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ECAC Report 29 - Ver 3 - Vol 2

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  • 8/14/2019 ECAC Report 29 - Ver 3 - Vol 2


    December 2005


    ECAC.CEAC Doc 29

    3rd Edition

    Report on Standard Method of ComputingNoise Contours around Civil Airports

    Volume 2: Technical Guide

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    Doc 29, 3rd Edition: Volume 2 07/12/2005


    This is the second of two volumes of updated guidance on aircraft nose contour modelling.

    The first provides a new, general and largely non-technical introduction to the topic, as well

    as practical advice to model users. Those for whom the subject is new might usefully treat

    Volume 1 as a primer forVolume 2. This second volume completely replaces the previous(1997) edition of ECAC-CEAC Doc 29 which should now be discarded. It recommends a

    specific methodology for calculating aircraft noise exposures around civil aerodromes; this is

    described in sufficient detail for computer modelling by competent programmer/analysts.

    Overall, this new guidance represents a major advance in three important respects. Firstly,

    Volume 1 comprises entirely new detailed guidance on the practical implementation ofaircraft noise contour modelling, especially regarding the extreme importance of correctly

    representing aircraft types and their operating configurations and procedures. Secondly,

    Volume 2 fully describes up-to-date algorithms that incorporate the latest internationallyagreed advances in segmentation modelling (the recommended methodology that was

    previously given only passing mention). Thirdly, the methodology is supported by an on-line,industry-backed, international aircraft noise and performance (ANP) database and can be

    applied to any airport scenario - where necessary adjusting for significant variations of mean

    atmospheric conditions.

    The recommended approach is not the only way to produce accurate noise contours; indeed

    for specific airports different methods can sometimes be more effective. However, it is

    considered by ECAC, and the international aircraft noise modelling community as a whole, to

    represent current best practice for general application. Used diligently it can be expected to

    deliver reasonably accurate noise contours for most airports in Europe and beyond. This does

    not mean that the guidance cannot be improved upon. Indeed the methodology and the

    supporting data remain under constant review and development and intermittent updates

    should be anticipated. Eventually, advances in computer technology and aircraft operationsmonitoring systems may well make segmentation-based models obsolete.

    Although a third volume covering the subject of model validation is under consideration, for

    the foreseeable future it will remain a responsibility of the model user to assure the quality of

    modelling outputs. The methodology and the ANP data are as accurate as understanding and

    facilities presently allow but, throughout this guidance, it is stressed that achieving reliable

    results requires meticulous collection and pre-processing of scenario data (describing airport

    and aircraft operations). Doing this in a measured and cost-effective way is perhaps the

    practitioners greatest challenge. Increasingly noise contour calculations are compared with

    on-site measurements; discrepancies can point to modelling deficiencies but it must always be

    remembered that obtaining appropriate, accurate measurements is at least as difficult asmodelling itself. However, persistent disagreement might well be symptomatic of model or

    data deficiencies and this should be reported via the feedback mechanisms of the ANP


    The recommended methodology can be used to model airport and aircraft operations in

    minute detail - if that is necessary. But often such detail is inappropriate, for example when

    the accuracy and reliability of the data, or the resources to do the job, are limited. In this case

    the scope of the modelling must be tailored accordingly - ensuring that attention is focused on

    the most noise-significant factors.

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    Doc 29, 3rd Edition: Volume 2 07/12/2005


    Foreword ....................................................................................................................................ii

    Table of contents .......................................................................................................................iii

    Explanation of terms and symbols ............................................................................................ vi1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 1

    1.1 Aim and scope of document....................................................................................... 1

    1.2 Outline of the document............................................................................................. 2

    2 Summary and applicability of the method ......................................................................... 4

    2.1 The concept of segmentation......................................................................................4

    2.2 Flight paths: Tracks and profiles................................................................................ 5

    2.3 Aircraft noise and performance.................................................................................. 6

    2.4 Airport and aircraft operations ................................................................................... 7

    2.4.1 General airport data............................................................................................ 7

    2.4.2 Runway data....................................................................................................... 7

    2.4.3 Ground track data ............................................................................................... 7

    2.4.4 Air traffic data .................................................................................................... 8

    2.4.5 Topographical data............................................................................................. 8

    2.5 Reference conditions.................................................................................................. 8

    3 Description of the flight path ........................................................................................... 103.1 Relationships between flight path and flight configuration ..................................... 10

    3.2 Sources of flight path data........................................................................................ 11

    3.2.1 Radar data......................................................................................................... 11

    3.2.2 Procedural steps................................................................................................ 12

    3.3 Co-ordinate systems ................................................................................................. 12

    3.3.1 The local co-ordinate system............................................................................ 12

    3.3.2 The ground-track fixed co-ordinatesystem ..................................................... 13

    3.3.3 The aircraft co-ordinate system........................................................................ 13

    3.3.4 Accounting for topography .............................................................................. 14

    3.4 Ground Tracks..........................................................................................................14

    3.4.1 Backbone tracks ............................................................................................... 14

    3.4.2 Track dispersion ............................................................................................... 15

    3.5 Flight profiles ........................................................................................................... 16

    3.6 Construction of flight path segments ....................................................................... 18

    3.6.1 Ground track..................................................................................................... 183.6.2 Flight profile.....................................................................................................19


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    3.6.3 Segmentation of the takeoff ground roll .......................................................... 21

    3.6.4 Segmentation of the Initial Climb Segment ..................................................... 21

    3.6.5 Segmentation of airborne segments .................................................................22

    3.6.6 The landing ground roll.................................................................................... 22

    4 Noise calculation for a single event ................................................................................. 25

    4.1 Single event metrics ................................................................................................. 25

    4.2 Determination of event levels from NPD-data......................................................... 26

    4.3 General expressions.................................................................................................. 27

    4.3.1 Segment event levelLseg................................................................................... 27

    4.3.2 Event noise level L of an aircraft movement ................................................... 28

    4.4 Flight path segment parameters................................................................................ 28

    4.4.1 Geometric parameters ......................................................................................28

    4.4.2 Segment power P.............................................................................................. 30

    4.5 Segment Event level correction terms...................................................................... 30

    4.5.1 The duration correction V (Exposure levelsLEonly) .................................... 31

    4.5.2 Sound propagation geometry ........................................................................... 31

    4.5.3 Engine installation correction I...................................................................... 32

    4.5.4 Lateral attenuation (,l) (infinite flight path)................................................ 33

    4.5.5 Finite segment lateral attenuation .................................................................... 35

    4.5.6 The finite segment correction F(Exposure levelsLEonly)............................ 39

    4.5.7 The start-of-roll directivity function SOR ........................................................ 40

    5 Calculation of cumulative levels ......................................................................................42

    5.1 Weighted equivalent sound levels............................................................................ 42

    5.2 The weighted number of operations......................................................................... 43

    5.3 Estimation of cumulative maximum level based metrics......................................... 43

    5.4 The use of level distributions for maximum level metrics....................................... 44

    6 Calculation of noise contours........................................................................................... 47

    6.1 Standard grid calculation and refinement................................................................. 47

    6.2 Use of rotated grids .................................................................................................. 48

    6.3 Tracing of contours .................................................................................................. 48

    6.4 Post-processing......................................................................................................... 50

    References ................................................................................................................................ 51

    Appendix A: Data requirements ......................................................................................A-1

    A1 General airport data................................................................................................A-1A2 Runway description................................................................................................A-1


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    A3 Ground track description........................................................................................A-2

    A4 Air traffic description .............................................................................................A-3

    A5 Flight procedure data sheet ....................................................................................A-4

    Appendix B: Flight performance calculations .................................................................B-1

    Terms and symbols............................................................................................................. B-1

