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Econ 4960: Topics in Economics: Welfare Economics Spring Semester 2002 John S. Chipman READING LIST LEGEND: A Articles *On reserve in Wilson Library B Books Textbook Supplementary text C Collective works Articles in Packet A. ARTICLES Andel, Norbert. “Some Notes on Equating Private and Social Cost: Comment,” Southern Economic Journal, 33 (July 1966), 112. Aivazian, Varouj A., and Jerey L. Callen. “The Coase Theorem and the Empty Core,” Journal of Law and Economics, 24 (April 1981), 175—181. Arnott, Richard J. “Moral Hazard and Competitive Insurance Markets,” in Dionne (C-1992, 325— 358). Arnott, Richard, and Joseph E. Stiglitz. “The Welfare Economics of Moral Hazard,” in Louberg´ e (C-1990, 91—121). Arrow, Kenneth J. “A Diculty in the Concept of Social Welfare,” Journal of Political Economy, 58 (August 1950), 328—346. [Arrow & Scitovsky (*C-1969, 147—168); Arrow (C-1983a, 1—29).] . “An Extension of the Basic Theorems of Classical Welfare Economics,” in Proceedings of the Second Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability, Berkeley: Uni- versity of California Press, 1951, pp. 507—532. [Newman (C-1968, 365—390); Arrow (C-1983b, 13—45).] . “Economic Welfare and the Allocation of Resources for Invention,” in Nelson (C-1962, 609—625). [Arrow (*C-1970, 144—163); Arrow (C-1985a, 104—119).] . “Uncertainty and the Economics of Medical Care,” American Economic Review, 53 (De- cember 1963), 941—973. [Arrow (*C-1970, 177—219); Arrow (C-1985b, 15—50).] . “Criteria for Social Investment,” Water Resources Research, 1 (No. 1, 1965), 1—8. (a) [Arrow (C-1985a, 200—214).] 1
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Econ 4960: Topics in Economics: WelfareEconomics

Spring Semester 2002

John S. Chipman



A Articles *On reserve in Wilson LibraryB Books †Textbook ‡Supplementary textC Collective works ¶Articles in Packet


Andel, Norbert. “Some Notes on Equating Private and Social Cost: Comment,” Southern EconomicJournal, 33 (July 1966), 112.

Aivazian, Varouj A., and Jeffrey L. Callen. “The Coase Theorem and the Empty Core,” Journalof Law and Economics, 24 (April 1981), 175—181.

Arnott, Richard J. “Moral Hazard and Competitive Insurance Markets,” in Dionne (C-1992, 325—358).

Arnott, Richard, and Joseph E. Stiglitz. “The Welfare Economics of Moral Hazard,” in Louberge(C-1990, 91—121).

Arrow, Kenneth J. “A Difficulty in the Concept of Social Welfare,” Journal of Political Economy,58 (August 1950), 328—346. [Arrow & Scitovsky (*C-1969, 147—168); Arrow (C-1983a, 1—29).]

. “An Extension of the Basic Theorems of Classical Welfare Economics,” in Proceedingsof the Second Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability, Berkeley: Uni-versity of California Press, 1951, pp. 507—532. [Newman (C-1968, 365—390); Arrow (C-1983b,13—45).]

. “Economic Welfare and the Allocation of Resources for Invention,” in Nelson (C-1962,609—625). [Arrow (*C-1970, 144—163); Arrow (C-1985a, 104—119).]

. “Uncertainty and the Economics of Medical Care,” American Economic Review, 53 (De-cember 1963), 941—973. [Arrow (*C-1970, 177—219); Arrow (C-1985b, 15—50).]

¶ . “Criteria for Social Investment,” Water Resources Research, 1 (No. 1, 1965), 1—8. (a)[Arrow (C-1985a, 200—214).]


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. “Insurance, Risk and Resource Allocation,” in Arrow (B-1965, 45—56). (b) [Arrow (*C-1970, 134—143); Arrow (C-1984b, 77—86).]

. “Discounting and Public Investment Criteria,” in Kneese & Smith (*C-1966, 13—32).[Arrow (C-1985a, 215—235).]

. “The Economics of Moral Hazard: Further Comment,” American Economic Review, 58(June 1968), 537—539. [Arrow (*C-1970, 220—222); Arrow (C-1984b, 103—105).]

. “The Social Discount Rate,” in Somers & Wood (*C-1969, 56—75). [Arrow (C-1985a,382—400.]

. “Political and Economic Evaluation of Social Effects and Externalities,” in Margolis (*C-1970), 1—23. (a) Reprinted in Intriligator (C-1971, 3—25). Abridged version: “The Organizationof Economic Activity,” in Haveman & Margolis (*C-1970, 59—73). (b)

. “Optimal Insurance and Generalized Deductables,” Skandinavian Actuarial Journal, 1(1974), 1—42.

. “The Rate of Discount for Long-Term Public Investment,” in Ashley, Rudman & Whipple(*C-1976, 113—140). (a)

. “Welfare Analysis of Changes in Health Coinsurance Rates,” in Rosett (*C-1976, 2—23).[Arrow (C-1985b, 234—254).] (b)

. “The Property Rights Doctrine and Demand Revelation under Incomplete Information,”in Boskin (*C-1979, 23—39). [Arrow (C-1984b, 216—232).]

. “The Rate of Discount on Public Investments with Imperfect Capital Markets,” in Lind(*C-1982, 115—136).

¶Arrow, Kenneth J., and Anthony C. Fisher. “Environmental Preservation, Uncertainty, and Ir-reversibility,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 88 (May 1974), 312—319. [Arrow (C-1985,165—173).]

Arrow, Kenneth J., and Robert C. Lind. “Uncertainty and the Evaluation of Public InvestmentDecisions,” American Economic Review, 60 (June 1970), 364—378. [Arrow (*C-1970, 239—266);Arrow (C-1985a, 418—439); Layard (*C-1972, 335—369).]

. “Uncertainty and the Evaluation of Public Investment Decisions: Reply,” AmericanEconomic Review, 62 (June 1972), 171—172. [Arrow (C-1985a, 440—442.]

