and work history.

Say Thank YouMake sure to thank people at every opportunity you have and always make it from the heart. It is a way of acknowledging people for doing something for you and it could be a small payment forward. You may also consider telling the person why you are thanking him or her. Maybe it is for making an introduction, giving a referral, the time taken, or for sharing something. When I have been given a referral or been intro-duced to someone I always get back to the person who made the introduction telling him or her how it went. It is an opportunity to thank them again for what they did for you. Remember that you actions and your behaviour will determine future referrals.

Be respectful and honour your business network and you will create a priceless investment in the continuing growth of you business.

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“The currency of real networking is not greed but

generosity” Keith Ferrazzi Author, Relationship Master, Business Leader, Activist

10 Tips for effective business networkingEven though networking is crucial for your small business, it may still be a difficult aspect, particularly challenging for introverts. If you happen to belong to this category don’t think that successful networking is out of the question. There are ways to overcome feeling uncomfortable, and what we resist most is usually what we need to learn the most. What will make the process easier, is to go in with the attitude that you are seeking to build relationships. Putting the focus on the other person helps taking the pressure off you.

Asking questions Powerful networkers know that the key to effective conversations is to ask ques-tions. Getting people to talk about themselves is a good way of getting them to open up. By asking questions you accomplish several important things at the same time.

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It gives you control of the conversation and the other person does not have to think of what to say next. As a result you can steer the conversation and keep it moving in the direction you like. One of the main purposes of your networking is to find out how you can be of help, so asking questions provides you with useful information about the other person. It also communicates that you are taking interest in other people. You make people feel noticed and appreciated, which is fundamental for building good relationships. Use open-end questions in your networking conversations. Open-end questions are the ones that can’t be answered with a simple yes or no. Ask questions starting with who, what, where, when and how. This type of questioning opens up the conversation and it shows the listeners that you are interested.

Here is a list of questions that you can use in almost any networking situation:

• Tell me about your business, what is it that you do?• How did you get into that field?• When did you start your business?• Where are you located?• What do you love most about what you are doing?• What is the most unique aspect of what you do?• What is your biggest challenge?• How do you do that?• What are you hoping to achieve next?• What do you read to keep up?• What is the best thing that happened to your business this year?• Do you have employees, if yes what is the most difficult thing you have to deal with relating to your employees?• I would love to refer someone to you, what is a great client for you?• Where else do you go to network?• Do you have any children?• What do you do for fun?

See, even if you are introvert, with this technique people will think you are a great conversationalist. I am sure you can come up with lots of other great open-end questions. Make sure you add them to your list.

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How to start and join a conversationNow that you have a number of questions up your sleeve, how do you actually start or join a conversation? Don’t stand around the corners of the room, waiting for someone to approach you. To get a conversation started, simply walk up to a person or a group and say, “May I join you”. Don’t forget to pay attention to how they reply or react. If you see any negative body language or get the sense that the group does not want to be interrupted at the moment, do not feel offended. Nicely say something like, “I will join you later.” If you have approached a person standing alone, he or she will most likely be happy you asked.

Know your story - The elevator speech The definition of “elevator pitch” or “elevator speech” is a short description of what you do, or the point you want to make, presented in the time it takes an elevator to go from the top floor to the first floor or vice versa.

This means that if a person asks you “What do you do?”, you have no more than 20 seconds to explain in order to make an impact and grab the attention of the other person. With your elevator speech you say a lot using few words.

What you say and how you say it are equal parts in delivering and elevator speech. Here are some things to consider when creating your elevator speech. • What is unique about you - what is it that makes you stand out?• Write it down and practice until it becomes a part of you. This will support your

confident appearance. You have to believe what you are saying • Be concise - lots of powerful points in very few words make a much bigger

impact than a lengthy statement• The second word in your elevator speech should be a verb. This helps you focus

on your results and the accomplishments. What do you do? For others? • Say it with energy and enthusiasm - and a smile! A smile is engaging and it

communicates warmth and confidence. • When you have delivered you elevator speech stop yourself from saying anything

else. It is hard but keeping on talking could reduce or even ruin the impact of your elevator speech. Stop talking will get the people you are introducing yourself to, to either ask you a question or introduce themselves.

• Test a couple of different versions of your elevator speech to see which one works best with various people or groups. This will help you discover if you need to modify it in some way or if it is just right for that group of people.

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Remember people’s namesMake sure that when you are meeting someone for the first time you get the name right. A good tip for remembering the name is to repeat it during the conversation and also when you are leaving “It was a pleasure meeting you Alexandra”. It takes a bit of an effort but it is worth it. Let’s face it, names are important to people.