    B1 Introduction ............................................................................................................B-4

    B2 Engine thrust ..........................................................................................................B-5

    B3 Vertical profiles of air temperature, pressure, density and windspeed ..................B-8

    B4 The effects of turns.................................................................................................B-8

    B5 Takeoff ground roll .............................................................................................. B-10

    B6 Climb at constant speed........................................................................................B-11

    B7 Power cutback (transition segment) .....................................................................B-12

    B8 Accelerating climb and flap retraction .................................................................B-14

    B9 Additional climb and acceleration segments after flap retraction........................ B-15

    B10 Descent and deceleration......................................................................................B-15

    B11 Landing approach................................................................................................. B-16

    B12 Worked examples ................................................................................................. B-17

    Appendix C: Modelling of lateral ground track spreading .............................................. C-1

    Appendix D: Recalculation of NPD-data for non-reference conditions ..........................D-1

    Appendix E: The finite segment correction..................................................................... E-1

    E1 Geometry ................................................................................................................ E-1

    E2 Estimation of the energy fraction ........................................................................... E-2

    E3 consistency of maximum and time integrated metrics the scaled distance ......... E-3

    Appendix F: Maximum level of noise events ..................................................................F-1

    Appendix G: The international aircraft noise and performance (ANP) database ............G-1

    G1 Introduction ............................................................................................................G-1

    G2 Aircraft table ..........................................................................................................G-2

    G3 Aircraft performance tables....................................................................................G-3

    G4 Aircraft noise tables ...............................................................................................G-7

    G5 How to download the data......................................................................................G-8

    G6 Example data ..........................................................................................................G-9

    Appendix H: Summary of differences from Doc 29, 2nd Edition (1997) .......................H-1

    Appendix I: Conversion of units ...................................................................................... I-1


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    Some important terms are described here by the general meanings attributed to them in this

    document. The list is not exhaustive; only expressions and acronyms used frequently are

    included. Others are described where they first occur. More explanation can be found in

    Volume 1.

    The mathematicalsymbols (listed after the terms) are the main ones used in equations in the

    main text. Other symbols used locally in both the text and the appendices are defined where

    they are used.

    The reader is reminded periodically of the interchangeability of the wordssoundand noise inthis document (as in Volume 1). Although the word noise has subjective connotations - it is

    usually defined by acousticians as unwanted sound - in the field of aircraft noise control it is

    commonly taken to mean just sound - airborne energy transmitted by acoustic wave motion.

    The symbol denotes cross references to other terms included in the list.


    AIP Aeronautical Information Publication

    Aircraft configuration The positions of slats, flaps and landing gear.

    Aircraft movement An arrival, departure or other aircraft action that affects

    noise exposure around an aerodrome.

    Aircraft noise and performance


    Data describing the acoustic and performance characteristics

    of different aeroplanes types that are required by the

    modelling process. They include NPD relationships andinformation that allows engine thrust/power to be calculated

    as a function of flight configuration. The data areusually supplied by the aircraft manufacturer although when

    that is not possible it is sometimes obtained from other

    sources. When no data are available, it is usual to represent

    the aircraft concerned by adapting data for a suitably similar

    aircraft - this is referred to assubstitution.

    Altitude Height above mean sea level.

    ANP database The international Aircraft Noise and Performance database

    www.aircraftnoisemodel.orgA-weighted sound level,LA Basic sound/noise level scale used for measuring

    environmental noise including that from aircraft and on

    which most noise contour metrics are based.

    Backbone ground track A representative or nominal ground track which defines the

    centre of a swathe of tracks.

    Baseline noise event level The noise event level read from an NPD database.

    Brake release Start of roll

    Corrected net thrust At a given power setting (e.g. EPR orN1) net thrust falls

    with air density and thus with increasing aircraft altitude;corrected net thrust is the value at sea level.

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    Cumulative sound/noise level A decibel measure of the noise received over a specified

    period of time, at a point near an airport, from aeroplane

    traffic using normal operating conditions and flight paths. It

    is calculated by accumulating in some way the event

    sound/noise levels occurring at that point.

    Decibel sum or average Sometimes referred to elsewhere as energy or logarithmic

    (as opposed to arithmetic) values. Used when it is

    appropriate to sum or average the underlying energy-like

    quantities; e.g. decibel sum =10 lg 10Li /10 Energy fraction,F Ratio of sound energy received from segment to energy

    received from infinite flight path.

    Engine power setting Value of the noise related power parameter used todetermine noise emission from the NPD database.

    Equivalent (continuous) sound


    A measure of long-term sound. The level of a hypothetical

    steady sound, which over a specified period of time,

    contains the same total energy as the actual variable sound.

    Event sound/noise level A decibel measure of the finite quantity of sound (or noise)

    received from a passing aeroplane sound exposure level

    Flight configuration = Aircraft configuration + Flight parameters

    Flight parameters Aircraft power setting, speed, bank angle and weight.

    Flight path The path of an aeroplane through the air, defined in three

    dimensions, usually with reference to an origin at the start

    of take-off roll or at the landing threshold.

    Flight path segment Part of an aircraft flight path represented for noise

    modelling purposes by a straight line of finite length.

    Flight procedure The sequence of operational steps followed by the aircraft

    crew or flight management system: expressed as changes of

    flight configuration as a function of distance along the

    ground track.

    Flight profile Variation of aeroplane height along the ground track

    (sometimes includes changes offlight configuration too)- described by a set ofprofile points

    Ground plane (Or Nominal Ground Plane) Horizontal ground surface

    through the aerodrome reference point on which the

    contours are normally calculated.

    Ground speed Aircraft speed relative to a fixed point on the ground.

    Ground track Vertical projection of the flight path onto the ground plane.

    Height Vertical distance between aircraft and ground plane

    Integrated sound level Otherwise termed single event sound exposure level.

    ISA International Standard Atmosphere defined by ICAO [ref.

    1]. Defines variation of air temperature, pressure, anddensity with height above mean sea level. Used to


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    normalise the results of aircraft design calculations and

    analysis of test data.

    Lateral attenuation Excess attenuation of sound with distance attributable,

    directly or indirectly, to the presence of the ground surface.

    Significant at low angles of elevation (of the aircraft above

    the ground plane)

    Maximum noise/sound level The maximum sound level reached during an event

    Mean Sea Level, MSL The standard earth surface elevation to which the ISA isreferred.

    Net thrust The propulsive force exerted by an engine on the airframe.

    Noise Noise is defined as unwanted sound. But metrics such asA-

    weighted sound level(LA) and effective perceived noise level

    (EPNL) effectively convert sound levels into noise levels

    (see Volume 1). Despite a consequent lack of rigour, the

    terms sound and noise are sometimes used interchangeably

    in this document, as elsewhere - especially in conjunction

    with the word level.

    Noise contour A line of constant value of a cumulative aircraft noise level

    or index around an airport

    Noise impact The adverse effect(s) of noise on its recipients; importantly

    it is implied that noise metrics are indicators of noise impact

    Noise index A measure of long term, or cumulative sound which

    correlates with (i.e. is considered to be a predictor of) its

    effects on people. May take some account of factors inaddition to the magnitude of sound (especially time of day).

    An example is day-evening-night levelLDEN.

    Noise level A decibel measure of sound on a scale which indicates its

    loudness or noisiness. For environmental noise from

    aircraft, two scales are generally used: A-weighted sound

    level and Perceived Noise Level. These scales apply

    different weights to sound of different frequencies - to

    mimic human perception.

    Noise metric An expression used to describe any measure of quantity of

    noise at a receiver position whether it be a single event or anaccumulation of noise over extended time. There are two

    commonly used measures of single event noise: the

    maximum level reached during the event, or its sound

    exposure level, a measure of its total sound energy

    determined by time integration.