Auten, Gerald E. “The Problem of Social Cost: Fifteen Years Later: Discussion,” in: Lin (*C-1976),37—40.

Barone, Enrico. “The Ministry of Production in the Collectivist State,” in Hayek (C-1935, 245—290). [Newman (C-1968, 319—364).] [Translated from the Italian, “Il ministro della produzionenello stato colletivista,” Giornale degli Economisti [2], 37 (August, October 1908), 267—293.]

Barro, Robert, “Are Government Bonds Net Wealth?” Journal of Political Economy, 82 (Novem-ber-December 1974), 1095—1117.

Barzel, Yoram. “Optimal Timing of Innovations,” Review of Economics and Statistics, 50 (August1968), 248—355.

Bator, Francis. “The Simple Analytics of Welfare Maximization,” American Economic Review, 47(March 1957), 22—59.


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. “The Anatomy of Market Failure,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 72 (August 1958),351—379.

Baumol, William J. “On the Social Rate of Discount,” American Economic Review, 58 (September1968), 788—802.

. “On the Discount Rate for Public Projects,” in *Haveman & Margolis (C-1970, 273—290).

. “On Taxation and the Control of Externalities,” American Economic Review, 62 (June1972), 307—322.

Baumol, William J., and David F. Bradford. “Optimal Departures from Marginal Cost Pricing,”American Economic Review, 60 (June 1970), 265—283.

. “Detrimental Externalities and Non-Convexity of the Production Set,” Economica, N.S.,39 (May 1972), 160—176.

Bergson, Abram. “A Reformulation of Certain Aspects of Welfare Economics,” Quarterly Journalof Economics, 52 (February 1938), 310—334. [Arrow & Scitovsky (*C-1969, 7—25); Bergson(*C-1966, 3—26).]

. “On Monopoly Welfare Losses,” American Economic Review, 63 (December 1973), 853—870.

. “On Monopoly Welfare Losses: Reply,” American Economic Review, 65 (December 1975),1024—1031.

Block, Walter. “Coase and Demsetz on Private Property Rights,” Journal of Libertarian Studies,1 (Spring 1977), 111—116.

Boskin, Michael J., and Michael D. Hurd. “Indexing Social Security Benefits: A Separate PriceIndex for the Elderly?” Public Finance Quarterly, 13 (October 1985), 436—449.

¶Bowen, Howard R. “The Interpretation of Voting in the Allocation of Economic Resources,” Quar-terly Journal of Economics, 58 (November 1943), 27—48. [Arrow & Scitovsky (*C-1969, 115—132).]

Bramhall, David F., and Edwin S. Mills. “A Note on the Asymmetry between Fees and Payments,”Water Resources Research, 2 (No. 3, 1966), 615—616.

¶Bromley, Daniel W. “Externalities, Extortion, and Efficiency: Comment,” American EconomicReview, 68 (September 1978), 730—735.

Buchanan, James M. “Politics, Policy, and the Pigovian Margins,” Economica, N.S., 29 (February1962), 17—28.

. “Confessions of a Burden Monger,” Journal of Political Economy, 72 (October 1964),486—488.

. “An Economic Theory of Clubs,” Economica, N.S., 32 (February 1965), 1—14.

. “Joint Supply, Externality and Optimality,” Economica, N.S., 33 (November 1966), 404—415.

. “External Economies, Corrective Taxes, and Market Structure”, American EconomicReview, 59 (March 1969), 174—177.


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. “The Institutional Structure of Externality,” Public Choice, 14 (Spring 1973), 69—82.

. “The Coase Theorem and the Theory of the State,” Natural Resources Journal , 13(October 1973), 579—594.

. “Good Economics–Bad Law,” Virginia Law Review, 60 (1974), 483—492.

. “Barro on the Ricardian Equivalence Theorem,” Journal of Political Economy, 84 (April1976), 337—342.

. “Market Failure and Political Failure”, Cato Journal 8 (Spring-Summer 1988), 1—13.

Buchanan, James M., and Wm. Craig Stubblebine. “Externality,” Economica, N.S., 29 (November1962), 371—384. [Arrow & Scitovsky (*C-1969, 199—212).]

. “Pareto-Optimality and Gains-from-Trade: A Comment”, Economica, N.S., 39 (May1972), 203—204.

Byerlee, D. R. “Option Demand and Consumer Surplus,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 85(August 1971), 523—527.

Calabresi, Guido. “The Decision for Accidents: An Approach to Nonfault Allocation of Costs,”Harvard Law Review, 78 (1965), 713—730.

¶ . “Transaction Costs, Resource Allocation and Liability Rules–A Comment,” Journal ofLaw and Economics, 11 (April 1968), 67—73.

Calabresi, Guido and A. Douglas Melamed, “Property Rules, Liability Rules and Inalienability:One View of the Cathedral,” Harvard Law Review, 85 (April 1972), 1089—1128.

Carson, Richard. “On Monopoly Welfare Losses: Comment,” American Economic Review, 65(December 1975), 1008—1114.

Chipman, John S. “External Economies of Scale and Competitive Equilibrium,” Quarterly Journalof Economics, 84 (August 1970), 347—385. [Buchanan & Yoon (C-1994, 121—166).]

. “Samuelson and Welfare Economics,” in Feiwel (C-1982, 152—184).

. “The Theory and Measurement of Income Distribution,” Basmann & Rhodes (C-1985,135—165).

. “Compensation Principle,” in Eatwell et al. (C-1987, Vol. 1, 524—531).

. “Hicksian Welfare Economics,” in Hagemann & Hamouda (*C-1994, 96—146).

Chipman, John S., and James C. Moore. “The Scope of Consumer’s Surplus Arguments,” in Tanget al. (C-1976, 69—123). (a)

. “Why an Increase in GNP Need Not Imply an Improvement in Potential Welfare,” Kyklos,29 (Fasc. 3, 1976), 391—418. (b)

¶ . “The New Welfare Economics, 1939—1974,” International Economic Review, 19 (October1978), 547—584.

. “Compensating Variation, Consumer’s Surplus, and Welfare,” American Economic Re-view, 70 (December 1980), 933—949.


