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ECO CODE Brochure

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ECO Code Acest material a fost realizat cu finantare din partea Comisiei Europene. This material was made with U.E. financial support. Project made possible and funded by the Lifelong Learning Program of the European Comission. This material reflects only the author’s opinion and it doesn’t represent necessarily European Comission position.
Page 1: ECO CODE Brochure

ECO Code Acest material a fost realizat cu finantare din partea Comisiei Europene.

This material was made with U.E. financial support.

Project made possible and funded by the Lifelong Learning Program of the European Comission.

This material reflects only the author’s opinion and it doesn’t represent necessarily European Comission position.

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S. O .S.

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Children and sustainable development

The internationally accepted definition of sustainable development has been taken from the report entitled “Our

Common Future” by the World Commission on Environment and Development set up in 1987 and chaired by the former

Norwegian Prime Minister Gro Brundtland.

This report defined sustainable development as: “development which meets the needs of the present without com-

promising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”.

Sustainable development has a number of sides: an economic side, an ecological side, a socio-cultural side and a

time and space side. The first three stand for the three capitals : people, planet, profit.

For stimulate something like sustainable development is need to maintain a balance between people, planet and profit.

Sustainable development is not possible unless young people participate. We want young people to learn, to means

of the mutual gains method, to seek sustainable solution to problems. Helping young people to develop an outlook on life

to extends beyond themselves, their immediate environment and the time in which they live, is one of the ways to change


Young people are best reached within structured learning environments such as schools and clubs. And the impor-

tance does not consist of learning about sustainable development, but of learning to achieve sustainable development.

Did you hear what they said? They lack information and are tired of boring education. Children don’t want even

more books. They ‘re dying to experience something they can enjoy. The messenger is very important. Children don’t

feel that they are being involved and that’s why they don’t take any responsibility. Anyone who works with children

knows that you can reason with them about their behavior. If you point out little things that are recognizable from their

own lives, they are prepared to participate in finding solution. But we have to keep supplying them with knowledge. Re-

lating technology to the young people’s world and explaining how cradle to cradle works and what life cycle thinking is.

We must go on from there to include them, take them seriously and get them involved in making decisions. Children are

very receptive.

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Copiii si dezvoltarea durabila

Definiţia acceptată la nivel internaţional de dezvoltare durabilă a fost luată din raportul intitulat "Viitorul nostru comun", de către Comisia Mondială pentru Mediu şi Dezvoltare înfiinţat în 1987 şi prezidat de fostul prim-ministru norvegian Gro Brundtland. Acest raport a definit dezvoltarea durabilă ca: "dezvoltarea care satisface nevoile prezentului fără a compromite capacitatea generaţiilor viitoare de a-şi satisface propriile nevoi". Dezvoltarea durabilă are o serie de laturi: o latură economică, o latură ecologică, o parte socio-culturala şi o parte de timp şi spaţiu. Primele trei stau la baza celor trei capitaluri: oameni, planeta, profitul. Pentru a stimula ceva de genul dezvoltării durabile este necesara menţinerea unui echilibru între oameni, planetă şi profit. Dezvoltarea durabilă nu este posibilă fara participarea tinerilor. Vrem ca tinerii să înveţe, sa inteleaga metoda castigului reciproc , sa caute soluţii durabile la probleme. Sprijinirea tinerilor pentru a dezvolta o viziune despre viaţă, de a se extinde dincolo de ei înşişi, de mediul lor imediat şi timpul în care trăiesc, este una dintre modalităţile de a schimba societatea. Ajungem mai bine la capacitatea de intelegere a tinerilor în medii de învăţare structurată, cum ar fi şcoli şi cluburi si importanţa nu constă in a învăţa despre dezvoltarea durabilă, ci de a învăţa cum se real-izeaza o dezvoltare durabilă. Ai auzit ce au spus? Le lipseste informatia şi sunt obositi de o educatie plictisitoare. Copiii chiar nu doresc mai multe carti. Ei mor sa experimenteze ceva de care se pot bucura. Mesagerul este foarte impor-tant. Copiii nu simt că sunt implicati şi de aceea nu-si iau nici o responsabilitate. Oricine lucrează cu copii ştie că are posibilitatea să discute cu ei despre comportamentul lor. Dacă punctezi lucruri marunte care sunt uşor de recunoscut pentru propria lor viata, ei sunt pregătiţi să participe la găsirea de soluţii. Dar noi trebuie să ii aprovizionam cu cunoastere, conectand tehnologia la lumea tinerilor, explicand cum lucrurile se leaga in functionarea lor şi ce este ciclul vietii . Trebuie să continuam de aici sa ii includem, să ii luam în serios şi să ii implicam în luarea deciziilor. Copiii sunt foarte receptivi.

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Children and sustainable development

We need to expand the role of young people. Take it from the “family” to society. Education is an appropriate in-

strument to achieve this. But it needs to look and feel more like a family. We have managed this pretty well at primary

schools but in the early years of secondary education it’s back to square one. This changeover has been wrongly setup.

Education should bear more resemblance to real life. Then you would gain in areas such as health, nature and environ-

ment and discrimination.

Children lose interest due to the way in which they are expected to learn. Of course adolescence plays a role too, but you

can’t blame everything on that.

There are teachers who can see into the minds of their pupils. This is a timeless skill by means of which the mes-

sage leaves a lasting impression. The messenger is of crucial importance.

Most of the time children don’t pay any attention to sustainable development. They don’t think about it, but if you

explain to them what it’ s about, then they come up with examples and opinions. Children like stories and images. Their

memories consist of these things. This is how their brains work. Complicated concepts are lost of them. They find it diffi-

cult to discover connections. So, it’s really important to talk simply and clearly and provide illustration, preferably in the

form of stories and experiences.

Whether sustainable development as a theme puts down roots in the heads and hearts of children depends on per-

ception and on such stories. More and more primary schools are discovering the secret. By constantly providing children

with ideas and stories, by taking them on field trips, letting them see, touch, hear, smell and taste things, we cultivate a

feeling for sustainable development.

We get the feeling that they only listen to adults’ opinions. But you could invite children to all the environmental

things, ask them their ideas and then actually do something with them.

Sustainable development is not only a project, but must become part of the school’s curriculum – not in the form of

extra work, but by taking something out of curriculum and replacing it with sustainable development.

