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Economic Project Praveen Patil (1)

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    Being the main force driving the global economic market, currency is no

    doubt an essential element for a country. However, in order for all the countries

    with different currencies to trade with one another, a system of exchange rate

     between their currencies is needed; this system is formally known as foreign

    exchange or currency exchange.

    In the early days, the system of currency exchange is supported solely by the

    gold amount held in the vault of a country. However, this system is no longer 

    appropriate now due to inflation and hence, the value of one’s currency nowadays

    is determined through the market forces alone. In order to determine the value of a

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    currency’s exchange rate, two main types of system is used which is floating

    currency and pegged currency.

    or floating exchange rate, its value is determined by the supply and demand

    of the global market where the supply and demand is bound by all these factors

    such as foreign investment, inflation and ratios of import and export. !ormally,

    this system is adopted by most of the advance countries like for example "#, "$

    and %anada. &ll of these countries have a similarity where their market is well

    developed and stable in economic terms. 'hese countries choose to practice this

    system due to the reason where floating exchange rate is proven to be much more

    efficient compared to the pegged exchange rate. 'he reason behind this is because

    for floating exchange rate, the market itself will re(ad)ust the exchange rate real(

    time in order to portray the actual inflation and other economic forces. However,

    every system has its own flaw and so does the floating exchange rate system. or 

    instance, if a country suffers from economic instability due to various reasons such

    as political issues, a floating exchange rate system will certainly discourage

    investment due to the high risk of suffering from inflationary disaster or sudden

    slump in exchange rate.&nother form of exchange rate is known as pegged

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    exchange rate. 'his is a system where the value of the exchange rate is fixed by the

    government of a country and not the supply and demand of the market. 'his

    system is called pegged exchange rate because the value of a country’s currency is

    fixed to another country’s currency. &s a result, the value of the pegged currency

    will not fluctuate unlike the floating currency. 'he working principle behind this

    system is slightly complicated where the government of a country will fixed the

    exchange rate of their currency and when there is a demand for a certain currency

    resulting a rise in the exchange rate, the government will have to release enough of 

    that currency into the market in order to meet that demand. However, there is a

    fatal flaw in this system where if the pegged exchange rate is not controlled

     properly, panics may arise within the country and as a result of that, people will be

    rushing to exchange their money into a more stable currency. *hen that happens,

    the sudden overflow of that country’s currency into the market will decrease the

    value of their exchange rate and in the end, their currency will be worthless. +ue to

    this reason, only those under(developed or developing countries will practice this

    method as a form to control the inflation rate.However, the truth is, most of the

    countries do not fully practice the floating exchange rate or the pegged exchange

    rate method in reality. Instead, they use a hybrid system known as floating peg.

    loating peg is the combination of the two main systems where one country will

    normally fixed their exchange rate to the "$ +ollars and after that; they will

    constantly review their peg rate in order to stay in line with the actual market


    'he oreign exchange market, or commonly known as -/, is the

    largest and most prolific financial market because each day, more than 0 trillion

    worth of currency exchange takes place between investors, speculators and

    countries. rom this, we can deduce that the actual mechanism behind the world of 

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    foreign exchange is far more complicated than what we may already know, and

    that, the information mentioned earlier is )ust the tip of an iceberg.


    oreign exchange development history ( exchange market evolution foreign

    exchange development history ( exchange market evolution gold remittance system

    and Bretton woods agreement In 0123, a %hicago bank re)ected to provide pound

    loan to a professor named 4ilton riedman, because his purposed was to use this

    fund to sell short the British pound. 4r. riedman reali5ed excessively that the

     price ratio from the British pound to "$ dollar at that time was high, he wanted

    first to sell the British pound; after the British pound fell he buys back the British

     pound to repay the bank again. 'his family bank re)ects the loan offer based on the

    6Bretton woods &greement6 which was established 78 years ago. 'his agreement

    has fixed the various countries9 currency to "$ dollar exchange rate, and the price

    ratio between the ".$ dollar and the gold is also fixed to : "$ dollars to each

    ounce of gold.