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Cicchetti, Charles J., and Myrick Freeman III. “Option Demand and Consumer Surplus: FurtherComment.” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 85 (August 1971), 528—539.

¶Clark, Colin W. and Gordon R. Munro. “Renewable Resources as Natural Capital: The Fishery.”In Jansson et al. (1994), 343—361.

Coase, Ronald H. “The Nature of the Firm.” Economica, N.S., 4 (November 1937), 386—405. InCoase (*C-1988), 33—55.

. “The Problem of Social Cost.” Journal of Law and Economics, 3 (October 1960), 1—44.In Coase (*C-1988), 95—156.

. “The Coase Theorem and the Empty Core: A Comment,” Journal of Law and Economics,24 (April 1981), 183—187.

. “Notes on the Problem of Social Cost,” in Coase (*C-1988, 157—185).

Coelho, Philip R. P. “Externalities, Separability, and Resource Allocation: Comment,” AmericanEconomic Review, 65 (September 1975), 721—723.

Cooter, Robert D. “How the Law Circumvents Starrett’s Nonconvexity,” Journal of EconomicTheory, 22 (June 1980), 499—504.

Cooter, Robert D. “The Cost of Coase,” Journal of Legal Studies, 11 (January 1982), 1—33.

Cowling, Keith, and Dennis C. Mueller. “The Social Costs of Monopoly Power,” Economic Journal,88 (December 1978), 727—748. [Buchanan, Tollison, & Tullock (*C-1980, 125—152).]

Crew, Michael. “Coinsurance and the Welfare Economics of Medical Care,” American EconomicReview, 59 (December 1969), 906—908.

Crew, M. A., and C. K. Rowley. “On Allocative Efficiency, X-Efficiency and the Measurement ofWelfare Loss,” Economica, N.S., 38 (May 1971), 199—203.

Daly, George. “The Coase Theorem: Assumptions, Applications and Ambiguities”, EconomicInquiry, 12 (June 1974), 203—213.

Daly, George and J. Fred Giertz. “Externalities, Extortion, and Efficiency,” American EconomicReview, 65 (December 1975), 997—1001.

. “Externalities, Extortion, and Efficiency: Reply,” American Economic Review, 68 (Sep-tember 1978), 736—738.

Dasgupta, Partha, and Joseph Stiglitz, “Benefit-Cost Analysis and Trade Policies,” Journal ofPolitical Economy, 82 (January-February 1974), 1—33.

Davis, Otto A. and Andrew B. Whinston. “Externalities, Welfare, and the Theory of Games,”Journal of Political Economy, 70 (June 1962), 241—262.

. “Some Notes on Equating Private and Social Cost,” Southern Economic Journal, 32(October 1965), 113—126.

. “On Externalities, Information and the Government-Assisted Invisible Hand,” Economica,N.S., 33 (August 1966), 303—318.

. “On the Distinction between Public and Private Goods,” American Economic Review,Papers and Proceedings, 57 (May 1967), 360—373.


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Debreu, Gerard. “Valuation Equilibrium and Pareto Optimum,” Proceedings of the National Acad-emy of Sciences, 40 (1954), 588—592. [Arrow & Scitovsky (*C-1969, 39—45).]

Demsetz, Harold. “The Exchange and Enforcement of Property Rights,” Journal of Law andEconomics, 7 (October 1964), 11—26.

. “Some Aspects of Property Rights,” Journal of Law and Economics, 9 (October 1966),61—70.

. “Toward a Theory of Property Rights,” American Economic Review, Papers and Pro-ceedings, 57 (May 1967), 347—359.

¶ . “Information and Efficiency: Another Viewpoint,” Journal of Law and Economics, 12(April 1969), 1—22.

. “On Extortion: A Reply,” American Economic Review, 68 (June 1978), 417—418.

Diamond, Peter. “The Opportunity Costs of Public Investment: Comment,” Quarterly Journal ofEconomics, 82 (November 1968), 682—688.

Diamond, Peter, and James Mirrles. “Optimal Taxation and Public Production,” Parts I and II,American Economic Review, 61 (March, June 1971), 8—27, 261—278.

¶Dick, Daniel T. “The Voluntary Approach to Externality Problems: A Survey of the Critics,”Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2 (1976), 185—195.

Diewert, W. E. “The Economic Theory of Index Numbers: A Survey,” in Deaton (*C-1981, 163—208).

. “The Theory of the Cost-of-Living Index and the Measurement of Welfare Change,” inDiewert & Montmarquette (C-1983, 163—233), and in Diewert (*C-1990, 79—147).

¶Dolbear, F. Trenery, Jr. “On the Theory of Optimum Externality,” American Economic Review,57 (March 1967), 90—103.

. “On the Theory of Optimum Externality: Reply,” American Economic Review, 58 (June1968), 529—531.

. “Externalities as Commodities: Comment,” American Economic Review, 64 (June 1974),451—453.

Dupuit, Jules. “On the Measurement of the Utility of Public Works,” in International EconomicPapers (C-1952, 83—110). [Arrow & Scitovsky (*C-1969), 255—283.] [Translated from theFrench, “De la mesure de l’utilite des travaux publics,” Annales des Ponts et Chaussees,Memoires et documents relatifs a l’art des constructions et au service de l’ingenieur [2] 8, (2e

semestre, 1844), 332—375, and Planche 75: Figs. 1—4.]

Eckstein, Otto. “Investment Criteria for Economic Development and the Theory of IntertemporalWelfare Economics,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 71 (February 1957), 56—85.

. “A Survey of the Theory of Public Expenditure Criteria,” in Buchanan (*C-1961, 439—494).

Feldstein, Martin S. “The Social Time Preference Discount Rate in Cost-Benefit Analysis,” Eco-nomic Journal, 74 (June 1964), 360—379. [Layard (*C-1972, 246—269).]

. “The Derivation of Social Time Preference Rates,” Kyklos, 8 (Fasc. 2, 1965), 277—286.


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Fisher, Anthony C. “Environmental Externalities and the Arrow-Lind Public Investment Theorem,”American Economic Review, 63 (September 1973), 722—725.

Foley, Duncan K. “Resource Allocation and the Public Sector,” Yale Economic Essays, 7 (No. 1,1967), 45—98.