( after “ Many happy returns! Young people and sustainable development” , Provincie Noord-Brabant)

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Copiii si dezvoltarea durabila

Trebuie sa extindem rolul tinerilor de la "familie" spre societate. Educaţia este un instrument adecvat

pentru a realiza acest lucru. Dar ea trebuie sa arate si sa fie simtita ca o familie. Am reuşit acest lucru des-

tul de bine la şcolile primare, dar în primii ani de învăţământ secundar stagneaza. Această schimbare a fost

în mod eronat configurata. Educaţia ar trebui sa semene mai mult cu viaţa reală. Apoi, ai avea de castigat în

domenii cum ar fi sănătatea, natura şi mediul înconjurător şi discriminarea.

Copiii îşi pierd interesul, datorită modului în care se aşteaptă să înveţe. Desigur adolescenţa joacă si

ea un rol , dar nu poti da vina numai pe acest lucru.

Există profesori care pot vedea în mintea elevilor lor. Aceasta este o abilitate atemporala prin care me-

sajul lasă o impresie de durată. Mesagerul este de o importanţă crucială.

De cele mai multe ori, copiii nu acorda nici o atenţie dezvoltarii durabile. Ei nu se gândesc la asta, dar

dacă le explicaţi despre ce e vorba, ei vin cu exemple şi opinii. Copiilor le plac poveştile şi imag-

inile. Amintirile lor constau din aceste lucruri. Acesta este modul în care creierul lor functioneaza. Concepte

complicate sunt pierdute . Ei consideră că este dificil sa descopere conexiunile. Deci, este foarte important

sa vorbesti simplu şi clar, să furnizezi ilustratii, de preferinţă sub formă de poveşti şi experienţe.

Ca dezvoltarea durabilă ca temă sa prinda rădăcini în mintea şi inimile copiilor depinde de percepţie şi

de astfel de povesti. Din ce in ce mai multe şcoli descopera secretul. Prin furnizarea in mod constant cu idei

şi povestiri, luându-i în deplasări în teren, permiţându-le sa vada, sa atinga, sa auda, sa miroase si sa guste

lucrurile , le cultivăm un sentiment de dezvoltare durabilă.

Avem sentimentul că ei doar asculta opiniile adulţilor . Dar ati putea invita copiii la tot ce este legat de

mediu, să le cereţi parerile si sa le puneti in aplicare.

Dezvoltarea durabilă nu este doar un proiect, ci trebuie să devină parte a curriculum-ului şcolar - nu

sub formă de muncă suplimentară, ci eliminand ceva şi înlocuind cu dezvoltarea durabilă.

( din “ Many happy returns! Young people and sustainable development” , Provincie Noord-Brabant)

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*S.O.S switch off and save !

*Use water wisely, it’s way too precious to


*We’re going green, so we’ll keep our school clean !

* Bus it, bike it, walk it !

*We nurture, our nature!

Ballynure School, Northern Ireland

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Gather round one and all,

We’ve got to answer nature’s call. Try recycling it’s fantastic,

Reuse paper and bottles made of plastic. Not using a room? Then turn out the light,

And keep litter out of sight! Recycle if you have time to spare,

Let’s all pull together everybody everywhere. Don’t throw anything away,

Try to reuse it some other way. Turn old wellies into a plant pot,

You don’t think so? Why ever not!! Gather round one and all,

We’ve got to answer nature’s call.

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Inclusiveness Cooperation Teamwork (ICT)

in Greek (S.O.S)

RECYCLE ... Always in our minds but to reduce unnecessary consumption

Some simple things we can do to reduce our consumption

-Use shopping list and buy only what we need.

-Buy products that can be reused.

- Choose a product cleaners for your home to reduce waste containing hazardous substances.

-Carefully read the ingredients of the products we buy.

-Do not buy or avoid to buy products anyway.

-We buy non-toxic products whenever possible.

-We use alternative cleaning products like vinegar and lemon. To reduce the waste arriving at landfills

-Do not throw unaware.

- Rent, share and borrow rather than buy new things.

-We sell or give away to friends and neighbors that they are no longer useful.

-We make gifts and cards for our favorite place to buy.

-Plant vegetables and flowers in our garden to reduce packaging.

-Prefer packaging from recycled materials or recyclable packaging.

-Choose products packaged in an easy to use and consume them.

-Avoid goods with large and bulky packages

-Don’t buy disposable products.

-Buy products that last and have a long life.

-We carry our own bags when we go shopping. Some ideas to reuse things we have at home

-Mending clothes, toys and our devices

-Re-use old envelopes, paper sheets were used only on one side, empty plastic water bottles or soft drinks.

We send the incandescent bulbs in the past and use energy saving bulbs that consume 4-5 times less energy and last 8-12 years of

life while reducing electricity costs 10 euros a year per bulb.

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Codul micului ecologist Codul micului ecologist Codul micului ecologist Codul micului ecologist • Nu rupe niciodatǎ flori sau plante din mediul natural. • Ajutǎ ca voluntar la colectarea de deşeuri şi ocrotirea mediului înconjurǎtor.

• Mergi în excursii sau picnicuri în aer liber , adunǎ toate resturile şi du-le în locuri special amenajate. • Ocroteşte şi ajutǎ pǎsǎrile construidu-le cǎsuţe şi hrǎnindu-le pe perioada de iarnǎ. • Nu lǎsa televizorul , calculatorul sau telefonul în aşteptare şi scoate încǎrcǎtorul din

prizǎ dupǎ folosire. • Stinge lumina atunci când ieşi. • Nu rupe inutil foi din caiete. • Foloseşte ambele feţe ale colii de hârtie pentru a imprima ceva. • Mǎnâncǎ cât mai multe fructe şi legume proaspete. • Planteazǎ un pom , o floare în fiecare primǎvarǎ.

The Young Ecologist`s codeThe Young Ecologist`s codeThe Young Ecologist`s codeThe Young Ecologist`s code • Never pluck any flowers or plants from the natural environment. • Volunteer to help collecting waste and protect the environment. • When going to pick nicks or in a trip, make sure that the trash is where it belongs. • Protect the birds by building bird houses and feeding them during winter. • Don’t leave the TV, the PC or the phone in stand by and remove the recharger from

the socket after you used it. • Turn off the light when you get out. • Don't tear off spreadsheets from your notebook unless you really need

them. • When printing, use print on both sides option. • Eat as many fresh fruits and vegetables as possible. • Make sure to plant a tree or a flower each spring.