    'he Bretton *oods &greement was signed in 01

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    supply of the currency reduces, the interest rate raises, the economic activity will

    start to decline until it reaches the recession limit. inally, the commodity price

    falls to the valley, gradually attracts other countries to stream in, massively rushes

    to purchase this country commodity. 'his will pour gold into this country, this will

    increase this country currency supplies >uantity, and it will reduce the interest rate,

    and will create the wealth. 'his is so called the 6the prosperity ( decline? pattern

    and is the circulation of the gold remittance standard system, until the trade

    circulation and the gold freedom was broken by the irst *orld *ar.&fter several

    catastrophes wars, the Bretton *oods agreement has appeared. 'he countries

    which signed the treaty agreed to maintain the domestic currency to "$ dollar 

    exchange rate, as well as the necessity of the corresponding ratio of the gold, and

    only allow a small fluctuation. %ountries are prohibited to depreciate the currency

    value for the gain trade benefit, only allows the country to depreciate not more than

    08@. nters the 89s, the continuous growth of the international trade causes the

    fund large(scale shift which produces because of the postwar reconstruction, this

    causes Bretton *oods system which establishes the foreign exchange rate to lose


    'his agreement was finally abolished in 0130; "$ dollar no longer could

    convert to gold. "ntil 013:, each ma)or industriali5ed nation currency exchange

    rate fluctuation has been more freely, mainly regulates by the foreign exchange

    market through the currency supplies and demand >uantity. 'he business volume,

    the transaction speed as well as the price variability, have achieved a

    comprehensive growth in the 01389s, come along with the emerge of price ratio

    fluctuation, the brand(new financial tool, then only the market liberali5ation and

    the trade liberali5ation could be achieved.

    In the 01=8s, along with the published of the computer and correlation technology,

    the international capital has flow rapidly and strongly related the &sia, urope and

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    &merica market oreign exchange business volume from =89s rises daily from 38

     billion "$ dollars to 08 billion "$ dollars after 78 years.

    European mare! "n#$a!"on

    ne of the reasons why the foreign exchange developed rapidly was the

    rapid development of the uro dollar market. In a uro dollar market, "$ dollar is

    stored beyond the border of &merica banks. $imilarly, the uropean market is

    refers to property depositing outside the currency rightful owner country market. &

    uro dollar market was formed at first in the 89s, at that time -ussia deposited its

     petroleum income beyond the "$ border, avoid being free5e by the "$

    government. 'his has formed a large offshore "$ dollar national treasury which is

     beyond the control of the "$ government. 'he &merican government has

    formulated a law to prohibited "$ dollar from lending money for the foreigner.

    Because the degree of freedom of the uro dollar market is bigger and the rate of 

    return is bigger, therefore it has large attraction. $tarting from the =89s, the

    &merican company starts to borrow loan from the offshore market, they discovered

    that the uropean market is a wealth center which consists of large amount of 

    floating capital which could provide short(term loan.

    Aondon once was until now still isC one of the main offshore market. In the

    =89s, the Bank of ngland in order to maintain its global finance industry center 

    dominant position, using "$ dollar as ngland pound substitution to make loan,

    thus to become a uro dollar market center. Aondon9s convenient geographical

     position is situated between &sian and &mericas marketC also helps to maintain

    the uropean market as the dominant position.


    In recent years, the foreign exchange market could favor more and more

     people, it becomes a favorite for the international investors, and this is strongly

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    related to the characteristics of the orex market. 'he main characteristics of the

    foreign exchange market areD


    'he finance industry in the western countries consist two sets of systems,

    namely the centralism business central operation and there is no fixed place for 

    such business network. $tock trading is being traded through stock exchange. Aike

    the !ew Eork $tock xchange, the Aondon stock market, the 'okyo stock market,

    respectively is &merican, nglish, the Fapanese stock main transaction place, it is a

    centralism business financial commodity, its >uoted price, the transaction time and

    hand over to the procedure all consist of unification the stipulation, and has

    established the same business association, it has formulated the same business

    rules. 'he investor could buy and sells the commodity through the broker 

    company; this is known as 6consist of trading market and trading field6.But foreign

    exchange business is done without any unification operation market and business

    network, it has no centralism unified place like the stock transaction. But, the

    foreign currency trading network actually is globally, and it has formed a

    organi5ation which has no formal organi5ation, the market is relied through an

    approval way and the advanced information system, orex traders do not consist

    any membership >ualification for any organi5ation, but must obtain colleague’s

    trust and approval. 'his kind of orex market which has no trading field is known

    as 6consist of market but no trading field6. ach day, the trading volume in the

    global orex market involves billions of ".$ dollars, the so huge large amountfund, is being control under both the non(centralism place and non(central

    governance system, plus it is settle based on non(government governance.