    Noise-power-distance (NPD)


    Noise event levels tabulated as a function of distance below

    an aeroplane in steady level flight at a reference speed in a

    reference atmosphere, for each of a number of engine power settings. The data account for the effects of sound

    attenuation due to spherical wave spreading (inverse-squarelaw) and atmospheric absorption. The distance is defined


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    perpendicular to the aeroplane flight path and the aircraft

    wing-axis (i.e. vertically below the aircraft in non banked


    Noise-related power parameter Parameter that describes or indicates the propulsive effort

    generated by an aircraft engine to which acoustic power

    emission can logically be related; usually taken to be corrected net thrust. Loosely termed power or power

    setting throughout the text.

    Noise significance The contribution from a flight path segment is noise

    significant if it affects the event noise level to an

    appreciable extent. Disregarding segments that are not

    noise-significant yields massive savings in computer


    Observer Receiver

    Procedural steps Prescription for flying a profile - steps include changes ofspeed and/or altitude.

    Profile point Height of flight path segment end point - in vertical plane

    above the ground track

    Receiver A recipient of noise that arrives from a source; principally at

    a point on or near the ground surface

    Reference atmosphere A tabulation of sound absorption rates used to standardise

    NPD data (see Appendix D)

    Reference day A set of atmospheric conditions on which ANP data are


    Reference duration A nominal time interval used to standardise single event

    sound exposure level measurements; equal to 1 second in

    the case ofSEL.

    Reference speed Aeroplane groundspeed to which NPD SEL data are


    SEL Sound Exposure Level

    Single event sound exposure


    The sound level an event would have if all its sound energy

    were compressed uniformly into a standard time interval

    known as the reference duration

    Soft ground A ground surface that is acoustically soft, typically grassy,

    that surrounds most aerodromes. Acoustically hard, i.e.

    highly reflective, ground surfaces includes concrete and

    water. The noise contour methodology described herein

    applies to soft ground conditions.

    Sound Energy transmitted through air by (longitudinal) wave

    motion which is sensed by the ear

    Sound attenuation The decrease in sound intensity with distance along a

    propagation path. For aircraft noise its causes includespherical wave spreading, atmospheric absorption and


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    Doc 29, 3rd Edition: Volume 2 07/12/2005

    lateral attenuation

    Sound exposure A measure of total sound energy immission over a period of


    Sound Exposure Level,LAE (Acronym SEL) A metric standardised in ISO 1996-1

    [ref. 2] or ISO 3891 [ref. 3] = A-weighted single eventsound exposure level referenced to 1 second.

    Sound intensity The strength of sound immission at a point - related to

    acoustical energy (and indicated by measured sound levels)

    Sound level A measure of sound energy expressed in decibel units.

    Received sound is measured with or without frequency

    weighting; levels measured with a weighting are often

    termed noise levels

    Stage/trip length Distance to first destination of departing aircraft; taken to be

    an indicator of aircraft weight

    Start of Roll, SOR The point on the runway from which a departing aircraft

    commences its take-off. Also termed brake release.

    True airspeed Actual speed of aircraft relative to air (= groundspeed in still


    Weighted equivalent sound


    An modified version ofLeq in which different weights areassigned to noise occurring during different period of the

    day (usually day, evening and night)


    d Shortest distance from an observation point to a flight path segment

    dp Perpendicular distance from an observation point to the flight path (slant

    distance or slant range)

    d Scaled distance

    Fn Actual net thrust per engine

    Fn/ Corrected net thrust per engine

    h Aircraft altitude (above MSL)

    L Event noise level (scale undefined)

    L(t) Sound level at time t(scale undefined)

    LA, LA(t) A-weighted sound pressure level (at time t) - measured on theslow sound

    level meter scale

    LAE (SEL) Sound Exposure Level [refs. 2,3]

    LAmax Maximum value ofLA(t) during an event

    LE Single event sound exposure level

    LE Single event sound exposure level determined from NPD database

    LEPN Effective Perceived Noise Level


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    Leq Equivalent (continuous) sound level

    Lmax Maximum value ofL(t) during an event

    Lmax,seg Maximum level generated by a segment

    l Perpendicular distance from an observation point to the ground track

    lg Logarithm to base 10

    N Number of segments or sub-segments

    NAT Number of events withLmaxexceeding a specified threshold

    P Power parameter in NPD variableL(P,d)

    Pseg Power parameter relevant to a particular segment

    q Distance from start of segment to closest point of approach

    R Radius of turn

    S Standard deviation

    s Distance along ground track

    sRWY Runway length

    t Time

    te Effective duration of single sound event

    t0 Reference time for integrated sound level

    V Groundspeed

    Vseg Equivalent segment groundspeed

    Vref Reference groundspeed for which NPD data are defined

    x,y,z Local coordinates

    x,y,z Aircraft coordinates

    XARP,YARP,ZARP Position of aerodrome reference point in geographical coordinates

    z Height of aircraft above ground plane / aerodrome reference point

    Parameter used for calculation of the finite segment correction F

    Elevation angle of aircraft relative to ground plane

    Aircraft bank angle

    Climb/descent angle

    Depression angle (lateral directivity parameter)

    Total segment length

    Angle between direction of aircraft movement and direction to observer

    Aircraft heading, measured clockwise from magnetic north

    (,l) Air-to-ground lateral attenuation

    () Long range air-to-ground lateral attenuation


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    (l) Lateral attenuation distance factor

    Change in value of a quantity, or a correction (as indicated in the text)

    F Finite segment correction

    I Engine installation correction

    i Weighting forith time of day period, dB

    rev Reverse thrust

    SOR Start of roll correction

    V Duration (speed) correction


    1, 2 Subscripts denoting start and end values of an interval or segment

    E Exposure

    i Aircraft type/category summation index

    j Ground track/subtrack summation index

    k Segment summation index

    max Maximum

    ref Reference value

    seg Segment specific value

    SOR Related to start of rollTO Takeoff


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    Contour maps are used to indicate the extent and magnitude of aircraft noise impact around

    airports, that impact being indicated by values of a specified noise metric or index. A contour

    is a line along which the index value is constant. The index value aggregates in some way all

    the individual aircraft noise events that occur during some specified period of time, normally

    measured in days or months (see Volume 1 [ref. 4] for a review).

    The noise at points on the ground from aircraft flying into and out of a nearby aerodrome

    depends on many factors. Principal among these are the types of aeroplane and their

    powerplant; the power, flap and airspeed management procedures used on the aeroplanes

    themselves; the distances from the points concerned to the various flight paths; and local

    topography and weather. Airport operations generally include different types of aeroplanes,

    various flight procedures and a range of operational weights.

    Volume 1 of this ECAC guidance on aircraft noise contour modelling, an Applications Guide,

    is aimed primarily at noise model users who do not necessarily need a comprehensive

    understanding of the modelling process, but who need a good understanding of the principles,

    the problems involved, and the requirements for getting results that adequately meet the

    objectives of particular noise impact assessments.

    This second volume, a Technical Guide, is written for modellers themselves, those who

    develop and maintain the computer models and their databases. It fully describes a specific

    noise contour modelling system which is considered by ECAC to represent current best

    practice. It does not prescribe a computer programme but rather the equations and logic that

    need to be programmed to construct a physical working model. Any physical model that

    complies fully with the methodology described can be expected to generate contours of

    aircraft noise exposure around civil airports with reasonable accuracy. The methodologyapplies only to long-term average noise exposure; it cannot be relied upon to predict with anyaccuracy the absolute level of noise from a single aircraft movement and should not be used

    for that purpose.