Scoala cu clasele I-VIII Rebricea, Romania

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Project Themes

1. Energy: • *S.O.S switch off and save ! (N. I.) • We send the incandescent bulbs in the past and use energy saving bulbs that

consume 4-5 times less energy and last 8-12 years of life while reducing electricity costs 10 euro a year per bulb. (G) • Not using a room? Then turn out the light (W) • Don’t leave the TV, the PC or the phone in stand by and remove the recharger

from the socket after you used it. (R)

2. Waste: • We’re going green, so we’ll keep our school clean (N.I.) • Re-use old envelopes, paper sheets were used only on one side, empty plastic water bottles or soft drinks. • Choose a product cleaners for your home to reduce waste containing hazardous substances. (G) • Try recycling it’s fantastic, Reuse paper and bottles made of plastic (W) • Volunteer to help collecting waste and protect the environment (R)

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1. Energia • S.O.S opriti si salvati! • Renuntati la becurile incandescente si folositi becuri ergonomice care consuma de 4-5 ori mai putina energie sip e parcursul a 8-12 ani reduc costurile la energie cu 10 euro pentru fiecare bec. • Nu folositi o camera? Atunci stingeti lumina. • Nu lasati televizorul, calculatorul sau telefonul in modul de asteptare si scoateti incarcatorul din priza dupa ce l-ati folosit.

2. Deseuri • Devenim ecologici, deci sa mentinem scoala curata! • Refoloseste copertile de plastic vechi, colile de hartie si sticlele goale de plastic. • Alege produse pentru curatenie care nu contin substante toxice. • Sa incerci sa reciclezi este fantastic Refoloseste hartia si sticlele facute din plastic. • Ofera-te ca voluntar sa ajuti la colectarea deseurilor si protejeaza mediul.

Page 13: ECO CODE Brochure

Project Themes 3. Litter: • Don't tear off spreadsheets from your notebook unless you really need them. • When printing, use print on both sides option. ( R ) • Keep litter out of sight! Recycle if you have time to spare, Let’s all pull together everybody everywhere ( W )

4. Water : • Use water wisely, it’s way too precious to waste (N.I.)

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3. Hartia

• Nu rupe coli din caiet, decat numai daca ai nevoie. • Cand listezi, foloseste ambele parti ale hartiei. Aduna hartia uzata si recicleaz-o daca ai timp! Sa incercam toti de pretutindeni sa ne implicam!

4. Apa • Foloseste apa cu intelepciune, este mult prea pretioasa pentru a fi


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Project Themes

5. Transport: • Bus it, bike it, walk it ! (N.I. ) • We carry our own bags when we go shopping. (G)

6. Healthy Food:

• Eat as many fresh fruits and vegetables as possible. ( R )

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5. Transport

• Mergi cu autobuzul, cu bicicleta sau pe jos! • Carati-va singuri sacosele cand faceti cumparaturi.

6. Hrana sanatoasa • Mancati cat mai multe fructe si legume.

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Project Themes

7. School Grounds: • Plant vegetables and flowers in our garden to reduce packaging. ( G ) • Don’t throw anything away, Try to reuse it some other way. Turn old wellies into a plant pot, You don’t think so? Why ever not!! (W) • Make sure to plant a tree or a flower each spring ( R )

8. Biodiversity: • *We nurture, our nature! ( N.I.) • Never pluck any flowers or plants from the natural environment. Protect the birds by building bird houses and feeding them during winter. (R)

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7. Terenuri scolare

• Plantati legume si flori in gradina voastra, pentru a reduce ambalarea lor. • Nu arunca nimic • Incearca sa refolosesti in alt fel

Transforma cizmele vechi in ghivece pentru flori. Nu crezi asta? De ce nu? Planteaza un copac sau o floare in fiecare primavara.

8. Biodiversitate • Noi hranim natura! • Nu rupeti flori sau plante din mediul inconjurator. • Protejeaza pasarile prin construirea de casute si hraneste-le pe durata iernii.

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It was once an old man and a old woman and old man had a girl and old woman another girl.It was once an old man and a old woman and old man had a girl and old woman another girl.It was once an old man and a old woman and old man had a girl and old woman another girl.It was once an old man and a old woman and old man had a girl and old woman another girl. Old woman's daughter was Old woman's daughter was Old woman's daughter was Old woman's daughter was ugly, lazy and bad.ugly, lazy and bad.ugly, lazy and bad.ugly, lazy and bad. But the old man's daughter was beautiful, hardworking and good.But the old man's daughter was beautiful, hardworking and good.But the old man's daughter was beautiful, hardworking and good.But the old man's daughter was beautiful, hardworking and good. Old woman and her daughter hated the Old woman and her daughter hated the Old woman and her daughter hated the Old woman and her daughter hated the old man’s daughter and asked her to work hard, scolded her all the time and always complained that she doesn’t work enough.old man’s daughter and asked her to work hard, scolded her all the time and always complained that she doesn’t work enough.old man’s daughter and asked her to work hard, scolded her all the time and always complained that she doesn’t work enough.old man’s daughter and asked her to work hard, scolded her all the time and always complained that she doesn’t work enough. Old man, weary of so much strife in the house, he asked his daughter to leave, although suffered from separation.Old man, weary of so much strife in the house, he asked his daughter to leave, although suffered from separation.Old man, weary of so much strife in the house, he asked his daughter to leave, although suffered from separation.Old man, weary of so much strife in the house, he asked his daughter to leave, although suffered from separation. He gave He gave He gave He gave good advice and blessed her and the girl left in tears, to seek a master for work and live.good advice and blessed her and the girl left in tears, to seek a master for work and live.good advice and blessed her and the girl left in tears, to seek a master for work and live.good advice and blessed her and the girl left in tears, to seek a master for work and live. She went one day and here, the way it showed a weak and sick puppy, who said:She went one day and here, the way it showed a weak and sick puppy, who said:She went one day and here, the way it showed a weak and sick puppy, who said:She went one day and here, the way it showed a weak and sick puppy, who said: ---- Beautiful and good girl, care of me and I might help you sometime. Beautiful and good girl, care of me and I might help you sometime. Beautiful and good girl, care of me and I might help you sometime. Beautiful and good girl, care of me and I might help you sometime. The girl washed it and fed it and walked on.The girl washed it and fed it and walked on.The girl washed it and fed it and walked on.The girl washed it and fed it and walked on. Along the way, she met a beautiful blossom apple tree, but full of caterpillars, which said:Along the way, she met a beautiful blossom apple tree, but full of caterpillars, which said:Along the way, she met a beautiful blossom apple tree, but full of caterpillars, which said:Along the way, she met a beautiful blossom apple tree, but full of caterpillars, which said: ---- Beautiful and good girl, clean me of caterpillars and I will ever be useful. Beautiful and good girl, clean me of caterpillars and I will ever be useful. Beautiful and good girl, clean me of caterpillars and I will ever be useful. Beautiful and good girl, clean me of caterpillars and I will ever be useful. And she cleared the tree from caterpillars and brushwood and she went on.And she cleared the tree from caterpillars and brushwood and she went on.And she cleared the tree from caterpillars and brushwood and she went on.And she cleared the tree from caterpillars and brushwood and she went on. Soon she met a well abandoned and full of mud that asked her:Soon she met a well abandoned and full of mud that asked her:Soon she met a well abandoned and full of mud that asked her:Soon she met a well abandoned and full of mud that asked her: ---- Beautiful and good girl, clean me of mud and I will ever be useful. Beautiful and good girl, clean me of mud and I will ever be useful. Beautiful and good girl, clean me of mud and I will ever be useful. Beautiful and good girl, clean me of mud and I will ever be useful. The girl cleaned well and she went on full of hope.The girl cleaned well and she went on full of hope.The girl cleaned well and she went on full of hope.The girl cleaned well and she went on full of hope. Soon she met a destroyed oven, who asked for help:Soon she met a destroyed oven, who asked for help:Soon she met a destroyed oven, who asked for help:Soon she met a destroyed oven, who asked for help: ---- Beautiful and good girl, repair and clean me and I will ever be useful. Beautiful and good girl, repair and clean me and I will ever be useful. Beautiful and good girl, repair and clean me and I will ever be useful. Beautiful and good girl, repair and clean me and I will ever be useful. And again, benevolent, she did what was asked.And again, benevolent, she did what was asked.And again, benevolent, she did what was asked.And again, benevolent, she did what was asked. After many days and nights away on deserted roads she came to a forest and saw a large beautiful meadow.After many days and nights away on deserted roads she came to a forest and saw a large beautiful meadow.After many days and nights away on deserted roads she came to a forest and saw a large beautiful meadow.After many days and nights away on deserted roads she came to a forest and saw a large beautiful meadow. And there And there And there And there was a clearing house.was a clearing house.was a clearing house.was a clearing house. From the house came an old woman who spoke to her gently:From the house came an old woman who spoke to her gently:From the house came an old woman who spoke to her gently:From the house came an old woman who spoke to her gently: ---- What are you doing here, child, and who are you? What are you doing here, child, and who are you? What are you doing here, child, and who are you? What are you doing here, child, and who are you?