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    +ue to the different geographical position of the various financial centre, the

    &sian market, the uropean market, the &mericas market because of the time

    difference relations, it has become an entire day 7< hour continued operation whole

    world foreign exchange market.

    arly morning 8=:8 !ew Eork timeC !ew Eork market opens, 81:8

    %hicago market opens, 0=:8 $ydney opens, 01:8 'okyo opens, 78:8 Hong #ong,

    $ingapore open, before dawn 0

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    another kind of monetary value increase. or instance in 77 years ago, 0 "$ dollar 

    exchanges :28 Fapanese Een, at present, 0 "$ dollar exchanges 008 Fapanese Een,

    this explains the Fapanese Een currency value rise, but "$ dollar currency value

    drops, in the end the value will not reduce or increase. 'herefore, some people

    described the foreign currency trading is 65ero and the game6, exactly said is the

    wealth shift.In recent years, investment foreign exchange market fund has

    continuously increased, the exchange rate fluctuation expands day by day, urges

    the wealth shift to be larger, the daily trading volume of the global foreign

    exchange involves 08 billion "$ dollars, the rise or falls 0@, means that the 08

     billion funds has been shifted. &lthough the foreign exchange rate change is very

     big, but, any kind of currency will not become waste paper, even if some kind of 

    currency unceasingly falls, however, but generally it represents certain value, only

    if such currency has been abolished.

    Fun*!"on+ o# Fore",n E-*.an,e Mare!+

    T.e #ore",n e-*.an,e mare! per#orm+ ma"n$/ !.ree #un*!"on+

    • 'ransferring the purchasing powerD ( 'he most important function is the transfer 

    of purchasing power from one country to another and from one national

    currency to another. 'he purchasing power is transferred through the use of 

    credit instruments. 'he main credit instrument is used for the transferring the

     purchasing power is the telegraphic transfer ''C of the cabled order by one

     bank in country &C to its correspondent abroad in country BC to pay B funds

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    out of its deposit account to its designated account or order. 'he telegraphic

    transfer is simply a sort of che>ue, which is wired or radioed rather than sent by

     post. Gurchasing power may also be transferred through bank drafts.

    • Grovision of credit for foreign tradeD( 'he foreign exchange market also

     provides credit for foreign trade. Aike all the traders, international trade also

    re>uires credit. It takes time to move the goods from seller to purchaser and

    during this period, the transaction must be financed. *hen the exporter does not

    need credit for the manufacture of export goods, credit is necessary for the

    transit of goods. *hen the special credit facilities of the foreign exchange

    market are used, the foreign exchange department of a bank or the bill market is

    used; the foreign exchange department of the bank or the bill market of one

    country or the other extends the credit facilities to finance the foreign trade.

    • urnishing facilities for hedging foreign exchange risks 'he foreign exchange

    market by providing facilities of buying and selling at spot or forward

    exchange, enables the exporters and importers to hedge their exchange risks

    arising from change in the foreign exchange rate. 'he forward market in

    exchange also enables those banks, which are unlikely to run any considerable

    exchange position to cover their commitments.


    0.orex trader could trade more transaction compared to the futures market the

    trading volume could be a times largerC, and the risk will be strictly under control.

    'he trading volume of the orex market is

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    transaction amount, for exampleD Eour account has :8,888, the basic transaction

    unit is each 0,888 which transaction amount in 0.88, millionC, namely, so the

     proportion of the margin of each transaction unit is 088D0.

    7. 'he risk of the orex trader is under control, such margin call will not happen

    compared to futures, through the orex trading system, your risk will receive the

    strict limit, even if your margin if lower then the deposit re>uired, the orex

    trading system will automatically settle your position, this means even if a orex

    trader suffered losses, moreover if the market is suffering from a disaster 

    fluctuation, your loss could not surpass your account amount. In order to

    understand the advantages, please apply for the demo account to carry on the

    complete 5ero risk.

    :.orex trader will receive a large limitation of li>uidation and a relatively fair 

    market because the trading volume of the orex market is large and it is also the

    largest li>uidation market in the world. &t present the trading volume in the orex

    market is 0

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    0. If you get in on Fones’ tip; get out on Fones’ tip?. If you are riding another 

     person’s idea, ride it all the way.7. -un early or not at all. +on9t be an eleven o9clock bull or a five o9clock bear.:. *oodrow *ilson said, 6&government’s first priority is to organi5e the

    common interest against special interests6. $uccessful traders seek out market

    opportunities capitali5ing on the reality that government9s first priority is

    rarely achieved.

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     pyramids and reduce the position back to base levels. 'he base position is then

    li>uidated when it becomes apparent that the move has ended


    Gresently, there are various kinds of financial market, it is divided intoD

    $tock market, interest market including bond, commercial bill and so onC, gold

    market including gold, platinum, silverC, futures market including grain, cotton

    and kapok, oil and so onC, option market and foreign exchange market or forex

    market and so on. 'he foreign exchange market is a place to trade foreign

    exchange currency, or it is also a place for the transaction of all foreign currency.

    'he foreign exchange market therefore is existence, because ofD

    Tra0e an0 "n1e+!men!

    Import and export business, people pays one kind of currency when doing

     business, but when earns another kind of currency when receive the commodity.

    'his means that, when settling account, business people will pay and receive

    different currencies. 'herefore, they must convert the currencies that they received

    into the currencies that they could buy commodities. *ith this similar, when

     buying a foreign property a company must use the concerned country9s currency to

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    make payment, therefore, it needs to convert the domestic currency is concerned

    country’s currency.