Frech, H. E., III. “Pricing of Pollution: The Coase Theorem in the Long Run,” The Bell Journalof Economics and Management Science, 4 (Spring 1973), 316—319.

. “The Extended Coase Theorem and Long-Run Equilibrium: The Nonequivalence ofLiability Rules and Property Rights,” Economic Inquiry, 17 (April 1979), 254—268.

Freeman, A. Myrick, III. “Bribes and Charges: Some Comments,” Water Resources Research, 3(No. 1, 1967), 287—288.

. “Distribution of Environmental Quality,” in Kneese & Bower (C-1971, 243—278).

Frisch, Ragnar. “The Dupuit Taxation Theorem,” Econometrica, 7 (April 1939), 145—150, 156—157.

Furubotn, Eirik G., and Svetozar Pejovich. “Property Rights and Economic Theory: A Survey ofRecent Literature,” Journal of Economic Literature, 10 (December 1972), 1137—1162.

¶Gifford, Adam, Jr. “Externalities and the Coase Theorem: A Graphical Analysis,” QuarterlyReview of Economics and Business, 14 (Winter 1974), 7—21.

¶Gifford, Adam, Jr. and Courtenay C. Stone. “Externalities, Liability and the Coase Theorem: AMathematical Analysis,” Western Economic Journal, 11 (September 1973), 260—269.

. “Externalities, Separability, and Resource Allocation: Comment,” American EconomicReview, 65 (September 1975), 724—727.

Goetz, Charles J. and James M. Buchanan. “External Diseconomies in Competitive Supply,”American Economic Review, 61 (December 1971), 883—890.

Goldberg, Victor. “Towards an Expanded Economic Theory of Contract,” Journal of EconomicIssues, 10 (March 1976), 45—61.

. “Pigou on Complex Contracts and Welfare Economics,” Research in Law and Economics,3 (February 1981), 39—51.

Gollier, Christian. “Economic Theory of Risk Exchanges: A Review,” in Dionne (C-1992), 3—23.

Gollier, Christian, and Harris Schlesinger. “Arrow’s Theorem on the Optimality of Deductables:A Stochastic Dominance Approach,” Economic Theory, 7 (No. 2, 1966), 359—363.

¶Gordon, H. Scott. “The Economic Theory of a Common Property Resource,” Journal of PoliticalEconomy, 62 (April 1954), 124—142.

Gould, J. R. “Total Conditions in the Analysis of External Effects,” Economic Journal, 87 (Sep-tember 1977), 558—564.

Greenley, Douglas A., Richard G. Walsh, and Robert A. Young. “Option Value: Empirical Evidencefrom a Case Study of Recreation and Water Quality,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 96(November 1981), 657—673.

Greenwood, Peter, Charles Ingene, and James Horsfield. “Externalities, Separability, and ResourceAllocation: Comment,” American Economic Review, 65 (September 1975), 728—729.


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Griliches, Zvi. “Research Costs and Social Returns: Hybrid Corn and Related Innovations,” Jour-nal of Political Economy, 66 (October 1958), 419—431.

Harberger, Arnold C. “Monopoly and Resource Allocation,” American Economic Review, Papersand Proceedings, 44 (May 1954), 77—87. [Harberger (*C-1974, 91—101).]

. “Using the Resources at Hand More Effectively,” American Economic Review, Papersand Proceedings, 49 (May 1959), 134—146. [Harberger (*C-1974, 108—119).]

. “The Measurement of Waste,” American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, 54(May 1964), 58—76. [Harberger (*C-1974, 69—85).]

. “Techniques of Project Appraisal,” in Millikan (C-1967), 131—149. [Harberger (C-1972,1—21).]

. “Professor Arrow on the Social Discount Rate,” in Somers & Wood (*C-1969, 76—88).[Extracts in Harberger (C-1972, 123—131); Layard (*C-1972, 303—310).]

. “Three Basic Postulates for Applied Welfare Economics: An Interpretive Essay,” Journalof Economic Literature, 9 (September 1971), 785—797. [Harberger (*C-1974, 5—20).]

Harsanyi, John C. “Cardinal Welfare, Individualistic Ethics, and Interpersonal Comparisons ofUtility,” Journal of Political Economy, 63 (August 1955), 309—321. [Arrow & Scitovsky (*C-1969, 46—60).]

Hause, John C. “Comment on ‘How to Make a Burden of the Public Debt’,” Journal of PoliticalEconomy, 72 (October 1964), 489-490.

Hayek, Friedrich A. von. “Utility Analysis and Interest,” Economic Journal, 46 (March 1936),44—60.

Heal, Geoffrey M. “The Optimal Use of Exhaustible Resources.” In Kneese and Sweeney (*C-1993),855—880.

Hicks, J[ohn] R. “The Foundations of Welfare Economics,” Economic Journal, 49 (December 1939),696—713. [Hicks (*C-1981, 60—77).]

. “The Valuation of the Social Income,” Economica, N.S., 7 (May 1940), 105—124. [Hicks(*C-1981, 78—96).]

. “The Rehabilitation of Consumers’ Surplus,” Review of Economic Studies, 8 (February1941), 108—116. [Hicks (*C-1981, 100—113); Arrow & Scitovsky (*C-1969, 325—335).]

. “Consumers’ Surplus and Index-Numbers’, Review of Economic Studies, 9 (Summer 1942),126—137.

. “The Four Consumer’s Surpluses,” Review of Economic Studies, 11 (Winter 1943), 31—41. [Revised version, merged with Hicks (A-1942) and Hicks (A-1946), in Hicks (*C-1981,114—132).]

. “The Generalized Theory of Consumer’s Surplus,” Review of Economic Studies, 13 No.2, 1946), 68—74.

. “The Measurement of Real Income,” Oxford Economic Papers, N.S., 10 (June 1958),125—162. [Hicks (*C-1981, 142—183).]


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. “The Scope and Status of Welfare Economics,” Oxford Economic Papers, N.S., 27 (No-vember 1975), 307—326. [Hicks (*C-1981, 218—239).]

Hirshleifer, Jack. “On the Theory of the Optimal Investment Decision,” Journal of Political Econ-omy, 66 (August 1958), 329—352.