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A fost odata un mosneag si o baba si mosneagul avea o fata si baba o alta fata. Fata babei era sluta, lenesa sir ea. Fata A fost odata un mosneag si o baba si mosneagul avea o fata si baba o alta fata. Fata babei era sluta, lenesa sir ea. Fata A fost odata un mosneag si o baba si mosneagul avea o fata si baba o alta fata. Fata babei era sluta, lenesa sir ea. Fata A fost odata un mosneag si o baba si mosneagul avea o fata si baba o alta fata. Fata babei era sluta, lenesa sir ea. Fata

mosneagului era insa frumoasa, harnica si buna. Baba si fata ei o urau pe fata mosneagului simosneagului era insa frumoasa, harnica si buna. Baba si fata ei o urau pe fata mosneagului simosneagului era insa frumoasa, harnica si buna. Baba si fata ei o urau pe fata mosneagului simosneagului era insa frumoasa, harnica si buna. Baba si fata ei o urau pe fata mosneagului si----i cereau sa munceasca din greu, o i cereau sa munceasca din greu, o i cereau sa munceasca din greu, o i cereau sa munceasca din greu, o certau tot timpul si se plangeau mereu ca nu face destul.certau tot timpul si se plangeau mereu ca nu face destul.certau tot timpul si se plangeau mereu ca nu face destul.certau tot timpul si se plangeau mereu ca nu face destul.

Mosneagul, satul de atata cearta in casa, ii ceru fetei sale sa plece, desi suferea din cauza despartirii. IMosneagul, satul de atata cearta in casa, ii ceru fetei sale sa plece, desi suferea din cauza despartirii. IMosneagul, satul de atata cearta in casa, ii ceru fetei sale sa plece, desi suferea din cauza despartirii. IMosneagul, satul de atata cearta in casa, ii ceru fetei sale sa plece, desi suferea din cauza despartirii. I----a dat sfaturi bune a dat sfaturi bune a dat sfaturi bune a dat sfaturi bune si a binecuvantatsi a binecuvantatsi a binecuvantatsi a binecuvantat----o si fata a plecat cu lacrimi in ochi, sao si fata a plecat cu lacrimi in ochi, sao si fata a plecat cu lacrimi in ochi, sao si fata a plecat cu lacrimi in ochi, sa----si caute un stapan la care sa munceasca si sa poata trai.si caute un stapan la care sa munceasca si sa poata trai.si caute un stapan la care sa munceasca si sa poata trai.si caute un stapan la care sa munceasca si sa poata trai.

A mers o zi si iata, in drum iA mers o zi si iata, in drum iA mers o zi si iata, in drum iA mers o zi si iata, in drum i----a aparut o catelusa slaba si bolnava, care ia aparut o catelusa slaba si bolnava, care ia aparut o catelusa slaba si bolnava, care ia aparut o catelusa slaba si bolnava, care i----a spus:a spus:a spus:a spus: ---- Fata frumoasa si buna, ingrijeste Fata frumoasa si buna, ingrijeste Fata frumoasa si buna, ingrijeste Fata frumoasa si buna, ingrijeste----ma sima sima sima si----ti voi fi si eu de folos vreodata.ti voi fi si eu de folos vreodata.ti voi fi si eu de folos vreodata.ti voi fi si eu de folos vreodata.