    Contours are generated by calculating surfaces of local noise index values mathematically.

    This document explains in detail how to calculate, at one observer point, the individual

    aircraft noise event levels, each for a specific aircraft flight or type of flight, that are

    subsequently averaged in some way, oraccumulated, to yield index values at that point. The

    required surface of index values is generated merely by repeating the calculations as

    necessary for different aircraft movements taking care to maximise efficiency by excluding

    events that are not noise-significant (i.e. which do not contribute significantly to the total).Volume 2, builds on, but replaces, ECAC.CEAC Document 29, the second edition of which

    was published in 1997 [ref. 5] and which should now be discarded. Many essential features

    of the previously recommended process have been retained; only parts that have subsequently

    proved to be inadequate or inappropriate have been improved or replaced. The document is

    not a programming manual; it does not provided detailed step-by-step instructions for

    constructing a computer code. Such details are left to the modeller/programmer who

    therefore has the flexibility to adapt the model to project needs. An important reference

    document is Aerospace Information Report No 1845 [ref. 6] published by the A-21 Aircraft

    Noise Subcommittee of the Society of Automotive Engineers. That body of aviation industry

    specialists has long been engaged in the development of aircraft noise standards and

    recommended practices.

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    A most important advance on previous versions of ECAC-CEAC Document 29 is that a

    linked international aircraft noise and performance (ANP) database is now available on-line

    and the recommended methodology is designed to make full use of that comprehensive

    ECAC-endorsed data source. It includes aircraft and engine performance data and noise-

    power-distance (NPD) tables for the civil aircraft types that dominate the noise at most of the

    worlds busy airports.

    There are a number of noise-generating activities on operational airports which are excluded

    from the air noise calculation procedures given here. These include taxiing, engine testing

    and use of auxiliary power-units, and their noise generally comes under the heading of ground

    noise. In practice, the effects of these activities are unlikely to affect the noise contours in

    regions beyond the airport boundary. This does not necessarily mean that their impact is

    insignificant; however assessments of ground noise are usually undertaken independently of

    air noise analyses.


    It is assumed that users are familiar with basic noise modelling principles that are described in

    Volume 1 - which may be regarded as a primer for Volume 2. That document stresses thefact that having a best practice modelling methodology is only one of three requirements for

    valid noise contour modelling. The others are an accurate aircraft noise and performance

    database and a detailed understanding and description ofthe aircraft operations that are the

    source of the subject noise. All three elements are covered in this volume.

    The noise contour generation process is illustrated in Figure 1-1. General guidance on the

    acquisition and pre-processing of the input data is given in Volume 1. Contours are producedfor various purposes and these tend to control the requirements for sources and pre-processing

    of input data. Contours that depict historical noise impact might be generated from actual

    records of aircraft operations of movements, weights, radar-measured flight paths, etc.

    Contours used for future planning purposes of necessity rely more on forecasts of traffic and

    flight tracks and the performance and noise characteristics of future aircraft.


    Processing ;

    data export

    Calculation of

    noise contours


    of flights



    for a single


    Definition of

    flight path


    speed and

    thrust profiles

    Volume 1 Volume 2


    Processing of

    airport data

    Figure 1-1: The noise contour generation process

    Whatever the source of flight data, each different aircraft movement, arrival or departure, is

    defined in terms of its flight path geometry and the noise emission from the aircraft as it

    follows that path (movements that are essentially the same in noise and flight path terms are

    included by simple multiplication). The noise emission depends on the characteristics of the

    aircraft - mainly on the power generated by its engines. The recommended methodologyinvolves dividing the flight path into segments. Chapter 2 outlines the elements of the

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    methodology and explains the principle of segmentation on which it is based; that the

    observed event noise level is an aggregation of contributions from all noise-significant

    segments of the flight path, each of which can be calculated independently of the others.

    Chapter 2 also outlines the input data requirements for producing a set of noise contours.

    Detailed specifications for the operational data needed are set out in Appendix A.

    How the flight path segments are calculated from pre-processed input data is described in

    Chapter 3. This involves applications of aircraft flight performance analysis, equations forwhich are detailed in Appendix B, using data from the international Aircraft Noise and

    Performance (ANP) database. Flight paths are subject to significant variability - aircraft

    following any route are dispersed across a swathe due to the effects of differences in

    atmospheric conditions, aircraft weights and operating procedures, air traffic control

    constraints, etc. This is taken into account by describing each flight path statistically as a

    central or backbone path which is accompanied by a set of dispersed paths. This too is

    explained in Chapter 3 with reference to additional information in Appendix C.

    Chapter 4 sets out the steps to be followed in calculating the noise level of one single event

    the noise generated at a point on the ground by one aircraft movement. Data in theinternational (ANP) database apply to specific reference conditions. Appendix D deals withthe re-calculation of NPD-data for non-reference conditions. Appendix E explains the

    acoustic dipole source used in the model to define sound radiation from flight path segments

    of finite length. Appendix F gives additional guidance for the case when the event levelmetric isLmax rather thanLE.

    Applications of the modelling relationships described in Chapters 3 and 4 require, apart from

    the relevant flight paths, appropriate noise and performance data for the aircraft in question.

    The source of that information, the ECAC-endorsed international ANP database website, and

    how data can be obtained from it, is described in Appendix G.

    Determining the event level for a single aircraft movement at a single observer point is thecore calculation. It has to be repeated for all aircraft movements at each of a prescribed array

    of points covering the expected extent of the required noise contours. At each point the event

    levels are aggregated or averaged in some way to arrive at a cumulative level or noise index

    value. This part of the process is described in Chapter 5.

    Chapter 6 summarises the options and requirement for fitting noise contours to arrays of

    noise index values. It provides guidance on contour generation and post-processing.

    Some existing aircraft noise contour models are based on previous ECAC guidance published

    in Doc 29 2nd Edition. For the benefit of users of that previous guidance Appendix H lists

    and explains the changes that have now been made; this should allow existing models to be

    amended to incorporate this more advanced methodology. Finally, Appendix I listsconversions between the SI and US units that are used frequently throughout.

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    Volume 1 describes three different ways in which most practical noise models calculate

    aircraft noise single event levels. In order of increasing elaboration these are (1) closest pointof approach (CPA), (2)segmentation and (3)simulation methods. Each has its strengths and

    weaknesses but it is considered that, on balance, segmentation (otherwise known asintegrated) models represent current best practice. This situation may change at some point

    in the future: simulation models have greater potential and it is only a shortage of the

    comprehensive data they require, and their higher demands on computing capacity, that

    presently restrict them to special applications (including research).

    A crucial factor underpinning the ascendancy of segmentation modelling, and a principal

    reason why the recommended practice is based upon it, is that it is supported by a

    comprehensive aircraft noise and performance database of unparalleled depth and scope. This

    has been assembled over many years by the aircraft manufacturing industry in collaboration

    with the noise certificating authorities. This international aircraft noise and performance

    (ANP) database is now accessible on the Internet; the ANP website is a primary source ofdata for the methodology recommended in this guidance.

    A computer model that implements the recommended methodology and the ANP database

    together comprise the contour modelling system. To apply it to a particular airport scenario,

    the user has to supply a substantial quantity of data that describes, principally, the airport and

    the air traffic using it - in terms of the aircraft types, numbers, routeings and operating


    These basic elements of the noise contour generation process are summarised in this chapter

    by way of introduction to the more detailed descriptions that comprise the rest of this



    For any specific aircraft, the database contains baseline Noise-Power-Distance (NPD)

    relationships. These define, for steady straight flight at a reference speed in specified

    reference atmospheric conditions and in a specified flight configuration, the received sound

    event levels, both maximum and time integrated, directly beneath the aircraft1 as a function of

    distance. For noise modelling purposes, the all-important propulsive power is represented by

    a noise-related power parameter; the parameter generally used is corrected net thrust.Baseline event levels determined from the database are adjusted to account for, firstly,

    differences between actual (i.e. modelled) and reference atmospheric conditions and (in the

    case of sound exposure levels) aircraft speed and, secondly, for receiver points that are notdirectly beneath the aircraft, differences between downwards and laterally radiated noise.