    %urrencies exchange rates could fluctuate according to the demand and supply

     between two currencies. & orex trader buys up one kind of currency in an

    exchange rate, but up casts this currency in another more advantageous exchange

    rate, he may gain. $peculation has occupied most of the orex market.


      +ue to the fluctuation between two currencies,

    those companies who owns foreign asset for example factoryC, when these

    companies convert these properties into cost country currencies, there consist of certain risks. *hen the value of a foreign asset which is estimated based on foreign

    currencies remained unchanged, if the exchange rate changes, when converting this

     property value according to the domestic currency, there could be profit and loss.

    'he company may eliminate such hidden risk through hedging. 'his carries out a

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    foreign currency trading; its transaction result )ust counterbalances the foreign

    currency property profit and loss which produces by the exchange rate change.

    Fore- Mare! De1e$opmen!

    'he history of the orex market as an international capital speculation

    market is much shorter compared the stock, the gold, the stock, the interest market,

     but it is developing in an astonishing speed. 'oday, the foreign exchange market

    daily trading volume has amounted to 08 billion "$ dollars, it’s scale has gone far 

     beyond the stock, the stock and other finance commodity markets, it has became

    the world9s most biggest sole finance market and the also the speculation market.

    $ince the birth of the foreign exchange market, the fluctuation of the exchange rate

    of the orex market is becoming bigger. In $eptember 01=, 0 "$ dollar 

    exchanged 778 Fapanese Een, but in 4ay 01=2, 0 "$ dollar only could exchange

    028 Fapanese Een, in = months, the Fapanese Een has revalued 73@. In recent

    years, the foreign exchange market wave amplitude has been bigger, on $eptember 

    =, 0117, 0 pound exchanged 7.8088 "$ dollars, on !ovember 08, 0 pound

    exchanged 0.8=8 "$ dollars, in the short two months, the pound exchanged "$

    dollar exchange rate to fall more than ,888, depreciated 7@. !ot only that,

     presently, every day the fluctuation of the exchange rate of the orex market

    enlarges unceasingly, within a day the rise and drop 7@ to :@ is commonly seen.

    n $eptember 02, 0117, the pound exchanged "$ dollar from 0.=3 to fall to

    0.3=8, the pound on first lowers @. +ue to the large fluctuation of the orex

    market, it has created more opportunities for the investor, attracted more and moreinvestors to )oin this ranks.


    orex charts assist the investor by providing a visual representation of 

    exchange rate fluctuations. 4any variables affect currency exchange rates, such as

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    interest rates, bank policies, geopolitics, and even the time of day may affect

    exchange rates.In order to help the investor attempt to predict when or in what

    direction a rate may change, advisors provide forex charts. Muality forex websites

     provide subscribers with a daily newsletter that includes a forex chart, forex signals

    and a forex forecast.

    'here are a variety of forex charts available for the investor to use and study.

    $ome are very simple using only a couple of forex signals or indicators and are

    ideal for beginners. thers include :8 or uickly and

    accurately.In order to make an accurate forex forecast, it would seem that the more

    indicators, the better, but some analysts prefer a simpler system. 'he idea behind

    studying forex charts is that history repeats itself. Instead of trying to see the

    future?, a forex forecast evaluates the past. 'hat is to say that the analyst who is

    responsible for attempting to predict future currency moves analy5es what

    happened to an exchange rate yesterday, last week, last month or last year and uses

    this knowledge to the best degree he knows how. $ome people trade short term,some intermediate term, and some long term. &ll three types of traders may benefit

    from the use of forex charts, )ust adapted to their own trading time frame.Investors

    also create their own forex charts to evaluate their own performance. %reating a

    forex strategy for oneself is the goal of many investors. Instead of looking to a

     professional to analy5e forex signals, these investors choose to create their own

    forex forecast.thers, however, create their own strategy but also follow the

    opinions of professional currency traders at the same time. It all depends on your 

     personal preferences.

    'here are other forex charts that deal with known correlations between two

    currency pairs, that is, how they move in relation to each other. $ome exchange

    rates are known to affect other exchange rates, either by moving in the same or the

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    opposite direction depending on the correlation. %harts are available that explain

    these correlations in detail and show which pairs have strong correlations or strong

    negative correlations, so that an investor can use the movement of the exchange

    rate of one currency as a signal to trade another currency.