Fata a spalatFata a spalatFata a spalatFata a spalat----o si a hranito si a hranito si a hranito si a hranit----o si a mers mai departe.o si a mers mai departe.o si a mers mai departe.o si a mers mai departe. Pe drum, a intalnit un mar frumos inflorit, dar plin de omizi care iPe drum, a intalnit un mar frumos inflorit, dar plin de omizi care iPe drum, a intalnit un mar frumos inflorit, dar plin de omizi care iPe drum, a intalnit un mar frumos inflorit, dar plin de omizi care i----a spus:a spus:a spus:a spus:

---- Fata frumoasa si buna curata Fata frumoasa si buna curata Fata frumoasa si buna curata Fata frumoasa si buna curata----ma de omizi sima de omizi sima de omizi sima de omizi si----ti voi fi de folos vreodata.ti voi fi de folos vreodata.ti voi fi de folos vreodata.ti voi fi de folos vreodata. Si fata a curatat pomul de uscaturi si omizi si a mers mai departe. Si fata a curatat pomul de uscaturi si omizi si a mers mai departe. Si fata a curatat pomul de uscaturi si omizi si a mers mai departe. Si fata a curatat pomul de uscaturi si omizi si a mers mai departe. Curand a intalnit o fantana parasita si plina de noroi care sCurand a intalnit o fantana parasita si plina de noroi care sCurand a intalnit o fantana parasita si plina de noroi care sCurand a intalnit o fantana parasita si plina de noroi care s----a rugat de ea:a rugat de ea:a rugat de ea:a rugat de ea:

---- Fata frumoasa si buna, curata Fata frumoasa si buna, curata Fata frumoasa si buna, curata Fata frumoasa si buna, curata----ma de noroi sima de noroi sima de noroi sima de noroi si----ti voi fi si eu de folos vreodata.ti voi fi si eu de folos vreodata.ti voi fi si eu de folos vreodata.ti voi fi si eu de folos vreodata. Fata a curatat fantana si siFata a curatat fantana si siFata a curatat fantana si siFata a curatat fantana si si----a continuat drumul plina de speranta.a continuat drumul plina de speranta.a continuat drumul plina de speranta.a continuat drumul plina de speranta. Foarte curand a intalnit un cuptor daramat, care i Foarte curand a intalnit un cuptor daramat, care i Foarte curand a intalnit un cuptor daramat, care i Foarte curand a intalnit un cuptor daramat, care i----a cerut ajutorul:a cerut ajutorul:a cerut ajutorul:a cerut ajutorul:

---- Fata frumoasa si buna, repara Fata frumoasa si buna, repara Fata frumoasa si buna, repara Fata frumoasa si buna, repara----ma si curatama si curatama si curatama si curata----ma si iti voi fi de folos vreodata.ma si iti voi fi de folos vreodata.ma si iti voi fi de folos vreodata.ma si iti voi fi de folos vreodata. Si iarasi, binevoitoare, fata a facut ce i sSi iarasi, binevoitoare, fata a facut ce i sSi iarasi, binevoitoare, fata a facut ce i sSi iarasi, binevoitoare, fata a facut ce i s----a cerut.a cerut.a cerut.a cerut. Dupa multe zile si nopti de mers pe drumuri pustii a ajuns la o padure mare si a vazut o poiana foarte frumoasa. Si inDupa multe zile si nopti de mers pe drumuri pustii a ajuns la o padure mare si a vazut o poiana foarte frumoasa. Si inDupa multe zile si nopti de mers pe drumuri pustii a ajuns la o padure mare si a vazut o poiana foarte frumoasa. Si inDupa multe zile si nopti de mers pe drumuri pustii a ajuns la o padure mare si a vazut o poiana foarte frumoasa. Si in

poiana era o casuta. Din casuta a iesit o baba care ipoiana era o casuta. Din casuta a iesit o baba care ipoiana era o casuta. Din casuta a iesit o baba care ipoiana era o casuta. Din casuta a iesit o baba care i----a vorbit cu blandete:a vorbit cu blandete:a vorbit cu blandete:a vorbit cu blandete: ---- Ce cauti aici ,copila, si cine esti? Ce cauti aici ,copila, si cine esti? Ce cauti aici ,copila, si cine esti? Ce cauti aici ,copila, si cine esti?

