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Economic Role of Govt - Copy

Date post: 14-Apr-2018
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  • 7/30/2019 Economic Role of Govt - Copy



  • 7/30/2019 Economic Role of Govt - Copy



    The term government is derived from the Latin

    word gubernare that simply means to manage

    or to govern.

    Government simply a governing body of particularstate.

    Development of a nation entirely depend upon the

    policies accepted and practiced by the governmentof particular country.

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    Economic role of government

    Government plays five important economic role.

    1. Regulative role

    2. Promotional role

    3. Entrepreneurial role

    4. Planning role

    5. Preventive role

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    Regulative role

    In this role , government regulates the economic

    activities by direct and indirect control.

    1. Direct control

    direct control can be applied from firm to firm,

    industry to industry like reservation of certain

    products for small enterprises, licensing, imposing

    restrictions on imports

    and exports etc.

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    2. Indirect controlThese are applicable to all types of business

    units. For example..

    (a) Restrictions on inter-corporate investments.

    (b) Interlocking of directors.

    (c) Regulation of promotional activities.

    (d) Tax measures.

    (e) Monetary policy measures.

    (f) Measures to regulate foreign investments.

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    Promotional role

    The promotional role of government is veryimportant for the economic development of the

    nation. For promoting economic development,

    government provides infrastructure, socialoverhead capital etc.

    Promotional role of government are as follows-

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    1. Generation and distribution of power andenergy(electricity, coal, petroleum products, natural

    gas etc.)

    2.Development of transport and communication


    3. Development of social overhead capital like health,

    education, training institute etc.

    4. Development of money and credit system like

    banks, stock exchanges etc.

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    5. Providing incentives in the form of tax concessions,subsidies, concessional loans, etc. for development

    of industries which are of strategic importance and

    for industries located in backward regions.

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    Entrepreneurial/participative role

    In this role, government directly participates ineconomic activities by setting up public enterprises.

    Indian government has setup various enterprises


    power generation plants

    steel plants

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    Enterprises produces various engineering goodsheavy machinery etc.

    In developing countries like India this role is

    of special importance as all economic activitiescannot be left to the private sector due to many

    different reasons. Some of them are as follows-

    1.To promote social welfare by providing essentialitems at a price even below cost of production.

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    2. To promote areas where private sector has no

    interest, because these areas are less profitable and

    required huge capital.

    3. To protect consumers from the monopoly like

    situation created by private sector.

    4. To takeover sick private sector units in the interest

    of employees.

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    Planning role

    For planned economic development of the nation,government frames economic plans to ensure

    optimum utilization of resources.

    In economic planning, priorities are setup, in whichmore important areas are given top priority.

    In India government has setup planning commission ,

    which frames five year plan for promoting economicdevelopment and achieving social welfare


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    Preventive role

    Government play preventive roles to save theeconomy from depressions and recessions. For

    playing a preventive role governments put attention

    on all those aspects that can initiate a chain

    reaction of downfall. For this purpose government

    keep a check on practice like market stipulation,

    money laundering, increase money supply etc.

    So no doubt an economy gets its shape from variousplayers, but its the government that provides it

    with a backbone.

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