SmileBy smiling you come across as an inviting, relaxed and warm person. If you feel a tiny bit nervous, smiling will put you at ease.

Be known as a Connector - develop the habit of introducing people Connecting other people is powerful to enhance your network. The idea of doing this seems foreign to many people. But it is actually quite easy and I practice it at every opportunity. Don’t make it hard, just introduce the two of them by sharing their common interest. They can decide if they want to pursue the relationship further. People remember you and will turn to you for contacts and suggestions

Follow up It is wise to nurture brief professional contacts so that they develop into something more. Send an email one or two days after you met with someone. Bring up a topic that you discussed and tell them you enjoyed the conversation. Following up with relevant conversation helps to anchor your previous interaction in their mind. If it is appropriate suggest a follow up conversation. Networking Today = Business Opportunities Tomorrow.

Good practice for connecting on Social MediaBear in mind and be respectful of the fact that people may not use social networking the same way you do. Twitter is ok, you don’t need to ask for permission there. Personally I mostly use LinkedIn and I normally ask people I meet if they would like to connect on LinkedIn.

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Think beyond your own industryWith a broad network you can be the person that connects people across industries. Connect with people on a variety of levels from a wide range of areas. Don’t make the mistake of dismissing anyone as irrelevant. If you grow your network outside the usual areas you will be even more valuable to people who already are in your immediate industry.

Do some real workBecome a volunteer in an organisation you like. Working on a project or task with someone is one of the best ways to develop a relationship. Volunteering for a non–profit can be a great way to get to know their influential board members. You can also volunteer for events or committees that have interesting people involved

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Your checklist for business networking

1. Focus on the opportunities of giving to your network. The five most important words in networking are “How may I help you?”.

2. Be honest, genuine and real. Nothing can destroy your networking and reputation like lack of trust.

3. Set clear goals for your networking interactions.

4. Be clear and realistic about what you want when you are asked.

5. Elevator speech: Prepare a description of yourself and what you do as a written statement, and as a verbal statement. Practice!

6. Develop slightly different descriptions of yourself for different situations - to be as relevant as possible. Get feedback from people and notice what works best in different situations.

7. Prepare a list of useful open-end questions to initiate conversations (who, what, where, when and how)

8. Make a habit of introducing people to each other.

9. Be inclusive and invite others to your conversation

10. Spend more time listening than talking (listen 80%, talk 20%)

11. Be aware of your body language. Happy conversations involve smiling and eye contact.

12. Keep organized. Set up a contact management system to keep track of your networking contacts and commitments.

13. Manage expectations and commitments you have made for your network contacts. Only promise or offer what you can fully deliver and follow up.

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14. Bring enough business cards but hand them out in context such as after a conversation with someone.

15. If you accept a referral or introduction to someone always follow it through.

16.Make sure to thank people at every opportunity you have and always make it from the heart.

17. Show a genuine interest in all people. Don’t make the mistake of dismissing anyone as irrelevant. Invest your time and give them your full attention.

18. Choose the right networks for your business goals. Target relevant groups and connections that fit your purposes and you theirs.

19. Get a feeling of the dynamics and don’t waste your time on groups or connections that lack relevance or integrity.

20. Last but not least - Have confidence. We all have something to give and gain from our professional relationships.

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Final wordThank you so much for your kind attention. I really hope this e-report proves to be a valuable tool as you continue to build and develop your business network. Practice make perfect so be sure to keep up the good work.

If you wish to get in touch with me, please send an email to [email protected]

I wish you Happy and Successful Networking today and always.

Anna PerssonCapturing Creativity Europe

Let’s connect

Anna has a background as HR professional. She is a career adviser and recruiter, specialized in full life-cycle recruiting of middle and senior level positions.

In 2001 she decided to quit a well-paid job and move to Italy. Not knowing anyone and not yet speak-ing the language, networking became very central in Anna’s life, and since then she has introduced many others to the success of networking.

While in Italy Anna worked as a recruiter, she started a small e-commerce company together with an Italian friend. More important she spent almost seven years as Conference & Sponsor Account Manager, planning and organizing large scale global leadership conferences across Europe, working closely with major stakeholders from multinational companies, organizations, business schools and professional networks.

The ten years abroad, working in international and multicultural environments has provided her with a global perspective and a large diversified network. Anna has been inspired by many great people along the way and having a passion for building relationships it’s natural for her to use her own net-work to connect and help others.