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---- I am a poor and motherless girl, looking for work and shelter, said the girl. I am a poor and motherless girl, looking for work and shelter, said the girl. I am a poor and motherless girl, looking for work and shelter, said the girl. I am a poor and motherless girl, looking for work and shelter, said the girl. ---- You got better, said the old woman . You got better, said the old woman . You got better, said the old woman . You got better, said the old woman . I am Holy Sunday.I am Holy Sunday.I am Holy Sunday.I am Holy Sunday. Serve me today and you will not go without reward.Serve me today and you will not go without reward.Serve me today and you will not go without reward.Serve me today and you will not go without reward. ---- What job should I do? What job should I do? What job should I do? What job should I do? asked the girl happy.asked the girl happy.asked the girl happy.asked the girl happy. ----Wash my little children, feed them, make food and do housework.Wash my little children, feed them, make food and do housework.Wash my little children, feed them, make food and do housework.Wash my little children, feed them, make food and do housework. And Holy Sunday went to church. The girlAnd Holy Sunday went to church. The girlAnd Holy Sunday went to church. The girlAnd Holy Sunday went to church. The girl prepared water for washing and shouted:prepared water for washing and shouted:prepared water for washing and shouted:prepared water for washing and shouted: ---- Children, children come to mama! Children, children come to mama! Children, children come to mama! Children, children come to mama! And, suddenly, the courtyard was filled with dragons and wild animals big and small. But And, suddenly, the courtyard was filled with dragons and wild animals big and small. But And, suddenly, the courtyard was filled with dragons and wild animals big and small. But And, suddenly, the courtyard was filled with dragons and wild animals big and small. But the girl was not scared, she washed and fed them with love.the girl was not scared, she washed and fed them with love.the girl was not scared, she washed and fed them with love.the girl was not scared, she washed and fed them with love. Then she cooked for old woman and Then she cooked for old woman and Then she cooked for old woman and Then she cooked for old woman and cleaned the house.cleaned the house.cleaned the house.cleaned the house. When the old woman came back was very pleased.When the old woman came back was very pleased.When the old woman came back was very pleased.When the old woman came back was very pleased. ---- Go up in the attic, said to the girl, and pick a box, but don’t open it until you arrive at Go up in the attic, said to the girl, and pick a box, but don’t open it until you arrive at Go up in the attic, said to the girl, and pick a box, but don’t open it until you arrive at Go up in the attic, said to the girl, and pick a box, but don’t open it until you arrive at home.home.home.home. In the attic, she found several boxes.In the attic, she found several boxes.In the attic, she found several boxes.In the attic, she found several boxes. Some were large and beautifully decorated, others Some were large and beautifully decorated, others Some were large and beautifully decorated, others Some were large and beautifully decorated, others were small, old and ugly.were small, old and ugly.were small, old and ugly.were small, old and ugly. Because she was modest, she chose a small box, old and ugly.Because she was modest, she chose a small box, old and ugly.Because she was modest, she chose a small box, old and ugly.Because she was modest, she chose a small box, old and ugly. Holy Sunday blessed her and she started back towards home.Holy Sunday blessed her and she started back towards home.Holy Sunday blessed her and she started back towards home.Holy Sunday blessed her and she started back towards home. Along the way, surprise! She Along the way, surprise! She Along the way, surprise! She Along the way, surprise! She was expected by a warm oven with the pies, a clear water fountain, beautiful apple offered by was expected by a warm oven with the pies, a clear water fountain, beautiful apple offered by was expected by a warm oven with the pies, a clear water fountain, beautiful apple offered by was expected by a warm oven with the pies, a clear water fountain, beautiful apple offered by the apple tree and the puppy had a necklace of gold around it’s neck that gave to her.the apple tree and the puppy had a necklace of gold around it’s neck that gave to her.the apple tree and the puppy had a necklace of gold around it’s neck that gave to her.the apple tree and the puppy had a necklace of gold around it’s neck that gave to her. When she got home, her father was very happy.When she got home, her father was very happy.When she got home, her father was very happy.When she got home, her father was very happy. They opened the box together and from it came out countless riches: herds They opened the box together and from it came out countless riches: herds They opened the box together and from it came out countless riches: herds They opened the box together and from it came out countless riches: herds of horses, herds of cattle and flocks of sheep!of horses, herds of cattle and flocks of sheep!of horses, herds of cattle and flocks of sheep!of horses, herds of cattle and flocks of sheep! Old man was very happy, but his wife and her daughter died of spite.Old man was very happy, but his wife and her daughter died of spite.Old man was very happy, but his wife and her daughter died of spite.Old man was very happy, but his wife and her daughter died of spite. ---- Let me mother, to go and get you rich! Let me mother, to go and get you rich! Let me mother, to go and get you rich! Let me mother, to go and get you rich! shouted the angry old woman's daughter.shouted the angry old woman's daughter.shouted the angry old woman's daughter.shouted the angry old woman's daughter. And she departed on the same road.And she departed on the same road.And she departed on the same road.And she departed on the same road. She also met the sick and weak puppy, the apple full of caterpillars, the well filled She also met the sick and weak puppy, the apple full of caterpillars, the well filled She also met the sick and weak puppy, the apple full of caterpillars, the well filled She also met the sick and weak puppy, the apple full of caterpillars, the well filled with mud and the destroyed oven.with mud and the destroyed oven.with mud and the destroyed oven.with mud and the destroyed oven. But at their request to help, the old woman's daughter said: But at their request to help, the old woman's daughter said: But at their request to help, the old woman's daughter said: But at their request to help, the old woman's daughter said: ---- What? What? What? What? I soiled my hands with you?I soiled my hands with you?I soiled my hands with you?I soiled my hands with you? I am not your servant!I am not your servant!I am not your servant!I am not your servant! And she walked away without giving them attention.And she walked away without giving them attention.And she walked away without giving them attention.And she walked away without giving them attention.

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---- Sunt o fata saraca si fara mama, caut de lucru si adapost, a raspuns fata. Sunt o fata saraca si fara mama, caut de lucru si adapost, a raspuns fata. Sunt o fata saraca si fara mama, caut de lucru si adapost, a raspuns fata. Sunt o fata saraca si fara mama, caut de lucru si adapost, a raspuns fata. ---- Ai nimerit bine, i Ai nimerit bine, i Ai nimerit bine, i Ai nimerit bine, i----a spus baba. Eu sunt Sfanta Duminica. Slujeste la mine astazi si nu vei pleca fara rasplata.a spus baba. Eu sunt Sfanta Duminica. Slujeste la mine astazi si nu vei pleca fara rasplata.a spus baba. Eu sunt Sfanta Duminica. Slujeste la mine astazi si nu vei pleca fara rasplata.a spus baba. Eu sunt Sfanta Duminica. Slujeste la mine astazi si nu vei pleca fara rasplata. ---- Ce treaba am de facut ? a intrebat fata bucuroasa. Ce treaba am de facut ? a intrebat fata bucuroasa. Ce treaba am de facut ? a intrebat fata bucuroasa. Ce treaba am de facut ? a intrebat fata bucuroasa. ---- Sa Sa Sa Sa----mi speli copilasiii, sami speli copilasiii, sami speli copilasiii, sami speli copilasiii, sa----i hranesti, sa faci de mancare si sa faci curatenie in casa.i hranesti, sa faci de mancare si sa faci curatenie in casa.i hranesti, sa faci de mancare si sa faci curatenie in casa.i hranesti, sa faci de mancare si sa faci curatenie in casa. Si baba a plecat la biserica. Fata a pregatit apa de spalat si a strigat:Si baba a plecat la biserica. Fata a pregatit apa de spalat si a strigat:Si baba a plecat la biserica. Fata a pregatit apa de spalat si a strigat:Si baba a plecat la biserica. Fata a pregatit apa de spalat si a strigat: ---- Copii, copii veniti la mama! Copii, copii veniti la mama! Copii, copii veniti la mama! Copii, copii veniti la mama!

Si dintrSi dintrSi dintrSi dintr----o data curtea so data curtea so data curtea so data curtea s----a umplut de balauri si de jivine mari si mici. Dar fata nu sa umplut de balauri si de jivine mari si mici. Dar fata nu sa umplut de balauri si de jivine mari si mici. Dar fata nu sa umplut de balauri si de jivine mari si mici. Dar fata nu s----a speriat, a speriat, a speriat, a speriat, lelelele----a spalat si lea spalat si lea spalat si lea spalat si le----a hranit cu a hranit cu a hranit cu a hranit cu

dragoste. Apoi a pregatit mancaruri bune pentru baba si a curatat in casa. dragoste. Apoi a pregatit mancaruri bune pentru baba si a curatat in casa. dragoste. Apoi a pregatit mancaruri bune pentru baba si a curatat in casa. dragoste. Apoi a pregatit mancaruri bune pentru baba si a curatat in casa. Cand baba sCand baba sCand baba sCand baba s----a intors a fost foarte multumita.a intors a fost foarte multumita.a intors a fost foarte multumita.a intors a fost foarte multumita. ---- Urca Urca Urca Urca----te in pod, ite in pod, ite in pod, ite in pod, i----a spus fetei, si alegea spus fetei, si alegea spus fetei, si alegea spus fetei, si alege----ti o lada, dar nti o lada, dar nti o lada, dar nti o lada, dar n----o deschide pana acasa.o deschide pana acasa.o deschide pana acasa.o deschide pana acasa.