. “Efficient Allocation of Capital in an Uncertain World,” American Economic Review,Papers and Proceedings, 54 (May 1964), 77—85.

. “Investment Decisions Under Uncertainty: Choice-Theoretic Approaches,” QuarterlyJournal of Economics, 79 (November 1965), 509—536.

. “Investment Decisions Under Uncertainty: Applications of the State-Preference Ap-proach,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 80 (May 1966), 252—277.

Hirshleifer, Jack, and David L. Shapiro. ““The Treatment of Risk and Uncertainty,” in Haveman& Margolis (*C-1970, 291—313.)

Holtermann, Sally E. “Externalities and Public Goods,” Economica, N.S. (February 1972), 39,78—87.

¶Hotelling, Harold. “The Economics of Exhaustible Resources,” Journal of Political Economy, 39(April 1931), 137—175.

. “The General Welfare in Relation to Problems of Taxation and of Railway and UtilityRates,” Econometrica, 6 (July 1938), 242—269. [Arrow & Scitovsky (*C-1969, 284—308).]

¶Hurwicz, Leonid. “What is the Coase Theorem?” Japan and the World Economy, 7 (No. 1, 1995),49—74.

James, Estelle. “On the Social Rate of Discount: Comment,” American Economic Review, 59(December 1969), 912—916.

¶Johansen, Leif. “Some Notes on the Lindahl Theory of Determination of Public Expenditures,”International Economic Review, 4 (September 1963), 346—358.

Kaldor, Nicholas. “Welfare Propositions in Economics and Interpersonal Comparisons of Utility,”Economic Journal, 49 (September 1939), 549—552. [Arrow & Scitovsky (*C-1969, 387—389).]

Kamien, Morton I., Nancy L. Schwarz, and F. Trenery Dolbear, Jr. “Asymmetry between Bribesand Charges,” Water Resources Research, 2 (No. 1, 1966), 147—157.

Kamerschen, D. R. “An Estimation of the Welfare Losses from Monopoly in the American Econ-omy,” Western Economic Journal, 4 (Summer 1966), 221—236.

Kemp, Murray C. “The Gain from International Trade,” Economic Journal, 72 (December 1962),803—819.

Kenen, Peter B. “On the Geometry of Welfare Economics,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 71(August 1957), 426—447.

Kneese, Allen V., and Karl-Goran Maler. “Bribes and Charges in Pollution Control: An Aspect ofthe Coase Controversy,” Natural Resources Journal, 13 (October 1973), 705—716.

Knight, Frank H. “Some Fallacies in the Interpretation of Social Cost,” Quarterly Journal of Eco-nomics, 38 (August 1924), 582—606. [Arrow & Scitovsky (*C-1969, 213—227).]


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Krueger, Anne O. “The Political Economy of the Rent-Seeking Society,” American Economic Re-view, 64 (June 1974), 291—303. [Buchanan, Tollison, & Tullock (*C-1980, 51—70).]

¶Krutilla, John V. “Conservation Reconsidered,” American Economic Review, 57 (September 1967),777—786.

Lange, Oskar. “On the Economic Theory of Socialism,” Review of Economic Studies, 4 (October1936, February 1937), 53—71, 123—142. [Lippincott (C-1938, 57—143).]

. “The Foundations of Welfare Economics,” Econometrica, 10 (July-October 1942), 215—228. [Arrow & Scitovsky (*C-1969, 26—38).]

Layard, Richard. “Introduction,” in Layard (*C-1972, 9—70).

Leff, Arthur Allen. “Economic Analysis of Law: Some Realism about Nominalism,” Virginia LawReview, 60 (1974), 451—482.

Leibenstein, Harvey. “Allocative Efficiency vs. ‘X-Efficiency’,” American Economic Review, 56(June 1966), 392—415.

Lerner, Abba P. “Consumer Surplus and Micro-Macro,” Journal of Political Economy, 71 (February1963), 76—81.

. “On Optimal Taxes With an Untaxable Sector,” American Economic Review, 60 (June1970), 284—294.

Lind, Robert C. “The Social Rate of Discount and the Optimal Rate of Investment: FurtherComment,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 78 (May 1964), 336—345.

Lindahl, Erik. “Just Taxation–A Positive Solution,” in Musgrave & Peacock (*C-1958, 168—176).[Translated from the German, Die Gerechtigheit der Besteuerung (Lund: Gleerup, 1919), Part1, Chapter 4, “Positive Losung,,” pp. 85—98.]

. “Some Controversial Questions in the Theory of Taxation,” in Musgrave & Peacock (*C-1958, 214—232). [Translated from the German, “Eine strittige Fragen der Steuertheorie,” inHans Mayer (editor), Die Wirtschaftstheorie der Gegenwart, Vol. IV, Vienna, 1928, pp. 282—304.]

Lindsay, Cotton M. “Option Demand and Consumer Surplus,” Quarterly Journal of Economics,83 (May 1969), 344—346.

Lipsey, Richard G., and Kelvin Lancaster. “The General Theory of Second Best,” Review ofEconomic Studies, 24 (No. 1, 1956), 11—32.

Long, Millard F. “Collective-Consumption Services of Individual-Consumption Goods: Comment,”Quarterly Journal of Economics, 81 (May 1967), 351—352.

Lorenz, M. O. “Methods of Measuring the Concentration of Wealth,” Quarterly Publications of theAmerican Statistical Association, N.S., 9 (June 1905), 209—219.

Marchand, James R., and Keith P. Russell. “Externalities, Liability, Separability, and ResourceAllocation,” American Economic Review, 63 (September 1973), 611—620.

. “Externalities, Liability, Separability, and Resource Allocation: Reply,” American Eco-nomic Review, 65 (September 1975), 730—732.


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McKean, Roland N. “The Use of Shadow Prices,” in Chase (C-1968, 33—65). [Layard (*C-1972,119—139).]

. “Products Liability: Implications of some Changing Property Rights,” Quarterly Journalof Economics, 84 (November 1970), 611—626.

McKean, Roland N., and John H. Moore. “Uncertainty and the Evaluation of Public InvestmentDecisions: Comment,” American Economic Review, 62 (March 1972), 165—167.