    'hese correlations are also the basis for some forex forecasts. It can be

    difficult and overwhelming to enter the world of forex trading alone. xperts

    recommend education, practice with a demo account and advice from a reputable

     broker who is backed by a >uality institution. Aearning to read forex charts and

    evaluate forex signals is a skill that comes with time, skills that are essential when

    an accurate forex forecast is the the goal.


    orex trading isn’t strange words for those who looking forward to make

    >uick profit in the financial market. 4ost investors will have at least hear or read

    about orex trading. If orex is a new term to you, please do read the Introduction

    to the orex market before proceed reading this orex trading article.

    orex trading is said to be the highest risk with highest return investment or 

    speculation game to be more accurateC in the financial market. 'he amount traded

    in the orex market is much larger than any stock market or even combining few

    stock markets. orex trading is simply a worldwide trading market running 7<

    hours from 4onday to riday.

    very day, there are new orex traders entering into trading orex. $ome of them

    don’t even fully understand how orex is traded but have already trading orex.

    'hey are not idiot who want to burn their hard earned money, it’s )ust because

    orex market is simply too lucrative market to enter with extreme high return. &ny

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    orex traders can easily make a double return )ust in few minutes time trading


    orex trading is the trading of buying or selling certain currency. or 

    example, buying "$ +ollar, and then selling it later at a higher price to gain profit.

    orex traders may also first sell "$ +ollar and later on buy it back at a lower price

    with the same gaining profit. It’s simple strategy of selling price minus buying

     price to make profit. In orex trading, we )ust treat currency as a good, buy it and

    sell it.Eou might now think how can orex trading make huge profit )ust by selling

    and buying currency orex is traded using margin, orex traders don’t need to full

    amount to buy any currency. or example, orex traders )ust need 0888 +ollar to

     buy up 088,888 +ollar. 'his allows any orex traders to make huge profit with

    little money.

    &nother important factor that any orex traders can make huge profit is the high

    fluctuation for currency. very day every seconds, the currency exchange rate is

    moving up and down, the orex exchange rate fluctuate more heavily whenever 

    there is any important economic data being released. orex trading is simply

    sounds too easy for anyone to make profit in very short time. But before you

    committed into orex trading, it is strongly advised to have full understanding in

    orex trading. +o read up other orex trading articles in this website and share

    orex trading knowledge in the orex forums.

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    "nlike a stock market, the foreign exchange market is divided into levels of 

    access. &t the top is the interbank market, which is made up of the largest

    commercial banks and securities dealers. *ithin the interbank market, spreads,

    which are the difference between the bids and ask prices, are ra5or sharp and not

    known to players outside the inner circle. 'he difference between the bid and ask 

     prices widens for example from 8(0 pip to 0(7 pips for a currencies such as the

    "-C as you go down the levels of access. 'his is due to volume. If a trader can

    guarantee large numbers of transactions for large amounts, they can demand a

    smaller difference between the bid and ask price, which is referred to as a better 

    spread. 'he levels of access that make up the foreign exchange market are

    determined by the si5e of the 6line6 the amount of money with which they are

    tradingC. 'he top(tier interbank market accounts for :1@ of all transactions. rom

    there, smaller banks, followed by large multi(national corporations which need to

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    hedge risk and pay employees in different countriesC, large hedge funds, and even

    some of the retail market makers. &ccording to Nalati and 4elvin, Gension funds,

    insurance companies, mutual funds, and other institutional investors have played

    an increasingly important role in financial markets in general, and in / markets in

     particular, since the early 7888s.? 788

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    often have official or unofficial target rates for their currencies. 'hey can use their 

    often substantial foreign exchange reserves to stabili5e the market. !evertheless,

    the effectiveness of central bank 6stabili5ing speculation6 is doubtful because

    central banks do not go bankrupt if they make large losses, like other traders

    would, and there is no convincing evidence that they do make a profit trading.

    Fore",n e-*.an,e #"-"n,

    oreign exchange fixing is the daily monetary exchange rate fixed by the

    national bank of each country. 'he idea is that central banks use the fixing time and

    exchange rate to evaluate behavior of their currency. ixing exchange rates reflects

    the real value of e>uilibrium in the market. Banks, dealers and traders use fixing

    rates as a trend indicator.'he mere expectation or rumor of a central bank foreign

    exchange intervention might be enough to stabili5e a currency, but aggressive

    intervention might be used several times each year in countries with a dirty float

    currency regime. %entral banks do not always achieve their ob)ectives. 'he

    combined resources of the market can easily overwhelm any central bank. $everalscenarios of this nature were seen in the 0117O1: uropean xchange -ate

    4echanism collapse and in more recent times in &sia.

    He0,e #un0+ a+ +pe*u$a!or+

    &bout 38@ to 18@ of the foreign exchange transactions are speculative. In

    other words, the person or institution that bought or sold the currency has no planto actually take delivery of the currency in the end; rather, they were solely

    speculating on the movement of that particular currency. Hedge funds have gained

    a reputation for aggressive currency speculation since 0112. 'hey control billions

    of dollars of e>uity and may borrow billions more, and thus may overwhelm

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    intervention by central banks to support almost any currency, if the economic

    fundamentals are in the hedge funds9 favor.

