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Ec 3213 Control Systems

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  • 8/12/2019 Ec 3213 Control Systems


    Reg. No.

    Question Paper Code : 31380http I llsfu&1 wlnernf, LLT pot.in http'siva eibfo kn)B. E./B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, NOVEMBER/DE CEMBER 20 1 B.

    Fourth SemesterMechatronics Engineering

    EC 3213/080210013 _ CONTROL SYSTEMS1 r'(Regulation 2008)

    Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks(Graph sheet, Semi log sheet, Polar chart, Nicols chart should be provided)

    Answer ALL questions.PARTA (10 x2=2A marks)

    tvl Give examples for open and.closil foop control systems

    .-t -

    2( Define the terrn transfer function.Name the test si.gnals used in tirne response analysis.W-hat is meant by transient response?Define gain crass over frequency.

    What is meant by corner frequency?Give the necessary condition for stability.

    f W*rut are the advantages of Routh's criterion?I Why compensation is necessary in feedback control system?

    4.n-o. -6.7.


    --I ' i. .a

    nLg What is meant.by lag co,mpensation?

  • 8/12/2019 Ec 3213 Control Systems


    (a) Find the overall gain C(s)/R(s) for the signal flow graph shown below. (16)

    (b) Deterniinern trgure.


    the overall'transfer function C(S)IE(S) for the system shown(16)




    t2. (a) (r)(ir)

    Explain in detail about the P1 and PID controllers (8)Derive the expressions for second ord.er system for under d.ampedease and when the input is unit step. (8)

    Ora unity feedback control system the open loop transfer function

    G(s)=10(S+2)/s2(s+1)Find (i) Position, Velocity and Acceleration error constants;(ii) The steady state error when the input is R(S),R(S) = 3iS - 2l 32 +1/3S3.Sketch the Bode, plot and hence find Gain cross over frequency,cross over frequency, Gain margin and Phase margin.G(S) = 10(S + 3)/S(S + 2)(S2 + 45 + 100).

    C uo*

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    Or(b) Sketch the polar plot for the following transfer function and fi.nd Gaincross over frequency, Phase cross over frequency, Gain margin and Phasemargin.G(S)=10(S+2XS+4)/S(S2-3S+10). (16)31380

  • 8/12/2019 Ec 3213 Control Systems


    14. (a) By Nyquist stability criterion determinesystem, . whose open looP transferG($fr($ = (s + 2) /(s + 1Xs - 1).the stability of closedfunction is given Ioopby,

    (16)OrA unity feedback control system has an open loop

    function G(S) = K(S + 9) / S(S2 + 45 + 11)' Sketch the root locus'f5. (a) Realize the basic compensators using electrical network andtransfer funetion.

    notation.ty' la unity feed.back system has an open loop transfer function'-' G(S) = K/ S(S + 1)(0.25 + 1) . Design a suitable phase lag compensators toachieve following specifications Kv = 8 and Phase margin 40' with usual


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