Marglin, Stephen A. “Objectives of Water-Resource Development: A General Statement,” in Maass(C-1962, 17—87). (a)

. “Economic Factors Affecting System Design,” in Maass (C-1962, 159—225). (b)

. “The Social Rate of Discount and the Optimal Rate of Investment,” Quarterly Journalof Economics, 77 (February 1963), 95—111. (a)

. “The Opportunity Costs of Public Investment,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 77 (May1963), 274—289. (b)

Meade, James Edward. “External Economies and Diseconomies in a Competitive Situation,” Eco-nomic Journal, 62 (March 1952), 54—67. [Arrow & Scitovsky (*C-1969, 183—198).]

Meyer, Robert A., Jr. (1971), “Externalities as Commodities,” American Economic Review, 61(September 1971), 736—740.

. “Externalities as Commodities: Reply,” American Economic Review, 64 (June 1974),460—461.

Mirrles, James A. “An Exploration in the Theory of Optimum Income Taxation,” Review of Eco-nomic Studies, 38 (April 1971), 175—208.

. “Notes on Welfare Economics, Information and Uncertainty.” In Balch, McFadden, andWu (C-1974), 243—258.

* . “Information and Incentives: The Economics of Carrots and Sticks,” Economic Journal,107 (September 1997), 1311—1329.

Mishan, E. J. “How to Make a Burden of the Public Debt,” Journal of Political Economy, 71(December 1963), 529—542.

. “The Burden of the Public Debt: A Rejoinder,” Journal of Political Economy, 72 (October1964), 491—495.

. “Reflections on Recent Developments in the Concept of External Effects,” CanadianJournal of Economics and Political Science, 31 (February 1965), 3—34.

. “Pareto Optimality and the Law,” Oxford Economic Papers, N.S. (November 1967), 19,255—287.

. “The Relationship between Joint Products, Collective Goods, and External Effects,”Journal of Political Economy, 77 (May-June 1969), 329—348.

¶ . “The Postwar Literature on Externalities: An Interpretive Essay,” Journal of EconomicLiterature, 9 (March 1971), 1—28.

. “Evaluation of Life and Limb: A Theoretical Approach,” Journal of Political Economy,79 (July-August 1971), 687—705. [Layard (*C-1972, 219—242).]


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. “Uncertainty and the Evaluation of Public Investment Decisions,” American EconomicReview, 62 (March 1972), 161—164.

Modigliani, Franco. “Long-Run Implications of Alternative Fiscal Policies and the Burden of theNational Debt,” Economic Journal, 71 (December 1961), 730—755.

. “How to Make a Burden of the Public Debt: A Reply to Mishan,” Journal of PoliticalEconomy, 72 (October 1964), 483—485.

Mohring, Herbert, and J. Hayden Boyd. “Analysing ‘Externalities’: ‘Direct Interaction’ vs ‘AssetUtilization’ Frameworks,” Economica, N.S., 38 (November 1971), 347—361.

Mumey, G. A. “The ‘Coase Theorem’: A Reexamination,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 85(November 1971), 718—723.

Munro, Gordon R. “The Economics of Fishing: An Introduction.” In Butlin (*C-1981), 129—140.

Munro, Gordon R., and A. D. Scott. “The Economics of Fisheries Management” In Kneese andSweeney (*C-1985), 623—676.

Musgrave, Richard A. “The Voluntary Exchange Theory of Public Economy,” Quarterly Journalof Economics, 53 (February 1939), 213—237.

. “Cost-Benefit Analysis and the Theory of Public Finance,” Journal of Economic Litera-ture, 7 (September 1969), 797—806. (a) [Layard (*C-1972, 101—116).]

. “The Provision of Social Goods,” in Margolis & Guitton (*C-1969, 124—144). (b)

Ng, Yew-Kwang. “Towards a Theory of Third Best,” Public Finance, 32 (No. 1, 1977), 1—15.

Nichols, Alan. “On the Social Rate of Discount: Comment,” American Economic Review, 59(December 1969), 909—911.

Nutter, Warren G. “The Coase Theorem on Social Cost: Footnote,” Journal of Law and Economics,11 (October 1968), 503—507.

O’Driscoll, Gerald P., Jr., “The Ricardian Nonequivalence Theorem,” Journal of Political Economy,85 (February 1977), 207—210.

Page, Talbot. “Failure of Bribes and Standards for Pollution Abatement,” Natural ResourcesJournal, 13 (October 1973), 677—704.

¶Page, Talbot and John Ferejohn. “Externalities as Commodities: Comment,”American EconomicReview, 64 (June 1974), 454—459.

Patinkin, Don. “Demand Curves and Consumer’s Surplus,” in Christ (*C-1963, 83—112).

Pauly, Mark V. “On the Theory of Optimal Externality: Comment”, American Economic Review,58 (June 1968), 528—529.

. “The Economics of Moral Hazard: Comment,” American Economic Review, 58 (June1968), 531—537.

*Phelps, Edmund S. “The Golden Rule of Accumulation: A Fable for Growthmen.” AmericanEconomic Review, 51 (September 1961), 638—643.

. “Second Essay on the Golden Rule of Accumulation.” American Economic Review, 55(September 1965), 793—814.


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Plott, Charles R. “Externalities and Corrective Taxes,” Economica, N.S., 33 (February 1966),84—87.

Pollak, Robert A. “The Theory of the Cost-of-Living Index.” Research Discussion Paper No. 11,Office of Prices and Living Conditions, US Bureau of Labor Statistics, Washington, D.C.,1971. [Diewert & Montmarquette (C-1983, 87—161); Pollak (B-1989, 3—69); Diewert (*C-1990,5—77).]

Portes, Richard. “The Search for Efficiency in the Presence of Externalities,” in Streeten (C-1970),348—361.

Posner, Richard A. “The Social Costs of Monopoly and Regulation,” Journal of Political Economy,83 (August 1975), 807—827. [Buchanan, Tollison, & Tullock (*C-1980, 71—94).]