    In1e+!men! mana,emen! #"rm+

    Investment management firms who typically manage large accounts on

     behalf of customers such as pension funds and endowmentsC use the foreign

    exchange market to facilitate transactions in foreign securities. or example, an

    investment manager bearing an international e>uity portfolio needs to purchase and

    sell several pairs of foreign currencies to pay for foreign securities purchases.

    $ome investment management firms also have more speculative specialist currency

    overlay operations, which manage clients9 currency exposures with the aim of 

    generating profits as well as limiting risk. *hile the number of this type of 

    specialist firms is >uite small, many have a large value of assets under 

    managementC and, hence, can generate large trades.

    Re!a"$ #ore",n e-*.an,e !ra0er+

    Individual -etail speculative traders constitute a growing segment of this

    market with the advent of retail foreign exchange platforms, both in si5e and

    importance. %urrently, they participate indirectly through brokers or banks. -etail

     brokers, while largely controlled and regulated in the "$& by the %ommodity

    utures 'rading %ommission and !ational utures &ssociation have in the past

     been sub)ected to periodic oreign exchange fraud. 'o deal with the issue, in 7808the !& re>uired its members that deal in the orex markets to register as such

    I.e., orex %'& instead of a %'&C. 'hose !& members that would traditionally

     be sub)ect to minimum net capital re>uirements, %4s and IBs, are sub)ect to

    greater minimum net capital re>uirements if they deal in orex. & number of the

    foreign exchange brokers operate from the "# under inancial $ervices &uthority

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    regulations where foreign exchange trading using margin is part of the wider over(

    the(counter derivatives trading industry that includes %ontract for differences and

    financial spread betting.'here are two main types of retail / brokers offering the

    opportunity for speculative currency tradingD brokers  and dealers  or market 

    makers.  Brokers serve as an agent of the customer in the broader / market, by

    seeking the best price in the market for a retail order and dealing on behalf of the

    retail customer. 'hey charge a commission or mark(up in addition to the price

    obtained in the market.  Dealers  or market makers, by contrast, typically act as

     principal in the transaction versus the retail customer, and >uote a price they are

    willing to deal at.

    Non54an #ore",n e-*.an,e *ompan"e+

     !on(bank foreign exchange companies offer currency exchange andinternational payments to private individuals and companies. 'hese are also known

    as foreign exchange brokers but are distinct in that they do not offer speculative

    trading but rather currency exchange with payments i.e., there is usually a

     physical delivery of currency to a bank accountC.

    It is estimated that in the "#, 0

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    4oney transfer companiesPremittance companies perform high(volume low(

    value transfers generally by economic migrants back to their home country. In

    7883, the &ite Nroup estimated that there were :21 billion of remittances an

    increase of =@ on the previous yearC. 'he four largest markets India, %hina,

    4exico and the GhilippinesC receive 1 billion. 'he largest and best known

     provider is *estern "nion with :

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    investors. 'he average daily turnover in the global foreign exchange and related

    markets is continuously growing. &ccording to the 7808 'riennial %entral Bank 

    $urvey, coordinated by the Bank for International $ettlements, average daily

    turnover was "$:.1= trillion in &pril 7808 vs 0.3 trillion in 011=C f this :.1=

    trillion, 0. trillion was spot transactions and 7. trillion was traded in outright

    forwards, swaps and other derivatives.

    'rading in the "nited #ingdom accounted for :2.3@ of the total, making it

     by far the most important center for foreign exchange trading. 'rading in the

    "nited $tates accounted for 03.1@, and Fapan accounted for 2.7@.

    'urnover of exchange(traded foreign exchange futures and options have grown

    rapidly in recent years, reaching 022 billion in &pril 7808 double the turnover 

    recorded in &pril 7883C. xchange(traded currency derivatives represent

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    oreign exchange trading increased by 78@ between &pril 7883 and &pril 7808

    and has more than doubled since 788uidity, and attracted greater participation from many customer types. In

     particular, electronic trading via online portals has made it easier for retail traders

    to trade in the foreign exchange market. By 7808, retail trading is estimated to

    account for up to 08@ of spot turnover, or 08 billion per day see retail foreign

    exchange platformC.

    Top %7 *urren*/ !ra0er+

    @ of overall volume, 4ay 7807

    Ran Name Mare! +.are

    0 +eutsche Bank 0

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    oreign exchange is an over(the(counter market where brokersPdealers

    negotiate directly with one another, so there is no central exchange or clearing

    house. 'he biggest geographic trading center is the "nited #ingdom, primarily

    Aondon, which according to 'he%ity"# estimates has increased its share of global

    turnover in traditional transactions from :uoted

     price is usually the Aondon market price. or instance, when the International

    4onetary und calculates the value of its special drawing rights every day, they

    use the Aondon market prices at noon that day.