    This latter difference is due to lateral directivity (engine installation effects) and lateral

    attenuation. But the event levels so adjusted still apply only to the total noise from theaircraft in steady level flight.

    Segmentation is the process by which the recommended noise contour model adapts the

    infinite path NPD and lateral data to calculate the noise reaching a receiver from a non-

    uniform flight path, i.e. one along which the aircraft flight configuration varies. For the

    purposes of calculating the event sound level of an aircraft movement, the flight path is

    1 Actually beneath the aircraft perpendicular to the wing axis and direction of flight; taken to be vertically

    below the aircraft when in non-turning (i.e. non-banked) flight.

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    represented by a set of contiguous straight-line segments, each of which can be regarded as a

    finite part of an infinite path for which an NPD and the lateral adjustments are known. The

    maximum level of the event is simply the greatest of the individual segment values. The time

    integrated level of the whole noise event is calculated by summing the noise received from a

    sufficient number of segments, i.e. those which make a significant contribution to the total

    event noise.

    The method for estimating how much noise one finite segment contributes to the integrated

    event level is a purely empirical one. The energy fractionF the segment noise expressed as

    a proportion of the total infinite path noise is described by a relatively simple expression

    which allows for the longitudinal directivity of aircraft noise and the receivers view of the

    segment. One reason why a simple empirical method is generally adequate is that, as a rule,

    most of the noise comes from the nearest, usually, adjacent segment for which the closestpoint of approach (CPA) to the receiver lies within the segment (not at one of its ends). Thismeans that estimates of the noise from non-adjacent segments can be increasingly

    approximate as they get further away from the receiver without compromising the accuracy



    In the modelling context,aflight path (or trajectory) is a full description of the motion of theaircraft in space and time2. Together with the propulsive thrust (or other noise related power

    parameter) this is the information required to calculate the noise generated. The ground track

    is the vertical projection of the flight path on level ground. This is combined with the vertical

    flight profile to construct the 3-D flight path. Segmentation modelling requires that the flight

    path of every different aircraft movement is described by a series of contiguous straight

    segments. The manner in which the segmentation is performed is dictated by a need to

    balance accuracy and efficiency it is necessary to approximate the real curved flight pathsufficiently closely while minimising the computational burden and data requirements. Each

    segment has to be defined by the geometrical coordinates of its end points and the associated

    speed and engine power parameters of the aircraft (on which sound emission depends). Flight

    paths and engine power may be determined in various ways, the main ones involving (a)

    synthesis from a series of procedural steps and (b) analysis of measured flight profile data.

    Synthesis of the flight path (a) requires knowledge of (or assumptions for) ground tracks andtheir lateral dispersions, aircraft weight, speed, flap and thrust-management procedures,

    airport elevation, and wind and air temperature. Equations for calculating the flight profile

    from the required propulsion and aerodynamic parameters are given in Appendix B. Each

    equation contains coefficients (and/or constants) which are based on empirical data for eachspecific aircraft type. The aerodynamic-performance equations in Appendix B permit theconsideration of any reasonable combination of aircraft operational weight and flight

    procedure, including operations at different takeoff gross weights.

    Analysis of measured data (b), e.g. from flight data recorders, radar or other aircraft tracking

    equipment, involves reverse engineering, effectively a reversal of the synthesis process (a).

    Instead of estimating the aircraft and powerplant states at the ends of the flight segments by

    integrating the effects of the thrust and aerodynamic forces acting on the airframe, the forces

    2Time is accounted for via the aircraft speed.

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    are estimated by differentiating the changes of height and speed of the airframe. Procedures

    for processing the flight path information are described in Section 3.5.

    In an ultimate noise modelling application, each individual flight could, theoretically, be

    represented independently; this would guarantee accurate accounting for the spatial dispersion

    of flight paths - which can be very significant. But to keep data preparation and computertime within reasonable bounds it is normal practice to represent flight path swathes by a small

    number of laterally displaced subtracks. (Vertical dispersion is usually represented

    satisfactorily by accounting for the effects of varying aircraft weights on the vertical profiles.)


    To support this methodology, ECAC recommends use of data from the on-line international

    Aircraft Noise and Performance (ANP) database (www.aircraftnoisemodel.org) which is fully

    described in Appendix G.

    The ANP database contains aircraft and engine performance coefficients and NPDrelationships for a substantial proportion of civil aircraft operating from airports in ECAC

    states. In particular, data on additional aircraft types, old and new, will be added as soon as

    they have been supplied to, and verified by, the database managers.

    All new inputs are supplied or endorsed by the aircraft manufacturers and generated according

    to SAE specifications [ref. 6] that are approved by ECAC. For aircraft that are common to

    both, the data are identical to those in the US INM database [ref. 7]. For aircraft types or

    variants for which data are not currently listed, volume 1 provides guidance on how they can

    best be represented by data for other, normally similar, aircraft that are listed.

    The ANP database includes default procedural steps to enable the construction of flight

    profiles for at least one common noise abatement departure procedure. More recent databaseentries cover two different noise abatement departure procedures. However it should be noted

    that these carry the caveat:

    Users should examine the applicability of ANP database defaultprocedural steps to the airport under consideration. These data are

    generic and in some cases may not realistically represent flight operations atyour airport.

    Although the manufacturers and database managers strive to ensure that the data are generated

    in strict accordance with the standard specifications, ultimate validation of the ANP data lies

    effectively within the province of the user; at present there is no practicable way in which the

    accuracy of the data entries can be systematically and independently checked. Inconsistencies

    or deficiencies are most likely to be discovered by users who compare model predictions with

    measured data. Evidence of inconsistencies is fed back to the data suppliers through the

    database managers. The suppliers then decide on the action required; only they can amend or

    approve database entries. To this end it must be recognised that acquiring reliable measured

    data is a very demanding task and it is necessary for data users to demonstrate that the

    evidence they provide meets acceptable quality criteria. It is anticipated that a future Volume

    3 of this guidance will specify appropriate procedures for comparing measured and modelled

    noise levels. These will be designed to provide assurance that the supporting information can

    be relied upon.

    Access to the database is subject to terms and conditions designed to prevent misuse. User

    registration and password protection are overseen by the database managers.

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    Case-specific data from which to calculate the noise contours for a particular airport scenario

    includes the following.


    The aerodrome reference point (simply to locate the aerodrome in appropriate geographicco-ordinates). The reference point is set as the origin of the local Cartesian co-ordinate

    system used by the calculation procedure.

    The aerodrome reference altitude (= altitude of aerodrome reference point). This is thealtitude of the nominal ground plane on which, in the absence of topography corrections,

    the noise contours are defined.

    Average meteorological parameters at or close to the aerodrome reference point(temperature, relative humidity, average windspeed and wind direction).

    Example datasheets for the presentation of airport data can be found in Appendix A1.

    2.4.2 RUNWAY DATA

    For each runway:

    Runway designation

    Runway reference point (centre of runway expressed in local co-ordinates)

    Runway length, direction and mean gradient

    Location of start-of-roll and landing threshold3. Datasheets for runway data representationare shown in Appendix A2.