Prest, A. R., and Ralph Turvey. “Cost-Benefit Analysis: A Survey,” Economic Journal, 75 (De-cember 1965), 683—735. [Layard (*C-1972, 73—100).]

Ramsey, Frank P. “A Contribution to the Theory of Taxation,” Economic Journal, 37 (March1927), 47—61.

. “A Mathematical Theory of Saving,” Economic Journal, 38 (December 1928), 543—559.[Arrow & Scitovsky (*C-1969, 619—633).]

Randall, Alan. “Market Solutions to Externality Problems: Theory and Practice,” AmericanJournal of Agricultural Economics, 54 (May 1972), 175—183.

. “Coasian Externality Theory in a Policy Context,” Natural Resources Journal, 14 (Janu-ary 1974), 35—54.

Raviv, Artur. “The Design of an Optimal Insurance Policy,” American Economic Review, 69(March 1979), 84—96.

Regan, Donald H.. “The Problem of Social Cost Revisited,” Journal of Law and Economics, 15(October 1972), 427—437.

Rosenstein-Rodin, Paul N. “Problems of Industrialisation of Eastern and South-Eastern Europe,”Economic Journal, 53 (June-September 1943), 202-211.

Rothschild, Michael, and Joseph E. Stiglitz. “Increasing Risk: I. A Definition,” Journal of Eco-nomic Theory, 2 (September 1970), 225—243.

. “Some Further Results on the Measurement of Inequality,” Journal of EconomicTheory, 6 (April 1973), 188—204.

Ruggles, Nancy. “The Welfare Basis of the Marginal Cost Pricing Principle,” Review of EconomicStudies, 17 (No. 1, 1949), 29—46.

. “Recent Developments in the Theory of Marginal Cost Pricing,” Review of EconomicStudies, 17 (No. 2, 1950), 107—126.

Samuelson, Paul A. “The Gains from International Trade,” Canadian Journal of Economics andPolitical Science, 5 (May 1939), 195—205. [Samuelson (*C-1966, 781—791).]

. “Evaluation of Real National Income,” Oxford Economic Papers, N.S., 2 (January 1950),1—29. [Samuelson (*C-1966, 1044—1072); Arrow & Scitovsky (*C-1969, 402—433).]


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. “The Pure Theory of Public Expenditure,” Review of Economics and Statistics, 36 (No-vember 1954), 387—389. [Samuelson (*C-1966, 1223—1225); Arrow & Scitovsky (*C-1969, 179—182).]

. “Diagrammatic Exposition of a Theory of Public Expenditure,” Review of Economics andStatistics, 37 (November 1955), 350—356. [Samuelson (*C-1966, 1226—1232).]

. “Social Indifference Curves,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 70 (February 1956), 1—22.[Samuelson (*C-1966, 1073—1094).]

. “Aspects of Public Expenditure Theories,” Review of Economics and Statistics, 40 (No-vember 1958), 332—338. [Samuelson (*C-1966, 1233—1239).]

. “The Gains from International Trade Once Again,” Economic Journal, 72 (December1962), 820—829. [Samuelson (*C-1966, 792—829).]

. “Principles of Efficiency: Discussion,” American Economic Review, Papers and Proceed-ings, 54 (May 1964), 93—96.

. “Contrast between Welfare Conditions for Joint Supply and for Public Goods,” Reviewof Economics and Statistics, 51 (February 1969), 26—30.

. “The Pure Theory of Public Expenditure and Taxation,” in Margolis & Guitton (*C-1969,98—123).

. “Some Uneasiness with the Coase Theorem,” Japan and the World Economy, 7 (No. 1,1995), 1—7.

Scitovsky, Tibor. “A Note on Welfare Propositions in Economics,” Review of Economic Studies, 9(November 1941), 77—88. [Arrow & Scitovsky (*C-1969, 390—401).]

. “Two Concepts of External Economies,” Journal of Political Economy, 17 (April 1954),143—151. [Arrow & Scitovsky (*C-1969, 242—252).]

Schwartzman, David. “The Effect of Monopoly on Price,” Journal of Political Economy, 68 (August1959), 352—362.

. “The Burden of Monopoly,” Journal of Political Economy, 68 (December 1960), 627—630.

.“The Effect of Monopoly: A Correction,” Journal of Political Economy, 69 (October 1961),494.

Sen, Amartya K. “On Optimising the Rate of Saving,” Economic Journal, 71 (September 1961),479—496.

. “Isolation, Assurance, and the Social Rate of Discount,” Quarterly Journal of Economics,81 (February 1967), 112—124. [Layard (*C-1972, 270—283).]

. “Control Areas and Accounting Prices: An Approach to Economic Evaluation,” EconomicJournal, Supplement, 82 (March 1972), 486—501. [Layard (*C-1972, 140—159).]

. “The Welfare Basis of Real Income Comparisons: A Survey,” Journal of Economic Liter-ature, 17 (March 1979), 1—45.

Shapiro, David L. “Can Public Investment Have a Positive Rate of Return?” Journal of PoliticalEconomy, 81 (March-April 1973), 401—413.


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Shapley, Lloyd S. “Noncooperative General Exchange,” in Lin (*C-1976), 155—175.

Shapley, Lloyd S. and Martin Shubik. “On the Core of an Economic System with Externalities,”American Economic Review, 59 (September 1969), 678—684.

Shoup, Donald C. “Theoretical Efficiency in Pollution Control: Comment”, Western EconomicJournal, 9 (September 1971), 310—313.

Starrett, David A. “Fundamental Nonconvexities in the Theory of Externalities,” Journal of Eco-nomic Theory, 4 (April 1972), 180—199.

Starrett, David and Richard Zeckhauser. “Treating External Diseconomies — Markets or Taxes?”in Pratt (*C-1974), 65—84.

Steiner, Peter O. “Choosing Among Alternative Public Investments in the Water Resource Field,”American Economic Review, 49 (December 1959), 893—916.

Stigler, George J. “The Statistics of Monopoly and Merger,” Journal of Political Economy, 64(February 1956), 33—40.

. “The Theory of Economic Regulation,” Bell Journal of Economics and ManagementScience, 2 (Spring 1971), 3—21.