In pod, fata a gasit mai multe lazi. Unele erau mari si frumos impodobite, altele erau mici, In pod, fata a gasit mai multe lazi. Unele erau mari si frumos impodobite, altele erau mici, In pod, fata a gasit mai multe lazi. Unele erau mari si frumos impodobite, altele erau mici, In pod, fata a gasit mai multe lazi. Unele erau mari si frumos impodobite, altele erau mici, vechi si urate. Pentru ca era modesta, fata a ales o lada mica, veche si urata. vechi si urate. Pentru ca era modesta, fata a ales o lada mica, veche si urata. vechi si urate. Pentru ca era modesta, fata a ales o lada mica, veche si urata. vechi si urate. Pentru ca era modesta, fata a ales o lada mica, veche si urata. Baba a binecuvantatBaba a binecuvantatBaba a binecuvantatBaba a binecuvantat----o si fata a pornit inapoi spre casa. Pe drum, surpriza! Cuptorul o o si fata a pornit inapoi spre casa. Pe drum, surpriza! Cuptorul o o si fata a pornit inapoi spre casa. Pe drum, surpriza! Cuptorul o o si fata a pornit inapoi spre casa. Pe drum, surpriza! Cuptorul o astepta cu placinte calde, fantana avea apa limpede, marul iastepta cu placinte calde, fantana avea apa limpede, marul iastepta cu placinte calde, fantana avea apa limpede, marul iastepta cu placinte calde, fantana avea apa limpede, marul i----a oferit mere frumoase, iar catelusa a oferit mere frumoase, iar catelusa a oferit mere frumoase, iar catelusa a oferit mere frumoase, iar catelusa avea la gat un colier de aur pe care iavea la gat un colier de aur pe care iavea la gat un colier de aur pe care iavea la gat un colier de aur pe care i----la dat fetei. la dat fetei. la dat fetei. la dat fetei. Cand a ajuns acasa, tatal ei sCand a ajuns acasa, tatal ei sCand a ajuns acasa, tatal ei sCand a ajuns acasa, tatal ei s----a bucurat mult. Au deschis lada impreuna si din ea au iesit nenumarate bogatii: herghelii de a bucurat mult. Au deschis lada impreuna si din ea au iesit nenumarate bogatii: herghelii de a bucurat mult. Au deschis lada impreuna si din ea au iesit nenumarate bogatii: herghelii de a bucurat mult. Au deschis lada impreuna si din ea au iesit nenumarate bogatii: herghelii de cai, cirezi de vite si turme de oi! Mosneagul era tare fericit, dar nevasta lui si fata ei mureau de ciuda.cai, cirezi de vite si turme de oi! Mosneagul era tare fericit, dar nevasta lui si fata ei mureau de ciuda.cai, cirezi de vite si turme de oi! Mosneagul era tare fericit, dar nevasta lui si fata ei mureau de ciuda.cai, cirezi de vite si turme de oi! Mosneagul era tare fericit, dar nevasta lui si fata ei mureau de ciuda.

---- Lasa, mama, ma duc si eu sa Lasa, mama, ma duc si eu sa Lasa, mama, ma duc si eu sa Lasa, mama, ma duc si eu sa----ti aduc bogatii! a strigat furioasa fata babei.ti aduc bogatii! a strigat furioasa fata babei.ti aduc bogatii! a strigat furioasa fata babei.ti aduc bogatii! a strigat furioasa fata babei. Si a pornit pe acelasi drum. A intalnit si ea catelusa bolnava si slaba, marul plin de omizi, fantana plina de noroi si cuptoSi a pornit pe acelasi drum. A intalnit si ea catelusa bolnava si slaba, marul plin de omizi, fantana plina de noroi si cuptoSi a pornit pe acelasi drum. A intalnit si ea catelusa bolnava si slaba, marul plin de omizi, fantana plina de noroi si cuptoSi a pornit pe acelasi drum. A intalnit si ea catelusa bolnava si slaba, marul plin de omizi, fantana plina de noroi si cupto rul daramat. Dar la rugamintile lor de a le ajuta, fata babei a raspuns:rul daramat. Dar la rugamintile lor de a le ajuta, fata babei a raspuns:rul daramat. Dar la rugamintile lor de a le ajuta, fata babei a raspuns:rul daramat. Dar la rugamintile lor de a le ajuta, fata babei a raspuns:

---- Ce? Sa Ce? Sa Ce? Sa Ce? Sa----mi murdaresc eu mainile cu voi? Eu nu sunt sluga voastra!mi murdaresc eu mainile cu voi? Eu nu sunt sluga voastra!mi murdaresc eu mainile cu voi? Eu nu sunt sluga voastra!mi murdaresc eu mainile cu voi? Eu nu sunt sluga voastra!

Si a plecat mai departe fara sa le dea atentie.Si a plecat mai departe fara sa le dea atentie.Si a plecat mai departe fara sa le dea atentie.Si a plecat mai departe fara sa le dea atentie.

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She arrived at Holy Sunday and asked her for shelter and employment.She arrived at Holy Sunday and asked her for shelter and employment.She arrived at Holy Sunday and asked her for shelter and employment.She arrived at Holy Sunday and asked her for shelter and employment. But there she did not perform well.But there she did not perform well.But there she did not perform well.But there she did not perform well. She frightened She frightened She frightened She frightened