    Aircraft ground tracks have to be described by a series of coordinates in the (horizontal)

    ground-plane. The source of ground track data depends on whether relevant radar data are

    available or not. If they are, a reliable backbone track and suitable associated (dispersed) sub-

    tracks can be established by statistical analysis of the data. If not, backbone tracks are usually

    constructed from appropriate procedural information, e.g. using standard instrument departure

    procedures from Aeronautical Information Publications. This conventional description

    includes the following information:

    Designation of the runway the track originates from

    Description of the track origin (start of roll, landing threshold)

    Length of segments (for turns, radius and change of direction)

    This information is the minimum necessary to define the core (backbone) track. But average

    noise levels calculated on the assumption that aircraft follow the nominal routes exactly can

    be liable to localized errors of several decibels. Thus lateral dispersion should be represented,

    and the following additional information is necessary:

    Width of the swathe (or other dispersion statistic) at each segment end

    3Displaced thresholds can be taken into account by defining additional runways.

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    Number of subtracks

    Distribution of movements perpendicular to the backbone track

    Example datasheets for ground track representation can be found in Appendix A3.

    2.4.4 AIR TRAFFIC DATAAir traffic data are

    the time period covered by the data and

    the number of movements (arrivals or departures) of each aircraft type on each flighttrack, subdivided by (1) time of day as appropriate for specified noise descriptors, (2) for

    departures, operating weights or stage lengths, and (3), if necessary, operating procedures.

    Most noise descriptors require that events (i.e. aircraft movements) are defined as average

    daily values during specified periods of the day (e.g. day, evening and night) - see Chapter 5.

    Air traffic example datasheets can be found in Appendix A4.


    The terrain around most airports is relatively flat. However this is not always the case and

    there may sometimes be a need to account for variations in terrain elevation relative to the

    airport reference elevation. The effect of terrain elevation can be especially important in the

    vicinity of approach tracks, where the aircraft is operating at relatively low altitudes.

    Terrain elevation data are usually provided as a set of (x,y,z) co-ordinates for a rectangular

    grid of certain mesh-size. But the parameters of the elevation grid are likely to be different

    from those of the grid used for the noise computation. If so linear interpolation may be used

    to estimate the appropriatez-co-ordinates in the latter.

    Comprehensive analysis of the effects of markedly non-level ground on sound propagation is

    complex and beyond the scope of this guidance. Moderate unevenness can be accounted for

    by assuming pseudo-level ground; i.e. simply raising or lowering the level ground plane to

    the local ground elevation (relative to the reference ground plane) at each receiver point (see

    Section 3.3.4).


    The international aircraft noise and performance (ANP) data are normalised to standard

    reference conditions that are widely used for airport noise studies (see Appendices D and G).

    Reference conditions for NPD data

    1) Atmospheric pressure: 101.325 kPa (1013.25 mb)

    2) Atmospheric absorption: Attenuation rates listed in Table D-1 ofAppendix D

    3) Precipitation: None

    4) Wind Speed: Less than 8 m/s (15 knots)

    5) Groundspeed: 160 knots

    6) Local terrain: Flat, soft ground free of large structures or other reflecting

    objects within several kilometres of aircraft ground tracks.

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    Standardised aircraft sound measurements are made 1.2m above the ground surface.

    However no special account of this is necessary as, for modelling purposes, it may be

    assumed that event levels are relatively insensitive to receiver height 4.

    Comparisons of estimated and measured airport noise levels indicate that the NPD data can be

    assumed applicable when the near surface average conditions lie within the followingenvelope:

    Air temperature less than 30C

    Product of air temperature (C), and relative humidity, (percent) greater than 500

    Wind speed less than 8 metres per second (15 knots)

    This envelope is believed to encompass conditions encountered at most of the worlds major

    airports. Appendix D provides a method for converting NPD data to average local conditions

    which fall outside it, but, in extreme cases, it is suggested that the relevant aeroplane

    manufacturers be consulted.

    Reference conditions for aeroplane aerodynamic and engine data

    1) Runway Elevation: Mean sea level

    2) Air temperature: 15 C

    3) Takeoff gross weight: As defined as a function of stage length in the ANP

    database (see Appendix G3.5)

    4) Landing gross weight: 90 percent of maximum landing gross weight

    5) Engines supplying thrust: All

    Although ANP aerodynamic and engine data are based on these conditions, they can be used

    as tabulated for non-reference runway elevations and average air temperatures in ECAC states

    without significantly affecting the accuracy of the calculated contours of cumulative averagesound level. (see Appendix B.)

    The ANP database tabulates aerodynamic data for the takeoff and landing gross weights noted

    in items 3 and 4 above. Although, for cumulative noise calculations, the aerodynamic data

    themselves need not be adjusted for other gross weights, calculation of the takeoff and

    climbout flight profiles, using the procedures described in Appendix B, should be based onthe appropriate operational takeoff gross weights.

    4 Calculated levels at 4 m or higher are sometimes requested. Comparison of measurements at 1.2 m and 10 mand theoretical calculation of ground effects show that variations of the A-weighted sound exposure level arerelatively insensitive to receiver height. The variations are in general smaller than one decibel, except if the

    maximum angle of sound incidence is below 10 and if the A-weighted spectrum at the receiver has itsmaximum in the range of 200 to 500 Hz. Such low frequency dominated spectra may occur e.g. at long

    distances for low-bypass ratio engines and for propeller engines with discrete low frequency tones.

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    The noise model requires that each different aircraft movement is described by its three-

    dimensional flight path and the varying engine power and speed along it. As a rule, one

    modelled movement represents a subset of the total airport traffic, e.g. a number of (assumed)

    identical movements, with the same aircraft type, weight and operating procedure, on a singleground track. That track may itself be one of several dispersed sub-tracks used to model

    what is really a swathe of tracks following one designated route. The ground track swathes,

    the vertical profiles and the aircraft operational parameters are all determined from the input

    scenario data - in conjunction with aircraft data from the ANP database.

    The noise-power-distance data (in the ANP database) define noise from aircraft traversing

    idealised horizontal flight paths of infinite length at constant speed and power. To adapt this

    data to terminal area flight paths that are characterised by frequent changes of power and

    velocity, every path is broken into finite straight-line segments; the noise contributions from

    each of these are subsequently summed at the observer position.



    The three-dimensional flight path of an aircraft movement determines the geometrical aspects

    of sound radiation and propagation between aircraft and observer. At a particular aircraft

    weight and in particular atmospheric conditions, the flight path is governed entirely by the

    sequence of power, flap and attitude changes that are applied by the pilot (or automatic flight

    management system) in order to follow routes and maintain heights and speeds specified by

    ATC - in accordance with the aircraft operators standard operating procedures. These

    instructions and actions divide the flight path into distinct phases which form natural

    segments. In the horizontal plane they involve straight legs, specified as a distance to the nextturn, and turns, defined by radius and change of heading. In the vertical plane, segments are

    defined by the time and/or distance taken to achieve required changes of forward speed and/or

    height at specified power and flap settings. The corresponding vertical coordinates are often

    referred to asprofile points.

    For noise modelling, flight path information is generated either by synthesis from a set of

    procedural steps (i.e. those followed by the pilot) or by analysis of radar data - physicalmeasurements of actual flight paths flown. Whatever method is used, both horizontal and

    vertical shapes of the flight path, are reduced to segmented forms. Its horizontal shape (i.e. its

    2-dimensional projection on the ground) is the ground trackdefined by the inbound or

    outbound routeing. Its vertical shape, given by the profile points, and the associated flight parameters speed, bank angle and power setting, together define the flight profile whichdepends on the flight procedure that is normally prescribed by the aircraft manufacturer

    and/or the operator. The flight path is constructed by merging the 2-D flight profile with the

    2-D ground track to form a sequence of 3-D flight path segments.