. “Free Riders and Collective Action: An Appendix to Theories of Economic Regulation,”Bell Journal of Economics and Management Science, 5 (Autumn 1974), 359—365.

. “The Xistence of X-Efficiency,” American Economic Review, 66 (March 1976), 213—216.

Thompson, Earl A., and Ronald Batchelder. “On Taxation and the Control of Externalities:Comment,” American Economic Review, 64 (June 1974), 467—471.

Tietenberg, T. H. “On Taxation and the Control of Externalities: Comment,” American EconomicReview, 64 (June 1974), 462—466.

Tullock, Gordon. “Problems of Majority Voting,” Journal of Political Economy, 67 (December1959), 571—579. [Arrow & Scitovsky (*C-1969, 169—178).]

. “The Social Rate of Discount and the Optimal Rate of Investment: Comment,” QuarterlyJournal of Economics, 78 (May 1964), 331—336.

. “Asymmetry Between Bribes and Charges: A Comment,” Water Resources Research, 2(No. 4, 1966), 854—855.

. “The General Irrelevance of the General Impossibility Theorem,” Quarterly Journal ofEconomics, 81 (May 1967), 257—270. (a)

. “The Welfare Costs of Tariffs, Monopolies, and Theft,” Western Economic Journal, 5(June 1967), 224—232. (b) [Buchanan, Tollison, & Tullock (*C-1980, 39—50).]

. “Public Decisions as Public Goods,” Journal of Political Economy, 79 (July-August 1971),913—918.

. “The Cost of Transfers,” Kyklos, 24 (Heft 4, 1971), 629—643. [Buchanan, Tollison, &Tullock (*C-1980, 269—282).]

.“More on the Cost of Transfers,” Kyklos, 27 (Heft 2, 1974), 378—381. [Buchanan, Tollison,& Tullock (*C-1980), 288—292.]


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¶Turvey, Ralph. “On Divergences between Social Cost and Private Cost,” Economica, N.S., 30(August 1963), 309—313.

Usher, D. “On the Social Rate of Discount: Comment,” American Economic Review, 59 (December1969), 925—929.

Varian, Hal R. “Coase, Competition, and Compensation,” Japan and the World Economy, 7 (No.1, 1995), 13—27.

Veljanowski, Cento G. “The Coase Theorems and the Economic Theory of Markets and Law,”Kyklos, 35 (Fasc. 1, 1982), 53—74.

Vickrey, William S. “Some Objections to Marginal Cost Pricing,” Journal of Political Economy,56 (June 1948), 218—238.

. “Utility, Strategy, and Social Decision Rules,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 74 (No-vember 1960), 507—535. [Arrow & Scitovsky (*C-1969, 456—461).]

. “Counterspeculation, Auctions, and Competitive Sealed Tenders,” Journal of Finance,16 (March 1961), 8—37.

. “Risk, Utility, and Social Policy,” Social Research, 28 (July 1961), 205—217.

. “One Economist’s View of Philanthropy,” in Dickinson (*C-1962, 31—56).

. “Principles of Efficiency: Discussion,” American Economic Review, Papers and Proceed-ings, 54 (May 1964), 88—92.

. “Congestion Theory and Transport Investment,” American Economic Review, Papers andProceedings, 59 (May 1969), 251—260.

. “Marginal and Average Cost Pricing,” in Eatwell et al. (C-1987, Vol. 4., 311—318).

Walters, A. A. “The Theory and Measurement of Private and Social Costs of Highway Congestion,”Econometrica, 29 (October 1961), 676—699.

Weinstein, M. C., and W. B. Stasson. “Foundations of Cost-Effectiveness Analysis for Health andMedical Practices,” New England Journal of Medicine, 296 (1977), 716—721.

Weisbrod, Burton A. “The Valuation of Human Capital,” Journal of Political Economy, 69 (Octo-ber 1961), 425—436.

¶ . “Collective-Consumption Services of Individual-Consumption Goods,” Quarterly Journalof Economics, 78 (August 1964), 471—477.

. “Income Redistribution Effects and Benefit-Cost Analysis,” in Chase (C-1968, 177—209).[Layard (*C-1972, 395—428).]

. “The Costs and Benefits of Medical Research: A Case Study of Poliomyelitis,” Journalof Political Economy, 79 (June 1971), 527—544.

Wellington, Donald. “Uncertainty and the Evaluation of Public Investment Decisions,” AmericanEconomic Review, 62 (March 1972), 170.

¶Wellisz, Stanislaw. “On External Diseconomies and the Government-Assisted Invisible Hand,”Economica, N.S., 31 (November 1964), 345—362.


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¶Wheaton, William C. “On the Possibility of a Market for Externalities,” Journal of Political Econ-omy, 80 (September-October 1972), 1039—1044.

Wicksell, Knut, “A New Principle of Just Taxation,” in Musgrave & Peacock (*C-1958, 72—118).[Translated from the German, “Ueber ein neues Prinzip der gerechten Besteuerung” fromFinanztheoretische Untersuchungen (Jena: Verlag von Gustav Fischer, 1896), pp. iv—vi, 76—87,101—159.]

Worcester, Dean A., Jr. “On Monopoly Welfare Losses: Comment,” American Economic Review,65 (December 1975), 1015—1023.

Young, Allyn A. “Pigou’s Wealth and Welfare,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 27 (August 1913),672—686.

. “Increasing Returns and Economic Progress,” Economic Journal, 38 (December 1928),527—542. [Arrow & Scitovsky (*C-1969, 228—241).]

Zerbe, Richard O. “Theoretical Efficiency in Pollution Control,” Western Economic Journal, 8(December 1970), 364—376.

Zerbe, Richard O. “Theoretical Efficiency in Pollution Control: Reply,”Western Economic Journal,9 (September 1971), 314—317.

Zerbe, Richard O. “The Problem of Social Cost: Fifteen Years Later,” in Lin (*C-1976), 29—36.

¶Zerbe, Richard O. “The Problem of Social Cost in Retrospect,” Research in Law and Economics,2 (1980), 83—102.


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*Johansen, Leif. Public Economics. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company, 1965, andChicago: Rand McNally & Company, 1968. [Chapter 6, pp. 123—153.]

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