    +uring 788:(8< the average monthly turnover in the Indian foreign

    exchange market touched about 03 billion "$ dollars. %ompare this with the

    monthly trading volume of about 078 billion "$ dollars for all cash, derivatives

    and debt instruments put together in the country, and the sheer si5e of the foreign

    exchange market becomes evident. $ince then, the foreign exchange market

    activity has more than doubled with the average monthly turnover reaching :1

     billion "$+ in 788(7882, over ten times the daily turnover of the Bombay $tock 

    xchange. &s in the rest of the world, in India too, foreign exchange constitutes the

    largest financial market by far.

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    Aiberali5ation has radically changed India’s foreign exchange sector. Indeed

    the liberali5ation process itself was sparked by a severe Balance of Gayments and

    foreign exchange crisis. $ince 0110, the rigid, four(decade old, fixed exchange rate

    system replete with severe import and foreign exchange controls and a thriving

     black market is being replaced with a less regulated, market driven? arrangement.

    *hile the rupee is still far from being fully floating? many studies indicate that

    the effective pegging is no less marked after the reforms than beforeC, the nature of 

    intervention and range of independence tolerated have both undergone significant

    changes. *ith an overabundance of foreign exchange reserves, imports are no

    longer viewed with fear and skepticism. 'he -eserve Bank of India and its allies

    now intervene occasionally in the foreign exchange markets not always to support

    the rupee but often to avoid an appreciation in its value. ull convertibility of the

    rupee is clearly visible in the hori5on. 'he effects of this development s are

     palpable in the explosive growth in the foreign exchange market in India.

    Fea!ure+ o# !.e For8ar0 prem"um on !.e In0"an rupee

    'he Indian rupee has had an active forward market for some time now. 'he

    forward premium or discount on the rupee vis(Q(vis the "$ dollar, for instanceC

    reflects the market’s beliefs about future changes in its value. 'he strength of the

    relationship of this forward premium with the interest rate differential between

    India and the "$ O the %overed Interest Garity %IGC condition O gives us ameasure of India’s integration with global markets. 'he %IG is a no(arbitrage

    relationship that ensures that one cannot borrow in a country, convert to and lend in

    another currency, insure the returns in the original currency by selling his

    anticipated proceeds in the forward market and make profits without risk through

    this process.

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    %hakrabarti 7882C reports that between late 0113 and mid(788< the average

    discount on the rupee was about

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    exchange markets fre>uently witness government intervention in one form or 

    another, to maintain the value of a currency at or near its desired? level.

    Interventions can range from >uantitative restrictions on trade and cross(border 

    transfer of capital to periodic trades by the central bank of the country or its allies

    and agents so as to move the exchange rate in the desired direction. In recent years

    India has witnessed both kinds of intervention though liberali5ation has implied a

    long(term policy push to reduce and ultimately remove the former kind. It is safe to

    say that over the years since liberali5ation, India has allowed restricted capital

    mobility and followed a managed float? type exchange rate policy.

    +uring the early years of liberali5ation, the -angara)an committee

    recommended that India’s exchange rate be flexible. fficially speaking, India

    moved from a fixed exchange rate regime to market determined? exchange rate

    system in 011:. 'he overt ob)ective of India’s exchange rate policy, according to

    various policy pronouncements, has been to manage volatility? in exchange rates

    without targeting any specific levels. 'his has been hard to do in practice.

    'he Indian rupee has had a remarkably stable relationship with the "$

    dollar. 4eanwhile the dollar appreciated against ma)or currencies in the late 18’s

    and then went into an extended decline particularly during 788: and 788

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    even closer to the fixed exchange rate system. & comparison of the sensitivity

    betaC of the +ollar(rupee rate with the uro(rupee rate for a three year period

    0111 through 7880C, indicates that India had a dollar beta of 0.80 O tenth highest

    among the : countries considered. 4ore importantly, the "$ dollar(uro

    exchange rate explained about 13@ of all movements in the Indian rupee(uro

    exchange rate O highest  among all the : countries considered. %learly the Indian

    rupee has been an excellent tracker? of the "$ dollar.