    It should be remembered that, for a given set of procedural steps, the profile depends on the

    ground track; e.g. at the same thrust and speed the aircraft climb rate is less in turns than in

    straight flight. Although this guidance explains how to take this dependency into account, it

    has to be acknowledged that doing so would normally involve a very large computing

    overhead and users may prefer to assume that, for noise modelling purposes, the flight profile

    and ground track can be treated as independent entities; i.e. that the climb profile is unaffected

    by any turns. However, it is important to determine changes of bank angle that turns require

    as this has an important bearing on the directionality of sound emission.

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    The noise received from a flight path segment depends on the geometry of the segment in

    relation to the observer and the aircraft flight configuration. But these are interrelated - a

    change in one causes a change in the other and it is necessary to ensure that, at all points on

    the path, the configuration of the aircraft is consistent with its motion along the path.

    In a flight path synthesis, i.e. when constructing a flight path from a set of procedural steps

    that describe the pilots selections of engine power, flap angle, and acceleration/vertical

    speed, it is the motion that has to be calculated. In a flight path analysis, the reverse is the

    case: the engine power settings have to be estimated from the observed motion of the

    aeroplane - as determined from radar data, or sometimes, in special studies, from aircraft

    flight recorder data (although in the latter case engine power is usually part of the data). In

    either case, the coordinates and flight parameters at all segment end points have to be fed into

    the noise calculation.

    The operational steps followed by arriving and departing aircraft are explained in Chapter 4of Volume 1. Appendix B presents the equations that relate the forces acting on an aircraft

    and its motion and explains how they are solved to define the properties of the segments that

    make up the flight paths. The different kinds of segments (and the sections ofAppendix Bthat cover them) are take-off ground roll(B5), climb at constant speed(B6), power cutback(B7), accelerating climb and flap retraction (B8), accelerating climb after flap retraction

    (B9), descent and deceleration (B10) andfinal landing approach (B11).

    Inevitably, practical modelling involves varying degrees of simplification - the requirement

    for this depends on the nature of the application, the significance of the results and the

    resources available (see Volume 1). A general simplifying assumption, even in the most

    elaborate applications, is that when accounting for flight track dispersion, the flight profiles

    and configurations on all the sub-tracks are the same as those on the backbone track. As at

    least 6 subtracks are recommended (see Section 3.4) this reduces computations massively for

    an extremely small penalty in fidelity.


    3.2.1 RADAR DATA

    Although aircraft flight data recorders can yield very high quality data, this is difficult to

    obtain for noise modelling purposes and radar data must be regarded as the most readily

    accessible source of information on actual flight paths flown at airports 5. As it is usually

    available from airport noise and flight path monitoring systems, it is now used increasingly

    for noise modelling purposes. However the analysis of radar data is a complex task for which

    methods are still under development [ref. 8]. Thus it is not possible at present to recommendspecific methodology. Only general guidance can be offered; it is for users to take stock of

    specific circumstances when deciding on an appropriate approach.

    Secondary surveillance radar presents the flight path of an aircraft as a sequence of positional

    coordinates at intervals equal to the period of rotation of the radar scanner, typically about 4

    seconds. The position of the aircraft over the ground is determined in polar coordinates -

    range and azimuth - from the reflected radar return (although the monitoring system normally

    5 Aircraft flight data recorders provide comprehensive operational data. However this is not readily accessibleand is costly to provide; thus its use for noise modelling purposes is normally restricted to special projects

    and model development studies.

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    transforms these to Cartesian coordinates); its height6 is measured by the aeroplanes own

    altimeter and transmitted to the ATC computer by a radar-triggered transponder. But inherent

    positional errors due to radio interference and limited data resolution are significant (although

    of no consequence for the intended air traffic control purposes). Thus, if the flight path of a

    specific aircraft movement is required, it is necessary to smooth the data using an appropriate

    curve-fitting technique [e.g. refs. 9,10]. However, for noise modelling purposes the usualrequirement is for a statistical description of a swathe of flight paths; e.g. for all movements

    on a route or for just those of a specific aircraft type. Here the measurement errors associated

    with the relevant statistics can be reduced to insignificance by the averaging processes.


    In many cases is not possible to model flight paths on the basis of radar data - because the

    necessary resources are not available or because the scenario is a future one for which there

    are no relevant radar data.

    In the absence of radar data, or when its use is inappropriate, it is necessary to estimate the

    flight paths on the basis of operational guidance material, for example instructions given toflight crews via AIPs and aircraft operating manuals - referred to here as procedural steps.

    Advice on interpreting this material should be sought from air traffic control authorities and

    the aircraft operators where necessary.



    The local co-ordinate system (x,y,z) is a Cartesian one and has its origin (0,0,0) at the

    aerodrome reference point (XARP,YARP,ZARP),where ZARP is the airport reference altitude and

    z= 0 defines the nominal ground plane on which contours are usually calculated. The aircraft

    heading in thexy-plane is measured clockwise from magnetic north (see Figure 3-1). Allobserver locations, the basic calculation grid and the noise contour points are expressed in

    local co-ordinates7.

    6 Usually measured as altitude above MSL (i.e. relative to 1013mB) and corrected to airport elevation by the

    airport monitoring system.

    7 Usually the axes of the local co-ordinate are parallel to the axis of the map that contours are drawn on.However it is sometimes useful to choose thex-axis parallel to a runway in order to get symmetrical contours

    without using a fine computational grid (see Chapter 6).

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    Ground track





    Nominal Ground Plane (x,y,z)

    (Origin: Aerodrome Reference Point ARP)


    Figure 3-1: Local co-ordinate system (x,y,z) and ground-track fixed co-ordinates


    This co-ordinate is specific for each ground track and represents distance s measured along

    the track in the flight direction. For departure tracks s is measured from the start of roll, forapproach tracks from the landing threshold. Thuss becomes negative in areas

    behind the start of roll for departures and

    before crossing the runway landing threshold for approaches.

    Flight operational parameters such as height, speed and power setting are expressed as

    functions ofs.


    The aircraft-fixed Cartesian co-ordinate system (x',y',z') has its origin at the actual aircraft

    location. The axis-system is defined by the climb-angle , the flight direction and the bank-angle (see Figure 3-2).








    Figure 3-2: Aircraft fixed co-ordinate system (x,y,z)

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    In cases where topography has to be taken into account (see Section 2.4.5), the aircraft height

    coordinate z has to be replaced by z'=zzo(where is the z-co-ordinate of the observerlocation O) when estimating the propagation distance d. The geometry between aircraft and

    observer is shown in Figure 3-3. For the definitions of d and l see Chapter 4









    d z


    Figure 3-3: Ground elevation along (left) and lateral (right) to ground track. The

    nominal ground plane z = 0 passes through the aerodrome reference point.

    O is the observer location.



    The backbone track defines the centre of the swathe of tracks followed by aircraft using a

    particular routeing. For the purposes of aircraft noise modelling it is defined either (i) by prescriptive operational data such as the instructions given to pilots in AIPs, or (ii) by

    statistical analysis of radar data as explained in Section 3.2.1 - when this is available and

    appropriate to the needs of the modelling study. Constructing the track from operational

    instructions is normally quite straightforward as these prescribe a sequence of legs which are

    either straight - defined by length and heading, or circular arcs defined by turn rate and

    change of heading; see Figure 3-4 for an illustration.

    straight segmentturning


    straight segment

    Standard instrument

    departure router


    Figure 3-4: Ground track geometry in terms of turns and straight segments

    8 For non-level ground it is possible for the observer to be above the aircraft in which case, for calculating

    sound propagation z(and the corresponding elevation angle - see Chapter 4) is put equal to zero.