the animals and scalded them with boiling water, burned food, and the house was dirtier than ever.the animals and scalded them with boiling water, burned food, and the house was dirtier than ever.the animals and scalded them with boiling water, burned food, and the house was dirtier than ever.the animals and scalded them with boiling water, burned food, and the house was dirtier than ever. But Holy Sunday gently told her to choose also a reward box.But Holy Sunday gently told her to choose also a reward box.But Holy Sunday gently told her to choose also a reward box.But Holy Sunday gently told her to choose also a reward box. And the old woman's daughter, greedy, chose the largest And the old woman's daughter, greedy, chose the largest And the old woman's daughter, greedy, chose the largest And the old woman's daughter, greedy, chose the largest and most beautiful box.and most beautiful box.and most beautiful box.and most beautiful box. And she went back home.And she went back home.And she went back home.And she went back home. Along the way, the oven did not want to give her pies, well refused to give her water, apple raised branches she cannot Along the way, the oven did not want to give her pies, well refused to give her water, apple raised branches she cannot Along the way, the oven did not want to give her pies, well refused to give her water, apple raised branches she cannot Along the way, the oven did not want to give her pies, well refused to give her water, apple raised branches she cannot reach the fruits and the puppy bit her.reach the fruits and the puppy bit her.reach the fruits and the puppy bit her.reach the fruits and the puppy bit her. At home, old woman's daughter opened the box with his mother.At home, old woman's daughter opened the box with his mother.At home, old woman's daughter opened the box with his mother.At home, old woman's daughter opened the box with his mother. And suddenly,from the box came out a lot of dragonswho And suddenly,from the box came out a lot of dragonswho And suddenly,from the box came out a lot of dragonswho And suddenly,from the box came out a lot of dragonswho ate the old woman and her daughter.ate the old woman and her daughter.ate the old woman and her daughter.ate the old woman and her daughter. And the old man and his daughter remained happy and rich.And the old man and his daughter remained happy and rich.And the old man and his daughter remained happy and rich.And the old man and his daughter remained happy and rich. The girl married a good and diligent boy and life in their The girl married a good and diligent boy and life in their The girl married a good and diligent boy and life in their The girl married a good and diligent boy and life in their house was always happy.house was always happy.house was always happy.house was always happy.

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A ajuns la Sfanta Duminica si iA ajuns la Sfanta Duminica si iA ajuns la Sfanta Duminica si iA ajuns la Sfanta Duminica si i----a cerut adapost si loc de munca. Dar nici aici nu sa cerut adapost si loc de munca. Dar nici aici nu sa cerut adapost si loc de munca. Dar nici aici nu sa cerut adapost si loc de munca. Dar nici aici nu s----a comportat bine. A speriat animalele a comportat bine. A speriat animalele a comportat bine. A speriat animalele a comportat bine. A speriat animalele si lesi lesi lesi le----a oparit cu apa fierbinte, a ars mancarea, iar casa era mai murdara ca oricand.a oparit cu apa fierbinte, a ars mancarea, iar casa era mai murdara ca oricand.a oparit cu apa fierbinte, a ars mancarea, iar casa era mai murdara ca oricand.a oparit cu apa fierbinte, a ars mancarea, iar casa era mai murdara ca oricand. Sfanta Duminica iSfanta Duminica iSfanta Duminica iSfanta Duminica i----a spus insa cu blandete saa spus insa cu blandete saa spus insa cu blandete saa spus insa cu blandete sa----si aleaga si ea o lada ca rasplata. Si fata babei, lacoma a ales cea mai mare si si aleaga si ea o lada ca rasplata. Si fata babei, lacoma a ales cea mai mare si si aleaga si ea o lada ca rasplata. Si fata babei, lacoma a ales cea mai mare si si aleaga si ea o lada ca rasplata. Si fata babei, lacoma a ales cea mai mare si mai frumoasa lada. Si a plecat spre casa.mai frumoasa lada. Si a plecat spre casa.mai frumoasa lada. Si a plecat spre casa.mai frumoasa lada. Si a plecat spre casa. Pe drum, cuptorul nPe drum, cuptorul nPe drum, cuptorul nPe drum, cuptorul n----a vrut saa vrut saa vrut saa vrut sa----i dea placinte, fantana ni dea placinte, fantana ni dea placinte, fantana ni dea placinte, fantana n----a vrut saa vrut saa vrut saa vrut sa----i dea apa, marul sii dea apa, marul sii dea apa, marul sii dea apa, marul si----a ridicat crengile sa nu poata ajunge a ridicat crengile sa nu poata ajunge a ridicat crengile sa nu poata ajunge a ridicat crengile sa nu poata ajunge la fructe si catelusa a muscatla fructe si catelusa a muscatla fructe si catelusa a muscatla fructe si catelusa a muscat----o.o.o.o. Acasa, fata babei a deschis lada impreuna cu mama sa. Si dintrAcasa, fata babei a deschis lada impreuna cu mama sa. Si dintrAcasa, fata babei a deschis lada impreuna cu mama sa. Si dintrAcasa, fata babei a deschis lada impreuna cu mama sa. Si dintr----o data, din lada au iesit o multime de balauri care au man-o data, din lada au iesit o multime de balauri care au man-o data, din lada au iesit o multime de balauri care au man-o data, din lada au iesit o multime de balauri care au man-cat si pe baba si pe fata ei.cat si pe baba si pe fata ei.cat si pe baba si pe fata ei.cat si pe baba si pe fata ei. Iar mosneagul si fata lui au ramas fericiti si bogati. Fata sIar mosneagul si fata lui au ramas fericiti si bogati. Fata sIar mosneagul si fata lui au ramas fericiti si bogati. Fata sIar mosneagul si fata lui au ramas fericiti si bogati. Fata s----a maritat cu un baiat bun si harnic si in casa lor a fost mereu a maritat cu un baiat bun si harnic si in casa lor a fost mereu a maritat cu un baiat bun si harnic si in casa lor a fost mereu a maritat cu un baiat bun si harnic si in casa lor a fost mereu fericire. fericire. fericire. fericire.

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Global perspectiveGlobal perspectiveGlobal perspectiveGlobal perspective

Perspectiva globalaPerspectiva globalaPerspectiva globalaPerspectiva globala

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That’s what this little brochure purpose to do:

• To teach children simple things in a simple way, through their daily experience and activities;

• To offer them elementary rules about life prob-

lems discovered together;

• To make everything possible by games or sto-

ries; • To show them there are the same problems

anywhere in the world and the children every-

where can try to find solutions;

• To show we all are the same, children and grow up people and we can understand one each

other beyond space, culture, language because

we have something in common:


Aceasta brosura are scopul :

• Sa-i invete pe copii lucruri simple intr-un mod simplu, prin experienta si activitatile zilnice;

• Sa le ofere reguli elementare despre proble-

mele vietii descoperite impreuna;

• Sa faca totul posibil prin jocuri sau povesti;

• Sa le arate ca sunt aceleasi probleme peste tot in lume si copiii de pretutindeni pot incerca sa

gaseasca solutii;

• Sa arate ca noi toti suntem la fel, copii si adulti

si ca putem sa ne intelegem unul pe altul, din-colo de spatiu, cultura, limba, pentru ca toti

avem ceva in comun:


Page 27: ECO CODE Brochure