    It is instructive to consider the -upee(+ollar exchange rate in the light of the

     purchasing power parity GGGC holding that the exchange rate between two

    currencies should e>ual the ratio of price levels in two countries. In its dynamic

    form GGG holds that that the rate of depreciation of a currency should e>ual the

    excess of its inflation rate to that in the other country. ver a reasonably long

     period of time, the devaluation in the

    Indian -upee, vis(Q(vis the "$ dollar does seem to have an association with

    the difference in the inflation rates in the two countries. Between 0110 and 788:,

    the two variables have had visible co( movements with a correlation of about 8.3

    %hakabarti 7882CC. 'his may be a result of Indo("$ trade flows dominating the

    exchange rate markets but it is perhaps more likely that it reflects the exchange rate

    management principles of the monetary authorities

    'he -eserve Bank of India has used a varied mix of techni>ues in

    intervening inthe foreign exchange market O indirect measures such as press

    statements sometimescalled open mouth operations? in central bank speakC and,

    in more extreme situations,monetary measures to affect the value of the rupee as

    well as direct purchase and sale inthe foreign exchange market using spot, forward

    and swap transactions see Nhosh7887CC. 'ill around 7887, the measures were

    mostly in the nature of crisis managementof saving(the(rupee kind and sometimes

    the direct deals would be repeated over severaldays till the desired outcome was

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    accomplished. ther public sector banks, particularlythe $BI often aided or veiled

    the intervention process.

    'he exact details of the interventions are shrouded in mystery, not unusual

    forcentral banks ever wary of disclosing too much of their hand to the currency

    speculators.'he 'ara pore %ommittee report had urged more transparency in the

    intervention processand recommended, in 0113, that a R4onitoring xchange -ate

    Band’ of @ be usedaround an announced neutral real effective exchange rate

    --C, with weeklypublication of relevant figures, something yet to be

    implemented. In a recent survey onforeign exchange market intervention in

    emerging markets, the Bank for International$ettlements BI$ 788bCC found that

    out of 00 emerging market countries considered,India gave out most complete

    information on intervention  strategy along with threeothersC; no information on

    actual interventions five others did the sameC and did notcover foreign exchange

    intervention in annual reports like two other countriesC. n thewhole it ranked

    fourth most opa>ue in matters of foreign exchange intervention amongthe eleven

    countries compared.

    Re,u$a!"on o# *ro++54or0er *urren*/ #$o8+3

    & feature of the economy that is intricately related with the exchange rate

    regimefollowed is the freedom of cross(border capital flows. 'his relationship

    comes from theso(called impossible trinity? or trilemma? of international

    finance, which essentiallystates that a country may have any two but not all of the

    following three things O a fixedexchange rate, free flow of capital across its

     borders and autonomy in its monetarypolicy. $ince liberali5ation, India has been

    having close to a de facto peg to the dollar andsimultaneously has been liberali5ing

    its foreign currency flow regime.

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    %lose on the heels of the adoption of market determined exchange rate

    withinlimitsC in 011: %ame current account convertibility in 011

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    and cross(bordershort(term bank loans O usually the last item to be liberali5ed O are

    the most volatile. It isgenerally held that it was, in fact, the lack of convertibility

    that protected India fromcontamination during the &sian contagion in 0113(1=.

    T.e D/nam"*+ o# S8e$$"n, Re+er1e+3

    &n important corollary of India’s foreign exchange policy has been the >uick 

    andsignificant accumulation of foreign currency reserves in the past few years.

    $tarting froma situation in 0118(10 with foreign exchange reserves level barely

    enough to cover twoweeks of imports, and about :7 billion at the beginning of 

    7888, India’s foreignexchange position rocketed to one of the largest in the world

    with over 0 billion inmid(7882. $ince 7888, this implies a compounded annual

    growth rate of about 7=@ withthe years 788: and 788< having the most stunning

    rises at

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    0 "- 37.23 I!- "- S Indian -upee0 "- S 37.23 I!- 0 I!- S 8.80:= "- 

    7C "nited $tates +ollar vPs Indian -upee

    0 "$+

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    'he foreign exchange market is the world9s largest financial market, and it is

    critical for global commerce. Grivate %iti5ens and business entities enter foreignexchange markets to make international payments and explore investment

    opportunities. 'he foreign exchange market does not refer to one centrally

    organi5ed financial exchange. Instead, it refers to a vast network of participants

    that trade currencies with the help of information technology. oreign exchange

    rates shift with the supply and demand dynamics of a particular currency. Aow

    money supplies along with high demand for the currency support high exchange

    rates. 'reasury officials sell government securities to the public for cash to reduce

    the money supply available in circulation. 4eanwhile, economic growth and

    stability improve currency demand. %urrency transactions are executed either at

    spot rates or forward rates. $pot transactions trade currencies at current exchange

    rates. orward negotiations are agreements to exchange currencies at set rates at a

    later date. %onsumers may exploit high exchange rates to buy relatively cheap

    overseas goods and investments. &lternatively, businesses benefit from weak 

    domestic exchange rates that add value to overseas profits when they are converted

     back into the home currency.


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