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    Fitting a backbone track to radar data is more complex, firstly because actual turns are made

    at a varying rate and secondly because its line is obscured by the scatter of the data. As

    explained, formalised procedures have not yet been developed and it is common practice to

    match segments, straight and curved, to the average positions calculated from cross-sections

    of radar tracks at intervals along the route. Computer algorithms to perform this task are

    likely to be developed in future but, for the present, it is for the modeller to decide how to useavailable data to best advantage. A major factor is that the aircraft speed and turn radius

    dictate the angle of bank and, as will be seen in Section 4.5, non-symmetries of soundradiation around the flight path govern noise on the ground, as well as the position of the

    flight path itself.

    Theoretically, seamless transition from straight flight to fixed radius turn would require an

    instantaneous application of bank angle , which is physically impossible. In reality it takes afinite time for the bank angle to reach the value required to maintain a specified speed and

    turn radius r, during which the turn radius tightens from infinity to r. For modelling purposes

    the radius transition can be disregarded and the bank angle assumed to increase steadily from

    zero (orother initial value) to at the start of the turn and to the next value of at the end ofthe turn9.


    Where possible, definitions of lateral dispersion and representative sub-tracks should be based

    on relevant past experience from the study airport; normally via an analysis of radar data

    samples. The first step is to group the data by route. Departure tracks are characterised by

    substantial lateral dispersion which, for accurate modelling, has to be taken into account.

    Arrival routes normally coalesce into a very narrow swathe about the final approach path and

    it is usually sufficient to represent all arrivals by a single track. But if the approach swathes

    are wide within the region of the noise contours they might need to be represented by sub-

    tracks in the same way as departure routes.

    It is common practice to treat the data for a single route as a sample from a single population;

    i.e. to be represented by one backbone track and one set of dispersed subtracks. However, if

    inspection indicates that the data for different categories of aircraft or operations differ

    significantly (e.g. should large and small aircraft have substantially different turn radii),

    further subdivision of the data into different swathes may be desirable. For each swathe, the

    lateral track dispersions are determined as a function of distance from the origin; movements

    then being apportioned between a backbone track and a suitable number of dispersed sub-

    tracks on the basis of the distribution statistics.

    As it is normally unwise to disregard the effects of track dispersion, in the absence of

    measured swathe data a nominal lateral spread across and perpendicular to the backbone track

    should be defined by a conventional distribution function. Calculated values of noise indices

    are not particularly sensitive to the precise shape of the lateral distribution: the Normal

    (Gaussian) Distribution provides an adequate description of many radar-measured swathes.

    Typically a 7-point discrete approximation is used (i.e. representing the lateral dispersion by 6

    subtracks equally spaced around the backbone track). The spacing of the subtracks depends

    on the standard deviation of the lateral dispersion function.

    9 How best to implement this is left to the user as this will depend on the way in which turn radii are defined.When the starting point is a sequence of straight or circular legs, a relatively simple option is to insert bankangle transition segments at the start of the turn and at its end in which the aircraft rolls at a constant rate (e.g.

    expressed in /m or /s).

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    For normally distributed tracks with a standard deviation S, 98.8% of the tracks are located

    within a corridor with boundaries located at 2.5S. Table 3-1 gives the spacing of the sixsubtracks and the percentage of the total movements assigned to each. Appendix C givesvalues for other numbers of subtracks.

    Table 3-1: Percentages of movements for a normal distribution function withstandard deviation S for 7 subtracks (backbone track is subtrack 1).



    Location of


    Percentage of

    movements onsubtrack

    7 2.14S 3 %

    5 1.43S 11 %

    3 0.71S 22 %

    1 0 28 %

    2 0.71S 22 %

    4 1.43S 11 %

    6 2.14S 3 %

    The standard deviation Sis a function of the co-ordinates along the backbone-track. It can be

    specified together with the description of the backbone-track in the flight track data sheet

    shown in Appendix A3. In the absence of any indicators of the standard deviation e.g. from

    radar data describing comparable flight tracks the following values are recommended:

    For tracks involving turns of less than 45 degrees:







    For tracks involving turns of more than 45 degrees:







    For practical reasons, S(s) is assumed to be zero between the start of roll and s = 2700 m ors = 3300 m depending on the amount of turn. Routes involving more than one turn should be

    treated as per equation (3-1b). For arrivals, lateral dispersion can be neglected within 6000 m

    of touchdown.


    The flight profile is a description of the aircraft motion in the vertical plane above the ground

    track, in terms of its position, speed, bank angle and engine power setting. One of the most

    important tasks facing the model user is that of defining aircraft flight profiles that adequately

    meet the requirements of the modelling application - efficiently, without consuming excessive

    time and resources. Naturally, to achieve high accuracy, the profiles have to reflect closelythe aircraft operations they are intended to represent. This requires reliable information on the

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    atmospheric conditions, aircraft types and variants, operating weights and the operating

    procedures the variations of thrust and flap settings and the trade-offs between changes of

    height and speed all appropriately averaged over the time period(s) of interest. Often such

    detailed information are not available but this is not necessarily an obstacle; even if they are,

    the modeller has to exercise judgement to balance the accuracy and detail of the input

    information with the needs for, and uses of, the contour outputs.

    The synthesis of flight profiles from procedural steps obtained from the ANP database or

    from aircraft operators is described in Section 3.6 and Appendix B. That process, usually the

    only recourse open to the modeller when no radar data are available, yields both the flight

    path geometry and the associated speed and thrust variations. It would normally be assumed

    that all (alike) aircraft in a swathe, whether assigned to the backbone or the dispersed

    subtracks, follow the backbone track profile.

    Beyond the ANP database, which provides default information on procedural steps, the

    aircraft operators are the best source of reliable information, i.e. the procedures they use and

    the typical weights flown. For individual flights, the gold standard source is the aircraft

    flight data recorder (FDR) from which all relevant information can be obtained. But even ifsuch data are available, the pre-processing task is formidable. Thus, and in keeping with the

    necessary modelling economies, the normal practical solution is to make educated

    assumptions about mean weights and operating procedures.

    Caution must be exercised before adopting default procedural steps provided in the ANP

    database (customarily assumed when actual procedures are not known). These are

    standardised procedures that are widely followed but which may or may not be used by

    operators in particular cases. A major factor is the definition of take-off (and sometimes

    climb) engine thrust that can depend to an extent on prevailing circumstances. In particular, it

    is common practice to reduce thrust levels during departure (from maximum available) in

    order to extend engine life. Appendix B gives guidance on representing typical practice; thiswill generally produce more realistic contours than a full thrust assumption. However, if, for

    example, runways are short and/or average air temperatures are high, full thrust is likely to be

    a more realistic assumption.

    When modelling actual scenarios, improved accuracy can be achieved by using radar data to

    supplement or replace this nominal information. Flight profiles can be determined from radar

    data in a similar way to the lateral backbone tracks - but only after segregating the traffic by

    aircraft type and variant and sometimes by weight or stage length (but not by dispersion) - to

    yield for each sub-group a mean profile of height and speed against ground distance travelled.

    Again, when merging with the ground tracks subsequently, this single profile is normally

    assigned to the backbone and subtracks alike.Knowing the aircraft weight, the variation of speed and propulsive thrust can be calculated via

    step-by-step solution of the equations of motion. Before doing so it is helpful to pre-process

    the data to minimise the effects of radar errors which can make acceleration estimates

    unreliable. The first step in each case is to redefine the profile by fitting straight line

    segments to represent the relevant stages of flight; with each segment being appropriately

    classified; i.e. as a ground roll, constant speed climb or descent, thrust cutback, or

    acceleration/deceleration with or without flap change. The aircraft weight and
